What you need to know about a healthy lifestyle. Health. Healthy lifestyle. The opinion of the World Health Organization on a healthy lifestyle

Basic concepts of health and a healthy lifestyle

Basic concepts about health and healthy lifestyle

Health- a state of complete physical, spiritual (mental) and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical effects.

physical health - the natural state of a person, due to the normal functioning of all his organs and systems; it depends on the propulsion system, on proper nutrition, from the optimal combination of oral and physical work. In order to have normal physical health, you need a lot of rest (for example, 8 - 9 hours of sleep). Spiritual health depends on:

    relationship to the environment;

    orientation in this world;

    from the ability to determine one's position in society;

    from one's attitude to people and things;

    muscle systems.

Mental health concept

It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with friends and relatives; forecasting various situations; development of models of their behavior in accordance with the possibilities and desires.

How to determine whether a person is healthy or unhealthy?

This is determined by personal feelings and indicators.

Individual health is determined by:

Preservation and development of biological (reproduction), physiological (respiration, nutrition, excretion, blood circulation), psychophysiological (perception, memory, thinking), social (working capacity) functions with the longest active life.

Factors affecting health

Approximate specific gravity in %

Groups of risk factors

1. Lifestyle

alcohol, malnutrition, harmful working conditions, anxiety,

stress, habits, hypodynamia, material and living conditions,

drugs, drug abuse, family fragility, loneliness,

low educational and cultural level, high level

urbanization (population)

2. Genetics, biology

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

3. External environment

Pollution of air, water, soil, a sharp change in natural atmospheric pressure, magnets and other radiation

4. Healthcare

Ineffective preventive measures, poor quality of medical care and untimely provision of it

Public health is made up of the health of individuals. Indicators:

    overall mortality;

    average life expectancy;

    infant mortality.

Public health is affected by:

Natural factors (environmental pollution, housing environment) and social factors (wages, working hours, working conditions, health care, nutritional level).

Healthy lifestyle.

Z.O.Zh. It is an individual maintenance and strengthening of health.

Components of Z.O.Zh.:

1) moderate and balanced nutrition;

2) daily routine, taking into account the dynamics of individual biorhythms;

3) sufficient physical activity;

4) hardening of the body;

5) personal hygiene;

6) competent environmental behavior;

7) mental hygiene and the ability to manage their emotions;

8) sexual education;

9) giving up bad habits;

10) safe behavior at home, on the street, at school, ensuring the prevention of injuries and poisoning.

Today, unfortunately, in our country, 2/3 of the population do not go in for sports, 70 million people. smoke.

The relationship between the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of diseases.

The importance of observing the rules of personal and public hygiene.

Hygiene- this is an area that studies the influence of living conditions, work on a person and develops the prevention of various diseases; providing optimal conditions for existence; preserving health and prolonging life.

Personal hygiene- a set of hygiene rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and promotion of health.

For personal hygiene you need:

Reasonable combination of mental and physical health;

Physical education;


Balanced diet;

Alternation of work and outdoor activities;

Complete sleep.

Health, as defined by WHO, is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The health of a person and society as a whole depends on many social, natural and biological factors. Scientists argue that the health of the people is determined by 50-55% by lifestyle (OL), by 20-25% by environmental factors, by 20% by biological (hereditary) factors and by 10% by medicine.

A way of life is a set of typical types of life activity of a person, a social group, society as a whole, which is taken in unity with the conditions of life. This concept is quite broad. Recently, in the OL, more and more often, such two of its components are distinguished - healthy lifestyle and non-healthy lifestyle. Although the concept of “healthy lifestyle” has been established in our society relatively recently (in the 80s of the 20th century), however, the people have always used the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle, throughout the history of mankind.

Scientific and technological progress has dramatically changed (and continues to change) human labor activity. In modern conditions, the role of mental labor is constantly increasing, while the share of physical labor is decreasing. All this leads to the fact that knowledge workers in the course of their professional activities, as a rule, do not receive physical activity in the required (sufficient) volume and quality. But the human body still needs these loads. Consequently, only physical culture, sports, tourism become practically the most effective and economical way of providing physical activity for a modern person.

At each stage of its development, humanity has always had in its arsenal such norms of life that ultimately were aimed at the creation and creation of material and spiritual values, at the transformation and prosperity of society, at the development of man, at the disclosure of his moral traits, mental and physical abilities. and opportunities. The progressiveness of mankind, in the final analysis, has always been predetermined by its ability for self-improvement, for the most complete development of the person himself, for him (mankind) to maintain a normal and only reasonable healthy lifestyle.

It seems that we need to more clearly understand the very concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Below we present some of the definitions of healthy lifestyle that take place in the literature:

    "A healthy lifestyle is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is vigorous activity aimed at maintaining and improving health."

    “A healthy lifestyle… can be described as an active activity of people, aimed primarily at maintaining and improving health.”

    “A healthy lifestyle is such a purposeful form of behavior that ensures the preservation and long-term maintenance of mental and physical health, as well as increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body.”

    “A healthy way of life is, first of all, a cultural way of life, civilized, humanistic.”

    "A healthy lifestyle ... is understood as one in which the body's reserves are preserved or expanded."

    “A healthy lifestyle is a typical set of forms and methods of everyday cultural life of a person, based on cultural norms, values, meanings of activity and strengthening the adaptive capabilities of the body.”

    “A healthy lifestyle is a mobile combination of forms, methods of daily life that comply with hygienic principles, strengthen the adaptive and resistant capabilities of the body, contribute to the effective restoration, maintenance and development of reserve capabilities, the optimal performance of socio-professional functions by a person.”

From our point of view, the nature and target orientation of the concept of healthy lifestyle is predetermined by the word "healthy". The adjective "healthy", being derived from the noun "health", thus, carries all the main qualitative characteristics of the latter. In this regard, we note once again that health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

It seems to us that the concept of a healthy lifestyle should reflect such provisions that have historically developed in our society, which will help to clearly define and separate a healthy lifestyle from its antipode - non-healthy lifestyle.

And, therefore, we should talk about life:

    aspiring to the future. A healthy lifestyle has always been aimed at solving global problems related to ensuring the infinity of human existence;

    creative Therefore, we are talking about life activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values, at ensuring peace and prosperity, at educating the younger generation, more prepared for life;

    restorative and health-improving. After hard work, a person must be able to fully restore his vitality, constantly carry out a certain minimum of rehabilitation and recreational activities, use the natural forces of nature for this - the sun, air, water, the beauty of nature, and so on;

    developing. Each person must learn to develop and improve, strengthen and maintain their physical qualities and abilities, their health by means of physical culture and sports.

Based on the foregoing, we propose the following definition of healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a set of norms and rules of life, historically tested by time and practice, aimed at ensuring that a person:

    knew how to work highly efficiently and economically, rationally expend strength, knowledge and energy in the course of his professional, socially useful activity;

    possessed the skills and abilities to restore and improve the body after hard work;

    constantly deepened his moral convictions, enriched himself spiritually, developed and improved his physical qualities and abilities;

    independently maintained and strengthened their health and completely rejected the harmful habits of self-destructive behavior.

In this way, health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

- the way of life of an individual in order to prevent diseases and promote health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and the rejection of bad habits.

Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, O. A. Milshtein, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov and others) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social aspect, an integral part the life of society as a whole.

In the psychological and pedagogical direction (G. P. Aksyonov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Dittles, I. O. Martynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya, etc.), a “healthy lifestyle” is considered with point of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points of view (for example, medical and biological), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - improving the health of the individual.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and a change in the nature of stresses on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military risks that provoke negative changes in health status.

There are other points of view on a healthy lifestyle: “a healthy lifestyle is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, a rational mode of life and the rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral, religious and national traditions that provide a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in a real environment and active longevity within the earthly life allowed by the Lord.

Healthy lifestyle elements

A healthy lifestyle is an active participation in labor, social, family and household, leisure forms of human life.

In a narrow biological sense, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person to the effects of the external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. Authors writing on this topic include various components in a healthy lifestyle, but most of them are considered basic:
. education from early childhood healthy habits and skills;
. environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;
. rejection of bad habits: self-poisoning with legal drugs (alcoid, tobacco poison) and illegal ones.
. nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products used;
. movements: a physically active life, including special physical exercises (for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
. body hygiene: compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;
. hardening;

The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:
. emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one's own emotions, difficult situations;
. intellectual well-being: the ability of a person to learn and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances;
. spiritual well-being: the ability to set and strive for truly meaningful, constructive life goals, optimism.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out at three levels:
. social: propaganda in the media, outreach;
. infrastructural: specific conditions in the main areas of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;
. personal: a system of value orientations of a person, standardization of everyday life.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle

There are 10 tips developed by an international group of doctors, nutritionists and psychologists that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can prolong and make our lives more enjoyable.

1 advice: solving crossword puzzles, learning foreign languages, making calculations in the mind, we train the brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

Tip 2: Work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

Tip 3: Don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, manage 1,500. This contributes to the maintenance of cell activity, their unloading. Also, do not go to extremes and eat too little.

Tip 4: The menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. The selenium contained in the kidneys and cheese is useful for men over 40, it helps to relieve stress. After 50, magnesium is needed to keep the heart in shape and bone-healthy calcium, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 5: Have your own opinion on everything. A conscious life will help you get depressed and overwhelmed as little as possible.

Tip 7: it is better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps to preserve youth. The fact is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

Tip 8: Move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolong life.

Tip 9: Pamper yourself from time to time. Despite recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself a tasty treat.

Tip 10: Don't always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

Optimal work and sufficient rest also affect our health. Vigorous activity, not only physical, but also mental, has a good effect on the nervous system, strengthens the heart, blood vessels and the body as a whole. There is a certain law of labor, which is known to many. People engaged in physical labor need rest, which will not be associated with physical activity, and it is better if mental stress is carried out during the rest. It is useful for people whose work is connected with mental activity to occupy themselves with physical work during rest.

Such a concept as the daily routine is less and less common in the life of a modern person, but this factor also plays an important role in maintaining health. The rhythm of human life must necessarily include time for work, rest, sleep, and food. A person who does not follow the daily routine becomes irritable over time, he accumulates overwork, such people are more likely to be stressed and ill. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a modern person to maintain a good daily routine, they have to sacrifice the time allotted for sleep, eat only when there is time for it, etc. The correct daily routine will help not only maintain health, but also organize your time better.

Our health also depends on good sleep. Sufficient sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The need for sleep may vary from person to person, but on average, it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours. Regular sleep deprivation leads to decreased performance and severe fatigue. In order for you not to be tormented by insomnia, it is necessary to stop physical or mental work 1 hour before bedtime. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. It is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room, and it is also advisable to go to bed at the same time.

Physical activity is one of the most important means of promoting health. Even a small daily 20-minute gymnastics brings great benefits. Gymnastics, athletics, outdoor games are very useful for the cardiovascular system, lungs, strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Jogging has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems. Walking helps to lose weight. It is estimated that up to 35 grams of adipose tissue burns in 1 hour of brisk walking.

Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle and older people. Even an elderly person needs physical activity optimal for his age. With insufficient physical activity in the elderly, obesity develops, metabolic diseases increase, the risk of diabetes mellitus increases, and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. It is worth remembering that physical activity at this age should be dosed and age-appropriate.

For everyone who wants to live according to a healthy lifestyle, it is important to adhere to

The three pillars of a healthy lifestyle are the rejection of bad habits, the transition to a balanced diet and regular exercise. Only a person who is used to sitting on the couch finds it difficult to replace fast food with fresh vegetables and fall in love with an evening jog. You need to gradually move to the bright side. Sudden changes are a test for the body and stress for the brain. The body needs time to adapt, otherwise the attempt to become slim and healthy will end in failure.

Drawing up a schedule

Where to start for a mere mortal who decides to switch to a healthy lifestyle or the so-called healthy lifestyle? Get used to the daily routine. Fans of sports and proper nutrition live according to a schedule. They go to the gym at the same time. They eat by the clock and try to clearly plan all their actions.

The first step is to change your sleep-wake schedule. The morning of a healthy lifestyle representative does not begin with coffee or scrambled eggs with bacon, but with a run. And in order to have time for sports, a full breakfast, a shower and other household trifles, you need to get up with the first rays of the sun, that is, at 6-7 o'clock. But if a person sat until dawn, and at 5 in the morning only got to bed, what kind of jogging or exercises can we talk about?

The second reason why you need to change the schedule of wakefulness and sleep is metabolism. Metabolic processes slow down if a person regularly goes to bed with the first rays of the sun. Due to poor metabolism, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers. The work of the digestive organs and blood circulation worsens. Decreased absorption of nutrients.

You need to go to bed at 22-23.00 at night. Turn off all gadgets and appliances an hour before bedtime:

  • smartphones;
  • television;
  • e-book;
  • a computer.

You can spend 60 minutes without a laptop on water treatments, massages, planning the next day and keeping a diary. There shouldn't be any concessions on weekends either. You can not lie in bed until noon, neglecting sports and breakfast.

The second step on the way to a healthy lifestyle is drawing up a daily routine. The diary or special program indicates what time breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner take place. When to play sports and relax with friends. In the first weeks, you need to set a reminder, because until the body gets used to the new regimen, the brain will periodically forget about exercise, second breakfast and an evening walk.

Avoiding junk food starts with a glass of water. The liquid starts metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. Drink water immediately after waking up, as well as 30-40 minutes before each snack. It dulls the appetite and helps reduce portion sizes.

Representatives of a healthy lifestyle do not drink carbonated and sweet drinks. If tea or coffee, then without sugar. No packaged juice or energy drinks. Water is supplemented with herbal decoctions. For example, tea made from rose hips, chamomile, ginger root or mint. Fluid is needed by the body for vitality and well-being. Water is carried with them in small bottles or thermoses so that it is always at hand.

Harmful foods are removed from the diet gradually. First, they forget about the existence of the frying pan. Meat or fish is not fried, but cooked in the oven or double boiler. Sausages and bacon are replaced with homemade chicken breast sausages. Instead of pizza, they eat bran bread sandwiches, avocados and red fish. And chocolate, ice cream and cakes are replaced with fruit smoothies, low-fat cottage cheese desserts and sweets made from dried fruits and nuts.

A healthy lifestyle does not mean dieting. On the other hand, you can't go hungry. But so that a person does not stretch the stomach in large portions and does not look into the refrigerator after midnight, he should eat food 5-7 times a day. At a time, he eats 100–150 g of porridge, soup or another dish. And between meals takes a two-hour break.

The main thing is to choose natural products. If the composition contains:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • aspartame;
  • sweetener;
  • flavors;
  • dyes;
  • ingredients with difficult to pronounce words.

A box with such yogurt or juice remains in the store. Only fresh fruits and vegetables get into the refrigerator, no marinades. With proper nutrition are allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • dietary meats;
  • dairy products, but only fat-free;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • vegetable fats;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bran and rye bread;
  • seafood.

The diet should be rich in sources of protein and complex carbohydrates. They are responsible for the development of muscle mass, a feeling of cheerfulness and energy. It is not worth completely eliminating animal fats, but they account for only 5% of the diet.

Vegetables are added to all dishes. The meal starts with a salad, stew or sandwich with cucumber, parsley and tomato slices. A vitamin cocktail is prepared from celery and apples, which cleanses the body of toxins.

Vegetables are a source of fiber. And coarse dietary fiber is necessary to reduce appetite, normal bowel function and a fast metabolism. You can live without sausage, cutlets and hot dogs, but you can’t live without broccoli, carrots and sweet peppers.

To avoid the temptation to return to the previous diet, all prohibited foods are removed from the lockers and the refrigerator. No stockpiles of biscuits or canned peas for a rainy day. The store is sent with a list. And they only buy what it says.

Sport is not a punishment, but a way to become stronger and healthier. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and lift barbells and kettlebells. You can always choose the option of physical activity that will bring pleasure. Morning jogging is easy to replace with half an hour of dancing to energetic music or a bike ride.

Instead of fitness, master roller skates or a skateboard. Get your body in shape with swimming or Nordic walking. Make friends with a volleyball or basketball. And if it’s completely lazy, then it will be limited to a half-hour exercise or stretching.

Sport is a source of vivacity and a hormone of joy. But you shouldn’t overstrain in the first months, otherwise the body will quickly get tired of excessive loads, and the brain will decide that it lived much better without dumbbells and skipping ropes. Laziness will appear. And it is very difficult to fight the desire to lie on the couch.

In order for the body to get used to the sport, 2-3 classes per week are enough. And for people who want to quickly lose weight and tighten their body, it is recommended to supplement stretching with other types of physical activity. For example, walking. Do not get on a trolley bus, but walk to the nearest store with your own feet. Walk from office to apartment and vice versa. Play football or badminton with friends instead of watching pizza and beer TV shows.

Tip: If the brain does not agree to do at least exercises, you need to put a chair next to the bed in the evening and put a sports uniform on it. When you wake up, immediately take off your pajamas and change into a comfortable suit. Pants and a T-shirt make you think of a morning run, and a person gets motivated.

The main thing is to set yourself micro-tasks. Do not run 5 km without preparation, but do 15 squats today, and 20 tomorrow. If expectations are not met, the desire to do anything disappears. And vice versa. Small victories make you proud and move forward.

Some people find it hard to deal with laziness alone. In such cases, it is recommended to find a sister in misfortune in social networks or forums. A girl who is ready to run in the morning or evening or go to the pool. It is also useful to organize friendly competitions. For example, who will jump more on a rope, do push-ups or pull up. But the atmosphere should be warm and friendly. Humiliation and mutual insults do not help to achieve a high result, but only kill the desire to practice and improve your own body.

Bad habits and positive thinking

In the first weeks, a person feels euphoria. He is passionate about the new rules of nutrition, enjoys playing sports. Tells everyone around him that he no longer eats chemistry and products with GMOs. But gradually the enthusiasm fades, giving way to laziness and the desire to buy at least 200 g of sausage. If a beginner stumbles, he will return to his starting positions and will not want to repeat the experiment with the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

It will take the body 2 to 3 months to get used to a different routine and develop healthy habits. Optimism will help you endure the test. You need to look at things positively. Praise yourself for small successes, as well as regularly set small goals for yourself. You can write a list with tasks for a month or several weeks. And for each completed item, reward yourself with a series of your favorite series, beautiful clothes or books.

It is important that a person is surrounded by like-minded people. When all the relatives twist their fingers to their temples and offer not to engage in nonsense, it's hard not to give up. If there are no healthy lifestyle fans among real friends, you can either change the company or find “colleagues” on proper nutrition on forums or social networks. Experienced athletes are happy to share their tricks with beginners and guide them on the right path.

If one of the reasons for switching to a healthy lifestyle was the desire to lose weight, in the first month it is not recommended to weigh yourself and take measurements of your waist, chest and hips. Due to constant exercise, fluid accumulates in the muscles, which causes swelling. The body is visually enlarged. The body weight is also growing. If a beginner sees that the weights show 2-3 kg more than before, he will be upset and decide that a healthy lifestyle does not suit him. But after all, the body acquires a beautiful outline only 3-4 months after the transition to the light side, so you need not despair and exercise regularly.

It is equally important to give up bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • computer addiction;
  • overeating.

You can’t first run 2-3 km, and then sit on a bench and drink a bottle of beer. Alcohol cancels all achievements, just like cigarettes. The body does not benefit from online games, cakes and buns, stressful situations. Of course, not every person is able to quit a prestigious job and settle in the mountains or in the forest, but you can learn yoga and meditation. Get massages regularly. Spend the weekend in nature. And also love dousing with cold water or a contrast shower. All these procedures relax the nervous system, increase immunity and help not to lose control in stressful situations.

Changing habits that have been developed over years or decades is difficult. No need to set ambitious and unattainable goals. It is better to complete micro-tasks and celebrate success. Gradually give up harmful foods and accustom the body to sports. Practice calmness and optimism. Temper the body and mind. And do not give up, even if it seems that you will never be able to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Video: 5 reasons why it is difficult to switch to a healthy lifestyle

Probably, almost every inhabitant of our planet dreams of staying young, full of strength, healthy, beautiful and happy as long as possible. Very often, most supporters of a healthy lifestyle resort to following special diets, visiting fitness centers and sports clubs, and also try to walk around the square or park every evening. But few people have an idea of ​​what a healthy lifestyle really means.

In this review, we take a closer look at what healthy lifestyle- it's not just playing sports, or following a certain diet, but a whole range of useful habits that will not only make you feel just great, but will also help to strengthen overall health and prolong a person's life. After all, that is why there is a well-known saying “In a healthy body, a healthy mind”, which, together with the observance of a healthy lifestyle, invigorates, stimulates and directs a person to achieve high goals.

In the modern world, the life of every person is full of various events, surrounded by the latest technological developments and a bunch of various temptations. The entire able-bodied population of the country is constantly in a hurry somewhere, running and trying to do a lot.

All life is made up of:

  • work on the edge;
  • constantly learn the basics of something new;
  • eat junk food and convenience foods;
  • eliminate emerging pathologies with medicines with an instant effect.

Almost no one has a second to themselves. But, sooner or later, human health still cannot withstand regular stress and gives powerful failures, which, as always, is inopportune.

To avoid unexpected tricky surprises from your own health, you just need to know and follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. What is ZOZ?

Important! A healthy lifestyle is a whole system of good habits, it is a way of life that affects the human body only on the positive side.

Due to the deterioration of the ecological situation on the planet and the intensively developing technological progress, the way of life of people is becoming less and less mobile, which adversely affects the general state of health. Various types of physical activity begin to appear, which for the most part provoke the development of chronic diseases in people. Therefore, the definition of healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more relevant in the modern world.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

A healthy lifestyle is one of the key factors that ensure the health of an individual. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. A healthy person can be called a person who not only does not get sick, but also feels completely satisfied with life. I agree with the author of the article that in modern society, few people have the time and energy to take care of their health and maintain it.

On my own behalf, I want to add that psychological hygiene is extremely important to maintain health in a modern world full of stress factors. It is she who, to a greater extent, allows achieving peace of mind and social well-being, which, as can be seen from the WHO definition, are integral components of health. You can write and talk a lot about psychological hygiene, which is what numerous coaches, psychologists and psychoanalysts do. So I won't dwell on it. Let me just say that if you want to achieve complete health, think not only about a “healthy body”, but also about a “healthy mind”.

What is included in the system

Compliance with the basic aspects of healthy lifestyle helps each person to carry out full care and care for his body. A healthy lifestyle strengthens, increases the level of stability and physical endurance, but subject to compliance with all its aspects. Let us consider in more detail what is included in the concept of healthy lifestyle and what aspects it consists of.

So, the simplest healthy lifestyle scheme includes the following items:

  • balanced diet;
  • sports lifestyle;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • hardening of the body.

Balanced Diet

To maintain proper nutrition, it is recommended to eat only wholesome food, which will help provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for the optimal functioning and development of all organs and systems. People who are overweight should follow some rules for a balanced diet.


  • include in the diet not only plant foods, but also products of animal origin;
  • the caloric content of food consumed throughout the day should not be higher than the average daily intake of kcal, which is calculated for each individual;
  • food should be taken at least 5 times a day;
  • it is recommended to absorb food slowly, without rushing;
  • be sure to eat food in liquid form (soup, broth, etc.);
  • enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • consume dairy products and at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

Attention! Food should always be freshly prepared.

Keeping track of a healthy diet is quite simple, given that today there are a huge number of services where anyone can choose recipes for themselves and easily track their calorie intake.


In order to always feel good, you should make sure that the body is in order. First of all, it must be constantly used, because it is not in vain that they say that movement is life. Therefore, a sports lifestyle is what will help keep yourself in great shape.

It is important to understand one truth that the less a person is in motion, the higher the likelihood of developing all sorts of pathologies becomes. There are a lot of sports options. You can visit fitness centers, group classes, work out on simulators, or dance. But, if there is no free time for sports, then a daily 15-minute morning exercise will be an excellent option.

Practical advice: To cheer up, it is recommended to run in the morning or in the evening, and preferably in very beautiful and picturesque areas, which will also help to get rid of heavy thoughts and unload a little from piled on everyday problems.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

Hardening of the body

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will be most noticeable if you regularly temper the body. There are a huge number of ways to strengthen the body and increase the immune system of defense:

  • the easiest and simplest is air baths, it is recommended to be on the street more often, to ventilate the apartment and workplace, to be in nature as much as possible;
  • sunbathing is also very beneficial for human health;
  • in view of the fact that a person’s feet are simply riddled with a huge number of sensitive points, it is recommended to walk barefoot on grass, sand, small pebbles as often as possible, which will stimulate the normalization of the work of internal organs;
  • rubbing with a towel, massage mitt, or washcloth, suitable for the smallest;
  • dousing with ice water, after which it is immediately necessary to wipe with a dry towel;
  • a contrast shower will help to rejuvenate, harden the body and raise the tone;
  • winter swimming.

It is important to remember that before choosing winter swimming for hardening the body, you should contact your local doctor for the necessary recommendations.

Eliminate bad habits

Smoking, alcohol and drugs cause irreparable negative damage to every person who abuses these drugs.

Therefore, for many years, medicine and at the present time, the Ministry of Health of Russia has been warning about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and drugs. If you still decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, then these bad habits should be completely eliminated, if not immediately, then at least gradually.

Why is it necessary - a healthy lifestyle? Why exhaust yourself with training and limit your favorite food? Isn't it better to enjoy life and choose what is tasty and pleasant?

However, a healthy lifestyle is the best gift a person can give himself. The body will respond to a careful attitude with energy, the ability to reach new and new peaks. Its resources are not unlimited, but they can be strengthened and multiplied in the following ways:

  • proper nutrition;
  • good habits;
  • balance of work and leisure;
  • calmness and optimism.

The human body, like any delicate and precise device, needs to be treated with care. And for competent care, he will respond with uninterrupted work. So, what should be the lifestyle that will ensure excellent health and the ability to achieve your goals?

When deciding to start a healthy lifestyle, people often make two mistakes: they start with too low aspiration ... or with too high aspiration. Some are going to start “on Monday” every time and find more and more reasons to postpone until the next time. Others vigorously get down to business, radically change their lifestyle ... but after a week they return to chips and lying on the couch.

Why is this happening and how to enter into a healthy lifestyle?

The body does not always welcome change. It is more convenient for him to live a well-established, proven life, without stress. A change in diet, a sudden change in routine, unusual physical activity - all this needs to get used to.

So how do you make health care a habit?

Start small. It will be much easier to rebuild if the changes are not radical, but gradual. If it is difficult to give up your favorite, but unhealthy food, do not limit yourself completely, but reduce your usual portions. If you want to start getting up early, set your alarm not three hours earlier than usual, but five minutes earlier. The next day, five more. Within two weeks, you will be getting up an hour earlier - and, moreover, without stress for the body.

It takes 21 days for a new habit to form. Spend three weeks in the specified mode, fix it for another week, and then it will be easier - the body itself will want to stick to this new routine.

Support the new habit with something enjoyable. Do exercises - choose your favorite music for her. Switch to a healthy diet - put fruit or aromatic spices in oatmeal. Get up early - praise yourself: if the morning begins with pleasant words for a small but important achievement, then the day should turn out in the best way.

Consolidate habits: tie them to those daily activities that you can't do without. And get away from what forces you to bad habits. Turn circumstances so that they work for you, not against you.

Some bad habits are formed not because they are very pleasant, but simply because a person takes the path of least resistance. He smokes not because he likes it, but just for the company, going out with colleagues to rest. He surfs the Internet not because it is interesting, but to relax after a difficult task. Consider your usual routine and think: at what points can you replace the unhealthy with the healthy?

If you set a goal to walk every day, you can simply forget about it. But if you attach a new habit to an already established schedule, it will be easier. Returning from your lunch break, make a circle around the nearest park. On your way home from work, get off one stop early and walk part of the way. Instead of drastic changes, make changes that will permeate your life gently and painlessly.

A healthy lifestyle is not a sprint, but a marathon. It is designed to last a very long time. Therefore, it is important to feel comfortable in this lifestyle. Stock up on patience. Important changes happen slowly, but are fixed for a long time.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Proper Nutrition

When people talk about maintaining health, they mean mainly proper nutrition. “We are what we eat,” says the ancient truth, and rightly so. Healthy food provides energy, good mood, and good health.

However, one of the main reasons why people do not welcome a healthy lifestyle is that it seems incompatible with delicious food. Young children make a clear distinction: there is tasty food, and there is healthy food. And many grow up not knowing that what is healthy can also be delicious.

If we talk about healthy eating, it is worth remembering another ancient truth: "breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a beggar." This does not mean moodiness in the morning and promiscuity before bed, but providing your body with useful fuel at the right moments.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it gives you energy for the whole day. He must be nutritious. Everything eaten during breakfast is processed into useful energy. Therefore, this is the best reason for the sweet tooth to please yourself with a piece of chocolate. And for workaholics - how to prepare for the upcoming day.

Lunch should also be hearty and complete. And dinner is light, and no later than three hours before bedtime. The digestive system needs rest as much as the rest of the body, and it would be very good not to load it with night work.

In addition, it is advisable to have snacks during the day: fruits, vegetables, nuts, any other healthy food. Thanks to this, you do not have to eat before bed.

Try to eat at the same time. And, of course, choose products that will benefit, not harm.

What exactly? What benefits health are vegetables and fruits, cereals and whole grain breads, dairy products, protein - eggs, meat, fish. When it comes to cooking, you should avoid foods cooked with a lot of fat, choosing boiled, baked or steamed.

Everyone knows about the dangers of chips, mayonnaise, lemonade and other overly “chemical” products. Those products that are prepared with a large number of flavor enhancers, dyes and similar additives have no place in a healthy diet. If you can’t do without them, learn how to cook home-made analogues - this way you will know and regulate exactly what goes on your plate.

Also, do not choose fast carbohydrates - this includes rolls, cookies and similar flour products, as well as sweets. They are chosen as a snack because they give a quick feeling of satiety - but this feeling passes just as quickly. To recharge your batteries for a long time and at the same time do not harm health, but benefit, choose slow carbohydrates - cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

And whatever the food, don't overeat. Get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger - the brain does not immediately recognize that the stomach is sufficiently full, and if it seems that there is already enough food, it means that in fact it is even too much.

Holidays are often seen as an excuse to eat hearty, but there are many ways to make your holiday memorable and without stomach heaviness. Control what you eat, choose what will allow the body to serve longer and better.

Healthy lifestyle and sport

Health is hard to imagine without physical activity. If the body is not in good shape, the person becomes lethargic and irritable. But a little warm-up - and it becomes easier to work, cope with problems and enjoy life.

How can you help your body stay energized through exercise?

It is important to remember that with the wrong approach, training can do harm. But their absence is also not an option. Physical inactivity is a dangerous phenomenon: lack of movement leads not only to extra pounds, but also to problems with the cardiovascular system, and with the musculoskeletal system, and with nerves.

  • morning work-out;
  • Hiking for 2 km is about half an hour at a free pace;
  • replacement of the elevator with steps;
  • small workouts at home.

Better yet, set aside at least a couple of hours a week for intense workouts. Even if they are short (20-30 minutes), be regular. For positive progress, two workouts a week are enough, although when the body gets used to the loads, you yourself will want to increase them.

First, choose something that you enjoy doing. Since health should become a way of life, it is important to make sports a part of it. So choose what you like and suits your character. Whether you like team sports or prefer to run alone, like to swim or dance - all means are good.

If you work with a trainer, choose him wisely. A good coach, before prescribing a program, will definitely ask if you have any health problems, and if there are, he will schedule the classes accordingly. He will show you how to perform the exercise correctly, and will be able to explain which muscle groups work in it and why it is important to perform it this way and not otherwise. A good coach will follow your progress, because they are his success too.

Try not to take long breaks. If for any reason you miss a class, practice at home. After a long absence, the muscles lose their tone, the acquired skills are lost, and the lost ones have to be restored again.

Be sure to do a workout. This will help avoid injury. Your body will gladly respond to the opportunity to show its strength, but it needs to be prepared - to stretch and warm up the joints.

After a hard workout, give yourself a day or two to recover.

Do not be afraid of krepatura. This is the reaction of the body to unusual efforts when lactic acid is formed in the body. Accumulating in the muscles, it causes krepatura - pain in those parts of the body that have experienced stress. But it is not dangerous and is usually treated with a light workout of the “affected” muscles and a warm shower or bath. Do not be afraid of this - with regular training, it quickly stops appearing, and then it is replaced by a sense of satisfaction for its purposefulness.

Pay attention to stretching - whether it's special stretching sessions or a small set of exercises at the end of a workout. This will strengthen the joints and help to avoid problems with them with age.

How do you force yourself to exercise? For many, this is a problem.

If you are one of them, try to go the other way - do not force. You don't force yourself to do what feels good, like listening to music or watching a movie. Start with a small warm-up exercise to a peppy song, allocating only five to ten minutes for this. Set yourself up positively: you will not exhaust yourself, but simply move for your own pleasure. Finish this warm-up with a feeling of cheerfulness - let the body remember how pleased it was.

Get used to treating sports as an invigorating, fun activity. Gradually, the body itself will begin to ask for an increase in the load.

There are special programs designed for a month of continuous classes. You perform a simple exercise, each day increasing the number of repetitions by 10-20 - depending on the program. It all starts with very minor loads, but after a month it comes to impressive results. Such programs strengthen both the muscles and the psychological state, add self-confidence.

Good health and work schedule: how to combine?

Work is as much an integral part of life as health. However, these parts can contradict each other: rush jobs, lack of sleep, snacks on the run ... How to build your lifestyle so that work does not undermine your health?

Those who work at jobs they love have already done their health a huge favor. Favorite business is a contribution to a strong psyche. Doing what you like and do well, find a solution to a difficult issue, see the result of your work - all this brings joy and satisfaction, which is only good for health.

Those who have got an unloved job may feel that it draws strength. In this case, it makes sense to either change the way you work or find something positive in your work. Focus on the opportunities it gives you. Find in it advantages that will outweigh the disadvantages.

Develop more in your profession and in related areas. This is important for those who like their work, and even more so for those who seek to change it. Constant development makes the brain work and stay energetic, and in addition, it adds self-confidence.

Work does not have to satisfy in every detail - someone was lucky with the team, but got boring classes, and someone feels irreplaceable, but is forced to work in difficult conditions. Do what you can to fix deficiencies, but don't focus on them if they are outside your area of ​​responsibility.

But even the most beloved, pleasant and interesting work can undermine your health if you do not follow some simple rules.

Take breaks. Set aside a couple of minutes every hour to walk if it's an office job, or sit down if you're on your feet. Small breaks must be prescribed in the labor protection instructions - otherwise, at some point, productivity begins to fall. If you got carried away and went headlong into a big task - do not grab the next one immediately after it, let the body recover.

Don't delay until the last moment. Deadlines spur and motivate someone, but even in such cases, after chasing elusive deadlines, it is necessary to recover. And if the deadline becomes a way of life, then a person works hard. Therefore, set reasonable deadlines, add ten percent to them for unforeseen cases, and follow the plan.

Don't take work home. Of course, this may not apply to those who work in the steel mill, but many do not distinguish between home and office. Even if you cannot do without it, allocate yourself a workplace and working hours and do not take work beyond them.

Don't work for food. And don't eat at work. In many places this is simply not possible due to the nature of the job, but even if you can, don't do it. And not only because crumbs clog into the keyboard, but also because doing two such different tasks at the same time is an extra stress for the body. He cannot concentrate on work or on the digestive process.

Follow workplace safety rules. Even if it's just gymnastics for the eyes of office workers. Work is necessary in order to develop and have resources for the joys of life - do not let it ruin your health.

Healthy lifestyle and recreation

How do those who care about their health relax? They say that the best rest is a change of activity. Also, new experiences. So, here are a few options for how this can be achieved.

Choose an active holiday. Someone prefers ski resorts, someone - sailing - in any case, this will bring more health benefits than passive lying on the beach. And if you are too tired at work, choose tours for beginners - they will let you relax and learn new things.

Go to another country to unusual places. For example, Turkey and Bulgaria are not only the sea, but also mountains, and a different culture, and beautiful cities. Such a vacation will give the effect of "breaking the pattern" - an expanded picture of the world and unforgettable impressions. Travel more, explore the world - it energizes for a long time.

Go hiking. Travel agencies offer routes that do not let you run out of steam, and offer to give the body an intense load. And also - beautiful views, interesting acquaintances, fresh air and a topic for many stories to friends.

Get to know your country better, go to cities where you have not been. Being constantly open to something new is part of being healthy. Plan a tour of several neighboring cities or spend a few days getting to know one place - in any case, you will feel how household chores recede and discover yourself from a new side.

Make repairs or rearrangements at home. Maybe not the most tempting option, but the result is worth it. A change of scenery refreshes the mind and makes the brain work in new ways.

Take a ticket to the sanatorium. This type of vacation combines pleasant impressions with recovery, and is especially good if you choose places that you have long wanted to visit. Mountains, forest or sea - all this refreshes an overloaded psyche and fills it with health.

Activities and procedures for health benefits

The lifestyle of a healthy person includes not only proper nutrition and training, but also a lot of different activities. To maintain and improve your health, find time for such procedures.

Massage. Useful for those who get a lot of physical activity, and office workers - it relieves muscle clamps, strengthens the back, and helps to avoid many problems with the spine. Many do not even know all the possibilities of massage - it is useful not only for the back, it can be used to eliminate problems with the digestive, cardiovascular or nervous system. And also - just relax and recharge with a good mood.

Bath or sauna. An ancient remedy for health promotion, known to many peoples. There may be individual contraindications, which you need to consult with your doctor. But the benefits of the steam room are enormous - this way of healing helps to remove toxins, protect yourself from problems with the kidneys and joints, cure respiratory diseases and just cheer you up.

A contrast shower is a lightweight version of the steam room, but it is no less useful than this. The temperature difference invigorates and refreshes, allows you to forget about colds and bad mood.

hardening. By increasing the body's resistance to temperature changes, you will make him a huge gift. Start small - air baths, rubbing with a damp towel, gradually reducing the temperature of the shower - and over time you will notice how immunity and stamina have strengthened.

First aid course. The Red Cross organization runs these weekend courses - they take very little time, but provide knowledge that can be invaluable. And even if they never come in handy, it never hurts to have them. In addition, such a course will give an idea of ​​how the body works.

Medical examinations. This, too, must not be forgotten if you want to be confident in your health. Once a year, set aside time to make sure that all the efforts are for the benefit of the body, and health does not require serious interventions.

And besides, remember about such simple daily activities as a walk in the fresh air, airing the room - both at home and in the office - and light cleaning. Personal hygiene is also part of a healthy lifestyle and a means of preventing disease.

Bad habits: what has no place in a healthy life

To maintain health, it is necessary to avoid bad habits. And this includes not only smoking and alcohol abuse - everyone knows about their harm - but also some habits that are also characteristic of those people who care about health. What harms good health?

Long and useless sitting on the Internet. “Five minutes” stretches out to two hours, during which you can do a lot of useful things. This leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with oneself, which, of course, does not benefit health at all.

Complaints and dissatisfaction. This destroys both your health and those who are forced to listen to the flow of negativity. It makes sense to express dissatisfaction only where it is constructive - if you need to discuss a controversial situation, pay attention to something that needs to be resolved.

Trying to please everyone. In the long run, infringing on one's interests for the sake of others is not beneficial.

Trying to control everything. Take on as much as you can carry without harm to your well-being and mood.

Disorder. This includes the lack of a regime, and the rubbish accumulated in the house, and the lack of life goals. When a person knows for sure what his day will be like, where his things are and what he wants from life, this improves health on a physical level too - he feels more fit and collected.

Long sleep on the weekend. The desire to sleep off for the entire working week is understandable, but this will not have to be done if you go to bed on time during the week. Holidays, holidays, vacations - all this leads to long idleness, which does not bring any benefit. After it, it is more difficult to return to the working rhythm.

And the other side of the problem is workaholism. The desire to work without sparing yourself, at night, on weekends, when the body has long been asking for mercy. From time to time it is important to just take a walk, watch a movie with family or friends, go to the pool or get a massage.

How to maintain and strengthen psycho-emotional health

Health is not only a good physical shape, but also emotional stability and a strong psyche. Unpleasant thoughts and feelings not only spoil the mood and deprive of vigor, but can also affect physical health, resulting in psychosomatic problems. How to strengthen and maintain psycho-emotional health?

Learn to deal with emotions. Suppressed discontent does not go away without a trace. Therefore, learn to pronounce what worries you, to voice your feelings. This will help you not to accumulate negative experiences.

Collect positive impressions. Trips, new acquaintances, meetings with old friends, hobbies - all this will help maintain a good mood and provide joyful memories. A positive outlook is one of the main components of health.

Set goals and achieve them. This will give self-confidence, energize and optimism.

Do not allow negative thoughts, learn to see the positive aspects and rejoice in what you have.

Train your memory, solve puzzles for the mind, solve crossword puzzles or play mind games. Attend trainings and master classes, get new knowledge. The brain needs training no less than the body - they help it to maintain efficiency, clarity of thought.

Be open and kind. Maintain tolerance for those who are different from you. Explore the world in all its diversity.

Keep calm. Develop stress tolerance. Some people spend too much energy fighting something that is not critical either for themselves or for anyone else.

And at the same time, for a healthy lifestyle, it is important to have an active life position. Some problems we cannot solve, but what we can do is worth doing. Be interested in what is happening in your city, in your environment. Don't be afraid to take on extra tasks at work or in your passion.

The following logically follows from this point - keep your personal boundaries. Don't take on other people's tasks and don't be afraid to ask for help if you can't handle it.

Health is the key to success in life

Taking care of your health can seem like a very boring set of activities. Especially considering that such a lifestyle cannot last a couple of weeks - for good health and good health, it must become permanent for many years. Some may feel that rules and restrictions in their own lives limit freedom. But the fact is that in the long run, everything happens the other way around - a healthy body and mind empowers. A healthy person achieves more, and his energy is enough for many things.

Therefore, be friends with your body. Know how to hear his wishes - he will be pleased to be cheerful, eat well and sleep well. You will feel how grateful he will be.