Is it possible to see dreams to order. How to order a dream for yourself? Set to wake up at a specific time

Dreams for a person can become a real storehouse of answers to questions of interest. Almost everyone can use their psyche in a dream as a search engine or as an individual assistant. To do this, you just need to order the right dream.

Intellectual, emotional, physiological processes - all components of our soul and body - participate in the image and plot of a dream. Even the conscious part, like the tip of the iceberg of our psyche, is involved in the dream. It is thanks to her that we can make decisions in a dream, evaluate the meaning of a particular character or event, and actually remember a dream.

Dreams always work for a person, but his consciousness cannot always qualitatively serve his unconscious, that is, true, natural needs and drives. In order to see the desired plot in a dream, you must first of all clearly formulate what you want to see, advises

Ordering a dream does not mean coming up with a plot and seeing it in full accordance with your plan. Dreams are the messages of our unconscious or products of subconscious processes, their meaning is that they bring us something new, clarify the unknown, give what we need, but cannot get in the waking state.

But we can tune in to receive an answer to our systemic request: solve a creative or intellectual problem, get a hint in some problematic situation, take a trip to a joyful and exciting world, or see a person we care about in the context of his life situation. In order to dream what you want to see, you need to make the following settings.

1. Tune in to remembering a dream. You need to develop the habit of remembering a dream immediately after waking up. The skill of remembering dreams is well fixed with the help of such a simple technique as writing. Put a notepad and pen next to your bed so you can write down your brightest images as soon as you wake up. Remembering a dream is facilitated by competent deep relaxation before falling asleep and a relatively calm, not abrupt awakening.

It is also necessary to program yourself that when the goal is achieved, you need to give the command to wake up. A person during the night sees about four or five dreams, separated by time intervals, so to speak, by night intermissions. And the answer to the question posed may, for example, appear in the first dream from one in the morning to two. And a person, when he wakes up in the morning, often remembers only the last dream. And so he may think that he did not succeed, and the answer to the question was not received. But this is not so, he just woke up at the wrong time and already forgot the answer.

2. Formulate a "system request". When ordering a dream for yourself, it is important to determine what exactly you want to see - to realize and formulate. It might be a specific question. For example, during Christmas time, dreams are considered prophetic. You can tune in to dreams as an expression of the main trends in the events of the next year, and you will receive just such orienting dreams.

If you think a lot about a person and want to dream about him, then you need to think about him before going to bed. If you just want to see a spectacular dream - an adventure, a fairy tale or a journey - you need to formulate the appropriate request. Before going to bed, you need to remind yourself of this request.

The more precisely you formulate your request, and the closer it is to the actual life situation you are experiencing here and now, the more accurately it reflects your urgent needs, the sooner you will see a corresponding dream. Sometimes the desired dream is not dreamed immediately, it may take time - from several days to several months.

For persuasiveness, you can write down your order on paper. Or say it out loud before bed. After setting a goal, you can make an internal appeal to yourself, asking for assistance.

3. Focusing on the request in the "borderline" state between sleep and wakefulness. Borderline states play an important role in intellectual and creative life. They are characterized by the "transparency" of subconscious processes, so many ideas and insights happen precisely on the verge of wakefulness and sleep. Some people fall asleep immediately - as soon as the head touches the pillow.

In order to focus on the intermediate state, self-regulatory skills are required - such as the ability to relax, get rid of disturbing thoughts, think positively. In a calm, relaxed state, when falling asleep begins, if you can focus on your request, this will direct the dream in the appropriate direction.

Before entering a dream, imagine in the smallest detail that environment, that picture, with which the goal is inextricably linked. Imagine, fantasize, give your unconscious a context, an environment in which it will need to exist during sleep.

A person spends a third of his life in a dream. Agree, it would be great if at that time we observed only the most positive dreams. There is a generally accepted opinion that dreams are nothing more than the work of our subconscious, it is difficult to influence it, but it turns out that it is possible. Today we, dear readers of our online magazine, will learn how to order dreams.

The field of study of dreams is still unknown, but, nevertheless, more and more often lately they talk about the so-called lucid dreams. If you want to get an answer in a dream to a question that worries you in real life, or if you want to meet someone, then nothing is impossible. You can order a dream. However, keep in mind that such skill will come only after long training, so be patient and follow the recommendations below.

1. Proper sleep preparation

If you want to order a dream, then you need to start with the right going to bed. Before you go to bed, you need to relax as much as possible, discard all problems, not expose yourself to physical exertion, for this you can soak in the bath or do your favorite thing - read, knit something and so on. Do not forget also that it is not advisable to overeat before going to bed, since it is unlikely that in this case you will have pleasant dreams.

2. Formulate the dream

The second step in ordering sleep is its correct formulation. However, you should not assume that you need to think through everything to the smallest detail, no, it’s enough just to determine the general plot, design a situation that will help you find the answer to an exciting question, or imagine the person you expect to meet in a dream.

3. Remember the plot

After you have presented an approximate plot of a dream, you need to scroll through it a couple of times in your imagination. If you wish, you can even write it down in a notepad, this will make the effect even better.

4. Tune in to remember sleep

In many ways, your mastery of ordering dreams will depend on the ability to remember dreams. That is why you should not only formulate a dream, but also try to remember what you dreamed in great detail. For this purpose, we suggest placing a notepad with a pen on the bedside table, this will allow you to wake up in the morning, write down the dream you had, and isolate from it those moments that will help resolve the problem situation that has developed in real life.

5. We program ourselves to wake up immediately after we see the ordered dream

As a rule, during the night a person sees about 4-5 dreams, most of them we forget in the morning, only fragments of the last dream remain. That is why it is very important to wake up immediately after you saw the ordered dream, because otherwise you risk forgetting important details of it, and all your efforts will be minimized.

6. Learning to smoothly transition from one state to another

It has been proven that the boundary states, i.e. then when we move from the stage of wakefulness to sleep and vice versa, they help to remove information from our subconscious. That is why experts advise not to fall asleep immediately after going to bed, but to relax a little in bed, to remember the pleasant moments of the passing day. After waking up, it is also highly undesirable to jump off with the ringing of an alarm clock, allow yourself to lie in a warm bed for several minutes, relive the emotions that you dreamed of in a dream, recreate the details of the dream.

Our expert Maria Zemskova shares two magic tricks that will help you learn how to order certain dreams to solve our problems at the subconscious level.

Sleep can be ordered. Photo: Fotolia/

We all know that you can order food in a restaurant, purchases in an online store or a taxi by phone. But how can you order a dream? Such a subtle, elusive product of our unconscious. If we could control dreams, perhaps we would not see nightmares or abstract, incomprehensible, hazy plots. How can you still order a dream? Why do we need to dream on demand?
We know that sleep is the active work of the subconscious mind to solve some problem or task. History knows many examples of how great minds invented and invented in a dream. Mendeleev dreamed of a table of periodic elements, Beethoven heard his sonatas in a dream, and immediately after waking up transferred them to music paper.
So can we resolve our problems in our sleep and wake up with a clear answer?
The question may seem naive, because many dreams are so bizarre that it is very difficult to decipher them, and those that are understandable, we can forget with awakening.
But there are two magic tricks to learn how to order certain dreams in which you can get an answer or, during a dream, consider the problem from angles from which you have not yet looked.

Reception 1. Ordering a dream
In the evening, before going to bed, make a stop: you need to disconnect from external stimuli and focus on your thoughts and feelings. Concentrate on the issues that torment you.
Before falling asleep, turn to your subconscious and ask to see a dream on an exciting topic. Or a dream about how your intuition tells you to act in a given situation.
Be sure to ask your subconscious mind to remember the dream in the morning.
Technique 2. Write down a dream or draw
Sometimes a dream, so colorful, bright and understandable, crumbles at the first minutes of waking up. Therefore, it is very important to keep a pen and a notebook next to the bed, in which you can write down or sketch the main elements of sleep, thoughts and associations with which you wake up even when you are half asleep.
This will help you keep the events and decisions of the dream in your mind.
And if you remember a dream and find it difficult to decipher it, I'm still waiting for your letters! Send your questions by email

Among the extensive complex of psychotechniques directly related to the practice of lucid dreaming, I will consider the method of creating "sleep to order".

Psychotechnics are carried out at the moment:

  • falling asleep;
  • spontaneous awakening at night;
  • awakenings in the morning (one of the awakenings);
  • transition to a lucid dream;
  • inside a lucid dream.

These points can be used both separately and simultaneously in the form of a sequential technique.

Psychotechnics work with:

  • retention of the image in memory;
  • "algorithms" in a lucid dream;
  • formation of a general image of a dream during the transition to a lucid dream;
  • formation of the required structures in a lucid dream.

Here you can also use the points both separately and simultaneously in the form of a sequential technique.

Depending on the combination of the above points, as well as in view of individual characteristics and the degree of possession of special skills, the method of "sleeping to order" may be modified. It makes sense to master the variants of the method, psychotechnics, as their complexity increases, sequentially. Below, they are considered as examples.

Creating an image of "sleep to order" in memory and keeping it in the process of "falling asleep - waking up"

The meaning of psychotechnics is to create in the mind a clear image of the key element of the desired dream and remember it well. The source of the image itself is not so important, whether it is a photograph, a place from the world of reality, a fragment of a memory or a block of impressions (film, book, animation), etc., the main thing is the brightness and stability with which it was imprinted in memory. In creating such an image, it is desirable to involve not only the mental, but also the emotional component.

The next step is to keep the image in the mind, having achieved the most clear perception of it, to fall into a dream, falling asleep in the usual way. Repeat these actions at the time of spontaneous awakenings at night and in the morning. The desire to get a dream, which revolves around the chosen image, must accompany the process of "falling asleep - awakening" for some time, have an extension in time and feelings.

The image should appear in ordinary dreams, in lucid dreams (with partial awareness), occur as an element of lucid dreams. It can also be used as a trigger to trigger self-awareness in a dream.

The use of an "algorithm" that includes the required image of "custom sleep" in lucid dreams

The meaning of psychotechnics is to play in the imagination a certain algorithm of action, in which the key image of "sleeping to order" clearly appears.

The next step is to reproduce this algorithm in a lucid dream (preferably more than once). What, in addition to improving the quality level of its development, will make it possible to introduce this nature of actions into the "general functional set" that our consciousness will have at its disposal even in moments of dreams with low awareness, clear dreams. In this case, the selected algorithm is, as it were, postponed "for the future" or "in reserve".

The image should appear in ordinary dreams, in lucid dreams (with partial awareness), occur as an element of lucid dreams. It can also be used as a trigger to trigger self-awareness in a dream and be a form of manipulation within a dream (whether used consciously or not).

Formation of a general image of "sleeping to order" during the transition to lucid dreaming

The meaning of psychotechnics is to form a general image of "sleep to order" during the transition to a state of lucid dreaming. Such an image should contain a set of basic parameters reflecting the nature of the desired dream. The image itself can serve as a kind of "passage" into a lucid dream (penetration occurs), or it can be formed after entering a lucid dream (or after "separation" from the body).

The next step is to finalize the details, complete the formation of the space and content of the dream (completion of the scenery, launching the plot, creating characters, etc.).

The shared image plays the role of a key structure around which its own state is managed. A decrease in the degree of awareness is allowed to simplify the process of immersion in the course of events provoked by the creation of a given dream.

Formation of full-fledged structures in a lucid dream

The meaning of psychotechnics is, being in a lucid dream, after the implementation of the perception adjustment procedure (if necessary), to create structures that reflect the key components of the desired dream. Such structures can be: terrain, plot, characters, etc. After that, give such a dream the character of completeness or wholeness.

The next step is state management within a given dream. If necessary, adjustments are made to the details or the general flow of the dream.

A decrease in the degree of awareness is allowed to simplify the process of immersion in the course of events provoked by the creation of a given dream.

The proposed psychotechniques can be considered as the main ones, from which one should start at the beginning of one's studies on mastering the method of forming a "dream to order", as well as build additional options on their basis.

One of the problems of our fast paced time is insomnia. People take a huge amount of sleeping pills, and every year more and more.

The problem of sleep in modern society, perhaps in 50-60 years, will come out on top, displacing the most terrible diseases. So far, scientists do not know everything about unconscious processes at night and simply cannot find all the existing links between failures in psychophysiology and sleep.

Interestingly, almost everyone who studies in my course of overlearning, first of all, sleep normalizes.

fast falling asleep

For a good sleep in the ISS, you can use the following settings:

- I start to doze off and after 10 minutes I fall asleep;

- I relax, calm down, my breathing is calm and even, I fall into a dream.

You can include any suitable external factor in the mood:

- I relax and fall asleep to the sound of wheels.

Well suited for this purpose is the knowledge of some features of the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, when a person is suggested (or he inspires it himself) that such and such factors (sound, light, sensations, etc.) put him to sleep. I call such moods hypnogenic:

- I relax, calm down, and the buzz of the refrigerator puts me to sleep;

- I relax, and the sound of rain plunges me into sleep;

- I relax, calm down, I feel a warm blanket, and my calm breathing puts me to sleep.

It is characteristic that the skill of quickly falling asleep eventually passes to an unconscious level, that is, using the mindset to fall asleep for several evenings in a row, the person then quickly and calmly falls asleep, no longer pronouncing any words.

Set to wake up at a specific time

As it turned out, the most common are “alarm clock” moods.

Most people use them to order the exact wake-up time:

I relax, fall asleep and wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

In "timer" settings, the first half of the sleep setting can be the same, and the second will be slightly different:

- I start to doze, fall asleep and wake up after 7 hours.

If, after a mood completely built in the present tense, you wake up not only at 6 in the morning, but all night at various intervals, it is better for you to take the second half of the mood in the future tense:

I relax, calm down and wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

You can add a phrase for sound sleep:

I fall asleep soundly and wake up in 7 hours.

Many adults are familiar with the situation when children catch a cold and have to get up 2-3 times at night to warm milk or cover the child with a warm blanket. Usually after such a night you feel completely overwhelmed.

Some scientists believe that if a person wakes up in the optimal phase of sleep (when divided into “REM” and “slow” sleep), then he feels sleepy, and if in a different phase, then the state is not the best.

By applying the state of overlearning, one can consciously order both the quality of sleep and the quality of awakening. Here are some settings for this:

- if I get up at night, I can then instantly fall asleep and wake up at 6 in the morning fully asleep and rested;

- with any distractions, I will wake up in 7 hours fully asleep and rested;

- I'm on the alert all the time, I hear and feel everything that happens on the territory, I wake up at 6 in the morning rested, full of strength and energy (this is, of course, a joke).

Sometimes in class I get asked questions about distractions when falling asleep. For example, how to fall asleep if a team is working outside the window at night to eliminate an accident on underground utilities, and fully armed - with a compressor and an excavator. You can, of course, drink sleeping pills and pass out until the morning, but in this case, the next day you are threatened with some inhibition of thinking and a decrease in the efficiency of memory. And this is not always convenient.

It is enough to enter into a state of overlearning and use the appropriate mindset. For example:

- the noise outside the window subsides, and I fall asleep;

- the noise outside the window plunges me into sleep;

- I calm down and sleep peacefully.

Sometimes we can't sleep not because of noise, but because of irritation. In this case, you just need to realize it, understand yourself and calm down.

As for a short sleep, when you need to get enough sleep in 3-4 hours, then here is a similar algorithm - you need to enter the ASC and formulate exactly what you need:

– I fall asleep and wake up in 3 hours fully rested, alert and energetic;

I will wake up at 6 am fresh as a cucumber!

And of course, we must not forget about basic safety precautions. If last night you took advantage of the state of overlearning, you slept for 3 hours, then this night it is better to sleep your normal 7 or 8 hours - this is the law for our health.

1. Words play an important role in moods. Your words. Habitual words. The words you are used to using. They are the best to use in settings.

2. An important point when ordering a short but full sleep is the type of mood. "Alarm clock" or "timer" - it is better to use the one that suits you. Although both options work well for many.

3. You really need to shorten your sleep time? The fact is that if there is no good reason, and you just decided to check how this state works, then the subconscious mind can “annul” your mood with a clear conscience, allowing you to sleep for seven hours instead of three.

But it just so happens that sometimes we do not have time to do all the necessary things in the allotted 12-16 hours of wakefulness, and for several days in a row. What if during the week you manage to sleep a maximum of 3-4 hours a day?

When this happens to me, I usually make up for my lack of sleep by resting in the deep state (a stronger state of overlearning) for 30-40 minutes in total during the day. Then, even if you work in this mode for 10-15 days in a row, the psyche and body normally cope with the loads. No nervous exhaustion. But this is assuming that I fall asleep, plunging into a neutral state, and use the mindset for a full recovery in 3 hours. I repeat, I do not just rest in a state of overlearning, but, if possible, enter it as deeply as possible.

For several years in a row, about once a year, I have experienced such peak loads, and the algorithm described above has consistently helped me cope with the situation and stay in good health and well-being. Naturally, after such loads, it is simply necessary to give yourself at least a little relaxation.

But one day, even for me, a person who fully owns these unique skills, my health failed. I will describe this in more detail so that others do not repeat my mistakes.

2003 was a very eventful year for me. Moreover, a good (and not so) half of my acquaintances and colleagues were completely unaware of almost everything that was happening to me. I received an invitation to conduct weekly trainings at a business school. Classes were planned to be held near Moscow, in the Lesnye Dali boarding house of the Presidential Administration, the level of the declared trainings was also very, very high, and, of course, it is important that the whole event was almost completely paid for by the organizers.

Within the framework of this publication, it makes no sense to describe all the classes and trainings - this is not directly related to the topic of mastering the technology of overlearning. I can only say that all my days were scheduled: at 6 am - the pool, then the gym, breakfast, the first tape of classes, lunch, the second tape of classes, dinner, events, trainings, live communication, contests and skits, and everything ended under morning. There were 2-3 hours left for sleep, and sometimes less.

Naturally, I slept, exclusively plunging into a deep state, and there was no longer enough time to rest during the day. This is what let me down.

In normal city life in conditions of time pressure, I constantly use time for recreation when traveling in public transport. I set the mood for recuperation and “switch off”. In order not to oversleep, in the mood I indicate when I need to wake up and where to get out. As it turned out, this is a very important detail. If I just used setup:

- I rest and wake up at the Lenin Square stop, then I woke up at the right stop, but the transport doors were already slamming in a moment. I had to use the mood a little differently:

- I am recovering, I wake up at the Tourist House and get off at the Lenin Square bus stop.

But back to the Moscow region. The buildings, in which people who came from all over our vast country and from abroad, first strangers, and later people who became so familiar to me, lived, stood in the autumn forest. When we moved from building to building, everything around was filled with the solemn fragrance of the falling leaves of carved maples, the smell of pine needles and something else elusive, from which extraordinary peace came to the soul. It is almost impossible to experience such a thing in the hustle and bustle of the city, and I felt that my soul literally dissolved in this nature. All thoughts that it is necessary to limit live communication and relax longer in my room, I drove away.

And so, by night train from Sunday to Monday, I left the Yaroslavsky railway station, and the next morning my temperature rose to 38.5 ° C. All attempts to recover quickly with the use of overlearning skills have not been successful. Three more participants of this school were returning home with me in the same car. Their temperature rose even in Moscow the night before. I'm at a loss: what is it? Poisoning? Cold? Infection?

Need to get well soon! It's already Monday, and on Wednesday at 18:00 I have a training in my schedule. On the second day of the journey, I decide to give up food and switch exclusively to water. Fortunately, on the train you can afford not only to eat the way you want, but also periodically work on recovery, using the state of deep immersion. Plus, the mood for healing in a dream.

Perhaps the only negative in this whole situation was that, imagining many times how I would come home, thinking how I would buy flowers for the person dearest to me, how I would kiss her and the children, how I would tell about this amazing journey, in reality I got to completely powerless at home. I was not even able to lift all the boxes to my fifth floor, and when I entered the apartment, I simply flopped exhausted into an armchair, unable to tell anything or show the slightest emotion for my loved ones.

Nevertheless, on Wednesday evening I was already conducting classes, almost completely putting myself in order.

A few days later, having phoned my Tyumen friends, I found out that they had been ill for a whole week after their arrival from Moscow. I realized that the cause of my malaise was not even overwork, but arrogance. I needed more rest. At least 30 minutes in the state of ISS during the day ...

Scientists conducted interesting experiments to restore the performance of operators after 24 hours of work. The experimental group was put into a deep hypnotic trance for only 8 minutes and told that they would fully recover during the rest. And the control group was offered to rest as they want. After that, they had another day to work at their jobs.

The results of the experiment were impressive - suggestion in a state of deep hypnotic trance helped the experimental group to recover almost completely, which could not be said about the control group.

The state of overlearning, of course, cannot be equated in terms of the power of activating the inner mind with a deep hypnotic trance, but the ability to influence the physiological processes of the body in it is several times higher compared to the usual state of not only wakefulness, but also relaxation. And with the additional practice of deeper immersions into this state during special trainings, you can achieve much greater efficiency in the practice of controlling the processes of thinking and physiology.

I want to end this section with the most banal advice that many people for some reason ignore:

Eat dinner no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;

Before bed, refrain from watching action movies, horror movies, and the news (sometimes almost the same thing);

Ventilate the room in which you sleep;

Refuse to listen to dynamic music in stereo headphones;

Tune in to sleep;

Lying in bed, try to remember how the dream ended last night;

Postpone solving all problems until morning (stop thinking about them);

No coffee or strong tea at night!

Then you can write half a page about the arrangement of the bed, another half a page about clothes for sleep, then you can add a couple of pages of examples, but this is useless, since almost no one has any problems with sleep after mastering the state of ASC. People learn to sleep even while standing on the bus.