Small discharge with blood. Intermenstrual bleeding

Bloody discharge from the vagina is a normal occurrence in a woman of reproductive age if they occur during strictly defined periods: menstruation and after the birth of a child. But often patients complain to their doctors about spotting before menstruation. What can it say? What diseases can give such a symptom?


This is a very common gynecological disease, a symptom of which in the early stages of development is only bloody discharge after menstruation and before their onset, that is, the period of menstruation is delayed due to this “daub”.

Endometriosis, and in the case of spread in the uterus - adenomyosis, is a growth of the mucous membrane (endometrium) deep into the tissues of the uterus, into the myometrium. Adenomyosis can be suspected by typical symptoms, which, by the way, include the size of the uterus increased to 5-6 weeks. Ultrasound can also be informative, but not all adenomyosis foci are visible in this study. In this case, the most informative is hysteroscopy - during this procedure, the doctor will be able to view the internal cavity of the uterus from the inside and notice the foci of adenomyosis.

If spotting is repeated from cycle to cycle, the woman is offered hormonal therapy - more often taking oral contraceptives. Tablets help prevent the further spread of the disease, which alleviates the condition of the woman. The situation improves significantly after the onset of menopause, since endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease.


By the way, oral contraceptives and the hormonal intrauterine system are also the causes of "daub". But in this case, this feature is usually temporary, it passes through 2-3 cycles of taking the drug or using the IUD. You need to worry only if real bleeding has begun, similar to menstruation. However, there is still a lot of time before its onset.

Often this happens when taking microdosed drugs. Doctors recommend switching to low-dose according to the scheme, and the side effect disappears.

Pathology of the cervix

Bloody discharge after intercourse is most often associated with the cervix. The doctor may suspect an inflammatory process, an infection that can lead to thinning of the mucous membrane, and as a result, to contact bleeding. By the way, this is possible even with a banal thrush.

The doctor conducts an examination using a gynecological mirror - carefully examines the walls of the vagina and the cervix to detect a focus. The problem may lie not only in mucosal injuries, but also polyps, cysts that can form on the cervix and bleed when pressed. They are treated surgically with subsequent histological examination (in the case of a polyp).

Whether or not there is cervicitis, or, even worse, precancer or cervical cancer, can be said after receiving the result of a special smear, colposcopy and biopsy (if there is a risk of oncology). It should be said that the release of blood when taking a smear is not an indicator of pathology. A healthy cervix can also bleed.

Together with the examination of the cervix, the doctor examines the woman for various infectious diseases, which also necessarily need treatment.

Pathology of the endometrium

Endometrial hyperplasia can be a precancerous condition and often reveals itself as intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes it can be so intense that doctors decide to immediately carry out curettage of the uterus - to remove the entire endometrium. In this way, three tasks are solved at once - bleeding stops, its cause is eliminated, and whether this process is benign (the material is sent for histological examination).

If there is no need to urgently remove the endometrium, but there are certain symptoms and ultrasound shows polyps in the uterus and thick endometrium, the procedure can be prescribed on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle. In modern clinics, not only curettage of the uterine cavity is performed, but also hysteroscopy - in order to understand what the problem is, you need to visually see the uterine cavity. And this became possible with the help of an optical device - a hysteroscope.

As for the pipel biopsy, in this case it is not so informative.

Pregnancy and ovulation

If spotting appeared in the middle of the cycle, they may have been accompanied by mild pain in the ovary area, as well as the release of mucus from the vagina, and at the same time very little blood was released - this may be a sign of ovulation. A small detachment of the endometrium occurs due to a hormonal surge.

But even spotting in the early stages of pregnancy may appear. This can happen up to a week before your expected period. Blood is released when a fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus.

Ovarian dysfunction

This name defines a violation of the hormonal function of the ovaries. Violations can occur both due to the pathology of this paired female organ itself, and others, including the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland - the part of the brain responsible for the production of hormones.

A normal menstrual cycle is 7 days long and repeats every 21-35 days. During these days, different hormones are produced in the female body on certain days, due to which preparations for pregnancy are carried out. A follicle with an egg matures in the ovary, the endometrium becomes “more magnificent” for its acceptance in case of fertilization, and after ovulation a corpus luteum appears, which should maintain the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, at the proper level.

If something in this bundle "breaks" - menstruation begins to appear very often (more than once every three weeks) or vice versa rarely (less than once every 35 days). The doctor must determine the cause of the menstrual irregularity. And for this, a woman is being examined. The patient is necessarily sent for an ultrasound of the pelvic floor organs and a blood test for hormones on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The problem lies not only in the inconvenience that chaotic bleeding causes, and the probable anemia due to the large loss of blood, but also infertility, almost always accompanied by a violation of the cycle.

And this is only part of the causes of bleeding outside of menstruation. If you are worried about uterine bleeding - do not hesitate, go to the doctor.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract should always alert a woman, as they usually speak of trouble. Bleeding has different intensity:

  • slight spotting
  • spotting of blood,
  • profuse discharge, up to bleeding.

The blood may be scarlet, bright, dark, clotted and clotted, brown in color.

Bleeding is normal

Bloody discharge before menstruation can be a sign of a shortening of the menstrual cycle due to various reasons. This is quite an acceptable phenomenon, as well as spotting after menstruation, of a smearing nature, especially against the background of stress or a radical change of scenery.

Ovulation discharge, which is bloody, spotting, or brownish, may also occasionally occur. If they are short-term and painless - it is not dangerous. Sometimes, in the presence of cervical erosion, there may be discharge after sex due to contact bleeding from injured vessels.

Pathological discharge

Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle is most often a sign of pathology - the important signs will be the amount of discharge, how you feel when they appear, and the phase of the cycle.

Bloody discharge between periods can be profuse - like breakthrough bleeding, this is a reason to seek immediate help. Bleeding may be brown, very dark, like clotted blood, about 1-2 teaspoons per daily tissue. This is a reason to consult a doctor.

The discharge may be spotting, pink in color - this may be a sign of defects in the cervical region.

In addition, spotting can be a sign of:

  • menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalances,
  • adenomyosis of the uterus
  • - tumor process of the cervix or body of the uterus,
  • uterine fibroids, polyps,
  • endometrial hyperplasia,
  • inflammatory processes in the endometrium.

Other causes of bleeding between periods can be thyroid and adrenal problems, pituitary gland disorders, oral contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, estrogen supplements, and weight fluctuations.

Bleeding and pregnancy

There should be no bleeding during a normal pregnancy.

Bloody discharge instead of menstruation with or without a slight delay can be a sign of pregnancy and the threat of its termination. You need to take a pregnancy test and see a doctor.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy can be of varying intensity - from minor spotting to bleeding. Pain in the lower abdomen, spotting and malaise are especially dangerous. This is a sign of an incipient miscarriage, usually in such cases hospitalization is applied, duphaston is prescribed, the discharge gradually disappears.

Bleeding during pregnancy can occur late in pregnancy - this may be a sign of threatened preterm labor or placental abruption. Immediate hospitalization is required.

In late pregnancy, spotting may occur after examination due to softening of the cervix and its slight injury.

Discharge after childbirth

After childbirth, the uterus is an extensive wound surface, and its cavity gradually shrinks, closing the bleeding vessels.

Bloody discharge after childbirth initially looks like heavy menstruation, but as the uterus recovers, it gradually becomes sanious, and then mucous. By about the end of 2-3 weeks, the discharge should become yellowish and not abundant.

After intrauterine interventions

Often, women terminate a pregnancy by having an abortion, or curettage of the uterine cavity is performed for diagnostic purposes.

Restoration of the uterine mucosa after such an intervention takes several days, therefore, bleeding may occur, resembling menstruation. Gradually, after 2-4 days, they should become bloody and pass completely.

Discharge after taking drugs

There is a group of drugs, usually of hormonal origin, that can cause spotting.

Most often, spotting or minor bleeding occurs in the first couple of cycles of taking oral contraceptives, such as janine, yarina, regulon: spotting is scanty, short-lived.

Often, bloody discharge can cause emergency contraception, the drug postinor, due to the loading dose of hormones, causes the appearance of bloody discharge by the type of menstruation. Unfortunately, the drug is not safe for health, it causes a very strong hormonal shift.

The appearance of any bloody discharge from the genital tract, not associated with physiological menstruation, is a reason to consult a doctor and conduct examinations and treatment.

Allocations with blood, but not menstruation, cause excitement and anxiety about this. It is very important at such a moment to calm down and understand what steps need to be taken. It is worth remembering that delay in this case can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Based on the anatomical features of the structure of the female genitourinary system (proximity of the bladder to the vagina), two main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Violation of the urinary system.
  2. Bleeding due to diseases of the gynecological organs.

Blood discharge during gestation is very dangerous.

What can discharge after menstruation signal?

If the microflora of the reproductive system is normal, then the mucus from the vagina is transparent, without a strong odor. In the middle of the cycle, the discharge becomes thicker and more viscous. By the approach of the next menstruation, they become whitish and have a mild sour smell. With menstruation, the amount of blood released is 100-150 ml, it does not smear either at the end or at the beginning of menstruation and has an even red color. At the end of critical days, blood clotting increases, so it can be dark in color, even brown. Such blood usually does not smell, but if an unpleasant odor is felt, then it is better to be tested for genital infections.

If a few days after menstruation, mucous discharge with streaks of blood appears, buy a test to detect pregnancy. Perhaps this is an ectopic location of the fetus, a spontaneous miscarriage, or a frozen fetus during pregnancy. To exclude such situations, do an ultrasound of the pelvis.

Sometimes, which is very rare, such bleeding before or after menstruation can be considered normal. This happens, for example, in the first 30 days of taking hormonal drugs. Usually the discharge is brown. If mucus with blood is observed for a long time, then you should not only change the drug, but also consult a doctor.

Thus, the following can be attributed to normal discharges:

  1. In the middle of the cycle, they are transparent and pulling, reminiscent of egg white, can be intense.
  2. At the end of the cycle, they become white and creamy.
  3. Before menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes larger and gradually turns into bloody.
  4. When initially taking hormonal contraceptives for several months, there may be a brown discharge in the middle of the cycle.

Bleeding between periods in young girls

In girls, menstruation is irregular at first. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes are taking place, preparing the body for the opportunity to give birth and bear children. Therefore, discharge before or after menstruation is not uncommon in this case.

In addition, blood with mucus appears after the first sexual contact, when defloration occurs. Discharge may also appear after the next few sexual intercourses. This may be due to the fact that the walls of the vagina did not have time to heal. In this case, douching with chamomile, potassium permanganate, etc. will help.

The bleeding that occurs before menstruation is often painless, in other cases they are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen. The abundance of bleeding is also individual, more often it is scarce. But in case of severe bleeding, it is better to consult a doctor, as there is a risk of developing anemia or even coma.

In the following cases, the help of a gynecologist is necessary:

  1. When the bleeding cannot be stopped.
  2. With abundant bleeding with a risk of anemia.
  3. A sharp deterioration in well-being (vomiting, dizziness, severe pain in the lower abdomen).
  4. If such discharges are regular, they stably appear a week before menstruation or immediately before it.

Most often, the cause of such a violation is a hormonal failure in the body. Less commonly, it can be cysts or neoplasms.

Discharge after menstruation in mature women

Bloody discharge can be of a different nature, it all depends on their quantity and color. If the discharge is spotting and appears a week before the critical days, then this may indicate the preparation of the body for menstruation. The same can be observed after menstruation, when the body gets rid of unnecessary contents. And if the interval between these events is more than a week, then you should be wary.

Sometimes bleeding that is not associated with menstruation can indicate genital infections. Young girls believe that such a pathology cannot touch them. But you can get infected simply by not observing the rules of personal hygiene. Such infections can harm during pregnancy.

Polyps can be another cause of bleeding. In addition, inflammation in the uterus or ovaries can contribute to bleeding. Therefore, women should always remember that the genitals are very sensitive to cold, and try not to overcool.

More serious disorders, such as uterine cancer or ovarian tumors, can also be the cause.

Blood during menopause and menopause

The onset of menopause for each woman occurs at different times, but an approximate criterion is considered to be age after 45 years. Before the full establishment of the menopause, women experience intense cycle disorders: menstruation can be irregular, discharge can be both plentiful and not very. This is due to hormonal disorders, as well as changes in the size of the endometrium. Bleeding may be accompanied by dizziness, hot flashes. Since at this age such manifestations can be considered the norm, the diagnosis of any kind of disease is difficult.

But a woman during menopause should pay special attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Profuse bleeding. Even if such discharges were familiar to you, then during menopause they cannot be considered the norm. If you change pads very often, this may be the reason for a complete examination of the body.
  2. Blood discharge with clots after intercourse. These symptoms are also an indicator of violations and serve as a signal for going to the gynecologist.
  3. If the timing of menstruation is shifted. Of course, a couple of days does not play a role, but a shift of a week or later is a sign of pathology, therefore, you need to see a doctor.

Discharge with blood may indicate the following types of diseases:

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal disruptions.
  2. Pregnancy that developed outside the uterus or proceeding with various anomalies.
  3. Hyperplasia (abnormal enlargement) of the endometrium.
  4. Myoma of the uterus.
  5. Hormonal disbalance.
  6. Tumors of various origins.

It is with menopausal hormonal disorders in women that there may be a risk of neoplasms in the genital area. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and consult a doctor in case of any violations.

So, leucorrhoea with blood content can be a symptom of various problems and disorders that are sometimes impossible to cope with on your own. Contact a gynecologist instead of self-medicating, and the problem will be solved by common efforts. During the examination, the doctor will be able to identify the cause or send for additional tests. Only a consultation with a specialist will help with such violations.

The female body undergoes cyclical changes every month. So, in the first half of the period, estrogens are produced. They are responsible for the growth of the follicle and the separation of the endometrium during menstruation. After that, under the action of luteinizing hormone, the vesicle ruptures and the egg is released from it. Next, it's time for the second phase. This is where progesterone comes into play, which helps support pregnancy during fertilization. If conception did not occur, then the next menstruation comes.

Quite often, representatives of the weaker sex turn to gynecologists with problems. One of the most common is bleeding between periods. This is what will be discussed next. You will find out why there is bloody discharge between periods. You can also get acquainted with the main stages of correcting such a condition.

Bleeding between periods

This symptom is not an independent pathological process. Most often, blood smearing in the middle, beginning or end of the cycle indicates the presence in the body of a woman of some kind of shift or illness. It is worth noting that sometimes this symptom is recognized as normal. However, before passing a verdict, it is worth carefully examining a woman.

Why does bleeding occur between periods? Only a qualified specialist after preliminary diagnostics can answer this question. Each patient may have a different cause of the symptom. Consider the most popular cases when bleeding occurs between menstruation.

Follicle rupture and ovulation

Blood discharge between menstruation is not always suggested. In some cases, such a symptom may be an absolute norm that does not require medical correction.

In the middle of the cycle, almost every healthy woman ovulates. This process involves the preliminary maturation of the follicle and its increase in size. When the formation reaches certain shapes and volumes, its walls burst, and the egg is released. During this process, small vessels and capillaries can be damaged. Droplets of blood are released from them, which later come out of the woman's genital tract. This process is not repeated every cycle and is more often the exception than the rule.

progesterone deficiency

Blood discharge between periods can also have pathological causes. Most often they depend on the production of hormones and the state of women's health. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the insufficiency of the second phase. Often at the same time, women experience difficulties with conception and severe premenstrual syndrome.

There are such allocations for the following reasons. After ovulation, the release of progesterone gains its strength. This hormone helps to support the secretory function of the endometrium and normalize muscle tone. If it is not allocated enough, then the endometrium can exfoliate ahead of time. At the same time, the contractility of the genital organ increases, and bleeding occurs. Correction in this case is required. It is especially necessary for those women who are planning a pregnancy. It consists in the normalization of the second phase of the cycle. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan", "Dydrogesterone" or "Progesterone". They must be taken immediately after ovulation. In most cases, the effect occurs after several cycles of such treatment.

Endometriosis and hormonal diseases

Bleeding between periods often has hormonal causes. In this case, the symptom may indicate endometriosis or other serious abnormalities. Also, polycystic ovary syndrome manifests itself in a similar way.

If a woman has an increased production of estrogen, then the endometrium can grow not only in the place intended for this. Endometriosis often affects the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and abdomen. Detachment of a pathological formation leads to blood smearing. At the same time, it often acquires a brown or chocolate hue. If a woman is dealing with polycystic disease, then in addition to intermenstrual discharge, she may be disturbed by a long cycle, lack of ovulation and the inability to conceive a child.

Treatment in these cases depends entirely on the origin and severity of the pathology. Endometriosis and polycystic disease are often corrected surgically. After that, the woman is prescribed hormonal treatment. It may consist of taking conventional contraceptives or using more serious drugs. Often with endometriosis, women are prescribed an artificial menopause. The patient is introduced into it with the help of such means as "Diferelin", "Zoladex" and so on.

Erosion and damage to the vaginal mucosa

Bleeding between periods without pain may indicate damage to the vaginal area. Often the symptom makes itself felt after intercourse or the introduction of vaginal suppositories.

All damage to the vaginal mucosa should be pre-examined. For this, a routine examination or colposcopy is used. Treatment is appropriate. In some cases, it may consist of simple douching and the use of drugs that normalize the microflora. In another situation, more potent medicines are used, for example, Solkovagin.

Genital tract infections

Often, spotting occurs when an infection occurs that is sexually transmitted. In this case, the woman notes an increase in normal vaginal discharge. They also acquire a grayish-green or intense yellow hue. An unpleasant smell can only confirm the assumption.

The treatment of such a pathology in most cases is antibacterial. In this case, the doctor must first conduct an analysis that determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain drugs. In addition, immunomodulators are prescribed, for example, Likopid, Reaferon, Genferon and others. Treatment may combine topical exposure and oral medication.

Bleeding between periods while taking birth control pills

Often the use of this type of contraception causes the appearance of this symptom. In this case, you should consult a doctor and tell him about your concerns. Most often, experts choose alternative methods of protection. Among the prescribed drugs, one can single out Novinet, Logest, Janine and many others.


Why does a woman have intermenstrual bleeding? Now you know the answer to this question. It is worth saying that it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the symptom. If this symptom occurs, contact a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Be healthy!

Normally, spotting can appear in women only during menstruation and on the eve of them. Their duration should be no more than 3 - 7 days. But it happens that a woman notices discharge with streaks of blood after menstruation, which is very alarming. The reasons for the development of such conditions are different: from ovulatory daub to malignant neoplasms. How to understand what is happening, what to do in such situations?

Read in this article

Normal discharge

Vaginal discharge in a woman changes during the cycle, and this is absolutely normal. Such fluctuations can only be regarded as a good hormonal background.

First half cycle

Pathology of the uterine cavity

Bloody discharge after menstruation is characteristic of endometrial polyps and. In this case, the daub appears in most cases after physical exertion, psycho-emotional experiences, sexual intercourse, and also for no apparent reason.

Bloody discharge is most often mild, but may resemble breakthrough bleeding. They are also often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Acute or chronic, has similar manifestations. Sometimes it can proceed only with periodic daubing. With more extensive inflammatory processes, the discharge may acquire an unpleasant odor or change its color.


Bloody discharge after critical days may appear in a woman if she is pregnant. But at the same time, "menstruation" is actually a threat of interruption for a short time.

On the supposed critical days, menstrual-like discharge appears, and after a certain period of "purity" they reappear, perplexing the woman. At the same time, other signs of pregnancy are also noticeable: a change in taste preferences, breast swelling, nausea, etc. Against the background of bloody discharge, which can be both streaks among mucus and abundant, in most cases pains appear in the lower abdomen, lower back.

Ovarian pathology

Volumetric formations (cysts, tumors, etc.) of the ovaries can lead to a change in their function, which affects the balance of hormones. As a result of jumps in estrogens and progestogens, a daub may appear.

Sexual contacts

If streaks of blood appear in the vaginal mucus or even drops, the possibility of injury during sexual intercourse should be excluded. Even microcracks in the mucosa can lead to the appearance of such secretions.

Especially often, a daub appears after sexual intercourse if a woman has polyps of the cervical canal and cervix, erosion or ectopia, as well as cancer.

Gynecological examination

If a woman has recently been to a gynecologist for an examination, then a slight daub may also appear in a day or two. Especially if some manipulations were carried out on the cervix or in the cervical canal (smear for oncocytology, scraping, sampling for the study of STIs, etc.). Don't worry, everything will be back to normal on its own. And only with heavy bleeding should you visit the doctor again.

While taking hormonal pills

Often while taking oral contraceptives, especially in the first months of use, irregular spotting appears, including some time after menstruation. Such violations are permissible for no more than 2 - 3 cycles, during which the body gets used to the "new conditions". In other cases, it is better, together with the doctor, to decide on a replacement for another composition of contraceptives.

Daubing, streaks of blood can be after taking emergency contraception. It is difficult to predict such violations in advance; this is an individual reaction to hormones in a single high dose.

Oncological diseases

Cancer of the cervix and uterine cavity often manifests precisely as irregular bleeding in the form of streaks or more abundantly, including after sexual intercourse. At the beginning of the disease, a woman does not feel any pain, or increased fatigue, or other symptoms. All this appears as the disease progresses.

Endocrine pathology

The genital organs and their function are closely related to the work of other endocrine glands. The thyroid gland plays a special role in this. Therefore, in case of violation of its work (hyper- or hypothyroidism), the normal cycle of menstruation can go astray, irregular spotting appears. It is possible to determine this particular cause only after a special examination (ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for its hormones).

What to do if found

When bleeding occurs after menstruation, you should not panic. In some cases, you can independently find an explanation for this, but only a specialist will explain everything most reliably. Therefore, when streaks of blood appear in the vaginal mucus, daubing, you should consult a gynecologist. But beforehand, you can still try to find out why the violation occurred. It is recommended to do the following:

  • Remember, perhaps a day or two ago, a woman was already at the doctor's office or had gynecological tests.
  • Sexual contact, especially on the background of alcohol intoxication, could be accompanied by minor injuries. But in this case, it is always necessary to be wary of spotting. Contact daub is one of the signs of the oncological process.
  • A pregnancy test will help rule it out or confirm it.
  • The menstrual calendar will tell you exactly the day of the cycle when the violations occurred. Perhaps this is the period of ovulation and the daub that accompanies it.

Mucous discharge with streaks of blood after menstruation or daubing in most cases is a sign of the presence of some kind of disease, especially if these are regular violations, and not single ones. Only a doctor after a comprehensive examination can accurately determine the cause and prescribe the most effective treatment.

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