Poor general health. Constantly feeling very bad. Bad mood correct probiotics and vitamin D

Poor health in the morning, characterized by a feeling of weakness and fatigue, is a common problem for many people. For some, this problem becomes permanent and. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms and make every morning cheerful and pleasant, you must first find out the causes of poor health in the morning.

Possible reasons

In the medical field, there is no concept of "poor health." Poor health in the morning refers to a feeling of drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, as if a person did not rest at night. There are many reasons for this violation.

Common causes:

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Symptoms of cancer in women and men, diagnosis

In general, feeling unwell in the morning can be caused by numerous reasons.

Associated symptoms

Morning sickness can be expressed in different ways, depending on the cause of the disease. In addition to feeling weak and tired, other symptoms may appear, some of which indicate that the body is not healthy.

Common symptoms include:

  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle pain
  • Low blood pressure
  • Cutting in the eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Facial numbness

The appearance of such symptoms is evidence of disorders in the cardiovascular system. Such diseases are considered the most dangerous cause of morning sickness. That is why poor health in the morning often occurs in people with heart disease, especially hypertensive patients.

If you experience the described symptoms, you should seek medical help, and do not try to solve the problem yourself, as this can lead to negative consequences.

In general, the symptoms of morning sickness vary from person to person, but if severe pathological signs occur, medical attention is required.

How to improve the condition

To get rid of morning sickness, you should eliminate its cause. If the disease is caused by a disease, complex treatment is required, due to which negative manifestations are eliminated. In milder cases, other methods that improve the condition of the body can be used.

It's no secret that in today's world a person is subject to various stresses and the impact of many negative factors. Therefore, sometimes we cannot understand what causes poor health. Usually it is attributed to fatigue, bad weather or lack of course, there are such reasons, but sometimes this condition may indicate the development of more serious diseases.

It is worth remembering that poor health today can become an impetus for the disease to flow into a chronic form tomorrow. For example, anemia often causes such a condition. With this disease, there is a very low level of iron in the blood, so the body experiences a lack of oxygen. Then the patient quickly gets tired, it becomes difficult for him to work, it is impossible to concentrate on an important matter, some kind of weakness appears in the whole body. To determine the lack of iron, it is necessary to take a blood test for. Insufficient hemoglobin is usually associated with heavy discharge during menstruation, bleeding, or significant food restriction. Usually, experts prescribe vitamins with a high iron content, and foods such as beef, red caviar, lentils, pomegranates, and red wine are introduced into the patient's diet. That is, everything that contains iron.

The development of any virus in the body causes poor health. The person feels depressed. In a special group, it is worth highlighting such a disease as mononucleosis. It promotes inflammation of the lymph nodes, the liver increases in size. The patient feels a sharp pain in the throat. Of course, it is impossible after the initial examination to determine exactly why poor health has overcome. As a rule, this requires the opinion of doctors of several specializations. To prevent such deplorable consequences, it is worth regularly eating fresh fruits and vegetables. And to strengthen the spirit and body, you need to go in for sports, do exercises every morning, temper yourself.

Poor health can be caused by insomnia, even just restless sleep interrupted during the night. All this provokes lethargy, internal tension, a feeling of constant fatigue, so a person becomes inattentive, does his job poorly. It has been established that the more a person suffers from lack of sleep, the louder he snores at night. In any case, this state of affairs requires a careful review of their own priorities, their way of life. For example, you can reduce too frequent visits to nightclubs to a minimum. If this does not help, you should seek help from a neurologist or psychologist. The specialist will be able to understand the essence of the problem, find the cause and eliminate it.

Often diabetes leads to this condition. As the main symptomatic manifestations of diabetes, it is customary to name severe thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, as a result of which a person drinks a lot during the day. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a blood test for sugar. If we talk about female patients, then they face a significant weight gain, so you need to exercise regularly.

Often there is poor health during pregnancy. And this is not surprising, because the bearing of the fetus is a serious burden for the body. As a rule, most often the malaise torments a woman in the first and last trimester. Usually overcomes nausea, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, swelling of the legs, sometimes problems with the teeth. In the early stages, the expectant mother experiences a feeling of fatigue, apathy, which is why the body protects the fetus and creates conditions for its further development. In the later period, the fetus becomes large enough, therefore it puts pressure on the nearest organs and is a significant burden. A woman moves less, as she gains weight significantly and it becomes difficult for her to walk.

Whatever the reason for feeling unwell, to restore strength, you should adhere to proper nutrition, breathe more fresh air, and take walks. And, most importantly, to be in a good mood and smile more, then no misfortunes are terrible.

Do you know that feeling when there is not enough energy and desire to live, which in general makes you feel unwell? Are you sleepy and not drawn to any physical activity? At such moments, most of all I want to jump into the crib and spend the whole day there. It is not always the fault of the weather, which is usually blamed for all mood swings. Bad health is also greatly influenced by what we eat. Making some dietary changes can increase your mental comfort and make you feel energized no matter the weather.

Why is there no energy?

There can be several reasons for the lack of energy during the day, but often it is a poorly balanced diet. The modern lifestyle leads to the fact that a person forgets about meals or eats something "on the fly" without thinking about whether there is any benefit for him. Being tired, a person most often takes sweet snacks, justifying this with a lack of desire and time for cooking. Subconsciously grabs a candy bar, which only gives a fleeting energy and allows you to return to effective work. This is true. Such a product will give you something that makes you feel better for a while. After eating sweets, there is a sudden jump in blood glucose levels, but also a rapid decrease in it. The greater the jumps in glucose levels, the greater the mood changes and the more often bad health appears. This leads to the fact that after a short period of time you can feel the same as before and there will be a desire to grab something sweet again. This vicious circle can, among others, lead to obesity and mental disorders leading to a bad mood.

Emotions and food

Emotions are very strongly related to the type and quality of food eaten, but also affect the motivation and pace of eating. Negative feelings and bad mood are usually associated with a large amount of food consumed, but this depends on their intensity. Stress of low or medium intensity leads to the fact that more foods rich in carbohydrates and fats are eaten. In turn, the most intense stress will give the opposite effect - "squeezing" in the throat and stomach and, as a result, a decrease in appetite and poor health. This is equally dangerous, as prolonged, severe stress can thus lead to nutritional deficiencies.

Why do we enjoy food?

Eating is a reaction to negative emotions and bad moods, and is intended to fill a perceived void. While eating, you feel temporary relief and forget about stress for a moment. Discharging emotion in this way is not a good solution. In a short period of time, the bad mood returns, and you again reach for food. This behavior leads not only to obesity, but also to the binge eating complex. This disease is manifested by the consumption of a large amount of food in a short time without further purification.

Obesity is strongly associated with poor self-esteem and poor mental health. The decline in mood leads to yet another consolation with sweets and even more weight gain. Probably the thought will arise ... how then to cheer up? It is better to be fleetingly happy after what you have eaten than not to feel pleasant at all. There is a way out for every situation! Think about what else besides food brings a good mood? Walking the dog, riding a bike, maybe meeting up with friends? Bet on physical activity! After the effort, you will certainly feel even more euphoric than after a piece of cake.

"Hormones of happiness" - dissolve a bad mood

Endorphins, or hormones of happiness, are released under the influence of eating and physical activity. Their growth leads to an improvement in mood, feelings of pleasure and has an analgesic effect (reduces pain). It has been proven that after eating delicious foods, the amount of these hormones increases. This applies mainly to meals rich in carbohydrates and plausibly spicy dishes with the addition of seasonings such as chili or cayenne pepper. The feeling of pleasure after exercise is based on a similar mechanism. It must be remembered that once is not enough. To feel a lasting effect, you need to include daily activity in your life and change your eating habits for the best.

Tryptophan and serotonin are natural antidepressants.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that is not produced by the body and must be obtained from food. A stressful lifestyle and poor eating habits can lead to a lack of it. This can lead to poor mood and even lead to depression. Therefore, one should remember the need for a daily replenishment of the body with a dose of tryptophan. It can be found primarily in beans, spinach, bananas, turnips, parsley leaves, broccoli, chinese, white, cauliflower or kohlrabi, etc.

Serotonin is a substance produced in the body from tryptophan. The place of its greatest concentration is the esophagus. It is estimated that more than 95% of its production takes place in this place! In order to properly produce serotonin, several things are needed ... primarily vitamin B6, B12 and C, as well as folic acid and magnesium. B vitamins and magnesium can be found in cereals, dairy products, and green leafy vegetables, among other things. The main source of vitamin C are vegetables and fruits. It should be remembered to supply a certain amount of food during the day, since the concentration of serotonin significantly affects your mood. Moreover, a certain amount of it in the blood reduces the appetite for carbohydrates. This substance is considered a natural remedy for depression, when its level is low, a person feels less happy. The lack of some B vitamins can provoke anemia, which is also associated with bad mood and depressive states. There is also a relationship between low iron levels and depression.

Bad mood correct probiotics and vitamin D

In addition to B vitamins, the constant lack of which can even lead to depression or hysteria, your mood is also affected by a certain amount of fatty acids, probiotics and vitamin D in the diet.

Unsaturated fatty acids form the basis of 20% of the dry weight of the brain. It is believed that their incorrect proportion in relation to saturated fatty acids is associated with a deterioration in mood. A similar effect can bring a reduced intake of n-3 fatty acids (DNA, EPA) with a high intake of n-6. A certain supply of n-3 will "stabilize" your mood, which will greatly improve your mental comfort. This happens because one of them (EPA) improves the flow of blood to the brain, due to which it has better access to certain nutrients, such as glucose. Lack of DHA, on the other hand, can cause disorders in the proper transport of serotonin, which is observed, among other things, in depression.

The topic of increasing research is also the effect of probiotics on mental health. In addition to the known positive effect of many strains on the intestinal microflora, their antidepressant and antiphobic effects have also been confirmed. Plus, it has a positive effect on lowering the feeling of aggression. This happens because the regular use of probiotics leads to an increase in the concentration of tryptophan, from which, as we already know, serotonin is produced, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure.

Vitamin D does not stand aside in this matter. Among the many functions that it performs in the body, it is noted also have a positive effect on well-being. Low vitamin D levels have been linked to depression, seasonal mood swings, or premenstrual tension complex. The worst feeling usually appears in autumn and winter, when exposure to the sun is very limited. Due to the small number of sources of vitamin D in the diet, it is worth remembering the vitamin supplement, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Get energy from your diet!

All foods provide energy. However, some of them are especially valuable for your well-being, appropriate concentration and mobilization throughout the day. The brain needs carbohydrates to function. Of course, we are not talking about those that are in sweets - which are associated with them. Healthy carbohydrates can be found in various types of cereals, rice, pasta, muesli, fruits and honey, among other things. Just these products in certain quantities will lead you to the fact that you will think and work at the highest speed. Nuts, cocoa, dark chocolate or eggs will also add vitality. These products are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are also necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. Eggs additionally have, thanks to which you will feel full and revitalized for a long time.

The influence of drinks on poor health

It is also worth paying attention to the amount of water you drink during the day. Although it does not directly provide kilocalories, dehydration can manifest itself as a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.
Coffee consumed in moderation will improve your mood and concentration, and add energy to you. However, it should be remembered that its excessive use can bring the opposite result. You will be irritated, agitated, insomnia and anxiety may appear. Caffeine, contrary to expectations, is not only found in coffee. Its derivatives are also found in tea, cocoa beans, guarana, energy drinks or cola seeds. Alcohol also has a similar effect. Its small doses lead to relaxation and a decrease in the feeling of fatigue. Abuse can also lead to a lack of B vitamins or tryptophan. Remember - and its action, no matter what it is accompanied by, poisons and unbalances the body's systems.

What should be avoided for good health?

Definitely in case of frustration and lack of energy, highly processed products containing large amounts of dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and genetically modified additives will not be a good choice. Processes carried out on food can cause feelings such as fear and anxiety. Processed foods are usually poor in the vitamins and minerals that are needed for the production of serotonin. It can also increase the growth of negative emotions. It is worth remembering the digestibility of vitamins and minerals responsible for your well-being. Too much fiber or alcohol in the diet can cause them to not be absorbed properly. Vitamin D is soluble in fats, so their presence is essential for its proper use. Magnesium absorption may be limited by tea, spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, or alcohol. But for the proper use of tryptophan, vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are necessary.

Approximate recipes for dishes that will give an energy kick.

After such snacks, you will surely feel a surge of energy and satiety for several hours. In addition, you will feel happy, because given their awesome taste, the production of serotonin and endorphins will surely increase significantly and bad health will pass.

Energy cocktail

  1. 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  2. Several dried dates
  3. Banana
    Pour the dates with warm water and soak for 15 minutes. Next, strain them, divide the banana into smaller parts and beat with a mixer with the rest of the ingredients.

Oatmeal with banana and nut butter

  • A glass of cow's or plant-based milk
  • 5 tablespoons oatmeal
  • Banana
  • Nut butter spoon
    Add oatmeal to boiling milk and cook until thick. Pour the cooked oatmeal into a bowl. Serve with sliced ​​banana and nut butter.

bean brownie

  1. Half spoon of red beans
  2. Banana
  3. 2 heaping spoons of cocoa powder or carob
  4. 5-7 dried dates
  5. 1 egg
  6. A spoonful of coconut oil or burdock
  7. Spoonful of baking powder
  8. A handful of walnuts (or other favorite...)
    Pour the dates with warm water and soak for about 15 minutes. Strain the beans from the filling and rinse with water. Strain the dates and mix in a mixer with chopped banana, beans, egg, butter and baking powder until smooth. Add chopped nuts to the pie and mix. Pour the mixture into a cake mold and bake in an oven heated to 180 ºC for about 40-45 minutes.
    As you can see, with simple and commonly available food items, it is possible to quickly prepare energy snacks without having to buy ready-made meals that are teeming with preservatives. Maybe now, instead of eating stress and sadness with unhealthy foods, you will begin to discharge negative emotions in the kitchen, preparing healthy goodies and reducing bad health? Self-satisfaction and pleasure from self-cooked lunch is an additional dose of endorphins, killers of bad mood.
    Anna Hayost, nutritionist

Paweł Glibowski, Alicja Misztal: WPŁYW DIETY NA SAMOPOCZUCIE PSYCHICZNE. BROMAT. CHEM. TOXYKOL. – XLIX, 2016, 1, str. 19
Agnieszka Wilczyńska: Psychiatria Polska 2013, vol XLVII, numer 4, strony 657–666.
Dorota Szczygieł, Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek: EMOCJE A ZACHOWANIA ŻYWIENIOWE – PRZEGLĄD BADAŃ
Aneta Koszowska, Anna Dittfeld, Barbara Zubelewicz-Szkodzińska: Psychologiczny aspekt odżywiania oraz wpływ wybranych substancji na zachowania i procesy myślowe.
Olga Józefowicz, Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska, Jarosław Bogaczewicz, Anna Woźniacka: Rola witaminy D3 w pathogenezie zaburzeń psychicznych. PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. Klin. 2009, 9(3), p. 200-206
Jan Gawęcki: Żywienie człowieka. Podstawy nauki o żywieniu cz.1
Marian Grzymisławski, Jan Gawęcki: Żywienie człowieka zdrowego i chorego.

It is not so difficult to understand why cheerfulness suddenly changed to complete apathy. Our life is a little like a flat road, constantly pleasing with excellent weather. Sadly, there will always be someone or something that will spoil our mood.

It could be:

  • communication with an unpleasant person;
  • poor health (both associated with the disease and caused by a sedentary lifestyle);
  • failures at work or in personal life;
  • approaching a birthday, especially at an older age, when the mind involuntarily tries to evaluate the past year;
  • and much more.

In addition, most women experience bouts of ill health before and during their periods; This state also affects the mood not in the best way. What can we say about pregnancy, which simply beats all records for bouts of longing and bad forebodings!

What to do if everything is bad

Fighting a bad mood is quite possible, although this task sometimes seems impossible precisely because it hits our main weapon in this battle - creativity and the desire to do something.

There are many ways to improve your mood. Many of them are so simple that most people don't even think about them; others, on the contrary, involve long-term work on oneself, self-improvement and correction of one's own bad habits.

However, there are a few simple rules that are best followed in the fight against apathy:

  1. You don't need to use medication. Tablets are the last resort, which should be resorted to only in exceptional cases. And you can take them only as directed by a doctor, after consultation in a neuropsychiatric clinic. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging your health; while there is no guarantee that a bad mood will leave you, medicines still do not give.
  2. A glass of expensive wine is a good relaxant; this is right for those cases when you need to relax, come in a great mood. However, you should not fight depression with alcohol: there is a fairly high risk of becoming addicted to the "green snake".
  3. Do not give up. Activity is your main ally. As soon as you sat on the couch and began to feel sorry for yourself, you can consider that you have lost one more round. Do at least something, do not give yourself time for reflection and dull thoughts.

Our mental state is closely related to our physical state. Whatever the real causes of apathy, it is caused by a decrease in the level of " happiness hormones- serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. You can increase their content in different ways.

delicious food

Many foods contain substances that improve our mood and help us feel energized. First of all it is:

  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • seaweed;
  • hot and hot peppers;
  • nuts;
  • meat and fish;
  • citrus fruits, especially oranges and tangerines;
  • and, oddly enough, celery. Of course, celery coffee doesn't taste as good as chocolate; but the soup with celery has simply miraculous properties.

However, you can just eat something tasty. Why not delight your taste buds? This will most favorably affect your well-being.


Forget about lying on the couch and feeling sorry for yourself! Move. Make your body work, energize it. It doesn't matter which method you choose: sports, outdoor games, swimming, dancing. All this helps to fight apathy and fills the body with energy. Do not be afraid to get a little tired - a pleasant tension in the muscles will cause psychological relief, and you will quickly feel how the bad mood goes away.

Walking is especially useful in such cases. They not only saturate the blood with oxygen; they also drive away dull thoughts and allow you to feel the pleasure of life.

But there are a few rules:

  • You need to go fast. Leave a leisurely step for a romantic walk. Walk as fast as your health allows you, but never break into a run. As soon as you feel tired, stop and rest a little, and then start moving again.
  • Don't think anything bad. Difficult requirement, yes. But extremely important. Great help in such cases, music and headphones.
  • Don't set yourself a specific goal. Go where your eyes look. Or, if you find it difficult to force yourself to "waste time without meaning", assign a remote address as the endpoint. During the day, it could be a shop or salon on the other side of the city; and at night, you can simply set yourself the task of going around the whole area in a circle!

A curious fact speaks in favor of hiking: a few kilometers walked briskly before menstruation almost completely removes the discomfort in the lower abdomen. And, of course, such activity helps to get rid of extra pounds.

In addition, all types of activities that provoke the release of adrenaline into the blood help fight depression. Buy a roller coaster ticket, go skydiving, or just go for a bike ride. And even better - master a new active type of recreation that will energize you.

Onward to change!

It's hard to believe - but psychologists call the monotony of life as the main reason for a bad mood. Vivid impressions make us feel excitement, and it generously saturates the blood " hormones of joy". That is why, in order to cheer up, sometimes it is enough to bring a little novelty into your existence.

It can be a trip to the hairdresser or spa, cosmetic repairs, a new manicure and, of course, shopping. Statistics show that going to the store, even if you are not going to buy anything big, drives away apathy and helps you look at the world from a more positive angle. But be careful: any item bought in this condition can later remind you of a bad period in your life. Therefore, be prepared, in which case, without pity, throw all the rubbish bought during the depression into the garbage chute!

However, this advice applies not only to things. Train yourself to part with what has already become obsolete and has no real value for you:

  • phone numbers you don't call;
  • relationships that weigh on you;
  • notebooks, names and birthdays in which you don’t even remember;
  • jokes that you are tired of laughing at;
  • activities that are no longer enjoyable.

All this binds us to the past and prevents us from enjoying life.


It's a paradox - but a bad mood is afraid of laughter. The muscles of our face “remember” emotions, and, folding into a smile, give a command about fun to the brain. Of course, joy will not appear immediately. But this only means that a massive attack on depression must be carried out.

Have a little holiday for yourself. It is not necessary to wait for a round date. You can always find a reason to party: it can be the anniversary of the first date, the victory of the husband's favorite team in the championship, or even the birthday of a pet. Invite your friends, turn on the music, and soon you will feel like you are starting to have real fun.

How to prevent depression

There are situations when conventional methods are powerless to cheer up. In these cases, psychologists talk about depression - a long-term state of depression, apathy, self-doubt.

It is possible and necessary to fight this disaster. In the most severe cases, of course, you can not do without the help of a specialist. But usually, it is quite possible to cope with their own forces. The main thing is to constantly remember that poor health and failure will not haunt us all the time.

Life goes on, even if it is difficult for us to believe that it is beautiful:

  • Find yourself a hobby that will, at least from time to time, take all your attention without a trace.
  • Don't be afraid to show your personality. We are all geniuses in this or that activity, but we often lock up our “Picasso” or “Mozart”, afraid of being misunderstood. Why should you conform to other people's opinions? Start doing something that you are good at, even if your hobby is strange to others. Origami, playing the trumpet, beading or composing haiku can all help you feel like you belong. And this is the first step to recovery.
  • Give yourself the opportunity to vent bad emotions. Write down all your grievances, failures and disappointments on a large piece of paper, or even better - express it all in front of a mirror. Feel free to complain about fate from time to time!
  • Don't focus on yourself. Find someone who needs your help. If charity and volunteering are not to your liking, get a cat, aquarium fish or a houseplant. Caring for others will help break the vicious cycle.

These recommendations were developed based on the experience of working with people living or working in Europe, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Canada, Israel, who involuntarily had to figure out their own health, because the doctor simply refused to discuss this in the absence of changes in the analyzes. Therefore, the "Sokolinsky System", which you will read about here, is designed to independently influence the causes of poor health, so as not to passively wait for it to turn into a real illness.

Read about the most likely causes of poor health

Meet the author of the methodology, make sure you can trust these tips How to start using the technique

The program of the Sokolinsky Center in Prague is intended for use in Europe, Ukraine, Israel, Kazakhstan, but can also be sent to Russia, if for some reason it is more convenient for you. The result of its use for a month is a comprehensive improvement in the condition, self-regulation of the organs, restoration of energy and vitality!

In practice, I can tell you that living in another country and faced with the need to work 14 hours a day in completely new conditions, using two new foreign languages ​​​​for me in my work, changing food, water, climate, I would not be able to do this, if I had not applied myself the same methods that I talk about on this site.

Vladimir Sokolinsky, member of the Russian National Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians, European Association of Natural Medicine, American Association of Nutrition Practitioners, author of 11 books.

Watch the video to explain why you feel this way!

Why are you worried about feeling unwell?

The latent ones mainly include sexually transmitted infections, as well as viral ones - herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, papillomavirus, and especially fungi - candida. Differing in an asymptomatic course, they, nevertheless, become a source of chronic intoxication of the body.

The leading symptom of iron deficiency anemia is chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Anemia is not only of alimentary origin, but in itself can be a symptom and a consequence of a disease accompanied by latent bleeding: erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, polyps. In women, it often develops due to heavy menstruation. At the same time, iron may well be absorbed from food sources if the intestinal microflora is restored and the liver functions normally.

Sharp weakness, anxiety and nervousness are often the only symptom of diseases such as hypertension, thyrotoxicosis. The initial stage of type 2 diabetes is also accompanied by chronic fatigue. In addition, the characteristic signs of latent diabetes are itching (especially severe in the groin), frequent urination.

If you have been examined and nothing serious has been found, or the treatment has given a short-term effect, try to go deeper into the issue using the Sokolinsky System. Here is a detailed description of the mechanism of action, the composition of natural remedies, the scheme of administration.

European natural system of health promotion and performance improvement.

You can influence the causes of feeling unwell, not just the symptoms.

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What is usually forgotten? And this is most often the reason!

In the absence of acute, chronic or hidden diseases, the causes of poor health may be hidden in various functional disorders due to an unhealthy lifestyle or poor ecology. These include:

- chronic intoxication (alcohol, long-term drug therapy, modern foods rich in chemicals),

- dysbacteriosis,

- violation of the liver, including with fatty hepatosis

beriberi, mineral deficiency,

- sleep disturbance

The pathological influence of these factors causes reversible disorders, but only up to a certain point, and then the internal reserves are depleted and the disease develops.

Frequent use of alcohol, even in moderate doses, causes depression and fatigue. Uncontrolled and prolonged use of medications poisons the body, they are deposited in the tissues and overload the liver.

Malnutrition, the discrepancy between its nutritional value and physical and mental stress leads to beriberi, protein deficiency, and hence - metabolic disorders.

It includes Curcuminum Q10 complex, which you have already started drinking during detox, and also an innovative product for activating antifungal immunity based on bacterial lysates Lisatyn Premium + natural immunomodulator Immunarium (includes mushroom polysaccharides, a proteolytic enzyme and the trace element zinc in an easily digestible form to enhance local immunity).

Read about "Infection Cleansing Program"

If the doctor said that there is no illness, but you feel bad!

What to do then? This question is asked by many after a series of analyzes and surveys. The first thing you should try to do is to take a course of cleansing the intestines, liver, and at the same time maintain the level of energy in the body with natural means.

The "Sokolinsky system", which has been practiced in Russia for about 20 years and is now being produced in Europe, is based on the impact on the causes of possible unclear ailments.

It is based on cleansing the body of various toxins that weaken it, restoring proper digestion, restoring the level of cellular energy + supplementing the diet with natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

For detoxification at three levels by natural means, Ziflanium and NutriDetox are produced especially for us in the Czech Republic. They are aimed at cleansing the intestines and liver. At the same time, rebiosis is carried out - a replacement for a friendly microflora of the intestines, mucous membranes and skin with the help of Balance. Premium Probiotic

In addition to them, for a faster effect, we usually also add Kurkumin Q10 Complex to the complex in order to restore strength at the cellular level in a safe way already in the first 14 days of administration.

The complex is really wonderful, because it is designed to affect most of the possible problems of feeling unwell with the minimum amount of medication taken. You can use it in Europe, Israel, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia.

European Premium Program. Detox. Digestion. Immunity. Energy

If stress and disturbed sleep is the main reason for your poor health

Because the greater the intensity of experiences, the more the nervous system absorbs nutrients and oxygen. This is easy to verify. When you are actively studying or working, making a large number of decisions during the day, switching from task to task, you often crave sweets to support yourself. So the body with the help of glucose tries to raise the level of energy. But if you use fast carbohydrates as fuel all the time, it will end in diabetes. Since the body burns sugar like gasoline - instantly. It is easier to protect nerve cells from overexcitation. If you analyze your day, then remember that you did a lot in the bustle - without concentration. Therefore, more time and effort was spent on regular work.

The second important point is to achieve recovery during sleep. To do this, it must be at least 7 hours a day and deep enough.

In the "Sokolinsky System" we use two effective natural remedies to protect nerve cells from overload if there is frank stress in life.

First of all, you can complete your detox and cellular energy recovery with the Mycostress formula. It is based on the practice of Chinese medicine, but is produced in Europe and therefore has a guaranteed quality. Mycostress is primarily suitable for people who are quick-tempered and hyper-responsible. The course of admission is 2 months, 2 tablets 2 times a day, along with a cleansing program and then on your own. Non-addictive, morning sleepiness, increases concentration.

The second very suitable option to alleviate your well-being is Nevrolaxin. This is already a traditional Bulgarian herbal medicine based on herbs collected in the Rhodope Mountains. In Russia, we have been using Nevrolaxin for stress since 2002 and have had excellent results in thousands of people. This recipe of the hereditary herbalist Dr. Toshkov is especially suitable for those who tend to worry, get upset, and cannot fall asleep due to an excess of thoughts.