Animal psychotherapist - zoopsychologist. Animal psychotherapist - zoopsychologist "It was an interesting adventure and the knowledge I needed very much for minimal money, because such an amount of material received is priceless

Zoopsychologist Animal behavioral psychologist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

One of the stars of animal psychology is an Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz(1903-1989).

Zoopsychologist, one of the founders of ethology, laureate (together with K. Frisch and N. Tinbergen) of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for studies of individual and group behavior of animals.

Lorentz - the creator of the theory of imprinting - imprinting in the memory of animals the distinctive features of objects. Lorenz discovered imprinting while working with greylag geese. He noticed that in the first hours after birth, goslings remember moving objects that are nearby and transfer their orientation towards their parents to them. In other words, they take the first object that comes across as a mother goose.

Lorenz wrote wonderful popular science books: "The Ring of King Solomon", "A Man Finds a Friend", "The Year of the Gray Goose".

They are a must read for anyone who dreams of becoming a zoopsychologist.

Among the scientific works: "Evolution and modification of behavior", "Behavior of animals and humans", "Behind the mirror. A study of the natural history of human knowledge" and others.

Features of the profession

Zoopsychologists should not be confused with cynologists, felinologists, trainers and other specialists who can control the behavior of animals.

Animal psychology is a branch of psychology.

Zoopsychology is associated with ethology (from the Greek. éthos - character), the science of the behavior of various animal species in natural conditions.

However, zoopsychology is primarily interested not in behavior as such, but in mental processes. Even representatives of the same species or breed, and even from the same brood, behave differently. This will be confirmed by experienced owners of cats and dogs.

Zoopsychologists are interested in both wild and domestic animals, the psyche of which has great differences. After all, a pet is part of the human family. Even his ideas about getting food are completely different from those of a wild relative. For example, most domestic dogs and cats prefer to forage for food in the refrigerator rather than hunting. And a person is perceived as a member of his flock.

Also, zoopsychologists investigate anomalies in the behavior of animals (fear, aggressiveness, inexplicable stubbornness, etc.). A good specialist can find out the cause and explain to the owner how to fix the problem. Often strange behavior is a manifestation of disorders of the nervous system. And sometimes - a reaction to some situation that worries the dog. The dog itself cannot explain the essence of the problems to the owner, of course. Rather, she makes him understand, but the owner does not understand. That's why you need a zoopsychologist.

Zoopsychologists are also needed if problems occur with farm animals. For example, suddenly the milk yield of cows on the farm decreases. A specialist can investigate the situation and find out the cause.


Zoopsychologists work in research institutes, consult in canine centers, privately.

Where do they teach

Animal psychology is studied at the faculties of psychology. And also at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev and other universities.

The main task of a trainer or cynologist is to teach the dog the necessary skills and command execution, develop obedience, and improve physical fitness. Unlike a cynologist, a zoopsychologist can also teach commands, but his ultimate goal is to build the correct system of behavior in a pet based on various approaches and methods. With each animal, the zoopsychologist evaluates the tasks and opportunities set by the owner and, based on this, develops a behavior modification program.

I chose the profession of an animal psychologist in order to constantly develop. Daily practice allows you to confirm certain theoretical knowledge empirically, experiment, develop your own methods. The work of a zoopsychologist can hardly be called routine: each case is unique and at the same time there are general patterns that are interesting to identify and study in practice.

Animal psychology is widespread in the West, but not in our country. Where is it taught?

Indeed, in the West, our profession is not only popular, but also very much in demand in society. In our country, you can become a bachelor of zoopsychology by studying the subject as a direction in psychology or biology (Lomonosov Moscow State University and others). Then you can go to the magistracy and graduate school.

There are short courses that provide basic knowledge of animal psychology, and I recommend that anyone who is going to have a pet or is already experiencing difficulties with his behavior, attend such courses and apply the knowledge gained in order to communicate comfortably with their pet. Methods are constantly being improved, so it is worth reading publications on zoopsychology on your own, although many have not yet been translated into Russian.

What do you do at work?

The everyday life of a zoopsychologist is dynamic, and every day is not like the previous one. Every day I help owners and their pets to establish contact with each other, look for the causes of deviations in the behavior of the animal, sources of stress that need to be eliminated, tell and show what and how to do in order to make living together enjoyable and joyful. In addition to personal meetings with the owners, I advise by phone on various issues that arise in the process of working out "homework".

Is it true that a zoopsychologist can not only correct the behavior of an animal, help the owners with its adaptation in the family, cope with difficult and problematic cases, but also tell you which animal to choose in order to be psychologically compatible with it?

It's true. Often, when getting a pet, not everyone is aware of the consequences of responsibility for those who have been tamed. Both psychological and physiological compatibility of the owner and pet is important, each breed of dogs and cats has its own character, which must be taken into account when choosing a new family member. Everyone has their own habits and characteristics, and the appearance of a pet should not radically change the way of life. Unless, of course, the future owner himself does not set such a goal. I am sure that if people would more often seek advice from a zoopsychologist before choosing a kitten or puppy, the number of homeless and abandoned animals in our country would be significantly reduced.

What personal qualities should a zoopsychologist have? To whom is the profession contraindicated?

The main quality is a combination of sensitivity and empathy with firmness of character. Sometimes it is very difficult for us to prove to the owners that the proposed method of communicating with a pet is effective, and it is worth following all the instructions from beginning to end in order to achieve the desired effect. The power of persuasion, individual approach, flexibility and willingness to always help are the key characteristics of a successful zoopsychologist. This profession is categorically contraindicated for people who do not like animals, do not know how to find contact with them, and are prone to aggression.

Dachshund - Vice World Winner at the World Dog Show in Moscow June 23-26, 2016

What difficulties do you have to face? Are there any unpleasant moments in this seemingly sweet profession?

The most difficult thing in our profession is working with people, not. Sometimes the owners think that it is the animal that is the source of unpleasant situations, while they themselves are not ready or with great difficulty admit their own mistakes and begin to work on themselves. We often hear unflattering personal comments addressed to us, but this should not affect the results of work and disturb emotional peace. When all options have already been tried, and the owner is not ready to meet halfway, the zoopsychologist has the right to refuse further communication. Sometimes this acts as a catalyst, and after a certain time, the owner himself returns with an offer to “try everything again”.

And what are the advantages of the profession? Why would you agree to work even for free?

Communication with owners and pets in itself is very exciting and interesting, and when it becomes a profession, it is a unique opportunity to participate in a lifetime of research. However, I take the position that any work must be paid, since this work requires full emotional return, and the costs must be rewarded.

By the way, about money… How much are the services of a zoopsychologist in demand? Where should a beginner go?

The services of a zoopsychologist in our country are not as in demand as in the West. It is mostly a private practice, recommendations that are passed from hand to hand when the results of the work attract new clients. "Word of mouth" helps to find a professional cynologist and handler. At the beginning of the journey, it is difficult to prove one's competence, and here it is necessary to show firmness of character and not stop there. You can try to join a strong team of professionals to gain experience with minimal risk to your own reputation, which is often easier than sailing on your own. It all depends on the situation and the person himself, but the main thing is that it leads to professional realization.

What misconceptions about the profession of an animal psychologist have you come across?

The most important misconception is that people do not fully understand the essence of the profession, its goals and meaning. Cynologists in our country are familiar to society, this is a traditional profession, and a zoopsychologist is a new and incomprehensible phenomenon. Many owners believe that they know everything about the behavior of their ward, and no animal psychologist will tell them anything new. In this situation, the owner gets used to saying over and over again: “We didn’t agree on the characters,” “Yes, we have such a strange one,” or “Better not leave your shoes there, you risk it,” and so on. These phrases justify the owner, shifting responsibility to the pet. Our task is to eradicate these stereotypes, to show that the joint work "owner - zoopsychologist - pet" can prevent or save owners from many problems and ensure easy coexistence based on mutual understanding.

What to look for those who are going to develop in this profession? What inspires or provides valuable experience?

All beginners should be patient - in moments of complete despair, gather their will into a fist and move on. Today, in the era of digital technologies, the Internet and social networks, there is a unique opportunity to communicate with colleagues even over long distances, share experiences at specialized sites, argue on professional topics and find answers to unsolvable questions, get information about new courses, advanced training, author's seminars , books, information portals.

Success will come to those who work hard every day. It would be nice to have a mentor who will pass on knowledge and many years of experience and inspire. I am very lucky in this. There is nothing better than a good example!

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Academy opens courses in animal psychology and comparative psychology

In January 2019, we are opening a new one and a half month course in zoopsychology. The Academy of the Moscow Zoo offers an academic course in zoopsychology and comparative psychology. The basic part of this course is based on lectures given at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov by the staff of the laboratory of zoopsychology under the direction of K.E. Fabry, which is significantly supplemented by modern ideas in the field of psychology, cognitive and emotional abilities of animals. We give a special place to the causes of the development of pathological forms of behavior and the psyche, as well as issues related to their prevention and correction.

The course includes hands-on animal observation exercises in which participants will learn to describe their behavior, separating it from interpretation.
Animal psychology is now a very popular discipline. Many practitioners, when offering pet training services or handling pet problems, need to know about the mental, cognitive and emotional capabilities of their pets. Unfortunately, “zoopsychology” today is often represented only by a set of practical techniques (often quite successful) and empirical experience in changing the behavior of pets and their owners and does not rely on broader, systemic ideas about the patterns and features of the functioning of the psyche.

Originating as one of the branches of psychology, zoopsychology develops criteria for mental reflection, considers the causes and conditions for the appearance of mental forms of reflection and their development in the course of evolution, studies the cognitive and emotional characteristics of different animal species and their relationship with the characteristics of their lives. One of the most intriguing and intensively developing areas of scientific zoopsychology at present is the study of the ontogeny (individual development) of mental abilities and the intricacies between "innate" and "acquired" personality traits and ways to learn. And, of course, the scope of interest of scientific zoopsychology includes the search for similarities and differences between animals and humans, as well as answers to the question of whether people are unique creatures in this world or are just a little different from their “smaller brothers”.

Our course is designed for people with higher or special secondary vocational education.

Classes are held once a week for 4 academic hours (from 19.00 to 22.15) for 1.5 months, in total 28 academic hours + 10 hours of independent work. First session January 22, 2019. The cost of the course is 32500 rubles.
After completing the course, according to the results of passing the test, students will be able to receive a diploma of advanced training in the discipline "Zoopsychology and comparative psychology".

I lead classesT:

Elena Fedorovich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, member of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University
M.V. Lomonosov, head of the zoopsychology group at the Department of General Psychology, student of K.E. Fabry.

Irina Semenova, employee of the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, zoopsychology group.

You can apply for training here.

Zoopsychologist Animal behavioral psychologist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

One of the stars of animal psychology is an Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz(1903-1989).

Zoopsychologist, one of the founders of ethology, laureate (together with K. Frisch and N. Tinbergen) of the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for studies of individual and group behavior of animals.

Lorentz - the creator of the theory of imprinting - imprinting in the memory of animals the distinctive features of objects. Lorenz discovered imprinting while working with greylag geese. He noticed that in the first hours after birth, goslings remember moving objects that are nearby and transfer their orientation towards their parents to them. In other words, they take the first object that comes across as a mother goose.

Lorenz wrote wonderful popular science books: "The Ring of King Solomon", "A Man Finds a Friend", "The Year of the Gray Goose".

They are a must read for anyone who dreams of becoming a zoopsychologist.

Among the scientific works: "Evolution and modification of behavior", "Behavior of animals and humans", "Behind the mirror. A study of the natural history of human knowledge" and others.

Features of the profession

Zoopsychologists should not be confused with cynologists, felinologists, trainers and other specialists who can control the behavior of animals.

Animal psychology is a branch of psychology.

Zoopsychology is associated with ethology (from the Greek. éthos - character), the science of the behavior of various animal species in natural conditions.

However, zoopsychology is primarily interested not in behavior as such, but in mental processes. Even representatives of the same species or breed, and even from the same brood, behave differently. This will be confirmed by experienced owners of cats and dogs.

Zoopsychologists are interested in both wild and domestic animals, the psyche of which has great differences. After all, a pet is part of the human family. Even his ideas about getting food are completely different from those of a wild relative. For example, most domestic dogs and cats prefer to forage for food in the refrigerator rather than hunting. And a person is perceived as a member of his flock.

Also, zoopsychologists investigate anomalies in the behavior of animals (fear, aggressiveness, inexplicable stubbornness, etc.). A good specialist can find out the cause and explain to the owner how to fix the problem. Often strange behavior is a manifestation of disorders of the nervous system. And sometimes - a reaction to some situation that worries the dog. The dog itself cannot explain the essence of the problems to the owner, of course. Rather, she makes him understand, but the owner does not understand. That's why you need a zoopsychologist.

Zoopsychologists are also needed if problems occur with farm animals. For example, suddenly the milk yield of cows on the farm decreases. A specialist can investigate the situation and find out the cause.


Zoopsychologists work in research institutes, consult in canine centers, privately.

Where do they teach

Animal psychology is studied at the faculties of psychology. And also at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev and other universities.

Laboratory of Animal Psychology at the Department of General Psychology

The Laboratory of Animal Psychology was established in 1977 through the efforts of the then Head of the Department and Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, and associate professor of the same department, a well-known specialist in the field of ethology and zoopsychology, a follower of N.N. Ladygina-Kots. From 1990 to 2008 the laboratory worked under the guidance of a student of K.E. Fabry - .

Over the period that has passed since then, specialists have left the laboratory who have found application for their knowledge in the field of psychology and animal behavior in institutes and scientific centers of the CIS and Russia, in scientific departments of zoos and nature reserves. Several dissertations were defended on the orientation and research activity of animals, the study of the motivation of animal games, a comparative analysis of the manipulative activity of different mammalian species, and the ontogeny of the intelligence of anthropoids.

Currently, the laboratory of zoopsychology at the Department of General Psychology continues to work with a small staff, the research topics, in accordance with the requirements of today, have changed somewhat. Along with the problems related to the field of fundamental research - the study of psychological patterns and mechanisms underlying the anthropogenic evolution of higher vertebrates (the result of the work was the monograph by N.N. Meshkova and E.Yu. Fedorovich “Orientation and research activities, imitation and play as Psychological Mechanisms of Adaptation of Higher Vertebrates to an Urbanized Environment” by M. Argus) - applied topics appeared, such as “the role of pet animals in a modern urban family”, “abnormal behavior of animals kept in captivity”, etc.

The laboratory of zoopsychology conducts an active pedagogical activity. Laboratory staff read the basic course of lectures on zoopsychology and comparative psychology for students and trainees receiving a second higher education, conduct workshops on animal observation, supervise students' research work. To support the educational process, the Reader in Animal Psychology and Comparative Psychology was published, ed. N.N. Meshkova, E.Yu. Fedorovich, supplementing the textbook by K.E. Fabry “Fundamentals of Animal Psychology”.


  • senior research assistant Fedorovich Elena Yurievna;
  • ml. n. collaborator Emelyanova Svetlana Anatolievna

Main publications:

  1. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich E.Yu. Statement by A.N. Leontiev of the problem of the phylogenesis of the image of the world and modern research in zoopsychology // Vestn. Moscow Univ., Ser.14. Psychology - 1994.- No. 1.
  2. Meshkova N.N., Kotenkova E.Yu., Fedorovich E.Yu. Research behavior // House mouse. Origin, distribution, systematics, behavior. - M., 1994. - S. 214-229.
  3. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich E.Yu. Orientation-research activity, imitation and play as psychological mechanisms of adaptation of higher vertebrates to an urbanized environment. M., Argus. - 1996. - 226 p.
  4. Meshkova N.N. "Development of the psyche" A.N. Leontiev - a look after sixty years. //Traditions and prospects of the activity approach in psychology. School A.N. Leontiev. M.: Meaning. 1999.
  5. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich E.Yu. Actual problems of teaching zoopsychology and comparative psychology / Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14, Psychology. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. university, 2007 No. 3. S. 109-113.
  6. Varga A.Ya., Fedorovich E.Yu. On the psychological role of pets in the family. // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series Psychological Sciences. No. 3, Vol. 1, 2009. S. 22-35.
  7. Varga A.Ya., Fedorovich E.Yu. "A pet in the family system" "Issues of psychology" 2010. No. 1.

Other publications:

  1. Fedorovich E.Yu., Meshik V.A. “Teaching Monkeys to Draw at the Moscow Zoo”. Scientific research in zoological parks. Issue. 11. Moscow, 2000, pp. 131-134.
  2. Fedorovich E.Yu., Neprintseva E.S. “The work of a cynologist together with a psychologist - an excess or a necessity? On the issue of creating a cinego-psychological service”. Animals in the city. M. 2000. S. 144-146
  3. Fedorovich E.Yu., Neprintseva E.S. Appeal of the dog owner to the instructor-trainer: motives and motivations. Scientific collection RFSS №1. 2000. S. 21-30.
  4. Fedorovich E.Yu., Tikhonova G.N., Davydova L.V., Tikhonov I.A. Features of the research behavior of Microtus rossiaemeridianalis in connection with its tendency to synanthropy. Animals in the city. M. 2000, pp. 117-119.
  5. Fedorovich E.Yu. Is a dog always a man's best friend? Sat: Problems of the fauna of the city. M. Publishing House of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. 2001, pp. 70-76.
  6. Fedorovich E.Yu., Neprintseva E.S. A new form of work with dog owners: cynological and psychological consultation. Scientific collection RFSS №2. 2001, pp. 44-59.
  7. Neprintseva E.S., Fedorovich E.Yu. Correction of problematic behavior of dogs during temporary isolation. Scientific collection RFSS №2. 2001, pp. 34-43.
  8. Fedorovich E.Yu., Neprintseva E.S. The impact of early deprivation on the psyche and behavior of dogs. Scientific collection RFSS №3. 2002, pp. 50-68.
  9. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich E.Yu. The psyche as a factor in the anthropogenic evolution of animals. Yearbook of the Russian Psychological Society "Psychology and its applications". Vol.9, issue 2, M. 2002, pp. 64-65.
  10. Efimova Yu.V., Fedorovich E.Yu. The phenomenon of abnormal behavior in wild animals in captivity. Yearbook of the Russian Psychological Society. Special Issue.. V.2, M. 2005. S. 282-284
  11. Tikhonova G.N., Tikhonov I., Fedorovich E.Yu., Davydova L.V. Comparative analysis of orienting and exploratory behavior of Microtus sibling species in connection with different propensities for synanthropy. Zoological journal. 2005, vol. 84, no. 5, pp. 618-627.
  12. Shapiro A.G., Fedorovich E.Yu. Pets in a family-psychological context. // Psychology before the challenge of the future. Materials of scientific conference. November 23-24, 2006. Moscow State University: 2006. S. 340-341
  13. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich. Biological tendencies in the teaching of zoopsychology and comparative psychology today and their causes. // Psychology before the challenge of the future. Materials of scientific conference. November 23-24, 2006. Moscow State University: 2006. P. 44-45.
  14. Meshkova N.N., Fedorovich E.Yu. The specifics of teaching zoopsychology and comparative psychology today // “Materials of the All-Russian Conference with international participation “Traditions and prospects for the development of zoopsychology in Russia””, dedicated to the memory of N.N. Ladygina-Kots, October 24-26, 2006, Penza, 2007, pp. 86-91 (0.2 pp)
  15. Fedorovich E.Yu. Mental activity: behavior in situations of novelty depending on the rank of an individual in a group // ibid., pp. 115-122 (0.2 p.s.)
  16. Efimova Yu.V., Fedorovich E.Yu. Correction of different types of deviant behavior in wild animals in captivity // ibid., pp. 41-45 (0.2 p.l.).
  17. Fedorovich E.Yu., Varga A.Ya. Pets as elements of a family system: a view from the point of view of M. Bowen's Theory of Family Systems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference "Psychology of a Modern Article" (0.25 pp.) С 660-663.
  18. Fedorovich E.Yu., Neprintseva E.S., Meshkova N.N. Initiation of contact with humans by feral dogs: an ethological and sociological analysis. // Behavior and ecology of mammals. Materials of scientific conference. November 9-12, 2009, Chernogolovka. M.: Tov-vo scientific publications KMK. 2009. 142 p. S. 113.
  19. Fedorovich E.Yu. Anthropomorphism as one of the aspects of communication between humans and animals.// Journal of the International Institute of Reading. A.A. Leontiev. Understanding in the context of science, culture, education (Materials of the 14th scientific and practical conference on the psychology and pedagogy of reading, January 14-16, 2010, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. No. 9. 2010. P. 129 -132.