What to do if abundant discharge. Brown discharge in women: dark and light, profuse and spotting. What does bakposev on microflora show

The intimate life of a woman largely determines her mood, affects her overall well-being and self-esteem. In moments when something goes wrong, it is difficult to enjoy life or think about a career - first of all, every woman seeks to resolve personal issues. What problems can spoil the mood? Most often, the appearance of secretions and the associated unpleasant odor creates an uncomfortable situation.

If you are experiencing these issues, there is no need to panic. Let's try to understand the question: what should be the "correct" and "incorrect" vaginal discharge, and what to do if there are concerns about the state of health.

If it's all right

Even in the most healthy woman, about 1-2 ml of a secret of a transparent or whitish color is secreted from the vagina per day. The “medical” composition of these secretions is as follows:

● mucus of the cervical canal and discharge from its cavity (in a small amount);

● the secret of the glands of the vaginal part of the uterus and the vagina itself;

● vaginal transudate (physiological);

● dead epithelial cells and single leukocytes;

● lactobacilli and single representatives of coccal flora.

As you can see, in the composition of such secretions there is a normal microflora, there is no pus or other impurities. That is why there is no unpleasant odor in physiological secretions. They do not stain linen and do not irritate the mucous membrane. The microbial flora present in them consists of Doderlein sticks, a natural component that protects the female organs from bacteria, and a single coccal flora, sometimes a small number of macrophages are found there.

Microbes "good and bad"

However, things don't always go smoothly. The state of the vaginal flora is affected by many factors that can cause it to change for the worse. This may include:

● unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition, excessive use of antibiotics, especially without a doctor's prescription;

● reduced immunity;

● hormonal disorders;

● childbirth, abortion, miscarriage;

● frequent change of sexual partners, "unprotected" sex;

● non-compliance with the hygiene of the genitals;

● chronic diseases and inflammation of the internal genital organs and urinary system.

Because of all this, instead of Doderlein sticks, a diverse abundant coccal and anaerobic flora (atopobium, mobiluncus and gardnerella) appears in the vagina and bacterial vaginosis (dysbiosis) occurs. The type and composition of vaginal discharge changes: they become abundant, cloudy, yellowish or grayish in color and acquire the smell of stale fish. Itching and discomfort during sexual intercourse may occur. Sometimes painful cracks appear on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Here you need to immediately pay attention to your health, but ...

My own gynecologist

For some reason, many women, despite such pronounced symptoms, without understanding the essence of the issue, make a diagnosis for themselves, as a rule, believing that it is thrush. But with thrush, a completely different symptomatology is observed. The discharge in this case is also plentiful, but white and cheesy (hence the name of the disease) and do not smell like rotten fish. As a result, women prescribe treatment for themselves and struggle with a non-existent disease for a long time, while the vaginal environment worsens even more and dysbiosis intensifies, which, progressing, can cause unpleasant consequences:

● increased risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections;

● ectopic pregnancy;

● infertility;

● increases the likelihood of complications after various gynecological operations;

● endometritis (after abortion, caesarean section, childbirth);

● pathological uterine bleeding;

● spontaneous abortions, late miscarriages, premature births in pregnant women;

● intrauterine infection and, as a result, intrauterine growth retardation, the birth of a baby with a body weight below the norm.

What to do?

Not every woman, due to her workload and other reasons, can visit a gynecologist, but before prescribing any medicine for herself, you need to at least understand the problem. You can find out what happened by passing a simple test, by the result of which you can already understand the cause of your “female” problem. diagnosis and pass smears on the flora. Only after the tests are ready, it will be possible to judge the final diagnosis.

Sometimes even a simple smear does not give a result and you have to resort to PCR (DNA diagnostics), which allows you to detect even a small amount of the pathogen. If the doctor has prescribed such a procedure, be sure to go through it. By identifying the pathogen, you can cure the disease as quickly as possible.

How to prevent vaginosis

● It is known that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, when prescribing antibiotics, “protect” your microflora by using Lactagel. This tool is very convenient, as it is produced in special tubes, syringes, and any woman can insert it into her vagina without the participation of a doctor.

● During menstruation, the pH value of the vagina changes markedly. In the first days (day 2-3), the environment in it is practically neutral, pH 7.0. In the next 3 days in healthy women, it sharply becomes more acidic 4.0-4.5 and remains in this state until the next critical days. The risk of developing bacterial vaginosis during menstruation increases. Diseases can be easily avoided by using Lactagel in the first days after the end of menstruation as a prophylactic.

● If you have intestinal dysbiosis, which threatens to cause dysbiosis in the vagina, an excellent way to avoid problems in the genital area is to use 1-2 tubes of Lactagel per week. This is done for preventive purposes.

● If dysbiosis still manifests itself, then Lactagel will be a reliable assistant in the fight against it. It will help eliminate bad breath and speed up the healing process.

● This product is not an antibiotic, is not habit-forming and can be taken for any length of time without any side effects.

However, it is worth remembering that even such a wonderful tool will not replace a visit to the doctor and taking prescribed medications. If you still have questions, ask them to a specialist through the contact form. Answers to all questions here can be obtained absolutely free of charge.

Discharge in women and girls should always be - this is the natural state of the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, thanks to the secretions, the vagina is independently cleansed of various bacteria, dead cells, menstrual blood, and mucus. Most often, natural discharge does not have a color, but sometimes the appearance of white discharge in girls and women can raise a question - is this normal or are they pathological, indicating a disease.

When is white discharge considered normal?

Often, white discharge in girls is somewhat more abundant than in women of reproductive, middle age, or women during menopause. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background is just being formed in girls, the hormonal background is beginning to stabilize, and in middle-aged women this process has already been completed and is more permanent. Normally, both in girls and in women before menopause, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment, due to the presence of lactobacilli, which form lactic acid. This environment is detrimental to pathogenic microorganisms, it is unfavorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. So, what kind of discharge can be considered the norm?

Why does a girl have white discharge with a sour smell?

White mucous discharge in girls and women is commonly called whites. They are a natural waste product of the body, since the cells that cover the walls of the vagina are constantly being updated. Dead cells are constantly sloughed off, mixed with mucus. In addition, the discharge from the cervix is ​​also part of the whites, therefore, physiologically during ovulation, the amount of discharge from the cervix increases, they become more stretchy, mucous. Therefore, it is normal if the discharge is transparent or white, while nothing else worries the woman, neither, nor burning, nor pain.

However, if a white discharge with a sour smell appears, while the itching or discomfort is either significant or only intermittent, this may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis. a lot - these are hormonal changes, failures, taking hormonal contraceptives, during pregnancy there is very often thrush, hygiene disorders, abuse of flavored and antibacterial intimate hygiene products, colored toilet paper, taking antibiotics, stressful situations, climate change, nutritional errors - abuse sweets, diets, synthetic underwear, douching too often ()

What discharge may indicate a disease?

With a decrease in local or general immunity, with a violation of hygiene, taking antibiotics, with hormonal failures, opportunistic organisms that are normal in the vagina, without causing harm, can begin to multiply and lead to an inflammatory process. If a girl has the following discharge pattern, this is a symptom of any diseases or disorders and requires examination and a thorough examination by a gynecologist:

  • Very profuse, white thick curdled discharge in girls. If the discharge resembles cottage cheese, while the woman experiences itching and burning in the vagina, especially sitting cross-legged, this is bright and girls. Moreover, thrush or vaginal candidiasis does not depend on whether the girl is sexually active or not.
  • Foamy, profuse discharge - more than 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Discharge of any pronounced color - brown discharge, yellow, green or other noticeable shades.
  • Unpleasant smell - putrid smell, sour, onion smell and others.
  • Any suspicious discharge, especially when accompanied by itching, dryness, or discomfort during intercourse, redness of the vulva, pain in the lower abdomen (on one side or both sides just below the navel), fever, or persistent pain during and after intercourse .

If whites began to change color, smell, quantity, and irritation and discomfort appear in the genital area, this is considered pathological changes and discharge, and the cause of their appearance should be determined. Also, the discharge can be of different origin, that is, come from different parts of the female reproductive system. The classification of secretions by origin is as follows:

  • Tube whites- appear with inflammation of the fallopian tubes, while fluid accumulates in the tubes, which first enters the uterus, then exits through the neck into the vagina.
  • Vaginal leucorrhea- this is the most harmless discharge, when, with inflammatory diseases of the vagina, various white, yellow discharges appear, most often with an unpleasant odor - this can be trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, thrush, etc.
  • Cervical leucorrhea- appear with inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) of any etiology. The cause may be mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Uterine leucorrhea- with endometritis of any etiology. In this case, the inflammatory exudate drains through the cervical canal into the vagina and mixes with the vaginal secretions.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there can be more than 100 reasons that cause a change in the color and nature of the discharge, based on the external description of the discharge, not a single gynecologist can establish a diagnosis without laboratory diagnostics. Theoretically, only abundant, strong white curd discharge in girls and women can be an unmistakable diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. However, thrush is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, so only smear and bacterial culture tests, as well as tests for STIs, can establish the true cause of a change in a woman's discharge. The color of the discharge can only give a little hint in which direction the research should be carried out more thoroughly:

  • Transparent whites, foaming can be .
  • Gray shade of white with a characteristic fishy smell, most often occurs with gardnerellosis,.
  • Greenish discharge- discharge with such a shade speaks of a purulent process, since a large number of leukocytes give the discharge a green color. The stronger the inflammatory process, the more leukocytes, and, accordingly, the more green tint in the discharge.
  • yellow discharge- this may be one of the symptoms of trichomoniasis, since inflammation in trichomoniasis is most often localized in the vagina, in which the concentration of leukocytes is lower.
  • Discharge in girls white color- can both be a symptom of thrush, and be the norm. Since with a mild degree of vaginal candidiasis, there may not be significant itching and burning, only occasionally and slightly, therefore, if more abundant, too white, thick, curdled discharge appears, you should visit a gynecologist and find out whether it is thrush or not.

However, it is not necessary to unequivocally regard the color of the whites as a diagnosis of the disease, only tests are able to establish an accurate diagnosis in pathological discharges.

When to see a doctor for white discharge?

If the white discharge from a girl or woman is not more than a teaspoon per day, is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then you should not worry. However, if the discharge becomes very plentiful, cheesy, frothy, thick, appears, changes color to yellow, green, gray, any unpleasant odor appears, especially if any of the above is supplemented by itching, burning, pain, even not high, subfebrile temperature is a reason to see a doctor:

  • First, the gynecologist conducts an examination on the chair. In the mirrors, you can see the walls of the vagina and the cervix - in what condition they are, inflamed or not, whether there are pathological discharges from the cervix and what they are.
  • In some cases, a doctor may perform a colposcopy to rule out or confirm cervical dysplasia or erosion.
  • If an STI is suspected, in addition to the usual smear for flora and bacteriological culture, the gynecologist can send a PCR smear for analysis.
  • If the patient complains of pain, menstrual irregularities, etc., if inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages or the uterus itself are suspected, a transvaginal ultrasound is indicated, which can help in establishing a complete clinical picture.

What is vaginal discharge?

Many women do not understand what vaginal discharge is and often try to get rid of it with enhanced personal hygiene. However, discharge is a natural secret of the mucous membranes, which has its own unique functions, like many other biological fluids in the human body - blood, saliva, gastric juice. Its absence can also indicate the presence of pathology, as well as a change in color or amount of discharge.

Distinguish between pathological discharge and normal discharge. A gynecologist can advise a woman about their nature in the most correct form, the patient herself only needs to be attentive to her body and the ability to distinguish its normal state from a state in which any deviations are found. In order to understand which discharges are normal and which are not, you need to know about the symptoms of the appearance of some common abnormalities and diseases of the genital organs.

Normal vaginal discharge and causes of abnormalities

The easiest way is to first determine the list of normal types of discharge in women, which should not be frightening:

  • Mucous clear discharge, possibly profuse, appears before ovulation.
  • Discharges of a creamy or jelly-like type and copious nature are natural in the first half of the menstrual cycle.
  • Creamy or jelly-like meager discharge is characteristic of the second half of the cycle.
  • White or clear discharge of a liquid nature may be present for some time after sexual contact.
  • Bloody or reddish streaks may appear in the discharge before ovulation.
  • Brown discharge is the norm in the first weeks of taking hormonal contraceptives.
  • White, odorless discharge during pregnancy, which may increase throughout pregnancy.

Most normal discharge during the menstrual cycle can change in consistency and color, becoming thick, thin, whitish or clear, but should not have an unpleasant odor. The presence of such secretions is a normal condition for an adult woman, but with the development of certain types of diseases or conditions, deviations from the norm and the appearance of secretions of a different color or consistency are possible.

Among the most common causes of deviations in the color of the discharge:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • recent childbirth;
  • taking certain types of drugs;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • venereal diseases.

With each of these deviations from the usual way of life, there may be various variations in the color and density of the secretions, the appearance of a foreign unpleasant odor in them, or other features characteristic of a particular condition.

Clear vaginal discharge

Clear discharge is the most harmless and natural type of discharge in women. They can appear at any period of the menstrual cycle and consist of dead cells, mucous secretions, lactic acid bacteria, vaginal microflora and other waste products common to this environment. Their number rarely becomes abundant, and there is no smell at all. But the appearance of a faint sour smell should also not be frightening, since it can be given by lactic acid bacteria, which are normally found in any female secretions.

Transparent discharge with different variations is typical for:

  • The period of puberty of girls (from 10 years old) - at this age the body begins to prepare for the gradual inclusion of the reproductive systems of organs, and the discharge can be very plentiful. At the same time, they do not have any smell and do not cause discomfort.
  • Approaching ovulation - at this time, the amount of discharge increases to a maximum 1-2 days before ovulation itself.
  • The first phase of the cycle is thick and clear mucus.
  • The second phase of the cycle is scanty and thick discharge.

However, in some cases, even such discharge can cause discomfort. This is possible if a woman has a disease or an inflammatory process. If an unpleasant odor has been added to the transparent discharge, itching in the genital area, urination or sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain, then you should visit a gynecologist, since the presence of such symptoms may indicate the development of the disease. The most common diseases with such signs include:

  • Endometritis - an increase in the amount of vaginal mucus, which may also be accompanied by the appearance of blood clots and a sharp, unpleasant odor.
  • Salpingoophoritis is an inflammation that is also characterized by increased secretion of mucus and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Diseases of the cervix - bloody impurities are usually found in the secretions.
  • Dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis - a characteristic smell of rotten fish appears, the discharge is liquid, watery, sexual intercourse usually causes pain, and hyperemia occurs on the outer part of the genital organs.

Green discharge

The green color of the discharge belongs to pathological types, since it is a symptom of a whole list of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as inflammatory processes, during the development of which leukocytes fight infections and enter the vaginal secretion in large numbers.

Among the most common causes of green or yellow-green discharge are:

  • Bacterial vaginosis is a different type of inflammation caused by bacteria. The reason for their development can be either infection from a sexual partner, or ordinary stress or the onset of pregnancy. There may be itching and burning in the genital area.
  • Trichomoniasis - green discharge can be almost the only symptom of this dangerous disease, which is extremely difficult to diagnose. To confirm it, you must pass a special test, so the presence of green secretions should certainly become a reason to visit the clinic.
  • Thrush, or candidiasis - is also sometimes accompanied by greenish discharge of a jelly-like or curd-like appearance.
  • Pregnancy - green discharge may appear at the very beginning of pregnancy due to changes in the woman's body and changes in hormonal balance. Despite the fact that this is a normal physiological process, it is possible to activate latent infections against its background, which also requires consultation with a gynecologist.
  • Gonorrhea is an extremely dangerous disease that also requires a mandatory visit to a gynecologist and a course of treatment.
  • Inflammatory process - with it, the discharge, as a rule, acquires a yellowish-green appearance.

The green color of the discharge is an unhealthy variant of the norm, which can be attributed to any part of the menstrual cycle. The presence of secretions of this color always indicates changes in the body of a woman, which must be taken seriously.

yellow discharge in women

Yellow discharge may be the norm if their amount is limited and there is no smell. Many changes in a woman's body, both natural and pathological, can provoke such discharge. Discharge with a similar color can be normal only in cases where:

  • The amount does not exceed one teaspoon per day.
  • There is no odor.
  • The tint is muted, not bright.
  • The discharge is watery, without clots and with a uniform consistency.

In other cases, yellow discharge can be both the norm and a sign of pathology. Among the most common causes of such secretions are the following:

  • Recent births. Within 6-8 weeks after childbirth, a woman may experience yellowish discharge, which is not accompanied by significant discomfort. This is the norm for this period, however, there is always a possibility of infection, since at this time the female body is especially sensitive to various kinds of infections. Therefore, if the discharge bothers the woman or is accompanied by any discomfort, you should consult a doctor for advice and determine the reasons for the presence of yellow discharge.
  • Adnexitis is an inflammatory process in the genitals.
  • Salpingitis is also inflammation.
  • Vaginitis is an inflammation of the mucous tissues of the vagina, which is usually accompanied by pain and itching during sexual intercourse.
  • Gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis are sexually transmitted diseases that are often accompanied by yellowish-green discharge, clearly indicating an inflammatory process. Another important symptom of these diseases is the sharp and unpleasant smell of rotting fish.

Any of these reasons needs to be checked by a doctor and appropriate treatment prescribed. If unusual yellow discharge appears, you should definitely contact the clinic for testing.

White discharge

White discharge is normally present in any woman. Often their number increases before menstruation, after it ends and during pregnancy. Such secretions are also called "leucorrhea", and they should not bother a woman as long as their amount remains small, the consistency is uniform, and there is no unpleasant odor. In other cases, white discharge may be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, fungal infection, or inflammation. Among the most commonly diagnosed causes of white discharge are:

  • Vaginitis is an inflammation that occurs in the vaginal mucosa.
  • Adnexitis - inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  • Incorrectly selected personal hygiene products.
  • Omission of the walls of the vagina and colpitis.
  • Thrush, or candidiasis.
  • Taking hormonal drugs for a long time.
  • Some types of douching, washing out the flora from the vagina.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The amount of white discharge can increase dramatically before ovulation, so it is extremely difficult to judge the development of the disease during this period by their presence. If whites are present in large quantities at other times of the cycle or are accompanied by unusual conditions and symptoms, then you should definitely visit a gynecologist to rule out infections and diseases of the reproductive system.

Bloody discharge

Bloody secretions are considered the most dangerous and can be a symptom of many diseases, depending on their color, abundance and smell. This type of discharge should alert a woman if the amount of discharge is large and they are accompanied by other symptoms - pain, itching, burning. Such discharge can be a symptom of:

  • erosion of the cervix;
  • fibromas;
  • endometritis;
  • sarcomas;
  • cancer;
  • adenomyosis;
  • tumors.

Since the entire list of diseases consists of diagnoses that are extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman, such discharge should definitely be a reason to visit a doctor. However, spotting does not always mean the presence of any serious illness. In some cases, they can talk about other deviations from the normal state:

  • The occurrence of polyps, small ulcers, warts and other growths in the genitals, which become a source of anxiety and spotting.
  • Infection in the genitals.
  • Too dry vaginal mucosa can cause such discharge after sexual contact. Especially often such cases occur in women whose age is close to menopause.
  • After an abortion.
  • Taking inappropriate types of hormonal contraceptives.
  • The onset of menopause - during this period, spotting in small amounts at different times is considered the norm.

Any of these reasons requires an examination by a gynecologist and testing to make a diagnosis. Only when a disease or pathology is detected, a doctor can prescribe a treatment that will help get rid of such secretions.

black discharge

Black discharge is usually a variant of bloody discharge, when the color is too dark, and the discharge itself is characterized by increased density and heterogeneous consistency. Such discharge can also be both normal at certain periods and pathological. A similar color of discharge can serve as a symptom of such diseases and abnormalities:

  • Disorders of metabolism and functions of the endocrine system.
  • Sudden changes in weight - both obesity and loss of adipose tissue.
  • Prolonged inflammatory processes or infections.
  • consequences of chemotherapy.
  • Stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance that has arisen for various reasons.
  • endometriosis.
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium.
  • Reception of incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives or their abrupt cancellation.
  • Polyps on the genitals.
  • Some systemic diseases of the body.

To determine the exact cause of black discharge, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate tests, conduct an examination and determine the appropriate type of medicine. The reasons for such discharge can be very different, so only a specialist can make a specific diagnosis.

Discharge with odor

Not only the color of the discharge and their quantity, but also the smell can serve as a sign of the presence of a disease of the genital organs or pathology. Normally, vaginal discharge is odorless or has a slight sour smell. If an unpleasant odor appears that resembles rotten fish or sour-milk products, then this is a sure sign of the presence of a sexually transmitted disease, an inflammatory process, or an infection.

In most cases, the smell of secretions may indicate such diseases and conditions:

  • Inflammation caused by microorganisms. In such cases, the number of discharges is usually very large.
  • Disturbances in the metabolic system of the body of various nature.
  • Changes in the hormonal balance of the body for any reason.
  • Consequences of a long course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Violations of the rules of intimate hygiene of the genital organs.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The consequences of douching with strong antibacterial agents, as well as simply long douching courses that wash out the vaginal flora.
  • The development of oncological diseases of the genital organs.
  • Consequences of chemotherapy.
  • The presence of candidiasis, or thrush.
  • development of bacterial vaginosis.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Trichomoniasis.

This is not a complete list of possible problems, a symptom of which is a change in the smell of vaginal discharge. These are much more common than others. In any case, contacting a gynecologist is the right decision if there is discharge with an unusual smell. The sooner the cause of such a change is established, the easier it is to get rid of it and the faster the treatment is carried out.

Discharge treatment

The treatment of any discharge should take into account several factors - the cause of their appearance, the type of disease or abnormality in the body, the period of the menstrual cycle and other features of the body of each woman. In order for the treatment to be correct, a diagnosis is made to determine the cause of the discharge. As part of such a diagnosis, it may be necessary to:

  • delivery of cytology;
  • smear for STDs;
  • blood test for various diseases (depending on the nature of the discharge);
  • cultural research;
  • pH-metry - the study of the acidic environment of the vagina;
  • mycological study of the samples taken.

If necessary, other tests may be ordered by the doctor, but for most common diseases, passing several tests is enough. Treatment begins only after an accurate diagnosis has been made by the doctor, as it will consist of a set of drugs with a special effect. For venereal diseases, this is one set, for inflammatory processes, another. Also, if pathologies are detected, additional tests, surgical intervention or conservative therapy may be required. Therefore, drugs prescribed by a doctor should never be replaced by analogues without his permission.

Among the most common diseases and methods of their treatment:

  • Trichomoniasis - drugs such as Ornidazole, Metrinidazole, Nimorazole, Tinidazole are prescribed.
  • Bacterial vaginosis - Clindamycin, Metronidazole (in the form of a gel or tablets), Clindamycin, Ornisid forte.
  • Candidiasis (thrush) - antifungal drugs, Clotrimazole (in the form of vaginal tablets and cream), Irunin, Orungal, Isoconazole, Fluconazole, Mycomax, Flucostat.

These are the most commonly prescribed special profile drugs that are used in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and fungal infections, but a specific type of drug is prescribed only by a doctor after examination and analysis. Self-medication is ineffective and even dangerous, so you should follow the advice of specialists and always consult a doctor before taking any drug.

Discharge before menstruation and after menstruation

The presence of abundant, transparent, odorless discharge in the second half of the menstrual cycle and before menstruation is a normal condition for the female body, since this is how it reacts to the approaching menstruation. It is also not a pathology and the presence of a small amount of dark brown or brown discharge no more than two days before the onset of menstruation. But if there are more than two days before menstruation, then such discharge may indicate the development of certain types of diseases of the genital organs.

The same applies to discharge after menstruation. Dark brown discharge that persists for more than two days can also be a symptom of abnormalities, which may include:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus or appendages; endometriosis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • various dysfunctions of the reproductive system;
  • erosion of the cervix - if the discharge appears before menstruation.

Discharge before menstruation may also indicate the presence of systemic diseases that affect the work of many organs, and not just the reproductive system. These may include hematological abnormalities and adeomyosis.

If such discharge bothers a woman repeatedly, and is also accompanied by other symptoms - pain, itching, burning in the genital area, a change in the smell of discharge and their amount throughout the menstrual cycle, then you should definitely consult a doctor for an examination and treatment.

Discharge during intercourse

The nature of the discharge during intercourse and after it changes significantly, which often becomes a cause of concern for women. Normally, the discharge may acquire a thicker consistency, their number increases during sexual contact itself and for several hours after it. If the discharge has become white, but does not have an unpleasant odor, this is also within the normal range, since this is how old, used grease looks like. Its presence in the body of a woman is not only natural, but also necessary. The absence of such secretions may indicate dryness of the walls of the vagina, which is a pathology.

But sometimes during intercourse and after it, dark or bloody discharge appears, which can be a symptom of certain diseases and disorders:

  • Mechanical damage to the vagina - can occur after too intense sexual intercourse, the discharge is plentiful and accompanied by pain in the vaginal area.
  • Venereal diseases - with chlamydia, such discharge after sexual intercourse is not uncommon, since microorganisms destroy the mucous membranes and make them sensitive to any influences.
  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the genital organs.
  • Polyps of the cervical canal, the removal of which requires a series of tests.
  • Cervical cancer - spotting during intercourse is often the only symptom of the development of this dangerous disease, so when they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out an oncological process.

If such discharge is disturbing and accompanied by other symptoms, then the woman needs to consult a gynecologist and establish the cause of the presence of pathological discharge during intercourse.

Discharge in girls

Discharge, which is normally present in all adult women, in girls may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or vulvovaginitis. This disease is rare in adults, because the vaginal flora is too acidic for the development of coccal flora, but in childhood, girls do not yet develop natural protection against this pathogen.

The presence of abundant discharge in girls before puberty may indicate the following deviations:

  • Bacterial vulvovaginitis - its symptom will be hyperemia of the external genital organs, abscesses, yellow discharge.
  • Enterobiosis provoked vulvovaginitis - the reproduction of worms in the genital area.
  • Exudative diathesis - this disease often provokes dryness of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and hyperemia.
  • Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal disease that can occur due to stress and deterioration of the immune system.
  • With a foreign body in the vagina - this problem is relevant for young children. Toddlers can unknowingly injure themselves by trying to put a foreign body in their ear or nose - this is known to all parents, but in the same way they can injure the genitals.
  • The presence of trichomoniasis - the presence of green discharge may indicate infection with this disease. It is sometimes transmitted through the household, and is almost always transmitted from mother to newborn baby.
  • Infection with chlamydia, herpes or mycoplasmosis is possible during fetal development and childbirth, and also later - through the household route from adults.
  • The manifestation of an allergic reaction to hygiene products or underwear.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of discharge in a girl, you should always consult a doctor, since in childhood their presence may indicate serious pathologies or diseases that require treatment.

Discharge before and after childbirth

Pregnancy changes a lot in a woman's body, so it is often possible to talk about the cause of any discharge only after examining a gynecologist. However, there is a list of common causes of discharge before childbirth:

  • At 37-38 weeks and later, after examination by a gynecologist, brownish discharge may appear - this is normal, because at this time the fetus is already ripe, and the uterus is preparing for subsequent births.
  • A large amount of mucous secretions indicates the discharge of the cork. Sometimes blood may appear in them, but if the pregnant woman does not feel discomfort, this is also normal.
  • The presence of thrush - the discharge will be thick and white, curdled consistency. Before giving birth, you should definitely see a doctor and start timely treatment of this disease, since it can be transmitted to the baby at birth.
  • Placental abruption - diagnosed in the period close to childbirth, and can be quite dangerous if the necessary measures are not taken. In case of heavy bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Clear liquid discharge - may be a sign of amniotic fluid discharge, which can also be dangerous before childbirth and requires a visit to a doctor.
  • Fetal hypoxia - green or yellow discharge. The same discharge can appear when infected with some types of sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, they require a mandatory check by a gynecologist.

Most of these causes are eliminated when a pregnant woman quickly turns to doctors. Therefore, the appearance of any unusual discharge during pregnancy, and even more so before childbirth, should be a good reason to visit a doctor.

Discharge after an abortion

After a medical abortion, various types of discharge are possible - both dark and bloody, this is a consequence of the action of the drug, which provokes cell rejection according to the principle of miscarriage. But discharge after a surgical abortion can be a sign of an infection or other complications left after the intervention. Usually there are such common causes of discharge after an abortion:

  • Normal blood clotting is brown discharge, which can appear up to 10 days after the abortion.
  • Polyps - light brown discharge, accompanied by painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Endometriosis is a disease that often occurs as a consequence of an abortion.
  • Endometritis - pain during the restoration of the menstrual cycle, is considered the norm only if it does not cause significant discomfort, otherwise a mandatory gynecological examination is required, since endometritis can later become endometriosis.
  • Bacterial infections of various origins - their sign is yellow discharge, sometimes with a greenish tinge.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases can provoke an increase in the amount of yellow or greenish discharge after an abortion.

Any of these consequences requires a doctor's check and, if necessary, the appointment of appropriate treatment. Therefore, if unusual discharge appears after an abortion, you should definitely contact a specialist for testing and clarifying the diagnosis and the causes of such changes.

Vaginal discharge normally does not cause any inconvenience to a woman. However, many strive to get rid of any vaginal discharge completely, considering it to be a sign of illness or impurity, not realizing that the discharge is as normal as salivation in the mouth.

Allocations are a kind of signal for a woman. If they dramatically change their color and smell, this is a sign of a possible disease.

Vaginal discharge: description, meaning and characteristics

Vaginal discharge is absolutely normal and does not indicate any pathology or disease. The vagina itself is lined from the inside with a mucous layer with many glands that secrete mucus. If you know what discharge is considered normal, you can suspect an inflammatory process in time and consult a doctor.

Like the intestines, the vagina has its own microflora. It is inhabited by various bacteria, fungi, which maintain the condition of the mucosa, protect the walls of the vagina and uterus from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.Trying to get rid of secretions completely is not only pointless, but also dangerous. The absence of any mucus indicates that the mucosa does not have a protective layer, which means that the path for infection is open.

Discharge is the process of cleansing and protecting a woman's genitals.

Normally, in a woman, starting from the moment of the arrival of the first menstruation, mucus is regularly released from the vagina, supporting the microflora of the genital organs. The amount of mucus may increase during ovulation or before menstruation. Before the onset of menstruation, there should be no vaginal discharge. Regular secretion of mucus before puberty speaks of pathological processes in the body, inflammation, etc.

The composition of vaginal discharge is determined by cells and various microorganisms. Normally, they may contain coccal bacteria, viruses, and fungi, but with active reproduction, they will cause an inflammatory process.

Allotments include:

  • Slime from . The cervix contains glands that secrete mucus that protects the uterus from infection.
  • Epithelial cells from the uterus. Epithelial cells are constantly updated, and the old ones descend into the vaginal cavity and go outside.
  • Various microorganisms. The flora of the vagina is represented by various lactic acid bacteria, cocci bacteria, Dederlein sticks, and also in small quantities. Conditionally pathogenic bacteria can also be contained in secretions, however, at the onset of the inflammatory process, their number increases, which leads to various.

Color: the norm and possible diseases

Gynecologists say that normal discharge in a healthy woman is scanty, transparent and odorless. However, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body, the color of the discharge can vary to yellow.

As soon as the inflammatory process begins in the vaginal cavity, the color of the discharge changes. This is a signal to see a doctor and pass. It is not recommended to self-diagnose based on the color of vaginal discharge alone. The same symptom can be a manifestation of different.

What the color says:

  • Yellow. Yellow discharge from the vagina does not always indicate pathology. If they are light, not plentiful, then this is the norm. Even brighter yellow discharge is considered normal if it appears a day or two before menstruation. In this case, there is no reason for concern. Vaginal discharge of a pronounced yellow color is a sign of an inflammatory process, if they have a sharp unpleasant odor, increase sharply in quantity, which was not observed before, and are also accompanied by irritation and redness of the genital organs.
  • Green. The green color of the discharge in any case does not apply to the norm. Even if other signs of inflammation have not yet appeared, this is already a signal that should not be ignored. As a rule, green discharge indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina. The secretions turn green when the amount increases in them. Green discharge sometimes appears with vaginitis, inflammation, cirvicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal).
  • White. White or milky discharge is considered normal if they appear in small amounts, do not have a pronounced odor and are not accompanied by pain, cramps, itching. Thick and profuse white discharge may contain pus. As a rule, they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • Red. The red discharge contains blood. They are perfectly normal during menstruation and the day before (scanty spotting). Breakthroughs and spotting between periods can be a symptom of cervical cancer, early miscarriage, etc.

Smell and consistency: types, norm and pathology

In the absence of diseases, vaginal discharge has no odor. They are watery, not abundant, without inclusions and seals, clots. The consistency of the discharge may depend on the characteristics of the organism. Even if the discharge has become somewhat thicker, this cannot be considered a pathology in the absence of other signs of inflammation.

A change in consistency is more often said when other symptoms appear, for example, when there is a change in color, the appearance of an odor, blood, etc. The appearance of bloody dense discharge with obvious clots and pain requires medical attention and consultation with a gynecologist.

In the case of odors, any unpleasant smell that was not there before is taken into account. It is advisable to visit a gynecologist if any smell appears, but sometimes the cause of this condition is insufficient personal hygiene.

You need to take into account the smell that appears on the condition that a woman is washed daily, changes linen and towels:

  • Sour smell. Most often, the sour smell of secretions occurs with the active reproduction of fungi (with candidiasis). In the people, this disease is called thrush. Yeast fungi begin to multiply actively with a decrease in immunity, causing an unpleasant sour smell, foamy or thick curdled discharge, itching and irritation of the genital organs. This disease occurs in many women and is not completely cured. In the presence of provoking factors, thrush may appear again.
  • The smell of fish. The pungent smell of fish in the discharge indicates more often vaginosis. The balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the vagina is disturbed, gray or greenish discharge appears with a strong unpleasant smell of stale fish.
  • Metallic smell. A metallic smell (smell,) occurs with bloody discharge. If they appear in the middle of the cycle, accompanied by severe pain, this may be a sign of an inflammatory disease or cervical cancer.
  • Putrid smell. The smell of rot, as well as abundant yellow discharge, can also be signs of cancerous tumors.

What to do if the discharge is bad

The first thing to do when suspicious discharge appears is to consult a doctor and go through. The gynecologist will listen to complaints, conduct an examination and take. A smear analysis will help identify the infection and clarify the pathogen.

It is not recommended to self-diagnose and begin treatment, attributing any discharge to thrush. Taking various antifungal drugs in the absence of candidiasis can only aggravate the situation.

If it is not possible to see a doctor at the moment, you can use universal anti-inflammatory topical agents that will help relieve symptoms before contacting a doctor. These drugs include Lactagel. This is a vaginal gel in the form of microtubes for single use. The drug helps to restore the normal microflora of the vagina, enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria. However, this measure cannot be considered universal for any disease.

To cure the cause of unpleasant discharge, it is necessary to make a diagnosis and undergo a comprehensive full-fledged treatment.

After the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist. Many diseases can be recurrent, so interrupting the course of treatment at the first sign of improvement is not recommended.

No inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area should be treated at home with folk remedies. Only complete treatment and regular monitoring will help to avoid such serious complications as cancer, chronic inflammatory diseases, etc.

More information about vaginal discharge can be found in the video:

Most often, the treatment of such conditions begins with drug therapy. The doctor prescribes oral antibacterial or antifungal drugs, as well as topical suppositories, ointments, gels, douches to eliminate the infection. Often, for a full recovery, it is important to be treated together with a partner.

In some cases, physiotherapy, diagnostic and therapeutic curettage, as well as therapy to restore the normal microflora of the vagina are prescribed.

Any discharge from the vagina during the period causes concern in a woman for fear of harming the child and infecting. Most often frightening are spotting during pregnancy.

They may not be plentiful or they may be quite plentiful. In any case, bleeding during pregnancy is a bad sign. You need to see a doctor immediately. Sometimes spotting does not bring serious, but it is better to play it safe.In addition to bloody discharge, a pregnant woman may have discharge with an unpleasant odor and a changed color, which indicates an inflammatory process and also requires immediate treatment.

Types of selections:

  • White. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, which leads to an increase in the amount of discharge. It is perfectly normal if the discharge is clear, odorless and does not cause irritation, burning or redness. It is worth paying attention to the so-called mucous plug. It is a clot of mucus streaked with blood. It is formed in the area of ​​the cervical canal and protects the uterus and the child from infection. The cork should come out before childbirth. If she came out earlier, this indicates a premature birth, the woman needs to be hospitalized.
  • Yellow discharge. If the discharge has a yellowish tint, this is not a pathology. Dark or rich yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign of an inflammatory process.
  • Brown. Brown discharge indicates the presence of clotted blood in the discharge. Like scarlet blood, such discharge may not be normal during pregnancy. They can indicate both an ectopic pregnancy and a possible threat of miscarriage. This may cause pain in the lower abdomen. If the gestational age is long enough, such discharge is attributed to the beginning of the birth process. They can appear simultaneously with contractions.

Any questions about discharge during pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor. The presence of an inflammatory process in the vagina is dangerous for.

According to studies, vaginal discharge is as physiological as the production of saliva, sweat or tears. They perform certain functions in the body and occur in absolutely healthy women. Abundant vaginal discharge is absolutely normal, it contains cervical mucus, epithelial cells, and 5 to 12 types of microorganisms (normal).

Normal vaginal discharge is acidic, which is possible due to the content of lactobacilli in it. But under certain conditions, the nature and composition of the secretions may change. In this case, we can talk about pathological discharge, indicating diseases of the genitourinary system.

Discharge after menstruation

Vaginal discharge after menstruation can be physiological and pathological. Normal postmenstrual discharge is dark brown in color. This is due to increased blood clotting at the end of menstruation and its slow release. Physiological secretions are odorless.

The unpleasant odor that accompanies vaginal discharge before menstruation, as well as after them, indicates the possible presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma, or mycoplasma.

If the discharge does not appear immediately after menstruation, but after a few days, then a uterine or ectopic pregnancy can be suspected. In this case, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist.

Normal discharge

There are many types of normal vaginal discharge. Such diversity will depend on the age of the woman, her sexual activity and hormonal status.

It is possible to determine which vaginal discharge is normal and which is pathological, thanks to some general criteria:

  • slightly sour smell or its complete absence;
  • homogeneous thick consistency (liquid sour cream), lumps up to 3 mm are acceptable;
  • transparent or with a white tint;
  • the total amount of secretions does not exceed 1 to 4 ml per day.

Physiological secretions are never accompanied. However, when you change your sexual partner, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase.

Types of vaginal discharge

There are many types of vaginal discharge, which can have both physiological and pathological genesis. If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, purulent consistency, or is accompanied by a burning sensation, pain or other manifestations of discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In more detail on the question of what are the discharge from the vagina, we answered below.

Watery discharge

Watery discharge from the vagina may indicate inflammation of the fallopian tubes or erosion of the cervix. This is due to the fact that when the fallopian tube becomes inflamed, the secret of cells through the uterine cavity enters the vagina.

Normally, liquid vaginal discharge can occur in pregnant women. The discharge from the vagina that appears like water is not an independent sign of the disease, but it indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body.

Purulent discharge

Purulent discharge from the vagina may indicate inflammatory diseases, such as, for example, bacterial vaginitis, salpingitis, cervicitis, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases ().

The discharge becomes liquid or frothy in nature, has an unpleasant odor and is yellow-green in color. Often they are abundant.

Transparent highlights

Transparent discharge from the vagina accompanies the normal functioning of the genital organs. They are an indicator of cyclic changes in the body associated with the normal functioning of the ovaries.

Transparent mucous discharge from the vagina is a physiological fluid, which contains epithelial cells, lymph, mucus and microorganisms. Abundant clear discharge from the vagina can become pathological only in girls under 10 years old.

Mucous discharge

Mucous discharge from the vagina in most cases is normal, they are due to the nature of the uterine secretion. If the discharge from the vagina looks like snot, they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and have streaks of blood, then this may indicate cysts and erosions present in the body.

In addition, jelly-like discharge from the vagina may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Discharge of mucus from the vagina with an admixture of blood can also be with an ectopic pregnancy.

Blood discharge

As a rule, bloody discharge from the vagina in a small amount occurs before and after menstruation. Also, bleeding from the vagina may appear in women taking oral contraceptives in the first 2 months from the start of taking.

If vaginal discharge with blood is not associated with the physiological cycle, they may be a manifestation of cervical cancer, endometriosis, or advanced erosion. In this case, it is best to consult a gynecologist to determine the nature of such discharge.

White discharge

White vaginal discharge of a curdled consistency almost always indicates. At the beginning of the disease, the discharge of whites from the vagina is small, but if left untreated, they can become abundant. Often white thick discharge from, itching and.

On examination, the mucous membrane of the external genital organs is covered with a curdled or milky coating, which is easily removed.

brown discharge

Brown discharge from the vagina normally occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle and at the beginning of sexual activity. Pathological brown vaginal discharge occurs with thrush, trichomoniasis, or inflammation of the vagina.

Brownish discharge from the vagina is also observed when the menstrual cycle fails.

yellow discharge

If the yellow discharge from the vagina has a mild yellow tint and is not accompanied by discomfort, then this is a variant of the norm.

If yellow vaginal discharge has a rich hue and is accompanied by itching, pain or an unpleasant odor, then we can say that this is observed with inflammation of the uterine appendages and with genital infections. In addition, yellowish vaginal discharge is also observed with cervical erosion.

black discharge

Most often, black discharge from the vagina can occur with inflammatory diseases or with the use of hormonal contraceptives.

pink discharge

Normally, pink vaginal discharge may appear during ovulation. If pink discharge from the vagina is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, then doctors may suspect cervical erosion.

Soft pinkish discharge from the vagina, aggravated by pain, may indicate various.

Dark highlights

Dark vaginal discharge is normal before, after and in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If abdominal pain or other uncomfortable sensations join the discharge, then cervical erosion, inflammation of the pelvic organs, or the presence of sexually transmitted diseases can be suspected.

orange highlights

Orange discharge from the vagina that appeared after unprotected sex indicates infection with trichomoniasis or. If there is no sex life, such discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis.

gray discharge

Serous discharge from the vagina is considered normal if it is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, itching, and an unpleasant odor. If gray vaginal discharge is accompanied by pain, then infections such as ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis can be suspected. Consultation of the gynecologist is necessary.

Foamy discharge

Foamy discharge from the vagina may be due to stress, nervous overwork, or recent unprotected intercourse. The most common frothy discharge is accompanied by trichomoniasis.


Vaginal discharge in flakes is most common with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). They also have a characteristic white color and a sour smell.

brown discharge

Usually, brown vaginal discharge is considered normal only at the beginning and end of menstruation. In other cases, these are pathologies, the causes of which are established in the laboratory.

Cream highlights

Quite often, creamy vaginal discharge may indicate pregnancy, and if there is discomfort, pathological diseases of the genital organs.

Colorless discharge

Most often, colorless vaginal discharge that is not accompanied by physical discomfort or odor is completely normal. If you are also concerned about discomfort in the genital area, then you should consult a doctor.

cloudy discharge

Cloudy vaginal discharge is most common in bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sticky discharge

A sticky discharge from the vagina may indicate the presence of thrush or other genitourinary infections in the body. One way or another, the situation requires medical intervention.

Light highlights

Light vaginal discharge - white, clear or slightly tinted pink or yellow - is a variant of the norm. However, it is worth remembering that normally their number is minimal, and any discomfort, itching or burning in the vagina or labia indicates the presence of infections, which already requires a visit to a gynecologist.

Green discharge

Green discharge from the vagina indicates an increased content of leukocytes. Greenish discharge from the vagina, therefore, indicates a bacterial inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Discharge treatment

Many women practice self-treatment of vaginal discharge. But this can not only be ineffective, but also harmful in itself, since with or a decoction of chamomile, beneficial microorganisms are washed out of the vagina. Therefore, treatment for vaginal discharge should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.

When pathological discharge appears, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist to diagnose the disease that caused them. After identifying the cause, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the underlying disease, as well as procedures aimed at restoring the vaginal microflora and increasing the body's immune resistance.

Vaginal discharge in a child

Vaginal discharge in a child can be both a physiological process and a sign of a disease.

Vaginal discharge in a girl before the onset of puberty should not be observed, they appear about a year before the onset of menstruation. The causes of the appearance of pathological discharge in children can be:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • worms;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • thrush;
  • allergic reactions.

Vaginal discharge in adolescents who have sex may indicate a sexually transmitted disease. Often the onset of sexual activity is normally accompanied by secretions that do not cause physical discomfort.

Discharge in newborns

Physiological vaginal discharge in newborns may occur in the first week of life during a hormonal crisis. This is due to the fact that their body gets rid of the mother's hormones and begins to form its own hormonal background. If vaginal discharge in infants is accompanied by pain or itching, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms.

Causes of discharge

Basically, the causes of vaginal discharge are due to one of the physiological processes in the body, unless they are accompanied by itching, pain or an unpleasant odor. If they change their character and cause discomfort to a woman, then here they are already talking about pathological discharge. They can occur with bacterial inflammation of the genital organs, erosion, polyps, polycystosis, sexually transmitted and fungal diseases.

It is possible to reliably determine the reason why the discharge from the vagina suddenly changed its properties only by the laboratory method.

Cold discharge

With a cold, vaginal discharge can become fungal in nature. This is due to the fact that hypothermia and viral diseases disrupt the balance of normal microflora. Most often, against the background of a cold, thrush can develop. It is also manifested by curdled vaginal discharge.

If, with a cold, an inflammatory process in the ovaries has begun, then the discharge becomes plentiful and may even contain streaks of blood.

Discharge during menopause

Vaginal discharge during menopause is not the norm. They may indicate inflammatory diseases, tumors and neoplasms in the chest and genitals. As a rule, discharge during menopause can be in the form of exudate, which indicates inflammation, or transudate - in diseases of a non-inflammatory nature.

The exudate has a mucous consistency and contains protein. It may be catarrhal, purulent, serous, fibrinous, or hemorrhagic. The transudate is liquid in consistency and contains no protein. It is either straw-coloured or clear with blood and other bodily fluids mixed in.

Discharge during bowel movements

It should be noted that vaginal discharge during defecation is a pathological process. Abundant discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed mainly with. Bloody discharge speaks of hemorrhoids or intestinal fistulas. If the discharge becomes purulent or mucous in nature, an inflammatory process or tumor decay can be suspected.

The taste of secretions

The taste of vaginal discharge largely depends on the nationality, the nature of the food consumed and the presence of certain diseases of the genitourinary system. In general, the discharge of a healthy woman tastes like sour milk.

Salty secretions

Salty vaginal discharge appears when an alkaline environment forms in the vagina. This is a pathological phenomenon that occurs with bacterial infections and inflammations that require medical intervention.

acid secretions

Acidic discharge from the vagina is a variant of the norm. If the sour taste becomes pronounced, this may indicate a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa - thrush (candidiasis). In this case, it is necessary to see a gynecologist and, probably, undergo a course of treatment.