Fruits for a healthy diet. List of fruits. Sweet fruits. Russian fruits Butter with what is combined

+ good, 0 acceptable, - bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Meat, fish, poultry - - - - - - - - + 0 - - - - -
2. Pulses - 0 + + - 0 - - + + - - - - 0
3. Butter, cream - 0 0 - - + + - + + 0 - 0 - -
4. Sour cream - + 0 0 - + + 0 + + - + 0 0 -
5. Vegetable oil - + - 0 - + + 0 + + - - - - +
6. Sugar, confectionery - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
7. Bread, cereals, potatoes - 0 + + + - - - + + - - 0 - 0
8. Sour fruits, tomatoes - - + + + - - 0 + 0 - 0 + - +
9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits - - - 0 0 - - 0 + 0 0 + - - 0
10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
11. Starchy vegetables 0 + + + + - + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
12. Milk - - 0 - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - -
13. Cottage cheese, dairy products - - - + - - - 0 + + + - + - +
14. Cheese, cheese - - 0 0 - - 0 + - + + - + - 0
15. Eggs - - - 0 - - - - - + 0 - - - -
16. Nuts - 0 - - + - 0 + 0 + + - + 0 -

The product compatibility table is the basis of a separate power supply system. It consists of sixteen lines - categories of products that can be combined in different ways. Good compatibility is marked with a “+” sign, and bad compatibility is marked with a “-” sign. The sign "0" means that such a combination is allowed.

The table is easy to use - you select the product category in the first column and then the number of the other product in the top row. Everything is simple, as in the Pythagorean table.

1. Meat, poultry, fish

The first column is the most important, since it is here that it is easiest to break the product compatibility rules. The nature of food determines the composition of enzymes released for its processing. So, for the digestion of meat, the strongest juice is needed, it is released in the first hour of digestion. For bread - after 3 hours, and for milk - at the last hour. In addition, the strength of the juice and its acidity, and, consequently, the activity of the gastric glands and the speed of digestion, vary depending on the quality of the food. Animal proteins are the most difficult food to digest.

Meat, fish, poultry should be lean. During the processing of these products, all external fat must be removed. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is favorable, because. this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood (kalorizator). The combination of animal proteins with alcohol brings great harm, because. alcohol precipitates pepsin, necessary for the digestion of animal proteins. The combination of meat with animal proteins related to it, such as milk, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese ... is negative, because each of them requires special digestive secretions and different times for processing, so mixing them is not recommended. This is what the authors of the separate power system say, and this is what finds it tough.

2. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)

Pulses are beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, etc. These products are complex carbohydrates, but contain a large amount of protein. Therefore, they require great attention when combined with other products. Features of the compatibility of legumes with other products are explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein, they are good with greens and starchy vegetables. They cannot be excluded from the diet, as it is a source of vegetable protein rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

3. Butter and cream

For their good assimilation, an abundance of green and non-starchy vegetables is necessary, since they themselves contain a lot of fat, which is difficult for digestion. Logically, you can combine butter and cheese, but from a dietary point of view, a large amount of fat in one meal is not advisable.

4. Sour cream

Sour cream, although it belongs to fats, but its calorie content is three times less than the calorie content of vegetable oil. Those who lose weight on a separate food system can add it to their meals, combine it with grains and legumes, vegetables, sour fruits and sour-milk products.

5. Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a very useful product if it is consumed raw and unrefined. It is logical to use it in combination with vegetables, but to combine it with sugar, cottage cheese, milk ... and it will never occur to anyone. Therefore, use it in salads for health, just remember that this is a high-calorie product.

6. Sugar, confectionery

As for sugar and confectionery - they should be avoided. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If sweets are eaten with other food, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process. That is why it is not recommended to feed children with porridge with syrup, sugar and jam. Also, sugars lead to gastritis, constipation, poison the body, causing constant fermentation in the digestive tract. And if the food rots and ferments in the body, then it does not give up its calories and does not provide the body with minerals and vitamins.

7. Bread, cereals, potatoes

These are foods that are called starches or carbohydrates. All foods rich in starch should always be treated with great attention, since starch itself, in its pure form, is a difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition, which has not been scientifically confirmed for decades. The authors and followers of the separate nutrition system believe that the first stages of digestion of protein and starchy foods occur in different environments: proteins need an acidic environment, and starch needs an alkaline one. Nature does not produce sandwiches, which means they cannot be useful. But somehow, nature produced peanuts, chickpeas, and beans that contain both proteins and starches.

At the same time, bread is considered a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a mandatory addition to each meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition.

8. Sour fruits, tomatoes

Tomatoes are included in this section because they have a high content of acids: citric, malic and oxalic. That is why, in terms of compatibility with other products, they are adjacent to sour fruits, such as: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries, sour in taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.

9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits

It is better not to combine fruits (both sour and sweet) with anything at all, since they are absorbed in the intestines (you need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating). It is known what a huge role fruits play in the body as natural vitamins and minerals. Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, as this is difficult for digestion.

10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy

All green and non-starchy vegetables are given the green light by nutritionists. They are well combined with almost all products, and in the villages they often drink milk with cucumber and without any harm to digestion (calorizator). This category includes the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, green pea. Radishes, swedes, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various foods, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy ones.

11. Starchy vegetables

Starchy vegetables are the best addition to starchy foods. However, the combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are either good or acceptable. This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower.

12. Milk

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. It contains calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All babies in nature feed on milk, but note that they do not take any more food. And if in the animal world milk goes out of nutrition in a natural way, then in the human world, people lose their ability to absorb lactose over the years. According to the rules of separate nutrition, milk does not go well with anything, but its combination with starchy vegetables and sweet fruits is acceptable.

13. Cottage cheese, dairy products

Cottage cheese must be carefully combined with other foods, as it is an indigestible complete protein (milk casein). Products homogeneous with milk, such as sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, are compatible with it due to their similarity. Sweet fruits, vegetables and nuts are also combined with cottage cheese.

14. Cheese, cheese

Nutritionists treat cheeses with caution because of their high salinity. The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. As for cheese, it is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt. Salt in the diet of losing weight and thereby masks weight loss.

Cheeses and feta cheese are a combination of protein and fat in almost equal proportions, which slows down the process of food decomposition in the stomach. They are good to combine with sour fruits and tomatoes. Cottage cheese and dairy products are homogeneous with cheese, so they are quite compatible. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed, so it is difficult for the body to process, although it is much better than sausage.

(prevents the development of anemia);

  • (fights against violation of vital activity of cells);
  • (participates in the mineral metabolism of the human body).
  • 16. Nuts

    Nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats. They are combined with sour fruits, vegetables, dairy products. But you should be careful with nuts, as this is one of the most high-calorie foods.

    To eat according to the rules of separate nutrition, you need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet, etc. Carefully study the compatibility table and.

    As a rule, they are interested in the compatibility of products when intending to switch to separate nutrition. In essence, the principle of product compatibility is what separate nutrition is. For different types of food, our body produces digestive juices of different compositions. With the compatibility of products, the composition of these juices is the same, and nutrition is easily absorbed by the body. If the compatibility is not complete, food is difficult to digest, since the body is forced to simultaneously produce juices of different compositions.

    Product Compatibility Table for Separate Power Supply

    type of product1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    1 Meat, fish, poultry
    2 Legumes
    3 Butter, cream
    4 Sour cream
    5 Vegetable oil
    6 Sugar, confectionery
    7 Bread, cereals, potatoes
    8 Sour fruits, tomatoes
    9 Semi-acid fruits
    10 Sweet fruits, dried fruits
    11 Vegetables are green and non-starchy
    12 Starchy vegetables
    13 Milk
    14 Cottage cheese, dairy products
    15 Cheese, cheese
    16 Eggs
    17 nuts
    18 Greenery
    19 Melon, peaches, grapes, blueberries
    20 Late pumpkin, zucchini, eggplant

    The processes of decay and fermentation in the body occur precisely when the compatibility of products is broken. Nutrition in such cases disrupts normal digestion and causes intoxication.

    All products are usually divided into 10 groups. We list which food compatibility will be allowed during nutrition, and which should be avoided.

    Group 1. Sweet fruits

    Figs, dates, persimmons, bananas and all dried fruits.

    Ideal combinations: with each other, with fermented milk products, with semi-acid fruits.

    Allowed combinations: with greens, milk, nuts, with non-starchy, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables.

    When combined with any other products, fermentation is provoked.

    All fruits are very useful if they are eaten as a separate meal. Juices are always better to drink half an hour or an hour before meals. Do not consume fruit juices or fruits as a dessert.

    Group 2. Semi-acid fruits

    Watermelons, apricots, mangoes, blueberries, blueberries, melons.

    Sweet taste: pears, grapes, apples, peaches, plums, cherries. Tomatoes by their properties also belong to this group.

    Ideal combinations: with each other, with fermented milk products, with sweet and sour fruits.

    Allowed combinations: with non-starchy vegetables, fatty protein products (fatty cheese, cottage cheese, nuts), herbs.

    Compounds with other protein products are harmful.

    The combination with semi-starchy vegetables and starches provokes fermentation.

    Note. Blueberries, blueberries and melons are not compatible with any other product. These fruits are superbly digestible when eaten as a meal on their own and not in addition to it. Or - in small quantities - an hour before the main meal.

    Group 3. Sour fruits

    Tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pomegranates, oranges, pineapples. Sour taste: grapes, apples, cherries, peaches, plums, pears, as well as cranberries, currants, blackberries.

    Good combinations: with milk, sour-milk products, semi-acid fruits.

    Allowed combinations: with herbs, cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, non-starchy vegetables, seeds, nuts. Not compatible with other protein products.

    Invalid combinations: with sweet fruits, semi-starchy vegetables, starches.

    Group 4. Non-starchy vegetables

    Green beans, cucumbers, sweet peppers, cabbage.

    Ideal combinations: with fats, starches, moderately starchy vegetables, proteins, greens.

    Allowed combinations: with fruits.

    Invalid combinations: with milk.

    Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables

    Green peas, beets, zucchini, carrots, pumpkins, sea kale, turnips, eggplants, rutabaga.

    Successful combinations: with herbs, fats, non-starchy vegetables, starches.

    Allowed combinations: with cottage cheese, seeds, nuts, cheese, dairy products.

    Harmful combinations: with fruits, proteins, sugars, milk.

    Group 6. Starchy foods

    Rye, wheat, oats and their products.

    Cereals: rice, buckwheat, barley, millet, as well as chestnuts, potatoes.

    Ideal combinations:

    Allowed combinations: with each other and with fats. However, the combination of different starches with each other should be avoided by people who are prone to fullness. When combining starches with fats, it is also recommended to eat something from non-starchy vegetables or greens.

    Not so desirable combinations: with seeds, nuts, cheese.

    Very harmful combinations: with any fruits, sugars, milk and animal proteins in general.

    Note. Sauerkraut, mushrooms in any form and all other pickles go well with potatoes, but badly with bread.

    Group 7. Protein products

    Cheese, eggs, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, fish, meat.

    Dry beans, peas, beans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts (except peanuts).

    Ideal combinations:

    Allowed connections: with moderately starchy vegetables.

    Invalid combinations: with starchy foods, sweet fruits, sugars, two types of proteins.

    Unwanted combinations: with sour and semi-acid fruits, fats.

    Exceptions. Seeds, nuts, cheeses, fatty cottage cheese can be combined with semi-acid and sour berries and fruits.

    Milk can be combined with semi-acidic and sweet berries and fruits.

    Dairy products can be combined with sour, semi-sweet and sweet fruits.

    Group 8. Greens

    Horseradish, Sorrel, radish, nettle, dandelion, onion, sage, lettuce, chicory, plantain, rose petals, acacia, coriander.

    With the exception of milk, they are combined with any food.

    Group 9. Fats

    Sour cream, vegetable oils, ghee and butter, cream, lard and other animal fats.

    Ideal combinations: with herbs, moderately starchy and non-starchy vegetables.

    Allowed combinations: with starches. However, in these cases, it is also recommended to consume non-starchy vegetables or herbs.

    Harmful combinations: with sugars, fruits, animal proteins.

    Group 10. Sahara

    Honey, yellow and white sugar, syrups, jams.

    The best way- use them an hour and a half before meals, separately from other products.

    Combinations with fats, starches, proteins provoke fermentation. That's why you can't eat desserts.

    Possible combinations: with non-starchy vegetables, herbs.

    Note. Honey is an exception. In small quantities, it can be combined with all products, with the exception of animal food.

    From the original compatibility tables above, it can be seen that food products can be mixed. However, if the compatibility of products is ignored with mixed food, nutrition does more harm to a person than good.

    People who are familiar with diabetes firsthand, in order to prevent the further development of the disease, need to constantly monitor the sugar content in foods. The same applies to those who are on diets. Even some fresh fruits are contraindicated for them, which can be very useful for others.

    Why is sugar bad?

    Sugar is a fast carbohydrate. of this product is 70 units. That is, when sugar is eaten, the level of glucose in the blood rises very quickly. are of no use to the body. All people should limit their consumption, and some need to completely eliminate sugar from the diet. A small amount of fast carbohydrates is allowed only for people experiencing intense physical activity, as they contribute to the maximum burning of fatty acids and effective weight loss.

    "White death" - this is how doctors and nutritionists call sugar. It leads to the development of obesity, causes a number of diseases. Sugar negatively affects the work of the heart, disrupts blood circulation. Therefore, people who are at risk should only eat unsweetened fruits. What is on their list?

    What about unsweetened fruits? List of G. Shelton

    Particular attention was paid to the division of fruits into sweet and unsweetened by the founder of the theory of separate nutrition, an American. He recommended that everyone start their day with a portion of fresh fruits, and whole, and not in the form of juices. At one time, it is allowed to eat 2-3 of their species.

    In his theory, G. Shelton singled out unsweetened fruits as a separate group. The nutritionist's list suggests that it includes sour and semi-acid fruits. In addition, there is another group consisting of sweet fruits.

    Sour fruits include oranges and pineapples, unsweetened apples, peaches, grapefruits, lemon, sour, cranberries. Their sugar content is minimal, which means they are among the most useful fruits.

    The group of semi-acid fruits includes fresh figs, sweet cherries and apples, plums, mangoes, pears, sweet peaches, apricots, blueberries. According to the theory of G. Shelton, it is recommended to combine sour and semi-acid fruits with each other.

    Sweet fruits include bananas, dates, raisins, prunes, persimmons. The consumption of such fruits in food should be minimized.

    Today, many nutritionists disagree with G. Shelton and believe that the group that includes unsweetened fruits should be made even smaller. It should include only fruits with the lowest possible sugar level.

    Quantitative sugar content in fruits: table

    Depending on the quantitative content of sugar in fruits, their list can be presented in the form of the following table.

    Sugar content in fruits
    fruit nameSugar content in 100 grams, g
    A pineapple9,26
    passion fruit11,2

    All the fruits presented in this table can be divided into 4 groups according to the amount of sugar in them.

    • Low sugar - up to 3.99 g per 100 grams of fruit. The “record holder” in this group is the avocado, an unsweetened fruit that is sometimes referred to as a vegetable in terms of taste.
    • With a small amount of sugar - from 4 to 7.99 g per 100 grams. In this group, the winner is cherry plum. The average fruit of this fruit contains up to 1 gram of sugar.
    • With an average sugar content - from 8 to 11.99 per 100 grams. The most useful in this group is the peach.
    • High in sugar. The consumption of these fruits should be limited to people with diabetes.

    Healthiest Unsweetened Fruits

    All low sugar fruits are already good for the body. But it should be borne in mind that only under the condition of their moderate use. What fruits are unsweetened and what are their benefits? So, for example, lemon is the champion in the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for the immune system of the body, especially during the growing number of viral diseases. But there are contraindications to its use: stomach ulcer, gastritis, hypertension.

    No less useful is the avocado. Regular consumption of these fruits (half a day) improves memory, helps to normalize bowel function, get rid of constipation, and reduces pressure.

    In terms of sugar content, avocados deservedly top the list of unsweetened fruits. But they should not be abused, since the fruits are very high-calorie, due to the greater amount of vegetable fat in them.

    Thus, absolutely all unsweetened fruits are useful. They are recommended to be eaten before or after meals, and it is better to use as a snack. A single dose of fruits is 100-150 grams or 2-3 fruits.

    List of unsweetened fruits for diabetes

    Patients with diabetes should carefully plan their diet. They can eat only unsweetened fruits, such as orange, lemon, grapefruit, pomelo, plum, sour cherry, peaches. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries will be useful for diabetics.

    It is strictly forbidden to eat any sweet fruits. These include bananas, melons, persimmons, sweet cherries.

    What fruits are suitable for the diet?

    People who are on a diet should eat less calorie foods that are low in sugar. Useful for them will be such unsweetened fruits as grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, apples. They speed up metabolism, promote the breakdown of body fat and saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

    The ancient Greeks had a saying: "We are what we eat." To keep yourself in good shape, it is not at all necessary to follow newfangled diets. It is enough to adhere to the basic principles of rational nutrition.

    The method of separate nutrition was invented by the American Herbert Shelton specifically so that everyone could normalize their weight without limiting themselves to food. The essence of the method is to eat without mixing incompatible foods at one meal. So, Shelton divided everything edible into groups. If you want to eat wisely, you need to know this classification as a multiplication table.

    • PROTEIN - nuts, beans, soy, meat, fish, eggs, cheese.
    • FATS - cream, sour cream, lard, butter.
    • STARCHES - cereals, potatoes, peas, artichokes.
    • MODERATE-STARCH FOODS - cauliflower, beets, carrots, rutabaga.
    • FRUITS SWEET - bananas, dates, raisins, figs, persimmons, prunes.
    • SEMI-ACIDIC FRUITS - cherry, apple, peach, pear, apricot, blueberry, mango.
    • ACID FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - orange, pineapple, pomegranate, grapefruit, lemon, peach, grapes, tomato.

    Separate power: product compatibility table

    What What is combined with
    Lean meat, poultry, fish, offal
    • Greenery
    • Cucumbers, onions, asparagus, bell peppers, green beans, spinach, zucchini, etc.)
    • All vegetables (except potatoes),
    • sweet fruits and dried fruits,
    • sour cream,
    • cheese, cheese
    • nuts
    Cereals and legumes (wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats, peas, beans, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.)
    • Starchy vegetables other than potatoes
      • beet,
      • carrot,
      • pumpkin,
      • cauliflower,
      • corn,
      • sweet potato,
      • Jerusalem artichoke,
      • radish,
      • swede
      • and etc.,
    • non-starchy and green vegetables,
    • sour cream,
    • vegetable oil
    • Bread,
    • cereals,
    • tomatoes,
    • sour fruits (oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons),
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    Vegetable oil
    • Cereals and legumes,
    • bread, cereals,
    • starchy vegetables (including potatoes),
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • nuts,
    • fruit with sour taste
    • tomatoes
    Fruits with sour taste, tomatoes
    • Butter,
    • vegetable oil,
    • sour cream,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cheese and cheese
    • nuts
    Sweet fruits, dried fruits
    • Non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    Bread, cereals and potatoes
    • Butter, vegetable oil,
    • starchy vegetables,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables
    Sour cream
    • Cereals and legumes,
    • bread, cereals,
    • potato,
    • starchy vegetables,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    • Vegetable oil,
    • Fruits with sour taste and tomatoes,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green leafy vegetables,
    • cottage cheese and dairy products
    Cheese and cheese
    • starchy vegetables (except potatoes),
    • fruits with sour taste and tomatoes,
    Starchy vegetables (except potatoes)
    • cottage cheese and dairy products,
    • nuts,
    • cheese and cheese,
    • bread, cereals,
    • potato,
    • butter, vegetable oil,
    • legumes,
    • non-starchy vegetables and green vegetables
    • Low-fat maso, fish, poultry and offal,
    • grains and legumes,
    • butter, vegetable oil, sour cream,
    • bread, cereals, potatoes,
    • nuts,
    • eggs,
    • cheese and cheese,
    • sweet fruits and dried fruits,
    • sour fruits and tomatoes
    EggsNon-starchy vegetables and green vegetables
    Melon watermelon ()don't match with anything
    Milkdon't match with anything

    Remember: foods from different groups cannot be eaten together.

    The exceptions are starches and fats - they can be combined. This means that fried potatoes with bacon are quite acceptable, but the classic catering dish - potatoes with a cutlet - no, no. Forget about sandwiches too: bread (starch) is not combined with protein products. There are also products that are not compatible with anything. For example, melon. It should be eaten only two hours after the next meal. Milk is also a very insidious product: it contains both proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to drink anything with them. Contrary to my mother's persuasion about the benefits of soups, broths are a real test for the stomach. And another important point: well-nourished people drink a glass of some liquid half an hour before the start of the meal.

    This familiar vitamin

    Maybe the gifts of your garden are not as exotic as overseas tropical fruits, but they contain no less useful substances.

    POTATO - 100 grams of this vegetable contains 20 mg of vitamin C. Potato fiber does not irritate the gastric mucosa, so it can be eaten even during an exacerbation of gastric diseases.

    TOMATOES - They are especially rich in B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and iron. They regulate metabolism and are especially useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    CUCUMBERS - 95 percent water and are great for stimulating the digestive system. Especially useful for diseases of the liver, kidneys and overweight.

    BEET - Differs in the high content of sugar and organic acids. An indispensable remedy for constipation is 50 g of raw beets on an empty stomach.

    WHITE CABBAGE - The lowest calorie source of vitamin C. Contains a lot of fiber and quickly creates a feeling of satiety. Recommended for those who want to lose weight.

    CAULIFLOWER - contains vegetable proteins, potassium, phosphorus. Especially useful as a dietary product for diseases of the digestive system.

    GREEN ONION - It contains a lot of phytoncides that retard the development of pathogenic bacteria. Useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.


    About calories

    Of course, you should not sit at the dinner table and count the calories you eat. Nevertheless, sometimes it is very useful to navigate the caloric content of the diet and draw the appropriate conclusions. Depending on physical activity, gender and age, a person needs from 2000 to 3000 kilocalories per meal. Excess calories turn into body fat. Try to figure out how rationally you eat.

    100 g
    The energy value ,
    100 g
    The energy value ,
    Rye bread
    wheat bread

    Vegetable oil
    Ice cream

    The basic principles of a healthy diet by the Swiss nutritionist Bircher-Binner: Give up alcohol and cigarettes - the whole point of a healthy diet is nullified by their toxic effect. Refrain from the constant use of tea, coffee, chocolate - replace them with fresh juices and fruits. Limit your consumption of bread - replace it with cereals, cereals. Eat fresh fruit or vegetables 30 minutes before your main meal. Do not use salt for dressing salads - it retains water in the body, which makes it difficult for the heart and kidneys to work. The last meal should take place at least 4 hours before going to bed. Half of the food you eat should be raw. It should be consumed before cooked food (boiled or stewed).

    Separate nutrition, like the system based on the food pyramid, refers to the "omnivorous" type of nutrition. The main idea of ​​separate nutrition is not to eat products that are incompatible with each other at the same time.

    In this article, we will look at the basic principles of separate nutrition, the pros and cons of separate nutrition, and the use of a separate nutrition system for weight loss.

    I have compiled a handy food compatibility list for separate meals: food categories are arranged in order according to the principles of separate meals.


    The principles of separate nutrition.

    All food components are conventionally divided into 3 main groups - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Fats are compatible with almost all types of foods. But proteins and carbohydrates do not combine with each other, since protein digestion requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline one.

    Different foods require different conditions for assimilation, and they take different times to digest. For example, fruits are digested in 30 minutes, and meat passes through the digestive tract for several hours. If incompatible products enter the stomach together, the longest digestion process starts. As a result, poorly digested foods do not leave the gastrointestinal tract for a long time, causing putrefactive processes, poisoning the body, settling on the intestinal walls in the form of toxins and contributing to obesity.

    In addition, nutrients from incompatible foods are poorly absorbed. Minerals and vitamins are also not fully absorbed.

    The matter is complicated by the fact that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are present together in almost all products, although in different proportions. Thus, it is impossible to completely separate proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, proteins, fats and carbohydrates differ in their composition.

    Therefore, in separate nutrition, products are not divided into 3 categories, but into 18 (see).

    The principles of separate nutrition are simple:

    1. Eat only compatible foods at one meal.
    2. Observe a break between meals (2 hours). In addition to fruits, after which you can eat other foods after 15-20 minutes.

    A break is needed so that the food is completely digested and removed from the body before a new portion arrives. In addition, a two-hour break gives rest to the digestive system.

    Compatibility of products with separate meals.

    There are different options for separating products according to compatibility with separate meals. We will take the most complete list - 18 product categories:

    Products belonging to the same category are combined with each other and can be consumed in one meal. The compatibility of products from different categories is listed below (at). In accordance with, products from compatible categories can be consumed in one meal, but incompatible products cannot.

    In the product compatibility list for a separate power system, it is indicated for each category of products:

    • What products are compatible with (a combination of such products in one meal is possible and desirable).
    • Which products are compatible with average (a combination of such products is acceptable, but not desirable).
    • Product categories not mentioned should not be used with products in this category - they are not compatible.

    Distributed food compatibility tables for separate meals, in which all categories are mixed together. Looking at such tables, it is difficult to grasp the logic that underlies the compatibility of products. I tried to place the categories of products in such an order that allows you to understand the system of separate nutrition and remember which products are compatible and which are not.

    Product compatibility list for separate meals:

    1. Meat (red meat, poultry meat) and fish.

    2 eggs .

    Medium Compatibility:

    3. Butter, cream.

    Good Compatibility:

    Medium Compatibility:

    4. Sour cream.

    Good Compatibility:

    Medium Compatibility:

    5. Milk.

    Medium Compatibility:

    6. Sour-milk products, cottage cheese.

    Good Compatibility:

    Medium Compatibility:

    7. Cheese, cheese.

    Good Compatibility:

    Medium Compatibility:

    8. Sugar, confectionery, jams, syrups.

    In accordance with the principles of separate nutrition, confectionery goes well with green vegetables, because they help to neutralize the harmful effects of these products. But who wants to eat a piece of cake with lettuce and parsley? therefore, we can say that confectionery, jams and syrups do not combine with anything.

    9. Vegetable oil.

    Raw unrefined oil, preferably cold pressed.

    Good Compatibility:

    Medium Compatibility:

    Advantages of separate food.

    Disadvantages of separate meals.

    • The principles of separate nutrition do not stipulate which foods should be included in the daily menu in order to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. To prevent a shortage of any substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals), you should diversify your diet as much as possible. When compiling a menu, you can use the food pyramid.
    • The main claim made to a separate diet is that a separate diet "disaccustoms" the body to digest incompatible foods. As a result, if in the future a person eats incompatible foods, he will "earn" indigestion. If for you the inability to try all the dishes on the festive table is the same as disability, then separate meals are not for you.
    • Often, when switching to a separate diet, a person feels constant hunger. Many people think that this is how it should be. I have reason to believe that this is not true. By itself, separate meals should not cause any discomfort. A constant feeling of hunger can occur if you have drastically changed your diet. Separate nutrition does not require such a change. To avoid constant hunger when switching to a separate diet, you need to divide the usual dishes into components and make a new menu from them, in accordance with the principles of a separate diet (combining compatible products with each other). Thus, the daily diet will remain the same - as you know, the amount does not change from changing the places of the terms. Then, when the body adapts to a separate diet, it will be possible to gradually change the diet. With such a gradual transition to a separate diet, you are not threatened by either constant hunger or a lack of substances necessary for health.
    • Some say that it is impossible to enjoy food on separate meals. Here, of course, everything is individual. If this is your problem, then I would advise you to simply allow yourself to sometimes eat something "wrong" (not consistent with the principles of separate nutrition), if you really want to eat just that. And do not torture yourself with any remorse! Over time, the desire to eat something “wrong” will appear less and less until it disappears altogether (it doesn’t matter when this happens - in a few weeks or in a few months).
    • Separate food complicates life somewhat. Especially when you have to eat out. Often you have to choose between convenience and health. You can't do anything about it.

    Separate nutrition for weight loss.

    Overweight is usually the result of problems such as:

    • constipation, indigestion, severe slagging of the body,
    • metabolic disorders (protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism),
    • overeating.

    Separate food allows you to get rid of most of these problems. Thus, a separate diet eliminates the causes of accumulation of excess fat. Often, switching to a separate diet is enough to start the process of losing weight.

    I would not advise treating separate meals as a diet and sharply reducing the calorie content of the daily diet. There are several reasons for this:

    • First, it may not be required. Separate nutrition and so starts the process of natural weight loss.
    • Secondly, a low-calorie diet is effective for a short time. At the same time, the diet provokes weight gain at the end of it.
    • A low-calorie diet is always accompanied by a loss of muscle mass, which is then replaced by adipose tissue.

    Separate nutrition will not help to avoid most of the negative consequences of the diet. The only thing that separate meals can help with is that the digestion of food with separate meals will be more efficient, which will help to avoid a significant lack of any nutrients, which is a common problem with any low-calorie diet.

    Instead of limiting the amount of food, you can speed up weight loss by other methods.

    Weight loss on a separate diet will contribute to:

    • Body cleansing. The best effect will give the cleansing of the body in full. But even only
    • or just create a training program that includes aerobic and anaerobic exercise,
    • or tackle problem areas by doing exercises for individual muscle groups.
    • The most stable effect gives a gradual, natural weight loss. Separate nutrition is perfect for such weight loss. Remember that a constant feeling of hunger is not at all necessary when losing weight. On the contrary, if you experience discomfort after switching to separate meals, then you should reconsider your menu. Make sure you get all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities. The food pyramid will help you with this. Perhaps you should make meals more frequent - this will help meet all the needs of the body. More frequent meals (fractional meals) go well with separate meals and also contribute to weight loss.