How to charge a rune so that it helps. Ways to activate runes, staves, formulas. Rune destruction upon activation

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The beginning of the era of aeronautics, or aeronautics, is considered to be the date of November 21, 1783, when the first flight of people took place in Paris in a balloon filled with hot smoke, which was built by the Montgolfier brothers - Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne. However, at the beginning of the 19th century, A.I. Sulakadzev in the manuscript "About air flying in Russia since 906 AD" cited an excerpt from an earlier chronicle, which says that back in 1731 in Ryazan, the clerk Kryakutnoy made a bag “... like a big ball, inflated it with filthy and smelly smoke, made a loop from it, sat in it, and the evil spirit lifted it higher than a birch , and then hit the bell tower, but he clung to the rope, which is what they call, and remained still alive.

Since the day when people learned how to build ships, many of them safely went to the bottom. Scientists managed to raise ancient Greek galleys, Scandinavian longships, English frigates from the seabed. But the dream of every underwater prospector is a Spanish galleon filled with treasures.

In many countries of the world there are churches in which the incorruptible remains of saints are displayed. Some of them have already begun to decompose, but there are those who, even centuries after death, continue to resist the destructive forces of nature. How do human remains become incorruptible?

After what Enrico Fermi, who was often called the Prometheus of the 20th century, did, the world became completely different, for he acquired a new, unprecedented power source of energy. People who knew Enrico in early childhood would never have said that a great future awaits this quiet little boy. His family was the most ordinary one that a modest railway official could have.

Hello! In order for the runes to begin to be useful, they must be charged, given the right direction. Every person who wants to use ancient signs to achieve their goals should know how to activate runes.

How to connect with runes

In order for the ancient signs to work, it is necessary to activate, that is, to correctly tune in to a specific person, to encourage them to act in the right direction.

Separate, or runic ligatures need to be activated only once. If these are protective amulets, then you will have to recharge them every 2 months.

The runic formula that has fulfilled its action must be thanked.

With signs applied to it to ward off misfortunes, it is also charged every 2 months.

The symbols on the body are subject to activation, which is carried out with each writing.

How to prepare for recharging

To set up runes for their further action, use 4 Elements.

  1. Prepare dry herbs or incense. It can be dried flowers of immortelle, yarrow, chamomile, sage, frankincense or ambergris.
  2. Buy white, red, green, blue candles. To attract money, good luck, success in business, you need a red or green candle. For healing - a blue candle, for harmonizing personal life - pale green or pink.
  3. Large without additives.
  4. , standing in the house for 3 hours.
  5. A white cloth laid on the table, on which all the items for the action will lie.

Elemental Activation

Encouragement to action through Air.

  • Set fire to herbs or incense, then extinguish them to form smoke. You can set it on fire in a regular spoon.
  • Next, fumigate each rune or talisman with signs written on it.
  • Read the disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the runic formula with the element of Air, (for example) to attract wealth”

The continuation is written below.

  • The action is carried out in solitude.

Attracting the element of Fire:

  • Light it up.
  • Hold a rune or object on top of the flame for a few seconds.
  • To charge with fire, read the Disclaimer:

“I (Name, Surname) activate the rune formula with the element of Fire to enhance, for example, my female (male) strength”

Attracting the elements of the Earth:

  • Sprinkle salt on runes or objects, directing your thoughts to your intention.
  • Read the disclaimer:

"I activate the Fehu rune for my rune set with the element of Earth"

  • Used salt should be poured under the tree.

Attracting the element of Water:

  • Spray plain tap water (no holy water) on objects or symbols.
  • Read the Disclaimer as in the previous examples.
  • With the remaining water, pour indoor flowers or pour it under a tree.
  • Don't forget to activate the symbol pouch!

Quick activation method

The most accessible way is breath!

  • Place the runic ligature or object on your left palm.
  • Fold your right hand into a tube.
  • Take a deep breath, concentrating on the intention.
  • Exhale through the palm folded into a tube.
  • The air should get on the object lying on the left palm.
  • If you wish, say the Disclaimer:

"I will activate the runic to protect my business (name) from the effects of any harmful forces and energies"

  • Can be loaded with ice. Pour water over a leaflet with a runic bundle and freeze, saying the words written above.

Secrets of Charging Characters

  1. Only formulas or ligatures are activated by fire.
  2. Firecharge Danger: Cannot be returned even if you change your mind.
  3. Before charging, put an amulet or a bunch of runes under your pillow for 3 nights to understand if you really want the fulfillment of this desire.
  4. applied with a pen or oils on the body, actuate by breathing after each application. Draw them on the surface of the water in any container, reading the Clause. Sprinkle the inscription with water, then drink the water slowly.
  5. A simple way to give action to formulas is to write them on paper: on one side of the sheet, a ligature is written, and on the other side, the name, surname of the person for whom the work needs to be done. Then charging is carried out by applying one of the elements. A person must have a runic tie with him for 2 months, then thank and burn.
  6. Breathing - you can attract abundance, money, protect yourself and your home.

If neurosis or other unpleasant phenomena appear after activation, then the work has begun. After three days, the condition should return to normal.

Purification of the amulet

To have the power of protection, they must be periodically cleaned and charged. Many amulets are made of stone or metal.

The easiest way is to clean the protective item in running water. Substitute it under water and say:

“Water washes away the troubles and misfortunes taken by the amulet into itself, protecting me !!!”

After that, wipe it with a napkin, put it under the sun for about 30 minutes.

Can be cleaned fire: pass the amulet over the candle flame several times from right to left, then in the opposite direction. Mentally imagine how negative energy turns into smoke. For a deeper cleansing, say out loud:

“The flame burns the negativity, and all my misfortunes turn into smoke and disappear”

The candle will have to be thrown away.

If the sun is shining outside, then put your protector under its rays. So he is well charged with clean energy.

If you wear a charm in plain sight, then it will collect all the negative energy from strangers and reduce its protective function. Put it in salt, hold for 3 days. After the ritual is completed, the salt must be discarded. The room where the ritual was performed must be fumigated with sage smoke.

How do you know if it's cleared? If there is no negativity on it, then you will immediately feel incredible confidence in yourself. If such a sensation does not arise, the cleansing will have to be repeated, and then do not touch it for 24 hours.

When the moon comes out in the sky, put the object on the windowsill.

Read the following:

“I call on the mother moon, I call on her for help! Let him give strength to my amulet, for good and good deeds! I’ll look at the moon at night, I’ll thank her with my eyes!”

Proper deactivation of runes

It is important to know how to deactivate the runes correctly so that they do not bring trouble. If the runes are depicted on paper or a photo, then they must be burned with gratitude for the work done. If you put a photo with a formula on your page on your computer, then delete it with gratitude as well.

And best of all, in the reservation, indicate the specific duration of the tie or stav.

“The formula works without harm to the physical and mental health of me and my loved ones. I can undo this formula at any time."

In general, any action with the destruction of the runes stops their work.

Dear friends, you have learned even more about the effect of magic symbols. To use them or not to use them is up to you!

If you really want to ritualize, then Mios or his surname Pirogov had the closest rituals to reality. For some reason, this runic book is bypassed by the entire runic Internet. And absolutely in vain. Mr. Pirogov gave fairly working rituals, without all sorts of newfangled introductions. And working meanwhile pretty well.

Actually, similar rituals have been preserved in my family records, but since there are already printed ones, why then rewrite my own with small nuances. So, how to clean an item with a ritual of runic magic. By the way, always remember that during the runic ritual, your eyes always look to the North, as well as the altar itself.

how a runic item of power is charged.


Place your palms on the object and say: Great Powers! I turn my gaze to you, I humbly appeal to you, I expect help and blessings from you, Cleanse this object from all evil and filth. In the name of Odin, Vili and Be. May it be so!

Put three pinches of sage on the coals and fumigate the object clockwise with the words:

In the name of Heimdall, I conjure and expel everything superfluous and alien to me and the Great Gods! Take a red candle, light it and make rotational movements (also clockwise) over the object with the words: In the name of Thor, I conjure and purify! All evil will be gone. Good will come. Thor's name. May it be so!

Take a bowl of water and a sprinkler and sprinkle the object with the words:

In the name of Njord, I consecrate and charge! Good bless! May it be so! Take a pot of salt and sprinkle the object with three grains of salt with the words: In the name of Freyr, I purify and protect myself and all Good, from any evil. May it be so!

Before consecrating the instrument, it is necessary to perform the ritual of opening the power.


This so-called introductory ritual, which should be performed before the initiation of any ceremony!!! Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you. Stand in the center of your room. Raise your palms above your head, while they should be closed. Close your eyes, let your breathing become even and calm. Imagine on your mental screen (inner eye, i.e. you will see gray space) all the colors of the rainbow in sequence. Those. every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits. The main thing is to present all the colors clearly !!! After you have looked at all the colors, start lowering your hands (while they remain closed) to the solar plexus with the words:

May I (name) open to the power of Asgard! Now spread your arms (hold your palms so that your fingers are perpendicular to the floor) to the sides and say: “ May the gates of Asgard be opened within me!” Then lower your hands simultaneously so that your palms are turned to the floor and say: May the power of Asgard manifest itself in my actions!

Then raise your hands up, this position is similar to the straight Algiz rune and say: Look at me and bless me with your will. May it be so!

Turn to the east and with both hands make a gesture that seems to cut through the door, and at this moment imagine that the yellow flame is coming out of your hands. Say: I call upon the powers of the East! Come help me! Help me manifest my will! Turn clockwise to the south, make an opening gesture, but the flame should be red, and say: I call on the forces of the South! Come help me! Help reach your goal!

I call on the forces of the West! Come help me! Let there be truth in my actions!

In the north, open the green flame door, say:

I call on the forces of the North! Come help me! And let it be what I want!

Stand in the center of the room and say with your arms crossed over your chest, palms facing you:

In the name of Odin, Vili, Be, let everything be fulfilled. For this is my will. May it be so!

Now, you can perform any magical actions.

NOW about how the subject actually connects to the elements. Here are a couple of drawings below showing the icons along the edges of the board. Like the letter P it is Earth, the cross is Air, the triangle is Fire, the semicircle is Water.

So, guys, the elements are written around the amulet, and are not charged into the inscription itself or into the runes themselves. By sewing a rune to a piece of wood, you fix the runic flow, and it is different from one element, and even more so from four at once. The elements are more like a background on which the amulet works. Additional recharge and protection. But the runes themselves are not charged by the elements. Do not put all your eggs in one basket - it may not withstand. The sign of the Element, as it were, fixes and fixes the corresponding force in this place. In action, this resembles the fasteners from witchcraft rituals.

RUNIC AMULETS - a small selection to understand the correct spelling of signs.

What is the difference between an amulet and a talisman? This is when you take a tree branch and cut it into pieces. The plates have different asymmetrical shapes and the amulet itself has a more chaotic and unstable structure. Therefore, it is the amulet that is weaker in action. But when you take an already processed board and saw it into dies, processing it according to all the rules of woodworking craftsmanship, then you will already get a runic talisman as a more durable and stable design. The main thing is to apply your hands correctly and everything will work out. And you should not beat bows, burn candles near the trees - they do not like fire. You can find quite a lot of cut branches, but it’s not worth bothering with cuts at all. The result is that with bows and requests, that without them is almost the same. And the saw cuts always after they dry out will crack along the fibers. And instead of a whole amulet, you may have 2-3 halves of it. Therefore, they make cuts and sawing longitudinal - then when the wood dries, the plank will not lead to the side and it will not crack. The main thing is good wood processing, how much energy and diligence you invest, it will turn out so strong.

Remember how martial artists taught students in the East? They give the boiler and he cleans the boilers for the teacher for three years. The hand becomes correct and then he easily comprehends the art of combat. So in the runic amulet building, the hand on the pieces of wood thus learns to sew the runes correctly and fix them in the amulet. And all sorts of toilet papers, napkins and cardboard will not help you. The runes love the tree and obey the one who knows how to process the tree with his hands. By the way, runic amulets can be consecrated without a ritual. Like in the examples below.

This amulet will help those businessmen and entrepreneurs whose work is directly related to traveling, concluding agreements or signing contracts. On Wednesday, on a growing moon, burn this amulet on a cut of an ash tree, perform the ritual of consecration. Then rub with jasmine oil and say:

Oh, Loki, help me! Give me the sweetness of my speeches, so that I successfully conclude agreements and contracts. May good fortune always accompany me in my undertakings. May this be done, in the name of Odin Vili and Be. May it be so!

This amulet will protect you from magical attacks, give stability in family relationships, and ensure financial success. It must be burned on a birch cut on Thursday during the growing moon. After the consecration ritual, rub with juniper oil and fumigate with dry jasmine flowers with the words:

By the forces of Odin, Njord, Freya, Freyr, the power of the runes Anzus, Algiz, Fehu, Mannaz, Gebo, Soulo, Yara, grant me family well-being, stability in money, protection from witchcraft, slander, conspiracies, spells, curses. Money to me, everything is with me. My house is in goodness and tranquility. May heaven bless this amulet for me (name). May it be so! Thor's name. May it be filled!

On Thursday, on a growing moon, burn this amulet on an oak blank. Perform the consecration ritual, then say:

Oh, Odin, bless and give strength to these runes, may they bring me joy and good luck in working affairs, and wealth.

Wear in the form of an amulet, threading a red silk thread through the hole.

The second group includes power amulets, signs of power, which are capable of causing the necessary (positive) changes in your life. A separate ritual of consecration is not required.

Now a little about candles. No twisted and figured candles are used in runic magic. Red stimulate the process, orange development, green money, white cleansing. The correct rounded shape without all sorts of trinkets and cones and pyramids. Ordinary white paraffin standard candles from Auchan, there are also orange and red and green ordinary ones, which do not go into a cone, but are even. This is a very important condition.

rice. Such candles are not used in magic.

By the way, Icelandic sticks belong to the group of runic talismans. And now the ritual of consecrating runic talismans.


This is a universal ritual for the consecration of runic talismans. After the talisman is made, light a candle, the color of which depends on the purpose of the amulet or talisman. Put a candle in the upper left edge of the altar, incense in the upper right. On the left, in the lower edge, pour rock salt in a slide, put a vessel with water in the lower right corner. In the center of the altar, place the sign carved on the blank. The front image should lie to the top of the table, this is very important. Then you need to consecrate the table with the Hammer of Thor, that is, draw a line from top to bottom with your right hand, and then from left to right bring another under it, but do not cross it out, namely, draw it. And so, starting from north to east and further, along the Circle of the Winds or the Cardinal Points. Then you need to consecrate the Sky: draw a line from behind the head with your right hand and then from left to right bring a cross bar under it. The earth is consecrated with the right hand, as if drawing a line from front to back, imagining that the line passes under your feet. With the same hand, from left to right, draw a crossbar. With each designation, by the Hammer of the Thor of the Cardinal Points, the following words must be pronounced aloud:

I consecrate this place with Thor's Hammer.

Sanctifying the Sky, say: I consecrate the sky with Thor's Hammer.

Consecrating the Earth, say: I consecrate the Earth with Thor's Hammer.

The ritual is considered closed if the candle is extinguished, and do not try to blow out the candle, it must be extinguished with your fingers!

So, you have prepared the table, lit a candle, incense, consecrated the place, turning your face to the North, you should say:

Oh, Odin, bless and sanctify this rune amulet, may it bring me good luck in money and joy in business. May it be so!

At this point, your feet should be shoulder-width apart. You stand like this with your hands raised to the sky and look up. Then take the talisman and, passing it three times over the candle, say three times:

I sanctify you with the Power of Fire. Oh Thor, bless!

Now pass it three times over the smoking incense and say three times:

I sanctify you with the power of Air. Oh Heimdall, bless.

Sprinkle water on the amulet three times and say three times:

I sanctify you with the Power of Water. Oh, Njord, bless.

Now sprinkle it with salt three times and say three times:

I consecrate you with the earth. Oh Freyr, bless.

Then, taking the amulet with both hands, bring it to your mouth and breathe into it three times, saying:

I give you life with my spirit.

After that, again raise your arms slightly up and to the sides. Hold the amulet in your right hand (face out). At this point, say the prayer that comes with each runic amulet. After the initiation of the consecration ritual, your amulet will serve faithfully.

Seals of Power are called runic talismans, made on a round plate, and along the edge of the circle there is always some suitable inscription from Edda. Whoever licked off such a method of making cabalist seals from runologists, or vice versa - for centuries, the information has disappeared and fallen into oblivion. As a result, a similar approach is used in both directions. Such a system is stronger in action, but it is rather difficult to find a round processed die. It is found only in the form of key chains with astrological signs burned out by laser engraving. They can be rubbed with sandpaper, but it is better to choose with a suitable astrological sign. Even jaded, it makes your seal stronger.


If you know that secret enemies and ill-wishers bring damage to you (or send curses), or if they threaten you with this, make this seal and no magic of your enemies will take you. Wear the seal of power invariably on yourself, like an amulet (in white silk on a black ribbon). When consecrating, say:

Algiz, Mannaz, Algiz! With the powers of the Thirteen, whose advice allows you to decide the lives of people, I endow this seal with their strength in order to turn away from me the magic of all my enemies, visible and invisible! Keep me as the Great Gods keep our Earth! Algiz, Laguz, Anzus! May it be so!

from witchcraft

This seal will protect and save the owner from any magical influence of the average level, from the evil eye and household curses! Wear it in white silk with a red ribbon. When consecrating, say:

Become the four Great Gods to protect me from all over the world! Empower this seal with the power of the Great Cosmic Shield! For with him all evil will return to my enemies! Anzus, Hagalaz, Algiz! May it be so!


This seal will protect the owner from enemies and their intrigues, and save from all major types of dangers. Wear it in brown silk with a blue ribbon. When consecrating, say:

With the names of the Great Three Gods, may you be filled with great power. Each of the Gods, so that you save my soul and my body from any danger, visible and invisible, from any enemy, living or dead, any day, hour, minute! Algiz, Mannaz, Algiz. May it be so!

Cover the table with a black cloth, draw a pentagram on the cloth with chalk, at the ends of which place white candles. Put the seal in the center of the pentagram (see diagram).

Place a glass of water in the upper left corner, rock salt in the lower left corner, a brazier with fire in the upper right corner, an incense stick or an incense burner in the lower right corner. At the base of the pentagram, put your magic knife (or a completely new one with wooden handles). At the top of the pentagram, place a bag of silk (its color will be indicated for each seal). Take a knife, turn towards the East, make movements as if you were carving a door. And imagine how the movements of the knife are accompanied by fiery light and open doors to the space of another world. After doing this, say:

I invite you, the Great Forces of the East, to come here and help me in the implementation of the ritual of the Power of Power.Become my patrons and save me from any evil!

Imagine that a powerful force breaks into the room, changing everything around with its energies. Feel the otherworldly presence, feel the surge of strength. Turn to the South, do the same manipulations with the knife and, imagining everything that was said above, say:

I invite you, the Great Forces of the South, to come here and help me in the implementation of the ritual of the Power of the Force. Become my patrons and empower me so that I can accomplish this Divine work!

Turn to the West. Perform the same ritual movements with the knife, recreate the same thought forms and associative pictures, and then say:

I invite you, the Great Powers of the West, to come here and help me in the implementation of the Power of Power ritual. Become my patrons and help change me and the world around me!

Turn to the North and, repeating all the manipulations described above, say:

I invite you, the Great Powers of the North, to come here and help me in the implementation of the ritual of the Power of Power. Become my patrons and empower me so that I can (la) achieve what I came (went) here for!

Then face East, cross your arms over your chest (along with the knife) and say:

Powers Great! Powers of the Ancients! Forgotten gods! I send my prayers to you! I appeal to you with all my heart and soul! Empower me so that I can make a seal of Your Strength and Power!

Spread your arms at your sides and imagine how you are filled with energy! from a divine vessel. Put the knife on the altar, take the seal in your hands, sprinkle it with salt and say:

All the power of the North is in the salt of life! Gods of the North endow the seal of Strength (list the properties of your seal that you want to acquire) so that it serves me with strength and truth! Be sacred! Dip the seal in water (if the material from which the seal is made does not allow this, then sprinkle it) and say: In the water of truth is all the power of the West! Gods of the West endow the seal of Power (list the properties of your seal that you want to acquire) so that with it I can have strength for the glory of Light and Truth! Cover the seal with the heat of fire and say: In the fire of justice is all the power of the South. Gods of the South, endow the seal of the Force (its properties) so that with it I can be clean and protected by justice for the glory of the Supreme!

Burn the seal with incense and say:

All the power of the East is in the air of power. Gods of the East, endow the seal of the Force (its properties) so that I can (la) have power over myself and the events connected with me for the glory of Past Wars and Your Victories!

Prick your finger (any) and sprinkle your seal with the blood that came out. Place it between your palms and say:

In the blood is all the strength of my life and your glory! Oh, seal of the Force, serve me faithfully! Protect me, grant me the power of the Great Elder Gods!

After these words, read the prayer, the text of which will be given separately for each seal. Then put the seal in the bag prepared for it and, in the form of an amulet, put it on your neck. Take your ritual knife, stand in front of the altar and say:

Great Gods, Holy Gods, thank you for your help! Today I won't bother you anymore! Voor! Face East, move your knife as if you were closing a door and say: Thank you, Great Gods of the East for your help! Go in peace for good!

Do the same and say to the South:

Thank you, Great Gods of the South for your help! Go in peace for good! Repeat all to the West: Thank you, Great Gods of the West for your help! Go in peace for good!

And finally, repeat all to the North:

Thank you, Great Gods of the North for your help! Go in peace for good! Stand in front of the altar and say: May everything be fulfilled for the glory of the Supreme! May it be so! Voor!

On this, the ritual of consecrating the seals of power is considered closed. In general, this is the whole master class on simple revival and charging of runic objects of power.

This is information for those who love rituals.

I simply place the crafted item on the centering board and then place it in the charging charger or rune altar, without bothering with rituals at all. And the object of runic power does not become weaker from this, but only stronger. After all, the main stage of sanding was successfully completed))). Further, the dice can be recharged in my runic charger, and also placed on the board to correct the consequences of their crooked handles, that is, to center the object itself so that the energy is distributed evenly. It can also be charged by holding it in the bowls of the elements, depending on the direction of the object. But all this already applies to the methods of magical astral charging and facilitates the work of charging an object of power and reduces the waste of one's own strength by several times.

In this article, we will continue talking about runes, and touch on the question of how to charge runes. runic, according to some runologists, should begin with an initiation into the energy of the runes. In my opinion, if the runes have already interested you, then you will understand them without any dedication, and be imbued with their energies.
Therefore, I don’t conduct initiation into runes for all students and far from always.
If you have already studied runes and want to find ways to charge them, this article is for you.

Charging runes with elemental energies.

Closest to energy runes. You can charge runic formulas or single runes (or a set of new runes that you have purchased for yourself) with all four at once, or you can choose one element, according to the situation. For example, if you want to make an amulet that attracts love with the help of runes, select the fire element for charging. Fire helps to activate runes in cases where an active reaction is needed, a quick transformation of a person or situation, filling something with energy, etc. How can you charge runes with fire? To do this, light a candle, or a fire. You can choose the color of the candle for the situation, or you can not attach any importance to it - see for yourself what exactly you need now, act intuitively.
After the source of the energy of Fire is opened by you, direct this energy into your rune talisman or just into the rune. How to send? To do this, you have imagination, feelings and the ability to control energies. I think you already know how to manage them if you found this article - I am not writing this material for beginners.
Another, different from the elements, method of charging is charging with the energies of the planets. If you have already worked with them, open the portal of any planet (which you need now), and in the same way, by channeling energy, direct the energy of the planet into your runic symbol.

We talk in detail about how to work with any kind of energies, to direct them to a specific goal - in our classes on spiritual development "Kedr" in our school.

Charging runes for beginners.

And how to charge the runes, if you ever encountered runes for the first time, and suddenly found out, while reading the materials, that they still need to be charged? Absolutely beginners in this business can use direct physical methods with minimal visualization. For example, light incense and pass your rune over the smoke, saying something like: “Energy of the Air element, saturate my rune talisman with the Force, and help me in ... (name your goal of creating the rune)” You can compose the text of the appeal to the Forces yourself. Remember that the more creativity you show in magic, the more it works for you.

In this way, you can charge both rune amulets, formulas, and your runic set - fumigating each rune separately.

Charging with breath.

Another simple method of charging is charging with your breath. To do this, simply bring the runes to your mouth, and exhale air from your lungs on them, imagining how you charge the runes with your Spirit power. At the same time, it is desirable to additionally visualize how the runes begin to glow with energy, radiate the Force. If at the same time you feel the Power of the rune, it will be wonderful. But even if you do not feel anything, you will still activate your runescript, and it will go to work.
After you get the desired result, any runic amulet must be burned or buried. Naturally, this does not apply to those amulets that involve the constant appearance of the result. That is, for example, amulets that attract good luck, or programming the receipt of a certain amount of money every month.
I told you how to bring the runes into working condition. But you can also invent your own methods of charging - as practicing magicians usually do for themselves.

I have already answered this question, that unambiguous and clear instructions for activation and revival of mascots not preserved. There are many different rituals, and everyone chooses for himself the one that is closer to him. Here I will bring ritual most frequently used.

Having received your long-awaited mascot, first cleanse it of someone else's energy. Be sure to rinse it in salt water, and then under running water. Activate by his power of thought. For at least two weeks, put it under your pillow, carry it with you, communicate.

Very useful, in the days of the growing moon, lightly pierce the ring finger of the left hand, rub it on the surface. It does not matter if this is not noticeable on the metal. So you are united into a single powerful force.

There is another well-known way to activate your talisman - wax sealing the binding to you. After you have applied a drop of your blood on the back side of the amulet, drip a little on top of the melted natural wax from the candle.

Put your talisman under the moonlight more often on the days of the growing moon and the full moon. Cleanse it occasionally with gratitude.

Always, after his action is manifested, THANK your helper and, left alone with him, chat, light a candle and

Avoid the desire of other people (including relatives!) to touch, and even more so to put on this personal, very important item of yours.

If this happens, be sure to clean it.

Here is another ritual, it is called Small runic ritual(according to Batyushkov).

Excerpt from S. Batyushkov's book.

Lesser Ritual

“Before any ritual, it is necessary to consecrate the room in which you work. It is done like this. You stand facing the ritual table, but not close. So that it is possible to raise an outstretched hand without touching the table. Next, you say the formula: "I consecrate this place with Thor's hammer!" Saying the words: "I consecrate this place ...", you draw a virtual line in front of you from top to bottom with your right hand, and, saying: "... with Thor's hammer!", From left to right, you outline a light semi-oval with the same hand, as if drawing it to the bottom of the virtual vertical line. The vertical line should touch the middle of the semi-oval. Beginners visualize this drawing with blue cold fire. And experienced practitioners themselves will understand whether they did the right thing or not.

Then you should turn clockwise or counter-clockwise, ninety degrees, and do the same action. You should turn around until you are again facing the ritual table. Those who do not know what a ninety degree angle is can buy a compass and navigate to the cardinal points - they are located just at an angle of ninety degrees to each other. When you again find yourself facing the desktop, you will also need to consecrate heaven and earth.

To consecrate the sky, you also virtually draw Thor's hammer above your head with your hand. The same color as around you, that is, a cold blue flame. The transverse arc of the hammer should be curved away from you.

As you draw the hammer above your head, you say, "I sanctify the sky with Thor's hammer!"

Still need to sanctify the land. After you have consecrated the sky, with the same hand, looking down at your feet, draw the same hammer of Thor glowing with a cold blue light. When consecrating the earth, the transverse arc of the hammer should look behind your back with a bend. The hammer should be parallel to the ground or floor, but as if at some distance under your feet, it's okay if you are standing on a hard surface, Thor's hammer will also be drawn in the thickness of the concrete if you do everything right. At the same time, you say: “I consecrate the earth with the hammer of Thor!”

Before conducting your first runic ritual, practice the movements of consecrating the cardinal points, heaven and earth. In the ritual, everything should be clear and without blots!

During the Camping ritual, the consecration of the cardinal points, heaven and earth can not be physically done. It may be inappropriate and others may misunderstand you. But I highly recommend mentally pronouncing the formulas of sanctification.

Lesser Ritual

Sanctify the place of work Thor's hammer. Put the runes on the workpiece in the order they are important (the most important is the central rune, and less and less important runes are cut out as you move away from the center), chanting the name of each rune. Color each symbol with paint. You can just paint the runes with paint. Then you create them at the same time as coloring. State in advance clearly and precisely what it is intended for. amulet or mascot. And in the process of applying runes, repeat the wording of the goal as a spell. You can even formulate the purpose of the work in the form of a Scandinavian poem - visas. Visualize the result of your work. That is, see clearly and in colors, as if on a movie screen, the result of your work in its final form. While charging the amulet, say the words in the past tense. This is necessary to emphasize the intention. At the end of the ritual, bring the amulet to your mouth with your right hand and exhale with your stomach, charging your work with vitality.

For a simple ritual, you need to have one candle. You can use any - even wax, even stearic - the main thing is fire.

You also need incense. Which incense to choose for what purpose, I will not write. There is enough literature on this subject. Buy and study. I will give only the simplest examples. If not needed, then any coniferous smell will do. If you are making a love amulet, then it is better to fumigate it with the smell of honey or apple. The talisman of a business orientation is heather. In general, use something of our native. But if the right incense is not available, then anything will do. Up to dried herbs for gargling or other pharmacy fees. And if you have several herbal preparations at your disposal, then it is better to sniff them all and choose the one that you feel is most suitable for this work.

You also need regular table salt and tap water. The water must not be boiled. Because boiled water is dead! Boiled water is undesirable to drink. It is better to drink iced (frozen and thawed), filtered or energetically worked out. The latter is not recommended if you are not confident in your abilities.

The candle must be placed on the far left edge of the table. Incense is placed on the right, also on the far edge of the table. On the left, but on the edge of the table closest to you, put a small glass of water, and on the right corner closest to you, put a bowl of Salt. In the middle of the table, but closer to yourself than water and salt stand, you must put a completely carved, painted, fully prepared, but not yet consecrated amulet. It should lie with its upper edge towards the far edge of the ritual table. It is important! Since, if you mix up the top and bottom of the amulet and consecrate it “upside down”, then the amulet will be consecrated upside down, like the runes applied to it. Consequently, the result of the work will be directly opposite to the expected. That is, instead of helping yourself or people, you “ritualize” them or yourself in such a way that later you yourself will not know what to do, but everything will only get worse and worse. Unless you realize or feel in time that your amulet is not working properly.

Then you need to consecrate the hammer of Thor himself ritual table. The ritual is considered closed if the candle is extinguished. Do not try to blow out the candle, you need to extinguish it with your fingers.

Turn your face to the side of the world corresponding to the purpose of the work, and arrange all the accessories on the desktop. Light the candle and then the incense. Next, you must call on the gods. You don't have to shout loudly for this. It is enough to say visu, calling the attention of the god you want to address. That is, you do not call God himself, you need to attract his attention, look. I repeat, visa, this is a Scandinavian four or a big line. You can compose the visas you need in your work. If you don't know how, then you need to learn how to do it. Because you will come up with a visa exactly the way you feel the attention of the particular God you are addressing. Visa, who does not know, this is not an ode to twenty sheets. It suffices, for example, to say:

I call you

To help yourself.

Of course, you can come up with something of your own. It doesn't matter what specific words you say. The main thing is that it should be respectful, but persistent wording in incantatory meter and rhythm. Basically, any visa, if it is really a visa, has a spell size. The fact is that he was precisely the magician-writer of vis. And initiation into skalds was the first step towards initiation into erili.

Vis should be spoken after a short nod-bow, raising his hands to the sky.

With your left foot forward, slowly raise your head. At the same time, quickly but not fussily, put your foot back and raise your head to the sky. You should be in a position with feet shoulder-width apart and arms raised to the sky, looking up. This position symbolizes the Yggdrasil tree. Your feet represent roots and your hands represent branches.

The appearance of the gods is felt by a prickling or elastic wave going down the body from top to bottom. Out of habit, even a little shaking can begin. You will feel the power that is within you or is centered around you. Both of these feelings are normal. There is a difference between the feeling of power “inside” or “around”, but it is subjective and depends solely on the type of energy of the person who conducts the runic ritual. As soon as the feeling of the wave has passed and shaken you, you slowly lower your arms through the sides. At the same time, you get a clear or, at first, not very, feeling of a rod of power somewhere in the center of your spine or slightly in front of it. Your solar plexus may throb and you may be shaken again. The palms, after stretching the arms “at the seams”, go to opposite shoulders and freeze there. After that, you make a small bow at the waist, and thank the gods for paying attention to you. Thus, you turn to the gods.

Now, with both hands, take the carved amulet and hold it for a while, realizing how important its influence is for you or the one asking. Then, holding the blank with the fingers of the hand that you will work with (usually it is the right hand, but if it is the left, then it’s okay, the main thing is that you feel comfortable), hold the future amulet three times over the candle, and each time say out loud: “I I sanctify you with the power of fire!” Then, pass the amulet three times over the smoking incense, and also, aloud, each time say: “I sanctify you with the power of air!” Then dip the amulet into the water three times, each time saying aloud: “I sanctify you with the power of water!” If the amulet is made of leather, then you sprinkle it with water three times, using the index and middle fingers of the left (non-working) hand for this. After that, you sprinkle the amulet with Salt three times and, each time, say out loud: “I sanctify you with the power of the earth!” Then you again take the newly born amulet with both hands, bring it face up to your mouth, and focusing on bringing it to life, slowly, using the belly breathing technique, exhale on it. At the same time, you mentally say: “I give you life with my spirit!”. After all this, holding the amulet in your right hand, facing away from you, again raise your hands slightly to the sides and up. At the same time, you say out loud: “O great gods! Take a look at my work and give it power! In the name of the great Odin! May it be so!!!" Then you place the amulet on the table, strictly in the middle of the ritual space, limited by the elements, and leave it there until the incense or candle burns out, whichever burns out first. While the amulet is charging, lying in the ritual space, you stand next to the table and think in great detail about the result of your work. The formulas of consecrations must be pronounced respectfully, but with will and harshness, as well as moderately demanding. If you dissolve sweet saliva and pink snot, not a single god will turn to you… And if he ever turns, he will also spit in your snotty side. And to give the amulet strength - so here with snot and do not come close. North is tough. Gods love warriors. Even if you are not a karate champion, but in your soul there is a will to win - the rest will come. At warrior mage, somewhere inside, a stainless steel rod should be hidden. Such a quality is valued by the gods.

Here is the amulet consecrated. Not by you, but by the will of the gods and by the name of Odin. The amulet lies in the middle of the table. In general, and as a whole, the ritual is completed. But! I recommend one more step. Here the amulet lies on the table - in the very middle. The symbols of the elements are arranged symmetrically on the table. The amulet must be placed strictly at the intersection of the diagonals of an imaginary square or rectangle, which is formed by the symbols of the elements standing on the table. You stretch your arms forward in a crosswise pattern and visualize the pillars of energy from the fire and air symbols sticking to your arms. Leading your hands along the diagonals of an imaginary square, you connect the elements in order: fire-earth and air-water. At the point of intersection of the elemental diagonals, a column of energy of the combination of the elements is formed, and the amulet is located right in this column. The runes are built from the central one, in the form of symmetry of their location on the amulet. Imagine that the runes are, as it were, uncoupled from each other, but are in a single sphere and each one burns with its own color. You mentally spin them into a whirlwind of a spherical shape, iridescent and / or iridescent color, or just white. You begin to mentally compress the rotating sphere. When it turns into a bright burning dot, you sharply “drive” it into the center of the runescript on the amulet by an effort of will. The image on the amulet, behind the small one, does not bounce off the workpiece. Try it - you won't regret it. At first, however, you will strain, as much sweat can come out. But practice, practice and more practice - then everything will work out.

After that, you can close the ritual. To do this, you need to raise your hands up and put your feet together to get a copy of the Algiz rune. Then you need to say “In the name of the great Odin! May it be so! The ritual is declared closed!”, and put out the candle. Under no circumstances should the candle be blown out! It must be extinguished by grasping the burning wick. Do not be afraid, there will be no burn - it is checked! Particularly pampered ladies who are afraid for their manicure are allowed to pre-moisten their fingers with saliva. The ritual is over. Work completed. The finished amulet must be placed where it will work best. If the amulet is of personal property, then it must be hung around the neck. You can carry the amulet just like that, in your pocket, for example, or you can put it in a bag. If you decide to wear an amulet on a string around your neck, then you need to drill a hole in the workpiece before consecration. Otherwise, some kind of sadism is obtained. If the amulet is intended to protect the house, then you can hang it on the door frame, or hide it somewhere near the door. Ideally - to insert directly into the door. In general, it is better that no one sees your amulet and, even more so, does not touch it with your hands. This is your being, your magical object, your business, after all, esotericism is secret knowledge. Secret not because no one tells anything to anyone, but because not everyone can understand this knowledge. After all, the secret must not only be known, it must also be comprehended. And many people are not smart enough for that. Therefore, they prefer to use ready-made formulations of fashionable religious trends.

When the work of the amulet is completed, that is, it has completed its task, it must be destroyed very respectfully. Either burn it in a fire specially made for this purpose, or bury it under a tree. It is necessary to send to the fire and bury with words of gratitude and respect, like a warrior who died in battle. If the amulet did not work, then you need to do the same. The amulet is not to blame for not being able to do the job. After all, it was not the amulet that failed, but the magician himself.

Above was a small ritual. It's not that he's much weaker, but he's quicker in execution. It uses a minimum of funds, and it is intended for less serious purposes. That is to say, every day. But for those who understand literally, I will say that if you ritualize every day, then in a month there will be no one to “collect” you. It's just that no one can restore your energy body. Do not forget that during the ritual you give away part of your power. Of course, it will recover later, and even with a profit. And the more experience you have, the easier and more your energy is replenished. But experience takes time. I also do not recommend making several amulets in one day. Firstly, you will be exhausted, and secondly, you won’t give strength to amulets, and you won’t shout to the gods. In order for the gods to pay attention to you, you need to get through to them or get through, or something. After all, they do not live in our world, but at home, in Asgard. And your call is already your transition to another world, a mental transition, of course, and it spends a lot of power. Moreover, if you use the technology given at the end of the ritual, then it is better to have a good sleep after work. Especially if you work out of habit. And it doesn't interfere with habit either. Before the ritual, prepare a chocolate bar or cake in the refrigerator. After the ritual, you may really crave sweets.

Somehow like this.

Everyone gains their own experience and their own practice of working with runes, I will be grateful if you tell us about your experience and your practical experience in the comments to the article.

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I wish you success! All the best!