Rowan red description for children. Matinees have become more often Pour handfuls of silver. And the mountain ash in the dark thicket Saved the generosity of summer. An essay about

Autumn. Multicolored, varied. At first it is lush, golden and sunny, and then sad, rainy, cold. It's beautiful in autumn. The foliage of trees constantly changes color, and then completely falls to the ground, covering it with a rustling carpet.

In mid-autumn, a magical island of warmth and sunny weather happens, which is called Indian summer. Its special embellishment is a silvery fine web lace that glitters in every corner.

Colorful autumn flowers bloom everywhere - asters, geogynes, chrysanthemums. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest after rain. Berries ripen on the bushes. In the gardens, too, the harvest period - apples, pears, nuts, grapes ripened. It's so cool to pick a poured sweet apple right off the branch! It is sweet and fragrant, very tasty.

Autumn is often bad weather. The sky is hiding behind dense clouds, it is raining - sometimes small, annoyingly drizzling, then strong, cold, which can go on without stopping all day, or even several days in a row.

A riot of colors gives way to transparency and dullness at the end of autumn. Only the clear blue sky does not lose its brightness. Harvest in the fields, orchards, orchards. Then dry leaves are removed in the yards and on the streets. Trees stand bare, strong wind often blows, it rains. It's getting cold. People are increasingly in a hurry to hide in houses and apartments. With parting cries, the birds fly away to the warm lands. It looks like winter is coming soon.

Essay-description of autumn (option 2)

One morning you go out into the street and you feel a special coolness. Here is autumn. Although the sun is still shining brightly, it no longer bakes like summer. And the wind shakes the trees in a different way. And the sky has changed - as if it has become closer. The sunlight has softened, turned yellow, it no longer blinds the eyes.

But the autumn outfits of nature are pleasing to the eye - yellow, crimson, golden foliage of trees and bushes, colorful flowers, soft straw dry grass. Here are bright bright red berries of wild rose, bunches of mountain ash, clusters of grapes completely strewn with sweet berries, ruddy apples and golden pears in orchards, funny mushroom umbrellas under trees in the forest ...

And the air has changed. Now it is filled with new autumn aromas - the smell of dry grass, fallen leaves, dampness, ripe apples, autumn flowers, grapes. The forest smells of pine needles and mushrooms. The air seems to have become cleaner - the smell of hot asphalt has disappeared and the dust has settled after the rain. Feels fresh and cool.

Autumn sounds different. The wind is roaring, the rain is ringing, the fallen leaves are rustling. The summer songs of crickets are no longer heard, but bees and wasps are still buzzing, feasting on ripe pears and grapes. The serene summer chirping of birds gave way to alarm cries. Soon the birds will be drawn in large flocks to where it is warm even in winter.

Autumn is a beautiful, changeable and boring time.

Rowan ordinary, description, photo, varieties, growing conditions, diseases and pests

Mountain ash Sorbus aucuparia L. Distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East.

It grows singly in the second tier of the forest, along forest glades, edges, river banks.

Shade-tolerant mesophyte, microtherm, mesotroph, stable assectator of the second tier of the stand. Protected in nature reserves. Mountain ash a small tree (up to 11 m) or a large shrub with alternate, pinnate leaves, dark green above, bare, lighter below, pubescent. Flowers up to 1 cm, in large corymbs.

Avoids sickness. It has many decorative forms: according to the shape of the crown, the color and taste of the fruit, the color of the leaves, which can be successfully used in green building. This is 'liqueur', 'burka', 'pomegranate', 'Michurinskaya dessert.

The typical form, its hybrids and varieties are decorative throughout the growing season. Very beautiful in solitary and group plantings, edges, alleys throughout Russia.

Decorative forms:

Russian (f. rossica)- similar to the main form, but with larger, wider leaves, large, edible fruits;

pyramidal (f. fastigiata)- with a narrow pyramidal crown and branches directed upwards;

weeping (f. pendula)- with thin, long, drooping branches;

Beissner (f. Beissneri)- an elegant form with pinnately lobed leaves, bright red young shoots and leaf petioles;

Fifeana (f. Fifeana)- with yellow fruits.

Rowan fruits contain sugars -16%, organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, fumaric, sorbic and parasorbic - the last two have bactericidal properties) - 2.7, pectin substances - 1%, vitamin P - 400 mg%, ascorbic acid ( vitamin C) - 200, carotene - 20, amygdalin - 16, tocopherol (vitamin E) - 2.1, riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 2, phylloquinone (vitamin K) - 1, serotonin - 1, folic acid - 0.35 mg % and other substances.

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other macro- and microelements accumulate in significant quantities. The seeds contain fatty oil - 22%. Biologically active substances are well preserved when fruits are cooled to a temperature of 0°C immediately after harvest and stored at this temperature.

Fruits of mountain ash of sweet forms can be consumed fresh, in bitter ones the bitterness disappears after freezing or as a result of immersion for 3 minutes in a boiling 3% solution of table salt.

Dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic value of mountain ash. Dry fruits are part of therapeutic vitamin preparations used as a diuretic, hemostatic, tonic and tonic.

More about rowan

Mountain ash. A tree about 10m high with large odd-pinnate leaves (14-15 oblong-lanceolate serrated leaves), gray below, dull green above.

Rowan elderberry. Small shrub 1m high. The fruits are larger and tastier than those of mountain ash, without pronounced bitterness and astringency, rich in vitamins. It is winter-hardy, unpretentious to growing conditions, has many forms, among which there are forms with rather large and sugary fruits. Deserves wide distribution among amateur gardeners of the middle lane.

Rowan Finnish. A tree 6 m high with a wide pyramidal crown and semi-pinnate leaves. The fruits are large, elongated, red, sour-sweet, somewhat mealy. Winter hardy and productive. Widely used by amateur gardeners in the middle lane.

Varieties of red-fruited mountain ash.

These include the following: Nevezhinskaya, Kubovaya, Zheltaya, Krasnaya, Likirnaya, Pomegranate, Dessertnaya, Burka, etc. Some are selected in natural conditions or from seedlings, others are obtained from hybrids from interspecific and intergeneric crossings, where chokeberry, hawthorn, irga, quince, medlar, pear. All varieties are winter-hardy, they can be successfully cultivated in the northern and northeastern regions of the middle zone.

If there is only one mountain ash plant on the site, then you need to plant other varieties of mountain ash in the crown.

How to propagate rowan.

Different types and varieties of mountain ash can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively: by grafting, layering, root offspring and green cuttings. The fastest and most practical way to get varietal seedlings is to graft cuttings or buds of scion varieties onto rootstock seedlings.

How to propagate rowan seeds.

Fruits for seed purposes should be collected in the phase of the onset of browning, rubbed through a sieve, rinsed with water and dried a little. Seeds freed from pulp and skin should be kept moist until autumn sowing (before the soil begins to freeze).

For spring sowing, seeds need to be stratified for 6-7 months at a temperature of 0-1°C. In the spring it is necessary to sow as early as possible. The site should be well lit and the soil fertile.

Care consists in watering, weeding, loosening the soil and pruning the tap root system. Seedlings should be dug up at the age of three or four years, when they can be grafted onto them.

Peculiarities of rowan grafting.

All methods of vaccination are available: kidney budding; cuttings by copulation (if the scion and stock are the same in diameter); into the crown using a side cut, split or behind the bark (if the stock is thicker than the scion).

The grafting technique is the same as on an apple tree; during winter grafting, it can be grafted into the root neck. It is necessary to use cuttings of proven garden forms and varieties.

The part of the shoot fixed near the soil, on which banding or wire constriction is preliminarily carried out, should be sprinkled with earth. With good care, adventitious roots form above the ringing site by autumn. But it is better to dig them out by the end of the second year.

Growing conditions

Rowan requirements for growing conditions. Most species and varieties of mountain ash are undemanding to soil conditions, but grow worse and bear fruit on light sandy and especially sandy soils.

How and when to plant rowan. Just like an apple tree. Should be planted in spring or fall. The distance between vigorous plants should be 3-4 m, between weak plants - 1.5-2 m.

Rowan care.

It is necessary to promptly remove wild shoots that form at the root collar or below the grafting site. Fertilize, water, loosen the soil, mulch, form plants, fight pests and diseases.

In the third year after planting, mountain ash should be fed with mineral fertilizers.

The most effective triple top dressing. In the spring (before flowering) should be applied (per 1 m2): nitrogen - 20 g a.i., phosphorus - 25, potassium - 15 g a.i., in summer - nitrogen and phosphorus 10-15 g a.i., potassium - 10 g a.i. in autumn (after harvesting) - phosphorus and potassium - 10g each.

Fertilizers must be incorporated into the soil by hoeing or by shallow digging, then watered abundantly.

Formation and pruning of mountain ash.

When trimming the crown, it should be taken into account that the mountain ash naturally forms pyramidally: the branches depart from the trunk at an acute angle, this does not contribute to the strength of the crown. Therefore, the main branches must be displayed at an obtuse angle.

On young fruit-bearing mountain ash, it is necessary to remove the shoots and clean the bole from excess shoots and branches. The formation of fruit-bearing plants depends on the nature of fruiting. In varieties that bear fruit on last year's growths, the branches should be thinned out and shortened a little.

With a weak growth, rejuvenating pruning is needed for two to five years of wood. In mountain ash bearing fruit on various types of fruit formations, it is necessary to shorten the semi-skeletal branches, systematically thin out and rejuvenate the annulus. The rowan shoots grow quickly and by winter they all ripen.

How to harvest.

The fruits stay on the branches for a long time. On bitter-fruited mountain ash, it is better to harvest after the first frost (tartness is lost), on sweet-fruited ones - immediately after ripening, otherwise birds peck at it.

Fruits harvested before frost must be cleaned of branches, leaves, stalks and processed, after frost - left in shields (they can be stored all winter in a cold room or frozen). Up to 20 kg of fruits are usually harvested from one plant.

How to dry fruits.

Fruits should be cleaned of litter and stalks and dried in dryers (ovens) at a temperature of 60-80 ° C or in ventilated rooms (in good weather - under a canopy), scattering a thin layer on paper bedding and stirring occasionally. Dried fruits shrivel strongly, have a slight odor and a sour-bitter taste.

Pests and diseases of mountain ash.

rowan aphid- damages and deforms the leaves.

Control measures: in early spring, before bud break, treatment with a 2% solution of nitrofen, in summer - with a 0.2% solution of karbofos.

rowan moth- the caterpillar damages the pulp of the fruit.

Control measures: mechanical collection of damaged fruits, treatment with a 0.2% solution of chlorophos 10-12 days after flowering; autumn digging of tree trunks.

Control measures: treatment of young leaves with a 0.1% solution of ragora; before flowering - 1% solution of colloidal sulfur.

Rowan moth caterpillars damage the fruits (they darken and rot), rowan aphids and gallic rowan mites damage the leaves.

Control measures:

against rowan moth, a week after flowering, sprinkle the crown and near-stem circles with a solution of karbofos; against rowan aphids - treat dormant buds with a solution of oleocuprite or in summer with a solution of karbofos; against gall mites - sprinkle with colloidal sulfur before flowering.

Composition on the topic: "Rowan in autumn"

A wonderful time - golden autumn. It attracts everyone with the colorful decoration of the trees. You go into the forest and you see a lot of bizarre colors all around.

But the rowan is still considered the most elegant in the autumn period. Indeed, in addition to multi-colored leaves, painted in yellow, orange or purple, clusters of bright red berries hang on it. She resembles a princess dressed in a colorful sundress adorned with beads.

The mountain ash is especially pleasing to the eye when you look at it against the background of the blue autumn sky in bright sunlight and a slight breeze. It slightly rustles the leaves, and the berries seem to shimmer in the rays of the autumn sun.

Mountain ash fascinates not only with its appearance, but also with the aroma of ripe berries. What benefits will it bring to birds in winter. Its fruits are enjoyed by bullfinches and waxwings.

In autumn, when the berries are just ripe, they have a bitter taste and it is still too early to pick them. As soon as the first frosts hit, they will lose their bitterness, and it will be possible to cook a very healthy jam. Rowan fruits are medicinal, as they contain many vitamins and are used in folk medicine, especially in the autumn-winter period.

But even with the onset of late autumn, when all the leaves fall like a lush carpet to the ground, red berries still retain its splendor. And when white snow falls on the rowan branches, it will already be transformed into a winter beauty. How pleasing to the eye is the combination of white and bright red.

It is especially good to walk along the rowan alleys, admiring the beauty of these trees. Watch how birds sit on the mountain ash and peck out the berries, a light breeze blows, and silvery snowflakes fall down.

Mountain ash pleases our eyes not only in the autumn period, but also continues to attract attention in the winter, while clusters of berries turn red on it. This is the most beautiful autumn tree!

Description of mountain ash in autumn essay

Composition on the topic: Rowan (business description). its flowers do not suffer from spring frosts and it produces a good harvest of berries every autumn.

Composition-description Autumn. Description of autumn. Autumn. Multicolored, varied.

Compositions: on a free topic (5-11 cells) An essay on a work on the topic: Rowan.

In two vases, glass and brown, there are bouquets of ripe mountain ash. An essay-description based on the painting “Portrait of V. I. Arsenyeva by V. L.

And the bunches of mountain ash “seem hot.” ​​So autumn has come. Composition - description based on the painting by V. D. Polenov Golden Autumn.

Description of the theme: Autumn is a touching time when all nature slows down its pace, chestnut leaves, and very small red rowan leaves.

Mountain ash - a resident of forest glades, edges and river urema, clusters, concluded: “There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, if not enough.

There are bright beads on rowan and viburnum. br / 2010 br / "DIFFERENT AUTUMN" Essay on literary reading of a 3rd grade student.

Composition-description Ryabina Bobrysheva Elena Vasilievna, primary school teacher, higher.

Rubric: Composition on the theme of describing nature. It was deep autumn. Leaves almost. Not far from our seven-story building, a luxurious mountain ash grows.

Autumn. Multicolored, varied. Composition-description of autumn (option 2). Here are bright bright red rose hips, bunches of mountain ash, all over.

Rowan (artistic description)

An essay about

I have a young mountain ash growing under my window. I really love this graceful tree, because it is fabulously beautiful at any time of the year.

In early spring, she puts on an outfit of pale green lace leaves, and at the end of spring, in May, she blooms with lush white clusters. The fragrance of blooming mountain ash is especially pleasant in the early morning, when you wake up from the cheerful chirping of sparrows, open the window and enjoy the delicate aroma.

In summer, rowan gives us coolness, protecting the window from the hot sun.

And in the autumn days this tree becomes magically beautiful.

The sun, saying goodbye to the mountain ash until spring, gives it its most beautiful colors. Like a fairy-tale princess in a lace yellow sundress with bright red cluster earrings, a mountain ash flaunts under my window. But this decoration is short-lived. The cold merciless wind will soon rip off the wonderful outfit, and only red bunches of berries will harbor tender memories of summer and warmth.

Then winter comes, and white sparkling snow will decorate the branches. But the mountain ash will not have to be sad and bored in winter. Noisy flocks of sparrows will become her regular guests. After all, healthy and tasty rowan berries will save birds from hunger in a long frosty winter.

Mountain ash: varieties and species, seedlings, cultivation. rowan properties

Rowan is among the low-value fruit trees due to the characteristic bitter taste of its berries. However, being very common, it is widely used as an ornamental plant. Durable and resilient wood is also often used in carpentry.

Botanical description

Under the name "rowan", the species and varieties of which you will find in the article, in modern botany it is customary to understand a whole genus of woody low plants from the large Pink family. The number of species exceeds a hundred, and about a third of them grow freely in Russia. Rowan is widely distributed in North America, Asia and throughout Europe. This deciduous plant in the form of a shrub or tree is especially spectacular in the autumn period, when the leaves are painted in crimson tones, and the branches are decorated with huge bright clusters.

The use and properties of mountain ash

Rowan wood is distinguished by elasticity and high density, which allows it to be used for the manufacture of joinery. A flowering tree or shrub is an excellent honey plant.

Rowan berries are eaten, especially this was facilitated by the breeding of new varieties, the fruits of which have lost their bitter taste. You can eat them fresh, canned (compotes, jams, preserves), make marmalade or marshmallow, dry, pickle or soak. Some properties of mountain ash, or rather its berries, are used in folk medicine. Among the useful qualities are the following: diuretic and choleretic, laxative, hemostatic, diaphoretic, antiscorbutic. The first frosts help to get rid of bitterness in berries. They lead to the destruction of a specific glycoside.

Common mountain ash: varieties and types

The most famous and widespread species is the mountain ash. Its Latin name comes from the phrase "attracting birds". This is due, perhaps, to the fact that bright red berries remain on the bush not only in autumn, but almost all winter, serving as food for birds. The species is distributed throughout the world in the temperate zone. Most often it is a tree, less often - a shrub with a rounded crown and a height of up to 12 m, but, as a rule, only within 5-10 m.

Specialists in the field of breeding divide the bred varieties of mountain ash into two cultivar types: Nevezhinskaya and Moravian. The first includes hybrids of Eastern European origin, and the second - Central European. Differences are not only rowan berries (in taste, color, shape), but also the plants themselves - the shape of the crown, leaves, bark, etc.

Rowan Moravian

Rowan sweet, or Moravian, is a variety of ordinary. It was first discovered in the 19th century in Moravia in the Sudetenland region. Introduced into the culture thanks to the beautiful and tasty fruits. A tree 10-12 m high at a young age has a narrow pyramidal crown, large leaves up to 25 cm long, fruits up to 1 cm in diameter. The varieties of the Central European group presented below are of the greatest interest.

A not very tall tree (10-15 m) is distinguished not only by sweet fruits, but also by its decorative appearance. The crown is narrow-pyramidal, the leaves are large, not leathery, odd-pinnate, from the side they look like openwork, they turn into rich red and yellow shades in autumn. Flowering begins at the end of May, the inflorescence is corymbose, dense. The fruits are round-oval, large with juicy sweet-sour pulp, scarlet-red. Edulis mountain ash has a high winter hardiness, light-requiring, but can withstand light shading, prefers fertile and well-drained soils. It does not tolerate swampiness and excess moisture, it reacts poorly to gas contamination and smoke in the air. It is used as a fruit crop, as well as in group alley plantings.

A hybrid with a narrow compact crown shape grows up to 11 m high. Decorative throughout the year due to large beautiful pinnate leaves, small size and bright berries. There is no bitter taste in fruits. Like many other varieties of decorative mountain ash, Bissneri is not afraid of frost, but is sensitive to polluted city air, swampy and heavy soils. Prefers sunny, well-lit areas, tolerates light shade.

Another Western European variety with a pyramidal crown shape. The leaves are large, whitish on the underside with serrated edges. The fruits are oval-round, wide-ribbed, bright orange in color, collected in a dense shield of 70-100 pieces, have a good taste without excessive astringency and bitterness with juicy orange pulp. The variety is highly resistant to frost and diseases. Prefers loose fertile soils without moisture stagnation, good lighting.

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash

Nevezhinskaya mountain ash is also a variety of ordinary, and only a specialist can distinguish them by external signs. As mentioned above, rowan berries have a characteristic bitter taste and become edible only after the first frost. However, the Nevezhinsky variety has a distinctive feature. Its berries are devoid of bitterness even when unripe, and in terms of vitamin saturation, it is comparable to lemon and blackcurrant. The tree was not obtained by selection, but is a natural species. The history of its discovery is very interesting. The tree was found by the peasant Shchelkunov in the Andreevsky forest, which was located near the village of Nevezhino. Having planted it in his garden, he had no idea that the frost-resistant and unpretentious tree would spread throughout the country. Fellow villagers bred rowan seedlings and sold them to neighboring regions. At the moment, a large number of varieties have been bred, we draw your attention to the most famous and proven ones.

Eastern European varieties

  • Kubovaya is a medium-sized tree with a paniculate crown shape, large thin leaves and elongated bright orange fruits. It is characterized by very high frost resistance, photophilous, undemanding to the soil, but prefers medium or light loams. The mountain ash of the Kubovaya variety does not have a bitter taste, moderately tart, the flesh is bright yellow, juicy. Fruits weighing 0.5 g.
  • Sugar Petrova is a low tree (up to 5 m) with decorative large leaves. The variety is valued for the high content of sugars in the fruits in the absence of astringency and bitterness. Frost-resistant, unpretentious.
  • Spark - an early variety of universal purpose. The plant is medium tall with straight ascending branches arranged compactly. The fruits are large, weighing 1.5-1.7 g with yellow flesh, red-orange when mature.

Michurin varieties

Varieties bred by the famous domestic breeder I. V. Michurin are extremely rare to meet in modern gardens. At present, some of them are lost, others are simply mixed up with each other and hardly distinguishable. But there is also a preserved hybrid Michurin mountain ash. Variety Titan (photo above), in particular, to this day is sold and bought by gardeners. It is bred by pollinating rowan flowers with pear and red-leaved apple pollen. The plant is a low tree (up to 3.5 m) with a rounded crown. Large berries are collected in powerful clusters, have a characteristic taste without bitterness and a rich dark red hue. The tree is highly resistant to even the most severe climatic conditions. Hybrids Liqueurnaya, Pomegranate, Burka are close to the Titan variety in all characteristics.

Do not forget that ordinary and chokeberry, the varieties of which are also very numerous, are far from the same thing. Even if you compare the appearance of plants, you can notice significant differences. Chokeberry, or Michurin's chokeberry, belongs to a completely different genus - Aronia, but to the same Pink family. The species was bred in the 19th century in the Michurin nursery. This is a low shrub (up to 3 m) with large dark green leaves and spherical black (sometimes with a purple tint) fruits with seeds. It is popular as a honey, medicinal and fruit crop.

Features of growing rowan

  • Rowan is a very large tree, so it makes sense to plant seedlings around the perimeter of the site. The plant prefers well-lit places, tolerates light shading, develops poorly in the shade, bears fruit poorly.
  • Almost all varieties of mountain ash are unpretentious and undemanding to the soil, but still develop better in a light substrate, on loam. Does not like excessive moisture and waterlogging.
  • All mountain ash (varieties do not matter) prefers autumn planting or early spring (before growth begins). In order for the harvest to be plentiful, it is recommended to plant several different hybrids.
  • The main tree care consists in the timely removal of root shoots and shoots that develop below the grafting site, watering (if necessary), loosening the soil and processing against pests and diseases.
  • Rowan starts to grow quite early, in this regard, it is advisable to carry out pruning and top dressing in a short and early time.
  • From the third year after planting, it is recommended to feed the trees with complex mineral fertilizers in three stages: before flowering in spring, in summer during fruit formation and in autumn after harvest.

Clusters of red berries glow in the autumn forest. How much love and beauty you have. The sorceress and the tree of Love ... What are you singing about, dear mountain ash, what are you sad about .. Tell me ...

The legend of love

Once the daughter of a rich merchant fell in love with a simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about such a poor groom.
To save the family from shame, he decided to resort to the help of a sorcerer. His daughter accidentally found out about this and the girl decided to run away from her home. On a dark and rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. At the same hour the sorcerer also left the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. In order to take the danger away from the girl, the brave young man threw himself into the water.
The sorcerer waited until he crossed the river and waved his magic staff when the young man was already getting out onto the shore. Then lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who, because of the rain, was a little late for the meeting place. And the girl, too, remained standing on the shore. Her thin camp became a rowan trunk, and her hands - branches stretched towards her beloved.
In spring, she puts on a white outfit, and in autumn she drops red tears into the water, grieving that “the river is wide, you can’t step over it, the river is deep, and you won’t drown.” So there are two lonely trees that love each other on different banks.
"And" you can't get over the mountain ash to the oak, apparently, the orphan of the eyelids can swing alone "

Since then, the mountain ash has kept the bitter fire of love in its berries. This tree is able to kindle the flame of a true sense of selflessness in the hearts of people.

"Save, mountain ash, dear on the way»

Equipping husbands on the road, wives sewed crosses from rowan twigs to their clothes, tied them with red thread. Rowan clusters were put in hiking bags as a remedy for scurvy and fatigue on the road.

Rowan takes under its protection, gives beauty and health, endurance, strength.

And although the mountain ash is a low, fragile tree, it is not afraid of drought or frost and lives, blooms and bears fruit for about 100 years. The thin mountain ash has a strong character: “The wind ruffles its curls, breaking off the white color, but there is no tree in the world stronger than the mountain ash.”
It was believed that she was able to bring a weak person back to life, could block the path of ghosts and adversity, and could endow people with her strength.

This is not about physical, but about the mystical, spiritual power that this tree is endowed with. Among many peoples, the best staff for a wizard is rowan, the best wreath for a bride is from her flowers, the best amulet against dark forces is bunches of red tart berries. No wonder not a single wedding in Russia was complete without mountain ash. The shoes of the newlyweds were lined with rowan leaves, and wreaths of its branches with scatterings of berries were put on their heads. It was believed that in such an outfit, young people are hidden from the evil eye from head to toe.

The ancient Slavs believed that rowan brings fertility and prosperity. Her berries were considered a symbol of family happiness, strong and faithful love, and a strong family. Therefore, the newlyweds planted it at their house, laid out bunches of berries on the windowsill or between the frames. According to an old belief, as long as the berries retain their color, nothing threatens the family union and, in addition, it was believed that the mountain ash protects the house from evil forces. The quarreling lovers were advised to sit together in the shade of the mountain ash. Under the mountain ash they met and parted, they asked for advice from the mountain ash.
Rabina is a symbol of shy beauty, it is a tree of love and newlyweds.

Rowan holidays

On the day of the Autumn Equinox, the Slavs traditionally decorated their houses with bunches of red rowan. Rowan served as a talisman, kept peace and happiness at home. As long as the berries are red, the branch will not lose its strength - no trouble will enter the house that can separate loving hearts.

In Russia, Rowan name days were also celebrated in some regions. These holidays took place four times a year: in spring, after plowing and opening of rowan leaves; in the summer, when the sowing season ended and the rowan blossomed; in the fall, when the harvest was completed and the New Year came, then the mountain ash ripened; and in winter, when preparing for the new season. All these holidays were accompanied by a special melodic bell ringing, which was popularly called “Rowan ring”.

Among the people, the holiday dedicated to mountain ash was also called the day of "Peter - Pavel Ryabinnikov". It fell on September 23, the day of Saints Peter and Paul. According to legend, from that day on, the sun goes to sleep for the winter, closes its eyes until spring, Indian summer ends and golden autumn comes. The first frosts are already coming, bitter rowan becomes sweet and can be harvested, be sure to leave some berries for the birds. On this day, rowan branches were cut into bunches, hung under the roofs of houses. Branches were also stuck at the edge of each field. This custom is associated with the notion of mountain ash as a tree that can protect against all sorts of troubles.

Mountain ash healing

Rowan was considered a talisman in magic and folk healing. The Slavs said: "Stay under the mountain ash - you will scare away the disease."
With various diseases, a person crawled through a rowan bush three times.
With a toothache, they secretly knelt in front of the mountain ash in the morning dawn, hugged and kissed her and uttered a conspiracy: “Rowan, mountain ash, take my illness, from now on and forever I won’t eat your berries,” and then returned home, without looking back and trying meet no one.
Mountain ash is a tree of health, and if you keep a vase with rowan branches near the patient's bed, he will be cured sooner. In addition, rowan symbolizes harmony in family life.


Our ancestors treated mountain ash with respect, considered the tree sacred. It was forbidden to break a tree, to cause pain. Anyone who harmed the mountain ash, lost its protection. People bowed to the tree, asked for help before picking a branch with rowan storms.
The ancient Slavs considered the beautiful mountain ash a protector, a guardian of the house from the magical attacks of sorcerers and evil spirits, and bad news. For this, the mountain ash was planted near the porch or at the gate. And a branch of mountain ash with fruits has long been attached above the front door, where she guarded both the house and its household. If you look closely at the underside of the rowan berry, you will notice that in shape it is an equilateral five-pointed star, and this is one of the most ancient and important pagan symbols - a symbol of protection.
The northerners lined their dwellings and temples with mountain ash, thus protecting the buildings from lightning strikes. And almost everywhere the tree itself was dedicated to the god of thunder. Among the Slavs, she was the tree of Perun, not only from lightning, but also from and from fires.
It was believed that its bright berries could stop the red flames. And in Russia, for the same purpose, they planted mountain ash around the hut, and in the passage hung its clusters in case of intoxication from stoves

The legend of the ship

In one of the ancient legends, there is a story about how a certain young hero, who went on a long voyage, cannot return to his native castle for a long time, captured by a sorceress, because she every time creates storms on the way of his ship. And only then does the young man manage to break through the magical obstacles and free the castle, when a wise man tells him to replace the ship's keel with a rowan one, for evil witchcraft dissipates where the wood of this tree, beloved by many peoples, appears ...

Clusters of mountain ash magical...

There is an Irish legend about Phraorte, in which the magical rowan berries guarded by the dragon could replace nine meals, and besides, they were an excellent remedy for healing the wounded and added an extra year to a person’s life.
And in an ancient legend it is said that rowan berries, like apples and nuts, were considered the food of the gods.
Rowan is considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. The Slavs called mountain ash a sacred tree and were sure that lightning was hiding in its crown. She was always loved for her bright, but so shy, beauty. Since ancient times, it was believed that the mountain ash is endowed with remarkable magical powers. In the old days, a rowan branch with bright red ruby ​​​​berries was perceived as a symbol of the Perun Mace, capable of protecting a person from all sorts of troubles.
In the past, sacred rowan groves grew in sacred places such as the shrines of the ancient gods. This was due to the fact that the mountain ash was considered a tree that provides magical protection and promotes predictions.
Protective runes were usually carved on rowan wood, since it has long been known for its ability to protect against witchcraft.
And the fishermen, going to sea to fish, took with them a rowan branch in a boat. They believed that she would bring them a good catch and a safe return home.

Ancient Indian legend about rowan

One day, many years ago, a cold winter came. The hunters wandered through the forest in search of food, with difficulty making their way through huge snowdrifts. The more they walked, the more fear fettered their souls: the forest was literally littered with birds and small animals that died from the cold. The tribes united and raised their prayers to the Great Manit with a request to help them.
The Great Spirit replied, "Take a drop of blood from every dead bird and animal and smear it on the tree." The Indians carried out the order. The next morning, clusters of red berries appeared on all the trees that they had smeared with blood, and birds and small animals sat on the branches and ate them with joy.
The happy Indians danced until late into the night, praising the Great Manitou, who promised them that whenever a cold winter approached, there would be many berries on the mountain ash.

Rowan beliefs and signs

* If you see berries scattered over the snow, or a twig stuck in the window, then everything that you dream about will come true for you ..
* If a wreath of berries retains its freshness for a long time and does not dry out, it means that strong feelings are in the hearts, and everything will be fine.
* A large harvest of mountain ash - for a long and frosty winter.
* Rowan in the forest is fruitful - by rainy autumn, if not - to dry
* If the mountain ash is fully bloomed, then there will be no more frosts.

Rowan twig in water

And then there is the wonderful quality of mountain ash. It has bactericidal properties, therefore, along with silver, it is an excellent tool for water purification. From time immemorial, when people went to mowing, they threw a bunch of mountain ash into the backwaters so that the water would be drinkable. And hunters, fishermen and tourists still use this technique: a branch of mountain ash with leaves is lowered into musty water for two hours - and the water is disinfected and becomes drinkable.

"Oh, mountain ash, mountain ash, wise give advice"

In the famine years, vitamin fruits saved the lives of not only furry and feathered people, but also many people, and rowan branches could stop a whole war. For example, the Celts had such a custom. Before the start of the battle, they asked for advice from the wise druids, who divined on the "rowan fire". Slowly, the sorcerers built a fire in a special way from logs and rowan branches, and in the meantime, two troops stood opposite each other, shifting from foot to foot. In whose direction the flame turned, that and be broken. The “losers” were supposed to retreat, and the more successful enemy was supposed to pursue the fleeing. Many preferred not to argue with the will of the gods and left the battlefield without waiting for it to begin. It happened that by the end of the rite, the army, doomed to defeat by the mountain ash, simply disappeared.
Whether or not there was such a story, but the mountain ash always stood and stands guard over peace and tranquility.

Sorbus (common mountain ash) represents deciduous tree or shrub having a shallow root system. This plant is very tall, and sometimes reaches 20 meters in height. The bark of the trunk is gray, smooth. The leaves of the plant are alternate, oblong, young - pubescent, and later - naked. White or pink fragrant flowers are collected in an inflorescence - panicle. The rowan fruit is a juicy globular berry that comes in red or orange. Inside the fruit there are red seeds, sharp at the ends. The flowering of mountain ash falls on the month of May-June. The fruits ripen from early to mid-autumn. The tree bears fruit only in the 5th year of life.

The modest beauty rowan adorns parks and gardens in spring with carved leaves and caps of white flowers. In autumn, the tree is strewn with bright, tight clusters of berries. Throughout the winter, the tree serves as a natural bird feeder for birds remaining in their native places for the time of cold weather.

Rowan is planted in gardens as an ornamental plant and fruit crop. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Many varieties of large-fruited mountain ash with a high sugar content have been bred. For decorative purposes, varieties with beautiful carved leaves are used.

Despite the apparent fragility mountain ash is a strong and durable tree. Previously, fishermen made rods from rowan rods, knowing about its flexibility and elasticity. Baskets were woven from rowan branches, and thicker ones were used for hoops for barrels. In addition, various crafts were made from wood; the strength of rowan allows you to carve the most bizarre patterns on it.

Berries have found a variety of uses in cooking. Jam, jams, jelly and other sweets are made from mountain ash. In Russia, rowan wine was known, which was considered healing and was used mainly with loss of strength. And fresh berries laid with hay were stored until the very spring and delighted the village children.

Rowan is harvested for livestock and birds. Berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, mountain ash is a good honey plant.

Rowan has found medical use in different countries. Its main properties are high-vitamin, hemostatic and diuretic. It was also used in diseases of the liver and kidneys. For scurvy, rowan is used in India. Rowan fruits are recommended for cardiovascular diseases: arrhythmias, hypertension and others.

Rowan is considered a sacred tree by many peoples. It was believed that it could not be cut and, moreover, burned in the house. Rowan planted around the house served as a talisman against lightning. The tree was usually dedicated to the local god of thunder (in Russia - Perun).

Rowan is used mainly in protective and love magic. During the wedding, the windows of the newlyweds were decorated with clusters so that their love would be bright as rowan berries and strong as its branches.

The story about the mountain ash for children 8 - 12 years old

Children of primary school age about the beneficial properties of mountain ash

Rowan - a talisman of happiness and health

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: homeschooling teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya boarding school", village Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Material Description: This story is written for children of primary school age 8 - 12 years old and just adults. This material can be useful and interesting for teachers of primary and secondary levels. This story can be used on thematic class hours for children in grades 2-5, for reading in the family circle at your leisure. The story briefly provides information about the beneficial properties of mountain ash.
Target: Formation of ideas about the beneficial medicinal properties of mountain ash through a story.
- educational: talk about the beneficial and healing properties of the shrub;
- developing: develop attention, memory, imagination, speech, vocabulary, curiosity;
- educational: to raise interest in the study of the medicinal properties of mountain ash, in the world around us; to instill a love for nature and a desire to protect it.
In autumn, we admire the various colors of nature. Everything around turns yellow and red, delighting our eyes with rich autumn colors. And the beauty is especially good at this time of the year - mountain ash, about which many poems and folk songs have been composed.

Rowan has been known as a food plant since ancient times. Even in the times of Kievan Rus, the Slavs ate pickled rowan berries with honey.
It was the Slavs who noticed that if rowan berries, harvested after the first frosts, are added to the baking dough, the product will acquire a unique piquant taste.
And the housewives noticed that if you put sprigs of mountain ash in a vessel with water, then it will not deteriorate for several months.
In Russia, it was believed that the mountain ash has magical powers and can drive away evil spirits. Therefore, in many houses, rowan branches were even nailed to the walls as a talisman and protection from damage and the evil eye. They hung large clusters of berries on the front doors, gates so that evil spirits could not enter the dwelling. It was believed that the rowan tree can heal a person from many diseases. Therefore, in the summer, in the old days, sick children were placed under the mountain ash for healing. Rowan branches were nailed to the doors of houses on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, as a talisman of happiness, good luck and health. And at present, residents of villages and towns are trying to plant rowan bushes near their homes.

In Russia, home-made sweets for the rich were made from rowan berries mixed with sugar. Over time, it turned out that the fruits of mountain ash help with many ailments: with beriberi, dysentery, cholelithiasis, rheumatism, anemia. Mountain ash is a natural remedy that can both feed and heal, and please the eye with its beauty. Rowan berries are used not only in medicine, but also in the food industry. For children, you can dry the rowan berries by sprinkling with sugar. It will be a delicious, natural and healthy treat. Rowan fruits can not only be dried, but also frozen, soaked, cooked in the form of juices, purees, jams, dry rowan powder.
Here is such a wonderful and beautiful our beautiful mountain ash!


In autumn and until the very frosts, fiery clusters of mountain ash burn like beacons, warm the eyes and inspire hope in the hearts of people. Since ancient times, the mountain ash has been a talisman and a symbol of family happiness - until recently it was placed between window frames for the winter and collected in beads. Forest dwellers love to feast on these red berries, but they are also useful for humans.

Mountain ash is unpretentious, distributed throughout the world and can grow almost everywhere: in the undergrowth of coniferous and mixed forests, along forest edges, it is often grown as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens. In our country, it is common in the forest and forest-steppe zones, in the Urals, in the mountain-forest belt of the Caucasus. As a northern culture, mountain ash tolerates temperatures as low as -50 ° C and therefore grows even in areas close to the Far North.

If you ask what types of mountain ash you know, then most people will name only two: ordinary red mountain ash and chokeberry. But in general, there are about 100 species of this plant in nature, and more than 30 of them grow on the territory of the former USSR. For example:

In the south of the country, Crimean large-fruited or domestic mountain ash is bred. Its sweet round or pear-shaped fruits contain 14% sugars, reach a diameter of 3.5 cm, that is, 7 times more than usual, and weigh 20 grams. They have good taste and attractive appearance. This variety in central Russia requires shelter for the winter.

And the so-called "chokeberry" is not a mountain ash at all, although it is from the same family with it. This is bred by Michurin I.V. at the end of the 19th century, a special variety of chokeberry with a different set of chromosomes.

Rowan lives up to two hundred years. The height of the trees can reach 15 meters. Begins to bear fruit at 5-6 years of age. Plants older than 30-35 years bear maximum fruit. A good harvest tree gives once every 2-3 years. At the same time, from one large mountain ash, you can harvest berries up to 100 kg.

Its flowers are collected in white tassels. During the flowering period, May-June, mountain ash exudes a specific, strongly smelling aroma that attracts bees. Therefore, mountain ash is a good honey plant.

The fruits that appear on the trees after flowering are like small apples. The fruits ripen in September-October and have a bitter taste. But the first frosts lead to the destruction of the bitter sorbic acid glycoside, and the bitterness disappears.

About the title

The Latin name for mountain ash is Sorbus aucuparia, from the Celtic word "sor" - "tart", and from the Latin aucupari, which means "to catch birds" ("birders"). This is probably due to the fact that mountain ash attracts birds that love to feast on its fruits.

Through the thin ice of the window opening,

Among the curved mirrors of shop windows and lanterns

Seems alone, graceful and familiar,

Mountain ash - beacon and pulse of autumn days.

It grows stubbornly upwards, and it is hardly believed,

What is there without smiles and hopes,

That the city burned frost, and the wind sent sorrows -

A fragile leaf is transparent, and the taste of berries is fresh.

And maybe more than once she will remember how a blizzard

Wandered at night, bending to the ground,

And in the rustle of branches - the warmth of a friend's embrace,

And a sincere motive is akin to my soul.

The rain will open the eyelids and run along the buildings,

Dropping hundreds of arrows in a dank shroud -

A rainy day is warmed by a rowan breath,

And the scarlet beacon burns in my window ...