Exercises for the development of memory in adults. How to develop memory in an adult: exercises for training. An overview of the best methods for developing memory How to train memory in adults

School of Yuri Okunev

At first, memory lapses can be seriously frightening.
And then - you somehow forget about them ... (from popular observations).

Hello friends!

We have already talked about why you need to work on improving memory. Today I want to talk a little more about how to train memory and attention in adults. If children work in educational institutions, adults have to help themselves.

There are specially designed techniques that help improve various types of memory abilities. Without them, it is not easy to achieve good results. Visual and auditory memory types are trained in different ways. To develop visual memory, you need to perform the following simple exercises.

  • Development of photographic abilities. This exercise is attributed to the famous marine painter Aivazovsky. It consists in the following - for several minutes carefully observe some object or landscape. Close your eyes and try to imagine as accurately as possible in your head the picture you see, with its details and colors;
  • Throw a few matches on the table, remember their location and turn away. Now try to recreate such a picture on a different surface and evaluate the similarity;
  • Memorize the sequence of a chain of any numbers, and then try to remember as many of them as possible.

Home workout basics

The better your short-term and instant memory abilities are developed, the more likely you are to become the owner of a good long-term memory. And this, in itself, serves as an additional guarantee of developed intellectual abilities. Many games for the development of memory are quite elementary, but they are able to “pump” our brain activity well and improve memory qualities.

For example, the simplest way is remember names plants, animals, famous scientists, writers. Challenge yourself to remember 20 such people or objects, and don't get up from your chair until you've done it.

More difficult can be called exercises for concentration. They consist in mentally flip words and read them backwards. This task develops thinking well, as well as visual memory.

I advise you to pay attention to training your left hand, especially if you are a classic right-hander. No fancy gadgets required, just do the same everyday left hand action- Grab her mouse, fork, doorknob. Gradually, the right hemisphere of your brain, and with it your memory, will develop. Easy, right?

Another ingenuous way from the category of "how to develop memory in adults." Everyone has favorite programs, films, shows, etc. We watched the next episode - scroll through the names of all the characters in the brain, then the actors playing them, then try to remember director, screenwriter, etc.

stop writing shopping lists before going to the store - from now on you will have to keep them in your head. Literally a couple of such workouts, and you will learn how to reliably fix in your memory those products that are needed. With telephone numbers, the tasks are more difficult, but all people who have developed memory try to use their notebook as little as possible. You can start with the ones you call most often, such as the phone number of a loved one, mom, boss, etc.

Before going to bed, remember the most significant events of the past day and make a to-do list for the next. In the morning you can check how these memories are preserved.

Hearing and mnemonics

Despite the fact that visual impressions are remembered faster, no one has canceled auditory memory either. The organs of hearing are best developed in musicians. They are able to pick up the slightest falsity or dissonance in the sounds they hear. Nevertheless, such abilities are quite within the power to develop in oneself.

One of the best ways to develop auditory memory is reading aloud- thanks to this, it is better to remember the material read and to keep in mind the meanings of the words and expressions heard. This is the key difference from reading "silently" when you have to rely only on your eyes. And why not connect the ear to memorization as well?

Doctors say that most of the pathologies that occur with this organ are associated with the inability to use it correctly. If the ear is monitored in a timely manner and protected from destructive sound contacts, then it is possible to preserve the purity and level of hearing for many years, and, along with it, this kind of memory.

The human brain has a unique ability to separate insignificant sounds from important ones. Try to concentrate only on what is necessary, as a mother is able to hear the cry of her child in the noise of a crowded crowd. Gradually, you will be able to highlight only the auditory information that is of the greatest value.

Mnemonics is a set of specially designed techniques and a way of remembering certain information. In contrast, mnemonics is nothing more than practical methods that are designed for a specific type of mnemonics.

The most popular technique is called "alphanumeric encoding". It assumes that we assign a certain number to each letter of the alphabet. Then, from such numbers, you can make up not only words, but also sentences and even stories.

Another way to get a phenomenal memory is to make visual associations between numbers and images. The shape of each figure is visually similar to some object or phenomenon - imagine it yourself.

And O'Brien's method says that to memorize each number, you can use images of famous people, and in the future, represent a number of several numbers as a combination of several characters.

Start right now

  1. Remember the numbers of 3 cars that passed by, and try to restore them in memory after 5-10 minutes.
  2. It is sometimes useful to walk around the room in complete darkness with the lights off - this trains attention quite well.
  3. In order to activate mental activity, change your working hand during the day - try at least combing your hair or holding a spoon with your other hand.
  4. Don't take the same route to work. For training and concentration, change your daily path, this will give the brain new experiences.
  5. Try to learn at least a couple of new foreign words every day. In addition to enriching the vocabulary, this in itself trains thinking and memory well.
  6. The same effect has the constant study of new jokes or learning the lyrics of your favorite songs. Take this as a rule and be known as a merry fellow in any company ... Here, for example, on the topic of memory:

“A blonde comes to the doctor and says: “Doctor, I have memory problems, I forget everything after 5 minutes. - So ... Undress, please, behind the screen and lie down on the couch.

Our memory, like our body, requires regular exercise - only in this case development is ensured. An excellent tool for those who dream of having an excellent memory can be an intensive course "A Phenomenal Memory for Busy People" from the Russian record holder in memorization Stanislav Matveev. Here is a short video about Stas from his student days

Don't forget that the brain is an organ that needs a lot more attention than we often think.

Tell us how you train your memory?

And I'm rounding up. See you later.
Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Friends, hello everyone! There are times when memory begins to fail us. We cannot remember the names of new acquaintances or the thought we wanted to voice. Our attention becomes scattered. How to deal with such a problem? Today I will tell you how to develop memory and attention in an adult and a child. In a short time, you will see brilliant results. And the exercises that we will talk about will turn out to be not only effective, but also very exciting! You will learn what causes inattention. And how to avoid them.

After reading the article, learn to focus on important things, not paying attention to distractions. Your performance will increase.

Memory allows us to store information in our head and reproduce it at the right time. And attention helps to focus on something. In I have already told in detail how to train your brain and improve memory. Therefore, today we will talk more about composure.

So, I realized that in this situation, nothing good will come of it. Whatever I took on, there were distractions that confuse me. This state of affairs did not suit me at all. And I found a solution to the problem, which I will share with you later.

Now I would like to draw your attention to the following points. They are the wake-up call that something needs to be done.

  • Constant forgetfulness.
  • You need a lot of time to focus on getting the job done.
  • A break breaks your mood to get things done.
  • You feel scattered.
  • You are taking too long to complete tasks.
  • You are easily distracted.

The moment I decided to do something about my distraction, I recognized myself in each of these points. You may not be up to speed yet. It's time to take care of yourself. But first of all, let's define the causes of such a problem.

Influencing factors

The fight against any disease begins with identifying the root causes. What can have such a negative impact?

  • Severe stress and fatigue.

If you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and do not give your body a rest, it will certainly suffer from this. The system will crash. You will feel the unpleasant consequences of this. Endless experiences and negative emotions will have a negative impact on any person.

  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Psychological or physical disorders.
  • Lack of sleep.

This is one of the most popular causes of attention deficit disorder. The brain is forced to process a huge amount of information every day. At the end of the day, he needs proper rest and eight hours of sleep. However, many people neglect this. They do not perceive it as something serious, they sleep 3-4 hours a day. And when problems arise, they grab their heads.

  • Hunger.

It's pretty simple here, but I'll explain. Surely, you have come across an unpleasant sensation that occurs with a constant violation of the eating schedule. If not, then that's great! If the answer is yes, then you are familiar with the consequences of various diets and fasting. I didn't go on special diets. But, due to employment, this paragraph and the previous one applied to me. The body ceased to receive not only the necessary time for sleep, but also the necessary vitamins and minerals. I began to eat rarely and little, because there was always no time. And after a significant weight loss, I felt all the "charms" of such an attitude towards myself.

  • Increased anxiety.

You know, it's like the thought of leaving the iron on at home. It becomes impossible to think of anything else. Same with over-anxiety. In the head there is only room for experiences. Your attention is not diverted to anything else. You cannot set yourself up for work and do it well.

More factors

  • Physical pain.

With constant headaches or severe pain in the joints, people cannot switch their attention to anything. In my mind, only unpleasant sensations.

  • Medicines.

Some medications can adversely affect concentration. I recommend reading the instructions before use. There are drugs that indicate after what time it is allowed to drive.

  • Situation.

Not surprisingly, an environment full of distractions takes a toll on us. In an office where machinery is noisy, managers are talking to customers, outside the window they are repairing the road or mowing the grass, it is impossible to put together thoughts in your head.

  • Disorder in the workplace.

If your table looks perfect: everything is neatly folded and put away in its place, then the eye is not focused on anything. When documents, stationery and colorful stickers are scattered everywhere, it will be difficult to concentrate.

  • Internet.

The most popular factor What do we do when we sit down to work? Right! Every time we are distracted by the smartphone. Either a notification from the application, then a message will come, then a call. And how, then, do you do at least one thing qualitatively?

Friends, most likely, when reading, you have already realized the reason for these consequences in yourself. Next, we will figure out how to get rid of them. And don't forget to subscribe to our blog to stay up to date with the latest news.


Classes are great not only for developing concentration, but also for improving memory. I've been into them for 6 months now. The result is amazing!

  • We draw an object in the head.

Take a close look at any object in front of you. Then draw it in your imagination, as realistic as possible. After simple household appliances, move on to more complex ones. Try to picture in your mind a monument of architecture.

  • Glass in hand.

You need to fill half a glass beaker with water. Place it at your eye level. Hold the container still for at least three minutes.

  • Geometry.

Imagine any geometric figure. Fix it clearly in your head. Then give it some color. Try changing the size and volume. Imagine what will happen to her in the water, and what will happen in the air. The exercise not only perfectly concentrates, but also develops the imagination.

Improve concentration and memory

Excellent methods that I tested on myself, now I can safely recommend you. Just try it and, after a while, feel the amazing result!

  1. Choose colors. In the workplace, it is highly recommended to avoid bright colors. With prolonged monotonous work, blue and green will save. Red should be avoided. It is exciting and does not allow a person to concentrate. Of course, you will not be able to equip the office in your own way. But to give the necessary shades to the desktop is quite real. Don't forget the bedroom too. Her colors should be relaxing.
  2. Name the colors correctly. Great brain workout. I remember when we were in school we used to do this kind of stuff. And it turns out it has a lot of benefits. Take felt-tip pens and write on a piece of paper the colors, but with different shades of the felt-tip pen. It's easy to write. But it's a bit difficult to read them. The task is very exciting. It helps to develop memory and attention, both in a child and in an adult.
  3. Avoid switching thoughts. We always jump easily from one thought to another. As soon as we sat down to work, we heard the conversation of our colleagues, and our attention is completely and completely there. Or the smell of food came from the dining room, and what kind of business can be discussed. It is important to catch yourself at such moments and switch back in time. Tell yourself that after you finish your tasks, you will definitely return to what distracted you. If, of course, it was important.
  4. Learn to focus. A sheet of paper and a pen will help you with this. Watch the second hand of the clock for two minutes. Then draw a straight line on the sheet for two minutes. Just paint. Think of nothing. Did a thought come into your head? They drew a loop and again set to the line. In a couple of weeks there will be noticeable progress. And the number of loops will be drastically reduced.
  5. Work in a relaxed and comfortable environment. Try to do your work in a quiet room.

What else can be done?

Dear friends! The tips in this article are really powerful, but you have an even more effective way to boost your focus. Have you heard of Wikium? If not, then this is a huge company of professional and charismatic people who teach people to train their brain, memory, attention, charisma and much more. On their website, you can take online tests absolutely free of charge and upgrade yourself every day. I myself constantly train with them and even purchased several courses.

These guys, in my opinion, do not have worthy competitors in this topic. So that someone would take and so comprehensively teach all sorts of useful things. But today the topic of our article is memory and attention, and therefore I simply cannot help but offer you a mega-useful online course.

The Attention Development 15-Day Online Course is a super-powerful attention-boosting program from leading experts in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.

Also watch this video to understand what this training is and what it will give you.


Dear readers, it is always important to remain attentive and collected. This is useful not only at work, but also at home, on the road and in communication with people. Sometimes we suddenly start having problems with it. It is important to pay attention to yourself in time. Understand your body and help it.

You will be saved by interesting exercises that you should get involved in regularly. And good advice will help.

Remember, our bright mind is our salvation!

Do not forget to subscribe to our blog so as not to miss interesting news.

My article has come to an end. I hope it was helpful to you. Click on the social media buttons below. And leave your questions in the comments.

See you soon! Julia Kel was with you.

Memory- the most important component of the psyche and any kind of human activity: from the usual walking and writing to the knowledge of a new, intellectual and physical work. Violations in the functioning of memory leads to various problems throughout life. Rapid forgetting or, conversely, not perceiving, not remembering the necessary information - it is not at all necessary that these are pathological disorders in the brain neurons responsible for memory.

A common cause of "lack of memory" (forgetting, not remembering) is absent-mindedness, inattention, and most importantly, there is no emotional involvement and interest in the object of memorization.

To understand how to develop, improve and train memory It doesn’t matter if it’s a child or already an adult, you need to know that a person’s memory works together with attention and perception, therefore, you need to develop and improve both memory and attention.

How to improve, develop memory and attention in a child and an adult

What are the types of memory and how it works, you can learn from the article: How to quickly remember information ...
In this article, we will look at how to improve and develop memory and attention in a child and in an adult, using some psychological techniques, techniques and training, and most importantly - your new knowledge about the development of memory, attention and perception.

Some knowledge about memory and attention: In order to perceive well, listen to information and memorize it for a long time, and then easily recall (remember) it, first of all, you need to get rid of the accompanying inattention (absent-mindedness) and forgetting factors, such as constant and accumulated stress, especially those that have turned into distress, depressive states and apathy, preserved psychological traumas, unfinished situations from the past and accumulated negative emotions (such as habits, guilt, etc.) - not to mention psychological and personality disorders (neurosis, phobias, addictions ...) - they can seriously interfere with both perception and attention, and improvement of memory (remembering).

For instance: If you are going to improve your memory by memorizing new information, but your consciousness is occupied with automatic (sometimes obsessive) thoughts and images from the subconscious (fears, experiences, emotional “burning out” of the past, etc.), then your attention will be focused on these subconscious illusions and fantasies, and not on memorized material, which, by the way, will be very poorly perceived.

You will not have any mood, no interest and motivation, no emotional involvement in the process of remembering (memory improvement), because. your psychic energy will not be spent on creation (in this context, the development and improvement of memory), but on the fight against your auto-thoughts, auto-images and other internal negatives, i.e. to self-destruction.

So, the main thing that is necessary for the development and improvement of memory and attention, both for adults and children is a good mood, interest, motivation and emotional involvement.

How to develop memory using mood, interest, motivation and engagement

All people need to develop their memory, starting from the age of the child. However, it is also possible to develop memory for an adult who did not study very hard in childhood.

Many will probably say that if there were the listed components (mood, interest, motivation, emotional involvement), then it would not be a problem to develop and improve memory and attention ... The problem is that usually these components are not present ...
For instance: What can be the mood to teach lessons? Or, what is the interest in preparing for exams? What is the motivation to learn and develop now, if the result may be (or maybe not) in the future? What is the emotional involvement in the boring learning process?

On the one hand, it may seem that you are right if you think so. But on the other hand, a person is also a "reasonable person" to solve any problems, or rather, what happens more often in life - not to create them for himself and others ...

So here it is "Mind" of Homo sapiens will tell you how to develop your memory after you delve into what you read in this article.
All of us “reasonable people” have to learn almost all our lives, from birth to the “end” ... We learn something automatically, unconsciously and involuntarily, for example, walking, subconsciously copying the behavior of other people, and we learn something consciously, purposefully and voluntarily ... And everywhere, in any type of activity, study or work, our memory and attention are used - in the first case, we listen, perceive and remember, in the second - we listen, recall and reproduce ...

How to improve memory for an adult and a child at home

Everyone can “drive in” how to improve memory at home without resorting to the help of a psychologist, provided that the person is sufficiently motivated to work on improving his memory, and not just to the end result. And also, as mentioned above, a child or an adult will have a mood, interest and emotional involvement in the process of improving memory.

An adult can motivate, interest and involve himself, and a child should be helped, again, by an interested and motivated parent (educator, teacher ...).

Let's take as an example any kind of education, childish or adult, it doesn't matter... Let's say you or your child need to learn how to work on themselves, improve their memory, but there is no particular zeal and desire, i.e. there is no motivation, no interest, and, moreover, no involvement ... what to do?

How to increase motivation to improve memory? ( remember- motivation is not for the result, but for the process of teaching yourself and working on memory) - it’s easier than a “steam turnip” ... you need to inspire yourself (give an internal attitude) that you need a good memory vitally, biologically (if you motivate yourself to study with the child to improve his memory, then suggest that it is vital for you to help the child).

If this setting is fixed in the head, then the motivation will “turn on” automatically - you don’t need to constantly resort to willpower and constantly motivate yourself ... (you can forget that you wanted to improve your memory :-)

To do this, you can use self-hypnosis methods or positive affirmations, well, or a simple repetition (for example, read this article and other materials on working with memory and the benefits of it several times ... but fix the installation for longer).

Of course, even hard training is unlikely to teach you how to memorize 30-digit numbers at a glance, but it is quite possible to improve your memory. And for this there are quite working tools. Let me draw an analogy: not everyone can become great opera singers, but if you take vocal classes, you can learn to sing better.

Memory, in scientific terms, is the mental process of acquiring, storing, retaining and reproducing information.

When memorizing, three important processes take place in our brain: first we encode information, then we send it to storage so that we can return to it when needed, and then (if that moment comes) we try to reproduce it. The work of all computers is organized according to the same principle. Only now they do not have a process inherent in man - forgetting. Forgetting is not to be feared, it is a natural phenomenon. The brain must delete unclaimed information. The main thing is to learn not to forget the really important things.

Types of memory

There are several types of memory, each of which requires its own training.

  1. Touch. Holds information received directly from the senses. This is visual and auditory memory. Information is not retained for a long time, only 0.1–3 seconds.
  2. Short-term. Holds information for a limited time (up to 30 seconds) and cannot store data on a large number of objects. To remember something, there is a proven way - repetition. Without repetition, information simply disappears over time.
  3. Long-term. Stores information for a long time (hours, years, sometimes a lifetime). Moreover, simple mechanical memorization will not help to reliably remember something - mental interpretation, processing of the material, as well as establishing links with existing knowledge is necessary. Storing information is one thing, but reproducing it is quite another. Sometimes the right knowledge is easy to get to the surface, sometimes it takes a lot of effort.

Long-term memory is generally divided into two types:

  • declarative (knowledge about the world and specific events);
  • procedural (memories of body movements and how to use objects in the environment).

Memory exercises

1. Schulte tables

Schulte tables help not only to master the technique of speed reading. They also train peripheral vision, attentiveness and observation - in general, a necessary set for the development of visual memory.

2. Aivazovsky's method for the development of photographic memory

If you have seen Aivazovsky's paintings, you will understand that his method works: to stop the movement of the wave and transfer it to the picture, both attention and memory are required. So, what needs to be done: for 5 minutes, look closely at the object that you want to remember, notice all the smallest details. Then close your eyes and try to reproduce the image of the object as accurately as possible. With regular practice, you can develop this skill.

3. Learn by heart

The more you work out in the gym, the better developed your muscles. The same principle works with memory. Learn by heart: poems, to-do and shopping lists, prose passages, movie characters' monologues, drug dosages. If you are bored at home, look out the window and remember the numbers of cars passing by. Remember everything in a row, and try not just to memorize mechanically, but to come up with associations. The results will not keep you waiting.

4. Eavesdrop

Do you want to improve your auditory memory? Eavesdrop. Yes, we know your mother told you it was indecent. But what will you not do for the sake of your own memory? When riding the tram or subway, listen to what the people around you are talking about. And, as in the Aivazovsky method, close your eyes and reproduce everything you hear - with accurate intonations, remember people's faces. So you will not only perceive information better by ear, but will also easily begin to capture emotions in your voice.

5. Take different routes

Walking on the beaten path is not only boring, but also useless for memory. Give your brain new experiences. Be careful when you go home: remember signs, houses, shops. In general, any new activities enhance brain activity, so do not deny yourself anything and visit museums, theaters, cafes, cinemas, holidays and festivals.

6. Make up stories

This method is suitable for memorizing lists: lists of to-dos, purchases, events. Just tie everything into a single story. The plot should develop consistently and logically, but fantasy can be turned on to the fullest. Brighter images are easier to remember. It may be a fairy tale, it may be a mnemonic phrase (a famous example is "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits"). This method will help to remember both adults and children.

"Something happened to my memory." If this is not just the words of a famous song for you, but an urgent problem for a long time, then it's time to think about how to improve your memory. An adult, who perceives large flows of information every day, has to look for ways to deal with forgetfulness.

Why are we forgetting everything?

Before you start to study reference books and search engines for “recipes” for improving memory, it is worth understanding cause of this phenomenon. Human health, mental and physical are inextricably linked in their interaction. If there is a failure in one link, then the consequences will necessarily affect the other.

Therefore, serious diseases of the body can also lead to:

  • Injuries of the brain and skull;
  • Diseases or weakening of the vital functions of important organs of the body.

An unscrupulous attitude to one's health, expressed in the abuse of alcohol, energy and stimulant drinks and drugs, smoking, unbalanced - all this adversely affects the activity of the brain. The deterioration of which, therefore, leads to a deplorable state of all mental processes.

The person himself often becomes the main cause of "failures" in memory. Allowing yourself to underestimate the importance of proper sleep and the alternation of vigorous activity with rest, drives oneself into nervous breakdowns and depression. And this directly provokes memory failures.

A conscious assessment of one's lifestyle and consultation with specialists helps to determine the level of globality of the problem with remembering, preserving and reproducing information.

This video will show you 6 tasks, by solving which you will be able to assess how developed your brain is:

Medications that improve memory

The situation of self-diagnosis and prescription of treatment leads to disastrous consequences. Even an experienced pharmacist will not be absolutely competent in this matter and will not prescribe adequate treatment. Not to mention cases of self-treatment on the advice of friends and acquaintances.

If a person feels serious destructive changes in memory operations (frequent and global deterioration in the process of memorizing elementary and recent phenomena, events, information), then the help of a doctor becomes the most optimal and surest way.

To begin with - an appeal to a therapist who will determine the further trajectory of the fight against the problem.

In most cases, two types of drugs are prescribed:

  1. Prescription - nootropil, cerebrolysin, picamilon;
  2. OTC - bilobil, Gingo Biloba, .

Even if the drug is available in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, it should be started only after carefully reading all the instructions for use.

Folk methods of treatment

If, having assessed the situation critically, a person revealed a non-catastrophic level of forgetfulness (elementary absent-mindedness, overwork, lack of nutrients in the diet), then there are time-tested and experienced traditional medicine that can help in the fight against this phenomenon:

  1. Elecampane root;
  2. swamp calamus;
  3. A mixture of mint and sage;
  4. Rowan bark;
  5. Pine buds;
  6. Clover;
  7. A mixture of oregano, bergenia and raspberry leaves.

Each package of medicinal herbs indicates the method of brewing and contraindications. It is worth paying special attention to the latter - achieving an improvement in memory and attention, you can provoke some diseases and harm your health.

An additional option for a caring and beneficial effect on brain activity is aromatherapy.

  1. For the bedroom, it is more appropriate to use a mixture of juniper, eucalyptus and cedar;
  2. In the working area (even the office), it is more effective to use a composition of eucalyptus herbs, laurel with the addition of spices - coriander and cloves.

For both fees, a linen bag located near the person is suitable.

What foods improve memory and brain function?

Emphasis in the struggle to improve memory functions is given to a balanced diet and the nutritional value of foods in the composition of dishes.

Unfairly neglected in terms of health importance water ranks first in the list of important components of a healthy diet. In its pure form and normalized by the daily requirement (at the rate of 40 ml per 1 kg of weight), the amount of water ensures the activation of brain activity.

The list of products useful for memory processes and brain function includes:

  • vitamins of group B and vitamin C (to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain);
  • trace elements (selenium, zinc, phosphorus, iodine);
  • polyunsaturated acids (omega-3).

Based on these components, you can form a list of products that are rich in their content:

  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Vegetables and fruits (garlic, eggplant, carrots, beets, green vegetables, lemon, grapes, pomegranate, kiwi, orange);
  • Linseed oil;
  • Fish (anchovies, salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna);
  • Berries (currants, rose hips, blueberries);
  • Green tea, coffee;
  • Bran;
  • by-products;
  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet);
  • sea ​​kale;
  • Milk products.

The variability of the list ensures the availability of many products to include in the daily diet.

Secrets of remembering great people

It's no secret that a person out of 100% memory capacity uses only 10%. People ranked among the geniuses and great personalities of the history of mankind have increased the performance of their mental abilities to much higher percentages.

From what they thought ways of remembering information you can draw interesting techniques for yourself in the treasury of knowledge and practices.

  • Theodore Roosevelt. His secret is in complete concentration and concentration of attention on the necessary information, without unnecessary reflections and distractions;
  • Napoleon. In order to remember all the soldiers in the ranks by name and surname, he made a vivid impression of each.
  • Abraham Lincoln. To memorize important information, read it aloud.
  • Mark Twain. First, he fixed the beginning and end of a paragraph of long text with a few words, and then made notes using associative drawings of the necessary information.

Even for an ordinary person with extraordinary abilities, there are many methods, exercises and trainings to develop memory capabilities. We will learn about this below.

How to improve memory and attention?

All memorization methodologies are based on 3 laws of information fixation:

  1. Through associations;
  2. emotional response;
  3. Repetition.

In this video, Arkady Shuvalov will talk about 12 life hacks for developing the brain and improving memorability:

Their use varies depending on the form of memory enhancement techniques and the degree of concentration. The inextricable relationship between memory and attention is determined by the inability to remember what a person’s attention is not paid to.

The lack of elementary interest in the object will not leave an information imprint in memory.

Ways to improve memory:

  • Exercises for the mind (memorize 5 phone numbers a day, a few nursery rhymes, solving puzzles, crosswords, riddles, board games, etc.);
  • Changing the usual route and sequence of actions;
  • Development of all sense organs by introducing a new element of perception;
  • Expanding the circle of communication, meeting new people;
  • Learning foreign languages;
  • Mastering any kind of needlework;
  • Reading and drawing;
  • Full sleep;
  • Physical activity and outdoor activities.

And finally, the most important reminder for those who care about how to improve memory. For an adult, the success of the result will be more accessible with a qualitative change in the usual way of life to a healthy one.

Video: how to improve memorization through meditation

In this video, Kirill Zhevakin will tell you how you can train and develop your brain with the help of proper breathing and meditation: