Interesting comic contests at the table for a fun company. Contests for a drunken company


The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver is blindfolded. In turn, the guests approach the leader and hold out their hands. By hand, the driver must determine whose hand it is - women or men. If the driver thinks that they are women, he says: “Hello, Masha!”, If it seems to him that the hand belongs to a man, he says: “Hello, Yasha!”.

"Yes" and "no" in Bulgarian

Many gestures have an international meaning, such as most threats. But there are also significant differences in the semantic content of the same gestures in different countries. So, for example, if a Russian shakes his head as a sign of denial, then for a Bulgarian this gesture has the opposite meaning - he expresses consent. And, on the contrary, the Bulgarian bows his head down as a sign of denial. The host invites everyone sitting at the table to answer his questions with gestures in Bulgarian, and aloud - in Russian. The one who does not make a mistake receives a prize.

Prize in riddles

For this game, the prize is wrapped in paper, the content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. The prize is rolling again. And the riddle is stuck again. And so ten times.

The players sit in a circle. The host gives the player a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player unfolds one wrapper, sees the riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says a riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, and the one who guesses it gets the right to further expand the prize, and the game continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

Opener, pourer, drinker...

For this game, two teams of 5 people are organized and props are prepared: a plate with a sandwich, a glass, a bottle of mineral water for each team. All this is placed on chairs, and the teams line up three to five meters from the chairs.

The first player (“opener”) on command runs to the chair, opens the bottle and returns to the team, passes the baton to the next one.

The second player (“Nalivayka”) must pour water into a glass and return to the team.

The third participant (“drinker”) must drink the poured into a glass and pass the baton to the next one.

The fourth participant (“snack”) runs to a chair and eats sandwiches.

The fifth player runs to the chair and closes the bottle (he is the “closer”).

The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Drink and eat

This fun game is best played at a time when guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the game in advance. On small pieces of paper you need to write: “Drink ...” (and then indicate what the participant in the game will drink from). You prepare leaflets according to the number of those present, fold and put them in a separate box. In another box, put leaflets with inscriptions beginning with the words: “Eat ...” (indicating how the participant in the game should have a bite).

The facilitator distributes one piece of paper from each box to the players.

Variants of notes for the game "Drink and Eat".

1) From the spout of the teapot.
2) From the palm of your hand.
3) From a saucepan.
4) From the palm of a neighbor.
5) From the lid.
6) From a can (three-liter).
7) From a plate.
8) From a thimble.
9) From a paper bag.
10) Standing on a chair with one foot.

1) Have you drunk? And there will be no appetizers!
2) An apple hanging on a branch.
3) Instead of a snack, jump on one leg.
4) With the words: “You need to drink less!”
5) Don't touch food with your hands.
6) Smell your neighbor's sleeve.
7) Smell the paper.
8) Licking a large spoon.
9) Choosing a snack with your eyes closed.
10) With a song on their lips.


The host invites the players to salute with their right hand, and at the same time stretch their left forward with a protruding thumb, while saying: “In!”

Then you need to clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

"Image is nothing - thirst is everything"
Props: two plates filled with an edible liquid, like beer. Two girls are called. It is desirable that they have as much makeup as possible. Their hands are tied behind their backs and they have to drink their cup, which is on the floor, to the bottom. Regardless of who wins, girls with Frankenstein faces, from flowing shadows, smeared lipstick, etc. look very impressive.

Create a postcard


"The bear has come, the bear has gone"
The essence of the competition is as follows: a full glass of beer (200 ml) is poured. The player drinks exactly half, then tops up with vodka to the full. Then half is drunk again and vodka is added. And so on until there is pure vodka in the glass. This is the first stage of the competition, which is called "The bear has come." The second stage is the reverse of the first. Half a glass of vodka is drunk and topped up with beer. Further - until there is only beer in the glass. Now the bear is gone! Advice: strictly calculate your strength, otherwise you can quickly "leave" even before the "bear comes"

Create a postcard


"Drink vodka, wallow the earth, sleep the sofa bed"
The simplest, but the most popular and fun party contest, which, for some reason, the vast majority of people love to play. Requires a lot of drinking, better than vodka. Everyone present at the party participates. (Why everyone? Agree that it will be a shame that you are lying on the floor and cannot get up from the drink, and someone walks sober!) The rules are simple - pour and drink. Drink until no one can get up. Everything! Whoever has enough strength can crawl onto the sofa. Happy hangover! (joke) If there are still a couple of people left alive, while all the rest have already "fallen out", then we can assume that the "survivors" have reached the final and arrange a super game between them.

Create a postcard


It is better to play in a room with linoleum or varnished parquet. From 4 to 8-10 people become in a circle. Any empty glass bottle is placed in the middle of the circle and spins harder. Whomever he shows, he drinks half a glass of vodka (for women, a glass of wine). Options: with or without appetizer. "Losers" carry home "winners" !!!

Create a postcard


Props: bottles (any liter, plastic), rubber gloves.
Leading: "So we ate. And to drink? No, we will drink milk!"
In each group, one educator and 5 "babies" are selected. I give the teacher a bottle (one and a half liter, plastic), but instead of a nipple, a rubber glove is attached to its neck with an ordinary black rubber band. A hole is made in each finger of the glove. (Make the hole bigger.) At my signal, one "baby sucker" is sucked to each "nipple" and they begin to suck milk. Whoever empties the bottle faster, those are the winners.

Create a postcard


Tufts - twists
Props: colorful hair bands
Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself for the duration of the game and create the most "fluffy" out of him. To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to make as many "tufts" as possible from the hair of men with the help of rubber bands. The companion of the most "ruffled" is awarded a prize.

Create a postcard


Spiritism session
Props: plate, coin, candle
The host asks a person who believes in spiritism, spirit summoning, etc. to take part in the game.
After that, they sit down at the table opposite each other. There are 2 plates on the table near the host and the player. There is a coin in the leader's plate. The host says that if the player is very attentive and focused, looks only into the eyes of the host and exactly repeats his movements, then the coin will move to the player's plate. The light is extinguished in the room, a candle is lit in the middle of the table, there is deathly silence. The leader makes various magical passes with his hands, from time to time running his open palm along the bottom of his plate, and then over his face. This continues for several minutes, and then the host says that unfortunately today the trick did not work out. The joke of the contest is that the bottom of the player's plate was previously smoked with a candle / match / lighter, and every time the player runs his hand along the bottom, and then over his face, it becomes blacker and blacker. The most important thing is that the spectators, seeing all this before the end of the game, do not laugh too loudly.

Create a postcard


"Guess Who's Drinking Vodka"
This is a raffle contest and you can only do it once, but it's worth it. The conditions are simple: any number of participants is called. Then the host of the competition takes out the appropriate number of glasses (glasses, etc., but preferably transparent!), In which 150 grams of liquid is poured with straws. The host announces: "Now I will distribute a glass to each participant. In all, except for one glass, pure water is poured. And in one glass - pure VODKA!" The task of each participant is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw, trying not to guess what he is drinking. The task of the observers (everyone else) is to guess: who exactly has vodka poured. Well, then, respectively, the participants sip the liquid, the observers try to guess: who is drinking vodka, expressing their assumptions, placing bets, etc. When all the contestants have drunk everything, the presenter announces that ... this is actually a rally and vodka is poured in all glasses !!!

Find the break

One volunteer (he will be the "mechanic") is taken out the door. The rest choose another participant (he will be a “broken mechanism”) and make some part of the body on him - this will be the place of the “breakdown”. A volunteer comes in. He is informed that he is a mechanic, but armless, and he needs to determine the place of the "breakdown of the mechanism" without touching it with his hands (nose, lips, etc.). During the detection of a malfunction, the “mechanism” reacts: the closer to the place of failure, the more actively it “starts up”. When the “mechanic” determines the location of the breakdown, he himself becomes the “mechanism”, and the game repeats.

Tongue twisters, or a sobriety test

The host offers to play the game "Who is the most sober?". Those who wish to participate can remain seated at the table. Then the facilitator slowly reads the tongue twisters below, and the players must repeat them, only quickly. It turns out to be very fun.

  • The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.
  • The king is an eagle (5 times)
  • Cook Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam and Paul swam
  • (!) Our trains are the most traveled trains in the world. And no trains will override our trains.
  • (!) There is a hill with sacks in the field, I will go out onto the hill - I will correct the sack.
  • (!) I'm driving along the potholes, I won't leave the potholes!
  • (!) A bridle is hanging on a nail, a star is burning on the bridle.
  • hopeless
  • Under you under vertebrae

The symbol (!) Marks those tongue twisters, with the wrong pronunciation of which, obscene expressions may appear!

My kitty

A fun game for a home youth party. Guests are seated comfortably (or sit on the floor in a circle). A volunteer is called. His task is to portray a cat: crawl up to the players, rub against them, purr, meow, etc., while not laughing. The person to whom the “cat” crawled up should slowly say: “My kitty is very strange today, is she sick?”, stroking the “cat” on the head. If he did not laugh and did all of the above, then the “cat” crawls away to another participant and repeats his actions; if the player laughed, then he becomes a "cat".

Bank deposits

For this comic contest, you need to invite 2 couples (2 girls and 2 guys). The host gives the girls the same amount of money from the joke bank. The task of the girls: in one minute they must make bank deposits, that is, hide the largest amount of money in the clothes of their partners, and it is allowed to hide only one banknote in one place. The pair with the fewest banknotes earns a point. The host then asks the girls to switch places. Now their task is to "withdraw from bank accounts" the largest amount of money, that is, to find and get the hidden banknotes. The winner is the girl who manages to find the most banknotes in the allotted time.

Alcoholometer, or am I the most sober here!

For this competition, you need to draw in advance on a piece of drawing paper a “scale of intoxication”, for example, in the form of a bottle of vodka. The degrees on the scale are indicated from top to bottom - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 degrees and above, and funny comments are placed near each mark, for example: “like glass”, “not in one eye”, “slightly oblique”, “clouding of reason begins”, “drunken calls to the former”, “I want to dance!”, “already caught the devils”, “thump in the zyuzyu”, “the autopilot turns on” and others. Then the resulting “alcohol meter” is attached to the wall, and you need to think in advance at what level it is better to hang it (it will be clear why later).

The competition itself: tipsy men are invited to check which of them is the most sober. The task of the participants is to turn their backs to the scale, bend down and, stretching their hand to the "Alcoholometer" between their legs, mark the degree on the scale with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to win, so in order to be the "most sober", the players will have to do a lot, and the rest of the guests will be happy to watch it! As a prize for the winner, a bottle of something alcoholic will be very appropriate.


To play, you need pre-prepared sheets of paper on which various parts of the body are written, for example: lips, nose, arm, leg, ear, little finger on the right hand, etc. These sheets are folded into a box or hat so that it is not visible what is written on them.

Two participants come out, each takes one piece of paper. Their task is to join each other with the indicated parts of the body. Thus, the two participants "freeze" to each other. Then the next participant comes out, he and one of the first players take one piece of paper each, freeze to each other. Another participant approaches, and so on. It turns out a very funny chain. Don't forget to take a picture of her!


A host and a volunteer are selected from the party participants. The volunteer is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The facilitator begins to point at the players in turn and ask the question: “Is it?”. The one on whom the choice of a volunteer falls becomes a "kisser". Then the facilitator, pointing in any order to the lips, forehead, nose, chin or other parts of the facilitator's body, asks the question: "Here?" - until you receive an affirmative response from a volunteer. Continuing, the facilitator shows every possible amount on his fingers, asks the volunteer: “How much?” Having received consent, the presenter makes a "sentence" chosen by the volunteer himself - "It" kisses you, for example, on the forehead 5 times. After the end of the process, the volunteer must guess who kissed him. If he guessed correctly, then the one who was identified takes his place, if not, then the game is resumed with the same volunteer. If the volunteer does not guess three times in a row, then he takes the place of the leader.

Princess on the Pea

Only ladies are invited to participate in the competition. To carry it out, you will need stools or chairs with a hard surface and pieces of soft fabric folded in several layers, for example, towels.

The chairs are arranged in a row, each of them is placed small round objects, such as hazelnuts or walnuts. Each chair should have a different number of items, for example, on the first - 6, on the second - 5, on the third - 4, on the fourth - 3. From above, the objects are covered with a cloth. Then the participants of the competition are seated on chairs. At the command of the leader to the music, the ladies begin to move on chairs, trying to determine how many objects are under them. It is forbidden to use hands and look at this. It's very funny to watch the members "dance" on the chair. The winner - the "princess and the pea" - is declared the lady who completes the task faster and more correctly!

A variant of this contest (minimum props): you can put 7-9 nuts in one suitable bag, and ask the girls in turn to guess their number.

Russian roulette, or lady luck

For this "terrible" competition, you will need several sets of clean glasses (3 glasses for each participant), vodka and water. Several volunteers are invited, 5-7 people. The host warns in advance that the players will have to drink vodka. People who do not tolerate alcohol very well should be protected from participating in this game!

The essence of the game: the first participant turns away, at this time 3 piles are placed, two of which are filled with vodka, and the third with water. When the player turns around, he, without hesitation, drinks from one pile and drinks another, but what he comes across and in what sequence is a matter of luck. A funny combination of water-vodka can turn out, and vodka-vodka can get especially lucky. If a glass of vodka remains, then the participant continues to play in the next stage, if a glass of water remains, he is eliminated. The next "entry" is made by the next player, and so on. Those players who remained after the first stage continue to participate in the second stage according to the same principle. And so on, until one person remains, the luckiest one. The winner in this difficult test can be given a bottle of vodka as a prize.

Whatever the occasion, you can always play different games at the holiday to maintain a good mood. Stock up on everything you need in advance and go for it! You can play pranks on the guests present at the party, as long as these pranks do not offend anyone.

Prank games

This is a raffle contest. You will have to stock up on plenty of milk, juice or any other drink in advance. Those who want to play are invited. Everyone is given a huge mug of drink (also take care of the required capacity in advance. It is best if they are containers that are the same in appearance, for example, liter mugs). According to the terms of the competition, the one who drinks his mug first wins. This is where the draw begins.

After the first stage, only a part of the participants is eliminated. The rest “came to the finish line” allegedly almost simultaneously, and it is impossible to understand who really was the first. The remaining participants are given a second glass of drink (“happy” faces are already provided for them, they just swallowed a liter of liquid in one gulp!). After this stage, another part of the participants is eliminated. In the end, there are only two left. And finally, the winner is awarded a prize ... As you probably already guessed, it will be ... a liter of his favorite drink (along with a mug).

My sweet

You will need: sweet candy (chupa-chups, or toffee, or any other).

A man and a woman are called. The woman is seated on a chair and a sweet candy is placed on her lips. The man is blindfolded, and he must go up to the woman and, without the help of his hands, take candy from her mouth.

The trick is that when the man's eyes are already blindfolded, the woman on the chair is replaced by another man.


You will need: a blanket.

A “victim” is chosen, he (or she) is taken to another room, where they cover him with a blanket and explain that now in the next room the other guests will make some item of clothing on him (or her). The “victim” is required to guess which item of clothing they guessed. If the player guesses correctly, the next one goes out the door, if not, then he takes off the item of clothing that he himself named.

At this time, the rest of the guests are thinking ... a bedspread!

The host takes one of the guests out of the room and explains the task to him. It is necessary to depict some kind of animal (for example, a kangaroo) so that the rest can guess who it is.

At this time, those remaining in the room are warned that the "chosen one" will now portray a kangaroo, and they must all pretend that they do not understand and name any animals they like, for example, a monkey, a frog, etc. Showing, not suspecting anything, returns into the room ... The main thing is to choose a person who is not touchy, with a sense of humor for this role.

You will need: a piece of wallpaper, a blindfold. Wallpaper is spread on the floor. All the women who will participate go to another room and are called in turn. A woman should walk blindfolded along such a "brook" without getting her feet wet, that is, spreading them wide. After the woman has passed the entire segment of the path, the man is placed face up on the strip of wallpaper. Then the blindfold is removed from the woman's eyes ... Can you imagine the reaction?

Then the next participant comes in, the situation repeats, and the first one laughs heartily.


The host calls two people - volunteers (a man and a woman). The rest of the participants must wait their turn in the next room. The leader puts the remaining two in some kind of position, for example, makes them hug each other. Calls the next player (call each time in turn a man and a woman).

They explain to the newcomer: “This is a figure (statue) of love. Maybe you see her in a different way? You can make any changes."

Usually, no one refuses to “mock” others, so any changes are made to the figure. Then the "sculptor" is invited to take the place of one of the participants in the sculpture (a man replaces a man, a woman replaces a woman).

And the next player is called.

I love - I don't like

The host invites everyone sitting at the table to name what they like from their table neighbor, sitting on the left, and what they don’t like. When everyone has called, the facilitator now suggests kissing his neighbor on what the player likes and biting on what he doesn't like.

For example, it is pronounced: "I love my neighbor's nose and do not like hands." Accordingly, it is necessary to kiss a neighbor on the nose and bite on the hand.

Push ups

You will need: strips of wallpaper in the height of a person (according to the number of participants), blindfolds.

Men who wish to demonstrate their strength are called. They are invited to push themselves off the floor - supposedly who will last longer. At the command of the host, they begin to do push-ups. They are interrupted to be blindfolded, and they push on further. Then they are interrupted again, pre-prepared strips of wallpaper are laid on the floor, and the contestants push themselves further, and the audience is dying with laughter. The fact is that a naked woman is drawn on each strip and push-ups resemble a well-known process. When the winner is determined, the bandages are removed from everyone's eyes. Competitors can give these wallpapers as a keepsake.

If there was a sea of ​​​​vodka ...

You will need: clear glasses or glasses, drinking straws.

Everyone is invited. Each is given a glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. It is announced that in all the glasses, except for one, there is water. One is filled with vodka. Players must drink all the liquid through a straw so that no one can guess what is in their glass. Spectators are also invited to guess which of those present got a glass of vodka. The secret of the game is that vodka is poured into all glasses.


The host invites everyone to play a game. He slowly, so that no one hears, tells each player his animal, then everyone stands in a circle and the leader begins to tell a fictitious story about how he went, for example, to a zoo or a circus. He must name the animals. If he calls one of the animals made to someone, this person must quickly sit on the floor, and other players try to prevent him from doing this.

So, the host "handed out the roles" and tells the story:

“I once went to the circus. It was fun there, strongmen lifted weights, clowns amused the audience, riders performed all sorts of tricks while sitting on ... horses. Then the tamer performed with his ... tigers. But the main number of the program was ... a hippopotamus!

The meaning of the draw is that it is the hippopotamus that is guessed by all the players and the whole company, as one, flops together on the floor.


You will need: a long rope (hank), a blindfold.

In the room (it is advisable to remove excess furniture from it in advance in order to avoid injury), a long rope is pulled, so that when moving around the room it was necessary, for example, to step over, crawl, bend down, etc.

Participants are called in turn.

The person who entered is offered to remember the location of the ropes and walk the whole room from beginning to end with his eyes closed (with the condition that the presenters will tell you how to go).

Once the player is blindfolded, the rope is removed and the player moves forward... across an empty room! It is desirable to capture the whole show on camera.

Then the rope is pulled again and the next volunteer is called, and the first player has fun with all his heart along with the leaders.


You will need: an inflated balloon, a plate of flour, two blindfolds.

Two volunteers are called, sit opposite each other, a balloon is placed between them. Blindfolded players must blow on this ball as hard as possible so that the ball flies to the side of the opponent.

A holiday without drawings will be trite and will not leave any emotions in your memory. If funds allow, you can invite a professional presenter, but you can also prepare a few jokes for your friends on your own and surprise them with new facets of your nature.

The prank should not be allowed to turn into a cruel mockery. Of course, despite the fact that the company is already drunk and not always able to control the situation, the owner and organizer of the party is there to monitor how it goes.

No need to think that a lot of effort and preparation is required to conduct a draw. A good draw can be arranged with a minimum of costs, and the result will pay off all the efforts.

If there is any doubt that the culinary raffle will be held on your own, you can ask for help from someone you know who knows how to cook well and understands cooking. At the same time, the assistant (although, most likely, it will be an assistant) will also enjoy the prank.

All inventory for the draw must be prepared in advance and put in one place where the invitees will not enter on their own initiative. The host will spoil the party by losing some belongings and starting to rush about in search.

The host must be able to improvise, the success of any prank directly depends on this. In addition, the presence of acting skills will make the joke much more natural and funnier.

Often, pranks are based on a very piquant, if not extreme, situation, from which it is difficult to get out if the host does not have sufficient tact and a sense of humor. Otherwise, the prank may not amuse the guests, but put them in an awkward position.

Often pranks come to the mind of active and cheerful guests, who may well take the situation into their own hands and hold several pranks that are not agreed with the party organizers. You need to be ready for this.

The ability of the presenter or organizer has a decisive role for the success of the draw, but the ability of the invitees should not be discounted. You should not play those people who definitely do not appreciate such humor and find the prank offensive.


This is a very funny prank that the host can conduct on their own, without the choice of volunteers. To do this, he only needs a spool of thread, which contrasts sharply with the color of the suit. The spool should be hidden in a breast pocket, and the tip of the thread should be released with a needle on the shoulder so that it catches the eye.

It can be said with certainty that among those present there will be many who will point out to the presenter this small flaw in his costume. In response to this, you need to gasp in embarrassment and ask a well-wisher to help. He will certainly agree, pull the string and be very surprised!


In order to hold this draw, you need to pull two ropes between the guests at a distance of about 1 m, at different heights.

Then the host invites the "victim" and offers to step over these "barriers" blindfolded. The person being played is blindfolded and instructed, while volunteers remove the ropes.

"Favourite drink"

For this competition, a large amount of any non-alcoholic drink should be prepared in advance. It can be milk, juice, mineral water or lemonade. You will also have to prepare a huge mug for each participant in the drawing.

It is better if the containers for the drink are the same in appearance. Liter mugs are fine. To win the competition, you need to drink the drink first. After that, the draw begins. Part of the participants who are clearly behind in the absorption of the drink is eliminated at this stage. As for the rest, their results were almost the same, so it is impossible to determine which of them became the winner. Therefore, they will have the second stage of the competition, for which the next portion of the drink is taken out in the same container as the first. At the same time, the “joyful” faces of the participants should not confuse anyone, because this is by no means the last stage of the competition. After the second attempt, another part of the participants will be eliminated.

This can be continued until two participants remain. The duration of the process depends on how many guests are present at the party. The winner receives the main prize: a whole liter of "favorite" drink along with a mug.


To conduct this draw, you need to inflate a balloon and put it on the table. Then the facilitator chooses a “victim” and explains the task: blindfolded, find and blow off the ball from the table. After this, the person being played is well confused, turned to the right, then to the left, led around the room in different directions, forced to dance along the way, distracted from the task.

No wonder the poor fellow forgets where the balloon is! When the goal is reached and the person being played has already lost orientation and space, you can finally bring him to the table, where there is no longer any ball, and the “victim” starts moving in the opposite direction, and when he gets to the place, blows off the missing ball.


To conduct a draw, you need to prepare a bedspread or blanket. Then a person is selected from among the guests, who is taken to another room. There he (or her) is covered with a veil or blanket and it is said that the remaining guests will guess one of the garments of the chosen "victim".

The “victim” is required to guess what kind of object it is. If the item is guessed, then another player will enter the next room, if not guessed, the named item will have to be removed. The draw consists in the fact that all guests make a coverlet.


The host must take one of the guests to another room and explain to him the task: he will be required to portray some animal (for example, a frog) so that the other guests can guess who the person portrayed. The same guests who remained in the room should be warned that now the “victim” of the prank will portray a frog.

Everyone should pretend not to understand who the “victim” is portraying, and mention any animals that come to mind: a monkey, a kangaroo, etc. It is important not to overdo it and not offend a person who, in a minute, will come out of the next room and begin to portray a frog . To do this, the host must make the right choice of "victim" so that this person has a good sense of humor.


This draw is quite simple to conduct, and it is designed to amuse naive guests. Having found such a simpleton among those present, the host invites him to guess any number from one to ten.

Then the presenter diligently depicts mental activity, allegedly trying to guess the intended number. When the player calls out the number, the host puts on a jubilant and proud look and announces: “I knew it! Look near the mirror."

The person being played is surprised to find in the indicated place a piece of paper with a correctly written number. There is no telepathy here at all, just the presenter prepared 10 leaves, laid them out in different places and tried not to forget where which one was. And after the person calls the number, the leader can only send him to look for a piece of paper with this number.

"Candy Girl"

In order to conduct this draw, you need to take any candy from the table - toffee, caramel, dragee, etc. Then volunteers, a man and a woman, should be called. The woman is seated on a chair and a piece of candy is placed on her lips. A man, on the other hand, must approach a woman and take a candy from her without the help of hands, and he must do all this blindfolded. The essence of the draw is that at a time when the contestant's eyes are already blindfolded, another man replaces the woman on the chair.


To avoid overeating, which can ruin the party, this prank is best done at the very beginning of the celebration.

The host selects two "victims" from among the guests and quite seriously announces the start of the competition with a prize for the winner. Moreover, it is necessary to come up with such a speech that it becomes extremely important for all those present to receive this prize, but at the same time not to name this prize specifically. To do this, it is advisable to use the following phrases:

“This is going to be something special”, “You can’t do without it”, “Great original award”, etc.

In a word, the host must create an extraordinary stir around the prize, the success of the draw depends on it. The more noise, the funnier the result will be. The competition itself is simple and even banal: two "victims" eat barbecue for a while. Whoever eats faster wins.

Then they need to give out 2 (as much as possible) portions of meat, a stopwatch appears ... The rest can accept bets on the winner, also comic, of course. And the prize in the end will be nothing more than an extra portion of shish kebab or a whole skewer.


In order to conduct this prank, it is necessary to prepare in advance a piece of wallpaper and a bandage, which will be used to blindfold the eyes of the “victim”, which will be a woman. Wallpaper is spread on the floor.

All women who wish to participate in the competition go to another room and are called from there in turn. The task is explained to them: blindfolded, walk along the “brook”, that is, along the spread piece of wallpaper, “without getting your feet wet”, which will require them to be widely spaced. When the participant has done this, the man lies face up on the wallpaper, and then the woman's eyes are untied.

The reaction may be unpredictable, but the first participant will receive complete satisfaction from watching how the second participant does the same.

"Fun snack"

It is very interesting to play friends, using food and ready meals for this. For example, you can cook a cake with a surprise. It should be a very beautiful cake, with cream roses and other decorations. The picture excites the appetite, the guests immediately hold out plates and spoons, and the organizer, satisfied with the effect produced, cuts the creation with visible pleasure and gives it to all the guests.

The funny thing is that this beautiful cake is not sweet at all, but salty. And even called "Sandwich". It can be prepared quickly and simply, and in itself it is delicious, only due to surprise guests will be played. To build this delicacy, you need to stock up on white bread, best of all round, butter, cream cheese, carrots, ham. The bread is cut into several layers, and the top crust can be used for simple sandwiches. Carrots are grated, ham is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with oil (a little oil is left for decoration).

Bread layers are smeared with a mixture of butter and processed cheese, and roses and other decorations are molded from "carrot" butter and a mixture of butter and ham. However, salty cake is just one of the prank options. If you dream up a little, you can come up with a lot of jokes using unusual dishes and present them in a special way.

"The statue"

To conduct the competition, the host must call two volunteers - a man and a woman. The rest of the participants should wait for their turn in another room. Volunteers are established in any position, for example, hugging each other. The facilitator then calls another participant. You need to call each time in turn a man and a woman.

The new member is told that he sees an image of love in front of him. But perhaps this is a poor image and should be corrected? You can change the "statue" as you like, only after that the newly-minted "artist" takes the place of one of those who depict the statue. The man takes the place of the man, the woman takes the place of the woman. Then the host invites the next participant to enter the room.

"Like - don't like"

During this drawing, the presenter should invite everyone sitting at the festive table to tell what he likes the most about that neighbor on the table who is on the left, and what, on the contrary, he dislikes the most.

When everyone speaks out about this, the host sets a condition: kiss the neighbor for what you like and bite for what you don’t like. If, for example, someone said that he likes his neighbor's eyes and does not like his nose, then he should kiss the neighbor's (or neighbor's) eyes and bite his nose.

"Push ups"

To conduct a draw, you need to prepare pieces of wallpaper the length of a human being, so that there is enough for all participants, as well as blindfolds. The host invites the men present to demonstrate their physical strength and push up from the floor. Whoever lasts the longest wins. They begin to do push-ups at the command of the leader. They are then stopped for a few minutes to be blindfolded and the competition continues.

Then they again need to be stopped and pieces of wallpaper laid under them, after which the participants push further until the winner is determined, that is, the one who lasts the longest.

The essence of the draw is that a naked woman is painted on the wallpaper, which makes the push-up process very piquant. When the winner is revealed, the blindfolds can be removed and a wallpaper with a female image presented as a keepsake of the party.

"Sea of ​​Vodka"

For the draw, you need to prepare transparent glasses or glasses and drinking straws. The host calls everyone who wants to participate and gives everyone a glass, into which liquid is poured and a straw is inserted. Then the leader announces that water is poured into all the glasses, except for one, and vodka is poured into the only one.

Participants must drink all the liquid through a straw in such a way that no one can understand what is in their glass. The audience, in turn, must guess who has vodka in the glass. The draw is that vodka is in all glasses.


The host should invite the guests to play a game. After that, in a whisper, so that others do not hear, he explains to each participant what animal he, the participant, depicts in this game. Then the guests stand in a circle, and the host begins to tell a pre-prepared story about how he went, for example, to a zoo or a circus.

At the same time, he names various animals, maintaining a spectacular pause in front of each of them, so that the participants feel the tension before the crucial moment. If the host mentions one of those animals that was thought of to someone, this participant should sit on the floor as quickly as possible, and the others should prevent him from doing this.

After the facilitator has informed all the participants of their role, he begins his narration: “Last week I went to the zoo. I haven't been there for a long time! Beauty! There are… lions in cages. Not far from them ... tigers. In the pool lives ... a crocodile. And the funniest animal in the zoo was… the hippo!” The essence of the draw is that all the participants were guessed a hippopotamus. As a result, all players simultaneously fall to the floor.


To conduct a draw, you need to prepare a skein of a long rope and a bandage, which will be used to blindfold the eyes of the participants. Also, excess furniture should be removed from the room in advance, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the risk of injury, because the participants by this moment will probably already be not quite sober.

So, before starting the drawing in the room, you need to pull a long rope in such a way that you can move around the room only with overcoming this obstacle: step over, crawl, bend down, etc. Then the leader calls the participants in turn into the room. Each participant must memorize the location of the ropes and cross the entire room around the perimeter or diagonally while blindfolded.

At the same time, the host promises to suggest the right path. However, after explaining all the formalities and duly observing the farewell ceremonies (it is imperative to warn the participant that he may fall and get injured!), The person is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rope is removed, so that the “victim” of the prank crosses an empty, unobstructed room .

You can record this process on a video camera, so that you can enjoy the spectacle with the participant again. After that, the rope is pulled again - for the next volunteer, who is called by the host from another room, and the first participant gets the opportunity to have fun with everyone.


In order to conduct this draw, you need to inflate a large balloon, as well as prepare a plate of flour and two blindfolds. The facilitator calls two volunteers who must sit at the table opposite each other. Between them you need to put a balloon.

Participants are invited to blow on this ball as hard as possible, letting it in on the side of the opponent, and both participants must be blindfolded. After that, the balloon, for the amusement of those present, is slowly replaced by a plate filled with flour. If the participants do not cough from flour and do not stop the competition ahead of time, the desired effect will be achieved.”


To conduct this draw, you need to prepare two matches or toothpicks. The facilitator calls one volunteer. Matches should be pressed tightly against his forehead; At the same time, the participant’s task becomes only with the help of facial expressions, without touching his hands, to throw matches off his forehead. It would seem that this is not difficult, and at the first attempt, the participant easily succeeds. However, two matches are placed on the competitor's forehead for show only.

In reality, there is only one match, only the player, of course, should not know about it. The attached match will fall very quickly, and after that the video camera will not interfere, with the help of which the grimaces and faces of the “victim” of the prank should be perpetuated.


To conduct this draw, you need to prepare a video camera, as well as water bottles, wine glasses and chairs for two participants. Before the beginning of the draw in the middle of the room, at some distance, two chairs are placed, and between them - two empty wine glasses.

From among the men, the host calls two volunteers who are given bottles of water, one each. To do this, you can use bottles of wine or champagne. Then the participants need to stand on chairs and hold the bottle between their legs. The facilitator explains to them the task: to fill their glass with water from a bottle. In order to make it more difficult to fill the glasses, the bottle can only be held by its bottom, which is located behind the competitor. The host records the entire process on a video camera.

To achieve the effect, shooting is carried out as follows: the camera slowly moves from bottom to top. When everyone looks at the picture, they will see, first of all, male legs and wine glasses, into which some liquid is poured ... The fact that the liquid is poured from bottles becomes clear only at the end of the video.

"Sweet Lips"

To run this prank, you need to prepare a sheet and find three volunteers from among the invited men, which can cause problems for the host, since the specificity of the prank often discourages participation.

Before the start of the game, volunteers must be taken to the next room so that no one notices this. After that, a sheet is hung on the doorway, and if it is well translucent, it is better to use a dense, non-translucent fabric. In this screen, three slots should be made in advance. The host invites everyone present to take part in the competition. To do this, the guests choose the three prettiest girls who go behind a screen with slits.

The contestants are men. Their task is simple: they need to guess the girls who have gone behind the screen by the lips that they will show in the slots in turn. Men should approach the screen and kiss the offered lips. Then the participants, according to their feelings during the kiss, make attempts not only to guess which lips of the girls they kissed, but also to justify their choice.

After that, the presenter has no choice but to pull off the screen with a spectacular gesture and demonstrate that behind the sheet there are not beautiful girls at all, but real men. If the situation allows, you can mention that "non-standard" dreams are common to everyone from time to time.

"Mom, I'm everything!"

To draw, you need to fill a balloon with water and put a chair in the middle of the room. The strongest effect can be achieved if the host is a girl, and the most representative men from among those present are chosen as contestants.

So, a chair is installed in the middle of the room, a balloon is placed on it. Participants are not warned that it is not filled with air, but with water. The task of the players: at the signal of the host, sit on a chair faster than the rest of the participants, trying to get on the ball, and joyfully inform the host about this: “Mom, I’m all!”. When a gambling participant flops down on a chair, bursts a ball of water and suddenly finds himself in wet pants, the presenter should answer in an innocent and even instructive voice: “That’s all, but you forgot to take off your pants!”.


Only men can participate in this draw. You can call any number of volunteers. The host needs to put them in a row and tell the rules of the game: “Do you like to go fishing? Imagine that all of you are now fishing.

Show how you are walking (at the same time, the participants, following the example of the leader himself, must demonstrate the march on the spot). Now show us that you've come to the right place. You start fishing. Imagine you are casting a line. Show it to us. And suddenly the tide began! How can you quit what you love? You must continue to fish, but just don't soak your pants.

To do this, you need to roll up your pants. When all the commands of the leader are fulfilled and the trousers of the participants are raised to the knees, and if possible, even higher, the insidious leader must announce to those present: “And now - attention! A competition for the best male legs of our party is announced! The jury is our lovely ladies.”


To conduct this draw, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, glue, a lot of small stationery (paper clips, pens, erasers, buttons, pencils, etc.), a glass.

The glass must be glued to a sheet of paper in such a way that anyone who enters thinks that it is simply placed on this sheet. For greater effect, the glass can even be filled with something. Around it on the same sheet, all prepared stationery should be scattered in a picturesque mess;

It is advisable to attach several warning signs nearby, for example: “Do not take a glass!”, “Do not touch it with your hands!”, “Do not raise it!” etc.

The host himself at the same time takes a video camera and hides nearby to watch what is happening.

When a guest enters the room and does not see anyone, he finds a piece of paper with a glass, pays attention to the inscription and cannot resist the temptation. When he raises the glass, she will pull the sheet of paper as well. Then everything that was scattered on it will fly to the floor. At the same time, the expression on the face of the unlucky guest is worthy of being recorded on tape and kept as a keepsake.

"Road in the mountains"

This draw is unlikely to be repeated. In order to conduct it, the leader should collect wristwatches from all those present. Then you should choose the "victim" of the prank, who should not know that this is a prank. The assembled clock must be laid out on the floor along an arbitrary curved line, and the person being played is given the task of blindfolding and walking in such a way as not to step on the clock lying in the way.

There is no doubt that those present will begin to grumble and even demand to stop the disgrace, and the knees of the “victim” of the prank will shake if he is a timid person.

While the host diligently blindfolds him and scares him with possible reprisals, especially if expensive models of watches are on the floor, the host's assistant quietly removes all the watches from the floor.

Observing the efforts of the acted out not to cause tangible damage, guests can advise him where to step in order to avoid risk. When the “victim” suffers enough, an empty eggshell should be placed under her leg, which will crackle very plausibly, so that the person being played will not doubt for a second that he crushed someone’s watch.

It’s good if at this moment someone screams or even swears more convincingly.

To top off the show, you can untie the "victim's" eyes and show a pre-prepared old broken clock, not a shell.

It is advisable to record the entire performance on film and invite the “victim” to laugh together.