Acute alcohol intoxication. Alcohol intoxication: how to remove poisoning at home

Alcohol poisoning is an increase in the symptoms of alcohol intoxication of the body as the concentration of ethanol in the blood plasma increases. Alcohol poisoning is rarely considered a dangerous type of body poisoning, but it still requires a serious approach to taking measures to reduce intoxication.

1 Symptoms of initial alcohol poisoning

Most often, poisoning of the body with ethanol occurs as a result of an overdose. Sometimes there are cases of poisoning due to the fact that a substance was added to the alcoholic drink that provokes an increase in intoxication. Most often, harmful additives are contained in fakes called surrogates. For this reason, before using the product, it is recommended to check its origin.

Signs of poisoning appear gradually. The severity of intoxication depends entirely on the concentration of alcohol in the human blood plasma.

At the initial stage of development of alcohol poisoning, there is an increase in emotional and motor activity. The initial stage of poisoning is characterized by the appearance of euphoria, which is perceived as a pleasant rise above the problems that arise in life. In the process of increasing intoxication, there is a change in attitude both towards oneself and towards other people. A person during this period becomes more talkative, and his statements become more categorical.

In the process of development of the initial stages of alcohol poisoning, hyperemia of the skin is observed. This symptom is usually most manifested in the upper body, most often on the skin of the face, in addition, pupil dilation is observed at the initial stage.

An increase in the concentration of alcohol during its absorption from the stomach increases its effect on the nervous system, which leads to a violation of the control and regulatory functions of the brain. At this stage of alcohol poisoning, symptoms of complete disinhibition are revealed. Complete disinhibition is manifested by instinctive behavior in judgments and statements, in addition, overt sexuality or aggressiveness appears in behavior. During this period, there is a certain absurdity in the movements performed.

An increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood leads to its negative effect on the cerebellum. An increase in the impact on the cerebellum leads to the appearance of awkwardness and a “drunk gait” in movements.

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2 Severe poisoning symptoms

Severe poisoning with alcoholic beverages leads to severe symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning are caused by the neurotoxic effect of alcohol on the body.

Intoxication of the body with alcohol leads to the appearance of symptoms that have a neuroparalytic nature.

Ethyl alcohol molecules, due to the fact that they are smaller than other organic compounds, have a high penetrating power. This property allows ethanol molecules to easily cross the blood-brain barrier. This leads to damage to the structures of the neocortex and the effect of alcohol on the peripheral autonomic nervous system.

Severe alcohol poisoning is always accompanied by malfunctions in the functioning of the vascular and respiratory centers of the central nervous system. At a high concentration of neurotoxic poison, a person develops depressing symptoms from ethyl alcohol. External signs of such symptoms are violations of speech and motor function. When the severe stage of alcohol poisoning is reached, a person's speech takes on a meaningless and incoherent form.

Man passes out after drinking

With the further development of alcohol intoxication, the development of alcoholic stunning is observed. This phenomenon is characterized by the loss of a person's ability to perceive reality normally and respond to external irritation. At this stage, in addition to the listed symptoms, the development of an alcoholic coma is possible, which can provoke the development of serious complications in the body.

3 Symptoms and consequences of an alcoholic coma

If in the event of alcohol poisoning there is no assistance to the victim, then poisoning can provoke the development of an alcoholic coma. Doctors believe that an alcoholic coma can develop when the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches more than 3 g / l. Coma creates the prerequisites for the emergence of a serious threat to human life.

The main sign of the development of an alcoholic coma is a complete loss of consciousness, in some cases a slight involuntary motor activity may persist.

A developing alcoholic coma is characterized by a weak severity of reflexes, which can be completely lost during the development of a coma. There is an inhibition of tendon, tactile and protective reflexes in the body. In a person in a state of severe poisoning, there is an inhibition of the reaction of the pupils to irritation with bright light and a loss of the corneal reflex, in addition, the knee reflex is lost. Simultaneously with the loss of these reflexes, disinhibition and activation of the sucking and grasping reflexes are observed.

Before the onset of the state of coma, miosis of the pupils is observed. In some cases, the phenomenon of anisocoria is observed, which is characterized by different sizes of the pupils of the eyes. When a coma reaches this stage in its development, it is desirable to provide medical assistance, and in some situations such assistance is vital.

In alcoholic coma, there is a violation of respiratory functions, which is partly due to the inhibitory effect of ethyl alcohol on the respiratory center in the central nervous system. Very often, respiratory failure is associated with aspiration of vomit and retraction of the tongue. These phenomena can pose a threat to life. The patient has intermittent and shallow breathing, and the skin becomes pale and bluish in color - cyanosis develops. During the development of an alcoholic coma, there is a drop in blood pressure, at the same time there is a decrease in the frequency of heart contraction. The victim has a thready and weak pulse. A person during this period may experience involuntary urination and defecation. Quite often, in the process of developing a coma, hypoglycemia is observed, which can threaten a person's life.

4 Assistance in case of alcohol poisoning

Everyone should know what to do when alcohol intoxication occurs. First aid can be provided in different volumes. The amount of assistance to a person depends on the degree of intoxication of a person. When a drunk person is conscious at the initial stage, the following measures should be used to bring the person to a normal state:

  • induce vomiting to remove ethyl alcohol from the stomach to prevent additional transfer of alcohol into the blood;
  • wash the gastrointestinal tract with cool water.

After taking water, you should induce repeated vomiting to remove alcohol residues from the gastrointestinal tract.

After gastric lavage, enterosorbents are given to the victim for oral administration. When taking activated charcoal, it is required to take at least one package of the drug.

If a drunk person has a loss of consciousness, then before the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary to ensure control over the victim in order to prevent the process of tongue retraction. This phenomenon can restrict breathing. In addition, the retraction of the tongue can be the fault of a person choking on vomit. At a low ambient temperature, it is required to protect the body of the victim from hypothermia, which can be triggered by the expansion of blood vessels under the influence of ethyl alcohol.

The main objective of the treatment of alcohol intoxication is to stop the absorption of ethyl alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and accelerate the removal of alcohol from the blood. Reducing absorption is achieved by washing the gastrointestinal tract, carried out using a probe. When the patient is unconscious, a preliminary intubation of the trachea is performed in order to protect against aspiration.

Acceleration of the excretion of alcohol from the body is carried out by intravenous administration of glucose solution with insulin, sodium bicarbonate solution and sodium chloride solution in combination with B vitamins, as well as vitamin C. The use of ascorbic acid in the treatment process prevents the conversion of ethyl alcohol into acetaldehyde, and the alcohol is excreted unchanged from the body. In severe forms of poisoning, forced diuresis is used.

Timely treatment and a course of detoxification and supportive special therapy minimizes the risk of developing the consequences of poisoning.

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Alcohol abuse is harmful to health. But, unfortunately, this scares few people. No party is complete without alcohol. The result is acute or chronic alcohol intoxication.

This disease entails pathological changes in the psyche, behavior and physiology. These consequences are provoked by the decay products of ethyl alcohol.

The severity of alcohol intoxication depends on the amount of alcoholic beverages taken, their strength and composition; the duration of the binge; individual characteristics of the body and existing pathologies. A person does not need to receive alcohol from the outside at all.

The required volume of alcohol is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, so the penetration of additional amounts of ethanol can only harm.

There are no safe doses.

The definitions of "intoxication" and "poisoning" in this case mean the same thing. The border passes near the mark of 0.3 ppm.

Symptoms of alcohol intoxication appear when there is a lack of alcohol dehydrogenase. This is a liver enzyme that breaks down alcohol molecules for their subsequent excretion. Of great importance is the physique of a person (height and weight), the quality of alcoholic beverages.

With the accumulation of a critical amount of ethanol, alcohol toxicosis occurs. Thus, the body tries to cleanse itself of toxic substances. Teenagers and people weakened by chronic diseases get drunk quickly. The first is due to the immaturity of the body, and the second is due to health problems.

Intoxication of the body is acute and chronic. The latter form develops due to alcohol abuse over a long period of time.

Toxic damage to the body is expressed in the form of arterial hypertension, hyperemia of the skin, anxiety, a sharp change in mood, dystrophy, excessive sweating, atrophy of muscle tissues and tremor. The last symptom implies involuntary trembling of the limbs.

Chronic alcohol intoxication has the following symptoms:

  1. Euphoria.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Problems with coordination of movements and attention.
  4. Nausea.

They occur in those who have not been under the influence of alcohol for too long. at this stage does not provoke serious complications, but is addictive.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depending on the degree of damage to the body.

There are three in total:

  1. The lung is characterized by poor appetite, mild headache, daytime sleepiness, nausea, and irritability. Discomfort disappears a few hours after waking up. The content of alcohol in the blood is not more than 2%.
  2. With moderate alcohol intoxication, a severe headache appears; hands begin to tremble; double vision; speech becomes slurred; reddening of the skin of the face; difficulty sleeping, diarrhea, vomiting. Poor health haunts the patient for several days in a row. Withdrawal syndrome (hangover) develops. The concentration of alcoholic beverages is 0.2-0.3 ppm.
  3. Severe alcohol poisoning is very dangerous. A person does not understand what he is doing, he is delirious, he cannot walk, coordinate his movements. In this case, urgent medical attention is required. In its absence, the risk of death due to respiratory or heart failure is high. Perhaps the development of an alcoholic coma.

If the patient has a history of psychopathy, chronic alcohol intoxication in an altered form may appear.

There are three types of people, among them dysphoric (provokes conflict situations), paranoid (he treats everyone around him with suspicion, aggression), foolish (debauchery, rebels, grimaces), hysterical (trying to constantly be in the spotlight).


The diagnosis of "Alcohol intoxication" is made after a complete examination, the results of which determine the symptoms and prescribe treatment. This process does not take much time, this pathology does not have a latent form. All signs appear quite brightly, so the clinical picture clears up quickly.

The Rappoport reaction is more commonly used. This is the name of the study, by which the amount of ethanol in the exhaled air is determined.

In addition to it, gas-liquid chromatography, the Karandaev method, the photometric method and AED are used. The therapeutic regimen is selected with an individual approach to each patient. When prescribing medications, the attending physician must take into account all concomitant diseases.

Therapy for ethanol poisoning

The most effective is a resolute rejection of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

If symptoms appear that indicate ethyl alcohol poisoning, you should immediately call an ambulance. While she gets to the specified address, the patient should be given first aid.

To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Lay the victim on their side.
  2. Provide access to fresh air.
  3. Try to bring the patient to his senses.
  4. If this worked out, provoke artificial vomiting (it is strictly forbidden for an unconscious person to cause it, he may choke).
  5. Give the victim an adsorbent (activated charcoal).

Then it remains to wait for the arrival of doctors. They will assess the patient's condition and, if necessary, conduct detoxification therapy. It includes gastric lavage with warm boiled water. The procedure is carried out through a probe. At the second stage, the infusion of balanced salt solutions, for example, rehydron.

To restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is given droppers with saline, metadoxil, glucose, vitamins from group B and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). When a third degree of alcohol poisoning is detected, the patient is hospitalized.

If he has developed respiratory failure, connect IVL (artificial ventilation of the lungs). Drug therapy includes drugs to prevent delirium tremens, delirium, epilepsy, hallucinations.

After the condition of the victim returns to normal, he will be scheduled sessions with a psychotherapist. He will prepare the patient for further treatment. The hospital stay lasts about a week. The duration of hospitalization depends on the condition of the patient.

At home, it is really possible to get rid of mild to moderate intoxication. It is recommended to do this, following the prescription of the attending physician.

You can use folk methods, but they should be used in combination with traditional medicine methods. Otherwise, there will be no expected effect. Treatment carried out earlier will be a waste of time.

Much attention is paid to nutrition. The food must be healthy. Fried, spicy, fatty and salty foods are prohibited. This also applies to soda and beer. It is advisable to stop at natural juices, tea with lemon and honey, infusions of medicinal herbs.

Prescriptions must be agreed in advance with the attending physician. They may also have contraindications. The influence of alcohol extends to the entire body.

It has the strongest harm on the central nervous system, its recovery will take a long period of time. A return to a riotous lifestyle will give impetus to serious complications, which will significantly worsen the quality of life, affect the personality and relationships in the family.

What are the possible complications

The consequences of alcohol intoxication are often irreversible. There is an exacerbation of all chronic diseases. Even those that proceeded in a latent form appear. The risk of developing myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, arrhythmia, stroke and coronary artery disease increases.

What is ischemic heart disease?

This is a disease caused by a decrease in the supply of arterial blood to the heart muscle. Damage to the coronary vessels of the heart exacerbates the current situation.

Complications can occur even with an acute form of alcohol intoxication. The brain starts to work worse, the thought process lasts longer.

With excessive use of alcohol, a person degrades, both physically and socially. There are problems in the family, at work, in society. The load on the cardiovascular system increases, the liver is reborn. The result of this is cirrhosis.

There is a partial (later complete) dysfunction of the reproductive organs, resulting in infertility. A child born to a person suffering from alcoholism is more likely to be sick.

In any case, even before birth, he will receive a genetic predisposition to dependence on drinks containing ethyl alcohol.


To forget about alcohol intoxication and the consequences provoked by it, you need to reconsider your life. Fleeting pleasure is not worth the health and future generations. Any dose of alcohol is dangerous for the body.

Get rid of your addiction. Getting rid of the poison isn't everything. The main thing is to want to change for the better. The presence of a strong stimulus will give strength and patience, and the narcologist will remove cravings for alcohol.

Coding, sessions of a psychotherapist or psychologist, folk methods of treating alcoholism - they can help only if the patient voluntarily desires. Take care of yourself, do sports and what you love. Then in your life there will be no place for addiction, and success will not keep you waiting.

Problems after drinking alcohol can overtake everyone, regardless of social status or the quality of the product consumed. Poisoning by alcohol and its surrogates requires competent detoxification of the body in order to avoid a long recovery period, possible treatment of severe consequences. The symptoms of intoxication are approximately the same for everyone, there are differences in individual characteristics, which depend on the state of health and personal tolerance.

What is alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning (ICD code 10 - T51) is a depressing effect on the body of ethanol and its decomposition products (acetaldehyde) during processing. Violated physiological, behavioral and psychological reactions. At the same time, alcohol poisoning is more often perceived as the effect of large doses, but there are cases when a small amount of ethyl alcohol is enough to poison the human body.

Primary alcohol poisoning includes a state of euphoria, which manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, an altered perception of reality, and a change in behavioral model. What is commonly called a hangover refers to the secondary process of intoxication, when the body tries to independently remove decay products.


For people who do not consider themselves alcoholics, but drink alcohol daily, chronic alcohol intoxication is characteristic (the syndrome of "stomach fermentation" when ethyl is independently produced in excess quantities is not considered). In practice, this is a total damage to all internal organs from the gastrointestinal tract to the brain. The main problem of this condition is that the human body can no longer get rid of alcohol substrates on its own, against this background, accompanying pathologies develop:

  • imbalance of body weight (both excessive weight and unnatural thinness are possible);
  • early degree of arterial hypertension;
  • constant tremor of the limbs;
  • redness of the skin;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • a feeling of severe chills or heat, which alternate in waves;
  • anemia;
  • damage to peripheral nerves;
  • excessive sweating.


A single intake in a short time of 300-400 ml of ethanol or a proportional amount can be fatal, but in most cases acute alcohol intoxication occurs, which can be eliminated with timely medical care. Typical signs of severe alcohol poisoning are considered to be: profuse salivation, convulsions, intense redness of the face and palms, problematic breathing, loss of consciousness or a borderline state.


If we take into account the psychological causes of poisoning, then it should be noted that the use of alcohol against the background of an altered emotional consciousness (stress or extreme degree of joy) leads to an incorrect perception of the effect of ethyl on the brain by the body. In this case, intoxication does not occur for a long time, and the person continues to strive for it. At this rate, much more alcohol enters the body than the drinker often allows himself.

Alcohol poisoning (acetaldehyde) can occur even when drinking, for example, one glass of vodka. It all depends on the quality of the drink, the personal tolerance of the body, the duration and speed of consumption. In fact, alcohol intoxication occurs due to the decomposition of ethyl alcohol by the liver and the redistribution of the efforts of the organs to get rid of the cleavage products.

Separately, it is worth highlighting poisoning with alcohol that is not intended for ingestion: denatured alcohol, methyl alcohol and fakes of an indefinite composition. In this case, fusel oils enter the body, frankly toxic components that are not intended for human consumption due to their toxic characteristics.

How alcohol affects the body

Exposure to small doses of alcohol in combination with proper nutrition will not lead to poisoning of the body. The permissible dosage is determined by the person himself according to his own feelings. An increase in the amount taken leads to intoxication of the body and the appearance of corresponding symptoms. The toxic effect of alcohol extends to all organs and systems:

  1. Cell poisoning and death. Pure ethanol actively kills living tissues, which is why it is used as a universal antiseptic. The widely held belief that alcohol kills brain cells is not entirely true. Exposure to acetaldehyde disrupts neural connections, but only in extreme amounts leads to cell death.
  2. Sexual dysfunction. For the most part, this applies to men. Sperm formation occurs within 75 days. Exposure to alcohol disrupts normal spermatogenesis, leading to the development of defective spermatozoa, so it is recommended to give up alcohol for about 3 months if you plan to conceive a child. Damage to the eggs in women, although they are more reliably protected, occurs with chronic alcoholism, since the egg cell volume is present in the body from birth.
  3. The fetus in pregnant women can develop with disorders due to the malfunctioning of the mother's organs and systems due to alcohol damage.
  4. The brain loses its normal oxygen supply, neural connections are disrupted, which leads to a gradual degradation of mental capabilities, a decrease in intelligence, and the development of dementia.
  5. The heart and blood vessels begin to wear out faster than expected by nature. The consequences of chronic alcohol use are hypertension, heart rhythm disturbance, coronary disease, heart attacks.
  6. The gastrointestinal tract suffers from the destruction of mucous membranes by alcohol, peptic ulcers, gastritis develop, and the salivary glands are damaged.
  7. The liver is the main organ where the body breaks down alcohol and begins to remove it from the systems. Ethyl disrupts normal functioning and leads to tissue death.
  8. The kidneys lose their ability to excrete waste products normally. Their improper work leads to an excess of fluid with the remnants of the breakdown of alcohol in the body.
  9. CNS. Depending on the intensity of the use of ethyl-containing substances, a whole range of problems can develop: from anemia, muscle dysfunction to complete or partial paralysis.
  10. Immunity is weakened due to a decrease in the production of leukocytes and a general inhibition of body functions by alcohol.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

The main signs of alcohol poisoning are common to most people. Violation of the functioning of the central nervous system has similar manifestations, regardless of gender, age and social status. The main critical factors in the degree of intoxication and the intensity of symptoms are the quantity and quality of alcohol consumed. The standard manifestations of intoxication are as follows:

  • euphoria and delusional states;
  • hallucinations, impaired visual perception;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • impaired coordination of the limbs, perception of the position of the body in space;
  • lowering the threshold of self-preservation instinct;
  • incoherent speech, slowing down of thought processes;
  • diarrhea;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • tremor of hands and feet;
  • chills;
  • blanching of the skin of the body, against the background of redness of the face;
  • general malaise;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea, vomiting.


Vodka intoxication manifests itself in the same way in all patients with variations depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Often manifested by aching, pulling pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, delirium tremens with a sharp stop in the flow of alcohol, dizziness. In critical cases, vodka poisoning of the body leads to an alcoholic coma, which requires immediate hospitalization.

ethyl alcohol

If we talk about alcoholic products that are food products, then the symptoms of poisoning were described above. Further, it all depends on the person and the type of alcohol. For example, the liver of an average adult male will completely neutralize 0.5 liters of beer in about 1 hour. Exceeding this dose leads already to the toxic effects of alcohol. Ethanol poisoning manifests itself solely depending on the tolerance of the body, which depends on age, gender, body weight, nationality.

Surrogate alcohol

Substitutes for alcoholic products include not only moonshine and low-quality drinks, but also technical liquids that contain ethyl, butyl, methyl and other alcohols. Poisoning by alcohol surrogates is dangerous because chemical combinations that are not natural for food products enter the body (fusel oils from moonshine products can be called the “safest” ones).

Poisoning with such fluids brings increased symptoms: vomiting, headache, diarrhea, tinnitus. Added to this total chemical damage to the kidneys, liver, heart, brain. In the case of methyl alcohol, poisoning often results in complete or partial blindness due to the nature of the exposure. It is important to remember that an attempt to use alcohol substitutes increases the chances of death (even after a small dose) tenfold.

Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropanol is a moderately toxic liquid and is widely used in household or technical products. The most famous solution with its content is the popular "Nezzamerzayka". Due to its characteristic alcohol smell, some individuals use it instead of alcohol. Poisoning with isopropyl alcohol is similar to the usual one, but has characteristic features: a pronounced smell of acetone in the breath, continuous vomiting (sometimes containing blood).

What to do with alcohol poisoning

The first thing to do in case of obvious alcohol poisoning with severe symptoms is to call an ambulance. Most regular drinkers try to deal with intoxication on their own, and turn to doctors only in critical cases: zero reaction of the poisoned person to external influences or the fact of using surrogates (fakes). First aid for alcohol poisoning before the arrival of doctors:

  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • give access to fresh air, make breathing easier;
  • cleanse the stomach of the remnants of alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the blood;
  • take any sorbent according to the instructions (activated carbon, Medichronal or similar preparations);
  • give a saline laxative;
  • feed enveloping food (jelly, viscous porridge like oatmeal).

How to remove alcohol intoxication at home

Folk remedies effectively relieve poisoning if taken in a timely manner. This does not require you to go to the store - most of the ingredients for this kind of medicine are already in everyone's cupboard or refrigerator. Removal of alcohol intoxication at home:

  • ensure fresh air enters the room;
  • induce vomiting to get rid of the remnants of alcohol (for example, drink a solution of potassium permanganate, ammonia-anise drops or 1 tsp of powdered mustard in 1 tbsp of water);
  • give a sniff of cotton wool moistened with ammonia (you need to use the method carefully so as not to poison the victim);
  • drink hot tea with a little sugar.

Dropper at home

A dropper from alcohol intoxication quickly removes acetaldehyde and related decay products from the blood. The main thing is that next to the victim there should be a person with a minimum paramedical education. The solution itself can be purchased at any pharmacy: 5-10% glucose + saline saline. In severe forms of alcohol poisoning, doctors use detoxifiers and hepatoprotectors.

Gastric lavage

All methods are allowed here to flush the body - from enema to provoking vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Gastric lavage for alcohol poisoning is intended for one thing - to remove alcohol from the stomach before it is absorbed into the blood. One way is to drink as much water as possible in a short period of time. The main thing is to induce vomiting. The gag reflex is a natural gastrointestinal response to alcohol poisoning. Its absence with prolonged use of ethyl can be an alarming factor that the body turns off self-preservation functions.

Pills for alcohol poisoning

The most common and affordable medicines are drugs and pills for alcohol poisoning:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Aspirin;
  • No-shpa;
  • Enterosorbent;
  • ethylene glycol;
  • Polysorb;
  • Biotredin;
  • Limontar;
  • Yantavit;
  • Metadoxil;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerucal.

Folk remedies

What does detoxification look like with folk remedies (if there is no obvious threat to the patient and you only need to remove the symptoms):

  1. Honey water. Fructose will help you sober up as soon as possible and get rid of the symptoms of poisoning. The total mass of diluted honey should be approximately 150 grams. The concentration should be chosen such that a person can drink without vomiting.
  2. Diuretic teas.
  3. Milk.
  4. Soda solution (1 tsp per 1 glass of water).
  5. After clearing the stomach of alcohol, an antiemetic soothing infusion of saffron is best suited: 1 tsp. to a glass of boiling water. After it cools down, drink in small sips. Plus, it will help stop the urge to vomit.
  6. Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp for half a glass of water. One sip every 10-15 minutes.
  7. Pickle brine from sauerkraut is the best remedy for the consequences of drinking alcohol.

How long does alcohol intoxication last

The duration of the period of poisoning directly depends on the type of alcohol, personal tolerance (tolerance), snacks during the feast. Rapid elimination of alcohol from the body using the above methods will get the person back on their feet in about 4-5 hours. At the same time, echoes of the symptoms of poisoning will remain, but the condition will improve significantly, and the consciousness will be cleared.

If nothing is done, then the body will remove the decay products of alcohol for several days. The process takes 1-3 days. Symptoms of poisoning can return in waves. It is highly not recommended to treat yourself with alcohol - a new dose will give a temporary impression of improvement, but will increase the period of natural cleaning of the organs.

The question - what is acute alcohol intoxication is of interest to many drinkers, since this condition appears after taking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol intoxication is a severe poisoning of the body with alcohol, which causes irreversible consequences in many internal organs of a person. This condition poses serious problems for the drinker, since the symptoms of alcohol intoxication are not able to withstand every person.

Since this condition is considered poisoning, it is urgent to get rid of it, removing toxins and the remnants of alcohol decay from the body. At home, the treatment of alcohol intoxication is possible only after visiting a doctor - it is impossible to overcome poisoning without taking medications, since they not only relieve the drunkard from the signs of this condition, but also restore the affected organs.

It is known that 3% of alcohol in human blood causes severe intoxication,. If the hangover syndrome is constantly treated by drinking alcohol, this condition quickly develops into alcohol intoxication. It, in turn, causes respiratory failure, short-term hearing loss, as well as a person falling into a coma or cardiac arrest. That is why it is necessary to get rid of alcohol intoxication immediately after the onset of the development of poisoning, which is quite simple to determine in the body. So, how to remove the breakdown of alcohol from the body, as well as quickly get out of a drunken state at home, which causes serious poisoning?

How does toxicity develop in the body?

The poisoning of the body when drinking alcohol proceeds quite quickly, because immediately after entering the stomach, alcohol begins to spread throughout the body with the help of blood flow. After drinking a large dose of strong drinks by an alcoholic, alcohol begins to be quickly and actively absorbed into the liver cells, resulting in their destruction. Why does the liver suffer from alcohol? The fact is that it is this organ that is responsible for the destruction of dangerous elements that enter the body along with food intake, so it begins the first fight with ethanol, which causes severe damage to it. Along with this, the body begins to quickly produce special enzymes that can protect it from the aggressive action of alcohol-containing drinks.

When ethanol breaks down, it creates a strong concentration of acetaldehyde in the body, which. That is why the first sign of the development of intoxication is severe pain in the head.

Important: the level and danger of alcohol poisoning depend on the gender of the person, his state of health and age.

It is quite difficult to completely overcome alcohol intoxication at home, since this requires taking certain drugs that improve the overall health of the drunkard. Such drugs are prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient, as well as assessing the condition of the internal organs. Self-administration of drugs is strictly prohibited, because any incorrectly chosen remedy can adversely affect human health!

Symptoms of the development of alcohol intoxication

Before answering the question - how to get rid of alcohol intoxication at home and what to do when it is detected, it is worth correctly identifying the poisoning and not confusing it with a hangover. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main symptoms of the disease, so that if they occur, consult a doctor in time. According to experts, today there are 3 stages of alcohol poisoning, which differ in symptoms.

Signs of stages 1 and 2 of intoxication include:

  • , which often turns into vomiting - in this way the body tries to get rid of toxic components on its own;
  • severe pain in the head, which does not make sense to get rid of - until intoxication passes, they will accompany the patient;
  • thirst caused by severe dehydration of the body - it mainly appears in the morning and is formed due to the fact that alcohol has a powerful diuretic property due to the production of antidiuretic hormone by alcohol;
  • dizziness that appears during sudden movements - alcohol can negatively affect the state of coordination, which leads to loss of balance.

You can overcome these signs only after visiting a doctor who will prescribe drugs for alcohol intoxication (pills, dragees), which you should take at home along with the rules that cause quick relief from alcohol poisoning.

Important: the second stage of the disease often goes into the third, the most dangerous for health.

Such alcohol intoxication leads to the appearance of unpleasant and dangerous signs, namely:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • impaired movement and coordination;
  • narrowing of the pupils, which leads to visual impairment;
  • tremor;
  • profuse sweat;
  • lack of intelligible speech.

At home, it will not be possible to do all the necessary assistance to the victim, so the alcoholic must be urgently taken to the hospital. If these signs of alcohol intoxication appear in a drunkard, you can’t hesitate, because every minute can play an important role in treatment.

First aid

Intoxication of the body is a serious disease that claims the lives of many people every year. Therefore, it should be eliminated in a short time. Help with alcohol intoxication is to perform the following methods:

  • put the patient on the bed and put a wet rag on his face;
  • give 10 activated charcoal tablets to drink;
  • give the alcoholic a glass of warm water every 15 minutes;
  • if possible, remove the victim to fresh air;
  • give a man a drink of brine that does not contain vinegar.

Alcohol intoxication, the first aid of which is carried out at home, must be treated according to a prescription issued by a doctor - only in this case, its manifestation will soon be absent, and the person will quickly restore his own health and normalize the work of all damaged organs.

How is poisoning treated?

It is now quite easy to treat poisoning, since each correctly prescribed pharmacy will allow you to overcome the disease in a short time, especially if it proceeds in 1 or 2 degrees. Modern medicine in the treatment of poisoning uses several effective methods:

  • preventing the absorption of ethanol into the blood stream;
  • the use of droppers that purify the blood from the decay of alcohol;
  • methods of fast and fast sobering up.

To quickly prevent the absorption of ethanol through the stomach into the blood, the doctor prescribes to the patient an intake of activated charcoal, after which he will need to flush the organ.

For the best effect, the patient should be given 3-4 glasses of water. This removal of toxins and harmful substances will quickly get rid of the decay of ethanol, as a result of which they will not be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing deterioration. After that, the alcoholic will be forced to vomit and intramuscularly injected with caffeine-based drugs.

It is also good to remove toxins and normalize health using methods that promote sobering up quickly. For example, you can remove alcohol from the body with the help of thiamine (vitamin). After its introduction intramuscularly, a person will begin to sober up. It is also possible to effectively overcome intoxication with the help of nicotinic acid, corazol and phenamine. After 20 minutes, the person's condition will be restored, and he will begin to think normally - at this time he can be taken home.

Alcohol intoxication, the symptoms of which are characteristic of this condition, can also be treated with droppers, which will contain a whole complex of vitamins and useful elements. Doctors say: "we get rid of intoxication in this way only in emergency and extreme cases."

Consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • disruption of the brain;
  • the development of blood clots (the emerging picture from this pathology during intoxication is deplorable);
  • aggravation of the work of internal organs;

Therefore, it is better to remove the decay of ethanol from the body in time to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body. Otherwise, the patient will be prescribed anti-alcoholic drugs, which can be bought at any online store.

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There are many poisons in our world, but only one of them a person takes consciously, and even with pleasure - alcohol. The consequences of taking it are terrible: disruption of the nervous system, neurological, vegetative, mental disorders and many other diseases.

The blood of a healthy person contains approximately 0.4 ppm of alcohol, which is absorbed during fermentation in the intestines (by the way, ppm is equal to 1/10 percent). If this figure is higher, then this condition is already considered alcohol intoxication. But in medicine, and in everyday life, alcohol intoxication is intoxication, which can be dangerous to human life and health. In such cases, the level of alcohol in the blood is much higher than the accepted norms. At home, it is impossible to calculate the degree of intoxication, so you should focus on the state of a drunk person. It is customary to distinguish three degrees of intoxication, consider them in order.

Stages of intoxication

First- slight degree of intoxication. The proportion of alcohol in the blood does not exceed 2%. In this state, a person experiences euphoria, often runs to the toilet, his skin turns red, sweating increases, his pupils dilate, his speech becomes incoherent, loud. All this does not last long and passes without complications.

Second the degree of intoxication is 2-3% alcohol in the blood. The person begins to sway, the gait becomes uneven, there may be double vision. This condition causes slurred speech, inability to control one's actions and words. If you do not touch a person who is at this stage of intoxication, then he will quickly fall asleep. In the morning he will have weakness, vomiting, nausea, thirst, a feeling of weakness and lack of appetite.

Third- the most serious degree of intoxication. The proportion of alcohol in the blood is more than 3%. A person who is in this degree of intoxication experiences breathing problems. His heart may stop. Sometimes there is a stupor, then a coma.

Acute alcohol intoxication can lead to death, in which the accepted dose of alcohol in terms of alcohol is 300-400 grams. Signs of this condition are profuse salivation, respiratory failure, convulsions, dilation of blood vessels in the eyes. The lethal dose of alcohol for each person is individual and is equal to 8 grams of pure alcohol per 1 kilogram of body weight. If a person in such a state of intoxication cannot be brought to life by shaking the body or ammonia, then it is worth calling an ambulance. Severe alcohol poisoning can only be removed in the toxicology department and only with medical help, otherwise the person may die.

scientific explanation

Why is alcohol intoxication so dangerous? Chronic intoxication is a constant poisoning of the human body with the breakdown products of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages, entering the body, enter the liver, which processes all the toxic substances consumed by a person. Alcohol kills the cells of this organ, but, trying to restore itself, it secretes an enzyme that promotes the processing of alcohol. This process has a side effect - the formation of acetaldehyde, which is very toxic to the brain. It is because of him that a person suffers from a hangover and its components.

There are several signs of alcohol intoxication:

  1. nausea, vomiting - they are caused by ethanol acting on the cerebellum, which is responsible for balance;
  2. dizziness - appears due to disturbances in the work of the cerebellum;
  3. headache - occurs when alcohol enters the bloodstream and dilates blood vessels;
  4. thirst - manifested due to an increase in urine output, which in turn occurs due to a decrease in antidiuretic hormone.

Alcohol intoxication can be caused by even a small amount of alcohol, especially if it was taken by children, adolescents and people weakened by illness. Statements that small doses of alcohol are useful, tone up the body, increase efficiency and improve thinking, are a lie. Even the smallest amount of alcohol can lead to carelessness, errors in work, memory difficulties, and fatigue. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages makes a person dependent, an alcoholic who, in the absence of the next dose, feels physical and mental discomfort. Just another drink helps to get rid of these sensations.

Different degrees of intoxication cause different side effects. Therefore, when providing first aid to a drunk person, it is necessary to know what degree of intoxication the victim has and, depending on this, make attempts to treat him. Of course, the best solution to the problem is to call the doctors. Remember: before the ambulance arrives, you need to help the person remain conscious.

Help with alcohol intoxication (poisoning)

Severe alcohol poisoning is a transient state in which the central nervous system is in an excited state. It can quickly turn into oppression. In this stage of alcohol poisoning, a person can even fall into a coma. He begins to have violations of the vegetative functions necessary for the normal functioning of the body, and reflex and motor activity decreases almost to zero. Such symptoms are very life-threatening, and therefore it is foolish to try to cope with them. In this condition, a person needs urgent drug treatment. The sooner treatment begins, the more likely it is that alcohol intoxication will not bring much harm to the body.

First aid for alcohol intoxication should be as follows. Having called an ambulance, begin to take the first steps to save the patient. In no case do not lay a person on his back, put him on his side, then he will not choke on vomit. If the victim is unconscious, then gastric lavage cannot be done, he can also choke. Only a specialist narcologist can get out of such a difficult condition.

Doctors who arrived on call provide assistance to the patient at home, if urgent admission to the hospital is not required, and prescribe treatment. Relatives or the patient himself receives recommendations from them for further getting rid of intoxication. Methods of treatment for alcohol poisoning can be injections, a variety of drugs. Sometimes people with such a diagnosis are given droppers, also at home.

If a person is in the acute stage of alcohol intoxication (he has difficulty breathing, heart failure), then it is urgent to take him to the hospital. Home treatment in such a situation will not give results, in addition, resuscitation measures may be required, which can only be carried out in a hospital.

How to get rid of mild to moderate alcohol intoxication at home

There is an opinion that with a hangover you should drink brine. In fact, this is a mistake, since the acid of the drink, in combination with alcohol, forms unstable compounds. They are destroyed, and the effects of alcohol intoxication appear again.

There are several ways to speed up the elimination of harmful substances from the body:

  1. Drink plenty of water and take diuretics.
  2. Drinking aspirin - it anesthetizes and neutralizes acetaldehyde, which was formed in the body.

Each person should control the use of alcohol, so as not to get poisoned. If you know that you will have a feast, then you can prepare for it and then the side effects will hardly touch you. For example, a couple of minutes before the first toast, you can drink 2-4 tablets of activated charcoal and continue to take it every hour during the holiday. It is also good to drink a glass of milk before drinking alcohol. Before the holiday begins, drink 2-3 tablespoons of Almagel medicine and repeat the intake every half hour. You can also eat a plate of buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina porridge half an hour before the start of the banquet. These methods, in combination or separately, can prevent alcohol poisoning and your body will not suffer.

If you have not used any of the above methods, and in the morning you have a headache, dry mouth and other consequences of alcohol intoxication, then they can be alleviated. The first and best remedy for all diseases, including this one, is sleep. If you need to go to work or for some other important business, then buy some kind of anti-hangover drug. Antipohmelin, Alkoprim, Alkoseltzer - all these medicines are best taken with plenty of water. It would be nice to take a warm shower. Well restores the water-salt balance of the ear and other fish soups, tomato salads. In case of alcohol poisoning, you can also drink fermented milk products. Later, when the main symptoms of intoxication pass, it is worth drinking a cup of coffee or tea.

If your head hurts a lot, then you can take any painkiller, such as Citramon, and also drink multivitamins. Activated charcoal will help remove the breakdown products of alcohol and its residues from the intestines, you must take at least ten tablets and drink them with plenty of water. You can complete all the procedures with a walk in the fresh air.

All of the above methods of removing alcohol intoxication can be used only for mild poisoning. If all your actions do not bring relief, and even add new symptoms, then immediately call the doctors. Help provided untimely or incorrectly can lead to disastrous results. With diabetes, a drunk person can quickly fall into a coma, a patient with hypertension or atherosclerosis can get a stroke, a heart attack. If in such cases a person survives, then he will need a long and serious treatment.

Chronic alcohol intoxication can exacerbate all existing diseases that are associated with reduced immunity and neuroendocrine imbalance. New diseases appear, begin to progress, the body's resistance to infections decreases. Chronic alcoholics earn themselves a disease of the cardiovascular system, or rather, spastic and ischemic changes develop in the blood supply to the muscles of the heart, limbs, parenchymal organs, and the brain.

If acute alcohol intoxication is repeated, then this can cause hypertension, kidney and liver diseases, the appearance or exacerbation of diabetes mellitus.

For these and many other reasons, you should not drink alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are a poison that kills our body, slowly but surely.