Panic Neurosis - Its Symptoms and Treatment. Anxiety neurosis and panic attacks VSD neurosis panic attacks monocytes

Panic attacks (PA) are quite a spontaneous phenomenon and a person without special training will not be able to cope with them. After all, panic makes it impossible to think sensibly and it is extremely difficult to find a solution under its influence. At such moments, it seems to people that a lot of time has passed, but in fact only 5-10 seconds. During an attack, thoughts of death come into my head, there is a feeling of anxiety and a feeling of fear. That is why it is important to know everything about panic attacks and how to deal with them on your own.

Panic attacks often occur with VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), which is a failure in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) of various nature. Because of this syndrome, you should not worry, and there are many ways of treatment that can help you return to a normal rhythm of life.

It is recommended to treat the disease with the help of a course of psychotherapy, but if it is not possible to visit the hospital, then you can cope with panic attacks on your own at home. Methods of dealing with panic can help alleviate the condition, and sometimes completely overcome the attack. Regardless of the results of treatment, doctors recommend visiting the hospital as soon as possible. After all, only a psychotherapist will be able to assess the severity of the problem and advise methods of therapy.

A panic attack is often the result of a neurosis that occurs due to physical and mental overload. Sometimes the cause of panic lies in a mental disorder, deep depression and trauma that the child had to endure in childhood. This condition is often diagnosed in people under the influence of drugs.

There are usually several factors influencing the development of a mental disorder, and they are collected in the subconscious of a person. It is often difficult for the patient to understand what is the main reason, because each of them in its own way influenced the general condition.

Among the main symptoms of an attack are the following:

  • Feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • Spasm of the muscles of the larynx;
  • Trembling all over body and chilliness;
  • Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • accelerated heart rate;
  • Pressure surges;
  • There is a syndrome of derealization (impaired perception of the surrounding world) and depersonalization (impaired perception of one's own actions);
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Feelings of anxiety and bad thoughts;
  • Spasm of the stomach.

The experienced feeling of fear is so strong that even the memory of it causes a new attack. Most people don't seek help until the problem worsens. In such a situation, the patient is constantly attacked by panic and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it on your own.

Methods of treatment

Understanding how to deal with panic attacks is quite simple if you go to a consultation with a psychotherapist. He has methods of struggle that are inaccessible to the common man, namely hypnosis and cognitive psychotherapy. To date, there is also DPDH treatment, which can be deciphered as desensitization and processing (neurosis) by eye movements.

Basically, a person is faced with a problem, being in a difficult situation and often there is no way to get to the doctor. First you need to understand that such a state does not require fuss and you need to calm down. The drugs at this moment will not work, because the tablets will dissolve in the stomach for about 20 minutes, which means the attack will already end. The fight against panic attacks with the help of non-drug methods can correct the situation. These include various exercises and methods of psychotherapy that allow you to stop the attack.

Coping with panic attacks is not easy, but you can help yourself with this. For this it is recommended:

  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • More rest;
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day;
  • Engage in physical education;
  • Walk outdoors daily.

think of another

To help yourself with how to overcome panic attacks, you can use the method of switching attention. During an attack, you need to try to distract yourself from it, for example, look out the window and focus your eyes on something else. Sometimes a conversation with a friend (on the phone), a movie, and other interesting activities that help you think about something else help.

Fighting a panic attack in this way usually greatly reduces the severity of the attack.

Anyone can use the attention switching method, but it is important to find your own support, which will help during a panic attack.

It can be playing at a computer, solving a crossword puzzle, cooking, etc. Among all the possible activities, you need to find exactly what helps the most in a particular case. Such support will help you get out of the inner world and forget about anxiety by concentrating on certain actions.

Healing with lovemaking

Sexual relationships are extremely important, because according to statistics, people who have regular sex suffer from neuroses much less frequently. Looking for someone just for the sake of this goal is not worth it, and it is better to reconsider your life, and then start looking for the other half in order to build a full-fledged relationship. When it comes to a married couple, then over time, the passion between people fades away. To prevent this, you need to devote more time to your half. After all, couples who make love at least once a week experience more joy from relationships. Consequently, neuroses are much less common in them.

Proper breathing

A panic attack causes disturbances in the respiratory system, provoking a feeling of suffocation, and how to deal with it in such a situation remains a mystery to many. According to psychotherapists, you should try to focus on your breathing. To do this, you need to slowly inhale air through the nose, imagining how it passes through the nasopharynx and goes down the trachea, expanding the stomach during a deep breath. Then you need to slowly exhale, gradually imagining how oxygen makes its way back and out through the mouth. It is advisable to repeat this procedure until the attack completely disappears.

The cause of rapid breathing during a panic attack lies in the excessive release of adrenaline. The described method is designed to eliminate such a phenomenon and it can be used in your spare time to calm the nervous system. It is enough to spend no more than 5 minutes on such a procedure a day.

Using a paper bag

Even an ordinary paper bag can solve the problem, since you can cope with a panic attack by applying it to your face. Then you need to start breathing slowly into it and do this until the attack stops. This method is based on restoring the gas balance due to inhaled carbon dioxide. If there is no package, then you can breathe into the hands folded in a boat.


Treatment through meditation is a reliable means of psychotherapy for any mental disorder. Many techniques have been created, and most of them are not based on the astral plane and the inner chakra, but on relaxation. Sometimes it is enough to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and imagine a place you have long wanted to visit or some magical land with strange creatures, etc. In such a situation, you should try to forget about anxiety and fear and completely plunge into your dreams.

side view method

In this state, it is difficult to think rationally, but you can try writing down your fears and rereading them. On a subconscious level, they will become ridiculous for the patient and the attack will weaken or even disappear. This method is quite popular and simple, but sometimes it is difficult to use because of trembling in the hands.

How to visualize fear

You should give free rein to the imagination and imagine what excites you the most. Then you need to destroy the visualization object by any means, for example, incinerate, eat, or even launch it to the moon. Awareness of one's strength can help with this, because in his subconscious a person is his own master. When the fear is eliminated, the attack will gradually weaken and at this moment it is desirable to imagine peace as something pleasant and beautiful. They will need to enjoy at least 5-10 minutes, after which they can open their eyes.

Energy Spiral

For this method of dealing with panic attacks, you should determine the cause of fear and present it. Then you need to imagine a flow of energy moving in a spiral and move the culprit of the panic into it. Next, you need to watch how fear spins clockwise until you feel calm. If the condition has not returned to normal, then you can try to change the direction of the spiral.

Elemental method of treatment

Sometimes, in order to understand how to cope with panic attacks, it is enough to turn to the elements:

  • Earth. It represents stability and security. To use this element, you need to sit comfortably and feel the reliability of the support and how tightly the feet touch the ground. Then you need to inspect the room around you and choose 3 items that should be called aloud, describing the details;
  • Air. It helps to focus and normalize your breathing. You can take advantage of this element using breathing exercises;
  • Water. She is responsible for relaxation. During a panic attack, a person is often thirsty. You should try to think of a lemon or other food to improve salivation or drink water and at the same time remove a spasm from the stomach;
  • Fire. It represents the imagination with which you can think about the positive moments in your life. To use it, it is enough to think about something good or plunge into your dreams.

The combination of 4 elements is the usual methods of dealing with PA, but with an element of self-hypnosis. With the help of their combination, a person can get out of the inner world and feel relief.

stream of light

The method is based on the visualization of a bright and light flow of energy falling from the sky. You should imagine how he touches the head of the hands, feet and falls to the ground. Then you need to imagine how the energy makes its way back from earth to heaven, passing through the whole body. You can repeat the procedure as many times as you like. The purpose of the method is to increase its significance and calm the nervous system through imagination.

Butterfly exercise

This method allows you to fight PA by simply crossing your arms over your chest. It is necessary that the left hand be placed on the right shoulder, and the other, respectively, on the left. Next, you need to lightly tap your hands imagining yourself as a butterfly, but if after that the problem worsens, then you should stop doing the exercise.

Treatment with a light beam

This method of struggle implies the visualization of fear on the body of the patient. You need to imagine it well, and then mentally direct a powerful stream of energy to the negative emotion, which should destroy it. This method of self-hypnosis helps to eradicate anxiety and can be repeated as many times as you like.

Dipping fear in a can of paint

This visualization technique involves imagining your fear and then placing it in a container filled with paint. Next, you should drown the negative emotion and for this you need to mentally mix this jar, looking at how all the fears and feelings are at its bottom.

panic attack transfer method

R. Wilson came up with such a way to deal with PA, and according to his theory, a person can decide for himself when to be afraid and control the whole process. To do this, it is recommended immediately before the attack or at its beginning to begin to convince yourself that after 5 hours you should start to worry, but not now. After a specified time, the conversation is repeated and so on until the fear is finally weakened.

There is another method invented by this specialist and it is based on focusing a person on his fear. It is necessary to deliberately think about your greatest experience 2-3 times every day for 2 weeks. During this process, you need to forget about all pressing matters and think only about your fear in order to feel great discomfort. After 10 minutes from the start of the training, you need to begin to smoothly exit this state. You can do this with the help of breathing exercises and thoughts about the things planned for that day. If you fight a panic attack using this method of treatment, you can achieve significant results. Fear will not seem so terrible, and the feeling of anxiety will be significantly reduced.

Panic attacks must be dealt with, otherwise they will not go anywhere. Home treatments are quite effective, but they only stop the attacks, and do not treat the root cause. Only a psychotherapist can eliminate the culprit of this condition, so it is recommended to consult with him as soon as possible.

Distinctive feature panic disorder, clinically related to a large group of obsessive-compulsive disorder neuroses, is the appearance panic attack representing panic attack expressed by unreasonable fear and increased anxiety. Many people experience fear or anxiety due to circumstances that arise in isolated cases, when panic disorder an attack of panic and unreasonable fear, similar to the symptoms of a heart attack, occur repeatedly, appearing again and again, significantly reducing the quality of life. Panic attack at panic disorder usually lasts about 10 minutes, but in some cases it can take up to 30 minutes, and during this period it is difficult for a person to breathe and he is overcome by the fear of death from cardiac arrest or lack of air. Often panic disorder accompanied by phobic disorders. If you have symptoms of this disease, you should start actively treat panic disorder. Like any other type of healing, the treatment of panic disorder begins with a diagnosis, as well as identifying the causes and symptoms of this attack.

Panic neurosis symptoms

at risk of developing panic disorder people with an anxious and suspicious nature and representatives of the weaker sex (3 times more often), especially if they are in a state of continuous nervous tension , which is quite capable of causing such a state. prone to panic neurosis and people who have high self-control and know how to hide and hide their negative feelings and emotions, which after a certain period of time, even if it was quite long, can break out in the form of a strong panic attack, accompanied by a characteristic symptom of panic disorder pain in the heart or a feeling of discomfort. In addition, at panic disorder There are other symptoms similar to those of a heart attack: cardiopalmus , internal trembling, dizziness, vasospasm, numbness of the extremities, profuse sweating, rise fear and anxiety , which may be accompanied claustrophobia(fear of closed spaces) or agoraphobia(fear of open space).

The appearance of a sudden panic attack primarily due to the release of a high amount of adrenaline into the blood, as a result of which there are violations of the heart, breathing, heat transfer, etc.

Panic neurosis treatment

significant role in treatment for panic disorder have psychotherapeutic methods:

  1. cognitive-behavioral (along with an explanation of the causes and mechanism of occurrence panic attacks, it is mandatory to learn breathing techniques, meditation and visualization)
  2. body-oriented, allowing to lower the threshold of fear and anxiety, including the use of various relaxation techniques;
  3. hypnosis with which a person can learn the technique of overcoming fear
  4. psychoanalysis, which allows you to identify the internal conflict that provokes panic attacks;
  5. family, aimed at working with loved ones and relatives in teaching behavior and ways to support the patient at the time of a panic attack.

In the moment panic attack a person suffering panic disorder it is important to learn the technique of stopping a panic attack. First of all, it is important to set yourself up to stop it as soon as possible, as well as the ability to control your breathing (breathing out more deeply than inhaling, it is especially effective to breathe into a paper bag, which reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, and hence the release of adrenaline). Good effect for suspense panic attack give meditation techniques, washing or showering with cool water, doing light exercise or light jogging.

IN treatment for panic disorder do not prescribe drugs with a sedative effect, but resort to milder herbal preparations that do not cause side effects or decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile flowers , leaves lemon balm And mint, Linden blossom, herb oregano And motherwort, root valerian officinalis, which have a slight sedative effect, have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system.

In the moment panic attack, sudden fear and anxiety, it is not always convenient to prepare decoctions or infusions of medicinal plants, therefore, people suffering from panic disorder recommended herbal preparations Valerian P(based on valerian officinalis) or Motherwort P(based on motherwort grass), which also include vitamin C, which enhances the effect of medicinal raw materials. Preparations Valerian P and Motherwort P allow you to calm down, restore normal heartbeat and pulse, relieve spasm muscles and blood vessels, which reduces the severity of the manifestation symptoms of panic disorder.

In addition, at panic disorder it is necessary to exclude the use of psychotropic drugs and alcoholic beverages, to refuse to watch various kinds of TV programs or films that cause strong feelings and psycho-emotional shock, to avoid stress and conflict situations, avoid sleep disorders and increased mental stress, which are factors that increase the frequency panic attacks.

To restore sleep disorders replace sleeping pills followed by milder herbal preparations that do not cause addiction and dependence. biological complex Nervo-Vit, containing cyanosis blue, sedative And anxiolytic e the effect of which is 10 times higher than that of valerian, motherwort and lemon balm, which allow to accelerate the onset of a sedative effect, and valerian officinalis, which has the property of prolonging the effect of other sedative herbs in the collection. Vitamin C, which is part of Nervo-Vit, not only enhances the effect of medicinal plants in its composition, but also allows you to increase the protective capabilities of the body and stress resistance which helps reduce the effects of stress on the body. Nervo-Vit, recognized as one of the top 100 products 2012, produced in the form of a tablet using technology cryogrinding at low temperatures, which does not destroy the action of biologically active substances of plant materials, which cannot be achieved in the manufacture of herbal medicines using high-temperature processing. The biologically active complex Nervo-Vit is recommended in the treatment of various types of depressions, neuroses And insomnia in all its manifestations.

Improve mood and general tone of the body, the work of the cardiovascular system, reduce stress from elevated mental and physical activity will help vitamin complex

A neurotic disorder is a mental disorder caused by traumatic external circumstances or deep intrapersonal conflicts. It is characterized by asthenic, hysterical and obsessive states. One of the main symptoms of neurosis is panic attacks, manifested by sudden bouts of intense and unreasonable fear.

Causes of neurosis and panic attacks

According to statistics, almost every second inhabitant of the planet suffers from neurasthenia - the most common type of neurosis, which is provoked by a long stay in a state of psychological stress. The body is trying to get rid of accumulated fatigue and is looking for ways to discharge, which causes panic attacks, unreasonable worries and anxiety.

There are two categories of causes of unstable emotional background: psychogenic and internal. The first factors include external conditions that negatively affect the personality. This can be both constant stress associated with professional activities or family environment, and sudden psychological trauma (for example, the loss of a loved one).

An equally important role is played by heredity, which forms the characteristic qualities of a person and his ability to withstand stress. Psychological stress is often caused by the wrong way of life, constant overwork, as well as the lack of proper rest and sleep.

Internal contradictions, against the background of which neurosis often arises, mainly arise at an early age. Mistakes in upbringing, imposed conditions and traumas of the child's psyche lead to the fact that the child develops indecision, excessive vulnerability and complexes. In the period of growing up, these traits take root and become part of the character of the individual. A person is constantly dissatisfied with himself and the quality of his life, which leads to internal conflicts and neurological disorders.

Panic neurosis symptoms

The main manifestation of neurosis is sudden onset of panic attacks. A symptom can be triggered by even a minor factor (for example, a loud sound), but most often, panic conditions are a direct effect of strong emotional stress and negative thoughts, which are common to all patients with neurotic disorders.

Signs of a panic attack:

  • trembling all over;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • a feeling of intense fear;
  • dry mouth;
  • clouding of consciousness and dizziness;
  • increased sweating;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • stomach upset;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of coordination;
  • labored breathing.

In advanced cases, the symptoms are supplemented by a loss of control over basic physiological processes, including urination and defecation. In this state, the patient can be from 10 to 60 minutes, after which the manifestations of the attack gradually decrease, and they are replaced by depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances.

Since the clinical picture of panic neurosis is similar to the symptoms of many other mental disorders, it is extremely difficult to make a correct diagnosis on your own. This can only be helped by an experienced neurologist, who should be contacted immediately after the appearance of one or more symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of panic attacks and neurosis

In most cases, neurosis and panic attacks associated with it require professional therapy. Further results depend not only on the chosen approach, but also on timely access to a specialist. The disease in the early stages is easier to treat, and the patient is more likely to permanently get rid of unpleasant symptoms. With advanced forms, everything is much more complicated, since even long-term and costly therapy does not guarantee that the disease will not return after some time.

Modern psychologists have several different methods for treating a neurotic disorder. However, there is no method that is equally well suited for all types of disease. Only individual diagnosis and study of the nature of the disease allow the doctor to choose a technique that will give effective results.

Treatment methods for neurosis:

  1. Psychotherapeutic - is based on special practices that help the patient to independently understand the psychological factors that led to the appearance of the disorder.
  2. Hypnotherapeutic - allows the psychotherapist to explore the patient's subconscious and determine the cause of the neurosis, and then "reprogram" the patient, inspiring him with positive attitudes.
  3. Medication - the symptoms of the disease are removed through the use of chemical and herbal medicines (antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics, vitamins, sedatives).

Neurosis can also be treated with the help of non-traditional techniques. These include a variety of relaxation techniques, including yoga, relaxing massage and meditation. The main and auxiliary methods of therapy must be supplemented with a proper lifestyle, including a healthy diet, physical education, contrast douches, as well as a measured daily routine and good rest.

Neurosis and its causes

I am often asked what a neurosis is and how it differs from psychosis. Is it possible to cope with this and what are the prospects. Therefore, I will dwell here on neuroses separately. When reading, please note that the concept neurosis is not an accurate diagnosis of any particular problem.

Neurosis, or neurotic disorder (from the Greek. neuros- nerve), this is the collective name for reversible (functional) neuropsychiatric disorders. Functional in medicine means a breakdown in the functioning of an organ, but not damage to it. In our case, the metabolism of certain substances in the nerve endings is disturbed and then remains altered, these are known neurotransmitters adrenalin, serotonin And dopamine. They have the role of carriers of nerve impulses, and in the human body it is an incredibly complex system, with the scale of the universe. And it can be re-adjusted in psychological or biological ways.
Neuroses are united by "psychogenic" causes and mechanism of development. That is, such problems arise on the basis of stress. Stress can be explicit or hidden - at the unconscious level of the psyche. A person in this case may not understand what is the cause of a personal crisis, even if a person is endowed with high intelligence. This is how the defense systems in the human psyche are arranged, they are able to block excessive nervous tension and transform it into symptoms of neurosis. You can see this closed loop in the diagram.

Euros and its symptoms (manifestations) are fueled by a dead end problem, and themselves cause new tension. A kind of perpetual motion machine, if nothing changes.

What are the symptoms if there is a neurosis?

1. Psychological symptoms of neurosis: anxiety, anxiety, depression, fearfulness, irritability, resentment, self-accusation, suspiciousness, apathy, pessimism about the past, present and future, depersonalization, derealization, insomnia.

2. Vegetative symptoms of neurosis: palpitations, feeling short of breath, sweating, chills, urge to urinate or disruption of the intestines, pain in the heart or stomach, nausea, a feeling of "coma" in the throat, dizziness, a feeling of "fainting", a change in appetite and sexuality, fluctuations in blood pressure, even to high numbers.

3. Muscular symptoms of neurosis: trembling in the hands or throughout the body, pain in the muscles, lower back, neck, headaches (there is even a special type - tension headaches), muscle twitching, tics, weakness, fatigue.

What are the types of neuroses?

2. Phobias, obsessive fears .

Agoraphobia : fears of moving alone, waiting for an attack, traveling by transport, being left without help - often accompanied by panic attacks.

social phobia : fear of speeches, social contacts and attracting attention.

Specific phobias, the most common of which are: cancerophobia - fear of getting cancer aerophobia - fear of flying hemophobia - fear of blood, thanatophobia - fear of death, claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces cardiophobia - fear of heart attack or stroke acrophobia - fear of heights.

3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder . Syndrome of obsessive states. This includes obsessive thoughts and actions, such as contrasting obsessions and rituals.

4. Hypochondria. An obsessive belief in the presence of a dangerous disease and an assessment of vegetative manifestations as signs of a latent obscure disease, a constant search and diagnosis of the disease.

5. Depression. Long episodes of depression and anxiety with personal problems, hopelessness, self-abasement, injustice or lack of meaning.

6. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (so erroneously called), that is, somatoform disorders. Or under this, the above options are hidden, when the neurosis is manifested by vegetative symptoms.

8. Dissociative (hysterical) reactions . They occur in the form of psychological outbursts of anger or resentment, as well as with vivid vegetative states - attacks of fainting, numbness, convulsions or stupor.

How to treat neurosis and its symptoms?

As you have already understood, neurosis and its symptoms are one whole problem. But on the other hand, the manifestations of neurosis reinforce themselves, since a person involuntarily concentrates on his suffering or unproductive experiences. Because of this, the cause of the neurosis, which once triggered the symptoms, remains out of sight of the person, even relegated to the background, and is not resolved for years and decades. Therefore, an integrated approach is used in effective psychotherapy.

Firstly, together we cope with the symptoms of neurosis, for example, phobias, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, we learn to overcome all this. Sometimes, to regulate the autonomic system, a psychotherapist can carefully use modern drugs, but mostly it is used for this cognitive behavioral therapy. And secondly, psychotherapy is carried out in relation to the main problem of an anxious personality, sometimes completely hidden behind the facade of "neurotic symptoms." Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has the means to do just that. It is considered the most effective of all modern methods, but transactional analysis, logotherapy and modern psychoanalysis are also considered effective.

Fear and anxiety are caused by critical moments and stresses. This is a natural reaction of the body, helping to find a solution in an extreme situation. In cases where such a condition is permanent and occurs without any reason, then here we can already talk about a disease. To get a complete picture, you need to find the causes and know the main symptoms of the disease.

Fear and panic are natural reactions, but if they become unreasonable and persistent, it's time to heal.

Frequent attacks of fear are characteristic of panic neurosis. This type of neurosis is accompanied by panic attacks. Panic attacks occur simply for no reason and last 5 or 10 minutes, but for the patient this time seems endless. Flashes of fear are accompanied by some physical manifestations and emerging thoughts of imminent death.

It seems to the patient that the heart is about to stop or he will suffocate from lack of air. After an attack, a person has weakness in the body and a feeling of complete weakness. If you do not seek help from a doctor, then the number of attacks will increase (sometimes up to several per day).


Constant tension for some reason or nervous work cause negative thoughts that cannot be removed. They are gradually driven into the subconscious by a person. But over time, forgotten experiences break out. Most often, women are subjected to neurosis due to their nature.

About 15% of people who come in for heart pain actually have panic disorder. Frequent nervous attacks are accompanied by fear of their repetition. As a result, internal tension arises, which further provokes new attacks. The impossibility of breaking this cycle wears out the nervous system, and treatment is indispensable here.

If an unreasonable panic attack happened only once, and there are no more repetitions, then it is not considered a sign of panic neurosis. Doctors say that neurological psychosis has only psychological roots. Moreover, its occurrence is due to several reasons at the same time. For example, when overwork is superimposed on stressful situations.

Overwork can be one of the causes of panic neurosis

Symptoms of neurosis with panic attacks

Panic attacks that arise are frightening due to their suddenness and the fact that they appear without any prerequisites. The panic wave that covers a person exacerbates the feeling of fear and it seems that there is no place to wait for help. The most common symptoms in this case are:

  • feeling short of breath;
  • shortness of breath or rapid breathing;
  • a pressing feeling in the chest or, conversely, lightness and fullness;
  • weakness in the body, trembling;
  • sweating;
  • numb feeling in the limbs;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • dizziness and feeling close to fainting;
  • feeling of discomfort in the stomach, nausea;
  • a sense of separation from reality and one's own body;
  • flashes of heat or cold.

The physical symptoms are joined by obsessive and tormenting thoughts of death, mental confusion, heart attack, etc.

Panic neurosis can cause stomach discomfort.

What can trigger a panic attack

Many have experienced stressful situations at work or at home, but they did not bring everyone to a panic attack. Since these circumstances in themselves are not the instigators of panic attacks. But if there is a combination of several factors, for example, nervous tension in a psychologically vulnerable person, then we can expect the development of a neurosis.

There are other factors that contribute to the onset of panic attacks. Rapid breathing, present in all stressful situations, can easily provoke attacks of neurosis. Its symptoms are easy enough to recognize. So, if a person sighs and yawns all day, this means that he has shallow breathing.

In a normal state, the body maintains a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The increased breathing rate reduces the amount of oxygen supplied, and the brain begins to starve. There is dizziness, loss of balance and weakness. The body begins to perceive this as an impending danger. There is panic and fear.

Contribute to the aggravation of fears and some abuse. Sometimes, trying to cope with the rampant nerves, a person begins to use alcohol or drugs. But the effect is quite the opposite, since each time more and more stimulants are required to muffle fear. Sedative drugs also have a similar effect.

Alcohol contributes to the development of panic neurosis

There are also psychological factors, when a sensitive person is on edge after a stressful situation, and some sharp push moment is enough, after which the nervous threshold will be crossed. It could just be a flash of light or too loud noises. In addition, the nervous system “remembers” such situations and the next time it will react in the same way, trying to protect itself from danger.

Panic neurosis treatment

Recent studies show that the use of drugs for the treatment of panic disorder is necessary to relieve the symptoms of panic. However, by themselves they cannot eliminate the disease.

A large role in this issue is assigned to the process of psychotherapy. In particular, these are methods of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Their essence lies in the fact that the body has the ability to develop a certain behavior in response to various situations. He can do it arbitrarily, as an example, panic attacks, or there is an option to retrain the nervous system. After that, she will react in the right direction. This is done under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

Sometimes one conversation with a good psychologist is enough to relieve an attack.

According to cognitive methods, the patient learns to recognize and analyze ongoing events and change the negative reaction at the right time. Gradually, methods of self-control and prevention of impending symptoms are being worked out. However, all this is not achieved quickly. In some cases it takes several years.