Correct leg movements during breaststroke. Everything you need to know about breaststroke swimming - its history and correct technique. Correct breathing when swimming on your chest

An adult can learn to swim without the use of assistive devices through strict discipline and the study of basic theory. It is recommended that you begin to independently master the practical side of swimming only after familiarizing yourself with safety precautions and rules of behavior in the pool.

You can master swimming at absolutely any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve the desired goal can be prejudices and fears. Getting rid of them allows you to clearly understand that swimming both in the pool and in open water not only brings pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on health.

Swimming on a regular basis helps:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • training the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening muscles, immunity and nervous system.

You should start learning to swim in a shallow pool or open water. Your legs should feel solid support, your head and shoulders should be above the water. The presence of a person who can swim well allows you to feel completely safe and gain confidence.

An alternative could be training with a qualified trainer. Attending special classes is not a prerequisite; you can learn the basics of swimming on your own.

How to breathe correctly?

The most important and difficult moment in learning to swim. Without proper breathing, it is impossible to master crawl swimming, breaststroke and any other style. Learning to breathe correctly is necessary from the very beginning. Take a deep breath through the mouth above the surface of the water, and exhale in the water.

The air collected by the lungs allows a person to stay in the desired position. The deeper the breath, the better the water holds the floater. There is no need to try to take in full lungs of air. This will lead to a feeling of discomfort and will become an obstacle to free movement in the water.

Breathing exercise

To establish proper breathing, you need to practice. While stranded, you need to take a deep breath of air without exhaling, completely immerse yourself in the water and exhale fully through your mouth. The exercise is repeated in several approaches. The main thing is not to take breaks between them. Professional swimmers train in a similar way, but the technique is ideal for beginners as well.

Breathing while swimming

You need to inhale air through your mouth. The position of the body when moving in water should remain unchanged, only the head needs to be turned. Breathing through your nose is not safe. Drops of water entering the nasopharynx cause discomfort and can provoke an attack of suffocation. Breathing is coordinated by the movements of the arms and legs, which are determined by the swimming style.

Swimming techniques

An invariable part of the learning process is knowledge of the basic swimming styles, of which there are four:

  1. Breaststroke

Consists of synchronized movements of the limbs parallel to the water.

  1. Crawl on chest

The style involves performing synchronized strokes first with one and then with the other half of the body.

  1. Back crawl

The technique is similar to an inverted front crawl.

  1. Butterfly

The most complex swimming technique. It is not recommended to master it yourself. Those wishing to swim in the butterfly style should learn the technique under the strict guidance of a professional coach or mentor.

How to stay on the water?

To learn how to swim correctly in any of the styles, you first need to master how to stay on the water. The “star” exercise allows you to do this.

It is carried out in the following order:

More air is taken into the lungs;

  1. Dive

The face is lowered into the water, and the limbs are moved to the side so that the body forms something like a “star”;

  1. Holding

You need to remain in the same position for as long as possible. While in water, you cannot exhale. Otherwise, the dive will begin immediately.

« Star" - an exercise to overcome fear of water. It allows you to learn how to properly stay on the surface of the water by drawing air into your lungs, without resorting to making movements with your legs and arms. A person who has successfully mastered the “star” can safely move on to technical training of movements.

How to move your arms and legs correctly?

Full swimming is impossible without practicing movements with your arms and legs. Hands in the water move reflexively. It is much more difficult to master movements of the lower limbs. Without the help of your legs, you won’t be able to keep your body on the water and develop speed. The main thing, when starting to hone the movement of your legs, is to remember that your toes should always be extended.

When learning to swim crawl, the movements of the legs are sharp and fast. The more intense the impacts, the greater the speed developed. Breaststroke requires a different technique of movement, reminiscent of the movement of a frog in water. It’s easier to learn to move your legs by mastering breaststroke, holding your hands either on the side of the pool, or using a special board that supports the swimmer on the water.

How to learn to swim crawl and breaststroke?

The easiest to learn for a beginner swimmer is the crawl. This technique is not very difficult to master. They lie down on the water with their faces and begin to move their legs alternately, lowering and raising them. At the same time they wave their arms. First, one of the hands is brought forward, lowered into the water, and the palm folded into a bucket is stroked towards the thigh. Make the same movement with the other hand.

When swimming crawl, air is taken into the lungs every second stroke. To inhale, the head is first taken out of the water and then turned towards the moving hand. You should try to take in air with your lungs as much as possible. Without sufficient oxygen levels it is impossible to swim for a long time.

Breaststroke is a little more difficult than crawl, but you can master it quite quickly. The main thing to take into account is that the movements when swimming breaststroke should be synchronous and similar to those made by a swimming frog. It is more difficult to learn to swim butterfly. It is recommended to master this technique with an experienced trainer. The specialist will demonstrate the movements using his own example and check that they are performed correctly.

Competitive swimming requires special training. It is almost impossible to prepare an adult for a professional career as a swimmer. Appropriate training and loads should begin in childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is good not only for your health, but also for your figure. Regular exercise is considered an effective way to release energy from fat stores. It’s not just the amount of time spent in the pool that matters, but also the performance.

To make your training as effective and safe as possible, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Exercise on an empty stomach;

The water pressure on the abdominal cavity during swimming is high. If your stomach is full, it can cause digestive problems. You should eat 2.5 hours before training, and an hour after training.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning, the body is not yet ready for heavy loads, but in the evening, on the contrary, it needs proper rest. If you do it in the mornings or evenings, the training will be less effective than training done during the day.

  1. You need to visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular exercise is the key to stable results. Constant training accustoms the body to stress, and the muscles quickly remember the acquired swimming skills.

  1. Put on a rubber cap, remove jewelry;

Prolonged exposure of the roots to water has a negative impact on the condition of the hair, and jewelry can be lost.

  1. Take a warm shower or stretch;

Warm and prepared muscles allow you to make your workout more effective.

  1. Wear rubber flip-flops.

Walking barefoot on wet tiles can cause injury.

The benefits of swimming for the body are invaluable. The immune system of people who regularly visit the pool is strengthened. They suffer much less often from heart disease, colds and other ailments, are not susceptible to depression, always arrive in an excellent mood, do not suffer from obesity, have good muscles and a proportionally developed body.

The most popular and ancient swimming style is breaststroke. Due to the fact that the hands are not removed from the water, the speed when swimming breaststroke is not high. But therefore, this style is the calmest and is not very physically exhausting.

Benefits of breaststroke swimming technique

Breaststroke is easy to learn even without special training. People of different ages and with any health can swim using this technique. Thanks to the correct combination of arm and leg movements, using this style you can swim long distances without getting tired. Like any other swimming style, breaststroke strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs, and improves posture. Breaststroke is useful for pregnant women because it strengthens the necessary muscles, which will make the birth process easier in the future.

How to swim breaststroke

The swimmer's initial pose looks like this: the body is straightened, arms extended forward, head lowered under the water. Next, turning your palms outward, a movement is made that pushes the water back. The movement of the arms ends at shoulder level, then the arms need to be bent at the elbows in front of you and pulled forward to the starting position. All this must be done so that your hands are under water.

Simultaneously with the stroke, the legs, bending at the knees, are pulled towards the body. Be sure to place your feet a little wider than your knees. At the moment when the arms are extended forward, a push is made with the legs and the body glides along the surface of the water.

Inhalation is done when the legs are preparing to push, and the head is raised to the surface. At the beginning and end of the movement of the arms and legs, the body is in one straightened position, the head is under water at this time.

Mistakes when using breaststroke technique

The most common mistake when using the breaststroke technique is using strong strokes. You need to understand that with this style of swimming, the power of the push comes from the legs. And by adding force to the stroke itself and moving your arms further behind the shoulder line, you will only waste extra energy, but this will not affect your speed at all.

A weak, ill-timed kick or incorrect leg position will also not give a good result.

A late inhalation can slow down the speed and bring the body deeper into the water. You need to inhale air during the stroke, when the head, following the movement of the spine, is above the surface of the water. Keeping your head constantly above the water is uncomfortable and dangerous for the spine; muscle overstrain can cause displacement in the joints.

Another mistake, which mainly occurs among inexperienced swimmers, is taking breaks between cycles of movements. There is no need for pauses, all movements should smoothly transition into each other, this will give the best result.

  1. When swimming using the breaststroke technique, you should start moving your arms at low speed, gradually increasing it, until the movement ends while sliding through the water.
  2. Inhalation and exhalation are done in one lift of the head. The air is inhaled quickly through the mouth, and exhaled more slowly through the mouth and nose at the same time.
  3. To speed up, you don't have to surface with each stroke, however, according to the rules of technique, the head should rise to the surface with each stroke cycle.

Breaststroke swimming is the easiest technique for beginners to master. Based on this style, it is easier to learn the other three styles of sports swimming: butterfly, crawl and backstroke.

Breaststroke is considered a popular swimming style. The breaststroke swimming technique can be mastered by anyone, regardless of age. At the same time, the breaststroke swimming technique for beginners is quite complex, since coordination of movements is important. With experience, performing the swimming movements that characterize the breaststroke technique becomes easier.

This style is considered the oldest. Even in rock paintings there is an image of a man whose swimming movements are similar to the movements used by the breaststroke swimming technique. In this regard, it is believed that the breaststroke style of swimming technique appeared more than 10 thousand years ago. Its popularity is explained by the fact that breaststroke swimming technique is calm. It provides speed to the swimmer, but does not exhaust him. To be able to master breaststroke, it is important to know the details inherent in this style.

Breaststroke: swimming, technique

The breaststroke technique is believed to have originated in France. In exact translation, the word “brasse” means “to mix.” The technique of teaching breaststroke swimming is popular, this sport is included in the program of the Olympic Games.

The breaststroke swimming technique involves simultaneously performing symmetrical movements of the arms and legs parallel to the surface of the reservoir in a position on the chest. The breaststroke training technique involved constantly keeping the head above the surface of the water. This style feature has been removed. Submerging the head in the water allowed for increased speed, causing the head in this style to rise above the water only to inhale.


Gold medalist


Beijing 2008

Kosuke Kitajima


London 2012

Cameron van der Burgh

South Africa

Rio de Janeiro 2016

Adam Peaty

United Kingdom

Table of Olympic champions in breaststroke style

Correct breaststroke technique involves throwing your arms forward simultaneously and symmetrically. In this case, the legs make a synchronized push in the horizontal plane, in one cycle of movements. Breaststroke swimming technique exercises that include: kicks, arm efforts, inhalation and exhalation through the mouth.

The method of teaching breaststroke swimming technique is different in that the arms in this style are not brought to the surface or raised into the air. This is where the style differs from other swimming methods. Techniques like crawl and butterfly involve raising your arms above the water.

A subtype of the original style is the back breaststroke, a swimming technique that has no sporting value. To master breaststroke swimming, breathing technique is as important as limb movements.

Photo 1. When performing the breaststroke technique, the arms are immersed in the water at the same time

Breaststroke swimming technique for beginners

The breaststroke technique is not easy to master even for those who know how to swim in another style. Moreover, this method of swimming is accessible to people of any age.

The first lessons for those who want to master the breaststroke technique begin in the pool. Classes are conducted by an instructor who will teach you how to perform simple and complex exercises. The key nuance of training is the ability to maintain balance, which is what the trainer teaches.

They don’t start swimming without special training. Before mastering the breaststroke swimming technique for beginners, it is recommended to do a warm-up to warm up the muscular system.

The start of the swim is considered to be a sliding position in which the body is in a horizontal position in the water. At the same time, the head is immersed in the water, and they look ahead.

Upper breaststroke technique depends on proper arm movement. Beginners master the movements of the arms and the efforts performed by the legs. Hand efforts during the breaststroke swimming technique are divided into stages:

  • outward stroke;
  • performing an inward stroke (with the palms not going further than the shoulders);
  • bringing the hands and elbows together;
  • returning the hands to the starting position.

Photo 2. Warming up the muscles before exercising in water is a mandatory stage of training

The brushes are not in the water deeper than 15 centimeters.

For beginners who want to master the breaststroke technique, to simplify the task, use a device called a kolobashka. It looks like a figure eight and is designed to make the task easier. Press it between your legs, which helps keep your lower body afloat, and work on your hand stroke technique.

After mastering the hand technique, they study the movement of the legs. The correct breaststroke technique involves pulling your legs towards you, for which you bend your knees, while you stroke with your arms. This reduces the resistance of the water, due to which the swimmer pushes off the water with his hands. The feet are spread wider than the knees, and then push (the hands at this moment are in the third stage of the movement). The athlete stretches out to subsequently slide in the water by inertia, after which the movements are repeated.

Correct body position is an important component of developing ideal balance. Breaststroke swimming technique involves constant movement tangential to the vertical axis (speed depends on this) and parallel to the water surface.

Breaststroke swimming technique for beginners also includes learning head movements. When swimming with this style, the head is not kept above the water. When rowing with your hands, your head moves forward. It is allowed to tilt it, but not too much, so as not to reduce the speed.

Photo 3. When immersed in water, swimmers tilt their heads down slightly

In the correct technique of breaststroke swimming, attention is paid even to immersion in the water, which allows you to set the right pace for the subsequent movement.

To perform the jump, keep your legs bent at a short distance from each other. At the same time, the arms are lowered down, after which the legs push off from the surface. With this, the arms are raised in front of you so that when immersed in water, the hands and body are on the same axis.

During classes in the pool they learn the technique of turning. It is based on sliding through the water after pushing off the wall with your feet. Take a deep breath. When turning, they maintain their starting speed.

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Breaststroke training technique

The technique of learning breaststroke swimming is carried out in strict sequence. The following swimming features are studied separately:

  • body position;
  • breathing movements;
  • hand movements;
  • leg movements;
  • general coordination of efforts;
  • other style details.

The element of swimming is mastered with gradual complication, the final result of which is performing exercises in a horizontal position without support.

Movements are studied on land. Familiarization is carried out in general terms, without paying attention to details, since the execution of movements in water and on land is different.

Photo 4. It is advisable to practice hand movements using the breaststroke technique on land

After this, the movements are mastered in the water with support from a stationary object. The side of the pool or its bottom is used as a support. Hand movements are studied in a vertical position, standing in water up to the shoulders or chest.

The novice swimmer begins to study movements in the water with support. For this purpose, swimming boards are used, which help to master the peculiarities of moving the arms in a lying position without putting stress on the lower body.

After mastering hand movements in water with support, they are repeated and consolidated in swimming or sliding without support. Movements of the legs and body are added. The novice athlete moves on to practicing skills.

To improve swimming technique, methods are used to alternately overcome long and short distances or swim the distance with the fewest number of strokes. This allows you to make efforts sharp and strong, which further helps to save energy when covering distances.

Photo 5. If you feel insecuremyselfin the pool, use the side as a support for your hands when practicing

Backstroke: swimming technique

Backstroke breaststroke is a common swimming style. It is not included in competitive swimming, like breaststroke, but it is characterized by high application value. When swimming in a supine position, assist the injured person. It is also effective when covering long distances.

When learning the back breaststroke style, the swimming technique in this method is easier to master for those who can swim breaststroke on the front. Like the original style, backstroke breaststroke focuses on overall body position and arm and leg movements.

In the starting position when swimming breaststroke on the back, the swimmer lies horizontally in relation to the surface of the reservoir. The legs are extended and joined together. Place your hands behind your head, shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing outward. Water covers the face, and the chin is brought closer to the chest.

Photo 6. Breaststroke lying on your back is performed with your legs tucked under you.

The hand stroke is performed synchronously. From the starting position, a movement is performed with acceleration to the sides and down. The hands unbend gradually, without losing support on the water. The stroke ends with the hands at hip level by straightening the upper limbs. This is followed by a sharp rise of the arms, after which they fly through the air and return to their original position. When moving through the air, the hands are turned with the palms outward and lowered into the water at shoulder width. Perform this movement quickly and with minimal muscle tension.

With efforts with your hands, legs bent at the knees and hip joints, spread your heels to the sides shoulder-width apart. After this, the swimmer lowers his feet and, bringing his heels closer to the pelvis, spreads them wider than his shoulders. The feet are turned to the sides and towards themselves, and the shins are turned outward and also spread to the side. The push from the water is performed with the inner surface of the thighs, feet and legs. At the same time, the legs are extended and brought together.

Breathing movements in this style are coordinated with the efforts of the hands. Inhale at the end of the hand stroke and at the beginning of their movement above the water, and exhale during the stroke.

Photo 7. The technique of leg movement when swimming breaststroke on the back can be improved with the help of a kolobashka

Breaststroke: breathing technique

When swimming breaststroke, breathing technique is no less important than movement technique. The speed of movement depends on this feature of the swimming style. If you use both your nose and mouth to breathe, it will be difficult to swim long distances.

In this regard, breathing movements are performed exclusively with the mouth when swimming breaststroke. The breathing technique involves inhaling, which is performed at the final stage of the stroke, since at this time the mouth is at a level above the surface of the water. If you inhale earlier or later, water will enter the lungs. Breathing should be uniform. Exhale until the moment when you inhale again - at the final stage of the arm stroke.

It is difficult for beginners to master breaststroke, swimming style, and breathing techniques due to the lack of habit of taking a quick breath. To make this task easier, it is recommended to exhale until the head rises, and then take a sharp breath.

Photo 8. Taking a deep and quick breath before diving is an important element of proper breathing when swimming breaststroke

Benefits of breaststroke swimming technique

The main advantage of the method of teaching breaststroke swimming technique is that anyone can master it, regardless of their age or state of health. To do this, you do not need to have special training or know how to swim.

Like another type of swimming, breaststroke, the swimming technique of which is quickly mastered, helps strengthen the muscular corset of the body. They have a positive effect on the muscles of the arms, back, legs and abs, and the cardiovascular system. Swimming improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels, increasing the endurance of the heart muscle. The benefits also extend to the respiratory system. Due to a special breathing technique, the lungs work at full capacity, which leads to an increase in their volume.

Photo 9. Competitive swimming tightens the body, making it strong and slender

Swimming breaststroke has a positive effect on the spine. It helps to get rid of some of his diseases (depending on the stage of the disease) and form correct posture.

Due to long-term interaction with low temperatures and active movements, swimming with this style allows you to keep yourself in shape. In half an hour of such a load, they spend 270 kcal and make their movements graceful.

Breaststroke swimming is especially beneficial for women who are pregnant. Regular swimming allows you to minimize the load on the spinal column, which increases due to bearing a child, by strengthening the internal muscles. In the future, this will make the birth process easier. In addition, swimming is a good way to relieve stress and reduce anxiety.

Photo 10. Breaststroke style is suitable for people of any age, it is especially beneficial for the cardiovascular system

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Correct breaststroke technique

To master the correct breaststroke swimming technique, it is important to remember that it consists of stages that involve alternately using the arms, body, legs and head:

  1. To start, lie down on the water with your arms extended in front of you and your palms down. The legs are brought together and kept straight. The head is in the water at approximately eyebrow level.
  2. The palms are turned back to each other, after which the arms are spread to the sides and lowered down, making a stroke under water. The head is above the surface of the reservoir, which allows you to inhale.
  3. Hands make a stroke without going beyond the shoulder line. Towards the end of the movement, the upper limbs are bent at the elbows and lowered under the water with the forearm, after which the palms are brought together under the chin and lowered by 5 cm. At this time, the head is lowered under the water, after which an exhalation is made.
  4. When accelerating the movement of the arms, connect the legs, bending them at the hip and knee joints. When you spread your legs, they are at the same level as your shoulders. The feet are moved to the side, a push is made, after which the toes are folded towards themselves. With this movement, the swimmer pushes off the water, accelerating.
  5. After this, the legs and arms return to their original position.

Inexperienced swimmers try to keep their heads above the water at all times, without lowering it. It is difficult, uncomfortable and dangerous for the spine. Excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and back provokes displacement in the joints of the spine.

Photo 11. During breaststroke swimming, a semicircle is madehands, legs move in and out

It is important to remember that in the breaststroke style of swimming, the upper limbs return to their original position before the legs. The movements begin at a leisurely pace, gradually increasing. Monitor the synchronization of movements of the arms or legs.

Common mistakes when using breaststroke technique

A common mistake among beginners is trying to keep their head above the surface of the pond at all times. This makes swimming a labor-intensive task, creating the risk of injury. Such an error leads to damage to the cervical spine due to constant tension. The following errors occur:

  1. Excessive paddling by the shoulders is a gross violation of technique. It provokes a situation in which the hands are at a great distance behind the back, which is why the style loses its lightness.
  2. Pause in the middle of the cycle of movements - such an error is associated with a shift in the center of gravity when completing a stroke with the arms. Beginner swimmers pause when their hands are at chest level, although there should be no stop. The arms are thrown forward with acceleration with the upper part of the body.
  3. Replacing body movement with head movement. — the breaststroke swimming technique does not involve neck movements (they are minimal). Such efforts cause the body to vibrate, which leads to a decrease in speed and an increase in water resistance.
  4. Late inhalation - inhale air until the arms come together under the chest. Otherwise, water will get into your lungs.
  5. Light Kick - A good kick can reduce stress on your arms and increase speed. To do this, do not cross your legs and do not make a wide blow. With proper technique, the water is pushed back, which leads to forward movement.

Photo 12. Hand stroke underwater with taut shoulders is the key to correct breaststroke technique.

Another mistake is holding the elbow in a high position, the reason for which is the lack of the required grip.

Exercises for training

To quickly consolidate the technique of breaststroke swimming, perform preparatory exercises on land and in water. This will allow you to understand the technical aspects and master them by using muscle memory. Examples of some exercises:

  • make sliding movements on the surface of the water while lying on your chest with your arms extended forward; When you raise your head for air, you hold your breath. Promotion occurs with the help of the legs, making jerking movements;
  • perform dives under water, holding your breath, and then jump sharply out of the water, inhaling and exhaling with further immersion; do 10 times without pauses between exercises;
  • dive, taking a long exhalation under water; This exercise is repeated at least 10 times.

In order for exercises in the pool to be beneficial and give results faster, some rules must be followed. Do a warm-up to warm up the muscles. When swimming, you should not make stops or be distracted by extraneous matters.

Photo 13. An athlete’s warm-up before swimming prepares the body for the upcoming loads

Train for at least 40 minutes and no more than 1.5 hours. The duration is increased gradually. The frequency of training is at least 3 times a week.

At each lesson, the load is increased as endurance increases. To develop coordination, change the swimming speed and, if possible, alternate styles.

To avoid feeling unwell during class, you should not eat before or after class. The time interval between the last meal and going to the pool is at least 1 hour.

Breaststroke is not the fastest, but it is the most economical swimming style in terms of energy expenditure. Watch the frogs, notice how slowly and easily they move in the lake. These amphibians literally glide in the water. Try to repeat their technique, then you will understand how to swim breaststroke correctly. If everything works out, you will be able to swim breaststroke for hours. Unlike frogs, which act on instinct, humans are forced to use intelligence and knowledge when trying to learn how to swim breaststroke correctly. It is best to contact a professional trainer. Your own theoretical knowledge will also be useful, especially for those who already know breaststroke and want to practice the technique on their own.

One of the differences between breaststroke is that the arm movements are made without bringing them to the surface and into the air. However, this style has certain advantages. Breaststroke makes it possible to move silently and cover long distances. It is used by divers and rescuers when transporting victims.

Choosing a body of water

If there are multiple choices, you need to consider them all. When choosing where it will be more convenient to conduct swimming lessons, be guided by your own preferences.


A professional trainer will recommend a swimming pool. Level bottom, smooth water of uniform temperature, less risk of drowning, it is possible to keep several people under full supervision. If the pool is indoors, you can practice in any weather.


The sea is not always completely calm. Small waves and even light ripples can make it very difficult for people without sea swimming experience to practice the technique. Uneven bottom, jellyfish will ruin your mood. But for a person who knows and loves the sea, these are little things that should not be paid attention to. The undoubted advantages of sea water include its healing effect: it tightens the skin, makes nails stronger, and gets rid of dandruff.


The current is not the best ally for inexperienced swimmers. In addition, there is a possibility of an unpleasant encounter with water snakes.
The density of fresh water is lower than sea water, it is more difficult to swim in it, and it does not “support” the body as well. For swimmers with more experience, the difference is not noticeable. But beginners who have learned to swim at sea will feel the difference.


In addition to the low density of fresh water and the opportunity to get acquainted with snakes, the disadvantages of lake swimming include the presence of mosquitoes in the evening and an uneven, slippery bottom covered with silt. Cold underwater springs carry an undoubted danger in the form of seizures. And the muddy water will not allow you to see broken glass on the shore bottom, left by poorly behaved picnickers.

It is best to choose a body of water where you feel confident. An unusual environment makes it difficult to fully concentrate on the learning process.

Learning the correct breaststroke

In the process of learning the correct breaststroke, you need to pay attention to the slightest nuances. It is easy for an adult, like a child, to learn, especially under the guidance of a trainer.

The main points of attention for those who want to learn are:

  • Body position.
  • Hand movements.
  • Leg movement.
  • Breath.
  • Synchronicity of movements.

Body position

The body is located horizontally, along the surface of the water. Lie face down on the water in an asterisk position, then bring your legs and arms together. Stay in this position for as long as possible. This exercise is aimed at feeling how confident a person is in the water.

Initially, the body is fully straightened, arms are brought forward, legs are closed, and the head is submerged in the water (“torpedo” shape). When the arms make a raking motion, the head comes out of the water and an inhalation is made (cobra shape). Then the body is given a “frog” shape - knees bent, heels towards the buttocks, feet turned out, hands under the chest. The tightened legs make a pushing movement, the arms, having completed the stroke, straighten, the head is lowered into the water, and an exhalation is made. The body is completely straight again.

Hand movements

IMPORTANT: The main rule for the hands in breaststroke is that the palms are straight and the fingers are closed. Don’t spread your fingers, we don’t have membranes between them, so it will be difficult to swim.

You can practice the correct hand movements while standing in the water:

  1. Go into the water up to your neck and stand.
  2. Bend your elbows at chest level, keeping your elbows and wrists horizontal. The backs of the palms touch, point forward, fingers closed.
  3. Without opening your palms, straighten your arms, using your palms as a “wedge” cutting through the water.
  4. Open your palms with the backs of your hands facing down.
  5. Stretch your arms out to the sides in a circular motion, gradually bending your elbows. At this time, the palms first move horizontally. Then they gradually turn their backs outwards, as if “raking in” the water.
  6. The movement ends in the starting position: the arms are bent at the elbows at chest level, the palms are brought together in a “wedge”.
  7. Repeat everything in a complex, smooth, single movement.
  8. Continue, bringing the movements to automaticity.

Leg movements

IMPORTANT: Leg movements serve to push off, a powerful push that throws the body forward. The more powerful the push, the higher the speed.

This exercise can be practiced using a swimming board:

  1. Get into the water up to your chest or neck. Place your shoulders and arms on the board. The body and legs will be in the water. Legs and body are straight.
  2. Tighten your legs, bending your knees at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. Knees point down, feet slightly turned out to the sides.
  3. Straighten your legs, spreading them slightly, as if pushing off the water. The push will propel the body forward.
  4. Repeat everything in one motion.


In the final stage, the circular motion of the arms gently pushes the body upward as the arms begin to converge at the chest. The head is raised and a breath is taken. When the palms cut the water like a wedge, the face drops. Exhale into the water through the nose. Breathing should be uniform. There is no need to rush to breathe; it is much better to breathe in and out slowly and slowly. Find the rhythm of movement that is optimal for your breathing. You can practice without leaving your computer. Stand up and try to combine the movements of your arms with your inhalations and exhalations.


IMPORTANT: Movements should not be sudden.

The main task: to synchronize movements and breathing into a single whole, to bring it to automatism.
The straightening of the bent legs should occur simultaneously with the movement of the closed arms forward. The body is completely straightened, the face is lowered into the water - this gives the fastest possible movement, set by the push with the legs.

How to swim breaststroke fast or mistakes that slow us down

Beginners often ask the question: “How to swim breaststroke fast?” or “How to quickly learn to swim breaststroke?” This style is the slowest, not counting the “Doggy style” style (if, of course, it can be called a style). It will not be possible to overtake a swimmer using crawl or butterfly using breaststroke. Correct technique and the absence of mistakes will increase your speed.
The world record for swimming breaststroke in a 50-meter pool over a distance of 100 m was 57.13 seconds, and the butterfly was 49.82 seconds.

Another burning question is the number of strokes for a distance of 25 or 50 meters. The numbers are called different 8, 10, 12. The number of strokes depends not only on technique, but also on height and arm length. A 180 cm tall swimmer will make fewer strokes than a 160 cm tall person.

Wayne Goldsmith, in his article, provides advice given by Terry Gathercole, an outstanding athlete and coach who trained several Olympic champions. Terry recommends not focusing on perfect stroke technique, but rather focusing on overall body shape.


Many mistakes are made, especially when you take your first steps in learning breaststroke. It is impossible to list everything. Let's look at the most common and rude ones. It is better to entrust the correction of minor inaccuracies to the coach, he has a trained eye.

Common mistakes:

  1. The head is above the water all the time.
    This is acceptable if you swim leisurely “for yourself”, without worrying about speed, powerful pushes and correct strokes. If handled professionally, it is dangerous to behave this way, and neck injuries may occur.
  2. Early or late or inhale.
    Leads to water entering the respiratory tract. Try to inhale when your head is out of the water as much as possible.
  3. Shoulder tension when inhaling.
    In an effort to keep water out of their mouths, swimmers tense their arms and shoulders, trying to rise as high above the water as possible. This leads to premature fatigue.
  4. Stroke too wide.
    Hands go behind your back, which leads to fatigue and overexertion.
  5. Push.
    There are two main mistakes associated with pushing.
  • The legs have already straightened, the body has moved forward, and the arms are still bent.
  • Push-off with legs brought together.

The art of properly swimming breaststroke will help transform swimming from a pleasant form of rest and relaxation into real sports that develop physically and strengthen the body. You can exercise regardless of age. For some diseases, doctors strongly recommend it, for example, for scoliosis, as a method of treatment and prevention. Pregnant women will spend time in this way for the benefit of their health and that of their baby. Office workers will pump up their muscles. Nervous comrades will relieve stress. Fat women will lose weight. Enjoy your relaxation!

Breaststroke is one of the most popular styles of sports swimming, in which the athlete, lying on his chest, performs symmetrical movements with his arms and legs parallel to the plane of the water. The technique is quite calm and less energy-consuming; the athlete’s movement speed remains not too high. It is not difficult for a beginner swimmer to master breaststroke, since it is a basic style that prepares the athlete for more complex swimming techniques. How to learn to swim breaststroke correctly and what mistakes are important to avoid.

How to master the breaststroke technique

To understand the features and specifics, let’s analyze this technique into several key blocks:

  • Body position
    When swimming breaststroke, the swimmer's body is in an extended position. The arms are extended forward, the head is lowered under the water. The athlete performs all movements in water. Schematically, one full cycle of movements in breaststroke looks like this: 1 arm stroke + 1 kick + 1 inhalation + 1 exhalation.
  • Hand movements
    It is very important to watch your hand movements. During the push-off process, the swimmer's palms are turned outward. When performed correctly, your hands should be at shoulder level. To make this happen, bend your elbows and then pull them back to their original position. Hands should remain on the surface of the water level, and not constantly fall under the water.
  • Leg movements
    During the stroke, the swimmer's legs are bent at the knees and pulled towards the body. Unlike your knees, it is important to place your feet as wide as possible. The push itself occurs when you stretch your arms in front of you.
  • Breathing during breaststroke
    In any style of swimming, special attention should be paid to breathing. The breathing pattern looks like this:
    when pushing off, the athlete inhales, while his head is slightly raised above the water, and his hands are positioned with support on the water. After this, the head is lowered into the water, and the swimmer exhales.

Common mistakes when swimming breaststroke

  • Powerful strokes
    When performing strong strokes, too much energy is expended, which will undoubtedly affect the result of the swim. The same can be said about weak strokes.
  • Incorrect leg position
    Another mistake that guarantees incorrect execution of the breaststroke technique is the incorrect position of the legs.
  • Failure to follow movement cycles
    This gross mistake is most often made by inexperienced swimmers. Remember that there is no need to pause when swimming! The athlete's movement must be smooth.
  • Impaired respiratory system

Where do they teach breaststroke?

To master the breaststroke technique, come to! Our certified coaches will teach you how to swim breaststroke and help you with all the swimming mistakes that we told you about in this article.