Prayers against defilement should be made a daily rule, since we are desecrated by barcodes sacrificed to idols every day. Rule against defilement for women Prayer against defilement when read

According to the canons of the Church, a prayer against desecration is read with the blessing of the confessor. The discharge is not necessarily the influence of evil spirits and sometimes occurs for physiological natural reasons. However, the actions of the person himself can also lead to desecration: abusing treats and alcoholic beverages, watching videos and images of nudity, through which the person is “inflamed.”

Prayer from desecration

Orthodox Christians in such cases read the prayer of St. Basil the Great.

Rule against desecration

Most merciful, imperishable, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy unworthy servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency the uncleanness that has come to me, along with all my other iniquities, and show me undefiled, O Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me by the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: so that, having awakened from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all kinds of filth, I may be deemed worthy with a clear conscience to open my unclean and unclean lips, and sing Thy all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

If the expiration occurred for sinful reasons, in addition, on the eve of Communion, the man is not allowed to receive the Holy Mysteries. But, if a layman does not see his guilt in desecration and was under the influence of evil spirits, Communion, on the contrary, is necessary for him. You should tell your confessor about the desecration.

Saint Timothy of Alexandria wrote about Communion in such cases:

If he is subject to the lust of his wife, he should not take communion; if Satan tempts him, so that for this reason he will be alienated from the communion of the Divine Mysteries, then he must receive communion. For otherwise the tempter will not cease to attack him at the time when he should partake” (canon 12).

If a discharge occurs in a person as a result of his illness, it is not imputed to him as a sin.

Rule against desecration

Sometimes someone is tempted in a dream by the action of the devil, rising from his bed, he bows, saying:

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

The same beginning is usual:

Our Father... Lord, have mercy (12). Glory, even now. Come, let us bow... (three times). Have mercy on me, God...

And this troparia, tone 7

Good Shepherd, who laid down Your soul for us, who knows the hidden things that I have done, O One Good One, save me with my erring mind, and snatch me from the wolf, Lamb of God, and have mercy on me. Weighed down by the sleep of despondency, I am darkened by the delusion of sin: but grant me the morning of repentance, enlightening the eyes of my mind, O Christ God, enlightenment of my soul, and save me. We weave the mind of my damned soul with the darkness of sin and the sweets of life, it gives birth to various passions, and the thought of tenderness does not come. But be generous, O Savior, with my humility, and give me a thought of compunction, so that we may save before the end I will cry out to Your compassion: Lord Christ my Savior, save me, desperate and unworthy. Just as I fell into the hands of robbers and was vulnerable, so I fell into many sins, and my soul is vulnerable. To whom shall I resort when guilty: only to You, the merciful Physician of souls: pour out Your great mercy on me, O God.
Glory: As the prodigal son came and I, Generous: receive me, Father, when I return, as one of Thy hired servant, O God, and have mercy on me.
And now: Theotokos
Deliver, O Mother of God, from the sins that hold us back: for the Imams have no other hope of faith except You, and the Lord born of You.
Also: Lord, have mercy (40). And 8 bows, with the prayer: God, be merciful to me, and forgive me the prodigal for Your Holy Name.

First prayer, Saint Basil the Great

The packs were cursed by their minds and evil customs, working in sin. Paki, the prince of darkness and passionate sweets, the parent, has created me captivated, and like a humble slave, he forces me to work with desire and carnal desire. And what will I do, my Lord, both to the Deliverer and the Intercessor of those who trust in You, if not to You I will return and groan and ask for mercy for what I have done; but I am afraid and trembling, but not always confessing, and promising to retreat from the evil ones, and sinning every hour: and not having rendered my prayer to You, my God, I will raise Your long-suffering to indignation. And whoever endures Your wrath, O Lord; Knowing therefore the multitude of Your bounties, and the abyss of Your love for mankind, I again turn myself to Your mercy, and I cry to You: forgive those who have sinned. Have mercy on me, fallen, give me a helping hand, immersed in the mud of sweets. Do not, Lord, leave Your creation to be corrupted by my iniquities and my sins: but by Your usual mercy and goodness we compel you to deliver from feces and bodily filth and passionate thoughts, which always defile my accursed soul: for behold, Lord, as you see, there is no place in it she is clean, but she is all leprous, and her whole body is covered in ulcers. For yourself, O Lover of mankind, physician of souls and bodies and source of mercy, cleanse that flow of my tears, pouring them out on me abundantly: pour out Your love for mankind on me, and give me healing and cleansing, and heal my contrition, and do not turn Your face away from me , but not like a thing, the fire of despair will engulf me: but as You have declared, O unfalse God, that there is great joy in heaven for one sinner who repents, do this also for me, a sinner, and do not close the ear of Your compassion in the prayer of my repentance; but open them, and like a censer, correct it before You: weigh the weakness of nature to the Creator, and make comfortable the creep of youth, and the heaviness of the body, and despise sins, and accept the repentance of those who call upon You with the truth. For Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is blessed and glorified, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer, Saint Basil the Great

Most merciful, imperishable, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy unworthy servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency the uncleanness that has come to me, along with all my iniquities, and show me undefiled, O Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me with the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: for having aroused from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil, and all kinds of filth, I may be deemed worthy with a clear conscience to open my unclean and unclean lips, and sing Thy all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

Lord our God, who have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep. Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer Four of St. John Chrysostom

(24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)
1. Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings.
2. Lord, deliver me from eternal torment.
3. Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or in thought, in word or in deed, forgive me.
4. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility.
5. Lord, deliver me from every temptation.
6. Lord, enlighten my heart, darken my evil lust.
7. Lord, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul.
8. Lord, send Your grace to help me, that I may glorify Your holy name.
9. Lord Jesus Christ, write me Your servant in the book of animals and grant me a good end.
10. Lord, my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, grant me, by Your grace, to make a good beginning.
11. Lord, sprinkle the dew of Your grace in my heart.
12. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

1. Lord, accept me in repentance.
2. Lord, do not forsake me.
3. Lord, do not lead me into misfortune.
4. Lord, give me a good thought.
5. Lord, give me tears and mortal memory, and tenderness.
6. Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins.
7. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience.
8. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness.
9. Lord, plant in me the root of good things, Thy fear in my heart.
10. Lord, grant me to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to do Your will in everything.
11. Lord, protect me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other inappropriate things.
12. Lord, consider that you have done as You willed, that Your will be done in no sinner, for Thou art blessed forever. Amen.

Fifth prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, take away from me, Your humble and damned servant, despondency, oblivion, unreason, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from my damned heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned. And deliver me from many and cruel memories and enterprises, and free me from all evil actions. For Thou art blessed from all generations, and glorified is Thy most honorable name forever and ever. Amen.

Also: Most honorable Cherub... Glory, even now. Lord, have mercy (three times). God bless.
And let go:
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, save me, a sinner.

Prayer against desecration (this prayer is read by priests, not laity)

Lord our God, the only Good and Lover of mankind, the only Holy One and rest on the saints, Who was revealed to Your supreme Apostle Peter by vision, nothing foul or unclean to behold, from You created for food and for the enjoyment of man, and Your chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul is all pure commanded pure: You Yourself, the Most Holy Master, by invoking Your terrible and most pure name, and by the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me, Your servant (name), defiled from every hostile spirit, from every dream and poisonous reptile, from every lawlessness and all flattery, from all indulgence and from all vanity, and from every ailment, and from every kind of illness, and from every nasty villainy of the devil. And now, through Your mercy, grant Thy servant, unworthy of me, to serve Thy most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all filth, and forsake every sin, voluntary and involuntary, that I have sinned all the days of my life, in deed, word and thought, in days and in nights, and until this hour. And grant me, Lord, this terrible service of the heavenly Orders, and the communion of Your most pure Mysteries, not for judgment or condemnation, but for the forgiveness of sins, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the life of ever-present joy, which You have prepared for Your true minister. Save me, Lord Almighty, from all sin and malice, keep me undefiled and blameless from all leprosy of the opposite devil: and grant me, Lord, to serve You in honor and righteousness until the last day and hour and the end of my life: for You are the One who blesses and sanctifies all things. O Christ our God, we send up glory to You with Your Beginning Father and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

About the expiration it is said in the “Alphabetical Syntagma” of Matthew Blastar: “St. Dionysius of Alexandria in the 4th rule of those who experienced an involuntary expiration of semen at night, makes their own conscience incorruptible as the judge of this case: for if the expiration of semen happened involuntarily, without any previous one, or passionate excitement, when nature has singled it out as a surplus, then the one who has suffered this without hindrance proceeds to Divine Communion; and if it was preceded by some passionate thought, which, having established itself in the imagination, produced a vision at night, and this was followed by the ejaculation of semen, or if this happened as a result of drunkenness and overeating, such a person is not clean due to the eruption of semen, for semen is not unclean, like the flesh, of which it is a surplus, but because of an evil desire that has defiled the thought. Therefore, he who doubts this in his conscience is deprived of boldness; How can one who is disposed in this way approach God, for according to the great Paul: if you have doubts, you are condemned (Rom. 14:23) ... And the Great Basil, in his essay on asceticism, having been asked whether someone who had been defiled in a dream should dare to begin communion, answered that to approach someone in uncleanness to the holy mysteries is such a thing, the Last Judgment for which we know from the Old Testament; and if there is more holiness here, then, obviously, the apostle will teach us even greater fear, saying: he who eats and drinks is unworthy; judgment eats and drinks (1 Cor. 11:29); and the holy father called uncleanness not the eruption of semen, which, I think [according to the opinion of Zonara, in his interpretation of the letter of St. Athanasius the Great to the monk Ammun], no one can completely avoid, unless he is completely insensitive, but a bad desire, about which the Lord said: “Everyone will look at his wife,” and so on (Matthew 5:8), due to which sin is committed in thought through the pleasure of lust, and thus dreamy copulation occurs in a dream and the ejaculation of semen.”

Thus, it is impossible to neglect prayer against defilement, but, first of all, it is better to consult with your confessor about whether the desecration has sinful reasons, since the Church takes into account the reasons for which the expiration occurred.

When someone happens to be tempted in a dream by the action of the devil, then, having risen from his bed, he must bow and read a prayer against the desecration of Saint Basil the Great. Moreover, we, who now live in cities and towns, daily desecrated with products and things sacrificed to idols through barcodes applied to them, need to read this prayer daily.


For those who want to more earnestly pray against defilement and have time and a deep sorrowful experience for this, that they have to touch the bad and even taste it due to the hopelessness of life, you can read the Rule against defilement, in which the Church itself includes several prayers that have a ceremonial sequence from initial prayers with the inclusion of bows, prayers to the Mother of God, our Zeal Intercessor, to prayers with repentance and a request to cleanse our bodies and souls from desecration.

Those who have spiritual communion with the non-heretical priesthood and monastics, may they ask for blessings and edifying instructions for reading these prayers.


God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Then the beginning is usual:

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; for I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. To You alone have I sinned and done evil before You; for you may be justified in all of Your words, and you will always triumph over Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. My hearing brings joy and joy; humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; My tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a broken and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; Then they will place the bullock on Your altar.

And troparia, tone 7:

Good Shepherd, who laid down Your soul for us, who knows the hidden things that I have done, O One Good One, save me with my erring mind, and snatch me from the wolf, Lamb of God, and have mercy on me.

Weighed down by the sleep of despondency, I am darkened by the delusion of sin: but grant me the morning of repentance, enlightening the eyes of my mind, O Christ God, enlightenment of my soul, and save me.

We weave the mind of my damned soul with the darkness of sin and the sweets of life, it gives birth to various passions, and the thought of tenderness does not come. But be generous, O Savior, with my humility, and give me a thought of compunction, so that we may save before the end I will cry out to Your compassion: Lord Christ my Savior, save me, desperate and unworthy.

Just as I fell into the hands of robbers and was vulnerable, so I fell into many sins, and my soul is vulnerable. To whom shall I resort when guilty: only to You, the merciful Physician of souls: pour out Your great mercy on me, O God.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Like the prodigal son came and I, Generous: receive me, Father, when I return, as one of Thy hired servant, O God, and have mercy on me.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Theotokos: Deliver, O Mother of God, from the sins that hold us back: for the Imams have no other hope of faith except You, and the Lord born of You.

Lord have mercy (40 times).

Then 50 prostrations with prayer:

God, be merciful to me, and forgive me the prodigal for Your Holy Name.

Prayer 1, Saint Basil the Great

The packs were cursed by their minds and evil customs, working in sin. Paki, the prince of darkness and passionate sweets, the parent, has created me captivated, and like a humble slave, he forces me to work with desire and carnal desire. And what will I do, my Lord, both to the Deliverer and the Intercessor of those who trust in Thee, if not to Thee I will return and groan and ask for mercy for what I have done; but I am afraid and trembling, but not always confessing, and promising to retreat from the evil ones, and sinning every hour: and not having rendered my prayer to You, my God, I will raise Your long-suffering to indignation. And whoever endures Your wrath, O Lord; Knowing therefore the multitude of Your bounties, and the abyss of Your love for mankind, I again turn myself to Your mercy, and I cry to You: forgive those who have sinned. Have mercy on me, fallen, give me a helping hand, immersed in the mud of sweets. Do not, Lord, leave Your creation to be corrupted by my iniquities and my sins: but by Your usual mercy and goodness we compel you to deliver from feces and bodily filth and passionate thoughts, which always defile my accursed soul: for behold, Lord, as you see, there is no place in it she is clean, but she is all leprous, and her whole body is covered in ulcers. For yourself, O Lover of mankind, physician of souls and bodies and source of mercy, cleanse that flow of my tears, pouring them out on me abundantly: pour out Your love for mankind on me, and give me healing and cleansing, and heal my contrition, and do not turn Your face away from me , but not like a thing, the fire of despair will engulf me: but as You have declared, O unfalse God, that there is great joy in heaven for one sinner who repents, do this also for me, a sinner, and do not close the ear of Your compassion in the prayer of my repentance; but open them, and like a censer, correct it before You: weigh the weakness of nature to the Creator, and make comfortable the creep of youth, and the heaviness of the body, and despise sins, and accept the repentance of those who call upon You with the truth. For Your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is blessed and glorified, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 2, his

Most merciful, imperishable, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy unworthy servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency the uncleanness that has come to me, along with all my iniquities, and show me undefiled, O Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me with the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: for having aroused from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil, and all kinds of filth, I may be deemed worthy with a clear conscience to open my unclean and unclean lips, and sing Thy all-holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3

Lord our God, who have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep. Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 4, St. John Chrysostom

(24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)

Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings.

Lord, save me from eternal torment.

Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or in thought, in word or in deed, forgive me.

Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility.

Lord, deliver me from every temptation.

Lord, enlighten my heart, darken my evil lust.

Lord, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul.

Lord, send Your grace to help me, that I may glorify Your holy name.

Lord Jesus Christ, write me Your servant in the book of animals and grant me a good end.

Lord, my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, grant me, by Your grace, to make a good beginning.

Lord, sprinkle the dew of Your grace in my heart.

Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

Lord, accept me in repentance.

Lord, don't leave me.

Lord, do not lead me into misfortune.

Lord, give me a good thought.

Lord, give me tears and mortal memory, and tenderness.

Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins.

Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience.

Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness.

Lord, plant in me the root of good things, Thy fear in my heart.

Lord, grant me to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to do Your will in everything.

Lord, protect me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other inappropriate things.

Lord, consider that you do as you will, that your will be done in me, a sinner, for blessed are you forever. Amen.

Prayer 5, to the Blessed Virgin Mary

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with Your saints and all-powerful prayers, take away from me, Your humble and cursed servant, despondency, oblivion, unreason, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts from my cursed heart and from my darkened mind; and extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned. And deliver me from many and cruel memories and enterprises, and free me from all evil actions. For Thou art blessed from all generations, and glorified is Thy most honorable name forever and ever. Amen.


We magnify Thee, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison, the Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord have mercy (three times).

God bless.

And let go

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, save me, a sinner.

Prayer against desecration to priests(lay people do not need to read it)


Lord our God, the only Good and Lover of mankind, the only Holy One and rest on the saints, who appeared in vision to Your supreme Apostle Peter, nothing foul or unclean to behold, from You created for food and for the enjoyment of man, and Your chosen vessel, the Apostle Paul, is all pure commandment to the pure: You Yourself, the Most Holy Master, by invoking Your terrible and most pure Name, and by the sign of the terrible and Life-giving Cross, bless and cleanse me Your servant (Name) defiled from every unclean spirit, from every dream and poisonous reptile, from all lawlessness and from all flattery, from every indulgence, and every kind of evil, and from every nasty villainy of the devil. And now Your servant, unworthy of me, (Name): grant me, through Your mercy, to serve Your most pure Mysteries. And first, cleanse my soul and body from all filth, and forsake every sin, voluntary and involuntary, that I have sinned all the days of my life, in deed, word and thought, in days and in nights, and until this hour. And grant to me, Lord, this terrible service of the heavenly Orders, and the communion of Thy Most Pure Mysteries, not for judgment or condemnation, but for the forgiveness of sins, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the life of ever-present joy, which Thou hast prepared for Thy true minister. Save me, Lord Almighty, from all sin and malice, keep me undefiled and blameless from all leprosy of the opposite devil: and grant me, Lord, to serve You in honor and righteousness until the last day and hour and the end of my life: for You are the One who blesses and sanctifies all things. , Christ our God, we send up glory to You, with Your Originless Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

The life of every Christian consists not only of pious and pleasant actions: prayer, pilgrimage, reading about miracles, etc. But unfortunately, there are serious difficulties on the path of every believer, because the inner spiritual life is associated not only with ups, but also with downs.

In contact with


By turning to God, a Christian is sanctified, that is, made more holy, because he turns to the Holy Spirit. And, as you know, the Holy Spirit is the third hypostasis of God. When a man's spirit, his inner settings, as it were, he compares with the Spirit of God, becomes at least a little like his Heavenly Father, and He, as you know, is Love and the highest Good. Simply put, it’s good to be with Him, when He’s near, a person just feels good. A believer commits fewer actions that would sadden them and introduce disharmony into their already more or less established internal harmony.

Saints are saints because their inner world, through efforts and resistance to temptations, has become similar to that of the Angels. In Orthodoxy they speak of such people as “earthly angels and heavenly men.” By the way, Basil the Great himself, the author of the rule against desecration, is glorified as a saint.

A person begins to feel good when his inner world, as it were, becomes magnetized to God and begins to receive for himself the highest good for the human soul - the constant presence of God through His Spirit.

But the man sinned. Suddenly I decided to do something that goes completely against God and His structure. Harmony collapses, a person’s inner world is demagnetized, and the sinner begins to suffer. Because he allowed disharmony not just in his world, but in his relationship with Heavenly Father. It ceased to be the metal that could attract a magnet to itself, lost its properties, by its actions it placed itself on a par not with Angels, but with animals, and allowed filth into itself. And now it needs cleansing in order to restore interaction with God. After all, His Spirit does not interact with any spiritual defilement. That is, it does not enter into communication, does not become at least to some extent common.

But, as all Christians know, nothing is irreparable. Of course, wallowing in something nasty is not a pleasant pleasure. However, if this did happen and the filth touched the person’s soul, then the situation can be corrected through certain rules established by the holy fathers. This is called the rule against desecration. Its author is Basil the Great, one of the main teachers of the Church. People came to listen to his sermons from the farthest corners of the world.

What is the rule against desecration

The rule against desecration is a certain sequence of prayers.. It is composed of psalms and requests for restoration to their former dignity. The rule helps to express regret about one’s sinful nature, recognition of one’s damaged nature.

Rule against defilement read by men

Men resort to the rule against defilement if involuntary ejaculation occurs in a dream or at night. And even more so if it was arbitrary. A discharge in a dream or in reality that occurs due to marital relations or illness is not defilement.

Before the text itself, the rules usually publish a note about what men need to read and in what cases. It is also indicated that it is read with the blessing of a spiritual mentor.

Rule against defilement read by women

There is no special rule against defilement for women. Women can also have night dreams and various bad things about sleep and reality, ending in the same way as an act with a man. Yes, people are far from alien to carnal desires, however, they should be satisfied with the husband, in a legal, ideally church marriage. If a woman is alone, not married, then she must fight her passions, pray and, if there was temptation, then she must repent, including during confession. If you constantly do everything correctly, then soon the desires will decrease and it will be much easier to cope with them.

What can provoke a situation in which a rule against desecration is needed?

The main provocateurs may be:

From the history of the human body and its sinfulness

A person does not always defile by his own personal choice:

  • it could be some kind of accident,
  • disease,
  • completely natural, logical processes over which man has no control.

For example, male representatives cannot always control the ejaculation of semen at night. However, defilement occurs, even if it is not spiritual, but only physical, but nevertheless.

There shouldn't be any shame about it. However, shame nevertheless often touches the human soul. And this is natural. The fact is that our modern bodies are in so many ways identical to the bodies of animals.

But this was not always the case, although many people do not know about this simply because they rarely or inattentively read the pages of the Holy Scriptures (the Bible). Before his fall, man had a body of a completely different nature. It was not so dense, it was able to pass through material objects, disappear in one place and instantly materialize in another. Yes, that sounds fantastic. However this is true.

Let's turn to the pages of Holy Scripture. When Adam and Eve sinned, they had a conversation with God, in which He gave them the opportunity to repent, admit their mistakes and take responsibility for them. But Adam and Eve, who disobeyed their Creator and ate the then forbidden fruits of one of the trees in the Garden of Eden, refused to repent. They only shifted the blame for what happened either onto each other or onto God himself. Adam told his creator that these fruits that He ate were given to him by Eve. And then he added that He, God, gave this woman to him.

That is, it turns out that it’s generally God’s fault for everything. Adam himself, in his own interpretation, turned out to be just a victim. This is why Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. However, before finally settling them on Earth, according to what is written in ancient biblical texts, God “dressed them in leather garments.” This is one of the important fragments in the entire book about the history of mankind.

In the era of atheism, when literally everything connected with God, holy books, and spiritual life was changed, people who taught relevant academic subjects in educational institutions especially laughed at this place in the Bible. They interpreted it as if He caught several of His creatures - animals - killed them, took off the skin and put it on the first people.

Now this is, of course, funny. And this laughter through the tears. The Perfect Creator, who created everything around for love and peace, suddenly turns out to be almost the first murderer, in order for some reason to dress the first people in the skins of other creatures.

Of course, everything was completely wrong. By leather vestments is meant the compaction of the spiritual bodies of the first people to a state that is characteristic of the bodies of animals. Man, through these new, incomparably worse bodies, which were sick, which can be damaged, destroyed, which are especially sensitive to both frost and heat, etc., received the opposite properties instead of infinity, eternity and immortality:

  • passion (predisposition to addiction),
  • temporary,
  • death.

That is why, precisely because of the properties of our imperfect bodies, which we now carry as a heavy burden, indicating to us that without God and his grace, on which He built everything, only such a life is possible. The body is a vessel of sin, this is an initially crippled (by us) instrument. That is why we sin so often, and sometimes involuntarily. Therefore, on the one hand, desecration is, in general, a common occurrence since the Fall of man. On the other hand, this is nevertheless not the norm for us, people called into life with God in his Kingdom.

Flesh without sin and without blemish

However, for the past 2000 years everything has been so sad. God the Savior has already come, suffered for us, and already in the future changed our nature, making it the same as it was before the first sin. Yes, now we continue to be the same. However, the Lord Jesus has already conquered death by His great Resurrection, has already transformed our bodies in His glorious body. Through Baptism into Him, through His body and blood, which occurs every week in the temple, we touch the sacrament of illumination, prepare our soul, our flesh for the glorious transformation on the day of the General Resurrection.

When the Lord rose again , He appeared before the disciples who were sitting tightly locked in one of the houses. They were afraid that the Jews would find them and kill them. But suddenly Christ appeared between them right in the room. He passed locks, doors and walls. Thus, He, voluntarily or involuntarily, not on purpose, but demonstrated the capabilities of a new, or, more precisely, transformed to the state of the first grace of the human body.

When the disciples, after His crucifixion, traveled from one city to another and were in different places and in different cities, Jesus simultaneously accompanied some, talked with others and was with others. And all this being in a human body, similar to ours, but transformed. The bodies of Adam and Eve had the same properties. All this indicates that that when the Lord resurrects and transforms our bodies on the day of the general Resurrection, the onset of which every Christian confesses in the Creed, we will receive the same properties of the flesh.

Is it possible not to become defiled?

In the meantime, at a time when our bodies, as a result of the fall of our ancestors and confirmation by our personal sins, are still the bearer of sin, corruption and have the ability to instantly become dependent on everything convenient and pleasant, we need cleansing. This is why the rule against desecration was written. It is not difficult to find: you just need to search the Internet and download it.

You can protect yourself from desecration. First, you need to discuss this with your confessor or priest. It is not advisable to resort to this without permission.


  • frequent or constant prayer,
  • frequent confession
  • regular Communion.

Why do I need a rule if I can already talk to God?

The question usually arises: why do we need any rule at all? Is it really impossible to just ask God for something, just to express your regret in your own words, why is all this necessary at all, why would it occur to some other people to interfere in the personal relationship between God and a specific person?

The fact is that the Church of Christ embraces literally all of humanity, every individual. There are very, very many people who have come to Christ. And not every one of them is able to express their feelings in such a way that:

  • on the one hand, to be cleansed of filth,
  • on the other hand, do not go into some inner jungle during your prayers.

For example, you can tell God that "I'm sorry." But then suddenly the thought comes to mind: “but I’m not so guilty, after all, I’m a bearer of sin, this is normal, this is natural...”. After which it turns out that the person does not repent at all, and that he has generally forgotten where he started. And will this be a conversation with God? No. Moreover, such a prayer will be more harmful than beneficial.

Rule against desecration, which can be read and listened to in recording, written by one of the greatest Christians, contains a feeling of repentance on the one hand, and on the other hand, keeps a person from unnecessary wanderings and philosophical reflections, which can very easily fall into a person who is not used to to prayer. The rule is the bottom of the ship of your prayer that will prevent it from sinking.

What is desecration? Is a person considered defiled after marital relations? If not, then I heard that there are still some prohibitions. Why does desecration occur? Is it possible to receive communion if there was desecration at night?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

In modern practice, any discharge that occurs in a dream is called defilement. However, according to church canons, only such an outflow in a dream that had sinful causes is recognized as desecration (see the 1st rule of St. Athanasius the Great). A person is not considered defiled if he has had a marital relationship.

Discharges can occur for various reasons. The main thing is sensual excitement and carnal thoughts. In addition, it can happen: “1) to judge a sincere person, that is, his brother, who is a sinner; 2) from arrogance and pride, and that is also sinful; 3) from overeating and drinking, also decently; 4) it pours out from nature without movement and without dreaming, just like other excesses; 5) from bodily weakness and some illness; 6) from demonic envy” (Rule of prayer for those preparing for holy communion and daily evening and morning. M., 1893; reprint: M., 1993. P. 137). The reasons that caused the last three cases of expiration are not imputed to the person as sin. Saint Athanasius the Great only calls discharges caused by sin defilement. In a letter to the Egyptian ascetic monk Ammun, he writes: “All of God’s creations are good and pure. For the Word of God did not create anything unprofitable or unclean. The fragrance of Christ is in those who are being saved, according to the Apostle (2 Cor. 2:15)... I am amazed at the trick of the devil, that, being corruption and destruction, he apparently puts in thoughts of purity. But what he does is more of a slander or a temptation. For, as I said, in order to distract the ascetics from their usual and saving care, and in this, as he imagines, to defeat them, for this purpose he stirs up such rumors that do not bring any benefit to life, but only empty questions and vanity, which should be avoided must. For tell me, beloved and most reverent, what is sinful or unclean in any natural eruption, such as, for example, if someone wanted to blame the discharge of phlegm from the nostrils and spitting from the mouth... Also, if, according to Divine Scripture, we believe that a person is the work of God’s hands, how could a desecrated work come about from pure power; and if we are the race of God, according to the Divine Scripture of the Apostolic Acts (17:28), then we have nothing unclean in ourselves. For only then do we become defiled when we commit sin, the worst of all stench. And when some natural involuntary eruption occurs, then we and others are subjected to this, as was said above, by natural necessity... Blessedly, someone can say in this case: some natural eruption will not lead us to punishment. Perhaps doctors (even though they will be convinced by external contradictions) will say in defense of this that the animal is given some necessary results for the deposition of excess moisture nourished in each of our members, what are the essence of the excess of the head, hair and moisture, separating from the head, and emanating from womb, as well as its excess in the seminal vessels. So, most God-loving elder, what sin is there before God, when the Lord Himself who created the animal wanted and created for these members to have such outcomes? But it is necessary to prevent the contradictions of the evil ones. For they can say: therefore, the use itself will not be a sin when the tools are created by the Creator. Let us silence such questions by saying: what use are you talking about? Is it about legal? whether about that which God allowed, saying: “grow and multiply, and fill the earth” (Gen. 1: 28), or about that which the Apostle allowed, saying: “marriage is honorable, and the bed is undefiled” (Heb. 13: 4), or about that which happens between people, but happens secretly and adulterously? (Rules of the Orthodox Church. M., 2001. P. 353-355).

Is it possible to receive communion if the leak occurred in a dream? Saint Timothy of Alexandria († 385) gives the following rule: “Question. If a layman who had an unclean dream asks a clergyman: should he be allowed to receive communion or not? Answer. If he is subject to the lust of his wife, he should not take communion; if Satan tempts him, so that for this reason he will be alienated from the communion of the Divine Mysteries, then he must receive communion. For otherwise the tempter will not cease to attack him at the time when he should partake” (canon 12).

In the “Alphabetical Syntagma” of Matthew Vlastar, the 28th chapter (“K”) is devoted to this issue: “St. Dionysius of Alexandria in the 4th rule of those who have had an involuntary discharge of semen at night, makes their own incorruptible conscience the judge of this case: for if the flow of semen happened involuntarily, without any previous passionate excitement, when nature singled it out as a surplus, then the one who suffered this unhinderedly proceeds to Divine communion; and if it was preceded by some passionate thought, which, having established itself in the imagination, produced a vision at night, and this was followed by the ejaculation of semen, or if this happened as a result of drunkenness and overeating, such a person is not clean due to the eruption of semen, for semen is not unclean, like the flesh, of which it is a surplus, but because of an evil desire that has defiled the thought. Therefore, he who doubts this in his conscience is deprived of boldness; How can one who is disposed in this way approach God, for according to the great Paul: if you have doubts, you are condemned (Rom. 14:23) ... And the Great Basil, in his essay on asceticism, having been asked whether someone who had been defiled in a dream should dare to begin communion, answered that to approach someone in uncleanness to the holy mysteries is such a thing, the Last Judgment for which we know from the Old Testament; and if there is more holiness here, then, obviously, the apostle will teach us even greater fear, saying: he who eats and drinks is unworthy; judgment eats and drinks (1 Cor. 11:29); and the holy father called uncleanness not the eruption of semen, which, I think [according to the opinion of Zonara, in his interpretation of the letter of St. Athanasius the Great to the monk Ammun], no one can completely avoid, unless he is completely insensitive, but a bad desire, about which the Lord said: “Everyone will look at his wife,” and so on (Matthew 5:8), due to which sin is committed in thought through the pleasure of lust, and thus dreamy copulation occurs in a dream and the ejaculation of semen.”

If the reasons for the expiration were sinful, then you need to read the prayer of St. Basil the Great against desecration (available in the complete Prayer Books) or the “Rule against defilement,” which is found in the Canons, and then confess this sin in the sacrament of repentance.

The Christian life consists of more than just going to church, which actually takes up a very small percentage of the time. An important component of spiritual growth is the fight against sins. One of the gravest types of temptations is carnal sins, against which it is customary to read the rule against defilement. In what cases is it necessary, how can you reduce the attacks of the evil spirit?

What is desecration

The Old Testament righteous adhered to the laws of ritual purity, which are described in the Pentateuch (Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). These are very complex rules, which, however, should not be confused with hygiene rules, since they had, first of all, a sacred meaning. After the advent of the New Testament, Christians were freed from them, but still baptized people must adhere to certain restraining rules, without which it is impossible to achieve spiritual growth.

For example, how can a person who is addicted to gambling or drinking call himself saved? At the same time, he can perfectly understand church rituals, perform them, confess and receive communion, but still he does not become righteous. After all, it is not going to church that creates salvation, but a change in the human soul, which should be manifested in pious behavior.

The rule against desecration is intended mainly for men. It appeared in a monastic environment. They are known to take a vow to abstain from intimacy with women. But not only the fact of intercourse itself is considered a sin, but also dreams about it. This is a source of strong temptations. That is why women were previously prohibited from appearing on the territory of men’s monasteries (and vice versa).

It was only very rarely allowed to visit relatives in monasteries or attend Sunday services. Women were not even supposed to serve in the houses visited by the bishop. And the priest who served the Liturgy for the sisters had to spend the night outside the walls of the monastery.

For a man, ejaculation of seminal fluid caused by daydreaming, watching movies, or masturbation is considered desecration. In this case, you should read the rule against desecration of Basil the Great. It is also necessary to tell the confessor about this, especially if everything happened on the eve of Communion. The priest himself will decide whether he can begin the sacrament or whether he should abstain.

What is sin

There is no separate rule for women against defilement. But they can also have night dreams that end in a similar way to the act with a man. Of course, people have carnal desires, but they must be satisfied with a spouse, in a legal marriage. If a woman is lonely, she should fight passions, read prayers, and repent. Over time, the desires will become less and it will be easier to cope with them.

Other weaknesses can also provoke prodigal thoughts:

  • susceptibility to overeating, gluttony - excess in food directly leads to inflaming the flesh;
  • drunkenness - when a person drowns his will in wine, then most likely later he will have to read the rule against defilement, because drunkenness and fornication very often happen in one place, at one time.

There are also other types of desecration. For example, being in bad company, which David warns against in Psalm 1. Although here a lot depends on the purpose for which a person communicates with sinners. The apostles tried to teach faith to everyone, including evildoers. But joint entertainment and cohabitation are unlikely to be useful. Communication with heretics may end with the person himself adopting their views.

Moses taught that the following actions should be considered desecrating:

  • fornication, including incest;
  • worship of idols (this includes sorcery, reading horoscopes, turning to sorcerers, fortune telling);
  • murder (including bullying, driving a person to suicide, leaving a person in danger);
  • contact with a corpse, a sick person, or any other ritual unclean thing.

For the first three offenses, if they were proven, the Old Testament Jew would face death. Firstly, then there was no rule against desecration drawn up by Basil the Great. Secondly, even today for murder, for example, one will have to bear a heavier responsibility. According to church canons, anyone guilty of this sin is subject to strict penance in the form of excommunication.

How to atone for sins

There is no such person who does not break the commandments. Everyone is a sinner. Even saints were sent illnesses and trials in order to forge their spiritual world in the crucible of suffering. Therefore, after a fall, one should never fall into despair - this is a sin against the 1st commandment, which teaches to love God and trust Him. Will a father leave his child, who has tripped and fallen, to lie in the middle of the road with a broken knee? No, he will pick him up, feel sorry for him, and carry him in his arms.

Only Christians should not be completely like children; they should read the prayer rule against defilement in order to show God their readiness for change. This should be done after the usual morning prayers. Then, at the next confession, be sure to repent of your sin.

The prayer rule against desecration includes initial prayers, a Psalm, troparia, bows are made, and a prayer to the Mother of God, compiled by the ascetics John Chrysostom and Basil the Great. The reading itself does not take much time, you just need to sincerely repent.

You can also listen to the rule against desecration, but you need to concentrate your mind, it’s better to follow the text with your eyes. If thoughts at this moment wander to an unknown place, a person falls into a grave sin - inattention during prayer offends God.

text of Basil the Great's prayer against desecration:

Most merciful, imperishable, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy unworthy servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency the uncleanness that has come to me, along with all my other iniquities, and show me undefiled, O Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me by the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: so that, having awakened from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all kinds of filth, I may be deemed worthy with a clear conscience to open my unclean and unclean lips, and sing Thy all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Listen to the rule against desecration

Rule against desecration of Basil the Great - read was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub