Role-playing games in the senior group: a card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Summary of joint activities: plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten” for children of the senior group according to the program “Kindergarten - a house of joy”

Children's growing up goes through numerous stages, and at each of them children are accompanied by role-playing games. The baby plays with toys unconsciously, first by himself, and then with his peers. Since his entire perception of the world around him occurs in the game process, this type of activity is very important for harmonious development.

Characteristics of role-playing game

The way children perceive the surrounding reality forms the basis of any role-playing game. They try on the role of adults, based on their own experience, that is, on how they see it. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children begin to get interested in toys, and this is the very first manifestation of the need for this type of activity. The older he gets, the more serious the actions become.

The importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler cannot be underestimated. Everyone needs it, because through it the mental, personal and intellectual development of a small personality occurs. With the help of games, children can independently cope with various phobias (fear of the dark, dogs, doctors, communication with peers) without the intervention of a psychologist.

Such forms of play perfectly adapt a little person to new conditions for him - moving to another place of residence, entering school. The purpose of the role-playing game is to help the little one get comfortable in the world of adults. He is still far from reaching this age, but this is an advantage - over the years of such activities, children have time to learn how adults should behave in a given situation, and this will help them in the future. The structure of a role-playing game consists of a role, content and plot. Each of the components has a specific role, and they are all significant:

  1. The plot is the sphere of human activity that is played out during the game. It could be a family, a school, the police, a kindergarten - everything is like in real life.
  2. At first, the child chooses roles for himself. Afterwards, they are distributed among the participants, and everyone wants to perform the one they like best.
  3. The content depends both on the age of the players and on their life experience. Role-playing game is a conscious action that is performed in a certain order by agreement of the participants.

Types of role-playing games for preschoolers

Adults are mostly just observers and do not interfere with the action. What role-playing games for children to choose are decided by the participants themselves. They are divided into five main varieties, but can also be mixed:

  1. Staged games. In them, the toddler himself is the director of his actions. He speaks on his own behalf, or on behalf of the toy, according to the scenario he himself invented.
  2. Social games will be complete when toys for role-playing games for children are available. To play out the plot on the theme “hospital”, “transport”, and others, you will need appropriate props.
  3. There are less common games with a patriotic or heroic theme. In them, children can be brave soldiers, famous astronauts.
  4. Story-based role-playing game can display cartoons or fairy tales with the participation of characters from them - Mickey Mouse, the Evil Wizard - it is called fairy-tale.
  5. Household themes one of the children’s favorites is “home” or “family”, which demonstrate the true relationships in the child’s family.

Role-playing game "Shop"

Someday the time will come when a child will go to the nearest store for the first time to buy bread. Preparation for this important task begins in advance. For this purpose, similar role-playing games for preschoolers are used:

  1. Inventory. To play you will need vegetables and fruits, scales, money, and an apron for the seller.
  2. Target. The role-playing game “Shop” is needed in order to improve children’s knowledge of the names of vegetables and fruits, and to help them learn about the intricacies of the seller’s profession.
  3. Move. The seller puts on an apron and cap and weighs the fruit that the buyer has asked for. He pays the money and puts the purchases in his bag.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Many preschool children are afraid to go to the doctor. Imitating various situations that occur at a doctor’s appointment, in a manipulation room, or at a dentist will help in overcoming fear:

  1. Inventory. You will need the appropriate attributes - a doctor's cap, a phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a hammer for a neurologist, a plastic syringe and cotton wool.
  2. Target. The role-playing game "Hospital", the purpose of which is to introduce the purpose of the doctor's tools, can help children learn to act according to the storyline. A positive aspect will be a decrease in the fear of the doctor.
  3. Move. Using such components of a role-playing game as plot, roles and content, the teacher invites the children to divide into doctors and patients. The first ones arm themselves with instruments, after which they receive patients.

Role-playing game "Family"

Girls and boys love to copy the relationship between mom and dad. The plot-role-playing game “Family”, the goal of which is the ability to correctly distribute roles, helps you understand your role in society:

  1. Inventory. This game doesn’t require much; a doll as a baby, a toy stroller and utensils – dishes, a broom, a dustpan – will be enough.
  2. Target. The main task is to reveal the inner world of a preschooler and teach interaction between family members.
  3. Move. Children themselves regulate the scenario, according to their ideas about behavior within the family.

Role-playing game "Barbershop"

Little girls want to be like their beauty-conscious mothers. This desire needs to be developed. The role-playing game “Barbershop,” the goal of which is to develop knowledge about the profession, will also interest boys:

  1. Inventory. Bottles of shampoo, hairspray, combs and hairpins.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn many new terms, such as “curlers”, “styling” and this expands their vocabulary. They are also taught how to behave in public places.
  3. Move. A client comes to the hairdresser and gets his hair done using a comb and pins.


Preparation for school life should begin long before the first grade. Playing out the lesson process will help with this, when the future student has the opportunity to feel like both a student and a teacher:

  1. Inventory. The attributes for the role-playing game “School” are simple. You will need a board, a pointer, glasses and a bell. “Schoolchildren” need books, notebooks, a backpack and pens.
  2. Target. Classes help make children’s concept of school more concrete, rather than abstract, and overcome fear.
  3. Move. The teacher invites students to class by ringing the bell. Children sit quietly, raise their hands, and do not play around.

Role-playing game "Atelier"

The girls enjoy practicing cutting and sewing using a small children's sewing machine. Boys can act as models. This non-standard play activity, like others, contributes to the socialization of the child:

  1. Inventory. The necessary attributes for the role-playing game “Atelier” are available in every kindergarten. These are irons, ironing boards, dolls and clothes for them. Additionally, you can purchase a measuring meter, paper and scissors for patterns.
  2. Target. Children are helped to establish relationships with each other and are introduced to the basics of cutting and sewing - what the studio workers do.
  3. Move. The kids come up with a pattern, cut it out and pretend to sew a dress for the doll.

Role-playing game "Cafe"

The ability to behave in public places will be useful for a future adult. The role-playing game “Cafe” will help him with this, the attributes of which will be found in every kindergarten group:

  1. Inventory. You will need: a tray, a tea set, toy cakes, fruit, a toy menu, and overalls.
  2. Target. In the process, children learn to carefully serve and treat each other with respect.
  3. Move. The participants in the action are the waiter, visitors, and cook. Everyone is busy with their own business, the ultimate goal of which is quality service to the population.


You need to learn proper behavior on the road from an early age. For this purpose, various events are held, including the role-playing game “Road Rules”:

  1. Inventory. You will need a drawn or drawn zebra crossing, a traffic light, and a traffic controller's stick.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn how to behave correctly on the street, where to cross the road, and become familiar with traffic lights.
  3. Move. Children are divided into pedestrians, drivers, and traffic controllers. The teacher tells the rules, and boys and girls play out imaginary situations.

Analysis of role-playing games

The main indicator of the development of role-playing games is its sequential action, which is regulated by the children themselves. That is, the process begins, then its main part occurs, and then it logically ends. Children may have some difficulties and the teacher’s task is to eliminate misunderstandings. Observing the children from the outside and intervening if necessary, the teacher analyzes the behavior of the participants.

Diagnosis of role-playing play reveals difficulties in relationships between children - whether they are friendly with each other, whether they know how to act together and help each other. Observing children helps to understand whether they have problems in relationships with adults. Based on the knowledge gained, teachers should correct behavioral inconsistencies at an early age.

Not only teachers, but also parents can successfully use this method of communication with their child as a method to diversify leisure time. So, you can unexpectedly learn a lot of new things and even see yourself from the outside in the actions, deeds and owls of toy cats or dolls. It is especially useful to spend time in this way for those who, for some reason, do not attend kindergarten and rarely communicate with peers.

Role-playing game for preschoolers

Role-playing game Supermarket

Urozaeva Elvira Anvarovna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 13 of a combined type, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

Description of material: The material can be used by teachers with children of older preschool age. This development will help educators organize a role-playing game in a group setting, consistently organize the game, and expand children’s understanding.

1. To promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on the knowledge acquired in the classroom and in everyday life.
2. Expand children’s knowledge about the work of store workers.
3. Give an idea of ​​the different departments in the store.
4. Expand vocabulary, improve verbal communication skills.
5. Continue to teach how to agree on a topic, distribute roles, and prepare the necessary conditions for the game before the game starts.
6. Improve counting skills.
7. Improve the dialogical form of speech.
8. Cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

Seller – 1 - 2 children.
Forwarder – 1 child.
Loader – 1 child.
Driver – 1 child.
Cashier – 1 child.
The buyers are children.


1. Setting game goals.
2. Involving children in achieving these goals.
3. Create a game plan.
4. Discuss the plan with the children.
5. Collection of material.
6. Working with parents.
7. Preliminary work - classes, games, conversations, excursions, observations.
8. Independent creative work of children.
9. The result of the work is a plot-based role-playing game “Shop”.

-Conversation “What is porridge made from”, “Where did the bread come from?”
-Excursion to the store.
-Reading literary works: S. Mikhalkov “Crystal Vase”, E. Uspensky “Bird Market”, V. Berestov “In the Toy Store”, L. Petrushevskaya “Peter the Pig and the Store”.
-Direct educational activities: “Vegetables and fruits on our table”, “Teaching storytelling: role-playing game “Shop”.
-Drawing “Vegetables and Fruits”, plot drawing “Shop”.
- Application “What cars bring products to the store.”
- Didactic game “Wonderful bag”, “What is it made of?”, “Where can I buy this?” , “What’s missing?” , “What’s extra?” , “On a trip to the store,” “All work is good.”
This preliminary work contributes to:
- improving dialogical speech:
- introducing children to the work of a salesperson, her work actions: listens, weighs, counts, knocks out a check, gives change;
- expanding the understanding of different departments in the store;
- expanding the understanding of adult work.
- clarifying children’s ideas about the appearance and taste of vegetables and fruits, and how to use them for food.

1. Toys store.
2. Furniture store.
3. Shop "Dishes".
4. Grocery store.
5. Clothing store.
6. Vegetables and Fruits Market.
7. Supermarket.
- family
- dining room
- garage
- vegetable base
Goals: develop the ability to expand the plot based on knowledge acquired in classes and in everyday life; form the right relationships in the team; develop creativity.

1. Cash register.
2. Libra.
3. Set of models “Vegetables and fruits”.
4. Models of products.
5. Wallets.
6. Packages, bags.
7. Abacus.
8. Money.
9. Price tags.
10. Showcase.
11. Robes - aprons, caps.

Summary of joint activities:

plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten” for older children

according to the program “Kindergarten – a house of joy”.

Target: formation of moral values ​​of the individual through the implemented program “Kindergarten - a house of joy”.



Formation in the process of the game of relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance, goodwill; the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players, to fairly resolve disputes and misunderstandings;

Development of creative initiative, the ability to independently create and implement game plans, to behave in accordance with the role taken;

Using the game for diagnostic and correctional purposes;

Instilling responsibility for the safety of gaming materials, habits and the ability to put them in order.

Integration of educational areas: safety, socialization, cognition, communication.


- floor builder kit ;

- Pictures: cook, laundress, nanny, teacher, vegetable growers, vegetable storehouse, livestock breeders, dairy, driver;

For cooks: frying pans, pots, boards, knives, ladle, hammer; aprons, caps, towels;

- for educators: dolls (8 large, 6 small and 4 medium); 6 sets of bed linen, 14 pcs doll towels, children's books,

for serving doll tables, napkins, decorations, dishes, 2 sets for playing in the sandbox, a small ball, floor trees, flower beds;

- for laundry:“dirty” doll bed linen, 5 sets of clean doll bed linen, clothesline, 2-4 basins, “washing powder”, “fabric softener”, irons;

- for vegetable growers: scoops, rakes, buckets - small sets for playing with sand - 2 pcs., jump rope - 2 pcs. – a hose for watering, 2 watering cans, artificial dummies of vegetables or pictures with vegetables for beds, children’s baskets for harvesting;

- for livestock farmers: green meadow - pasture, feeders for cows, finely chopped strips of green paper - hay, small buckets, rags, sponges for caring for animals, jump ropes and prisms for milking machines, skittles as cans;

- for drivers: 2 trucks, tools, telephones, a gas station jump rope, rags and buckets for washing cars.

- for dairy: packages for milk and kefir, cheese, packs of cottage cheese, etc.;

Substitute items: bricks from a tabletop builder (cell phones), rings from pyramids (soap), etc.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with professions: kindergarten teacher, nanny, cook, laundress, vegetable growers, vegetable store workers, livestock breeders, driver, dairy workers through reading fiction, looking at paintings and pictures, conversations, excursions, stories from parents. Playing out these professions in role-playing games “Kindergarten”, “Vegetable Growers”, “Livestock Breeders”, “Shop”.

Progress of the game.

Collusion: (in the afternoon, before bedtime).

V - l: “Parents call me, they’re worried: they have to go to work, but there’s no one to leave their children with at home! What should I do?

Children: “We need to open a kindergarten!”

V: “How can I open it alone?!” We need to feed the children, take them for a walk, put them to bed... I can’t do it alone.”

Children: “We will help!”, “I will put you to bed,” “I will go for a walk,” “I will feed you,” etc. - there is a distribution of roles in which the teacher is the “conductor”: “You alone will have time to feed the children or you will you need an assistant? 8 children will come to your group... Make an agreement with someone”, “Where will the cooks get vegetables for lunch?”, “And milk?”, “Who will you be?”, “Who will provide towels and sheets will you do the laundry? etc.

After sleeping in the bedroom On the easel there are pictures of people of different professions who work in a kindergarten: a cook, a laundress, an assistant teacher, a teacher.

Who is shown in the pictures? (Transfer).

Where do people in these professions work? (In kindergarten).

What kind of work do they do in kindergarten?

Who knows why they do all this?

Listen to the children’s answers and summarize: “Yes, so that the children would have a good time in kindergarten.”

People who work in kindergarten, what are they like? (Kind, attentive, caring, polite...)

Loving ones! - can you say that? Why?

You said "polite". How do they talk to each other? (Call each other by name and patronymic, always say polite words.)

What polite words do you know? (Hello, thank you, sorry, goodbye, please...)

Do you want to work in a kindergarten? Will we open a kindergarten? (Yes)

We are now just like adults - your mothers and fathers. It’s as if morning has come, you woke up, got dressed... Now let’s wash ourselves, drink milk and go to work.

Wash room . It contains pictures of vegetable growers, vegetable storage, livestock breeders, a dairy plant, and a driver.

In order for children to have a good time in kindergarten, what professions will help us? (Vegetable growers, livestock breeders, driver...).

How will milk appear in kindergarten? (The milkmaids will milk the cows, then they will send the milk to the factory, and the driver will bring it from the factory to the kindergarten.)

How does the driver know that the milkmaids have already milked the cows and it’s time to transport the milk from the farm to the dairy so that it doesn’t go sour? (Livestock farmers will inform him by phone).

How will they talk? (Politely) What will they say? (“Hello, Nikolai Petrovich, please take the milk to the factory”)

Or you could say: “Hey, it’s time to take the milk to the factory!” (No)

And in kindergarten, when the teacher meets the children, how does she talk? (“Hello, Lenochka! I missed you, I was waiting for you” - affectionately, smiling, tenderly...)

Why do you have to talk like that, and not say it rudely, dissatisfiedly? (Not nice, not beautiful. So that parents don’t worry. Etc.)

I see that you will all be polite and hardworking employees.

Afternoon snack. Children drink milk while standing.

The teacher acts out a scene in front of the children:

Parents called, worried, asking when we will open the kindergarten. They have to go to work, but there is no one to leave their children with...

Call again!

"Hello! The head of the kindergarten “House of Joy” is listening to you.

Yes, we are opening. You can come at 8 o'clock.

Are you having a girl or a boy? What is her name? Very beautiful name.

Come, they will be waiting for you.


The cooks are the first to come to work. Listen to the menu: carrot salad; for the first - cabbage soup; for the second course - chicken puree; for the third - compote. Agree on who is cooking what and get to work.

Who feeds the children?

You have 8 children today. Don't forget to find out what's for lunch. (Start work.)

Who puts you to bed?

Today you have 6 children in the group. Please try to get everyone to sleep.

Teachers who will walk with children... Please do not leave children unattended in the area to avoid any trouble.

Who works in the laundry?

Clean laundry is on the shelf, dirty laundry is in the basin.

The children were located throughout the group space.

The teachers whose children have lunch build tables, chairs, washbasins, ask the cooks what is for lunch today, set the tables, receive lunch in the kitchen, distribute food, wash the children’s hands and feed them.

Teachers whose children sleep build beds, washbasins and chairs for dolls; take dirty bed linen to the laundry and get clean ones; make the beds; They wash the dolls’ hands, put them to sleep, removing only the dolls’ shoes, and put them to sleep.

Teachers whose children walk in the kindergarten area fence the area, build a veranda, sandbox, slide, carousel, plant trees and flowers, and lay a path to the veranda. Then they play with the children, watch insects or flowers in the area.

The cooks are preparing lunch, asking the driver to bring vegetables from a warehouse or state farm and milk from a factory; Provide ready-made lunches to teachers.

Vegetable growers build beds, warehouses, vegetable storage, and watering machines. They dredge the soil, loosen it, water it, sow seeds, grow crops, harvest them, and store them in warehouses in vegetable storage.

The laundry room is equipped with a washing machine, ironing machine or board, and dryer. They wash clothes by hand or by machine, iron them, give clean linen and towels to teachers, and accept dirty ones.

Livestock breeders build a barn, a well, a paddock in a clearing, graze cows, feed and water them, care for the cows, clean the barns, milk and deliver the milk to the factory.

At the dairy, milk is packaged into bags and butter, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, etc. are prepared from it.

The drivers are building a garage for several cars, a gas station, a car wash, and a repair shop; take care of their cars: wash them themselves or at a station, repair them, fill them with gasoline; transport products.

The teacher observes the role relationships between subgroups (put to bed - ask for linen in the laundry, say how much is needed; who feeds - find out the menu and get lunch from the cooks; vegetable growers and vegetable storage workers, livestock breeders and dairy workers - call a driver to deliver their products to kindergarten) and inside them.

Possible comments from the teacher during the game:

It’s high time for the cows to go to the barn, but they are still walking in the meadow...

Vegetable growers, take your time, let the harvest ripen.

Drivers with dirty cars do not leave the garage.

Are there enough milk bags at the dairy or not?

V - l: “The working day is coming to an end: on a walk the children finish playing; you begin to slowly wake up the children; lunch is also over; We’re putting things in order at the workplace...” The teacher takes the dolls from the children: “The children return from their walk, rosy-cheeked and cheerful... The children in the middle group have already woken up! You've already eaten!

I invite everyone to the meeting!” (To the bedroom.)

Reflection and self-analysis.

V: “Did you like playing? Are you satisfied? And the parents are happy. They called and asked to say “thank you” to the cooks - they cook very tasty food.

- Who worked as a cook today?(Stand up.)

What have you prepared? How did you manage to prepare so much? (Agreed.) What were you like today and why?

Did they bring you milk today? Next time I’ll definitely have to cook something out of it.

- Who fed the children?

Mommy called alone - she was worried: did the children have time to eat or not? So what kind of educators were you? How did you know what you would feed your children?

How did you ask?

- Who took the children for a walk?

What kind of teachers were you: strict or kind?

- Who put you to bed?

Were there enough towels and sheets for all the children or did they have to go to the laundry? (Go.) As you asked? Politely. We said …

- Who worked in the laundry?

Did your teaching assistants come to you to get towels? How did they talk to you? How did you ask? How did you answer them? Hello. Take it please.

- Vegetable growers.

What they were doing? So what were you like? (Hardworking.) Who helped preserve the harvest? (Vegetable storage workers). Who else? Chauffeur. He brought the harvest. How did he know that it was time to take away the harvest? (We called him and told him.)

- Chauffeur.

Have vegetable growers called you? How did they talk to you? When you left, did you say “goodbye”? Did you manage to take the carrots to the kindergarten or did you just take them to the vegetable store?

- Dairy plant.

Did you send a lot of milk to the kindergarten? How much did they ask? That's why the milk turned sour. Next time, be sure to call the kindergarten and ask how much milk they need.”

You can also open a store, since the dairy plant and vegetable growers have a lot of products, then send some to the kindergarten, and the rest to the store. The driver will want to have lunch - he will go to the store and buy himself milk, cheese or something else for lunch.

Q: “Are we going to open another kindergarten? Think: who do you want to be, what profession will you choose?

This concludes our meeting. We still need to get the group in order and go for a walk.”

At the “meeting,” self-analysis is carried out only in 2–3 units of players. With the rest - in free time from NOD.

Cleaning a group room begins with small details: food, vegetables, cutlery. Then the dishes; bed sheets. The last one is the builder.

Recently, parents are often concerned about the issue of early education for children. Didactic games and educational toys are in high esteem. A one-year-old baby is introduced to the alphabet, a three-year-old is encouraged to solve problems and add syllables. At the same time, parents do not teach their kids to play store, “mother-daughter,” or hospital. Role-playing games are often structured like an educational lesson, which discourages interest in them. All this leads to the impoverishment of the child’s personality.


Children tend to want to grow up quickly and take an active part in public life together with adults. Due to their age, they cannot yet bake cakes themselves, babysit babies, drive a car or fly into space. The contradiction is resolved through participation in children's role-playing games.

At their center is a fictional situation. The plots of the games are varied: a visit to a beauty salon, a flight to the moon, and Spider-Man saving the world. The child takes on the role of a specific character and acts on his behalf. Most often, kids turn into adults or favorite characters. In this case, the players have to negotiate with each other and act in accordance with their roles (mother and babies, villain and hero, doctor and patient).

Developmental factor

As we can see, the purpose of role-playing games, which children unconsciously pursue, is to model social relationships. By getting used to the role, children learn to regulate their behavior in accordance with the rules of society and coordinate actions with other players. They will need all this for further education at school. The child feels like an active person who can influence the surrounding reality.

At the same time, imagination develops rapidly. Children use a stick instead of a spoon, build a car out of chairs and create an exciting story themselves. The game allows you to go beyond everyday life and creatively process the experience gained. To do this, you have to use existing knowledge, solve problems that the characters have, verbally express your opinion, negotiate, and experience a rich palette of emotions. It is through such games that a preschooler’s comprehensive development occurs.

Role-playing games in preschool educational institutions

Today, parents are actively involved in the intellectual development of their children, devoting little time to analyzing relationships between people. Therefore, the games of modern children are often based on the plots of cartoons or computer games. They reproduce a simple set of actions (for example, a fight between ninja turtles or Winx fairies). The relationships between the acting characters are primitive. The life of adults in the game is represented by a small set of situations: “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, “Shop”, “Family”.

A kindergarten teacher can correct this situation. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, role-playing games should be given one of the leading places in the educational process. It is important to observe the following principles:

  • The teacher turns into an equal play partner.
  • He plays this role constantly, as the children grow up, complicating the plot, expanding their ideas about the world around them.
  • From the very beginning, it is necessary to orient children not only to the reproduction of actions, but also to the meaning of what is happening, the relationship between the characters.

Game Guide

It has already been proven that the ability to play does not arise spontaneously in a child. That is why the role of the teacher is so important when organizing role-playing games in kindergarten.

First of all, he must introduce the children to the surrounding reality. Playing cook will be much more interesting after an excursion to the kitchen; reading books about the North Pole can be a reason for playing polar explorers. Then the necessary attributes are prepared, often with the involvement of the children themselves.

When organizing a game in younger groups, the teacher takes the initiative. He thinks through the plot, distributes roles between the students, and himself turns into one of the key characters. However, if this happens every time, children's initiative and free creativity are extinguished.

Therefore, it is important to create conditions for the emergence of independent games. To facilitate this, the teacher after some time transfers his role to one of the students. Or he suggests a problematic situation, from which children must find a way out on their own.


In pedagogy, there are five types of role-playing games in preschool age. These include:

  1. Household games that reproduce family relationships (cooking dinner, child's birthday, bathing a doll).
  2. Social games related to people's professional activities (school, flying on an airplane, building a house).
  3. Patriotic games, when kids imagine themselves as war participants or brave astronauts.
  4. Games based on the plot of a fairy tale or cartoon.
  5. Director's games, when a child comes up with a story and plays several roles simultaneously with the help of toys.

Deciding on the scenario

The choice of plot largely depends on the inclinations and interests of the children. The teacher prepares for the game in advance; drawing up an outline will help him with this. Typically it has the following structure:

  • Selected topic, age of preschoolers.
  • Goals and tasks that will be solved during the game.
  • Required attributes.
  • Roles and actions associated with them. For example, visitors to a cafe place orders, have lunch, chat, and pay before leaving. The administrator meets and seats them and manages the staff. The waiter takes orders, passes them to the kitchen, delivers food and collects money. The cooks prepare the dishes and hand them over to the waiter.
  • Possible dialogues between characters. It is important that children learn to speak politely and behave civilly in public places.
  • Approximate plan of a role-playing game. It should be interesting to children and allow for changes. So, in a cafe you can organize a play area for visitors with children and invite musicians.


The doctor needs tools and a white coat, the cook needs dishes, the driver needs a car. A properly organized group environment contributes to the development of children's play. The teacher should stock up on attributes for role-playing games:

  • Ready-made kits for doctors, cashiers, mechanics, etc.
  • Waste material: broken cutlery, food boxes and jars, medicine bottles, bottles of creams, masks, shampoos. All this will be useful for playing house, pharmacy, store, and beauty salon.
  • Homemade items. A microwave oven from boxes, cakes from foam sponges, fishing rods from twigs... Older preschoolers can make such attributes for role-playing games with their own hands.
  • Costumes of sellers, police officers, hairdressers and sailors. You can make them from old shirts or cut out capes from lining fabric. The identity of the costume will be finally clarified by the corresponding inscription or symbolic image of the profession.
  • Masks, real and homemade, crowns, hats, scarves.

The younger the children, the more attributes they need to play. Older preschoolers are able to express their imagination and find substitute objects.

Nursery group

Young children are just learning to manipulate toys. Organizing a role-playing game is not yet possible, since children do not know how to interact with each other. During the first half of the year, the teacher teaches them to perform simple play actions: rock a doll, roll a car, feed a bear. In this case, substitute objects are actively used: a block instead of an iron, pieces of paper instead of porridge. The games involve the participation of one child or a group of children, each of whom performs the same action.

From the second half of the year, the teacher teaches how to build chains of two or three situations: the doll must be fed, and then rocked to sleep and put to bed. First, he plays out the plot himself in front of the children. Then, after feeding the doll, he asks one of the kids to rock it to sleep, and the other to take it to bed and cover it with a blanket. All actions should be well known to the children from their own experience.

Junior group

From about 2.5 years old, the beginnings of role-playing games appear. The baby's goal is to reproduce the actions of a certain character (mother, doctor). However, he does not yet indicate his role verbally. At this stage, the teacher’s focused work is important.

The children's attention, out of habit, is focused on objects: they enthusiastically bandage the patient's hand and place a thermometer. The adult must reorient them to interact with their play partner. For this purpose, a minimum of toys is used so that they do not distract attention. To get used to the desired role, special costumes and masks are widely used. The adult initially becomes the child's partner, encourages him to enter into dialogue, and then gives way to another child.

By the age of four, children already consciously take on one role or another, build simple dialogues with peers, and perform actions specific to their character. The plots of the games are taken from the life experiences of children: traveling by car, going to visit a doctor, buying groceries in a store.

Middle group

At the age of 4-5 years, children master role-playing games with several characters and learn to navigate the relationships between them. It is advisable that the plot involves the presence of one main character (for example, a veterinarian) and 2-3 secondary ones (a nurse, animal owners, a pharmacist selling prescribed medications).

It's great if there are more characters than children. Then, as the game progresses, they will have to change their behavior, portraying either a sailor or a diver. At the end, you can enter another role similar to the main one. So, if a trip on a ship is being played out, you can organize a meeting with a passing ship. Captains will tell each other about their adventures, and children will gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between different roles.

The favorite games of this age are “Hospital” and “Shop”. However, the teacher must expand the children’s experience, introduce them to new situations: an ambulance, a visit to the zoo, a city tour, a visit to the theater. The plot is not thought out by the teacher in advance, but develops according to the laws of improvisation.

Role-playing game in older groups

According to the norms, five-year-old children must initiate games on various topics. Moreover, the plots are taken both from one’s own experience and from books and films. Preschoolers turn into pirates, conquer Mars, and go on a trip around the world. They get used to the role deeply and experience the same emotions as their characters. Before the game, they independently agree on the plot and assign roles. In this case, the teacher must turn into an interested observer.

However, today's children find it difficult to rise to this level of play. They often reproduce the same familiar patterns borrowed from television programs. Role-playing games in older groups are divorced from reality and contain a lot of aggression. And here the systematic work of the teacher is required to enrich the children's experience.

Let's act wisely

If the games of older preschoolers are poor in content, there are two reasons: undeveloped imagination and lack of knowledge. Therefore, the teacher needs to expand children’s ideas about the world around them through reading books, watching cartoons, excursions, and meetings with representatives of different professions.

In order for children to quickly get involved in a new role-playing game, a group is prepared together with them, models of a ship, house, and rocket are created. It is important to set the tone from the very beginning, to offer children an interesting game situation. It is better to give key roles to children with a rich imagination. During games, the teacher should not name the real names of the children; all instructions and comments are made taking into account the chosen plot. He himself soon leaves the game, interfering in two cases:

  • When a conflict arises.
  • When interest in the game wanes. In this case, you can offer an unexpected plot twist (a huge octopus attacked the ship) or introduce a new character (Baba Yaga comes to the hairdresser).

The task of adults is to prevent role-playing games from disappearing from the lives of children. After all, it is through it that the child’s socialization occurs, imagination develops, and the ability to regulate one’s behavior in accordance with the role played.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Kindergarten"

for older group

Compiled by: teacher Rezaeva I.A.

Target: Contribute to enriching children's gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. Promote joint play between children and parents at home.


1.Give basic knowledge about the work of kindergarten employees.

2. Teach children to invent and depict various actions in a game situation.

3.Develop a sense of community and interest during the game.

4.Expand children's knowledge.

5. Cultivate friendly relations and respect for the work of adults.

Previous work. Daily routine moments in kindergarten, didactic games with a doll. Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier.

Game material: dolls, toy dishes, furniture, substitute items, nurse's kit (thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, vitamins).

Game roles: cook, nurse, teacher, music worker.

Progress of the game:

Look how many groups there are in our kindergarten, there are a lot of children in them. Who makes sure that children have a good and fun life in the home? (children's answers).

After the excursion, the teacher offers to play in the kindergarten.

First, the teacher himself demonstrates actions with objects.

For example, playing the role of a nurse, the teacher prepares the necessary items: a thermometer, a syringe, cotton wool, vitamins, while using substitute items. After this, he invites one of the children to show what work the nurse does (does vaccinations, massages, takes temperatures...) so the teacher can play several roles.

Children distribute roles among themselves.

Alina: I will be a musician, I will teach dolls to sing songs and dance.

Educator: Who will Vika work as?

Vika: I'll be a nurse! (chooses attributes for himself).

Children begin actions with dolls, each performing their own role. The teacher tells the children that after class it’s time for the dolls to get ready for a walk, and for the doll Ole to go to the nurse for a massage, etc.

Throughout the game, the teacher reminds about the routine moments of kindergarten and helps to combine individual actions into a single storyline.

Game result:

Guys, what game did we play?

What professions of people working in kindergartens do you know?

Who were you today?

You now know that all work is very important.

Did you enjoy playing?

Let's switch roles and play again.