Local food market. City food market and its inspiration. How does the Local Food Market work?

At the end of June, the cozy courtyard of the Museum of Moscow will once again turn into a place of capital gastronomic pilgrimage - on June 25 and 26, the second Local Food Market of the season, one of the most beloved street festivals of Muscovites, will take place here. This Market will be the 25th anniversary.

The 2016 season is held under the motto “Local Food Market. Reboot”, and this means that a lot of new things await both guests and participants. All news from the Museum of Moscow and the Local Food project - the organizers of the Market - will be shared on their official pages on social networks.

This summer, each Local Food Market will be dedicated to one of the gastronomic trends. In May it was Coffee: a large open-air coffee shop opened in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow. The theme of the June Market will be Bread. In a specially equipped area, both well-known bakeries and small family projects will be located nearby. The Local Food lecture hall will host lectures on bread production, purchasing raw materials, proper baking, and Market guests will also be able to hear a story about how to open your own bakery in Moscow and make it a successful project.

Traditionally, about 30 gastronomic projects become participants in the Local Food Market, including both established professionals in the street food industry and those who just want to try their hand at opening their own cafes. Along with the already regular and well-deserved participants of the Market, Local Food is always looking for new names and gives them a way into life. And there will be especially many such projects in the Reboot season!

For the first time this year, the Local Food Market and the Museum of Moscow, which all these years have been striving to show the most innovative city services designed to make the lives of citizens more comfortable, will offer guests several new projects: pre-ordering dishes through a mobile application, successfully tested at the May Market, ordering food at home and payment by bank cards.

Young Moscow musicians, like many Market participants who are just beginning their creative journey, will perform on stage.

If three years ago the festival was conceived as a platform that would give every potential restaurateur a try, then in the new season it was decided to shift the emphasis a little and focus on the food itself. For the first time, chefs and restaurant representatives will be invited to participate in the Local Food Market. The only condition will be that they will have to create a new product specifically for the Market that matches the spirit of street food!

Special offers and gifts await guests from the Museum of Moscow, which celebrates its 120th anniversary in 2016. Thematic master classes will be held by the Children's Center, and on Sunday there will be free admission to all Museum exhibitions.

  • Dates: June 25-26, 2016
  • Time: from 11 to 21 hours
  • Organizers: Local Food, Museum of Moscow
  • Venue: summer area of ​​the Museum of Moscow

Market History Local Food

Five years ago The First City Food Market took place in Moscow.
30 gastro enthusiasts presented their culinary concept, which was previously unknown to the general public. Burgers and fresh juices, pies with unusual fillings and hummus, signature coffee and quesadillas, arancini and homemade ice cream gathered in one place in the center of Moscow in the format of a new generation of street food. But the most important thing is that there was not a single professional chef behind the counters! Financiers and lawyers, IT specialists and managers, actresses and designers stood behind the counters to feed people.

No one but us believed in this idea. A week before the opening, friends who were restaurateurs called us and said that nothing would work out. We hung up and continued moving forward. And the next morning after the Market, everyone woke up famous: street food has become a new gastronomic trend in Moscow.

2018 will be the year for the Market Local food is celebrating its anniversary year - this year the Market will be 5 years old.

The new season awaits you all the best that we have achieved over the years.
The Local Food Market will traditionally become a platform for testing new gastro projects, but nevertheless, we will pay even more attention to the food itself, making our Market unique in its composition of participants.

Last year For the first time, we invited professional chefs to the Local Food Market, who spent the season together with gastroenthusiasts, and the experience gained by both parties became very useful. This year we will continue this practice, adding to it a search for specific gastro concepts, focusing on the requests of guests of the Local Food Market. A bright season awaits us, join us!


The Local Food Market was created so that everyone could try their hand and test business ideas. Gastro enthusiasts coexist with chefs and restaurants making a unique special product in the street food format. The difference between our Market is the talkativeness of the participants. You can easily find out all the information about both the project and the product. Be sure to ask questions and be interested.


The main goal of the Local Food Market was and remains to test products and business ideas so that everyone can try their hand at it. It is precisely as a test that we ask participants to approach this event. But the even more important mission of Local Food is to provide as many cool places in the city as possible with delicious and wonderful food. And we can solve this problem together, combining the experience and professionalism of “veterans” of the restaurant business, and the enthusiasm and fresh perspective of the young.


Each Local Food Market has a “Grocery” section, where local producers of products that you can buy with you gather. We dream of opening our own real market and are gradually developing the direction of local producers.

The city food market - an event of the Local Food project and the Estrorama design studio - burst into Moscow life with the first warmth of spring. In the summer, markets were held in Gorky Park and Strelka. In September - on Sokol and, lastly, on Patriarch's. Every time the market is like a holiday: music, un-Moscow smiling people, communal tables where complete strangers communicate and a lot of interesting, unusual street food for our city: falafel and proper shawarma, spicy curry or vegetarian burgers. The market is attended by aspiring restaurateurs and simply pleasant people who wanted to, and even created their own small pop-up cafe or produced unusual and, as a rule, tasty products.

The heat is leaving, but the City Food Market is staying with us. All thanks to the incredible energy of the founder of the “Local Food” community and the engine of the City Market, Anastasia Kolesnikova. Active people like Nastya invariably inspire our admiration, so we couldn’t resist asking Anastasia Kolesnikova a few questions.

How did you come up with the idea to create the Local Food community?

After the closure of the Mesto store, which we did together with my good friend Sasha Goncharenko, I thought it would be cool if the city had a site of 50-100 m2, where various local projects could move in for a month and test their creative and business ideas. I thought such a project turned out to be expensive for me personally, and it was unlikely that sponsors would be found, and I decided to remake the idea by making a festival. This concept fit perfectly with the increasingly popular topic of food and gastronomy. I opened the “Local Food” page and began to tell you how to start your own business, what projects there are abroad, and what we have. This is how Local Food was born.

What is the idea behind Local Food?

Local Food is an association, trade union or producer organization that supports and develops local gastronomic projects: from meetings for those who dream of opening their own cafes and independent producers of local products to a whole program of consulting and starting their own business.

How do you find and rally budding restaurateurs around you?

We constantly launch different projects that help them express themselves, try their hand at it or advance. This is the City Food Market, Local Food Box, educational program. At first we looked for projects ourselves, now they find us, and we create a convenient platform for their development.

The market at the Patriarch's made quite an impression. How much time and effort was spent from the moment the idea was formulated to its implementation?

2 months ago we made a proposal to the Moscow Department of Culture, and it took about a month for approvals and confirmations from departments and institutions. Technical organization and PR took about a month.

What makes you personally move the project forward, live it?

I believe that only our own local production will allow us to grow and develop the economy and ultimately make our country independent of exports and loans. This is why I want the city to have more independent personal projects, more responsible and active citizens.

What food is missing in Moscow?

There's definitely not enough street food. There is a lack of family cafes and stability as a phenomenon in general. I would like to go to a cafe that is run by more than one generation of Muscovites.

What do you want to achieve/achieve in the near future?

Open a Local Food residency (we'll do it at the end of October), open a street food cluster with the Department of Trade and build an alternative independent catering and local food industry.

Photos used from the community

On June 25-26, in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow (guess which city:) the 25th anniversary Local Food Market was held. The small space in the museum's courtyard was divided into two zones - in one they prepared food and sold it, and in the other they only sold it (the part is called groceries). There are wooden tables and benches around, and in the center there is a stage on which lectures on food entrepreneurship are alternately given, and young talents perform. The tents were filled with bread soups, mini muffins, taco burritos, lemonades, yogurts and even steaks, to name a few.

For Krasnodar, this is something between and any where food is prepared on the street by restaurants. In philosophy it is closer to the first, in appearance - to the second.

We talked about the concept of the Local Food Market and its implementation with the ideologist and creator of the project Nastya Kolesnikova.

Anastasia Kolesnikova. 32 years old. She moved to Moscow from Orenburg, studied at the Moscow University of Transport and Communications on “Transportation Process Management and Logistics”.

I'm not talking about food at all. My topic is entrepreneurship. My goal is for more people to open businesses. It just so happens that food is in fashion and you can see results faster than in any other area. If I had the opportunity to make people feel like designers, travel agency owners or bankers, I would do it. But the mechanism for launching these areas is still longer than that of catering.

Local food is a business for me. The project gives me the opportunity not to work for someone else, and I don’t have a rich dad or husband who could pay me for such hobbies.

It all started with failure. In 2008, I opened a local designer clothing store with a cafe in Kitay-Gorod. After a year and a half, the store had to be closed because I simply did not know how to run such a business. Then I thought it would be cool if people had the opportunity to test their ideas without investing a lot of money in them at once.

A clothing designer needs six months to a year, to understand whether his creations were successful with buyers or not. With food, everything is simpler - either you take it or you don’t take it. This is how the idea of ​​Local Food came about - to tell non-professionals about what the entire gastronomic sphere consists of. Then the idea of ​​the Market came - a place where everyone can open their own restaurant for a couple of days.

Imagine this situation: a person wants to open a cafe, but does not know how to proceed. He needs to test his strength without making large investments.

About 70% of Market participants do not have their own establishment.

Now there are all kinds of markets there’s just a lot, and when we started in 2013, everyone told us that no one needed it at all. And now they are trying to put a food court at any event, be it yoga or a music festival.

Food truck festival we launched in April last year. To be honest, they have been breaking in on us for a long time - the attendance here is good. But when someone is standing in a beautiful trailer, people like it more, and it turns out that shopping at a wooden kiosk is no longer so fun. The food truck festival is more of a tribute to fashion, because most of the trailers were bought by restaurants, hired people work there, and their eyes don’t sparkle as much as the guys here at the Food Market.

Burger brothers Burger heroes , "Dagestan shop" , Crabs are coming , The Hummus , "We eat standing"– these are all establishments that grew out of the Local Food Market.

1/3 participants This is the core that is here throughout the entire season, 1/3 are those who compete, and the remaining third are exclusively new players. We cannot afford to release only newcomers to the Market. Firstly, there are not many good ones, and secondly, they do not always cope with the flow of visitors. If newcomers cannot cope with the queues, you need a rear of veterans who will always quickly feed a large number of people.

Most visited Market of the year– first (April-May). This year 16 thousand people came to it. As soon as the heat sets in and summer begins, attendance drops. In June, in two days this is 6-7 thousand people.

The main mission of Restaurant Day- the event closest in format to our Market - was to attract the attention of officials to the fact that many people want to open their own place, but because of the bureaucracy it is difficult. In Helsinki it worked; the authorities began to work with such activists. In Moscow and Russia this could not be realized, because both the participants and the organizers took the simple path. Join clusters that began to take money for organization (electricity, etc.), and the participants agreed. This doesn't solve the problem. Opening a cafe wherever you want is just as difficult as it was before. In Helsinki this issue was resolved, the system changed. But here everyone is hiding in the parks because they are afraid of being prosecuted for unauthorized trading.

The market is a classic food incubator. Then everything depends on how the participants will use their capabilities. Burger brothers participated for a season, and then opened their own cafe, where people came right away - they didn’t have to think about how to attract visitors.

At the same time, for example, “Big Greek Falafel” does not have a cafe, but they make great money during the season at all festivals. Someone is working on a technology that was invented but not finalized.

We also have an online school, personal consultations, and in the near future we will launch a Local Food pop-up. We have found several owners of premises who are willing to rent them out on a temporary lease basis for a minimum fee or a percentage of turnover. Moscow is now full of free rentals.

The Local Food Market does not and never has had sponsors. The atmosphere is important here, no branding or promoters. At the same time, the food truck festival now has a sponsor - Heinz. Unlike the Market, where everything is only about local independent projects. Food trucks are still a catering format in which we are talking specifically about food from wheels, street food and affordable. Therefore, our sponsor partner fit in perfectly, supporting the idea of ​​street food itself as a very important gastronomic component for a metropolis like Moscow.

The prices are set by the establishments themselves. But from the next Market, we will put a price icon and its order on each stall, so that the participants themselves begin to think about which category they want to get into. The average price on the Market is 250 rubles. For some things this is too much.

In the future we want to open a permanent year-round Market under a roof and launch a pop-up theme. In this format it is easier to take on the role of a restaurateur. It’s one thing to come here and sell 300–400 portions in a couple of days, but in real life you got up and sold 25 portions on Monday, and 50 on Tuesday.

Such projects greatly invigorate the market. Go to Novikov’s Farsh and you will understand where the roots come from. He opened it a year ago after visiting several markets and other events.

On May 14-15, the world’s favorite event for Moscow gastroenthusiasts will take place in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow. We found out what unique dishes await guests of the event.

From the "Local Food" market Muscovites usually wait for new trends, which subsequently, as a rule, go beyond the market and turn into independent projects. This season the event will be “Rebooted” - that’s what the organizers called it. If previously participation in markets couldaccept only gastro start-ups, now professional chefs and market old-timers who have already opened their own small cafes will stand on the same platform with newcomers. The main condition for participation in the market of well-deserved projects was the creation of a special festival menu.

The second new product is “One market - one trend”. This time there will be an open-air coffee shop on site, where representatives of the most interesting coffee projects in Moscow will not only brew their signature coffee for you, but will also talk about it in lectures.

What gastronomic discoveries is the “Local Food” market preparing for us? In our opinion, here's why you should go to this event:

Babaganush in pita with vegetable salad - A Middle Eastern dish made from roasted eggplants. "We have a Middle Eastern project, even, rather, an Israeli one. We decided to use traditional Israeli flavors and put them together into great sandwiches. We made babaganoush and put it as a filling in pita, using amba sauce (mango, chili, curry and mustard) - super popular in Israel. We also use za'atar spice blend, popular in the Middle East. For me, all these tastes are completely obvious: I often visit Tel Aviv,” Danya Goldman, one of the founders of the Mitzva project, told us.

Rainbow trout baked in a cedar leaf. Nothing extra, just fish and the dizzying aroma of cedar wood! " The idea is that the food undergoes thermal treatment in a 100% natural and organic shell made from veneers of various types of wood,” commented the mastermind and founder of GrillRoll, Sergei Sokolov, on this method of cooking.

Flatbread & Flammkuchen will present pizza originally from Alsace - Flammkuchen. Sour cream sauce, red onion and smoked brisket - the tastes of France and Germany are full of surprises. Comments Sofia Karachentseva, founder of the project: “Once upon a time, I tried flammkuchen in a cozy family restaurant in a remote Bavarian village. This simple food turned out to be surprisingly tasty. And I began to study the issue. I found out that in Bavaria, as well as throughout Germany, flammkuchen is very they love it. But they invented it in Alsace, a region of France with a distinctive gastronomic tradition. I cooked it at home for a while, and then I became inspired by the romance of food markets and decided to try my hand at it!”

Special burger with marshmallows and bacon, mustard sauce and pickled onions from graduates of the market - The Burger Brothers project. “We are like those school graduates who graduated a long time ago, but continue to go to the class meeting once a year. It is very interesting for us to take part in the market with such, like, old-timers. But on the other hand, we are going to the market with a new product, so We can say that we will perform on an equal footing with everyone. We will do it for the market. We will test the new product and collect feedback!”

Stewed ribs with potatoes, vegetables and sauce from Ribs&Tips make up a complete set for one price. You can choose any of two types of ribs: pork “Spicy Boar” and lamb “Ram Boris”. The ribs are marinated the night before cooking, after which they simmer in a cast iron cauldron for several hours. The secret of preparation is not disclosed, but both versions of ribs literally drive you crazy with their aroma and tenderness of meat.

Of course, this is not a complete list of whatIt will be possible to taste it at the "Local Food" market. Guests will also be treated to Dagestan khinkal, Greek souvlaki, pita with hummus and falafel, panini with mozzarella, fish baked in special wood, miracle with herbs or pumpkin.Those with a sweet tooth will be able to treat themselves to natural ice cream, exclusive eclairs, carrot and nut cake or this season's new product - cheese pie on rye dough with kvass syrup and hazelnuts.