Pregnant for 2 months. Second month of pregnancy, fetal development and maternal sensations. Changes in the body of the expectant mother

Not every woman finds out that she is carrying a child in the first month of pregnancy. However, already at the second stage, characteristic signs appear by which the expectant mother determines her position without even doing a special test. This includes the absence of menstruation, morning sickness, weakness and drowsiness. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that they all “fall” on a woman at once - one or several may appear. But additional signs will immediately convince you that the woman is “in pregnancy.”

What changes occur in the body

The following signs are typical for the second month of pregnancy:

  • Absence of menstruation for more than 2 weeks. In this case, it is possible to say with a high probability that pregnancy has occurred.
  • Toxicosis. Every morning there is nausea (sometimes even with vomiting), which can last the whole day. Especially when you consider that a woman’s sense of smell is heightened and some smells simply irritate her.
  • Weakness and drowsiness also often accompany a pregnant woman in her second month. The body gets tired quickly, requires more rest, and after a hearty lunch you really want to sleep.

During this month, a woman’s gastronomic preferences also change. Those foods that she loved very much before pregnancy begin to make her only vomit. Even the mention of them makes me feel sick. But she is attracted to those that she could not even put in her mouth before.

Starting from 2 months, a woman is “craving for salty foods.” She can also combine foods that are normally incompatible without causing any harm to her body. So, for example, she easily eats a pickled cucumber and washes it down with milk, and combines meat products with dairy products.

The above listed signs may indicate that new, not very pleasant changes or diseases have appeared in the body. But even if not all the symptoms appear immediately, pregnancy is still the first to be ruled out as the most likely diagnosis.

For a woman, the second month is accompanied by external changes: facial features change slightly (they soften a little), and the body.

At this stage of pregnancy, a belly appears, volumes are added to the waist and chest, which makes old clothes begin to “squeeze” a little. Soon all your clothes will be small and you will have to buy new ones in larger sizes.

In the second month, the breasts swell under the influence of female hormones, and the areolas darken. The volume of blood that circulates in the body increases, causing veins to appear under the skin of the mammary gland.

In the 2nd month of pregnancy, veins appear on both the abdomen and chest. Purple-red lines appear on the thighs.

Varicose veins are quite typical for pregnancy and are not a disease - after childbirth they almost immediately return to normal. The legs and external genitalia are mainly affected. The reasons for this phenomenon are that the volume of blood circulating in the body has increased, and also that the muscle layer in the veins relaxes under the influence of hormones. At the same time, a feeling of heaviness and pain occurs in the legs. The veins themselves are thickened and dilated.

You can avoid varicose veins during pregnancy if:

  • monitor your weight and do not gain more than it should;
  • frequently change position from sitting to standing;
  • “lift” your legs above the level of the pelvis;
  • lie on your side with a pillow under your feet (you can press it between your knees);
  • wear special tights.

During pregnancy, starting from the second month, due to a hormonal surge, hair may fall out and nails may break. Subtle segmental spots appear on the skin.

The second month is quite normal if a woman has a higher body temperature - 37-37.5 degrees. Basal temperature increases due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone.

However, if the temperature at other stages of pregnancy is within such limits, then you should definitely consult a doctor - perhaps there is some kind of infection in the body.

In the second month, a woman’s body not only changes in appearance. Changes also occur inside the body. And since the body in this 2nd month of pregnancy is just beginning to adapt to its new state, the sensations are not pleasant.

Signs by which pregnancy can be determined:

  • frequent urination. The second month of pregnancy is characterized by an enlargement of the uterus, which causes pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system. This process causes the feeling that you want to go to the toilet “little by little”;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen. At the beginning of pregnancy (approximately the second month), a woman begins to feel tightness in her lower abdomen, as during menstruation;
  • breast tenderness. From approximately the second month, the breasts begin to develop (increase in volume, swell) so that by the time the baby is born, milk begins to be produced;
  • increased perception of odors;
  • heartburn, gas, indigestion, constipation. If your period continues, then you are unlikely to be pregnant;
  • pain in the abdomen and lower back. The main reason is that in the second month the uterus grows and the vertebral discs of the lower back are relaxed;
  • frequent headaches are quite typical for this month of pregnancy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness and fainting in the second month should not be scary. You should contact us if everything does not stop by the 5th month of pregnancy.

During this month of pregnancy, a woman’s uterus begins to enlarge and stretch, and many sensations are associated with this process. In order to alleviate your condition a little, you need more rest and change your position more often. And, of course, in the second month you need to walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

Emotional changes in the body

In addition to external changes, the second month is characterized by not only physical, but also emotional changes.

During this month, a woman becomes emotionally unbalanced. She begins to notice mood swings and emotions that were unusual for her before pregnancy. She can react to the same situation in different ways: now she laughs, and the next second she cries. Even the most balanced women who do not show their emotions during pregnancy cannot restrain themselves and show everything they feel. And they express to others everything they think, without holding back or hiding anything.

During this month, a woman is especially vulnerable emotionally. People around her (including her husband) often suffer from it. In the second month, emotions such as incontinence and irritability, fear and anxiety, joy and tearfulness, and emotional upsurge increasingly appear. She is also characterized by some capriciousness.

When a woman is in her 2nd month, she demands attention, affection and love. Any emotional stress can greatly harm the baby's health, even miscarriage can occur.

The second month after conception is one of the most important and crucial stages of pregnancy. During this period, the formation of the placenta comes to an end, and the active development of the fetus occurs. Any negative factors affecting the female body can lead to dangerous consequences. The worst of them is spontaneous pregnancy loss.

In the middle of 2 months, namely in the 7th week, the activity of the corpus luteum stops, and the placenta should begin to perform its functions. If it is formed with disturbances due to a previous cold, inflammatory disease of the genital organs, or past miscarriages or abortions, then there is a risk that the pregnancy will be terminated. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman expecting a baby to know what to do during the 2nd month of pregnancy.

At 2 months of pregnancy, a woman usually knows about her interesting situation: nausea in the morning, frequent dizziness, the desire to eat salty or sour foods eloquently confirm this fact. There are changes in the hormonal balance of the body, as well as an enlargement of the uterus. The woman gets tired very quickly and is constantly sleepy.

The need for frequent urination forces a pregnant woman to visit the toilet many times a day. This is explained by the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to compress the bladder. At the 2nd month its size is approximately the size of a small orange. Since it is located in the area of ​​the pubic bone, the enlargement of the abdomen at this time is almost invisible. However, given that the expectant mother’s taste preferences and hormonal background have changed, very often the intestines may become swollen. This is what causes an enlarged belly, and not pregnancy, as some women mistakenly believe.

In addition to nausea, which is becoming a common occurrence for many women, expectant mothers may experience heartburn, vomiting, constipation, and excessive salivation. For some, their appetite increases greatly, while for others, on the contrary, it is completely absent. Some women do not show any signs of pregnancy during this period. And this is also considered normal, because all women have different bodies that react differently to what happens to mother and baby in the 2nd month of pregnancy.

Fetal development

Very serious transformations occur in the 2nd month of pregnancy. It is during this period that the formation of almost all of its systems and organs is formed. In the fifth week, the formation of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, pancreas and liver occurs. At the sixth week, the head end of the neural tube closes.

Cartilage begins to appear, forming the jaws, nose, and eyes. The seventh week is considered the time of brain development. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is approximately 2.5-3.5 cm. Individual features begin to appear on the face of the unborn baby.

Is it worth changing your usual way of life?

The first thing every woman needs to know during the 2nd month of pregnancy is that during this period she needs to protect herself from all kinds of stress, and also not communicate with infectious patients. It is also very important at this time to eat a healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids - up to 2.5 liters per day. It is useful at this time to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and also drink a large amount of natural juices.

Fish, meat, products with cereals, and cottage cheese have a beneficial effect on the female body. However, you shouldn't overeat. Excess weight in an expectant mother will not bring any benefit to the baby. If a woman does not complain about anything, and the gynecologist has not found any pathologies, normal sexual activity is not contraindicated for her. However, it is worth eliminating the risk of contracting any sexually transmitted infection, because it can be detrimental to the unborn child.

Housework should be moderate. It is necessary to limit activities that require heavy lifting, and also, if possible, minimize contact with detergents. It is very important to follow a daily routine during the 2nd month of pregnancy. It is advisable to increase sleep at night by several hours, and also, if possible, allow yourself rest during the day. The lunch break should be spent not in stuffy rooms, but in the fresh air.

When should you see a doctor?

A pregnant woman should listen to her body. Any health problems should cause concern, namely:

  • Severe pain in the groin area. It is this that is considered the main sign of such a dangerous pathology as ectopic pregnancy.
  • The appearance of bloody or other suspicious vaginal discharge.
  • Having problems with urination.
  • Sudden rise in temperature.
  • Frequent and severe vomiting.

You should visit your gynecologist once every two weeks. However, if a woman has not been able to get pregnant for a long time or has previously had miscarriages, she needs to see a doctor more often. Those who have problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, as well as women suffering from diabetes need to especially monitor their health.

Your period didn't come on time, and now you're in a hurry to take a test. Two stripes convincingly say: you will have a child. It would seem that not even a couple of weeks have passed since you found out about this, and the second month of pregnancy has already arrived. Of course, you ask yourself many questions: what to expect, what to do, what to fear? And especially, what is happening to your body now? Let's try to answer some of these questions.

The 2nd month is from 5 to 9 weeks. Mid first trimester. One of the most important, but also the most dangerous phases of pregnancy.

How's the embryo doing?

Your baby is already big - the size of a small nut. At the beginning of the month - 1.2 mm, and at the end - 1.2 cm. This means that it can already be seen in the ultrasound photo.

During the entire second month, which is a whole 4 weeks, the fetus will grow legs and arms, although so far without fingers. But there are already processes, gradually lengthening, which will soon become fingers. Now the nose and mouth are emerging. And if at the beginning of the 2nd month they resemble spots in the photo, they will soon gain relief and become clearer.

The appearance of the foundation for all organs is “scheduled” for this month. For example, partitions and large vessels appear for the future heart. The simplest heart becomes four-chambered. Blood and lymph begin to form.

The foundation is also laid for the nervous system. Nerve pathways appear, the brain and spinal cord are formed. The head is about a third of the entire body. And so far her brain is smooth. But gradually convolutions will begin to appear on it.

Future bones and skeleton are also formed, the spleen, kidneys, liver and many other future organs are founded in this month.

So by the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the baby, who recently was just a couple of simple cells, will become a small living creature, a sketch of the future person.

How will you feel throughout the month?

But all the changes in the baby’s body will require a lot of energy, not only this month, but also subsequent ones. And throughout your pregnancy, strength will be taken from you. And your body itself is trying to adapt to all the changes. This process will not be very pleasant; it will be accompanied by extremely unpleasant sensations.

There is no need to warn you about toxicosis: you already know very well about it. He reminds of himself every day for more than one week of pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting are natural. But in 1-2 months this will pass.

Headaches and dizziness are also standard sensations during pregnancy. In addition, you may be worried about: constipation, heartburn, bloating, lack of appetite or excessive appetite, irritability, unstable mood.

Some signs are physiological, nothing can be done about them, they will go away on their own in 1-2 months. For example, dizziness. Most often it occurs due to lack of energy. Too much energy has gone into the fruit, and you have none left. Remember, now all the calories, all the carbohydrates, all the vitamins and minerals go to the uterus. Even at this early stage of pregnancy, you need to remember that there are now 2 of you.

But there are also psychological phenomena. For example, sudden panic or causeless anxiety. This is how your body reacts to stress. And the news of pregnancy is a lot of stress. Even if this news is already a month old. Even if the child is planned or the second. Now you have a great responsibility. But there is no need to worry - sit down and calm down. Take a deep breath and exhale. Everything is fine - it's only the second month.

What will happen to your body?

As mentioned earlier, the body is rebuilding, your body is adapting, the second month will bring a lot of changes. For example, nipples become heavier. A dark rim appeared around, and blood vessels became clearly visible. This is caused by hormones stimulating the functioning of the mammary glands.

Due to accelerated blood circulation, the veins began to stand out more strongly - this is normal. Blue lines on the body will remain for the entire duration of pregnancy. They appear this month and disappear immediately after childbirth, when the blood flow restores its normal pace.

There is practically no belly yet. In obese and overweight women, the changes are completely unnoticeable. But they may already begin to tell you that you have gained weight: your shape is becoming much rounder.

During this month, the uterus will grow greatly and become heavier. This means that the load on the spine and muscles will increase. Hence the pain in the lower back and stomach. Also, an enlarged uterus can put pressure on the stomach and abdominal cavity. Hence constipation and constant urination.

Although during the 2nd month of pregnancy there are no longer periods, there are various discharges from the genital tract. But they should not be accompanied by a strange smell. There should also be no pain.

What dangers await you?

Most often, child pathologies arise precisely at this stage of pregnancy, since it is now that the basis for the organs is being formed. Unfortunately, in the future, if a deviation suddenly occurs, it will be difficult to say what exactly caused it. But you can determine a bad month - most often the 2nd. Here are some possible dangers:

Any illness, even a common cold, can greatly affect a child. A simple example: because of a cold, you have become weaker, you lack strength. The child did not have enough energy to close the neural tube in time. The development of organs began, which should only form when the tube is completely closed, this prevented it from closing completely. As a consequence - underdevelopment of the nervous system in early pregnancy, underdevelopment of the brain in late pregnancy.

Another example: the second month is the time when the face is formed, in particular the oral cavity and lips. If everything does not go away on time, abnormalities such as a cleft palate or cleft lip may become apparent. Ordinary rubella can cause heart disease in a child.

The next danger is medications. Those drugs that seemed harmless to you before pregnancy can be extremely harmful when you are pregnant. The chemicals they contain have different effects on the fetus. But most of them enter the uterus along with your blood. Are you sure that you want to “feed” some kind of chemical to your unborn child with absolutely no immunity?

Is miscarriage and abortion possible?

Yes, a miscarriage can occur in the 2nd month of pregnancy. Moreover, it often occurs precisely at this time. The reasons may vary. From serious developmental defects incompatible with life to ordinary household trauma. To reduce the likelihood to a minimum, be attentive to your body and listen to its signals.

Abortion in the 2nd month is also possible. It is safe for a woman up to 12 weeks pregnant unless she is severely anemic, has haemophilia and does not have fibroids. Not every doctor will undertake to do this in the 2nd trimester, since it is difficult to predict exactly how the mother will undergo such an operation.

What about sex?

There are no direct contraindications for having an active sexual life. Simply put, if the desire to have sex appears, you can safely have it. The problem is that a woman rarely wants to during this month of pregnancy: general well-being and unpleasant sensations discourage any desire.

But it is absolutely safe for a child if there are no contraindications from the doctor. The main thing is not to disturb the uterus. Avoid sudden movements and strong shocks - and everything will be fine.

When should you visit a doctor?

The best time to go to a consultation is the middle of the 2nd month of pregnancy. That is approximately 6-7 weeks. Here you can confirm the timing of your pregnancy, fill out a card, and get some useful tips that you cannot get from the Internet.

You will also be sent for an examination of the glands, genitals, uterus, an ultrasound, where you can take the first photo of the baby, and they will take a urine and blood test. Here you will receive a referral for the first screening - it’s about time, it’s already the second month.

You will also be examined by a large number of doctors, for example, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a gastroenterologist and others. For what? During pregnancy, chronic diseases that did not bother you before may become apparent. But now they will be dangerous for the child, which means you need to find out about them in advance and prepare.

And if you suddenly feel any strange, unpleasant sensations or pain, go to the doctor as soon as possible.

How to live your life, what to eat?

During the 2nd month of pregnancy, do not push yourself too hard. Move a lot, but rest often. When lying down, raise your legs higher to relieve pressure. When sitting, do not cross your legs, try to straighten them. And it’s time to forget about heels - the load on the spine is already increasing by leaps and bounds. Exercise is, of course, good, but don’t overdo it. Remember, the best workout is walking. Even if it’s only the second month of pregnancy.

Find yourself some quiet hobby. Many mothers at this time keep a pregnancy diary, where they write down everything that happens to them and add photos. Such a diary remains for a long time, then it can be shown to children. The grown-up child will be glad to see himself as an embryo in the photo.

The best way to regain strength is to sleep. Therefore, try to devote as much time to sleep as possible. Don't sit until the middle of the night. Try to organize your schedule so that you can go to bed before 10 pm.

Nutrition is equally important. The second month is very difficult. You need a lot of strength, so eat for two. The best foods are vegetables and fruits. There are never too many of them. Consume more milk and dairy products. Don't forget the meat. But exclude fried and fatty foods from your diet. And get ready, during the 2-3 months of pregnancy, salty and spicy foods are still possible, but starting from the 2nd trimester, you will have to exclude them. So the sooner the better.

Drink plenty of water: approximately 2 liters per day. Plain water is much better than juice or tea. You can add a slice of lemon for taste. Coffee, carbonated drinks, fast food, alcohol and experimental foods are best left until the end of pregnancy. Take care of your baby: he eats with you all month long and beyond.

The second month of pregnancy is one of the most important, most responsible periods. Now the formation of the placenta is ending, and the fetus is actively developing, so the impact of the most insignificant negative factors can threaten irreparable consequences: spontaneous termination or fading of pregnancy. In this regard, the middle of the 2nd month of pregnancy, or more precisely the 7th week, is considered the most dangerous - it is at this time that the activity of the corpus luteum gradually fades and the placenta must take over all its functions. If the formation of the placenta for some reason was disrupted (inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, a previous cold or flu, abortions or miscarriages in the past), then the risk of miscarriage increases significantly. And, despite the fact that a pregnant woman is usually registered only from the 12th week, it is better to inform the doctor about the presence of even one such risk in advance.

A pregnant woman should now work less and rest more, breathe fresh air more often, avoid nervous shock and monitor her own diet. In the second month, a woman, as a rule, already knows about her new situation: menstruation stops, the breasts swell, pregnancy is determined by tests, and, if necessary, by the results of an ultrasound and hCG analysis. What happens in the second month of pregnancy, what sensations does a woman experience, what should she do and what should she be wary of? Let's take a closer look.

Signs of pregnancy in the second monthalmost always clearly declare themselves, even if the woman spent the first month “in complete ignorance.” The most obvious, almost unambiguous sign of pregnancy is a prolonged absence of menstruation. It can be considered almost 100% when it appears against the background of any other symptoms characteristic of this condition.

Exactly in the second month During pregnancy, a woman often encounters the “delights” of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting in the morning begin to appear regularly. A woman may feel nauseous throughout the day, especially considering that toxicosis is promoted by heightened olfactory sensations: a woman may react with disgust and vomiting to the smell of fried onions or a once-loved perfume. Taste preferences also undergo changes, signs of pregnancy in the second month manifest themselves as a “craving for salty foods,” and sometimes even a passion for completely incompatible foods, for example, pickled cucumbers, flavored with chocolate.

Gradually, signs of atypical phenomena for the usual “non-pregnant” condition may begin to appear. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts “fill out” and increase in size. The areolas around the nipples acquire a darker color, and veins under the skin begin to appear on the mammary glands - the result of an increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body.

“Hint” about a possible pregnancy in the second month Maybe the woman’s general well-being is changing not for the better. Morning awakenings are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, constant drowsiness and increased fatigue, periodic dizziness and even fainting - all these are vivid signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

Since hormonal changes are currently occurring in a woman’s body, very unpleasant signs such as brittle hair and nails, rashes or age spots on the skin may appear.

· Second month of pregnancy: fetal development

The second month of pregnancy obliges a woman to be especially responsible, because the embryo is now especially sensitive to various kinds of damaging factors. The connections between the fetus and the mother’s body are finally established, and the “construction” of the placenta is completed. Over the next 2 months, all internal organs and systems of the baby will be formed.

In the second month of pregnancy, the baby’s face begins to take shape: the eyes, mouth, and nose are formed, the upper and lower jaws are developing, and the ears are taking shape. The arms and legs of the fetus grow, and the rudiments of fingers on the limbs appear. They are still not very similar to ordinary ones, but they are already distinguishable.

The thymus gland or thymus has already formed - an important organ of the fetal immune system. The endocrine glands of the fetus are developing. The structure of the heart improves: partitions and large vessels are formed, gradually the heart becomes four-chambered. The development of the internal organs of the fetus is in full swing, especially the liver, because it is the main hematopoietic organ of the child until the 20th week.

The second month of pregnancy is a period of brain development and growth. The child begins to make the first movements in his history and uses his muscles. He turns his head, moves his legs and arms, tries to clench his fists, tries to open his mouth, suck and swallow. Of course, his movements are too weak to be felt, but they are successfully recorded by ultrasound and echography already at 6 weeks. The movements of the fetus are chaotic, since their main coordinator, the cerebellum, has not yet matured.

In addition, the second month of pregnancy is unique in terms of the intensity of development of the genital organs of the male fetus. In girls, the external genitalia have not yet changed. But in boys, at 8 weeks, male testicles are formed, which are already beginning to produce the male hormone testosterone.

The size of the fetus at 2 months of pregnancy will reach 20-30 mm.

· Pain and sensations during pregnancy 2 months

Feelings during pregnancy, characteristic of 2 months, can hardly be called “rosy”: the female body adapts to a new state and such adaptation is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Due to the growth of the uterus, the belly begins to increase in the 2nd month of pregnancy. Outwardly this is not noticeable, but at times this can cause indigestion, bloating and heartburn. The enlarging uterus gradually begins to put pressure on the abdominal organs, increasing urinary frequency .

The influence of hormones is manifested by the emotional instability of the expectant mother: the woman becomes whiny, easily irritated, and may experience anxiety or fear for no reason, or, on the contrary, emotional upsurge.

Already during this period, women face a possible problem varicose veins : in addition to the appearance of a venous network on the chest, a woman may notice dark red thin lines on the thighs - “venous stars”, while her legs quickly get tired and hurt. These are sure signs of the possible development of varicose veins, which is characteristic of women with a weak venous and vascular system. When these symptoms appear, the pregnant woman will have to take care to avoid the development of varicose veins: do not allow excess weight gain; do not stand or sit for a long time; Do not cross your legs while sitting, and when lying down, often raise your legs higher, for example, on a pillow. With the development of varicose veins, special compression tights help greatly and relieve the feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs.

In the second month of pregnancy may appear headaches , sometimes very strong and prolonged migraine attacks. Many pregnant women also complain that stomach hurts 2 months pregnant and lower back. Often these pains do not pose any threat and are explained by the growth of the uterus, relaxation of the spinal discs and ligaments that support the uterus. But only a doctor can determine for sure whether they are dangerous or not, so be sure to tell him how you feel during pregnancy. For example, if the stomach hurts and “pulls” during the 2nd month of pregnancy, and this is accompanied by bloody discharge, it is highly likely that we are talking about increased uterine tone threatening premature termination of pregnancy.

· Discharge during 2 months of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is the period of “dominance” of the hormone progesterone over the woman’s body. Now a thick mucous plug is forming in the cervical canal: from now until birth it will serve as a barrier to infections.

Under the influence of progesterone, vaginal discharge during pregnancy at this stage can change qualitatively and quantitatively. In the second month, discharge may become more abundant and thick, opaque, and acquire a whitish tint. These changes should not normally be accompanied by any discomfort.

If you notice that the discharge has turned yellow or green, has an unpleasant odor, or causes burning or itching of the genitals, you should go to the doctor for examination as soon as possible. These symptoms indicate the addition of some kind of infection, which means that immediate treatment is required so that the infection does not penetrate to the fetus.

Most often, women during pregnancy encounter candidiasis, or thrush; in this case, the infection is indicated by a characteristic white, curd-like discharge. If thrush during pregnancy once manifested itself, you need to be prepared that in the next few months you will have to deal with this disease again - candidiasis has the insidious property of recurring again and again.

Probably the greatest number of concerns among women is caused by spotting during pregnancy in the second month. The appearance of even small amounts of bloody discharge, especially if your stomach hurts, may indicate pregnancy complications. They can accompany hypertonicity of the uterus and, accordingly, a high risk of miscarriage. In addition, spotting during pregnancy is often a symptom ectopic pregnancy - and this is a dangerous phenomenon that can result in rupture of the fallopian tube with subsequent infertility. Therefore, if bloody discharge occurs, immediately seek advice from a specialist!

· Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy

A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is also dangerous: now, during the active formation of the fetus and the development of the fetus, the formation of internal organs and systems, viruses are extremely destructive. A cold can most likely cause abnormalities and malformations of the fetus, provoke rejection, and fading of pregnancy.

The situation is also greatly complicated by the fact that taking the vast majority of medications in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. Cold medications can have a very negative impact on its course and fetal development. Treating a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy allowed only with herbs - infusions and teas, using them for inhalation, nasal rinsing, etc. As prescribed by a doctor, treatment of cough in a pregnant woman, if necessary, to liquefy and stimulate mucus production, it is possible to use Mukaltin tablets. Lotions made from cabbage leaves smeared with honey, which are applied to the chest at night, like mustard plasters, also help. Moreover, even herbal treatment for colds must be approved by a doctor, since some herbs are also unsafe during pregnancy.

And, of course, the best thing is to protect yourself from colds: refrain from visiting places with large crowds of people, before going out during autumn-winter epidemics, lubricate the wings of the nose with oxolinic ointment. Of course, you are advised to have proper nutrition during pregnancy and sufficient rest: now your immunity is weakened, try not to weaken it even more.

· Fever during pregnancy 2 months

During pregnancy, an elevated temperature may be observed throughout the second month, remaining at approximately 37-37.5 degrees. To a greater extent, this, of course, concerns basal temperature, which is explained by the effect of progesterone on the body.

In some cases, increased body temperature is observed during pregnancy. And if it is present, it is better to consult a doctor to rule out any undesirable conditions that may be associated with elevated temperature (for example, infections of the genitourinary system).

However, with infectious diseases, body temperature during pregnancy is usually significantly elevated, and with ARVI, accompanying symptoms appear in the form of nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, and body aches.

One way or another, an elevated temperature during pregnancy for 2 months is a very bad symptom that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the development of pregnancy, in general. In this regard, the temperature should be brought down by taking large quantities of warm teas made from linden blossom and raspberry (linden and raspberry have active antipyretic properties). If the temperature is very elevated and it is not possible to bring it down with folk remedies, you should definitely go to the hospital to make a diagnosis, prescribe antipyretic drugs (most often, Paracetamol is recommended in a pediatric dosage) and determine the need for treatment with medications.

· Nutrition during pregnancy 2 months

Nutrition during pregnancy plays an important role for the normal development of the fetus and the well-being of a woman. From now on, it must be rational, balanced, and of high quality. In the second month of pregnancy, it is important to provide the body with all the useful and nutritious substances necessary for the baby and mother.

A pregnant woman's diet must include meat and fish, eggs (boiled), and nuts, which supply proteins and amino acids to the body. For normal bowel function, a woman needs fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Particular attention should be paid to greens and green vegetables, since they contain , which prevents the development of nervous system defects in the fetus.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of flour products made from first and highest grade flour, desserts, baked goods, and confectionery delights - these products “overload” a woman’s body with harmful, easily digestible carbohydrates and stimulate rapid weight gain, which is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Nutrition during pregnancy should include “correct” complex carbohydrates - cereals, cereals and cereal bread; dried fruits and marmalade will replace sweets.

In general, a pregnant woman is allowed to eat whatever she wants. Your body will tell you what it needs at each stage. The main thing is not to “abuse” it; food should be moderate, in small portions, but often. During pregnancy, you should switch to 4-5 meals a day, split meals. And of course, on a pregnant woman’s table there is no place for semi-finished products, instant foods, sweet soda, fried foods and smoked meats.

It is advisable to take the last meal a few hours before bedtime - this will make it easier to avoid morning toxicosis. A cup of tea and a rusk or cracker immediately after waking up will help you cope with poor morning health. At the same time, it is recommended to have a snack without getting out of bed; to do this, prepare cookies in the evening, placing them along with a mug of tea on the bedside table.

· Sex in early pregnancy

The second month is characterized by a deterioration in the woman’s general condition and well-being, drowsiness and “chronic” fatigue, sudden mood swings - all this does not contribute to sexual activity at all. But if the desire for sex in the early stages of pregnancy strikes you from time to time, you can be sure that there are no contraindications to this.

In the absence of direct contraindications, sex in the early stages of pregnancy is not only allowed, but in a sense useful - it relieves psychological stress and brings pleasure, which, of course, is a plus in a woman’s current situation. However, sex in early pregnancy must be safe from possible infections. In addition, when having sex, particularly deep penetrations and sudden movements should be avoided. The future dad needs to be careful and show maximum affection and tenderness.

Be that as it may, if a woman, due to poor health, is not in the mood for sexual intimacy, the spouse will have to “pacify the flesh” for a while and postpone sex. The current abstinence will more than pay off in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the unpleasant symptoms of the early stages will pass, and the woman’s libido will wake up with a vengeance.

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom . ru

2 months pregnant, video:

Pregnancy, photos of the belly at different stages:

At 2 months of pregnancy, a woman no longer doubts her situation, because she has long known that she is pregnant. The accompanying signs manifest themselves in all their glory, and the expectant mother has probably passed the necessary tests at a medical institution or at least used a pharmacy test using the appropriate strips.

Despite the fact that the pregnant woman’s figure has hardly changed, nausea often occurs in the morning, and only rare lucky women do not experience unpleasant symptoms at all. If possible, it is better to take another vacation from work or reduce the level of workload so as not to overload your already tired body.

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Embryo development

The second month of pregnancy is critically important for the unborn baby, because during this time important organs are formed, so any negative impact of toxic substances and other harmful factors can lead to dire consequences.

By the end of the fifth week, the formation of the nose and upper lip begins. If the normal development of the embryo is disrupted during this period, improper tissue fusion may occur, and the baby may be born with a so-called cleft lip.

By the sixth week, the formation of the placenta is almost complete. The face becomes more and more human: eyes, nose and jaws are formed. The arms and legs continue to grow in length, but there are no fingers on the limbs yet.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by further development of the heart. Partitions are formed in this organ, and the heart itself now becomes four-chambered. The liver is improved, bile ducts are formed in it. The brain increases in size. The ears continue to form, and tiny fingers have finally appeared on the arms and legs. The embryo can move, but the expectant mother cannot yet feel such movement.

At the eighth week, the male fetus develops testicles and begins to produce testosterone. But it is impossible to determine the sex of the fetus on an ultrasound at this stage, because the genitals will not be visible on the monitor.

In the ninth week, the mouth and hard palate are formed. The liver increases rapidly and becomes quite large in relation to other organs. The size of the embryo by the end of the second month of pregnancy reaches 3 cm. The future little man achieved such parameters in a short period of time, because conception occurred quite recently, when it was the second week of pregnancy according to the obstetric calendar.

Changes in a woman's body

During the second month of pregnancy, the following occurs in the pregnant woman’s body:

  • The mammary glands continue to enlarge and become more elastic. The skin around the nipples may become darker. It is highly advisable to purchase a larger bra, made from natural fabric and featuring a comfortable style.
  • Some women note that pigment spots have appeared on their skin.
  • Signs of pregnancy intensify in the second month, such as nausea, vomiting, changes in taste preferences and other sensations. However, this does not happen to all pregnant women; for some expectant mothers, the appetite remains the same.
  • In multiple pregnancies, the manifestations of toxicosis may be more pronounced. In this case, the uterus increases more intensively.
  • In some pregnant women, the body temperature may remain slightly elevated, about 37 degrees, but this indicator will soon return to normal.
  • Often during this period, the lower back hurts a little, the lower abdomen pulls slightly, and other sensations of discomfort arise.
  • The basal temperature at this stage is also elevated, as in the first weeks of pregnancy after a delay, and ranges from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. After the 14th week it will again drop below 37 degrees.
  • Discharge at this time should normally be normal. Brown discharge is pathological and can signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • A dense mucous plug is formed, which will henceforth close the opening of the cervix and protect the uterine cavity from the effects of adverse environmental factors. In this way, the body of the embryo (fetus) will be more reliably protected from infection from the outside.
  • Many women may experience constipation, which is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the metabolism. Due to constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids subsequently increases, so pregnant women need to normalize digestion by consuming enough fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potentially allergenic foods. You should not take laxatives during this period without a doctor’s permission, because increased intestinal motility can provoke an increase in uterine tone and, as a result, increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, any pharmaceutical preparations may contain dangerous chemicals that are extremely undesirable for the body of the unborn baby at an early stage of its development.

Analyzes and examinations

It is quite possible that the expectant mother prudently went to the doctor in the first month of pregnancy to make sure that conception was successful. If this is not the case, then the woman is recommended to come for an appointment in the second month to undergo basic tests.

After registering a pregnant woman in the second month of pregnancy, the following types of examinations may be prescribed:

  • general blood test;
  • urine test, including determination of the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • vaginal flora smear;
  • determination of Rh antibodies in the blood, especially necessary when there is a high probability of Rh conflict between the mother and fetus.

Also, when the expectant mother visits the antenatal clinic, the specialist will clarify the gestational age, determine the preliminary date of birth, and measure the woman’s body weight, abdominal circumference and other parameters. Patients with problems with the thyroid gland will need to undergo tests to determine the level of thyroxine and other hormones in order to prevent abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In the second month of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed only if a woman develops alarming symptoms or is at high risk of developing various complications. It is also better to undergo this examination as soon as possible if in the past a woman has lost a child at an early stage.

The first planned ultrasound is usually done at 11-13 weeks, i.e. next month, when you can find out in more detail what is happening with the unborn baby. The answer to the question of how many times a woman will need to undergo an ultrasound examination and what other tests are needed can be given by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.



In the first months, it is advisable for the expectant mother to visit an antenatal clinic every two weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to take the necessary tests and identify possible disorders in time.

Possible dangers in the second month

The second month of pregnancy can be dangerous due to the following complications in the course of pregnancy and embryo development:

  • Miscarriage. The risk of spontaneous abortion especially increases in the 7th week, which is associated with hormonal changes in the female body. At this time, the corpus luteum significantly reduces the production of hormones, and this function is taken over by the placenta. This transitional stage does not last long, but is critically dangerous for the embryo. If the development of the placenta slows down, then hormones begin to be produced in insufficient quantities, as a result of which the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Therefore, those women who have previously had miscarriages need to donate blood in advance to determine the level of hormones in order to correct their possible deficiency in time by taking synthetic analogues. When an abortion begins, a woman may notice the appearance of blood in the discharge, as at the beginning of her period. If measures are not taken in time, then it will be impossible to stop the pathological process that has begun, so you should call an ambulance when the very first alarming signs appear.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If this pathology is present in the second month of pregnancy, the woman is in serious danger of rupture of the fallopian tube, after which severe internal bleeding begins. That is why, when abdominal pain appears, you cannot hope for chance, but you must urgently seek help, or even better, undergo an ultrasound in advance, which will show exactly where the embryo is developing. Also, with an ectopic pregnancy, the test result shows a lower level of hCG compared to the norm at a given period, which is a reason for additional examination.

In addition, at 2 months of pregnancy, you should take measures to prevent possible Rh conflict. If the expectant mother has Rh-negative blood, and her husband has Rh-positive blood, then a conflict may develop between the blood of the mother and the child, especially during the 2nd pregnancy.

In the case when the father is Rh negative, nothing threatens the unborn baby. Therefore, you should undergo the necessary tests as early as possible in order to take timely measures to prevent serious complications. Also, all women who have a negative Rh factor need to know that abortion is extremely dangerous for them, because after termination of pregnancy the likelihood of a strong Rh conflict increases many times over.

For an expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy, the following tips may be valuable:

  • To prevent insomnia and nightmares, it is better to avoid late dinner. You should only sleep on your side, not on your back or stomach. In this case, there will be no dreams of horrors that may bother pregnant girls.
  • To reduce unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea or severe morning vomiting, you can start breakfast in bed, while eating a small amount of acidic food. You should eat in small portions, somewhat limiting the consumption of flour and fatty foods, then you will feel sick much less often. You can find out how many kilocalories the expectant mother’s diet should contain from special tables or at a doctor’s appointment.
  • A woman’s lifestyle most directly affects the condition of the fetus. Avoiding various harmful foods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid possible complications of pregnancy now and on the eve of childbirth, such as cesarean section, miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, you should not start a new life waiting for Monday or the first day of the new month. Both Tuesday and any other day are perfect for giving up bad habits, not only socially dangerous ones, but also relatively harmless ones, such as the abuse of sweets or excessive addiction to strong coffee. You will be able to fully enjoy the external attributes of a well-fed and cheerful life a little later, but now there is a reason to rejoice at the most important thing - your pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of a child in the family. The future person is much more important than any amount of money, even billions of dollars, so every effort should be made to ensure that the baby is born strong and healthy.