A prayer of gratitude to the Lord God for his help. Sayings of Nameless Elders

Today. Among the rubbish, a guest from Sweden

1 ÖRE 1899 issue and a medal in memory of the Crimean (Eastern) War.

Medals were minted from light or dark bronze. The diameter of the medals is 28 mm. The front side depicts the monograms of Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II. Above each monogram there was a large imperial crown, and above them was a shining all-seeing eye. Below, under the monograms, in a semicircle, along the side of the medal, the years of the Crimean War: “1853-1854-1855-1856.”. On the reverse side there is a horizontal inscription in five lines, a quotation from the Psalter:

Psalter, Kathisma 4, Psalm 30, line 2 contains this inscription: “In Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, that I may never be ashamed: by Thy righteousness deliver me and redeem me.” In the Synodal translation this line is given as follows: “In You, O Lord, have I put my trust, that I may never be ashamed; deliver me according to Your righteousness” (Ps. 30:2).

Only about 1,700,000 medals were minted in light and dark bronze, including 430,000 at the Yekaterinburg Mint. The main circulation was made at the St. Petersburg Mint. Medals were also made in private workshops. There is information about gilded light bronze medals. A number of different tail-coat versions of the medal are also known.

The medal had an eyelet for attaching to a block or ribbon. The medal should be worn on the chest or in the buttonhole. The light bronze medal was supposed to be worn on one of three different ribbons: St. George's, St. Andrew's or Vladimir. The dark bronze medal was supposed to be worn on one of two different ribbons: Vladimir or Anninsk. Different ribbons were given to different recipients. After the death of the recipient, the medal passed to the descendants, but without the right to wear it.

There is one interesting medal in my collection - “In memory of the war of 1853-1856” (simply called “medal for the Crimean War”). This award refers to mass issues that were distributed in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

On the front side of the medal are the cyphers of Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II. Above each monogram there are the so-called “large imperial crowns”, and above the crowns there is an all-seeing eye. Below, under the monograms, the years in which the Crimean War took place “1853-1854-1855-1856” are indicated. The reverse side is represented by lines from the Psalter “THE LORD HOLD US, LET WE NOT BE SHAMED FOREVER” in five lines. Diameter – 28 mm.

A total of 1,700,000 copies were minted (although some sources say other figures), and the medals were made in two versions - in light and dark bronze. Apparently, the medal I have is made of dark bronze.

The following interesting facts can be highlighted from the history of awarding the medal:
- light bronze medals were awarded to direct participants in hostilities

Light bronze medals were on one of three ribbons - St. George's (Caucasian Corps, participants in the Battle of Sinop, participants in the defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.), Andreevskaya (combatants), Vladimir (militia)

Only civilians were awarded dark bronze medals

Dark bronze medals were on one of two ribbons - on Vladimirskaya (civil officials, hereditary nobles, etc.) and on Anninskaya (merchants and other people who donated funds to the costs of the war)

Private workshops could make some changes to the appearance of the medal - apply gold or silver plating, use alloys of various metals

The medal was to be worn on the chest or in the buttonhole. After the death of the recipient, the award passed to the heirs, but without the right to wear it.

As a collectible, a medal has a certain value, depending, at a minimum, on the safety of the award. To give you a realistic price level, I analyzed the Imperial Rewards market and came up with this information. Firstly, the color of bronze does not actually affect the cost of the medal, since the circulation of both types is very decent (how many were issued is not known exactly). Secondly, dozens of similar medals are sold simultaneously on various Internet resources, and it seems that there is no special demand for them. As a result, the following prices were formed:

If the XF is intact, the price can exceed 3,000 rubles
- in VF condition the price is most often in the range of 1000-2000 rubles
- when intact F the price does not exceed 500-1000 rubles
- in the lowest state of preservation (without an ear or with mechanical damage), the medal costs purely symbolic money

The presence of a “native” pad doubles the cost, but most often the pads are remakes. The medal shown in the photo is approximately VF.

A prayer of gratitude to the Lord God for help, support, solutions to pressing problems, healing from illnesses - this is the gratitude that every prayer book should offer to the Creator. God is Love, and in addition to faith in Him, you must be able to give thanks.

What to say thanks for

For most people, and even those who consider themselves believers, everyday life seems dull and difficult.

Icon of Jesus Christ

There seems to be absolutely nothing to express a grateful feeling of gratitude to Christ for. This happens because people have forgotten how to accept gifts and enjoy them, considering what they receive as something they should have. But each of us receives the richest treasures from God: life, love, friendship, the ability to breathe, think, give birth to children.

More articles about prayers of thanksgiving:

It was Heaven that gave us the majestic beauty of nature, rivers and lakes, steppes, mountains, trees, the moon, and heavenly bodies. And if we don’t know how to thank, we don’t receive other gifts.

If you have received what you asked for, thank the Almighty, in your own words, or better yet, in your prayers. The human soul is alive as long as faith lives. And it must be supported by prayer appeals.

Advice! In addition to prayer, thanksgiving can be expressed by giving alms to poor people or tithing to the temple.

For every day lived, for the blessings sent down from Heaven, for the health, for the happiness of beloved children - for all the blessings of God, a prayer of gratitude to the Lord God should be heard from the lips of the petitioners.

Read also similar articles about prayer:

It is necessary to learn to appreciate what seems self-evident, every little thing - only then will a person understand that absolutely everything in this mortal world happens according to the Will of the Heavenly Father.

It is necessary to offer thanksgiving to Jesus Christ with a pure heart and a bright soul, only then will it reach the Throne of God. And in response to the prayer book, God’s blessing and mercy will descend.

Prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God

We thank Thee, Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, Thy unworthy servants (names), who were, known and unknown, about those revealed and unmanifested, even those who were in deed and in word: who loved us as and You deigned to give Your Only Begotten Son for us, making us worthy to be worthy of Your love.

Grant with Your word wisdom and with Your fear inhale strength from Your power, and whether we have sinned, whether willingly or unwillingly, forgive and not impute, and keep our soul holy, and present it to Thy Throne, having a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Thy love for mankind; and remember, O Lord, all who call upon Thy name in truth, remember all who desire good or evil against us: for all are men, and every man is in vain; We also pray to You, Lord, grant us Your great mercy.

Prayer of gratitude to the Almighty

The Cathedral of Saints Angel and Archangel, with all the heavenly powers, sings to Thee and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are filled with Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest. Save me, Who art thou King on high, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; For from You all creation is strengthened, To You countless warriors sing the Trisagion hymn. Unworthy of You, who sits in the unapproachable light, of whom all things are terrified, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my lips, so that I may worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, Lord, always, now, and ever and to endless ages of ages. Amen.

Song of praise of Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

We praise God to you, we confess the Lord to you, the whole earth magnifies the Eternal Father to you; To you all the angels, to you the heavens and all the Powers, to you the Cherubim and Seraphim unceasing voices cry: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, the heavens and earth are full of the majesty of Your glory, the glorious Apostolic face is to you, the prophetic number of praise is to you, the most luminous praises you martyr army, the Holy Church throughout the entire universe confesses to You, the Father of incomprehensible majesty, worshiping Your true and Only Begotten Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit. You, the King of Glory, Christ, You are the Ever-Eternal Son of the Father: You, having received man for the deliverance, did not disdain the Virgin’s womb; You, having overcome the sting of death, have opened the Kingdom of Heaven to believers. You are seated at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father, the Judge has come and believed. We therefore ask You: help Your servants, whom You redeemed with Your Honest Blood. Make it worthy to reign with Your saints in Your eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance, I will correct and exalt them forever; Let us bless You all the days and praise Your name forever and ever. Grant, Lord, that on this day we may be preserved without sin. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: may Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we trust in Thee. In Thee, Lord, let us put our trust, let us not be ashamed forever. Amen.

Prayer of thanks upon receiving what you asked for

Glory to Thee Savior, Almighty Power! Glory to Thee Savior, Omnipresent Power! Glory to Thee, most merciful Womb! Glory to Thee, ever-opening Hearing to hear the prayer of the accursed me, to have mercy on me and save me from my sins! Glory to Thee, brightest Eyes, I will look upon me with kindness and insight into all my secrets! Glory to Thee, glory to Thee, glory to Thee, Sweetest Jesus, my Savior!

Thanksgiving Service

In addition to prayers, the Church practices the service of thanksgiving prayer.

Holy Bishop of Milan

How to order a prayer service

To order it you need:

  • come to the temple and write a note in the candle shop with the title “Thanksgiving prayer to Jesus Christ”;
  • enter in the column the names of the donors, only those given in the Sacrament of Baptism (in the genitive case - from whom: Nina, George, Lyubov, Sergius, Dimitri);
  • there is no need to enter the surname, patronymic, citizenship of the donor, as well as names in diminutive form (from Dashenka, Seryoga, Sashka);
  • It is recommended to assign status to names: bol. - sick, md. - infant (child under 7 years old), neg. - youth (teenager from 7 to 14 years old), warrior, nepr. - not idle, pregnant;
  • give the completed form to the candle maker and make the recommended donation (if a person is experiencing financial difficulties, then no one will demand payment from him for the donation);
  • there is no need to indicate the reason for gratitude, the Almighty knows everything and is aware of everything, He is the Knower of the Heart;
  • it is advisable to purchase a candle in church (any candle, and its price and size do not affect the quality of gratitude or the fervor of prayer);
  • on the eve of the prayer service, place it in a candlestick near the icon of Christ.

More about gratitude to God:

Important! Gratitude is offered to God not only for joy, happiness, health and well-being, but also for sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, for the Wrath of God and His punishment - this is a severe test and the path to Salvation.

Rules of conduct during prayer services

  1. It is necessary to be personally present when the cleric performs a prayer service and work prayerfully together with him and other parishioners.
  2. If a person is seriously ill, then one of his relatives or friends can attend the prayer service on his behalf.
  3. Being late for service is rude, to say the least. Usually the services are performed at the end of the Liturgy, and it always takes place in the morning. Therefore, you first need to clarify the start time of the prayer service.
  4. During prayer, you need to think about every word spoken by the priest and, if possible, repeat the text to yourself after it.

What else you need to know about the church:

  • about health;
  • about travelers;
  • pleading;
  • holy of water.

Sometimes the priest serves a general prayer service, combining all the services ordered for that day. Don't worry, the "quality" of your thanksgiving will not be diminished at all.

Jesus Christ the Great Bishop

The prayer of gratitude should take a place in the heart of every person. Its correct and sincere pronunciation can radically change your life.

She makes it clear to the Lord that the prayer book humbly accepts everything, joys and difficult trials, that Heaven gives him. Everyone knows that it is impossible to grumble at God, because obstacles in life happen when a person leads a lifestyle that is displeasing to the Almighty, which is destructive for his soul.

Advice! If everything in life does not work out the way you would like, then prayerfully thank God for everything, trust Him with all your heart, without relying on your mind.

And then the Creator will make all the paths of earthly existence straight and full of happiness.

Watch a video about prayers of thanksgiving to the Lord God.

In this article you will find prayers for the coming sleep with interpretation. We have selected church texts and their translation into understandable Russian for you.

Prayers for the coming sleep with interpretation


Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us; Because everyone is perplexed by the answer, we offer this prayer to the Master of sin: have mercy on us.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. Finding no justification for ourselves, we sinners offer this prayer to You, as the Master, have mercy on us.


Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You; Do not be angry with us, do not remember our iniquities, but look upon us now as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies; For Thou art our God, and we are Thy people; all works are done by Thy hand, and we call on Thy name.

Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You. Do not be very angry with us and do not remember our iniquities; but look down now, as the Merciful One, and deliver us from our enemies, for You are our God and we are Your people; We are all the work of Your hands and we call on Your name.

And now: Open the doors of mercy for us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, may we not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Mother of God, so that we who hope in You will not perish, but through You we will be delivered from troubles, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Prayer 1, St. Macarius the Great, to God the Father

Eternal God and King of every creature, who has made me worthy even at this hour, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I will please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the enemies of the flesh and the incorporeal that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Eternal God and King of all creatures, who has deigned me to live to see this hour! Forgive me the sins that I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, Lord, my poor soul from all impurity of body and soul. And help me, Lord, to spend the coming night calmly, so that, getting up from my wretched bed, I can do what is pleasing to Your most holy name all the days of my life and defeat the physical and incorporeal enemies who attack me. And deliver me, Lord, from empty thoughts that defile me and evil passions. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever.

In this prayer, we thank God for a well-spent day, asking Him for forgiveness of sins, saving us from all evil and good night. This prayer ends with the glorification of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 2, Saint Antiochus, to our Lord Jesus Christ

To the Almighty, the Word of the Father, who is perfect himself, Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy mercy, never be absent from me, Thy servant, but always in me
rest. Jesus, good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not betray me to the sedition of the serpent, and do not leave me to the desires of Satan, for the seed of aphids is in me. Thou, O Lord God, worshiped, the Holy King, Jesus Christ, preserve me as I sleep with unflickering light, Thy Holy Spirit, with whom Thou didst sanctify Thy disciples. Grant, O Lord, to me, Thy unworthy servant, Thy salvation on my bed: enlighten my mind with the light of reason of Thy Holy Gospel, my soul with the love of Thy Cross, my heart with the purity of Thy word, my body with Thy passionless passion, preserve my thought with Thy humility, and uplift I am in time like Your praise. For Thou art glorified with Thy Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Almighty, Word of the Father, Jesus Christ, being Himself perfect, according to Your great mercy, never leave me, Your servant, but always abide in me. Jesus, good Shepherd of Your sheep, do not give me over to the rebellious serpent and do not leave me to the will of Satan, for in me is the seed of destruction. You, Lord God, Whom you worship, Holy King, Jesus Christ, protect me during sleep with unfading light, Your Holy Spirit, with which You sanctified Your disciples. Grant, Lord, to me, Thy unworthy servant, Thy salvation on my bed: enlighten my mind with the light of understanding of Thy Holy Gospel, my soul with love for Thy Cross, my heart with the purity of Thy word, my body with Thy suffering, alien to passion, preserve my thought with Thy humility . And raise me up at the proper time to glorify You. For You are glorified together with Your Father who has no beginning and the Most Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer 3, to the Holy Spirit

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Thy sinful servant, and forgive me the unworthy, and forgive all that Thou hast sinned today like a man, and moreover, not like a man, but also worse than cattle, my free sins and involuntary, known and unknown: those who are evil from youth and science, and those who are evil from impudence and despondency. If I swear by Your name, or blaspheme in my thoughts; or whom I will reproach; or slandered someone with my anger, or made me sad, or about what I was angry about; either he lied, or he slept in vain, or he came to me as a beggar and despised him; or made my brother sad, or married, or whom I condemned; or became proud, or became proud, or became angry; or standing in prayer, my mind is moved by the wickedness of this world, or I think about corruption; either overeated, or drunk, or laughing madly; either I thought evil, or saw someone else’s kindness, and my heart was wounded by it; or dissimilar verbs, or laughed at my brother’s sin, but mine are countless sins; Either I didn’t pray for the sake of it, or I did something else that was evil, I don’t remember, because I did more and more of these things. Have mercy on me, my Creator Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and leave me, and let me go, and forgive me, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind, so that I may lie down in peace, sleep and rest, the prodigal, sinful and damned one, and I will bow and sing , and I will glorify Your most honorable name, with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and ever, and forever. Amen.

Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Your sinful servant, release and forgive me, unworthy, everything that I have sinned against You today as a man, and, moreover, not only as a man, but also worse livestock; and forgive me, the unworthy, all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, conscious and unconscious, committed since youth from evil deceit, hot temper and carelessness, and if I swore by Your name or blasphemed Him in my thoughts, or whom I reproached or slandered in my anger, or made me sad, or became angry because of something, or lied, or slept untimely, or despised the beggar who came to me, or saddened my brother, or stirred up quarrels, or condemned someone, or grew arrogant, or became proud, or became angry, or during prayer my mind strove for evil worldly thoughts, or had cunning thoughts, or overeated, or got drunk, or laughed madly, or thought evil, or, seeing someone else’s good, was wounded in my heart, or spoke obscene things, or laughed at my brother’s sin, while my sins are countless, or I was negligent in prayer, or I forgot everything else that I did that was evil, for my iniquities exceed the above. Have mercy on me, my Creator and Lord, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and resolve, and free, and forgive me, as the Good and Humane One, so that I, prodigal, sinful and unhappy, may lie down in peace, fall asleep and rest, bowing, singing and having glorified Your most honorable name with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and always and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer 4, Saint Macarius the Great

What will I bring to You, or what will I reward to You, O most gifted Immortal King, generous and humane-loving Lord, since you were lazy in pleasing me, and did nothing good, you brought to the end of this past day the conversion and salvation of my soul? Be merciful to me, a sinner and naked of every good deed, raise up my fallen soul, defiled in immeasurable sins, and take away from me all the evil thoughts of this visible life. Forgive my sins, O One Sinless One, even those who have sinned this day, in knowledge and ignorance, in word, and deed, and thought, and with all my feelings. You Yourself, covering me, save me from every opposing situation with Your Divine power, and ineffable love for mankind, and strength.
Cleanse, O God, cleanse the multitude of my sins. Deign, Lord, to deliver me from the snare of the evil one, and save my passionate soul, and overshadow me with the light of Your face, when You come in glory, and now make me sleep without condemnation, and keep the thoughts of Your servant without dreaming, and untroubled, and all the work of Satan take me away from me, and enlighten the intelligent eyes of my heart, so that I may not fall asleep. And send me an Angel of peace, guardian and mentor of my soul and body, that he may deliver me from my enemies; Yes, rising from my bed, I will bring you prayers of gratitude. Yes, Lord, hear me, Thy sinful and wretched servant, with your will and conscience; grant that I have risen to learn from Thy words, and the despondency of demons is driven away from me, to be made by Thy Angels; may I bless Your holy name, and glorify, and glorify the Most Pure Mother of God Mary, Who hast given us sinners intercession, and accept this one praying for us; We see that He imitates Your love for mankind, and never ceases to pray. By that intercession, and the sign of the Honest Cross, and for the sake of all Thy saints, keep my poor soul, Jesus Christ our God, for Thou art holy and glorified forever.

What will I bring to You or what will I reward You, Greatly Gifted Immortal King, Generous and Humane-loving Lord, for the fact that You, lazy in Your service and having done nothing good, brought me to the end of this past day, directing my soul to obedience and salvation. Be merciful to me, a sinner who has no good deed. Restore my fallen soul, defiled by countless sins, and turn away from me earthly sinful thoughts. You alone are sinless, forgive my sins committed before You on this day, consciously and unconsciously, in word, deed and thought and with all my feelings. You Yourself preserve me from every enemy attack, protecting me with Your Divine power, ineffable love for mankind and strength; God, blot out and forgive the multitude of my sins, have mercy on me, Lord, free me from the snares of the devil, save my suffering soul and shine upon me with the light of Your face when You come in Your glory. And now let me sleep in a sleep uncondemned and protect the thoughts of Your servant from dreams and confusion. Drive away the satanic action from me, enlighten the mental eyes of my heart, so that I do not fall asleep in the sleep of death. Send me an Angel of peace, a guardian and mentor to my soul and body, who delivers me from my enemies, so that when I get up from my bed, I offer you prayers of thanks. O Lord, hear me, Thy sinful and wretched servant. Grant me upon awakening with a clear conscience to learn Thy law, remove from me through Thy Angels demonic carelessness, in order to bless Thy holy name and glorify and praise the Most Pure Mother of God Mary, given to us sinners for protection; accept Her praying for us, for I know that She, imitating Your love for mankind, constantly prays for us. Through her intercession, the sign of the venerable Cross and through the prayers of all Your saints, preserve my poor soul, Jesus Christ our God, for You alone are Holy and Glorified forever. Amen.

Prayer 5

Lord our God, whoever sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, forgive me. Grant me a peaceful and serene sleep. Send Your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, for You are the guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Lord our God, what I have sinned on this day in word, deed and thought, forgive me, as the Good and Humane One; grant me a peaceful sleep, free from the disturbance of passions; send Your guardian Angel, protecting and preserving me from all evil, for You are the Guardian of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

In this evening prayer, we ask God for forgiveness of sins, peaceful sleep and a Guardian Angel who would protect us from everything bad. This prayer ends with a glorification of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer 6

Lord our God, in the worthlessness of faith and His name we call upon every name, grant us, who are going to sleep, a weakened soul and body, and keep us from
all dreams and dark pleasures except; restrain the desire of passions, extinguish the kindling of bodily rebellion. Grant us to live chastely in deeds and words; Yes, virtuous living is receptive, we will not fall away from your promised good things, for blessed are you forever. Amen.

Lord our God, in whom we believe and whose name we call upon above every name, grant us, as we go to sleep, relief to soul and body, save us from all daydreaming and from bad voluptuousness; stop cravings; extinguish the flame of carnal excitement; Grant us to maintain chastity in word and deed, so that, having accepted a perfect life, we do not lose Your promised benefits, for You are blessed forever. Amen.

Prayer 7, St. John Chrysostom

(24 prayers, according to the number of hours of the day and night)

1 Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. 2 Lord, deliver me from eternal torment. 3 Lord, whether I have sinned in mind or in thought, in word or in deed, forgive me. 4 Lord, deliver me from all ignorance and oblivion, and cowardice, and petrified insensibility. 5 Lord, deliver me from every temptation. 6 Lord, enlighten my heart, darken my evil lust. 7 Lord, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. 8 Lord, send Your grace to help me, that I may glorify Your holy name. 9 Lord Jesus Christ, write me Your servant in the book of living things and give me a good end. 10 Lord my God, even if I have done nothing good before You, grant me, by Your grace, to make a good beginning. 11 Lord, sprinkle the dew of Your grace on my heart. 12 Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Thy sinful servant, cold and unclean, in Thy Kingdom. Amen.

1 Lord, accept me in repentance. 2 Lord, do not forsake me. 3 Lord, do not lead me into trouble. 4 Lord, give me a good thought. 5 Lord, give me tears, and mortal memory, and tenderness. 6 Lord, give me the thought of confessing my sins. 7 Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. 8 Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. 9 Lord, plant in me the root of good things, Thy fear in my heart. 10 Lord, make me worthy to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to do Your will in everything. 11 Lord, protect me from certain people, and demons, and passions, and from all other inappropriate things. 12 Lord, consider that you do as you will, that your will be done in me, a sinner, for blessed are you forever. Amen.

Lord, do not deprive me of Your heavenly blessings. Lord, deliver me from eternal torment. Lord, if I have sinned in mind or thought, in word or deed, forgive me. Lord, deliver me from all ignorance, oblivion, cowardice and petrified insensibility. Lord, deliver me from every temptation. Lord, enlighten my heart, darkened by evil aspirations. Lord, I, as a man, have sinned, but You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul. Lord, send Your grace and help to me, so that I may glorify Your holy name. Lord Jesus Christ, write me, Your servant, in the book of life and grant me a good death. Lord my God, even if I have not done anything good before You, let me, by Your grace, make a good beginning. Lord, sprinkle my heart with the dew of Your grace. Lord of heaven and earth, remember me, Your sinful, vile and unclean servant in Your Kingdom.

Lord, accept me, a repentant one. Lord, don't leave me. Lord, don't lead me into trouble. Lord, give me a good thought. Lord, give me tears, remembrance of death and tenderness. Lord, give me the disposition to confess my sins. Lord, give me humility, chastity and obedience. Lord, give me patience, generosity and meekness. Lord, root Your good fear in my heart. Lord, grant me to love You with all my soul and thoughts and to fulfill Your will in everything. Lord, protect me from evil people, demons and passions and from everything harmful to me. Lord, do according to Your permission whatever You want, Your will be done over me, a sinner, for You are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 8, to our Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of Thy most honorable Mother, and Thy disembodied Angels, Thy Prophet and Forerunner and Baptist, the God-speaking Apostle, the bright and virtuous martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing fathers, and all the saints through the prayers, deliver me from this present situation
demonic To her, my Lord and Creator, do not want the death of a sinner, but as if he were converted and live, grant me conversion, the accursed and unworthy; take me away from the mouth of the destructive serpent, who yawns to devour me and bring me to hell alive. To her, my Lord, is my consolation, Who for the sake of the accursed one has clothed himself in corruptible flesh, pluck me from accursedness, and grant consolation to my more accursed soul. Plant in my heart to do Thy commandments, and forsake evil deeds, and receive Thy blessedness: for in Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, save me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of Your Most Honest Mother, Your disembodied Angels, as well as Your Prophet Forerunner and Baptist, the preaching apostles, the bright and victorious martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, deliver me from the present attack of demons. Oh, my Lord and Creator, who does not desire the death of a sinner, but awaits his conversion and life, grant conversion to me, the accursed and unworthy; take me out of the mouth of the destructive serpent, eager to devour me and bring me alive to hell. Oh, my Lord, my consolation, for the sake of me, fallen, clothed in corruptible flesh, deliver me from misfortune and give consolation to my soul, worthy of regret. Inspire my heart to fulfill Your commands and leave evil deeds and receive Your blessedness, for in You, Lord, I trust, save me.

Prayer to the Mother of God, St. Peter of Studium

To Thee, O Most Pure Mother of God, I fall down and pray: Behold, O Queen, how I continually sin and anger Thy Son and my God, and many times when I repent, I find myself lying before God, and I repent in trembling: will the Lord strike me down, and again every hour I create; I pray to this leader, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, to have mercy, strengthen me, and grant me good works. Behold, my Lady Theotokos, for the Imam is by no means in hatred of my evil deeds, and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God; But we do not know, Most Pure Lady, from where I hate, I love, but I transgress what is good. Do not allow, O Most Pure One, my will to be fulfilled, for it is not pleasing, but may the will of Thy Son and my God be done: may He save me, and enlighten me, and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that I may cease from here from filthiness, and so on may I live as commanded Thy Son, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, with His Originless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Falling down to You, the Most Pure Mother of God, I, unfortunate one, pray: You know, Queen, how I constantly sin and anger Your Son and my God. And although I repent many times, I turn out to be a liar before God, and I repent again with fear, and immediately do the same again: will the Lord really strike me down? Knowing this, my Lady, Lady Theotokos, I pray that she will have mercy and strengthen me and teach me to do good. For you know, my Lady, Mother of God, that I completely abhor my evil deeds and with all my thoughts I love the law of my God, but I don’t know, Most Pure Lady, why I don’t do good, but do evil that I don’t want. Do not allow, Most Pure One, my evil will to be fulfilled, but let the will of Your Son and my God be done, Who will save me, enlighten me and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that from now on I will stop doing bad things, and the rest of the time I will live according to the commandments of Your Son, to whom belongs all glory, honor and power are with His Originless Father and His Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


The Holy Fathers write that man, having a nature damaged by sin, cannot cope with evil thoughts without God’s help. Therefore, one of the most important weapons in mental warfare is a prayerful appeal to God with repentance and asking for mercy and help.

At the same time, they instruct not to contradict a thought, not to enter into reasoning and conversation with it, but to immediately turn to God in prayer.

Rev. Ambrose Optinsky instructs that those who are struggling with thoughts must turn to God for help in humble prayer:

“Take courage and let your heart be strong (Ps. 26:14). In the midst of the annoying and sometimes frightening temptations of the enemy, console yourself with the Apostolic words: “God is faithful, He will not leave you to be tempted more than you can, but with temptation He will create excess” ( 1 Cor. 10:13), and repeat this word often to strengthen yourself. Also despise the vain but evil suggestions of the enemy, who threatens you with destruction. His very threats show you the hope that he cannot do anything to you, covered by the mercy of God. If he could have done anything, he would not have threatened. The Angel of Repentance told Saint Hermas that the enemy the devil is completely powerless and cannot do anything to a person unless he voluntarily agrees first to commit any sin. Therefore, when the enemy bothers you. cold and nasty thoughts, run to the Lord, praying with the psalm words: “ God! Those who cast me out have now bypassed me"(Ps. 16:11). " My joy! Deliver me from those who have bypassed me"(Ps. 31:7).

You complain about the fear of the enemy, which you had on some days, starting in the evening, and throughout the night ended in absurd and very unpleasant dreams for you. When you feel such fear and an enemy attack, it is useful for you, following the example of the ancient fathers, to pronounce (so that only your ears can hear) with your lips the psalm words appropriate to this, for example: “ The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom I will fear", And the entire 26th Psalm. Also: “having bypassed me, I resisted them in the name of the Lord: I was among the bees of a honeycomb, and burned like fire among thorns, and in the name of the Lord I resisted them” (Ps. 117:11-12). More: " judge, Lord, those who offend me, and overcome those who fight me"and so on (Ps. 34: 1). More: " God, come to my help: Lord, seek my help"(Ps. 69:2) and the like.

From our own experience we see that man is extremely weak and powerless in spiritual struggle without the help of God. In this fight,<как>says the Monk Mark the Ascetic, we have one helper, mysterious, hidden in us from the time of baptism - Christ, Who is invincible. He will assist us in this struggle if we not only call on Him for help, but fulfill, according to our strength, His life-giving commandments. Throw yourself in the arms of His great mercy. Also, constantly resort to our Intercessor, the Lady Ever-Virgin Mary, often singing the church hymn: “We are not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, do You, Lady, help us, we hope in You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed "

You ask: what is better, to grieve over thoughts or not to pay attention to them? Both are not your measure, that is, you should not grieve senselessly, and you cannot yet despise your thoughts, but you should humbly turn to God and pray. Only during prayer should one try to reject all thoughts and, without paying attention to them, continue the prayer; if the oppression of thoughts becomes very strong, then one should again ask for God’s help against them.

Question: “In the book of Barsanuphius the Great it is written: cast down your weakness before God. How is this? Answer: “When thoughts attack and you are unable to fight, then say: “Lord, You see my weakness, I am unable to fight, help me!”

Consider the various suggestions of the enemy on a par with blasphemous thoughts and try to despise them, praying the psalm word: “God, attend to my help: Lord, strive for my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame, let those who want (think) evil about me turn back and be ashamed” (Ps. 69: 2-3). When your enemies inspire praise and proud exaltation, then continue the next verse, saying: “ let the abies return, ashamed, saying to me: better, better"(Ps. 69:4). Also pronounce decently and at decent times from the 39th Psalm, which begins like this: “ having endured the Lord, and having heeded me and heard my prayer"(Ps. 39:2) and so on according to election until the end. Sometimes, against proud thoughts, pray, as one of the ancient fathers prayed, saying: “Lord, I am alien to all good and full of all evil: have mercy on me by Thy mercy alone.” And repeat this many times, if possible, with earthly worship. The main thing is, try to maintain the faith and hope of salvation, that the Lord wants everyone to be saved and to come to the understanding of truth. The enemy of the weak only tries to remove a person from the path of salvation with various absurd suggestions, and intimidation, and possible temptations, in order to somehow shake a person and turn him away from the true path, and although he sometimes, like a roaring lion, walks around looking for someone to devour, but the holy apostle Peter exhorts us to resist him with firm faith and trust in the Lord, that He will not abandon us and is able to abolish and destroy all the machinations of the enemy, as we often hear in the troparion of the martyrs, who, having strength from the Lord, overthrew the tormentors and crushed the demons of weak insolence.”

Rev. Neil Sorsky:

“The main and powerful weapon against the spirit of uncleanness consists in diligent prayer to the Lord God, as the holy fathers teach. Saint Maximus the Confessor instructs us to arm ourselves against lustful thoughts with prayer, borrowing words for prayer from the psalmist David: “ Those who cast me out have now bypassed me"(Ps. 16:11); " my joy, deliver me from those who have bypassed me"(Ps. 31:7). And Saint John Climacus, speaking about the same subject, presents a witness who prayed for prodigal thoughts like this: “ God, please help me"(Ps. 69:2), etc. At the same time, it is necessary to call for help those saints who are known for special exploits and labors in preserving purity and chastity, such as Daniil of Skitsky, who was fighting against fornication, ordered one brother to pray and call for help Martyr Thomaida, killed for chastity, and say this: “ God, for the prayers of the martyr Thomaida, help me!“And the tortured brother, having prayed like this at the tomb of the martyr, was immediately delivered from fornication. Having such evidence, let us also pray and call for help those about whom the Holy Scripture says that they labored in chastity and purity.”

Rev. Isaac the Syrian:

Rev. Barsanuphius and John to the question: “Should we rebuke the thought that fights us?” - answer:

“Don’t contradict me; because the enemies want this and (seeing the contradiction) will not stop attacking; but pray to the Lord against them, casting your weakness before Him, and He can not only drive them away, but also completely abolish them.”

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) instructs to fight against thoughts of sadness, despondency, melancholy, despair - with prayer to God, without entering into a conversation with thoughts:

“In this war, many and subtle thoughts are not approved, which the mind, relying on itself, on its strength, on the number and height of its knowledge, strives to oppose to the pressing crowds of foreigners. “The sons of Ephraim are drawing and shooting bows,” the prophet proclaims, returning on the day of battle "(Ps. 77:9). Human thought cannot withstand the dense hordes of foreigners! They will knock him down, argue with him, create indignation in his mind, confusion in his thoughts - then victory is on their side!

For sure success in the invisible battle with the princes of the air, with the spirits of evil, the dark rulers of the world, you need to take up weapons supplied by faith, supplied by the violence of the preaching of Christ. “Man is more wise than God; and man is more powerful than God’s weakness” (1 Cor. 1:25).

These are the weapons that the holy violence of Christ’s preaching hands over to the servant of Christ to fight the sons of Enan - dark thoughts and feelings of sadness that appear to the soul in the form of terrible giants, ready to erase it, devour it:

1st - the words “Glory to God for everything.”

2nd - the words “Lord! I surrender to Your holy will! Thy will be with me."

3rd - the words “Lord! I thank you for everything that it pleases you to send me.”

4th - the words “I accept what is worthy according to my deeds; remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.”

These short words, borrowed, as you see, from Scripture, were used by the venerable monks with excellent success against thoughts of sadness. The fathers did not enter into any reasoning with the thoughts that appeared; but as soon as a foreigner appeared before them, they grabbed the wonderful weapon and - right in the face, in the jaws of the foreigner! That is why they were so strong, they trampled all their enemies, became confidants of faith, and through faith - confidants of grace, with the arm of grace, they accomplished supernatural feats. When a sad thought or melancholy appears in your heart, begin with all your soul, with all your strength, to pronounce one of the above sentences; pronounce it quietly, slowly, without getting excited, with attention, in the hearing of only you - say it until the foreigner leaves completely, until your heart is notified of the coming of God’s gracious help. She appears to the soul in the taste of a comforting, sweet peace, peace in the Lord, and not for any other reason. In time, the foreigner will again begin to approach you, but you are again in favor of weapons... Don’t be surprised at the strangeness and insignificance, apparently, of David’s weapons! Put them to work - and you will see a sign! These weapons - a club, a stone - will do more things than all the collected, thoughtful judgments and research of theologians, theorists, tellers of letters - German, Spanish, English, American! The use of these weapons will gradually transfer you from the path of reason to the path of faith, and this path will lead you into the vast, wondrous land of the spiritual."

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes about the need for prayer in spiritual warfare:

“The reflection of sinful thoughts and feelings is accomplished through prayer; it is an activity connected with prayer, inseparable from prayer, constantly in need of the assistance and action of prayer.

It is very useful to perform the Jesus Prayer publicly when there is an intensified invasion of thoughts and dreams of carnal lust and anger, when their action makes the blood heat up and boil, and peace and silence are taken away from the heart.

Do you want to learn to quickly and forcefully drive away the thoughts planted by the common enemy of humanity? Drive them away when you are alone in your cell, with a loud, attentive prayer, pronouncing the words slowly, with tenderness.

Teaching in general, especially the Jesus Prayer, serves as an excellent weapon against sinful thoughts."

Venerable Isaac the Syrian:

“Force yourself to the unceasing work of prayer before God in your heart, bearing a pure thought, filled with tenderness, and God will preserve your mind from unclean and nasty thoughts.”

“Do not contradict the thoughts planted in you by the enemy, but it is better to interrupt the conversation with them by prayer to God.”

Sayings of nameless elders:

One who is struggling with fornication is like a person who walks past a market and smells the smells of various dishes, boiled and fried. Whoever wants to, goes in there and eats, and whoever doesn’t wants to, passes by, casually perceiving only the smell. So you, too, reject the stench of bad thoughts from yourself and, getting up, pray: “ Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help me and drive away the enemies who fight me" Do the same in relation to all the devil’s excuses and thoughts. We cannot prevent sinful thoughts from coming to us, but we can resist them.


The brother asked the elder: “Abba, what should I do? I am always overcome by thoughts of fornication and do not allow me to calm down for an hour; this makes my soul very sad.” The elder answered: “Watch yourself, child! When demons plant passionate thoughts in your mind, do not accept them and do not talk with them. Usually demons constantly come to us and constantly try to catch us in something; but they do not have opportunities to force us by force: it is in your power to accept or not accept them." The brother said to the elder: “What should I do, Abba! I am weak: lust overcomes me.” The elder answered: “Pay attention to yourself, child, and recognize the coming of demons. When they just begin to talk to you, do not answer them, but fall face down on the ground and pray: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help me and have mercy on me.” Brother said to him: “Abba, I force myself, but I remain insensible, and there is no tenderness in my heart; I do not feel the power of words.” The elder answered: “Just say these words, and God will help you.” As Abba Pimen and many other fathers said, the exorcist does not know the power of the words he pronounces, but the snake hears these words, and the power of the words acts on it, it obeys and is pacified; so we, although we do not know the power of what we say, but the demons leave with fear.”

Verses of the Psalter read in context

Lord, guide me with Your righteousness, for the sake of my enemy, straighten my path before You. (Ps. 5, 9)

Lord, do not reprove me with Your wrath; do not punish me with Your wrath. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak; heal me, Lord, for my bones are crushed. And my soul was greatly troubled: and You, Lord, how long? Turn, O Lord, deliver my soul: save me for the sake of Thy mercy. (Ps. 6, 2-5)

Lord my God, I have trusted in You, save me from all those who persecute me and deliver me (Ps. 7:2).

Arise, O Lord, my God, may Thy hand be exalted, do not forget Thy poor ones to the end. (Ps. 9:33)

Save me, Lord, for the venerable one has become impoverished, for the truth has fallen away from the sons of men. (Ps. 11.2)

Look, hear me, O Lord my God, enlighten my eyes, lest I fall asleep into death, and not when my enemy says: Be strong against him. Those who are cold will rejoice as long as I move. I have trusted in Your mercy. (Ps. 12:4-7)

Save me, Lord, for I trust in You. (Ps. 15:1)

Make my steps in Your paths, so that my steps may not move. …Keep me, O Lord, like the apple of your eye, and cover me in the shelter of Your wing. (Ps. 16, 5, 8)

The Lord is my strength, and my refuge, and my Deliverer, my God, my Helper, and I trust in Him, my Defender, and the horn of my salvation, and my Protector. With praise I will call on the Lord and I will be saved from my enemies. (Ps. 17:3-4)

Who understands the Fall? Cleanse me from my secrets, and spare Thy servant from strangers, if they do not possess me. (Ps. 18:13-14)

To You, O Lord, I have lifted up my soul, my God, in You I have trusted, so that I will not be ashamed forever; let my enemies laugh at me, for all those who endure You will not be ashamed. ... Tell me Your ways, O Lord, and teach me Your paths. ... Save my soul and deliver me, so that I will not be ashamed, because I trusted in You. (Ps. 24, 1-2, 4, 20)

Lord, by Your will, give strength to my kindness. (Ps. 29:8)

In Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, that I may never be ashamed: by Thy righteousness deliver me and save me. Incline Your ear to me, hasten to take me away, make me a Protector God and a house of refuge to save me. (Ps. 30:2)

You are my refuge from the sorrow that besets me: my joy, deliver me from those who have bypassed me. (Ps. 31:7)

May Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we trust in Thee. (Ps. 33:22)

Judge, Lord, those who offend me, overcome those who fight me. Take the weapon and the shield, and rise to my aid. (Ps. 34:1)

Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation. (Ps. 37:22-23)

But You, Lord, do not remove Your compassions from me: I will take Your mercy and Your truth away, intercede for me. As if evil has taken possession of me, which has no number, my iniquities have befallen me, and I was not able to see, multiplying more than the hair of my head, and forsake my heart. Deign, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, come to my aid. ... Thou art my Helper and my Protector, O my God, do not become stubborn. (Ps. 39, 12-14, 18)

Inspire my prayer, O God, and do not despise my prayer. Listen to me and hear me: I was grieved by my sorrow and was confused. (Ps. 54, 2-3)

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for my soul trusts in You, and I hope in the shadow of Your wing, until lawlessness will pass away. (Ps. 56:2)

Deliver me from my enemies, O God, and deliver me from those who rise up against me. (Ps. 58:2)

Save me, O God, as water came down to my soul. … O God, time of favor, O God, in the abundance of Thy mercy hear me, in the truth of Thy salvation. ... Hear me, Lord, for Thy mercy is good; according to the multitude of Thy mercies, look upon me. Do not turn Your face away from Your servant, for I am grieving; hear me soon. Take my soul and deliver me, my enemy for the sake of deliver me. ... I am poor and sick: let Thy salvation, O God, receive me. (Ps. 68, 2, 14, 17-19, 30)

God, come to my help, Lord, strive for my help. May they be ashamed and disgraced A Those who seek my soul are troubled, that they may turn back and be ashamed of those who wish me evil... But I am poor and needy, God, help me: You are my Helper and my Savior, O Lord, do not become stubborn. (Ps. 69, 2-3, 6)

In Thee, O Lord, have I trusted, that I may never be ashamed. By Thy righteousness deliver me and redeem me, incline Thy ear to me and save me. Be my Protector God and the place to save me firmly, for You are my affirmation and my refuge. ... My God, do not depart from me, my God, come to my help. (Ps. 70, 1-3, 12)

Do not betray the soul that confesses to You to the beasts; do not completely forget the souls of Your poor. (Ps. 73:19)

O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried in the days and in the nights before You. Let my prayer come before You: incline Your ear to my prayer, for my soul is filled with evil, and my belly is drawing near to hell. (Ps. 87, 2-4)

And You, Lord, Lord, do with me in Your name, for Your mercy is good. Deliver me, for I am poor and wretched, and my heart is troubled within me. ... Help me, O Lord my God, and save me according to Your mercy... let those who rise up against me be ashamed, but Your servant will rejoice. (Ps. 108, 21-22, 26, 28)

Having overcome me with mortal illnesses, the troubles of hell came upon me, I found sorrow and illness, and I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, deliver my soul. The Lord is merciful and righteous, and our God has mercy. God bless the little ones: humble yourself and save me. (Ps. 114:4-5)

... having gone around me, and in the name of the Lord you resisted them, having gone around me like bees on a honeycomb, and burning like fire among thorns, and in the name of the Lord you resisted them. (Ps. 117:11)

Psalms read in circumstance

Psalm 26

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes those who are angry approach me and destroy my flesh; those who insult me ​​and defeat me become exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment turns against me, my heart will not fear; Even if he fights against me, I will trust in Him. I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, you have lifted up my head against my enemies: the sacrifice of praise and exclamation was lost and devoured in His village; I will sing and make praise to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice in which I cried, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you: I will seek the Lord, I will seek your face, O Lord, I will seek your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me and do not forsake me. God, my Savior. As my father and mother abandoned me. The Lord will accept me. Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way, and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who suffer from my cold: for I have stood up as a witness of unrighteousness, and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 53

God, in Your Name save me, and in Your power judge me. God, hear my prayer, inspire the words of my mouth. As if strangers rose up against me and were strong, they sought my soul, and did not offer God before them. Behold, God helps me, and the Lord is the protector of my soul. Evil will turn away my enemy; consume them with Thy truth. I will devour You with my will; let me confess to Your name, O Lord, that it is good, that You have delivered me from all sorrow, and that My eye has looked upon my enemies.

Psalm 90

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God. Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words, His splash will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body, as His Angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but when you dash your foot against a stone, you will step on an asp and a basilisk and cross a lion and a serpent. For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will take him away and glorify him, I will fulfill him with the length of days and show him My salvation.

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for no one living will be justified before You. As if the enemy drove my soul, he humbled my belly to eat, he planted me to eat in dark, like dead centuries. And my spirit is depressed within me, my heart is troubled within me. I have remembered the days of old, I have learned in all Your works, I have learned Your hand in all creation. My hands have lifted up to You, my soul, like a waterless land to You. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit has disappeared, do not turn Your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear Thy mercy upon me in the morning, for I trust in Thee. Tell me, Lord, I will go the other way, because I have taken my soul to You. Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord, I have fled to You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Your Good Spirit will guide me to the right land. For Thy name's sake, O Lord, live me, by Thy righteousness remove my soul from sorrow. And by Thy mercy consume my enemies and destroy all my cold souls, for I am Thy servant.

Psalm 3

Lord, why have you multiplied the cold? Many people rise up against me, many people say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his God. It's you. Lord, my Protector, be my glory and lift up my head. With my voice I cried to the Lord, and He heard me from His holy mountain. I fell asleep and fell asleep, and arose, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid of the people around me who attack me. Arise, Lord, save me, my God, for You have struck down all those who were at enmity with me in vain: You have crushed the teeth of sinners. Salvation is the Lord's, and Your blessing is upon Your people.

Psalm 31

Blessed are those who have abandoned iniquity and those who have covered themselves with sin. Blessed is the man, the Lord will not impute sin to him; there is flattery in his mouth. As if I were silent, my bones swore, from calling me all day long. As Thy hand weighs upon me day and night, I return to passion when the thorn strikes me. I knew my iniquity and did not cover my sin, I said: let me confess my iniquity to the Lord, and You have forsaken the wickedness of my heart. For this reason, every saint will pray to You at the right time: otherwise, in a flood of many waters, they will not come close to him. You are my refuge from the sorrow that besets me: my joy, deliver me from those who have bypassed me. I will admonish you and guide you on this path; if you go further, I will fix My eyes on you. Do not wake up like a horse and a mesk, which has no reason: with the bridle and bridle you shall restrain their jaws, those who do not approach you. The sinner has many wounds, but he who trusts in the Lord will receive mercy. Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous, and rejoice, all you who are upright in heart.

Psalm 37

Lord, do not reprove me with Your wrath; do not punish me with Your wrath. As Thy arrows have struck me, and Thou hast strengthened Thy hand upon me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of Your wrath, there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sin. For my iniquities have exceeded my head, for a heavy burden has weighed down upon me. My wounds have grown stale and rotten because of my madness. I suffered and sloshed to the end, walking around complaining all day. For my body is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I would become embittered and humbled to death, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before You all my desire and my sighing are not hidden from You. My heart is confused, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes has left me, and that one is not with me. My friends and my sincere ones have come close to me and stasha, and my neighbors are far away from me, stasha and needy, seeking my soul, and seeking evil to me, speaking vainly and being flattered all day long. As if I were deaf and did not hear, and because I was dumb and did not open my mouth. And as a man he would not hear, nor would he have reproof in his mouth. For in You, O Lord, have I trusted, You will hear, O Lord my God. As if he said: “Let my enemies never make me happy; and never can my feet move, but you speak against me.” As if I am ready for wounds, and my illness is before me. For I will proclaim my iniquity and take care of my sin. My enemies live and have become stronger than me, and those who hate me without truth have multiplied. Those who repay me evil with a cart of good have slandered me, driving away goodness. Do not forsake me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me. Come to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Psalm 62

God, my God, I have come to You in the morning; my soul has thirsted for You, since my flesh is a multitude of You, in a land that is empty and impenetrable and without water. Thus I appeared to You in the Holy One, to see Your power and Your glory. For Thy mercy is better than belly, praise Thee with my lips. Thus I will bless You in my belly, I will lift up my hands in Your name. For my soul may be filled with fatness and ointment, and my lips will praise You with joy. When I remembered Ty on my bed, I learned from Ty in the morning. For Thou art my Helper, and in the shelter of Thy wing I will rejoice. My soul clings to You, but I am accepted by Your right hand. They, having sought my soul in vain, will enter the underworld of the earth, surrender into the hands of weapons, and will be part of the fox. The king will rejoice in God, everyone who swears by Him will boast, for the lips of those who speak unrighteously have been stopped.

Psalm 69

God, come to my help, Lord, strive for my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame; let those who wish me evil turn back and be ashamed. May the abies return, ashamed, and say to us: better, better. Let all those who seek You, O God, rejoice and rejoice in You, and let them say, May the Lord be magnified, who love Your salvation: but I am poor and needy, O God, help me: Thou art my Helper and my Savior, O Lord, do not be stubborn.

Psalm 87

O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried in the days and in the nights before You. Let my prayer come before You: incline Your ear to my prayer, for my soul is filled with evil, and my belly is drawing near to hell. He was included with those who descended into the pit, like a man without help, in the dead there was freedom, like ulcers sleeping in the tomb, whom You did not remember, and they were rejected from Your hand. Placing me in the pit of hell, in the dark and shadow of death. Thy wrath was established upon me, and all Thy waves were brought upon me. You removed those who knew me from me, making me an abomination to yourself: I was betrayed and never left. My eyes are exhausted from poverty, I have cried out to You, O Lord, all day long, I have lifted up my hands to You. Eating dead people work wonders? Or will the doctors resurrect and confess to You? Who is the story of Thy mercy in the grave, and Thy truth in destruction? Will Thy wonders be known in darkness, and Thy righteousness in forgotten lands? And I cried to You, Lord, and my morning prayer will precede You. Why, O Lord, dost thou take away my soul, and turn thy face away from me? I am poor and in labor from my youth; He was lifted up, humbled, and faint. Thy wrath came upon me, Thy fears disturbed me, washed over me like water, and overpowered me all day long. You removed from me a friend and a sincere one, and those who knew me from passions.

Psalm 114

I have loved that the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer; incline Your ear to me, and in my days I will call. Having overcome me with mortal illnesses, the troubles of hell came upon me, I found sorrow and illness, and I called on the name of the Lord: O Lord, deliver my soul. The Lord is merciful and righteous, and our God has mercy. God bless the little ones: humble yourself and save me. Turn, my soul, to your peace, for the Lord has been kind to you. As if my soul was taken away from death, my eyes from tears and my nose from crawling. I will please the Lord in the land of the living.

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