Pain in the lower abdomen after withdrawal approx. Consequences of discontinuing oral contraceptives

Many women notice that after stopping OCs, the lower abdomen hurts, and other unpleasant symptoms appear. Oral contraceptives are quite popular today. They do not harm women's health, and in some cases they even help normalize the balance of hormones.

However, improper use of such medications or stopping the use of contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription leads to rather unpleasant consequences, disruption of the natural biological rhythm.

Many women complain that stopping regular use of hormonal pills provokes pain in the lower abdomen and chest. It is these parts of the female body that react especially acutely to the slightest disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Any contraceptive contains a certain set of hormones. Such substances affect the functioning of the reproductive system and mammary glands. When additional hormones stop flowing into the body, a woman may feel pain and discomfort.

This is quite normal. Your body has set up a stable defense against sperm penetration into the egg, but then suddenly finds itself without a barrier. Now he will have to produce hormones on his own, and this leads to a certain stressful situation.

Taking oral contraceptives continuously may be harmful to your health. The body will get used to the fact that it does not need to produce hormones on its own, which will have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the mammary glands, ovaries and other organs responsible for fertilization. With long-term use and abrupt discontinuation of OCs, the patient may experience the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Insufficient functioning of the fallopian tubes;
  • Changed composition of mucus in the cervical canal;
  • Pathological changes in the endometrium;
  • Diseases of the uterus leading to infertility.

Regular use of hormonal drugs can completely destroy female reproductive functions. That is why oral contraceptives should be selected only by a professional gynecologist, in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

You need to take the pills at the same time, according to a clearly established schedule. If you decide to stop taking OCs, be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor. He will tell you how to do it quickly and without any consequences.


The modern pharmacological industry offers women a wide range of oral hormonal contraceptives with different compositions and properties. A special place among such pills is occupied by emergency contraceptives.

Such medications do not inhibit the functioning of the patient’s ovaries. The tablet contains special hormones that stimulate the patient’s reproductive system to fight unwanted foreign bodies.

Even one small tablet of emergency hormonal contraceptive leads to menstrual bleeding. A woman often experiences discomfort in the chest, groin, and lower back. The ovaries of a woman without OC become more active, which is why unpleasant sensations arise.

Urgent OCs can be used no more than 1-2 times a month. Such drugs can lead to the development of menstrual irregularities and thrush. The danger is that hormonal fluctuations in a woman’s body can lead to changes in the size of the mammary glands, the development of mastitis and even oncology.


Oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable and popular methods of preventing unwanted conception. More than 60% of modern women choose this method of contraception.

Many representatives of the fair sex know the rules for taking hormonal pills, but not everyone has the correct information about stopping such treatment. Hormonal drugs can greatly affect the functioning of the entire body. After their cancellation, the patient’s menstrual cycle may change, and abdominal discomfort may appear.

You can stop taking oral contraceptives for several reasons, namely:

  • The couple's relationship improved, their well-being increased, and you decided to have a child.
  • A woman does not have intimate relationships, which means there is no need to use protection.
  • You are afraid of developing negative consequences from long-term use of OCs.
  • The patient was diagnosed with serious illnesses.
  • You decide to give preference to another method of contraception.
  • Pregnancy occurred despite taking birth control pills.

The female body responds normally to drugs containing small amounts of hormones. However, if certain diseases develop, taking such tablets should be stopped immediately. Contraindications to the use of OCs may include blurred vision, surgical operations, varicose veins, liver pathologies, etc.

Stop taking birth control pills and avoid the development of adverse reactions - is this possible? Doctors say that it is quite possible to minimize unpleasant symptoms; it is enough to follow a few simple rules.

  • Before stopping hormonal birth control pills, be sure to talk to your doctor. He will be able to assess the state of your reproductive health as objectively as possible and will tell you whether it is possible to refuse the drug at the moment. If the pills helped get rid of the disease, but it has not yet disappeared completely, it is better to continue therapy.
  • If you want to stop taking hormonal medications without harm to your health, be sure to finish the pack of pills to the end. Stopping medication mid-cycle will lead to serious hormonal imbalances. The patient may experience extraordinary uterine bleeding. Follow the instructions and do not experiment with your health.
  • Before prescribing the pills, the doctor develops a special regimen for taking the drug. It must be strictly followed. It is recommended to stop taking hormonal contraceptives gradually and smoothly.

Hormonal pills are usually prescribed to patients to eliminate certain unpleasant symptoms. After stopping taking the pills, discomfort and cycle disruption. The faster the active substance is eliminated from your body, the greater the likelihood of side effects.


Laboratory experiments conducted by qualified doctors from different countries have proven that refusal of OCs has a beneficial effect on the activity of the ovaries and the production of follicles. Hyperactivity leads to the development of some side effects, but it can also have a beneficial effect on reproductive function and speed up conception.

After stopping the OC, a woman has a much greater chance of becoming pregnant. Severe side effects only occur when the drug is chosen incorrectly. Oral contraceptives should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Refusal of drugs containing progestins leads to disinhibition of ovulation. The patient's body begins to rapidly produce hormones that promote the formation of follicles.

After completing the course of taking OK:

  • Normal secretion is restored, corresponding to the main phases of the cycle;
  • Pathological disorders in endometrial tissue gradually disappear;
  • A fertilized egg can easily move to the uterus;
  • The chemical composition of the vaginal microflora is normalized;
  • The viscosity of the secretion in the cervical canal decreases, which makes it easier for sperm to pass through.

A woman’s body needs some time to adjust. Because of this, a slight delay in menstruation may occur. After just a few menstrual cycles, your reproductive system will work stably and you will be able to get pregnant.

Side effects

Many patients, after stopping taking OCs, notice some changes in the functioning of the body. Patients complain of changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle. If the period between menstrual bleeding is 21-36 days, there is no need to worry - this is quite normal.

Some experience a significant delay in menstruation - by 2-3 cycles. This time is necessary for your body to fully recover and return to the natural production of sex hormones. If a woman previously had menstrual irregularities, then after discontinuation of the OC such problems may recur again.

In addition to disrupting your cycle, stopping birth control pills can lead to other unpleasant side effects:

  • The occurrence of unexpected vaginal bleeding.
  • Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen due to activation of the ovaries.
  • The appearance of rashes, acne, comedones on the face.
  • General depression, fatigue, high irritability.
  • Strengthening the work of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Nausea, headache.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

If such side effects cause you inconvenience and do not disappear on their own within 5-6 months, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Every woman should be prepared for the fact that stopping hormonal pills will have certain consequences. However, side effects are not always dangerous and practically do not interfere with the functioning of your body. These are only temporary inconveniences that will very soon disappear on their own, without any additional treatment.

Painful syndrome is a natural reaction to a sudden cessation of hormones entering the body. Such side effects may also occur when stopping any other medications that the patient had to use for a long time. If discomfort does not go away for a long time, consult a doctor. The doctor will select a drug for you that will speed up the normalization of hormonal levels.

Many women are afraid to stop taking hormonal pills because they believe that they may suddenly gain excess weight. Doctors say that patients are recovering due to disruptions in the endocrine system, but not due to discontinuation of OCs. Extra fears and worries only make the situation worse. A woman may experience depression, during which she eats food uncontrollably.

A slight weight gain (1-2 kg) is observed more often when switching to birth control pills. This type of contraceptive can retain water in the body. After stopping taking the pills, you will, on the contrary, lose weight due to the release of excess fluid.

Oral contraceptives (OC) in the form of tablets are now so common that about 70% of women of childbearing age take them. Moreover, in some cases, the need for contraceptive hormonal drugs is not due to their direct purpose (protection against unwanted pregnancy), but for the treatment of any diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. When the reasons that caused the need to take OCs disappear, many women wonder what consequences to expect after stopping birth control. Therefore, we will next consider the natural processes in the body and the negative side effects that occur when stopping drugs, how to properly stop taking them, and why the ovaries hurt after stopping them.

In order to understand the consequences of discontinuing OCs, it is necessary to find out how these drugs act and what effect they have on the female reproductive system.

Oral contraceptives are synthetic hormones that suppress ovulation and change the ratio of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone. When the amount of these hormones changes, the structure of the uterine endometrium and cervical mucus changes, due to which the sperm either does not connect with the egg at all (that is, fertilization does not occur), or the fertilized sperm does not attach to the walls of the uterus.

Also, when taking OCs, the functions of the ovaries are switched off; artificial hormones do all the work for them. Therefore, if the ovaries hurt after stopping OCs, this indicates that the organs are restoring their natural activity. You should wait a few cycles for the appendages to begin producing their own hormones, after which the pain will stop.

In what cases and how to properly stop using a contraceptive?

You can stop taking OCs voluntarily or if there are medical indications. In the first case, the reasons may be:

  • the woman is planning a pregnancy, so protection is no longer required;
  • another method of contraception was chosen (condom, cap, coil, etc.);
  • reluctance to take hormones for a long time, etc.

Sometimes there is a need to urgently stop taking OCs, for example in cases of the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal and/or liver failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension II or III degree;
  • during surgical interventions (hormones can have a negative effect on anesthesia or the course of the operation).

If one of these diseases is diagnosed, you should stop taking the drug within the time frame prescribed by your doctor.

What to expect when stopping the drug

  1. Reproductive function is restored in several directions: the body’s own hormone production and endometrial structure are restored, the viscosity of cervical mucus is reduced, and the chemical composition of the vaginal flora changes.
  2. Menstrual irregularities are possible due to the fact that throughout the entire period of taking OCs, the body’s own reproductive abilities were atrophied, they were replaced by drugs. Therefore, it takes some time to restore normal functioning of the organs.
  3. Bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs when the drug is abruptly discontinued. In order to prevent this unpleasant consequence, you need to finish the package of OK until the end, that is, before the start of your next menstruation.
  4. Changes in libido are related to hormone levels. Moreover, changes can be either towards an increase in sexual desire or its complete absence. This symptom is temporary and should not cause concern.
  5. The appearance of acne is also related to hormones. Contraceptives contain hormones that suppress the production of androgens. Namely, they cause skin rashes.
  6. A change in the state of the nervous system, which manifests itself in mood swings, depression or irritability, and sometimes fatigue or weakness.
  7. Gain, or vice versa, weight loss. There may be slight weight gain when taking birth control pills. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hormones, glucose is broken down faster in the body, so appetite increases. OCs are also capable of retaining water in the body. If after stopping the drug your weight has decreased, this is a natural process. If you have increased, you need to check the ratio of sex hormones and the thyroid gland. There may be some kind of endocrine disease.

One of the common consequences of stopping taking OCs is pain in the ovaries. They occur after discontinuation of the following drugs.


This hormonal drug is a synthetic analogue of progesterone and can be prescribed for various diseases caused by a deficiency of this hormone (myoma, dysmenorrhea, etc.). After stopping Duphaston, many women notice aching pain in the ovaries, which usually lasts until the start of the next menstruation.

In some cases, single cysts appear that do not require specific therapy and resolve on their own in 1-2 cycles.


This contraceptive is also used for treatment. After stopping the drug, many women note that their ovaries ache. If during Visanne there was pain in the area of ​​the ovaries or uterus, and this pain does not go away within a week, this may indicate either a natural recovery of the body or some kind of pathology, so in this case a consultation with a doctor is advisable.


The drug is not a contraceptive; it is used to treat diabetes mellitus of the first and second types. However, in some cases it is prescribed for the treatment of polycystic disease (under the strict supervision of a doctor).

If the ovaries become ill while taking Metformin, this may indicate that the ovulatory cycle is being restored, since with polycystic disease this process is disrupted until there is a complete absence of menstruation. Usually, unpleasant sensations in the ovarian area disappear during the first week of use, and after discontinuation of the drug they occur infrequently.

Hog queen

It is not a synthetic contraceptive and does not contain hormones, but its properties are such that it can correct the body's hormonal levels and is used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases, including infertility caused by lack of ovulation.

If, when taking boron uterus, the ovaries are pulled and there is aching pain in the lower abdomen, this is a normal reaction of the body to the folk remedy, even if the symptoms are present in the first half of the cycle. Since ovulation begins from the uterus, the ovaries begin to function more actively, hence the unpleasant symptoms. Over time, the pain will subside as the body adapts.

In the treatment of infertility, this plant shows excellent results; moreover, it is not a synthetic agent (that is, safe), therefore it is very popular in gynecological practice.

Pregnancy after discontinuation of OK

After stopping taking oral contraceptives, you cannot immediately plan a pregnancy.. It is necessary to wait until the hormonal levels are completely restored, the pain in the ovaries subsides, and they begin to function properly.

Recovery usually takes 2-3 months, but sometimes this process can last up to six months. Pain in the ovaries, of course, subsides quite quickly (provided that it is natural pain and not caused by any pathologies), but it takes a little more time to restore hormone production.

In order for the recovery process to proceed quickly and without unpleasant complications, you need to follow several rules when stopping the drug:

  1. You should consult with your gynecologist whether it is advisable to stop drinking OK at this particular moment. The patient's health and potential risks should be assessed.
  2. You should finish the pack to the end in any case, otherwise a sharp hormonal surge may occur, causing bleeding in the middle of the cycle and subsequent delay of menstruation.
  3. You can stop taking the drug in the middle of the cycle if unpleasant side effects occur: pain in the mammary glands, acne, nausea, etc.
  4. If the drug was taken not for the purpose of contraception, but for the treatment of any hormonal disease, then after discontinuation it is necessary to take tests to determine the amount of hormones and subsequently carry them out regularly.

Considering the unpleasant consequences of taking oral contraceptives, you should not be afraid of them. This is not only a reliable method of contraception, but also a means for treating many gynecological diseases, as well as infertility. Pain in the ovaries after stopping the OC goes away quite quickly, in most cases it is not a pathology, so you just need to endure it.

Contraceptives in pill form are so popular that about 60 percent or more of women take them. Sometimes it happens that there is no longer a need for them, but women do not know whether they can stop taking birth control pills. After all, everything related to the withdrawal of drugs with hormones is accompanied by various rumors. Some people complain about cycle disruptions and abdominal pain, while others worry whether this will negatively affect their ability to give birth to a full-fledged child in the future. Many are also convinced that they will inevitably get better.

Which of this is true, and what should you be afraid of when stopping oral contraceptives? Let's look at this question in more detail.

In what cases do women decide to stop taking OCs?

Cancellation of contraceptives usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • The family's financial situation improved, and she decided to be happy with the child.
  • Your personal life has collapsed, and now you don’t need to protect yourself. Love, at best, is only a dream.
  • You are afraid to take hormones for a long time.
  • Serious health problems have arisen.
  • You decide to switch to another type of contraception
  • Despite all precautions, pregnancy occurred

When may it be necessary to urgently stop taking OCs?

With a small amount of hormones, modern contraceptives are well tolerated by the female body. But you should know that if you have serious general diseases, your gynecologist may decide to stop taking the medications and offer you other methods of birth control.

Stopping birth control pills is necessary for the following health problems:

  • Liver diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Lipid metabolism disorders
  • Varicose veins
  • Cancer diseases
  • Serious visual impairment
  • Intracavitary operations

Are there possible negative consequences when stopping OK?

The results of a study conducted at the departments of obstetrics and gynecology by the medical faculties of several medical universities are interesting.

The abolition of contraceptives sharply increases the activity of the ovaries. This hyperactivity causes many side effects. However, it can also be used for good. Modern OCs can sometimes be prescribed to speed up conception. Since the ovaries begin to work more actively after stopping birth control, this increases the chances of getting pregnant.

As has been established, discontinuation of OCs is accompanied by long-term troubles only if the drug is prescribed incorrectly. The selection of hormonal contraceptives should be made by a gynecologist strictly individually.

What happens in the body when you stop taking birth control?

As a result of stopping the intake of gestagens (progestins) with oral contraceptives, ovulation is disinhibited, and the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland ceases to be inhibited. The production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones increases.

How does reproductive function restore?

After stopping taking contraceptives, the following occurs:

  1. The secretory phase of the cycle (menstrual) is normalized.
  2. The restoration of temporary atrophic changes in the endometrium begins.
  3. The ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg is restored.
  4. The chemistry of the vaginal environment changes.
  5. The viscosity of mucus (cervical) decreases. Consequently, it becomes easier for the sperm that get here to move.

While these changes are occurring in the body, there is a delay after discontinuation of contraceptives.

What are the consequences of stopping taking contraceptives?

If you were absolutely healthy before and while taking OK, after two, maximum, three months the body will begin to work as before. That is, before you quit birth control and after you did not notice any changes in your health. Healthy women are not in any danger from discontinuing OCs.

In cases where oral contraceptives were prescribed not only for contraception, but also for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, etc., stopping the drug may worsen previously untreated diseases. In this case, only your doctor can answer the question of how to stop taking birth control pills. Also, to restore normal functioning of the ovaries, it may be necessary to replace the drug.

For whom is it undesirable to stop using contraceptives?

For a number of women who take oral contraceptives for a long time, their cancellation may be completely undesirable. This is due to various reasons: age, the possibility of exacerbation of certain diseases, as well as the type of drug.

Therefore, before abandoning hormonal contraceptives, they should weigh everything carefully and consult their doctor, who will decide whether it is possible to stop taking contraceptives.

So, the following facts must be taken into account:

  1. Discontinuation of OCs in women with anemia will increase the amount of blood lost during menstruation
  2. Cancellation of OC reduces the viscosity of mucus, and this increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
  3. Stopping OCs during menopause increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  4. Stopping OCs with antiandrogenic properties will increase hair growth on the face and body
  5. Cancellation of OCs deprives protection against ectopic pregnancy
  6. Cancellation of OCs may reduce sexual desire, because a woman will have a fear of an unplanned pregnancy

Typical symptoms of withdrawal: cycle failures

After you stop using contraceptives, you may notice some strange things. For example, the cycle may lengthen or, conversely, shorten. Let us remember that a regular cycle lasting from 21 to 36 days is considered normal.

Sometimes there is a delay after stopping birth control for two or three cycles. This time is used by the body to return to its natural mode of operation. Then the cycle becomes regular. If your cycle often went wrong in the past, after you stop taking OK, the disturbances may resume again.


When birth control pills are stopped, the consequences may appear in the form of abnormal vaginal bleeding. Moreover, they are unpredictable and can start at the most inopportune moment.

To prevent such drastic reactions, you can stop taking birth control pills only after waiting for your period. Those. The package must be drunk completely.

If your stomach hurts after stopping birth control

If the ovaries are too active, there may be pain in the lower abdomen after stopping birth control. They should go quickly. If the pain persists for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist. Its causes may be hypothermia or sexually transmitted infection, improper bowel function.

Other manifestations

If contraceptives are discontinued, the consequences almost always appear. After a long-term rest, a woman’s ovaries work more actively for several months than before taking OK. This temporary change in hormonal levels causes discomfort, which manifests itself differently in each woman.

Stopping birth control pills side effects:

  • Depression
  • Skin rashes
  • Delays
  • Increased menstruation
  • Malaise
  • Increased irritability
  • The work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is enhanced again
  • The appearance of comedones (blackheads on the face), acne
  • Sometimes, pain in the lower abdomen
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Loss of sexual desire

If the consequences of discontinuing birth control do not go away for more than six months, and the symptoms listed above interfere with your life, you should consult a gynecologist.

Is it really that dangerous?

If hormonal contraceptives are discontinued, the consequences are inevitable. Should you fear for your health if your body reacts quite sharply to stopping oral contraception? As such, this does not pose a serious threat to health and only causes a number of troubles.

Contraceptive withdrawal syndrome is the body's normal reaction to stopping the supply of a drug. Such conditions also occur when you stop taking many other conventional medications. For example, after stopping taking antihypertensive drugs, which helped maintain normal blood pressure for a long time, the pressure increases, when antianginal drugs are stopped, angina increases, etc.

Anything that happens after stopping birth control will go away if you start taking the OC again after 2-3 months. If you do not plan to take them again or the withdrawal syndrome from birth control pills lasts too long, your gynecologist will prescribe you suitable drugs or hormone-correcting agents.

When is the best time to get pregnant after stopping OC?

Normal ovulation after discontinuation of contraceptives is established after two to four months. At this time, it is better to wait to become pregnant. Although you need to understand that the period for the body to return to normal functioning greatly depends on the concentration of hormones in the drug and on the individual characteristics of your body.

The existing myth that taking hormonal drugs in the future will prevent a woman from becoming pregnant has not been confirmed by medical practice. On the contrary, very often women taking OCs experience an increased ability to conceive due to increased ovarian activity.

How to quit OK?

The question of how to cancel birth control pills without adverse reactions is of interest to many.

In order for a woman to properly stop taking birth control pills, we advise you to follow three rules:

  • Before you quit, consult your gynecologist to see if you can stop taking birth control pills at this time. Stopping taking birth control pills is done only after assessing your health, since OCs are often prescribed not only for contraception, but also for gentle correction of hormonal levels.
  • It is safe to stop taking birth control pills only after finishing the pack. If you abruptly stop taking birth control in the middle of your cycle, health problems cannot be avoided. Such a sudden cessation will cause a sharp hormonal imbalance and most likely provoke uterine bleeding. It is better not to experiment with your own body.
  • Stop taking birth control pills, strictly following the plan drawn up by your doctor, ensuring a gradual and safe interruption of birth control.

Do I need to take breaks while taking oral contraception?

Many women are interested in the question of how long it takes to stop taking birth control pills. This is due to the fact that the use of previously produced OCs had to be interrupted after two years. It was recommended to take a break for two to three months, and it was necessary to restore the functioning of the reproductive system. During this period, it was advised to use mechanical methods of contraception, which is not always convenient.

Modern drugs do not have such strict restrictions. New generation contraceptives can be taken continuously and without any harm for up to 35 years. They have very low hormone content. In addition, if we stop taking birth control pills and then start taking them again, we will create unnecessary stress on the endocrine system.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to stop taking birth control pills is ambiguous. It's possible, but why? Many women are prescribed OCs not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to correct the functioning of the endocrine system. Modern drugs can be taken for a long time without interruption, if there are no contraindications. However, twice a year a visit to a gynecologist and mammologist is required.

Only a gynecologist, having assessed the state of your endocrine system, can tell you how to stop taking birth control pills without serious consequences. He will draw up detailed instructions and give competent advice to avoid long-term discomfort.

Why shouldn’t you suddenly stop taking contraceptives?

Birth control pill withdrawal syndrome can result in symptoms that were treated by the drug and sometimes new conditions. As a rule, the faster the OC is removed from the body, the more severe the withdrawal syndrome.

If a woman abruptly stops taking birth control pills, bleeding may begin, severe pain will appear, and the cycle will be disrupted. In this case, the menstrual cycle will take much longer to recover. What happens if you don't finish the package?

When asked whether it is possible not to finish taking birth control pills, you should give a positive answer only in case of serious health problems: severe hypertension, constant headaches, various types of bleeding, dizziness and other complications. That is, not finishing the pack is possible only in emergency cases.

If a woman has not finished her pack of contraceptives, this means that the use of contraceptives has stopped suddenly, and this, as we have already said, will inevitably cause withdrawal syndrome. The remaining tablets must be taken for a certain time, gradually reducing the dose. Your doctor should calculate the reduction plan.

Is it possible to gain weight after stopping birth control?

The complaint that a woman has gained weight after stopping taking a contraceptive is very common. In fact, the reasons for this are completely different. If a woman has endocrine disorders, then weight gain is in no way connected with taking or stopping taking contraceptives. Perhaps this period coincided with other serious events. Anxiety and stress force many women to eat uncontrollably.

Minor weight gain, on the other hand, can only occur when you start taking certain contraceptives. This happens due to the fact that they contribute to the retention of a small amount of water (no more than two liters). Therefore, when you stop taking the drug, you will not only not increase your body weight, but you can lose about the same 2 kg.

Therefore, before you stop taking birth control pills, you need to get the advice of your consulting gynecologist. His opinion should be decisive, since only a specialist, having assessed your condition, will be able to decide whether you should stop taking OCs, at what time it is best to do this, and offer an individual regimen. This will minimize the possibility of adverse reactions and will allow you to stop taking the drug correctly and without harm to your health.

Nowadays, OCs (oral contraceptives) are considered the most popular types of contraceptives. For many women, OK is the only way out of such an intimate situation, since they do not cause harm to health, like an “umbrella” or products for use inside the vagina. However, any interference with the body's biological clock can lead to negative consequences.

Janine as a contraceptive

Such drugs as Janine were created for treatment, and only in the second case for protection against unwanted pregnancy. When taking the drug Zhanine, women's breasts enlarge, menstruation normalizes, cysts and formations on the ovaries disappear. There is also a noticeable improvement in the second phase of the menstrual cycle if a woman has problems conceiving. Janine is prescribed for hormonal imbalance and imperfect functioning of the egg follicle.

As a contraceptive, Zhanine is well tolerated by women who have not given birth. This can replace them with stronger drugs. Consequences of taking janine:

  • Increase in breast volume
  • Weight gain (up to 10-12 kg).
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Janine, like any contraceptive, has a negative effect on a woman’s reproductive function. After long-term use (more than 8 months), a woman may experience failure of one of her ovaries. This manifests itself in the following:

  • Delayed menstruation 8-9 months after starting to use contraceptives.
  • Profuse leucorrhoea.
  • Complications when conceiving a child (requires 2-5 months).
  • My chest hurts at night.
  • Pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  • Hair falls out.

With long-term use of Escapelle, Postinor, Zhanin, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist - there is a possibility of falling into the risk zone of infertility patients.

Chest pain after stopping taking approx.

Why do women's breasts react sharply to changes in the body after the abolition of ok? Each of the contraceptives contains a hormonal set of substances that stimulate the functioning of the breasts and mammary glands in general. At a certain point, your body stops receiving “recharge”, and you feel pain - it appears immediately after you stop taking it, because the cells do not receive the portion of hormones on the basis of which all the work of the reproductive function has taken place over the past six months. The body defended itself from the penetration of sperm, and was suddenly left without a “protector”, without additional hormones, which it now needs to produce on its own.

As a result, if the body “gets out of the habit” of independent production, then it will not be able to be responsible for the improper functioning of the breasts, ovaries and organs involved in fertilization. Under such circumstances, the breast may hurt due to the lack of supporting microorganisms. In this case it is observed:

  • Reduced functioning of the fallopian tubes during contraction.
  • Changes in the composition of blood and cervical mucus.
  • Changes in the structure of the endometrium (which is detrimental to a woman).
  • Inability of the uterus to bear a child.

When working on an artificial hormone, the entire reproductive function of a woman is reduced to zero. When treating infertility, it is necessary to select drugs that will not aggravate the situation.

Urgent contraceptives and their features

When using urgent ok, escapelle, and other medications, the ovaries do not slow down. On the contrary, under the influence of hormones (with one-time use) found in contraceptives, female organs intensively fight against “unnecessary” foreign bodies. The body protects itself in advance by bringing the ovaries to work, which causes untimely menstruation. In this case, the chest, lower abdomen, and head may hurt.

After abrupt discontinuation of contraceptives, the work of the ovaries can increase significantly. Hence the severe pain in the gland, sometimes in the back. Among emergency contraceptives, there are those that are suitable for different phenotypes of women:

After stopping the use of Postinor, Escapel and other urgent medications, at least 4 weeks should pass. It is not recommended to use them every month, as they disrupt the biological stage of menstruation and also cause pain and discomfort during subsequent menstruation.

When using postinor and escapelle more than 1-2 times a month, a woman, even after stopping use, develops thrush and fungus in the genitals.

After stopping the use of Postinor, Escapel and other contraceptives, the size of the glands is not restored. This threatens the development of mastitis when feeding a child, cancer, and benign tumors. In the absence of a “set” of artificial hormones, the body “sees an excess” and stops working and providing all the conditions for conception. “You wanted protection, you will get the body’s natural production of anti-stress.”

Consequences of abruptly stopping medications

In addition to the main problems of stopping taking Escapelle, Postinor, the drugs Coc and Zhanine, consequences may develop - a delay in the menstrual cycle, which will not work without the “help” of contraceptives. Amenorrhea is also likely to develop, when menstruation completely disappears, regardless of age or pregnancy. If the girl has not given birth yet, she will feel severe pain and cramps. They often appear in those girls who have used coke and coke-containing drugs.

Combination drugs are not aimed at the individual body; as a rule, they are selected by women themselves. A doctor, and only a doctor, should prescribe the use of coca, postinor, esapela, since everything must correspond to the phenotype of the body, the structural features of the uterus, tubes, etc. If pain and severe spasms are noted, you need to check the genitals for pathologies.

There is a high probability of developing pathologies in the following:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Syphilis.
  • Hepatitis.

There is a possibility of developing thyroid disease. In order not to provoke consequences, not to cause pain when you stop taking Postinor and Escapel, you need to stop using them at the end or beginning of the cycle, not in the middle.

Everything, everything, everything has gone wrong! My cycle is out of whack, I have problems with my skin, my mood every day is like at the peak of PMS... And all I did was stop taking birth control pills. So they are addictive?

By and large, there are only three main reasons why you stop taking COCs: everything is fine and you are thinking about a child; everything is bad for you, and there is no more sex; You are doing well, but you are afraid to take “hormones” for a long time. Do you know which of these problems is yours?

1 REASON: Modern hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but also, conversely, to speed up conception. When you stop taking COCs, the so-called rebound effect occurs - the rested ovaries actively begin to work, and the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. So, after giving up the pills, immediately give up both smoking and alcohol in any doses.

However, if pregnancy has not occurred within three months after stopping the COC, you should consult a doctor. And not only for you, but also for your loved one: in about half of the cases, problems with conception are caused by the state of men's health.


By the way, it is the excessive activity of the ovaries, which have returned to work, that creates the side effects that bother you so much.

REASON 2: He left you, you quit taking the pills. Or did you quit him and the pills at the same time?

If hormonal contraceptives were prescribed to you solely to prevent pregnancy, then there is no need to continue taking them. Even if you meet a new love tomorrow, it is better to use condoms at first: they protect against sexually transmitted infections. And when you start to trust each other... you will have to go to the doctor again to pick up contraceptives. Even if the previous ones were fine, some changes could have occurred in the body during the period of forced abstinence.

“But if the drug is prescribed to help you cope with PMS, acne or some other problem, then you should not refuse it. Even in the absence of sexual activity,” says Natalya Boldyreva, a gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Mother and Child clinic.

REASON 3: For some reason, many people believe that OCs are harmful to health and should not be taken for longer than 3-4 months. Let's start with the fact that not everyone is prescribed COCs. “If you have liver problems, varicose veins, diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, then in some cases it makes sense to replace the pills with a hormonal vaginal ring or patch, and in others, even switch to other methods of contraception, for example barrier ones,” advises Dr. Boldyreva.

“But if there are no deviations and the pills were prescribed by a doctor, there is no need to take a break from taking COCs,” explains Professor Tikhomirov. “From the moment of your last birth until menopause, you can take the same contraceptives.” And the myth that you need to interrupt your reception every 3-4 months apparently arose as a result of a broken phone. The fact is that 3-4 months after the prescription of the OC, it is necessary for the doctor to evaluate the effect of the drug.

What are you complaining about?

Mood swings

Even if the contraceptives were chosen correctly, some oddities are possible in the first couple of cycles after discontinuation. Don't be afraid of this. The body needs a little time to adapt to new conditions, and your own hormones need to work without additional help.

WHAT TO DO? Vitamins with calcium or a herbal mixture with common twig (Vitex agnus-castus, Abraham's tree) will help you. This herb affects testosterone levels. Relaxation techniques and physical activity will also help.

Delay for no apparent reason

If before the prescription of the GC the cycle was regular, then even after the cancellation there should be no failure. Most often it occurs in those who have complained about this before. In rare cases, menstruation is delayed by 2-3 cycles, since after stopping COCs the body may not immediately “turn on”, it needs to get used to the changes.

WHAT TO DO? To rule out other causes of delay (including rapid pregnancy), consult a doctor immediately.

Cycle change

Usually, after stopping the pills, the cycle returns to its previous natural mode, but sometimes it chooses a new rhythm - longer or shorter than the previous one.

WHAT TO DO?“If your cycle is within 21-36 days and it is regular, then you have no reason to worry,” explains Dr. Boldyreva.

Acne, blackheads, oily hair

Their cause is most often an imbalance of hormones in the body. For such problems, COCs with a so-called antiandrogenic effect are selected. “Pimples, acne, greasiness, and other skin problems associated with teenage hormonal instability will go away as a result of taking COCs and should not return after discontinuation,” explains gynecologist Natalya Boldyreva. “But if the reasons are related to endocrine disorders, then some time after stopping the COC, the problems may return.”

WHAT TO DO? In this case, you will either have to choose another, systemic therapy, or return to COCs. Until your skin returns to normal, watch your diet and drink more fluids.

Extra pounds

In some women, weight may increase by 1.5-2 kg (due to slight fluid retention) when starting to take COCs. But canceling a contraceptive never gives such an effect. The reason for the extra pounds is something else, and it would be a good idea to go to the doctor and find the real reason.

WHAT TO DO? Think about it, maybe you are eating stress after parting with your loved one? It’s better to relieve stress in the gym, honestly!

Pain in the lower abdomen

Occasionally, this happens after stopping the pills, if the ovaries, having started working, begin to function too actively, they may even swell a little. But it goes away quickly. More often, pain occurs as a result of hypothermia or sexually transmitted infection. Or perhaps they are caused not so much by the refusal of contraceptives, but again by your worries about the breakup or, conversely, the upcoming wedding. In other words, pain has more to do with the digestive system than with the reproductive system.

WHAT TO DO? Do an ultrasound immediately after menstruation to make sure everything is normal. Drink motherwort at night for a month. And watch your diet. It is important not only the quantity and quality of food, but also the manner: do not swallow food on the go, do not forget to chew properly. And don't eat when you're stressed! C

Oksana Alekseeva