Malibu biography. Olesya Malibu: Russian clone of Pamela Anderson. Photos before and after plastic surgery

Malibu Olesya (Kozhevnikova) was born in 1988 at the beginning of autumn. She was no different from her peers; she studied at the simplest elementary school near Moscow. In appearance, Olesya was a very cute and pretty girl. How she communicated with her classmates is currently unknown, but for some reason everyone called her a rat. Olesya received incomplete secondary education and decided to continue her studies in college in finance. At first, she had a dream to work in some kind of banking institution or branch, so she wanted to get as close to money as possible. Rather, an interesting series about beach lifeguards, Baywatch, was released on television, and after that she really wanted to become like the main character Pamela Anderson. From that very moment, she decided for herself that she would definitely turn to the help of surgeons. At the age of eighteen, immediately after graduating from school, Olesya Kozhevnikova increased the size of her breasts to a fourth size, and before that she had a second. But then, she thought carefully and decided that this was not the last stage in her changes. At the moment, Olesya is considered one of the owners of a huge bust. Her breast size is number six. Subsequently, Olesya Kozhevnik more than once went under the surgical knife. She not only enlarged her breasts, but also pumped up her lips with silicone. This is how she achieved her perfection in beauty. Many envious girls very often ask the question - where does Malibu get the huge money for expensive plastic surgery? But this is no longer a secret; the sponsors for paying for the operations are her many fans and lovers.

Career growth of Olesya Malibu

As is known from reliable sources, Olesya Malibu - Kozhevnikova took part in many famous projects and shows. These are: “House 2”, “Let’s get married”, “Cosmetic repairs” and many others. Having participated in the TV show “We Talk and Show,” Olesya admitted that she always wanted to live in a rich area (Rublyovka) and find the best and richest husband there. As for Olesya Malibu’s employment, she often takes part in explicit magazines and porn magazines for men.

One of the brightest appearances on the screen is the appearance of Olesya on the show “House 2”. On this project, men very much criticized the girl for her too provocative appearance. She was received poorly and without much warmth by the participants, so Olesya Malibu left the project a day after her arrival.

On the “Let's Get Married” program, Olesya tried to take part twice, but both were doomed to failure. In the first case, the participant simply did not choose Malibu, and in the second program Olesya herself chose, but the participant she chose refused the girl.

There were a lot of projects in which Olesya Kozhevnikova (Malibu) participated. Basically, she was invited to play the most important role. These were programs in which the topic was about plastic surgery, its consequences and results.

At this time, Olesya is considered an erotic model. She was never shy about her curves, and always enjoyed showing them off to the public.

Once upon a time, she received an unusual offer from the directors of pornographic films. But since the girl had a very jealous boyfriend, he categorically forbade her to accept the proposal.

Personal life of Olesya Malibu

Olesya never got married and never even received a marriage proposal. All men consider her a good lover, but nothing more. The men who were with Olesya always showered her with gifts, provided for her from head to toe, so this was and is the main income in her life. In the future, the Malibu girl dreams of building a house for kittens and collecting the most beautiful representatives of cats in it.

See how Olesya behaves in real life. A very extraordinary personality. Release of the program "Let's Get Married"

And like any girl who has run out of arguments against a stream of offensive words, Olesya simply grabbed her rival’s hair so that she wouldn’t insult her! So, a fight with the Let's Get Married studio!

Olesya Malibu, of course, was not born with that last name, but she was born in Korolev, near Moscow, on September 7, 1989, according to the media. According to the horoscope, Olesya Kozhevnikova is a Virgo, which, obviously, affected her character. And the fact of birth on September 7 also carries a certain meaning. After all, Virgos born on this day are inclined to receive comfort and uncontrollably want to achieve personal success in life. Although astrologers note the lack of careerism in Virgos born on September 7, this cannot be said from Olesya’s biography. I would say that she is a careerist, but not in her profession, but in her lifestyle. Although she did not achieve any special heights in this field.

Before plastic surgery, Olesya looked very good, despite the fact that she had an offensive nickname at school. Most likely, the girl became prettier in high school. And then there were plastic surgeries that made Olesya what she is now. Olesya pumped up her lips and enlarged her breasts to size four, and then to size six. Of course, all this is unnecessary, because the second breast size is quite normal in life, and her natural lips were better than new ones. But in some ways she has become better than she was, yet it is precisely with this transformation that many people know her exactly as she is now. Otherwise, she would have worked as a bank clerk or distributed cosmetics.

Malibu Olesya became after watching the series "Baywatch" with Pamela Anderson starring. She wanted to become the same in appearance, and began to undergo plastic surgery. In some way, she achieved her goal; the similarities between them, of course, can be seen. But Olesya does not appear in films, although there are many piquant photographs of her on the Internet. Olesya participated in many television shows, such as "Dom-2" (she did not stay there for long), "Let's get married" and many other similar shows. She said she was married when she was interviewed after being detained by police and charged with prostitution. But now the girl is free, but no one wants to marry her. Olesya is popular with men as a girl for one evening. Currently, little is known about her; most likely, she is still looking for a rich husband and wants to live on Rublyovka.

", star Instagram, participant in the show “Instagram Girls Season 2”.

Olesya Malibu. Biography

Olesya Kozhevnikova (Malibu) was born on September 7, 1989 in Korolev, Moscow Region. Olesya's family lived modestly, but the girl dreamed that when she grew up she would become very rich. At school they laughed at Olesya and gave her the nickname Rat. After finishing 9th grade, I entered a financial college. She wanted to become a bank employee, but soon radically changed her decision. Olesya worked as a real estate sales manager, a consultant in a sports store, a dealer for a popular cosmetics brand, etc.

Olesya's idol is Hollywood star Pamela Anderson. After watching the TV series “Baywatch,” Olesya wanted to become an exact copy of Pamela, and that’s when Olesya Malibu appeared. The blonde underwent her first plastic surgery to transform herself at the age of 18. As a result, Olesya changed the shape of her nose and enlarged her breasts from size 2 to size 4, and then to size 6.

In 2011, Olesya Malibu became a participant in the scandalous reality show on the TNT channel “Dom-2”. True, she was unable to build relationships on the project. Olesb Malibu could also be seen in the TV show“Terribly beautiful”, “We talk and show”, “Let's get married!”, “Holidays in Mexico” and others.

In the summer of 2018 on the channel "Friday!" the second season has started ruthless and provocative reality show “Instagram Girls”, the heroine of which was Olesya Malibu.

Olesya Malibu. Personal life

At the beginning of 2015, it became known about Olesya’s wedding. Her chosen one is a guy with average income. The blonde assured everyone that this was true love. But family happiness lasted a little more than a week. Olesya’s chosen one was dissatisfied with the fact that she starred in candid photo shoots, not at all embarrassed, but on the contrary, showing off her charms. And after Malibu received an offer to act in adult films, the young man finally decided to break up with her.

In addition, in the show “Let's get married!” the outrageous blonde came with her ex-lover Sasha, whom, according to her, she did not share with another girl, so they broke up.

After the release of the series about rescuers, it haunted no one. If men longed to possess her or at least see her as often as possible, then women wanted to become like the American actress.

The desire of some of them reached such an extent that the breasts mercilessly enlarged, as did the lips, and the operated woman herself was transformed from an inconspicuous figure into a shocking image. A few years ago, the unknown Olesya Kozhevnikova turned into a hot model Olesya Malibu, who never left the silver screen.

Childhood and youth

The future star of erotic magazines spent her childhood in Korolev, where she was born on September 7, 1989. The girl stubbornly does not talk about her parents, but it is known that the family lived modestly, without excesses. Therefore, from an early age, the girl dreamed of wealth in the future. While studying at the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum, classmates gave Olesya the rather offensive nickname Rat. Perhaps after this she developed a desire to excite the public and attract attention by any means.

After graduating from 9th grade, Kozhevnikova entered a financial college. She planned to work in a bank, but became a real estate sales manager, a salesperson in a sports store, and a distributor of Yves Rocher cosmetics. Waking up one night, I realized that I couldn’t surprise anyone with my undistinguished appearance, and changes began.

At the age of 18, she underwent her first plastic surgery to enlarge her breasts from size 2 to size 4 (before and after photos are posted on the Internet). This was followed by another operation with the financial support of an influential fan, after which the bust was already confidently the 6th. Offers to appear in candid photo shoots poured in. This is how a sonorous pseudonym and a new profession appeared, which the girl mastered perfectly.

The next step in the transformation is to enlarge her already plump lips, for which she had to get rid of her teeth and replace them with snow-white implants. The shape of the nose has also undergone changes. As Olesya herself said, her father and mother came to terms with her new appearance because her only daughter wanted it that way.

In an interview with Muz-TV in 2011, the queen of outrageousness frankly stated how much beauty costs:

  • 400 thousand rubles. - the first two operations,
  • 300 thousand rubles. - teeth,
  • 25 thousand rubles. per month - for lip injections,
  • 15 thousand per month - for fitness
  • 15 thousand per month - for a solarium
  • 5 thousand per month rub. - for makeup

and “a lot” for clothes. Funds are taken from patrons - “businessmen who need something other than their annoying wife.”


Olesya first appeared in the TV show “Let’s Get Married” on Channel One; she wanted to see her chosen one as a “creative man with tattoos on his body”, without excess weight and glasses. Then the girl liked Stas Ermolenko, a participant in the reality show on “Friday,” but things did not come to a close relationship. By the way, after 4 years there was a triumphant return to the program, where they even had to pull apart Malibu and no less a puppet who had been locked in a fight. And then she brought her “silicone” friend Veronica Regal here.

This was followed by “Dom-2”, where the appearance of the new participant did not bring the desired result. She stayed on the project for exactly one day and was subjected to severe criticism, which brought her to tears. Later I went on a “Vacation in Mexico”.

The fashion show on top-rating TV shows continued - “Terribly beautiful” and “Let’s make peace” on NTV, “PROnews” and “Cosmetic repairs” on Muz-TV, “Live broadcast” on “Russia”. In the “Dinner Party” program on Ren-TV, the heroine surprised guests with her culinary skills by preparing three obligatory dishes - baked sea bass with “Breath of Malibu” tomatoes, “Glamourous Olivier” with shrimp and kefir jelly with blackberries and raspberries with the unexpected name “Belmondo” .

In 2017, she attended “Hearts for Love 2” on “STS Love” and, despite her daring behavior, left there in the company of a very young swimmer. A year later she appeared in the second season of the show “Instagram Girls” on the “Friday” channel.

Olesya also tried herself in films, playing in small episodes. Her short but memorable roles can be seen in the 97th episode of the humorous series "" and the documentary film "Squares".

Olesya Malibu on television

There is more than one scandal associated with the name Malibu. In February 2015, the media reported that the girl was detained by the police under the article “Organization of prostitution.” The arrest took place in an apartment in the center of Moscow. During the investigation, it became known that a profile was posted on the Internet under the pseudonym Michelle with nude photographs and detailed prices for sex services. At the end of this story, Olesya got away with only a fine for an administrative offense. Later, employees of Ren-TV also carried out an inspection, where the employment of escort services was confirmed.

Personal life

Malibu came to three matchmakers on Channel One to look for love in the company of her ex-boyfriend Alexander. The couple had a fairly long relationship. But they soon stopped due to the man’s infidelities. Everything that happened, however, did not prevent them from remaining good friends.

In 2015, dramatic changes took place in the model’s personal life - a wedding took place in the Dominican Republic with a modest sommelier Vladimir Matveev. The expenses for the celebration, which the bride herself paid for, amounted to 700 thousand rubles. The dress was created by the designer, and the rings were made to special order. The marriage lasted 7 days.

According to one version, the husband filed for divorce, accusing his wife of prostitution; according to another, due to the mutual infidelity of the newlyweds; according to the third, because of the offer to star in a film for adults. According to the participant in the incident, her lover stole a large sum of money from her:

“He and I agreed on other conditions, which he is now violating. I couldn't stand it. And I won't tolerate it. Our marriage lasted a week and ended, which I am very happy about.”

At the beginning of July 2018, he invited Olesya to his reality show “I Want a Bride” (as part of the blog “Khach’s Diary”), where the girl stated that the young people had once met, but did not get intimate. And the reason for the separation was disagreements on religious grounds and the man’s ungentlemanly behavior.

In the summer of the same year, the blogger, the famous synthol “Bazooka Hands,” and Malibu announced their engagement. We recorded joint videos and planned the future. But suddenly the news broke: the couple broke up, the wedding was cancelled. Here everything is according to the classics: the guy was looking for sex on the side, and she was saving herself for her wedding night.

Olesya Malibu now

The young woman heard many unflattering opinions about her unusual appearance. At first, this did not bother her in any way, because she considered herself “the pinnacle of beauty and sexuality, perfection that will go to the most worthy.” However, criticism and advice to become more natural were not in vain. And unexpectedly, in the “We Talk and Show” program, the celebrity appeared in a new image - she shrunk her lips, dyed her hair brown, and abandoned provocative makeup. Later, when she posted a photo without makeup, she received enthusiastic responses from subscribers.

Malibu's height is 167 cm, weight 55 kg, other exact data on the parameters of the figure cannot be found.

Incredible, but true: in 2017, the girl graduated from the correspondence department of computational mathematics and cybernetics at Moscow State University.

In the summer of 2018, photos from a fitness club leaked onto the Internet, where she was captured naked and not athletic. The star intends to restore justice and honor by contacting law enforcement agencies and punishing the offender. In the meantime, in refutation, she posts seductive pictures in a swimsuit in "Instagram". According to the magazine, she was also harassed by a persistent boyfriend, who was also a clergyman.

Now Olesya continues to attend metropolitan parties and participate in programs on television and YouTube channels, even recording the first track “Ball Queen”. Pages on social networks, as befits the “goddess of Insta,” are not idle. The flamboyant lady shares her thoughts about men with her subscribers, reads poems on video, plays teddy bears, and introduces them to new tattoos.

The desire to attract attention with the help of an unusual appearance is not unique to Olesya. For example, her bright “colleague” is a blogger who became famous thanks to television shows.

When you first see a photo of Olesya Malibu, you might think that she is a victim of plastic surgery, however, everything is not at all like that, this girl deliberately sought to create such an extravagant image in order to resemble actress Pamela Anderson.

Olesya Malibu (according to Kozhevnikov’s passport) was born on September 7, 1989 in the city of Korolev. From a young age, the girl was haunted by the appearance and fame of actress Pamela Anderson in the TV series “Baywatch,” so immediately after graduating from the Moscow Academic Art Lyceum, at about 18 years old, Olesya decided to have breast augmentation.

Having changed her native second size to a fourth, the girl instantly became interesting to many men, so quite quickly she decided to undergo repeat mammoplasty and inflated her breasts to the desired sixth size. By the way, the operation was paid for by one of Olesya’s fans.

After such a transformation, the girl became a model for erotic publications and took the pseudonym Malibu. But this was not enough for the beauty; the next stage of change for her was cheiloplasty. And Olesya pumped up her naturally plump lips to frightening sizes using silicone. When asked why she did this, Malibu answered that she loves everything big: breasts, lips, cars...

The girl completed her look with a perfect snow-white smile, hair extensions and eyelashes. There were also rumors that the girl had her lower ribs removed to reduce her waist.

For several years, in this image, Olesya Malibu sought popularity, wandering from one TV show to another, but only encountered criticism, ridicule and disapproval, because sometimes her lips reached an absurd size.

And in 2017, the girl, it seems, listened to public opinion and decided to bring herself to a natural look. She reduced her lips, corrected the shape of her eyebrows, changed her hair color and changed her image.

Recently, the girl has been in a relationship with Kirill Tereshin, better known to the public under the nickname Hands-Bazuki.