What do you need to open a nightclub? How to write a business plan for opening a nightclub yourself

Any business is a huge risk. To avoid failure in such a risky business, you need to approach the matter with all seriousness and carefully plan your future business, taking into account everything that will be necessary and the costs that may arise as accompanying ones.

Before opening a nightclub from scratch, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of night-time enterprises for the city in whose territory it is planned to open an establishment whose work schedule will be the same as the rest. Bearing in mind the fact that in large cities there are plenty of such places to spend time, it is worth making a calculation, taking into account the number of the city’s population, including students, since this category of people is the bulk of people who visit nightlife establishments of this kind. And the number of nightclubs providing their services. If, when calculated, the number of young people is more than ten thousand people, opening a nightclub will bring profit and will fully pay for itself.

Search for premises and legal aspects

The future fate of the opening establishment will depend on the correct location. It is desirable that the future establishment be located closer to the city center, since it is in this place that the bulk of people, and therefore potential clients, gather in the evening.

The club premises must be spacious enough

The area of ​​the establishment must be large so that all equipment can be placed comfortably and there is still enough space for a dance floor. It is also necessary to equip a locker room, kitchen area and bathroom. The ceilings must be at least three meters high, since the establishment’s activities require a large amount of equipment for a light show, which is attached specifically to the ceiling.

If it is decided that the premises will be built, it is necessary to order the project and register it with the relevant authorities, and then go through the procedure of putting the constructed building into operation, which will have to be supported by the relevant act. Both in the case of renting and when building premises, it is then necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as State Fire Supervision. After the issue with the premises is resolved, another one arises in its place: what else is needed to open a nightclub?

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Another important point is the registration of a new establishment at the state level, for which it is also necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. If the name of the enterprise contains the word “club”, it will be registered as a non-profit organization under a legal entity. Only after receiving all the necessary documents, it is possible to start the club’s activities.


Since young people are constantly in search of something new and more interesting, thus wandering from one establishment to another, the opening club should have its own “zest”. Something that will attract customers. For example, this could be a non-standard design, regular drawings, interesting show programs, certain music. In a word, a new establishment must have its own style in order to gain popularity and desire to visit it among people.

You need to surprise your client

Everyone knows that music plays an important and even one of the main roles. Buying a speaker system will cost approximately 600 thousand rubles. The purchase and installation of a system that produces lighting effects will cost about 300 thousand rubles. Cash register - about 100 thousand rubles. Setting up a club requires significant expenses. Furniture and necessary interior parts will cost approximately one and a half million rubles. Approximate costs will cost two and a half million rubles.

On the opening day of the establishment, you can make entry absolutely free for both girls and men, or give everyone a regular customer card at the entrance. But to attract customers, you need to develop new marketing ideas for every day - this could be a cocktail at the expense of the establishment, new show programs, DJ performances.

Calculation of profits and costs

It’s difficult to open a nightclub without the necessary calculations

Before you decide to open an establishment, you need to draw up a business plan for a nightclub with calculations.

  • if the premises are rented, the advance payment for two months in advance will be approximately 350 thousand rubles;
  • patent for the sale of alcoholic beverages, permits from firefighters, permission from the sanitary epidemiological station - approximately 500 thousand;
  • repairs, furniture, air conditioning system, repairs or the formation of a new powerful electricity system - approximately 2 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment: lighting effects, acoustic system - about 500 thousand;
  • refrigeration equipment and household appliances for the kitchen – 400 thousand;
  • alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for the bar - about 500 thousand;
  • advertising services – 350 thousand;
  • purchase of a cash register – 100 thousand;
  • security agency services – about 50 thousand rubles per month.

A nightclub is an extremely modern and interesting business that can generate quite a high income. However, opening your own nightclub from scratch can be quite difficult - there is enormous competition in this area, and entrepreneurs should know many subtleties and nuances. But nothing is impossible - if you have start-up capital and understand the whole process, anyone can open a nightclub.

Table of contents:

How to open a nightclub from scratch

As your own business, a nightclub can have extremely high profitability, but opening such an establishment is associated with a number of risks and nuances. When preparing for its creation, you should take into account a huge number of nuances and additional factors, conduct a thorough analysis of the market and the potential profit of the enterprise, prepare start-up capital, find investors, and undergo state registration. In order not to get confused in the order of actions, it is best to adhere to the following algorithm, which allows you to learn how to open your own nightclub step by step:

  1. Choosing an establishment format.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Selecting a geographical location.
  4. Writing a business plan.
  5. Finding start-up capital and calculating the cost of a nightclub.
  6. State registration of an enterprise.
  7. Arranging the premises and purchasing equipment.
  8. Recruitment and training of personnel.
  9. Advertising and marketing.

The procedure described above is not a mandatory template to follow. If necessary, various activities can be carried out in a different order. For example, attracting investors and finding start-up capital can be many times more effective in relation to an already registered enterprise. In general, the advantages of nightclubs as a business include:

  • Demand. Nightclubs today and in the near future will be the main place of entertainment for a large part of young people. Accordingly, with a competent approach to organizing a business, it will definitely have its own clients.
  • High profitability. The ratio of fixed costs and profit from a nightclub is extremely favorable.
  • Good flexibility and ease of adaptation to market conditions. An existing nightclub can easily change its target audience and adapt to changing market trends in the shortest possible time.

The disadvantages of nightclubs can be considered the increased crime risks of such establishments and the corresponding attention of regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as the large size of the required initial investments. That is why not everyone will be able to open such a business from scratch. In addition, there are a large number of legal nuances that an entrepreneur whose business is associated with nightclubs should be aware of.

Choosing a nightclub format

Before engaging in the actual opening of a nightclub, its registration, determining the target audience and any other actions, you should decide on the format of the future establishment. The required equipment, geographical location of the establishment, personnel and marketing policy will depend on the chosen format. Considering that the concept of a nightclub is extremely broad, the choice of possible formats for the activity of such an establishment is also very large. In general, the main options include:

In general, each format of activity has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, but it should be determined at the initial stage, since the full vision of further steps in opening a nightclub will depend on the format. Of course, in general, each format is not strictly limited - organizing private parties and concerts is possible in any nightclub, and instead of a kitchen, catering services and other ways of providing visitors not only with drinks, but also with food can be used.

In addition, some clubs go beyond established formats - an original idea, different from everything that has already been used on the market, can bring either stunning success or become a complete failure.

Target audience of nightclubs

Determining the target audience of a nightclub is an extremely important step that should be completed immediately after choosing the most suitable format of the establishment. After all, its commercial success will depend on the club’s compliance with the needs of the main target audience. At the same time, it is important to separate both the general potential audience of nightclubs and the specific target audience of an individual establishment.

The general audience will allow you to assess the prospects for opening an establishment in a particular locality as a whole. Yes, according to According to available statistics, about 20 percent of all young people aged 18 to 35 are visitors to nightclubs in large cities.

A more precise target audience will depend, not least of all, on the format of the establishment. Thus, in general, it can be noted that closed clubs are in demand primarily among representatives of the “golden youth” and people with high incomes, for whom the status of the establishment is important.

Classic clubs are more aimed at young people with an average or even low income, and restaurants are usually aimed at an older audience, which, at the same time, does not prevent them from targeting young people during night activities. For concert venues, the definition of the target audience concerns only specific events - it can differ radically at each of them.

Please note

When working as a franchise, defining the target audience is already included in the brand policy, so in general, this way of doing business will be more relevant for individuals who do not want to devote too much time or money to preliminary calculations and preparation.

Despite the above factors, any nightclub should also identify a specific target audience that will be its main one. In general, the differences in audience relate mainly to subcultural orientation. Some nightclubs are designed for representatives of certain subcultures - gay people, fans of heavy or electronic music, adherents of any tendencies and tendencies. Such highly specialized establishments usually occupy a niche in a populated area that is free from competition, but their success directly depends on the size of the potential target audience.

If you plan to open an ordinary nightclub, without any strict target audience, then you can use general statistics on the audience of such establishments. However, you should remember the high level of competition in this area and calculate the potential benefits from opening such a business based on other factors.

Where is the best place to open a nightclub?

When opening a nightclub, its geographical location is of great importance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both the locality itself and its location, as well as the specific location within such a locality.
In general, it now makes sense to open nightclubs not only in large cities - even in a small regional center, such an establishment will definitely be popular, as it will be able to attract the attention of visitors from all surrounding settlements, villages and villages, where young people also have a desire to have fun in a modern way.

However, it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of citizens living in such territory. For example, there is no point in opening an elite and expensive closed night club or restaurant in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people, since they simply will not receive enough visitors. At the same time, a classic nightclub with a bar can be successful in a city where only 30 thousand people live in the absence of competition from other establishments or nearby settlements. Concert venues can only be effective in large regional centers.

Please note

The costs of opening a club will also directly depend on the city. In this case, not only the direct cost of purchasing or renting real estate, which may differ several times, will be important, but also the expectations of the target audience, which in large cities is much more demanding.

From the point of view of choosing a location in the populated area itself, it is most effective to locate a night club near the historical or business center of the city, on the main streets and near transport interchanges. However, in comparison with many other establishments, such requirements for nightclubs are not too strict. So, taking into account the cost of buying or renting real estate in the center and on the outskirts of the city, sometimes a more profitable idea may be to open a truly large and large-scale establishment on the outskirts, which can attract the public with its scale, than using a small room in a “passage” area.

The target audience is also very important for choosing the location of the object. For example, high-income people do not care about the proximity of transport interchanges, but what is important is the availability of appropriate infrastructure and the general presentability of both the establishment itself and the area where it is located. That is, being located on the very outskirts of the city or even outside it near large shopping centers or simply in a large area surrounded by picturesque nature will be a plus, while an elite club located in the center of the most marginal area among ordinary residential areas is unlikely to be be in demand.

Important fact

The presence of other nightclubs nearby will not always ensure high competition. In many cities, on the contrary, such establishments tend to be located closer to each other, as they make it easier for young people to choose between them and allow them to relax in several clubs simultaneously in one evening, also creating nearby a special infrastructure designed for a night out.

Night club business plan

It is impossible to do without drawing up a business plan for a future establishment when opening a nightclub. A business plan will not only help you analyze all the necessary conditions and the market, but will also provide an opportunity to create a “road map” for starting a business and assess its profitability, as well as strengths and weaknesses. At
It is not always necessary to draw up a business plan strictly according to any accepted standard. No legally established forms of such a document are provided, however, there are generally accepted standards of large auditing and consulting companies, following which can significantly simplify the process of writing a business plan for a nightclub.

In general, when business planning for a nightclub, special attention should be paid to the following details:

  • Financial analysis and justification of activities;
  • Target audience analysis and marketing analysis;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • Analysis of the real estate market and fixed costs.

Important fact

Purchasing ready-made business plans for a nightclub is an ineffective method of conducting business, since in this area the characteristics of a particular establishment, locality and selected target audience are very important, which can significantly distort and change the possible results. Thus, the decision to download a ready-made business plan will not always be suitable for the nightclub being opened, and in some situations such a document will not reflect reality at all.

In general, a business plan can also be used as the main document for attracting partners and investors to the project at the initial stage. If you have a ready-made business plan, executed with due professionalism, it will be possible to find an investor even with a minimum amount of your own starting capital. If there are no problems with the initial funds, a very effective method of preparing for the opening of a nightclub would be the idea of ​​ordering a business plan for a nightclub with all the necessary calculations and analytical steps carried out from professionals in this field of activity.

The cost of such a business plan can reach 250 thousand rubles, but this document will be able to openly demonstrate all the possible pros and cons of the business and very accurately predict its profitability, payback periods, risks and the total cost of time and money to open and maintain activities.

How much does it cost to open a nightclub?

A nightclub as a business requires quite large initial investments - the starting capital for it can rarely be less than 1 million rubles. It should be remembered that the total amount of start-up capital depends, first of all, on the chosen format of activity, region and cost of real estate, as well as other goods and consumables. It is possible to open a nightclub in a small regional center at a lower cost, saving on high-quality equipment, a unique exterior and interior, and a marketing campaign, but an establishment of a similar level in a large city simply will not be attractive enough for visitors.

Sources of start-up capital for a nightclub can be the following options:

Calculating the cost of a nightclub depends on many factors. In general, you can open a small classic nightclub in the regional center for approximately 2 million rubles, which will be spent as follows:

  • State registration and obtaining the necessary permits and licenses - about 100 thousand rubles;
  • Carrying out repairs in the premises - about 500 thousand rubles;
  • Renting a premises with an area of ​​300 square meters for three months – about 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of lighting and music equipment - about 600 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of products for sale – about 50 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to staff in the first month of work is about 150 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of furniture and other equipment - about 300 thousand rubles;
  • Marketing and advertising campaign – about 200 thousand rubles.

These are only approximate calculations, which can seriously change both down and up, so they only make it possible to understand the general pattern of costs and their distribution. So, in the case of renting premises that were previously used as a nightclub, for example, the costs of repairs and purchasing furniture may be minimal. At the same time, buying your own premises or constructing a separate building on a plot of land that you own can be much more expensive.

Choosing the organizational form of a nightclub and state registration

It is mandatory, like any other business entity, that a nightclub must have state registration. In this case, the first step is to choose the organizational and legal form of the future business. So, in most cases, the only possible and convenient OPF for a nightclub is the LLC format. This is due to the fact that it is not allowed to sell alcoholic beverages in public catering establishments, and there are very few nightclubs without alcohol and such establishments are in relatively low demand.

Please note

For closed elite clubs, it is allowed to operate as a public organization or other non-profit legal entity with payment of membership fees. Thus, the main source of income in such cases will be the client contributions themselves, and services will be provided to them free of charge. At the same time, closed membership makes it possible to easily and legally weed out unwanted clients, provide a completely closed space and not comply with many legal requirements. In particular, the format of a closed club, for example, allows the sale of alcohol to its members on its territory without purchasing a license.

As mentioned above, a nightclub is required to obtain a license to sell alcohol in a public catering establishment. Such a license for 2017 costs 65 thousand rubles, however, to obtain it, the establishment must have the appropriate amount of authorized capital. Its minimum value will depend on the specific subject of the Russian Federation. For example, to open a nightclub in Moscow and obtain a license to sell alcohol, at least 1 million rubles are required in the authorized capital.

However, before obtaining a license, it is necessary to register the enterprise with the Federal Tax Service. To do this, you will need a decision of the sole founder or minutes of the founding meeting, the Charter of the enterprise, an application signed by all founders, as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Important fact

Notarization of the Charter and minutes of the meeting of founders is required only if the founders will not be personally present or participate in the state registration process, but will carry it out by proxy for one of them or a third party.

After state registration, you must register for tax purposes. At the same time, most often nightclubs, due to the large area of ​​​​the premises and the sale of alcohol, cannot use preferential taxation systems. Accordingly, the nightclub will also need to order and produce a seal, purchase a cash register and obtain statistical codes.

In general, registration procedures last no more than one week - this concerns the preparation of all documents necessary for conducting business. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to start registration at the initial stages of planning. However, to attract investors or credit funds, state registration will be a positive nuance. If the company has several founders, it would be best to register when there are a sufficient number of them to implement plans for the establishment - attracting new founders and including them in the list of LLC participants is a very complex and inconvenient procedure.

Important fact

If necessary, the registration procedure can be carried out by third parties by proxy. However, in this case, you should conclude a formal agreement on the provision of relevant services and contact directly legal companies operating in the legal field, who will be able to independently prepare and draw up all documents in accordance with current legislation. By resorting to the help of various dubious persons, one can jeopardize the future business, since their rights and obligations will not be regulated in any way, and the presence of a power of attorney and constituent documents will allow them, even if they wish, to appropriate a number of powers of the founders and jeopardize the entire future existence of the enterprise.

Nightclub equipment and premises

The selection of premises for a nightclub, as well as its technical equipment, have a huge role in the future activities of the entire enterprise. Thus, the selected premises must comply with SanPiN and fire safety standards. In particular, such standards include the following features:

  • If the premises have a kitchen, it is prohibited to organize a nightclub in the basement and ground floors.
  • Regardless of the total area and location of the nightclub, it must have at least two separate exits from a fire safety point of view.
  • If there is a kitchen, forced ventilation of the supply and exhaust type is required, located above the roof ridge of the entire building.
  • Smoking in a nightclub should be prohibited - smoking is allowed only on summer areas and terraces. Hookahs are allowed only if they are filled with special hookah mixtures that do not contain tobacco and its by-products. There are no restrictions on electronic cigarettes as of 2017.
  • The number of bathrooms is calculated based on the number of visitors. If there is a kitchen, a separate bathroom for company personnel is required.

This is only a small part of the current standards that may apply to the premises and equipment of a nightclub. However, it makes it clear the main points that you should rely on when choosing a room. It is also worth paying attention to the features that a nightclub premises should have, although these are not mandatory from a legal point of view. These features include a large ceiling height - at least 3 meters, so that it is possible to place a stage, lighting equipment and DJ consoles.

Please note

Any nightclub should now have a chill-out zone. A chill-out zone means a space that provides sufficient light and noise isolation from the rest of the club environment, which allows visitors to take a break from the glare of lights and strobe lights and loud sound.

Mandatory equipment and furniture for nightclubs include a bar counter, lighting and sound equipment. If the venue will be used specifically as a concert venue, the greatest attention should be paid to the equipment - the possibility of inviting various artists and musical groups will depend on the technical capabilities of such a room.

Important fact

When organizing nightclubs near residential buildings or, especially, in them, it is necessary to obtain permission from the residents living there before starting the activity. Therefore, most often nightclubs are opened outside residential areas - at least 100 meters from the nearest residential building, which will be enough to comply with accepted standards and not necessarily require permission from citizens living in such residential buildings.

The design of nightclubs is also often their calling card. In the case of franchise work, the general stylistic orientation of the establishment, as well as assistance with design work and decor thinking, are often provided by the uniform requirements of the brand. Otherwise, you need to create your own design from scratch or use existing developments. It should be noted that high-tech design, although universal for nightclubs, also has a number of disadvantages. At a minimum, the main one can be called its ubiquity, so a club in this style will no longer be able to surprise anyone. However, certain features of the high-tech style will be present in any case in every modern nightclub - at least in the lighting and music equipment.

Recruitment of nightclub employees

Recruiting staff for a nightclub is a responsible matter, since all the activities of the establishment in the future will depend on the professionalism of the employees. It should be noted that such an establishment does not require a large number of workers. On average, a classic nightclub has the following staff:

In general, it is not always possible to have professional specialists in every locality. Therefore, if necessary, you can send potential employees to refresher courses or acquire the necessary skills. Or, in the case of a large establishment, invite eminent specialists in this field to the club’s territory to train employees. Moreover, an invited specialist can in itself become the calling card of several events, be it a bartender or a DJ.

Please note

For all workers whose activities are directly related to serving visitors, that is, for greeters, dancers, bartenders and waiters, in nightclubs the most effective salary is a percentage salary. That is, the dependence of their total earnings on the services provided to clients, which encourages staff to ultimately provide the highest quality service and take care of attracting clients on their own.

Marketing and advertising of a nightclub

The general principles of marketing and advertising of nightclubs depend on the chosen format and other nuances of the activity. However, there are recommendations that will be relevant for any nightclub without exception. In particular, given that the target audience is young people, the use of modern technologies is simply a must. So, modern advertising methods include:

Traditional advertising can also give a certain result, for example, at least in the form of billboards or city lights at traffic intersections and near the nightclub itself. However, as practice shows, the ratio of its effectiveness and the costs of implementing such a campaign shows less return than from the above methods.

Important fact

It is imperative to take care of feedback from visitors. If they know that their opinion means something, that they can influence the organization of events and other aspects of the club’s activities, they will have much more confidence in such an institution. Also, publishing reports and photographs of clients from past events can be a way of feedback - this is a good option to also gain their trust.

Certain nuances of nightclubs and legal issues

As mentioned above, the nightclub should be located away from residential buildings - this will ensure the absence of complaints from residents.
However, one of the main legal issues that is unresolved from the point of view of legislation and raises questions among both owners and visitors is the dress code and face control in nightclubs.

According to the law, face control and dress code may be unlawful. This is regulated by the provisions of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and Article 426 of the Civil Code. If the club is a commercial organization, refusing entry on the basis of nationality, clothing or simply inappropriate appearance may be regarded as discrimination and is unacceptable. At the same time, the dress code is not illegal if it applies to all visitors and is spelled out in the internal rules of the establishment and the provision of a public offer agreement. Also, face control can be used to ensure the safety of visitors.

Please note

Conducting face control cannot be accompanied by a search or examination of the visitor, including for intoxication. That is, in some cases, a complaint even from an intoxicated client can be considered, but in practice, in such matters, the courts take the side of representatives of nightclubs.

MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

Reviews (126)

We offer you a business plan for a nightclub, which will definitely help you start an interesting and profitable business. Over the past two decades, nightclubs have become independent institutions that attract both young and older people. Here you can have a quality and active rest, drink a couple of cocktails with friends, chat and dance. It should be understood that this commercial enterprise is quite difficult to implement, which is why it is so important to follow the sections of the document.

The presented example document will allow us to consider many different factors that are needed to implement this idea. A lot in the success of a nightclub depends on the chosen location of the establishment, well-trained staff, and competent marketing policy. You must make a choice: organize a real chic establishment where the townspeople will strive, or give the club a narrow thematic focus, that is, open the establishment for individual visitors.

We invite you to study the finished document in order to accurately calculate your prospects and assess your own strengths. Club entertainment can be varied, which will further attract visitors to the establishment. In a very short time, this kind of establishment, with proper organization of work, brings tangible profits to the owners. In the document you will find all the necessary calculations and soberly assess the risks of this promising undertaking.

How is the success of a nightclub measured? Of course, its fullness. If there is nowhere for the apple to fall, and this trend is not accidental, but persists for many days, then this indicates that the entrepreneur managed to make a profitable business in the nightclub. The key to such success is, first of all, a well-chosen club concept and a clear definition of the target audience.

For example, focusing on the so-called “golden youth”, who have the opportunity to spend a lot of money on entertainment, it would be unreasonable to save on the design of the club, as well as reduce the range of additional services. On the other hand, when planning to organize your own economy class nightclub, you should not rely on expensive food and drinks, and invite super-fashionable DJs, thereby increasing the cost of the entrance ticket.

The main consumers of nightclubs are students, which is why most entrepreneurs are focused on creating democratic entertainment establishments. Their not too high prices are usually compensated by a large flow of customers. In large cities, the share of such clubs often reaches 70-80%.

When planning to open a nightclub, it is important for a businessman to correctly set priorities, determine the goals and objectives of creating such a business. The right club concept means success and active development. There are several main formats of nightclubs, the most common of which are democratic youth establishments, which are somewhat similar to ordinary discos. A large turnover of funds due to the massive influx of clients is the main trump card of such clubs.

Businessmen with significant initial capital often decide to open their own business - an elite nightclub. The cost of the average check in such clubs is much higher than in ordinary ones, but there is a risk that there will not be enough clients. The proper location of the establishment, attracting customers with the help of unusual shows, and introducing additional services will allow you to minimize the risk. The prestige of the club in this case is not empty words.

Opening a business such as a nightclub may imply the creation of a highly specialized establishment, for example, a club only for gays or women, or a strip club. The income of such establishments depends on how in demand a particular format is in your city, as well as on the quality of services offered in the clubs.

If you decide to open an unusual nightclub, pay special attention to advertising. Its importance is described in detail in a professional example of a business plan for opening a nightclub with ready-made calculations, which should be used not only by beginners, but also by experienced entrepreneurs. This document contains a detailed description of the nightclub, and if it is not yet ready to open, if you doubt the need for advertising, be sure to study the business plan and all questions will disappear.

The entertainment industry is experiencing a real boom in our country, which is manifested, first of all, in the opening of a large number of night clubs. The main contingent of such establishments are young people aged 18 to 35 years. Their desire to have fun, chatting with friends and making new acquaintances is the main source of profit for the owner of such a club. But opening a nightclub from scratch in Russia requires significant initial investment - at least half a million dollars.

As for the payback of a nightclub, it all depends on how successful your establishment will be. Moreover, the amount of money spent has almost no effect on the profitability of the project. You can invest tens of millions of rubles in creating a club, but still fail to attract visitors. The main factor that influences the popularity of an entertainment establishment is the special atmosphere that modern youth seeks to plunge into.

How to achieve this? There are several points that can have a significant impact on the success of the project. These include the convenient location of the nightclub, fairly spacious areas allowing visitors to move freely around the club, as well as the right choice of the concept of the establishment.

When calculating how much it will cost to open a nightclub, businessmen often forget how important it is to choose the right direction in which to move. Proper development of the general concept allows you to avoid unnecessary costs, while it is the concept that determines what the design of the club should be, its advertising, and even the requirements for the specialists you will hire. The location of the future club should also be chosen taking into account the general concept. For example, it is better to open a fashionable club aimed at people with high incomes in the city center. A more democratic establishment can be located somewhere in a residential area.

The optimal area for a nightclub is at least 250-300 square meters. m. As surveys of nightclub visitors show, establishments where you can barely squeeze between the tables, and the dance floor resembles the size of a doormat, are not in high demand. Meanwhile, the profit of night establishments depends on the occupancy of the club. Alcohol and nightclubs are a different story, in which only those who strictly follow all the rules and requirements of trade can emerge victorious. Be sure to take care of the organization of security at the nightclub: the peace of visitors depends on their competent actions.

Running a business like a nightclub requires constant attention from the entrepreneur. A lot of effort goes into making a new establishment popular. Advertising, of course, is of great importance, but an even more significant factor is the so-called “word of mouth” radio. And its future depends on the first events organized by the club. A competent sample business plan for opening a nightclub also plays a very significant role in creating a club. After studying it, you will learn what documents a businessman who opens a nightclub needs to prepare and what factors determine the success of the establishment. If you strictly follow the recommendations in this document, you will be able to avoid common problems that negatively affect business development.

Nightclubs are in demand among people of completely different ages and social status. Their popularity is due to the fact that when visiting the club, people get a festive atmosphere and the opportunity for relaxed communication with friends and strangers. Market analysis and determination of direction based on financial capabilities will help you occupy a niche in a highly competitive field. To avoid mistakes that lead to loss of finances, you need to draw up a nightclub business plan with detailed calculations and instructions.


Relevance and types of clubs

Opening a nightclub is an idea that is relevant in Russia today due to the fact that most young people choose to relax in such establishments. According to statistics, there are about 35 million club visitors only among residents of large cities with a population of more than 250 thousand people.

Nightclubs are divided into the following types:

  1. Youth discos. Entrance to events is paid, but the establishment’s pricing policy is quite affordable, prices for alcoholic beverages and other menu items are lower than in restaurants.
  2. Highly specialized clubs. These are themed establishments, decorated in a certain style - for example, rock bars.
  3. Seasonal sites. These could be establishments on the coast or discos near swimming pools or parks that operate in the summer, as well as parties in a water park.
  4. Elite clubs for wealthy audiences. You can enter such establishments for free using special regular guest cards, but prices for the bar menu are much higher than in other clubs.
  5. Establishments designed to be visited by certain groups of people - gay clubs, strip bars.

Strip bar Youth disco Beach Party Gay bar Rock bar Jazz bar

Market description and analysis

The most popular are nightclubs, the main visitors of which are young people. Such establishments make up about 80% of all types of existing clubs. The most profitable ones are those that are similar to discos. The popularity of youth clubs is due to the work of famous DJs and interesting show programs. Such sites have a friendly atmosphere where everyone knows each other.

Owners of establishments for young people make money due to the large number of people coming to parties and their orders for bar menu items. The capacity of the clubs in question ranges from five hundred people or more, and almost anyone can enter. Despite the small amount of the average check (approximately 200–600 rubles), due to the mass scale it turns out to make a good profit.

Such specific establishments as striptease bars are also quite popular. Despite the fact that most often they are closed establishments, they have quite a lot of visitors. But such establishments do not bring profit to the owners due to the number of guests.

The profit of strip bars is formed from:

  • significant markups on menu items;
  • high cost of entry;
  • high prices for services provided by dancers (private dance, gratitude to the soloist in the form of a cocktail, etc.).

Another popular category of establishments is rock bars. As a rule, visitors to such clubs are people of non-standard appearance, which is why they may have problems entering other places of recreation. In addition, rockers are not interested in the music played at most youth discos. Therefore, the rock bar will always be visited by regular guests.

The profit of rock bars consists of:

  • cost of entry to ongoing events (performances by rock performers, theme nights);
  • due to the constant number of guests and their orders of alcoholic beverages.

To open an establishment in a particular city or area, it is necessary to analyze the population, the number of already existing bars and nightclubs. And it is also necessary to count potential visitors to recreational areas of this type, taking into account existing educational institutions in the city or selected area.

The profitability of a nightclub is also directly affected by the concept of a musical venue:

  • the style of music played in the establishment;
  • lighting;
  • specifics of the bar menu.

Target Audience

The most promising target audience for a nightclub is people in the age category from 16 to 30 years. At this age, up to 80–90% of active youth periodically visit nightlife establishments.

Every year the club's audience changes by about 30%. Adult visitors move to other, more reputable clubs, but new guests who have already become adults are added. People after 30 years of age are more financially wealthy and seem to be profitable to the public. But the age audience has disadvantages: the increase in visitors occurs at a slower rate, and there is tougher competition for guests.

Competitive advantages

All cities already have nightclubs with a good and proven reputation. In order to differentiate yourself from such establishments, it is necessary to analyze their activities and highlight a list of advantages that will help you surpass your competitors.

The following events can be carried out:

  • organize free entry until a certain time;
  • introduce a system of privileges for regular visitors;
  • hold themed parties with competitions and gifts on holidays;
  • sell unusual signature cocktails at the bar according to bartenders’ recipes, served in a “bar show” style;
  • invite pop stars to perform;
  • Hire a permanent photographer to review events on popular youth websites.

Advertising campaign

An aspiring entertainment businessman needs to focus on an advertising campaign. Holding a bright show to celebrate the opening of a new nightclub will interest and attract potential customers.

To further develop the project you can:

  • periodically distribute cards for regular customers of the establishment;
  • Sometimes give free entry (for example, to those guests who come in white clothes, or girls in dresses).

Carrying out various promotions and prize draws, providing discounts - all this will only strengthen the audience’s interest in the new establishment. It is important that such advertising special offers take place regularly and are not monotonous.

  • take advantage of external advertising placed on banners and billboards;
  • periodically distribute flyers for parties in crowded places;
  • constantly promote the nightclub’s pages on social networks;
  • place advertisements in the media.

Step-by-step opening instructions

In order to open a nightclub from scratch, you need to be well versed in the field of catering and entertainment. The rules for opening and the principles of running a club business are the same both in a small town and in a metropolis.

To open your own nightclub, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Calculate the profitability of the club, analyze the scope of activity and the results of competitors. Think over the design of the future establishment, determine its concept and format of work.
  2. Prepare a package of documents for registering an enterprise and obtain all permits and licenses.
  3. Buy or rent premises.
  4. Purchase the necessary equipment for the job.
  5. Hire staff and conduct training.


Since the nightclub usually sells drinks and dishes containing alcohol, registration as an individual entrepreneur is not allowed. An LLC can sell such products. To register an LLC, you will need to provide some documents to the tax authority. Their list is contained in the Federal Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ.

In the application for registration of an enterprise, it is necessary to indicate OKVED codes. For a nightclub you need to choose the following:

  • 55.40 – “Bar activities”;
  • 52.25 – “Retail trade of alcoholic and other beverages.”

It is better to choose the simplified tax system as a taxation system and decide on the object of taxation - either 6% of income or 15% of net profit. The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may reduce these rates.

Most often, in addition to alcoholic drinks, the nightclub also serves hot food prepared in the club itself. Therefore, clubs are classified as public catering establishments. This means that the establishment will be subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision, during which preventive and routine inspections may be carried out.

In light of certain events (fires in the Perm club and Kemerovo shopping center), special attention must be paid to the issue of fire safety. It is important to ensure security not only actually, but also documented.

For the normal functioning of a nightclub, after registration with the tax authority, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • conclusion of the SES;
  • fire inspection permit;
  • design and architectural and technical documents;
  • analysis of the sound effect on surrounding houses;
  • designer's supervision decision;
  • situational plan;
  • sanitary passport;
  • liquor license;
  • agreement for waste removal and ventilation system maintenance;
  • staff medical records;
  • safety briefing log;
  • panic button agreement;
  • contracts for repairs and reconstruction of premises;
  • contracts for the supply of sound and lighting equipment;
  • rental agreement.

When selling alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to register the cash register in the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS).

Room and design

There are basic requirements for the premises in which nightclubs are located. For example, to obtain a license for alcohol, the area of ​​the premises must be at least 50 square meters. m. The internal layout of the premises must be organized in accordance with SNiP.

In addition, the establishment must be located at a distance of more than 100 meters from:

  • sports schools;
  • educational institutions;
  • medical institutions.

In this case, you can zone the club as follows:

  • dance hall area – 200 sq. m.;
  • landing zone area – 100 sq. m.;
  • kitchen area – 50 sq. m.;
  • hall and wardrobe - 80 sq. m.;
  • restrooms, utility rooms, warehouses - 70 sq. m.

The choice of room design directly depends on the concept of the nightclub. An establishment that is distinguished by originality and creativity always has many regular guests and attracts new visitors.

The hall should be equipped with:

  • sound and lighting equipment;
  • video surveillance systems;
  • high-quality air conditioners;
  • reliable security system;
  • working fire alarm.

Equipment and inventory

The main costs when opening a nightclub are spent on the purchase of equipment. The reputation of the establishment ultimately depends on how good the sound and lighting are.


It is necessary to pay close attention to personnel selection. The success of the establishment depends on the professionalism of the employees. The search can begin at the stage of repair work carried out in the selected premises.

Typically the staff includes:

Job titleSalary in rublesJob responsibilities
Director (can be the owner of the establishment)20 thousandPerforms representative functions
Manager (art manager, PR manager, organizer of club programs)40 thousandMonitors the functioning of the nightclub, solves problems that arise, organizes performances of “star” guests
Accountant30 thousandMaintains financial statements, controls the current payment of tax deductions, and calculates employee salaries
DJ15 thousandParticipates in organizing and conducting theme parties for clients, selecting musical accompaniment. Usually the staff consists of two DJs
Wardrobekeeper9 thousandAccepts outerwear from visitors and monitors the safety of items
Cook20 thousandEngaged in the preparation of cold and hot dishes. Usually the staff includes 2-3 cooks
Waiter15 thousandTakes orders from guests, answers questions regarding the product range, prices, types of services, availability of discounts and promotions, responds to comments and suggestions, and transmits information to management. Usually the staff includes 3-4 waiters
Bartender17 thousandEngaged in making cocktails, selling drinks in containers and on tap, and advising visitors. Usually the staff includes 2-3 bartenders
Dish washer8 thousandMonitors the cleanliness of dishes and their supplies
Security20 thousandControls the entry and exit of employees and guests, monitors the situation in and around the nightclub, and the safety of the establishment’s equipment. In addition, it resolves conflict situations and helps with evacuation in emergency circumstances. Usually the staff includes 2-3 security representatives
Cleaner15 thousandMonitors the cleanliness of the establishment and takes out trash

Financial plan

In this section, planning of the main indicators of income and expenses of a business is carried out. You can download a ready-made business plan for a nightclub, but it is recommended to carry out the calculations yourself. Since opening a club is a capital-intensive process, the risk of losing invested funds is very high. It doesn’t matter whether a businessman invests his own finances or investors’ money - it is necessary to understand whether the project is profitable even before opening the establishment.

How much does it cost to open a nightclub?

The amount of start-up costs affects the payback period of the establishment. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate in advance how much it costs to purchase equipment, train staff and evaluate other expenses. This will help you understand where you can save money and how you can ergonomically organize the work of a nightclub.

Regular expenses

Planning to open your own establishment is impossible without assessing regular costs. The businessman will have to make these financial expenses monthly.


To calculate the approximate monthly income of a nightclub, let’s take a room of 100 square meters for calculation. m. In one evening, the establishment can be visited by 200 people, and the average check with the cost of entry will be approximately 600 rubles. Typically, nightclubs operate on holidays and weekends, so the number of working days per month will be about 9. By simple calculations, you can determine that the minimum monthly revenue will be 1.1 million rubles. Net profit per month, therefore, amounts to 200 thousand rubles.


When preparing a business plan, a novice entrepreneur needs to calculate his strength and draw up a calendar plan of events.

Risks and payback

There are certain specific pitfalls in the club business.

Among them are the following risks:

  • lack of demand for the establishment concept in a particular city or area;
  • inconsistency of the pricing policy with the requirements of the target audience;
  • low quality of services provided compared to competitors’ establishments;
  • disinterest of visitors in the show programs chosen by the art director;
  • rejection of guests by too strict or, conversely, formal face control.

As for the club’s payback, based on the calculation that the net profit per month will be 200 thousand rubles, we can assume that at first the establishment will not be very profitable. The figure will be only 1.5%. In such conditions, the establishment will fully pay for itself after about 2 years of operation. However, as the popularity of the establishment increases and more people visit it, the ratio can increase to 22-25%.

  • Description of products and services
  • Marketing Plan
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for opening a nightclub. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

Where to start opening a nightclub

The goal of the project is to open a nightclub in the city of N with a population of 300 thousand people. The prerequisites for opening the establishment are the steady growth of income of the city's population and the increasing demand for entertainment services in general. To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 3,200,000 rubles. In total, the total cost of the project will be 4,200,000 rubles. Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year= 2,776,780 rubles;
  • Nightclub profitability = 22,6%;
  • Project payback= 18 months.

Which taxation system to choose for a nightclub. OKVED code

The organizational and legal form of the organization will be a limited liability company consisting of two founders. The OKVED codes chosen for this activity are as follows: 55.40 - “Activities of bars” and 52.25 - “Retail trade in alcoholic and other beverages.” The taxation system will be a simplified taxation system of 15% of profits.

What documents are needed to open a nightclub?

Currently, activities have begun to implement the nightclub project:

  1. The limited liability company “Night Shock” has been registered;
  2. The location of the establishment was agreed upon in a room with a total area of ​​510 m2. The premises meet all food and fire safety standards. The preliminary lease agreement was concluded for a period of 5 years;
  3. Preliminary agreements have been concluded for the repair and reconstruction of the premises, and the supply of sound and lighting equipment.

Description of products and services

The following entertainment services are expected to be provided:

  • Dance and show programs;
  • Theme parties;
  • European cuisine;
  • VIP zone;
  • Table rental;
  • Bar work;
  • Carrying out banquets, wedding celebrations, corporate events.

Visitors will also be offered a menu that includes hot dishes (soups, side dishes, pizza), cold appetizers (salads, meat snacks, vegetables, fish delicacies), cocktails, juices and strong alcoholic drinks. The establishment will sell strong alcoholic beverages.

For these purposes, a license to sell alcoholic beverages was acquired. Entrance fee to the establishment from Friday to Sunday: 200 rubles. per person. On weekdays admission will be free. The club's one-time capacity is 180 people. Our organization will employ experienced DJs, photographers, dance groups and showmen.

Download nightclub business plan

Marketing Plan

The building will be located in the central part of the city, in an area with convenient access roads. Our main visitors are young people aged 18 to 35 years. We will be in close proximity to a college campus, so a significant portion of the visitors will be students. Also, next to the establishment there are two large shopping centers, which will also have a positive effect on the popularity of the establishment.

The planned average bill for a nightclub is 700 rubles. This is a small amount, since the main contingent of the establishment cannot be called elite. The main income is planned to be obtained from turnover, counting on high attendance on weekends. The club, in addition to nightly dance programs, will provide additional services for holding theme parties for VIP guests, New Year's Eve parties, corporate events, wedding celebrations, banquets and presentations.

The main direction of music is Disco, Radio Pop (pop). This is the most numerous and most influential music, which has many more fans than opponents. If we talk about possible competition, we can highlight two similar establishments operating in our area. Let's conduct a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of potential competitors of the nightclub:

Events to attract visitors

  1. Advertising in the media (newspaper, magazines, TV, radio);
  2. Banners, banners, billboards;
  3. Distributing leaflets, flyers, posting advertisements;
  4. Creation of a personal club website;
  5. Promotion on social networks and contextual advertising.

It is expected that holding these events will attract the maximum number of visitors from the first days of the club’s operation.

How much can you earn from nightclub services?

Next, let’s calculate the organization’s potential revenue. It is expected that the main attendance will occur on Saturday and Friday, as well as on holidays (February 14 and 23, March 8, May 9, etc.). The occupancy rate of the establishment on these days will be close to 70% (~130 people). The number of weekends and holidays per year is ~ 105 days. With an average club check of 700 rubles, the club’s revenue for data will be: 105 days * 130 people * 700 = 9.55 million rubles per year. Additional revenue can come from services for corporate events, wedding celebrations, and banquets. About 10 such events will be held monthly. The average revenue for one event is 50 thousand rubles. The planned annual revenue from the provision of these services will be 6 million rubles. The total amount of planned annual revenue, according to business plan calculations, will be about 15.55 million rubles.

Production plan

The total area of ​​the premises will be 510 m2. Of these:

  • dance hall area - 200m2;
  • area of ​​the boarding area and VIP cabins - 110 m2;
  • kitchen area - 50m2;
  • hall and locker room - 80m2;
  • restrooms, utility rooms, warehouse - 70m2.

The monthly rent under the contract is 500 rubles/m2 or 255 thousand rubles. monthly. All premises will be equipped and reconstructed in accordance with all fire safety standards (fire alarms, emergency exits, evacuation plan, emergency fire extinguishing system, etc.). The club will have two bars at the same time. Club opening hours:

  • Friday - Saturday from 20.00 - 05.00;
  • Tuesday - Thursday, Sunday from 20:00 - 04:00;
  • Corporate events will be held on any day.


In total, the staff will include 24 people. The monthly wage fund will be 372,000 rubles, the annual one - 4,464,000 rubles.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses per month will amount to 1,023,600 rubles.
The main fixed expenses of a nightclub are the cost of paying wages to employees - 36% of total expenses. In second place in the cost structure is the payment of rental payments to the owner of the premises - 25% of the total expenses of the nightclub. Then there are the costs of purchasing products and ingredients - 15% of total costs and insurance contributions for employees to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund - 11%.

The nightclub's gross income will be 3.3 million rubles, and the club's net profit at the end of the year will be 2.8 million rubles. Every month the nightclub will generate a net profit of 230,000 rubles. The planned profitability of the nightclub, according to the business plan, will be 22.6%, which is a good indicator for such a business. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur in 18 months.

We recommend download nightclub business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions