What is a cystic change in the female ovaries. Cystic changes in the ovaries causes What is cystic inclusion of the right ovary

Cystic change in the ovaries is a diagnosis indicating the appearance of cavities filled with fluid in the appendages. This is not a final conclusion, but only an echographic picture revealed by ultrasound, which occurs in some conditions. It is important to find out the exact cause of cystic changes in order to choose the right treatment tactics and prevent the development of complications.

The appearance of small cavities in the ovarian tissue is not always associated with pathology. In young women, such a symptom may indicate some features of the menstrual cycle. It must be remembered that an ultrasound report is not a diagnosis and serves only as an auxiliary tool in the work of a doctor.

Let's look at the most common causes of cystic transformation of the ovaries and find out what to do in a given situation.

Multifollicular ovaries - a normal variant

This term refers to the appearance in the tissues of the gonads of small cystic changes that do not interfere with conception and gestation. This condition does not require special therapy and is considered a normal variant.

Multifollicularity is considered a normal option because it does not interfere with pregnancy.

Causes and risk factors

The exact mechanisms of the appearance of small cystic formations in the ovarian stroma are not known. The following factors are expected to influence:

  • Experienced stress. Both a strong sudden shock and prolonged emotional experiences are important;
  • Strict diets, including those involving fasting;
  • Climate change, moving;
  • Heavy physical activity, sports;
  • Past diseases: ARVI, influenza, intestinal infection, etc.

Multifollicular ovaries (MFO) can be observed in women during lactation, as well as during long-term use of oral contraceptives.

The immediate cause of the appearance of small inclusions in the ovary is a slight decrease in the level of LH (luteinizing hormone) and an increase in FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). Other sex hormones remain within normal limits, which makes it possible to distinguish multifollicular glands from another serious disease - polycystic disease.


Small cystic changes on the left or right may be accompanied by the following complaints:

  • Menstrual irregularities: delay of menstruation for several days;
  • Changes in the volume and duration of menstruation.

Sometimes multifollicularity is accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle.

In most cases, multifollicular ovaries do not manifest themselves in any way and become an accidental finding during ultrasound.

Possible consequences

Multifollicular changes in the ovaries are not dangerous to a woman’s health. Often this condition is detected in teenage girls and indicates the natural processes of maturation of the reproductive organs. The appearance of small cysts in the stroma of the organ indicates that ovulation will not happen in this cycle - and that’s all. For one reason or another, the follicles stop developing, and the dominant one does not stand out among them. Many small cystic cavities are formed, which spontaneously resolve in the next cycle.

Important to know

Anovulatory menstrual cycles in a teenager are a variant of the norm. In a healthy woman 18-30 years old, this phenomenon occurs 1-2 times a year. After 35 years, the number of anovulatory cycles increases, which is associated with natural age-related changes in the reproductive system.

In the month when multifollicular ovaries were detected, pregnancy will not occur. In the future, in the absence of other pathologies, no problems with conceiving a child arise. The hormonal levels stabilize, the follicles mature, and ovulation occurs on time.

As a rule, pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after detection of multifollicular changes in the ovaries.

If cystic degeneration recurs repeatedly, you should look for the cause of this condition and eliminate the relevant factors.

MFNs can be detected after recent inflammation of the appendages. In this case, it is important to monitor the condition of the gonads in order to identify complications in time. If after treatment the function of the organ is not restored, you need to look for the cause of this failure. Perhaps the inflammation has not completely gone away and re-therapy is required.

Diagnostic scheme

Bimanual examination does not reveal multifollicular changes in the ovaries. Ultrasound remains the only diagnostic method.

Ultrasound examination reveals the following echo signs:

  • The ovaries are not enlarged;
  • In the structure of the organ, small cysts are detected - follicles measuring 5-10 mm;
  • The total number of follicles is no more than 10;
  • Changes are detected in one or both ovaries.


A good definition of multifollicular ovaries was given by gynecologists M.V. Medvedev and B.I. Zykin. They designate MFN as transient changes in the structure of the ovaries, accompanied by the appearance of many echo-negative inclusions with a diameter of 5-10 mm, prone to reverse development in the absence of clinical signs and echo signs of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Since it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and distinguish normal from pathology using ultrasound alone, additional examination is necessary. It is necessary to donate blood for hormones: FSH, LH, testosterone and insulin. With multifollicular ovaries, these indicators remain within normal limits. A slight (threshold) decrease in LH and a slight increase in FSH are possible.

The photo shows an ultrasound picture of multifollicular ovaries:

Principles of treatment

Multifollicular ovaries, detected for the first time and not accompanied by the woman’s complaints, do not require special therapy. The situation normalizes on its own within 1-2 months. In the future, this condition does not affect the woman’s possible pregnancy and reproductive health.

Treatment for MFN may be required if the situation recurs repeatedly and interferes with pregnancy. Drugs that normalize hormonal balance may be prescribed - short-course combined oral contraceptives, gestagens and other drugs. It is also important to exclude factors that provoke the development of such a condition.

Important to know

Multifollicular ovaries in combination with menstrual irregularities may be the first symptom of PCOS. It is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis in order to notice the pathology in time.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder of the structure and function of the gonads, accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle and endocrine diseases. This is a serious pathology that requires mandatory medical supervision. Without treatment, PCOS can lead to infertility and severe metabolic disorders.

Polycystic ovary syndrome, unlike multifollicularity, is a disease that requires serious treatment.

Causes and risk factors

The mechanisms of disease development are not fully understood. There are several theories regarding the occurrence of PCOS:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. There has been a failure in the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormones since adolescence;
  • Insulin resistance. A decrease in cell sensitivity to the hormone triggers a complex chain of events leading to the development of PCOS;
  • Enhanced production of hormones from the adrenal cortex.

A certain importance is attached to heredity. In medicine, there are cases of recurring pathology in several relatives.

Symptoms of the disease

PCOS does not occur suddenly. The pathology takes years to form, but the first signs of the disease can be noticed already in adolescence. During the same period, ultrasound may reveal cystic changes in the left and right ovaries. The appearance of characteristic echo signs against the background of a menstrual cycle disruption should be a reason for a targeted examination.

Signs of PCOS:

  • Oligomenorrhea – long intervals between menstruation. Your period comes after 35 days or more;
  • Hypomenorrhea – scanty menstruation. The discharge lasts no more than 3-4 days;
  • Acyclic bleeding from the genital tract. This symptom is associated with concomitant endometrial hyperplasia. This pathology is often detected against the background of PCOS and serves as an additional diagnostic criterion;
  • Deterioration of skin condition – appearance of acne;

One of the signs of polycystic ovary syndrome is the appearance of acne on the skin.

  • Excessive male pattern hair growth (hirsutism);
  • Obesity (50% of women).

Untreated polycystic disease in women over 30 years of age leads to the development of amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation for 6 months or more.

Consequences of pathology

Infertility is the main problem of polycystic ovary syndrome. It is almost impossible to get pregnant due to this condition. Cystic deformation of the ovaries prevents the development of follicles and the onset of ovulation. Without the maturation of the egg, conceiving a child is impossible. Anovulation due to PCOS lasts for years, and during this time the woman cannot become a mother.


The longer the duration of the disease, the lower the likelihood of pregnancy. If you detect the first signs of PCOS, you should not delay visiting a doctor. With timely therapy, it is possible to achieve normalization of hormonal levels and create conditions for conceiving a child.

Women suffering from polycystic disease are more likely to experience the following conditions:

  • Endometrial hyperplasia with the prospect of developing cancer;
  • Breast cancer;
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2;
  • Obesity;
  • Hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Tendency to thromboembolic conditions.

Polycystic ovary syndrome is often combined with various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.

Diagnostic scheme

A gynecological examination is not indicative. The diagnosis is made based on laboratory data and ultrasound.

The following changes in the hormonal profile speak in favor of PCOS:

  • Increase in luteinizing hormone;
  • Decrease in FSH levels;
  • The LH/FSH ratio is 2.5 or more;
  • Increased levels of total and free testosterone;
  • Increased insulin concentration.

Echosigns of polycystic ovary syndrome:

  • Bilateral gonadal damage;
  • Increase in size of the glands (the volume is doubled or more);
  • Thickening of the organ capsule;
  • Detection of cystic changes - follicles up to 10 mm in size, located along the periphery;
  • The number of follicles is more than 10.

The photo shows an ultrasound image for polycystic ovary syndrome:

For comparison, two images are given - for multifollicular and polycystic ovaries:

Principles of treatment

Therapy for PCOS takes place in several stages:

  1. Normalization of body weight. A low-calorie diet is prescribed. According to indications, glucose-lowering drugs are used;
  2. Drug therapy for hormonal disorders;
  3. Stimulation of ovulation.

If a woman does not plan a pregnancy, medications that reduce the level of male sex hormones are prescribed.

Surgical treatment is indicated for infertility and lack of effect from conservative therapy. The operation is performed laparoscopically. There are two options for surgical intervention:

  • Wedge resection of the ovary - removal of part of the organ;
  • Cauterization of the ovary is the targeted destruction of tissues that produce androgens.

After the operation, the menstrual cycle is restored, and pregnancy occurs within 6-12 months. If ovulation does not start 3 months after the operation, drug stimulation of follicle maturation is indicated.

PCOS is a chronic pathology, and no doctor can guarantee a cure for the disease. Most patients relapse after 5 years. To prevent relapse after a successful pregnancy and childbirth, COCs or gestagens are prescribed.

In order to prevent relapse of polycystic disease, a woman can be prescribed combined oral contraceptives.

Ovarian cyst - what is it like?

By the term cystic transformation of the ovaries, an ultrasound diagnostician may understand the appearance of a solid cavity filled with fluid. Ovarian cysts can be unilateral or bilateral, single-, double- and multi-chamber, with or without inclusions.

The following types of changes in the structure of the gland are distinguished:

  • Follicular cyst. It arises from a follicle that has not undergone ovulation. Unlike multifollicular ovaries, this pathology reveals a solid cavity. It is important to distinguish a cyst from a persistent follicle, the size of which does not exceed 3 cm;
  • Luteal cyst. Formed in the normal cycle from the corpus luteum. May be detected during pregnancy;
  • Serous and mucinous cysts. There are several varieties of this pathology, including malignant ones. It is detected more often in the premenopausal period. Requires careful diagnosis to exclude malignancy;
  • Dermoid cyst (mature teratoma). A congenital pathology that is more often found in adolescents and young women. Contains various embryonic tissues. May be a twin who died in utero;
  • Paraovarian cyst. It is located next to the ovary, but does not affect its tissue. Presumably a congenital formation;
  • An endometrioid cyst is a collection of cells from the lining of the uterus. It is detected during reproductive age and spontaneously regresses during menopause.

Types of ovarian cysts depending on the nature of the pathology.

Cancer may be hidden under the guise of an ovarian cyst. The identification of solid formations during menopause deserves special attention. After completion of reproductive function, the risk of developing a malignant tumor increases significantly.

Symptoms of pathology

Small ovarian cysts (up to 3 cm) are asymptomatic. Such formations are detected by chance during an ultrasound scan.

Functional cysts (luteal and follicular) can make themselves felt with the following symptoms:

  • Delay of menstruation by 2-4 weeks;
  • The appearance of acyclic vaginal discharge;
  • Change in the nature of menstruation. After a delay, menstruation comes heavy and long;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen (with large formations).

Endometrioma is accompanied by the appearance of heavy and painful menstruation. Characterized by the absence of ovulation for a long time. The main complaint with this pathology is infertility.

Organic cysts do not affect the menstrual cycle and do not interfere with pregnancy and childbirth. Paraovarian formation and mature teratoma make themselves felt only when the size reaches 5 cm and pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Possible consequences

Refusal of treatment risks the development of complications:

  • Infertility. It is noted against the background of follicular and endometriotic cysts;
  • Chronic pelvic pain. Occurs with any cyst that has reached a size of 5-6 cm;
  • Compression of the pelvic organs and decreased functionality. Occurs with large cysts located near the bladder or rectum;
  • Malignization. The risk of developing a cancerous tumor arises when endometrioma and serous cyst are detected.

Serous cysts and endometriomas have a high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Long-term formations can be complicated by capsule rupture, hemorrhage into the ovary, or torsion of the tumor stalk. In such a situation, urgent surgical treatment is indicated.

Diagnostic scheme

The following methods help to identify a solid cyst:

  • Examination by a gynecologist. The cyst is felt as a painless round formation of elastic consistency;
  • Test for tumor markers. Allows you to distinguish a benign cyst from a malignant tumor;
  • Ultrasound is the main method for diagnosing ovarian pathology. Ultrasound examination shows the cyst as a hypoechoic or anechoic formation;
  • Doppler. The absence of atypical blood flow speaks in favor of a benign formation.

If the diagnosis is unclear, MRI and diagnostic laparoscopy are performed.

The photo shows the most common ovarian pathology in young women – follicular cyst:

Principles of treatment

Functional ovarian formations do not need to be treated. Follicular and luteal cysts spontaneously regress within 3 months. If this does not happen, it is worth reconsidering the diagnosis and changing treatment tactics.

Conservative therapy is prescribed for functional cysts to accelerate their regression. Drugs that affect hormonal levels are used: gestagens, combined oral contraceptives. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.

Therapy for endometrioma includes taking hormonal drugs for 6 months. Medicines cannot always completely get rid of the disease, but can lead to a reduction in the size of the lesion. This tactic allows you to gain time and conceive a child.

Surgical treatment is prescribed according to indications:

  • Organic cysts that are not amenable to hormonal therapy;
  • Lack of effect from conservative treatment. If the cyst does not resolve after the use of hormones, it must be removed;
  • Ovarian cancer or suspicion of it;
  • Infertility due to pathology of the appendages;
  • Ovarian cyst during menopause.

If the tumor is torsioned or ruptured, emergency surgery is performed. In other situations, surgery is prescribed after a complete examination.

If the pedicle of an ovarian cyst is torsed, urgent surgical treatment is indicated.

Surgical treatment options:

  • Cystectomy. During this operation, only the cyst is removed, the ovary remains;
  • Ovarian resection. Part of the organ is removed along with the pathological focus;
  • Ovariectomy. The ovary is removed along with the tumor.

The extent of the operation is determined by the type of formation, its size, as well as the preservation of ovarian tissue. The age of the woman is also key. In young patients, doctors try to preserve the appendages. During menopause, the organ ceases to perform its function, and leaving it does not make sense.

Operations for pathology of the appendages are performed laparoscopically. Small incisions are made through which the surgeon performs all manipulations. After such an intervention, the patient gets out of bed on the first day. Recovery occurs quickly, and on the 3-5th day the woman is discharged home. Complete rehabilitation after laparoscopy takes 3-4 weeks.

Abdominal surgery for ovarian diseases is rarely performed. The reason for laparotomy may be a pronounced adhesive process, large tumor sizes, or suspicion of cancer. After abdominal surgery, a scar remains on the skin. Discharge from the hospital is carried out on the 7-10th day. Full recovery requires 1-1.5 months.

Detection of cystic changes in the ovaries by ultrasound is not a reason to panic. It is necessary to understand why cavities arose in the structure of the organ and what they are. Sometimes a repeated examination is required to make a diagnosis. Having found out the exact picture, it will be possible to decide on treatment tactics and indicate the prognosis of the disease.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: diagnosis and treatment methods

Information about the types of cysts and the reasons for their appearance

There are many gynecological diseases, the main cause of which is an imbalance in the ratio of female and male hormones. Such disorders cause active synthesis of androgen (male hormone), and the productivity of female sex hormones decreases. Changes can develop on the left, right ovary, or simultaneously on both ovaries. With polycystic disease (cystic changes in the ovaries), various complications and inflammatory processes may occur, which are accompanied by a lack of ovulation.

Ovarian cyst

The appearance of tumors and cysts in the ovaries is considered a serious gynecological disease, the elimination of which requires hormonal treatment. Depending on the level of hormone production and the functioning of the ovaries, various types of cysts can appear.

  • In most cases there are so-called false cysts, the main reason for their appearance is considered to be hormonal disruptions in the functioning of the ovaries. In such cases, the patient does not notice the main signs of the disease, since the formations form spontaneously, do not affect the general state of health, and disappear on their own. False cysts are not classified as cellular atypia, characteristic of the development of cancer. They arise independently in the ovaries due to dysfunction, are not huge in size, are accompanied by localized one-sided pain, and cause a delay in the monthly cycle.
  • A type of false cyst is considered follicular cyst. If it is present in the menstrual cycle, the following is observed: in normal periods, the egg does not leave the follicle, estrogen continues its production, and menstruation is delayed. As you know, after ovulation the corpus luteum remains intact, and the synthesis of progesterone and estrone continues in it. This process causes the appearance of a corpus luteum cyst. The patient begins to notice all the main signs characteristic of pregnancy, but when tests are carried out, the results will be negative. These types of formations do not require surgical intervention.
  • In medical practice, there are also types of cysts that do not appear as a result of hormonal changes in the female body; they are not characterized by spontaneous remission. Such cysts can grow to large sizes and create discomfort in nearby internal organs (rectum, bladder and intestines). Small cysts do not have any special symptoms.
  • Formations containing sebum and fluid inside are called dermoids organic cysts. Their cavity is filled with a viscous yellowish liquid, which in its consistency resembles gelatin. Organic cysts must be surgically removed, as over time they can lead to the development of oncology.

Causes of cysts

The ovaries are one of the main reproductive organs of a woman; they are located in the pelvis, are responsible for the formation, development and growth of eggs, and secrete progesterone and estrogen. Sometimes a change is observed in the ovaries that accompanies the appearance of polycystic disease. Polycystic disease is characterized by the formation of most benign vesicles inside and outside the ovary. This type of disease is seen in 7% of patients. Polycystic changes are divided into primary and secondary:

  • Primary polycystic disease has a congenital or hereditary appearance. It develops in girls at the beginning of the menstrual cycle or during puberty.
  • Secondary polycystic disease is observed in patients who previously suffered from diseases on the ovaries and subsequently inflammatory processes caused disturbances in the work and functioning of the organs. This type of neoplasm can appear in patients at any age.

The main factors influencing the structure and activity of the ovaries include various stressful situations, artificial terminations in the early stages of pregnancy, arbitrary abortions, and acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory system. Sometimes polycystic disease begins to form when the patient changes his place of residence and begins to live in a different climate zone. The cause of the formations is also a malfunction of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

Signs of cystic changes

Structure of the ovary

To determine polycystic disease, there is a special diagnosis that allows you to study in detail the appearance of disorders and changes in the ovaries. The first thing that a patient can independently notice is a disturbance in the menstrual cycle and the absence of menstruation itself.

The formation of cysts leads not only to disruptions in ovulation, but also causes anovulation. Such changes are long-lasting, often the absence of menstruation is replaced by internal bleeding. The formation of cysts in the ovaries is accompanied by changes in the skin and hair. Acne, pimples, and seborrhea appear on the skin. Another sign of the disease is a rapid gain in body weight up to 15 kilograms. Fat deposits are noticeable in the waist, abdomen, so-called “moustaches” may appear above the upper lip, and hair growth sharply increases in the area of ​​the legs, thighs, perineum and abdomen.

Polycystic disease is always accompanied by pain, sometimes the pain is sharp, sometimes moderate. The pain affects the lower back, pelvis and lower abdomen. After undergoing research and taking hormone tests, the doctor can determine the exact diagnosis and stage of polycystic disease.

The appearance of cysts on the right and left ovaries

With normal functioning of the ovaries, the formation of sex hormones occurs in the correct ratio, that is, male sex hormones do not exceed the level of female ones. The appearance of cysts on the right or left ovary disrupts homeostasis, after which the balance of hormones in the female body changes. The number of male sex hormones increases, they inhibit the formation of female hormones, as a result, the egg stops developing monthly, and ovulation disappears.

Often, the lack of ovulation is the main cause of not only polycystic disease, but also the primary stage of infertility. The appearance of cysts on the right ovary causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle, excess weight and hair appear on the body. Such modifications in the right ovary are explained by improper functioning of the female sex glands, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland-hypothalamus. Heredity plays a major role in this type of disease.

The formation of polycystic disease in the right ovary is accompanied by a deficiency of insulin in the body. Polycystic disease in the left ovary is explained by various types of diseases, the main of which is considered to be a hormonal imbalance. In this case, the regularity of menstruation stops and the functioning of the adrenal glands is suspended.

Classification of cysts

There are two types of polycystic disease:

  • primary (true)
  • secondary (acquired).

The primary form of the disease is caused by heredity and congenital factors. The secondary form occurs as a result of previous diseases on the ovaries. The reasons why cysts form on the ovaries are constant stressful situations, breastfeeding, use of contraceptives, sudden weight gain or loss. If you do not contact specialists in a timely manner and do not treat this disease correctly, the patient may become infertile.

There is no need to be afraid of the diagnosis of polycystic disease, since it only indicates the presence of problems in the functioning of the ovaries. The process of treating cysts is not complicated; modern medicine is represented by various therapeutic methods and drugs. The most important thing is to immediately begin treatment when a disease is detected. Diagnosis of polycystic disease consists of studying smear tests for microflora and blood tests for hormone levels.

The appearance of cysts on both ovaries

The appearance of a huge number of cysts on both ovaries is called polycystic disease. The main cause of the disease is hormonal imbalance. There may be no signs of polycystic disease; the only symptom that may appear is the absence of menstruation. In addition, hair appears on the skin, causing acne, and body weight increases sharply. In polycystic disease, both the left and right ovaries are affected. Failure to treat the disease can result in complete infertility.

Cystic neoplasms during pregnancy

Neoplasms on the ovaries are dangerous at any age; you need to be especially careful about this disease during pregnancy. It is best when the diagnosis is carried out before puberty, then a course of hormone therapy is prescribed. After successful treatment, there is a positive prognosis for bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. But if polycystic disease is detected during pregnancy, it is also subject to treatment. It is very important to carry out preventive measures before pregnancy, namely to avoid various stressful situations, unfavorable factors and hypothermia.

Identification of disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries occurs when a woman undergoes a gynecological examination. It is very important for women to undergo medical monitoring in a timely manner, and if problems are identified, begin treatment immediately. If you notice an inability to get pregnant, a disruption in the menstrual cycle, or lack of ovulation, you need to take immediate action.

Medical diagnostics is represented by various types of laboratory tests and studies, a general examination of the mucous membranes and skin, in addition, the gynecologist can visually identify changes in the size of the ovaries and the appearance of tumors. Using an ultrasound examination, you can study the size of the cysts, their internal contents, and density. Laboratory blood tests indicate hormonal levels, which are controlled by the adrenal glands and pituitary gland.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is considered the most effective research method. With the help of an examination, various pathologies of the lining of the uterus are assessed. To do this, a special sensor is inserted into the vagina, after which a visual analysis of the condition of the organs, the stage of the disease, and the presence of tumors is performed. On the monitor of the device, the specialist sees all the echo signs of changes in the structure of the ovaries.

Treatment of polycystic disease

Ovary with polycystic disease

Surgery is considered one of the methods for treating cysts, but modern technologies in medicine allow the use of more conservative methods in the form of:

  • Correction and stabilization of hormonal balance;
  • Restoring normal body weight;
  • Normalization of reproductive and menstrual function.

In addition, doctors prescribe hormonal therapy, which has a beneficial effect on subsequent pregnancy and the fight against infertility. Women should periodically check their health, and if diseases are detected, they should be treated, since chronic forms of polycystic disease can lead to the development of cancer of the mammary glands, uterus and endometrium.

Ovarian cyst: video

Ovarian cystosis is a gynecological disease. Often accompanied by a malfunction of the appendages and other disorders in the body associated with hormonal imbalance. This pathology is diagnosed in women of any age, but its manifestation is most common during the reproductive period.


There are several types of formations, differing in size, cause of occurrence, growth rate, and capsule contents. The least dangerous to health are cysts that arise as a result of menstrual irregularities and other types of cysts that have a single-chamber structure.

The disease is divided into two main types according to the diameter of the detected formations - large cystic and small cystic changes in the ovaries.

Most often, the functional type of pathology, which arose under the influence of a disruption in the menstrual cycle, is found in young women. Epithelial or cystic-solid formations of the ovary, independent of the course of the cycle, are diagnosed at any age. Large cysts are most often present in women over 40 years of age.

The most common types of cystic formations of the right and left ovaries:

  1. Follicular. They develop in the absence of ovulation from an unbursted follicle containing an egg. A functional formation can disappear on its own in 2-3 months.
  2. Corpus luteum cyst. A consequence of hormonal imbalance, taking oral contraceptives and medications to stimulate ovulation. It is formed from the corpus luteum, which appears at the site of the follicle immediately after the release of the egg. Functional small cystic ovarian degeneration, often resolves on its own.
  3. Dermoid. They develop in infancy and indicate the presence of disorders during intrauterine development. Contains tissue from hair, nails, teeth, etc. They can only be removed surgically and rarely pose a serious health hazard.
  4. Hemorrhagic. Most often they develop from functional cysts. Filled with blood clots. Accompanied by menstrual irregularities.
  5. Endometrioid. Small cystic transformation of the ovaries occurs with a long course of endometriosis. Contains brown liquid mixed with blood. To eliminate it, surgery is necessary.
  6. Paraovarian. A slow-growing species that can reach large sizes in the absence of medical intervention for a long time. These cystic formations in the ovary are removed only during surgery.
  7. Serous. They often cause cancer of the appendages and have the ability to reach large sizes.
  8. Mucinous. Multilocular cystic formation of the ovary. Each capsule is filled with mucus. Capable of growing quickly and increasing to enormous sizes. Prone to malignancy.
  9. Papillary. They have many papillae on the surface. They are removed by surgery due to the risk of cancer.

Only functional types of cystic formations of the left or right ovary may not require treatment. Their occurrence is a reason to check your hormonal levels.

Reasons for development

There are many reasons that contribute to the development of cystic ovarian degeneration. This pathology occurs as a result of diseases of the genital organs, under the influence of external factors. The patient’s lifestyle is of no small importance.

Genetic predisposition

The risk of developing a cystic change in the right or left ovary increases if this pathology is present in the patient’s immediate relatives. Often such diseases occur in a woman’s mother or grandmother. People should pay special attention to their own health if they have cancer.


Obesity is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. It is aggravated by non-compliance with diet and a healthy lifestyle. Changing the diet will help the patient get rid of extra pounds, normalize the functioning of the endocrine organs and speed up the healing process.

Read also Restoring fertility in resistant ovarian syndrome

Taking hormonal drugs

The condition of the appendages is affected by taking any hormone-containing drugs, including oral contraceptives. If they are selected incorrectly or self-prescribed without first taking blood tests to determine hormonal levels, the functionality of the ovaries is impaired. This is manifested by the appearance of cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, weight changes, and deterioration of the skin and hair.

If oral contraceptives are selected incorrectly, a woman experiences many side effects from taking them - depression, changes in blood pressure, headaches, and nausea.

Medical error

This factor includes careless or incorrect performance of gynecological manipulations. Diseases of the female sphere can develop after the following procedures:

  • unsuccessful installation of an intrauterine device;
  • damage resulting from gynecological examination and colposcopy;
  • incorrectly performed surgical operation;
  • infection due to lack of treatment of medical instruments.

To receive quality services, you should contact only trusted specialists. Recommendations from friends and reviews on the Internet will help with this.

Chronic stress

Constant nervous tension provokes a malfunction of the adrenal glands, which begin to work with high intensity. This leads to general hormonal imbalance in the body, including cystic ovarian degeneration.

Climate change

Under the influence of climate change, the body begins to adapt to the parameters of the new environment. As a result, a woman may experience a general deterioration in her health. There is also a possibility of hormonal imbalance, but this phenomenon often goes away on its own and rarely causes pathologies of the appendages.

Symptoms of the disease

With small cystic ovaries, signs of abnormality rarely occur. A woman begins to feel the first symptoms when the diameter of the formations reaches more than 4-7 centimeters.

The main sign of the occurrence of functional pathology is a long delay in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy.

Symptoms of ovarian cystosis in women:

  • pulling and pressing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • increased pain during physical activity and sexual intercourse;
  • nausea;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen, its asymmetry;
  • increased urination;
  • constipation;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • weight gain;
  • prolonged absence of conception;
  • general deterioration of health.

In the presence of malignant cystic degeneration of the right or left ovary, patients report weakness, fatigue, and loss of appetite. As the cancer progresses, the intensity of the symptoms increases, and severe pain appears in the abdominal area. With metastasis, signs of the disease appear in the affected organs.

Diagnostic measures

To detect cystic ovarian degeneration, a number of diagnostic tests are required. They are aimed at identifying the type of pathology and the cause of its occurrence.

Diagnostic methods:

  • interviewing the patient - determining the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the presence of childbirth and abortion, symptoms of the disease;
  • gynecological examination - assessment of the condition of the internal genital organs, their size, soreness, deviations in structure;
  • blood sampling for hormonal analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis - determination of the size of cystic formations on the ovaries and their type, the condition of the appendages;
  • blood tests for tumor markers - identification of a malignant process;
  • taking a smear from the vagina - assessment of local microflora, detection of possible infectious microorganisms, blood impurities;
  • MRI - assessment of the size of the ovarian cystic formation and its type by obtaining images of several projections of the pelvis.

Hormonal examination includes analysis of the levels of the following hormones:

  • luteinizing - LH;
  • follicle-stimulating - FSH;
  • estradiol;
  • progesterone;
  • testosterone;
  • insulin;
  • cortisol;
  • 17-OH progesterone;
  • thyroxine – T4;
  • triiodothyronine – T3;
  • thyrotropin - TSH.

If insulin levels are altered, an additional analysis of blood glucose concentration should be performed.

These studies allow us to assess the functionality of the appendages, hypothalamus and thyroid gland.

Read also Causes of insufficiency of paired female gonads

Treatment methods

All types of treatment for cystic changes in the ovaries are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and the complete disappearance of the formation. The type of therapy is selected depending on the type of pathology, its size and the individual characteristics of the woman.

Taking medications

Medicines do not help in all cases of cystic ovarian degeneration. Drug therapy is prescribed to patients for the following indications:

  • small size of education;
  • presence of hormonal imbalance;
  • the ability of pathology to resolve under the influence of drugs;
  • damage to only one appendage;
  • detection of a functional cyst;
  • impossibility of surgical intervention.

To treat the pathology, a woman should take a set of drugs:

  • hormonal – restore the functioning of endocrine organs;
  • oral contraceptives - give the ovaries the opportunity to rest and recover, normalize hormonal levels;
  • absorbable - help reduce the size of the formation or its complete disappearance;
  • immunostimulants – increase the level of immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory – eliminate the inflammatory process in the genitals;
  • antibacterial - necessary in the presence of a genital tract infection.

All of these drugs are prescribed strictly based on test results.


It is considered the most effective method of treating epithelial cysts of the appendages. In the presence of functional formation, it is rarely used. Types of surgical intervention for cystosis of the appendages:

  • cystectomy – removal of only the formation, used when the risk of oncology is low and there is no germination of the cyst capsule into the ovary;
  • resection of the appendage - removal of the affected tissues of the organ and the formation itself, has little effect on its subsequent functionality;
  • oophorectomy – complete removal of the ovary with a cyst, necessary in case of rupture of the pathology or torsion of its stem, the risk of cancer cells;
  • hysterectomy - removal of all genital organs, necessary for oncology or bilateral damage to the appendages.

All surgical interventions are performed in two ways - laparoscopic and laparotomy.

The length of rehabilitation depends on the type of surgery. The recovery period after cystectomy is considered the shortest. The rehabilitation period increases when the genital organs are removed.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies are used as an adjunct to surgical or drug treatment. They can be used as independent therapy in the presence of functional formations on the appendages.

Recipes for ovarian cystosis:

  • a decoction of meadowsweet and raspberries in equal proportions - used for general health of the genital organs, treatment of endometriosis;
  • a decoction of hogweed and/or red brush in the second half of the cycle - stabilizes progesterone production, regulates the frequency of menstruation;
  • plantain juice or tincture - taken daily for several months improves a woman’s health;
  • a decoction of a mixture of sage, chamomile mallow and oak bark - used for douching or soaking tampons;
  • Burdock juice – used internally or as a compress, promotes the resorption of cysts.

Before using any traditional medicine, you should make sure that there is no interaction with prescribed medications.

Additional treatment methods

In combination with the main therapy, the patient needs to change her lifestyle. To do this, she needs to follow some recommendations from experts:

  • drawing up a diet - the daily menu should contain a large amount of vegetables and fruits, and fried, smoked, fatty, sweet and flour foods should be limited;
  • regular workouts 2-3 times a week - increase body tone, get rid of excess weight, normalize blood flow;
  • attending physiotherapy courses - galvanophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupuncture, mud therapy - improves overall well-being and promotes the resorption of formations;
  • visiting a doctor to constantly monitor your recovery progress.

Physical activity may be completely prohibited if there is a large cyst or in the early postoperative period.


Preventive measures are necessary to prevent any gynecological diseases. Compliance with them significantly improves women's health.

Cystic changes in the ovaries mean a disorder of the endocrine system, in which the formation of multiple cysts (polycystic disease) begins in the ovaries, as a result of which they lose their functionality and significantly increase in size.

What is cystic ovarian change?

The ovaries are located in the pelvic area. Their task is to produce mature eggs and produce hormones such as progesterone and estrogen.

A cystic change in the ovaries is a mass of small bubbles (cysts) of benign etiology formed inside or outside the ovaries. This condition is also called polycystic disease, which, according to statistics, occurs in 4-7% of women.

Cystic change in the right ovary

Cystic changes in the right ovary, just like the left, disrupt the reasonable balance of hormones in the female body. Suppression of the formation and maturation of the egg occurs due to the fact that androgens begin to predominate over female hormones. This process leads to the impossibility of ovulation.

A characteristic sign of primary infertility is the absence of ovulation. At the same time, during the examination the presence of cysts in the ovaries is detected. It has been noted that the right ovary (cystic) often becomes the cause leading to a disorder of the monthly cycle. There is also an increase in body weight and hair growth in places where there was none before.

Cystic transformation of the right ovary can be caused by a disorder of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, adrenal cortex, thyroid lobes and gonads of the woman. Hereditary factors cannot be ruled out. Excess insulin, which stimulates increased production of androgens, can also become a prerequisite for the development of polycystic disease.

Cystic change in the left ovary

Cystic changes in the left ovary are also associated with a loss of balance in the endocrine system. The disease occurs when the regulation of monthly cycles is disrupted due to a malfunction of the adrenal cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Polycystic disease can be either primary (true) or secondary.

Primary – true

It is considered a congenital pathology or a hereditary disease that occurs in girls during puberty and during the process of development of menstrual function.

The development of primary polycystic disease is provoked by excess levels of male hormones. This disease also occurs when the function is impaired:

  • pancreas (increases insulin production);
  • pituitary gland;
  • hypothalamus;
  • adrenal glands (hypersecretion);
  • ovaries (irregular periods or their complete cessation)

It has already been proven that the hereditary factor plays a significant role in the formation of small cystic changes in the ovaries.

Secondary polycystic disease

Secondary polycystic disease develops against the background of other diseases that can negatively affect the functioning of the ovaries. This pathology can manifest itself in patients of any age group.

Factors that can provoke cystic changes in the left ovary include:

  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • complications after pregnancy, previous abortions;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus (type 2);
  • the woman’s body produces a large amount of androgen (hyperandrogenism);
  • sudden changes in diet (rapid weight loss);
  • climate change;
  • frequent nervous and stressful situations;
  • obesity;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • breastfeeding.

The disorder itself consists in the fact that the capsule of the ovarian follicle thickens, and it does not rupture at the right time.

It is important to remember that if timely measures are not taken to get rid of this pathology, the disease leads to infertility. However, it is precisely when a woman is examined due to infertility that polycystic disease is discovered.

When this diagnosis is confirmed, you should not fall into despair, because there are many therapeutic methods that can cure this disease. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

Clinical picture

Clinical manifestations of the disease:

  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • menstrual irregularities: the appearance of prolonged delays or complete cessation of menstruation. Menstruation may become infrequent and lose regularity. In addition, they become painful and very profuse;
  • a certain irradiation of pain (in the leg, in the lower back and pelvic region, and if the cyst ruptures - in the rectum);
  • Hair quickly becomes oily and seborrhea may appear; the skin also becomes oily. Pimples may appear, causing acne. These symptoms cannot be treated, as they arise due to increased production of androgens;
  • causeless obesity appears. Fat can be distributed evenly, or accumulate, localized on the waist and abdomen;
  • hirsutism. Hair begins to grow throughout the body: on the thighs, legs and abdomen;
  • there are no changes in basal temperature on critical days, which should decrease before ovulation and increase on the day of ovulation (above 37C).


Treatment of small cystic ovarian transformation is carried out in 3 stages:

  • First stage. This is a preparatory stage, and is carried out using different methods, based on the nature of the disease and its cause, for 4 different groups:
    1. The first group includes women with obesity, insulin resistance, and neuroendocrine disorders. This group is prescribed a diet to correct body weight, drug therapy and acupuncture. To reduce insulin levels, drugs such as Metformin and others are used.
    2. For the 2nd group, measures are taken to restore ovulation and lower prolactin levels using the drug Quinagolide or Cabergoline. This treatment must be continued for six months to prepare for the next stage.
    3. The third group includes patients with elevated levels of male hormones (hyperandrogenism). The doctor prescribes Dexamethasone to lower the concentration of androgens in the blood. The medicine should be taken for 1 year. This method helps reduce infertility and increases the chances of conceiving a child.
    4. The fourth group includes women with hyperandrogyny of adrenal origin. Hormonal medications are prescribed, for example, for Diana. The essence of the method is to reduce the level of male hormones, which provoke the problem of infertility.
  • Second stage. At the second stage, ovulation will be artificially stimulated. For this, a remedy such as Clomiphene is used. In this case, patients have to be divided into subgroups:
    1. if the level of prolactin in the blood is increased, then Bromocriptine is added to therapy;
    2. with increased androgen levels, use Clomiphene in combination with glucocorticosteroids;
    3. the rest are prescribed Clomiphene, according to the standard treatment regimen.
  • Third stage. At the third stage of therapy, gonadotropin preparations or FSH preparation are used. Doses can be prescribed standard or reduced. It has been noted that such treatment increases the chances of getting pregnant by up to 58%.

If there is any pathology of the pelvis, surgical treatment is prescribed. Bilateral ovarian resection is performed using laparoscopy. The effect of the operation appears only after 6 months or after 1 year. Surgery is also indicated if conservative therapy does not produce positive results.

Additional treatments

Success in the treatment of polycystic disease depends not only on the doctor’s knowledge and medications, but also on the lifestyle that the woman leads. As already mentioned, weight normalization is an important point in the treatment of this pathology. Restriction of carbohydrate intake is required: pasta, sugar, cereals, chocolate, potatoes, etc. Be sure to reduce your salt intake.

Along with the diet, exercise is necessary at least 2 times a week. Clinical trials have confirmed that 2.5 hours a week of physical activity (in combination with diet therapy) is sufficient to obtain the same effect as from the use of medicinal drugs. This can be explained by the fact that adipose tissue contains a large amount of androgens. By getting rid of it, a woman not only improves her figure, but lowers the level of the hormone in the blood, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of polycystic disease.

Physiotherapy also gives good results. Galvanophoresis with lidase can be used. This procedure activates the ovarian enzymatic system. The course of therapy is carried out over 15 days.

Unfortunately, the use of traditional medicine does not produce results, but, on the contrary, prolongs the disease, so it is not recommended to self-medicate.


To prevent polycystic disease, as well as other gynecological diseases, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist. Detection of the disease in the initial phase allows you to avoid serious consequences through timely prescribed treatment of disorders. Prevention of abortion and other diseases, including inflammatory diseases, that can affect ovarian function is no less important.

Mothers of teenage girls should monitor the health of their daughters and, when the first signs of pathology appear, immediately show the child to a competent specialist.