Pediatric intestinal colonoscopy. How is a colonoscopy performed under general anesthesia? Indications for the procedure for a child

Diseases of the digestive system do not choose the patient’s age. In pediatrics, they rank second in prevalence after respiratory diseases. Such complex types of examination as colonoscopy are performed for children much less frequently than for adults and only for reasonable indications.

It is difficult to calm and convince the baby that the procedure is advisable, so the examination requires anesthesia. Parents are involved in preparing the child. The quality of the result depends on the correct fulfillment of the requirements.

Colonoscopy is one of the modern endoscopic research methods. The latest series of equipment is produced with tubes made of thin fiber fiber. Therefore, the procedure is also called fibrocolonoscopy. Its advantage lies in the ability to take the shape of the bends of the intestinal loops when inserting the endoscope into the anus.

The free end of the tube is equipped with a video camera with illumination. It transmits information to the monitor and allows recording (video colonoscopy). The colonoscopy set includes special instruments for simultaneous surgical operations (removal of a polyp, foreign body, coagulation of a bleeding vessel) and taking tissue samples for cytology examination.

In conclusion, the endoscopist describes the condition of the mucous membrane of the colon and muscle sphincters. Pays attention to the presence of scars, adhesions, ulcers, erosions, and accurately indicates their location. The study is necessary in the differential diagnosis of intestinal tumors and congenital anomalies, to identify the cause of bleeding. Doctors need information to prescribe treatment and choose the optimal surgical approach when using surgery.

The patient must be well prepared for the study. The presence of feces in the intestines does not allow visual inspection of all sections. Qualification of a pediatric endoscopist requires knowledge of the features of intestinal development in accordance with age. The procedure involves a doctor, a nurse, and an anesthesiologist.

Intestinal colonoscopy for children is not performed on an outpatient basis. The child, together with one of the parents, is admitted to the hospital for a short time.

At what age is a pediatric colonoscopy performed?

There is no strict definition of the age of children for readiness for a complex procedure. It all depends on the condition of the baby. If the symptoms of the disease cause alarm, then even an infant is transferred to specialized clinics; neonatal departments deal with newborns. The scope of medical care for a small patient depends on reliable diagnosis. Each area has specialists to conduct a complete study.

Routine colonoscopy is prescribed after five years. According to pediatricians, up to 12 years of age, the procedure must be done under anesthesia. It is possible to supplement the results of colonoscopy with the help of computer scanning and magnetic resonance imaging.

Indications for the procedure for a child

The child is not examined for prophylactic purposes. Colonoscopy is prescribed only in cases of extreme necessity and diagnostic difficulties. Such cases arise when:

  • identifying the source of bleeding from the anus;
  • removal of foreign bodies swallowed and stuck in the colon;
  • suspicion of abnormal intestinal structure;
  • examination to diagnose Crohn's disease and other inflammatory diseases;
  • preparation for surgery to remove the tumor;
  • vague pain along the intestines of a spastic nature;
  • targeted sampling of material from the mucosa or from a neoplasm;
  • prolonged constipation or diarrhea that cannot be treated;
  • excision of polyps, small tumors;
  • weight loss, anemia if there are cases of intestinal neoplasms in the family.

Previously, the child goes through all stages of the examination. Colonoscopy is necessary to obtain objective information about the condition of the intestines.

Contraindications for examination of children?

Not all children can be tested. It is contraindicated in the following:

  • acute intestinal infection;
  • the child has pulmonary or heart failure;
  • signs of an “acute abdomen”;
  • blood diseases accompanied by decreased clotting;
  • exacerbation of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Preparing children for colonoscopy

Preparing a child for a colonoscopy must begin with an attempt to explain painlessness, reassurance, and distraction from the fear of a medical institution. Difficulties with cleansing the intestines are expressed in a reluctance to eat unusual foods, hunger, and a lack of tasty dishes. Children experience increased irritability, moodiness, and poor sleep. The experiences of older children are associated with fear. Therefore, pediatricians prescribe mild sedatives.

Parents are warned that they should interrupt their child’s treatment with iron supplements or vitamins containing this component, and not give activated charcoal if there is increased gas formation.

The algorithm for preparing a child’s intestines for colonoscopy includes:

  • switching to a special slag-free diet for 3–4 days before the study;
  • taking laxatives;
  • several cleansing enemas.

Stage I - special diet

Changing the diet concerns the exclusion of coarse fibers of vegetables and fruits, fried meats, and products that promote gas formation. It is not recommended to feed your baby:

  • berries, fruits;
  • rye and rye-wheat bread;
  • confectionery and fresh baked goods;
  • sausage, frankfurters;
  • whole milk, cottage cheese;
  • pasta of various varieties;
  • fatty fried meat, fish;
  • rich broths with herbs;
  • dishes made from mushrooms and cabbage.

All carbonated drinks are excluded.

Allowed in food:

  • dried white loaf croutons;
  • vegetable or chicken broth, soups;
  • boiled fish;
  • steam products made from low-fat minced meat;
  • rice and buckwheat porridge with water;
  • mild cheese;
  • yogurt, diluted fruit juice without pulp.

With such a diet, almost all products are absorbed in the intestines, and less feces are formed, and the release of gases is significantly reduced. The frequency of feedings will have to be increased to six. The last time you are allowed to eat liquid porridge or soup is no later than 14 hours before the colonoscopy. You can still drink water three hours before.

Stage II - laxatives

The pediatrician will recommend a specific laxative and its dosage, taking into account the child’s age, weight, and the presence of concomitant diseases. Phenolphthalein, herbal preparation Senadexin, Duphalac from lactulose in syrup, Microlax microenemas are allowed.

Some proctologists do not approve of the use of castor oil for laxative purposes. The fact is that the components act on the intestinal mucosa in an irritating way and can change the picture.

Stage III - enemas

After administering the solution, babies need to squeeze their buttocks together and hold them, preventing rapid elimination of intestinal contents. Older children should be persuaded to wait a little, then sit on the potty or toilet.

In specialized departments and clinics, parents receive a “Memo”, which includes all the measures necessary before the procedure. To properly prepare a baby for a colonoscopy, you need advice from a pediatrician or nutritionist.

Types of anesthesia for children

In order to avoid stress in a child, it is recommended to perform colonoscopy up to 12-14 years of age only under general anesthesia. Anesthesia helps calm and immobilize the patient. For this we use:

  • sedation technique - a drug is injected into a vein, and the child falls asleep during the procedure, calmly wakes up after its completion, does not remember anything;
  • general anesthesia - often carried out with inhalational anesthetics, a few breaths of gas are enough for sleep and pain relief, sleep lasts longer than the procedure.

Medicines are used in dosages acceptable for children and are calculated based on weight and age. As a result, the baby sleeps peacefully. The negative effects of anesthetics are very small. The risk of complications is insignificant, but during the procedure the anesthesiologist monitors the child’s pulse rate, blood pressure, and breathing. After transfer to the ward, he observes the patient for some time.

Important! Local anesthesia is acceptable for calm teenagers. The most unpleasant moment of inserting the tube into the anus is softened by lubricating the tip with special gels with Lidocaine.

How is a colonoscopy performed on a child?

The sequence of colonoscopy for children is no different from the procedure for adults. The child's underpants are removed and placed on a high couch on his left side. The anesthesiologist administers a sedative and, after the patient falls asleep, allows the study to begin.

The endoscopist slowly moves the end of the tube deep into the intestine. To examine narrow areas, air is pumped in, which expands the intestine. In places of rotation, the doctor helps by palpating the abdomen with his free hand. A picture of the lumen of the intestinal cavity, walls, and mucous membrane appears on the monitor.

The entire procedure takes about 40 minutes. If there is a need for surgical manipulation, then more. Violation of the technique and incorrect assessment of indications can cause complications:

  • the intestinal wall is injured, up to perforation;
  • worsening of the previous stage of the disease (acute colitis);
  • infection if equipment is not properly treated.

What to do after the procedure?

After a colonoscopy, the child remains in the hospital for 2-3 days. This period is necessary for observation after anesthesia. Nutrition is gradually expanding. First, you are allowed to drink a little water (preferably slightly acidified with lemon). You can’t eat a lot at once because of the possibility of vomiting.

After 4-5 hours you can eat thin porridge, soup, sweet jelly. From the second day, meat dishes are allowed, but boiled, small noodles, apples, oranges. The child is usually active, with a good appetite. Stool appears 2-3 days after colonoscopy.

To prevent an inflammatory reaction, pediatricians recommend giving medicinal enemas with a warm decoction of chamomile and calendula at night. After a week, the effects of colonoscopy disappear.

Cost of the procedure

Before choosing a clinic to conduct a study, you need to find out whether it accepts payment under a compulsory insurance policy. This type of payment to private medical institutions is approved by the program; additional payment will only be required for anesthesia.

The best place is considered to be specialized children's hospitals with their own staff of anesthesiologists, modern equipment, a prepared office or operating room with resuscitation equipment, and a ward for monitoring a small patient.

We analyzed prices for pediatric colonoscopy in Moscow and regional centers. They differ little. The maximum cost is associated with the use of new equipment, the participation of an endoscopist with a scientific degree, and a preliminary consultation with a gastroenterologist.

At the Moscow Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 13 named after. Filatov offers colonoscopic examination of children for 9,400 rubles, in hospital No. 9 named after. Speransky (of the same rank) - for 2,600 rubles, in the clinic of the first Moscow State Medical Institute named after. Sechenov - for 6,000 rubles.

Some parents view the appointment of a colonoscopy for their child with horror. They get scared themselves and pass on their fear to their children. There's no point in panicking. If the examination is advisable, then you should agree to it. This will help to exclude an unclear diagnosis and promptly prescribe proper treatment.

Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a probe (colonoscope) is inserted into the intestines through the anus to visualize the condition of the colon mucosa.

At the end of the colonoscope there is a camera that transmits the image to the monitor.
In order for the study to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the intestines before the procedure. 50% of the success of the study depends on how correctly the patient prepares for a colonoscopy.

Preparation for a colonoscopy is carried out in several stages:

Stage 1. Psychological mood of parents and child.

Colonoscopy is not a very pleasant procedure; on average, the examination process takes from 20 to 30 minutes. The most difficult part of the procedure is preparing for it. Parents need to be patient, because... Your child may be fussy while preparing for the test. You can calm your child down through proper conversations on the topic of health, motivation, and future improvement of his condition with the goal of final recovery.

Stage 2: Diet.

For three days before the study, you must follow a strict slag-free diet. It consists of eating easily digestible, refined foods that contain almost no indigestible substances. These are products that do not increase gas formation in the intestines and do not contribute to the formation of large amounts of feces.


  • flour products and rice: white bread made from enriched refined premium flour, porridge (rice, oatmeal), muffins, biscuits, bagels (bagels) - without poppy seeds, simple crackers (without additives), vermicelli and noodles made from premium flour, including .h. white rice;
  • meat: soups with low-fat meat broth; various, well-prepared dishes from lean beef and veal; boiled chicken, also in the form of cutlets, meatballs, soufflé; egg;
  • fish: dishes from cod, pike perch, perch, pike (low-fat fish);
  • dairy products: calcium-rich foods (low-fat cottage cheese, cheeses), natural yogurt (without additives), no more than two glasses of skim milk;
  • vegetables: vegetable broths, potatoes (without peel);
    fruits and drinks: mousse, ½ banana, peach, melon, tea, weak coffee, compotes, jelly and juices, preferably clear (without pulp, dried fruits, berries and grains);
  • sweets: sugar, honey, jelly, syrup;


  • flour products and cereals: all grain-containing products (whole grains, products containing crushed grains, nuts, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, etc.), brown bread, cereals (not included in the list of permitted ones), legumes, peas, lentils, etc. .;
  • vegetables, fruits: all fresh and dried vegetables and fruits, cabbage in any form (both fresh and heat-treated), raisins and berries, especially with small seeds, all varieties of greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, cilantro, basil and etc.);
  • soups: cabbage soup and borscht, milk soups, cream soups, okroshka;
    meat, fish: fatty fish and meats, duck, goose, smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters;
  • dairy products: yogurt containing fillers (fruit and muesli), pudding, cream, sour cream, ice cream, full-fat cottage cheese;
    seasonings and canned food: hot seasonings (horseradish, pepper, mustard, onion, vinegar, garlic), as well as all seasonings (sauces) with grains, herbs, pickles, canned food, salted and pickled mushrooms, seaweed;
  • drinks: carbonated water, prune drinks, kvass.

On the day before the study, it is necessary to exclude dinner; the last light meal should be no later than 18 hours.

It is necessary to stop taking medications that can stain stool and the mucous membrane of the colon (iron, bismuth, activated carbon).
In order to eliminate gas formation, the child is prescribed carminatives the day before the test.

If a child suffers from constipation and takes laxatives, it is imperative to continue taking them daily.

Stage 3. Cleansing enemas or laxatives.

Your doctor will tell you which cleansing method to choose. Independent selection of laxatives is not advisable due to the fact that there are contraindications to the use of these drugs in children with inflammatory bowel diseases.

Colon cleansing with enemas is one of the traditional methods of preparing for colonoscopy. Colon cleansing should begin at 5:00 p.m. To do this, use an Esmarch mug, into which water is poured at room temperature (about 20°C). Water at room temperature is not absorbed in the colon, enhances its motility, and colon cleansing becomes more effective. Do two enemas with an interval of 15-20 minutes. To clear water - after the last enema, only clear or slightly colored liquid should be released.

The volume of liquid for a single administration is selected depending on the age, body weight and individual characteristics of the child.

On the morning of the test, it is also necessary to do several cleansing enemas with water at room temperature until the waters are clear.

On the day of the examination, you should not eat or drink anything, or take medications, since endoscopic examination in children is performed under anesthesia. If your child is under 5 years of age, you should consult with your doctor about the time at which food load should be removed.

After successful preparation, the child is put into medicated sleep and endoscopic surgery is performed.

Colonoscopy is a common method for detecting diseases of the large intestine in patients of all ages. Such an endoscopic examination has a large number of advantages associated with high information content, a low risk of developing negative consequences of the procedure, and relatively good tolerability among patients. Colonoscopy in children differs little from a similar study in adults, and is used to diagnose diseases of the colon. In this case, the attending physician has the opportunity to perform a biopsy of a suspicious area of ​​the organ and perform minor operations, such as resection of a polyp, stopping intraintestinal bleeding, etc.

Colonoscopy in children is performed on the basis of compelling indications

Colonoscopy in childhood is strictly regulated by medical documents and should be carried out only in accordance with the developed indications and contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

Colonoscopy for children is performed only if there are strict indications, since the manipulation itself is considered a serious impact on the body and is associated with general anesthesia. Therefore, before doing the study, carefully conduct a clinical examination of the child and determine all available indications and contraindications. Endoscopic examination is indicated in the following cases:

  • There are suspicions of a serious congenital anomaly of the structure of the large intestine, for which endoscopy is considered the best diagnostic method.
  • The attending physician suspects a benign or malignant tumor growth in the wall of the colon.
  • Suspicion of nonspecific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • The need for differential diagnosis in complex clinical cases.

Contraindications to colonoscopy are:

  • Intolerance to general anesthesia, since colonoscopy in childhood cannot be performed without anesthesia.

General anesthesia may be contraindicated for some children.

  • Decompensated diseases of internal organs.
  • Acute or exacerbation of chronic infectious diseases.

For each child, the doctor must especially carefully analyze the available indications and contraindications, making a choice between colonoscopy or other methods of assessing the condition of the colon.

Proper preparation

Ensuring that the examination is highly informative and safe for children requires the organization of appropriate preparation aimed at reducing the risks of complications. At the same time, following the recommendations below can reduce the child’s discomfort, both psychological and physical. Recommendations for preparing for endoscopy include:

  • Three to four days before the examination, the child’s diet is changed, completely removing durum wheat bread, legumes, cottage cheese, fatty dairy products, and various types of fruits and vegetables. All of these products remain in the colon for a long time and can lead to increased gas formation.
  • Meals include poultry, fish and dairy products.
  • On the day before the examination, the child is given a laxative medicine to cleanse the colon or is prescribed a double enema.

Children, like adults, need to cleanse their large intestines before the test.

  • On the day of the procedure itself, you are allowed to drink only tea or low-fat broth.
  • If bowel cleansing was carried out with an enema, 1-1.5 hours before the colonoscopy, the child is given a second cleansing enema, completely clearing the large intestine of food debris.

Limiting foods during preparation for endoscopic examination plays an important role, since a high-quality procedure is only possible with complete bowel emptying.

Performing a colonoscopy

How is a colonoscopy done for children? After the child is properly prepared for the examination, he is placed on the manipulation table and general anesthesia is administered, which ensures deep sleep and complete pain relief.

An endoscope, pre-lubricated with anesthetic gel, is inserted into the child's anus and advanced to the rectum. After this, a small amount of air is supplied through it, allowing the intestinal lumen to expand and improve visibility. In this case, the image from the endoscope video camera is transmitted to a monitor next to the endoscopist, who can analyze the condition of the intestinal wall directly during the examination. The average duration of the examination is 30-60 minutes, depending on the scope of the diagnosis and the need for additional manipulations (taking a biopsy, resection of a polyp, etc.).

After the examination is completed, the colonoscope is carefully removed, and the child is transferred to the department for one day, where medical specialists continue to monitor him.

Examination of the large intestine should only be carried out by a specially trained endoscopist who is familiar with the features of this method in childhood.

Possible complications

If the rules for preparing the child are violated or if the technique for performing the endoscopic examination itself is not followed, complications may arise:

  • Allergic reactions to medications used for general anesthesia.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane and other layers of the colon wall.
  • Intestinal bleeding of varying degrees of intensity, depending on the damage to the vessels of the mucous layer or deeper layers.
  • Perforation of a hollow organ with the development of peritonitis and systemic complications.

If such complications develop, the procedure is stopped and immediate treatment is started.

Modern colonoscope

Colonoscopy in pediatrics is an indispensable method for identifying diseases of the large intestine associated with abnormalities in the development of the organ or with a tumor process. The high degree of information content and the possibility of performing a biopsy allow the procedure to be used even in difficult diagnostic situations, when other research methods have failed to identify the disease. It is important to note that following these recommendations for preparing a child is a prerequisite for the safety and effectiveness of diagnosis.

– colonoscopy for children is performed strictly according to existing indications and doctor’s prescription. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the presence and degree of pathological changes in the large intestine, and, if necessary, take tissue for detailed laboratory analysis (biopsy).

The examination process and features of the examination in children

In terms of technique, colonoscopy for children is not much different from the procedure for adults. A long flexible tube (endoscope) is equipped with a video camera, and the captured image is displayed on a monitor. The endoscopist conducting the examination can see all the anatomical details of the organs, and deviations from the norm. The endoscope is inserted into the child's anus, pre-treated with anesthetic gel, and moves at a slow pace along the rectum.

To fully visualize the intraintestinal space, the intestine is expanded with additional air. The time interval for the procedure varies from a quarter of an hour to 40 minutes. How long it actually takes depends on the scope of the study and the need to collect material for analysis. Based on the results obtained, the child is diagnosed and prescribed therapy.

The differences in the methods of performing pediatric and adult colonoscopy are:

  • dosage of a laxative at the preparatory stage for the examination;
  • use of a smaller diameter endoscope for children;
  • carrying out the procedure under anesthesia;
  • observation of the child after diagnosis in the clinic for several hours.

General anesthesia is used for children under twelve years of age. The anesthetic is administered intravenously; mask anesthesia, as a rule, is not used, since it affects intestinal contraction. This may negatively affect the results.

The use of this method is associated with some inconveniences and discomfort that the patient experiences during the study. Due to fear and painful sensations, a child may throw a tantrum and disrupt the examination. Holding a baby by force in a static position is an almost impossible task. Therefore, during colonoscopy, the use of anesthesia for children is widely practiced.

Indications for administering anesthesia to adults are:

  • increased sensitivity (sensitivity);
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • inability to overcome fear of the procedure;
  • psycho-emotional deviations.

For children, the procedure is performed exclusively under general anesthesia.

Rarely, unforeseen circumstances may arise during diagnosis. These include: end-to-end disruption of the intestinal wall (perforation), damage to the intestinal mucosa. In this case, we may be talking about an incorrect procedure. If medical workers did everything correctly, complications of this kind are completely excluded.

Preparatory activities

First of all, adults should take care of the location of the baby’s colonoscopy. The pediatric version of the procedure requires special care and caution from medical specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to choose only a highly qualified endoscopist and a reputable clinic.

The effectiveness of a rectal examination in both adults and children depends 95% on the proper level of preparation. Parents should take the preparatory stage as responsibly as possible. If a small patient goes to the examination insufficiently prepared, the doctor has the right to postpone the colonoscopy to another day, since the data will be distorted and the procedure will lose its meaning.

The preparation algorithm includes: dietary intake, regulation of psychological mood, use of laxatives or enemas.

You should start preparing your child no later than three days before the planned procedure. First of all, you need to adjust your diet. The diet involves the following changes described in the table.

Drinking carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited. Also, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, chocolate, cakes and other sweets. The diet should not contain foods that increase the formation of gases in the intestines. On the eve of the examination, dinner should not be heavy. In the evening you should take a laxative. Adults are most often prescribed Fortrans; for children, this medicine is indicated only from the age of 14.

Duphalac or Microlax are more suitable for young patients. The latter can be used already from infancy. Children should not be given harsh sena-based laxatives. The medicine should be prescribed by a pediatrician, taking into account age, body weight, and individual characteristics of drug tolerance. An alternative to a laxative is a rectal cleansing enema.

In this case, the first enema is done in the evening, the second in the morning (on the day of the examination). The volume of liquid should be 15-20 ml of water per kilogram of weight for children under one year of age, and 30 ml for a child from one to three years of age. As for the psychological state, parents must clearly explain the need for the procedure, reassure the child, talk about anesthesia, and ensure a stable emotional environment in the family.

Purpose and contraindications

Just like adults, colonoscopy for children is indicated to determine the cause of unclear symptoms, identify inflammation, neoplasms, or the presence of foreign bodies. Before deciding on the need for a detailed examination of the large intestine with an endoscope, the doctor conducts a palpation examination and prescribes an examination.

It includes clinical tests of blood, urine, and extensive stool analysis. Sometimes allergy tests are prescribed to determine a possible allergic reaction to anesthesia.

Indications for diagnostics are:

  • regular pain in the intestines of unknown origin;
  • systematic problems with bowel movements (constipation, pain during bowel movements);
  • history of anemia (anemia);
  • violation of intestinal motor function (intestinal obstruction);
  • suspected neoplasms in the colon or rectum;
  • protrusions of the walls of the colon (diverticulosis);
  • changes in the structure and composition of feces (the appearance of purulent or bloody impurities, black stools);
  • suspected presence of polyps (growths) in the rectum;
  • suspicion of tumor processes in the large intestine;
  • chronic intestinal inflammation - Crohn's disease.

Examination of the baby by a pediatrician before and after the procedure is mandatory.

Your doctor may order a repeat colonoscopy after treatment to evaluate the results of therapy. The main prohibitions include: hemophilia (blood clotting disorder), period of exacerbation of pain in the rectum and colon, unstable somatic condition of the child (presence of infectious viral diseases), serious chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, intolerance by a small patient to the anesthetics used.

Neither children nor adults are prescribed rectal endoscopic examination without serious indications. It is not recommended to abuse the procedure.

Possible side effects after diagnosis

Complications after the examination are extremely rare. This could be an allergic reaction to medications, increased gas formation, discomfort in the anal area, or short-term diarrhea. Such symptoms are eliminated through the use of carminatives (in case of antihistamine allergies), and lubricating the anus with an emollient cream.

If the pain is severe and there is an increase in temperature, then urgent medical consultation is necessary. You should not be afraid of the procedure. With the help of colonoscopy, you can diagnose the disease at the initial stage of its development and prevent more serious problems.

To protect children from intestinal diseases, parents should, first of all, carefully monitor their diet. An abundance of fast food and uncontrolled consumption of sweets increase the risk of developing intestinal pathologies. The diet must be balanced in terms of nutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), you must take care of your diet and sufficient fluids. In addition, you need to pay attention to the observance of personal hygiene rules, rational physical activity, and timely treatment of infectious viral diseases.

Diagnosing colon cancer in the early stages of tumor development is important, as it allows timely treatment to begin. Endoscopic methods for examining the colon include colonoscopy, which helps detect many pathological processes. This technique is performed using a special device called a colonoscope.

Bowel examination

The diagnostic procedure for examining the rectum makes it possible to quickly and effectively assess the condition of the intestine along its entire length. Thanks to this, the doctor identifies various diseases in the patient at an early stage of development and will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Colonoscopy of the intestines shows:

  • polyps;
  • ulcers;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • narrowing of the lumen;
  • malignant tumors (cancer);
  • benign formations;
  • presence of a foreign body.

Therefore, such an examination is usually carried out in order to make the correct conclusion and identify or exclude certain pathologies. As an additional diagnostic method, the doctor may prescribe a stool, blood or urine test to the patient, depending on general symptoms and complaints. Depending on what answer the analysis shows, the doctor will prescribe a suitable method for diagnosing the intestines.

Most often, a test such as a colonoscopy is performed for diarrhea, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, bleeding from the rectum, discharge of pus along with feces, persistent abdominal pain or adhesions.

In order for the endoscopic procedure to show an accurate result, it is necessary to carefully and follow all the instructions that the doctor recommends. For children, this diagnostic method has some peculiarities in order to reduce the risk of unpleasant sensations.

The most informative methods for examining the colon are traditional colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy, ultrasound and capsule. Diagnostics can be carried out in one day.

Advice: Only a medical specialist can choose the appropriate method for diagnosing intestinal conditions based on clinical data.

An examination of the rectum, such as virtual colonoscopy, is one of the most popular today and is very well tolerated by patients. Virtual colonoscopy can be prescribed to diagnose space-occupying lesions. The main advantages of this procedure include the ability to examine the entire abdominal cavity.

Virtual colonoscopy is safer compared to other methods, therefore it is well tolerated by patients and does not cause discomfort. It allows you to take three-dimensional images of the colon and capture some of the small intestine. Most often, such a colonoscopy is performed when the patient has already had an accurate diagnosis, and it is only necessary to confirm it. When there is no medical report from a doctor, a virtual colonoscopy is replaced by a regular one.

Such diagnostics are carried out non-invasively without anesthesia and sedation, since there is no need for this. The procedure is carried out under the influence of X-rays of a minimal dose, which does not harm the person.

Capsule colonoscopy is a modern procedure for examining the colon. What makes this procedure unique is that it allows you to view all parts of the intestine, from the small intestine to the rectum or cecum. With capsule colonoscopy, you can get the information you need without much pain or radiation.

Capsule colonoscopy is also considered a non-invasive method and helps to detect any tumors in the initial stages of their development. The patient only needs to swallow a special small capsule equipped with video cameras. They will relieve bowel conditions as they move through the digestive tract. After this, the doctor will interpret the images and make a diagnosis.

The study is contraindicated in patients with impaired swallowing function and suspected gastrointestinal obstruction.

MRI procedure

You can replace standard diagnostics of the colon with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). MRI as a research method is of particular value in diagnosing cancer or other diseases of the small intestine, which is difficult to examine in other ways. It is carried out using intravenous or oral (through the mouth) injection of contrast into the human body and obtaining an image on a scanner.

MRI is usually used as an auxiliary method for diagnosing many diseases. Using an MRI procedure, bleeding, cancer, polyps and inflammatory processes can be detected. Contraindications to MRI include hernia, intestinal bleeding, and colonic diverticulosis.

Ultrasound colonoscopy

A method such as ultrasound colonoscopy is a new way to examine the cecum or colon. It provides high information content and allows you to assess the condition of the intestines using special ultrasound sensors and a colonoscope. To do this, it is introduced into the intestinal lumen or placed on the abdominal wall.

Ultrasound colonoscopy helps determine the condition of the intestine and diagnose cancer or a benign tumor in a patient. Contraindications include acute intestinal diseases, ulcerative colitis in the acute stage and suspected peritonitis.

How to do an intestinal colonoscopy for children

For children, the same colonoscopy is prescribed as for adults, but the procedure itself will have some differences. To make the sensations less painful during the examination, children are given a sedative intravenously. For children, a colon test is prescribed for the purpose of examination and to take a biopsy (tissue sample) if cancer is suspected.

Standard colonoscopy for adults is performed with local anesthesia and only under general anesthesia if indicated. The need for anesthesia in children is due to the fact that they lack the ability to control their response to stimuli.

In addition, it is important to understand that the presence of pain in children during diagnosis of the rectum or cecum can be dangerous due to the development of painful shock or loss of consciousness. helps eliminate all unpleasant symptoms and sensations.

To avoid complications of a colonoscopy, the doctor who will do the examination must be a good professional. The insertion of a colonoscope into the anus in children is carried out in the lateral position after administration of anesthesia.

Advice: For children, colonoscopy should be performed taking into account their age using light anesthesia, which helps to avoid unwanted complications.

Preparing the patient for colonoscopy

Before having a colonoscopy or MRI, the patient should carefully prepare for this procedure one day before it begins. First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the large intestine, and this can be done with the help of the drug Fortrans. is prescribed as a means of cleansing the intestines to ensure its patency.

The patient can also use, which has a similar effect. Meals for children and adults before colonoscopy should be light, without foods that cause fermentation in the intestines. On the eve of the study, an enema is prescribed.

A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only based on the results of a colonoscopy. For this purpose, a special protocol is drawn up, which describes the doctor’s conclusion and the method of examination. The results of colonoscopy, which are in the protocol, help to exclude or establish a diagnosis of cancer, polyp, and others.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!