Is the person breathing? Deep breathing. Why do we sneeze with our eyes closed?

It is a mistake to think that a person breathes only through the lungs. No, we all have a second respiratory organ - our skin. A person breathes with his whole body. A person breathes not only through the lungs, but also through the skin. Because our skin is nothing more than a second respiratory organ.

Of course, in this respect we are inferior to some other creatures - reptiles, amphibians, many of which have skin respiration much better developed than humans. But still, in humans, the role of the skin in the breathing process is very, very large. Suffice it to say that the skin removes 700-800 grams of water vapor per day - 2 times more than the lungs! Human skin is not just the outer shell of the body. One can only admire the wisdom of nature, which created such a perfect material.

The skin performs a wide variety of functions.
It protects the body from external influences, acting as a barrier between the body and the external environment.

The skin is a truly reliable barrier that protects internal organs from various damages. The skin does not allow various pathogens and infections into our body - and not only because it purely mechanically protects against the penetration of infection into the body, but also because it forms a special acidic environment on its surface in which pathogenic microorganisms die.

The skin helps the kidneys work by removing waste from the body along with sweat.

The skin provides a constant body temperature in summer and winter. It helps us not to overheat too much in hot weather and not to freeze too much in cold weather. This happens due to the fact that the skin is penetrated through and through by tiny blood vessels - capillaries. At low air temperatures, capillaries narrow, blood flow to the skin decreases, and the skin practically stops giving off heat to the outside - it retains all the heat inside the body. We may freeze outside, but inside the body remains warm and active, as always! And if the air temperature is high, then the capillaries expand, blood flow to the skin increases, and the skin begins to give off a lot of heat to the outside, thus cooling the entire body.

The skin is a sensory organ: it allows us to experience the world around us through touch.

And finally, an important function of the skin is the breathing function: through tiny holes - pores - the skin breathes. It absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide - and thus helps the lungs in the breathing process. Note: it is the skin that is the organ of the human body that first comes into contact with air. The air still needs to reach the lungs for oxygen to begin to enter the body, but it already enters through the skin; all you need to do is be in the air and take off your clothes. By the way, yogis can hold their breath for a long time and breathe very rarely precisely because they have extremely developed skin breathing, which, with certain training, largely replaces breathing with the lungs! But if the body is placed in a toxic environment, where the skin cannot breathe, and the head is left in the freshest air, then pulmonary breathing in this case will not save: the pores will be clogged with poisons, and any living creature, be it an animal or a person, will die in these conditions will not be able to survive.

This is how important it is for the pores of the skin to breathe freely and receive oxygen. That is why the skin is truly the second organ of respiration, without which we cannot live in the same way as without the lungs.

The skin requires free breathing, just as our entire body requires it. This is why on a warm day we so want to take off our clothes. The skin wants to breathe, the skin cannot live without air! After all, if the skin is deprived of the ability to breathe, it does not receive the required amount of oxygen, and therefore vital energy. If you keep a person dressed in airtight clothing, and even in a stuffy room, but give him oxygen to breathe, he still will not feel healthy and strong. Pulmonary breathing alone is not enough to bring the required amount of prana into the body! This requires the supply of oxygen and vitality through the skin.

It was not by chance that nature created us naked - she did not imagine that we would dress in tight clothes, lock ourselves in stuffy rooms and forget how important skin breathing is. Modern man has weaned his skin from breathing. And the skin has largely lost this important function: it has actually almost forgotten how to breathe! A person whose skin respiration is very weak risks his health. Firstly, he deprives himself of a large amount of vitality, and therefore feels eternally weak and tired. Secondly, studies have shown that a lack of oxygen in skin cells creates the preconditions for the development of cancer cells.

Skin that has impaired breathing function and looks unhealthy in appearance.

Pale, flabby skin, with bruises and bags under the eyes, lacking elasticity, having an unhealthy earthy-gray color, riddled with red veins - these are signs of many deviations from nature, including impaired skin respiration. When the skin breathes, the vital force moves in it. Vitality brings not only health, but also youth! Skin that breathes looks young, elastic, beautiful, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the complexion becomes vibrant and fresh. Therefore, I believe that exposing the body in the fresh air is not only a hardening procedure, but an effective method of preventing and treating many diseases.

But for stripping treatment to help, we must first restore the lost function of skin respiration and help the skin begin to breathe again. What is needed for this? Of course, it is necessary for energy to begin moving in the skin so that there is no stagnation. How to ensure that the energy in the skin begins to move if the skin is lifeless, if its pores are clogged, if it is poorly supplied with blood? First you need to try to return the skin to its normal state - cleanse, open the pores, make the skin capillaries work normally.

The skin breathes through the pores - that's true. But every cell of the body, including skin cells, also breathes from the inside - with the help of capillaries, which supply oxygen to the cells with blood. A healthy body is an organism in which there is a balance of such external and internal respiration. If the respiratory system works well, if the lungs are normally supplied with oxygen, if they supply oxygen to all tissues of the body to every cell, if oxygen is carried by capillaries to the very surface of the skin, to every millimeter of this surface, if the skin inhales oxygen with each of its pores and this oxygen enters through the pores, meets with oxygen carried to each cell by capillaries - then we can say that the body is truly alive, healthy, it breathes with each of its cells, there is not the slightest area in it where oxygen does not flow, where oxygen is observed stagnation of energy. Such a person is strong, cheerful, active, pure, like a mountain river. If the process of such double breathing - from the inside and outside - is disrupted, if both breaths do not meet in the cells of our skin, then a person gradually becomes like not the purest mountain river, but a stagnant swamp, where sooner or later putrefactive processes will begin.

To restore the skin to its true breathing function means to revive its capillaries, on the one hand, and to open and make its pores breathe, on the other hand. An exercise for capillaries will help you cope with the first task. But there are also other, centuries-proven methods that allow you to solve two problems at once - improve blood supply to the skin and cleanse it, prepare it to improve its nutrition with external oxygen.

As sad as it may be, our lives cannot last forever. Despite the achievements of civilization, no one is immune from accidents. Television “delights” us every day, reporting on all kinds of disasters and private crimes. Therefore, every person should know both how to provide first aid and how to find out whether a person has died. This knowledge can be useful if you suddenly witness an accident, for example: a person falling from a great height, a road or industrial accident, drowning and similar disasters. In such cases, injuries sustained in an accident may pose a threat to human life: damage to the skull, chest, abdomen, etc.

Dead or Alive

  • Appearance of the victim. A person who has become a victim of an accident may be in a completely unconscious state, not showing any signs of life, be completely motionless and not respond to anyone calling on him. The first thing to do is determine whether the person has died. If the victim is alive, there is always a chance to save him.
  • We determine the presence of a pulse. The work of the heart is an important indicator of the presence of life in a person. Once the heart stops working, the supply of oxygen and vital substances to the organs stops, which inevitably leads to death. To determine whether the heart is beating, you need to feel the pulse. The presence of a pulse is the main indicator of the work of the heart, since physiologically it is the vibration of the walls of blood vessels as a result of the return of impulses from the contracting heart. Most likely, the pulse can be detected in the temporal, femoral or carotid artery. In this case, you should not rely on the radial artery, where after injuries the pulse is not always palpable.
  • Find out if the person is breathing. The presence of breathing can be determined visually by periodic movements of the chest. If this is not possible, you can determine it by touch. The most reliable method for determining whether a person is breathing is the well-proven method with a mirror. It is enough to bring its surface to your nose. If the victim is breathing, the mirror surface will definitely fog up.
  • Pupil reaction test. In a living person, the pupils always react to the amount of light. To establish the presence of a pupil reaction, you need to bring a flashlight beam of light to it. If after this the pupil narrows, and after you cover the daylight with your palm, the pupil dilates, it means the person is alive.

After making sure that the person is alive, it is necessary to immediately provide medical assistance to the victim.

Request for a death certificate

In order to find out whether a person with whom you have not seen or communicated for a long time has died, you need to make a request to the Central Address Bureau of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. It is imperative to know the person's full name, date of birth and his last known address of residence. Information about your place of birth may also be useful. This service is paid.

The court can declare the death of a person if for five years there is no information about his actual place of residence. Also, if a person goes missing under life-threatening circumstances, he is declared dead. You can obtain confirmation of death from the registry office at your place of residence.

To find out whether a person is alive, it may not be amiss to contact the “Wait for me” program.

Man is an amphibian

Modern science does not stand still. Every year there are more and more new studies, thanks to which there are discoveries. Scientists are working to invent many new substances, as well as many new features of living things. Specially trained people are engaged in setting up experiments, studying living beings. Sometimes we wonder, can man fly? Is it possible to live to be a hundred years old? Is it possible to freeze a person and unfreeze them after 100 years? And finally, can a person breathe liquid, that is, under? These are the questions that scientists are dealing with, working on setting up various tests.

Unfortunately, all these experiments are most often carried out on animals, however, for new and new discoveries they do not feel sorry for anything or anyone. Let's think together: is it really possible to breathe underwater? What can make a person step beyond the boundaries of reality and breathe under water as easily as in air? Can this be made a reality? This is exactly what our article will discuss.

Brainstorm - Amphibian Man

Liquid breathing. Is this real?

So, is it possible to breathe water? In order to better understand whether this is real, let's give an idea of ​​what liquid breathing is? Liquid breathing is liquid ventilation of the lungs or breathing with a liquid that dissolves oxygen well. Breathing liquid itself means filling the lungs with a liquid that is saturated with oxygen. With liquid breathing, oxygen enters the blood. But not all water is suitable for such a process. The most successful examples for such breathing are perfluorocarbon compounds. They are good solvents of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and also have low surface tension. In addition, they are not metabolized at all in the body, which is required for such a process. But what is this breathing used for? When conducting certain types of experiments, liquid breathing can be used when diving to great depths and even for intensive treatment of diseases.

How will his body react to the fact that breathing will be carried out not with air, but with water? Is this possible? Let's try to answer this question. Saying the phrase “amphibian man” out loud, everyone comes to mind the legendary novel by Alexander Belyaev “Amphibian Man”. This novel created a huge resonance of opinions among all readers. Some believe that this cannot happen in principle, because it is unrealistic. But there are other opinions. The plot of this novel is how a surgeon was able to transplant the gills of a young shark into a little boy. As a result, after the operation the boy could live peacefully under water. The famous science fiction writer described this process so plausibly that some had no doubt that this could be done. The work received such a loud public response that, according to a Soviet surgeon, he was approached by a man who came to him with a request to transplant catfish gills, since the shark is not found in his area. This man was ready to do anything, he was ready to give a special receipt, if only this operation would take place. He was not afraid of death or any negative outcome of the situation. However, the surgeon was adamant. After all, at that time everyone understood perfectly well that this was just a fiction.

Jacques Yves Cousteau, the famous oceanographer, was confident that this operation would become real. He believed that progress does not stand still, scientists are able to decide on this experiment. However, no one decided to undertake such an operation. But one day there was news in the tabloid press that a young man from Cape Town had undergone surgery to transplant shark gills. Allegedly, the young man suffered from pulmonary insufficiency and was ready for any outcome of events. It was also said that the transplant operation was successful, and doctors are monitoring the patient, trying to ensure that there is no rejection of the transplanted organ. But there was no further news about this event. But what do scientists say about this? Have any special studies been carried out on this topic?

Scientists' opinion about human breathing with liquid

In the 50s of the 20th century, Professor Johannes Kylstra created his own theory about liquid breathing. In his opinion, since absolutely identical processes occur in the gills and lungs of animals and humans, a person will be able to breathe perfectly under water, but there is one condition. The amount of oxygen specifically required for human breathing must be dissolved in the air.

In 1959, the same professor conducted a lot of experiments that showed stunning results. The experiment was carried out on mice. They were immersed in a special physiological solution, in which an environment was created that was accessible for breathing under water. So, at a certain pressure, mice were able to live in such an environment for several hours! Kylstra was the first to believe that the animal could live in water. However, it was not scientists who became interested in his work, but various intelligence services of the US Navy Department. In this experiment, they found an opportunity that could save the lives of many people who find themselves in an unfavorable situation. It was of great importance, which is why the further development of this kind of project was classified. However, judging by the results so far, it has not been possible to create an amphibian.

However, after some time, information appeared in the press that an experiment was carried out in the USA with the first ichthyander on the planet. Judging by press reports, a certain Francis Faleichik was given anesthesia to his throat. The description of the procedure stated that a special tube was inserted into the man’s trachea, and through it the lungs were filled with a specialized solution. In addition, it was said that the young man breathed underwater for 4 hours.

Scientists and their experiments

  • There are many examples of how scientists sought to make an amazing discovery: a person can breathe underwater! So, in 1976, American biochemists managed to create a special device that could extract oxygen from sea water and provide it to those who dive to great depths. The most important thing in this process is that the diver could breathe underwater indefinitely.
  • Scientists began their experiment with the fact that hemoglobin is the substance that delivers oxygen from the lungs, as well as gills, to all cells of the body. At the very beginning of the study, scientists took blood from their own veins, then mixed it with polyurethane and immersed it in water. As a result, these clots absorbed oxygen dissolved in water. Next, scientists found a blood substitute. To do this, they decided to soak a finely porous material, which is still unknown, with a hemoglobin activator, thereby increasing its accumulation. Thus, a special device was born that operates on the principle of ordinary gills: it absorbs oxygen from sea water, allowing the diver to remain under water indefinitely. However, indefinitely - only theoretically. This invention was purchased for a lot of money, or more precisely, for a million dollars, by an American company. However, this device never went on sale.
  • However, we are talking about a technical device, that is, the goal of all scientists involved in these developments is to “force” a person to breathe independently under water. That is, try to extract oxygen from water on your own. In other words, breathe liquid on your own.
  • It is worth noting that similar experiments are carried out to this day. Thus, in one of the Russian research institutes an experiment was conducted on a volunteer. Due to surgical intervention, the volunteer had a completely absent larynx. This pathology is very dangerous. The whole point is that a person simply did not have an innate reaction of the body to water. If even one drop hits the sensitive cells of the bronchi, the annular muscle compresses the throat so much that spasms occur, which are accompanied by suffocation. Thus, the volunteer simply did not have this muscle, which contributed to the successful outcome of the experiment. This experiment consisted of pouring a solution into the lungs of a person one by one. The man worked his abdominal muscles in order to mix the specially poured solution. In this solution, the composition of salts corresponded to the content of salts in the blood. After the solution was poured into the patient, he immersed himself in the water, having previously put on a special mask. After conducting an experiment, this solution was successfully and completely painlessly pumped out.
  • Scientists say that in the future all ordinary people with a normal throat will be able to breathe under water. This belief is based on the fact that a reflex reaction to the body is just a matter of technique that any healthy person can comprehend.

Breathe underwater. Reality or myth?

Unfortunately, many experiments conducted by scientists remained just experiments. At the moment, in the 21st century, divers still dive with scuba gear, without using their own lungs in the fight against the sea elements. All the beginnings of creating a special ichthyander remained only preparations, so to speak, drafts in preparation for a discovery at the level of a miracle. Perhaps, with a more thorough study of this issue, the possibility of breathing under water would appear, which would change the whole world.

However, there are many factors that contribute to preventing this from happening. Perhaps one of the most modern and most influential is financing. The frequency of experiments performed depends on this factor. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Perhaps very soon the day will come that will change the usual perception of the concept that a person breathes exclusively air? Unfortunately, the scientists' verdicts are completely disappointing. The fact is that no matter how hard scientists try, no matter how much funding the project receives, long-term human life in the depths of water is a priori impossible.

But what is the main reason for this misunderstanding? The fact is that nature independently decides who should live and where. Fish must live in water; nature created gills for this. Man must live on land, that is why he has lungs. Of course, everyone has thought at least once about the question: is it really possible to fly? Or is it really possible to breathe underwater?

However, alas, such a person is not destined. People and fish, warm-blooded and cold-blooded creatures differ in too many factors. Although they undoubtedly have something in common. But this is too little in common. Nature created everything exactly as it should be. Otherwise, complete chaos would reign, which would possibly interfere with the life of all living things. So is the amphibian man. An amphibian man would not have endured the conditions of the ocean, its temperature. However, you can adapt to anything! But even here it’s past. Having adapted to the conditions of the ocean, he could not live on land. Such is nature and its laws. That is why, no matter how hard scientists and professors try, nature has put everything in its place. Going against nature is at least stupid, because all efforts are doomed to failure.

The ocean floor will never become a permanent place of human residence

However, man has something to do on the seabed. His physiological abilities, as well as the latest technical abilities, fully allow him to stay at the bottom for a long time. But the point is that we are talking about independent, that is, purely physiological breathing, and not with the help of technology.

Thus, we can conclude that very soon the ocean floor will be able to become a workplace for humans, but not a place of life and permanent residence. However, in a long-term study, a person can achieve stunning results, close to real breathing underwater. You just have to work hard on this issue. Thus, whether a person can change the modern history of civilization or not depends only on him!