Effective drugs for male power. Fast-acting potency remedy for men: effective drugs. The most effective folk remedies for treating potency

In this article we will talk about the safest potency enhancing drugs for men without side effects.

First, let's look at their main types.

What types of medicines are there, their divisions

  • PDE 5 inhibitors type (PDE – stands for “phosphodiesterase”). Products of this type are aimed at increasing blood flow to the intimate organ. This type is not recommended for consumption with fatty foods, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. Examples of medications of this type: Vardenafil, Sildenafil, Viagra and others.
  • Activating NO synthase. The group has fewer side effects, unlike PDE-5, it does not raise a person’s blood pressure and does not affect the functioning of the heart. Their essence is to relax a person’s muscles, thereby improving the flow of blood into the gentleman’s dignity and his hardness. For example, this group includes: L-arginine, agmatine sulfate and others.
  • Alpha blockers. They reduce the occurrence of spasms in the arteries and blood vessels and also expand them, due to which the gentleman’s combat weapon in the intimate area reaches an elevated state much more easily. For example, these include: Phentolamine, Yohimbine and others.
  • Testosterone. They are prescribed only by a doctor if the gentleman has a lack of testosterone and its level is low after taking hormone tests.
  • Supplements. This group stands for “dietary supplements” and do not have secondary harmful effects from taking them. They have a positive effect on the combat readiness of the organ. Usually these are natural drugs for increasing potency in men of plant origin. For example, Kapikachhu, Tribestan and others.
  • Prostaglandins E-synthase (“prostaglandins” are hormone-like substances found in the prostate). They are not administered in the safest way - through injections, and therefore are not particularly recommended for use.
  • With natural components. The composition of such products may include components such as deer antlers, ginseng extract, Damiana leaf extract and other adaptogens that normalize the body after stress and strengthen it under frequent adverse conditions.

As you know, the more and more abundantly an intimate organ is filled with blood, the harder and harder the erection will be. Hence, the longer his stamina and elevated fighting state will last.

Why do the stronger sex have problems in bed?

  • no permanent sexual partner, long-term absence of relationships and abstinence;
  • sedentary work, reluctance to play sports;
  • neglected excess weight, the presence of a beer belly lower testosterone;
  • problems with the circulatory system and blood circulation;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • crisis in family relationships, coldness;
  • stress and chronic depression in everyday life, lack of sleep;
  • presence of back or lower back injuries;
  • diseases or infections of the reproductive system (prostatitis and others).

Raising and increasing potency in men with medications requires compliance with the instructions for use. Let's look at them in detail.

From 1 to 13 medications do not cause any adverse reactions

1. Burning Mucuna

  • The effect of the powder is clearly noticeable from the first day of use. Used for impotence, weak libido, premature ejaculation, infertility. Normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis and manhood, which increases its stamina. Liberates a man, gives him confidence, increases his endurance.
  • Contains L-arginine, responsible for the production of testosterone and insulin, which also restores the performance and functionality of the reproductive system. And in combination with the extract yohimbe increases attraction to women. Can be used as natural aphrodisiac.
  • Take the medication in solution with warm water for minutes. over 40 before intimacy begins, 1 teaspoon three times a day. For prevention purposes, take it every day for a month.
  • The advantages are that it is made on natural basis, normalizes sleep. It has no negative consequences from taking it and no contraindications.
  • The cost of “Mukuna” starts from 990 rubles.

We have also written all the relevant and current prices for potency and male enhancement drugs.

2. Male power

  • Made from plant based aphrodisiacs. Useful for restoring and stimulating sexual activity of the stronger sex and opportunities in bed. Makes intimate contact bright, emotional, awakens libido. Suitable for gentlemen of any age category.
  • One of the potent substances in the composition is considered to be the root ginger, which directly affects the health of the reproductive system, strengthening erection and physical capabilities.
  • Take a tablet once a day. You can take it twice if men's health is especially neglected. Therapeutic course – up to 1.5 months. After a break of 14 days, treatment can be repeated.
  • Can be taken at any age. Due to the fact that it is made from natural components, does not cause allergies or addiction.
  • Costs approximately 500 rubles.

3. Vimax

  • "Vimax" is a dietary supplement. Recommended for erectile dysfunction, age-related decline libido, as well as to those gentlemen who have seed produced in small quantities. Restores erection, makes intercourse more vivid, and prevents misfires.
  • Included natural ingredients. The active substance is considered to be an extract from ginseng, enhancing metabolic processes. The second active substance is “gingko biloba”. His task– stabilization of blood circulation in the pelvis and groin area as a whole.
  • For mild, long-lasting results, it is recommended to take one capsule twice a day. The desired changes come through 6 weeks after reception. It is also consumed with food and washed down with water.
  • Depending on the packaging, it can cost from 2,600 to 10,500 rubles.

When treating potency in men with medications, you must always remember that the dosage should not be exceeded above the norm during use.

4. Ero Force

  • Natural prolonging dietary supplement for the stronger sex. Useful for low libido, erectile dysfunction, hormonal disorders, early ejaculation. Can also be prescribed in the treatment of prostatitis, stops development of cancer cells. Helps in resolving questions on the topic of using a military weapon.
  • Consists of an extract of dwarf fruits palm trees responsible for awakening libido, root ginseng, which increases the secretion of testosterone and semen several times.
  • Drink to 25 minutes up to 1 capsule. It works for a long time after taking it. A monthly course of treatment is recommended.
  • Has no contraindications. Not addictive. Doesn't give any side effects.
  • The cost is approximately 990 rubles.

5. Vuka-Vuka

  • Belongs to the group of biologically active additives. Suitable for gentlemen with weak erectile functions, low libido. Used in the treatment of infertility. Contributes balance testosterone in the body. Prevents the development of common diseases in the stronger sex.
  • Contains lactose and extract of African medicinal plants aimed at restoring the functioning of the reproductive system and preventing premature completion.
  • Take with food 2 tablets about a month. If the medication is purchased in capsules, the course of therapy should be halved. To get stimulating changes, you can take 5 tablets at once 2 hours before sexual intercourse.
  • The cost of packaging is approximately 1300 rubles.

6. Lovelace

  • Suitable for gentlemen with problems in bed up to advanced stages impotence. The medication can enhance attraction. Works with problems of the genitourinary system, including the reproductive system. Can be used in treatment prostatitis.
  • Tones blood vessels, increases endurance in bed, relieves fatigue, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in male diseases.
  • Included cordyceps Chinese and other natural plants, as well as magnesium stearate
  • Drink according to the capsule instructions three times per day for about 2 weeks. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age or those who have problems with with my heart.
  • Costs about 878 rubles.

7. Magic Staff forte

  • Suitable for gentlemen with sexual dysfunctions. Strengthens work intimate organ, human fertility. Prolongs sexual intercourse several times act, acts comprehensively on the genitourinary system and the entire body.
  • Contains an extract of animal origin, namely from horns deer spotted, which is responsible for the endurance of the body and the awakening of desire. There are analogues of male sexual hormone– androgen. Contains ginseng, which is known for restoring sexual health.
  • It is recommended to take the course to achieve the desired result. To stimulate the body, 2 tablets per meal 60 minutes before moment of intercourse.
  • Costs approximately 2200 rubles.

8. Erectogenone

  • Used to increase libido, with insufficient erection, rate of fire, poor blood circulation in the pelvis. Has a general strengthening effect on the immune system, calms down nervous system. Restores and strengthens the genitourinary system.
  • A natural product consisting of natural ingredients: ginseng, selenium and vitamins, the task of which is to restore sexual health and sharpen desire. The reaction lasts a long time, problems noticed earlier do not return.
  • The recommended dosage is 1 capsule per day. Drink the course for a month, if necessary, the period can be extended. Has no contraindications.
  • Costs about 1500 rubles.

9. Yarsagumba Forte

  • Useful for active sexual life. Has a positive effect on the genitourinary system. Significantly accelerates the tide blood into the small pelvis and genital organ.
  • Contains a substance of the same name " Yarsagumba"(a good stimulant), which promises to normalize the balance of hormones and ensure the functioning of the organ. Dwarf pine normalizes the vascular system. The source of energy is taurine. Does not contain synthetic components.
  • Dosage – 1 capsule at a time. Need to take three times per day with food. The course of therapy is 1 month. This is a dietary supplement that has a mild effect and is not addictive.
  • Costs on average 990 rubles for 30 tablets.

10. Testogenone

  • Corrects the body's production testosterone, restores and strengthens erection. Suitable for gentlemen who have lost interest in intimacy due to erectile dysfunction dysfunction and other problems of the genitourinary system.
  • They note that Testogenon helps restore reproductive functions of the stronger sex lost due to inflammatory diseases or negative effects of external factors.
  • Included L-arginine and complex vitamins, due to which the effect is enhanced.
  • Dosage recommended 1 capsule per day. Take with food at lunchtime. The course of treatment lasts 4 weeks. It is not addictive and has no contraindications for use.
  • The cost reaches 1000 rubles.

11. VivaSex

  • It is considered a biological additive from a domestic manufacturer for the stronger sex. Designed to restore the sexual health of the gentleman. Enhances the performance of the male organ, prolongs time proximity. Raises libido and endurance.
  • The main substance in the composition is berry goji (wolfberry), which has long been considered a berry love. It contains amino acids, flavonoids and microelements that stimulate the sexual functions of the gentleman. The composition is natural and safe.
  • Take no more than 1 tablet approximately in 30 minutes before intimacy begins. The results from this dietary supplement can last 24 hours. There are no contraindications.
  • Costs about 1500 rubles.

12. Golden Horse

  • Suitable for people with erectile dysfunction. Increases endurance during intercourse. Strengthens and strengthens libido, body tone and immunity. Relieves depression and fear before intimacy. Positions itself as an effective product for stimulating sexual functions without contraindications.
  • The medicine has all these qualities due to the presence in the composition ginseng(natural aphrodisiac) and leaf sow thistle. Made from natural ingredients.
  • Recommended dosage – 1 or 2 tablets per day. Take morning and evening before breakfast and dinner for a month. To achieve the desired result, drink the product no later than 2 hours before the act of love.
  • Costs 1400 rubles.

13. El macho

  • Recommended for erectile dysfunction, with weak immunity, premature finish (the reasons for the appearance of a quick finish were discussed on another site). Normalizes metabolism (metabolism), stimulates the secretion of testosterone, normalizes sexual functions.
  • The composition is natural. There is an extract from the sea fish responsible for restoring balance zinc, and he, in turn, has a significant role in the production of testosterone. Northern moss normalizes blood flow to the sexual organ. Contains vitamins for a strong erection and restoration of libido.
  • The dosage of the product is 5 drops per day. You need to take it for 2 weeks. You can complete the course of treatment earlier if the expected results are achieved.
  • The cost is 1200 rubles per bottle.

Video on the topic

A list of worthy foreign products without side effects, as well as top domestic and Russian drugs for increasing potency in men, has been sorted out.

For example, side effects sometimes occur when a drug is overdosed or when a person is in poor health.

From 14 to 26 medications, when taken, minor adverse reactions are possible

14. Verona

  • Strengthens attraction, the duration of intercourse, regulates spermatogenesis, namely the motility and quality of the seed. Suitable for people with weak libido, finishing too early, sluggish erection. Prevents neuropsychic weakness, which is one of the causes of disorders in bed.
  • One of the main components is the extract from dry winter cherries, which is responsible for promoting sexual health.
  • Accepted according to 2 capsules from morning to evening. The course of treatment is 2 months. It is preferable to take capsules milk. It has no contraindications for use except in cases of personal intolerance to the components in the composition.
  • Costs 500 rubles.

15. Inforte

  • Product for strengthening male reproductive health. Suitable for patients with low libido and gentlemen who have fear before intimacy. Prolongs lovemaking.
  • IN composition There is a complex of medicinal herbs. Ginseng normalizes libido, lowers cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. This drug for restoring potency also contains Horny goat weed, enhancing testosterone production and desire.
  • Take no more than with food 1 capsule per day. The expected changes can occur within 30 minutes from the moment of administration and last up to 48 hours.
  • Side effects from taking it in rare cases may include: diarrhea, slight malaise, drowsiness, pain in the back. The medication should be taken with extreme caution by a person with high blood pressure.
  • Costs 700 rubles.

16. Ogoplex

  • Suitable for people who have . Removes tightness before intercourse. Effective in the treatment of benign hyperplasia, chronic and acute prostatitis. Promotes good microcirculation blood in the tissues of the causative organ. Prevents early finish.
  • Contains Cernitin T60 and GBX, which are necessary for the reproductive system vitamins. Anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory diuretic.
  • Taken comprehensively 2 capsules once a day for 30 days. For prostate adenoma – 3 capsules for 3-4 months. Side effects and contraindications are observed extremely rarely in the form of allergic manifestations to individual components.
  • Costs on average about 500 rubles.

17. Cialis Tadalafil

  • Useful for disorders of reproductive functions, sexual powerlessness, adenoma, prostatitis, if it is impossible to have normal sexual intercourse act. Normalizes psychological state before intercourse.
  • The main active ingredient in the composition is “ Tadalafil" The more it is contained in a product, the more effective it is.
  • Take a tablet once a day. Expected changes come through 15 minutes. Possible side effects such as pain in eyes, back, dizziness and stuffiness nose.
  • A person with kidney problems or pathologies needs careful use or complete refusal of the medication. hearts, hypersensitivity to Tadalafil, lactose intolerance.
  • The approximate cost of packaging is 1200 rubles.

18. Impaza

  • It is considered a good erection stimulant. Allowed for people with diabetes diabetes. Helps achieve satisfaction from intimacy, elevates libido, enhances testosterone production. Considered a product aimed at eliminating violations sexual and reproductive functions.
  • Consists of mixtures homeopathic dilutions such as C 12, C 200 and C 30. Contraindicated for those who have hypersensitivity to single elements composition"Impases".
  • Accept 2 tablets approximately 50 minutes before the moment of intimacy. For the course restoration of sexual functions, take 12 weeks.
  • Costs about 750 rubles.

19. Sildenafil

  • Counts analogue"Viagra". Designed to stimulate and enhance the sexual capabilities of the gentleman. Strengthens sexual attraction, blood circulation.
  • Consists of a powerful active substance Sildenafil C3. It eliminates erectile dysfunction, helps to last longer in bed, increases the rigidity of the causative organ, and is responsible for the production of testosterone.
  • Drinking an hour before sexual intercourse. The initial dosage is 1 tablet (50 mg). The maximum allowable is 100 mg. On an empty stomach change comes faster.
  • The use of the product together with medications based on nitrates, "Nitroglycerin", as well as people with unstable angina, those who have had a heart attack, people with cardiac liver failure and pathologies.
  • Costs approximately 800 rubles.

20. Levitra Vardenafil

  • Activates sexual abilities. Has a quick effect on the body. Significantly prolongs the intimate process. Enhances intake blood in the dignity of a gentleman, due to which erection intensifies and lasts longer (in another article we previously described delaying the finish).
  • Known due to the main substance of the same name in the composition - “ Vardenafil" Comes into effect for hour from the moment of admission. Take only 1 tablet with liquid.
  • Contraindicated for those with blood pressure problems (hypotension and hypertension), severe pathologies hearts and vascular system, diseases kidney in advanced stages, stroke and heart attack.
  • At overdose Dizziness, nausea, sudden horse racing pressure, swelling in the nasopharynx, temporary blurred vision.
  • Costs up to 900 rubles.

21. Priligy Dapoxetine

  • Designed for treatment erectile dysfunction, correction of problems in the sexual sphere. Has a quick effect.
  • The main element in the composition is “ Dapoxetine" It stops chemicals that interfere with normal flow blood to the groin area. As a result, the resistance of the organ becomes longer, there is no misfire.
  • Take approximately in 1 hour before intercourse. The result lasts for 12 hours. Contraindicated in schizophrenia, people with hepatic and renal deficiency, suffering from epilepsy, taking narcotic substances.
  • Lungs may be observed side effects in the form of headaches, lack of appetite, nausea, drowsiness.
  • Costs from 1500 to 11000 depending on the number of tablets in one package.

22. Zidena Udenafil

  • Brings it back to normal sexual and reproductive functions. Prolongs intercourse time. Suitable for those with low libido fear before intimacy (we also wrote about libido and attraction).
  • It is made on the basis of a substance called " Udenafil" Take 1 tablet (before, during or after meals - it doesn’t matter) approximately in 30 minutes before intercourse.
  • Persons with high HELL, with congenital organ pathologies vision, with heart disease, as well as for those who have been diagnosed hepatic or kidney failure.
  • Side effects may sometimes include: increased heart rate, pain in the abdomen, nausea, fever, sensation heat.
  • One package will cost 700 or 800 rubles.

23. Tribestan

  • Let us use it in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of cavaliers. Strengthens erection, treats infertility, increases stamina.
  • The composition is natural, of which the key one is creeping grass Yakortsev. It has a positive effect on the genital organ, making it more rigid, which helps prolong intimacy.
  • They drink 1 tablet three times a day. The therapeutic course is 2 months. Contraindicated for men with disabilities cordially-vascular system, prostate adenoma. Side effects have been noticed in the form of nausea and allergic reaction to components.
  • "Tribestan" forbidden consume together with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol interferes with the production of testosterone, and the medication, on the contrary, is designed to enhance this process.
  • Costs about 1100 rubles.

24. Yohimbine hydrochloride

  • Applicable in fight with erectile dysfunction, both acquired and age-related. Suitable for strengthening attractions and erection, as well as to eliminate psychological impotence (we described the reasons for its occurrence in another).
  • The composition contains a substance of the same name " Yohimbine hydrochloride", due to which the stronger sex increases sexual activity and eliminates inhibition when an erection appears.
  • Take whole (without chewing) 2 tablets each three times a day, preferably along with food. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks.
  • Contraindications: arterial hypertension, renal/liver failure, tachycardia. If the dosage is exceeded, there may be horse racing pressure, tremor of the limbs.
  • Costs approximately 250 rubles.

25. Super P-force

  • Recommended for restoring the performance of a comrade, preventing early misfire. Relieves stress and anxiety, helps relax before intercourse. Inhibitors from the composition relax the muscles of the penis and pelvis, restoring the flow of blood.
  • The composition is based on two main substances - “ Dapoxetine" And " Sildenafil" The reception takes approximately 60 minutes before perceived intimacy. Daily dose – 1 tablet.
  • Contraindicated for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for anomalies kidney, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases in acute stages, anemia. Prohibited for consumption with alcohol.
  • Side effects: sneezing, redness of the face or neck, dizziness, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat.
  • Costs from 1370 to 4150 rubles per package, depending on the number of tablets.

26. Avanafil

  • Suitable for people with impaired reproductive function and decreased levels of sexual health. The potent component in the composition is considered to be “ Avanafil", designed to expand vessels for normal blood circulation, dock premature termination of intimacy, increase libido.
  • The recommended daily dose is considered to be 50-100 mg tablets half an hour before intimacy.
  • Contraindicated in persons with renal insufficiency, serious vascular diseases and hearts. Concomitant use of medications based on nitrates.
  • Very rarely, allergic reactions may occur in the form of rash, urticaria, itching.
  • Costs 1150-1500 rubles. Medicines similar to those listed above have also been described.

27. Vacuum pumps

They are designed to prolong the durability and fighting condition of the male organ.

They are divided into 2 types depending on the vacuum creation:

  1. Vacuum made with water.
  2. Vacuum with air.

The essence of the pump is that by putting it on the genital organ, it creates a pressure and the vacuum that intensifies the tide blood into dignity.

28. Cock rings

These are rings made from rubber, metal or other material.

The essence of how the rings work:

  • They act as a tourniquet, tightly fitting and clasping the intimate organ, thereby preventing the outflow blood.
  • This helps to maintain the fighting state of the organ longer and avoid finish.

How are these rings put on?:

  1. or on the basis of dignity;
  2. or on the base and on the bells;
  3. or only for balls.

It is contraindicated to wear it for more than half an hour, otherwise you will only harm yourself and not help yourself.

Which groups of medications are dangerous to mix?

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Levitra, Viagra, Cialis and the like) of type 5 are prohibited from being used simultaneously with a group of nitrates (for example, nitroglycerin).

What does this mean for health?

These 2 groups, when taken simultaneously, lead to a sharp dilation of blood vessels → then a sharp decrease in blood pressure occurs → which together is very life-threatening and can lead to actual death.

Roughly speaking, with such a dangerous mixture, blood flows down from the brain, because there are huge vessels there, you immediately lose consciousness, and everything in the end can end very badly.

So we've sorted out the main ones. What else should you not forget?

Use popular techniques for greater performance in bed

  1. Morning squeezes lc muscles at the moment when the sexual organ asks for battle in the morning, that is, in an elevated state. In other words, you do dignity bounces by tensing your internal muscles. Make it a habit in the morning while the erection lasts and increase the load daily. Here you don’t need to move much on your own; the main work is done by the internal PC muscle. The method will make the gun swell faster at the right moment.
  2. The importance of positions. It is important to be on top or in an upright position, but not on your back. For those who have problems with the combat state of the organ, in the supine position the outflow from dignity occurs with maximum force, and rigidity is lost faster. Remember this.
  3. Techniques for delaying the finish will help prolong the pleasure. To do this, do not allow too much rapid breathing during intercourse, do not allow the slightest tension in the body, and also keep the contact of your bodies with the woman minimal (this will prevent you from crossing the line of arousal). By saving the seed, you will have a lot of energy and opportunity to repeat a new session with your partner. Especially as you age, you need to avoid a liquid finish.
  4. Bells massage useful for good secretion of testosterone in the body and the appearance of energy. You yourself can realize the benefits of massage in the area of ​​the base of the dignity, as well as between the balls, and find your stimulating points. And in cases when the finish line approaches during intercourse, massage also takes place.
  5. Circumference at base. A fixed girth at the base of the organ will allow you not to lose an erection, for example, when you put on a contraceptive or take a short break. Thanks to this tourniquet, the hardness did not disappear with the help of a finger wrap. We also talked about similar techniques in another.

What can’t hurt to include in your diet?

What is good to eat for a man’s potency:

  1. Seafood: shrimp, anchovies, crayfish, crabs.
  2. Fish sea: salmon, salmon, flounder, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout.
  3. Fruits: orange, lemon, avocado, peach, banana, mango, pomegranate.
  4. Vegetables: cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, beets, garlic.
  5. Dairy: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir.
  6. Seeds: pumpkin, sesame, zucchini, sunflower.
  7. Teas: mate, sea buckthorn, ginger, green.
  8. Eggs: chicken (not raw) or quail.
  9. Berries: strawberry, wild strawberry. This is also .
  10. Additional products: olives, bee products, legumes, almond paste, celery and other greens.

Perform the following exercises for prevention and treatment

  • boat. Lie on your stomach facing the floor. And at the same time you begin to stretch your arms forward, and your legs in the opposite direction back, lifting them slightly up. They held it for a few seconds and released it. And several repetitions of this.
  • Walking on fifth point. Sit on the floor, legs forward, and begin to walk on your buttocks back and forth. Instead of your usual feet, you rest entirely on your buttocks, that's all.
  • Buttocks and abs definitely need to download. If they are well trained, this means that you are capable of a lot in bed. These are muscles for great performance in bed. The buttocks are trained with regular squats every day. And the press, for example, swings like this: resting your back on the floor and fixing your legs extended forward, you raise and lower your body alternately.
  • Let's spin eights pelvis. This can be done in different planes, not only in one horizontal one. We find new figure eights at different angles, remember these movements. They will be useful to you during intercourse itself, because in many ways the movements are similar.
  • Bike. This is done, for example, in the morning, when you just woke up, lying on your back, you begin to rotate the invisible pedals of a high-speed bicycle. Rotate your legs at a frequency that is comfortable for you.
  • Let's run as often as possible! Running just perfectly accelerates the blood in the pelvis and groin. The very next day after a full run in the morning, you will notice changes in yourself.

Anonymous reviews from clients

  1. Anonymous 1. I don't like Viagra. Viagra is just a promoted brand. At one time, when the market was empty, this was simply the first thing that appeared on the market. Hence the excitement around Viagra and its popularity. But in fact, the base substance on which Viagra is made can also be found in other products with a lower price.
  2. Anonymous 2. Since everyone is talking about the PDE-5 group, I’ll tell you something interesting. The group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors in the ranking from weak to strong according to the degree of effectiveness goes like this: first, Viagra Sildenafil is in last place, then Levitra Vardenafil comes, and then Cialis Tadalafil. So Viagra is no longer top and is being replaced by other products of its group. All of them have many possible side effects such as nausea, severe flushing, dizziness and pressure surges. Health is more important to me, and I personally choose products from a different group.
  3. Anonymous 3. I opted for dietary supplements. Initially, I was focused on ensuring that the product had no side effects or contraindications. That is, I was looking for such a harmless and safe product. It helped me already on the second day of use. Someone said that you need to take it in a course, it will take more than one day and week. But no. In my case, everything turned out much faster. There is a lot of choice now.

Now you know a lot about what new drugs you can take to increase potency in men.

You can also go to the section with proven products from our website.

The choice is always yours.

According to statistics, every second man over the age of 45 suffers from problems related to sexual life. Poor nutrition, bad habits, regular stress and poor environment are the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Erection problems affect not only relationships with women, but also the psychological state of a man. Possible impotence inspires uncertainty and horror in the stronger sex. Since the problem is delicate, not everyone turns to an andrologist or urologist, but trusts advertising and reviews from close friends about various drugs designed to improve their sex life.

Modern medicine and scientific research do not stand still. Today there are a huge number of means to increase potency. These are not only classic tablets, but also sprays, creams, injections and drops. Most drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is worth remembering that self-medication can aggravate the disease. Before starting treatment, it is important to know the cause of the disease. To understand the variety of means to improve erection, we have compiled a rating of the best drugs for potency based on reviews from men and recommendations from doctors.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best potency pills

The most popular form of potency products is tablets. It is a solid preparation obtained by compressing a drug and an excipient that is used to coat or change the taste and color. After entering the stomach, the tablet swells and completely dissolves, releasing the active component. The drug begins to act later than analogues of other forms of release, but sometimes the manufacturer adds special substances to the composition to accelerate dissolution.

3 Vizarsin

Prolonged sexual intercourse
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 471 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

"Visarsin" is an effective medicine for improving potency. The active substance is sildenafil, which promotes blood flow to the penis. According to customer reviews, after regular use of the drug, the duration of sexual intercourse increases. To improve erection, one pill is enough, but additional sexual stimulation is needed.

The product begins to act 20-30 minutes after administration. The active substance affects the body from six hours to a day. Despite the fact that Vizarzin is sold without a prescription, consultation with a specialist is necessary before taking it and establishing the exact dosage.


  • persistent erection;
  • long lasting result.


  • an impressive list of contraindications and side effects;
  • cannot be taken after 60 years.

2 Viagra

The most popular remedy
Country: France
Average price: 1348 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

When the conversation turns to means to increase potency, the first thing that comes to mind is Viagra. The drug is so well known that it does not require additional advertising, and is even a common name for drugs that improve erection. Viagra is literally translated as the power of Niagara.

The active substance is sildenafil, which increases blood flow in the penis. You should not take more than one tablet per day. The effect occurs 30-40 minutes after administration and lasts 5 hours. It is produced strictly according to a doctor's prescription and has a number of contraindications.


  • prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • can be used at the first signs of impotence.


  • not compatible with alcohol;
  • headaches and insomnia are possible.

1 Sildenafil

Best for erectile dysfunction of various origins
Country: Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Sildenafil solves the problem of lost response to sexual arousal. A good erection is ensured by the release of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the male genital organ. Due to this, a process occurs that increases blood flow in the penis. The product improves the potency of psychogenic, organic and mixed origin.

The effect of the drug lasts 3-4 hours, and a full erection occurs an hour after administration. It is worth remembering that the absorption of the drug into the blood can slow down the consumption of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.


  • can be used after 60 years;
  • positive reviews from those taking the drug.


  • cannot be used for heart diseases;
  • After use, increased blood pressure and headaches are possible.

The best capsules for potency

From Latin “capsule” is translated as a casket or box with contents. In medicine, a capsule is the shell of dosed powders, liquid or paste medications for internal use. The capsule shell is made of gelatin or starch, so it dissolves faster than a tablet, which means the result comes faster.

2 Lovelace

Lovelace capsules contain extracts of dry plants growing in Asia. The basis of the active formula is Cordyceps chinensis, roots of Eurycoma longifolia and Smilax forget-me-not. The drug has a comprehensive effect on the problem, and the harmonious ratio of the components makes the product as effective as possible. The dietary supplement not only increases potency, but also normalizes hormonal levels and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

"Lovelace" has a cumulative effect, so it is important to take it regularly. Thanks to its natural ingredients, the product is recommended for men over 50 years of age. The drug improves sperm quality, so it can be recommended for conceiving a child.


  • increases endurance and strengthens the immune system;
  • compatible with drinking alcohol.


  • It is not recommended to take it before bedtime;
  • Contraindicated for people with heart disease.

1 Verona

Improved spermatogenesis
Country: Pakistan
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Verona gelatin capsules contain extracts of winter cherry, itchy mucuna, beautiful argyrea and shooting tribulus. The drug suppresses astheno-neurotic reactions, which helps to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, increase erection and sexual desire. The plant composition has a positive effect on spermatogenesis: the volume of sperm increases, and the concentration of sperm increases, as well as their motility.

The course of treatment lasts 2 months. Capsules are taken twice a day, washed down with milk. The duration of the course or its repetition is possible only with the prescription of the attending physician.


  • fights premature ejaculation;
  • increases libido and erection.


  • Do not take if you have allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

The best means and preparations for potency for external use

Potency drugs are produced not only for internal use; there are also various creams, gels and sprays to improve erection. Products for external use have virtually no side effects, since they do not interact with internal organs. To avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to test before use, that is, apply a small amount of the product to the inner surface of the elbow. If after 3-4 hours itching, redness, and peeling do not appear, then the drug can be used for its intended purpose.

3 Erekta Prompt

Best in speed of action
Country: Germany
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

Erekta Promt potency stimulation cream is distinguished by its fast-acting effect. A full erection occurs 5 minutes after applying the product. Despite the fact that the drug has a stimulating effect, it prevents premature ejaculation.

The cream must be applied in a thin layer to the shaft of the penis, gently massaging until completely absorbed. Do not apply to the head of the penis as it may cause irritation. The product has an analogue for the fairer sex; it excites and increases female sensitivity.


  • suitable for men with allergies to sildenafil;
  • absorbs quickly.


  • If you overdo it with the cream, it increases sensitivity, which can lead to premature ejaculation.

2 Dominator

Increases penis size
Country: Russia
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Spray for increasing potency "Dominator" consists of natural active ingredients that are quickly absorbed. Essential oils moisturize and nourish the surface of the skin, preparing it for stretching and making it more elastic. By increasing the capacity of the porous tissue, active pectins make the penis larger not only in length, but also in thickness. Calcium, iron, zinc and sodium included in the composition guarantee long-lasting results.

When applying the spray, it is important to pay attention to the head of the penis. The entire surface should be evenly covered with the product. It is not recommended to use the product for more than a month.


  • does not cause discomfort or allergic reactions;
  • the result is noticeable after 5 minutes.


1 Androgel

Testosterone normalization
Country: Belgium
Average price: 2000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Androgel" is a drug containing testosterone for men for external use. The product stimulates the development of the genital organs and prostate gland, increases potency. The drug enters the bloodstream within 24 hours after application, so it is prescribed by the attending physician for a course of treatment. According to patient reviews, improvements are noticeable within the first week of applying the gel.

"Androgel" is used as replacement therapy for hypogandism. Contraindicated in epilepsy and malignant neoplasms. The gel should be applied daily at the same time with clean hands to dry skin of the abdomen or shoulders.


  • improves erection;
  • rapid restoration of sexual desire.


  • blood pressure increases;
  • Diarrhea and dizziness are possible.

The best dietary supplements for potency

To increase potency, they take not only medications, but also dietary supplements. The dietary supplement contains herbal components, which contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the male body. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of the drugs occurs after long-term use, so you should not expect an instant erection. In the reviews, men note that after the systematic use of dietary supplements, not only potency increases, but also the state of health in general - insomnia goes away, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

3 Strength of the Emperor

Several sexual acts in a row
Country: China
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The composition of the “Power of the Emperor” capsules includes only herbal ingredients: ginseng root, Chinese wolfberry berries, deer antlers, Eucommia vinifera bark. The active formula of the dietary supplement gently affects the male body, guaranteeing increased sexual activity. The manufacturer claims that after regularly taking the capsules, you can have three sexual acts in a row lasting more than an hour.

The natural composition causes virtually no side effects, so the product can be taken by older men. Capsules “Power of the Emperor” not only increase potency, but also strengthen the genitourinary system and normalize the functioning of the testicles. Although this is a dietary supplement, you should consult your physician before taking it.


  • prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • Can be taken for people with high blood pressure and diabetes.


  • Contraindicated for insomnia and increased nervous excitability.

2 Alicaps

Fights genitourinary tract infections
Country: Russia
Average price: 1550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Alicaps contains Tribulus terrestris extract, which has long been used in China and India to increase male and female sexual desire. The formula also includes other natural ingredients: eurycoma, domiana leaf and creeping palm. This composition not only helps to increase desire, but also fights infections of the genitourinary system, and also improves sperm quality.

Eurycoma root helps produce the male sex hormone - testosterone. Therefore, the drug has a complex effect on the entire body - it calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep and improves overall well-being.


  • improving blood circulation in the reproductive system;
  • prolonged sexual intercourse.


  • Allergic reactions to the components included in the composition are possible.

1 Vuka Vuka

Treatment and prevention of sexual problems
Country: Russia
Average price: 1257 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The composition of Vuka Vuka tablets is completely natural. Extracts from 10 different herbs have a complex effect on the entire male body, replenishing the necessary reserves of nutrients and minerals. Dietary supplements are taken not only to increase potency, but also for low stamina and premature ejaculation.

The product can be used either once or as a course. For single use, drink 4 tablets two hours before sexual intercourse, which helps to increase desire and aggravate sensations. During the course, 2 tablets are taken daily at the same time, this serves to prevent impotence and improve erection.


  • promotes blood flow to the genitals;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.


  • It is not advisable for men under 16 years of age and over 50 to use;
  • individual intolerance.

Erectile dysfunction is becoming more and more common these days. For those who do not have money for expensive drugs, inexpensive male enhancement pills are suitable. It remains only to find out which of them are most effective.


The action is due to a decrease in the pressure of the walls of the vascular bed and the expansion of arterial vessels, which leads to an increase in blood flow into the cavernous bodies and further.

The package can contain 1 or 4 pieces (10/20 mg). The price of these inexpensive potency pills varies between 140-700 rubles (the exact cost depends on the volume of the box).

Prescribed 20 mg per day. In this case:

  • If the violations are minor, the daily dose can be reduced;
  • If necessary, the dosage is increased to 40 mg - this is the maximum that should not be exceeded.

The pills need to be taken a quarter of an hour before sex. Validity period: 36 hours.

Viagra Soft

Packaged in packs of 20 pieces (costing an average of 450 rubles).

A one-time dose of 2 tablets per 60-120 minutes of intercourse is possible, as well as a course of treatment for erectile dysfunction, which usually lasts for 3 months. The dosage in this case depends on the severity of the problems and is determined by the doctor individually. Usually 1 tablet is prescribed every 2 days. Available without a prescription.


Sildenafil tablets help restore the impaired response to sexual arousal by filling the penis with more blood.

Guarantees full sexual intercourse. Its duration of action is about 4 hours. Promotes not only but also more vivid orgasms.

Packaged in 1 or 4 tablets (50 or 100 mg). Approximate cost: 215 and 275 rubles per 1 piece, respectively. Available for free sale.

Prescribed 50 mg per day. In some cases, the dosage may be reduced or increased. The tablet is taken an hour before physical intimacy. Equally suitable for men of any age.


It is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men of any age category. The main active ingredient inhibits PDE-5, which promotes increased blood flow to. Dynamico perfectly restores erection and promotes sexual stimulation, improving the quality of “love fun” (further enhancing sensations).

These are also quite cheap male potency pills, produced in packages No. 1 and No. 4. One capsule may contain 25-100 mg. Approximate cost: 200 rubles (for 1).

Must be taken 60 minutes before intended sex. A single dose is 50 mg. As in previous cases, it can be adjusted depending on the severity of potency disorders (for this you should consult a doctor).


The mechanism of action of Taxier tablets is determined by the release of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the penis at the time of sexual stimulation. This helps relax smooth muscles and increase blood flow in the pelvic area, which helps maintain an erection necessary for normal sexual intercourse.

Available in 1 or 4 tablets, each containing 50 or 100 mg. The cost averages 240-300 rubles per 1.

The maximum daily dose is 100 mg. Typically, the doctor prescribes 50 mg as a single dose an hour before planned lovemaking. In general, the dosage is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the problems with impotence. you need to drink plenty of water.

IMPORTANT: should be taken on an empty stomach for better absorption of the active substance.


Cheap pills to increase the potency of Ziden are often used by men. New . The action is caused by increased blood circulation in the male genital organ, which is caused by simple chemical reactions. The medicine is effective only in combination with sexual stimulation.

Sold in a pharmacy, dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Packaged in 1 pack. Tablet contains 100 mg. Price – 600-700 rubles (depending on the region and distributor).

The maximum daily dosage is 200 mg. It is recommended to take 1 Zidena tablet half an hour before sex, regardless of meals or time of day. Only in case of ineffectiveness can you increase the dose - take an additional 1 tablet.

The last one on the list of inexpensive drugs most often used to restore impaired potency is Vizarsin. The active substance is sildenafil, the principle of action of which is based on increasing the intensity of blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Thanks to this therapeutic effect, the reproductive organ receives a sufficient amount of blood, as a result of which a long and persistent erection required for normal sexual intercourse becomes possible.

Sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The package may contain 1, 2 or 4 tablets, each containing 25, 50, 100 mg. The price starts at 220 rubles for 1. Prescribed to men starting from 18 years old - 50 mg per day. It must be taken strictly once a day with 200 ml of clean water. It is possible to increase to 100 mg per day or, conversely, decrease to 25.

Erectile dysfunction is a common sexual problem that occurs in both adolescents and adult men between 40 and 60 years of age. The etiology and pathogenesis of impotence has been well studied by scientists and doctors. Pharmacology offers the consumer a huge selection of various drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Each drug for impotence, sold in pharmacies with or without a prescription, has a number of restrictions on its use and may cause side effects. Information about what medications are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the specifics of their use, and existing restrictions will be useful to all males.

To restore male strength and overcome impotence, it is necessary to establish and act directly on the cause of erectile dysfunction. The extinction of genital reactions is not a primary anomaly, but is a concomitant phenomenon or consequence of somatic, neurological diseases, psychotic disorders and psychological problems. Therefore, to eliminate the problem with potency therapy should be carried out aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Urologist Marat Raisovich Khalitov on methods of treating impotence

This test is designed to help you self-assess your sexual health. It is developed based on the International Index of Erectile Dysfunction IIEF-5. The results will help your doctor identify erectile dysfunction and prescribe adequate therapy.

Each question contains five answer options. Check the one that best matches your condition within the last 4 weeks. You can only select one answer.

1. How often have you been able to achieve an erection during sexual activities (sex, caresses, masturbation)?

2. In cases where you had an erection during sexual stimulation (erotic games with a partner, watching porn), how often was it strong enough to insert the penis into the vagina?

3. How often have you been able to insert your penis into your vagina when trying to have sexual intercourse?

4. During sexual intercourse, how often were you able to maintain an erection after inserting the penis into the vagina?

5. During sexual intercourse, were you able to maintain an erection until it was completed?

The treatment regimen for the disease is selected for each specific patient individually after examination and based on test results. The selection of the drug, determination of its dosage and duration of therapy is carried out by an experienced andrologist, if necessary, coordinating prescriptions with other specialists: endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, oncologist, urologist.

Before prescribing a medication, the attending physician carefully examines the patient's medical history, assesses existing risks and informs the patient about possible side effects. Special attention is required when choosing pharmacological agents for adolescent and elderly patients, and persons with a history of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pharmacy remedies for impotence

Pharmacological agents used in the treatment of impotence differ in purpose and mechanism of action, composition and consistency, and methods of administration into the body. The pharmacy network offers effective medicines produced in Russia and from foreign pharmaceutical companies. Erectile dysfunction is treated with medications from various groups. Most often used:

  • Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors;
  • Nitric oxide synthase activators;
  • Alpha blockers;
  • Prostaglandin analogues;
  • Steroid male sex hormones (androgens);
  • Myotropic antispasmodics;
  • Adoptogens;
  • Vitamins;
  • Dietary supplements.

Urologist Ekaterina Makarova talks about the benefits and harms of dietary supplements for male potency

Depending on his income level, a man can choose both expensive medicines from famous brands and their cheaper analogues. Pharmacological agents are offered in different forms of release:

  1. Tablets, pills, capsules;
  2. Ointments, creams, gels;
  3. Liquid dosage forms for injection;
  4. Suppositories (candles);
  5. Solutions (drops);
  6. Aerosols (sprays).

Also, drugs used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction may have a complex combined composition of herbal and synthetic components.

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors

Of primary importance in the formation of an erection is the activity of phosphodiesterases (PDE) - enzymes that trigger a cascade of chemical reactions for the synthesis cyclic guanosine monophosphate. The lack of this organic compound is one of the leading causes of impotence. The mechanism of action of drugs in this group is observed at the cellular level of the cavernous sinuses and arterioles. The use of PDE-5 inhibitors helps to relax the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, which leads to improved blood flow to the penis and the appearance of an erection.

Medicines in this group do not affect libido, acting exclusively when sexual arousal occurs. The drugs are intended for symptomatic therapy, their reception does not affect the cause of erectile dysfunction.

The undoubted advantage of PDE-5 inhibitors is a good therapeutic response, regardless of the stage of impotence, its nature: organic or psychogenic origin. Their advantage is ease of use, speed of action, and maintenance of a stable erection for at least 4 hours.

The products are well tolerated by men of all ages. Side effects occur relatively rarely (no more than 15% of patients), are temporary and reversible. The most common complaints of patients taking such medications: cephalalgia, “hot flashes”, allergic reactions, dizziness.

not used to treat young people under 18 years of age. They should not be used in the presence of hypogonadism. The drugs are not recommended for use by persons suffering from arterial hypertension or hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, or after acute cerebrovascular accidents and myocardial infarction.

Medicines of this group based on four different active ingredients are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  1. Sildenafil (Sildenafil);
  2. Vardenafil (Vardenafilum);
  3. Tadalafil (Tadalafilum);
  4. Udenafil (Udenafilum).
Comparison of popular drugs to enhance erection (click on the image to enlarge)

Sildenafil is produced in the form of tablets containing 25, 50 and 100 mg of sildenafil citrate. Generics (analogues) are available in increased dosages up to 150 mg. The drug is taken one tablet before the intended sexual intercourse. Names of drugs based on the active substance sildenafil (Sildenafil) with a description that is not outdated:

  • "Viagra" (Viagra);
  • Viasan-LF;
  • "Vizarsin®" (Vizarsin);
  • "Dynamico";
  • "Maxigra";
  • "Penegra" (Penegra);
  • "Sildenafil-SZ" (Sildenafil);
  • "Ereksezil®" (Erexesil).

Tadalafil– a crystalline solid, when taken orally, it is quickly absorbed, demonstrates its effect after 15 minutes, the desired effect persists for 36 hours after consumption. List of trade names of medicines based on this active substance:

  • "Cialis®" (Cialis®);
  • "Tadalafil" (Tadalafil);
  • TadaForce Soft;
  • "Tadacip"

Clinical studies conducted according to the International Index of Erectile Function and Sexual Encounter Profile criteria have proven the high effectiveness of taking vardenafil in the treatment of impotence in patients of all age groups. The pharmacy chain offers the following drugs with this active ingredient:

  • Levitra®;
  • "Levitra® ODT" (Levitra® ODT).

A medicine based on udenafil – zidene® (Zydena®). According to patient reviews, taking the medication promotes a stable erection and allows for successful sexual intercourse before its climax. The therapeutic effect occurs on average 30 minutes after oral administration. For most men, the effect of the medication lasts for 24 hours.

Herbal medicines and homeopathic remedies

Endotheliotropic drugs – NO synthase activators – are traditionally included in the treatment of impotence. The action of drugs of this class is focused on improving the blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis. Thanks to increased blood flow and maximum complete blood supply, a good, strong erection occurs, which lasts for the entire duration of the intimate meeting.

Endotheliotropic drugs are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction of various origins: with a psychogenic origin of the disease, with organic and mixed forms. Drugs in this group allowed for use in patients over 50 years of age, in persons with cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension. Advantages of endotheliotropic agents: no side effects, the results of the course of treatment are maintained for six months.

The most popular and sought-after medication from the group of NO synthase activators is Impaza. To stimulate an erectile response, one tablet is taken two hours before the upcoming sexual encounter and another tablet is dissolved one hour before sexual intercourse. The price of Impaza No. 20 in the pharmacy chain of the Moscow region varies from 308 to 794 rubles.

If impotence is caused by psychoemotional disorders, men are recommended to be treated with selective alpha2-blockers. An effective and proven method of therapy - long-term use Yohimbine Hydrochloride. Means allowed for use by patients with erectile dysfunction over 18 years of age. The medication helps eliminate problems with the occurrence or duration of erection of psychogenic and functional etiology. The drug is not prescribed to men suffering from hypertension and coronary heart disease. The advantage of the medicine is a minimum of side effects; in isolated cases, the patient experiences psycho-emotional agitation and tremors of the limbs. The drug is taken three times a day, one tablet for one month. In Moscow online pharmacies, yohimbine forte in capsules No. 30 is offered at a price from 264 rubles.

Getting rid of potency problems is possible through long-term use of herbal medicines that have a general strengthening effect and stimulate genital reactions. For impotence, doctors often prescribe products based on Tribulus terrestris extract (read). In-demand medicine - Tribestan. "Tribestan" is used as a general strengthening and tonic drug; its use increases the body's resistance to mental and physical stress. The drug is contraindicated for people with severe cardiovascular diseases, renal failure, and prostate adenoma. It is taken one tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment for impotence is at least three months. The cost of Tribestan No. 60 tablets in Moscow is not less than 1892 rubles.

The treatment program for erectile dysfunction often contains biologically active supplements (BAS). Proven drug - natural remedy "Power of the Emperor" from a Chinese manufacturer. It includes:

  • Ginseng root,
  • Chinese wolfberry berries,
  • Eucomia bark,
  • Glycine.

Capsules are prescribed to patients with various forms of erectile dysfunction, with unstable and short-lived erections, and with chronic prostatitis. The supplement is not used in the treatment of men suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and arrhythmia. Depending on the place of purchase, the cost of "Emperor's Strength" fluctuates in the range from 700 to 1000 rubles per package.

In the treatment of impotence, ASD (Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant) can be used. ASD 2– a powerful immunomodulator with pronounced antibacterial activity. When administered orally, the drug has a stimulating effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. For impotence, the remedy is used orally 30 minutes before meals, diluting 5 drops of the elixir in half a glass of chilled boiled water. Take 5 days in a row, then take a three-day break. When treating ASD, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol.

A natural remedy for the treatment of impotence - Alligator drops - is gaining popularity in the domestic market. The drug is made on the basis of gotu kola and does not contain synthetic substances or hormones. The drops eliminate weakness and short duration of erection, prevent early ejaculation, and make orgasm more vivid. 15 drops of the product are diluted in 100 ml of water and taken 30 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse.

Creams, ointments, gels, sprays for potency

The use of a cream for external use helps increase the size of the penis, ensure a strong and stable erection, and increase the sexual performance of men. Maxoderm. Regular long-term use of a product containing herbal components ensures a stable erection, promotes penis enlargement, and improves a man’s intimate abilities. Negative side – less effective compared to tablets and injections, the need for long-term use(read about the best ointments to strengthen erections).

To eliminate problems with potency, it can be used externally heparin ointment (Unguentiun Heparini). The use of ointment is important for improving the fibrinolytic properties of blood and increasing blood flow. Heparin helps to increase the lumen of the bloodstream and reduces the inflammatory process in tissues. Heparin ointment is not used if there is any damage to the integrity of the skin or erosive formations on the penis.

Price in Russian pharmacies from 30 rubles.
  • Fatigue and muscle weakness;
  • Dizziness, loss of coordination of movements;
  • Headache;
  • Insomnia, interrupted sleep;

Urologist Iskander Abdullin on the side effects of male enhancement pills

  • Dyspnea;
  • Nausea, pain in the epigastric region, dyspeptic disorders;
  • Pain in joints and muscles;
  • Impaired vision clarity;
  • Disorders of the ENT organs.

If side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to choose an alternative treatment regimen.

Reading time: 13 min.

Violation of the reproductive function of men is one of the most pressing problems of our time, because according to statistics, problems with potency are observed in every fifth man in the world. The reasons for this may be different, caused by physical ailments or psychogenic nature. And the result is always the same - erectile dysfunction.

Sexual disorder is no joke, so doctors and pharmacists have developed a number of drugs, both medicinal and biologically active, to restore male sexual activity. When looking for a remedy to increase potency, there is a risk of encountering ineffective semi-stimulants or simply dummies. How to understand the variety of medications and find the most effective drug? This article has compiled a list of the best means for male potency with a description of the active substances of the drug, their action and the effect they have.

The action of the potency enhancing drug "Vizarasin", like most similar drugs, is based on the introduction into the blood of a selective inhibitor that stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and restores erectile function.

The active substance of Visarasin is a powerful selective inhibitor of PDE-5 or, as it is also called, sildenafil. The drug penetrates the blood vessels and relaxes them, stimulating expansion, due to which blood can flow freely to the genital organ. The action of Visarasin begins half an hour after taking the drug, and the full therapeutic effect can be observed after a two-week course of treatment.

"Visarasin" is recommended for use for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which consists in the inability to achieve an erection of the penis or maintain it for satisfactory sexual intercourse. However, the drug has a list of contraindications and side effects, so you should take Visarasin only after consulting a specialist.

In its action, Impaza is similar to its predecessor, but, being a homeopathic drug, it does not have such strong side effects on the functions of the male genital organs. The drug also differs in the composition of active inhibitors that affect the circulatory system. "Impaza" contains purified C200 bodies, which affect the production of NO-synthase nitric oxide, which gradually dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. The slow effect on the genital organ does not have a stressful effect, which reduces the risk of side effects.

"Impaza" is prescribed for erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and unstable potency caused by psychogenic and organic reasons. To achieve a noticeable improvement in reproductive function, the drug must be taken for at least 3 weeks. In addition to the main therapeutic task, Impaza simultaneously has a positive therapeutic effect on male libido, stimulating the production of testosterone.

It should be noted that the drug is not designed for short-term restoration of erection and is effective only when taken systematically.

Potency product "AliCaps" is a dietary supplement recommended for reproductive disorders in adult men of any age. It helps to strengthen erection and has a preventive effect in disorders associated with age and disease.

"AliCaps" does not belong to the category of inhibitors. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of natural components of plant origin in the product. Eurycoma longifolia extract stimulates the production of testosterone and helps relieve stress, dwarf palm extract prevents the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, improves the quality of sperm and increases its quantity, damiana leaf extract reduces anxiety and helps to believe in oneself, which significantly increases sexual desire.

The supplement is designed for long-term use and improves the reproductive functions of men by improving the functioning of the hormonal system. One of the main advantages of AliCaps is the absence of side effects.

“Vuka Vuka” is another completely natural drug for a comprehensive solution to male sexual problems: it helps restore and improve male potency, stimulates libido, fills with energy and gives stamina, and promotes longer duration of sexual intercourse. And all this in the complete absence of inhibitory and stimulating additives. “Vuka Vuka” does not speed up processes, it simply normalizes them.

The drug contains herbal components that significantly improve the quality of a man’s sexual life. Virosa securinega eliminates psychological discomfort, heteromorpha arborescens increases the duration of sexual intercourse, triumphetta velvicha stimulates the production of high-quality sperm, heeria reticulata increases desire, and carrisa edible improves the functioning of the genitourinary system as a whole.

The drug is taken immediately before sexual intercourse or on a regular basis in order to prevent existing or possible disorders. For example, it helps to successfully fight prostatitis in all its manifestations. “Vuka Vuka” is absolutely harmless and non-addictive.

The effect of the drug “Sildenafil” is based on the work of the inhibitor of the same name, the benefits and harms of which doctors have been arguing for many years. In the meantime, discussions are ongoing, the medicine continues to have a positive effect on the reproductive functions of the stronger half of humanity.

Sildenafil is a selective peripheral inhibitor that, due to its vasodilatory effect, increases blood flow to the genitals, causing the penis to harden. Thanks to the drug, a man quickly becomes aroused, his erection improves and its duration increases, and the sensitivity of the organ increases. Thanks to its fast action, Sildenafil is one of the most popular remedies for solving a delicate male problem.

The drug has one significant “BUT” in the form of an important psychological factor: if a man has no desire for intimacy, an erection will not occur. But “Sildenafil” compares favorably with similar drugs due to its relative harmlessness when taken in small doses.

The active ingredient of Levitra is vardenafil, which directly affects the tissues and blood of the genital organ and pelvic area. The main advantage of this remedy is achieving maximum results in the complete absence of an erection. The biggest advantage of Levitra is minimal side effects, since the drug was originally conceived as a safe remedy for the treatment of sexual impotence. Thanks to this fact, the drug can be taken by men with diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.

The drug Levitra differs from its brother Viagra in the absence of contraindications to alcohol and certain foods.

Vardenafil is quickly absorbed by the body, and therefore the effect of Levitra begins 15-20 minutes after administration. The effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours. The drug is not addictive and does not lead to problems with childbirth.

“Tongkat ali platinum” is an active dietary supplement that helps restore a man’s erectile function and improves the quality of his reproductive abilities. By increasing testosterone production by almost 5 times, the drug increases male libido, which in turn affects blood circulation in the pelvis. The supplement increases desire, strengthens erection and helps prolong sexual intercourse. The action begins 1-2 hours after administration and lasts 3-7 days.

The drug contains exclusively natural ingredients, combined in the best traditions of the Malaysian recipe. Tongkat root promotes testosterone production and strengthens the body, yohimbe extract dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, miurapuam bark extract acts as a powerful aphrodisiac, and ginseng root has a general healing effect.

The side effects of Tongkat Ali Platinum are only positive: increased sexual activity, increased muscle mass, physical strength and endurance.

Viagra is the most popular drug for restoring potency among the drugs currently on the market. An interesting fact remains the history of the development of the drug, which was originally intended to treat cardiovascular diseases, and the erection that followed the use was considered as a side effect.

The active ingredient of Viagra - sildenafil, already known to us - relaxes the pelvic muscles, increases the permeability of blood vessels, as a result of which they, together with the cavernous bodies of the penis, are rapidly filled with blood.

The drug is taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse, it begins to act after 40-50 minutes, the effect lasts 4-5 hours. It is not recommended to take more than one tablet per day, nor to mix it with alcohol.

For those who have heard about the properties of the drug or have managed to verify its effectiveness from their own experience, we will explain why Viagra is not in first place in our rating of the best drugs for potency. The reason for this is its one-time action. In addition, long-term use of Viagra is fraught with side effects, it has a fairly extensive list of contraindications, and doctors are still not sure of the positive effect of the drug on the body as a whole.

Yohimbine is the most effective dietary supplement for the treatment of male sexual disorders caused by stress and fatigue. The active substance of the drug is yohimbe tree bark extract, which has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the male reproductive system. Yohimbine also contains ginseng, which helps normalize blood circulation in organs and tissues, and zinc, which stimulates the functionality of the male gonads.

The supplement helps normalize sexual function, increases the body's vitality, prolongs a man's sexual activity, and gives him stamina. Along the way, Yohimbine helps improve sleep and burns fat.

The drug does not provide an immediate effect, since it is not intended for a single dose and requires a full course of treatment. Yohimbine has a long list of contraindications and side effects, so before you start taking it, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

The drug "Cialis" is an analogue of "Viagra" and acts on the basis of tadalafil, which increases the activity of blood circulation in the pelvic organs and ensures blood flow to the penis. The drug is intended not only for a one-time strong effect of increasing potency, but also for complex therapeutic treatment.

Cialis begins to act 15 minutes after administration, reaches its maximum effect after 1-2 hours, and can maintain it for up to 36 hours. No other inhibitor drug can boast such a duration of action. Food intake and the presence of alcohol in the blood do not affect the results of exposure. To avoid side effects, it is recommended not to take more than one tablet per day.