If your teeth hurt. What pregnant women can do for toothache - effective and safe remedies Toothache during pregnancy, what

Pregnancy is, in a sense, an unpredictable period in a woman’s life. For some, it goes as smoothly as possible, but for some expectant mothers, pregnancy, unfortunately, will be remembered for some disruptions in the body. One of these ailments is toothache, which occurs for no apparent reason. More than one tooth hurts, several teeth ache at once, and how to cope with these unpleasant sensations is not immediately clear.

Why do pregnant women have dental problems?

Of course, you shouldn’t think that pregnancy will definitely become a catalyst for dental problems. It is quite possible that during 9 months of pregnancy you will not have a single reason to go to the doctor. But there are still certain risks, and you need to be aware of them.

Still, pregnancy is a burden on the female body, during which chronic diseases or some untreated ailments become aggravated. It makes more sense to treat bad teeth while planning a pregnancy, because doing this while carrying a child will, at best, not always be convenient.

If your teeth hurt or ache during pregnancy, the reasons for this may be:

All of the above reasons can result in so-called teething. But in most cases, teeth hurt due to caries. It is this that first leads to mild painful sensations, and then the problem grows, and in a relatively short period of time you can completely lose a tooth.

Caries and pulpitis during pregnancy

Caries is the destruction of the enamel layer, as well as the hard tissues of the tooth, with the formation of a cavity that exposes the nerve. Caries can be noticed in time: if the tooth reacts to cold and/or hot, as well as salty and/or sweet, such increased sensitivity indicates the beginning of the process of tooth decay. If caries is not treated, then the infection will definitely spread to the pulp - the inner tissue of the tooth, and this treatment will be painful and more difficult.

With pulpitis, the pain is throbbing, very sharp, and worsens at night. Painkillers help little, the lymph nodes become inflamed, and difficulties with chewing and swallowing food may occur. Inflammation can even spread to the periosteum and bone tissue of a person, this causes severe torment and incessant pain. The problem can be solved exclusively in the dental office.

For pregnant women, timely treatment is especially important, because the infection can enter the mother’s bloodstream through an untreated tooth, and then the child’s. That is why among those doctors a woman goes through when registering for pregnancy there is always a dentist.

In addition, toothache during pregnancy is dangerous.

Any source of infection in the mother’s body is a potential threat to the health of the fetus. This may well have a negative impact on the development of the child’s organs and systems, their formation and growth. Therefore, if it was not possible to solve all the problems before pregnancy, it is necessary to treat your teeth during pregnancy.

Gingivitis in pregnant women: the essence of the pathology

Sometimes the cause of aching sensations in the teeth is gum disease, including gingivitis during pregnancy. According to statistics, it accompanies pregnancy in 45% of women. And as such, there is no risk category in this regard: it doesn’t matter how old the pregnant woman is, what chronic diseases she has, or how the pregnancy progresses. Gums become inflamed due to hormonal changes in the female body and reduced immunity during these months.

Possible causes of gingivitis:

  • hormonal changes - the level of progesterone and gonadotropin increases, and this contributes to the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. To be more precise, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. After childbirth, hormonal levels gradually return to prenatal norms, signs of gingivitis disappear;
  • deficiency of minerals and/or vitamins. It is difficult to determine which microelement is insufficient in a pregnant woman’s body - this cannot be determined only by the characteristics of eating behavior. But vitamin deficiency itself, as well as changes in metabolic processes, can provoke gingivitis.

Very often, vitamin deficiency accompanies toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, the most common time when gingivitis appears is 8-12 obstetric weeks.

Gingivitis in pregnant women

Gingivitis rarely leads to severe toothache, but aching sensations may well appear. It is impossible to cure gingivitis completely, because the mechanisms that lead to it are explained by pregnancy itself. Therefore, you can simply reduce its manifestations to a minimum, and this can only be done in a specialist’s office.

Treatment of toothache during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a reason to refuse professional medical care if you have complaints. Therefore, if your teeth hurt, then you definitely need to go to the dentist. The most suitable time for treatment is considered to be the 2nd trimester. This is a relatively calm time, when there is no toxicosis, the expectant mother feels good, and there are fewer risks.

2nd trimester is the best period for dental treatment

In the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a medical examination, which includes a dentist. At this consultation, the doctor will identify existing problems and tell you how and when they can be treated. You should not delay treatment; in the third trimester it may not be physically convenient.

There is no need to worry that the anesthesia accompanying the treatment will harm the patient’s health. For pregnant women, an anesthetic is selected that is not transferred to the baby through the placenta; it is quickly eliminated from the body. The main thing is to warn the doctor about your situation, don’t be shy to say if you feel sick, feel dizzy, etc.

How to relieve aching pain in teeth before visiting a doctor

Pain does not wait until you have time to make an appointment with a doctor or get to the clinic. It needs to be removed, because enduring pain is not at all useful. Moreover, aching sensations often occur at night, when there is no way to get to a doctor.

Perhaps rinsing with soda or rinsing with saline solutions, as well as decoctions of sage and chamomile, will be life-saving. The anti-inflammatory composition is harmless to the condition of the mother and baby, and if the pain is not acute enough, these remedies may well help.

You can apply a small piece of propolis to the aching area. Some folk recipes mention raw grated beets, which are also applied to the sore spot. You can also rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water to which 2-4 drops of tea tree oil have been added.

If folk remedies do not help, you can use Kalgel and its analogues. This is a dental gel that is commonly used to relieve sore gums in babies (during teething). It can help relieve discomfort; when using, you should follow the instructions.

Any aching pain, mild or intense, is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Today, many clinics provide treatment for pregnant women using the gentlest methods, tactics, and techniques; all medical procedures are aimed at stress-free treatment.

Have an easy pregnancy!

Video - Toothache and pregnancy

The period of waiting for a baby is quite individual for each woman. But almost every one of them is familiar with the problem of toothache during pregnancy. There are quite a few causes of the malaise, and it is difficult to determine the source of pain. This may be inflammation of bone or jaw tissue, inflammation of the gums.

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But the most common cause is dental caries, as a result of which the pulp or nerve can become inflamed. Prolonged pain is exhausting, weakness, headache appear, and the temperature may rise. What should a pregnant woman do in this case? Under no circumstances should you tolerate illness. After all, if the mother feels bad, then the baby inside is also uncomfortable.

A woman's body is very vulnerable during pregnancy. Due to a lack of vitamins, minerals, changes in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders, increased acidity of the oral cavity due to toxicosis, dental health deteriorates, which can cause toothache. It is during this period that a woman should take special care of herself and avoid stressful situations.

It came unexpectedly

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a dentist. But it is not always possible to do this - the pain can start at any moment, and if this happens at night, you will have to postpone the visit to the doctor and calm it down using the means at hand or the contents of the first aid kit. However, before you take this step, you need to know what drugs or folk remedies can help with this.

Cases of visiting a doctor

A preventive examination by a dentist once every six months will relieve many problems. A visit to the dental office is extremely necessary not only when planning a pregnancy, but also during it.

There is a misconception that you should not go to the dentist during pregnancy. But this is fraught with dangerous consequences. Any carious manifestation can have a serious impact on a pregnant woman if it is not treated on time.

Caries develops several times faster during pregnancy. Over time, it can develop into pulpitis and cause acute pain. And at the initial stage of caries development, its treatment is possible without the use of analgesics and x-rays. You just need to consult with the gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy and warn the dentist about your pregnancy.

In the early stages of caries, teeth can be treated without harming the health of the fetus. The tooth is preserved and can last for a long time. An advanced state of caries threatens pulpitis, and it is almost impossible to save the tooth. Without treatment, pulpitis will lead to complications such as periodontitis and periostitis.

Pain relief with warm rinses

Warm rinses are used when it is not possible to see a doctor within the next 24 hours. This method provides only partial pain relief for a short time, but has no side effects and can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

To relieve acute toothache during pregnancy, the rinse should be at a temperature that does not burn the mouth. You can use either plain water or with the addition of salt or soda (1 teaspoon per liter of water). Decoctions with anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, such as:

  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • coltsfoot leaves;
  • peppermint;
  • series.

Rinses are carried out as often as possible, for example, a glass every hour. It is strictly forbidden to warm the sore spot from the outside.


Traditional methods of pain relief

In many cases, you can get rid of severe pain in your teeth without taking strong pills - using folk remedies. But all of them are designed to relieve this malaise only for a while. We list the most common and safe methods that have been tested more than once by dentists and women themselves, and can be used during pregnancy.

  1. Since ancient times, the method of applying ordinary garlic to a tooth has been known. It can also be applied to a vein in the wrist. Garlic is applied with the cut side or crushed. For tooth pain on the left side, garlic is applied to the right hand, and on the right side - to the left hand.
  2. You can sprinkle cloves, a common table seasoning, on the sore gum. The product has an excellent analgesic effect.
  3. Plantain leaves or houseplants such as aloe or kalanchoe are also effective. A plantain leaf needs to be squeezed and a little juice squeezed out, then rolled into a tourniquet and placed in the ear on the side of the unhealthy tooth. Aloe or Kalanchoe leaves are applied to the sore gum. The inflammation goes away very quickly.
  4. Applying cotton swabs soaked in various painkillers is very effective.
    Apply a small amount of Vietnamese “Star” balm to a swab moistened with vegetable oil and apply to the gum under the unhealthy tooth.
  5. In the same way, you can use a swab moistened with dental drops, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Apply a swab moistened with fir or sea buckthorn oil to the sore tooth.

All of the above methods will be useless for deeper caries. Then, before assistance from a doctor, only clean water will help to wash out the irritant from the carious cavity.

Medicinal solution to the problem

There are times when not a single folk remedy is able to relieve toothache. What to do then? Modern painkillers come to the rescue, helping to get rid of ailments during pregnancy without harming the health of the baby.

Toothache tablets are much more effective than rinses or folk remedies. During pregnancy, they should be taken only after consulting a doctor. They will help completely relieve even severe toothache.

Of the medications approved for use during pregnancy, you can take the following.

  1. Paracetamol is recommended by doctors as the safest remedy. Although the medicine crosses the placenta, it does not harm the baby. However, paracetamol should be taken strictly according to the instructions. This is not a strong analgesic, but even with acute pain it helps very effectively.
  2. No-spa (or its analogue, drotaverine) is an antispasmodic that works successfully during pain.
  3. Aspirin - only on the recommendation of a doctor. Sometimes it is allowed to take it in the second trimester of pregnancy. The drug helps to soothe toothache to the extent that it allows you to endure medical help.
  4. Analgin is similar to Aspirin, but has a stronger effect. The medicine has side effects, due to which it is banned in many countries.
  5. Nurofen - used in exceptional cases, in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy.

An acute toothache can be relieved by a novocaine solution - it should be dripped onto the gum next to the unhealthy tooth, directly into a carious cavity, or a swab moistened with the solution should be applied to the tooth. Novocaine is used as directed by a doctor, but is considered a fairly safe drug.

Medicinal pain relief

How can a dentist help?

All of the above remedies will help temporarily relieve toothache. But it is important for the expectant mother to remember that in her condition, under no circumstances should she postpone a visit to the doctor.

Since there are many more dental problems during pregnancy than during any other period of life, dental supervision is extremely necessary. The doctor will notice in time any damage to the tooth or change in the structure of the gums and eliminate the problem before it makes itself felt.

If necessary, the doctor will numb the tooth with analgesics that are safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The main thing is that the dentist will relieve you not only from pain, but also from the consequences of complications. It is better to cure caries in time than to later become a victim of an abscess.

Any medicine can be taken only under the supervision of a dentist. In the first trimester of pregnancy, treat analgesic medications with extreme caution and remember:

  • In the first trimester, the fetus is especially vulnerable. After three months, he is protected by the placenta, thanks to which the effects of drugs are much weaker;
  • Take medications strictly, observing the dosage. Take strong medications in case of emergency and only on the recommendation of a doctor, no more than one tablet;
  • If you experience problems in the oral cavity, do not postpone visiting the dentist;
  • Do not try rinsing with cold water to avoid serious complications.

During pregnancy, you need to follow some simple rules.

  1. Even during pregnancy planning, the expectant mother needs to visit a dentist and have all her teeth treated.

Toothache can make life very difficult. In a normal state, a person has a whole first aid kit at his disposal, but For a pregnant woman, the choice of medications is significantly limited. How can you help yourself with severe pain without harming your child?

Do you have to endure toothache?

The answer is clear: no. Firstly, severe long-term pain - stress for both mother and baby. It can cause more harm than taking painkillers.

Secondly, postponing a visit to the dentist threatens deterioration of tooth condition.

If in the initial stages you can get by with a little intervention and a minimum of medications, then as the disease develops it can lead to surgery and the need for anesthesia and antibiotics.

Painkillers in the early stages

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most dangerous and alarming. Until the 8th week, the embryo is very vulnerable, and the likelihood of miscarriage is high. Therefore, the use of medications, especially potent ones, is not advisable. Unless absolutely necessary, It's better to do without pills.

Rinsing with warm water relieves pain well. It can be just water, water with a teaspoon of salt or soda, or unsweetened black tea. You need to rinse often and for a long time. Every hour, a glass of liquid.

Rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs is allowed. But with great caution: some can cause allergies in a pregnant woman, while others can even cause a miscarriage. So, you should not use sage and cloves for rinsing; it is better to make a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

If you are not allergic, you can apply a cotton wool soaked in fir or sea buckthorn oil to the sore spot. This will relieve pain and inflammation.

Painkillers in the first trimester

If there is no urgent need, it is better to postpone dental treatment until the second trimester. This period is the safest for interventions. If your teeth don’t bother you, but you need to clean up your mouth (for example, remove the remains of decayed teeth, strengthen crowns, etc.), postpone this until mid-pregnancy.

But with acute pain and inflammation, you cannot wait and endure. Before visiting a doctor, you can add the following medications to the described folk remedies:

  • paracetamol. This drug is approved during pregnancy at any stage. Although it is not an analgesic, it perfectly relieves even severe toothache. You can take no more than 4 tablets per day.
  • Panadol. Refers to medications that are safe for pregnant women. It only relieves anxiety and pain, without eliminating the cause of the disease and inflammation. It's better to take pills.
  • Nurofen. Prescribed less frequently, prohibited in the third trimester. For toothache, it is better to take it in tablets, no more than 4 per day. You can't drink on an empty stomach.
  • Voltaren. An effective drug for pain symptoms. In mild cases, one tablet is enough; for very severe pain, the dose can be doubled, but not exceed 150 mg per day.
  • ortofene. Use in pregnant women only in case of unbearable pain and as prescribed by a doctor.

Painkillers in the second trimester

With the formation of the placenta, the effect of harmful substances on the fetus is significantly reduced. In addition, the mother’s health at this time is usually simply wonderful. It's time to take care of your teeth; after the baby is born, you may not have time for this.

In the second trimester, all of the above drugs are allowed for use. You can add medications to your first aid kit such as: Advil, Dicloran, Naklofen. These are painkillers approved for use by pregnant women that will help cope with pain before visiting the dentist.

Painkillers in the third trimester

The last months of pregnancy are not the best time for serious medical procedures. However, a woman is not immune from toothache even at this time.

It is better to avoid taking strong medications if possible; the following are allowed: paracetamol, no-spa, a cotton swab with novocaine, Panadol, Kalgel.

Cannot be used in the third trimester analgin and aspirin due to their effects on circulation and side effects.

Painkillers for dental treatment

Many pregnant women are afraid of pain during dental treatment. However, modern medicine has developed local anesthetics that are approved for pregnant women and completely relieve pain during medical procedures. For example, lidocaine and ultracaine.

You just need to inform the dentist about your “interesting” situation, and he will select the necessary medications and their dosage.

If diagnostics require an X-ray of the teeth, it is better to replace it with an image on a computer visiograph. It's much safer.

But teeth whitening will have to be postponed. Dentists consider this procedure unsafe for pregnant women.

Painkillers after tooth extraction

If you had to have a tooth removed during pregnancy, it is worth remembering that due to a lack of calcium during this period, the risk of caries is high. Therefore, further prevention and oral care is important.

After tooth extraction, paracetamol is indicated as an analgesic, and antibiotics - Amoxiclav in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. You should not rinse your mouth, drink through a straw or eat food in the first 2 hours after removal.


We exercise extreme caution

Any medications during pregnancy, even the most harmless medicine, can be completely detrimental to the growing body.

Because right now all vital organs and systems are being formed, and gross interference in this process is unacceptable. Therefore, painkillers for toothache during pregnancy should be prescribed only by an experienced doctor, preferably an obstetrician-gynecologist, who observes the woman from the very first visit. And after the acute phase has been stopped, you need to consult a dentist to decide what to do next.

You can't stand the pain

You need to know this too. Of course, the mother thinks about the health of her baby, but enduring severe suffering is extremely harmful. That's why doctors prescribe painkillers for toothache during pregnancy, only in doses that are as safe as possible for the child. The specialist focuses primarily on the condition of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy, indications and contraindications. ">

We are used to seeing it as an antipyretic drug, but it also relieves pain quite well. The safest of all for the unborn baby, paracetamol is widely used in gynecological, dental and therapeutic practice. Therefore, do not look for expensive modern painkillers in pharmacies: for toothache (during pregnancy or not, it doesn’t matter) they will give the same effect, because most often they are based on the same active substance. Regular paracetamol is prescribed by a gynecologist for severe headaches, toothaches and other pains. At the same time, it can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

This drug crosses the placental barrier, but has no effect on the fetus. WHO calls paracetamol the safest drug for pregnant women; you should always have it in your first aid kit.

Suppositories for pain relief

There are quite a lot of them on sale today. This is an ideal option to help relieve toothache at home. They have no contraindications, since, being absorbed directly in the intestines, they do not harm the growing body. Among the wide variety, I would like to highlight candles for pain relief “Buscopan”, “Papaverine”. However, for severe toothaches, these drugs help little, so they can only be used in cases of increased sensitivity and gum disease. Most often, suppositories are used to combat spasms.

Separately, I would like to note the effect of the drug “Nurofen” on the body. For severe pain symptoms, doctors often prescribe it. However, it can only be used in the early stages, as it has the ability to reduce the level of amniotic fluid. ">


An effective drug for toothache at home, but it is prescribed only in the most extreme cases and then only once. In addition to pain relief, it effectively reduces body temperature. This drug has the ability to cross the placenta and have a negative effect on the baby. Even purely theoretically, this should serve as the very first argument against its use.

In addition, analgin affects the gastric mucosa and can cause an allergic reaction. In rare cases, it can provoke a decrease in hemoglobin, as it thins the blood.

Depending on the period

We briefly told you what painkillers you can take during pregnancy, but we forgot about a very important factor, namely: in what trimester such trouble happened that you needed the help of a dentist. It is especially difficult to choose medications for women in the first trimester, when the placenta has not yet started working, and the child is completely unprotected from external influences. Therefore, if you need dental help for up to 12 weeks, it is better to try to use folk remedies and see a specialist as soon as possible. ">

Experience of our ancestors

First of all, it is recommended to thoroughly brush your teeth with baking soda and a salt solution. Additionally, use these rinses. A decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain can help. If you don’t have any of the above at home, you will definitely find it at your nearest pharmacy.

There is a practice of applying a tampon with vegetable oil and a small amount of star balm to the gum. After 10-15 minutes, the pain may become more tolerable, and then disappear altogether. As an anesthetic, the tampon is also soaked in vodka: even if it gets into the bloodstream along with saliva, it will not cause harm in such quantities.

It is recommended to apply garlic to a sore tooth, which is known for its antimicrobial properties. And if it’s summer outside and there are fresh plantain leaves, then mash one of them so that the juice comes out and put it on your tooth. It is recommended to sprinkle clove powder on the sore spot, but there are no positive reviews or information about the effectiveness of this method.

But cold water and ice compresses are not recommended. At first glance, they bring relief, but can cause the problem to worsen and intensify the inflammatory process. Therefore, you must first consult with a specialist.”>

Early in pregnancy

If severe pain finds you during this most difficult period of bearing a baby, then you need to take the choice of medications as seriously as possible. Ideally, only your doctor can tell you which painkillers you can take during pregnancy. However, if it’s night outside and you can’t sleep, then you need to find a way to help yourself.

So, it is allowed to alleviate the condition with the help of the No-Shpy tablet or its analogue called Drotaverine. This remedy allows you to relieve spasms and in some cases successfully cope with pain. But it is worth remembering that this drug can lead to excessive relaxation of the uterine muscles and provoke a miscarriage.

Painkillers during early pregnancy are prescribed after collecting an anamnesis. If you have never suffered from allergic reactions, then it is acceptable to use Grippostad. However, it is advisable to limit yourself to a single dose and get to the doctor's office as soon as possible.

It happens that the tooth immediately begins to hurt very much. In this case, doctors allow the use of drugs based on diclofenac. You need to know that in the last trimester, taking medications from this group is strictly prohibited. ">

To relieve severe pain

It’s good if the tooth is just a little weak, and a simple rinse with chamomile brings relief. It’s much worse when severe pain suddenly occurs during pregnancy, and you don’t know how to help yourself. In this case, antispasmodics are prescribed. These are the already mentioned “Papaverine” and “Drotaverine”, as well as “Spazmolgon”. The latter drug helps quite well, but should not be used in the first 13 and last 6 weeks. For him there is only a short second trimester.

Is it possible to drink Tempalgin or Pentalgin during pregnancy? These two drugs are similar in their effects on the body and at the same time quite strong. Therefore, a pregnant woman is not recommended to take more than half a tablet at a time. Cooling gels used during teething in children help some. This is "Kalgel" and its analogues. If they do not help, then it is permissible to take one Ketonal tablet, and then immediately go to the doctor to prevent a relapse.

If treatment is not currently available, then, starting from the second trimester, the doctor may prescribe Spazmolgon or Baralgin in the form of injections. The drugs are very strong and quickly bring relief. But in no case should you use them at your own request, since only a doctor can correctly select both the medicine and the dosage. ">

Second and third trimesters

Starting from the 13th week, it is much easier for the doctor to prescribe treatment, since the placenta protects the fetus from the penetration of a number of medications. Therefore, if necessary, you can take painkillers much more safely during pregnancy (3rd trimester). Toothache during this period can be overcome quite easily, but mother should be careful.

Paracetamol can be taken as needed completely calmly. It will not affect your baby's development. From the second trimester, you can start taking drugs based on it - Efferalgan and Fervex. But the well-known and beloved analgin should under no circumstances be taken in the first trimester and after 34 weeks. And the rest of the time it is permissible to take the pill only as a last resort, no more than once. As you can see, painkillers during pregnancy (for toothache) need to be selected extremely carefully, because you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby.

An excellent product "Ketonal" can be used up to 32 weeks. A universal drug that is a real lifesaver is No-Shpa. However, as a dental pain reliever during pregnancy, it is quite weak. Let us repeat once again that it is prohibited to use Nurofen in the last trimester, as it tends to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid.

What medications should you not take?

There are drugs that are strictly prohibited throughout pregnancy. Therefore, before taking this or that pill, be sure to carefully study the instructions and contraindications, or better yet, ask your doctor. Among the prohibited drugs are drugs based on aspirin, ketorolac, and ibufen. Each of them is capable of causing various developmental defects in the unborn baby. And most importantly, you should not delay visiting the dentist. Tomorrow the pain will return, and it will take a much larger dose of painkillers to make it through until the morning again.

Some admission rules

Expectant mothers should remember that any medication is best taken under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, it would not be amiss to repeat the following points:

  • The fetus is especially vulnerable in the first weeks of pregnancy, so you need to be extremely careful and avoid taking any pills if possible. After 12 weeks, the fetus is protected by the placenta.
  • When taking any drug, you must follow the dosage recommended by your doctor. If the medications are strong, it is better to start with half a tablet.
  • Contact your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Do not try to numb the pain by rinsing with cold water or warm compresses, as this can lead to various complications.

The best cure for toothache is prevention. Therefore, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, it is important to undergo an examination by a dentist and follow all his recommendations. Then you will not face severe toothache during pregnancy.


Why do pregnant women have toothache?

During a period when a woman’s body feels a heavy load and divides all the vitamins and minerals it receives into two, a change in metabolism occurs, a decrease in calcium content (despite the fact that the need for this mineral increases). This leads to fragility and brittleness of nails and hair, deterioration of the skin, but primarily negative changes affect the teeth.

The main causes of toothache in pregnant women include:

  • development of caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis);
  • inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • increased sensitivity of teeth.

A lack of minerals leads to teeth becoming extremely vulnerable. A lack of micro- and macroelements in saliva causes insufficient remineralization of enamel during free time from eating.

This entails an increased risk of caries, which, if not visited in a timely manner, can cause acute pain.

Increased sensitivity may be associated with a violation of the acid-base balance, the appearance of cracks in the enamel due to a lack of calcium, and frequent temperature changes.

How to relieve toothache without pills

It is extremely undesirable to endure a toothache; such an irritant negatively affects the mood and emotional state of the mother, so many people wonder how to relieve the pain.

Nervousness leads to a deterioration in health and affects the development of the fetus. If you feel pain, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe appropriate treatment taking into account the woman’s special situation.

If the pain cannot be tolerated, and there is no way to quickly see a dentist, you can resort to effective folk remedies to relieve discomfort. Harmless methods of pain relief include:

Relieving toothache on your own means getting rid of the symptoms, but not the cause. You can prevent further aggravation and maintain the health of your oral cavity by consulting a dentist in a timely manner.

Efficiency and safety are the main factor

What can women take for painful toothache during pregnancy:

  1. It is considered the mildest and safest for the health of the mother and fetus during pregnancy. It not only relieves pain, but also has an antipyretic effect.
  2. A safe and popular drug that relieves pain and spasms is No-shpa(and its cheaper analogue - drotaverine), however, for toothache such an anesthetic is ineffective.
  3. Nurofen It is contraindicated for use in the last trimester of pregnancy, but it is allowed in the first and second trimesters. This remedy should be used in critical cases, when the harm from not using it is greater than the opposite situation.

To ensure that medications do not harm either the pregnant woman or the fetus, they should be prescribed by the attending physician after a thorough examination.

Anesthesia at the dentist

Dental procedures performed in a specialist's office sometimes require the use of anesthesia. In this case, the doctor selects gentle drugs with a low concentration of vasoconstrictor substances in order to reduce the amount of anesthetic that penetrates the blood and placenta.

Anesthesia in dentistry is carried out with local drugs. The safest application anesthesia is when superficial anesthesia is performed with a spray or gel with an anesthetic.

The most preferred injection anesthesia is Ultracain or Ubestizin. The effect of ultracaine is 2 times more effective than lidocaine, and there are almost no contraindications for use (the drug can also be used during pregnancy).

According to many experts, the second trimester is best suited for dental treatment in pregnant women. When planning an appointment with a dentist, it is worth remembering that each case is individual, and only a qualified doctor can choose treatment.

Preventive measures

You can reduce the risk of dental diseases and discomfort by following basic rules of hygiene and prevention. The actions required for this include:

  1. Timely visit to the dentist. A thorough examination every six months is the way to healthy teeth and gums.
  2. Using appropriate oral cleansers. During pregnancy, tooth sensitivity often increases, the acid-base environment changes and an increased risk of caries develops. Brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day using a suitable pastes, application dental floss And rinse aid contributes to maintaining oral health as much as possible.
  3. Healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. By eating whole grain cereals and vegetables, dairy products high in calcium and other vitamins and minerals, and reducing your daily sugar intake, you can improve your oral health.

If a toothache strikes a pregnant woman, you should immediately visit a specialist and warn him about pregnancy. Based on this, a qualified dentist will choose what to treat, using drugs that are safe for the health of the woman and the fetus.

To prevent the development of oral diseases, it is necessary to regularly apply preventive measures. Proper oral care and a balanced diet are key steps to healthy teeth and gums!


Causes of caries development during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the situation is when toothache during pregnancy, is far from uncommon. During the period of gestation, various hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, which leads to some changes in blood circulation in the mucous membranes and skin. This phenomenon can lead to an exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the gum area and makes teeth vulnerable.

During pregnancy, calcium metabolism changes, early toxicosis, vomiting, indigestion - all these are quite common symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, and they lead to disruption of the absorption of calcium entering the body. From about the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetal skeleton begins to actively grow, and if the mother has a calcium deficiency, the process of resorption and thinning of her own bones is activated. And first of all, the jaw apparatus and teeth suffer.

During pregnancy, various chronic diseases often worsen: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, etc. This also leads to impaired absorption of calcium by the body, and as a result - toothache during pregnancy.

The work of the salivary glands also changes at this time. Saliva ceases to perform its main function: to wash the teeth with a mixture of calcium and phosphates, its protective functions are sharply reduced.

Caries can also provoke a general decrease in immunity, which is quite often observed in expectant mothers. In the oral cavity, bacteria and other microorganisms multiply more intensively, and this provokes inflammatory gum diseases and the development of caries.

How to relieve pain at home

Naturally, if pain occurs, you should immediately go to the dentist. This is especially true in cases where a tooth hurts during pregnancy. But sometimes it is not possible to get to a doctor in the near future, and to relieve pain you have to use improvised means and folk recipes.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all irritating factors, which in most cases are food debris that has entered the cavity of the affected tooth. If pain strikes you while eating, you should stop eating, brush your teeth thoroughly and then rinse your mouth. As rinses, you can use plain warm water, decoctions of medicinal plants, or various solutions that help relieve toothache. The simplest, most accessible and fairly effective means include regular soda or table salt. Every housewife will definitely have such “medicines”.

You can place a cotton swab moistened with dental drops or clove oil into the carious cavity, and also apply a “mask” of propolis to the gum around the diseased tooth - this substance has excellent anesthetics and its effect is similar to the effect of novocaine.

If your toothache is completely unbearable during pregnancy, you can take an analgesic. However, painkillers can only be taken once, otherwise it can harm the unborn child.

There is no need to endure pain; now there are quite a lot of dental clinics that provide appointments even at night. Do not forget that a strong negative experience, which is essentially toothache, has a negative impact not only on the female body, but also on the body of your baby.

At the dentist's office

In case of any pathology of the dental system or condition of the oral mucosa, professional treatment by a dentist is necessary. Even during those periods when a woman is carrying a child. If your tooth hurts during pregnancy, go to the doctor as soon as possible, but do not forget to warn the specialist about your “interesting” situation. In modern dentistry, there are many safe drugs that provide high-quality anesthesia during treatment, and at the same time are completely harmless to the baby and mother.

Typically, dentists use drugs that cannot penetrate the placental barrier and are eliminated from the body very quickly.

During pregnancy, if necessary, X-rays can also be taken. To protect the baby, during this procedure the mother’s belly is covered with a special lead apron, which prevents the penetration of x-rays.

Relieve nervous tension before going to the doctor. Valerian preparations or a mild sedative such as Novopassit will help you with this.

If you came to the dentist for a routine check-up, and not for acute pain, then it is better to carry out dental treatment after the placenta is fully formed (18-20 weeks), it will serve as a natural barrier that protects the fetus from the penetration of painkillers that the doctor will use .


When a tooth hurts during pregnancy, it is not only a painful condition, but also a very negative factor for the development of the fetus. You can reduce the risk of caries if you take some preventive measures.

In agreement with the doctor who is monitoring the progress of your pregnancy, take mineral and vitamin complexes, they will help compensate for the lack of essential substances.

Carefully maintain oral hygiene; to brush your teeth, it is best to use two toothpastes alternately: one should be high in fluoride and calcium, and the other should contain antibacterial drugs. After brushing, you can use decoctions of chamomile, oak bark or sage as a teeth rinse.

Every pregnant woman should visit the dentist twice: at the beginning of pregnancy and closer to the third decade. The doctor will tell you individual preventive measures and rules of oral care during pregnancy. But if suddenly, between scheduled visits, you discover any problems, then you need to go to the dentist immediately.

As an effective professional preventive measure, you may be advised to undergo dental fluoridation. This is a safe procedure and pregnancy is not a contraindication for it. Fluoridation will help keep teeth healthy and significantly reduce the risk of developing caries.

Calcium deficiency

One of the most common problems that can cause tooth pain is considered to be a calcium deficiency in the body. The baby's growing body requires a large amount of this substance. The child develops the rudiments of teeth, a bone skeleton is formed, and if for some reason the mother consumes an insufficient amount of foods containing calcium or the process of absorption of this substance by the body is disrupted, then the bone tissue of the pregnant woman begins to suffer. And first of all - the dental system.

Already when registering during pregnancy, your attending physician will tell you about the features of the diet during the period of bearing a child, advise you to consume more fermented milk products, enrich your diet with herbs, fruits, vegetables, and prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex. All these doctor’s recommendations should be followed strictly. However, calcium is often poorly absorbed by the body, for example, with severe toxicosis or other diseases during pregnancy. In such situations, your doctor may prescribe supplemental calcium.

Gum diseases

Pain in the oral cavity can be caused by inflammatory processes in the gingival tissues (gum disease may appear). Many pregnant women suffer from a disease such as gingivitis. This is not only unpleasant in itself and creates serious discomfort, but is also a factor that increases the risk of developing caries. If you have gum inflammation, be sure to consult your dentist; do not wait until toothache occurs during pregnancy. The doctor will select safe medications for you to help cope with inflammation, and will recommend products with a disinfecting and antiseptic effect that can be used for rinsing.

You can do salt water rinses yourself; using sea salt is especially beneficial. Do not forget about careful oral hygiene; use a good toothpaste that contains natural ingredients such as peppermint, tea tree oil, etc. And don’t forget about such an effective method of cleaning interdental spaces as dental floss.

If you buy mouthwash at a pharmacy, be sure to read the composition of the liquid. During pregnancy, you cannot use drugs that contain sodium sulfate, alcohol and lauryl sulfate. Such substances can cause allergic reactions and are not very beneficial for your growing baby.

Pregnancy and tooth pain at the same time caused by carious lesions

During pregnancy, the sensitivity threshold increases, and pain from even minor carious lesions is often quite difficult to endure. The optimal solution would be to visit your dentist, because during pain, not only the expectant mother feels bad, her baby also experiences serious discomfort. But if for some reason a visit to the doctor needs to be postponed, be sure to use home remedies to relieve toothache.

An excellent remedy that is guaranteed not to cause harm is rinsing with a saline solution. Salt, especially sea salt, is a natural antiseptic, and with its help you can effectively reduce the number of pathogens in the oral cavity, reduce the inflammatory process and relieve pain.

You can also use herbal infusions. For toothache, calamus root, chamomile, sage, mint, oregano and calendula are good remedies. These decoctions have been used since ancient times, and they work well to relieve swelling and reduce pain.

If tooth decay during pregnancy is too painful, then you can place a cotton swab soaked in clove oil, peppermint oil or sea buckthorn oil into the carious cavity. You can relieve pain by placing a “temporary filling” made of propolis or mumiyo on the tooth. These substances will not only reduce inflammation, but also completely eliminate pain. You may feel some numbness in your gums, similar to the effects of novocaine. Don't be alarmed, this phenomenon is completely normal and will not harm you.

By the way, it is better to introduce onions and garlic into your daily diet. They will not only serve as a preventive measure against toothache, but will also help reduce the risk of colds or viral infections.

While carrying a child, doctors do not recommend taking any medications unless absolutely necessary, but if the pain in your teeth during pregnancy is too painful, you can take a pill that will alleviate the condition. But remember that such an event should be exclusively one-time in nature. It is strictly unacceptable to “numb” pain with pills every evening, or to exceed the dosage indicated on the package.

And do not forget that all home remedies only serve to alleviate the condition for a short period of time. They do not eliminate the problem, the tooth remains damaged, and full treatment can only be carried out in a dental office.

A carious cavity is a constant source of infection that threatens not only you, but also your unborn child, therefore, it is highly recommended not to delay a visit to the dentist.

We cope without pills

You can relieve severe toothache with various rinses. A solution of baking soda, table salt, decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, calendula or plantain are suitable for you. Any home medicine cabinet will definitely contain some of the above herbs. And if not, then it will not be difficult for you to get table salt.

This lotion on a tooth relieves pain well: soak a cotton swab with vegetable oil, apply a little “Vietnamese Star” balm on top of it and apply the cotton swab to the gum, directly under the sore tooth.

The kitchen seasoning clove has a good analgesic effect. This remedy has been used for toothache since ancient times. You need to crush the seasoning into a fine powder and sprinkle it on the cavity of the diseased tooth or gum. Gradually the pain will begin to subside.

You can put garlic on a sore tooth, and also make a compress of crushed garlic on your wrist, where the pulse is usually felt. In this case, you should apply a bandage to the arm opposite to the side where the tooth that is bothering you is located.

In the summer, plantain will help you get rid of toothache. Squeeze the juice from the plant, soak a cotton swab in it and insert it into your ear. The pain will go away within half an hour.

For those who grow indoor plants, the leaves of Kalanchoe, tree aloe or pelargonium will help get rid of the phenomenon of toothache during pregnancy. Tear off the leaf and simply apply it to the gum. You can also squeeze the juice from these plants and apply a swab moistened with this juice to the tooth.

You can also apply a tampon soaked in pharmaceutical dental drops.


Toothache is a very negative factor that affects not only the condition of the expectant mother, but also the well-being of her baby. Therefore, you should get rid of such unpleasant and traumatic sensations as soon as possible.

If no folk remedy helps you, then you can use some painkillers. During pregnancy, you can relieve toothache with no-shpa, as well as its analogue, the drug flupstad. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy you should use even such harmless medications with great caution.

You can also take paracetamol, half a tablet of pentalgin or tempalgin. Some expectant mothers use remedies for toothache that are usually prescribed to children during the periods when they are cutting teeth. For example, the popular kalgel ointment gives a slight freezing effect and helps reduce pain.

If the pain is very severe, then you can take a ketan tablet, but this should not become a habit for the expectant mother; any medications can be used as an anesthetic only as a one-time event to cope with the pain before visiting a doctor.

Rules for taking painkillers

Even if toothache during pregnancy is very severe, it is better to try to cope with it without pills, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus is very vulnerable and when all the vital organs of your baby are developing. After twelve weeks, the baby will be reliably protected by the placenta, and the negative effects of medications on the fetus will not be as strong.

Ideally, all medications should be taken only after consultation and under the supervision of your doctor, but if you have no other choice, then at least strictly follow the dosage indicated on each package of tablets.

Use the medicine only if really necessary, and as a one-time event. If you experience toothache during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the faster you will save both yourself and your baby from negative emotions and discomfort.


What is the danger of toothaches during pregnancy?

Few expectant mothers immediately seek help from a medical facility when discomfort occurs in the oral cavity. At this time, it is undesirable to take painkillers, and in some cases it is strictly prohibited. But this does not stop women who cannot cope with such a phenomenon as toothache during pregnancy.

It is undesirable to endure pain during this period of time; this condition poses a danger and threat to the health of both the mother and the fetus. The consequences of refusing qualified help can be quite varied:

  1. Infectious process - manifested by signals in the body of the expectant mother in the form of sore teeth and signaling that serious damage may be caused to the intrauterine development of the child. This is due to the underformation of the placental barrier, which protects the baby from many unfavorable factors. The first 15 weeks are the time when the fetus is absolutely defenseless.
  2. Taking painkillers for conditions such as severe toothache during pregnancy exposes the baby to an unreasonable risk. Most medications in the analgesic group are not suitable for pregnant women; approved medications can only be prescribed by a dentist.
  3. A decrease in the amount of incoming blood and oxygen occurs during a painful attack. At this moment, a sharp release of adrenaline acts as a vasoconstrictor, blocking and reducing the supply of substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus.
  4. A carious cavity that is not treated in the first trimester of pregnancy will increase in size by the end of gestation and cause excruciating attacks of pain, along with the need for tooth extraction. If such a phenomenon occurs during the late stages, then in most cases it will cause spontaneous labor, due to the stressful situation that the mother’s body experiences at the time of extirpation.

Medical professionals advise all women, even while planning a future pregnancy, to undergo a dental examination, carry out the necessary sanitation of the oral cavity, and cure all existing diseases.

Over time, carious cavities tend to grow on their own and subsequently provoke attacks of pain in the teeth at any stage of motherhood. Attacks of pain during the first trimester are considered undesirable reactions of the body; during this period of time, the formation of all organs and systems of the unborn child occurs.

The danger of a sore tooth at this time is:

  • the presence of a source of infection in the oral cavity of a pregnant woman carries the risk of penetration of pathogens of various diseases through the bloodstream and the possibility of undesirable changes during the formation of a new organism;
  • an increased concentration of adrenaline released into the bloodstream during attacks of combat syndrome can cause bleeding;
  • the toxic effects of painkillers are considered most dangerous in the first twelve weeks, due to the lack of normal functionality of the blood-placental barrier.

If toothache occurs before 12 weeks of pregnancy, doctors recommend starting treatment after this period in order to avoid possible negative consequences on the structure of the small body.

Toothache during late pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is determined by the increased development of the child, as a result of which he needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Lack of calcium in the mother's body causes the destruction of her teeth and increases the fragility of bone tissue.

The problem will not be solved after discharge from the maternity ward - the pain syndrome will appear much earlier and will cause negative phenomena, jeopardizing the normal course of pregnancy and the formation of the fetus. Until the 36th week, expectant mothers can safely contact the dentist for oral sanitation.

Modern dentistry has a large number of anesthetic substances that do not pass the placental barrier and do not cause significant damage to the health of the fetus. Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis can be easily cured in dental clinics with the use of painkillers.

At this time, it is important to avoid stressful situations - painful manifestations of dental diseases are always considered stress - so as not to provoke spontaneous abortion and premature birth.

The main causes of tooth pain

Doctors record the most common problems during pregnancy:

  1. Carious cavities are the gradual destruction of bone tissue, during which cavities form in the teeth. The main symptom of caries is short-term pain that occurs acutely when food, liquid or air gets into the holes.
  2. Pulpitis is an ongoing inflammatory process affecting the nerve bundle located in the tooth. Under its influence, periodic attacks of severe pain are formed, and if treatment is refused, infection of neighboring areas occurs.
  3. Periodontitis is a complicated form of pulpitis, affecting not only nerve tissue, but also nearby ones. Acute pain occurs with a rise in body temperature.

There are many more real reasons for the onset of pathological pain in teeth, but only a qualified specialist can determine the basis for their occurrence. Considering all the processes occurring at this time in the body of the expectant mother, seeking help is the first thing a pregnant woman should do.

Lack of calcium, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, lack of nutrients - all this can lead to chronic forms of dental ailments. It is easier to cure problems in the initial stages than to subsequently deal with implantation of teeth lost during future motherhood.

Your own health is more important than the far-fetched fears and prejudices that society dictates.

Frequently asked questions from expectant mothers

Pregnant women, influenced by public opinion, often ask questions regarding oral hygiene during pregnancy. Basically, these are three main problems - can it be treated, is it allowed to be removed, is it worth taking an x-ray?

Treatment during pregnancy

Young people make the main mistake when dealing with toothaches by listening to the older generation and refusing drug treatment for the problem. Intimidation by the level of stress that will arise during dental procedures and will have a harmful effect on the fetus and the health of the mother cannot be compared with the discomfort and pain syndrome.

Artificially ignoring the manifestations of the same pulpitis will lead to its complications and an increase in body temperature, which will negatively affect both the mother and the child. Cosmetic defects in the form of bite correction, installation of implants, whitening or prosthetic crowns can wait until after pregnancy, but inflammatory processes must be treated immediately.

Removal during pregnancy

In some cases, conservative principles of dental treatment are ineffective and it is necessary to pull out a completely destroyed tooth. Professional dentists consider this technique a last resort and resort to surgical intervention in exceptional cases.

Certain types of indications for tooth extraction include:

  • high level of pain that does not end after treatment with a drill;
  • the presence of tumors and cyst-like formations near the root crown of the tooth;
  • mechanical trauma to bone tissue;
  • inflammatory process - during pregnancy, antibiotics are undesirable, and it is possible to suppress a foreign infection only by removing the source of infection;

An exception is wisdom teeth - they are not removed for any indication during pregnancy.

All manipulations are performed under painkillers allowed during this period. Anesthetics containing adrenaline are prohibited for use - it causes an increase in blood pressure and has a bad effect on the well-being of young mothers.

X-ray studies

Many pregnant women are afraid to undergo the prescribed x-ray, fearing for the health of the baby. This procedure is performed in rare cases and only when necessary. A photograph of the healed tooth and a preliminary one (before the start of treatment) will show how the procedure went, whether there are any areas of darkening or cavities left.

Before starting treatment, an x-ray is required to assess the degree of damage to the teeth; the image shows whether the canals are affected and whether there is a need to remove nerves.

With modern developments in medicine, the risk of radiation exposure has been minimized - the volume of the dose received is equal to watching TV for two hours. The patient's body is protected with special materials, and a small section of the oral cavity is examined.

Treatment of manifestations

In cases where acute pain is provoked by hot or cold food, drinks, or teeth react to sweets and salty foods, it is not treatment with a drill that is required, but strengthening of tooth enamel.

Loss of the protective functions of dentin (thinning of enamel) occurs during pregnancy due to a lack of nutrients. Long-term influence of external factors can cause inflammation of the nerve bundles of the tooth or their irritation.

The doctor will prescribe special medicinal pastes containing ingredients that relieve tooth sensitivity. If the thinning of tooth enamel has reached critical limits, the patient will be advised to cover all her teeth with varnish that replicates the properties of the natural enamel coating.

Drug treatment

What can you drink for severe toothache during pregnancy? Pain relief with specialized pharmacological drugs is widely used during pregnancy. Certain medications are approved for use and can reduce the level of severe toothache.

Unlike traditional medicine and sedative herbs, the effectiveness of tablets comes first in quickly eliminating pain. Approved medications include:

  1. Paracetamol is considered one of the safest drugs, despite the penetration of active substances through the placenta. Strictly following the instructions and fulfilling all requirements for use will help relieve pain and will not harm the child’s intrauterine development.
  2. Drotaverine (no-spa) - belongs to the class of antispasmodics, relieves severe pain. The danger of using the medication lies in the possible increase in uterine tone, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. The medicine is used under the supervision of a specialist.
  3. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - approved for use in the second trimester of pregnancy, but with the permission of the attending physician.
  4. Analgin is a strong pain reliever, with a large number of contraindications and side effects. In some countries, its use during pregnancy is prohibited.
  5. Nurofen - solely according to the decision of the doctor observing the pregnancy. When using the drug after 30 weeks, the risk of a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid increases, which will lead to oligohydramnios.
  6. Novocaine in solution - a few drops are instilled into a carious cavity or next to a diseased tooth on the gum. It is considered a safe medication, but requires doctor's approval.

Self-administration of medications can be dangerous to health; it is better not to use them without the approval of medical professionals.

The dosage of medications should not exceed two doses within 24 hours. An excess of medicine will not cure a bad tooth, but will complicate the course of pregnancy.

Rinse for pain relief

How to relieve toothache if it’s weekends and dentistry is closed? Warm mouth rinses are considered temporary means to suppress pain. The procedures are considered non-harmful and have no contraindications or side effects.

To relieve toothache, the prepared solutions must be at a warm temperature; hot infusions are prohibited - to avoid burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth and the further spread of pathogenic microflora.

Decoctions created from medicinal herbs include:

  • oak bark - add 0.5 liters of water to 30 grams of product, brew for about 10 minutes and rinse the mouth;
  • calendula flowers;
  • yarrow;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • sequence;
  • coltsfoot.

It is recommended to rinse the aching tooth every hour per one procedure - a glass of infusion. Ready-made herbs can be purchased at pharmacy chains in the form of bagged packages or mixtures. Warming the affected jaw is prohibited - due to the threat of an inflammatory process and an increase in the degree of infection.

Traditional recipes for toothache

  1. The simplest rinse - a teaspoon of soda (salt) dissolved in a liter of water - helps against inflammatory processes in the gums.
  2. Soak a cotton ball compress in dental drops or propolis solution and place directly on the damaged area.
  3. Mix onion juice and salt in one to one proportions, moisten a cotton pad and apply to the inflamed area.
  4. Beetroot juice - boil medium-sized beets, rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid at least twice, a visible result will appear after the second use.
  5. Infusion of onion peels - pour half a liter of boiling water over three teaspoons of onion peels, boil for several minutes. Then leave to settle in a dark place for 10 hours, procedures are carried out in the morning and evening.
  6. Water with hydrogen peroxide - 1% perhydrol solution (10 ml) mixed with water to relieve symptoms of acute inflammation and swelling of the gums.
  7. Garlic – a small clove of garlic is finely ground, vegetable oil and a little salt are added to it. Vegetable oil will protect the mucous membranes from burns, and salt will reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. The mixture is applied to the painful area.
  8. Salted lard - a small piece is applied to a decayed tooth or sore gums. It is recommended to keep it in the damaged area for about half an hour.
  9. Aloe pulp - grind the leaf to a pulp, apply to the sore spot. Leave for half an hour, do not rinse your mouth after the procedure. The main effect of the plant is antimicrobial, decongestant, anti-inflammatory.

Any independent procedures using homemade recipes are carried out after testing for the occurrence of a possible allergic reaction. At this moment, it is advisable for other family members to be present to exclude possible allergic manifestations. If necessary, you should urgently seek medical help.

It is advisable not to carry out such measures without the approval of the attending physician.

The use of plantain and sage is prohibited– decoctions of these herbs can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke spontaneous abortion. Plantain increases hormone levels, and sage increases blood pressure.

Preventive measures

To avoid toothache during pregnancy caused by untreated teeth, you should follow the rules of prevention:

  • undergo a full medical examination when planning pregnancy;
  • cure all damaged teeth and carry out preventive treatment of gums;
  • during the gestation period, take prescribed vitamins and minerals - so that during the building of bone tissue in the fetus, beneficial substances are not taken from the mother’s body;
  • eat nutritiously, without leaning into a certain type of food - only protein, carbohydrates, etc.;
  • change your toothbrush regularly, at least once every three months – ideally monthly;
  • use toothpastes with antibacterial and herbal extracts alternately (morning and evening);
  • use specialized mouth rinses;
  • undergo a dental examination every three months during pregnancy - for constant monitoring of the oral cavity.

Relieving toothache during pregnancy is much more difficult than preventing it, treating problem areas and enjoying future motherhood. Pain in the teeth not only indicates tooth decay and further ailments, but also indicates a lack of nutrients. In any case, the child’s body will be built from the mother’s; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the instructions of both the gynecologist leading the pregnancy and a dental specialist.

Ignoring the recommendations of specialists will not only lead to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, but will also significantly undermine the health of the expectant mother. Childbirth is a serious process that takes a lot of energy from the mother in labor, and when combined with acute toothaches it will become simply unbearable.

How a wisdom tooth begins to grow Anesthesia in dentistry side effects

Each of us has felt a toothache at least once in our lives and knows that this feeling is unpleasant. Unfortunately, we are not always able to consult a specialist or take painkillers at the first symptoms. There are conditions of the body in which the use of strong drugs is contraindicated, one of these conditions is pregnancy. Pregnant women, like everyone else, are susceptible to toothache, only they have specific treatment, one that will not harm the unborn fetus. Now special techniques have been created to eliminate pain without harm to the baby. There are various means of relieving unpleasant sensations in different ways, including folk ones.

Causes of toothache in pregnant women

The causes of toothache in pregnant women are no different from those in non-pregnant women, because anyone can develop dental problems, it depends on many factors, as well as whether the patient takes preventive measures against dental diseases.

  1. One of the most common causes of illness can be caries. Caries occurs due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, changes in the hormonal environment. May be associated with pregnancy, increased acidity with toxicosis. The enamel becomes thinner and pain occurs.
  2. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth and also occurs due to all of the above reasons.
  3. Pulpitis is the most painful sensation; it is inflammation of the nerve of the tooth, causing acute pain.
  4. The pain can be caused simply by tooth sensitivity, which increases during pregnancy.

It is advisable to seek help from a specialist when the first symptoms of pain appear; he will prescribe medications that do not cause harm, or recommend traditional medicine.

Treatment at different stages of pregnancy

When treating toothache and choosing treatment options, it is necessary to take into account the duration of pregnancy.

In the early stages of pregnancy in the first trimester, experts do not recommend taking medications; this period is characterized by the fact that all the organs of the fetus are formed and formed, and the nervous system is formed. When choosing treatments, it is better to give preference to traditional medicine. If the pain is unbearable, only then apply half of the analgin to the tooth and consult a doctor immediately.

The second trimester of pregnancy is most suitable for treatment. During this period, painkillers are allowed (as prescribed by the doctor). Complex treatment, tooth extraction, may be carried out. In this case, local anesthetics are used that do not harm the development of the fetus.

At the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy, treatment is not recommended; the mother and unborn baby do not tolerate stressful situations well, which can lead to premature birth.

During this period it is prohibited:

  • do not use honey, it can cause rapid development of caries;
  • warming - using it the inflammatory process can progress;
  • Do not apply aspirin to the gums, as this can cause a burn;
  • alcohol is contraindicated;
  • rinsing with iodine solution is also prohibited.

Folk remedies for dental treatment for pregnant women

I call folk remedies the safest means of helping pregnant women.

One of the most proven folk methods for eliminating toothache is called a solution of soda and salt for rinsing. The components of the solution can be used together or separately from each other. Dissolve 5 g of the dry component in a glass of water, rinse often several times an hour until the unwanted sensations completely disappear.


An ordinary onion will be an indispensable assistant. It is recommended to chop 10 g of onion and garlic, mix the ingredients with salt until smooth and wrap in natural fabric. Apply the resulting mixture to the painful tooth, after half an hour the pain should subside.

Try making a tincture from onion peels; to do this, rinse 15 g of onion peels with hot water, then brew it in 470 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for three minutes. The prepared decoction must be infused for at least 10 hours. The product is used for rinsing twice a day; it can be used for prevention throughout pregnancy.


Garlic is called the most ancient and effective way to combat toothache. You can use a peeled clove of garlic directly, apply it to the tooth and the pain should subside. You can also apply garlic to the pulsating vein on your wrist; if your tooth hurts on the left, apply garlic to your right wrist. Before using garlic, wrap it in cheesecloth.


Use beets both raw and cooked. Apply the peeled and cut into thin strips vegetable to the sore spot. Boil the beets, washed clean in hot water, use the resulting broth to rinse every 40 minutes, after the second rinse the pain will begin to recede.

Cucumbers, potatoes

Juice from fresh cucumbers will help get rid of periodontal disease; use it as a rinse. You can rinse with turnip and carrot juice when caries appears.

Potato broth can also be used for rinsing; inhale over boiled potatoes.

Use of pharmaceuticals and natural remedies

Pharmaceutical preparations can be used to prepare compresses. A cotton ball soaked in the solution is applied to the troubled tooth.

  • tincture of propolis, calendula, valerian, propolis can be melted or just chewed a small piece;
  • drops for teeth;
  • mix vegetable oil and Vietnamese balm Zvezdochka, first moisten a cotton pad with oil, then apply balm on it, apply to the sore spot;
  • fir or sea buckthorn oil will also relieve suffering.

To rinse, use 210 ml of water and 10 ml of 1% peroxide; if the peroxide is 3%, dilute it with water first.

Take 220 ml of boiling water and pour it over 10 g of raw materials, cover with a lid until completely cooled. Rinse your mouth several times a day.

Apply juice from plantain leaves to the inflamed gums several times a day.

Ordinary indoor plants will also help; aloe, kalanchoe, and common geranium are good pain relievers. Wash the leaf of the plant, remember it and apply it to the disturbing place.

Lubricate the erupting wisdom tooth during pregnancy with brilliant green.

Prevention of dental disease

  • Having learned about pregnancy, go to the dentist, he will point out all possible problems, advise treatment and diet;
  • pay close attention to caring for your oral cavity; the saliva of pregnant women becomes viscous, so you may want to think about additional hygiene products;
  • It is better to change your toothbrush every month; after brushing, wash the bristles thoroughly;
  • alternately use pastes with a herbal component and with fluoride and calcium;
  • eat healthy foods, take vitamins;
  • Brush your teeth regularly, use various decoctions for fresh breath.
  • warm the tooth, as heating accelerates the inflammatory process and the condition worsens;
  • consume salty, sour, hard, spicy foods in large quantities - this contributes to tissue irritation;
  • take prohibited medications;
  • Never use alcohol-containing drinks for pain relief.

Follow the rules for using traditional medicine and approved drugs during pregnancy, and take preventive measures. If the pain has subsided, do not stop, because it may return, seek help from a dentist.

- This is not a rare occurrence during pregnancy. And even if you regularly visit the dentist, there is no absolute guarantee that you will not have problems with your teeth during pregnancy. What to do if pain does appear, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy and how to relieve acute pain before going to the dentist - this is discussed in our article.

Causes of frequent toothache in pregnant women

Despite the different standards of living and the nature of pregnancy, even absolutely healthy pregnant women often complain of toothache and exacerbation of chronic diseases. This can be influenced by a number of factors:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • changes in metabolic processes in the female body;
  • hormonal changes;
  • increased acidity of saliva as a consequence of toxicosis in the early stages.

When to contact a dentist?

You can avoid dental problems during pregnancy if you do not neglect visits to the dentist. During this period, preventive examinations are especially important, so go to the doctor at least a couple of times during your pregnancy. Remember that caries in the early stages is not always expressed by painful symptoms. Advanced inflammation is always more difficult to treat than new inflammation. If you feel increased sensitivity of your teeth to hot and cold, then even more so, consult a specialist. During treatment, do not forget to warn the doctor about your situation.

About dental treatment during pregnancy

The statement that pregnant women cannot have their teeth treated is nothing more than a myth. And a dangerous myth. If you experience pain while eating, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor. In pregnant women, caries progresses many times faster, and therefore within a week or two, pulpitis can develop from a simple spot. In the early stages of treatment, you can do without anesthesia and x-rays, which means the risk of harming the baby will be zero.

The ideal time to apply is the second trimester

The most favorable time for dental treatment for pregnant women is the second trimester. During this period, as a rule, complex measures are planned, such as tooth extraction and prosthetics. You can have your teeth filled at any time.

What painkillers are allowed for pregnant women?

All modern anesthetics based on articaine and mepivacaine are approved for pregnant women. The only painkillers you should avoid are those that contain adrenaline. It increases blood pressure and is therefore not good for the child.

What about x-rays?

Despite the general ban on X-rays for pregnant women, dental photographs can still be taken. True, infrequently and with the use of specialized equipment and protection.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to take 1-2 photographs of the teeth using a computer radiovisiograph. The radiation from this device is so small that it cannot harm the baby. In addition, during the procedure, a lead apron must be placed on the tummy. It provides additional protection from radiation.

Emergency help for toothache

Suddenly a tooth began to ache – who doesn’t? But if time or health does not allow you to urgently consult a doctor, take a paracetamol-based pain reliever. Shouldn't you swallow the whole pill at once, should you limit yourself first? - ? norms. If it doesn't help, drink more.

Paracetamol is one of the few medicines approved for pregnant and lactating women. It not only helps reduce fever, but also effectively copes with pain of various types. In many cases, it is much better than the “NO-SHPA” recommended by doctors. However, remember that paracetamol is eliminated from the body 6-7 hours after administration, so you should not get carried away with it while breastfeeding.