Cold poultry dishes. Technology for preparing complex specialty poultry dishes




Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism


on the course “technology of public catering products”

on the topic:

« Assortment and features of preparing poultry dishes ».


1. Characteristics of poultry dishes…………………………………….6

1.1 Characteristics of the raw materials used……………………………6

1.2 Methods of cooking poultry……………………………...8

2. Assortment and features of preparing poultry dishes……….17

2.1 Poultry processing, preparation of semi-finished products and use of food waste…………………………………………………………………………………17

2.2 Physico-chemical processes occurring during heat treatment…………………………………………………………………………………..24

2.3 Dishes from boiled and poached poultry………………………….33

2.4. Fried and stewed poultry dishes……………………………35

2.5. Dishes from chopped poultry………………………………………………………38

2.6. Requirements for the quality of poultry dishes……………………………...40

3. Technological documentation for public catering products…………………………………………………………………………………...43


Terms and definitions……………………………………………………………..54

List of sources used………………………………………………………..59

Appendix A……………………………………………………………..60

Appendix B……………………………………………………………...61

Appendix B……………………………………………………………...62

Appendix D………………………………………………………………………………....63

Appendix D………………………………………………………...64

Appendix E……………………………………………………………….……………..65

Appendix G……………………………………………………………...……………...67

Appendix 3……………………………………………………………69

Appendix I……………………………………………………………...71

Appendix K………………………………………………………...72


We have already become accustomed to associating taste with a certain type of product - so poultry, for example, has its own unique smell and taste. But practice has shown something else: the product can remain the same, but its taste will change depending on the culinary treatment.

Tender and tasty poultry meat has always been considered a delicacy. But now poultry farming has developed so much that poultry meat, especially chicken, is available to the majority of the population. Chickens have long become a familiar food for us. We usually cook duck, goose, and turkey on holidays.

Stores often sell not adult birds, but chickens raised in an accelerated way - broilers.

The most valuable nutritional component of poultry meat is, of course, protein. Chicken meat, including broilers, depending on the category, contains 18-21%, geese meat - 15-17%, duck meat - 16-17%, turkey meat - 19-21%, quail 18% protein . The amino acid composition of poultry meat is favorable; there is no shortage of essential amino acids.

As a rule, there is much more fat in the meat of waterfowl. For comparison: the fat content of broilers ranges from 11-16%, of similar-aged goslings - 14-28%, ducklings - 20-27%. Accordingly, the fat content of chickens is 8-17%, turkeys - 12-22%, while geese - 28-39%, and ducks - 24-27%.

Chicken meat contains a lot of highly valuable essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - more than beef and lamb. The predominant vitamins in poultry meat are B vitamins. Mineral elements include phosphorus and iron.

Like any other meat, poultry meat is boiled, fried and stewed, cutlets and other minced products are prepared from it. At the same time, poultry meat (especially broilers) quickly becomes soft and tender, since it contains little connective tissue. The pectoral muscles contain the least amount of them, which is why the most delicious dishes are prepared from poultry breasts.

When cooked, 40 to 60% of vitamins are lost, so side dishes for chicken, ducks, geese and turkeys, as well as other meat dishes, should include vitamin-rich fresh vegetables or sauerkraut.

Poultry meat contains more complete proteins than meat from domestic animals. Chicken and turkey meat is considered a dietary product; it is better and faster absorbed. Poultry dishes are recommended not only for the healthy, but also for the sick, convalescents, and those in need of increased nutrition; they are very useful for children. Poultry meat contains a lot of vitamins. Poultry by-products (heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs, scallops, necks, wings) are also rich in nutrients. Poultry dishes are quick, easy and simple to prepare.

Poultry dishes are an important source of proteins. Poultry meat has less connective tissue and therefore 2-3 times less incomplete proteins than beef.

Poultry fillet dishes are especially appreciated, as they contain more nitrogenous substances and have a delicate texture. Culinary products from lean poultry are widely used in medical nutrition. Side dishes of cereals and potatoes complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetables enrich their vitamin and mineral composition.

Therefore, consideration of the range and features of preparing poultry dishes will be a relevant topic for writing a term paper.

The topic of this course project is very relevant while various public catering enterprises appear on the market of goods and services, fighting for consumer attention to their products, which, in fact, is the basis of their success, growth and prosperity. As an interconnected phenomenon, growing, strong enterprises become providers of higher quality, better goods and services, while distinguishing their work with a high level of service and attention to the wants and needs of customers.

The purpose of writing a course work is to acquire theoretical knowledge about the technological processes of poultry processing, preparation, presentation and distribution of ready-made dishes, assessing its quality and safety.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to study a number of the following questions:

    The importance of poultry dishes in nutrition

    Methods for cooking poultry

    Processes that shape product quality

    Poultry processing

    Poultry dishes

The basis for the research is information from the Internet, study of textbooks, teaching aids, catalogs, articles from magazines and newspapers.

    Characteristics of poultry dishes

1.1 Characteristics of the raw materials used

Poultry includes chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys.

Poultry meat is healthy and easily digestible (93%). It contains proteins (15-22%), fats (5-39%), mineral salts, extractives, as well as vitamins A, D, PP, group B. Poultry fat melts at a low temperature (23-39 ° C), it contains a lot of unsaturated acids. When cooked, it melts and penetrates through the muscle tissue, making the meat juicy and improving its taste. Complete proteins predominate in poultry meat. Among mineral substances, meat contains salts of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and copper. Poultry meat contains a lot of extractive substances, so broths, especially from chicken, are aromatic, causing increased secretion of digestive juices, and this contributes to better absorption of food.

Compared to slaughtered livestock, poultry muscle tissue is denser and finer-fibered. There is less connective tissue, it is more delicate and soft. Fat deposits are located under the skin, on the intestines and stomach. Thanks to the uniform distribution of fat between the muscle bundles, poultry meat has a delicate texture, pleasant taste and aroma. The skin is thin, pink to yellow, depending on the breed.

Poultry meat is classified by type, age, processing method, thermal state, fattening, and quality of finishing.

The young bird has a non-ossified, cartilaginous keel of the sternum and a non-keratinized beak. Chickens have delicate, elastic scales on their legs, roosters have soft, movable spurs in the form of a tubercle, and goslings and ducklings have delicate skin.

The adult bird has a hard, ossified sternum keel and a horny beak. Chickens and turkeys have hard scales on their legs, roosters and turkeys have hard, keratinized spurs, and geese and ducks have tough skin.

Poultry is delivered to food establishments without feathers, chilled or frozen, semi-gutted (carcasses without intestines) or gutted (carcasses in which internal organs have been removed, except kidneys, lungs, omentum; head - to the 2nd cervical vertebra, legs - to the tarsal joint , neck - without skin at the base). Depending on the fatness of the bird, it can be of the first or second category.

The bird must be well processed, clean, and free of bruises.

The quality of poultry meat is assessed by the appearance of the carcasses, the color of the meat, its consistency 1, the state of the fat, and the smell.

Poultry carcasses that do not meet the requirements of category II are not used for cooking.

In the production of culinary products from poultry, the most common heat treatment methods are boiling, frying, stewing, poaching and baking.

Depending on the method of heat treatment, poultry dishes are divided into boiled, fried, stewed and baked.

      1.2. Methods for cooking poultry

The variety of raw materials and products used in culinary practice, the wide range of culinary products determine the variety of processing methods 2.

The method of culinary processing of raw materials and semi-finished products depends on:

    amount of waste;

    amount of nutrient loss;

    weight loss;

    taste of the dish;

    digestibility of finished products.

Methods for processing raw materials and products are classified:

    by stages of the technological process of production of culinary products;

    by the nature of the active principle.

Methods are distinguished according to the stages of the technological process:

    used in processing raw materials to obtain semi-finished products;

    used at the stage of thermal culinary processing of semi-finished products in order to obtain finished products;

    used at the stage of sales of finished products.

According to the nature of the active principle, they are divided into:



    The bird is being seasoned.

    For second courses, chickens, chicks, turkeys, and, less often, geese and ducks are cooked; for cold dishes, game can be used. Sauce is prepared from the broth obtained by cooking chickens, chickens, and turkeys. The duration of cooking depends on the type of poultry, age and ranges from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. Losses during cooking poultry are 25%.

    Poultry and game are fried whole carcasses and portioned pieces. They are fried in the main way, in the oven and less often in deep fat.

    Technology and rules for preparing complex hot dishes from agricultural (poultry) poultry

    Temperature, sanitary conditions and cooking rules for different types of complex poultry dishes. Indicators of readiness and quality requirements for complex hot dishes from agricultural (poultry) poultry. Technique for cutting hot poultry into portions. Suitable side dishes, dressings, sauces for individual poultry dishes. Portioning, serving and design options for complex hot dishes from farm (poultry) poultry.

    “Technology for preparing dishes from poultry and game birds”

    Poultry or game with steam sauce . Boil the chicken and prepare a white steam sauce separately in a strong broth. When serving, a portion of hot chicken is placed in a deep dish or on a plate, and next to the bird is a side dish seasoned with oil: crumbly rice porridge cooked in broth (poached rice), boiled mushrooms, cut into diamond shapes. Pour white sauce or white sauce with egg yolk over the chicken. Garnish with lettuce leaves or a sprig of parsley.

    Product norm (No. 698), g: chicken - 208, sauce (No. 844) - 75, side dish (No. 747, 748) - 150, salt, herbs, fresh porcini mushrooms - 43, butter - 2. Yield - 350.

    Poultry stewed in red sauce with tarragon . The fried chicken is cut into portions, placed in a saucepan, smoked brisket is added, prepared mushrooms cut into slices, olives, onions and potatoes cut into slices and fried, poured over with red sauce with tarragon and simmered for 10-15 minutes until cooked. Serve in the same bowl. When leaving, put halved tomatoes on top, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and parsley.

    Product norm (No. 710), g: chicken - 216, smoked brisket - 13, table margarine - 12, potatoes - 133, onions - 31, fresh porcini mushrooms -3 6, olives - 15, sauce (No. 835) - 125, fresh tomatoes - 47, garlic - 1. Output - 390.

    Stuffed chicken . The prepared minced meat is placed on the skin, removed from the meat of young chickens and laid out on damp parchment, a napkin or gauze, leveled, wrapped in the shape of a roll or shaped into a carcass, the ends of the parchment or napkin are tied and placed in a bowl. Boil the chicken in a small amount of broth in a sealed container over low heat. Cooking time - 35-40 minutes per 1 kg of minced meat. A portion of chicken (two or three pieces) is placed on a dish, garnished with steamed rice, beans, peas or one of the complex side dishes and topped with white sauce with egg yolk. After poaching, the stuffed chicken can be poured with oil and fried in the oven, and when served, poured with juice or red sauce with Madeira. For a side dish you can give one of the complex side dishes.

    For minced meat, the chicken flesh is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, the crumb of wheat bread soaked in milk or cream is added, and passed again through a meat grinder with a fine grid or through a grinding machine. Add softened butter, raw egg, milk, salt, pepper, nutmeg to the crushed mass and mix.

    Norm of products per serving, g: chicken meat - 85, wheat bread - 10, milk or cream - 25, butter - 10, eggs - 1/4 pcs.; sauce - 75, side dish - 150, salt, pepper, nutmeg. The output is 225.

    Chicken stew. Chicken carcasses are cut into pieces (two or three per serving), sprinkled with salt, fried on all sides in a saucepan with fat, poured with brown broth, tomato puree is added and simmered in a sealed container for 40-60 minutes (depending on age birds). Sliced ​​or sliced. Potatoes are fried in cubes, and carrots, turnips, parsley and onions, also cut into slices, are lightly fried in oil.

    After stewing, the pieces of poultry are transferred to another saucepan, the broth is added to the flour sauté, as for red sauce, and boiled for several minutes.

    Place fried vegetables, a bouquet of spices, potatoes in a saucepan with pieces of chicken and pour the strained sauce over everything, cover the dish with a lid, bring to a boil on the stove, then put it in the oven for 25-30 minutes. When the stew is ready, remove the broth with spices and store on a steam table until serving. When preparing this dish in large quantities, it is better to simmer the pieces of poultry and the side dish with spices separately in the sauce.

    This stew can be prepared differently: fry the poultry carcasses and simmer until done with brown broth. Cut the finished carcasses into portions and place in a saucepan. Add tomato puree, sauteed flour to the broth obtained from poaching and prepare the sauce. Do the rest in the same way as described above.

    You can also cook goose or duck stew. When serving in a deep dish or on a plate, place a portion of stewed poultry, top it with a side dish along with the sauce and sprinkle with herbs.

    Food norm per serving, g: chicken - 145, potatoes - 145, turnips - 20, carrots - 20, parsley - 10, onions - 25, tomato puree - 15, poultry fat - 12, table margarine - 10, flour - 3, sauce - 125, a bunch of herbs with spices and finely chopped greens. Output - 350.

    Goose, duck with apples. The apples are peeled, cut into two or four parts and the seed capsule is removed. Place the cut apples on a greased baking sheet or in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven. When serving, place the fried bird on a dish or baking sheet, garnish with baked apples and pour over meat juice and butter and garnish with a branch of herbs.

    Norm of products (No. 713), g: goose - 261, or duck - 246, table margarine - 5, butter, butter - 7, apples - 250, sugar - 5, salt. Exit-

    Poultry quenelles - the mass is formed into balls, which are boiled and served with clear soups or baked. The dumpling mass can be used to stuff fillet cutlets.

    Poultry soufflé- spread the mass into prepared forms and bake or divide 20-25 g into pieces and steam or simmer in a saucepan for 10-12 minutes. Served with boiled green peas, cauliflower, potatoes in milk, vegetable puree, and steamed rice. When leaving, pour oil over it.

    Weight loss during cooking and poaching amount to 18-28% depending on the type of raw materials and semi-finished products.

    -Dishes of stewed poultry, game and rabbit

    Old poultry is stewed; the finished dishes have a special taste and juiciness. Before stewing, poultry, game and rabbit are cut into pieces and fried (or whole carcasses are fried and then chopped).

    Stew of poultry, game, rabbit or offal- carcasses are cut into pieces of 40-50 g or offal (stomachs and hearts - 50%, necks and wings - 50%), fried, poured with broth or water (20-30% of the weight of the products), sautéed tomato puree is added and stewed in for 30-40 minutes. The red main sauce is prepared using the broth left over from the stew. They pour over fried vegetables (potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsley and onions), stewed pieces of meat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. The stew is served together with sauce and side dish.

    Chakhokhbili- Georgian national dish - chicken pieces are fried, separately sautéed onions, cut into rings, are added, chopped tomatoes and separately sautéed dry flour are added, broth (water), vinegar is added and simmered; 10-15 minutes before readiness, add spices and herbs (quinoa, basil, black pepper, crushed garlic). Serve in portioned pans, sprinkled with herbs.

    Chicken or turkey satsivi (poultry in nut sauce)- Georgian national dish - the prepared bird carcass is boiled until half cooked, fried in an oven and chopped into portioned pieces (fillet and leg). Portioned pieces of poultry are poured with hot satsivi sauce. Serve cold. To make the sauce, finely chopped onions are sautéed in oil, flour is added and diluted with broth. The nuts are crushed, crushed garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, and cloves are added. The mass is diluted with broth and added to boiling broth with onions. Then they wipe everything, add boiled vinegar, utskho-sunelli and cook for five minutes. Egg yolks are ground in a small amount of sauce cooled to 50 0 C, then gradually introduced into the hot sauce.

    Poultry or rabbit stewed in sauce- prepared poultry or rabbit carcasses are fried, chopped, poured with sauce and simmered for 15-20 minutes. When on vacation, garnish (boiled or steamed rice, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes) and top with red main sauce, red sauce with wine, and onion sauce.

    Chicken stewed with carrots and turnips- the chicken carcass is cut into portions (losses are about 1%), breaded in flour and fried in margarine, chopped and sautéed vegetables are added, water and spices are added and simmered until half cooked. Then pour in the sauce and bring to readiness. The stewed chicken is served with vegetables and sauce. The dish can be prepared in portioned pots.

    Extinguishing losses make up 25-31%.

    Dishes from fried and baked poultry, game and rabbit

    Frying duration chickens, partridges, hazel grouse - 20-30 minutes, black grouse - 40-45 minutes, chickens and ducks - 40-60 minutes, geese and turkeys - 1-1.5 hours.

    Rabbits are chopped into 4-6 servings, small game (woodcock, quail, snipe, great snipe, hazel grouse and partridge) is served whole carcasses.

    In case of mass production, the portioned poultry is stored in the refrigerator, before serving, watered with juice and placed in an oven for heating at a temperature of 160-180 0 C for 5-7 minutes.

    Chickens, fried chickens. Whole poultry carcasses are rubbed with salt from the surface and inside. Seasoned carcasses of hens or chickens are placed back down on a heated baking sheet with fat and fried until a golden brown crust forms on the surface. In this case, the carcass is turned from the back to one side, then to the other and onto the breast. The carcasses are fried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 200 °C. While frying in the cabinet, they are periodically turned over and watered with the released fat and juice. Before frying, chickens and lean chickens are brushed with sour cream to create a more golden brown crust. Readiness is determined by piercing the thick part of the flesh with a chef's needle; clear juice flows out of the finished bird. Old chickens are boiled before frying or simmered until soft after frying.

    Fried poultry carcasses are cut lengthwise into two parts, then each half is divided into fillet and leg and chopped into the same number of pieces. The fillet is chopped in a transverse direction, and the legs are chopped obliquely. Use two pieces per serving (fillet and leg). If you are cutting a large roast bird into portions, you can cut out the back bone. Chickens are released whole carcasses or cut in half lengthwise in the middle of the breastbone, sometimes cut into 3-5 parts. Chopped pieces of poultry are placed in a saucepan, meat juice is added and heated for 5-7 minutes.

    When leaving, place fried potatoes on a portioned dish or plate, next to it is a portion of fried poultry, pour over meat sauce and butter. Additionally, as a side dish you can serve green salad, red or white cabbage salad, pickled berries and fruits, and pickled apples in a salad bowl, vase or pie plate.

    Chicken 216, or chicken 213, or broiler chicken 196, sour cream 3, table margarine 5, butter 7, side dish 150. Yield 257.

    Goose, duck, fried turkey. Seasoned goose, duck or turkey carcasses are rubbed with salt, placed back down on a baking sheet, the surface of the turkeys is poured with melted butter, and the geese and ducks are moistened with hot water and fried in the oven. Every 10-15 minutes, water the bird with the released fat and juice. When a golden brown crust forms on the surface of the breast, the carcass is turned upside down and fried until cooked; towards the end of frying, the temperature in the oven is lowered. Old geese are boiled until half cooked before frying.

    The finished bird is cut into portions, placed in a bowl and stored in the refrigerator. Before serving, place the chopped poultry on a baking sheet or in a saucepan, pour in a little meat juice and heat in the oven for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 160-180 °C.

    When leaving, place fried potatoes on a portioned dish or plate, next to them are pieces of goose, duck or turkey, pour over meat juice. It is recommended to serve goose or duck with stewed cabbage or baked apples.

    Preparing baked apples. Antonov apples are washed, peeled and seeded, cut into slices, placed on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with sugar and baked in the oven.

    Fried game. Seasoned game carcasses (hazel grouse, partridge, black grouse, wood grouse) are rubbed with salt and fried in the same way as chickens. The finished game is cut into portions depending on the size of the carcass: black grouse and pheasants - into 4-5 parts, wood grouse - into 6-8, hazel grouse and partridges - in half lengthwise, and small game is used whole.

    Small game (woodcock, great snipe, snipe, quail) before frying is wrapped in a thin layer of bacon and tied with twine. They are fried not in frying pans, but in saucepans, so that the oil does not overheat. After a crispy crust has formed, close the saucepan with a lid and cook the game until cooked.

    When on vacation, put French fries or fried potatoes on a portioned dish or plate, next to them is a portioned piece of game or a whole carcass, sprinkle with butter or add meat juice. Separately, you can serve a salad of red or white cabbage, pickled fruits or berries.

    Game fried in sour cream sauce. The game is fried and cut into portions, placed in the container in which it was fried, poured with sour cream sauce, covered with a lid and heated for 5-7 minutes.

    When leaving, put game on a portioned dish, pour over sour cream sauce, side dish - fried potatoes or french fries, serve separately, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

    Tobacco chickens. The breast of the processed chicken is cut lengthwise, spread out, giving a flat shape; If you use half, then cut it in half lengthwise. Then sprinkle with salt, grease with sour cream, and you can first rub with garlic. The prepared chicken is placed in a frying pan heated with oil and fried on both sides under pressure.

    When leaving, put the chicken on a portioned dish or plate, and place a side dish around it: tomatoes, green onions, cut into pieces 3-4 cm long, or onions, cut into rings, a slice of lemon. Garnish with lettuce leaves or parsley, serve separately with tkemali sauce or crushed garlic diluted with broth or wine vinegar.

    Chickens 414, butter 18, sour cream 5, tkemali sauce 50 or garlic 26, boiled water 30. Yield 250/50.

    Goose, duck stuffed - The prepared bird is stuffed with small or medium potatoes, prunes or apples and fried in the oven for 45-60 minutes. When leaving, the stuffed bird is portioned, placed on a dish along with the minced meat and sprinkled with juice or butter.

    Fried goose liver- the liver is poached and fried in goose lard with garlic and onions. Before serving, the liver is removed from the fat and decorated with parsley or cilantro.

    Chicken casserole with ham - Chicken meat and ham are passed through a meat grinder, bechamel sauce (milk sauce without butter) is added, placed in a portioned frying pan, sprinkled with grated cheese on top and baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 0 C. The dish is served with mashed potatoes and tomato sauce.

    Bird fries - chickens, chicks or turkeys are boiled, chopped into portions, breaded, dipped in lezon, breaded in white breading, deep-fried until a crust forms and cooked in the oven. When serving, pour over butter and garnish with fried potatoes. Tomato sauce with wine is served separately. The dish is decorated with lettuce or parsley.

    Losses during frying and baking range from 8% (deep-frying portioned pieces) to 40% (frying geese carcasses).

    Possible types of defects in complex hot dishes from agricultural (poultry) poultry and ways to eliminate them.

    Rules and conditions for storing prepared complex hot dishes from agricultural (poultry) poultry.

    Table Conditions and periods of storage of poultry, game and rabbit dishes

    Risks in the field of safety of the processes of preparation and storage of finished complex hot culinary products. Methods for monitoring food safety, processes of preparation and storage of finished complex hot products.

    Poultry is subjected to various methods of heat treatment depending on fatness, age and other factors.

    Chickens and turkeys are fried, boiled and stewed, but geese and ducks for main courses are often fried and stewed. The meat of old farm poultry is very tough and therefore it is boiled or stewed, since it does not soften enough when fried.

    The features of the anatomical structure and size of poultry carcasses make it possible to subject them to heat treatment as a whole. Therefore, they are usually portioned after boiling and frying, and only when preparing some dishes are they chopped in advance.

    Chopped poultry products are prepared less frequently than meat products. Ducks and geese contain a lot of fat, so it is not practical to cook them, but chicken and turkey have tender flesh and can be used for preparing pieces of products.

    The heat treatment time ranges from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the age and size of the bird.

    Boiled bird. For second courses (chickens, chickens, turkeys) it is better to boil them whole. The prepared carcass is placed in hot water (2-2.5 liters per 1 kg), brought to a boil, roots, onions, salt are added and cooked at moderate heat 85-90C. Chickens are cooked for 30 - 40 minutes, chickens - at least 1 hour, turkeys - 1.5 hours. The readiness of the bird is determined by piercing the thick part of the flesh of the leg with a chef's needle (the needle passes freely, the juice flowing from the puncture is clear). Losses during poultry cooking are 25%. Sauce is prepared from the broth obtained by cooking chickens, chickens, and turkeys. Before serving, the finished bird is cut into portions: first along the breast into two parts, then the legs are separated from the loin (both can be divided into smaller portions).

    Young birds can be poached by cutting them into portions. Place them obliquely in a greased saucepan, fill a third or a quarter with broth and simmer under the lid, sprinkling with lemon juice so that the poultry meat does not darken.

    When leaving, put steamed rice, mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes on a portioned dish or plate, next to it is a portion of poultry, pour over white sauce, white sauce with egg, steam, or you can pour butter over it.

    Stewed poultry. Before stewing, it is advisable to cut the bird into pieces (or do this after 20 minutes of cooking) and simmer under the lid in red (tomato) or sour cream sauce, adding vegetables, mushrooms, and seasonings if desired.

    You can cut raw chicken into pieces, put it in a roasting pan, add salt, pepper, garlic, add sour cream and simmer in a moderately heated oven until cooked.

    More than other poultry, lean duck is suitable for stewing. You can stew potatoes, cabbage, antonovka, and prunes with it.

    Chopped poultry products. Cutlet and dumpling masses are prepared from poultry. For which raw and boiled poultry pulp is used. It is advisable to add butter to minced chicken. Cutlets, meatballs, and meatballs are formed from the cutlet mass and poached or fried in the main way, coated in ground breadcrumbs or grated bread. Dishes made from quenelle mass are poached or steamed.

    Fried poultry. Poultry is fried whole carcasses and portioned pieces on the stove and in ovens with fat or in deep fat.

    Whole carcasses are rubbed with salt and brushed with sour cream. For frying chickens, geese, and ducks of the 1st category, raw lard removed from the bird is used. The seasoned carcasses are placed back down on baking sheets or frying pans with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160C and fried until an even golden brown crust forms over the entire surface of the carcass. The fried carcasses are placed in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes to finish cooking. Readiness is determined by piercing the leg with a chef's needle, and it should freely enter the thickness of the pulp, and clear juice should flow out of the puncture. For frying in an oven, the prepared carcasses are placed on a baking sheet with their back down. The initial temperature in the oven should be 200 - 250C, after 10 minutes the temperature is reduced to 160C and the bird is cooked until cooked. Before frying, skinny poultry is brushed with sour cream or poured with melted fat, while fat geese and ducks are doused with hot water. While frying poultry in the oven, the carcasses are periodically turned over and basted with fat and juice released during frying.

    It is recommended to boil old ducks, geese, and turkeys until half cooked before frying.

    Duration of frying chickens is 20-30 minutes, chickens and ducks - 40-60 minutes, geese and turkeys - 1-1.5 hours.

    The poultry is cut into portions immediately before serving. For turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens, it is recommended to serve two pieces per serving (a leg piece and a fillet piece). When portioning large birds, you can cut out the back bone. To do this, the bird is cut lengthwise so that one half ends up with the dorsal bone, which is cut out.

    When leaving, place fried potatoes on a portioned dish or plate, next to it is a portion of fried poultry, pour over meat sauce and butter. Additionally, as a side dish you can serve red or white cabbage salad, pickled berries and fruits, pickled apples in a salad bowl, vase or on a pie plate /10/13/.

    Cold poultry dishes are considered appetizers, and on the table they play the role of an additional dish to the main meal, but in an evening feast, they can also be an independent delicacy. Preparing cold appetizers is no different from preparing hot appetizers.

    Finished bird carcasses are first cut in half, from top to bottom, and then, if necessary, into several more parts. Place them on a beautiful dish, previously laid with lettuce leaves. The top of the bird is sprinkled with chopped herbs or whole twigs.

    Greens, various fruits, vegetables, and sometimes both together serve as a side dish. Pickled preparations (lingonberries, grapes, plums) and sauerkraut of any variety are also used. Some people like cold poultry with mayonnaise or different flavored sauces - sour, sweet. Game can even be garnished with jam; lingonberry jam is especially suitable.

    Today, in our healthy eating section, we will help you properly prepare cold poultry dishes so that they are tasty, and at the same time look beautiful and appetizing on your holiday table.

    Dried goose

    Rinse the goose carcass thoroughly, first removing the entrails. Then thoroughly soak it on all sides with salt, wrap it tightly in parchment, tie it, eliminating the possibility of air getting into it.

    After all, this package must be hung from the ceiling in the attic, where the room is well ventilated and away from the sun. Drying lasts 3-4 months. By this time, the paper will be completely saturated with melted goose fat. The meat itself will differ in elasticity and color - with a red tint.

    Such meat, cut into pieces, can be eaten raw or boiled, boiled a little, then cooled and cut into thin slices.

    Dried goose meat will not spoil for 2-3 years if storage conditions are observed - darkness and coolness.

    Chicken crispbread

    Ingredients: chicken fillet - 700 gr.; lean meat - 100 gr.; slices of old bread - 4 pcs.; eggs - 2 pcs.; milk - 1 tbsp.; spices (salt, pepper) - to taste; vegetables and herbs for decoration; mayonnaise.

    Separate the flesh of the chicken carcass from the bones, and blend together with the skin and fat in a blender. If desired, you can mix it with lean veal and pig meat. Add eggs, bread crumbs soaked in milk and spices to the resulting minced meat.

    Pass the finished mixture through the blender again. Then, use a wooden spoon to fluff the minced meat. After you beat it, transfer it to a pre-greased baking dish. Trim and cover with parchment on top. Place the mold in the oven at 150-170 C.

    After an hour, remove from the oven. Once cooled down within 15 minutes, remove the workpiece from the mold. Cut into thin slices and place on a plate, decorate with vegetables and green peas. Serve mayonnaise in a small cup. This dish, like many meat dishes, is consumed cold.

    Duck satsivi

    Required products: 800 gr. duck carcass, 2 tbsp. l. butter.
    For sauce: 1.5 onions; 4 cloves of garlic; 0.5 bunch of cilantro; khmeli-suneli; 1 tbsp. l. flour; 40 ml. wine vinegar, salt.

    For dressing: 2 egg yolks, pepper, cloves, saffron, 0.5 tbsp. walnuts.

    Meat. Rinse the duck body and cook. Place the semi-finished carcass on an oven sheet, on the belly, and, after greasing with oil, finish roasting in the oven. Don't pour out the broth. To prevent the duck from burning and drying out, change its position from time to time, not forgetting to soak it in the juice released from it. Cut the fried poultry into portions.

    Sauce. After chopping the onion, let it simmer for 10 minutes. Then adding flour, without stopping sautéing, gradually pour in part of the duck broth. Flavor with spices: salt, finely chopped herbs, vinegar, garlic crushed in a garlic press, hop-suneli seasoning.

    Place the duck pieces into the resulting sauce and simmer for 10 minutes.
    During this time, prepare the dressing by mixing: crushed red pepper, cloves, chopped walnuts, yolks, saffron infusion and the remaining broth. Add the prepared dressing to the sauce. Stir and remove from heat. Cool and serve, garnished with a sprig of herbs.

    Pheasant casserole

    We will need: game - 1 pheasant / onions - 5-6 heads / stewed rice - 0.5 kg / butter - 150 g, plus 50 g. for sauce / chopped parsley and leek - 1 rosette / pepper - 6-7 peas / nutmeg / flour (for sauce) - 40 gr.

    Pluck the shot pheasant, gut it and wash it. Then soak it in bacon and salt. Prepare the frying pan. Fry in it, in a small amount of butter, chopped onions, a couple of cloves of bacon and black peppercorns.

    Place the stuffed pheasant on top and fry everything together. Remove the finished game from the pan and cool. After that, remove all the bones from it, and, cutting into portions, mix again with fried spices.

    In a separate bowl, simmer the rice. Then we prepare the sauce for the side dish: fry the flour in butter, and so that it does not turn out thick, add a little juice from the pheasant that was released during frying.

    Take fried pieces of pheasant, mix with cooked rice, add salt and nutmeg. After that, grease the baking sheet and put the whole mass on it. Lay thinly sliced ​​layers of butter on top of it and quickly put it in the oven. Before serving the poultry, sprinkle it with parsley and leeks mixed with chopped tomatoes. The casserole is delicious both cold and warm.



    Full-time department of secondary vocational education


    according to PM Technology of preparation of complex cold culinary products

    Cold poultry appetizers

    Completed by student of group No. S-34

    Fedorova Marina Vladimirovna

    Checked by the teacher

    Pimenova Hameda Mukhamatshevna

    Glazov, 2013

    1. Introduction

    Chapter 1. Characteristics of raw materials and products


    2Heat treatment methods

    3 Features of poultry processing

    4 Assortment of cold poultry appetizers

    5 Technology for preparing cold poultry appetizers

    7 Methods of presentation when serving visitors. Implementation deadlines

    Chapter 2. Characteristics of the cold shop

    1 Cold shop

    2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the workshop

    3 Organization of work in the cold shop


    List of used literature



    Cold dishes and snacks are increasingly used in the diet of our population. They occupy a large place in the menu of catering establishments and in the assortment of culinary products stores. Cold appetizers usually include cold dishes that contain a main product and no side dish or it is given in limited quantities and assortment. For example, chum and granular caviar with green onions, pressed caviar with lemon, salmon and balyki with lemon, sprats with eggs, sprats and sardines with lemon, salted and pickled mushrooms, dried fish, etc. There is a clear distinction between a cold dish and a cold one. no snacks. The same culinary product can be a cold dish or a cold appetizer. As a rule, a snack is smaller in volume and weight than a cold dish. Cold dishes are usually served at the beginning of a meal. In this case, they are called appetizers; they complement the composition of the main courses, decorate the table, satisfy hunger, stimulate appetite and complement the nutritional value of diets. The rich assortment and nutritional value of cold dishes make it possible to use them as main dishes for breakfast, dinner, or supplement the banquet menu with them. For example, pate, jellied meat or fish can be included in the dinner or breakfast menu, and cold appetizers: caviar, salads, herring with a side dish, etc., in the lunch, breakfast or dinner menu in order to stimulate appetite. The soothing effect of cold dishes and snacks is determined by their spicy taste, intricate design, and pleasant coloring of the products included in these products. In human nutrition, cold dishes and snacks are not only auxiliary. Many of them are high in calories, for example, salads made from meat or fish products with mayonnaise, game cheese, galantine, etc. Cold appetizers made from fresh vegetables are low in calories and rich in vitamins, mineral salts, and valuable organic acids. The calorie content of cold dishes varies widely and depends on their composition and the investment rates of individual products. Dishes made from green salads have the lowest calorie content (50-100 calories), while meat and fish salads seasoned with sour cream and mayonnaise have more calories: the calorie content of one serving reaches 250-350 calories, depending on the rate of input of raw materials. Vegetables and fruits, which are included in large quantities of cold dishes, are an important source of valuable nutrients such as vitamins and mineral salts.

    Chicken meat contains a lot of highly valuable essential polyunsaturated fatty acids - more than beef and lamb. The predominant vitamins in poultry meat are B vitamins. Mineral elements include phosphorus and iron.

    Like any other meat, poultry meat is boiled, fried and stewed, cutlets and other minced products are prepared from it. At the same time, poultry meat (especially broilers) quickly becomes soft and tender, since it contains little connective tissue. The pectoral muscles contain the least amount of them, which is why the most delicious dishes are prepared from poultry breasts.

    When cooked, 40 to 60% of vitamins are lost, so side dishes for chicken, ducks, geese and turkeys, as well as other meat dishes, should include vitamin-rich fresh vegetables or sauerkraut. Poultry meat contains more complete proteins than meat from domestic animals. Chicken and turkey meat is considered a dietary product; it is better and faster absorbed. Poultry dishes are recommended not only for the healthy, but also for the sick, convalescents, and those in need of increased nutrition; they are very useful for children. Poultry meat contains a lot of vitamins. Poultry by-products (heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs, scallops, necks, wings) are also rich in nutrients. Poultry dishes are easy and simple to prepare. Poultry dishes are an important source of proteins. Poultry meat has less connective tissue and therefore 2-3 times less incomplete proteins than beef. The protein content in boiled chicken and turkey meat reaches 30% of the total mass. Poultry fats are fusible, contain many highly unsaturated acids and are easily digestible. Poultry fillet dishes are especially appreciated, as they contain more nitrogenous substances and have a delicate texture. Culinary products from lean poultry are widely used in medical nutrition. Side dishes of cereals and potatoes complement poultry dishes with carbohydrates, and vegetable dishes enrich them.

    Vitamin and mineral composition. Therefore, consideration of the range and features of preparing poultry dishes will be a relevant topic for writing a term paper.

    My goal in writing this course work is to study in more detail some types of cold poultry appetizers, justify their preparation features, draw up technological cards, make calculations for these dishes, explain everything about the cold shop and its derivatives, draw conclusions for yourself about the work I have done.

    Chapter 1. Characteristics of raw materials and products

    1Commodity classification of poultry meat

    The main types of poultry are: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and guinea fowl.

    Chickens are the most common type of poultry. Depending on the productivity, chickens are divided into meat, egg-laying and general use (egg-laying meat). Meat chickens (Cornish, Brahma, Langshan) are characterized by high live weight: roosters - 3.5-5.5 kg, chickens - 3-4.5 kg, as well as rapid growth, precocity, good muscle development with a small content of connective tissue. Their meat yield is high - up to 70%.

    Much attention is paid to raising broilers - meat chickens. They are distinguished by high early maturity and at the age of 60 days reach a live weight of 1.6 kg or more. Broiler meat - chickens is tender, juicy, and has high taste and dietary advantages. It contains about 20% protein and 5.2-12.3% fat. Broiler chickens are sold chilled. Egg-laying chickens (Russian White, New Hampshire, Leghorn, Poltava, White Moscow) are small in size and live weight: roosters - 2.7-3 kg, chickens - 1.8-2.2 kg. Egg production - 220-260 eggs per year. Common chickens (Zagorskie, Plymouthrock, Livenskie, Moscow black) are larger than egg-laying chickens, but their eggs are smaller. The live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kg, chickens - 2.5-3 kg. They fatten well and grow quickly.

    Geese are large in size and heavy in weight: ganders - 6-12kg, geese - 5-10kg. The most common meat breeds of geese are: Arzamas, large raw, Kholmogory, Tula, Lithuanian.

    Ducks grow quickly and reach a weight of 2 kg at 8 weeks of age. In our country, several breeds of ducks are bred - Peking, Moscow white, mirror. Based on productivity, they are divided into meat, egg-laying and general-purpose meat breeds.

    Turkeys are the largest type of poultry and are raised for their meat. The weight of turkeys reaches 12-16 kg, turkeys - 7-9 kg. The slaughter yield of fattened turkeys is 85-90%. Turkey meat has high taste and good digestibility. The most common breeds of turkeys are North Caucasian Bronze, Bronze Broad-breasted, and Beltsville.

    Guinea fowl are less common than other types of poultry. They are small in size and have a live weight of 1.6-2.2 kg. Guinea fowl meat resembles the meat of game birds, but is much more tender and fattier. Pearl and blue breeds of guinea fowl are bred.

    By type and age, poultry meat is distinguished between young (carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults and guinea fowl), and adult (carcasses of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea fowl).

    Carcasses of young birds have a non-ossified (cartilaginous) keel of the sternum, a non-roughened beak, the lower part of which easily bends, and delicate elastic skin. Carcasses of chickens, broilers - chickens, turkey poults and guinea fowl have smooth and tightly fitting scales on their legs, underdeveloped spurs in the form of tubercles; Ducklings and guinea fowl have delicate skin on their legs. Carcasses of adult birds have an ossified (hard) keel of the sternum and a keratinized beak. The legs of chickens, turkeys and guinea fowl carcasses have rough scales, the legs of ducks and geese have rough skin, and roosters and turkeys have hard spurs on their legs.

    According to the method of technological processing, carcasses of all types of birds sent for sale are semi-gutted, gutted, gutted with a set of giblets and neck. Semi-gutted carcasses include carcasses from which the intestines, cloaca and full crop have been removed.

    Gutted - carcasses in which all internal organs have been removed, the head up to the 2nd cervical vertebra, the neck (without skin) at the level of the shoulder joints, the legs behind the moldy joint or below it, but not more than 2 cm. The visceral fat of the lower abdomen is not removed. Sales of gutted carcasses with lungs and kidneys are allowed. Gutted carcasses with a set of giblets and neck include gutted bird carcasses, in the abdominal cavity of which a set of processed giblets (heart, liver, gizzard) and neck are inserted.

    According to the thermal state, poultry carcasses can be cooled, chilled or frozen. The temperature in the thickness of the pectoral muscle of cooled carcasses should be no higher than 25°C; chilled - from 0 to 4°C, frozen - no higher than -8°C.

    Depending on the fatness and quality of post-mortem processing, carcasses of all types of poultry (except old roosters) are divided into 2 categories - 1 and 2. The fatness category is determined by the degree of development of muscle tissue and the prominence of the sternum crest (keel), the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits and the quality of processing surfaces.

    Muscle tissue is well developed in carcasses of all types of poultry, and in broiler chickens it is very well developed. The shape of the breast of broiler carcasses - chickens, chickens, turkeys and guinea pigs is round. The keel of the breast bone does not stand out, except in the carcasses of chickens, turkey poults, and guinea pigs, in which it may stand out slightly.

    Deposits of subcutaneous fat on the carcasses of chickens and calves - in the lower abdomen and on the back in the form of an intermittent strip; broiler chickens - only in the lower abdomen; ducklings, goslings and turkey poults - on the chest and belly; chickens and turkeys - in the abdomen, on the chest and in the form of a continuous stripe on the back; ducks and geese cover the whole carcass, except for the legs and wings, but in geese they are more significant; guinea fowl - on the stomach and in the form of an intermittent strip on the back.

    In terms of the quality of post-mortem processing, carcasses must meet the following requirements: well bled, properly dressed, with clean skin free of feathers, fluff, stumps and hair-like feathers, wax, scratches, tears, stains, bruises and intestinal remains.

    In gutted carcasses, the mouth and beak are cleaned of food and blood, and the legs are cleared of dirt and limescale growths. Single stumps and light abrasions are allowed, no more than two skin tears 1 cm long each, but not on the fillet; slight desquamation of the epidermis of the skin.

    Muscle tissue is developed satisfactorily, except for broiler chickens, in which it is developed quite satisfactorily. The keel of the sternum may stand out; the pectoral muscles with the crest of the sternum form an angle without depressions on its sides.

    Deposits of subcutaneous fat are insignificant: in the carcasses of chickens, chickens, turkeys and poults - in the lower back and abdomen; ducks, ducklings and geese - on the chest and belly; goslings - on the stomach; Guinea fowl and guinea fowl - only on the lower abdomen. With quite satisfactorily developed muscle tissue, there may be no fat deposits. Carcasses of old roosters with spurs larger than 1.5 cm, regardless of fatness, are classified in category 2.

    On the surface of category 2 carcasses, a small number of stumps and abrasions are allowed, no more than three skin tears up to 2 cm long each, peeling of the epidermis of the skin, but not sharply deteriorating the marketable appearance of the carcass.

    Poultry carcasses that meet the requirements of category 1 in terms of fatness, and the requirements of category 2 in terms of processing quality, are classified as category 2.

    2Heat treatment methods

    Cooking. Cooking is the heating of food products in a liquid (water, milk, broth, broth) to a temperature of 100°C or in an environment of saturated water steam. In this case, they are used on stove-top or stationary boilers, pots, and stewpans. When cooking in cauldrons with a hermetically sealed lid, the pressure and temperature increase to 110°C.

    The main method of cooking is when the product is completely immersed in liquid (when cooking soups, broths, etc.). It is not advisable to cook foods at a vigorous boil. This leads to rapid boiling of the liquid, emulsification of fat and disruption of the shape of the cooked product.

    If the boil is low, more soluble substances pass from the food into the liquid. The cooking process is accelerated if the container is tightly closed with a lid (the temperature reaches 101-102°C).

    Steaming. This method preserves nutrients and shape in the product. Cooking is carried out in a special steam oven or on the grill of a steam box, or in small electric steamers. The product is cooked by steam generated by boiling water. This method is necessary when preparing dietary dishes.

    Allowance. This is cooking with a small amount of liquid (300-500 g per 1000 g of product) or its own juice in a sealed container. With this method, less nutrients are transferred into the decoction than during cooking. The broth obtained after poaching is often used to prepare sauces. You can also poach foods in fat at a temperature of 90-95°C.

    Frying. Frying is the heating of a product with fat (or without it) to a state in which a crispy crust is formed on the surface due to the change in the organic substances contained in the product and the formation of new substances. The process is accompanied by loss of moisture and concentration of other substances.

    Fat plays the role of a temperature equalizer between the product and the frying surface of the heating apparatus, improves the taste and increases the calorie content of the product.

    1.3Features of poultry processing

    For the processing of poultry, game and minnows, large enterprises allocate a special room with a scorch forge; small enterprises have special workplaces. Poultry meat contains: proteins (20-25%), minerals (1%), extractives (0.9-1.2%), fat (4.5-20%). The content of complete proteins in poultry is higher than in beef, the fat is easy to melt, so the meat is more easily absorbed by the body. A large number of extractive substances determine the special taste of poultry. To prepare broths, it is better to use an adult, but not an old bird. Broths made from old poultry are cloudy and flavorless. Old poultry is used for boiling and stewing, young poultry is used for frying. Poultry is usually delivered to catering establishments without feathers, semi-eviscerated and gutted. But during a full cycle and for other reasons, it can be supplied in the form of uneviscerated carcasses. According to fatness, it is divided into two categories. The poultry arrives chilled and frozen. Game is often supplied unplucked, frozen or chilled; based on its quality, it is divided into grade I and grade II poultry. Feathered game is divided into steppe, swamp, forest and waterfowl. The steppe includes quails, gray and red partridges; to the marsh - snipe, waders, woodcock; to the forest - hazel grouse, black grouse, wood grouse, pheasants; to waterfowl - ducks, geese.

    Thawing. Frozen poultry carcasses are freed from paper, the neck and legs are straightened and placed on tables or racks with their backs down in one row so that the carcasses do not touch each other. The carcasses are thawed at a temperature of 8-15 °C: geese and turkeys - 8 hours, chickens and ducks - 5-6 hours.

    Searing. The carcasses are dried with a towel or cloth, rubbed with bran or flour so that the hairs take a vertical position and it is easier to singe them. Sear over a non-smoking flame, being careful not to damage the skin or melt subcutaneous fat.

    Evisceration. Before gutting, the head of the bird is cut off at the level of the second cervical vertebra, then a longitudinal skin incision is made on the neck from the back, the neck is freed from the skin and it is cut off along the last cervical vertebra so that the skin remains with the carcass. In hens and chickens, the skin is cut off from half the neck; for turkeys, ducks and geese - from two-thirds to cover the neck and crop part. The wings of birds, except for chickens, are cut off at the elbow joint, the legs are 1-2 cm below the heel joint. After this, a longitudinal incision is made in the abdominal cavity from the end of the sternum (keel) to the anus. The stomach, liver, omentum, lungs, kidneys are removed through the resulting hole, and the crop and esophagus are removed through the throat hole. Poultry arriving gutted have the omentum, lungs, and kidneys removed. After evisceration, the anus and areas of flesh soaked in bile are cut out.

    Washing. Gutted poultry is washed with running cold water at a temperature not exceeding 15 °C. It is not recommended to wash cut carcasses for a long time, as this leads to large losses of nutrients. Place the washed poultry on baking sheets, cut side down, to allow water to drain.

    Game processing differs from poultry processing and involves the following operations: thawing, plucking, singeing, gutting and washing. They are thawed in the same way as poultry.

    Plucking begins from the neck. At the same time, several feathers are grabbed and quickly pulled out in the direction opposite to natural growth. To prevent the skin from tearing during plucking, it is pulled tight with the fingers of the left hand. The skin protects the game from excessive drying out during frying. After plucking, the carcasses are wiped with a towel and singed.

    When gutting, the wings, neck, and legs are cut off. Gutting is best done through an incision on the neck from the back, after removing the crop and throat. Gutted carcasses are washed well with cold water. In swamp game, the skin is removed from the head and neck, the head is left together with the beak, having first removed the eyes.

    4 Assortment of cold poultry dishes

    · Chicken Basturma.

    · Chicken pate with cherries.

    · Poultry salad Moscow style.

    · Black Chicken Salad.

    · Garnet bracelet.

    · Duck pate in pastry.

    · Chicken breast roll.

    · Smoked chicken breasts in sweet and sour sauce.

    · Caesar lavash rolls with chicken.

    · Liver snack.

    · Chicken roll.

    · Nut poultry pate.

    · Foie gras petit four.

    · Chicken soufflé with vegetables.

    · Chicken galantine with green salad.

    5 Technology for preparing cold poultry appetizers

    "Chicken basturma."

    · Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.

    · Salt (preferably coarse sea salt) - 100 g

    · Sugar - 1 tbsp.

    · Spices to taste


    Sprinkle chicken fillet on all sides with salt mixed with 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Place in the refrigerator for a day. Sometimes take it out and turn it over to the other side.

    Dry the chicken fillet and rub with your favorite spices. Wrap in gauze and hang in a draft in the shade. In about 5-7 days the basturma will be ready. When serving, cut and garnish with herbs.

    After removing the pits, pour cognac over the cherries and marinate for 30 minutes.

    Cut the chicken, remove the skin, separate the flesh from the bones. Cut the fillet into wide strips, 1-2 cm thick, pass the remaining pulp and offal through a meat grinder. Mix the minced pork and chicken, add finely chopped onion, egg yolk, cognac in which the cherries were pickled, salt and pepper. Cut the zucchini into thin slices. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with oil, line with zucchini slices so that the ends hang over the edge of the mold. Place a third of the minced meat in the mold, place the olives on it, then some of the chicken slices, then some of the cherries. Place a third of the minced meat, chicken slices and cherries again, cover with the remaining minced meat. Place a bay leaf and a sprig of thyme on top. Cover the top of the mixture with the free ends of the zucchini. Steam the mixture for 1 hour. Cool the pate and remove from the mold. When serving, cut the pate into slices.

    “Moscow-style poultry salad”

    Cut the poultry flesh into small slices. Cut the ham into cubes, leaving slices for decoration. Cut the crab meat into pieces. Cut the eggs into four parts. Combine all products with mayonnaise and salt. Place the salad in a salad bowl and garnish with herbs and ham slices.

    "Black Chicken Salad"

    Boil the chicken fillet, then cool in the broth. Remove the fillet from the broth, pat dry and cut into small cubes. Rinse the prunes, cover with hot water and leave for 30 minutes. Drain the water and finely chop the prunes. Wash the orange, peel and remove white fibers, then carefully cut out the slices from the membranes. Cut each orange slice into 3 parts. Finely chop the crab sticks. Chop the nuts. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl in layers in the following order: chicken fillet, some nuts, prunes, orange, crab sticks. Pour mayonnaise over the salad. Garnish with a slice of orange, slices of crab sticks, remaining nuts and herbs.

    "Garnet Bracelet"

    Cut the chicken pulp, potatoes, beets and carrots into cubes. Steam the prunes and chop finely. Mix mayonnaise with onion. Place a cylindrical mold in the center of a dish lined with lettuce leaves. Place layers of potatoes, carrots, chicken, beets, almond flakes and prunes around the pan, brushing each layer with mayonnaise. Grease the top layer with the remaining mayonnaise and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds. Remove pan from center before serving.

    "Duck pate in pastry"

    Pass the duck pulp through a meat grinder, add onions and carrots, fried in oil, and pass through the meat grinder again. Beat the mixture, add salt and pepper. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and chop into strips. Knead the dough from flour, margarine, sugar, sour cream and one egg. Roll out two strips 0.5 cm thick from it. Place half of the pate on one strip, then chopped peppers, and the remaining pate on top. Close with a second strip and pinch the edges.

    Grease the surface of the product with lightly beaten egg, prick with a fork in several places, decorate with dough figures, bake at 220 ° C until golden brown, cool. When serving, cut the pate in the dough into portions and place on a plate. Garnish with pickled vegetables.

    "Chicken breast roll"

    Separate the bones from the breasts; Boil bones and cartilage for 30-40 minutes in water to obtain broth; Strain the broth and cool. Separate the bones from the breasts; Boil bones and cartilage for 30-40 minutes in water to obtain broth; Strain the broth and cool. 3. Add salt, garlic, pepper, cold broth and stir until all free moisture is absorbed and the minced meat thickens; Cover the container with the minced meat with a lid or cling film and marinate in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. 4. Divide the minced meat into 2 parts; Combine the spice mixtures with each other and also divide into 2 parts; Cut the collagen film into 2 rectangles, 40x50cm each; Lay the film on the table, moisten it slightly with water using a clean sponge; Pour the first half of the spices evenly onto the film, retreating 5 cm from the edges. Place half of the minced meat on the spices. 6. Level it with a knife or spatula (the thickness of the minced meat layer is 1.5-2 cm).. Cover the edges of the minced meat on both sides with film.. On the other side, roll the minced meat tightly into a roll. Do the same with the second roll. Place the rolls in the forming mesh. Place the rolls on the oven rack and - IMPORTANT!!! - heat them together with the oven slowly, for 1.5-2 hours to 180 degrees; As soon as the top is nicely browned, the roll is ready.. Remove the rolls, cool and put in the refrigerator until completely cooled for 8-10 hours; My ingredients make 2 rolls: 8 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length.

    “Smoked chicken breasts in sweet and sour sauce.”

    Lightly beat the fillet and cut into pieces. cubes, mix with soy sauce, leave for 30 minutes. Then add beaten egg and starch, mix. Fry the onion into strips with garlic, paprika, cubes such as pineapple - 2 minutes. Mix starch with water, pineapple juice, pineapple pieces, sugar, ketchup, soy sauce, wine vinegar, bring everything to a boil.

    “Caesar pita rolls with chicken.

    Preheat the oven to 190°C. Place the chicken breast in a dish or bowl and pour olive oil on both sides. Then sprinkle the chicken with pepper, oregano, and salt. Then place the breast on a baking sheet or in a shallow pan and bake in the oven until cooked through (about 30 minutes). Let cool for about 10 minutes and cut the chicken into slices. Set aside. In a large bowl, combine chopped lettuce, chopped olives, pepperoni slices, and grated Parmesan cheese. Add about 3 tablespoons of Caesar dressing to the salad mixture and stir. Place the salad in the middle of the flatbread. Then add the chicken slices and the remaining Caesar dressing on top. Fold the right and left sides of the tortilla together and roll the tortilla like a burrito. Then cut in half and serve. It’s the same with lavash, but we cut the resulting roll into several parts.

    "Liver appetizer."

    Fry the ham in olive oil with the addition of finely chopped shallots and garlic, place on a plate. Then fry the liver in the same pan. Pour in cognac. Let's flambé. Place the fried ham and onions into the liver, season with spices, salt, mix and pour in cream. Cook over medium heat for about five minutes, slightly mashing the liver with a wooden spatula, but do not turn it into a puree. Let's add pistachios. Line the bottom and walls of a baking tray (preferably with a non-stick coating) with bacon. Spread the mixture out of the pan and compact it. Fold the ends of the bacon inward. Place rosemary and thyme on top.

    Cover with foil and put in the oven (200 degrees).

    After 40 minutes, remove the foil and keep in the oven until all the liquid has evaporated (about 15 minutes). We take out the tray and cool it. Place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Place the cooled roll, upside down, on a plate. Eat, cut into thin slices, on a piece of black bread.

    "Chicken roll"

    Cut the chicken so that the meat is carefully separated from the bones. Beat the fillet, salt, pepper and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and place on the cheese. Next, sprinkle the tomatoes with chopped garlic and parsley. The last layer will be pre-soaked and swollen prunes. To do this, 1 hour before starting to prepare the roll, place the dried fruits in warm boiled water. Roll the fillet into a roll and carefully tie it with a nylon rope. Place the roll on a greased baking sheet, pour over vegetable oil and cook in the oven at 200° C for 15-20 minutes. When serving, cut the roll into portions.

    "Poultry nut pate."

    Cut the bird into large pieces. Remove fat, if any.

    Cut the head of garlic crosswise. We peel the onion and stick a clove into it.

    Place an onion, a handful of black peppercorns and the bottom half of a head of garlic in the bottom of a large saucepan. Set the separated clove halves aside for now.

    Place pieces of poultry carcass on top. Pour in wine and place on medium heat. We wait for the wine to boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Add boiling water so that the liquid completely covers the contents of the pan. Salt. Cover loosely with a lid, reduce heat to low and cook for about another hour. Fifteen minutes before the end, add bay leaf and rosemary. In a separate pan, boil water and pour almonds into it. Blanch for a few minutes, then place in a colander and rinse with cold water. The skin should come away from the nut core, now it is very easy to peel. Cleaning. Place the peeled almonds in a blender, add the remaining garlic, salt, and freshly ground black pepper. Grind very carefully. If necessary, you can add a little broth. We take the bird out of the broth. Cool and remove from bones. Transfer the meat to a deep frying pan or saucepan. Spread almond garlic paste on top. Mix very carefully, diluting with strained broth. It should have the consistency of fresh homemade cottage cheese. Heat over very moderate heat. Sprinkle with thyme leaves. Mix. Transfer the resulting pate into a ceramic mold and place it in a cool place. After a few hours you can serve it.

    "Foie gras petit four."

    We clean the duck liver (foie gras) from films and ducts, cut into slices, 1 cm thick. We marinate the pieces of foie gras with a mixture of cognac, Galliano liqueur and spices. We rub the marinated foie gras through a sieve, put it into portioned silicone molds and cook in a combi oven. Cool the petit four and glaze with Galliano liqueur and chopped pecans. Garnish the foie gras petit four with honey brown sponge cake and glazed berries.

    "Chicken soufflé with vegetables."

    Clean the chicken fillet, pass through a meat grinder, separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites into a thick foam with the addition of salt. Place prepared minced chicken, onions, cream, white pepper, cornstarch, salt or chicken soup powder into a blender. Beat until smooth. Place the minced chicken in a deep bowl, add diced boiled carrots, boiled green beans, steamed asparagus (in fact, any vegetables that you have or like). Gently mix with beaten egg whites. Line a baking dish with cling film, lay out the resulting mixture, and decorate with slices of boiled eggs. Place the mold in a water bath (baking tray with water) and bake for about an hour at a temperature of 170C degrees. Serve, cut into portions.

    "Chicken galantine with green salad."

    To prepare galantine, mince chicken fillet, add butter, milk, cream, garlic, bread, parsley, salt and pepper. Pass the resulting minced chicken again, then puree in a blender until smooth, add pistachios, place on cling film and wrap. Boil the galantine for 10 minutes, then chop. Place the galantine on a plate. Mix lettuce leaves, season with juice, add orange segments, place on a plate next to the galantine. Galantine sauce is served separately.

    "Chicken Ryaba roll."

    Pass the fillet through a meat grinder, add the bun soaked in milk and squeezed out, and mix. Add eggs, raisins, pineapple cut into large pieces, one at a time, salt and pepper. Form the prepared minced meat into a roll, place on a greased baking sheet and pour over melted butter. Bake at 170 C until golden brown. When serving, cut into slices and place the roll on a plate, decorate with herbs, lemon slices and raspberries.

    6 Organoleptic quality indicators

    Appearance and color. When examining bird carcasses, pay attention to the beak, oral mucosa, eyeball, surface of the carcass, subcutaneous internal and adipose tissue and thoracoventral serosa. Examining the beak, note the degree of its gloss, moisture and elasticity. When examining the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, note the degree of gloss, color, moisture, the presence of mucus and mold. Determining the condition of the eye and the shape of the eyeball is its convexity. Inspecting the surface of the carcass, note the skin and its dryness. When examining the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity, its moisture, shine and possible mucus are noted.

    The consistency of poultry meat is determined by pressing a finger on the surface of the muscle tissue, observing the speed of leveling of the pit. The smell is determined in the surface layer of the carcass, the abdominal part and on the cut in the deep layers. The smell of melted internal fat is determined separately. To determine the smell of the deep layers, the muscles are cut with a knife, and special attention is paid to the parts of the muscle tissue adjacent to the bones. To determine the smell of fat, take at least 20 g. Internal adipose tissue is crushed with scissors and melted in beakers in a water bath. Stir the cooled fat with a glass rod and determine its smell. If it is difficult to determine the smell, then rub a few drops of fat on a glass slide or on the palm of your hand.

    Condition of the muscles on the cut. The pectoral and hip muscles are cut across the muscle fibers. Then the color of the muscle tissue is determined in diffuse daylight. Filter paper is applied to the cut surface and the moisture content of the muscle tissue is noted. To determine stickiness, touch the surface of the muscle tissue with your finger.

    Transparency and aroma. Pre-prepare the broth as follows. Separately from each carcass, 20g of muscle tissue of the lower leg and thigh is cut out with a scalpel to the full depth, minced twice in a meat grinder and mixed thoroughly. To prepare the broth, take 20 g of minced meat, place it in a conical flask with 100 ml of distilled water, heat the minced meat with water and mix in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. The aroma of the meat broth is determined by heating the contents of the flask to 80-85°C. The transparency of the broth is determined visually.

    1.7 Methods of presentation when serving visitors. Implementation deadlines

    cold appetizer poultry

    Their serving temperature is no more than 14 C, some are even served with ice

    Implementation time is no more than 24 hours. Snacks and cold dishes are a means of stimulating the appetite. They are served before the main meal and sometimes between hot dishes. There is not much difference between a cold appetizer and a dish, since, served at the beginning of lunch, they play the role of an appetizer, and in a breakfast or dinner menu they can be the main course. Some snacks are served hot. The products for them are finely chopped. They differ from hot second courses in their smaller weight, sharper taste and the fact that they are served without a side dish.

    Methods of serving when serving visitors.

    When serving a visitor according to an a la carte menu, soups are served in individual utensils in plates, cups, hot appetizers in cocotte makers, chilli bowls or portioned frying pans, desserts in bowls, etc. Cold dishes, as a rule, should be served in a container from which the dish should be transferred on a diner's appetizer plate.

    Restaurants use three methods of serving snacks and dishes:

    ) carry-out (French method) - transferring the ordered dish onto the consumer’s plate using special devices (Fig. 20);

    ) to the table (Russian method) - arrangement of ordered dishes (several servings in one dish or one serving) on ​​the dining table;

    ) English method - transferring snacks and dishes to consumers' plates on a utility or side table.

    Serving food to go is used for everyday regular service or, for example, at a banquet with general service. With this method of service, the following options are possible:

    ) the waiter portions the food, transferring it from the dish to the visitor’s plate; in this case, first he takes the main product, transfers it to the visitor’s plate, then transfers the side dish, placing it behind the main product. This is how most hot and cold dishes are served, consisting of portioned pieces of meat, fish and side dishes, as well as stuffed products;

    ) the waiter offers the dish to the visitor, who himself transfers it to his plate.

    In both cases, the waiter serves from the left. Before serving cold dishes to take away, the table is served with a snack plate, and before serving the second hot dishes - with a warmed small dinner plate, which the waiter places on the right side. It is more convenient to transfer sauce dishes on a utility table, while the waiter holds the spoon with its indentation down and turns the fork with its tines up.

    Characteristics of dishes.

    Serving cold dishes and snacks in multi-portioned dishes: caviar bowls, salad bowls, gravy boats, cocotte bowls, portioned frying pans; when serving, it is recommended to place them on a stand plate (pie plate, snack bar or small tableware) in accordance with the diameter of the dishes. When serving dishes, use spatulas to decompose fish and caviar. , pate, salad sets, tongs, table (dessert) spoons and forks Sets for arranging snacks are placed in this way: rest on the edge of the dishes or place them on the side of the dish so that the handles of the sets protrude beyond the edge of the dishes.

    Before serving cold appetizers, tables are set with appetizer plates and sets, and when serving crayfish and other appetizers - with special table sets.

    Chapter 2. Workshop characteristics

    1 Cold shop

    The cold shop is designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. The workshop premises are located in such a way as to ensure communication with the hot shop, service area, distribution room, and sales area.

    In the cold shop, areas for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes are organized and equipped with refrigerated cabinets, ice generators, table sections with a refrigerated cabinet, table sections with a refrigerated cabinet and slide, production tables with a built-in bathroom, washing baths, shelving, dispensing racks and drives for cold shops. To make the work of workers easier, workplaces are equipped with butter dividers, egg cutters, mixers, vegetable cutters, etc. In the cold shop of high-capacity enterprises, areas for preparing salads from fresh seasonal vegetables and herbs, gastronomic products, portioning and presentation of cold and sweet dishes are additionally organized.

    Workstations should be located along the technological process. They are equipped with the following modulated table sections: refrigerated tables, refrigerated tables with a container for storing components of cold dishes; industrial tables with built-in washing tub; tables, cabinets with doors for storing spices, kitchen utensils, equipment, installation and connection to the electrical network of auxiliary equipment.

    Workplaces must also be equipped with various types of mechanical equipment: a machine for cutting gastronomic products (slicer); machine for cutting boiled vegetables; universal drive with replaceable mechanisms.

    Products are stored in refrigerated medium-temperature and low-temperature cabinets. Ice generators are used to prepare edible ice, and freezers are used for soft ice cream. Dishes are portioned using table scales (2 kg capacity).

    In the cold shop, a variety of equipment is used: gastronomic knives (for ham, sausage); cheese, carb (for shaped cutting of vegetables, butter); butter scrapers, chef's knives (for cutting raw and cooked vegetables); egg cutters (for cutting eggs into slices or circles); molds for pate (split), jelly, cream; trays for aspic dishes; ice cream spoons.

    Cutting boards, tools, and equipment must be marked.

    When enterprises operate on semi-finished products and highly prepared products, the processes of preparing and preparing hot and cold dishes are carried out in one room in the following areas: heating and finishing chilled soups, main courses, sauces and side dishes; preparing simple dishes (milk porridges, egg dishes and cottage cheese products), preparing hot drinks, salads from seasonal vegetables and herbs; dishes from gastronomic products; portioning and decorating cold and sweet dishes.

    2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the workshop

    The cold shop must be located in such a way that it can be easily connected with the hot shop, with procurement shops, and with storage areas for washing tableware. At the same time, the cold shop should be located in a complex with premises associated with the sale of ready-made meals, with a distribution room and a sales area. To avoid temperature increases in the cold shop, it should be completely fenced off from the hot shop and sales area. To exclude the possibility of an increase in temperature and humidity in the premises, the hot shop and kitchen should not be located under the procurement and cold shops, or the dining room. If a catering establishment is located in a residential building, then ceilings are designed to prevent the possibility of odors, as well as moist and hot air, penetrating into the upper floors.

    In addition, the POP must be equipped with independent ventilation.

    It is prohibited to place production premises under a shower, bathtub, or toilet, because When the drains become clogged, sewage may enter them. The cold shop is designed in the ODI-YUM complex with a hot shop and a distribution line. At pre-production enterprises, communication is necessary with the greens processing workshop, and when working with raw materials, with the vegetable workshop. The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 18 ° C. Good natural light is a must; the windows should face the courtyard façade and have a north-west orientation. In the cold shop, production areas are allocated for the preparation of cold and sweet dishes, and refrigeration and mechanical equipment are provided.

    All production areas require the installation of sinks for washing the hands of personnel. When fast service organizations operate on semi-finished products with a high degree of readiness, using small-sized specialized equipment and disposable utensils, a single-hall layout with separate work areas is allowed. In small enterprises with a complete production cycle, it is possible to combine hot and cold shops. One of the conditions for uniting workshops is the use of local ventilation devices and modern refrigeration equipment. In pre-finishing enterprises with up to 50 places, it is allowed to combine hot and cold shops with a pre-cooking shop. When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time. Undressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before release; items left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other particularly perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production.

    The cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the preparation process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop. In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops and brought as close as possible to the hot workshop and dispensing room. For the same purpose, the workshop demarcates work stations for preparing meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products that have different sanitary conditions.

    Of great hygienic importance when planning premises is their orientation in relation to the cardinal directions. In the workshop for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, and in the confectionery shops where cream is prepared and cakes and pastries are prepared, a north-west orientation and means of protection from insolation are provided. The cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the preparation process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop. In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops and brought as close as possible to the hot workshop and dispensing room. For the same purpose, the workshop demarcates work stations for preparing meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products that have different sanitary conditions.

    3 Organization of work in the cold shop

    Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a workshop production structure

    (in restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.) In specialized enterprises and small-scale farms that sell a small range of cold snacks that have a non-workshop structure, a separate workplace is allocated for the preparation of cold dishes in a common production room. Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and presentation of cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. Thus, in a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes must include at least 10 dishes daily, and in a top class restaurant - 15 dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

    The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, culinary stores, and also sent to buffets and other branches. The cold shop is located, as a rule, in one of the brightest rooms with windows facing north or northwest. When planning a workshop, it is necessary to provide for a convenient connection with the hot workshop, where the heat treatment of products necessary for preparing cold dishes is carried out, as well as with the distribution and washing of tableware.

    Undressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before release; items left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other particularly perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production. Cold dishes are released after cooling in refrigerated cabinets and must have a temperature of 10-14°C, so this is provided in the workshop.

    Sufficient amount of refrigeration equipment. Considering that in a cold shop products are made from products that have undergone heat treatment and from products without additional processing, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the production of dishes from raw and cooked vegetables, fish and meat. In small enterprises, universal workplaces are organized, where cold dishes are consistently prepared in accordance with the production program; in large cold shops, specialized workplaces are organized. The cold shop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment.

    Cold shop equipment.

    To store products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (ShKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for salad are installed , low temperature counter for storing and dispensing ice cream. Restaurants and bars use ice generators to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks. The selection of refrigeration equipment depends on the capacity of the cold shop, the number of products and finished products to be stored. The selection of production tables depends on the number of employees simultaneously working in the workshop, on the basis that the work front for each employee must be at least 1.5 m. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a serving counter. In the cold shops of restaurants and other enterprises with a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, there are technological lines for the preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks produced with special tools and devices. Prepared products are stored in sections of a refrigerated slide.

    Cold shops are designed for the preparation, portioning and presentation of cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise and its class. Thus, in a 1st class restaurant, the assortment of cold dishes must include at least 10 dishes daily, and in a top class restaurant - 15 dishes. The range of cold shop products includes cold snacks, gastronomic products (meat, fish), cold dishes (boiled, fried, stuffed, jellied, etc.), lactic acid products, as well as cold sweet dishes (jelly, mousses, sambuca, jelly, compotes etc.), cold drinks, cold soups.

    The production program of the cold shop is drawn up based on the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, culinary stores, and also sent to buffets and other branches. When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the workshop, after manufacturing and portioning, are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in quantities that can be sold in a short time. Undressed salads and vinaigrettes are stored in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-6°C for no more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be seasoned immediately before release; items left over from the previous day are not allowed for sale: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other particularly perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production. production program, specialized workplaces are organized in large cold shops. In cold shops, mechanical equipment is used: universal drives P-II, PKh-06 with replaceable mechanisms (for slicing raw and boiled vegetables; for mixing salads and vinaigrettes; for whipping mousses, sambukas, cream, sour cream; for squeezing juices from fruits); machine for slicing boiled vegetables MPOV. These machines perform all sorts of operations: cutting raw and cooked vegetables, mixing salads and vinaigrettes (when they are prepared in large quantities), whipping, pureing, squeezing juices. In small workshops these operations are mainly performed manually. In addition, in the workshop, with a large assortment of gastronomic products and sandwiches, small-scale mechanization means are used: a machine for slicing gastronomic products MRGU-370 (for slicing and placing ham, sausage, cheese in trays); bread slicer MRKh; manual oil divider RDM.

    The cold shop must be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment. To store products and finished products, refrigerated cabinets (ShKh-0.4, ShKh-0.8, ShKh-1.2), production tables SOESM-2 with a refrigerated cabinet, SOESM-3 with a refrigerated cabinet, a slide and a container for salad are installed , low temperature counter for storing and dispensing ice cream. Restaurants and bars use ice generators to produce ice, which is used in the preparation of cocktails and cold drinks.

    Washing of vegetables, herbs, and fruits is carried out in stationary or mobile baths, or for this purpose a sectional modulated table with a built-in washing bath SMVSM is used. In the cold shops of large canteens, mobile racks are used for short-term storage of dishes before sending them for sale. In restaurants, the cold shop has a serving counter.

    Labor organization.

    The operating mode of the cold shop is set depending on the type of enterprise and its operating mode. When the enterprise operates for 11 hours or more, workshop workers work on a staggered, two-team or combined schedule. The general management of the workshop is carried out by a foreman or a responsible employee of the VI or V category cooks.

    The foreman organizes work to implement the production program in accordance with the menu plan. In the evening, labor-intensive dishes are prepared: jellies, jellied dishes, jelly, compotes, etc. Time to prepare work at the beginning of the working day is used to select utensils, equipment, and obtain products in accordance with the production task. With good production organization, the time to prepare the work should be no more than 20 minutes. Cooks are given assignments according to their qualifications. The foreman monitors compliance with the rules of technology for preparing cold and sweet dishes and the release schedule in order to avoid interruptions in service to visitors.

    In cold shops with a large volume of work, an operational division of labor is carried out, taking into account the qualifications of the cooks.

    Cooks of the III category are engaged in the preparation of products included in the dishes (cooking vegetables, boiling or frying semi-finished meat and fish products, slicing vegetables, processing herbs).

    Chefs of the IV category are engaged in the preparation of dressings, portioning and presentation of cold dishes of mass demand (vegetable, fish, meat salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, marinated fish, etc.).

    Chefs of the V category carry out the preparation and presentation of complex dishes (jellied, stuffed fish, galantine, assorted fish and meat, jelly mousses, etc. At the end of the work shift, the cooks report for the work done, and the foreman or chef in charge draws up a report on the sale of dishes for the day in trading floor, buffets and branches.


    Thus, a wide range of cold dishes, a variety of products used for their decoration, as well as methods of culinary processing, and high sanitary requirements require the cook to have deep and versatile knowledge and practical skills. Therefore, their production should be entrusted to highly qualified chefs. To ensure the necessary sanitary quality of cold dishes and high labor productivity, it is necessary to equip the cook’s workplace with a sufficient amount of equipment, equipment and tools. It is obvious that at the moment not all public catering enterprises meet the standards in many areas of their activities. Often, waiters do not have the proper category, table setting does not meet standards, and the quality of service is much lower than the percentage charged for it. But, nevertheless, the number of people using the services of catering establishments is not decreasing. The importance of meat and meat products in the diet of the population is determined by the fact that they serve as a source of complete proteins, fat, minerals and extractives, and some vitamins, the consumption of which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Increasing the pace of production and output volumes of the meat industry requires improving existing and developing new technological processes that ensure rational use of raw materials, increasing yields and improving the quality of products. Solving these problems is inextricably linked with expanding the methodological capabilities of research through the use of improved and new analytical methods and with the creation of systems for objective and reliable assessment of quality indicators of raw materials and finished products. The main role in assessing the quality of meat is played by the following indicators: the content of components that are used by the body for biological synthesis and covering energy costs; organoleptic characteristics (appearance, smell, color, consistency); absence of toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms. Meat quality indicators depend on the composition and properties of the raw materials, the recipes used, the conditions and modes of technological processing and storage. An objective and comprehensive assessment of these dependencies is a necessary basis for identifying factors affecting product quality. A prerequisite for producing high-quality products is the correct selection of raw materials, strict adherence to the operating parameters of all stages of the technological process of production and storage, sanitary and hygienic standards, and control of the dosage of chemical additives. Important conditions for the production of high-quality industrial products are the further improvement of methods of its control, strict adherence to technological discipline, and a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the decrease in quality level or the appearance of defects.

    In this course work, the goals I set were achieved, although there were some minor shortcomings. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the knowledge I acquired and its systematization in course work is useful at the everyday level in everyday life for every person. To be a competent person in this area means to know the ethics of behavior at the table, to correctly select dishes from the menu offered by the catering company and combine them with drinks and your financial capabilities, to be able to draw up your own plan - a menu for a banquet.

    List of used literature

    1.Antipova L.V. Methods for researching meat and meat products. - M.: Light and food industry, 2000. - 378 p.

    Bazarova V.I. and others. Research of food products. - M.: Economics, 1986. - 295 p.

    Beslaneev E.V., Zhukov A.A. - Textbook on commodity research and examination of goods of animal origin, Nalchik-2007.KBGSHA

    GOST 7702.0-74 - Poultry meat. Sampling methods. Organoleptic methods for quality assessment. - M.

    Zhuravskaya N.K., Alekhina L.T., Otryashenkova L.M. Research and quality control of meat and meat products. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985. - 291 p.

    Kovaleva I.P. Guidelines for laboratory work No. 10 “Study of fat quality” for students of higher educational institutions, specialty 1010 “Technology of fish products” KTIRPH, 1988. - 50 p.

    Kolesnikov V.T. etc. Commodity research of food products. - Kyiv: Higher School, 1976. - 226 p.

    Matrozova S.I. Technochemical control in the meat and poultry processing industry. - M.: Food industry, 1977. - 183 p.

    Semenov B.N. Methodological manual for laboratory work on determining peroxide value using modified methods for students of higher educational institutions, specialty 27.09 “Technology of fish products”. - KTIRPH, 1992. - 21 p. Certification of food products and food raw materials in the Russian Federation. - M., 1996. - 191 p. Raw materials and food products. Methods for determining toxic elements GOST 26929-86, 26927-86, 26928-86, 26930-86, 26935-86.

    Magazine "Food Industry", 2/2007.

    Magazine "Figures and Facts".

    Magazine "Agribusiness" - "Invest and recoup", No. 2/02/0.

    Magazine "Gastronom" No. 12/02/0.

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: For public catering establishments/Auth.-comp.: A.I. Zdobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko.-K.; LLC "Publishing House Ariy", M.: IKTC "Lada", 2010.-680 pp.: ill.



    Name of dish: “Chicken Basturma”

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)Chicken filletsugarspicesalt


    Name of dish: “Chicken pate with cherries”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) cherry cognac chicken carcass by-products onion egg zucchini olives thyme bay leaf butter


    Name of dish: “Moscow-style poultry salad”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g) Net weight (g) chicken fillet broth egg mayonnaise rind Greens (parsley) salt


    Name of dish: “Black Chicken Salad”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken fillet broth prunes oranges crab sticks walnuts mayonnaise greens (parsley)


    Name of dish: “Pomegranate Bracelet”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken pulp potatoes beets carrots prunes mayonnaise onions green salad almond flakes pomegranate seeds


    Name of the dish: “Duck pate in dough”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)duck pulponioncarrotbutter sweet pepperflourmargarinesugar sour creameggsalt


    Name of dish: “Chicken breast roll”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken breast by-products broth garlic black pepper salt


    Name of dish: “Smoked chicken breasts in sweet and sour sauce”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken fillet soy sauce egg starch onion garlic paprika pineapple sugar wine sauce ketchup


    Name of the dish: “Caesar lavash rolls with chicken”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken breast pepper oregano olives lettuce leaves grated cheese parmesan Caesar sauce olive oil salt


    Name of dish: “Chicken liver appetizer”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) ham garlic shallot chicken liver cognac onion cream pistachios bacon greens (rosemary, thyme) Olive oil 235 235 salt 55


    Name of dish: “Chicken roll”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)chicken fillet231231hard cheese8686Tomatoes2815Garlic1815parsley2525Prunes125125Dried fruits960960butter252.5


    Name of the dish: “Chicken Nut Pate”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken carcass 271187 garlic 128100 onion 2420 dry wine 240 240 almonds 177 106 broth 650 650 cloves 66 black pepper 55 bay leaf 1010 thyme 1515 rosemary 2525


    Name of the dish: “Foie gras petit four.”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)duck liver170141 Galliano liqueur5050pecan 240208berries105105Honey brown sponge cake9898


    Name of dish: “Chicken soufflé with vegetables”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per serving Gross weight (g.) Net weight (g.) chicken fillet 1000 1000 egg 1/58 onion 2420 cream 650 650 white pepper 133 100 corn starch 240 240 chicken soup powder 318 318 carrots 7 440 beans 5 656 asparagus 156 114 salt 5 5


    Dish name: “Chicken galantine with green salad”

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)chickenr2525pepper1010salt55


    Name of the dish: Chicken Ryaba Roll.

    Layout No. Collection of dish recipes year

    Raw materialsConsumption of raw materials per servingGross weight (g)Net weight (g)canned/58milk237237wheat grits147147chicken fillet10001000butter1010ground black pepper55salt55

    Inventory and devices used in the cold shop:

    Gastronomic knives: a - fillet knives; b - gastronomic (sausage); c - for slicing ham; g - kitchen; d - with two handles for cutting cheese and butter; e, g - with one handle for cutting cheese and butter; h - for curly cutting of butter; and - knife-fork; 2 - manual tomato cutting; 3 - egg cutting; 4 - device for cutting cheese; 5 - manual oil divider; 6 - scraper for butter; 7 - cutting board; 8 - board for cutting lemons; 9 - manual juicers; 10 - slide for side dishes; 11 - trays for aspic dishes; 12 - forms for pates, jellied and sweet dishes; 13 - spatula-knife for laying out aspic dishes; 14 - spatula for laying out portioned dishes; 15 - production forks for laying out dishes; 16 - utensils for laying out dishes: a, b, c - salad utensils; g. - device for canned fruits; d - tongs for laying out portioned dishes.