Both Catholics, Muslims, and Orthodox Christians say that their faith is true. Who to believe? Which church is true? Uniates in Russia

(Second Roy Spas)

6/19 Aug-gu-sta

Tro-par holiday

O Christ our God! You grew up on the mountain, showing your glory to the students as much as they could see it. May Your eternal light rise according to God's prayers for you and for us sinners. May the light be upon you, glory be to You!

Kontakion holiday

O Christ our God! You looked upon the mountain, and Your disciples saw Your glory as much as they could perceive it -to understand, - so that, having seen You, you will be pissed-on-e-mo-go, you know: Your suffering is free, and about- I know to the world that You are in the Father's name.

Apostolic reading on Li-tur-gy

[Glory to the future century]

Brothers, try more and more to make your calling and election a matter of course, for by doing this you will never be able to -touch-touch. After all, this is how free entry into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ opens up for you. That's why I must always remind you about this, even though you know it and are confirmed in the present practice. mud.

But I think it’s fair as long as I’m in this [te-les-noy] pa-lat-ke, to wake you up, knowing that this pa-lat-ka of mine, like the Lord, will soon leave our Jesus Christ announced to me. I will try so that you can remember this after my departure, on every occasion.

After all, we gave you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, not after the hit-ro-splash -ten-ny-mi bass-nya-mi, but as eye-witnesses of His greatness. For He received honor and glory from God the Father when such a voice came to Him from the majestic glory: “This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom is My Blessing!” And we heard this voice, coming from heaven, while we were with Him on the holy mountain.

We have another pro-ro-che-word; and you do a good job, holding on to it like a light, sitting in a dark place, until lest the Day begin to dawn and the morning star not rise in your hearts.

Gospel reading on Liturgy

[Pre-revelation of Jesus Christ]

[At that time] Jesus took Peter, Jacob, and his brother John, and led them to a high mountain, being with them on the - united. And He appeared before them, and His face was like the sun, and His clothes became white, like light. And Moses and Elijah appeared to them, living with Him. And Peter said to Jesus: “Lord! It's good for us to be here! If you want, I will set up three pa-lat-ki (tabernacles) here: one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still talking, when suddenly the si-i-y-y-y cloud fell upon them, and a Voice sounded from the cloud: “This is My Son Beloved, the One in Whom My Blessing is! Listen to him!”

The students, having heard this, fell on their faces and were very frightened. Jesus came up to them and, touching them, said: “Get up and don’t be afraid!” And they, raising their eyes, did not see anyone except Jesus Himself.

And when they came down from the mountain, Jesus said to them: “Don’t talk to anyone about this vision until the Son of Che -lo-ve-che-sky will not rise from the dead!”

"Light without flame"

We still know more about the Pre-formation of the Lord under him, or about the Second Savior, than about the First and Third. In the right-glorious Ka-len-da-re, there is a holiday named “Pre-revelation of the Lord God and the Savior on "She-Jesus Christ." For those who love the Russian li-te-ra-tu-ry “se-re-rya-no-go-ka”, he is undoubtedly an as-so-ci-i- ru-et-sya with za-me-cha-tel-ny-mi sti-ha-mi Bo-ri-sa Pa-ster-na-ka ().

“You walked in a crowd, apart and in pairs,
Suddenly someone remembered that today
Sixth of August in the old days,

Ordinary light without flame
Is-ho-dith on this day from Fa-vo-ra,
And autumn, clear as a sign,
Your eyes are drawn to you!”

These lines are good for you to build a celebration - so ari-sto-kra-ti-che-ski exquisite-kan-but -go, bli-sta-tel-no-go. In the national ka-len-da-re, oz-bo-chen-ku-li-nar-ny-mi pro-ble-ma-mi, he is called “Yab- local Spa-s.”

Let's start from the first level of studying this ka-len-dar-no-go fe-no-me-na - with a clear-ness meaning the very Evangelical co-existence of “pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya.” What does this term itself mean? What kind of co-existence is there in the Holy History and why does it have such a name?

Pre-formation: co-existence and meaning

Pre-ob-ra-zhe-nie (Greek. meh there O rfo-sis, lat. transfiguratio) - means “transformation into another form”, “change of form” (from here the word “me-ta-mor-pho” -zy"). This is the name of one of the most important events in the Evangelical story, which happened not long before. next Easter to Jesus Christ. Three evan-ge-li-stas talk about him: Mat-fey (), Mark () and Lu-ka ().

Eight days after the triumphal service of the Apostle Peter of his Teacher Messiah ( Christ), - writes the Gospel of Lu-ka, - Jesus, “taking with Him Peter, John and Jacob, went up the mountain pray. And while you were praying, His face suddenly disappeared from me, and His clothes turned white until it shone. And two men were with Him; it would be Mo-i-sei and Elijah. Appearing in the glory of heavenly glory, they spoke about is-ho-de, which stood before Him to accomplish in Jerusalem.

Ra-fa-el San-ti. Transfiguration.
Fragment. 1519-1520. Va-ti-kan-skaya pi-na-ko-te-ka

And Peter and his companions fell asleep; when you came to your senses, you saw Him kudos and two husbands standing with Him. And when they were about to leave Him, Peter said to Jesus: “Master, how good it is for us to be here! Set up three tents for them here: one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah!” He himself didn't know What says, - Lu-notices and continues. - And before he could even speak, a cloud appeared and settled on them; and they were frightened when they entered that ob-la-ko. And a Voice was heard from the ob-la-ka: “This is My Chosen Son, listen to Him!” And when the voice fell silent, it turned out that Jesus was alone. The scholars kept this a secret and did not tell anyone at that time about it. What see-de-li" ().

And Evangelist Mark clarifies: “And when they came down from the mountain, Jesus told them not to tell anyone about it. What they saw until the Son of Man rose from the dead. They tried it out, but in the fight between themselves they got to the point: What does this mean to rise from the dead? ().

The is-the-bo-go-word meaning of this important epi-zo-da of the Holy is-to-ry is clear. Let us remember that Jesus Christ not only stood among the people, but even the scholars considered him to be the king of the earth. -in-and-the-lem. These false-mes-si-an-illusions were kept by the apo-sto-lovs even after His Resurrection, right up to the Five - syat-ni-tsy! For this reason, the Lord reveals to them the future and reveals Himself as the Son of God, the Lord Oh, life and death. He assures the students in advance that close suffering is not a shame and a disgrace, but a victory and a weakness -va, crowned-chan-naya Vo-kre-se-ni-em.

At the same time, Christ comes to the su-deb-no-mu pra-vi-lu, form-mu-li-ro-van-no-mu in the Law of Mo-and-Sei: “ With the words of two witnesses, the whole thing comes together” (). With this, He juri-di-che-ski refutes the absurd about-vi-non-nies from the side of scribes and fa-ri-se-evs in na-ru- she-nii (“raz-ru-she-nii”) named after the Jewish for-co-no-da-tel-stvo. Summoning to Yourself in the “Swi-de-te-li” the-mo-go For-ko-no-da-te-la (!) and the threatening pro-ro-ka Elijah, - who talk with Him about His “is-ho-de” to death and Resurrection, - Christ confirms the apo- hundred catches in co-gla-sii Its own business with the Law of Mo-i-sei, the meaning of which was in ready people to the windows of the Opening of the Spa. He believes that even though the closest teachers are not supported, they themselves will become a support with me. This is the meaning of the celebration of my event.

On holiday icons, Jesus usually appears in an aureole of “fa-thief light” - si-ya-niya, having revealed the apostle. hundred-lam. To the left and to the right of Him are Elijah and Mo-i-sey, who holds in his hands the “Scream-for-ve-ta” - stone planks. ki with the de-s-sya-t-most-important-shi-mi re-li-gi-oz-but-moral-s-for-me, At their feet are apo-tables, pavs - covering their faces and covering them with their hands from the undesirable light, rushing towards them in the vi- de from-lo-man-nyh rays.

Pre-formation: a single event and an annual holiday

But when did it happen? event pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya - is it really at the end of the summer, and not before the Cross of the Savior, as it appears -is it from the log-gi-ki of Evan-Gel-sko-go-vest-vo-va-niya?

You are a domestic is-to-rik prof. St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy († 1900) convinced that Christ was transformed before school, not long before your next Easter, in February or March, according to our calendar, Ryu. At the same time, by analyzing the history of a number of other holidays, he found out the logo of the holidays . It seems that the Christian Church often has a hand in setting the dates for its celebrations -stvo-va-las not on-uch-ny-mi, but “pe-da-go-gi-che-ski-mi” (mis-si-o-ner-ski-mi) with-about-ra- same-ne-me-mi. Nowadays, combining its holidays with the days of popular pagan celebrations, the Church wants to step-up but you pull them out of the people, ob-ho-da, or, at least, “hri-sti-a-ni-zi-ro-vat”, half- niv to another with-holding-no-em. This explains the differences between the is-to-ri-che-ski-mi (in the event that they can be established ) and ka-len-dar-ny-mi bo-go-slu-zheb-ny-mi da-ti-rov-ka-mi.

This is what happened with the celebration of the Pre-revelation. Early on (in the 5th-6th centuries), according to Va-si-lia Bo-lo-to-va, it was established in Armenia and Cap-pa-do- kii (Asia Minor) instead of the place-no-go according to the language of the god-gi-ni Ast-hik (analog of the Greek Af-ro-di- you) and came on the sixth week after Easter, - that is, there was a holiday on the move (five-tenth -no-go) cycle. At the same time, he left behind him the ancient name “Var-dav” A r" (“bright, fiery rose”). (A modern scientist, Father Robert Taft, notes that the original origin of this holiday is still “ remains unclear,” although there is an idea about its origin around the 6th century on the basis of pa-le -stin-skogo “Feast of Ku-shchi.”)

Ana-logic “mis-si-o-ner-skaya” lo-gi-ka (but with other ac-tsen-ta-mi) was ak-tu-al-na and others -gih re-gi-o-nah Among-di-earth-no-mor-rya. Here is the window for the collection of vi-no-gra-yes, even among the Christian-sti-an-sko-go on-se-le-niya for a long time from-me-lo-languages -che-ski-mi “wak-ha-na-li-ya-mi” - all-so-ly-mi celebrations in honor of Vak-ha, “pa-tro-na” vi-no -de-lia. Their co-leaders are night activities and sex games. In order to christify this harvest festival, it was decided to solemnly celebrate in August “Pre -ob-ra-zhe-nie of the Lord”, artificially jointly with him a grateful prayer to the Istin-no-God for the grant of vi-no-gra-da. (To gather together in the temples a maxi-small number of villagers, especially living in distant mountain paradises , it was possible only on major holidays that were spectacular and long-lasting in time. servant ri-tu-al. At the same time, people learned from reading the Holy Scripture, preaching and - what would- It was important for those living in hard-to-reach places to have the opportunity to partake of the Holy Mysteries. fruit-tov, from-no-sya-sche-e-sya to the level of “demands”, lasts about ten minutes.) In this we can -but see the continuation of the ancient custom of the blessing of the word “na-chat-kov” - the first fruits.

In Kon-stan-ti-no-po-le, the holiday was established under the emperor Leo Philosopher (886-912). Due to the fact that you are on the 6th of August (according to the July ka-len-da-ryu) it remains under water -pro-som. And from the Byzantines the holiday passed to the Slavs.

It is known that this holiday, which is oriental in origin, appeared in the West quite late. Here, the Festum Transfigurationis Christi, as it is called in some ka-len-da-re, was not universally-general for a long time (although in some -the-ry re-gi-o-nah has been up-mi-na-et-sya since the 9th century). Only in 1457 did Father Calixtus III make him a universal figure and establish for him the rank of divine service. Moreover, this was done in memory of the important victory of the Christian army, gathered together by St. Ioan-nom Ka-pi-stra-nom, over tur-ka-mi on 6 August 1456. As a result, the wasp of Bel-grad was removed and the Turkish ex-pan-sia was stopped in Western Europe. pu.

In some pro-te-stant de-no-mi-na-tsi-yah, the Pre-ob-ra-zhe-nie from the spring, in the following -more Sunday baptism cycle. In Armenia there is a holiday called Pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya (“Var-dav” A r", with ha-rak-ter-ny-mi languages-che-ski-mi tra-di-tsi-ya-mi) is-la-et-sya per-re-ho-dy-schim and from-me -cha-et-sya on the 7th Sunday after Five-de-ten. The same thing is observed in some pro-te-stan churches of Europe.

In the right-glorious God-serving tradition, Pre-observation has the status of a two-on-the-death holiday. no way, for the sake of something the strict Assumption Fast is softened (allows the taste of fish). In some Church, his rank is lower and corresponds to the celebrations in honor of the apostles and Evan-ge-listov. The Lithuanian philosopher and theologian An-ta-us Ma-tsey-na in connection with this wrote: “The basis of the emergence of holidays -no way at Vo-sto-ke - god-word : this is the thinking of the writers and fathers of the Greek Church about God as the Light Who sits in the depths -bi-nah being, and for this reason a person can not only feel It, but sometimes even see it clearly. On Za-pas-de-de, the incentive for his celebration is no-strength public character" .

Fine! - the impatient reader will exclaim. - These are divine tones! But what does this have to do with Russian apples?! Everything is very simple.

What does this have to do with the apples?

Indeed, before the Greek Church charter, it says only about the good-word “fruit-yes-no-go-no-go”(wi-no-gra-da). But, for-im-stvo-vav from the Greeks ka-len-dar holidays and co-pro-leaders of their rites, sfor-mi-ro-vav- of those in the region of the Middle-Earth, the Russian-Si-yans would not have had to “re-share” the charter and for- me-thread vi-no-grad yab-lo-ka-mi - os-new-ny-mi fruit-da-mi Se-ve-ra (although the collection of yab-lok did not co-pro-leader-gave- We say “wak-ha-na-li-ya-mi”). From here it’s strange, but such a “cute and homely” name for the holiday - “Yab-lochny Savior”, which has no no relation to his theological and historical basis. On the other hand, if you teach the Kli-ma-ti-che-skie re-a-lies of our northern re-gi-o-novs, then bla -go-yes-thank God for the yes-ro-va-nie of yab-lok should still be in September, when the foundations mature -new varieties.

Literature: Bo-lo-tov V.V.(Eor-to-lo-gi-che-sky sketch) // Christian reading. 1892. No. 11-12. pp. 616-621, 644; Celebration of the Pre-ob-ra-zhe-niya of the State on the Fa-vor-skaya mountain. St. Petersburg, 1913; Ma-tsey-na A. . St. Petersburg, 2002; Ru-ban Yu.“Light without flame” // “Wo-yes alive.” St. Petersburg church bulletin. 2007. No. 8. Taft R.F. Li-tur-gi-che-skiy lek-si-kon [trans. from English S. Go-lo-va-no-va]. Omsk, 2013; Holweck F. G. Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ // The Catholic Encyclopedia. N.-Y., 1913. Vol. 15.

Yuri Ruban,
Ph.D., cand. bo-go-word-via

So, we are convinced that neither poppy and honey to the First Spa, nor apples to the Second, have any -words from-no-she-niya. Ten days after the Pre-formation, the Third Savior arrives, having an even more painful presence in the people's region. The following definitions are “ore-ho-vy”, “bread”, as well as “Spas on canvas” or “Spas on canvas”. We are trying to understand whether the Third Savior has a direct relation to agriculture, weaving about mouse-lax-no-sti or also to something else. It opens on the 29th of August in the new style.

Sukk O t), established in memory of wanderings across the desert, when people lived in tents. “Ku-schi” as-so-tsi-i-ru-yut-sya in co-knowledge of the faith of the Jew precisely with this region -whom, in which God revealed Himself (more precisely, His “glory”) in the Tabernacle of the congregation (in the course of the temple) made of wool fabric). “And the gathering of the Tabernacle covered the roof, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle” ().

The Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord is a bright holiday, which is celebrated annually on August 19. Find out what traditions this Orthodox holiday carries with it, how it was celebrated and what it is customary to pray to God about on this day.

History of the church holiday

The event that Orthodox Christians celebrate on this day is associated with the Transfiguration described in the Bible. During his sermon, Jesus revealed his Divine essence to his apostles and revealed to them that he was the son of God. Having ascended Mount Tabor, the Savior was transformed: his face shone, his clothes became bright, and the voice of the Lord from heaven said: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him."

Jesus said that he was called to die for human sins by sacrificing himself. But after three days he will be resurrected, and then ascend to heaven.

How is it customary to celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord?

Church services in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord begin the day before the holiday - August 18, and continue for another seven days after. On the Feast of the Transfiguration itself, a liturgy is held in churches and a canon is sung. On this day, every one of the church ministers is dressed in white clothes, emphasizing the miraculous Tabor light that overshadowed Christ.

Orthodox believers traditionally go to church on August 19, the day of Transfiguration, to celebrate the festive service. And at home it is customary to pray before the icon of our Savior Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who is unapproachable in the living Light,
This radiance of the Glory of the Father and the Image of His Hypostasis!
When the fulfillment of times came, You humbled Yourself for your unspeakable mercy for the fallen human race, You took on the form of a servant, You humbled Yourself, obedient even to the point of death.
Moreover, before the Cross and Your free passion on Mount Tavorstei, You were transfigured in Your Divine Glory before Your saints, the disciples and Apostles, little hiding the perception of the flesh, so that when they see You crucified and put to death, they will understand Your free suffering and Divinity.”

The Feast of the Transfiguration is popularly called Apple Savior. On this day, church and folk traditions intertwine, and both holidays are celebrated on a grand scale. Orthodox Christians bring the fruits of the new apple harvest to church to bless after the liturgy.

In the evening there are festivities. Despite the fact that the holiday falls on the Dormition Fast, the church allows more food to be served than on other fasting days: fish, apple treats and wine.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is considered one of the twelve main events in the Orthodox calendar and is important for every believer. By observing Orthodox traditions, you can not only honor the memory of your ancestors, but also become a little closer to God, bring faith in Him into your soul. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.08.2015 00:10

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In memory of the gospel events, on August 19th, Christianity celebrates the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. According to the old style, this event falls on August 6th (the day of the holiday in the Catholic version). The full name of the holiday sounds like the Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The holiday belongs to the 12 main Christian holidays (they are called the “twelve impermanent”, according to the number 12). You may be familiar with the popular name for this day - Apple Spas (Second Spas).

History of the holiday

Actually, the roots of the holiday, like all the twelve holidays, should be sought in the Gospel. The Transfiguration of the Lord is the manifestation of the greatness and power of Jesus Christ to his three closest disciples (Peter, James, John) during prayer on Mount Tabor in Galilee. Shortly before the Transfiguration, Jesus Christ said, addressing his disciples: “There are some of those standing here who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God come in power.” The prayer on Mount Tabor happened 6 days after this revelation. According to the Gospel legend, on the mountain during prayer the face of Jesus Christ shone, and his robe became white (this phenomenon was later called the “Taborian light” among the monks). Then a cloud appeared on the mountain, from which the disciples of Jesus Christ heard a Voice: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him." What Peter, James and John heard and saw on Mount Tabor, Jesus Christ forbade them to disclose until He rose from the dead. This event was interpreted as the simultaneous appearance of the Trinity: the Son of God (Jesus Christ), God (in the form of a cloud), the Holy Spirit (in the form of the Voice from the Cloud). The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor also demonstrated the unity of the divine and the human in Jesus Christ. Mount Tabor and what happened on it are a symbol of the union of the Old and New Testaments by Jesus Christ. Later, the Church (Basilica) of the Transfiguration of the Lord was erected on Mount Tabor in memory of these evangelical events (in the 4th century AD, the organizer of the construction was Helen, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine Equal to the Apostles). The Transfiguration on Mount Tabor happened shortly before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Researchers note that the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord began to be celebrated in the Christian East and, in particular, in Palestine (as an exclusively local holiday), already in the 4th-5th centuries. new era. In fact, the date of the holiday - August 19th - is nothing more than an installation of the Church. In fact, the Tabor events took place on the day of the month February, 40 days before Easter. However, so that the celebration would not fall on , the clergy postponed it for a significant period. Now the holiday falls on the milder Dormition Fast (August 14-27).
In the Catholic West, this holiday has been celebrated only since 1456 (rather late compared to the Orthodox East).

Traditions of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord

On this day, fruits are blessed in Orthodox churches: grapes as the main fruit of the new harvest, etc. (where there are no grapes, apples are blessed, which is why the popular name of the holiday is Apple Savior). After consecration, the fruits can be served. In Russia, the most common fruit is the apple. This tradition dates back to the 8th century AD.
If, in the Catholic version, August 6th falls on a weekday, then the celebration is moved to the next Sunday.
In the Middle Ages, it was considered a tradition for Christians to distribute apples to the poor and disabled on this day.
In Orthodox churches on this day, a liturgy is performed (i.e., a festive service), a canon is performed, emphasizing the greatness of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. At the end of the liturgy, the consecration of the fruits takes place.
Before this day, fruits could not be eaten (i.e. until August 19), after the Transfiguration of the Lord, when the fruits are consecrated, it is allowed.
Despite the fact that the holiday is also one of the days of the Dormition Fast, you can eat fish for dinner on this day.
During services, the clergy performs all rituals in white robes (symbolizing the fact that the robe of Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor became dazzling white, the so-called phenomenon of the “Tabor light”).
The troparion for the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is as follows: “Thou art transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, having shown Thy glory to Thy disciples, as unto a man; May Your ever-present light shine upon us sinners too, through the prayers of the Mother of God, Light-Giver, glory to You. You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, who showed Your disciples Your glory as far as they could see; May Your light, eternally existing, shine upon us sinners too, through the prayers of the Mother of God. Giver of Light, glory to You!”
Kontakion of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord: “Thou art transfigured on the mountain, and as the host of Thy disciples, they saw Thy glory, O Christ God: that when they see Thee crucified, they will understand the free suffering, and the world may preach that Thou art truly the Father’s radiance. You were transfigured on the mountain, and as far as your disciples could, they saw your glory, Christ God; so that, seeing You crucified, they understand the voluntariness of suffering, and preach to the world that You are truly the radiance of the Father.”
The troparion and kontakion of a holiday are short hymns (prayers) that reveal the essence of a particular Christian holiday.
In the Armenian Orthodox Church, for example, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, it is customary for the common people to pour water on each other and release doves from cages (the latter is a feature of the Russian Orthodox Church on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

Features of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Let us note this fact: the official evangelical events (Transfiguration on Mount Tabor) took place 40 days before, and the Church moved the holiday to August 19 (new style); At the same time, 40 days after the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is celebrated.
If we compare it with the nearest previous twelve immovable holiday (this), then the Transfiguration has one day of pre-festival and a week of post-celebration (the Annunciation has one day of pre-celebration and post-celebration).
In the prayers for the Transfiguration of the Lord, gospel stories are reproduced, such as the prayer of Jesus Christ and the surprise of the disciples at the Voice from the Cloud.
The first church dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord is the church on Mount Tabor, built at the behest of the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Helena. In St. Petersburg there is now the Transfiguration Cathedral (at Preobrazhenskaya Square, 1). There are three thrones in the temple, and one of them is dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord. The Transfiguration Cathedral is one of the most visited churches in St. Petersburg and Russia.

The spiritual meaning of the holiday

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord teaches us that everyone should strive for transformation for the better. Everyone can change, transform themselves and the world for the better at any moment, if they just want to. Spiritual transformation, spiritual improvement should become a person’s aspiration from an early age. In addition, Jesus Christ showed what kind of Transfiguration awaits the righteous in the Kingdom of God.

In commemoration of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ, which took place according to church tradition on Mount Tabor, since ancient times the Christian Church has established the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which occurs on August 19/6 and is considered one of the Lord's greatest twelve holidays, has 1 day of forefeast and 7 days of afterfeast. The surrender takes place on August 13/26.

Icon "Transfiguration" Jesus Christ

So that the celebration does not take place during Lent, the Orthodox Church deliberately postponed it to August 19 (06) - forty days before the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, although according to the chronology of the Gospel, the event took place 40 days before the suffering of Jesus on the cross.

And this was given to the disciples so that they could see what awaits a person at the end of life, what kind of light of Transfiguration awaits us at the end of centuries. And therefore, the Church timed this holiday, the Feast of the Transfiguration, to coincide with the last days of the calendar church year, the time of results and fruits. From the collection "Light Shines in the Darkness" by A. Men

And yet the holiday falls during the Dormition Fast, but on this day relaxation is allowed - fish is allowed at the meal.

Having received baptism from John and then, having defeated the temptation of the devil, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to preach the Gospel. In cities and villages, in mountains and deserts, a great multitude of people listened to His saving teachings and saw His amazing miracles.

But from among the many who followed the Divine Teacher, he chose twelve disciples, with whom he primarily revealed the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, and who were constant witnesses of his life and teaching.

The Lord often told his chosen disciples what was appropriate for him go to Jerusalem and suffer a lot and be killed(Matt. 16:1). But the disciples at first did not understand the need for the cross and were afraid of the thought of the suffering of their beloved Teacher.

Rice. P.F. Borel

Believing that he was the promised Messiah, they wondered how he could suffer and die. Therefore, the Lord showed them by the following miraculous event that he was truly the Son of God and that he would suffer voluntarily, as predicted by the Prophets. Taking with him the Apostles Peter, James and John, Jesus Christ led them to Mount Tabor, and here he indulged in solitary prayer.

The Gospel does not directly say that the transfiguration took place on Mount Tabor. Only Isaiah has the words that the former time diminished the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but the next will exalt it, and the people walking in darkness will see a great light - the light will shine on those living in the land of the shadow of death. (9:1,2) On the border of the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali, Tabor rises. Modern theologians consider the Mount of Transfiguration not Tabor, but one of the spurs of Mount Hermon. (Wikipedia)

During prayer, His face suddenly transformed, becoming as bright as the sun, and His clothes as white as snow. Then the ancient God-seers and the greatest prophets appeared: Saint Elijah - from heaven and Moses - from the land of the dead.

Transfiguration. Fragment of the painting of the northeastern sail of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The author of the recreation is V.A. Bakshaev

The apostles were amazed and amazed by this wonderful phenomenon - amid such glory and greatness, their Divine Teacher talks with the prophets about the suffering that awaited him in Jerusalem. And Saint Peter, out of his fiery love for the Lord, begs Him to remain forever on Tabor, together with Moses and Elijah, far from envious people and persecutors.

Titian Vecellio. Transfiguration of the Lord, 1560

He had not yet finished his strange request when a bright cloud overshadowed everyone who was on Tabor, and a voice was heard from the cloud: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: listen to him!”(Matt. 17:5) The apostles fell on their faces and were as if dead from fear.

At the end of the wonderful vision, the Lord approached them, calmed them down and commanded them, until the time of His resurrection from the dead, not to tell anyone about what they had seen and heard on Tabor. But all the more solemnly such a great event should be proclaimed after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, for the edification of all who believe in him.

Celebration - traditions, customs, rituals

  • On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, a festive liturgy is performed in churches, parimia are read, a canon is sung, the priests are dressed in white robes, symbolizing the divine uncreated Tabor light.
  • The rules of the Apostles (3rd rule) and the IV Ecumenical Council (28th rule) established on this day that the Church consecrate ripened fruits and bunches, as a sign of gratitude to God, who gave them for food. Orthodox Christians usually bring to the temple, for consecration, the first of the ripening fruits of the earth: grapes, apples, pears and others.
  • The popular name of the holiday is Apple Savior, Second Savior, Transfiguration of the Savior.
    Until this day, there was a custom to observe the so-called “apple fast”, not to eat the fruits of the new harvest, except for cucumbers. (V.I. Dal, Mesyatseslov)

Transfiguration (Video)


Lessons from Archpriest I. Yakhontov, 1864, St. Petersburg.
A. Men, “The light shines in the darkness”
V.I. Dahl, Mesyatseslov

Transfiguration of the Lord in 2019 (August 19)- the twelfth holiday, which the Orthodox Church celebrates on August 19. People usually call it Apple Savior.

Transfiguration of the Lord: history

This event is narrated in three synoptic Gospels: Matthew (17:1-6), Mark (9:1-8), Luke (9:28-36). Shortly before His suffering (Tradition says that the Transfiguration took place forty days before Golgotha, so the interval between the Transfiguration and the Exaltation of the Cross is forty days), Christ took the three apostles - Peter, James and John - to a mountain in Galilee (according to Tradition - Mount Tabor), where, praying, he was transformed: His clothes and face shone with white light. The prophets Moses and Elijah stood near Christ and talked with Him.

In inexpressible joy, the Apostle Peter simply turned to the Lord: “Mentor! It’s good for us to be here; We will make three tabernacles, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” At this moment, a bright cloud overshadows the apostles, from which the voice of God is heard: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him.”

Descending from the mountain, Christ commanded his disciples not to tell about the wondrous phenomenon until His Resurrection.

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord has been celebrated since the 4th century - the time when the holy Queen Helen built the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the site of the event.

The theological content of the Transfiguration of the Lord is difficult to overestimate. The outstanding Byzantine theologian and one of the greatest Orthodox saints of the 14th century, Saint Gregory Palamas, formulated the doctrine of the Light of Tabor - one of the manifestations of grace through which a person is united with God. Hesychasm, the Eastern Christian practice of so-called mental prayer, is based on this teaching.

St. Gregory's polemic with another theologian of that time, Barlaam, revealed serious contradictions between Orthodox and Western theology. St. Gregory's opponent, Barlaam, later accepted Roman Catholicism and became the Bishop of Jerak, his teachings were accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.

The popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord is Apple Savior. On this day, according to tradition, the fruits of the new harvest are blessed. According to the charter, grapes are supposed to be blessed, but in Russia, where grapes do not ripen, apples are used. Based on the statutory requirements, a pious folk custom developed not to eat apples from the new harvest until the Transfiguration, the so-called “apple fast.”

According to the regulations of the Dormition Fast, the sixth day of which is a holiday, it is allowed to eat fish on this day.

The event of the holiday and its eorthological dynamics

This holiday was established in memory of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ before the disciples on Mount Tabor. He is told about in the three Synoptic Gospels: Matt. 17:1–6; Mk. 9: 1–8; OK. 9:28–36.

In the last year of His public ministry, while in Caesarea Philippi, the Lord, in anticipation of the coming suffering, began to reveal to the disciples that “He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day rise again” ( Matthew 16:21). The Teacher’s words greatly saddened the apostles, and especially Peter, who began to contradict the Savior, saying: “Be merciful to yourself, Lord! let this not happen to you!” (Matthew 16:22). Noticing the grief of the disciples and wanting to alleviate it, Jesus Christ promised some of them to show the glory in which He would be clothed after His departure: “Truly I say to you, there are some of those standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom" (Matthew 16:28).

Six days later, the Lord, accompanied by his disciples, set out from Caesarea to the borders of Galilee. Stopping at Mount Tabor, He took with Him three disciples - Peter and the brothers James and John - and went up with them to the top to pray. And the apostles, tired, fell asleep: “Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep” (Luke 9:32).

During their sleep, the Lord Jesus Christ was transformed: “And as He prayed, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became white and shining” (Luke 9:29). Waking up from sleep, the apostles saw Him in light clothes with a bright light emanating from Him. Christ talked with two men - the prophets Moses and Elijah about the upcoming suffering. As the conversation came to an end, Peter became bold and said to the Lord: “Master! It’s good for us to be here, let’s make three tabernacles, one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Luke 9:33). But Jesus immediately showed him that he had no need for a tabernacle, that He was the One who for 40 years made cloud tents for his fathers in the desert. “While He was still speaking,” narrates the Evangelist Matthew, “behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold, a voice from the cloud, saying: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5).

At these words, the apostles fell on their faces in great fear. At this time, the glory of the Lord, and with it the prophets, hid from them. The Lord approached the disciples lying on the ground, saying: “Get up, do not be afraid” (Matthew 17: 7). Looking up, the apostles saw no one except the Lord Jesus. They began to descend from the mountain. The dear Lord commanded them not to tell anyone about the vision until He accepted suffering and death and rose again on the third day. The apostles complied with the Savior’s request and kept silent for the time being about what they saw.

Despite the fact that the event being remembered took place 40 days before the crucifixion of the Savior, it is celebrated in August and not in February, since otherwise the celebration would fall during Lent. According to established tradition, a time period of 40 days separates the Transfiguration from the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrated on September 14, when the Church again remembers Christ's passion and His suffering on the cross. In this regard, Archpriest Alexander Schmeman notes: “Before its designation as a separate holiday, the remembrance of the Transfiguration was undoubtedly associated with the Easter cycle, as is still indicated by the troparion and kontakion of this day: “... may they ever see Thee crucified.”

As for the chronology of the establishment of the holiday, in historical liturgics there are versions about its extremely ancient origin: “Since 900 it has been celebrated in Byzantium as ... the Transfiguration of the Savior.”

However, it is more likely that the holiday in question was established in the 4th century: at that time, Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen, mother of Constantine the Great, built a temple on Mount Tabor in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. And for some time the Transfiguration was a local celebration in Palestine. Only from the 5th century did the celebration become widespread in the Christian East.

Holiday in Orthodox worship

Some information related to the diachronic specificity of the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Palestine can be gleaned from the work of A.A. Dmitrievsky "Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Tabor." He, in particular, writes: “By August 6, the day of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, life on Mount Tabor takes on not only a lively character, but even an overly playful one, completely alien to the calm and complete silence that reigns here in normal times... To perform a solemn service in this day either the Metropolitan of Nazareth arrives with his retinue, or even one of the synodal bishops arrives from Jerusalem.”

The evening service is performed by the bishop with local and visiting clergy. Specially invited singers try to make the all-night vigil even more magnificent with the help of musical anixandarii (verses of the psalm “Bless the Lord, O my soul”), kekragarii (stichera on “Lord, I cried”) and doxastarii - slavniks. In addition to the usual solemn small exit of all the clergy to sing “Quiet Light,” “the blessing of the loaves is also performed at the litia, and when the gathering of pilgrims in the church is significant, they go out to the monastery courtyard under the open sky to perform the litia and blessing the loaves.”

Matins is performed in the usual order according to the rite of the Great Church of Constantinople, before the Great Doxology, after which the Liturgy immediately follows. If it is served by a bishop, then, according to the accepted custom, his vestments occur first - in the middle of the temple, and the sacred bishop's vestments are carried out of the altar by the priests serving with him after the deacon exclaims: “Priests, come out.”

During the liturgy, as well as at matins, some litanies and exclamations are pronounced in Church Slavonic, and the Apostle and Gospel are read in three languages ​​- Greek, Arabic and Church Slavonic.

At the end of the liturgy, a prayer service is held and a religious procession is held around the Church of the Transfiguration.

A local feature of the holiday is that Palestinian Christians often mark the baptism of their children on the day of the Transfiguration, as well as the time of the first tonsure of children who have already reached three years of age or even older. Therefore, on the eve of Tabor, a baptism ceremony is performed at the monastery. On the very day of the holiday, at the liturgy according to the Gospel, the bishop reads prayers “for the tonsure of the hair” and tonsures the children in a cross shape, saying: “The servant of God (name of the rivers) is tonsured in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Then a short, intense litany is pronounced for the recipient and the tonsured one, and the dismissal is performed.

On a synchronic level, the Transfiguration of the Lord belongs in the Russian Orthodox Church to the Lord's, fixed feasts and has all the liturgical features of the great twelve-day celebration. In addition, there is one day of pre-celebration (August 5) and seven days of post-celebration (from 7 to 13 August). The donation takes place on August 13th.

The rite of blessing of fruits at the Transfiguration of the Lord

To some extent, which cannot, however, be exaggerated, the Feast of the Transfiguration is connected and comparable to the Old Testament Feast of Tabernacles. Such reciprocity is confirmed by the tradition of consecrating fruits on both of these celebrations.

In the East, by the beginning of August, cereals and grapes ripen, which Christians bring to the temple for blessing as a sign of gratitude to God for the gift of these fruits. In the first centuries, Christians donated part of the harvest to the temple for the sacrament of the Eucharist. It is obvious that in Christianity the consecration of fruits on the day of the Transfiguration has acquired a special symbolic meaning. The Transfiguration of Christ shows that new, transformed and grace-filled state that man and the world acquire through the Resurrection of Christ and which will be realized in the resurrection of people. And all of nature, which fell into disarray from the moment sin entered the world through man, now awaits, together with man, the coming renewal. Therefore, a few words need to be said about the rite of consecration of fruits developed in the Russian Orthodox Church, which is dearly loved by Orthodox people. Over time, the holiday in question even received the name Apple Savior, since apples, the most common fruit in Rus', are blessed on this day.

So, after the prayer behind the pulpit, while singing the troparion and kontakion of the holiday, the priest censes the fruits. Then the deacon exclaims: “Let us pray to the Lord,” and the priest reads the prayer “for the communion of the bunch”: “Bless, Lord” and the prayer “for those who bring the first fruits of vegetables”: “O Lord our God.” Afterwards, while singing the troparion, he sprinkles the fruits with holy water. Then follow “Be the name of the Lord” and the dismissal of the holiday.

Iconography of the holiday

The basis for the iconography of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the gospel narrative.

On icons, frescoes, and manuscript miniatures, the Savior standing on the mountain is depicted in the center of the composition, on either side of Him are the prophets, and at the foot of the mountain are the fallen apostles.

One of the oldest images of the Transfiguration is the mosaic of the apse of the Church of St. Apollinaris (San Apollinare in Classe) in Rome (mid-6th century): the figure of Christ in the center is replaced by the image of a huge four-pointed cross in a medallion, above it is the right hand of the Lord. On the sides on the clouds are half-figures of Moses and Elijah, and below, in the middle of the trees, three lambs are depicted, apparently symbolizing the three disciples of the Savior. This type of iconography is characteristic of early Christian art, replete with complex symbols. However, it does not find further distribution.

Another pictorial type is demonstrated by the mosaics of the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. They represent the appearance of the Lord in glory to the apostles, that is, the event of the New Testament, at which the prophet Moses is also present. The prophets and apostles are depicted here on a golden background, wearing white robes. Standing in the center of the composition, the blessing Savior is surrounded by a radiance of glory - rays of light emanate from the oval blue mandorla. This composition became widespread in Byzantine and Old Russian art.

From about the 12th century, it will be supplemented with images of the apostles ascending and descending from the mountain, led by Christ: the Church of the Annunciation in Gračanica (1321), the Virgin Mary Periveleptus in Mystras (third quarter of the 14th century).

In later monuments, a number of more iconographic details appear, making the story of the Transfiguration more detailed. Thus, on some icons of the 16th–17th centuries, not only the prophets Moses and Elijah are depicted on the sides of Christ, but also the rise of Moses from the grave and the transfer to Mount Tabor on the cloud of Elijah. Both Old Testament righteous men are accompanied by angels (Russian icons of the late 16th century).

The role of the Transfiguration scene in the composition of temple paintings and the peculiarities of its location in the space of temples is very significant. Since the Transfiguration was understood as a prototype of the coming Passion of Christ, which was reflected both in patristic interpretations and in liturgical texts, this plot, in violation of the chronological narrative, was an element of the passion cycle (Church of the Savior on Nereditsa; 1199; Novgorod the Great). Moreover, often in Russian iconostases of the 16th–17th centuries, the Transfiguration becomes a symbol of the passionate cycle, replacing it in the festive series between the compositions of the Entry into Jerusalem and the Crucifixion.