The name Ilya - meaning and contraindications. Ilya - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Short form of the name Ilya. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha, Lij, Lais, Eliot, Eli, Lias, Ile, Liash.
Synonyms for the name Ilya. Elijah, Ilyas, Elias, Eli, Elia, Eliya, Illesh, Elijah, Elijah, Elias, Ellis, Eliash, Ilie.
Origin of the name Ilya. The name Ilya is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Elijah is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning “My God is the Lord,” and can also be translated as “believer.” Another interpretation is that the name Elijah comes from the name Elijah, which means “the strength of the Lord” and “the power of God.” Paired female name - Ilina, Iliana, Ilinka.

The name Ilya has many European analogues - Elijah, Eliash, Eli (emphasis on the first syllable), Ilyas. Do not confuse the affectionate address Eli with the female name Ellie, which is more often used as the name Ella, but is also an appeal to many other female names.

The most famous is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who is referred to in Islam as Ilyas. Among modern Catholics, the prophet Elijah is considered the heavenly patron of motorists and motorcyclists, and among Orthodox Christians he is considered the patron of Russian airborne troops, quite possibly because he himself ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire. The dates of Catholic name days are February 16, April 17, July 20. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Elijah.

Ilya is artistic, ironic and multifaceted. He is very deep in himself, but he is also capable of empathizing with others. Ilya is an advisor and teacher. He will tell and show everything to anyone who wants it, but he will only let in his soul to a select few.

In company, Ilya is cheerful and sociable. He communicates easily with any people, without conflict. Ilya always puts his family first, although for a short time he can still forget about it, listening to the advice of his friends. Coldness and neglect, which are simply unbearable for him, can push Ilya away from his family and loved ones.

Ilya is quick-tempered, but quickly cools down. After quarrels, he repents for a long time of his incontinence. Although Ilya tends to get cocky at times, a man, as a rule, keeps his heart in check. Before proposing to his beloved, he will prepare all the conditions for living together. Ilya's impulsive actions often lead to failures and disappointments. His resourcefulness helps a man overcome them.

Ilya has well-developed intuition. He is able to correctly assess the situation, and, having assessed it, a man quickly makes the right decision and sets a goal for himself. But all sorts of little things often prevent Ilya from achieving his goal.

Ilya is smart, has a good memory, and is able to judge events from different points of view.

Ilya is not very picky when choosing friends. And the creative potential of this person largely depends on the degree of his love. He is attentive, gentle and caring towards his chosen one.

It is important for Ilya that his woman is close to him spiritually. Then he is able to appreciate her. Family becomes the most important thing for Ilya. He loves his wife endlessly, and is unusually gentle and kind with his children.

Although more often Ilya strives to choose an occupation that is not related to organizational activities, sometimes the profession itself chooses him. You can meet Ilya the doctor or Ilya the teacher. Whatever work this man chooses for himself, most likely he will achieve significant professional heights in this field. Ilya works best in tandem with a colleague whose character traits complement Ilya’s.

Since childhood, Ilya has developed a sense of ownership. He prefers to organize both games and business independently, and then bear full responsibility for the results. Ilya rarely has his head in the clouds; a specific result is important to him. By nature he is kind and gentle, but he expresses all dissatisfaction directly. Partly because of this, the implementation of his plans is not always possible for this man.

Ilya's name day

Ilya celebrates his name day on January 1, January 21, January 25, January 27, February 3, February 13, March 1, April 5, April 10, June 23, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 16, September 26, September 30 , October 11, November 16, November 17, November 22, December 5, December 9, December 18, December 29, December 31.

Famous people named Ilya

  • Ilya Mechnikov ((1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation, phagocytic theory of immunity, founder of scientific gerontology. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).)
  • Ilya Erenburg ((1891 - 1967) Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure)
  • Ilya Repin ((1844 - 1930) Russian artist-painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Memoirist, author of a number of essays that compiled the book of memoirs “Distant Close”. Teacher, was a professor - head of the workshop (1894- 1907) and rector (1898-1899) of the Academy of Arts, at the same time he taught at Tenisheva’s school-workshop; among his students are B.M. Kustodiev, I.E. Grabar, I.S. Kulikov, F.A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, also gave private lessons to V.A. Serov.)
  • Ilya Frank ((1908 - 1990) Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1958) for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (together with Cherenkov and Tamm), laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1971))
  • Ilya Glazunov ((born 1930) Soviet and Russian artist-painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Federation (1997). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)
  • Ilya Mazuruk ((1906 - 1989) Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Ilya Reznik ((born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)
  • Ilya Lagutenko ((born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group)
  • Ilya Muromets (Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main heroes of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries. The full epic name is Ilya Muromets, son of Ivan, less common is Ilya Murovets, son of Ivan. A hero who embodies the people's ideal of a hero-warrior, people's intercessor. In Kmita of Chernobyl (XVI century) Ilya is Muravlenin, not Muromets, in Erich Lassota (XVI century) - Ilya Morovlin, in some epics of the 17th century - Ilya Murovich or Ilya Murovets. It is possible that in the folk epic the image of Ilya Muromets merged with the venerable Elijah of Pechersk. He lived 800 years ago.)
  • Ilya Buyalsky ((1789 - 1866) Russian anatomist and surgeon, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. One of the founders of topographic anatomy.)
  • Ilya Ilf ((1897 - 1937) real name - Yehiel-Leib Fainzilberg, the pseudonym "Ilf" may be an abbreviation of his name Ilya Fainzilberg, but more likely an abbreviation of his Jewish name in accordance with the Jewish tradition of nominal abbreviations; Soviet writer and journalist. Ilf wrote materials of a humorous and satirical nature - mainly feuilletons. In 1927, the creative collaboration of Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov began with the joint work on the novel “The Twelve Chairs”. Subsequently, various works were written in collaboration with Evgeny Petrov, the most famous of which is the novel " Twelve Chairs" (1928) and the novel "The Golden Calf" (1931).)
  • Ilya Averbukh ((born 1973) Soviet and Russian figure skater (ice dancing). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2003). Currently, he is an entrepreneur, producer of his own ice show, choreographer in figure skating. Paired with Irina Lobacheva: silver medalist at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, world champion 2002, European champion 2003, Russian champion (1997, 2000-2002). Together with Marina Anisina, two-time world junior champion (1990 and 1992) .)
  • Ilya Averbakh ((1934 - 1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Ilya (Iliy) Shatrov ((1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”)
  • Ilya Efron ((1847 - 1917) one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian typographers and book publishers)
  • Ilya Vasilevsky ((1882 - 1938) pseudonyms: Ne-Bukva, A. Glebov, Phoenix; Russian journalist, feuilletonist)
  • Ilya Gruzinov ((1781 - 1813) professor of anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow University, who discovered in 1812 that the source of the human voice can be tracheal membranes)
  • Ilya Kormiltsev ((1959 - 2007) Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" (2003 - 2007); main author of the lyrics of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" )
  • Ilya Frez ((1909 - 1994) Soviet film director and screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974).)
  • Ilya Gringolts ((born 1982) Russian violinist. Prize winner at the St. Petersburg competition “I am a composer” (I prize, 1993; Grand Prix, 1995, 1996). Performs solo concerts with leading symphony orchestras in Russia and abroad. Winner International Paganini Violin Competition (1998), laureate of other international competitions.)
  • Ilya Golosov ((1883 - 1945) Soviet architect who worked in the style of symbolic romanticism and constructivism)
  • Ilya Zubov ((born 1923) full holder of the Order of Glory, People's Deputy of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War)
  • Ilya Sadofyev ((1899 – 1965) Russian Soviet poet, translator)
  • Ilya Imyanitov ((1918 - 1987) Soviet scientist, researcher of atmospheric electricity, developer of instruments and methods for measuring electric fields in the atmosphere using aircraft, electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, space charges of the atmosphere and clouds. Author and organizer of research on the electrical properties of clouds.)
  • Ilya Ionov ((1887 - 1942) real name – Bernstein; Russian revolutionary and publishing worker)
  • Ilya Reiderman ((born 1937) Russian poet, philosopher, cultural critic, music critic, member of the Writers' Union of Russia (2012))
  • Ilya Kan ((1909 - 1978) Soviet chess player, international master (1950), second of Mikhail Botvinnik during the world championship match with Vasily Smyslov (1954). Champion of Moscow (1936). Participated in 10 USSR championships.)
  • Ilya Konstantinovsky ((1913 - 1995) Russian writer, playwright and translator)
  • M. Ilyin ((1896 - 1953) real name - Ilya Marshak; Russian Soviet writer, chemical engineer. Younger brother of S.Ya. Marshak.)
  • Ilya Melamed ((1895 - 1938) Soviet military and economic figure, one of the organizers of industry. Director of the 1st State Bearing Plant (GPP) named after L.M. Kaganovich.)
  • Ilya Mate ((born 1956) Soviet freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1979). The first Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling from the USSR among athletes representing the rural sports community.)
  • Ilya Ulyanov ((1831 - 1886) statesman, teacher, supporter of universal education equal for all nationalities. Ilya Ulyanov became famous due to his famous revolutionary sons - Alexander Ulyanov and Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin.)
  • Ilya Gorelov ((1928 - 1999) Russian philologist, Doctor of Philology (1977), professor of the Department of German Philology at Saratov State University since 1982, one of the largest domestic specialists in psycholinguistics. He studied the problems of the ontogenesis of consciousness, bilingualism, non-verbal communication. He also worked problems of the Volga Germans.)
  • Ilya Tchaikovsky ((1795 - 1880) mining engineer, major general, father of composer P.I. Tchaikovsky)
  • Ilya Nazarov ((1919 - 1944) senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Ilya Ostroukhov ((1858 - 1929) Russian landscape artist, collector. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, the Union of Russian Artists, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Friend of P.M. Tretyakov, one of the leaders of the Tretyakov Gallery. Collected paintings, icons. Collection of icons Ostroukhov was considered one of the best in Russia. In 1890, he opened a private museum. In 1918, the museum was nationalized, and Ostroukhov was appointed its lifelong curator. Since 1920, it was called the “Museum of Iconography and Painting named after I.S. Ostroukhov.” After the death of the curator, the museum disbanded, and its funds were dispersed to museums. A significant part of Ostroukhov’s collection of icons is in the collection of the department of ancient Russian art of the Tretyakov Gallery. Nowadays, the museum “Russian Literature of the 20th Century” is located in the memorial house of the artist and collector Ostroukhov. The museum organizes rotating exhibitions on the history of literature of the 20th century and exhibitions of artists related to literature.)
  • Ilya Galyuza ((born 1979) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)
  • Ilya Garkavy ((1888 - 1937) Soviet military leader, corps commander)
  • Ilya Veldzhanov ((born 1934) Belarusian and Turkmen statesman, diplomat and military man. The first lieutenant general in Turkmenistan.)
  • Ilya Artishchev ((1923 - 1981) Major of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945))
  • Ilya Rigin ((born 1986) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Ilya Vasyuk ((1919 - 1969) captain of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944))

Ilya is the Russian version of the ancient biblical name Eliyahu, which literally means "God is my Lord." In Old Church Slavonic the name sounded like Ilya; later, for ease of pronunciation in Russian, the name began to sound like Ilya.

In pre-Christian Rus' the name was not used, but with the advent of Christianity the name became firmly established in the name book. Its popularity is evidenced by the many surnames formed from the name Ilya - Ilyin, Ilyinykh, Ilyushin, Ilyukhin and so on. Currently, approximately one boy in a thousand newborns is called Ilya.

Among those bearing the name Ilya are many outstanding personalities who have forever left their mark on history. For example, Soviet writer Ilya Erenburg, Russian artists Ilya Repin and Ilya Glazunov, Russian biologist Ilya Mechnikov, humorist Ilya Ilf, composer Ilya Reznik, chess player Ilya Shah and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The most famous patron of the name Elijah is the prophet Elijah. He was born 900 years before the birth of Christ, and from an early age he was a very religious person. During his lifetime, he was cruelly persecuted by the pagan king Ahab, and then Elijah was forced to flee to Mount Hareb, where the Lord appeared to the despairing prophet.

He consoled Elijah with the words that he was not the only one suffering for his faith; there were many in the world who refused to worship idols. And the Lord pointed Elijah to Elisha, who became his disciple, and subsequently witnessed the prophet’s ascent to heaven in a chariot of fire.

The prophet Elijah will appear on earth as the forerunner of the second coming of Christ, and if the first time a fiery chariot carried him to heaven alive, then this time only his soul will ascend to heaven.

All men named Ilya can celebrate their name day once a year, choosing a date that coincides with their birthday or the one immediately following it. These dates are: January 1, 21, 25, and 27; February 3 and 13; March 1; April 5 and 10; June 23; August 2, 25 and 30; September 16, 26 and 30; October 11; November 16, 17 and 22; December 5, 9, 18, 29 and 31.

Characteristics of the name

Nature awarded Ilya with such traits as rationality, resourcefulness, sociability, as well as the ability to find an approach to a variety of people. By nature, he is an extrovert - that is, an open, sociable and straightforward person. Easy-going, Ilya is always ready to make concessions and compromise, sometimes he simply physically cannot say “no.”

Excessive gullibility often becomes a source of problems for Ilya, and even heightened intuition cannot help him with this. Although Ilya is quick-tempered, he is quick-witted and unforgiving; moreover, he is inclined to be tormented by remorse if he realizes that he was wrong.

Ilya’s gaze is always directed to the future, which he tries to meticulously build and plan, forgetting that today can also be lived brightly and unforgettably. Such practicality, on the one hand, is good, but on the other hand, it keeps a man in constant tension and makes him feel dissatisfied with the present. Ilya's whole life can pass in anticipation of something better. Due to the constant expectation of positive changes, he simply does not notice these very changes.

The economic spirit has been noticeable in Ilya since childhood; he has a highly developed sense of ownership and responsibility. She does not tolerate loneliness well, loves to travel and learn something new. He is indiscriminate in his choice of friends and may fall under bad influence.

In general, the name Ilya endows a person with kindness, generosity, reliability and special warm soulfulness, so you always want to turn to him for help or advice.


Little Ilyusha is usually very similar to his mother, both in appearance and character. He becomes his mother's assistant early on and enjoys helping her in the kitchen and in the garden. The desire for independence also awakens in him very early, but among his peers he usually does not stand out in any way.

Teachers also most often have no complaints against the boy, since he is not distinguished by bad behavior or poor academic performance. On the contrary, Ilya can study excellently, if, of course, he puts some effort into it.

In adolescence, it is very important to redirect the increased energy of a young man to noble goals and aspirations, otherwise he can easily fall under bad influence, since in life Ilya is a driven person.


As a child, Ilya is not in good health, and with age, his health will depend on stress and physical activity. Ilya does not have stress resistance, so nervous tension at work and at home increases the risk of developing various diseases.


Ilya is one of those people who is able to appreciate the woman with whom he is close. Love and sex are inseparable concepts for him; there are usually few casual connections in his life.

As a partner, he chooses a woman equal in intelligence, he enjoys the process of courtship and conquest, but, having achieved his goal, the man may lose interest in his chosen one.

Ilya is a big lover of comfort and romance, but he does not like rude and persistent women. Like a true conqueror, he strives to conquer the heart of his chosen one, and not just the body. And although Ilya is quite inventive in bed, carnal pleasures alone will never be enough for him. It is quite easy to captivate him, but it is much more difficult to keep him.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Ilya is careful when choosing a life partner; early marriage is not typical for him. Ilya usually marries when he is firmly on his feet and able to financially provide for his wife and children. Material resources mean a lot to Ilya, and his main gift to the woman he loves is stability and homeliness. If the first marriage ends in failure, most likely the man will remain single forever.

In marriage, he proves himself to be an economic and attentive spouse. He will be happy to take care of men's affairs, the dacha and the garden. As a father, he is incredibly caring, and the children raised by him grow up to be worthy people.

Ilya skillfully avoids conflicts and quarrels; in his house there are usually no scandals or loud showdowns. He lives by the principle - my home, my fortress. Ilya is able to remain faithful to the woman he loves throughout his life.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Irina, Vera, Sofia, Anna, Angela, Elena, Alexandra and Maria. You should avoid relationships with Evgenia, Olga, Elizaveta, Larisa, Zoya and Alla.

Business and profession

Ilya is a born business executive, and in this business he is doomed to success. He always has the necessary connections and acquaintances, and he is excellent at taking into account expenses and profits.

Very often, Ilya continues family traditions and chooses the profession that his parents did. Ilya is well suited not only for mental, but also for physical work. This person loves to work and knows how to do it.

Ilya does not aspire to leadership positions, since he cannot stand conflicts either at home or at work. Stressful situations also negatively affect Ilya’s psyche. He will make an excellent performer, diligent and disciplined. Ilya is a team player, and as the owner of his own business, he may not feel too confident.

The main thing is that the work brings Ilya material well-being. He will never work in a job, albeit prestigious, but poorly paid.

Talismans for Ilya

  • Patron planet - Mars and the Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Capricorn.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Monday.
  • Lucky color - brown, yellow, orange.
  • The totem animal is the nightingale. In the Christian tradition, this bird symbolizes longing, expectation, love. The nightingale's trill has always been considered a good omen, signifying change for the better.
  • Totem plant - elm and cornflower. Elm is considered a symbol of high morality, calm and balance. The tree also symbolizes modesty, unpretentiousness and kindness. Cornflower is a symbol of holiness and purity, good nature and responsiveness. Flowers planted near the house will bring peace of mind and harmony to the family.
  • Talisman stone - diamond and carnelian. Diamond is a gemstone that symbolizes power, strength and invincibility. It protects from negative influences, protects against witchcraft and magic. A diamond received as a gift or inheritance brings the greatest luck, while a stone stolen or bought with dishonest money will only harm its owner. Carnelian is able to neutralize outbursts of anger, bring peace and tranquility to relationships, and give vivacity, courage and energy. The stone also serves as a talisman that protects against death and disease.


Aries- impulsive, passionate and contradictory nature. By nature, he is a born leader with genuine concern for those for whom he is responsible. However, he never hesitates to use people for his own purposes, including his subordinates. The enormous energy that Ilya-Aries possesses can make him an aggressive and very restless person, prone to loudly demonstrating his discontent. Regardless of what blows of fate await him, this person is capable of quickly restoring physical and mental strength, his faith in a wonderful future is unshakable. Deep down, Ilya-Aries will always remain a big child, a little naive and trusting, very much in need of support and praise. For all his stubbornness and impulsiveness, Ilya-Aries can be a wonderful friend and spouse, devoted and caring. As a rule, his money does not last long, and even if Ilya-Aries makes good money, he will easily part with it. A man is ideal for starting a family; with him, his wife will always feel comfortable and protected.

Taurus- one of the most successful combinations of name and sign. Ilya-Taurus is persistent and stubborn, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage for him. He adheres to conservative views, usually easily achieves a stable social position and a balanced, measured everyday life. The pace at which Ilya-Taurus lives is a little slow, but you shouldn’t try to speed it up. It is difficult to blame him for inaction; on the contrary, the man has simply amazing efficiency. This person will never be poor, or even less beggar, he will always have savings “for a rainy day.” In family life, Ilya-Taurus is homely and caring; perfect order, comfort and silence reign in his home. He does not like loud showdowns and quarrels, in addition, he is characterized by a respectful attitude towards women. Ilya-Taurus will be in the service of his wife and daughter everywhere and always. He really does not like any changes, so it will not be difficult for him to remain faithful to his wife all his life. But the wife should take into account that her husband is extremely jealous, and also does not accept any ridicule addressed to him.

Twins- a charming and sociable person, for whom the meaning of life lies in communication and entertainment. The mood of Ilya the Twin can change dramatically at one moment, and his second drawback is his optionality and inconstancy. He really does not like to bind himself to any obligations or promises, and although nature often endows him with many talents and a sharp mind, a man very rarely can take full advantage of these advantages. Ilya the Gemini is a very difficult man to understand; he can be cold and hot, passionate and indifferent at the same time. He dazzles listeners with his friendliness, excellent sense of humor and external brilliance, but deep down he is a completely cold and indifferent person. In financial matters, he is often dishonest and dishonest, preferring quick and easy ways to get rich. At work, a man is disorganized and disorganized; his workplace is always in disarray. At the same time, Ilya-Gemini is very partial to flattery and external gloss; he will seek compliments and public attention at any cost. In marriage, this is a very unreliable person, he is almost incapable of real, deep feeling. In addition, the man is not distinguished by loyalty and practicality.

Cancer- a hyper-emotional and sophisticated personality, capricious and even hysterical. He has difficulty making decisions and does not adapt well to people, and his boundless sensuality can become both a great disadvantage and a great advantage. If Ilya-Cancer can overcome his irritability and learn to cope with violent emotions, he will be able to achieve success in everything he undertakes. The biggest drawback of this person is the fall from one extreme to another, and without the support of his family and his beloved woman, he will constantly be in a state of depression and melancholy. A sense of security is vital for him. Ilya-Cancer never parted with what rightfully belongs to him, he is a wonderful owner, very successful in the matter of savings, but things become his special passion. He is always concerned about his financial situation and makes great efforts to increase and preserve it. In marriage, Ilya-Cancer is reliable like no other, but his wife will have to try not to lose her individuality and not start living exclusively in the interests of her husband.

a lion- a strong and persistent personality, able to perfectly control their emotions. Ilya-Lev cannot imagine himself without his adoring environment, without admiring spectators and grateful listeners. He is a born leader who does not know how to obey and adapt. Ilya Lev is touchy, but easy-going and not vindictive; he has a kind heart and a generous soul. Financially, he is usually successful, but the craving for a luxurious and idle life can lead him to live beyond his means and get into large debts. If in childhood Ilya-Lev does not receive a proper upbringing, then he can grow up to be a lazy and narcissistic person, who will have nothing behind his soul except ambitions and huge conceit. The life of Ilya Leo is usually a series of resounding success and equally resounding failure. In marriage, this man is a great owner and jealous, but he knows how to love passionately and deeply, for the sake of his chosen one he is ready to move mountains. A successful Ilya-Leo can be the most flexible husband, allowing himself to be led at home when no one is watching. But Ilya-Lev, a loser, will most likely be a real tyrant in personal relationships, blaming the woman for all his sins and misfortunes.

Virgo- a balanced and delicate person, accustomed to thinking about his words and actions in advance. He has a huge need for a culture of relationships, for improvement, understanding through logic and deduction. He is a born skeptic who does not believe in intuition, but believes in logic and analysis. Ilya-Lev is a very restless person who will think a hundred times before deciding on something. Sometimes his love for analysis and perfection turns into greedy pedantry and pettiness. In addition, Ilya-Virgo has a huge need for cleanliness and neatness, and when it comes to money matters, you simply cannot find a more careful person. At heart he is a conservative, afraid of any risks, changes and surprises. This man will not embellish his love with beautiful words and empty promises, but will do everything possible to ensure that his chosen one is surrounded by care, attention and does not need anything. Ilya-Virgo is homely, thrifty, and has great respect for family values. He will place the main emphasis on moral purity and fidelity in relationships, and if he does not receive this, he will prefer loneliness.

Scales- a romantic and sensual man, an interesting conversationalist with a subtle sense of humor. He often hesitates in search of balance, the right word, the right direction, therefore, more than anyone else, he needs an adviser. Ilya-Libra has a very great lack of confidence in himself and his own strengths; he is not at all a heroic person. If he feels that he is not loved, then his self-esteem falls even lower, but this man knows how to win the sympathy of people with charm and natural charm. He tries his best to avoid any responsibility; he can be called a master of compromise. Ilya-Libra is a team player, the role of a leader does not suit him. He will work well in a team, and his superiors will appreciate him for his diligence and creativity. In love, there is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable than Ilya-Libra. He easily succumbs to the influence of others, so he will not pretend to be a leader in the family. But, most likely, more than one marriage will happen in his life, since this person is not reliable.

Scorpion- an impetuous and impetuous person, living at the mercy of feelings and emotions. He makes decisions with lightning speed, but after a short time he can easily change his mind, therefore, despite his amazing performance and sharp mind, he cannot be relied upon or counted on. The soul of this person is dominated by two feelings - selfishness and aggressiveness. He has a domineering, frantic, irrepressible character, which may well be hidden behind a mask of immaturity. Constant internal conflict often leads Ilya-Scorpio to nervousness and depression. He listens only to what his heart says, and very rarely listens to the voice of reason, and moral principles mean nothing to him. The life of this person will never be smooth and calm, he will always be accompanied by rumors and a bad reputation, but sooner or later he will always achieve success. Despite the fact that Ilya-Scorpio has a very independent character, he needs love and tenderness like no one else. His wife will have to be very understanding, patient and sensitive, and then she will be able to find family happiness with this difficult person.

Sagittarius- a cheerful, friendly, good-natured person. He is trusting, easily falls into error, and is not used to being discouraged or complaining. Ilya-Sagittarius loves comfort, an atmosphere of lightness and ease, but he hates scandals and tries in every possible way to avoid them. He may be an excellent worker who never tires; he may be filled with a sense of responsibility for his obligations. Caution and frugality do not play any role in the life of Ilya-Sagittarius, just like delicacy, commitment and diligence - Ilya-Sagittarius does not like to stay within strict limits. He prefers to tell the truth face to face, which often spoils the impression of himself. He can be merciless towards his enemies, but fear and self-doubt can lead him to depression. Believing in his own impeccability, Ilya-Sagittarius does not tolerate criticism and advice, but his faith in pure love and true friendship is unshakable. The spirit of rebellion makes this man an eternal teenager. In marriage, he is reliable and faithful, for the sake of the woman he loves, he is capable of sacrifices. In his family, sincerity and mutual understanding most often reign, but material wealth is not always available.

Capricorn- a practical and reliable person, endowed with a sober logical mind. The main distinguishing feature of Ilya-Capricorn’s character is a serious attitude towards life, so failures can lead a man to prolonged depression, the way out of which can be work and more work. He is very afraid to show his weaknesses, so he carefully hides them behind a mask of restraint and equanimity. For him, there is nothing more humiliating than pity, and he experiences the greatest pleasure from praise and well-deserved recognition. Ilya-Capricorn is strongly attached to everything material, he knows how to realistically assess his abilities and capabilities, has excellent memory and intelligence, and surprises with his perseverance. Overcoming his complexes and obstacles, the most important thing for Ilya-Capricorn is not to become embittered at the whole world, and with a positive outlook on life, over the years this person will become much kinder and more tolerant. Family life with Ilya-Capricorn will be very turbulent, as he often feels undervalued and lonely, and his pride becomes a source of suffering both for himself and for his loved ones.

Aquarius- a smart and imaginative person, but cautious. He cannot stand boredom and routine, but he loves communication and group events. Ilya-Aquarius loves changes, and they can be the most unexpected and dramatic in his life. One of the strengths of his personality is his sociability, but he does not allow anyone into his personal space, he never fully opens up even to his loved ones. In financial matters, he is impractical, sincerely believing that money is not the main thing in this life. The thirst for prestige and the desire to be different from everyone else is what is most important in life for this person. His good impulses very often do not withstand the difficulties of modern life; by nature he is not a fighter at all, but rather a philosopher. Living in a marriage with Ilya-Aquarius is quite difficult, since, despite his sociability, he is a loner by nature and divorce is not a disaster for him. More than anything else, Ilya-Aquarius values ​​his freedom, so his wife must share his opinions and interests in everything, only then can we talk about a strong and long-lasting union.

Fish- a person living between dreams and reality, subject to frequent bouts of melancholy and depression. Ilya-Pisces is easy to control; he is ready to look at the world through the eyes of a stronger and more confident person. A depressive state can also overwhelm a man if a series of failures follow one another. Fighting for a place in the sun is not for him. Trust and compassion are his strengths and at the same time weaknesses; he is a very spiritual and romantic person. It is very difficult for this person to find his place in the sun, although nature has endowed him with many talents. With a low level of spiritual development, there is a very high probability that Ilya-Pisces will descend into alcoholism and drug addiction. He is indifferent to the material side of life and does not strive for leadership. A huge lack of confidence in himself and his own strengths often prevents him from realizing himself in his professional and personal life. If he can overcome his tendency to empty dreams and fantasies, he will be able to achieve a lot in life, especially with the support of a strong and self-confident woman.


The name Ilya is considered to be Hebrew in origin. Its literal interpretation from Hebrew means a “believer” man. According to another version, the interpretation may sound like “My God” or “the power of God.” And by the way, this name is especially popular in Russia today.

The male name Ilya began to be in demand only in modern times, although it was first included in the Russian name book in the last century. Today it is considered one of the most popular Russian Orthodox names. It has very strong energy and excellent compatibility...

Conversational options: Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya

Modern English analogues: Elijah, Ilyas, Elias, Eli, Elia

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Ilya has strong energy and, according to the main version, promises boys such traits as gentleness, good nature, self-confidence, strong spirit, delicacy and openness, honesty and devotion, dedication, pliability, determination and goodwill. For the most part, these are kind and generous men, ready to perform heroic deeds and capable of sacrificing even themselves for the sake of the happiness of other people.

Ilya is usually a person with a big heart, quickly forgives all insults, never harbors revenge and tries to communicate equally well with everyone. He will never offend anyone of his own free will or on purpose, he will not profit from someone else’s grief or harbor selfish plans, and in general, he is a person with whom you can and even need to be friends.

Advantages and positive features: positive, optimistic, kind and generous, courageous and decisive, compliant, always ready to compromise, will never betray or deceive. And Ilya is a man of his word, who, if he promises something, always keeps his promise.

Ilya has a bad attitude towards people who are unbalanced, too emotional and rude, and those who seek benefits in communicating with other people. He will never communicate with a person he does not trust, and he himself does not tolerate people who do not trust him.

The name Elijah is mentioned in the Old Testament. Prophet Elijah was one of the most famous personalities and fought for the purity of the Christian faith.

Character of the name Ilya

As for such a parameter as the character of the name Ilya, everything is complicated here - in this case, in theory, it is capable of rewarding the bearer of this name with a bunch of characteristics, often conflicting with each other. Among such inconsistencies, for example, are a cheerful disposition and aggressiveness, irresponsibility and efficiency, kindness and weak, but still self-interest. The character of such a boy will call upon his nature to internal conflicts, and this is already a hundred percent fact. But there is one positive point - Ilya, this is a guy whose character can be tolerated by any person, be it a woman or a man, and this in turn speaks only of one thing, that this guy will have a good relationship with all of his environment.

He has few ill-wishers, and he is too peace-loving that he has enemies. Kindness, politeness, caring, attentiveness, goodwill - these are the traits with which character is additionally endowed. True, it is worth noting once again that the character of the name is only a theoretical parameter, like fate, and like many other things...

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy named Ilya is filled with pampering, activity, energy, fun and jokes. The meaning of the name Ilya endows this boy with a bunch of good qualities, for example, such as kindness, cheerful disposition, optimism, energy, activity, honesty and obedience, but along with them, negative ones may also appear, for example, restlessness, self-indulgence, aggressiveness and intrusiveness. At his core, he is a good child, appealing only to good impressions and sowing positivity everywhere, but there is also something in him that can alert not only his parents, but also everyone around him - for example, he does not know how to be responsible, he does not treat everything necessarily and irresponsible, and in everything he tries to act only as he himself needs. But he is a talented and capable child, energetic. Ready to learn something new, unknown, unknown all the time. And he won’t be lost in the company of children - yes, he is not a leader and is not a leader, but he is a cheerful fellow, for which he is respected. Parents, of course, will have to worry and be nervous about him and his behavior, but all this is temporary. Already at further stages of growing up, the significance of a name can bestow a bunch of additional, important, necessary and generally good qualities. By the way, it should be noted that the name form Ilya has the strongest energy, in particular of a positive nature, which will accordingly affect the formation of the character of the bearer of this name, his personal life, and even his career growth.


Teenager Ilya, no less spoiled and disobedient, cannot be stopped, is always on the move, constantly inventing something to do for himself, and cannot sit in one place for a minute. It is difficult for parents to cope with such a son, but this cannot be changed, the significance of this name has such an impact. In addition, Ilya, who has reached the teenage stage, is also an unbridled cheerful person, an optimist and an adventurer, which can additionally bring a lot of problems to his parents. At school, too, there are problems - the meaning promises him a talent for learning everything new, but does not endow him with patience and hard work. His main problem is that he can give up any business halfway immediately after he realizes that achieving the goal in this matter can only be achieved through work. Well, there is no diligence, commitment and diligence in him. But everyone treats him well and everyone is happy to talk to him - he is the life of the party, this boy has a great sense of humor and is always in a good mood. Ilya will always and everywhere find a reason for a joke or a good mood; pessimism is not for him. And the meaning can also endow him with generosity, a thirst for justice, and a desire to help everyone around him, which also does not go unnoticed. In general, he easily fits into any team and generally knows how to correctly introduce himself to people.

Grown man

An adult boy, or rather a man with the name Ilya, is difficult to predict, and this is the main quality that appears upon reaching maturity - unpredictable in his decisions, a person who cannot be convinced, decisive, courageous, purposeful, and perhaps will even become hardworking, only he will give this trait already not the meaning, but additional factors, for example, the patron planet can bestow hard work. Also, a man whose parents decided to choose the name Ilya at birth is positive and fair, and will never go against his own moral principles - you should not expect betrayal, self-interest, or lies from such a person, he always tries to act according to his conscience, as he believes correct. The only big drawback of the man named by the personal variation Ilya is gullibility - he sees in everyone the correctness and the principles that he uses, believes that everyone is the same as him, trusts people, and as a result makes a lot of mistakes. Hence the suffering, betrayal by people, and disappointment in people. And one more important point - the adult Ilya, who is protected by the meaning of this name, may eventually become quite responsible, which is completely opposite to the teenage Ilya.

The interaction of Ilya’s character with the seasons

Autumn - the autumn bearer of the name Ilya from an early age has excessive demands on the people around him, perseverance and a craving for justice. It is not easy for such a person to follow the path of fate, because justice does not always triumph, but his immediate circle will have exactly the people who meet the requirements.

Spring - for a boy, the meaning of spring gives a different meaning; on the contrary, he will be emotional. He easily uses his existing charm in the name of self-interest, is not satisfied with himself, strives for perfection, but does not achieve it. He wants to become an excellent, exemplary spouse, but is not capable of this due to the presence of inappropriate character qualities.

Summer - here the boy will become vain and somewhat selfish in his adult life. He is an adventurer by nature, wandering the world in search of interesting things. He craves adventure and finds it, because he has the drive and determination to look for. He is straightforward, and therefore does not get along with people, and has a complex character.

Winter - and this one will become impulsive, grow up successful and reasonable, but not responsible. He is not restrained, not constant, although he is sincere, good-natured, and has a good character. He often resists relationships with ladies, because they do not correspond to his wishes, which he cannot forgive them for.

The fate of the name Ilya

The fate of the name Ilya in love, relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and marriage is very difficult. There is an opinion among researchers that the name form Ilya can bring its bearer many personal problems, and the reason will lie in the nature of Ilyusha himself. He is too trusting, does not understand people, and considers all women the same, and this can lead to disappointment, separation, and moral trauma.

In addition to all of the above, the desire of a guy named Ilya to build a serious relationship, moreover, already in adolescence, when no girl usually even thinks about seriousness, also plays against it. In the end, of course, he will find what he craves, such is his destiny, but first he will have to suffer.

But there is one very important point - having found his true soul mate, Ilya will find happiness, for this is his destiny, and moreover, he will definitely become a good husband, an exemplary father, and an exemplary family man. Although, again, fate is only a theory, which in the end may not be confirmed.

Love and marriage

Ilya is caring, attentive and gentle, he treats ladies with kindness and respect. When choosing a soul mate, what is more important for him is not his appearance itself, but his intelligence and spiritual intimacy. His wife will be a kind, thrifty, sympathetic and open woman, capable of maintaining a home for many years and creating an atmosphere of trust, respect and love.

Men named Ilya consider marriage a very important stage in life, for which you need to prepare properly. According to Ilya, a man must first achieve material stability in his life and only then get married. He intends to support his family so that his loved ones do not need anything.

Ilya may well become an ideal husband and family man. Of course, he can also sometimes flare up and shout, but he quickly cools down and does not turn a momentary misunderstanding into a scandal. He not only treats his wife with respect and affection, but is also happy to help her around the house so that she has more time for him and their children.

In addition, he will definitely make sure that the living conditions in his family nest are as convenient and comfortable as possible.

Ilya as Father

Most often, men named Ilya become simply wonderful dads. They love their children madly and from their very birth they are ready to babysit them just like their spouses. He gladly takes on some of the responsibilities associated with caring for a small child. He won’t hesitate to change the baby’s diaper, put him on the potty or feed him.

Because of his boundless love, Ilya often gets carried away with buying too many toys or sweets, spoiling them. He behaves like a generous, merciful and good-natured father, so as he grows up, the children try to manipulate him for their own purposes. For example, if their mother refused them something, then the cunning guys immediately run to their father in the hope that he will not refuse them.

Ilya tries to instill in children such qualities as responsibility, reliability, hard work, responsiveness and honesty. He also pays special attention to active time spent with children. This includes outdoor recreation, fishing trips or going to the zoo. In his opinion, the educational part of the educational process should be handled by the spouse.

Horoscope named after Ilya


Aries - the meaning of Aries promises the one named Ilya unpredictability, and not only that. Such a boy will grow up to be an impulsive and temperamental person who knows the value of his dignity. He is sociable and attentive, and moreover, everyone is attentive to him, including women. Not looking for a serious relationship - prefers freedom.


Taurus - this Ilya is stubborn by nature, purposeful. These character traits play into his hands in his activities, but they turn people against him. He imposes his own opinion on others in every possible way, which is why he is not in demand among friends and relatives.


Under the zodiac sign Gemini, people are usually born with a sociable soul, charming and friendly. Selects activities related to communication. But compatibility is achieved only with girls who predominantly have the property of inconstancy.


Cancer - and this bearer of the name Ilya is emotional and capricious, sometimes even hysterical. Impulsive and absent-minded, rarely capable of making responsible decisions, prefers to have a significant other at hand, ready to take responsibility for his steps. But he is an ideal father.

a lion

Leo is strong, stubborn, has a high character, is unshakable in his sense of purpose, loves to be a leader, is emotional, but controls emotions. He has a good understanding of personalities and is able to overcome all difficulties on the way to solving a problem. Admires honest people.


Under the sign of Virgo, a charming gentleman is always born, well-mannered and balanced, who has no idea what it’s like to commit rash acts. Perfect in relationships with women, values ​​calm and attentiveness.


But Ilya is born as a Libra, with charm, romance, sensuality, a sense of humor and behavior that charms the ladies. Not a leader, but wise and compromising, a faithful husband, a good father, an excellent homemaker. Family man from God...


Scorpio is changeable in mood, decisive and impulsive. At the same time it attracts and scares people away. One hundred percent compatibility is not achieved with any sign, because no one is able to withstand its inconstancy and love of freedom. He is passionate, but prefers stormy and fleeting romances.


Sagittarius will be raised as a cheerful and friendly boy, showing excessive gullibility from childhood. He is calm with women for the time being, idealizes them all the time, but in the end he becomes disappointed and withdraws into himself, plunging into a depressive state.


Capricorn is a practical, friendly, calculating and talented man, persistent and always achieving his goals. He will fall in love only with someone who will pass the tests presented; he will love someone who is faithful, honest, positive and active.


An Aquarius named Ilya is a dreamer with an incredible desire to express his imagination. He is amazed by his ability to observe and passively judge other people. He is a little withdrawn and therefore indecisive. I am ready to connect my life with a decisive and wise lady. Looking for power-hungry and confident.


Pisces - under the auspices of this symbol lives a good-natured righteous man, a simple dreamer, looking for perfection everywhere. He can easily give his life to the control of a powerful and ambitious soulmate. Ready to obey and act in accordance with the plan she has drawn up.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Ilya with female names is complex, but it has several unraveled factors...

Thus, it was found that the best combination in terms of feelings is achieved by building relationships with Ada, Anastasia, Dora, Marianna, Mirra and Emma.

An ideal marriage can be created in pairs with Varvara, Larisa, Edita, Tamila, Susanna, Iya, Camilla and Zoya.

And with people like Ekaterina, Elena, Lina and Ninel, there can’t even be any bright future.

1. another Hebrew name (איליה) “my God (El) is Yahweh.” The obsolete form of the name is Elijah.

2. derived from Greek (ήλιος) [í̱lios] “sun, sunny”

3. Russian version of the Turkic name Il - “country, homeland, people” + I

Famous people named Ilya

Ilya Mechnikov ((1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation, phagocytic theory of immunity, founder of scientific gerontology. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).)

Ilya Erenburg ((1891 - 1967) Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure)

Ilya Repin ((1844 - 1930) Russian artist-painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Memoirist, author of a number of essays that compiled the book of memoirs “Distant Close”. Teacher, was a professor - head of the workshop (1894- 1907) and rector (1898-1899) of the Academy of Arts, at the same time he taught at Tenisheva’s school-workshop; among his students are B.M. Kustodiev, I.E. Grabar, I.S. Kulikov, F.A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, also gave private lessons to V.A. Serov.)

Ilya Frank ((1908 - 1990) Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1958) for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (together with Cherenkov and Tamm), laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1971))

Ilya Glazunov ((born 1930) Soviet and Russian artist-painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation Federation (1997). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)

Ilya Mazuruk ((1906 - 1989) Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union)

Ilya Reznik ((born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)

Ilya Lagutenko ((born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group)

Ilya Muromets (Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main heroes of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries. The full epic name is Ilya Muromets, son of Ivan, less common is Ilya Murovets, son of Ivan. A hero who embodies the people's ideal of a hero-warrior, people's intercessor. In Kmita of Chernobyl (XVI century) Ilya is Muravlenin, not Muromets, in Erich Lassota (XVI century) - Ilya Morovlin, in some epics of the 17th century - Ilya Murovich or Ilya Murovets. It is possible that in the folk epic the image of Ilya Muromets merged with the venerable Elijah of Pechersk. He lived 800 years ago.)

Ilya Buyalsky ((1789 - 1866) Russian anatomist and surgeon, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. One of the founders of topographic anatomy.)

Ilya Ilf ((1897 - 1937) real name - Yehiel-Leib Fainzilberg, the pseudonym "Ilf" may be an abbreviation of his name Ilya Fainzilberg, but more likely an abbreviation of his Jewish name in accordance with the Jewish tradition of nominal abbreviations; Soviet writer and journalist. Ilf wrote materials of a humorous and satirical nature - mainly feuilletons. In 1927, the creative collaboration of Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov began with the joint work on the novel “The Twelve Chairs”. Subsequently, various works were written in collaboration with Evgeny Petrov, the most famous of which is the novel " Twelve Chairs" (1928) and the novel "The Golden Calf" (1931).)

Ilya Averbukh ((born 1973) Soviet and Russian figure skater (ice dancing). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2003). Currently, he is an entrepreneur, producer of his own ice show, choreographer in figure skating. Paired with Irina Lobacheva: silver medalist at the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, world champion 2002, European champion 2003, Russian champion (1997, 2000-2002). Together with Marina Anisina, two-time world junior champion (1990 and 1992) .)

Ilya Averbakh ((1934 - 1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)

Ilya (Ily) Shatrov ((1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”)

Ilya Efron ((1847 - 1917) one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian typographers and book publishers)

Ilya Vasilevsky ((1882 - 1938) pseudonyms: Ne-Bukva, A. Glebov, Phoenix; Russian journalist, feuilletonist)

Ilya Gruzinov ((1781 - 1813) professor of anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow University, who discovered in 1812 that the source of the human voice can be tracheal membranes)

Ilya Kormiltsev ((1959 - 2007) Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" (2003 - 2007); main author of the lyrics of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" )

Ilya Frez ((1909 - 1994) Soviet film director and screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974).)

Ilya Gringolts ((born 1982) Russian violinist. Prize winner at the St. Petersburg competition “I am a composer” (I prize, 1993; Grand Prix, 1995, 1996). Performs solo concerts with leading symphony orchestras in Russia and abroad. Winner International Paganini Violin Competition (1998), laureate of other international competitions.)

Ilya Zubov ((born 1923) full holder of the Order of Glory, People's Deputy of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War)

Ilya Sadofyev ((1899 – 1965) Russian Soviet poet, translator)

Ilya Imyanitov ((1918 - 1987) Soviet scientist, researcher of atmospheric electricity, developer of instruments and methods for measuring electric fields in the atmosphere using aircraft, electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, space charges of the atmosphere and clouds. Author and organizer of research on the electrical properties of clouds.)

Ilya Ionov ((1887 - 1942) real name - Bernstein; Russian revolutionary and publishing worker)

Ilya Reiderman ((born 1937) Russian poet, philosopher, cultural critic, music critic, member of the Writers' Union of Russia (2012))

Ilya Kan ((1909 - 1978) Soviet chess player, international master (1950), second of Mikhail Botvinnik during the world championship match with Vasily Smyslov (1954). Champion of Moscow (1936). Participated in 10 USSR championships.)

Ilya Konstantinovsky ((1913 - 1995) Russian writer, playwright and translator)

M. Ilyin ((1896 - 1953) real name - Ilya Marshak; Russian Soviet writer, chemical engineer. Younger brother of S.Ya. Marshak.)

Ilya Melamed ((1895 - 1938) Soviet military and economic figure, one of the organizers of industry. Director of the 1st State Bearing Plant (GPP) named after L.M. Kaganovich.)

Ilya Mate ((born 1956) Soviet freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1979). The first Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling from the USSR among athletes representing the rural sports community.)

Ilya Ulyanov ((1831 - 1886) statesman, teacher, supporter of universal education equal for all nationalities. Ilya Ulyanov became famous due to his famous revolutionary sons - Alexander Ulyanov and Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin.)

Ilya Gorelov ((1928 - 1999) Russian philologist, Doctor of Philology (1977), professor of the Department of German Philology at Saratov State University since 1982, one of the largest domestic specialists in psycholinguistics. He studied the problems of the ontogenesis of consciousness, bilingualism, non-verbal communication. He also worked problems of the Volga Germans.)

Ilya Tchaikovsky ((1795 - 1880) mining engineer, major general, father of composer P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Ilya Nazarov ((1919 - 1944) senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union)

Ilya Ostroukhov ((1858 - 1929) Russian landscape artist, collector. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, the Union of Russian Artists, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Friend of P.M. Tretyakov, one of the leaders of the Tretyakov Gallery. Collected paintings, icons. Collection of icons Ostroukhov was considered one of the best in Russia. In 1890, he opened a private museum. In 1918, the museum was nationalized, and Ostroukhov was appointed its lifelong curator. Since 1920, it was called the “Museum of Iconography and Painting named after I.S. Ostroukhov.” After the death of the curator, the museum disbanded, and its funds were dispersed to museums. A significant part of Ostroukhov’s collection of icons is in the collection of the department of ancient Russian art of the Tretyakov Gallery. Nowadays, the museum “Russian Literature of the 20th Century” is located in the memorial house of the artist and collector Ostroukhov. The museum organizes rotating exhibitions on the history of literature of the 20th century and exhibitions of artists related to literature.)

Ilya Galyuza ((born 1979) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)

Ilya Garkavy ((1888 - 1937) Soviet military leader, corps commander)

Ilya Veldzhanov ((born 1934) Belarusian and Turkmen statesman, diplomat and military man. The first lieutenant general in Turkmenistan.)

Ilya Artishchev ((1923 - 1981) Major of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945))

Ilya Rigin ((born 1986) Russian theater and film actor)

Ilya Vasyuk ((1919 - 1969) captain of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944))

Ilya celebrates his name day

January 1, January 21, January 25, January 27, February 3, February 13, March 1, April 5, April 10, June 23, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 16, September 26, September 30, October 11 , November 16, November 17, November 22, December 5, December 9, December 18, December 29, December 31.

Harmonious patronymic for the name Ilya

Sometimes it has a good influence - Ilya Vladimirovich, Ilya Leonidovich, Ilya Sergeevich.

But there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Ilya and character depending on the season

The winter child is stern and wayward.
The spring child is creative and capricious.
A year old child is passionate and active.
The autumn child is smart and obstinate.

Ilya and character depending on date of birth

This is true for any name, not necessarily Ilya:

Aries, the April child is assertive and active.
Taurus, the May child is a hard worker.
Gemini, June baby is outgoing.
Cancer, the July baby is vulnerable and sexy.
Leo, the August child is confident and creative.
Virgo, September baby is orderly.
Aquarius, the February child is willful and dreamy.

Spring and May child with any name - contains creative, hardworking and stubborn potential. A name can strengthen or weaken an innate given.

Therefore, there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Psychoacoustics named after Ilya

Many parents are interested in the sound, so that the name “looks” good with the middle name. And so that the soul likes it, there is a feeling of goodness, calmness, harmony.

Melody is the first thing a name emits, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

They greet you by their clothes, but what's inside?

Name is a sound, a sign (symbol), information.
Child- a unique fusion of parental DNA, God's spark, and surrounding culture. This is a unique psychic pattern of information and energy.
World— lives according to the laws of nature, and as a rule, a specialist knows and can give results in a narrow area of ​​his professionalism.

Here comes the name Ilya, once, twice, three times. Gradually, the baby becomes attached to the name and becomes mentally attuned to the entire volume of information about the name in the culture. Absorbs. Changes.

Previously, before computers, in Tradition, as mothers now turn to doctors,
fathers turned to wise people for help in choosing a name.

Knowledge of the psychoacoustics of a name brought good results and gave protection to the child!

What can the name Ilya stimulate?

Materiality, love, stability, health energy, creativity, intuition, intelligence, sexuality and family, spirituality, kindness and cordiality, joy and strength.

How to give maximum evolution, truth, love through the name Ilya?

Go only from the child’s individuality.

Check only through the channel of direct knowledge (meaningful spiritual intuition).

Learn only through sober experience, honest feedback.

No ideology!

Where to start checking the name Ilya

Talk to the child's soul, ask the child's opinion, listen.

Make a promise to your child - to choose only a good name, only a useful one.

Listen to the child's answer. Agree with your child not to give a name with harmful psychoacoustics.

Next, try to use real (working) knowledge. After all, it was not without reason that Stalin changed his name and date of birth with the help of the legendary mystic of the 20th century - Gurdjieff.

People with power, money, famous directors, athletes, top models, actors, scientists and inventors use spiritual names and pseudonyms as a tool for developing personality and soul qualities.

Download and study the book. Sergei Mikhailovich Bobyr, one of the pillars of modern Russian spirituality, helps you choose a name that suits the child’s psyche and character.

For example, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Sigmund Freud, Stalin received an additional average of plus 40% of strength due to the psychoacoustics of the name.

If you ignore the individual psychoacoustics of the name, then with a 79% probability you will weaken the child’s psyche and vitality by 32% of the original power.

Ask your heart. A wise mother's heart is the best adviser!

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child a strong name that would improve the child’s weak qualities, support him throughout life, and protect him from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be better, more successful, more efficient and have fewer problematic situations in life.

Find out right now how a name will affect the destiny, strength of character and life of a child.
The name makes the child more sociable, bolder, happier, or the name does not match the child’s character and will interfere with communication and growth.
I will give you an absolutely free analysis of the first name - write to WhatsApp +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

b- easy-going, balanced and slightly shy natures. They treat all people kindly and try to avoid conflict situations in every possible and impossible way. In their work they pay attention to even the smallest details.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.