Historical phrases about housing and house. Statuses about home

The collection includes phrases and quotes about home, comfort and hearth:
  • I love to travel and find my home in different places.
  • Most homebodies are among those who do not have their own corner. Leszek Kumor
  • It was a lovely house, with all the modern inconveniences. Mark Twain
  • Only kings, wenches and thieves can be everywhere at home. Honore Balzac
  • The longer you live in one place, the more things and people become unruly, decay and begin to stink especially for you. Louis Ferdinand Celine.
  • In an old house, feelings and emotions are preserved - the pain of loss or separation, the fear of separation. It's like a record with a scratch that the needle keeps hitting. And the same words are constantly heard. Schreiber Joe.
  • A person without an address is suspicious, a person with two addresses even more so. D B Shaw
  • It's never too late to return home.
  • Learn to be a good leader in your own home. Chilon
  • Where they love us is the only place where we are born. George Noel Gordon Byron
  • You've never really been anywhere until you return home. Terry Pratchett.
  • A house is a building built to house people, various mice, crickets, flies, all kinds of insects, rodents and microbes. A. Beers.
  • He who lives everywhere lives nowhere. Martial
  • A home is a place where a woman works in the absence of a man, and a man rests in the presence of a woman.
  • The temperature in the room, no matter what it is, is always room temperature. Stephen Wright
  • Home is a place where we take a break from trying to be polite to others.
  • Your home is your wife's castle. Alexander Chase
  • Home is a place where if you have to return there, they will have to accept you. Robert Frost
  • The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.
  • A house may be too small for one family, but it will never be spacious enough for two families.
  • Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped.
  • A house without books is like a body without a soul. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall! Sherlock
  • The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. A. Griboyedov
  • One person - one adult - cannot fill a house. Robert Frost
  • A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable. Martin AndersenNexø
  • It takes a hundred men to make a camp, but one woman is enough to make a house. Robert Ingersoll
  • If there is no owner in the house and the servant is in charge of everything, then will not demonism and darkness reign in it? Hong Zichen
  • There are only two kinds of houses: those that are not suitable for us, and those that are beyond our means.
  • There is no place sweeter than home. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • The ideal size of the house: so that children can be heard, but not too clearly. Minion McLaughlin
  • It is not according to the house that the owner should be respected, but the house according to its owner. Cicero Marcus Tullius
  • Every father of a family should be the master of his own home, and not of his neighbor's house. Voltaire
  • There are three types of furniture: antique, modern and comfortable.
  • What a mess this house is!
  • Apartment: a room in which, after turning off the TV, you are convinced that you were listening to your neighbor’s TV. Leonard Louis Levinson
  • When the time comes for changes in life, when the old has already gone and the new has not yet appeared, the best refuge is the father’s house. And it doesn't matter how old you are. — Sophie Kinsella. The girl and the ghost.
  • As is the master, so is the servant. Petronius Arbiter Gaius
  • You can be a poet and pay rent. Jules Renard
  • Every husband needs his own closet for the clothes that his wife does not fit in her closet.
  • Don't judge a house by its owner, but judge the owner by the condition of the house. Cicero Marcus Tullius.
  • Women's quarrels burn down the whole house. Menander
  • There's nothing like home if you don't have money to go somewhere else.
  • If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat. Valentin Domil
  • Nothing divides people more than shared housing. Zbigniew Cholodiuk
  • Housework is something you notice when your wife stops doing it. E. Esar
  • One move equals three fires. Benjamin Franklin
  • The home is a prison for a girl and a workhouse for a woman. B. Shaw

Each person should have his own corner and place to live, so everyone is recommended to read quotes about home. As you already understand, this page contains perhaps the best and most interesting quotes about home.

Your home is where people think about you.
Naruto: Storm Chronicles (Naruto: Shippûden)

Most often, people leave a small town to dream of returning there. And others stay to dream of leaving there.
Chuck Palahniuk. Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey

I began to understand that home is not a place, not a building, but a feeling and a state of mind. My apartment can be perfectly clean and have indoor plants on every windowsill, a rug with the word “Welcome” in front of the front door, I can put on an apron and bake pies, but this will not add to the coziness. I know that all this is temporary, and sooner or later we will leave here.
Cecilia Ahern. I don't believe it. I don't hope so. I love

Therefore, write down to yourself: home is here, summer will be, I love this person.
Martha Ketro. How to make mistakes

When reading quotes in which the house is the main object, read about comfort.

Coming home is a funny thing: familiar sights, sounds, smells... the only thing that has changed is you.
Film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

No matter how old we are, we always need a place to call home because without the people you love the most, you will still feel lonely.
Gossip Girl

We spend too much time in our rooms.<...>We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. Is it possible to fall into despair in the lap of nature?
Erich Maria Remarque. Arc de Triomphe

These are not all aphorisms about home.

What a hole! And what fool settled here?
- I am. This is my home.
- Oh, how lovely! Just a miracle! You have delicate taste. This is not a faceless mass development.

Shame on you, Watson. Will Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England will soon fall!

A person who dreams of leaving the place where he lives is clearly unhappy.
Milan Kundera. The unbearable lightness of being

Home is a place where you should always be accepted when you go there. Unfortunately, this is also a place where they don’t want to let you out.
Stephen King. It

Anyone who has ever desperately wanted to return home knows what bliss it is to be in your own bed...
Anonymous. Alice's Diary (Blue Grass. Diary of a fifteen-year-old drug addict)

Don't come to my house! If my house is on fire, knock once. If I don’t answer, it means I set it on fire and want to burn myself!
Cougar Town

Eh, once you get into your house, you’ll learn to eat all sorts of nasty things!
Carlson is back

I feel at home in any part of the world. For a type like me, the hardest thing to feel at home is home.
Henry Miller. Books in my life

Our hallway has its own special smell, nowhere else does it smell like that. I don’t know what it is - either food or perfume - I can’t tell, but you immediately feel like you’re at home.
Jerome David Salinger. Catcher in the Rye

We hope you liked the statements about home.

Your home is where people think about you.

It’s good when the same person is in your head, at home and in bed...

The main person in the house is the one who pays for the Internet...

Every person should have a place where he can return with confidence that he is loved and welcomed there.

With the birth of children, order, money, peace and serenity disappear in the house... and happiness appears.

Home, work, home, work, home, work... It's hard to live a double life.

The road home begins the very moment we leave...

I love the gentle look of my mother and her sweet oval face. Is there anyone on earth better than the one who gave you life?

Nothing in the house is stored more carefully than unnecessary trash called “what if it comes in handy.”

Family is not where everything is perfect, but it is a place where they forgive each other!

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night... And just knowing that they are waiting for you and you have somewhere to rush.

Parents' house is a little paradise: you sleep well there, it smells like delicious food, and the mirrors make you look slim!

Happiness is when you wake up to someone pulling your hair, shouting in your ear: “Maaaam.” They hug you, laying their whole body on your face, cutting off oxygen, and then kiss you many, many times!

They are so arrogant about housework, not only do they come without asking and in a big group, but they also don’t leave, they hide in corners, in closets and multiply, multiply.

But this is so important so that you want to return home in the evening...

One day my daughter, hugging me, said: “Mommy, you smell so delicious,” when asked: “What?”, she answered: “MOM”...

If you want to be a king at home, make your wife a queen.

Children are happiness! Children are joy! Children are a breeze in life! You can't earn them, it's not a reward. God gives them to adults by grace!!!

The secret of family life lies in just 3 words: “You’re right, my love!”

I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, it’s because she became bad with me, but I took her to be good.

Away is good, but at home... INTERNET!!!

Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

Work-home, home-work, work-home... However! It's hard to lead such a double life!

Happiness comes more willingly into a home where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

For some, home is a fortress, and for others, it is a prison. Therefore, some live with comrades, while others live with cellmates.

Am I the only one who has frying pans in the oven at home?)))

Home is where our junk is kept while we are away from home to get more junk.

Repair is a natural disaster committed by a group of persons, by prior conspiracy, on an especially large scale.

The best way to clean your home is to lose your SIM card in it. Verified.

To say about a housewife: “She sits at home, she is UNEMPLOYED” is simply blasphemous!

Happiness is when you go to your home and understand that they are waiting for you there.

It’s strange, but cleaning the house helps clear away bad thoughts, erases the dirt of the past, the dust of the old, and brings freshness. And the world already looks new. Cleaner.

Housework is something you notice when your wife stops doing it.

The most interesting finds are found under the moved sofa.

It turns out interesting... When we are home alone, everything suits us. And as guests, they immediately say: “THE MESS! WE NEED TO CLEAN UP!!!"

Nothing brings a family closer together than the absence of light in an apartment!

You sit at work and think: now I’ll come to my home, eat, do my homework and go to bed.

At work I take a break from home, and at home I take a break from work)))))))))

I will soon be kicked out of my home... for not attending...

When the husband comes home early, he thinks: “What should I read?”, and when it’s late: “What should I write?”

In my home, all responsibilities are clearly distributed: my wife does everything, and I do everything else.

If your child does not feel that your home belongs to him too, he will make the street his home.

Observation: I clean the house fastest and most effectively during moments of extreme anger.)

Don’t be afraid to be late home, where people love you and know how to wait!

Women, like cats, often love not their owner, but their home.

They say that a person's home is where his cell phone charger is)))

A person has two joys in the world: one is to leave home in youth, the other is to return home in old age.

Not the home where a person was born, but the one that he himself created, the one where every thing was bought or made by his hands, the one where there is always a place for him.

Statuses about home


Quotes about home, family, children.

Family starts with children.

A. I. Herzen

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

L. N. Tolstoy

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...

E. Zola

In family life, the most important screw is love.

A. P. Chekhov

A strong family is when all its members live amicably with each other.

T. Kleiman

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

D. Santayana

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The family is the crystal of society.

V. Hugo

Mother and father, dad and mom - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy.

G. Medynsky

Only the family, only it alone, can educate children in the most essential aspects of culture, instill its most spiritual particles.

V. V. Rozanov

If your own heart, your own habits, your own life cannot serve as a model for your children, then everything will be wasted effort and wasted effort.

I. Kampe

A benevolent family is a ship that is held together during a storm by two anchors: faith and morality.


Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your master; when he is 10 - your slave; when he is 15 - your double; but then it’s one of two things: either a friend or an enemy, depending on your upbringing.

A. Hasdaim

Children make up the most beautiful, loudest and most joyful part of society.
A. Makarenko

Don’t part with your childhood, don’t part with it as long as possible, and the world will never fade in your soul.

P. P. Bazhov

The child learns from what he sees in his home.

I. Brandt

Happy is he who is happy at home.

L. Tolstoy

Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them correctly.

D. Baldwin

We do not make laws for our children, all we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaulay

Home should not be a place to stay, but a place to which we always return.

A. Monterlant

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There are many sayings and sayings about the house - and many of them have long become popular. However, this is not surprising - after all, home is of great importance to each of us. But not as a material value. For many, home is a place where one can find peace and hide from problems, because “my home is my fortress.” This is the place where we invariably strive, even after spending quite a lot of time away from it. Quotes about home will reveal this concept in the best way possible.

The best quote about home according to the site:

● The shortest road to the home where you are loved and expected.

● In order to build a house, the efforts of many men are required. Well, in order for it to become truly warm and cozy, the efforts of just one woman are enough.

● Our birthplace is where we are truly loved and expected.

● Only kings, corrupt girls and thieves can feel at home everywhere.

● A person will never be truly happy in a place that he longs to leave.

● If something bad happens to your house and it collapses, don’t try to glue the pieces together. Better build a new, stronger house.

● One adult cannot fill a house, even the smallest one. And one small child can have dough even in the largest house.

● If happiness and harmony reign in the house, it will never become cramped.

● The special beauty of the world you see becomes clear only when you return to your home and lie down on such a familiar sofa.

● It is better to have hundreds of enemies outside the camps of your home than just one inside it.

● It doesn't matter what your home looks like. The main thing is that it is yours, and you feel comfortable in it.

● No matter what country you are in, no matter what unknown corner you find yourself in, it is important to remember one thing - and there is a way home from here.

● A house is not just a building that protects from cold and rain. This is a piece of our soul, a continuation of our self, which invariably attracts us.

● A person who does not have an address is quite suspicious. But even more suspicious is someone who has multiple addresses.

● Even the richest, most beautiful modern house will be empty, cold and lifeless until children's laughter sounds in it.

● Our life is a journey. We can travel hundreds of roads in search of love and happiness. But we find them only when we return home.

● Returning to your home after a long absence is an amazing thing. You look at old paintings and books, it’s all so familiar. And suddenly the gaze stops at what has actually changed a lot. This is a reflection in a mirror.

● If you feel that there is no owner in the house, there is a simple way out. I urgently need to get a cat.

● Even the richest person cannot be happy in a house where he is not loved.

● Everyone needs a home. Even the smallest and ugly one. But it’s yours. After all, they will never be able to kick him out.

● If your life is destroyed and you do not want to build a new one, there is only one place where a wounded soul can find peace and strength. This is my home.

● A home is not a beautiful building filled with furniture and trinkets. Home is the smell of food, fluff of wool on the sofa, children's laughter and drawings on the walls. Home is a small world.

● A good house cannot be purchased. You can only create it yourself.

● From the outside, a man’s house most often looks like an impregnable fortress. But as soon as you walk through the door, you realize that you are in a children's room.

● No house renovation can be completed. It can be temporarily suspended.

These are the most popular.