Why do you dream about a broken phone? A proven dream book will help you understand your dream. Why do you dream of a broken phone and should you be afraid for your mobile phone in reality?

The telephone is a symbol of communication with the outside world. This necessary means of communication has become so firmly established in everyday life that it has become a constant companion of modern man. Why do you dream about a broken phone? Let's look at this issue in detail.

Telephone is a symbol of communication with the outside world

A broken phone in reality and in a dream will cause a state of shock, which does not seem necessary to explain. For some citizens, an expensive phone represents a social image, nothing less.

What symbolism does this image in a dream contain? If the phone was new, expect bad changes in life. If the cell phone was old, an update in life is coming. Getting rid of old things and objects in a dream always means good changes.

If we consider a gadget as a means of communication with the outside world, then a broken gadget will mean:

  • loss of connections with the right people;
  • parting with friends or a loved one;
  • conflicts with business partners due to misunderstandings;
  • an obstacle to communicating with the right person;
  • lack of necessary information;
  • reluctance to communicate with anyone.

If we consider the actions that were associated with the phone, the following plot will be important:

  • the phone suddenly crashed;
  • you deliberately broke your gadget;
  • someone else broke your phone;
  • you see someone's phone broken.

Break your phone accidentally- not good. The dreamer will face problems in solving important matters related to communication. If the screen of a gadget is cracked, the dreamer does not have a clear idea of ​​the business he is involved in.

Seeing a broken phone in a dream- a symbol of problems in communicating with loved ones. Soon misunderstandings and conflicts with friends will arise, and communication will be interrupted for some time. However, you should not be upset: communication will be restored after some time.

If the dreamer breaks his gadget in despair, this could mean:

  • anger about inaccessible information;
  • an attempt to get rid of communication;
  • desire to get rid of old memories;
  • desire to radically change your life.

Secret or inaccessible information that the dreamer needs can provoke an attack of despair or anger. This is precisely what a dream means in which the sleeper smashes gadget against wall or throws him to the floor. No matter what you do, in the near future you will not learn what you want to know.

Sometimes a person is so bored with his old social circle that he is ready to run away anywhere just to avoid meeting unnecessary people. Either a person suffers from unnecessary communication and does not know how to get rid of it - the subconscious sends an image of a broken phone. The dreamer himself must abruptly stop all contacts that are not beneficial.

Communication is associated with both positive and negative memories. Breaking a gadget in a dream- advice from the subconscious to get rid of unnecessary memories. Live in the present day, not in past events. Also, a phone broken against a wall can give a hint to a change in lifestyle, which begins with denying previous contacts and changing the environment.

Dream warning

If you're trying in your sleep talk on a broken phone, conflicts with friends or co-workers will soon arise. If you wanted to convey news to a friend via a damaged phone, it is with him that misunderstandings will arise. If you called at work, expect problems with colleagues. If a girl calls her lover's faulty cell phone, the couple will soon separate.

If you call a person with whom you are in a quarrel using a faulty telephone, you should immediately reconcile with him. This dream is a hint for action. Now is a favorable time to improve relationships.

You bought a new phone, which turned out to be broken? This means that big problems will soon arise in communicating with people. On the contrary, breaking the phone means getting rid of the annoying problem associated with unnecessary communication. You dialed the number and the phone is cracked or spoiled? This means you are exaggerating your communication problems.

If you are trying to find a solution to a question or in doubt where to start, a dream with a broken gadget indicates a lack of awareness. You do not have the information to successfully cope with your plan. As soon as the necessary amount of information arrives, everything will be resolved by itself - and the problem will disappear.

Communication, communication, information - through them we keep everything under control. Therefore, a broken means of communication warns that the situation is out of control and is developing spontaneously.

If you were entrusted with a secret, but there is a temptation to tell it to the world - the dream warns not to do anything stupid. Bury the secret in the depths of your soul, because it does not belong to you. Don't make an irreparable mistake.

Psychological aspect of the dream

Psychologists consider the image of a broken gadget to be a symbol of psychological problems associated with communication:

  • fear of loss of communication;
  • desire to avoid responsibility;
  • desire to keep information secret.

A broken phone can be a dream for lovers people who are afraid of losing each other. In this situation, the dream is a reflection of daytime experiences and is not subject to interpretation. A broken/broken means of communication is a nightmare for loving hearts who live only by communicating with their loved ones.

When a person is afraid to take responsibility for his words/ actions, the image of a broken means of communication expresses his subconscious fear of being responsible for what was done. This dream also has no interpretation, since it is a reflection of the dreamer’s thoughts, an attempt to avoid conversation.

Fear of revealing secrets can also transform into the image of a broken means of communication. The dreamer is so afraid that someone will find out about his action that he clutches at straws - he dreams that all means of communication will disappear from his life. Fear can be passive - the image of someone breaking a gadget comes to mind. Fear can take a panic form - the dreamer breaks the phone in rage.

Dreams about a landline telephone or mobile device occur quite often and, in a general sense, talk about obtaining important information on an everyday topic from a variety of sources.

These can be either publicly available information channels, such as radio and television, or personal connections. If you hear a phone ringing, this is an additional signal to pay attention to the information you have received and act in accordance with this guide. Let's find out why we dream about the phone, and what the coming day has in store for us?

According to the dream book, the telephone symbolizes in night visions a person’s need for communication and contact with other people. The greatest invention of mankind, telephone communication, is capable of connecting people at any distance from each other, so it is clear why the telephone is dreamed of - the dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to become close to someone, to find a connection with the person he likes.

Why do you dream about a mobile phone? A cell phone is interpreted in much the same way as a landline, there is not much difference - the dream symbolizes communication, external connections, personal relationships. If you came across an unusual cell phone in a dream, remember how you saw it.

As the dream book explains, a bright-colored mobile phone portends pleasant changes, a successful period in life and, possibly, a business trip that will seem easy and exciting to you. A dark, pressing shade on the psyche warns of possible failures at work.

How did you see him?

In some cases, a telephone means unexpected news that you should receive any day now. Some interpreters believe that if you dreamed about a telephone, there are obstacles ahead or unforeseen difficulties that will suddenly appear on your way. Seeing a phone also means a life choice, since often we are left with a choice: answer the call or not pick up the phone. It’s interesting to know what a phone number means in dreams. If you saw or heard a number in a dream, expect new news.

A new phone that you buy in a dream means the need for a new source of information that will appear in your life. It is worth envying those lucky people who dreamed of a phone they bought in a dream - in reality they have a real chance to buy a new phone.

  • Payphone - for fleeting acquaintances.
  • Telegraph - troubles in business.
  • Receiving a message by fax means maximum effort will be required from you to successfully complete the matter.
  • Sending a message by fax means you will quickly navigate a difficult situation and act in the only right way.

Let’s try to clarify the situation and understand why you dream of a broken phone. Seeing a broken phone of an old model means getting rid of outdated views and receiving new relevant information. Breaking a telephone means your level of aggressiveness and harshness will increase enormously, and you will try to throw out these emotions on others.

A broken screen means your insensitivity to other people, your inability to read their thoughts. A split screen also speaks of your instability and rudeness - try to behave more restrained so as not to lose friends. A lot of broken or broken mobile devices is not a good sign, but you shouldn’t expect tragedy, just stay positive under any circumstances, and all troubles will pass by.

Telephone conversations

Talking to someone on the phone is a favorable sign; outside help will soon come to you. Another source indicates that a telephone conversation means that in real life you will be entrusted with important information that you will use to your advantage or, in other words, you will reveal a secret to strangers, although this should not be done. You can predict the consequences yourself, since only you know how significant and secret this information is.

There are several interpretations of why the fair half of humanity dreams of a telephone.

  • For a young woman, talking in a dream means that there are rivals in her life who are tormented by a feeling of envy towards this woman.
  • Talking on the phone means that the woman’s chosen one cannot act exactly as she would like, but his feelings for her are sincere.

If a woman dreamed of a conversation with, or a loved one, it means that a conversation with him may actually take place in the near future. There is an invisible connection between lovers or loved ones that is not afraid of any distance; such a dream appears as a reminder of a person dear to the dreamer.

Hearing a bell in a dream means receiving some important information in real life. Calling someone, but not hearing an answer because the number was dialed incorrectly - in reality, you have not fully formulated your thought in order to convey it to someone. They call you in a dream, but you do not answer the call - right now you are not interested in communicating with other people, you would like peace. Seeing yourself as if from the outside and having a conversation on the phone - you are eager to communicate with the person you are interested in, or you want to reveal your potential.

One source states that an incoming call to your phone means that gossip awaits you in the future, which you yourself will spread, being a link in the chain of rumors. All this will not cause you trouble - rather, it will even bring you pleasure, which cannot be said about the subject on whose head these problems have fallen. Advice: think about those around you, we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. There are many reasons to do something more valuable than small talk.

Lost or stolen device

Many people will be interested to know why they dream of a stolen phone? phone reflects the dreamer's fear of being alone. If your mobile phone is stolen, then separation or separation from your loved one is possible ahead. But at the same time, the theft of this thing speaks of a completed relationship that both partners are tired of. If your cell phone was stolen in a dream, don’t rush to get upset, now you have the opportunity to build new relationships and find true love.

Let's find out why you dream about a lost phone. The loss of this object in a dream often reflects our subconscious fear of losing communications with this world. Losing a telephone does not entail any fateful changes - most likely, the dream was caused by your fears or fear of losing this thing in reality.

Losing a cell phone in your vision or unsuccessfully looking for it in all places - you need to pay close attention to the information you receive: it is quite possible that this is suspicious and unsubstantiated information. Why do you dream of finding a phone? If you managed to find a phone in a dream, expect great luck in the future; your old friend will help you in implementing your plans.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to understand the visions that come to them during sleep. Every year progress brings something new into our lives. And therefore we have to look for an explanation of what events certain things and phenomena may represent in dreams.

What if you dream about a broken phone?

In a fairly short period of time, the mobile phone has become so closely integrated into our everyday life that modern people can no longer imagine their existence without this device. And as a result, mobile phones accompany us in our dreams. As a rule, dreams with active actions are remembered and therefore every person sooner or later faces the question of why a broken phone is dreamed of. Unfortunately, there is no longer any possibility of turning to such great dream interpreters as Freud or Jung for help with this question.

But you can still understand this phenomenon based on the knowledge and experience already gained. A cell phone is a means of communication, and in the recent past it was an indicator of social status. Now the majority of mobile phone owners store almost all their personal data in them, and cannot imagine their lives without these devices.

And therefore, seeing a broken phone in a dream can be an irreparable tragedy for many. Is this really true? It all depends on how a person treats his mobile phone, how dear it is to him or, on the contrary, it means nothing. If an old model of a mobile phone breaks, then this means that he is disposing of an old item and most likely an update is awaiting him. If he treats his phone as the personification of his social image, then breaking such a device in a dream does not bode well for him.

What does it portend?

Since a modern phone is a fairly powerful storage device for information, it is most likely to forget or lose sight of something important. It is important to take into account that breaking something in a dream does not bode well. This usually means having your dreams or hopes dashed, or suffering from the rudeness of someone you love. There is a high probability that a person will face troubles and disappointments, a great risk of not fulfilling his cherished desire, especially if his phone is dear to him as a memory of some important event.

If a person breaks a mobile phone in a dream, then at the moment of awakening you can enjoy the feeling that it was just a dream. Fix this feeling in your mind and all adversity will pass by. And we need to do this in similar situations in the future.

A broken phone is not such a tragedy in reality, and even more so in a dream. You shouldn’t indulge in gloomy thoughts about this and think that something out of the ordinary will happen. An optimistic attitude will always help you survive any troubles.

In the modern world, a telephone is an indispensable item that accompanies a person throughout the day. For many people, a broken phone is equivalent to a tragedy, especially if the device costs a tidy sum.

To explain why you dream of a broken mobile phone, you need to try to remember as many details as possible, for example, it is important to take into account why the phone broke, your participation in it, etc.

Why do you dream about a broken phone?

Such a plot indicates that at the moment the person is very worried about misunderstandings with other people. This dream also means the inability to read between the lines and understand hidden information. Night vision where an old phone breaks means that in the near future you will be able to get rid of some unnecessary thing. Since today the phone is the keeper of a huge amount of information, a dream in which it breaks warns that the dreamer will forget something important and this will lead to problems.

One dream book interprets what a broken phone means in a dream as a negative sign, prophesying the destruction of a dream or the dreamer will suffer from the rudeness of a loved one. Night vision in which the phone crashed indicates the presence of losing something important. Such a dream can also mean a loss of communication and lack of relationships with loved ones. There is another information regarding why you dream of a broken phone in a dream, according to which such a dream is a harbinger of quarrels. In some cases, such a plot promises unexpected news. Night vision where a man breaks telephone, promises the approach of changes, which depend on the exact reasons for which this happened. Let's figure out why you dream about a broken phone screen - this is an indication that a person does not think about his own actions, and this leads to significant damage to relationships with loved ones.

Other dreams about the phone

A new phone in a dream is a harbinger of life changes that will radically change the existing situation. If your phone is stolen, then you should prepare for various disappointments. Night vision, where you managed to find the phone, promises good luck in all your endeavors. If the phone did not break, but drowned, it means that because of his own, the dreamer will break off the relationship with a loved one.

Dream interpretation broken phone

Every year we see technological progress that enslaves all sectors of our lives. Various benefits with which store shelves are overflowing make our life much easier, but on the other hand, they make it more primitive and simpler. The modern generation can no longer imagine a comfortable life without fashionable gadgets, preferring access to the Internet and mobile applications to walks in the fresh air.

Why do you dream about a broken phone? A necessary means of communication, which was previously available only to select people, is now found in almost every home. Leading seers and psychologists will help give a comprehensive interpretation.


A broken phone always causes dissatisfaction and sadness, because after it falls, it will no longer be able to function as before. However, a variety of scenes are possible in a dream, and the first thing you should do is remember what it looked like.

Phone model

If you dreamed of a broken phone

The modern world provides goods for every, even the most sophisticated taste. Communication means have several differences, although they perform the same function. So what did you dream about?

  1. Home. If it fell before your eyes or was already inoperative from the very beginning, you should take a closer look at your surroundings and not succumb to provocations. There are many people in your circle who are jealous of you and dream of spoiling your plans. Therefore, in the near future we should expect advice that could be harmful.
  2. Mobile. Did you dream of a cell phone that had a huge screen? Or an inconspicuous model where the glass broke? Not a very good sign, indicating that you have lost the taste for life. You have forgotten how to experience joy from a new day and pleasant moments, so you are one step away from depression. Although your life is successful and happy at first glance, there is melancholy and despondency in your soul. You need to reconsider your values ​​and set your priorities correctly.
  3. Antique. Although this dream is not a bad sign, it speaks of your conservatism and a certain old-fashionedness. Although such traits make you beautiful, because of them you miss fateful chances and acquaintances. Perhaps this is precisely the reason why several relationships have already ended. Try to reconsider your interests and be a little bolder.

Features in a dream

Sometimes we not only see inconspicuous images, but also pay attention to some details. The dream book will help you figure out why they visited in the arms of Morpheus.

  1. The new model crashed. Just a second ago you saw a new device, when suddenly its glass cracked and the screen became covered with a characteristic cobweb? An ambiguous dream, indicating that a very interesting acquaintance awaits you soon. Perhaps you will meet a person who will conquer you and make you fall in love without memory. But on the other hand, the dream book also warns about his dishonest intentions. Make sure that he does not take advantage of you for personal gain.
  2. Fell to the floor. If the glass breaks into pieces without your participation, then this is an indication that you are experiencing emotional and, at the same time, unnecessary anxiety. Perhaps you are afraid of losing a loved one or an interesting job. The dream book reminds us that fear can paralyze actions and lead to aggravating results.
  3. Bright color. Have you ever seen a mobile phone in a bright color or case? Such a dream suggests that you have a lot of unrealized ideas hidden in your head. Don't be afraid to take risks and bring your most creative plans to life. They will bring you unprecedented success.

If you dialed a familiar number, you can safely count on the support of the people around you. They will help you in any endeavor.

Participate in a dream

If you called by phone

Did you dream about a broken phone that you did something with? In night dreams, you can expect anything, from conversations on an unusable device to the theft of this means of communication.

  1. Hear the call. Did you want to pick up the phone and weren't embarrassed by the broken glass? This is a very good dream, indicating that soon you will receive news that can change your whole life. It will affect not only you, but the whole family.
  2. Communication problems. If you decide to call someone on such a device and there are communication problems, then there is a threat of conflict with your significant other. You should have a heart-to-heart talk, throw out accumulated grievances and complaints. Be wiser and find a compromise in your relationship.
  3. Theft. If such an unpleasant action occurred in a dream, then in reality you should not expect anything good. You will experience disappointment from a loved one. Perhaps you will not understand his ideas or views, or perhaps he will be upset by his recent action.

Break the phone

Did you have a dream where the phone fell not by itself, but with your help? Remember under what conditions this happened.

  1. Throw it against the wall. A sign of imminent troubles, as well as protracted conflicts with household members. Watch your actions and words so that quarrels are rare guests in your home. The interpreter notes that your loved ones are already quite tired of your impulsiveness and hot-tempered temper, which greatly upsets them.
  2. Accidentally drop it. Did it fall out accidentally in a dream? This means that in reality you will have the opportunity to participate in solving someone’s problems. This can be either an old friend or a best friend, but he will be equally grateful to you for the services provided. Moreover, from now on you can count on his full help and support.
  3. Break in a fight. Unfortunately, difficult times are coming that you will have to go through alone. However, you should not be afraid of impending problems and difficulties. They will only toughen you up and provide you with tremendous experience.

Hasse's dream book states that a phone that fell and broke indicates dishonesty of your intentions and an evil deed.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze why such an ordinary image visited us, let’s turn to other sources. Famous psychologists and seers have spent a lot of effort to provide their unique interpretation.

If the phone fell

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist focused on whether he only had the opportunity to see such a picture or take any action in relation to it.

Be an observer

Miller claims that a phone with broken glass is a harbinger of deceitful, two-faced people. These individuals will soon cross your path, so be careful and carefully watch who you let into your heart.

Did he fall at your feet? You have many envious people, but they will not be able to interfere with your success in your career. Try to treat them with understanding and not get angry.


A dream in which you had a chance to talk through such a device characterizes you as a fighter for justice. You are not used to standing by when weak people are offended, or putting up with deception and meanness. For such a trait, fate will generously reward you.

If a woman had trouble hearing her interlocutor at the other end of the line, then there is a threat of unkind, deceitful gossip. It is necessary to dispel in time any doubts that may arise among those closest to you.

Esoteric dream book

But this source claims that such an episode in a dream is a sign that you will receive some valuable information that will help you in developing your career. It is worth noting that it will be provided to you by old comrades.

Finding a cell device with broken glass is a great sign. A resounding, albeit short-term, success awaits you. For a while you will forget about any problems with money.

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