How often can you do a back massage? Healthy lifestyle

Massage for diabetes mellitus aims to normalize the patient’s general condition, restore impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities, and eliminate the consequences of diabetic damage to nerve fibers and obesity.

If you combine this procedure with breathing exercises, you can activate the process of glucose consumption by muscles and eliminate excess sugar in the blood. It has contraindications; it is only allowed for patients suffering from compensatory diabetes mellitus and its moderate course.

If there are trophic ulcers on the legs and signs of gangrene of the extremities, massage cannot be done. The patient should feel more or less satisfactory.

Basic massage techniques

Stroking. This technique is used in all types of massage, which can be seen in the video on the Internet demonstrating the implementation of this procedure. The video clearly shows how the specialist's hand slides over the skin and simultaneously applies pressure...

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Massage for this disease allows you to normalize impaired metabolism, improve the patient’s condition, and restore blood circulation in the extremities. However, like any other procedure, it must be carried out very carefully and in accordance with all the rules.

Massage techniques for diabetes

Massage for diabetes must include such techniques.

Stroking. I must say that this is one of the main techniques of healing massage. You can watch the video to see how to stroke correctly. It is very important that the massage therapist’s hand slides over the skin and does not just press. Trituration. In this case, areas of the skin move in different directions. This way you can influence the foci of inflammation in the body. Kneading. It has a tonic effect on the body. It is very important to warm up the muscles of the limbs well, as this can help restore impaired blood circulation. Vibration. This is a striking technique, and the force of vibration...

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The “sweet disease” affects more and more people around the world every year. The task of doctors remains to find the most effective set of therapeutic measures that would ensure reliable control and maintenance of blood sugar within normal limits.

The most justified is the multifaceted use of various therapy methods. That is why massage for diabetes remains very important in the patient’s health. Regular manual procedures can significantly improve the patient’s well-being and strengthen his body.

Mechanism of action of the method

It must be said right away that such physiotherapy will not be able to heal the patient. However, it increases the effectiveness of all other health measures, in particular the effect of medications.

Treatment of diabetes with massage cannot be carried out as monotherapy

The basis of the healing effect of the event is the improvement of microcirculation and local blood circulation. Massage for diabetes...

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Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases, success in treatment of which is possible only by using an integrated approach. Among the various healing techniques used in the treatment of pathology and the prevention of complications, massage occupies a special place.

Traditionally it is believed that general massage has a beneficial effect on all functions and organs of our body. In the treatment of diabetes, the correct use of relaxing and stimulating techniques is of enormous importance for maintaining overall health. Thus, with the help of regular courses, it is possible to stop the progress of some complications and solve the problem of restoring tissue sensitivity to insulin by losing weight and reducing the amount of adipose tissue.

Indications for massage for diabetes

Poor posture Regular physical activity and sports Angiopathy (micro and macro manifestations) Obesity and excess weight Diabetic arthropathy Sedentary lifestyle Polyneuropathy

Contraindications to massage during...

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Diabetes is a serious illness and an integrated approach to maintaining the health of the whole body is very important. One of the necessary elements of diabetes therapy and an excellent supportive tool is massage. It has a relaxing effect, improves blood circulation in the extremities, and activates metabolism. Massage for diabetes stimulates restoration processes in the nerve fibers of soft tissues and bones, and if some of the joints are affected, it can prevent osteoporosis, reduce pain during movements, and improve the health of the body.

However, the main question that concerns many diabetics is whether massage is a safe procedure and whether, despite its effectiveness, it will lead to complications?

It is worth knowing that massage can be prescribed to diabetic patients if the patient’s condition is satisfactory, however, there are several cases when this procedure is contraindicated. Massage is not prescribed if the patient has:

Types of massage

As a rule, when...

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Today, unfortunately, many people know what diabetes is. This disease has other names - sugar sickness or sugar urination. The above-mentioned endocrine disease is characterized by a lack of insulin and disturbances in all metabolic processes of the body. Diabetes primarily affects the blood vessels of the legs, nerve receptors, and also deforms the shape of the feet. The main task facing a specialist massage therapist is the correct massage for diabetes mellitus in the extremities, which is performed to improve the patient’s condition.

With a sugar “disorder”, complex participation in this disease is very important. In this case, massage for diabetes is the main part of therapeutic treatment, and it also helps to maintain vital forces in a person.

Before the session begins, you should do a cleansing procedure for your feet, in the form of a warm bath, which will have a beneficial effect on the ligaments and joints of the patient’s legs.

Performed massage...

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Diabetes mellitus is a fairly common endocrine disease, which is accompanied by insulin deficiency, as a result of which the amount of glucose in the blood increases significantly. Many studies have been aimed at treating diabetes, but so far there are no results. There are only drugs that help maintain blood glucose levels at acceptable levels; most of these drugs contain insulin. As a consequence of diabetes mellitus there is a metabolic disorder, which only aggravates the situation.

Very often, diabetes mellitus occurs as a result of other diseases, for example, heart, vascular, and is acquired. Then we are talking about complex treatment, which includes a large number of expensive medications. But today, not every person can afford all the medications prescribed by the doctor due to their high cost.

As for insulin, it is affordable but addictive. Also...

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Benefits of massage for diabetes

Massage for diabetes is a wonderful addition to comprehensive treatment. Excess weight, slow blood metabolism, arthropathy, general tension and fatigue are indicators that it is time to go for a massage.


The main cause of diabetes is impaired metabolism, the cause and consequence of which can be obesity. Therefore, any moderate physical activity and procedures that improve metabolism are recommended for diabetics.

Relaxation. Relaxed and well-rested muscles behave much more productively during physical activity, which is prescribed for diabetics. Improved blood circulation. Especially in the extremities, where blood vessels suffer the most in diabetes. Activation of metabolism, which regulates the absorption of glucose. Regeneration of nerve fibers. Nerve cells are restored through massage. In diabetes mellitus, this is very important, since increased...

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How to properly massage the body and legs if you have diabetes

About massage for diabetes

With type 1 and type 2 diabetes, many body functions are affected, including the central nervous system (CNS). This affects the condition of blood vessels, arteries and even legs, especially when you need to reduce sugar. Many people know the concept of diabetic foot. What leads to its formation and how to avoid it?

About foot problems

So, first of all, with such a terrible disease, damage occurs to the nerve endings and blood vessels of the legs. In addition, at one of the last stages, the shape of one or both feet is also disrupted - the more insulin is increased, the more significant the changes. This is accompanied by severe pain, impaired walking and, ultimately, the inability to move.
In diabetes of any type, the formation of a kind of “undressed” and half-dead cells of the nerve type takes place. They are the ones who can lead to the presented...

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Home > Massage

Massage for diabetes

Diabetes has other names: diabetes mellitus or diabetes mellitus. This is an endocrine disease in which, due to a lack of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas), all types of metabolism are disrupted. As a result, the muscles and liver are unable to convert the sugar entering the body into glycogen, which leads to increased blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and the excretion of sugar in the urine (glycosuria).

The general task assigned to the massage therapist:

Help improve the general condition of the patient.

At the beginning of the massage, the patient assumes a lying position on his stomach. The impact begins from the abdominal area using: a) stroking, b) rubbing, c) kneading, d) vibration: labile continuous.

These techniques are performed with little force and intensity. At the same time, focusing on the places of transition of muscles into tendons and on large...

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First, the most important thing: massage, and especially acupressure, should not be done to people receiving insulin injections. Probably (my opinion) this is due to the introduction of a “foreign” hormone. I couldn't find an explanation for this. BUT THESE PEOPLE CAN'T GIVE MASSAGE.

Massage is one of the oldest methods of treating and preventing various diseases. In Ancient China and India, massage was used already in the third millennium BC. and attached great importance to it. Massage was performed by priests and special massage schools were created.

For type 2 diabetes mellitus, acupressure is very effective as an alternative treatment method. If your sugar level is low, it replaces pills – my own experience.

What is acupressure? Many people think of Chinese acupuncture. But in order to insert the needle into the point correctly, you need to study a lot and for a long time.

The Chinese also have another way of influencing acupuncture points - moxibustion. But you must admit that burns are unpleasant.


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Some psychologists are sure: people are sorely lacking in touch. It is this factor that explains the activities of simply a huge number of different massage centers.

It’s so good to eliminate tactile insufficiency and at the same time become healthier. Of course, if the massage is medical. Acupressure using the acupressure method (that is, pressure) can be considered one of the simplest.

Basics of acupressure: essence and technique

Impact on biological active points (BAP) as a method of therapy has been known for several thousand years. It came from the East. Ancient doctors believed that vital energy continuously circulates throughout the human body. If something interferes with its flow, the whole body suffers. Acupuncture, moxibustion or special pressure on specific points remove blocks and normalize energy flows.

All points are rich in nerve endings

Later, BAPs of oriental medicine were carefully studied. It turned out that they are all rich in nerve endings....

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There is no safe smoking - weak cigarettes, tasty cigars, high sugar during pregnancy, symptoms of cigarettes, healthy pipes. Recently (both here and in European countries) hookah smoking has become widespread. There is an opinion that this is a safe ritual.

Is massage indicated for diabetes - what?

et al. G protein beta3 subunit variant and essential hypertension in Japanese Hypertension. - 1998. - 32. - P.

P. 977-86. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group. Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33) Lancet. - 1998. - 352. - P.

Video on the topic

And cardiac: Is massage indicated for sugar...

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Boyarsky defeated diabetes?

Russian doctors are shocked by the statement of Mikhail Boyarsky, who claims that he defeated diabetes alone!

Unfortunately, many people know first-hand what diabetes is. First of all, with such a terrible disease, the nerve endings and blood vessels of the legs are affected, and the shape of the feet is also disrupted. The formation of “undressed” half-dead nerve cells occurs, which can lead to serious consequences. Massaging your legs and feet will help prevent this.

First you need to make a cleansing foot bath. Although, this is no longer a hygienic procedure, but a muscle-relaxing procedure that also has a beneficial effect on joints and ligaments. It is worth noting that the water should never be hot, but only warm. And the whole process for diabetes mellitus must be carried out at an average or slow pace.

Before starting a massage session, it is advisable to treat your hands with baby powder or...

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Aching nagging pain in the lumbar region, lumbago (lumbago), decreased muscle tone.

These symptoms of spinal osteochondrosis are familiar to people older.

Now a disease associated with degenerative changes in the spinal disc is rapidly getting younger.

Massage can solve the problem auxiliary treatment method.

Its effectiveness is undeniable. Mechanical, reflex effects on the skin, underlying tissues and muscles help: take off pain(including the head, and), improve blood supply to tissues and lymph outflow.

Also, with the help of massage, you can relax muscles constrained by spasms, provide better nutrition to the intervertebral discs, strengthen muscles(thereby reducing the load on the spine). After the course, the mobility of the vertebrae noticeably improves and there is a feeling of lightness in the back.

Indications and contraindications for massage

Indications for massage are the following facts:

  1. Pain in the back, lower back, cervical and thoracic regions in remission (complete or partial).
  2. Muscle wasting. Massage is especially necessary during the chronic stage of the disease.
  3. Spasm back muscles.
  4. As preparation before physical therapy. Massage helps prepare the back muscles for stress.

Important! Whatever type of massage you choose, you must consult a vertebrologist. Despite the mild side effects, self-medication can provoke a deterioration of the condition in a number of pathological changes in the spine.

In a number of ailments massage strictly contraindicated. These include:

  1. any skin diseases, including even minor damage at the site of exposure;
  2. increased body temperature, chills and other manifestations of the inflammatory process;
  3. benign and malignant neoplasms;
  4. varicose veins;
  5. diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic system;
  6. tuberculosis in the active stage;
  7. osteomyelitis.

Attention! During the period of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, with severe pain, massage should be avoided. Pregnant women are prescribed massage with great caution. Light effects on the cervical spine are possible only in the first trimester.

Types of massage for osteochondrosis

Experts offer both classical massage and several types of non-traditional massage for osteochondrosis. They differ in execution technique, duration, intensity of impact on the diseased area. When choosing a type of massage, you should rely not so much on your own preferences as on the doctor’s recommendations.

Classic massage

This type of massage practices official medicine in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

He is famous since ancient times and combines Greek, Chinese and ancient Russian methods of mechanical action on problem areas of the back.

Classic massage is based on alternating five main types of massage movements:

  • Stroking. Aimed at softening the skin, warming up the muscles, and improving blood flow in the sore area. The appointment begins and ends the massage.
  • Trituration. Dilates blood vessels, increases blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen. This happens due to stretching and displacement of tissues.
  • Squeezing or squeezing. Deeply affects the upper layers and connective tissue. Performed rhythmically along muscle fibers. Has an analgesic effect.
  • Vibration. Refers to a striking technique. The purpose of the technique is to “break” tense muscles that cause painful movements.
  • Kneading. The main technique, more than half the time of the massage session is allocated to it. With its help, the deepest muscle layers are affected by squeezing and squeezing them.

Effective for improving blood and lymph circulation. With regular massage, muscle strength increases, which reduces the load on the spine. Only the first procedures are painful. They are carried out in a gentle manner. The normal course consists of 10-15 sessions. The duration of each is 20-30 minutes.

Advice! Some massage therapists offer relaxing Swedish massage as a panacea for any type of osteochondrosis. Don't rush to pay for an expensive procedure. Despite the name, the technique of its implementation is identical to conventional classical massage.

Electrical hardware massage is also considered a classic type. It is usually done at home using special massagers. According to the final result, it is significantly inferior to manual influence.


It is based on method of influence to trigger (painful) points. Another name is Zhen therapy. Typically, acupressure is used together with classical massage. Less often as independent therapy.

The procedure is painful, but the effect is high. Quickly relieves pain. Relieves tension for a long time. It enhances blood flow well. The massage technique is not difficult to master. But only a specialist can do it efficiently.

Determine the location of the desired point, press firmly on it with a bent finger. By gradually increasing the pressure, mild pain appears. Long press more than ten minutes. Then massage the point with a rotational movement.

According to another method, the point is affected weakly and no more than 30 seconds. This technique is used to increase muscle tone during malnutrition. Sharp pain should not be allowed. In this case, the intensity of the procedure should be reduced.

After the massage, lubricate the point with an irritating ointment (finalgon, capsicam, viprosal, apizartron). Acupressure is performed in an hour and a half after eating.

Forbidden drinking alcohol even in small doses. If physiotherapeutic procedures were carried out, then acupressure should be done no earlier than after five to six hours. The procedure takes a long time (up to three months). Then they take a week break.

Advice! Massage for osteochondrosis will give the best effect if not all active points are affected in one session. It is better to choose four to six of the most painful ones.

Cupping massage

Founded using reflex therapy methods. It is effective for any type and stage of osteochondrosis. For the procedure, glass medical jars or their modern analogue - plastic pneumatic jars are used.

His dignity– the ability to relieve very strong muscle tension. The jar can even cope with a “stone” muscle that cannot be stretched with your hands.

Cupping massage has no side effects. It is prescribed to children over three years of age, unless there are medical contraindications.

Pre-skin lubricate with Vaseline or cream to facilitate the sliding of the can and reduce the pain from the procedure. Movements during a cupping massage should be smooth and circular. Direction - from the lower back to the cervical region. The duration of the procedure is no more than seven minutes. A repeat session is carried out three days later.

Important! Contraindications, in addition to those common to all types, are large birthmarks and pigment spots at the site of intended exposure. You cannot massage the spinal column directly. You should step back two to three centimeters from it.

Vacuum massage

The methods and principles of influence are similar to cupping massage. It is carried out using a special apparatus. Its advantage The advantage of cupping is the ability to control the degree of pressure on the back. The presence of soft attachments makes the process painless.

Honey massage

Honey massage for osteochondrosis is based on the healing properties of the product. Honey, rich in active substances, has a beneficial effect on tissue structure, improves blood circulation, and strengthens the immune system.

Carry out the procedure better before bed. First you need to take a hot shower to cleanse and open the pores of the skin. Honey is slightly warmed and spread on the problem area.

At the first stage, the massage is done using light pats. When the honey begins to harden, move on to the second stage. They press their hands tightly to the body, and then sharply withdraw them. A burning sensation during a massage is considered normal.

After the session, the patient is covered warmly. After 15-20 minutes, the remaining honey is washed off with warm water. The skin is moisturized with cream. Time for honey massage should not exceed 15 minutes. Full course 8 sessions. They need to be done every other day.

Attention! If severe pain, discomfort, or an allergic reaction occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately. Honey massage is not given to children under 12 years of age.

This type of massage is not recognized by official medicine, since the ratio of benefits and harms from it is below reasonable, mainly due to frequently occurring side effects. Honey massage can cause pulmonary edema even in people who tolerate bee products well.

Thai massage

This is a whole health system aimed at for activation energy flows in the human body. Combines techniques of manual therapy and classical massage.

The specialist does deep pressure and stretching not only fingers. Often uses elbows and knees. The massage alternates with exercises reminiscent of yoga poses.

The session is conducted on a special mat. May last from 60 minutes to three hours. Back pain disappears, blood circulation improves. A person feels rested and full of vital energy.

The benefits of Thai massage will be enormous, provided that it is carried out by well trained massage therapist. For osteochondrosis, for therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to do 2-3 sessions per week. As maintenance therapy, one session per month is sufficient. The only downside is the high cost of massage.

Stone massage

Impact on the back muscles using cold and hot natural stones is at the height of fashion. Massage strengthens the immune system, reduces back pain and relieves muscle spasms. The high cost is due to the complex technique of the procedure.

Important conditions for any type of massage

Any type of massage is always carried out taking into account the direction of movement lymph(from bottom to top). First, the part of the back where the pain is less is massaged.

Attention! The procedure should not be performed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. You need to wait one and a half to two hours. After the session, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour.

An important condition for any type of massage for osteochondrosis is take the full course. The number of sessions can vary from one to several times a week, depending on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. The cycle of treatment sessions must be repeated every six months.

Massage is an effective method in the treatment of osteochondrosis. But in itself it is not a panacea. Persistent remission can only be achieved complex therapy.

Watch a video tutorial on how to properly do massage for osteochondrosis in the video:

People whose work involves a computer may experience headaches, drowsiness and other unpleasant sensations over time. Often they prefer to solve this problem by taking pills or drinking coffee. And often this helps, since it can only be associated with a lack of oxygen or poor blood circulation. However, the cause of the described condition can also be cervical osteochondrosis.

What kind of disease is this?

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is the growth of bone tissue in the vertebrae, leading to degeneration of the intervertebral discs, disruption of the integrity of the ligaments, muscle injury, pinched nerves, which causes pain and the appearance of intervertebral hernias.

At first, the disease worsens periodically, then pain is felt both in the neck and in other areas. Its symptoms bring considerable discomfort to a person’s life. Therefore, it is important that the situation does not reach a critical state. As soon as signals appear, measures should be taken, which begin with research into the causes of the unpleasant sensations.

How to treat?

Pain in the shoulders and neck, weakness of the muscles of the upper extremities, their periodic numbness, tinnitus, blurred vision and hearing are symptoms indicating that the patient has developed cervical osteochondrosis. Whether it is possible to do a massage depends on the phase of the disease.

Thus, during exacerbations, the only method of treatment is to take medications that help eliminate the causes of osteochondrosis. Well, if you don’t feel pain, then do a cervical massage. They are restored after the exacerbation of the disease passes.

In this case, you should take into account the contraindications under which the procedure is prohibited:

  • pain, indicating an exacerbation phase;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • fever caused by an infection in the body.

Specialist massage

Massage for osteochondrosis should be carried out only by a real specialist in his field. It is done in a special chair or on a table. The patient is massaged in the neck, back of the head, and collar areas. The muscles must be relaxed, and the head must be tilted forward:

  1. The massage begins with stroking movements from the back of the head to the shoulders. The force should be minimal.
  2. The next movement should resemble a squeeze. It is done with the phalanges of the fingers several times in one direction and then the other.
  3. After this, the muscles are kneaded, as if fingering the skin. Movements are also made in a circle. First, they are performed along the spine, and then move to the sides. The same rubbing is repeated with the pads of the thumbs, massaging the shoulder girdle and trapezius muscle.
  4. At the end of the procedure for cervical osteochondrosis, perform stroking movements. They start from the neck area and then move to the back of the head. Here, the fingers make circular movements, squeezing and rubbing the occipital area.

Is it possible to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis?

Massage is an excellent way to treat this disease. Thanks to it, blood flow to the nerve endings increases, muscles relax, and tension is relieved. The spasm also goes away. Therefore, this procedure for osteochondrosis of the neck is very useful.

But, as mentioned, it is not always possible to carry it out. It is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications, which include, in addition to the above, the presence of pain, as well as wounds, rashes and other skin diseases.

When asked whether it is possible to do massage for cervical osteochondrosis, we can confidently say that it will help best during periods of remission. If you decide to undergo a course of manual therapy, it should be done after consultation with your doctor.

In addition to classic massage, for this disease it is sometimes recommended to carry out alternative procedures that relieve inflammation and promote recovery. These include:

  • acupressure;
  • using a massager;
  • use of honey.


The method is especially suitable during periods of exacerbation, when aching or severe pain is felt. The process involves pressing your fingers on special points that help relieve inflammation, increase blood flow and eliminate pain. The pressure points are located some distance from the site of pain. As the pain subsides, the duration of the massage is reduced. The maximum pressure time is five minutes, and then it is reduced to three minutes or less.


A special device that massages the neck is capable of improving metabolic processes in this area. There are currently many devices for this purpose on the market. According to their functions, they have completely different prices. A cheap device, however, is not necessarily ineffective. A good example would be a roller or belt with buckles. Such massagers are worn on the neck at night, and the next morning the pain, as a rule, subsides significantly or disappears completely.

However, you should not start using this or that device without first consulting your doctor. It is better to consult with him which model to choose.

Honey for massage

Cervical osteochondrosis done at home also has an excellent effect and can be alleviated using this method. However, honey must be used correctly. First, it is distributed evenly over the selected area, and then a massage is performed, using the palms of the hands to press on the neck and lift away from it. This procedure lasts a maximum of ten minutes. It’s good if it is carried out by a specialist who will definitely influence the right points. If you do it yourself, you won’t be able to achieve this effect.


The most common method for cervical osteochondrosis is self-massage. It can be easily done at home without visiting a specialist and without spending additional time and money. In addition, self-massage can be performed at any convenient time. However, it should be done very carefully, and first you need to carefully study the technique of its implementation. After all, wrong movements can lead to negative consequences.

When self-massage, you should be guided by special provisions:

  • first sit on a chair with a straight back, keep your legs at a right angle, bending them at the knees;
  • then stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Self-massage begins from the neck area on the back. The technique is as follows:

  • stroke the neck with both hands for a few minutes;
  • then the movements go from the back of the head to the shoulders;
  • at first they should be without pressure, but gradually the force should be increased to the maximum permissible value;
  • To prevent your hands from getting tired, you can change them and perform the movements one by one.

The next technique is squeezing, which is performed strictly along one trajectory, for example, on one side with the edge of the palm, and on the other with the thumb.

In this case, the movement is done in several ways:

  • in small spirals from the spine to the sides;
  • the same thing, only in straight lines with pressure;
  • with small pinching movements, as if grabbing the skin and crushing it between your fingers.

Both hands move in opposite directions. Next move on to the side parts. If rubbing with both hands at the same time is inconvenient, then it is done alternately. In this case, the phalanges of the fingers can be used in these parts.

The last are stroking movements along a trajectory from the back of the head to the shoulder blades. After this, they move on to self-massage from the front.

First, gently massage the surface with your palm. Then stroking movements are made from top to bottom. No force is used here.

Having prepared the area in this way, they proceed to rubbing, starting with the mastoid muscle. They move in a spiral, attracting more and more fingers. Rubbing should be carried out only on the sides, without affecting the thyroid gland.

Then the front sides of the neck are kneaded. To do this, tilt the head slightly to the side and, using pinching movements, grabbing the muscle between the side and the thyroid gland, move from top to bottom, first on one side and then on the other.

At the end, strokes are done from top to bottom, touching all the muscles that were involved. They clasp the neck with both hands and continue like this. Then they slowly tilt it to the sides and carefully make tilts, and then circular movements.


Is it possible to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis? As practice shows, this is not only possible, but also very useful. Another thing is that during this procedure all contraindications must be taken into account and it must be performed by a qualified specialist.

But what if there is no such possibility? Is it possible to do massage for cervical osteochondrosis on your own? The answer is positive if it is done very carefully and with the movements described in the article. Then the effect of the procedure will not take long to arrive.

Osteochondrosis is called a “disease of civilization.” After all, most modern people lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. This leads to curvature of posture and disruption of the entire spinal column.

Today, nagging pain, lumbago in the lower back, and weakening of the muscular system of the back are encountered not only in old age, but also in young age. For such symptoms, complex treatment is carried out, its integral component being manual therapy. Massage for intervertebral osteochondrosis eliminates pain, relaxes muscles, activates metabolic processes, and promotes rapid regeneration of affected tissues.

Is it possible to do massage with osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a pathology characterized by degeneration of intervertebral discs. The disease develops against the background of metabolic disorders, constant overload of the spine, and chronic diseases. This leads to overstrain of the back, displacement of the discs, which causes pain, loss of sensitivity, loss of motor activity, and weakness.

Osteochondrosis requires mandatory treatment, which involves the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and special gymnastics.

But is it possible to do therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis?

Manual therapy is an effective method approved by orthopedists and vertebrologists.

Massaging has many therapeutic effects on the affected segments of the spinal column:

  1. elimination of pain syndrome;
  2. elimination of inflammation;
  3. relaxation, increased muscle tone;
  4. activation of microcirculation;
  5. improving spinal mobility.

In case of osteochondrosis, with the help of massage it is possible, even without X-rays or CT scans, to identify painful points indicating the localization of the pathological process. But in the case of a herniated disc, this method of treatment is dangerous; it will contribute to compression of the spinal cord. Therefore, before a course of manual therapy, it is necessary to consult with a therapist to find out when massage will be useful or dangerous.


Massage is performed for osteochondrosis of the spine when any segment is affected, when the disease is at different stages of development.

The procedure is prescribed during the period of remission for the following conditions:

  • severe pain;
  • muscle spasms;
  • static, dynamic violations;
  • wasting of muscle tissue.

Wellness therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis is indicated for vascular changes in the cervical spine. It is also necessary for preparing for physical therapy classes.

But before you find out how to treat osteochondrosis correctly, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will study the peculiarities of the course of the disease in order to eliminate the risk of worsening the condition, because for some diseases, manual therapy is prohibited.


Despite its high therapeutic effectiveness, back massage for osteochondrosis can be harmful in some cases. If the rules are not followed, the course of the pathology will worsen and an exacerbation of all chronic processes occurring in the body will begin.

The procedure will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. syphilis;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. back injuries or damage;
  5. tuberculosis;
  6. colds, flu, ARVI;
  7. rashes on the skin of the back;
  8. disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  9. intervertebral hernia;
  10. osteomyelitis.

Massaging for any type of osteochondrosis is not prescribed in the case of an aneurysm, disruption of the circulatory system, central nervous system, or during periods of exacerbation of mental illness. During pregnancy, light exposure to the cervical segments of the spinal column is allowed, but only in the first trimester.

Is it possible to do massage during exacerbation of osteochondrosis? This is the main question that concerns people with spinal diseases. Therapists always warn their patients that during acute osteochondrosis or other chronic diseases, manual therapy is contraindicated.

Types of massage

There are many types of massage used for spinal diseases. The procedure can be classical, performed with hands, or Thai, where the back is massaged with knees and elbows. Often they use auxiliary means - jars, honey, and other devices.

The most common, simple type of therapeutic effect is massage of the collar zone for intervertebral osteochondrosis of the cervical segments. It does not require special knowledge or the use of special equipment. Treatment is based on stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, and squeezing movements.

Classic massage

This therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis is performed more often than others. It is recognized by official medicine and is used for most diseases of the spinal column.

Traditionally, for osteochondrosis of the collar zone, the entire spine is massaged, including the area of ​​the back and neck muscles. During the session, the specialist performs standard techniques.

Hardware electronic massage is also considered a classic type. It is done at home using special massagers.


Massage for osteochondrosis.

Cupping massage

Vacuum massage for osteochondrosis is based on reflex therapy. To conduct the session, medical glass jars or their more modern version made of pneumatic plastic are used.

The advantage of this technique is the quick elimination of muscle spasm, which is not always possible to remove with your hands. Cupping can be used for any type of osteochondrosis. There are practically no contraindications to the vacuum procedure; it is prescribed from the age of three.

When warmed and vacuumed, the skin is drawn into the jar by 1.5 cm. The therapeutic effect of this effect is the resorption of stagnation, activation of blood flow, and muscle relaxation.

It is noteworthy that only glass jars need to be set on fire; plastic products just need to be squeezed and then applied to the skin. To reduce pain and improve gliding, the skin is lubricated with a thick cream and Vaseline before the procedure.


The Eastern method is effective for any pathology of the spine, including cervical osteochondrosis. The technique for performing it is quite complex, which requires the help of a specialist.

Acupressure for osteochondrosis enhances and consolidates the effect of the classical method of massaging. He activates blood circulation, relieves pain, eliminates muscle spasms.

Acupressure for intervertebral osteochondrosis involves influencing acupuncture points by pressing on them with the pads of your fingers. Their location can be determined using special diagrams. You should also focus on protrusions, painful places, folds, tubercles on the body, and areas of muscle attachment. Another way to find acupoints is to use devices that find areas of low electrical resistance.

Reflexogenic zones are affected by two methods:

  1. strong, long press (10 minutes). Allows pain relief.
  2. Weak, short-term exposure (up to 1 minute). Increases muscle tone.

It is noteworthy that areas of the back cannot be subjected to acupuncture if physiotherapeutic measures were carried out the day before. It is also prohibited to drink alcohol during treatment.

Honey massage

Often, classic massage for spinal chondrosis is performed using honey. The natural component is well absorbed, providing an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, and disinfecting effect.

Honey relieves muscle spasms, stimulates blood circulation, and eliminates pain in the cervical or sacral spine. But it is worth remembering that the natural product warms up the skin, which is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and a burning sensation. Therefore, redness and rashes may appear on the skin. In this case, it is better to avoid using honey.

Thai massage

Massage for osteochondrosis, developed by Thai healers, combines techniques from classical techniques and manual therapy. The technique is most effective for pathologies of the thoracic and lumbar spine.

When using this technique, the specialist applies pressure and stretching not only with his hands, but with his knees and elbows. The use of massage techniques is often combined with yoga-like exercises.

Thai massage for osteochondrosis at home should be performed by a professional massage therapist. If the technique of the session is performed incorrectly, you can injure your back and increase unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is better to contact a medical center where there are specialists who practice oriental medicine.

Self-massage technique

When treating chondrosis at home, you can massage yourself. This will speed up the healing process and increase the effectiveness of other therapeutic techniques.

Self-massage for osteochondrosis is carried out as follows:

  1. Gently stroking the neck and shoulders with your hands.
  2. Rubbing the affected area is done with your fingers, and the skin should be slightly pulled to the side.
  3. Kneading should be more intense, involving the muscles. Massaging is carried out with the edge of the palm or the pads of the fingers.
  4. Finally, slow, light stroking is done.

After performing such movements, the discomfort goes away, and a feeling of lightness appears in the back. If the pain intensifies during massage, then you need to end the massage and consult a doctor.

Which massage to choose for osteochondrosis?

The optimal method of massage therapy for osteochondrosis should be selected by the doctor, based on the symptoms, type, and stage of development of osteochondrosis. But doctors prefer the classical technique, because its effectiveness is recognized by official medicine.

According to patient reviews, vacuum or cupping massage is considered no less effective. Doctors are more wary of oriental practices (Thai, acupuncture), since it is quite difficult to find qualified specialists who perform these techniques correctly.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage using honey is not approved by official medicine. A natural product does more harm than good. It has been proven that honey massage can cause pulmonary edema even in those patients who are not allergic to bee products.

Execution technique

It is very important to know how to do massage for osteochondrosis. After all, improper massaging can aggravate the condition, which will increase pain, swelling, and inflammation. In the worst case, the session can lead to spinal injuries.

The classic type of massage is performed while sitting or lying on your back. The massage technique is described in detail in the table.

Type of movement Execution technique
Stroking Initial and final stage. The palm makes circular, zigzag, and spiral movements along the vertical lines of the transverse vertebral processes. Gradually, light strokes are replaced by more intense ones by placing one palm on the other.
Trituration Displacement and stretching of tissues is achieved using horizontal movements going from the back of the head to the bottom, performed with folded fingers. Also at this stage, the collar area is massaged with the edge of the palm.
Squeezing Slow, intense compression of the skin running along the muscles. The edges of the palm are placed horizontally in the neck area. First, the back is massaged, then the collar area and neck are applied on different sides of the spinal column.
Kneading The main stage involves squeezing, squeezing the muscles with fingers folded in the form of forceps.
Vibration and patting Impact techniques are performed with the edge of the palm or fingers. Patting is done with a cupped hand, and vibration is done with the palm combined with light strokes.

All movements are performed 4-5 times. The total duration of the procedure is from 7 to 30 minutes. The full course consists of 10-15 sessions.

Techniques for performing other types of massage for osteochondrosis:

  1. canned. The jar is lowered onto the heated skin of the back. The main techniques for the neck are from top to bottom, for the back – from bottom to top. Movements can be circular, zigzag or straight. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 20 minutes. The duration of the session is 10 minutes, the massage is carried out every 3 days.
  2. Spot. For 2-3 minutes, the index finger or thumb applies pressure and circular massage to the acupuncture zones located in the auricle and in the area of ​​the clavicular-sternomastoid muscle. The impact is carried out on several points at once. Duration of treatment is up to 3 months.
  3. Honey. First, light pats are made, when the honey hardens a little, sharp, jerky movements are performed. After the procedure, the patient is covered for 20 minutes, and then the remaining honey is washed off with warm water. Moisturizer is applied to the skin. Session duration is up to 30 minutes. The full course includes 5-8 procedures performed every other day.
  4. Thai. The massage is done on a mat. The specialist performs various massage movements with his hands, elbows, and knees. The session lasts 1-3 hours. When treating osteochondrosis, it is recommended to carry out the procedure up to 3 times a week.

The effectiveness of massage

When answering the question whether osteochondrosis can be cured with massage, doctors give an ambiguous answer. The fact is that therapy for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine must be comprehensive, including exercise therapy, the use of medications and even proper nutrition.

However, experts confirm that massage is an effective method of combating osteochondrosis of any localization:

  • pectoral – relaxes the front and back muscles of the chest;
  • cervical – eliminates hypertonicity of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;
  • lumbar – relieves tension in the lower back, legs, buttocks.

Thanks to the elimination of spasms after massage, pain in osteochondrosis goes away, and the progression of degenerative and destructive processes slows down. Manual therapy helps restore mobility of the spine, restores damaged blood vessels and nerve fibers.

The reflex effect activates blood supply, improves innervation of the entire spinal column, which prevents the progression of the disease. Massage therapy also has a positive effect on the lymphatic system of the back, which reduces inflammation and swelling.

Massage for chronic osteochondrosis increases muscle tone, which prevents displacement of the vertebrae. After a course of manual therapy, the patient’s general condition improves, and the symptoms of the initial stages of the disease may disappear forever.


Massage for chondrosis of the cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine will be most effective if done in the initial stages of the disease or to prevent its occurrence. Considering the etiology of back pathologies, in addition to conducting a preventive course of manual therapy, it is important to avoid dynamic and static overload of the spinal column.

Proper organization of your working and sleeping space will help prevent the development of osteochondrosis of the lower back and entire back. After all, if a person spends most of his time in the wrong position, then even a chiropractor will not help him avoid daily back pain.