How to get rid of acne on a teenager's face. Teenage acne in girls: treatment, causes

The worst enemy of an attractive appearance is ugly pimples. They find not only teenagers susceptible to change, but also adults. Acne (large accumulations of serious inflammation) without timely treatment leaves behind spots that do not heal for a long time, scars. It is known how such troubles affect future girls. Therefore, you need to immediately begin treating teenage acne on the face of girls.

Why do they appear?

The approach of menstruation is also caused in girls. Treatment in this case is carried out superficially. In addition to the main cause - hormonal surges and age-related transformation of the body - there are a number of diseases that lead to the appearance of acne. It includes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, disorders of the thyroid and endocrine glands, and metabolic processes. Poor nutrition, stress, and poor hygiene contribute to the spread of acne. It is curious that of the 60% of adolescents from 13 to 18-20 years of age in whom they appear, it is more common in girls.

Eliminating fat as a cause

Oily skin is a hotbed of inflammatory formations on the skin. Most often, it is on this surface that acne takes on a neglected appearance. It is necessary to properly care for oily and combination skin, not to overdry in pursuit of a clean face. Several times a week you need to use special creams and gels for this type, once a week - a pore-cleansing scrub. As support, use blue masks or wash with soothing and refreshing herbal infusions or cold water. You should choose cosmetics very carefully, especially if girls have teenage acne. The treatment, reviews of which will definitely be positive, combines proper drying and nutrition. It is important not to touch your face with your hands and not to “clog” the pores. It will not be possible to completely get rid of fat, because most likely this is the result of heredity; you just need proper care.

Location zones

With dry skin, often flaky and chapped, pimples rarely appear; they can occur sporadically on the forehead and chin. Normal skin, moisturized and healthy in appearance, is also not prone to acne, minor rashes in the same areas. You can see pores with the naked eye on shiny combination skin, in which increased sebum production occurs in the area of ​​the forehead and bridge of the nose. Severe inflammation, which leaves scars, appears on the entire face, on the shoulder blades and in the décolleté area with oily skin. Teenage acne on the forehead of girls is common. The treatment should be gentle, since the skin of the forehead is soft and thin. To prevent it from spreading all over your face, you need to make it a rule to cleanse your skin a couple of times a week with a scrub (preferably a homemade one) and moisturize daily and apply alcohol-based products to the spot. A common problem is teenage acne in girls on the back. Treatment may be more in-depth. The skin on the back is rougher, and the rashes on it are usually redder and larger due to wearing inappropriate clothing that does not allow “breathing” and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Every day you need to shower with laundry soap and apply salicylic acid to the affected areas with a swab. The products used for the face are also effective.

Acne treatment methods

Teenage acne in girls, which needs to be treated from different sides, does not go away without following a diet. Ideally, you should contact a dermatologist who will find out the cause of acne and the best way to eliminate it. In addition to external skin care, oral medications, hormones, and antibiotics are prescribed. In most cases, you can limit yourself to proper nutrition, home remedies and medications. Treatment is aimed at reducing skin greasiness, cleaning pores and skin, and preventing the appearance of comedones (clogging “blackheads”). You should avoid cosmetics so as not to further injure the skin, close-fitting clothing that provokes the appearance, and a number of products.

Diet for acne: what you should give up right away

Diet is the most important factor that can almost completely eliminate teenage acne in girls. Treatment, therefore, occurs by reducing the amount of fat, “harmful” simple carbohydrates, and insulin, which affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods containing vitamin A: green and yellow vegetables, fish, liver, fruits, eggs. You should absolutely not eat sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, or flour foods. If it is not possible to give up bread, it is better to replace the usual white with black or bread. Avoiding tea and instant coffee due to the caffeine and chemicals they contain will greatly improve your skin condition. Of course, no fast food, processed meat (sausages, sausages) and carbonated sweet drinks, juices from supermarket shelves. A girl should not develop bad habits: alcohol and smoking harm not only her beauty, but also her internal health. It is advisable to reduce the amount of dairy products, especially cheeses, and switch to low-fat types. There are too many restrictions for a young, growing body, so it is necessary to supplement the diet with healthy foods: cereals, fish, poultry or lean animal meat. This diet will help not only get rid of acne, but also improve the condition of the body and improve your health.

Medicines to combat acne

It is important to remember how sensitive and changeable a girl’s body is during puberty. Before using any medications internally, you should consult your doctor. The most effective means for application are “Zinerit”, “Skinoren”, “Baziron”. They are popular and have excellent reviews for treating acne. Budget antiseptic options: badyaga, Dimexide, salicylic acid, Tsindol, ichthyol ointment. To eliminate teenage acne in girls without harm, drug treatment should be combined with cleansers, moisturizers and nourishing skin masks. For effectiveness, you can use dietary supplements, brewer's yeast, and vitamins.

Traditional medicine: homemade masks

There are other ways to reduce teenage acne in girls. Treatment with folk remedies is mainly aimed at drying problem skin. The best mask for eliminating acne and post-acne (spots remaining after inflammation): two teaspoons of lemon and one protein are mixed and applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Can be used on the second day, and after use, lubricate the skin with aloe juice. Scrub mask: grate a small piece of laundry or tar soap, add water and half a teaspoon of salt. Gently wipe the unhealthy areas with the mixture, rinse off after half an hour with chamomile decoction. You should wash your face with soap several times a week to soothe teenage acne in girls. Treatment at home involves weekly peeling: sour cream and coffee are mixed in a tablespoon. Cannot be used when

What are talkers? DIY acne treatment

When typing into a search engine the query: “Teenage acne in girls: treatment, photos,” you should not forget that options are often offered that are not really worth the cost. Chatterboxes are homemade analogues of expensive medicines; their components are found in popular products. Dermatologists recommend the following recipe: 5 g of chloramphenicol, 5 ml of salicylic acid, 50 ml of boric acid and the same amount of medical alcohol. Avoid over-drying and apply only to acne-affected areas! A simple and effective way to cure acne on the back and reduce their number on the face: crush 10 analgin tablets, add a little alcohol and a couple of drops of iodine, mix, leave to brew for two days. It is advisable to apply the mash in the evening. Analgin can be replaced with streptocide, and camphor alcohol can be added.

Neglecting simple rules often diminishes the expected results. For the treatment to be as effective as possible, cleanliness must be maintained. Teach your girl to make it a habit to change her pillowcase a couple of times a week, drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, use her own face towel, and patiently follow skin care instructions that will bear fruit. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out acne, touch it, or introduce excess bacteria. Instilling self-love in a teenage girl is not so easy, but the main thing is to always support her in her desire to be beautiful and healthy.

It occurs in the so-called pilosebation structures of humans. These structures consist of sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

History of the term

The term that defines a disease such as acne in adolescents appeared in Ancient Greece. It was first mentioned in the works of Aetius of Amida, who worked as a physician for the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century AD.

The very concept of “acne” is a derivative of the ancient Greek concept, literally translated meaning “height, blossoming, edge.”

Causes of the disease

Experts identify several reasons why acne occurs in teenagers. Treatment is possible, but requires diligence and careful compliance with all doctor’s instructions.

One of the main causes of acne is heredity. Doctors also highlight hormonal activity during adolescence, when girls begin their menstrual cycle, and acne in teenage boys appears during puberty.

Acne can also occur due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, stress, overactive sebaceous glands, a large accumulation of dead skin cells, and can also be a consequence of the use of anabolic steroids, as well as drugs containing halogens.

Among doctors, the most common version was that acne in adolescents occurs solely as a result of hormonal activity. However, later scientists found that the disease is provoked by many hormones. In particular testosterone.

In the post-pubertal period, acne in teenage girls is rare. In this case, it is already a symptom of a serious disease, for example, Cushing's syndrome. At the same time, excess carbohydrates in the diet lead to skin defects.

Classification of the disease

To figure out how to help with this problem, it is important to understand what kind of acne occurs in teenagers. Treatment will vary depending on the type of disease.

Doctors identify several main forms. Firstly, comedonal. It is characterized by the appearance of a closed forehead and wings of the nose. In this case, inflammatory processes, as a rule, do not occur.

Another form is papulopustular. It is manifested by the appearance of purulent formations, both open and closed. At the same time, the number of pustules is small.

Acne in teenage boys often appears in a nodular form. Their characteristic location is on the forehead, chin, nose and cheeks. In this case, at least 25-30 pustules appear.

The most problematic is the severe form. In this case, teenage acne merges with pustules, deep and painful nodules appear, and large areas of the skin become inflamed. If you do not provide timely assistance, this form is fraught with the appearance of scars on the skin.

Clinical picture

Doctors identify a wide variety of types of rashes and acne in teenagers. Treatment is possible; in most cases, not even traces of the disease remain on the skin. In addition to the face, inflammation can appear on the chest, especially in the upper part, and on the back. After all, it is in these areas that the largest sebaceous glands are located. Acne also provokes inflammatory processes, which cause purulent formations.

Purulent blisters, which experts call pustules, dry out after opening. This also causes crusts to form, leaving noticeable scars.

There are several types of acne scars. The most dangerous and unpleasant ones are deep, with the formation of characteristic skin acid.

Angular scars most often appear on the temples and cheeks. They are very similar to the effects of chickenpox. Keloid scars may also occur.

In general, the clinical picture is varied for adolescent acne. Treatment can be painful and the process can take many years.


Most often, a disease occurs in adolescence, which has the Latin name acne vulgaris. Teenagers 14 years old are especially susceptible to this form. It occurs due to excessive secretion of sebum by the glands, which accumulation of these elements occurs due to a violation of the keratinization process. It is also called keratinization, when cells die in the epidermal layer of the skin.

Ultimately, all this leads to exfoliation of skin cells. Sebum is concentrated under the pores blocked by the disease. All these factors create a favorable environment for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Bacteria that causes acne

With acne, the pores of teenagers become inflamed due to the proliferation of bacteria, the most dangerous of which is propionibacterium acnes. It feeds on fatty acids in sebum. It got its name from a derivative of one of the metabolites - butyric acid.

The bacterium is very sensitive to antibiotics from the tetracycline group, and fluoroquinolong drugs are also used to combat it. One of the most popular among them is Adifloxacin.

Ultraviolet rays fight bacteria well. Also, some doctors recommend the use of aminolevulinic acid. However, it often causes side effects in patients.

Most often, this bacterium affects the face and upper neck, although there are exceptions. Among the rare manifestations that this bacterium can cause is the formation of purulent and sebaceous cysts. They can leave scars on the skin.

Acne treatment

Treatment of acne in teenagers requires patience and endurance; it will not be possible to overcome this disease overnight. The main task is to eliminate the root cause - seborrhea.

This is a painful condition of human skin caused by extremely strong sebum secretion. Such problems arise due to violations of one or several functions of the sebaceous glands of the skin. For example, nervous or endocrine.

Clear signs that a patient has seborrhea are oily shiny skin, itching, flaking, hair loss and dandruff. It can also manifest itself as a thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

To get rid of this disease, use the products "Selenium disulfide", "Ketoconazole", "Lithium succinate". Before using medications, you must consult a doctor.

Use of antibiotics

Often the best treatment for acne in teenagers is antibiotics. They are necessary in severe cases of the disease. In former times, they used means whose effectiveness has not yet been proven. This includes transfusion of the patient’s own blood, estrogens, wiping with a solution of salicylic acid, ultraviolet irradiation, and cryotherapy.

To effectively combat acne, it is necessary to remove comedones - a special type of cysts that appear when the hair openings are blocked by horny masses. This may be desquamated epithelium along with thick fat. The acne is then opened.

Effective techniques

To combat acne, experts use disinfection. This is the process of removing the blackhead's fat core using vacuum or galvanization.

Galvanization in physiotherapy involves direct exposure of the patient's body to a constant and continuous current of low strength and voltage. The purpose is exclusively therapeutic and prophylactic. Galvanization is carried out through contact electrodes placed on the patient’s body; they should come into contact with problem areas of the skin that are most susceptible to disease.

Acne prevention

In order to prevent the appearance of juvenile acne and rashes in adolescence, an important preventative point is the timely treatment of seborrhea.

There are also several other key factors that will save you from such diseases. This is adherence to the regime. It is necessary to devote enough time to sound, healthy sleep and lead an active lifestyle. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, walk more often, and do not forget about physical exercise.

An important element of acne prevention is following a strict diet. If you want to defeat teenage acne, then categorically exclude fats, especially refractory fats, and oils from your diet.

Many experts recommend using zinc-based medications as a preventative measure. This substance inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, the likelihood of subsequent inflammation is gradually reduced to zero.

How was acne treated in the past?

For many centuries, humanity has tried to find an effective and high-quality method. People have faced such a problem throughout their history.

Even in ancient Rome, teenagers used special baths and drank mineral water to combat acne. In the 19th century, sulfur was actively used to treat acne and pimples. In the 1920s, doctors adopted benzoyl peroxide. This is a special organic compound, the use of which, however, has not confirmed its effectiveness. In the 1930s, American doctors fed their patients laxatives to combat acne.

It was only in the 1950s that antibiotics began to be used. In the 1960s, tretinoin began to be actively used. This is a pharmacological drug containing a large amount of vitamin A. It not only has an antiseborrheic effect, but also helps to cope with tumors and local inflammation. It is often used to reduce the number of wrinkles. The desired effect is achieved by enhancing the regenerative function of cells and their subsequent renewal.

On the market today you can find many different drugs containing tretinoin. For example, there are very effective and efficient acne creams.

Modern drugs

Since the 1980s, doctors have been actively using the drug Isotretinoin. This drug is a real salvation for many dermatological diseases. At its core, it is a structural analogue of vitamin A.

For acne, the mechanism of action is as follows. The drug first reduces the thickness of the upper layer of the epidermis. As soon as it hits the skin, it begins to weakly affect the cells of the stratum corneum. Because of this, they peel and flake. A peeling effect occurs. Thus, the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis is reduced as much as possible. This is useful, because it consists mainly of already dead cells. This process opens the pores of the skin, which prevents the formation of blackheads or oil plugs.

Next, the drug applies its comedolytic properties. It dissolves fatty plugs, due to which skin pores are constantly clogged. The skin is freed from acne. In addition, it is an effective prevention of acne formation during adolescence.

Isotretinoin also minimizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. But this is one of the main factors that cause acne, pimples and pimples. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands ultimately leads to the fact that the ducts open, and an increase in the production of fatty secretions provokes clogging of the pores.

"Isotretinoin" can most effectively normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and reduce their secretion.

In the 1990s, clinics began to actively use laser systems to combat acne.

Anti-acne drugs

Today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a large number of drugs, with varying degrees of success, allowing you to fight acne.

These may be local bactericidal agents. They are used for mild forms. However, frequent use of such products leads to excessive dryness of the skin, irritation and redness.

Antibiotics such as Doxycycline and Limecycline are suitable for oral administration; sometimes dermatologists prescribe Trimethoprim.

In recent years, hormonal therapy has become actively used. It is especially effective for women. The drugs must be taken in combination. For example, estrogen together with progestogen.

Many retinoids, especially those contained in gels and ointments, have been proven effective. For example, these are “Effezel”, “Klenzit”, “Isotrexin”.

Retinoids are also used internally. The need for this arises in severe cases. In this case, dermatologists prescribe Isotretinoin to the patient.

In rare cases, dermatologists also use zinc to treat acne (usually mild forms of the disease).

Parents of high school students are faced with an inevitable problem - how to get rid of acne for a teenager?

Medicine and traditional healers have invented many ways to get rid of acne for teenagers.

Skin defects are not just a temporary inconvenience.

Their dangerous consequences are scars, scars, nervous breakdowns, and prolonged depression.

Acne in teenagers: causes and types

Ages from 12 to 18 years are the time of puberty. The glands of the teenage body produce a large amount of male hormones androgens. This stimulates the production of keratin protein and sebum. Exuding through the pores, sebum clogs them. The skin around the oily plugs becomes inflamed.

This is the classic development of teenage acne. They form on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back. 85% of boys and girls suffer from acne. Other causes of acne:

Heredity. If parents suffered from skin problems, children are at risk of similar diseases.

Some medications for chronic diseases. For example, drugs for epilepsy, lithium, and hormonal drugs cause acne.

Oil-based cosmetics and makeup clog pores.

Squeezing single pimples. This spreads the infection further.

Long-term wearing of backpacks, bicycle helmets, narrow collars. Pimples appear in areas of pressure.

Menstruation in girls. The release of hormones 6 to 7 days before the “critical period” causes acne.

Acne does not pose a serious health risk. They cause moral harm, infringing on self-esteem. Before choosing a way to get rid of acne for a teenager, you need to determine the type of rash.

Cosmetologists distinguish:

Acne is a red, inflamed bump with a purulent head. They form in the top layer of the skin;

Comedones are tiny cysts of the skin pores. They look like black dots on the skin. Blackness is not dirt, but an accumulation of bacteria, dead cells and oxidized fat.

Papules (pustules) are painful, swollen formations. They are inflamed because an infection has entered the clogged follicle.

Cysts are deep, pus-filled pimples.

A person can experience several types of acne at the same time. Every teenager gets sick differently - some get a couple of pimples on their forehead from time to time, others suffer from a continuous rash. In any case, you need to know acne treatment methods.

How to get rid of acne as a teenager: skin care and medications

The first rule of acne prevention is to keep your skin clean at all times. Acne appears due to a hormonal surge. But they become inflamed and do not heal for a long time when hygiene rules are violated.

Typical mistakes of teenagers:

1) Rare or too frequent washing. You need to wash your face morning and evening with warm water and mild soap. The best option is to buy salicylic or glycerin soap at the pharmacy.

2) Sleep with makeup on your face. Decorative cosmetics must be removed in the evening.

3) Do not cleanse your skin after vigorous activity. A walk, sports, a disco - in these situations the skin sweats and attracts dust. Upon returning home, you should thoroughly wash your face, neck, and shoulders.

4) Squeeze out pimples with your nails. The most dangerous area is the middle of the face, from the bridge of the nose to the chin. People call it the “triangle of death”, since an infection introduced here can spread to the brain, bones, and eyes. Instead of squeezing, you should lubricate mature pimples with a cotton swab containing an alcohol tincture of calendula.

5) Use alcohol lotions to wipe your face. This mistake is typical for young men. Alcohol, of course, dries out the skin. But the more the skin dries, the more sebum is released. It is better to use a lotion without alcohol (for example, salicylic) or a herbal decoction.

6) Use oil-based cosmetics. “Adult” powders and blushes clog pores that are already full of oil. Cosmetics should be water-based or dry and applied in a thin layer.

7) “Mask” acne with foundation. Even young men use similar tricks. Makeup makes acne more inflamed.

Acne skin care includes masks and steam cleaning. Masks are made from kefir or yogurt. You need to moisten a gauze napkin in kefir and put it on your face for 15 minutes. or just wash your face with yogurt at night. Such procedures are carried out daily.

Facial cleansing done by a cosmetologist in a specialized office. The procedure can be carried out at home - subject to hygiene rules. To do this, brew 2 tbsp with 2 liters of boiling water. spoons of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, mint), leave to brew for half an hour. Then the infusion is boiled to create more steam and poured into a basin. Cover the head with a bath towel and “hover” the face over the basin for 15 minutes. Use a sterile napkin from a pharmacy package to wipe your face. Most black comedones go away on their own from the healing steam. You should not squeeze pimples on steamed skin. You need to wash your face with a hot chamomile decoction and let your face dry naturally.

In severe cases, when acne takes on the character of a continuous rash, deep painful cysts often appear, you should consult a dermatologist. After conducting a diagnosis, the doctor will determine how a teenager can get rid of acne. The most common medical treatments:

Creams and gels with tretionol, benzoyl peroxide;

Antibiotic ointments;

Taking antibiotics orally (erythromycin, clindamycin, doxycycline, metronidazole, amoxicillin, cephalexin);

Vitamins A, B, C;

Hormonal drugs.

If there is no effect from conventional treatment, large deep cysts that leave scars, isotretinoin therapy is prescribed. No medications should be taken without a doctor's prescription and supervision.

How to get rid of acne for a teenager: folk remedies

The key to treating acne is to balance the skin's pH levels and prevent bacterial growth. A good home remedy is washing with acidic liquids. You can mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 10 parts boiled water and apply it to the skin with a cotton swab.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice helps cleanse the skin. It is applied directly to clean skin for a few minutes. Wash off the juice with cool water.

Honey contains enzymes that act as an antimicrobial agent. A thin layer of raw honey is applied to the face and left for 5 – 7 minutes. This removes bacteria and dirt from the pores.

Many organic oils are natural antibiotics and antiseptics. If you lightly lubricate the heads of pimples with tea tree or jojoba oil three times a day, inflammation quickly passes and does not recur.

Herbalists know many ways to treat oily skin with inflamed comedones.

For example:

10 min. Boil 2 tbsp in a glass of water. spoons of dry St. John's wort leaves. Strain. Wash your face and neck with the cooled mixture;

Pour a glass of boiling water into a ceramic container with 1 tbsp. spoon of dry calendula petals. After 20 min. strain. Use chilled for washes and lotions;

Apply for 20 minutes. mashed wild strawberries or viburnum.

All sour berries and fruits cleanse oily skin, disinfect and heal acne: apple, cranberry, lemon. The mashed pulp is mixed with raw egg white and applied to the face. Procedure time – 20 minutes. The composition is washed off with warm water.

How to get rid of acne for a teenager: diet and lifestyle

Natural health remedies can help reduce acne. The most effective of them:

Reduce toxins. If there is a lot of harmful waste in the body, the liver and kidneys cannot cope. The skin takes over the removal of toxins. Pimples appear. Refusal of products with dyes and preservatives reduces the amount of acne. Salt and sugar in large quantities are also toxins.

Drinking water. Clean water flushes out toxins from the body. Factory-made lemonades and juices, on the contrary, pollute the body.

Greens, raw vegetables, fruits, and whole grains cleanse the digestive system. The waste does not enter the bloodstream and does not cause acne on the skin.

Vitamins A, C, E and zinc improve the appearance of the skin and reduce acne. Vitamin A is found in liver, green and yellow fruits and vegetables; vitamin C - in berries, citrus fruits, salads; vitamin E - in avocados, vegetable oils, legumes, nuts, seeds. Zinc is present in egg yolks, fish, legumes, liver, meat, and mushrooms.

Omega-3 fatty acids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. They can be obtained from salmon and mackerel, fish oil and walnuts.

The correct lifestyle is very important for getting rid of acne. Boys and girls love to snack on chocolates, ice cream, and chips. This habit is the first enemy of clear skin. Sitting at the computer and TV at night causes hormonal imbalances. If a teenager wants to look good, he must eat right and get enough sleep.

Pimples irritate, drive you crazy, and cause nervous stress. Parental help is an important factor in solving an unpleasant problem. Patience and care help cure acne in 3 to 4 months.

Teenage acne on the face and body is a real scourge for teenagers. Girls perceive acne more painfully than boys, because during adolescence they pay increased attention to their own appearance. We will tell you how to help your child get rid of acne in this article.

Features of acne

Acne always appears due to local inflammation, which affects the area of ​​the sebaceous glands on the skin and hair follicles. In medicine, acne is called “acne”, which translated from ancient Greek means “blooming”, “height”. Teenage acne belongs to the category of ordinary acne. Unpleasant rashes on the body and face appear during puberty (from about 12 years of age) and usually disappear closer to 25 years of age. Increased production of subcutaneous sebum leads to the formation of cometons. This term refers to black spots on the skin that are familiar and familiar to all teenagers and clog pores.

Pathogenic bacteria that infect the pores with excess secretion of the sebaceous glands cause inflammation. The bacteria themselves do not pose a danger to a teenage girl; local immunity, which is usually well formed by adolescence, copes with them quite successfully and without outside help. But the pus that remains after this “retribution” accumulates under the upper layer of the epidermis. This is how purulent pimples are formed.

The main feature of teenage acne is in the stubborn reluctance of acne to leave the child’s skin. It is quite difficult to cope with rashes, because the ongoing internal processes (hormonal, enzyme, psychological) do not stop.

Girls who are most susceptible to acne are:

  • during menstruation (sometimes the rash apparently intensifies even a few days before the start of the next menstruation);
  • during periods of severe stress (exams, first love, important competitions and other events can lead to increased acne);
  • in summer (during the heat, the production of sebaceous gland secretions increases several times).

There is also a genetic predisposition to acne. If mom or dad suffered from skin problems during adolescence or later, then the likelihood that the daughter will also have serious problems with acne increases tenfold.

In the absence of other causes, dermatologists consider hereditary factors as the main factor.


Sex hormones, which begin to be intensively produced in adolescence and which trigger the process of forming a sexually mature person from a child, affect the functioning of the entire body. The heart and kidneys, nervous system and respiratory organs are under stress. But the biggest burden falls on the endocrine system.

Under the influence of shock doses of sex hormones, the production of sebum, as well as sweat, increases. The composition of subcutaneous fat becomes thicker, which prevents its timely release through the pores to the outside. A blockage occurs and a pimple appears. If a girl is nervous, other hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands in a stressful situation have an additional effect on the skin. And poor nutrition (especially among teenagers who love fast food and chips) complements the picture of what is happening and makes the girl’s skin even more “picturesque.”

Some teenage girls suffer from acne due to poor hygiene, while others suffer from acne due to excess hygiene.

The fact is that the formation of new elements of the rash is promoted not only by rare and careless washing, but by frequent washing of the face with alkaline compounds (soap), and frequent use of alcohol-containing products and lotions. All these products dry out the skin. An organism where everything is balanced by nature itself cannot allow this to happen. And in response to the drying effect, it reacts by producing even more subcutaneous fat. It turns out to be a vicious circle - the more you take care, the worse the acne.

Sometimes the real cause of teenage acne lies in medications. Any hormonal drugs make adjustments to the normal functioning of the endocrine system for adolescence, which causes a malfunction. Acne may become more severe in a teenage girl after she starts taking birth control pills, as well as some steroid drugs that children involved in professional sports and fitness begin to take.

There are other factors that increase acne in girls:

  • an abundance of cosmetics - powder, foundation, blush, eye shadow;
  • incorrect and irrational use of adult skin care products, especially creams, which additionally clog pores;
  • skin injury - microtraumas that form when squeezing out pimples only increase the likelihood of bacterial infection and the spread of a purulent rash.


Different types of acne are treated differently. Before you start fighting acne in a teenager, you need to understand what is the nature of his rashes:

  • pimples-comedones- black and white dots (wen) on the forehead, chin, nose and cheeks;
  • pimples-pustules and pimples-papules- open or closed pustules, which can be located not only on the face, but also on the back, legs, arms, butt and even in the intimate area;

  • nodular rash- fairly large nodes formed from comedones and papules;
  • confluent rash- extensive and deep rash with elements of drainage of nodal fragments.

Treatment methods

Treatment of acne in teenage girls is a rather long and painstaking process. The main thing that parents and the girl herself need to learn is that not a single remedy, even the most expensive, gives an immediate effect. Therapy must be consistent.

You need to start by visiting a dermatologist. The specialist must assess the condition of the girl’s skin, assess the extent of the lesion and the type of acne. This is important for the treatment to be more successful. There is no universal cure for acne, and therefore the methods that helped one girl are unacceptable for another.

After the doctor conducts an examination, sees the results of blood tests, stool analysis for microflora, and in case of multiple purulent rashes - analysis of the contents of papules to determine the bacteria that caused the inflammation, he will prescribe a purely individual treatment. Severe forms of the rash require the use of antibiotic ointment. Mild acne does not require antibiotic therapy. Acne treatment is always carried out in several successive stages:

  • decreased production of sebaceous gland secretions;
  • cleaning pores from accumulated secretions;
  • treatment of inflammation;
  • rehabilitation of the skin, smoothing and reduction of defects.

At the initial stage, hygiene errors are corrected and new rules are established, which the girl must follow daily and strictly. To begin with, stop frequent washing with soap. During treatment, you should wash your face with regular warm water, followed by rinsing your face with cool water. There is no need to wipe the skin; just lightly blot it with a cloth or soft towel.

Should be used twice a day salicylic alcohol to cleanse the skin of accumulated subcutaneous sebum. To do this, apply alcohol to cotton pads and wipe the skin in the morning and evening after washing. It is better to choose a 2-3% solution of salicylic alcohol. From the moment the decision is made to treat acne, you should completely avoid masking acne with foundation, correctors and powder. No matter how unpleasant it may be, you will have to temporarily do without makeup.

All fast food and fatty foods are completely eliminated from the teenager’s diet.

Instead of burgers and shawarma, daily intakes of fermented milk foods, fresh vegetables, fruits, boiled cereals, whole grain bread in small quantities are introduced; other baked goods should be abandoned, because after eating sweets and starchy foods, acne will appear again and again. Be sure to give the girl vegetable oil, for example, as part of a fresh vegetable salad, as well as low-fat fish (preferably sea) and meat (beef, poultry, pork chop).

When fighting acne, it is important that the girl gets enough sleep. You should definitely get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. If there are strong stress factors, you can give the child once a day (in the evening) mild herbal-based sedatives ( "Motherwort", "Valerian"). If there is a rash on the body, it is important to wear only clothes made from natural fabrics so that synthetics and semi-synthetics do not further mechanically irritate the skin. Be sure to start taking multivitamins as early as possible, which contain large amounts vitamin A and certainly contain polyunsaturated acid Omega-3.

At the second stage, medications are prescribed. Mild to moderate rashes can be quite successfully cured with the most common zinc ointment. It is carefully applied to all affected skin areas, after thoroughly cleaning them, twice a day. The duration of the course will be determined by a dermatologist.

Tretinoin ointment is used to directly treat acne-affected skin. Ointments based on benzoyl peroxide have proven themselves well for the treatment of acne in adolescence - “Baziron AS”, “Effezel”, “Oxygel”, “Ugresol”, “Acne Free”. These drugs improve the condition of the skin, normalize lipid metabolism, make the fat layer more liquid, which helps cleanse clogged pores.

Cream is considered the gold standard in dermatology. "Adapalene". It not only cleanses pores, but also treats inflammation. All ointments and creams should be applied only to clean skin and no more than twice a day.

For purulent acne at the treatment stage, ointments with an antibacterial effect are recommended - “Tetracycline”, “Erythromycin”, “Levomekol”. Sometimes this is not enough and "Erythromycin" or "Azithromycin" prescribed in tablets for oral administration. Severe forms of teenage acne require the use of hormonal ointments, sometimes coupled with oral hormonal medications.

It is strictly forbidden to take such products on your own; treatment of such acne is carried out only under the constant supervision of a dermatologist, and sometimes an endocrinologist. Many teenagers are recommended to visit a gastroenterologist and start taking drugs in parallel to improve microflora - “Lactofiltrum”, “Bifidumbacterin”. Sometimes the doctor recommends enterosorbents - “Enterosgel”. The drugs can be in tablets or in the form of a dry powder for dilution.

Courses of local treatment are usually prescribed for several months. Maximum - for six months. If necessary, after a short break, the course of treatment is repeated.

Alternative Methods

With serious acne lesions, as well as the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, a teenage girl may have The following methods are recommended:

  • instrumental or hardware facial cleansing(cleaning out comedones manually or using a machine);
  • chemical peeling(undesirable for girls under 14-15 years old);
  • hormonal injections in the area of ​​inflammation(injections are given directly into pimples, glucocorticosteroid hormones are used as drugs).

At all stages of treatment, it is useful to attend UV therapy (irradiation of the skin with artificial ultraviolet rays). Not so long ago, this method was considered almost the main therapeutic method, but modern research has shown only auxiliary benefits from such an effect.

Medical cosmetics

After the main treatment brings a positive result, the question will arise of how to keep the teenager’s skin smooth and avoid the appearance of new acne even after stopping the medications. The use of special medicinal cosmetics will help with this.

You should not choose the series yourself, since only a dermatologist knows all the features of a girl’s skin. In order not to reduce the therapeutic effect to nothing, you need to carefully consider the recommendations of a specialist in choosing cosmetics for systematic care. The series most often recommended for teenage girls is "Clean skin" Garnier, which includes gel, scrub and masks. For washing, you can use gels with a strong preventive effect from the series "Propeller".

A fairly wide range of care products, but also not the most affordable series - the line Nornaderm from Vichy. The line is more affordable in price and quite effective Advantage from Clean & Clear. And another popular line - Ultra by Clearasil. There are also cheaper domestic lines for caring for problem skin in adolescence. These include "Clean Line" and "Spring".

The choice must be based not only on price, but also on mandatory consideration of the girl’s skin type and her individual characteristics.

Traditional medicine

To treat acne in a teenage girl, alternative medicine recommends washing with acidic solutions, for example, water with added apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. It is important that the water is cool.

During puberty, many teenagers face problems such as acne. They spoil the appearance, mood and lower the child’s self-esteem. To get rid of this skin disease, people have invented many different methods. However, not all of them can be used without measure. Let's try to figure out how to get rid of acne on a teenager's face at home.

Every adult has gone through puberty and knows what acne on the face is, but not many people know how to deal with it.

Why do teenagers often get acne?

Pimples or acne most often appear in those parts of the body where the sebaceous glands are concentrated. When they become blocked, a kind of new growth appears under the skin. Sometimes it can cause suppuration and redness. This unpleasant phenomenon most often appears between the ages of 12 and 17 years. Causes of acne include:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. In girls and boys during puberty, the level of male sex hormones in the blood increases. This affects the condition of the sebaceous glands.
  • Genetic predisposition. If parents have oily facial skin (5-8% of people have oily skin forever), then children are likely to have problems with rashes.
  • Emotional outbursts, stress, lack of sleep.
  • Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, flour, sweet, fatty, spicy foods has a bad effect on the condition of the body in general and the skin of the face in particular.
  • Problems of the digestive system.
  • Disruption of the genitourinary and endocrine systems.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (especially vitamin A).
  • Long-term use of medications.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Improper skin hygiene. This is a common problem among teenage boys.
  • Frequent sun exposure. Ultraviolet light thickens the top layer of skin and prevents the removal of dead skin cells from the epidermis.
  • Bad habits. As they grow up, many children begin to try unhealthy things: smoking, alcohol.

How to quickly cleanse your facial skin using ready-made products?

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Facial acne treatment for teenagers needs to be selected individually. Problems with facial skin are divided into several degrees of severity; people have different skin types. You cannot treat different children with the same medications. If possible, parents should take their child for a consultation with a dermatologist to find the best medicine for him.

Retinoid ointments and antiseptic ointments

Ointments have a fatty and dense consistency. They are poorly absorbed into the skin, so it is better to use them spot on. Retinoids are used to treat acne and moderate rashes. These products promote the renewal of the epidermis, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, and promote the exfoliation of dead cells. These ointments include:

  • Retinoic ointment;
  • Klenzit S;
  • Differin.

Antiseptic ointments have anti-inflammatory and healing properties, accelerate skin regeneration. Teenagers are most often prescribed:

  • Baziron;
  • Skinoren;
  • Epidol.

An inexpensive remedy for acne is Salicylic-zinc ointment. But its disadvantage is possible allergic reactions to one of the components.


The creams have a light consistency and are well absorbed into the skin. The active ingredient in most of these products is azelaic acid. It fights inflammation and suppresses the development of bacteria. Azelik and Skinoren creams are similar in composition and effect. They are effective for mild to moderate acne. Differin contains adapalene. Helps cope with active secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Pharmacy lotions

Lotions intended for teenagers help remove inflammation, dry out oily skin, help eliminate infections and heal wounds. These products are effective both in the fight against acne and acne. They are applied to the skin after washing and are quickly absorbed. However, lotions cannot be used continuously; after 3 months you need to take a break.

These products are widely available in pharmacies. Popular:

  • Propeller (contains salicylic acid);
  • Zenerit (contains erythromycin and zinc);
  • Acmedica (with vitamins C, B6 and hyaluronic acid).

Chlorhexidine solution can be used as a lotion. It has an antimicrobial effect and is considered safe.

Should I take pills to treat acne?

Tablets for the treatment of acne and acne are usually used when external remedies do not help. However, the decision on the advisability of taking internal medications must be made together with a dermatologist. To treat acne from the inside, antibiotics, hormonal drugs and vitamin A analogues are used.


Antibiotics have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. They help get rid of bacteria that cause breakouts. These drugs are prescribed for complex cases of acne. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and usually lasts from 7 to 14 days. The following medications are prescribed to children:

  • Erythromycin. This is an antimicrobial drug. It is used in conjunction with external agents, for example, Zinc ointment. Take one tablet twice a day.
  • Metronidazole. It has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates acne scars. It is prescribed 0.25 g twice a day.
  • Flemoxin. Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Tetracycline. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it fights all types of acne. Take it twice a day, 250 mg.

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal medications are prescribed to girls if the appearance of acne is caused by high levels of testosterone in the body. The advisability of taking these medications should be determined by a doctor. Adolescents are often prescribed medications such as:

  • Yarina;
  • Janine;
  • Regulon.

They are not addictive, act gently and help improve the condition of not only the skin, but also the hair.

Retinoids (vitamin A)

Retinoids are analogs of vitamin A. They are used in cases where there are large areas of skin rashes on the face. They help reduce excess sebum production. These drugs are considered potent drugs. Well-known medications in this group are: Roaccutane, Retinol Palmitate, Isotretinoin, Acnecutane. These drugs are used from one to several months.

Folk remedies for getting rid of acne

Treating acne with folk remedies at home has a number of advantages.

Firstly, in the production of medicinal products, natural ingredients without chemical impurities are used. Secondly, you can be confident in the quality of the components of the drug. Thirdly, these products will cost less than drugs from the pharmacy. The teenager can decide for himself which remedy to choose.

Masks made from simple products

Masks, depending on the ingredients, will help get rid of blackheads, relieve inflammation, and improve skin condition. They can be used as an independent method of getting rid of blackheads and acne, or in combination with other drugs. Cooking recipes and methods of use are described in the table:

NameCooking methodApplication
ProteinMix egg white with a teaspoon of lemon juice and beat.Apply the mixture to the skin, after drying, repeat the procedure three more times. After the fourth layer has dried, rinse with warm water.
From clayMix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blue clay, a teaspoon of lemon juice, 1.5 tablespoons of pure water, a teaspoon of calendula tincture, mix.Apply for 10 minutes and rinse.
From laundry soapGrind laundry soap, add water and beat, mix with fine salt.Apply to face for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 month, do it three times a week.
OnionMix chopped onion 1:1 with sugar, add laundry soap.Lubricate your face for 15 minutes, rinse with water.
SodaMix a tablespoon of baking soda with a soap solution.Leave for 15 minutes, wash. Do not use if there are wounds on the skin.
CucumberGrate a small cucumber on a fine grater.Distribute on face, remove after 20 minutes.
HoneyConnect one st. a spoonful of honey, an yolk and 5 ml of lemon juice.Keep on face for 10 minutes. The treatment period is 3-5 days.

There are many recipes for masks for problem skin; you will need to experiment to choose your “favorite”

Steam baths

Steam baths help open pores, reduce inflammation, soften and soothe the skin, and improve blood circulation. After the procedure, you must apply a moisturizer (nourishing mask or cream) to the skin. It is not recommended to use baths when body temperature rises and for people with cardiovascular diseases. Procedure:

  • boil 3 liters of water and pour them into a bowl (you can use a small basin);
  • combine 1 cup of pre-prepared decoction with boiling water;
  • pin up long hair;
  • lean over the bowl and cover with a towel;
  • As soon as the steam stops being released, stop the procedure (after about 10 minutes).

For decoctions, use rowan, nettle, oak, mint, linden, chamomile, plantain, string, and lavender. You can add dry herbs to the bath. The effect of steam baths will occur after several procedures. If a teenager feels unwell during steaming, it is necessary to abandon this method of treatment.

Herbal infusions for rubbing and lotions

Herbal infusions for rubbing and lotions are used in a set of measures to combat acne and blackheads. These are affordable and safe means.

For infusions, medicinal herbs, aloe juice and bay leaves are used. Wipe your face after washing in the morning and evening. The lotions are applied to problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Herbal infusions are prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials per 200 ml. water.

What else do you need to know about treating acne in teenagers?

When treating teenage acne on the face at home, you need to remember that an integrated approach is required. You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water per day, and walk in the fresh air. You should not touch your face with your hands often; girls are not recommended to overuse cosmetics.

Healthy sleep contributes to beautiful facial skin. Stressful situations must be avoided. Boys need to adhere to the rules of hygiene - wash their faces 2 times a day. It is not recommended to remove acne on your own; this should be done by a specialist. To disguise acne, you need to use special cosmetics with an antibacterial effect. During the treatment period, sun exposure should be reduced.

Since one of the causes of teenage skin problems is dysfunction of internal organs, the child should be examined by a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. If the appearance of acne was preceded by drug treatment, it may be necessary to take sorbents to cleanse the body of toxins.