How to learn to think positively in order to change your life for the better. Change in mindset

A person may not realize that his way of thinking depends on many things that he seems to have nothing to do with. How to change your thinking, how to control your thoughts and, accordingly, become the master of your life, is described in this article.

The physical mind of man has a chaotic nature. Only by engaging in the discipline of the mind and control of his own thoughts, a person begins to see their randomness. "My thoughts are my horses" - is sung in a famous song.

Thoughts move incoherently, a real bazaar takes place in the mind. An unstable mind becomes susceptible to extraneous influences, and this is largely a determining factor in the appearance of thoughts in a person’s head. This is typical for most people, but we are all sure that we have our own way of thinking. However, it is not.

A person is under the influence of communication with people, read books, watched programs, events of the day. All these external factors determine the way of thinking. The surrounding reality shapes the mood.

When a person is in nature, his thoughts are influenced by the beauty of the landscape, the season, the state of nature, weather conditions. For example, the beauty of the surrounding world encourages us to think about creativity, about goals and ways to achieve them, about goodness, love for life, for the world. In spring, one thinks more often about love, in summer - about rest and entertainment. Depressive thoughts may appear in autumn and winter.

Even digestion and its condition, different foods used affect thinking. Any pains inside the human body, gravity give rise to unpleasant thoughts about diseases. Eating a large amount of meat causes aggressive thinking, and eaten fruits give lightness in the body, good mood and, accordingly, pleasant thoughts.

Why is mind control needed? Agree that not everything we think about brings us joy. But if only this! But with our thoughts, we simply worsen the situation, attract trouble, form undesirable events.

For example, when we wake up in the morning, we know that we have a lot of things to do. It is worth thinking or telling loved ones “I will have a difficult day today”, being in an anxious and tense state - this will happen. Starting the morning with the thought “I have a lot of things to do today, but the day will be easy” calmly and confidently, we will accomplish our goals quite easily.

How to change your mindset

There are various practices and meditations that help to curb your mind. You can practice the following:

  1. Give rest to the brain. At first, it is worth secluded, closing your eyes, focusing on internal sensations, relaxing, stopping thoughts. Without thinking about anything, lie down for 5 minutes, then gradually bring this time up to 15 minutes. You can perform it before going to bed, during the daytime rest. Then it will turn out to give rest to the brain in transport, at bus stops, at work during a break.
  2. Think only about the actions that are being performed at the moment: “I’m walking on the sidewalk. I cross the road. I go to the store. I'm buying something."
  3. Think about a plan to achieve your next goal. Represent in detail, plan a sequence of actions.
  4. Make plans for the day, week, season, year, several years.
  5. Avoid discussing unpleasant events, conflict situations and not let negative thoughts overcome you if you voluntarily or involuntarily come into contact with this. Don't "savor" in your mind what has already happened, draw the right conclusions about what the situation taught, and never return to it. After all, we can think about some action for three days. It is enough to think: "I'm doing well", "Everything is behind", "So be it, I will be smarter in the future." From now on, don't go back to your troubles.
  6. Bad thoughts are washed away by water. It is enough to wash with cold water or take a warm shower.
  7. Repeat positive affirmations - affirmations. For example, “I am healthy”, “I am loved”, “I am successful”, “I am happy”.
  8. Think about relatives and friends, friends and, alternately introducing them, mentally send them "I love you."
  9. Compose quatrains, statuses, anecdotes, fairy tales, stories. Sing cheerful melodies, thinking about the words, or invent melodies.
  10. Think about your hobby.
  11. Read prayers. For example, repeat short prayers: the Jesus Prayer "Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner" or "Lord, have mercy, save and save." If you learn and read the Theotokos rule - the prayer “Our Lady, Virgin, rejoice”, which is read 150 times a day, and after every ten additional prayers are read, then your mind can be occupied for the whole day.

Change thinking and manage thoughts under the power of every person. The main thing is to start doing this by choosing the appropriate methods from those given in the article. Control and conscious control of your thoughts will help to make life more peaceful, successful and harmonious.

Positive thoughts about life, that's what will change your life, my dear readers. We will talk with you today about how to change your thinking so that these changes take place.

Tell me, how often do you wake up in the morning, waiting for some miracle, for example, that the day will turn out well, that problems will be solved by themselves, that there will be no rude and ill-mannered people on your way who will definitely ruin your mood? Probably every morning.

Well, then answer another question, how often do these expectations come true? Very rarely. As a rule, events occur that break our plans and spoil our mood. Problems are not only not solved by themselves, but new ones appear, completely unexpectedly and at the wrong time.

Now answer the third question. How serious are these problems and unplanned events, and how much did you just screw them up? You know, like a spring, to the limit, so if it explodes, then who can save yourself. Do you happen to look like this spring right now?

If you answered yes to the third question, then congratulations, you have corrupted thinking. What is corrupt thinking, you ask? And this is when fate mixes gray tones into our lives, and for the thrill of sensations we bring these colors to a rich black color.

A corrupted mind is a corrupted life.

How to change your mindset to positive

I am sure that many of you have repeatedly wondered how to set yourself up for positive thinking. Everything is quite simple, but at the same time quite complicated.

We don't have to think about everything that comes to our mind. Thoughts need to be sorted - this thought is bad, not pleasant, I won’t think about it, but this thought is good, rational, sensible - it needs to be carefully considered. Thoughts can and should be chosen!

Imagine for a moment a river with pure pure water. It is so transparent that you can see all the fish living in it - these are your thoughts. You will not try to catch all the fish at once. You will begin to catch one fish at a time, sorting which one into the bucket and which one will be released if it is small or frail. So are thoughts - we save this one, and let go of this one, for some reason it does not suit us.

Thinking about everything that comes to our mind is a bad habit that is very, very difficult to change, but still quite real. If you constantly monitor yourself, control and discipline yourself, success is guaranteed to you.

If your life is a complete mess, then you urgently need to change your thinking. We will think with you anyway, and there is no getting away from it, so why don't we ourselves choose what.

Let's consider such a situation, you were offended, no matter who, they said a bunch of nasty things in the presence of strangers. When you come home, you will go over this situation in your head, feel sorry for yourself, how poor and unhappy I am, remember how you were offended in childhood and not only.

If you choose to do so, it is your right. But, you know, there are wonderful words in the Bible: “I have offered you life and death, choose life.” What you think now will affect not only you. Using your corrupted thinking, you will make adjustments to the fate of your children.

Their thinking will become similar to yours, their attitude to everything that happens will be similar to yours. You have probably heard that children very often repeat the fate of their parents. Now think about why?

Choosing life for yourself, you choose life for your children!

Whatever you think belongs not only to you and affects not only you, but also the people around you. Your thinking is reflected in your words and actions.

Positive attitude towards life

What do you think, what are the thoughts of a person who is not satisfied every day, for whom the state of boo-boo-boo is the norm. Is this person happy, is everything in order? Maybe everything, but this is not a reason to rejoice. Would you personally feel comfortable next to such a person?

And how many people do you know who have serious problems, but they are always perky and cheerful. This does not mean at all that they do not have bad thoughts, they just filter them. Why exacerbate the situation, winding yourself even more.

After all, sooner or later, the spring will work in the form of a major quarrel in the family, refusal to communicate for a long time with once close people, and in the end, in the form of serious illnesses. And who will be happy from this?

If you are currently in financial difficulties, set yourself up for the fact that money will appear sooner or later, do not let yourself become discouraged. I know what I'm talking about. Seven years of difficult financial situation taught me not only to control and maintain a household budget, but also to manage my thoughts.

You know the parable.

A Jew comes to a rabbi and complains to him - no money, no work, nothing to feed his family, nothing to teach children - how to live, what to do. The rabbi answers him: "Come home, write on a piece of paper the words - IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE THIS - and hang it over the bed." The Jew did just that. A year later, he comes to the rabbi in a car, in beautiful clothes, and tells him how wonderful everything is with him, and work, and finances, and children study. “Maybe take off the piece of paper,” he asks. "No," says the rabbi, "Don't."

So, dear ones, if you have problems, whatever, remember - IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE THIS. Set yourself up for victory, believe that your financial situation will improve, there will be work, family life will improve. All this will be, you just have to wait. And I'll tell you the hardest thing is to wait.

It is very difficult to wait when you need to pay for a loan or an apartment, or study, but there is no money. When resentment and bitterness embraces, why are you, why is this happening to you. Look for any opportunity to earn extra money now to pay the bills. Drive away longing and despair. Try to change your relationship to a positive one. Believe and wait - IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE THIS. A miracle will definitely happen, I do not promise that it will happen quickly, but it will definitely happen.

Positive thinking every day

How often do we get angry? Yes, every day. For fate, for yourself, for your family, for your neighbors, for your boss, for drivers and passers-by, for rainy or dry weather, it doesn’t matter. It seems that this is our normal state.

We get used to it so much that when there is no reason to get angry and we are in a good mood, we are not comfortable. On the one hand, we enjoy an unusual pleasant sensation, and on the other hand, we wait in tension and are afraid of the moment when it will disappear. Are you familiar with this?

Listen, because we are angry, the rain will not stop falling or, on the contrary, will not fall, prices will not fall, the neighbors will not stop making noise. Then what's the point of walking around being angry all the time? Is it just that this state gives you pleasure.

But if you enjoy your corrupted thinking, then your corrupted life should also please you. After all, it has everything to make you angry and grumbling.

Understand what I mean. If you constantly grumble, then you like it, which means that events will occur in your life that give you the opportunity to grumble. If you are constantly looking for a reason to be positive, then life will give you such reasons.

This does not mean at all that everything will be smooth and smooth, no, life, of course, often gives, but sometimes they are not very good. But only on your attitude to everything, on your thinking will depend on what contrast and brightness you choose for yourself - bright or dark, dull or light. Decide!

How to become more positive

So you read this article and decided to change your thinking to positive, no matter what happens. And then the son: “Mom, you are called to school today.” A husband comes home from work: “We are being delayed in wages, so tomorrow we won’t be able to pay the loan.” The call of the boss - you need to go to work on your day off. And then click, a stray thought to you: “Yes, I won’t succeed with this life, that’s for sure.”

You remember what I wrote about at the beginning, we choose only useful thoughts, everyone else is in the ass. Sorry for being so rude, but you can’t do it differently with them, otherwise they will ruin your life. You can borrow money for a loan or find a quick part-time job.

Called to school, so what's the problem. Go to school as a judge, not as an accused. Listen to the teachers, listen to your child and make your right decision. Very often it turns out in favor of the child, because teachers treat him subjectively. Yes, and report bad behavior, from their point of view, the duty of teachers.

Called to work? Tune in to the positive - what is not done, everything is for the better. You don't yet know how your willingness to work on the weekend will affect your career. We do not see the whole picture as a whole, we can only see a small episode of it.

Think positive intentionally and consciously. And always remember, positive thoughts can change your life, gradually, step by step, it will change its direction for the better.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalya Murga

Often the obstacles that prevent us from achieving our goals or becoming better are only in our heads. Consciousness determines how we behave in difficult situations, whether we cope with fear, succeed or fail. Therefore, it needs to be changed.

How to think positively

4. Be persistent and purposeful

If you give up, you will go back to the beginning and again become a hostage to a fixed mindset. Think about what work has already been done.

How to set yourself up for an abundance mindset

People with a scarcity mindset think there aren't enough resources for everyone. Stephen Covey draws an interesting analogy in Being, Not Seeming.

Scarcity thinkers are convinced that there is only one pie in the world and that if someone takes a piece, they will get less. This attitude leads to win/lose thinking: if you win, I lose, and I can't let that happen.

Stephen Covey, American business expert

Abundant thinkers believe that there are many pies and no losers: everyone wins and gets a piece (or more than one).

1. Think About What You Have

Concentrate on that. Material or non-material things - it does not matter. You need to learn to think abundantly and be grateful for what you have.

2. Share

How to think proactively

Those who think reactively depend on external factors. They do not play an active role in life, but simply go with the flow.

People with proactive thinking do not blame the situation or others if something goes wrong, but take responsibility for their lives. They know what they can change and what they can't, and they focus on the former.

1. Get started

Get out of the passenger seat behind the wheel and take control of your life. Instead of "The weather is too bad to go for a run," say "It's raining outside, but it's dry at home. So I can make others."

The bottom line is to stop being a hostage to situations and act regardless of what is happening around.

2. Get rid of reactive thinking phrases

Forget about:

  • I can't because...
  • If I could, I would.
  • I had to…
  • That's how the circumstances came about.

And try:

  • I will find an alternative.
  • I can do it.
  • This is my decision.
  • I want it myself.

3. Take charge of your life

Don't waste your time and don't get angry when things don't go according to plan. Did the bus arrive on time? Get out early, take it with you so as not to waste time, turn in your license and save up for a car, but don't become a victim of circumstances. Let them work for you.

Nobody promised that it would be easy and fast. But who, if not you, will help you become better and succeed?\

From the Buddha and Marcus Aurelius to every modern self-development guru, there is one piece of advice that is given over and over again: a person is what he thinks about. Changing your thoughts is the only way you can truly transform your life and move it in a positive direction.

There are several ways of thinking, and each of us uses his own combination of them. Blogger Blaj Kosh has compiled a list of nine pairs of thought patterns that will be discussed in this article.

Fixed and flexible

Fixed-minded people feel doomed. They believe that the innate mind and talent are unchanging, therefore they do not change and do not develop.

People with flexible thinking believe that any quality can be developed by systematically working on oneself, and the initial level of intelligence and talent is just a starting point. This is how love for constant learning and resistance to difficulties and failures are formed. This concept was coined by Carol Dweck in her book Mind Flexible.

As you understand, it is necessary to develop flexible thinking in yourself. How to do it? With affirmations that will eventually become your daily thoughts:

  • I can learn anything I want.
  • With the help of my actions, I improve and develop.
  • I like challenges and I constantly challenge myself.
  • When I make a mistake, I learn from it.
  • I am inspired by the success of others.

You cannot force yourself to grow five centimeters, but you can definitely become smarter, leaner, wittier, wiser, more purposeful and look for new opportunities.

Scarcity and abundance

People who tend to think in terms of scarcity believe they have few choices. But even worse, they think that there is something like one big pie in the world: if one person gets most of it, then the rest will get less. Such thinking leads to narrow-mindedness and stinginess.

People with this type of thinking often turn into the hero of the movie "Scarface", with all the ensuing consequences. It affects business decisions: you begin to perceive competitors as enemies, not partners, you want war, not friendship. The same applies to work colleagues.

People with an abundance mindset think differently. They know how to give sincere compliments to colleagues and their competitors, because they know that there will be enough work and material rewards for everyone. You just need to improve your skills, learn how to cooperate and negotiate. If you develop this type of thinking, you will also be less prone to stress and depression.

To develop an abundance mindset, you need to understand that:

Remember that you have all the resources to not only succeed but also help others.

Negative and positive

If you have a negative mindset, then all opportunities are perceived as threats and obstacles, and at the first failure you give up and there is a desire to blame others for everything.

If you tend to think positively, then everything is different: the obstacle becomes part of the path. Do you have a lot of weaknesses? Then you can turn the situation around to your advantage. This technique is used in business when they try to show that, for example, a car is “not small, but compact.”

To develop positive thinking, read our article called "" and get rid of them.

Problem Oriented and Solution Oriented

In the first case, a person gets hung up on problems so much that he experiences unpleasant emotions: depression, stress, sadness, anger. It sucks valuable energy and does not allow you to move on.

In the second case, immediately after the problem arises, a person takes on its solution. Moreover, he is bursting with curiosity: why did it arise and what needs to be done to solve it?

Perhaps both people will eventually solve it in an optimal way, only one will be exhausted, and the second will be full of energy. But we are talking exclusively about the way of thinking, and not about the intellect or skills. You may be smarter than others, but if you fixate on problems, you will be left behind the rest.

What to do? You must always remember that you cannot focus on a problem and look for a solution at the same time. It is impossible to accuse people of all mortal sins and at the same time hold brainstorming sessions.

The moment you shift your focus from whining to looking for potential solutions, a miracle happens: negative emotions disappear and you can engage yours.

Therefore, as soon as a problem arises, immediately start thinking about a solution. There is no need to waste energy on "if only, yes if only." To support solution-oriented thinking, you need to:

  • Be positive.
  • Knowing that a problem is a test of creative thinking. Any failure can be an opportunity.
  • Always look for ways to solve a problem faster, better and more efficiently.
  • Question the ways you've used before.
  • Remove "can't" from your vocabulary.
  • Test new solutions and methods.
  • Knowing that failure is another step towards making the right decision.

reactive and proactive

Reactive thinking is characterized by a whole range of negative behaviors: the desire to blame others for everything, asking the wrong questions, negative emotions, worsening relationships with people.

A proactive person asks the right questions: he tries to understand what happened, why it happened, and what needs to be done. He does not waste his energy searching for the guilty, because he takes full responsibility for himself.

If you want to develop a proactive solution, then:

  • Know that life is not what happens to you, but what you create.
  • Take full responsibility for your destiny and stop blaming other people.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Create a mission for your life.
  • Define clear goals you want to achieve.
  • Get to know people you admire.
  • Hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst.

Reactive people are always hoping for something and waiting for something. They expect the government to pay a high pension, that a new career opportunity will itself arise, that a diploma will ensure success in an interview, that children will grow up smart and intelligent without the participation of parents. Proactive people never do that. They themselves create opportunities and increase their chances of success in any area of ​​their lives.

suboptimal and optimal

With suboptimal thinking, a person is, in principle, focused on solving a problem. He muffles negative unnecessary emotions and asks the question: “How can I solve it?”. This is a good way, but not ideal.

The optimal solution assumes all the same, only with the choice of the best option: "What is the best way to solve this problem?". Now, instead of rushing into battle right away, you take a couple of minutes to think, strategize, and look for tools.

To start making better decisions, you need to ask yourself the right questions. For example:

  • What is the best way to do this?
  • Which method will help solve the problem better than others?
  • What is the best choice for me?
  • What will lead me to the best results?

When you ask these kinds of questions, you stop expecting better results to just happen.

Selfish and moving

A selfish person thinks he is right because... he is right. He has few arguments, and confidence is built solely on the fact that his method has already worked once. It does not take into account that the situation and factors could change completely.

With mobile thinking, a person is like a scientist. He does not take on faith that his opinion is the most correct. He conducts experiments, checks facts, creates prototypes, works through all situations.

The path to success is always pits and potholes. Therefore, you should always enable the search mode. In it, you make two important decisions: perseverance or a temporary retreat. If something does not work, you need to take a step back, assess the situation and apply another method.

For example, you want to lose weight and have tried several diets. A weak person will spit on everything and continue to live in the old way. You will persistently look for something new, having previously found out why the previous methods did not work.

Indecisive thinking and minimal regret

Better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret it all your life - this hackneyed expression can emphasize the whole difference between the two types of thinking.

To live with the right mindset, always imagine yourself at the age of 80. Think about where you will end up and what you will regret. So it may turn out that much of what you do is not worth a damn. And many decisions were not made because of banal fear.

Know that you can always refuse something. But regret will stay with you for life. Deep down, every person understands where the best solution is. So set aside enough time to find it, and then keep going until you reach the finish line.

You need to pump all these types of thinking. So you can change your whole life. These are not just words: in fact, even choosing one thing, one can notice huge successes.

How to change your thinking and your life?

This process consists of several steps that can be performed in turn or in parallel. It all depends on how you feel better and more interesting. Because this is partly a painful process, which means that motivation is above all.

Pay more attention to your emotions

You need to start by noticing your mediocre, negative, and toxic thoughts. And how do you know what they are? By your emotions. If you feel unwell, then this is a clear sign.

Your negative emotions are nothing but the way you look at yourself, life situations, problems, other people. It is also an internal dialogue that actually takes place from waking up to going to bed: it can be dominated by positive or negative emotions.

Thus, the first step is to carefully examine your thoughts when you have serious negative feelings. Every bad emotion is the result of negative thinking and is caused by irrational self-talk.

Yes, despite the fact that the title says to pay attention to emotions, you first need to learn to understand the connection between them and thoughts. In isolation from each other, such knowledge will be meaningless.

Write down everything that comes to mind. Do not analyze emotions and thoughts without a piece of paper and a pen. And no censorship. This way you can see trends and patterns in your thinking.

Use mental feedback

This is a very simple technique: count all their toxic thoughts that arise during the day. Just add one by one, without reasoning or judgment. In this way, you will become more aware of your thoughts - this is the value of this simple exercise.

Better yet, buy a simple meter and add one every time something like “Prices are going up, and I don’t know how to continue to live,” flashes through my head.

After a few days, do the following:

  • Start not only counting, but also writing them down.
  • Once you start writing, categorize them.

Very soon you will learn to understand your thoughts like a pro. You can instantly say to yourself: “Yeah, this thought belongs to suboptimal thinking.” And once that happens, it will be much easier to make changes.

Watch body language

Your inner state, emotions and thoughts are expressed through the body. If you feel inner harmony and do not experience cognitive dissonance, this is a good sign. If not, it's time to analyze the situation.

A negative emotional state, along with toxic thoughts and thinking, manifests itself in bad posture, frowning, looking at the floor, anxious movements, and so on.

If you notice such signs, this is already good. When writing down your emotions, try to evaluate their external manifestations. This is good for, besides, you will learn to notice how thoughts affect emotions and the body.

Calculate the index of happiness

Create a simple chart that shows how happy you are. In the morning, afternoon and evening, evaluate your emotional state.

Rate it on a ten point scale. How do you feel immediately when you wake up? And after dinner? After work? Before bedtime? This is necessary in order to develop awareness. Try to analyze why the mood changes.

Explore your surroundings

As a rule, the environment is a reflection of the internal state and thoughts. And vice versa. By assessing your surroundings, you may realize that bad thoughts are formed due to the fact that everything around contributes to this. It could even be dirty dishes. But the people around you are especially important. They greatly influence how you think and what you think.

Remember that it is you who chooses your environment. If it interferes with development and movement forward, then it will be extremely difficult to change habits and improve yourself.


  • "Change your mindset and you will change your life" Brian Tracy.
  • "Flexible Mind" by Carol Dweck
  • "Genius to order" Mark Levy
  • "How People Think" Dmitry Chernyshev
  • Brain Rules by John Medina
  • "Invincible Mind" Alex Lickerman
  • Mindfulness by Mark Williams and Danny Penman
  • "How Man Thinks or Man's Thinking" James Allen
  • "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill
  • "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" Eliezer Yudkowsky
  • "Skeptic. A Rational View of the World Michael Sherme

And in conclusion - another short video on how to manage your thinking.

We wish you good luck!

The most important function of the psyche is thinking. What a person thinks about himself or others, about some things, is thinking. The quality of life depends on it: bright, joyful or gloomy. The choice of partner, work, position also depends on how we think. If you are thinking about changing your life, the first thing to start with is thinking.

  • Reveal the erroneous patterns that you live by without even noticing it. During emotional experiences, you need to follow the course of your thoughts. And gradually reveal the problem by asking yourself questions. For example, something upset you, ask yourself - why, what exactly hurt you? What lies under this and so on, delving deeper into the essence of their thoughts.
  • Now that your erroneous schemas have been exposed, they need to be seriously shaken. You believed in them for so many years, believed that it was simply impossible to live differently, and these thoughts turn out to be erroneous. At this stage, you will understand how much your irrational beliefs prevent you from living a peaceful life. Finally you are ready for change.
  • Replacing irrational schemes with effective ones. Every time you habitually have old thought patterns, immediately change them to new ones that are positive and effective.

In order to begin to enjoy every day, you need to work hard on yourself, because the way of thinking is laid down at a deep reflex level. It will take one month to form a new way of thinking. By adhering to the following rules for a month, you can form the habit of thinking differently.

  1. Stop watching news programs, most of which are negative.
  2. Consciously choose comedies, even if you are not a fan of this genre. Laughter will give a charge of positive energy.
  3. Separate yourself emotionally from strangers. Even with a short look on the street at the face of a stranger, a person is able to read all the information about his inner experiences at an unconscious level.
  4. Eliminate the words “I can’t”, “I can’t succeed” from your vocabulary. Replace them with “I accept this”, “I receive this”, “I am worthy”, “I am grateful”.
  5. Watch your thoughts and words. Pull yourself back every time you habitually start thinking negatively.
  6. Live easy! Make time for what makes you happy. Everyone has the right to go their own way, and it is individual for everyone. Doing what gives you pleasure, you will achieve the best results.
  7. Trust your life. Draw with your imagination the happy life you dream of. Take time to visualize the beautiful life every day.

Everything that surrounds a person, his social status, financial situation are the result of his thinking. It follows from this that you yourself decide who you will be: rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful.