How to open a jewelry and jewelry store: practical recommendations. Profitable business: how to open a jewelry store. Business plan for a jewelry store

Of course, this question worries everyone who wants to have their own jewelry store. And it’s true: beauty pleases the eye and soul, but how does it feel in your pocket?

To the question “Is it profitable to sell jewelry?” there is no clear answer. If you sell wisely, then, of course, it is profitable. But not everyone is born a professional; knowledge comes with experience.

That's why today I will tell you a few secrets. They will help even beginners make a profit in a minimum period of time.

Types of jewelry - types of profit

There are three types of jewelry:

  • cheap
  • mid-price category
  • Expensive

Cheap jewelry (50 – 200 rubles per purchase)

Costume jewelry in the cheap segment retails for about 100-500 rubles. In purchase it costs 50-200 rubles.

Cheap jewelry and looks cheap. It is of poor quality, there is no question of any brand. In addition, all competitors have it. After all, this is the favorite pastime of all losers - to come to the market and pick up a bunch of cheap petroleum products.

This is the favorite pastime of all losers - to come to the market and pick up a bunch of cheap petroleum products.

You can’t put a large markup on it - maximum 100%. And, of course, in order to achieve serious momentum with it, you need to sell jewelry in huge quantities.

A considering that connoisseurs of such jewelry are schoolgirls and students from poor areas, then you should not expect an explosion in sales, they do not buy as much as the seller would like.

Mid-price jewelry (250 – 500 rubles per purchase)

Costume jewelry in the middle price segment is the most popular. It sells for 600-2000 rubles. The markup on such jewelry is about 300%. Profit is easy to predict.

In shopping centers, mid-price jewelry is best sold.

This is good quality jewelry from famous designers and brands. They look decent and are bought more readily than cheap jewelry. Such products are sold in beautiful stores - islands and pavilions in shopping centers.

Many ladies can afford this jewelry, in particular the office ladies community, who are not averse to regularly pampering themselves with beautiful jewelry in different styles on payday.

Besides, you will never have to blush for the quality of such jewelry. And this is important for forming a pool of regular Clients. It is on them that one must place the biggest bet in the jewelry trading business.

Expensive jewelry (from 600 rubles per purchase)

Expensive jewelry - products from elite brands - also sells well. A caste of connoisseurs of such jewelry has already formed. And, of course, these ladies are unlikely to change their preferences, because you quickly get used to good things.

Due to the fact that a piece of such jewelry is expensive, and also the markup, which is about 300%, you can make good money on luxury jewelry.

Where to sell costume jewelry of each segment?

Let me emphasize once again that it is important to understand where you will be trading. If in cheap markets and in the corners of department stores, then choose the cheap segment. If in shopping centers where people specifically go shopping for branded clothing and accessories, then your segment is medium and expensive jewelry.

The last two are preferable for profit, because that’s what we’re talking about now.


Of course, competition also affects benefits. 80% of the market is filled with cheap junk from the low segment. Yes, in physical terms this segment has the most sales – about 50%. But if we talk not in turnover, but in profit, then Mid-price jewelry is confidently ahead of everyone else.

80% of the market is filled with cheap junk from the low segment.

If you can earn 200 rubles on cheap jewelry, then from the sale of one piece of jewelry in the mid-price category, you will put 500 rubles in your pocket! Therefore, where cheap sellers earn 30 thousand per month, their more successful colleagues have a net profit of 120 thousand!

In any case, there is no need to be afraid of competition when it comes to jewelry. Research shows that there are a lot of points selling costume jewelry in every city, but the market... is not even 40% full. This means that your chances of achieving success in this area are extremely high.

Hello friends!

I decided to dedicate today’s article to the female half of humanity, because we are the ones who like beautiful jewelry, and working with it is doubly pleasant.

Let's start with the fact that opening an online jewelry store is quite easy.

Advantages of an online jewelry store

Firstly, such a business does not require large investments. 10 - 15 thousand rubles is enough - and you already have a wide range of products in the online store.

Secondly, costume jewelry is a small-sized product, it does not take up much space, which means that you will not have to pay dearly for storing the goods in a warehouse. Also, its delivery does not require large expenses.

Disadvantages of an online jewelry store

However, such a business has a big drawback. It's highly competitive. Due to the fact that it is quite easy to open an online jewelry store, there are a large number of online jewelry stores, and jewelry is also sold in shopping centers, markets, and stores. But this does not mean that you need to be afraid of competition and give up on this business. With the right approach, you will always find your clients and can make good money from it. How to properly organize your work? This is what we will talk about today.

Market analysis

The first step is to look at what online stores exist in your market and study their assortment. After all, it is your competitors who know which products sell best, since they have been working in this niche for many years, and I don’t think that they will sell products that are not in demand.

Definition of uniqueness

Once you have analyzed the market, it is important find your uniqueness. You can sell jewelry from one specific brand, such as Tiffani. You can also sell jewelry from a specific country, for example, Italy. And this will be your uniqueness. Alternatively, you can take one particular category, for example, wedding jewelry. You can also make jewelry with your own hands. In this case, your online store will be 100% unique. You can sell jewelry that is trending at the moment. For example, recently studs have been in great demand (for those who don’t know, these are small round earrings of different colors).

In principle, you can come up with absolutely any uniqueness that your imagination allows, but don’t forget about what people want and what products are in most demand. After you come up with your uniqueness, make a list of specific products that you need to purchase (these could be earrings, pendants, pendants, sets, hairpins, etc.) and write down how many of each product you need.

Search for a supplier

Once you have determined exactly what specific product you will be selling, it's time to look for a supplier. At the moment, there are a large number of sites that sell jewelry wholesale, so finding a supplier will not be difficult for you. However, it is important to find a supplier who sells truly high-quality costume jewelry. And this is not always easy. Moreover, photographs of the product do not always correspond to how the product looks in reality. Therefore, I strongly recommend asking the supplier to sell you one unit of the product at a wholesale price so that you can evaluate its quality. There are also several other important criteria by which you should choose a supplier. I talked about them in mine and don’t want to repeat myself. This course is absolutely free. From it you will learn how to quickly find a reliable supplier, since it is the work with the supplier that determines how successful your online store will be.

Defining your target audience

To successfully sell your product, it is important to create a portrait of your potential customers.

Come up with a name and logo

The name must necessarily reflect the idea of ​​your online store, it must touch the soul of your target audience and be pleasant to the ear. In accordance with the name, you need to draw a logo.

Website creation

The site should be attractive, convenient and understandable. Also, be sure to prepare high-quality photographs, because the decision whether to buy a product from you or not will depend on them. You can also make a video review of jewelry. This way, visitors to your online store will have a more accurate understanding of what the product looks like in reality.

Set up payment and delivery methods

In our online store we only accept cash, delivery is carried out by courier in our city, and to other cities we ship by mail. If you wish, you can set up various payment methods, and as for delivery, it is best to contact the courier service.

Online store promotion

At the moment, there are many ways to promote an online store. I recommend setting up contextual advertising in Yandex, promoting through social networks, message boards and coupon services. Try these promotion methods, choose the ones that worked best for you and focus on them.

Study statistics

Be sure to install Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics on your site, so you will know where visitors to your site come from, in what quantity and for what queries. This way, you will know how to further develop your online store and what to work on.

And finally, some tips for working on an online store:

  1. Take care of beautiful, high-quality packaging. These can be bags or boxes. In our case, these are branded bags, as well as boxes with the Swarovski logo.
  2. Make small purchases of items that you have not previously sold to see how popular they will be with your customers, and once you are sure that they are in demand, buy more of them.
  3. Try to maintain the assortment of your online store so that it is not empty and all items are always present.
  4. Hold competitions and promotions during the holidays to increase your revenue.
  5. Study, from which you will learn how to find a reliable supplier, how to make a website for free, how to promote your online store and make sales. This course is absolutely free and will help you work with your online store.

Be patient and confidently move towards your goal, and then you will be able to take your online jewelry store to a high level. After all, opening an online jewelry store is not so difficult, but it can become a really good source of income.


One of the main advantages of trading in high-quality costume jewelry is higher markups and profits than in the low segment.

A jewelry and costume jewelry store is one of the most popular business ideas for aspiring entrepreneurs. Girls are especially excited about this idea, since this niche allows them not only to become financially independent and realize their entrepreneurial abilities, but also to satisfy the sense of beauty that is characteristic of many women. The founder and manager of the I Love Me project, Alexander Bondar, told the website about what needs to be taken into account when launching a non-chain jewelry and jewelry store.

Entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, founder of an online store (wholesale and retail sale of costume jewelry and jewelry made from natural stones). In e-commerce - since 2008. Author of the book “How to overcome the growth crisis of an online store” and several video courses on online trading.

Why a jewelry store is a good business idea

Business selling costume jewelry has many interesting advantages:

    low purchase price of products: from 300 to 900 rubles in the segment of high-quality costume jewelry and jewelry made from natural stones;

    high margins: the markup is on average 100-300%;

    small size of goods: storage and display of jewelry does not require large retail space;

    the demand for costume jewelry among consumers: you need to work hard to find a girl who does not wear costume jewelry or jewelry at all;

    small investments at the start: you can start your own business selling costume jewelry with a fairly modest investment, gradually expanding the scale of trade.

All these features make the business of selling costume jewelry an extremely attractive investment. But for success, it is not enough to simply purchase goods and open a retail outlet - a department, an “island” or a jewelry store. Many entrepreneurs starting out in the jewelry trade got burned and left the business with nothing.

Tip one: the place should be passable

Choosing a location is the starting point for launching any store. And this decision is one of the most responsible. If you make a mistake in choosing a place, you will not be able to easily and painlessly correct the situation.

Moving a store to another location is no longer a “relocation”, but a closing and reopening

When choosing a place, you cannot rely on the landlord's stories. Personal monitoring is important. After preliminary selection of potential places to open a point, you will have a list of three to five addresses. You will definitely need to go to the place in person, watch the people, and most importantly, count how many of your potential clients pass by the location of your future store. Moreover, do this both on weekdays and on weekends.

We calculated, compared, and predicted sales.

Tip two: thoroughly study your competitors

Costume jewelry and jewelry is a market where it is not easy to find duplicate items. The variety of model ranges, styles, and manufacturers is too great.

However, having previously decided on a location, go around all the jewelry and jewelry stores within a radius of 500 meters (if the store is separate) or all the points in the shopping center (if you decide to become a department there). Your goal is to make sure that there are no competitors nearby selling the same product.

This simple action will allow you to:

    be aware of what is happening in your market;

    do not purchase goods from the same suppliers as your colleagues - in order to avoid competition on price and not limit yourself to markups at the level of competitors;

    specifically purchase several products, like from competitors, and sell them “at zero” in order to lure their customers.

The bulk of your clients will never go beyond this radius or beyond the boundaries of the shopping center.

Tip Three: Provide Service and Care

Most jewelry stores are ruined by dull faces and disinterested salespeople. The owner invests in equipment, lighting and merchandise. And the seller kills everything in the bud.

Several rules of conduct for a jewelry store seller:

    a ban on engaging in distracted activities: talking on the phone, sitting at the computer, eating, sleeping (yes, yes, this also happens - the seller of the jewelry island was sleeping behind the counter in front of my eyes);

    open posture, friendliness, willingness to answer customer questions;

    searching for the gaze (meeting “eye to eye”) of potential clients;

    prohibition of sitting on a chair/stool in the sales area.

Tip four: ensure competence

The salesperson must be prepared to answer the questions that most customers ask. I would like to emphasize that it is not necessary to know the answers to any questions. It is enough to limit ourselves to the most common ones.

Instruct salespeople to write down all questions received from customers. Group these questions. Consider the statistics - which points are of most interest to buyers.

The instructions must be memorized by all sellers without exception. This is the only way it will be used in work.

Tip five: consider purchases, plan purchases

All purchases must be subject to strict accounting. Often, owners of small jewelry stores neglect collecting sales statistics due to the lack of a product database.

It doesn’t matter whether you keep track of goods in a program on a computer or with a pen in a notebook, you should always know sales statistics:

    for individual jewelry models;

    by suppliers;

    by collections/brands;

    for each type of stone;

    by gender (separate jewelry for men, separately for women).

Sales statistics are the starting point for purchasing. You need to purchase goods in the same proportions in which they are sold.

Make sure that your assortment does not sag in quantity in any of the product categories. Make your purchases early.

Tip six: hold promotions and sales

The main buyers of jewelry made from natural stones and costume jewelry are girls. And girls really love discounts and gifts.

Experiment with special offers:

    free decoration as a gift;

    discount from a certain amount;

    discounts on selected jewelry.

A prerequisite for a successful promotion is its limited duration. As a rule, the promotion period should not exceed three days.

A promotion or sale must be accompanied by a bright message in the form of a poster, banner, or sign. The right promotion not only increases the percentage of purchases in the store, but also attracts more visitors.

Tip seven: low prices are the path to closure

Many beginners come to the mistaken idea of ​​buying the same product as their competitors and selling it cheaper. They dream of winning their place in the sun in this way.

This solution is incorrect for the following reasons:

    the demand for jewelry is inelastic - lowering prices does not give a stronger increase in sales, but at the same time leads to a decrease in profits;

    trade with small margins does not leave the owner a budget for promoting his product: advertising, good commercial equipment and lighting;

    Customers’ demands for the quality of jewelry and costume jewelry in the cheap segment are no lower than in the expensive segment. Products often do not meet customer expectations. As a result, there are frequent returns, claims, and conflicts.

Now the market is saturated with cheap Chinese jewelry. At the same time, consumers are placing more and more demands on the quality of jewelry. Therefore, the most promising niche is mid-price jewelry

The middle price segment is represented by goods produced under their own brands. The retail price of such jewelry ranges from 900 to 3000 rubles. These are mainly high-quality jewelry from Chinese, Russian and Korean manufacturers.

And remember that one of the main advantages of trading in high-quality costume jewelry is higher markups and profits than in the low segment.

The crisis has brought a new trend to the business environment - the organization of enterprises for the production and sale of essential goods. This is explained by hopes for high demand and quick payback. Perhaps this trend has grounds, but by doing so, entrepreneurs are freeing up equally profitable niches in the sale of durable goods. Thus, selling costume jewelry as a business remains viable even in difficult economic conditions.

The desire of the female half of humanity for beautiful jewelry never weakens, but not every lady has the financial opportunity to purchase jewelry. At the same time, high-quality jewelry can withstand a high markup, and the business itself quickly pays for itself. How to open your own jewelry store? Let's look at the example of a business plan.

Business registration

Before opening a jewelry store from scratch, you need to go through a number of formalities. You should start by registering your business. IP will simplify reporting forms and reduce accounting costs.

For this type of activity, suitable tax regimes can be either a simplified taxation system or a patent. In some regions, it is possible to use UTII. OKVED code – 52.48.22.

To open a store, you will need regulatory documents from Rospotrebnadzor, a fire inspection report and control by the SES service.

Selecting a room

Statistics say that the return on investment in a jewelry business does not depend on the size of the retail space. A showcase with an area of ​​no more than 5 square meters can also generate profit. m.

When choosing a location for a point, you should pay attention to traffic. A store selling jewelry has the right to be located in a shopping center or hypermarket, as well as on the street or in a subway passage.

When choosing a location, you need to focus on the concept of the establishment and the range of products offered. So, a premium jewelry store would look out of place in a small supermarket. In this case, it’s not worth talking about the point in the underground passage.

Required equipment

The main equipment that a jewelry store requires is display cabinets. More expensive are classic glass pillars with mirrored back walls and/or horizontal showcases, with the lid tilted towards the client. A budget option is stands with hooks.

The success of a business selling costume jewelry, like a jewelry business, largely depends on the quality of the presentation of the product. Decorations require proper lighting and stands in the form of imitations of hands and busts. If you are financially able, you should contact the services of a designer. One way or another, spending on lighting and stands for jewelry is a necessary expense item.

How to choose a product and supplier?

Selling costume jewelry as a business is represented by several niches. These can be both consumer goods and vintage or luxury jewelry from famous brands. Costume jewelry today is in no way associated with “counterfeit gold.” Some manufacturers offer exclusivity, indicating the high status of the client. This product is not available to everyone.

When choosing suppliers, a novice entrepreneur with moderate start-up capital is recommended to focus on mid-price products. The cost of the product in the range of 500-1000 rubles is the best option, guaranteeing high demand. In addition, not all serious manufacturers or large brands will agree to work with a startup or supply goods in small batches. Therefore, an expensive exclusive is not the best choice for a beginner in this business.

An entrepreneur can find suppliers among local costume jewelry manufacturers, or by organizing deliveries from China or Korea. You should be careful when importing from these countries, as there is a risk of receiving low quality products. It is also important to pay attention to the conditions, terms and amounts of delivery.

Assortment of jewelry store

The total number of items in a jewelry store should be at least 500 pieces. Products can be presented in the following categories:

  • chains;
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • bracelets;
  • necklace.

In addition, most jewelry stores offer customers related products, these include various clothing accessories, leather goods, umbrellas, etc.

Extra charge

The markup on goods should be at least 250-300%. Practice shows that this niche can withstand a markup of 1000%. The owner can show creativity and present the product in a favorable light, declaring its exclusivity. Some enterprising sellers put together a collection or set of products, also setting a high price.


A small store will need two salespeople working in shifts. The retail area is about 20 square meters. m. needs additional labor in the form of a second shift seller or a security guard to minimize the risk of theft.

When a store is located in a shopping center, the business owner has a chance to save on cleaning staff.

How to increase sales

The main way to attract customers when opening a jewelry store is to pay attention to the sign. Experts also advise not to neglect such aspects as individual packaging of goods, holding promotions and issuing discount cards to customers.

Total costs and payback

Is it profitable to sell jewelry? To answer this question, it is necessary to summarize the costs of starting and maintaining a business.

What kind of entrepreneur will need start-up capital to open a small outlet with an area of ​​10 square meters? m. and purchasing budget equipment:

Table. Capital investments

In total, to open a business you will have to spend at least 215,000 rubles. In the future, you will need to calculate your budget based on the following monthly expenses:

Table. Monthly expenses

An enterprise that operates stably has a chance to gain the trust of suppliers and accept goods for sale. It also makes sense to inquire about the delivery of stale goods. This will help reduce costs.

The profitability of the jewelry selling business reaches 20%. Profit can reach 100-200 thousand rubles. In the first months - up to 50 thousand rubles.

This business has some seasonality. According to experts, the most profitable months are December, February and March. There are cases when an entrepreneur opened a business in February and within six months the business paid off completely. In a normal situation, the average payback with an average markup on goods of 400% is a year.