How to identify health problems by acne on your face. What do multiple pimples on the face mean?

Acne appears on the face for various reasons. But there are times when acne accumulates in certain places. Doctors from the East have put forward the theory that acne areas on the face signal disorders of specific internal organs.

This assumption was first put forward several hundred years ago. World medicine did not recognize such a theory for a long time, but now almost all doctors confirm that many diseases can be identified by the areas of acne on the face. Cosmetologists have their own views on this topic, but there is still a standard map of acne on the face, which allows you to determine which internal organs are worth paying attention to.

Let’s look in detail at which organs specific areas of the face are responsible for.

What do pimples on the nose mean:

  • First of all, pay attention to the digestive system. Pimples in this part of the face indicate problems with the stomach and pancreas itself.
  • In the case of redness in the lower part of the nose and nostrils, have your respiratory system checked by a doctor. Inflammation can also indicate problems with the bronchi.
  • The cause of acne on the tip of the nose and redness of this part is a disorder of the cardiovascular system. The fact is that blood does not circulate well in the body, as a result of which the sebaceous glands at the tip of the nose become inflamed and produce an excessive amount of sebaceous secretion.

To avoid possible problems, carefully monitor your lifestyle. Get rid of bad habits, exercise more and, if necessary, start taking vitamin B.

The vitamin complex should be taken only after consulting a doctor. If acne appears on your nose, do not rush to draw premature conclusions. Only a professional dermatologist will make a specific diagnosis.

What do pimples on the forehead mean:

  • Small pimples on the forehead, spread over the entire area, indicate problems with the bladder.
  • If acne appears in the center of the forehead, cleanse the intestines.
  • On the forehead there are areas responsible for the gallbladder. If the body has problems with this organ, acne most often occurs in the upper part of the forehead, along the hairline.
  • A very controversial phenomenon is acne above the eyebrow. In this case, inflammation may indicate problems with the small intestine or cardiovascular system. It all depends on the specific type of inflammation. Again, only a doctor can give you an accurate diagnosis.
  • The entire upper part of the forehead is responsible for the large intestine. Carefully monitor your diet and change it if a specific rash suddenly appears on your face.

The meaning of acne on the temples

Like the upper part of the forehead, the temples are responsible for the gallbladder. If a small red rash appears in this part, you most likely have problems with this organ. Another option is spleen disease. In this case, large white pimples appear on the temples. Such inflammations can cause pain.

What do pimples on the cheeks mean?

  • If acne appears on the upper cheeks and cheekbones, they indicate a disorder of the digestive system. In this case, it is worth reviewing the diet. Try to eat only natural, healthy foods.

When treating acne in this area of ​​acne on the face, it is advisable to avoid fatty and fermented milk products.

  • The cheeks are closely related to the respiratory system. Interestingly, the right cheek is responsible for the right lung, and the left cheek is responsible for the left. Therefore, if acne appears in the middle zone on only one cheek, you can be sure that the reason is unstable lung function. If a rash appears on both sides of the face, immediately consult a physician and undergo a comprehensive examination.

If there is a problem with the respiratory system, small red ones appear. The fact is that failure of breathing affects the circulatory system. As a result, the capillaries on the cheeks create a rash. As you can see, acne and organs are closely connected not only through the sebaceous glands. Unstable blood vessels can also create a rash.

  • The most common cause of acne on the cheeks is an allergic reaction. In this case, redness is also visible. It is for this reason that allergies are often confused with respiratory problems. To get definitive answers when a rash appears unexpectedly, go to the hospital.

What do pimples on the chin mean?

  • Most often they appear due to hormonal imbalances. In this case, you should monitor and normalize the functioning of the glands in the body.
  • In men, acne on the chin signals the development of prostatitis.
  • A rash in this part of the face in women may indicate serious gynecological or endocrine diseases. You should not try to treat such acne on your own. Consult with professionals right away to get truly working, useful and, most importantly, safe ways to get rid of the rash.

What do pimples around the lips say?

  • The appearance of acne in this area may be accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain and colic. In this case, you can rest assured that the problem is a malfunction of the digestive system. Perhaps this rash is a consequence of poisoning.
  • There is an opinion that the designation of acne on the face in this part can also be attributed to the nervous system. Chinese doctors conducted a study which confirmed that acne in this part of the face most often occurs in suspicious and vulnerable people. Therefore, rashes around the lips may appear due to stress. Take care of your nerves. Take sedatives if necessary.
  • Pimples in the corners and edges of the lips indicate a disorder in the digestive system. More precisely, about problems with the duodenum and small intestine.

What do pimples around the eyes mean?

Features of acne areas on the face

Knowing the location of acne on the face, you can determine what causes the rash using the proposed map. But it is worth understanding that acne can also be caused by many other reasons, including improper skin care, bad habits, poor diet, and so on. The exact cause can only be determined with the help of medical professionals. Contact your doctor if you suddenly develop a rash in a specific area of ​​your face.

Why areas on the face are responsible for different organs

The glands in the human body are closely interconnected. But this is far from the main reason why acne on the face is responsible for certain organs. You can learn more about this by watching a short video:

Please note that a lot depends on the type of acne that appears. For example, this is a signal of problems with the digestive or cardiovascular system, but if these are blackheads, then there is no guarantee that the rash is caused by clogged sebaceous ducts. Most often, problems in the body are accompanied by subcutaneous or small red pimples. As in any other cases, squeezing such acne simply does not make sense. Firstly, you won’t be able to get rid of the rash this way, and secondly, you risk introducing an infection into the blood, which is fraught with bad consequences.

The proposed acne map will help you quickly respond to problems in the body. Thus, you can predict serious diseases in advance and begin treatment on time. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to take medications without receiving a specific diagnosis from a doctor. All medications and principles of use are indicated by the doctor. In addition, you may be interested to know what signs are associated with the appearance.

Our appearance and mood clearly indicate not only our mood, but also our state of health. Chinese doctors carry out a full diagnosis and find out the result only from the initial examination, paying attention to such specific things as skin tone, iris color, voice timbre, and smell. An ordinary person without specialized knowledge is also able to identify some ailments only by appearance, by rashes on the face and their location.

What is the connection between acne on the face and internal organs?

Rashes are not the most pleasant thing. Therefore, as soon as they appear, we think about what to do with acne on our face. Trying to get rid of them using mechanical and cosmetic means, few people think that these could be signals from the body about the state of our health. Their localization can directly indicate problems with certain organs. This diagnostic technique is not know-how and has a centuries-old history. Doctors do not deny the fact of the relationship between acne and disease, although they avoid this method in professional treatment.

How to determine organ disease by facial skin

The appearance of rashes above the eyebrows or under the eyes is not accidental, especially if it occurs periodically. What organs are responsible for acne on the face? Each site corresponds to a specific organ. The formation of pigment spots and redness also signals problems and the presence of ailments. Therefore, before getting rid of acne, you should determine the cause of its appearance. Perhaps the cosmetologist is powerless here. A correct diagnosis and therapy will help cure the existing disease, and as a result, acne.

The meaning of acne on the face by zone

What do pimples on the forehead or above the lip mean? Pay attention to where your acne is located. Perhaps it is the chin or the bridge of the nose. If these rashes appear periodically or are even permanent, it is worth checking the condition of the organs associated with this area of ​​the face. It is unlikely that one pimple that appears once in any area indicates the presence of an incurable disease. At the same time, do not underestimate the signals that our body sends to us. A map of the relationship between areas of the face and organs (photo below) will help you see this relationship.

When considering this area, it is worth highlighting several zones. If there are pimples on the forehead, which organ is affected will help determine their location. A location close to hair growth signals gallbladder disease. The eyebrow area is connected to the intestines. Pimples that appear here indicate irritation and interruptions in the functioning of this organ. The forehead contains a large number of sweat glands, and acne is not uncommon here. This entire area is associated with digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so it would not be a bad idea to visit a gastroenterologist.

On the bridge of the nose

This small area of ​​the face, located between the eyebrows, is also “responsible” for its organ. Pimples located in this area clearly indicate problems with the liver. A common cause is poor diet, consumption of alcohol and fatty foods. Harmless products such as milk and cream, consumed in excessive quantities, cause liver problems. The recommendations in this case are simple: give up alcohol, watch your diet, and include exercise in your daily routine.

Diagnosis of diseases based on acne on the nose is difficult. They can be caused by various reasons. During periods of hormonal changes, rashes are a common occurrence. Transitional age, pregnancy, menstruation are periods during which the appearance of acne cannot be clearly interpreted. What organs are responsible for acne on the face in the nose area? This is the engine of our body - the heart. Check your blood vessels and cholesterol levels. Acne will allow you to recognize more serious problems in time.

The appearance of acne here indicates kidney disease. A nephrologist treats the kidneys. Initially, you should contact a therapist who is able to recognize the disease and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist. General recommendations include: following a diet, drinking plenty of water (this should be purified still water). If no serious problems are identified, then contact a cosmetologist.

In this area, there are 2 sections responsible for different organs. Pimples located on the cheeks (closer to the eyes) are “tied” to the stomach. A little lower is the area associated with our lungs. It has been repeatedly noted that pimples on the cheeks appear more often in smokers. People with allergies are also at risk. If acne appears, get a fluorography, stop smoking, and check your intestines. The sun and excessive sweating can cause acne, so be sure to protect your skin before going out in the sun.

Around the eyes

Which organ is responsible for acne on the face around the eyes? This area, in its connection to the internal organs, is similar to the ears and correlates with the kidneys. It is worth taking into account not only the presence of acne, but also redness, swelling and dark circles. Papillomas indicate a high probability of the presence of cysts and congestion. Fatty plaques indicate the formation of kidney stones.

In the lip area

The appearance of rashes here is associated with the functioning of the nervous system. It may be worth paying attention to the time allocated to sleep and eliminating stressful situations. This will help not only find the answer to the pressing question - what helps with acne on the face, but also significantly improve your overall condition. Our heart can talk about its problems through the appearance of pimples on the upper lip. This area is still capable of signaling hormonal instability. Frequently touching and near your lips with dirty hands contributes to the formation of rashes.

On the chin

For women, such acne is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist, as it indicates problems in the pelvic area. For men, these are potential prostate problems. Diseases of the digestive system are very often reflected in the form of acne in the chin area. In this case, enrich your diet with more fiber and drink herbal teas.

Video: what they are talking about and how to cure acne on the face

The process of acne formation and the reasons for their appearance are discussed in detail in the video. Qualified specialists will explain in clear language about the technique for diagnosing diseases based on rashes and how it is safe and effective. The information presented in the video contains specific advice and names of medications recommended by experts.

The appearance of rashes on the face signals diseases of the internal organs, so the meaning of acne on the face also contains a whole bunch of diseases. Published on the web portal

The location of acne on the face has a unique pattern, in each area of ​​which the corresponding organ can be recorded.

In order to divide the acne zones on the face we need 8 positions

1. Pimples on the forehead (above the eyebrows).

The question of what a pimple on the forehead means can be answered instantly, since almost everyone knows that their appearance is associated with digestive problems.

The appearance of pimples above the eyebrows is primarily associated with diseases gastrointestinal tract these may be problems with the functioning of not only the stomach, pancreas or gall bladder, but also other parts of the intestine (dysbacteriosis, cholelithiasis).

If pimples are located quite close to hair growth, the reason for their appearance is related to gallbladder dysfunction, but pimples located close to the eyebrows are a clear sign bowel irritations and the fact that it is difficult for him to cope with his responsibilities.

The appearance of pimples on your forehead indicates problems with your diet, most likely you eat a lot of processed, unhealthy food, in addition, excessive consumption of fatty, sweet foods and carbonated drinks also has a harmful effect. Pimples on the forehead can also appear as a result of taking medications (vitamins, antibiotics, hormonal).

All toxins that the intestines are unable to remove from our body are trying to get out through the skin.

2. Pimples on the bridge of the nose (between the eyebrows).

The meaning of pimples between the eyebrows is quite simple in most cases. this is a liver problem, which in turn are associated with alcohol, fatty foods and dairy products which should be completely excluded from your diet. Avoid protein foods for a while. In addition, you need to exercise regularly and monitor your sleep (try to get enough sleep).

3. Pimples around the eyes

Any rashes in the area around the eyes, as well as other blemishes, such as dark circles under the eyes, indicate kidney disease or dehydration, so try to drink plenty of fluids to avoid them.

4. Pimples on the nose

If you ask what a pimple on the nose means, the possibility of getting a definite answer is low, since acne in this area of ​​the face can be caused by completely different reasons.

The first one is enlarged nasal pores, which, in addition, have high fat content. Since our nose is usually open, a lot of dust and other pollutants get onto its surface, and some people often touch their nose with dirty hands, all this leads to clogged pores and blackheads or blackheads appear on the surface of the nose. inflamed pimples.

The second reason is hormonal imbalance, which is most often observed in adolescence.

The third reason is heart problems, so pay attention to your blood pressure, as well as your vitamin B level. Be sure to check your cholesterol levels; to normalize it, give up “bad” fats and eat more “good” ones, which include fish, flaxseed, and avocado.

The last reason applies more to girls and women, this Negligence in cleansing the skin of makeup and the use of expired cosmetics.

5. Pimples on the ears

The cause of acne on the ears, as well as around the eyes, is associated with kidney diseases, so drink more mineral purified water (still) and give up alcohol, carbonated drinks and strong coffee (tea).

6. Pimples on the cheeks

Acne zone data talk about problems with the respiratory system, most often skin rashes in this area occur in people who smoke or have allergies. In the event that you do not smoke and do not suffer from allergies, then acne on the cheeks may be associated with overheating of the body, so try to eat more chilled foods. In addition, reduce your consumption of sweets and take a walk in the fresh air every day.

7. Pimples on the lips

The appearance of pimples around the lips indicates changes in hormonal levels or stressful situations. To get rid of them, you need to ensure healthy sleep (at least 8 hours a day), drink more liquids, namely water (mineral, still) and green vegetables.

A connection was also made between digestive problems and the appearance of acne around the mouth (intestinal colic, constipation, loose stools).

8. Pimples on the chin

In most cases, the appearance of acne on the chin is associated with disruption of the functioning of the digestive or endocrine system.

Therefore, try to eat more foods containing fiber in order to reduce the body's overload of toxins and drink herbal teas to tidy up your digestive system.

Another reason for the appearance of acne in this area is diseases of the female reproductive glands(increased levels of male sex hormones), so if acne on your chin appears regularly and practically does not go away, then get examined by a gynecologist.

Inflammatory acne that may appear on the chin as a result of hypothermia, reducing the protective function of the immune system, as well as various other infections.


If you have been struggling with acne on your face for a long time with virtually no results, seek help from experienced specialists (dermatologist, cosmetologist). It is possible that in this case, the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands is due to a malfunction in their functioning in the presence of normal hormonal levels and the absence of other reasons; various types of retinoids are effective.

Pimples appear on the face for a reason. The cause of your rash can be either a careless attitude to the cleanliness of your skin or the presence of health problems.

What do pimples on the face mean?

Acne can occur for two main reasons:
1. Improper hygiene care
2. Problems in the body
In the first case, the person does not sufficiently pursue hygienic goals:
- does not cleanse the face enough
- does not ensure that the skin breathes
- does not wash off decorative cosmetics from the face
- uses cheap cosmetics
- does not moisturize the skin
Negligent attitude towards the cleanliness of your facial skin leads to the fact that it suffers: the pores become clogged with dirt, become inflamed and fester.
In the second case, even if a person carefully monitors the cleanliness of his skin and applies only the right and high-quality cosmetics to it, acne can appear only because the body is experiencing disruptions. These could be hormonal imbalances, diseases of internal organs, or improper metabolism.
A pimple map is a way to navigate and differentiate the parts of your face where pimples appear. It is believed that a pimple that appears in a certain place does it for a reason. Each area of ​​the face is closely connected with one of the internal organs or systems of the body.
This way you can easily determine the cause of acne if you take care of your face. Based on the acne map, it is not difficult to find out which system of your body is suffering.

Map of acne on the face by zone

Specialists were able to divide the face into zones and, depending on the appearance of acne on the face, “draw” a map. Pay attention to your pimples, follow the pattern of their appearance and calculate the area where they appear most often.
Find your “suffering” area of ​​the face on the map and then you will be able to determine which system of your body is failing.
All areas of the face where acne appears can be divided into nine zones. If pimples appear too often in a certain area, you may have a serious illness and such rashes are trying to warn you about it in all sorts of ways.

Location of acne on the face and diseases

As already mentioned, there are nine main areas where “signaling” pimples most often appear. They appear:
- forehead (in the center and on both sides)
- eyebrows (above, below or to the side)
- cheeks and eyes (in the eye area and throughout the cheek area)
- nose (at the tip, side of the nose, on the bridge of the nose)
- nasolabial fold (entirely around the mouth)
- side of the face (the temples on both sides, ears, corners of the eyes)
- mouth (around lips)
- chin (on the side of the face and at the tip of the chin)
- ears (on the side of the face)
It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and beauty of your face first of all, because this is precisely the part to which people around you pay their utmost attention. The way you are perceived determines the attitude towards you and, in principle, your future. Eliminate rashes on the face by healing the body and curing diseases of the internal organs, focusing on the acne map.

If acne is on the forehead, which organ hurts?

Many people have noticed that from time to time their forehead suffers from acne. This is one of the most “popular” places for rashes. It is worth noting that any pimples that appear on the forehead and in the lateral area of ​​both brow ridges indicate that a person is experiencing disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.
Probably everyone has heard about the presence of the so-called T-zone in a person. This zone is known for the fact that it is where the maximum amount of sebaceous glands, as well as sweat glands, is concentrated. It is because of the active work of these glands that this area of ​​the face is regularly covered with an unsightly oily sheen.
If you often experience pimples on these areas of your face, you may have problems with:
- stomach does not function properly
- the pancreas does not work well
- gallbladder does not work well
- you have dysbiosis
- you have gallstone disease
If a rash is present in the hair growth area, this is a signal of impaired functioning of the gallbladder or intestines.
If you are tired of having them constantly present on your forehead, perhaps you should completely adjust your system and eating habits. Most often, rashes occur because a person eats unhealthy foods: fast food, fast food, an abundance of sweets and chocolate, mayonnaise and fatty foods, soda. Focus on completely different and healthy foods: fruits and vegetables, grains and cereals, milk, dairy products, whole grain bread.
A frequent rash on your forehead may also indicate that the medications you are taking are harming you. You may be overusing antibiotics and vitamins, as well as hormones.

What do pimples on the bridge of the nose mean?

Every pimple on your face that appears due to malfunctions of the body. This is the release of toxins that the body is not able to eliminate naturally (through the intestines).
The area between the eyebrows is also prone to frequent breakouts. This rash can be explained very simply - the liver is not working well. What factors influence this? Firstly, this may be due to excessive alcohol consumption, the appearance of acne is also affected by excessive consumption of fatty foods, and in some cases due to the consumption of dairy products (in this case, they must be completely excluded from the diet, like protein foods) .
Passion for sports and a healthy diet will help improve liver function. You should also monitor your sleep and rest patterns. Try to sleep at least eight hours a day.

Pimples on the forehead and cheeks, what are they associated with?

If acne often appears not only on the forehead, but also on the cheeks, this may tell you that you have problems with the respiratory system. It is for this reason that frequent rashes on the cheeks appear in heavy smokers and, in some cases, in severe allergy sufferers.
To get rid of acne that appears on your cheeks, you can try giving up cigarettes and taking anti-allergy medications.
If you don't smoke or have never suffered from allergies, your rash may appear because your body frequently overheats. In this case, you will need to drink more water and chilled food. You should also reduce your consumption of sweets (to eliminate the possibility of banal diathesis) and increase your time in the fresh air: walk, jog and exercise outside every day.
In this case, you should also adjust your diet: reduce the amount of fermented milk products consumed (they create an acidic environment), as well as proteins, sweets, alcoholic beverages and coffee.
Eat healthy:
- increase the amount of vegetables in your diet
- eat a variety of fruits
- drink more water
- increase the amount of cereals and cereals

What do pimples on the chin mean?

Unfortunately, very often acne appears on the chin. If you observe that they arise in this area constantly, most likely you suffer from impaired functioning of the endocrine and digestive systems.
You can improve the functioning of these systems by regulating your diet:
- You should consume fiber in large quantities
- Make sure that your body does not receive a huge dose of toxins
- Drink a large amount of herbal teas (they remove toxins and tidy up the digestive system) If you do not observe these problems, then it may very well be that such rashes appear as a result of a malfunction of the female reproductive gland. This happens if the amount of male sex hormone predominates in a woman’s body.
You can get rid of persistent acne on the chin, which almost never disappear, through a full examination by a gynecologist. You should take many blood tests, based on the results of which a specialist will determine your problem.
Another cause of acne on the chin is frequent hypothermia. You may have a weak immune defense reaction, as well as the presence of various infections. A dermatologist and cosmetologist will help you get rid of annoying acne after treatment.

The meaning of acne on the nose and in the nasal area

The nose is the only part of the face that cannot give a definite answer about the cause of acne.
In most cases, acne on the nose appears because this area is characterized by a large number of overly enlarged pores. This area also has increased fat content. In addition, this part of the body is constantly open. This factor negatively affects the healthy condition of the skin. The skin is constantly exposed to frequent pollution from the environment; the nose can be touched with dirty hands.
The pores on the nose very often become clogged with dirt, which results in blackheads, inflammatory processes in the pores and purulent pimples themselves.
Another cause of rashes on the nose is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Such dissonances and hormone surges most often occur to a person during the period of maturation, that is, in adolescence.
The last cause of nose rashes is heart disease. Often, such rashes indicate that a person has problems with blood pressure and an imbalance of vitamin B in the body. To get rid of acne, you should also normalize your cholesterol level in the body, improve your diet (fill it with healthy foods).
The simplest reason for the appearance of rashes on the nose may be a careless attitude towards the cleanliness of your skin. You should regularly remove dirt and cosmetics from your face, do not sleep with makeup on and wash your face with cleansing gels, foams, scrubs and use only high-quality cosmetics.

What do pimples on the cheeks mean?

If you do not have problems with the respiratory system or allergic reactions, then acne on the cheeks may occur for the following reasons:
- bronchial diseases (inflammation, colds)
- colds in the body (viruses and infections)
- reaction to sugar and chocolate (give up sweets)
Observations of people who experience frequent rashes on their cheeks also indicate that depressed people are prone to them.

Pimples on the side of the face, what are they talking about?

Pay attention to the pimples that appear on the side of your face:
- Pimples that appear on the side of the eyes can “scream” to you that a person is experiencing dehydration
- Pimples that appear in the ear area indicate the presence of health problems related to the kidneys (the diet should be adjusted)
- If pimples cover your temples, then this tells you about problems with the gallbladder.

What to do if acne appears on your face? What do red or white rashes mean on the cheeks, temples, chin, forehead, bridge of the nose?

The connection between acne and diseases of internal organs Psychodiagnosticians, psychosomaticians, cosmetologists and experts in ancient Chinese medicine are trying to find it.

There is a technique called “face mapping”, which clearly reflects the relationship between acne and diseases of internal organs.

During the research, scientists found that only in 5% of cases dermatological problems are not associated with diseases of internal organs and systems. In all other situations, the cause must be sought using blood tests, urine, stool, ultrasound and others.

Psychosomatics is the science of the relationship between soul and body. Adherents of the doctrine believe that all health problems are associated with internal fears, nerves, and experiences. If you eliminate them, the acne goes away on its own:

But psychosomatics is not the only teaching that seeks to understand the connection between “external and internal.” To help yourself use simple rules(but don’t forget to consult a dermatologist):

“Face mapping” – analysis method, which is based on the teachings of ancient Chinese medicine, allows you to “be your own doctor.”

The human face is visually divided into 14 zones, each of which is responsible for the state of important systems and organs.

It turns out that the location of acne can tell about problems of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, genitourinary system, heart and other organs! All that remains is to listen to what your body is trying to “express”.

What do blackheads or pimples appear on the forehead mean and why? The digestive system sends signals

The forehead is an area that is “responsible” for the functioning of the entire digestive system and gall bladder. If you have acne and pimples in this area, then you need to:

  • arrange a “fasting day” to cleanse the intestines;
  • reduce the consumption of sausages, sweets, smoked meats and other “harmful” foods;
  • review the daily menu.

If pimples and blackheads appear on the temples, this indicates problems with the gallbladder. Sometimes acne is accompanied by a severe headache, and the complexion turns yellowish.

What does a pimple on your nose mean? Pay attention to the liver!

  1. Acne on the bridge of the nose indicates liver problems (allergies, toxins, waste).
  2. Pimples and blackheads under the nose “tell” about failures in the metabolic system.
  3. Rashes on the tip of the nose may indicate slagging or food intolerance.

Folk signs They say that a pimple on the tip of your nose is a sign that someone is in love with you.

What do pimples on the chin mean? And the hormones are acting up!

If you have redheads or whiteheads in this area, get your hormones checked.

The chin is the area that is responsible for the state of the reproductive system:

  1. Acne on the chin in women can indicate problems with the ovaries and appendages.
  2. Acne in men is a “harbinger” of prostatitis.

At the first stage, it is worth reviewing the diet and nutrition regimen, providing for rest, changing the daily routine and nutrition. Try to fill your body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

If this doesn't help, contact a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist.

Interesting, but true. Pleasant hobbies help restore female hormonal levels: knitting, sewing, cooking delicious food, embroidery. Sometimes to recover you just need to take care of yourself and your body.

Why do acne and pimples appear on the cheek? The respiratory organs are sounding the alarm!

Cheeks indicate problems with the respiratory system. The right cheek corresponds to the right lung, the left to the left(they are even similar in shape). The wings of the nose and rashes on them can indicate bronchitis.

Be careful if the following appears in these areas:

  • red acne;
  • large subcutaneous pimples;
  • broken capillaries;
  • large and unhealthy red spots.

If you find yourself with such problems, consult a doctor immediately.

Experts share an interesting observation: most rashes in this area appear in allergy sufferers and people with bad habits (especially those who smoke a lot).

What to do if a rash appears around the eyes? Check your kidneys

The eyes and the area around them are a reflection of the state of the urinary system and metabolism:

Dermatological problems in the lower cheeks can tell you about problems in the oral cavity. Skin condition is affected by:

  • infections and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • gum problems (gingivitis, periodontal disease);
  • deterioration of teeth, caries.

To rectify the situation, It’s worth visiting the dentist, reducing the amount of sweets, increasing calcium intake.

What do pimples on the face mean? The diagram, created on the basis of ancient Chinese teachings, makes it easy to get the answer to the question posed.

White and red pimples around the lips– a sign of improper functioning of the colon. If you have recently had an upset stomach, colic, or frequent constipation, then visit a doctor. A special diet may be required to restore normal functioning of the organ.

Experts in the field of oriental medicine are sure: pimples and blackheads in the lip area appear in touchy and vulnerable people (psychosomatics comes into play here again).

Rashes in this area often indicate severe stress. and emotional shocks that your body cannot cope with.

Why do pimples and blackheads appear between the eyebrows? The liver is sounding the alarm!

Perhaps the hair follicles become very inflamed, so acne appears as a reaction to environmental irritation.

If red and whiteheads between the eyebrows begin to bother you too often, pay attention to the liver. This organ may need diagnosis and treatment.

A typical cause of problems is toxins and waste in the body.. Change your diet, review your diet, give up frequent snacks in catering establishments, and give preference to high-quality and home-cooked food.

Why do acne and pimples appear on the neck? Caution, intoxication!

The appearance of acne, red and white pimples can “tell” about the accumulation of harmful substances and toxins (not only on the surface of the skin, but also inside the body).

To get rid of unpleasant rashes, stick to simple rules:

Ears are a sensitive area, which “reflects” the work of the kidneys. If there are acne or pimples in the auricle, on the lobes or behind the ears, go to an appointment with a urologist.

Perhaps too many toxins have accumulated in the kidneys, there are inflammatory processes, and many infections.

To improve the condition of the urinary system, drink more fluids (pure water, not teas/juices/coffee), review the daily menu towards natural products (vegetables, fruits), reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Now you know what acne means on different parts of the face. What to do if unpleasant rashes appear on other parts of the body? What can they indicate?

Pimples and acne on other parts of the body. Meaning and remedies

Instead of long leads. TOP facts that are important for you to know from the article