How to calculate the next monthly calendar. How to count the menstrual cycle - phases and methods of calculation

Reading time: 6 min.

To control the state of her health, choose the right moment for conception, determine the date of the next menstruation and childbirth, a woman needs to correctly count her menstrual cycle and mark her critical days.

You can do this using a diary or special applications for your smartphone.

The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, a range from 21 to 35 days is also considered normal. The International Association of Gynecologists (FIGO) has revised the concept of norms, so slightly different figures can be found in the literature - 24-38 days.

In teenage girls, it is established in the first two years after menarche. Fluctuations from 20 to 60 days during this period are natural.

Normal periods should last 3-7 days.

With a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on the 13-14th day. If there was no fertilization, then menstruation begins after 14 days. But all women are individual, so the time of ovulation may shift.

But the duration of the second (luteal) phase is relatively constant - 14 days (plus or minus 2). Therefore, the duration of the entire cycle usually changes due to the first phase. You can read more about the phases here.

Example: the start date of the last menstruation is March 1, the cycle is regular - 26 days. The start date of the next period is March 27.

Lucky are those women who fit into the classic parameters. It is easy to calculate the start of menstruation next month and the date of ovulation, this allows them to be prepared for the upcoming changes.

What to do in a situation where the parameters differ from the average? How to calculate for girls with irregular periods? In this case, recording all changes and various calculator applications will help.

2. What can be calculated from the calendar?

The most basic way is to keep a menstrual calendar. You can ask your gynecologist for it, or you can use a regular mini-calendar.

The calendar is a table with cells and dates opposite each month. They should mark the days when menstruation begins (see picture below).

If you use your imagination, you can use additional colors or icons to mark the intensity of bleeding and pain.

Some women feel ovulation easily. It is during this period that a woman can become pregnant.

Ovulation is characterized by:

From this calendar you can obtain the following information:

  1. 1Cycle duration.
  2. 2Regularity of menstruation.
  3. 3Number of days with bleeding.

3. Advanced level

For fans of modern technology, many different applications have been developed that can take on the function of a calendar and supplement it with new properties.

The developers offer various types of women's calendars for free download.

3.1. Clue – menstrual tracker

This is an application for IOS and Android, which is recognized as the best by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

With its help, you can mark the days when you had sex and take contraceptives on a schedule.

All data can be password protected to maintain confidentiality.

3.2. Flo app

This is a women's calendar with advanced features. With its help, you can also track the length of your cycle, find out about the approximate days of ovulation, and calculate the optimal days for conception.

This app can record your basal temperature, adding value to your phase information.

If pregnancy is delayed and occurs, the calendar switches to gestation monitoring mode. It allows you to track the weeks of your pregnancy, gives useful tips and tells interesting facts.

The application allows you to monitor your lifestyle:

  1. 1Weight.
  2. 2The amount of liquid you drink.
  3. 3Duration of sleep.
  4. 4Sexual relations.
  5. 5Mood.

All calendar data can also be protected with a password.

There are a lot of applications for cycle registration, but the more advanced ones have approximately the same set of functions. The differences lie in the design of the pages, which each woman can choose for herself.

4. Basal temperature chart

If there is complete confusion with the menstrual cycle, then the phases can be calculated using the basal temperature chart.

In a healthy woman, basal temperature depends on the follicular and luteal phases.

Researchers found back in 1888 that women experience low-grade fever shortly before menstruation, and during menstruation the temperature drops.

A.I. Rubel at the beginning of the 20th century was able to connect this condition with the functioning of the endocrine system. Already in 1950, Palmer proved in experiments that the predominance of estrogen lowers rectal temperature, and with an increase in progesterone it increases.

It is important to measure basal temperature correctly:

  1. 1Starts on the first day of menstruation, use a mercury thermometer.
  2. 2Measurements are taken in approximately one and the same time, optimally from 6 to 8 am. But definitely after a night's sleep. Sleep duration should be at least 3 hours.
  3. 3The thermometer is brought down to the minimum mark, leave it next to the bed in the evening so that you don’t have to get up to use it.
  4. 4The thermometer is inserted rectally to a depth of 3-4 cm, immediately after waking up. You cannot get up or move in bed.
  5. 5Remove the thermometer and evaluate the result. After use, it is treated with an antiseptic, shaken and put in a safe place.
  6. 6The measurement result is entered on a special schedule. Days are located on the horizontal axis, and degrees are located on the vertical axis. For each cycle a new graph is drawn.
  7. 7Temperature is marked with dots, which are then connected into a curve. By its nature, you can determine the phases, day of ovulation or its absence.

On the graph you can make notes about additional factors that may affect the accuracy of measurements:

  1. 1Sex.
  2. 2Poor night's sleep.
  3. 3Diseases.
  4. 4Alcohol consumption.
  5. 5Violation of measurement time, physical activity.

This will allow you to exclude single days with abnormal temperatures from the schedule.

The basal temperature chart for a healthy woman has certain characteristics (see figure below).

From the first day of the cycle until the end of menstrual flow, the temperature drops from 37°C to 36.3-36.5°C. Further, until the middle of the cycle (ovulation), it fluctuates slightly within these limits.

During ovulation, the temperature rises to 37.1-37.3°C. This may last 3-4 days.

The entire second luteal phase is characterized by fluctuations in the range of 37.0-37.4°C. Before menstruation, BT decreases to 36.8°C.

The average temperature of the follicular and luteal phases should differ by 0.4-0.5 ° C.

To accurately determine this indicator, you need to find the arithmetic mean for each half of the cycle and compare them.

To obtain an assessment of ovarian function, measurements are required for at least 3 months. Analysis of one single graph is not indicative.

4.2. Reasons for deviations

Measuring basal temperature (BT) is rarely done by healthy women who do not have problems with conception and menstruation.

Most often, this technique is used by those who are trying to establish the causes of cycle disorders or infertility.

Based on the deviations in the schedule, we can assume the reasons for the failure:

  1. 1If BT increases during menstruation, then this may be a symptom of chronic endometritis.
  2. 2The graph is above normal during the first phase indicates a lack of estrogen.
  3. 3The temperature rises smoothly, within 3-4 days – disruption of egg maturation. A monotonous curve without rises is observed in the absence of ovulation.
  4. 4Duration of the second phase is 10 days and less – luteal phase deficiency.
  5. 5Low temperature in the second phase– insufficiency of the corpus luteum.
  6. 6Delayed menstruation, and the BT level remains more than 37 degrees - pregnancy is likely.

With its help, you can evaluate the formation of a dominant follicle, ovulation and the gradual growth of the corpus luteum.

You can also rely on hormone tests (estradiol, progesterone, FSH, LH, etc.), they will not tell you the cause of the disorders, but will indicate deviations.

The menstrual cycle reflects not only the state of a woman’s reproductive system, but is also an indicator of the overall health of the body.

Changes in the regularity, duration of menstruation and the amount of blood loss can become symptoms of various pathologies of the genital organs, pituitary gland or endocrine glands, as well as temporary functional disorders.

  1. 1Atlas of pediatric and adolescent gynecology: Transl. with him. / Ed. V.I. Kulakova. - M: GEOTAR-MED, 2004
  2. 2Gynecology. National leadership. Ed. V.I. Kulakova, G.M. Savelyeva, I.

    B. Manukhina - GEOTAR-Media, 2009

  3. 3Gynecology: a textbook for students of medical universities. Kulakov V.I., Serov V.N. Gasparov A.S. – M.: Medical Information Agency LLC. – 2005.


How to calculate your periods correctly? Menstruation calendar, menstrual cycle - comprehensive information for women

Why did nature create woman? It would seem a strange question. Of course, a woman is needed to help a man in spiritual matters, to support him, to feed him, to raise children.

But in fact, the main purpose of a woman in nature is to bear and give birth to a child. This is a feature of the female reproductive system.

Every cell of her body acts so that she can reproduce her own kind.

Female reproductive system

The female reproductive system operates through the ovaries and uterus. It is worth understanding what happens in the ovaries, and what part the uterus takes in this process. An egg matures in the ovaries and is then released into the abdominal cavity. In the uterus, under the influence of sex hormones, changes occur in the endometrium so that the fertilized egg can be fixed in it after conception.

You need to understand that eggs, unlike male sperm, are limited in number.

Even in the womb, a girl’s 400-450 eggs mature, which will exist until the end of reproductive age. By the way, about him.

A woman's reproductive age begins at 15-18 years and ends at about 40-50 years, different for each woman. Then comes menopause, when hormones are produced to a lesser extent.

The menstrual cycle and menstruation are terms that you need to know in order to be able to calculate your periods, understand how conception occurs, and so on.

Menstruation and menstrual cycle: what is the difference?

So, the first term you need to understand is the menstrual cycle. This is a rather complex process in a woman, which is characterized by cyclical changes in the reproductive, endocrine, and nervous systems.

Menstruation is the discharge of blood from the genital tract caused by the rejection of an unfertilized egg and the lining of the uterus. Typically, a girl's first menstruation begins at 10-12 years of age.

So, now it is clear that these two words mean different processes, and not vice versa, as many people think. In simpler terms, the menstrual cycle is the time from the start of one period to the start of the next month. But it must be said that the cycle includes several stages, knowing which, it is not difficult to understand how to correctly calculate your periods.

Phase 1 is the period of time from the first day of the appearance of blood until the moment of ovulation, that is, the release of the egg into the body cavity. This action occurs under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. The phase is called follicular.

Phase 2 – luteal phase, the stage from the release of the egg to the next menstruation. The action of the main hormone is accompanied by the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Thus, if conception occurs during the period of ovulation, the action of the main hormone slows down and is replaced by a second one. And if there was no conception, then the upper layer of the endometrium, along with the egg, is rejected, and menstruation begins.

Length of the menstrual cycle. Norm. Pathology

Now you need to figure out what the normal length of the menstrual cycle is, why it is this way, and what deviations from the norm there are.

So, the normal menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days for most women and girls, but it also happens that the interval between menstruation reaches 35 days or 21. These figures are again explained by female physiology.

The first phase of the cycle is aimed at ensuring that the egg matures and ovulation occurs, the second phase is aimed at changing the endometrium if conception occurs.

If fertilization of the egg does not take place, the functional layer of the endometrium departs, and after some time menstruation occurs.

Why don't my periods come on time?

If your period does not come on days 36-39, and the possibility of pregnancy is excluded, you should think about the woman’s health. The absence of menstruation can be caused by many diseases of the female reproductive system and hormonal changes.

A delay can be caused by oral contraceptives, stress or a cold, and polycystic ovary syndrome, which is also common nowadays.

If after 7-8 days your cycle does not return to normal, you need to visit a doctor to find out the reasons why you are not getting your period.

In order for the discharge to be regular and to be able to conceive a child, a woman needs to take vitamins, especially those containing lutein, eat right, and be less nervous at work. After all, you must agree that health is more important, especially if you want to become the mother of a beautiful and healthy baby.

How to find out when your next period will come?

After reading the above, the question may arise: “How to calculate the period of menstruation?” In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. You will need attentiveness, a good memory, a piece of paper or a calendar, a red pen and a desire to know when your next period is expected.

In order to schedule your periods and calculate their duration, you need to know the date when the discharge began and the day when it ended. It's best to mark them on a calendar or write them down in a notepad.

In her notebook, the girl must note the duration of her period and her feelings at the same time, without forgetting anything, otherwise the calculation will be incorrect.

For the busiest people, there are special programs on the phone that can be locked with a password and used every month. At the same time, they will remind you of the next menstruation with a special signal or a pop-up window.

How to make a monthly calendar?

It has already been said that in order to calculate your periods, you will need a calendar. It's better if it's large. Then it is more convenient to note the intensity of blood discharge. According to gynecologists, this will help you determine the pain of menstruation, because if it is accompanied by severe pain, it would be advisable to check your health.

So, the girl is on the first day of her period, the discharge is spotty and does not cause any inconvenience. She should take her calendar, which is designed specifically for this, and circle this day with a red pen, and write below with what intensity the blood is flowing and whether there is pain.

If you are using a small calendar, you need to shorten the word to one letter, that is, if your periods are spotting and painless, then you can write it like this: “B and M.” This is how every day is celebrated until the last and a characteristic is given to each one.

The discharge can be copious, slight, medium and, as already mentioned, spotting.

The last day of menstruation has passed. Now you can live in peace for a month. The girl continues to celebrate her menstruation every day next month, until the last.

When information for two months has appeared, it is possible to determine on what day ovulation will occur. To do this, you need to subtract 14 from the last day of the cycle. Around this time, the egg will be released from the ovary, and it is quite possible that conception will occur.

Why do you need to know the date of your next menstruation?

So, if a female representative can calculate her periods, she will not have to run to the store on the day the discharge starts and buy pads to ensure personal hygiene. She will already have several necessary things for this period in her purse.

Another comical reason is that a young man or husband will know when to agree with his beloved in everything and smile, even if he doesn’t like something, or quietly go to the TV so as not to irritate her. Then there are more serious reasons: a longer menstrual cycle may indicate ovarian dysfunction, which delays ovulation.

Also, a delay or too short interval between periods may indicate serious illness and the inability to get pregnant.

Calendar method as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy

We talked above about how to calculate your periods in order to increase your chances of having a child. But there are situations in life when a girl is still too young to have children, so she uses the calendar method to prevent pregnancy.

This method is quite simple. During ovulation and 3 days after it, sexual intercourse is excluded. But, as already mentioned, the menstrual cycle tends to shift under the influence of various factors, so this method will not provide a 100% guarantee of results.

But if a girl prefers this method, a period calculator will help her. With its help, you can calculate both ovulation and the days when sex will be safe.

Every girl and woman should know the menstrual cycle. The female body is designed in such a way that every month there are cyclical periodic fluctuations in the concentrations of sex hormones, which lead to changes in the ovaries and uterus.

Any disturbances at the level of hormone synthesis, egg maturation, or the presence of pathological processes in the genital organs can lead to disruption of the cyclicity of menstruation. Of course, there are other, physiological reasons for its violation. Let's look at how you can calculate your menstrual cycle and why this is necessary.

What is it?

The menstrual cycle can be calculated in the presence of stable menstruation, and they appear in girls at the age of 11-15, and it often happens that the period from the first menstruation to the second is several months, in which case they do not talk about cyclicity.

The very concept of cyclicity is changes that repeat after a certain period, therefore the menstrual cycle is menstruation occurring every 28 days. Of course, different organisms, genotypes, development and living conditions require certain adjustments. Therefore, the duration of the menstrual cycle is considered to be 21-35 days.

Moreover, it must be stable, without strong fluctuations. For example, if your period comes on the 23rd, 24th or 25th day, then this is normal, but when it is delayed by 5-7 days, it means something has happened. This could be stress, severe weight loss, even just a bad case of the flu or taking medications. Single deviations are not a reason to panic.

Interesting fact! The menstrual cycle in women who live together for a long time can adjust, that is, their periods come at the same time. This was discovered in women's sports teams during long training camps.

How to count?

To correctly make the calculation and find out your cycle, you need to record the day your period begins, preferably write it down or mark it on a calendar. The first day is the day the menstruation begins, and the last day is the day before the start of a new menstruation. Interestingly, many people calculate by including both, which is wrong.

The calculation can be carried out in different ways, and it will be correct to record data for at least a year. If you are marking dates on a calendar, you can simply count the days between the marked ones and add the first day of your period, but when you are writing down the days of your menstruation, the calculation can be done as follows:

Example 1: The calculation is carried out every month in order to determine whether there are cycle fluctuations or not. Let's say your period started on May 6th, the next one appeared on June 3rd. There are 31 days in May, which means 31-6+3=28. Notice that we subtracted the first day, but added the first day of the next one.

Example 2: The calculation is carried out if the fluctuations are 1-3 days. If, when calculating the duration of the cycle, you received different results with fluctuations of 3 days, for example, the duration was 26, 28, 27 days, then the average value is the menstrual cycle, that is, in this example, 27 days.

Example 3: Calculation for an unstable cycle. Let’s say that during the course of a year the same figure or small fluctuations are determined in the calculation, but 1 month falls out of the general pattern, then its value should not be taken into account, since there was probably a reason at that time that caused the change, for example, overwork, stress or other disorder in the body.

If the duration of your periods changes each time and the fluctuations exceed 1-2 days, but do not go beyond 21-35 days, this may indicate that you have unstable periods; here the duration cannot be calculated.

What should the menstrual cycle be like?

The menstrual cycle can be unstable, and this is normal in the following situations:

  • during its formation in adolescents;
  • during menopause;
  • after childbirth;
  • during feeding;
  • after scraping.

Stress, overwork, and changes in climate zones can affect it, but these changes pass quickly. Violations are often observed against a background of anxiety and restlessness.

Important! An unstable cycle in adolescents during menopause and breastfeeding does not mean that pregnancy is impossible, so if it is undesirable, you should use contraceptives.

Pathological changes in the duration of the cycle can be associated both with problems in the reproductive sphere and with the general condition of the body; this is observed if there is:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • taking medications;
  • other acute, chronic diseases.

In such situations, you need to consult a doctor to identify and treat the disease.

What will the calculations show?

People often ask why you need to know your menstrual cycle? A stable menstrual cycle helps determine:

  • days of menstruation, and this helps to prepare for it, take hygiene products with you;
  • , calculating days that are favorable or unfavorable for her;
  • probable pregnancy, in the absence of menstruation;
  • notice changes in the body, since menstrual irregularities are often associated with other diseases;
  • plan your leisure time, trips, vacations. It is not always pleasant to be far from comfortable conditions on critical days.

Many women experience discomfort not only during menstruation, but also before it, this is the so-called postmenstrual syndrome, when everything around is irritating, against this background problems arise with others. It would be a shame to ruin your holiday mood for yourself and your loved ones, and knowing when this happens, you can reschedule your trip or event to another time.

By calculating favorable and unfavorable days for conception, you can protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Of course, this method of contraception does not always provide a complete guarantee, especially if it is unstable, especially since now there are many other effective methods of contraception, but many prefer it.

For those who, on the contrary, want to get pregnant, this method is also useful; you can plan several days of rest during this time, especially if the work involves various business trips and shifts. How is it calculated? This is quite simple, for example, the duration of the cycle is 28. We subtract from it two numbers 18 and 10, that is, 28-18 = 10, the tenth day is the first favorable for conception. And 28-10=16, the sixteenth day is the last. That is, from days 10 to 16 the probability of getting pregnant is high.

When you experience instability and the cycle duration often changes, then we select the largest and smallest values ​​and calculate from them. For example, the longest is 33 days, and the shortest is 24. From the long one we subtract 10 (33-10=23), and from the short one 18 (24-18=6), that is, in the period from 6 to 23 days you can get pregnant.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is important for determining the level of health of the female body; its calculation is quite simple. Duration disturbances can be associated with various pathologies and stress, so you need to be careful not to miss the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Ovulation refers to certain days when the female body is most predisposed to fertilization. That is why it is very important for everyone who dreams of a long-awaited pregnancy to know all the features of this natural process, as well as to be able to calculate the day of ovulation.

Ovulation and conception calendar online

Calculating ovulation online is one of the fastest, most accurate and effective ways to determine fertile (favorable for conception) days yourself. To do this, a conception calculator is used, which calculates and displays fertile days over a period of four months.

To calculate ovulation online, you must enter the following data:

  • First day menstrual bleeding of the cycle you are interested in (if you are interested in the days of ovulation in this and the next three months, then you must enter the first day of the last menstruation; if you want to find out which days of the previous cycles you ovulated, you must enter the first day of menstruation of the corresponding cycle);
  • Average duration of menstruation;
  • Duration of a regular cycle. If the cycle irregular, it is necessary to first analyze the duration of the cycle for the last 6 months, and determine the minimum and maximum number of days of the cycle. We tick the “irregular cycle” box, enter the minimum number of days of the cycle in the left window, and the maximum in the right window that appears;
  • The duration of the corpus luteum phase, which is usually determined by a laboratory method based on the level of the hormone progesterone, averages 12-16 days (the default duration in the program is 14 days).

After this, you just need to click the “Calculate” button, after which the program will display an exact calendar, which will indicate the days of expected ovulation (with percentage probability), as well as the days of safe and conditionally safe sex. Ovulation online using such a calculator is calculated with fairly high accuracy.

How does ovulation occur?

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of bleeding to the first day of the next period, lasts from 28 to 35 days.

On average, favorable days for conception (also called fertile days) occur in the middle of the cycle, and include 1-2 days before ovulation, the ovulation period itself and 1 day after ovulation. The average duration of the fertile state is 7 days.

That is, the fertile period begins at the moment of a jump in LH levels. If during this time the sperm does not fertilize the egg, it simply dies, and a new one matures only in the next cycle.

Corpus luteum phase (luteal phase)

After the end of ovulation (follicular phase), the maturation period begins corpus luteum - luteal phase, which is characterized by a decrease in the level of the hormone LH and an increase in the production of progesterone. The corpus luteum is responsible for the production of hormones necessary to maintain the normal course of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, progesterone levels decrease, which provokes the onset of menstruation.

Normally, the duration of the luteal phase ranges from 12-16 days. Insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase (duration of 10 days or less) or its duration of more than 16 days indicates hormonal disorders, which may result in early pregnancy loss.

Let us remember that the corpus luteum phase begins the day after the end of ovulation and lasts until the start of menstruation. That is, to calculate the duration of the corpus luteum phase, you need to know the duration of your menstrual cycle, the middle part of which falls on ovulation, and the days following it - on the luteal phase.

In a healthy woman, ovulation occurs every month (and sometimes twice), but there are two to three months a year when the egg does not mature - such cycles are called anovulatory, and they are also considered a variant of the norm.

Read more about the ovulation process

Having determined favorable days for conception, calculating the optimal number of sexual intercourses during this period will be quite simple, and the chances of getting pregnant will increase significantly. It should be noted that the ovulation chart will also be useful for those who want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, because it is often used as a method of contraception.

How to calculate the ovulation calendar?

Physiological signs of ovulation

Gynecologists say that every woman can notice the signs of ovulation and calculate conception - to do this, you just need to carefully monitor your body.

  • Features of discharge. Vaginal discharge is a constant occurrence in every woman, but in different phases of the menstrual cycle it has a different character. So, before ovulation they become transparent and liquid, or viscous, and the consistency resembles the white of a chicken egg. In addition, during this period, some women experience brownish or bloody discharge (so-called spotting). If ovulation has not occurred, the discharge is sticky, creamy or completely absent.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen. The release of the egg may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the ovary in which the dominant follicle matured. They can last from a few minutes to several days, and resemble the “stretching” of the abdomen before menstruation.
  • Swelling and pain in the mammary glands. Due to the influence of hormones, many women's breasts may become sensitive or sore before the release of an egg.
  • Increased libido. Scientists have proven that it is on the eve of ovulation that women experience the greatest sexual desire - this is explained by the natural instinct of reproduction (thus the body tries to increase the chances of pregnancy).
  • General changes in well-being. Such signs are individual for each woman - this may be an exacerbation of taste and olfactory sensations, increased performance, or, conversely, irritability and increased emotionality.

Calendar method

First of all, it should be noted that each woman has an individual conception calendar, which can be calculated based on the characteristics of the body.

With a regular cycle, if your periods literally go by the clock, the question of how to calculate ovulation usually does not pose a big problem, because for this you will have to carry out the simplest calculations. For example, if a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, you can simply divide this figure by two: 28/2 = 14. That is, in this case, days starting from the 12th will be considered fertile.

However, this method cannot be called extremely accurate. Very often, for a number of reasons, the menstrual cycle can be shortened or lengthened; accordingly, the timing of the release of the egg also shifts, and when it is completely ineffective. That is, it is best not to rely on your own calculations, but to use a more convenient online ovulation calculator or measure your basal temperature.

Basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature (BT) is one of the most effective methods that is best suited for women with irregular cycles. To understand how to calculate the day of ovulation in this way, you should know some features of the female body.

During the menstrual cycle, basal temperature changes several times - this occurs under the influence of hormones. At the beginning of the cycle it is quite low, and during ovulation it increases significantly, reaching 37-37.3 C, and remains at this level until the next menstruation. True, to accurately determine the days of conception, it is very important to follow a number of rules:

  • You need to take your temperature in the morning at the same time, after a full night's sleep (at least 6 hours), without getting out of bed.
  • Use the same thermometer, preferably mercury.
  • The thermometer is inserted into the anus, vagina or placed under the tongue, after which you need to lie quietly for 5 minutes.
  • To obtain accurate results, BT should be measured over at least two cycles and the results recorded.

It should be noted that in this way you can calculate ovulation online. There are special resources and programs on the Internet that calculate fertile days automatically (a woman only needs to enter her BT indicators there daily).

Read more about measuring basal temperature in the section.

Ovulation test

Ovulation tests are special strips similar to those used to detect pregnancy. True, the marker in this case is the LH hormone, not hCG. Measurements are carried out in a similar way (immersing strips in urine), and should begin 2-3 days before expected ovulation.

The instructions for the test indicate which day of the cycle is best to start measuring, depending on the length of the cycle, but with irregular periods it is almost impossible to determine this time.

Read about instrumental and instrumental methods for determining ovulation

Laboratory methods

One of the ways to create an ovulation calendar, calculate fertile days and get pregnant quickly is to get tested for the main female hormones. These include:

  • FSH - given on the 3-5th day of the menstrual cycle;
  • LH - on days 3-8 or 21-23;
  • Prolactin - on days 3-5 or 19-21;
  • Estradiol - on days 4-7 and 6-10;
  • Progesterone - 6-8 days.

The concentration of these hormones varies depending on the phase of the cycle, so based on the test results, you can accurately determine the day for conception.

If you ask specialists the question of how to determine ovulation most effectively, as in any cycle, the answer will be clear - monitoring follicle growth using ultrasound.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out several ultrasound procedures: the first - on the 7-8th day, the second - on the 10-12th, the third - at the request of the woman or the doctor’s recommendation. A sign of ovulation is usually the size of the dominant follicle, which is 18-21 mm. In addition, you can subsequently check whether the follicle has ruptured - if a corpus luteum has formed in its place, it means that ovulation was normal.

Every woman knows firsthand what the menstrual cycle is - already from adolescence, a girl begins to have menstruation (bleeding from the genitals), and they will accompany her until menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy or in the case of certain female diseases. Every woman needs to be aware of what is happening to the body now. And for this you should learn to count your menstrual cycle.

If a woman is healthy and her genitourinary system is functioning correctly, the menstrual cycle should be regular. This is why it is important to be able to correctly calculate your monthly cycle - this will help you monitor your health and notice unwanted changes in time. For those who are planning a pregnancy, it is absolutely necessary to be aware of events - by correctly calculating the menstrual cycle, you can find out the days most suitable for conception. The menstrual cycle is the time period from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. That is, the cycle is counted not from the last day of the previous menstruation, but from the first. This is definitely something to keep in mind. The duration of the menstrual cycle should be 28-35 days. This is considered the norm. If menstruation occurs more frequently (with an interval of 21 days or less) or less frequently (more than 35 days), you should consult a doctor. Small deviations from the usual cycle (two to three days) are normal, after all, the female body is a complex structure.
Cycle failure can also be caused by natural reasons:

  • about a year after the start of the first menstruation in teenage girls, a cycle is established, so disruptions are possible;
  • the cycle is not immediately restored after childbirth, especially during breastfeeding;
  • Hormonal changes occur and the cycle is disrupted when menopause occurs.
It has been observed that if women live in the same area, their menstrual cycles are synchronized. It is difficult to say what this is connected with, but some deviations from the usual cycle may be explained by this.

Changes in the menstrual cycle can be due to medications, sudden weight loss, and many other reasons. You should also pay attention to the course of your menstruation. The normal duration is four to five days. At the same time, menstruation should not be too painful, too abundant or, conversely, scanty. In case of deviations from the norm, it is best to consult your gynecologist as soon as possible.

How to calculate the monthly cycle? For this, a regular calendar is suitable, which you can carry in your wallet or keep in your diary. The main thing here is to remember to mark the first day of your period, and within a few months you will have a clear picture of what your menstrual cycle looks like. It will be convenient for someone to use the achievements of technology and high technology - download a special application with a menstruation calendar to their phone or use an online calendar, which, having data about the beginning of your cycle, will itself calculate all the “dangerous” and “safe” days.

What happens to the body during the entire cycle and when do the days most favorable for conception come?

The first four to five days are characterized by low levels of progesterone, which is what causes bleeding. But the level of estrogen increases and the mucous membrane that lines the uterine cavity is rejected.

On the fourth or fifth day, menstruation ends, and by the ninth to thirteenth, the level of the estrogen hormone increases to its maximum and the period of potential conception begins, and on the fourteenth - ovulation.

Starting from the fifteenth day, the amount of estrogen decreases, the so-called “corpus luteum” is formed, producing progesterone. The level of this hormone will begin to decrease on the 24th – 28th day, then the woman will already feel the first signs of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

Knowing what day of the cycle it is today can help a couple who decide to have a child - this way you can easily calculate the time suitable for conception. But using information about “safe” days as a means of contraception is strongly discouraged. In the practice of any experienced gynecologist, there are hundreds of cases when pregnancy occurs on the most unexpected days. So if reproduction is not yet part of your plans, take care of a more reliable method of contraception.

The menstrual cycle and its regularity are an indicator of women's health. For any woman, it is necessary to know how to count the menstrual cycle.

This is important for several reasons:

  • From a hygiene point of view. Knowing exactly, or at least approximately, the day of the onset of menstruation, a woman can prepare so as not to find herself in an uncomfortable situation.
  • When planning a pregnancy, knowing exactly the period of menstruation, it is easy to calculate the date of ovulation and thereby significantly increase the chances of conception.
  • On the other hand, knowing the menstrual cycle, you can calculate the days that are safe from unwanted pregnancy.
  • Most importantly, knowing your cycle will help you detect any irregularities in time. So changes in the duration or the appearance of menstruation at the wrong time are symptoms of the development of diseases.

Menstruation is a certain period of a woman’s physiological cycle during which her body gets rid of an unfertilized egg and endometrium. Menstruation is cyclical and repeats itself after a certain period in a woman’s body.

Menstruation cycle

The female physiological cycle is divided into the following phases:

  • Menstruation, or directly the period of bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Follicular phase. Starting with the menstrual phase, it lasts 2 weeks. A new follicle is formed for the maturation of a new egg.
  • . The follicle matures, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization.
  • Luteal phase. Lasts from 10 to 16 days. During this period, women's bodies prepare for pregnancy. Many girls experience premenstrual syndrome during this phase.

How to count?

The beginning of the cycle is the first day when bleeding begins. The end is considered to be the last day before the next period appears.

In case of an unstable cycle, it is necessary to select the largest and smallest value and carry out the calculation from them. For example, the longest is 34 days, and the shortest is 22. From the long one we subtract 10 (34-10=24), and from the short one 18 (22-18=4), that is, in the period from 4 to 24 days there is a high probability of getting pregnant.

Duration of menstruation

The duration of menstruation varies from woman to woman. Even for the same woman, the menstrual period can vary, be shorter or longer.

If your cycle is disrupted due to reproductive problems and the general condition of the body, you must consult a doctor:

  • hormonal changes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female part;
  • a sharp decrease/increase in body weight;
  • the presence of diseases of the genital area;
  • chronic diseases.

Symptoms of cycle disruption will include:

  • decreasing or increasing the interval between menstruation;
  • changing the number of days in a cycle in any direction;
  • change in the nature of bleeding;
  • complete for two months or more (except pregnancy);
  • the appearance of bleeding between menstruation;
  • the duration of the menstrual period is more than three weeks or less than three days.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo a diagnostic examination. A doctor's examination and diagnosis will help determine the disease and the causes of its occurrence. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.

In cases of a one-time cycle violation, do not worry too much. Deviations in any direction for no more than 7 days are not considered a pathology. The modern pace of life, stressful situations, fatigue and lack of sleep can affect the nature of menstruation. It is necessary to observe for at least two months. In addition, it is necessary to observe the nature of the discharge, color, and smell.

As a preventive measure, you should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.

Video about a woman's menstrual cycle