Tips on how to become a happy person. How to be happy every day

By the word “happiness” each person means something different, but one thing is certain: happiness is the ability to enjoy life and inner harmony. It is internal, because happiness is located within our consciousness, and not in external factors.

Unfortunately, most people cannot call themselves happy, and at best they single out a certain period of their life as the smoothest and most joyful. Undoubtedly, everyone has troubles. Yet the reason for a joyless life usually lies in the inability to be happy, and now we will pay attention to the key points of this condition. Do you want to know how to become a happy woman? Then read on!

If there is no happiness

There will always be reasons to be dissatisfied, the main thing is to be able to look for them! Here are the main complaints women have about life:

  • Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance. Women have a hobby of doubting their own attractiveness. Some people are too keen on makeup, others are desperate to lose weight. The most interesting thing is that they are trying for men who do not care about their appearance at all. It is worth recognizing one fact: if a person is interested in you, then he will be nearby, and if not, he is unlikely to notice that your foundation is of good quality or your waist has become 2 cm narrower. Look around, and you will definitely find a gray woman in your environment a mouse in a wrinkled sundress from the collection before last year, which is loved, adored and carried in the arms. At the same time, her beautiful friends are trying to figure out how to become happy with the help of external brightness;
  • Unsuccessful marriage. A common situation, isn't it? The husband completely satisfied his wife before the wedding, and then suddenly stopped. Didn't live up to expectations. In fact, to become a happy woman, you need not to look for a meeting with a handsome prince, but to be able to accept the one who is nearby. Yes, it may not be ideal, but it has not only disadvantages, but also advantages! As soon as you step aside, a dozen people will line up to take your place - the fact that there are fewer men than women is no longer news;
  • Loneliness. Not the most pleasant word, but for some reason this condition is called that way. No, to say “freedom”... But people like to exaggerate. First you need to understand that the absence of a relationship is a temporary phenomenon. One day you will have a life partner, but is this a guarantee of happiness? To be free means to enjoy independence and occasionally feel sad because there is no one to hug yet. To be lonely means to suffer from freedom. But the most terrible type of loneliness is a lack of mutual understanding with a partner. The person is next to you, he is with you, and is not going to leave anywhere, you sleep with him on the same couch, but at the same time you are mentally in different galaxies. Loneliness is like happiness, it is located only within our consciousness;
  • Lack of finances. It’s unpleasant, but not fatal, and most importantly, it’s fixable. Another thing is that for the sake of good income you will have to either sacrifice your free time and work, or depend on someone, and accordingly, dance to their tune. Or you can simply learn to live more modestly - the choice is yours.

And now - the most important thing. Let's move on to real ways to become happy!

Appreciate what you have

The phrase “I have nothing good in my life” is pure selfishness. In fact, there is, but not everyone knows how to appreciate it. The saddest thing is that these people realize the true value of everything they had only when they lose it. Find from this list joys that have become something familiar to you and therefore unnoticed:

  • You look attractive and have good manners;
  • You know how to feel other people;
  • You have health. There may be something wrong with your body, but by and large you are healthy;
  • You have a family;
  • There is at least one person you trust who believes in you;
  • You have a pet that is happy to see you home from work. By the way, if you don’t have one, you can get one - you’ll see, life will become much more fun;
  • You have a roof over your head and sleep in a warm bed. It doesn't sound like much, but many people don't even have that;
  • You know how to please men;
  • Do you have a hobby that gives you joy?
  • You have relatives who will never give up on you.

Appreciate what you have. Life is an unpredictable thing, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. If it doesn’t help, imagine for a second that you suddenly lost all this. Everything is elementary: you are on a desert island, you have nothing to eat, and not a soul around. But there are people who survive in such situations!

Let go of the past

In a certain way, everything that happened to you before is reflected in the present, and sometimes in the future. And yet, in most cases, this chain of logic has no basis in reality. For a woman, evil from the past is either a childhood that would not suit her, or an unsuccessful experience in a relationship with a man. Let's look at each option separately.

Relationships with parents

As you know, you don’t choose your homeland, and neither do your parents. In recent years, you can often hear about such a concept as “unloved children.” Each of those who are dissatisfied with their childhood has their own reasons for this, but what, one wonders, does all this have to do with the present time? Did you get little attention? Most likely, they gave exactly as much as they could. Even if this is not the case, then being offended by a mother whose maternal instinct never woke up is an empty matter. She doesn't care, but you suffer.

Are you suffering because your parents did not give you a financial start? But the fact is that most people, not of average income, but of really very rich people, achieved their success without outside help. The majority of those who were actively helped by their parents simply do not have survival skills, so they can even benefit from this, even if not materially. Experience and the ability to take care of yourself is the only thing that will save you during serious difficulties.

Unhappy love or failed marriage

You should not carry the unsuccessful experience of previous relationships with a man from the past into the future. It didn’t work out for you, and this means that he is no longer in your life. The next guy or man will be different, and he will also have flaws, because we do not live among angels. Perhaps you will not be satisfied with his lifestyle, or you will be unhappy with the way he treats you, but in any case, what happened in the past will no longer happen. You won't allow it to happen because you already have experience.

If you have lost faith in goodness due to the betrayal of a loved one, or an extremely cruel act on his part towards you, take a time out. Building a new relationship under the influence of emotions or resentment towards a guy is not the best solution. As for mental pain, it needs a way out, not conditions for safe storage. Don’t turn depression into a way of life, and in the end, take the situation from a philosophical point of view - after all, everything that does not kill us makes us stronger!

Live in the moment

Too many people put off pleasure until later. They set goals for themselves and believe that they can only be happy when they achieve them. I'll briefly outline what it looks like.

I will be happy after:

  • I will get a higher education. A diploma is not a guarantee of happiness. Then there will definitely be a search for work, independent life and the endless difficulties that everyone faces;
  • I'll get married. Family life is not happiness on a silver platter, but the daily work of building relationships with your spouse;
  • I'm having a baby. Children are a blessing, but be prepared for new worries! The child will periodically get sick, and it is not a fact that you will look at the world the same way. He is a separate person and does not have to be your friend;
  • I will achieve good income. The more money, the more problems, although it seems that it is finance that solves all the difficulties. Owning your own business is a responsibility. A rich husband is also not the greatest gift of fate. Everyone has read the fairy tale “Cinderella,” but that’s why it’s a fairy tale, to end with a wedding. In reality, marriage becomes a starting point, and it is likely that you will be regularly reminded that you lived more than modestly before marriage;
  • I will bring my appearance to perfection. Even if you go to the gym, or keep a diet all the time, it is not a fact that this will bring you female happiness. You can also get carried away with plastic surgery or endless visits to a cosmetologist, but this does not guarantee you anything. A woman who evaluates herself only in terms of appearance is interesting to men only as a sexual partner. Of course, this applies to those girls who have nothing else to boast about other than beauty.

In fact, the secret of happiness lies in the ability to enjoy the here and now. You can enjoy the fresh air while walking. You can please yourself with delicious food, beautiful clothes, and communication with loved ones. Why wait for something that may not come? First of all, it is not the future that is in our hands, but the present. Becoming a happy woman is not only real, but also easy!

Every person wants to find his own happiness. Many will spend their entire lives searching for it and never find it. In most cases, something constantly prevents people from being happy: difficulties, defeats, minor troubles. When do you want to feel like a happy person?

How to become happy

Live here and now

Everything is very simple, happiness - . It often seems that it is very close: “I’ll be patient a little longer (I’ll lose weight, meet true love, he (she) will change), and finally life will improve.” Unfortunately, the idea that happiness is somewhere ahead, around the corner, is a big and insidious delusion. If there is no feeling of happiness now, then it will not appear tomorrow. If the world is gray and angry now, why will it suddenly change tomorrow?

To become a happy person, notice all the good things that you saw, received and felt today, and you will see how many reasons you will have to be happy. What your life is filled with is your happiness - friends, your favorite job or your business, hobbies, travel, people who are really dear to you and who do not mind spending their time on you. What else is there to be happy about?

Happiness is in the little things

No matter how trivial it may sound. Most people expect that “happiness” will suddenly fall on them like a boulder. And that’s why they look for it in some global things and extraordinary states - fairy-tale love, eternal luck, constant achievements (and while this is not there, then there is no happiness either). This is a trap. You can raise the bar to any height, but you will never reach it. Or you can move forward from one small victory to another, achieve a feasible goal and be happy about it and be it.

Difficulties and disappointments are not yet a reason to feel unhappy. Our whole life is a zebra crossing. There is no success without failure, because it is not for nothing that they say “every cloud has a silver lining.” Happiness is not the absence of problems and troubles. Everyone has them. The whole difference is in who reacts to them and how. Some perceive failure as bad luck, others as a new life experience. Of course, the accumulated baggage of life significantly affects our character and mood. Previous experience is varied. Not always cheerful and pleasant, but still very valuable. It helps you reconsider many things, your environment, your behavior, as well as realize something and not repeat mistakes, learn and move on. Every test in life gives something to a person and enriches him in some way: if today you were robbed on the bus, it means that tomorrow you will be more attentive. If, roughly speaking, you mess up at work, then next time you will be careful.

When making any choice, a person makes the best decision. First of all, for yourself! The best - from the point of view of that period of life and that view of the situation, from the point of view of existing strengths, abilities and capabilities. It is quite possible that in the future the decision made will turn out to be a mistake, but it was then, at that moment in time, that it was the most correct.

Remember, don’t persuade yourself, but remember and understand that everything that happens in your life is necessary and right for you personally. Even if you once again meet the “wrong” people and make the same mistakes, it means that you need this “rake” for something. Look at the situation from the outside, maybe you are doing something wrong.

Happiness is in you

Feelings of happiness, like self-confidence, cannot be obtained from the outside. No one can make another happy. Happiness “grows” only from within. Only the ability to rejoice makes a person happy. Don't look for happiness. It is always within yourself.

Every person deserves happiness

Many people live with full confidence that happiness is difficult to achieve, it must be “earned”, “cryed out”, but it is not given just like that. This is nonsense. We can get all the best things in life - smiles, kisses, good memories, communication, meetings - for free. It's very simple: there are no keys to happiness. The door is always open.

What to do to become a happy person

1. To become a happy person, learn not to be led by bad circumstances. React to any difficulties in a non-standard way. Instead of sitting down and being sad, go for a walk and eat something delicious, in other words, have fun. But of course not with the help of alcohol, it will only worsen the situation. When truly terrible things happen (the death of a loved one, for example), it is difficult, of course, to pretend that nothing happened. But you still have to accept it and move on. And no matter how loud it may sound, make new victories for the sake of this person.

2. Take care and pamper yourself, learn to listen to your body and your soul, do more often what brings you joy, and thank the Universe for what you have.

3. Think positively, learn to enjoy life. The life that exists here and now, and not the life that is seen in dreams or waiting “around the corner.”

Be happy!

About the quality of advice

Each of us wants to be a happy person. Not everyone voices this, and even fewer do anything about it. Of those who are taking some steps towards finding happiness, only a small part, mostly women, are looking for answers to the questions of how to become happy and loved and how to become rich and happy. Men (due to the structure of their minds) look for ways to achieve and receive.

With the advent of the accessible Internet, everyone began to give advice. And whoever is too lazy, copy-paste other people’s advice or buy the work of schoolchildren-copywriters or graphomaniacal housewives. Who do you think writes for pennies? Hence the appalling quality of recommendations. If only there was, and then at least the grass wouldn’t grow.

Covering a topic in depth takes time and is not appreciated work. Few people are capable of it. Therefore, I ask you not to just skim the article in order to put another piece of information garbage into your head. Try the effectiveness of at least one piece of advice. Only you can make you happy!

Biochemistry of happiness

Happiness and unhappiness are complexes of sensations and feelings that depend on external and internal factors distributed according to the Pareto law. 80% depend on the state of the psyche and body, 20% on external circumstances.

The last point is worth clarifying. It is not the external circumstances themselves that cause happiness, but our attitude towards them. But unlike armchair psychologists who do not draw on biology, medicine, anthropology, sociology or physics, I cannot claim that reactions to stimuli are under our control. In some cases this is not the case because they are biologically determined.

The level of hormones in the blood is perceived as feelings thanks to the work of the cingulate cortex area. Our self-esteem and the degree of irrationality of thinking also depend on the work of this area.

I am not saying that thoughts are a product of the cerebral cortex. However, the direction and content of thoughts depend on electrochemical processes and even blood pressure in the brain. Just like the quality of a television transmission depends on the material, condition and even the location of the antenna, not to mention the condition of the TV’s microcircuits.

A person who clings with both hands to the “truths” of materialism, idealism, agnosticism and other directions is a fanatic and/or an ignoramus. Since the late 19th century, every 30 years of research has turned science on its head. Scientific truths of the early 20th century, such as caloric, now make us smile, but they worked in their time. Do you see what I'm getting at?

The scientific paradigm of today will be significantly revised by the end of the 21st century, and we cannot even imagine in what direction. Before the advent of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, not a single science fiction writer or predictor could even in general terms predict their premises and significance.

A decrease in the activity of the cingulate cortex plunges us into the virtual reality of emotional assessments and unmotivated reactions. Unfortunately, most people dive into this state of consciousness every day. Being in a narrowed corridor of consciousness, we are unable to control our reaction to stimuli. This state of affairs explains that very 20% of the dependence of happiness and unhappiness on the environment.

Chemistry of emotions

If you are interested in the effects of which substances on the central nervous system are perceived by us as strong feelings, here is a table:







Endorphins and enkephalins

Bliss, happiness




Positive uplift







We experience these emotions only when in certain areas of the brain the concentration of the substances presented in the table reaches the desired level. So chemically, the feeling of filling happiness is a high concentration of endogenous morphines and catecholamines with an admixture of phenylethylamine and ethanol.

The simplest and most dead-end conclusion is that by artificially increasing the concentration of necessary substances, you can become a happy person. This is wrong.

Nature has arranged it in such a way that, having received artificial equivalents of these substances, we begin to degrade and collapse. Their production by the body is a reward for biologically justified or correct actions. Moreover, if everything is clear with the first point - sleep, food, sex, then everyone has their own correctness. How can you not think about purpose?

In addition, the brain has an interesting filter that creates a barrier when the permissible level of natural positive hormones is exceeded. In addition to this barrier, algorithms are activated that lead to a decrease in response to stimuli. It's addictive and exhausting.

Psychology of happiness

We are different, and this is an axiom. Advice on how to become happier must be based on existential differences. All people are divided into two unequal groups. The dividing line is the attitude to the meaning of life.

People of the survival and superiority group

The first, largest group directs psychic energy towards survival and/or superiority. These are permanently happy people, without even knowing it. They are not concerned about the meaning of life. Even if such a question comes up during a period of loss or illness, the psyche will do everything to level it out.

Such people have no time to think about it. The first option is that they survive and there really is no time or energy left for anything else. The second option is that they seek pleasure and assert themselves. Society provides a huge number of toys for this - money, respect, fame, power.

Happiness for people in this group is an expression of the degree of consistency of pleasure and frequency of success.

To feel inner harmony and happiness, every woman needs to devote time, attention and care to herself. Even the most caring of men will never be able to satisfy all the desires and needs of a woman - they are so diverse and, sometimes, contradictory.

To achieve complete happiness, inner comfort and well-being, a woman must know what fills her with energy and pleasure. Therefore, we have put together a list of activities for you that will help you find indescribable satisfaction in life, a feeling of joy and tranquility. The results from the methods described below are not short-term: energy and joy will become your constant companions.

1. Visit the massage room regularly. A woman’s body languishes without touching or caressing. It must be kneaded, stroked, kneaded, otherwise the woman’s vital energy will stagnate and put pressure on the body from the inside. This can lead to illness and disease. If you can’t go for a paid massage, do it yourself at home, or ask your loved one. Watch a video on the topic, read about massage techniques and get down to business!

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Bad habits take away not only our health, money and beauty, but also our joy and energy. Give up smoking, drinking, swearing and staying up late. You will have so much energy, joy and enthusiasm that another success will certainly await you!

3. Read poetry. Not everyone loves poetry, but try to find one that resonates with you. You will feel harmony and comfort from reading “your” poetry, understandable and close to you. It will also help you speak more beautifully, and you will begin to think more correctly!

4. Meet with your friends from time to time. Female communication, even if it is only about discussing children, men and clothes, brings a lot of benefits. This is a kind of energy exchange that can strengthen each of the participants in the conversation. Thus, it is easier for a woman to cope with her own problems and experiences, while a man will be more helped by internal dialogue and work on himself.

5. Take walks. A woman needs walks in the fresh air at least once a day. Communication with nature is very important to us. Walking has a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal levels and general well-being.

6. Listen to your favorite music daily. It can be the same music or different every day, classical or popular - it doesn’t matter. Favorite music lifts our spirits, improves our well-being and inspires us!

7. Learn to relax. If you are not at work, avoid difficult topics and discussions. For youth and beauty, a woman needs to “turn off” her head, relax and not strain her with endless thoughts. Thinking about trifles can also be useful and right!

8. Pamper your body with a fragrant bath. Let your bath be fragrant with oils, and in the water itself there will be foam or rose petals. This will help your skin shine with freshness and purity, and guarantee you relaxation and a great mood!

9. Learn basic yoga asanas. This will calm your mind and give it strength, and give your body endurance and flexibility.

10. Try taking vocal lessons. Even if the expression “A bear stepped on your ear” is personal for you, this is not a reason to refuse such activities. The fact is that singing cleanses the chakra, which is located in the throat. After such cleaning, you are unlikely to want to swear, reproach and nag your significant other.

11. Go shopping. Oddly enough, you can visit stores without money. Just try on clothes, enjoy your beauty in new things - this greatly charges women with happiness and energy.

12. Associate with older and wiser women. Here we will talk about the transfer of knowledge and female wisdom, the opportunity to look at your life from a different perspective. Communication with your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and a qualified female psychologist is suitable.

13. Dance. For sexuality and new strength, the female body needs movement and rhythm. Give preference to sensual dance styles: Latin American, Arabic and others.

14. Take care of animals and flowers. Caring for those who need it is a great way for a woman to be filled with energy and satisfaction.

15. Provide help to someone who asked you. This is one of the most powerful tools that makes you feel much better, more confident and happier. You can also feel free to ask for help - this also strengthens feminine energy.

16. Read books that interest you and visit bookstores. Reading books greatly inspires women, gives them breadth of thought and rewards them with new knowledge. From time immemorial, women have been the keepers of knowledge and passed it on to their children.

17. Delegate some household responsibilities to family members. Here you will have several bonuses at once: you will have more free time, and the help provided to you will warm and amuse you.

18. Have fun cooking. Everything related to cooking is given to any woman from God, so you just need to discover the hidden potential within yourself or improve your existing skills. Cooking with soul gives a woman strength, tenderness, satisfaction and kindness.

19. Do not leave unfinished tasks and tasks. Master planning and stick to a clear schedule of tasks and responsibilities to get everything done. This will help you always remain confident, calm and balanced.

20. Bring sophistication into your life. Let there be a beautiful tablecloth, candles and delicious delicacies on the table. Let there be fresh flowers on the table in your house (you can even give them to yourself), and let pictures hang on the walls. Let your wardrobe be filled with beautiful and stylish outfits. Improve your life, home, wardrobe and everything that surrounds you. This will make you not only even more attractive, but also more harmonious and content. The magic of life is in the little things!

21. Look after, communicate and raise children. Only with children can a woman reveal all her facets, natural instincts and talents. Play with your children, teach them modeling, drawing and whatever else you can do - you will feel happiness as it is, to the fullest.

22. Try yourself in acting classes. Let us remember the great Shakespeare: “All life is a game, and the people in it are actors.” Emotions are a woman's middle name. Therefore, by trying on images and roles, a woman learns to better understand herself and her life situation, control her facial expressions, gestures, and gait. The game gives a woman special grace and seductiveness.

23. Don't skimp on makeup and personal care. This advice gives a lot of pleasure to the woman herself, and also stacks men in stacks. A woman who looks good does herself a big favor: she pleases herself, delights men and angers other women!

24. Drop envy. Never compare yourself to others - we are all different and different from each other. Embrace your uniqueness and remember that being the best at everything will never work out.

25. Wear dresses (or skirts). Feminine clothing items have a very strong influence on a woman. She blossoms, becomes younger, becomes more tender, charming and touching.

26. Watch romantic films, read novels. It makes us happy and feminine.

27. Explore new cultures. This is a way not only to expand your worldview, to become more interesting and erudite. This method will help you not to isolate yourself.

28. Spend time near water. A woman urgently needs to come into contact with water: rivers, lakes, sea. Such a pastime will help a woman be filled with harmony, sexuality and complete satisfaction.

29. Exercise regularly. For a woman, this is not just a way to keep herself in great shape, but also a source of energy, strength and good mood.

30. Remove all trash and debris from your life and home. Start small, let your closet only contain clothes that you like and wear regularly. Inspect the things in your home, give the unnecessary ones to those who will need them and who cannot afford them. Emotional trash is more difficult to deal with. Use meditative or psychological techniques for this. The space freed from clutter will be filled with light, purity and energy.

31. Appreciate what you have. Be grateful for everything around you. This is not easy to learn, but with this attitude towards life you will become much happier and more content.

32. Regularly pay attention to your hands. Manicure, moisturize and take care of your hands. Men just want to kiss well-groomed, beautiful women’s hands.

33. Visit exhibitions, museums, galleries. This will give you energy, an even deeper view of the world, and will also decorate your appearance. Everything beautiful makes a woman even more attractive and charming!

34. Find yourself a mentor. Life teachers can be favorite book authors, lecturers, clergy, and simply acquaintances from everyday life who inspire admiration.

35. Start your own diary. It is very important to put down on paper and then become aware of your desires, thoughts, fears and goals. Then we can work on analyzing everything recorded, thereby improving our lives in the future.

36. Make a collage of beautiful photos. Let you have an album with your most beautiful, best photographs at hand. Admire yourself and your beauty! It is very important for a woman to realize her beauty, charm and uniqueness. Your collage will be a reminder of how beautiful and unique you are.

37. Determine the circle of your desires. Reflect on what you want to get out of life, especially in your personal life. Write down your thoughts on paper - this way there is a greater chance that everything written will be realized in your life. Men set clear goals: “I can”, “I will do.” The female approach is different: “I want” and “I need” and to a real woman, filled with energy, everything comes and is attracted, as if by itself. Without strain, effort and overexertion.

38. Make your speech gentle and sweet. Control your voice, its timbre and intonation. When you speak kindly, tenderly to everyone, especially to men, your energy will double.

39. Learn to be flexible. Sometimes in an argument or competition, it is better for a woman to give in and remain calm and balanced. What a woman, enraged by an argument, looks like, powerful and in no way inferior, is a very funny and cartoonish sight.

40. Be selective when entering into intimate relationships. A woman will feel joy and happiness sexually with the one she loves. Otherwise, she will face devastation and loss of vitality.

41. Always be clean (household, clothing, your own body). This preserves and increases feminine energy and strength.

42. Do handicrafts (modeling, knitting, beads, sewing, pottery). In the arsenal of handicraft classes there will definitely be something that will be interesting and enjoyable for you.

43. Learn to praise people and give them compliments. This will make your life brighter, kinder and more beautiful.

44. Learn to express love openly. Kiss, hug, stroke your loved ones and relatives, say kind words. You will feel happier and more joyful.

45. Learn to make bouquets. You are guaranteed new strength and energy from working with flowers.

46. ​​Eat right. Eat more fruits, vegetables and other natural and healthy foods. Eat an apple rather than a sandwich. This is not only a guarantee of health, but also optimism.

47. Take some alone time. Do what you love in moments of loneliness. It is at such moments that the right and brilliant ideas come to us.

48. If you sleep alone in bed, put a soft toy in the bed. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone, but a plush animal will give warmth and comfort.

49. Buy yourself a new perfume. A pleasant aroma enhances a woman and makes her more confident, sexy and happy!

50. If you want changes, change your hair color. Changes will not take long to arrive!

Have you ever had the feeling that you were missing something? Everything seems to be in order: family, career, friends, and loved one, but still something is wrong. Perhaps... you are missing yourself. In the daily rush and heap of things, people and habits, it seems that there is absolutely no time left to stop, take a breath and think.

1. Find happiness in the little things

In fact, life is wonderful. Stop. Look around. Happiness is never far from us, it is in simple things. Blue sky, sunlight, children's eyes. Happiness is even in breathing (remember how unpleasant it is to breathe when you have a runny nose). You can also feel happiness by performing simple actions.

It's very easy to be happy.

2. Wash the dishes. Seriously!

Washing dishes seems unpleasant until you start. Standing in front of the sink, rolling up your sleeves and immersing your hands in warm water, you understand: this has its own charm. Give each plate your time, completely. realizing and her, and water, and any movement of the hands. You know, by rushing to wash the dessert plate, you will make the time allotted for washing dishes unpleasant for yourself and not worth living. It's sad, because every minute and second of life is a miracle.

The same trick can be performed with any responsibility: vacuuming the apartment, ironing clothes and walking the dog will become much more pleasant. And after doing something as ordinary as it may seem, you will feel even a little happier.

Even in washing dishes you can find a little happiness. Photo from Instagram @mifbooks

3. Give your brain a rest

Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to feel like you’ve been reborn. Sit on a chair or on the floor. Close your eyes. Inhale and exhale several times. As you breathe in, say to yourself, “As I breathe in, I know that I am breathing in.” As you exhale, say: “As I exhale, I know that I am exhaling.” Try not to think about anything.

Stop the stream of consciousness. Try to feel every centimeter of your body. Smile. Take a few more deep breaths. Such respite meditations are simple and very effective. Try to live a happy life.

The brain will definitely appreciate the break given to it!

4. Don't eat mindlessly

Try eating mindfully for at least one week. There is an Eastern proverb: “When you eat, think only about food.” So that's exactly what she's talking about. You will understand that food has become for you not only a way to get enough, but also a time of solitude and self-discovery. And to understand what the trick of this attitude towards yourself is, try “Chocolate Meditation” from the book