How to fill out training logs. How to register personnel documents. Magazines every employer should have

A journal is a book for recording, recording, recording information and information. The journal allows you to quickly determine and monitor the progress of work in the field, compliance with the deadlines established by law, the availability of local documents in the organization and their issuance.

1. Logbook for introductory briefing on labor protection

One of the mandatory journals in an organization is the Occupational Safety and Health Introductory Briefing Logbook (See Sample Introductory Briefing Logbook).

Before concluding an employment contract, all applicants must undergo an introductory briefing on labor protection. Introductory briefing is carried out with all newly hired workers, regardless of their education, work experience in a given profession or position, with temporary workers, business travelers, students and students arriving for on-the-job training or internship.

Induction training in the organization is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person assigned these responsibilities by order of the enterprise. An entry about the induction training is made in the introductory briefing registration log with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

The form of the Introductory Briefing Logbook is recommended by GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions". However, this is only a recommended form and the organization has the right to approve its version of the log by order (See Order on approval of the introductory briefing log).

2. Logbook of instructions on labor protection in the workplace

Conducting workplace training is one of the most important measures to prevent occupational injuries (See).

  • to the primary workplace;
  • repeated;
  • target;
  • unscheduled.

Due to the fact that in the Journal of Registration of Instruction at the Workplace there is no column where the number of the instruction according to which the instruction is carried out and its name are recorded, it is advisable to indicate this data in column 5 “Type of instruction”; It is also allowed to enter an additional column “Instruction number and its name” in the workplace briefing log.

The magazine must be numbered, laced, signed by a labor protection specialist and sealed with the organization's seal. It is kept in the department by the head of the department.

3. Logbook of labor protection instructions for workers

A labor safety instruction is an internal regulatory document of an organization that regulates the basic requirements for the safe performance of work, intended for conducting labor safety briefings in the workplace.

Each instruction is assigned a name and number. The name should briefly indicate what profession or type of work it is intended for.

Accounting for labor protection instructions for workers is carried out by the labor protection service (labor safety specialist) of the organization.

The form of the Journal of Occupational Safety Instructions for Workers is proposed by the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of State Occupational Safety and Health Requirements, approved

The journal must be numbered, laced, signed by the person responsible for its maintenance, and sealed with the seal of the organization. Stored in the labor protection service (see Form of the journal for recording instructions on labor protection).

4. Logbook for issuing labor safety instructions for workers

Each head of a structural unit (service) of the organization must keep a set of labor protection instructions in force in the unit (service) for employees of this unit (service). The location of the instructions is determined by the head of the structural unit (service), taking into account accessibility and ease of familiarization with them.

Labor safety instructions for workers can be given to them for study during the initial briefing, or posted at workplaces or areas, or must be stored in another place accessible to workers.

The form of the Logbook for the issuance of labor protection instructions for workers is proposed by the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of State Labor Safety Requirements, approved

The journal must be numbered, laced, signed by the person responsible for its maintenance, and sealed with the seal of the organization. Stored in the labor protection service.

5. Journal of industrial accidents

To be completed by an occupational safety specialist based on the results of an accident investigation. Stored in the labor protection service for 45 years.

The form of the Occupational Accident Register has been approved.

The journal must be numbered, laced, signed by the person responsible for its maintenance, and sealed with the seal of the organization.

6. Equipment technical condition log

The basis for ensuring the safety of production equipment is its correct operation, which determines the preservation of technological accuracy, productivity, trouble-free operation and safety with minimal maintenance and repair costs.

The organization's repair services must ensure the maintenance of production equipment in accordance with the requirements of the system of occupational safety standards, passports, technical instructions and other documentation of the manufacturer.

To ensure that production equipment is maintained in proper technical condition, the organization must take measures to improve its maintenance and service, to strictly implement scheduled maintenance and to improve the quality of repair work performed.

Every day before starting work, the specialist who works on this equipment is obliged to check the entries in the Equipment Technical Condition Log made by the previous shift. If the equipment was delivered in good condition and there is an entry in the Logbook, the specialist personally checks its serviceability, turning on, turning off and braking devices, the presence and strength of fastening of fences, the reliability of the functioning of safety devices, interlocks, makes an entry in the Logbook about the serviceability of the equipment and starts work . In case of any comments or malfunctions, it is prohibited to start work until the problems are resolved. All detected problems are recorded in the Log and the repair service is called. This Log should record all periodic inspections, preventive and scheduled repairs, in accordance with the maintenance schedules.

The technical condition log must be stored on the equipment, in a visible place and be accessible to all services of the organization.

7. Health and Safety Inspection Log

Organizations must constantly monitor the state of labor protection:

  • operational control;
  • control carried out by the organization’s labor protection service;
  • public control;
  • three-stage control.

Operational control of compliance with standards, rules, regulations and instructions on occupational safety is carried out by the immediate head of the department.

The Occupational Safety and Health Service monitors compliance with occupational safety requirements in all structural divisions and services of the organization.

Public control is carried out by labor protection commissions under trade union committees of organizations, trade union authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection and other authorized employees of representative bodies.

Three-stage monitoring of the state of labor protection.

I stage of control.

Every day, before starting work (shift), the site foreman, together with a public labor safety inspector (or labor safety representative), checks:

  • condition of workplaces and passages;
  • serviceability of ventilation systems and lighting installations;
  • condition of production equipment, fixtures and tools;
  • operation of warning alarms, blocking and braking devices;
  • ensuring electrical safety;
  • availability and condition of overalls, personal protective equipment, etc.

In addition, they become familiar with the entries in the Equipment Technical Condition Log. The results of the inspection are recorded in the Occupational Health and Safety Inspection Log of the site (shop) and measures are taken to eliminate any deficiencies found.

II stage of control.

Every week, the head of the workshop, together with the labor protection representative, check the condition of the production premises, workplaces and working conditions in the workshop; implementation of measures to eliminate deficiencies detected at the first stage of control; lighting conditions and operating efficiency of ventilation units; condition of equipment, fixtures and tools; availability, condition and use of protective clothing and personal protective equipment, etc. In addition, employees' knowledge of labor safety rules and instructions is randomly tested. The results of the inspection are entered into the workshop log of occupational health and safety inspections and measures are outlined to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

III stage of control.

Every month, a commission under the leadership of the chief engineer of the organization checks the state of working conditions in the organization. The commission includes: chief specialists (technologist, mechanic, power engineer), the chairman of the labor protection commission of the trade union committee, a labor protection engineer, an employee of a first-aid post (health center) and a fire department employee. Members of the commission check the condition of production premises and workplaces, the implementation of measures to eliminate deficiencies found at the I and II stages of control, the condition of technological and energy equipment, the implementation of organizational and technical measures, orders, as well as decisions of the trade union committee on labor protection, the condition of collective and individual means of protection. The results of the commission's work are recorded in the shop's Occupational Health and Safety Inspection Log. The results of the inspection are considered at an operational meeting. The chief engineer makes the necessary decisions on all issues discussed. The meeting outlines specific measures to improve safety and working conditions. Following the meeting, the necessary document is drawn up.

Logs are kept in departments by their managers.

Perhaps you will find it useful.

List of required occupational safety magazines at the enterprise

OHS logs are used to systematize the necessary information, exercise operational control in the field of OHS at the enterprise and record information on compliance with deadlines for mandatory personnel briefings.

The list of occupational safety magazines that an enterprise must have depends on the specifics of its business activities, as well as which specialists are involved in the production process. However, there are also such registers, the presence of which is mandatory in any organization.

These are the logs:

In accordance with the specifics of production processes, enterprises can also use logs:

  1. Accounting:
    • Work according to orders and permits when working with electrical installations. It is used to display information on work carried out by specialists who have the appropriate rank and have undergone special instructions and knowledge testing. When compiling the journal, it is recommended to take the form from Appendix No. 8 to the Rules as a basis.
    • Medical examinations of drivers before flights. The register records information based on the results of medical examinations of drivers, based on the form presented in clause 5 of Appendix No. 9 to the order of the USSR Ministry of Health “On improving the medical examination system...” dated September 29, 1989 No. 555.
    • Issuance and maintenance of PPE (personal protective equipment). The recommended form of the journal is presented in Appendix No. 1 to the instructions, approved. by order of the Ministry of Energy dated June 30, 2003 No. 261.
    • Maintenance and repair work on real estate.
  2. Registrations:
    • permits to perform high-risk work;
    • PPE testing;
    • occupational diseases;
    • hot work.

Rules for filling out the OT magazine, how to lace the magazine

Until 03/01/2017, maintaining and, accordingly, filling out labor safety logs at enterprises was carried out according to the GOST 12.0.004-90 standard. Now the procedure for maintaining occupational safety logs is used, adjusted to meet the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-2015 (Order of Rosstandart “On putting into effect...” dated 06/09/2016 No. 600-st).

All pages in the OT magazine must be numbered, and the numbering is used consecutively, starting from the title page. The title page, as a rule, indicates the name of the enterprise, structural unit (service, section), start and end dates of journal keeping.

The remaining thread after lacing all the pages of the magazine must be brought to the last page, fixed and sealed on top with a sheet of paper on which it is necessary to indicate how many pages are numbered and laced. The inscription made on a strip of paper sealing the ends of the thread must be certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise and a seal (if any). When certifying with a seal, it should be taken into account that its imprint should be imprinted both on the pasted strip and on the last page of the laced journal.

How to keep a log of OT orders, how to flash it correctly

A journal of occupational safety orders is required at enterprises with operating production workshops (sites) to record all orders issued by management related to:

  • to employee training;
  • permission to perform work independently;
  • transfer of authority to carry out orders to responsible persons;
  • payment of incentives, announcement of disciplinary sanctions, etc.

The journal must contain records of familiarization with these orders by the employees mentioned in them. After the end of the calendar year, a thick line is drawn under the entries made for the past year and the next year is entered. The numbering begins again.

Like all registers established at enterprises, the journal of occupational safety orders must be numbered (starting from the title page) and laced before use. The thread with which the magazine is laced must be placed on its last page and covered with a strip of paper with an inscription indicating the number of pages laced. The inscription is certified by the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the register, the head of the enterprise, as well as a seal - in this case, one part of the imprint should be located on a glued piece of paper, and the other on the last page of the journal (GOST R 7.0.8-2013).

How to properly prepare a journal for issuing occupational safety certificates

The form of such a journal is not regulated by law, so it can be issued in the form of an ordinary A4 book printed in a printing house (taking into account Article 10 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, GOST R 7.0.8‑2013).

All columns in the journal must be filled in; missing lines and blots are unacceptable. Corrections can be made in the usual way in office work - by crossing out and writing the correct inscription next to it, certified by the signature of the employee responsible for maintaining the journal.

Before you start filling out, all pages of the magazine must be numbered, starting with the title, and stitched. The title page indicates the name of the enterprise, the start and end dates of its operation.

Inside the magazine is laid out in such a way that it is possible to indicate:

  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • number;
  • Full name of the employee to whom the certificate is issued;
  • job title;
  • place of work (structural unit, department);
  • notes.

What are the storage periods for logs, where can you download a free sample log of OT training sessions?

According to the provisions of section 7.3 of the list, approved. By order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, occupational safety magazines have different shelf life, depending on the information entered in them. Thus, accident logs must be kept permanently (clause 630 of the List). Safety briefing logs are kept for 10 years (clause 626). Logs of registration of administrative penalties for violation of sanitary standards, as well as records of decisions on fines - 3 years (paragraphs 642 and 643).

As a rule, the procedure for preparing OT journals is similar to that used for maintaining other types of registers. Differences can only be in the number and content of the columns - this is due to the specifics of the industry and the content of information necessary to be reflected in the register on a particular issue. You can download samples of occupational safety magazines on our website.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample register that records training activities on occupational safety.

The magazine cover looks like this:


accounting for occupational safety training


(workshop, department, laboratory, structural unit, site)

Teacher _________________________________________________________

(F.I.O., position)

Start of training: “___” ____________ 20__

Completion of training: “___” ____________ 20__.”

The pages of the journal are presented in the form of a table:


Every enterprise must keep occupational safety logs. Their exact list depends on the specifics of production, but there are also registers that are mandatory for everyone. Thus, there must certainly be logs for recording employee briefings and registers for recording orders issued to managers regarding occupational safety. Logbooks for recording accidents, personal protective equipment and fire protective equipment issued and transmitted for the study of instructions on occupational safety, etc. are also required.

In addition, taking into account the specifics of production activities and the professional training of workers, other journals may be created at the enterprise. The storage period for OT registers is from 3 years, depending on their content. It is important to remember that all pages of magazines, regardless of content, must be numbered and laced before using them.

Depending on the type of organization, as well as the scope of its main activities, the required journals may vary.

However, there is one type of this document, the maintenance of which is simply mandatory - this is a record and inserts in them.

Failure to comply with this rule may result in a fine from the State Labor Inspectorate in the amount of up to 5 thousand rubles. However, penalties are not the main reason for the mandatory maintenance of this journal.

The greatest danger comes from legal proceedings with their own employees, who can appeal to the relevant authorities if their work records are not recorded in the necessary way.

Besides, The following types of journals are common in the organization::

Journal of employment contracts, fixing , concluded with the company. It is also necessary to ensure that the internal documentation of the enterprise is properly organized. This type of document is not strictly mandatory for the organization, but such a log may be required by inspection services in the course of their professional activities.

There are also special journals on enterprise economics. It could be cash book And . In most organizations, payments are made through a cash register - in cash and by bank transfer, so maintaining such a book allows you to record all these processes. Registration of journals at the enterprise is carried out in a separate journal.

In cases where there is no need for a cash register, for example, when providing services to the public, they are used. Accordingly, such institutions keep a log of these forms containing details and other information.

Maintaining such documentation allows you to regulate the activities of the entire organization over a long period of time. Most of them are needed in order to provide them in the event of any controversial situations that inevitably arise in every structure.

We have already said that maintaining a certain type of journals may differ depending on the field of activity of the enterprise. This means that one journal may be mandatory at a certain enterprise, while maintaining it in another does not make any sense. To make it more clear, let’s look at several types of journals that can be kept in various types of enterprises.

For catering establishments

What magazines should a catering establishment have? It is worth noting that all of the previously listed journals can be kept in absolutely any institution, regardless of what type of activity it is engaged in.

Keeping a log of work records is mandatory for everyone, and the rest of the logs are kept selectively, in accordance with the wishes of management.

But, in individual organizations there are a number of specific journals, which are recommended to be kept in order to provide them to various inspection bodies and inspections.

In particular, it is common in catering establishments reject journal, which displays information about the quality of products. In general, the concept of “grading” means a certain tasting process in which the taste qualities of products, as well as their appearance, are compared.

In catering, there is also a special rejection commission consisting of a director, manager, senior cook, and a medical worker. These people taste each dish, and the results of this test are recorded in the appropriate journal.

It displays ratings of each dish's relative taste, texture, smell, and appearance. - another important document that requires special attention to completion.

Environmental documentation

Enterprise environmental journals are often called primary journals.

There are several types of these documents::

  1. Accounting for emissions into the atmosphere (AML logs, numbered 1, 2 and 3).
  2. Accounting for water disposal and water consumption.
  3. A book in which records are kept regarding the movement of waste in production.

The maintenance of this documentation is strictly controlled by Rosprirodnadzor, so their absence is grounds for the imposition of penalties both on the company itself and on the responsible person whose responsibilities include maintaining these records.

A logbook for registering incoming and outgoing documents is also mandatory, which allows you to strictly monitor all documentation that comes to the company and comes from it.

Security magazines

What safety logs should an organization have? It is worth noting that in any structure with a staff of several people, a special responsible person must be appointed who is responsible for fire safety, and therefore the fire safety logs in the organization.

Immediately after being appointed to this position, a person must keep a journal on.

It is worth noting that this document is not compiled in a single copy, but has several varieties relating to individual points.

Let's consider several main types of document data:

A journal that records the conduct of fire safety training and. According to the rules, every person working at the enterprise is required to listen to this lecture before starting their professional duties. Accordingly, the log displays a list of people who have undergone training, as well as other information.

Registration requirements

Now let’s look at the procedure for registering journals in an organization. Depending on the type, its basic design as a document also differs. But, first of all, logs must be registered in the organization.

This means that the journals that should be in the organization must be registered with regulatory authorities or at the enterprise itself.

Journals for organizations and enterprises that require filling out in strict accordance with established requirements:

  1. Journal of work records, as well as inserts in them.
  2. Maintaining travel certificates.

The requirements for the design of journals in an organization are not too complicated. , it reflects information about inspections carried out by various supervisory authorities and inspections.

As for other types of records, there is no specific form for filling them out. Consequently, the head of each specific company can personally establish the rules for filling them out, as well as the form in which they will be maintained - written or electronic.

However, there are certain chapters that must be displayed in the accounting book:

  • registration serial number;
  • date of registration of the document;
  • note;
  • summary.

The registration record must contain detailed information regarding a specific personnel document, the date it was written or other information regarding its specifics.


The basic requirements for the preparation of records maintained in an appropriate manner are necessary in order to exclude the falsification of a document by setting the wrong date for the creation of a document, or by getting rid of a document that was produced earlier.

That's why The journal should be compiled and produced as follows:

  • The logbook must be stitched;
  • The complete numbering of sheets must be observed, starting from the first and ending with the last;
  • at the end of it there should be a phrase stating that it is stitched and numbered with a certain number of sheets (depending on the document), as well as the initials and personal signature of the director;
  • The seal of the organization itself must be located under the director’s signature.

As for the cover, it doesn’t matter much whether it is hard or soft. Of course, the best option is still a hard cover, in terms of the safety of the document itself, because it is stored for 75 years, i.e. exactly the same period as the documents themselves that were taken into account.


Keeping accounting logs allows enterprise managers to better systematize labor relations with their employees, as well as streamline document flow within the enterprise. In addition, some of them may be required during various inspections, so it is better to make sure in advance that all accounting books that may be of interest to supervisory authorities are available.

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Occupational safety logs are documents that record the actions of persons responsible for occupational safety. The main purpose of such documents is to collect all the information about the familiarization of enterprise personnel with the rules that should make production safe.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 212 of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to ensure production safety, provide employees with safety information, and create a package of instructions.

Ordinary workers have much less responsibilities in the field of TB (Article 214). They are required to undergo safety training, expand their knowledge, and comply with regulatory requirements.

The Labor Code does not contain a requirement to keep occupational safety logs. However, in Art. 225 there is a rule that obliges employers to provide training on production safety.

General requirements

Any safety magazine is a book in which company employees personally confirm receipt of relevant information with their signature. General requirements also follow from this function:

  1. Such documents must be drawn up in accordance with approved instructions.
  2. This document must contain strictly fixed information.
  3. Each document addresses a different TB topic.

These are general rules. Each organization has its own characteristics of maintaining labor safety documentation.

Types of instruction

Any safety training is divided into two groups - mandatory for all or only for some organizations.

Mandatory types include:

  • introductory;
  • at the workplace;
  • fire protection;
  • repeated;
  • access to the facility.

Enterprises can conduct additional briefings, which depend on the specifics of the activity and are carried out according to approved instructions.

Induction log

This type is enshrined in the standards of GOST 12.0.004-90. It applies to all institutions. This means that the sample introductory briefing log should be the same for all institutions. If the specifics of the enterprise require any additions, then the form of the labor safety briefing log is developed by specialists and approved by the head of the enterprise.

GOST 12.0.004-90 prescribes keeping a log of introductory briefings on labor protection in the form of a table in which the following information should be recorded:

  • name of the institution;
  • date of instruction;
  • information about the person being instructed (full name, position, specialty, specialization, date of birth);
  • signatures of the interacting parties.

If you are working with a large team, then the log of introductory instructions on labor protection may be designed differently. It is allowed to indicate all mandatory information only once, except for information about the employees being instructed. Information about each employee is provided on a separate line. Here everyone puts a signature next to their last name. The instructor signs in the adjacent column.

The labor safety briefing log is kept by an employee who holds the position of safety engineer or combines this work with other duties. If such a person is not appointed by order, then by default the training log is kept by the head of the unit. In small organizations, this function can be assumed by the manager.

The form of the briefing log is universal. They definitely need:

  • lace all the sheets;
  • secure the lacing with glue;
  • indicate the number of pages and the start date of maintenance;
  • sign the official with a transcript;
  • put a stamp.

How to fill out a fire safety briefing log

This document is maintained in the same way as the induction log. The differences lie in the information conveyed to those being instructed.

It should contain:

  • title page containing the name of the institution;
  • start date of maintenance;
  • a table in which the following is recorded: entry number, date, full name. of the person being instructed, year of birth, position, full name. instructor, signatures of the parties.

Occupational safety magazines

To ensure maximum labor safety, instruction and training should be carried out in different areas of the enterprise and employee. For example, in addition to those listed above, the following documents are maintained:

  • occupational safety inspection log;
  • issuing instructions on TB;
  • registration of accidents;
  • descriptions of equipment tests.

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, it is possible to maintain other safety documentation.

Is it obligatory

Of all the variety of lists of safety documents presented here, the most universal are the books for recording induction training and fire safety.

At hazardous production facilities, this list increases.

Journal of occupational safety instructions

General and specific instructions are necessary to provide personnel with safe work rules in all areas of production activity. There is a particularly great need for instructions when working with hazardous materials.

The journal of occupational safety instructions allows you to solve many problems of organizing safety work at an enterprise.

Each instruction must be assigned a serial number, after which it is placed for storage in a separate folder. With this organization of accounting, a document can be easily found by its serial number.

The journal for recording the issuance of labor safety instructions allows you to keep track of the provision of officials and employees working on specific units with instructions that help protect the life and health of personnel.

The occupational safety training magazine is in demand mainly at large enterprises with complex production cycles. In order to minimize the number of accidents, a training schedule is drawn up. The accounting document records certificates, certificates and diplomas issued to employees after training.

Labor protection instructions

The instructions are:

  • set of rules for the safe use of equipment;
  • algorithm of actions in various situations;
  • list of prohibitions.

The specificity of the safety instructions is that its content is aimed at providing a person with information about prohibitions and procedures for action in the event of a dangerous situation.

Journal of issuance of occupational safety certificates

A number of enterprises do not limit themselves to introductory instructions on TB. At hazardous production facilities, employees undergo training and then pass exams. Based on the results of the knowledge test, they receive an appropriate certificate.

In order to record the personnel who have such clearances, the issuance of certificates is recorded. A separate list records the number of general and special certificates.

The list of issued certificates contains the following data:

  • number and date of issue;
  • Full name employee;
  • position and specialty;
  • structural unit.

Safety documents are intended to support the management process in this area.

The effectiveness of this process depends on the quality of documentation and the variety of safety activities.

Nov 10, 2017 zakonadmnin

There are three ways to register documents:

  • the simplest - in magazines;
  • more advanced - using a card index;
  • the most advanced, convenient and fast - with the help of appropriate computer programs.
The organization has the opportunity to choose the most appropriate method for registering documents.

Registration of personnel documents can only be carried out using journals, because in the event of a labor dispute, a court or state labor inspectorate may not recognize computer registration.

All registration journals (as well as accounting books) must be protected from seizures and attachments: pages must be numbered with a pen (not a pencil), the journal must be stitched and sealed, certified by the signature of the head of the organization and the person responsible for its maintenance. Only in this case can it serve as evidence. HR records and books are kept in order to:

  • register documents and assign serial numbers to them;
  • organize records of personnel and their movements (hiring, transfer, vacation, dismissal);
  • establish records of documents that are issued to employees against receipt and are not stored in the organization (certificates, certificates);
  • make it easier to find the necessary documents in the future.

Logs of registration of personnel documents, which must be maintained in the organization

  • Journal of registration of employment contracts.
Personnel officers, in addition, sometimes keep separate registers of hired and dismissed employees, starting a new numbering every year, which allows you to quickly obtain information about how many employees were hired, fired during the year, and how many of those hired in the current year left.
  • Journal of registration of personal cards.
  • Journal of registration of personal files of employees (if they are maintained in the organization).
  • Logs of registration of orders (instructions).
Their number is determined depending on the size of the personnel document flow. All personnel orders can be registered in one or several journals (up to registration in a separate journal for each type of order).

Since orders (instructions) for personnel are divided according to storage periods into two arrays - “75 years EPC” and “5 years”, personnel services must form these documents into different files and register them separately. When registering orders (instructions) for personnel with a shelf life of “75 years EPC” (reception, transfer, dismissal, etc.), they are assigned serial numbers with the addition of the letter designations “k” or “l/s”, for example: “order No. 1-k" or "No. 5-l/s".

Orders (instructions) with a shelf life of “5 years” (regular and educational leaves, penalties, etc.) have registration numbers with a different letter, for example “o”: “order No. 1-o”.

Within each case, orders (instructions) are arranged by numbers and publication dates. If there is a large volume of documents in the file (over 250 sheets), files with orders (instructions) are divided into volumes (volume 1, volume 2), etc. indicating on the cover of each volume the numbers and deadlines of the orders (instructions) included in it.

  • Journal of registration of acts (about refusals to familiarize themselves with documents, absenteeism, violations of internal labor regulations, etc.).

Optional logbooks

On an optional basis, logs of employee statements, reports and explanatory notes related to personnel work are kept. Such journals facilitate the process of resolving disputes and disagreements.

Accounting books are needed to record:

  • overtime work;
  • used and unused days of annual paid leave;
  • time off provided to employees, etc.
In any of these registers or books, it is recommended to supplement the document’s increasing serial number throughout the year with a letter index.

In many cases, the Labor Code requires that employees be warned about the occurrence of certain events no later than the period specified therein. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain a warning file (paper or electronic) for the following events:

  • about the end of the test period. According to Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal of employees who fail the test is possible only if they were warned about this in writing, indicating the reasons, at least three days in advance;
  • about the expiration of the employment contract. In accordance with Art. 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must warn the employee about the expiration of the employment contract in writing at least three days before dismissal;
  • on annual paid leave. According to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it begins. To do this, an order is issued to grant annual leave, and the employee’s signature confirming familiarization with it will serve as a warning.
In addition, the personnel officer can make himself “reminders” about any other events (employee birthdays, anniversaries, etc.).

The organization itself decides what journals it needs to keep, based on its characteristics and needs.

Registration journal

Before you start making the cover, you need to decide how the pages of the magazine will be arranged - vertically or horizontally. The vertical layout is suitable for magazines with a small number of columns, and the horizontal layout is used if a lot of different information needs to be reflected on the magazine page.

Thus, the Sick Leave Register may have a vertical (portrait) layout of pages, since it only needs to reflect information about the employee, the sick leave number, its duration and the name of the medical institution. And it is better to make the Journal of Registration of Employee Transfers in the form of an album, because in it on one page you need to record the employee’s previous and new places of work, the old and new names of his position.

For the cover it is better to use thick A4 paper. On it, using a computer, typewriter, or manually, write the name of the organization, the word “magazine” or “book” and the name of the magazine (book), below there are two lines for the start date and end date of the magazine (book). You can create a unified form and use it to make covers for all magazines. The form could be, for example, like this:

Next, you need to divide the magazine into columns (it’s better to graph all the pages at once). To protect the document from withdrawals and attachments, all pages of the magazine are numbered, the magazine is laced and sealed. The journal is certified by the signature of the head of the human resources department, deputy general director for human resources or general director.

Attention! The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them is certified only by the head of the organization.

The log must indicate the person responsible for maintaining the log and must bear his signature. The signature can be placed on the cover (front or back), or on the last page of the magazine, or on every page.

If an error was made when filling out the log, you can correct it in one of the following ways:

1. The incorrect entry is neatly crossed out with one line, and below, in the same column, the correct entry is made. In the “Notes” column (if this column is in the journal), an entry is made: “Corrected in column such and such,” and below is a signature with a transcript and a date according to the following example:

2. If the journal does not have a “Notes” column, you can use the procedure that is used to correct incorrect entries in the work book. In the same column where the mistake was made, nothing is crossed out; below the incorrect entry is written: “The entry for number so-and-so is invalid” and the correct entry is made.

Until all the pages in the accounting journal are filled out, it is kept by the employee who maintains it. When all the pages of the magazine are completed, an end date is placed on the cover and the magazine is handed over to the organization’s archives.