How a new life is born: a description of the process of conceiving a child. Conceiving a child - how it happens

When planning a pregnancy, every couple should be aware that the chances of conceiving the first time are very low. According to statistics, Pregnancy occurs the first time in only 10%. Such a small percentage of the probability is explained by the fact that it is necessary to precisely meet the viability periods of both the egg and the sperm. Within 24 hours, the egg can be fertilized; it is very rare that this ability persists for up to 48 hours. Sperm remain viable for a maximum of 6 days.

Many people, wanting to have a child, mistakenly believe that they just need to stop using contraception and they can get pregnant in the shortest possible time. This is a false opinion, since many nuances should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Probability of quick conception occurs under the following factors:

  1. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but not every day of them is suitable for conception. Only three days out of the entire cycle are fertile.
    Pay attention!
    There are very few women who have an accurate menstrual cycle. Its course is affected by stressful situations, nervous tension, and hormonal imbalances.
  2. The activity of sperm in the female uterus is on average three days; it is extremely rare that they remain viable for up to six days. Therefore, sexual intercourse should occur exactly a day or a day or two before.
  3. It is very difficult to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. But even with correct calculations, the probability of pregnancy is 25%. Important factors are the health and age of each partner, previous abortions or other surgical interventions in the female reproductive system.
  4. Regular sexual intercourse on fertile days means a 10% chance of conception the first time and a 30% chance of egg fertilization throughout the year.

Fertilization of the egg can occur the first time, but one should not exclude the risk that the zygote will not attach to the uterine epithelium and will leave the body with the onset of menstruation.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what are the chances? According to gynecologists, every sixth couple who adheres to a healthy lifestyle succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

If conception does not occur the first time, then statistics determine the exact period in which pregnancy will occur - six months of active sexual activity without any contraception. At the same time, one should not exclude the possibility of the egg not being fertilized when it meets a sperm; this happens in almost 25%.

Therefore, if you make accurate calculations, then only 6% of cases will be marked by a successful pregnancy. Healthy couples who are planning a child while having sex three times a week already in less than six months they become happy parents(according to statistics this is 60%). It also all depends on the age at which you decided to have a baby, because ovulatory cycles become irregular every year.

How can you get pregnant quickly the first time? If patience is not an issue, then the woman should calculate the days of ovulation. Between the ages of 20 and 25, a girl can get pregnant the fastest. In a young body, ready to bear a child, regular ovulation occurs. Further disruptions may occur with age.

  1. With a regular menstrual cycle, approximately Ovulation occurs on day 12.
  2. Fertile days are determined using . In this case, the indicators should be 37.4 in the absence of colds.
  3. You can also use special tests to determine the day of ovulation.
  4. On the day of ovulation, you need to have sex, then the chances of a quick pregnancy will increase.

Don't forget that stress affects the accuracy of the cycle and fertile days, anxiety and fatigue, as well as hormonal disorders. Therefore, the day of ovulation may fall much earlier or shift several days later than expected. It is even possible that during menstruation there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg. In this case, everything depends only on the individuality of the female body.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time? When planning a pregnancy, you should take into account that some points may interfere with conception.

Factors that prevent pregnancy the first time:

  1. Taking antibiotics. They can affect the liver and thereby prevent rapid conception.
  2. The use of additional means during sexual intercourse, for example, intimate lubricant. The environment that is formed during the use of lubricant can destroy sperm or make them less active.
  3. Having sex on unfavorable days. It is impossible to get pregnant on any day of the cycle.
  4. The woman has a history of abortions. These interventions affect women's health and future pregnancies.
  5. Diagnosis in a woman various physiological abnormalities– bending of the cervix or obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, under no circumstances will pregnancy occur the first time.
  6. If a woman has tumor-like formations on the reproductive organs.
  7. Unhealthy lifestyle of partners.

A number of reasons that prevent the rapid onset of pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of treatment.

Examination by a doctor as an important part of pregnancy planning

It is very important to check for the presence of pathologies when planning a pregnancy. One of the main ones is an ultrasound examination, which determines the shape and position of the uterus, the patency of the fallopian tubes (a painful procedure), as well as the period of ovulation. At the same time, not only the woman should undergo examination. For men Semen samples should be taken for sperm activity. If both partners are healthy, then the percentage of conception on the day of ovulation is high.

How to get pregnant the first time: sex positions

There is an opinion that the onset of pregnancy quickly depends on the position. This theory is considered largely false, since pregnancy can only depend on the day on which sexual intercourse took place.

If a woman is diagnosed with a tilted uterus, then the position can help for deeper penetration of seminal fluid. In this case, in order to get pregnant faster, it is recommended to regularly have sex in a position where the woman is on all fours and the man is behind. Then the deepest penetration occurs. After ejaculation, the woman should lie down for several minutes with her legs raised up, it is best to use the “birch tree” position.

  • In order for successful conception to occur and the fetus to develop further without pathologies, doctors recommend that partners do not drink alcohol and stop smoking six months before the planned pregnancy.
  • For men it is necessary to reconsider the diet and exclude fried and spicy foods, which have a bad effect on the production and activity of sperm.
  • Women Instead of coffee and tea, you should drink decoctions based on medicinal herbs. The main collection should include chamomile, sage, mint, and wintergreen.
  • It is considered one of the main herbs that promotes rapid pregnancy (it is even used in the treatment of infertility).

How to conceive a child the first time: video

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn about conceiving a child.

Conceiving a child quickly is a labor-intensive process that requires preparation on the part of both parents. Therefore, only with correct calculations of fertile days and other related factors can you get pregnant the first time. How are you doing with your attempts to get pregnant? Share your experience!

How many days after intercourse does conception occur? We will try to understand this issue further. We will also study the basics of pregnancy planning. What does a woman need to know about this? And when can you have sex without protection without the risk of becoming a mother soon? Answers to these questions and more will be offered below. In reality, everything is not as simple as it seems. And even girls who have given birth will not always be able to quickly understand the area they are studying.

About the menstrual cycle

On what day after intercourse does conception occur? Unfortunately, there is no way to quickly understand this area. It all depends on the specific situation. Therefore, next we will consider theoretical data and real facts. They will help you understand when you can have sex without protection and risk becoming parents.

After puberty, the female body faces hormonal processes. For example, with menstruation. The period between critical days is called the menstrual cycle.

Depending on this indicator, the time of conception and the periods when a woman is more likely to become a mother will change.

The menstrual cycle happens:

  • normal - 28-30 days;
  • short - 15-25 days;
  • long - 32 days or more.

In addition, sometimes there are women whose periods come in different ways. It is more difficult for them than others to plan children. After all, it is extremely difficult to predict the next menstruation.

How long after intercourse does conception occur? And when are the chances of success greatest? In addition to the length of the cycle, it is necessary to understand into what phases the time between critical days is divided. A lot depends on this.

Phases of menstruation

The thing is that a woman always has a risk of pregnancy during unprotected sex. But on certain days of the cycle it is higher. And this is normal.

There are the following stages of the monthly cycle:

  • follicular;
  • ovulatory;
  • luteal

Your chances of getting pregnant increase during ovulation. After just a couple of days, the success of conception will be reduced to a minimum.

During the follicular phase of the critical cycle, it is almost impossible for a woman to become pregnant. After all, the egg has not yet matured. This means you don’t have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.

About the process of conception

How many days after intercourse does conception occur? First, let's talk about this process in general terms.

With the beginning of a new menstruation (or at the very beginning of one or another “critical cycle”), the egg begins to slowly mature and develop in the female body. After monthly bleeding, the follicular phase of the cycle begins. It is characterized by the active growth of the female cell.

During ovulation, an egg is released from the follicle. At this moment she is ready for fertilization. Next, the egg moves to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. This process takes about 48 hours. And it is at this time that a successful conception of a baby can occur.

Having reached the uterus, the unfertilized egg will live for about 2 more days. After this she dies. The luteal phase begins - the period of preparation of the body for the next critical days.

Fertilization by sperm

When does conception occur? Quite a long time may pass after sexual intercourse. Not every modern girl is aware of the details of the process being studied. And that's why sometimes unwanted pregnancies happen. You can try to avoid them.

Let's consider the general case - when a couple deliberately plans a pregnancy. This will make understanding the topic being studied much easier.

Suppose unprotected sex occurred during the period of ovulation. Sperm enter the female body and begin to quickly move towards the egg. At this moment she is ready for fertilization.

Only the fastest and most active sperm will be able to penetrate the cavity of the egg. This moment can be considered a successful conception. It takes from 2 to 6-7 hours. This means that after ¼ of a day we can talk about pregnancy.

However, everything is not so simple. It will not be possible to recognize it immediately. This happens much later.

After fertilization

What changes and processes occur in the female body after successful conception? What happens to the egg? It begins to divide and move through the tubes to the uterus for attachment and further development. This “journey” lasts up to 7 days.

After implantation of the female cell in the uterine cavity, active growth and development of the fertilized egg will begin. And after 14-15 days, the pregnancy test should show two lines.

How long after intercourse does conception occur? The egg can be fertilized in six to seven hours. After unprotected sex, it attaches to the uterus approximately 20-24 days of the menstrual cycle. But the girl should not have problems with ovulation.

Sex before ovulation

How quickly does conception occur after intercourse? This process can take from two to seven hours. That is why, in case of emergency protection with oral contraceptives, it is recommended not to delay in taking the appropriate pills.

Some people wonder if sex before ovulation can lead to pregnancy. Yes, if he was unprotected.

The point is that:

  • ovulation may come at the wrong time;
  • sperm live in a woman’s body for some time.

This means that we cannot say with confidence that planning a child is possible only during ovulation. It’s just that if you have sex before “day X,” conception will happen a little later.

About the life of sperm

On what day after intercourse does conception occur? There are a lot of options for the development of events. But they all depend on ovulation and sperm viability.

Ideally, male cells that are ready for fertilization can live in a woman's body for about a week. This means that pregnancy can occur during ovulation even when unprotected sex has occurred for a long time. Situations like this are not that rare.

Sometimes sperm live in a woman’s body for only 1-2 days. Fortunately, this is an extremely rare occurrence.

Symptoms of Success

We found out when conception occurs after intercourse. The symptoms of this event are almost impossible to feel. At least until the egg reaches the uterus. There, as we have already said, attachment to the wall of the uterus will occur for further development. This process is called implantation.

This is exactly what women can feel. During implantation, a slight nagging pain occurs. It is felt in the lower abdomen. Sometimes implantation bleeding appears - a few drops of blood or spotting from the vagina. Bleeding lasts from a couple of minutes to 3-4 hours.

Body temperature and conception

How long after intercourse does conception occur? We have already sorted out this issue. There is no way to answer it unequivocally.

Let's talk a little about ways to determine an interesting position at first. Only certain categories of girls can do this without much difficulty. For those who keep a basal temperature chart.

If BT stays at up to 37.5 degrees Celsius for 3-4 days longer than usual, you can judge successful conception. But this option for identifying an interesting position is not suitable for everyone. You will have to wait about 2 weeks until the pregnancy appears in full swing.

First signs of pregnancy

The process of conception can occur either a few hours or a week after unprotected sex. Both situations are completely normal. After all, sperm live in a woman’s body for some time after ejaculation. And they can wait until ovulation with an egg ready for fertilization.

Now let's look at the first real signs of an interesting situation. We will talk about a situation in which more than 10 days have passed since fertilization. That is, the time of the next critical days is approaching.

At this point, it is customary to highlight the following phenomena:

  • abdominal enlargement;
  • bloating;
  • toxicosis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • intolerance to certain odors;
  • mood swings;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

In addition, a clear sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. If bleeding does not start on time, it is recommended to wait a couple more days and take a pregnancy test. By this time, 2 stripes or “ghosts” should appear on it.

Important: you can take a blood test for hCG. An increase in this hormone in the body most often indicates successful conception. But it is better to carry out the process on the day of a missed period or after this incident.

What affects ovulation

How long does it take for conception to occur after intercourse? This process takes no more than a few hours. But sometimes you have to wait for “day X” for a very long time. Especially if a woman has problems with ovulation.

It is important to remember that the rate of egg maturation is influenced by various factors. And therefore conception can happen unexpectedly. All days of the cycle are conditionally considered “dangerous” in the absence of planning an interesting situation.

Doctors most often identify the following factors influencing ovulation:

  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • fatigue (emotional and physical);
  • change in weather conditions;
  • chronic diseases;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • STD;
  • size of the menstrual cycle.

This is not a complete list of circumstances that can speed up or slow down ovulation. But these are the factors that occur most often in real life.

Anovulation and conception

Sometimes even with unprotected intercourse during expected ovulation, a woman does not become pregnant. Why is this happening?

If a man is healthy and has motile sperm, it is worth assuming that the woman experienced anovulation in one or another menstrual cycle. This is a process in which there is no ovulation. With it, critical days can come after 2 full cycles.

Important: normally, anovulation can occur in a girl no more than 2 times a year. Otherwise, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

With anovulation it is impossible under any circumstances. After all, in fact, in a woman’s body the egg will not mature for the studied process. This means there will be no pregnancy either.

When does ovulation occur?

We have studied everything. How many days after the act does fertilization occur? This question will not cause any more trouble. And as you may have already noticed, successful fertilization occurs only during ovulation. This period may begin earlier or later than expected. But when should you expect ovulation?

In a normal cycle, “day X” can be expected 12-16 days after the start of the last critical days. Usually ovulation occurs on the 14th day. This is normal.

With a long cycle, the favorable time for conception is 20-25 days of the cycle. If the difference between the critical days is small, you can wait for “day X” for 7-10 days.

Important: there are different methods for determining ovulation. And the principle proposed above is called calendar.

How to determine ovulation

When conception occurs after sexual intercourse, we answered. And we also got acquainted with some of the features of this event. A few words about how to determine the favorable time of conception.

At the moment, there are the following methods for determining “day X”:

  • calendar;
  • test;
  • medical;
  • physiological;
  • according to the BT schedule.

We have already dealt with the calendar reception. Now let's study other options for the development of events.

If you determine ovulation using a basal temperature chart, then it is worth keeping records of several menstrual cycles. BT measurements are carried out daily. The indicators are plotted on a graph. During ovulation, body temperature reaches 37-37.5 degrees Celsius.

The physiological method of determining the favorable time for conception is not particularly effective. But women often observe during ovulation:

  • increased sexual desire;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the ovaries and abdomen.

This method, as already stated, should not be relied upon. It is better to give preference to other methods of determining the favorable day of conception.

For example, test. It involves conducting a rapid test at home. The measuring device resembles a pregnancy test. The woman must urinate on the test strip and wait for the result. One line - ovulation will not come soon, two - the favorable time has come for conception. It is recommended to take the test in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The most reliable method for determining ovulation (and pregnancy as well) is a medical method of bringing the idea to life. It is based on an ultrasound examination. The operation is performed approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

During an ultrasound, the specialist will see not only the position of the egg, but will also be able to report the onset of pregnancy. To accurately “catch” ovulation, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 3-4 days from the middle of the monthly cycle.


How long after intercourse does conception occur? Ideally, this process takes several hours. But in exceptional cases, sperm in the female body can wait up to 7 days for the right moment.

We studied all the features of planning pregnancy and determining ovulation. Now there shouldn't be any problems with this.

It doesn't show up right away. And even doctors will not be able to say for sure whether a girl will be able to become a mother at one time or another. You'll have to be patient and wait a little. For example, before a missed period.

How many days after intercourse does conception occur? This only takes a few hours! If a woman does not want to become a mother, she will have to carefully choose contraception.

For many families, the question “How to conceive a child?” doesn't exist at all. But there are couples for whom pregnancy becomes an acute problem.

Don't worry too much about this! You just need to carefully study this process, thoroughly prepare for it and adhere to some simple rules.

How does the process of conception occur?

During sexual intercourse, 3-5 ml of sperm containing from 300 to 500 million sperm are poured into the female vagina. The strongest sperm begin to reach the egg. They must travel through the uterine cavity to enter the fallopian tube.

The sperm are given 2-2.5 hours for this. They can remain in the fallopian tube from 2 to 7 days. One seed may not overcome all the obstacles on the way to the egg, so from 100 to 350,000 sperm rush to attack, but only one of them manages to reach the egg!

When a male sperm and a female egg meet, fertilization occurs. Then, over the next 12 hours, an embryo is formed, consisting of just one cell. It is called a zygote.

The newly born embryo begins its journey through the fallopian tube to its place in the uterus. While the zygote moves forward, cell division occurs. Already on the 11-12th day after the union of two cells, the embryo attaches to the soft layer of the uterus and begins to develop.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy?

To increase your chances of conceiving, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Doctor's examination

An examination by a specialist involves an examination of the expectant mother or both spouses. The doctor will give useful recommendations regarding your health and the health of your unborn child. For example, you will learn what vitamins you need to take so that your baby is born healthy and you remain strong and strong.

Healthy lifestyle

Principles of a healthy lifestyle for an expectant mother

In order to properly conceive a child, a woman who plans to become pregnant soon needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What does this concept include?

Balanced diet

Proper nutrition with sufficient amounts of fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat, fish. The body of the expectant mother should receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, and without abuse.

Moderate physical activity

Systematic exercise, walking or fitness.

Complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol

Women and men who smoke are less likely to have healthy offspring. Alcohol addiction contributes to the birth of a sick child who is lagging behind in mental development, and other pathologies are possible. Is it worth risking the normal development of your baby?

Healthy lifestyle for the future father

Men must also comply with a number of conditions in order to maintain their reproductive qualities:

  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing (do not wear too tight swimming trunks or jeans);
  • Use the sauna less frequently and wear seasonally appropriate clothing to avoid overheating. Overheating of the testicles reduces the release of normal semen,
  • remove your mobile phone from your trouser pockets.


This is not about starvation. Fasting is generally contraindicated. It is necessary to lose excess weight that interferes with pregnancy. Extreme thinness will also not lead to the desired result. Therefore, a balanced diet is the best way to conceive a healthy child.

A woman should divide her diet into 6 meals, which means she needs to eat 6 times a day, most of the menu should consist of vegetables and fruits. Do not forget that some fruits and berries, such as citrus fruits and strawberries, can cause allergies.

Conditions necessary for conception to occur

It’s good if every woman watches her monthly cycle and knows the right days to conceive a baby, that is, the ovulation phase.


What is the ovulation phase characterized by?

Firstly, vaginal discharge becomes transparent, viscous, and more abundant. Sometimes blood threads can be seen.

Secondly, when the follicles mature, minor pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Thirdly, a woman’s sexual desire intensifies, as the body shows that it is ready for fertilization.

When does ovulation occur?

Most often on days 12-14 after the start of the menstrual cycle. Every woman needs to know that the period most likely for fertilization lasts only 6 days: 5 before the release of the egg and 1 after it.

This process occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. It can be established by measuring the so-called basal temperature. After the release of the egg, the temperature rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees.

How to measure basal temperature?

The temperature should be measured at the same time by inserting a thermometer into the rectum about 5 cm.

During the measurement process, the following conditions must be met:

  • you need to measure your temperature in the morning, without even getting out of bed;
  • You need to hold the thermometer for 6-7 minutes;
  • Be sure to write down your readings in a notebook.

If you keep a graph of changes in this temperature, you can calculate the most favorable days for pregnancy.

Stopping the use of contraceptives

If you are ready to have a son or daughter, you should stop using birth control. In some women, pregnancy may not occur for three to four months after stopping birth control, but this is considered normal.

Moreover, after getting rid of intrauterine devices, you need to refrain from planning a pregnancy for 2-3 months so that the uterus and fallopian tubes are restored. This will make it possible to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Stop searching for the ideal position during intercourse

Is it worth coming up with special positions to quickly conceive a child? As practice shows, none of them works 100 percent. Just relax and have fun.

Rest after intimacy

After sexual intercourse, you do not need to immediately run to the shower, that is, take a vertical position. Behave correctly: lie quietly for about thirty minutes. Many people advise raising your legs up. It won't do anything. Just lie still, then the sperm will definitely fall into the cervix.

Dosage of sexual intercourse

Intimacy without a break during the period of ovulation is harmful. If you are too close, you can significantly reduce your chance of getting pregnant. Why? The thing is that the more a man ejaculates, the more each subsequent sperm loses its rudimentary qualities.

For successful conception, it is enough to have sex once a day and no more than 3 times a week.

No stress

Staying calm is one of the conditions for conceiving a healthy child. Stress quietly but surely kills a person. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy child, you should avoid even the slightest stress.

How does a woman’s body react to stress? Even the most trivial stressful situation can prevent the follicle from releasing an egg for fertilization. And a man during stress will not be able to perform sexual intercourse at all, which means the couple will again have to wait for the next month.

Choosing the optimal time of day and season of the year

Time during the day can also have an impact on successful fertilization. It is believed that couples who indulge in lovemaking in the afternoon, at approximately 17-00 hours, have a greater chance of getting pregnant, since during this period of the day the “tailed creatures” are especially active.

For everything to work out, you need to choose the right season for conception. It is believed that the beginning of autumn is the time to think about offspring. The fact is that in winter, with short daylight hours, as well as in summer, during the hottest months, ovulation in some women simply may not occur.

What to do if you can’t get pregnant quickly?

Don't panic!

If you can’t get pregnant the first time, this is not a reason to despair and think a lot about this problem. Thoughts about pregnancy become so intrusive that it turns into prolonged stress and becomes a real obstacle to achieving such a desired goal.

According to experts, pregnancy may not occur in healthy couples for several months or up to a year. And only after a year of attempts have passed, potential parents begin to be checked for infertility.

Change position for intimacy

There is an opinion that the position of a woman “on top” can interfere with fertilization. You can try changing it to a more traditional “missionary” position.

Also, it should be remembered that it is very important for the expectant mother to experience orgasm. During orgasm, the cervix contracts strongly, and sperm is drawn into the uterus.

Go on vacation

What else can be done if conception is successful the first time? The best option would be to relax and relieve emotional stress, for example, go on vacation.

In addition to this, you can use traditional medicine recipes, for example, drink boron uterus or sage (after consulting a doctor).

Minimize contact with household chemicals and reduce the dosage of medications

Take a course of folic acid and multivitamins

Importance of folic acid for the fetus

When planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the most important component - folic acid. It is enough to take up to 400 mcg of folic acid per day to reduce the possibility of offspring with spinal defects and nervous system defects.

Folic acid is contained in fresh greens, vegetables, and it is found in nuts, seeds, and bran. It can also be bought in a pharmacy in a synthesized form.

The influence of a number of vitamins on conception and the health of the future baby

In addition, vitamins C, E and iodine are extremely important for successful conception. A lack of iodine can affect the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In women whose thyroid gland has reduced function, the process of ovulation occurs extremely rarely.

In addition, iodine deficiency can adversely affect the intellectual development of the baby. In order for your future baby to be born healthy, you need to take multivitamins recommended by your doctor 2-3 months before planning a pregnancy.

The process of conception depends entirely on the health status of both partners. To establish it, you need to visit a doctor. Only after the specialist’s permission can you begin to plan a child. To reduce the timing of pregnancy planning, it is necessary to understand how conception occurs and on what days it is possible.

Couples wonder how to conceive a child. The process of conception is accompanied by the fusion of parental germ cells. In a man, sperm is involved in this. Sperm are produced in paired gonads. The testicles carry out the daily production of germ cells. A base is needed to liquefy the seminal fluid. It is formed in the prostate gland. Under the influence of the work of smooth muscles, seminal fluid is excreted into the urethra and enters the female reproductive system.

It was found that the chromosome carried by the sperm is responsible for the sex of the child. To give birth to a boy, germ cells carrying XY chromosomes are required. These substances affect the functioning of the sperm. Boy sperm have high mobility. They are able to enter the uterus during the first days after sexual intercourse. This is also why they have a short lifespan. The average activity is 48 hours. After this they die.

Sperm with XX chromosomes are suitable for the birth of a girl. These germ cells move very slowly. They need time to enter the uterus. This feature is compensated by long viability. Such germ cells can remain active for more than five days. When asking whether it is possible to conceive a child of a certain gender, experts advise paying attention to this phenomenon. This data allows you to know how to properly conceive a child of a certain gender.

The work of the female body

Before conceiving a child, it is necessary to determine whether a woman is fertile. An egg is needed to form an embryo. It matures in the ovary every month. Cell maturation depends entirely on the functioning of the hormonal system.

The menstrual cycle consists of three parts. They are called phases. The first stage is responsible for several important processes:

  • maturation of the germ cell;
  • preparing the uterus for conception.

Preparation of the uterus involves the formation of the endometrial layer. This tissue has different properties throughout the cycle. After menstruation, the tissue forms a uniform thin layer that is not very thick. Under the influence of estrogen, the endometrium gradually enlarges. The fabric begins to separate into several layers. For conception to occur, the endometrium must have a thickness of at least 11 mm. This will allow the egg to implant firmly in the wall of the uterus.

The formation of an egg occurs under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. The substance appears in the bloodstream at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle. Under its influence, the cell leaves the ovarian cavity and enters its membrane. Liquid accumulates under the shell. The egg and fluid form a follicle. The hormone causes active growth of the follicle.

From the second week of the cycle, luteinizing hormone replaces the follicle-stimulating substance. It gradually increases in quantity. On days 4–5 there is a sharp increase in its level. Luteinizing hormone causes an increase in the volume of follicular fluid. It puts strong pressure on the walls of the follicle. They are torn apart. This phenomenon explains what the ovulatory phase is. When determining ovulation, a couple can know on what day fertilization occurs.

Time of pregnancy

Planning couples are interested in how long it takes for conception to occur after intercourse. Fertilization of the cell occurs in the fallopian tubes. The egg enters it after the follicle ruptures during the first day. This is a favorable time to conceive a child. During these days, the cell passes through the abdominal cavity. It is recommended to conceive at this time. Under the influence of smooth muscles, the cell moves towards the pipes and enters their cavity. When a cell fuses with a sperm, a zygote is formed. The zygote has an uneven structure. It should facilitate faster movement of the zygote along the fleecy layer of the fallopian tube. The villi move the zygote towards the uterine cavity. The movement occurs within 2–3 days.

After the zygote enters the uterine cavity, it penetrates into the endometrial tissue. It gradually goes deeper into the layers of the endometrium and reaches the wall of the uterus. The tissue allows the cell to attach more tightly to the uterine wall. The whole process takes 1–2 days.

From the moment of ovulation, the cell travels a long way. The total time for moving and securing is 5–6 days. From this moment pregnancy begins. This time may be shorter or longer. The timing of conception varies from woman to woman. How many days does it take for conception to occur can only be answered by a specialist upon examination.

Signs of pregnancy

Patients ask how to find out if conception has occurred. In order for a woman to know how to understand whether conception has occurred, she must pay attention to a number of signs. The following are the first signs of conception:

  • the appearance of blood in the cervical mucus;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in psychological state.

Not many patients can pay attention to the listed signs. Some women experience symptoms of conception such as blood in the cervical secretion. On the day that conception occurs, the zygote implants into the uterine wall. The walls of the uterine cavity are penetrated by a large number of blood vessels. When the zygote penetrates the wall, some of the vascular fibers are damaged. After conception, blood enters the uterine cavity from the vessels. With a large volume of blood fluid, the mucus turns pink. A woman notices such signs of conception as a change in the color of cervical secretion. But this process is not mandatory for all women.

Has conception symptoms due to implantation. During implantation, pain in the lower abdomen may occur. Pain may occur due to damage to the uterine wall. This symptom appears when the zygote attaches to the anterior wall. The symptom may also occur on the day of ovulation. The process of conceiving a child can be recognized by the presence of pain during the emergence of the egg from the follicle shell. From this moment on, the woman can determine how long it will take for the pregnancy to develop. The location of the pain also matters.

A woman should be able to guess about conceiving a child by changes in her psychological state. The process that occurs causes various changes in the body. A few days after conception, the hormonal system undergoes a restructuring. Progesterone is responsible for the development of the embryo. This hormone appears in the blood from the moment the zygote is fixed. Its main volume is located in the corpus luteum. It should form at the site of the burst follicle. Under the influence of progesterone, a change in the psycho-emotional state occurs. Conception in women is accompanied by tearfulness, irritability and drowsiness. After the disappearance of the corpus luteum, this symptomatology disappears. These symptoms allow you to determine whether implantation has occurred or not.

Conditions to speed up the process

Couples ask how quickly conception occurs. For this purpose, it is necessary to follow the rules of conception. Both future parents need them.

A man must comply with the following points:

  • rare sexual intercourse;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • vigorous physical activity;
  • undergoing a medical examination.

Seminal fluid can quickly change its qualities. Its characteristics are negatively affected by various factors. To conceive a child successfully, you need to maintain sexual rest. It is not recommended to have sex for a week before the fertile period begins. From the moment the ovulatory phase begins, sexual contact should be carried out every other day. After pas there is a decrease in the concentration of seminal fluid. The break promotes the accumulation of mature and motile sperm in the fluid. The accumulation of healthy germ cells increases the concentration of seminal fluid, which promotes conception.

Since sperm are sensitive to any negative influences, you should stop drinking alcohol before starting planning. Alcohol-containing drinks have a detrimental effect on sperm. If a man has been abusing alcohol for a long time, a break in planning for 3–4 months is recommended. This will help the body cleanse itself of waste products and recover.

For everything to work out, you need to be active physically. Conception can only occur with normal functioning of the reproductive system. Active physical activity increases metabolic processes in the pelvis. Acceleration of blood circulation causes an influx of oxygen to tissues. This allows cells to multiply more actively. Sperm is renewed faster, which affects the conception of a child.

Also, before starting planning, you need to undergo an examination by a specialist. The doctor must conduct a complete examination. Medical monitoring will determine the condition of the male reproductive system and its ability to fertilize. This will allow planning to proceed faster.

The woman is also given advice for conceiving. Tips for conceiving a child include the following recommendations:

  • ovulation tracking;
  • taking a certain position after conception;
  • consumption of vitamin complexes;
  • proper nutrition and physical activity.

Pregnancy can only occur during the ovulatory period. Various methods may be required to establish this. The main method is to plot temperature indicators. It is measured daily in the colon. The obtained data is entered into a table. The construction of the graph lasts throughout the entire menstrual period. After conception, it is also recommended to take measurements to ensure that conception has occurred and that you can become pregnant.

After conception, it is recommended to maintain physical rest. A woman should lie down for 20 minutes after intercourse. She must understand that any movement can cause semen to leak out of the vagina. For conception to occur, experts advise taking the birch tree pose. This advice, which promotes pregnancy, is used by many planning couples. Adopting this position allows seminal fluid to quickly penetrate the uterine cavity. In this case, conception can occur faster. Other methods of conception are also used.

Various vitamin and mineral complexes can also influence the ongoing process. Vitamins should be taken on the days of the menstrual cycle. The order of administration and type of medicine should be carried out by a doctor. You should not do this yourself. The woman does not know what happens under the influence of certain vitamins. The process of conceiving a child may be disrupted.

There are other factors that influence the onset of fertilization. A woman should know that she needs to eat right. When planning, fried, fatty and salty foods are not recommended. You should also avoid using spices. The patient needs to lead an active lifestyle. This helps to enhance metabolic processes.

These conditions are also taken into account when planning a second pregnancy. Conceiving a second child should also be carried out through timely preparation of parents.
Modern doctors often face the complaint that children are not born for a long time. To determine the cause of the disease, you need to visit the hospital and study the process of conception.

The process of the birth of a new life has long been no longer a mystery for scientists. Take, for example, the fact that modern schoolchildren are taught about how conception occurs already when studying the initial course of anatomy, and every educated person has a schematic idea of ​​the mechanism of fertilization. In this material, this issue will be considered more broadly and deeply - from the transformation of sperm into pronucleus and to the formation of trophoblast.

What does the hormone progesterone affect during conception?

The story of how a child is conceived begins with a description of the ovulation process. Approximately on the 13-14th day of the menstrual cycle, the egg matures. Then the ovarian follicle in which it is located ruptures, and the egg, along with part of the surrounding follicle membrane, is thrown out. The release of an egg is called ovulation. During ovulation, women may feel short-term pain in the lower abdomen on the side of the ovary that released the egg. At the site of the burst follicle in the ovary, a corpus luteum is formed, sprouting blood vessels. Its service life is 10-12 days. If the egg is not fertilized, then 12-14 days after ovulation the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, it shrinks, decreases in size and gradually turns into the corpus alba.

If the egg is fertilized, the corpus luteum continues to function until birth as the corpus luteum of pregnancy. This body will secrete the hormone progesterone in large quantities, its presence is necessary for conception.

Here is what progesterone affects during conception, and what effect it has on the entire woman’s body:

1. This hormone causes changes that contribute to the occurrence and development of pregnancy.

2. Under the influence of progesterone, processes occur in the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus), as a result of which the secretion phase begins. Secretory transformations of the endometrium are necessary for implantation (attachment) and development of the fertilized egg.

3. The hormone reduces the excitability and sensitivity of the uterus, which helps maintain and develop pregnancy. Prepares the mammary glands for feeding. Throughout pregnancy, progesterone will be produced in large quantities to prevent spontaneous abortion.

One of the common causes of infertility is anovulation (lack of ovulation), which most often occurs due to hormonal imbalance resulting from stress, brain injury, abortion, diseases of the endocrine glands, etc.

The onset of ovulation is carried out under the influence of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. The maturation of the follicle in the ovary is stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and the corpus luteum by luteinizing hormone (LH), ovulation occurs under the influence of both of these hormones (FSH and LH).

What do sperm look like and how much is needed for conception?

What do sperm look like when mature? The length of a mature sperm is 50-60 microns, it consists of a head, neck and tail. The head is oval in shape, slightly flattened on the sides; inside there is a nucleus surrounded by a thin layer of protoplasm. The neck is formed by protoplasm and contains a modified centrosome (an organelle that takes part in cell division), facilitating the process of fragmentation of the fertilized egg. The tail consists of protoplasm and serves for active advancement (at a speed of 2-3 mm per minute) of the sperm in a liquid medium.

After sexual intercourse, approximately 20 million sperm in each ml rush to the egg. All this amount of sperm rushes to the cervix for conception. True, before sperm enter the uterus, they have to overcome the acidic environment of the vagina. Not everyone manages to cope with this “obstacle” - most of them will die. At this stage of conception, sperm do not yet lose their original appearance - they will lose their tail much later.

Scientists have found that sperm acquires the ability to fertilize only after a few hours spent in the female body. During this time, the properties of the surface of its head change.

How and how long does it take for sperm to enter the uterus?

How long does it take for sperm to enter the uterus after sperm is released into the vagina? This process takes three minutes. During sexual arousal, the muscles of the uterus contract, the cervix opens slightly, the mucous plug protrudes from it and is immediately enveloped in sperm. After sexual intercourse, the mucus plug is pulled back into the cervix. This mucus becomes most permeable to sperm a few days before and during ovulation.

During the process of conception, sperm have already overcome two obstacles. The first is the acidic environment of the vagina, in which a large number of the weakest sperm die, the second is cervical mucus (a certain substance that is produced in the cervical canal and maintains the viability of sperm in the female body, creating a liquid environment for them and partially retaining them). The remaining sperm enter the uterine cavity. Some of them remain there, some go into the right fallopian tube, and some into the left tube. “Lost” sperm move chaotically in the uterine cavity for five days, then die and are absorbed by the uterine mucosa. Others, who choose the wrong direction, enter the abdominal cavity through the fallopian tube, where they die. And only a small number of them reach the goal. They move through the fallopian tube to its ampulla within 1.5-2 hours, where fertilization occurs.

Look at the photo of how conception occurs at the initial stage of sperm entering the cervix:

How does a sperm enter an egg?

The egg cell has practically no independent mobility. Its entry into the ampulla is facilitated by the suction wave-like movements of the fallopian tube and its fimbria, the flickering of the cilia of the internal epithelium of the fallopian tube, creating a flow of fluid from the open part to the uterine end of this organ. The ability of the egg to fertilize becomes highest at the moment of ovulation and persists for 12-24 hours.

The cell membrane and the outer shell of the acrosome (an organelle located at the anterior end of the head, due to which penetration into the egg occurs) gradually soften in the sperm, then disintegrate and disappear. On the surface of the egg, a receptive tubercle is formed towards the sperm; the penetration of a large number of sperm into the protoplasm of the egg at once is prevented by the cells of the corona radiata and the transparent membrane. Sperm located on the surface of the egg secrete various enzymes (hyaluronidase, acrosin, etc.), which increase the permeability of the corona radiata and the transparent membrane and the penetration of usually one sperm into the egg. After it penetrates the egg, its shell becomes impenetrable to the rest. On the vitelline membrane of the egg there are special receptors that respond to sperm. Sperm also have the same receptors; they react to the egg.

This is one of the most important processes among those that occur after conception: scientists suggest that it is at this moment that the question of the sex of the unborn child is decided.

How does the sperm enter the egg through the vitelline membrane? The cell membranes of the egg and sperm fuse and the sperm penetrates the egg. In the cytoplasm of the egg, a large number of small vesicles - cortical granules - rupture, releasing enzymes that destroy the receptors of the egg that respond to sperm. This is a cortical reaction, as a result of which the zona pellucida thickens and turns into an insurmountable barrier to other male gametes (sex cells) - the fertilization membrane. The sperm is released from the tail. From now on it is called the male pronucleus.

In the nucleus of the egg, the division process is completed, resulting in the formation of a mature egg and a second polar body, which quickly degrades. Now the egg is completely ready for fertilization. Its nucleus is called the female pronucleus. The last nuclear membranes are destroyed, the nuclei fuse and their chromosomes are united. Instead of two separate sex cells (gametes) with a single set of chromosomes, a zygote appears, the rudiment of a future person (from the Greek zygote - “joined in a pair”). As it passes through the fallopian tube, it begins to fragment. After the first division, two daughter cells are formed - blastomeres; with their subsequent division, a morula is formed (a spherical accumulation of blastomere cells), very similar in appearance to a mulberry.

Here you can see a photo of how a child is conceived at the stage of sperm entering the egg:

What happens in the first days after conception

And what happens in the first days of conception, when the morula begins to hollow? During the period of fragmentation of the morula, a blastocyst is formed, consisting of two types of blastomeres (dark and light cells), one of them is called an embryoblast (it is formed by dark cells). It is from this that the embryonic cells will emerge a little later. Light cells begin to surround the embryoblast. From them a trophoblast is formed, which will subsequently ensure the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall and its nutrition. The movement of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tube takes 5-6 days and is carried out due to contractile movements, flickering of the cilia of the epithelium towards the uterus, the longitudinal arrangement of folds of the mucous membrane and secretions that moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane.

Trophoblast (from the Greek trophe - “food, nutrition” and blastos - “embryo, sprout”) is the outer layer of cells in the mammalian embryo, providing contact between it and the maternal body.

The trophoblast secretes enzymes that dissolve the uterine mucosa at the site of attachment (implantation) of the fertilized egg, which facilitates its immersion into the uterine wall. By the time the egg is implanted, the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to produce all the substances necessary to nourish the embryo (large amounts of lipids, phosphorus, calcium, microelements, etc.).

Implantation on average occurs on the seventh day after fertilization. After this, the trophoblast begins to grow and form a shell from it, forming villi. The appearance of these primary villi coincides with the first missing menstruation. In one segment of the blastocyst, a cluster of cells is formed with a cavity in the center. This vesicle is connected by a stalk to the trophoblast. From it the amnionic cavity is formed. The walls of this cavity turn into amnion - a water membrane. After completion of the initial period of development, the fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid and three membranes: decidua, villous and aqueous.

The video “How Conception Happens” will help you get a clearer picture of this complex process:

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