What kind of pie can you bake from eggs? Pies, recipes with photos, delicious and simple at home

In the first case, you need two layers of dough, between which the filling is pinched. Since the dough is mainly baked, care must be taken that the inner layer is half-cooked and not too juicy - otherwise the core will remain raw. A type of closed pies is aspic. There is no base, the filling is laid out on a bare baking sheet and filled with a very liquid dough that holds the products together. In open pies, additives are evenly laid out on the surface and pressed down. For variety, you can decorate the top with a dough lattice, fill it with whipped egg whites or sauce.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Among the varieties are baked goods with additives. This pastry consists of one continuous layer: manna, sour cream, cottage cheese casserole, sponge cake. According to taste differences, pies are divided into dessert and snack pies. The first option is with sweet ingredients: fresh and canned fruits or berries, chocolate, jam, jams, dried fruits. Baking in the next category is equivalent to second courses, as it replaces a full meal. With vegetables, in particular potatoes, cereals, meat, minced meat, offal, fish, mushrooms.

Here are 8 recipes for quick and delicious filled pies. A dish that can be served for breakfast, afternoon tea, taken to school or work, and also treated to guests. Learn how to make filled pies at home from different types of dough. Even if you don't have time to cook, baking these pies will take just a little time!

Yeast choux pastry pies


Wheat flour (250 ml each) - 4 cups.
Water (1 cup (250 ml) warm for breeding yeast, 1 cup boiling water for brewing dough) - 2 cups.
Yeast (fresh, can be replaced with instant dry yeast - 10g) - 50g
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Since this dough is very quick, the filling should be ready when you start kneading.
I had two of them. The first is stewed meat mixed with fried onions and boiled rice.
And boiled eggs with green onions.
For the test we need 2 glasses of water. We put one on the fire to boil.
In another, warm one, we dilute the yeast, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil.
Fresh yeast can be replaced with instant yeast, I used a packet of Saf-moment (11g)
Sift the flour into a separate bowl.
Add the yeast mixture and stir quickly. All the flour, of course, will not be absorbed, but that doesn’t matter.
Pour a glass of boiling water on top and begin to knead the dough. First with a spoon so as not to get burned, then with your hands.
If necessary, you can add flour little by little.
The dough should be soft and elastic.
The next step is my personal initiative. Since I love mathematical precision, I weighed out the dough on an electronic scale in 50 g increments. I got 27 identical balls.
However, you can skip this step and immediately tear off pieces of dough...
... roll out into thin flat cakes, spread out the filling...
... and make pies.
After the last one has been molded, immediately put the frying pan on the fire, heat the vegetable oil well in it and fry.
Very important! You shouldn’t skimp on the butter; it should reach at least half the pie, or better yet, even higher. In this case, the pies will be fluffy and without a white stripe in the middle.
That's it! Lush, rosy and very quick pies are ready!

Dough like fluff


– 1 glass – kefir
– 0.5 cup – vegetable oil
– 1 packet (11 grams) dry yeast
– 1 teaspoon salt
– 1 tbsp. spoon – sugar
– 3 cups flour


Mix kefir with butter and heat a little, add salt and sugar, sift the flour and mix with yeast, gradually pour in the kefir mixture and knead the dough, cover and put in a warm place for 30 minutes. While the dough is rising, you can prepare the filling. Line a baking sheet with oiled paper, form the pies, and place them on the baking sheet, seam side up. While the oven is heating up. let them sit for a little while (10 minutes), then brush the pies with egg.
Bake at 180-200 degrees until golden brown.
You can bake absolutely anything from this dough: pizza, pies, buns (you can add vanilla, a little more sugar and a little melted margarine to the dough).

The dough always works out.
If it seems to you that after 30 minutes it hasn’t risen very well, don’t be upset, that’s how it should be, this dough rises during baking.

Pies with cabbage “Cigars”


Wheat flour (about) - 2 cups.
Vegetable oil - 0.5 cup.
Water - 0.5 cup.
White cabbage (fresh or pickled) - 1 fork
Carrots - 1 pc.
Onion - 1 piece


Knead flour, butter, water and salt into a soft and elastic dough, divide into 12-14 pieces
We roll out each piece until almost transparent and put the filling on the edge - for me it’s shredded cabbage stewed in a frying pan with onions and carrots, for sourness I added lemon juice, or vinegar.
We carefully wrap it, forming our “cigar”, place it on a baking sheet, seam side down, the pie is about 10*3 cm in size.
Grease with egg and bake at 200 degrees for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown.
Very tasty, flaky and crispy, I highly recommend it.

Cottage cheese pies in 15 minutes

Curd pies are a delicious and quick dessert for children and adults, which are pleasant to eat with tea, coffee or cool berry compote. And thanks to the content of cottage cheese, this is also a very healthy dish; it can even be included in the diet of those who follow therapeutic diets and abstain from starchy foods.
Some fruits and berries go best with curd dough: apples, apricots, plums or peaches, gooseberries, strawberries and others. They can be cut into small pieces or grated on a coarse grater, mixed with cinnamon, honey, sugar or lemon zest. Thanks to this choice, you can prepare different pies every time and constantly surprise your guests.
And as a filling for this dessert, all kinds of jam or jam, in which there are many large pieces of fruit, and chopped walnuts, are suitable. And if you really love cottage cheese, you can make not only dough from it, but also filling. To make it tastier, mix cottage cheese with a little sugar, butter and raisins.
If you decide to fill the pies with jam, discard the liquid one, as it will leak out and ruin the whole dish. It's best to just use the fruit from it.


To prepare cottage cheese pies, mix two eggs with 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar and beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Combine the resulting mixture with 500 g of cottage cheese, stir and add 10 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of sifted flour. Mix everything well again until a homogeneous mass is formed, add two pinches of salt and the same amount of soda. Knead the dough, which is not too stiff.
Prepare the filling and divide the dough into the required number of pieces. You should have about 20 standard size pieces. For children, you can make smaller pieces to make the pies more miniature and attractive.
Shape the dough pieces into a flat cake, place a small amount of filling inside and pinch the edges well. Remember that the filling should not fall out of the pie. Then place the pies on a baking sheet, thoroughly greased with olive oil, separately from each other. Bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes at 200 C.
After the allotted time has passed, take out the curd pies and lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Let them cool for some time and serve with tea, compote or milk drinks.

Baby pies

These pies are simply incredible!
The softest, most delicious! And they are so easy and quick to prepare that you just can’t believe that such a delicious result comes out...
What an amazing dough! It’s not even clear whether it’s yeasty or not... Soft, docile, early ripening, I’ve never worked with it before...
And the pies themselves are prepared in such an unusual way!
You'll love it! Let's prepare them...


flour -3-.5 tbsp (550 -600 g)
milk -1 cup (250 ml)
dry yeast -11 g
drain butter -200 g
sugar -1 tbsp.
salt -1/2 tsp.


Melt the butter in a saucepan and dilute it with milk. The milk-butter mixture should be warm
Add yeast, sugar and salt there. Stir and let stand for 5 minutes.
Then sift the flour. Not all at once, gradually...
Mix with a spoon. Once the dough comes together into a soft ball, place it on a table dusted with flour.
Mix it in a little. The dough is ready! No lifting required. Let's start cutting right away...
Divide the dough into 6 pieces
Roll out each piece into a rectangle, 50x30 cm in size, approximately 3 mm thick.
Spread the filling along the long side
Roll up
Pinch the edges
Dust your hand with flour and use the edge of your palm to make sawing movements from front to back. At the same time, our sausage begins to roll around the table and acquire a “waist”... A little practice and it will turn out quickly and beautifully! Thanks to “sawing,” the edges of the pies stick together themselves. The tails can be slightly pressed down for greater beauty. Place on a baking sheet. There is no need to grease the pies with anything. Bake immediately in an oven preheated to 180 C for 25-30 minutes or until browned. If you don't brown them too much, they turn out the softest. If you bake it harder, they will be crispier... This is what they look like inside - there is not enough dough, there is a lot of filling! Due to the twisting of the dough, the results are slightly flaky... You have to try this! Your family will be delighted!

Delicious homemade pies

Once you try this recipe, you will forever become its faithful “fan”. The secret of these delicious pies is in the incomparable dough: soft, elastic, not sticky to your hands and very pleasant to the touch. And what kind of pies it makes! Delicate, airy, soft like feathers! And not just pies: the girls made sweet and savory pies from this dough, yeast rolls with apples, donuts, buns and cheesecakes, cinnamon buns, whites, sausages in dough... - everything turned out just fabulously delicious


Flour – 600 gr.;
granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
eggs – 2 pcs.;
margarine – 50 gr. (can be replaced with butter);
milk – 250 ml. (can be replaced with water + dry milk 2 tablespoons, or kefir);
salt – 1 tsp;
yeast – 2 tsp. dry (or approximately 24 grams pressed);
vanillin – 1 tsp. (you can do without it).


I won’t describe the filling, since everyone has their own favorite. Anything goes with these pies, minced meat, pate, chopped legs, onions and herbs, jam, cabbage, mushrooms, cheese, chocolate, etc.
The author made the dough in a bread machine using the main dough program, but if you do it by hand, then there is nothing complicated either.
To do this, you need to dilute the yeast in warm milk or water with the addition of 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Let it come to life (yeast), and when it starts to foam, you can make the dough.
To do this, mix all the ingredients and knead the dough; if it is too runny, add more flour.
The dough should not stick to your hands.
Place the dough in a warm place to rise for 2-2.5 hours.
Knead twice, the third time you can make pies and bake.
Place the pies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, brush with egg and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until browned.



2 eggs
500 ml sour milk (or kefir + milk)
200 g cottage cheese of any fat content
1 tsp soda,
12 heaped tablespoons of flour (300 g)
salt, sugar to taste
vegetable oil approximately 100 ml.


Beat cottage cheese with eggs, add half the milk.
Add salt, sugar (if the pies have a savory filling, then add a little more salt and vice versa) and add flour.
Add soda to the remaining milk, mix well and combine with the curd mass.
Beat everything with a mixer or whisk. The mass turns out to be the consistency of thick sour cream.
Next, prepare the filling to taste. The filling can be any: mushrooms, liver, cabbage, chicken, or sweet - peaches and plum jam, cottage cheese.
Pour a portion of the dough into a well-heated frying pan, reduce the heat and cover with a lid.
As soon as it is noticeable that the bottom of the pancake has browned, put the filling (closer to the center) carefully, using a spatula, fold the pancake in half. The dough is manageable and folds easily.
Cover the pan with a lid for 1 minute, then turn the pancake over and cover with the lid again.

Pies - Delicious without the hassle

The pies turn out soft, tasty and don’t go stale for 2-3 days (if they survive, of course :)) Prepare the dough in 5 minutes and the pies are molded right away, no need to wait for it to rise.


1 glass of warm water
50 gr. compressed yeast
1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil
4 cups flour
1 cup boiling water
any filling


Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar, salt, sunflower oil, mix the flour a little and pour in a glass of boiling water. Knead the dough. After the dough is kneaded, we immediately begin to make pies. I prepared the filling in advance; for me it was potatoes with liver, but any of your tastes can be used here. What I like about this recipe is that you don’t have to wait at all - even though the dough is yeast. While some were frying, I sculpted the next ones) The pies didn’t turn out very well in terms of beauty, but they had no equal in taste and speed.

Making simple pies is fun! They are prepared from the most common ingredients, but every quick pie impresses with its taste and aroma. Our selection will allow you to choose a recipe for both sweet pastries and quite satisfying ones with meat, fish or vegetable filling.

Quick kefir pie with cabbage

Cabbage filling makes a great option for dinner. This pie will not make you worry about extra pounds, because it is prepared from healthy, low-calorie products.

Required Products:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir;
  • premium flour - one and a half cups;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • 1 tsp. any baking powder;
  • half a head of cabbage;
  • green;
  • salt, sesame seed.

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, add a little salt, and crush with your hands until soft. Add herbs and pepper to taste. Don’t get too carried away with the salt, leave a little in the dough.
  2. Mix the amount of flour, soda and kefir (yogurt), add a pinch of salt. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork or mixer.
  3. Grease your chosen baking dish with any oil. Gently combine the dough with the eggs.
  4. Pour half of the prepared dough into the mold, place all the cabbage on top, and then the rest of the kefir dough.
  5. All that remains is to sprinkle the top of the workpiece with sesame seeds. This is not necessary, but its presence will make a quick cabbage pie especially beautiful.

This recipe is suitable for any filling: potatoes, fish, minced meat, mushrooms. Prepare something new every time!

Quick baked goods with apples

Required Products:

  • 340 g flour;
  • half a pack of creamy margarine;
  • 2 tsp. any baking powder;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 5 – 6 apples;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ teaspoon.

Cooking technology:

  1. You need to bake a quick tea cake in a round pan with a diameter of 25 cm. First, you need to cover it with baking parchment.
  2. Then you can knead the dough from flour, margarine, baking powder, sugar and vanillin. Grind the ingredients into crumbs using a fork or mixer.
  3. Add the egg and knead into a smooth dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in foil and place it inside the refrigerator.
  4. While the dough is chilling, peel, quarter and seed the apples. Place the fruit slices in a saucepan, add cinnamon and simmer over low heat until soft. They need to be stirred from time to time. If the apples are very sour, add sugar.
  5. Next you need to preheat the oven. At this time, roll out half the dough and place it on the bottom of the mold. Place the apples on top and cover them with the rest of the dough.
  6. Place the dough in the oven for half an hour. When the apple pie is ready, you can sprinkle it with powder.

It just so happens that for most tea lovers, drinking it is unthinkable without baking. In China, Japan, England, Russia and any other country in the world, they serve their traditional delicacies during tea drinking. However, it is not always possible to purchase or bake one of these desserts - it can be too complicated or time-consuming, and besides, specific ingredients are not always sold in stores.

But this is not a reason to have a tea party without your favorite sweets - why not bake a quick cake for tea? Most of these recipes are affordable and don't take much time. And baking them is a pleasure! In addition, you can choose sweet or savory pies according to your taste.

Unsweetened quick pies for tea

Recipe 1. Pie made from ready-made puff pastry

To bake this pie you will need:

  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 2 jars of canned fish;
  • 1 large onion;
  • fresh herbs;
  • ready-made puff pastry, bought in a store - 2 sheets;
  • raw egg – 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise.

The only thing you need to prepare is the filling. For it you will need to mash the fish with a fork, cut the eggs into small pieces, cut the onion into half rings and fry. Mix everything, add salt and herbs.

Grease the mold with butter and place the first sheet. Place the filling on it and grease its surface with mayonnaise. Cover the whole thing with another sheet of dough and seal the edges together. It is advisable to brush the top of the pie with a raw egg to obtain a golden crust.

This is important! Baking temperature – 180°C. Bake for about half an hour until golden brown. The pie is perfect for those who don't have time to make the dough by hand, and it's also very tasty.

Recipe 2. Quick tea pie with cheese

This one is good because almost any filling can be used in it: meat, fish, sausage with onions, cheese and whatever you want. In addition, it will come to the table not only during tea drinking, but also as an independent hot dish.

To prepare it you need to prepare:

  • 150 grams of your favorite sausage (can be replaced with ham or brisket);
  • medium bunch of greens: green onions, parsley and any other;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • a little salt;
  • 5 grams of baking powder (can be replaced with soda);
  • 200-250 grams of cheese;
  • 250 grams of flour.

It is advisable to turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up sufficiently. The optimal temperature is 200°C. While the oven is heating, you can prepare the filling and dough.

Cut the onion into half rings or small squares. Sausage - in small squares or thin strips. Mix all this and fry in butter.

While frying the filling, you can prepare the dough. Its base consists of eggs, kefir, salt, and baking powder. Add sausage and onions to this mixture and mix. But you will have to grate the cheese on a coarse grater, and only then add it to the dough. Flour is poured here, and the mass is thoroughly mixed again.

The finished dough can be placed in a mold and placed in the oven. Approximate baking time is 30 to 40 minutes. The readiness of the pie will be indicated by a golden brown crust, as well as the absence of dough sticking to a match or toothpick.

Sweet quick cake for tea

Sweet quick pies for tea usually lead in frequency of consumption - this is one of the favorite treats of those with a sweet tooth. There are a lot of recipes for them, as well as variations of fillings.

Recipe 1. Quick tea pie in half an hour

The recipe is remarkable because it takes only half an hour to prepare. This is an irreplaceable option if you have invited guests to a tea party and need to come up with something urgently. Plus, it's very sweet.

For it you will need:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 pcs eggs;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 2.5 g baking powder;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt;
  • 150 – 180 milk (if you don’t have it, replace it with kefir).

It is recommended to remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator 30-60 minutes before cooking and let them warm up to room temperature. It is better to turn on the oven in advance. While it is heating up, there is time to prepare all the components. The ideal temperature for baking is 180°C. The baking tray or mold should first be greased with oil and sprinkled with a small amount of flour on top so that the dough does not stick.

The butter and sugar are thoroughly ground. It is better, of course, to use a mixer so that there are no lumps. Continuing to beat, add eggs and then vanilla sugar.

This is important! Before adding flour, you need to sift it to make the dough airy. Baking powder and salt are sifted with flour. Both mixtures, liquid and dry, are combined and mixed well. Now you can add milk and mix again.

The dough is placed in a mold and placed in a heated oven. This quick tea pie will take about half an hour to bake. Check it for readiness using a match, toothpick or any wooden stick. Carefully pierce the dough. Doesn't it stick? So the pie is ready.

If you want, you can add finely chopped walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds to the dough of your choice. Small pieces of chocolate will make baked goods even tastier.

Recipe 2. Quick crumbly cake for tea

The finished pie with jam turns out very airy and tasty. The main ingredient here is plum jam. But it can be replaced with any other.

Required components:

  • 3 faceted glasses of flour;
  • 1 pack of margarine;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • salt;
  • quenched soda;
  • 500 ml thick plum jam.

For this recipe you only need yolks; you can later use whites at your discretion. The yolks are beaten with sugar until a whitish mass is obtained.

The butter needs to be melted and then mixed with the yolks. Salt and soda are also placed here, and everything is mixed. Flour is sifted into the mixture and mixed again. About a quarter of the dough is separated and placed in the freezer. What remains is divided into two parts.

To prevent the dough from burning and sticking, the baking dish should be greased with vegetable oil and then sprinkled with flour. First, the first part of the dough is laid out, the surface is well leveled. The next layer will be half of the jam. Place a second layer of dough on top, rolled out to about 1.5 cm, and the remaining jam on it.

Now the pie can be decorated. For this you will need frozen dough. It is grated on a coarse grater on top of the jam.

This pie takes about 40 minutes to bake. The baking temperature is the same as the previous recipe – 180°C.

A delicious recipe for a quick tea pie from England itself

This recipe is very popular in Europe and America. It has quite a lot of cooking variations - you can add any types of nuts, coffee, zest to the dough. But the basis for this is the same - the classic method of making brownie pie.

What you will need:

  • half a stick of butter;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 chocolate bar;
  • 40 g cocoa;
  • salt.

Chocolate and butter are placed in one container and melted together in a water bath. This is the most critical stage - if you are distracted and overlooked, the mixture will burn or separate. Therefore, for these few minutes, put aside all extraneous matters. You can remove the container from the stove only when these components have completely melted and the mixture becomes homogeneous.

This is important! Beat eggs and sugar until foam forms. By this time, the chocolate and butter will have cooled slightly and can be mixed into the egg mixture. Cocoa and salt are also placed here. It is recommended to sift the flour to make the dough more airy.

All ingredients are carefully mixed and the dough is poured into the mold. It needs to be greased with melted butter, and instead of flour, sprinkled with a small amount of cocoa. The optimal thickness of the dough in the mold is 2-3 cm, no more.

Oven temperature – 180°C. This quick tea pie takes about 20 minutes to bake. You can also check readiness with a wooden stick. If nothing sticks to it, take out the brownies and cut them into diamonds or squares - whichever is more convenient. Some people with a sweet tooth prefer to decorate pieces of pie with ice cream or whipped cream.

Quick cake for tea- a delicious and affordable delicacy. Most of the ingredients for it can be found in any kitchen, but even if something is missing, purchasing it is not a problem. The main advantage of such pies is that they can be prepared using a wide variety of fillings. In fact, you can choose any sweet or savory filling and substitute it for the one used in the recipe. And after the pie is ready, enjoy its taste and favorite aroma of tea!

Simple pie recipe can be both sweet and salty. Baked goods with the addition of chicken, mushrooms, raspberries, strawberries, apples, etc. are very tasty.

Simple pie recipe


You will need:

Granulated sugar – 2 cups
- a glass of sour cream
- egg – 5 pieces
- melted butter – 215 g
- flour – 2 cups
- slaked soda - half a small teaspoon
- cocoa – 2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking steps:

Beat the eggs with the addition of granulated sugar, cooled melted butter, soda, and sour cream. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Divide the dough into 2 halves. Add 2 tablespoons of flour to one of the parts, and a couple of large spoons of cocoa to the second. Stir to “break up” any lumps. The dough should look like sour cream. Grease the pan. One by one, pour in a little dough (of one type or another), stir with a stick. But don't mix! Bake the product in the oven. Half an hour will be enough to be ready.

Just a pie recipe

You will need:

Salt with soda - 0.25 tsp each.
- one and a half glasses of sugar
- flour – 3 cups
- ½ liter of sour cream


Combine sugar with sour cream and divide into 2 parts. In one, put salt and soda to taste and add flour. Knead into a soft dough. Divide it into 4 equal parts. Preheat the oven. Grease the pan. Roll out the pieces into rectangles of equal size. The thickness of each should be 2-3 mm. Place on an oiled sheet. Bake at 192 degrees to form a golden brown crust. After the cakes have cooled, brush them thickly with sour cream, place the second cake, coat with sour cream again, lay the third cake, pour out the remaining sour cream. Make a quad crust crumble. Place the pie in the refrigerator for four hours. Cut the pie into 4-5 pieces.

Easy pie recipe

Prepare the following products:

Sugar – 275 g
- flour – 215 g
- butter – about 200 g
- cherries – ½ kg
- chicken egg – 6 pcs.

Cooking steps:

First remove the butter from the refrigerator and allow it to become soft. Turn on the oven, wash the berries, remove the seeds from them. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Transfer the soft butter into a bowl, add the egg yolks and sugar, beat until foamy. Sift the flour, add egg whites in small portions, stir thoroughly. Grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with flour. Pour the resulting mass into the mold and place it in a cabinet heated at 180 degrees. After a couple of minutes, remove the mold from the oven. Place cherries on top and let cool slightly.

Enjoy as well.

Easy pie recipe with photo


For the bulk

Egg – 3 pieces
- mayonnaise sauce – 3 heaped tablespoons
- a glass of flour
- sour cream – 5 heaped tablespoons
- a small spoon of salt
- a couple of small spoons of baking powder

For the filling:

Boiled egg – 3 pcs.
- a bunch of greenery
- a can of tuna
- a bunch of green onions
- seasonings

Cooking steps:

Beat sour cream, mayonnaise and eggs. Stir, add salt, combine with flour, baking powder, knead. Prepare the filling: chop fish, finely chopped onion and dill, egg cubes, seasonings. Stir everything thoroughly. The filling is ready! Pour half of the dough into the mold, and then the filling and the rest of the dough. Place in a pre-heated oven and bake.

Simple pies recipes with photos

Recipe with strawberries

Required Products:

Teaspoon baking powder
- flour, granulated sugar - 80 g each
- strawberries – 400 g
- testicle – 2 pieces
- butter – 92 g
- a pinch of salt

Cooking steps:

Preheat the oven. Peel the strawberries, wash them and dry them. Cut large berries into several slices. Grease the mold, place the berries in an even layer, and sprinkle with a few tablespoons of sugar. Beat eggs into a bowl, add sugar, butter, salt. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a mixer. Sift the flour, stir with baking powder, add to the egg mixture in small portions, stir with a spoon. Pour the batter you just made into the strawberries. Place the pan on the middle rack in a hot oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

Pie recipe is simply delicious

Required Products:

A glass of sour cream and mayonnaise
- a glass of flour
- chicken egg – 3 pieces
- a pinch of salt
- a pack of baking powder


- salt
- seasonings
- chicken fillet – 250 g
- cheese – 190 g

Cooking steps:

Prepare your baking ingredients in advance and allow them to come to room temperature. Combine mayonnaise with sour cream, add eggs. Add baking powder, salt, stir. Add sifted flour, stir until the dough turns out like thick sour cream. Grease the mold and sprinkle with flour. Transfer the dough into a mold, add baking powder, salt, and stir until smooth. Level the mass. Cut the chicken into pieces and transfer to the main mixture. Chop the onion into half rings and cover the chicken. Salt and add spices to taste. Grate the cheese and close the pie.

Rate and.

Pie simple and delicious recipe

You will need:

Flour – 245 g
- three tablespoons of mayonnaise dressing
- sour cream – 3.2 tbsp. l.
- chicken eggs – 2 pieces
- cheese – 90 g
- egg – 4 pcs.
- soda – 1.25 tsp.
- lemon juice

For minced meat:

Spices with salt
- vegetable oil – 45 g
- onion
- champignons – 190 g

Cooking steps:

Prepare all the necessary components - they must be warmed up to room temperature. Make the dough: beat the eggs in a bowl, grate the cheese here, add the sifted flour. Add mayonnaise with sour cream, soda, quenched with lemon juice. Chop the onion and fry while stirring in a hot frying pan. Chop the mushrooms, mix with onions, and stir-fry. Grind the meat, add to the mushrooms and onions, and fry. Add salt and spices if desired. Turn on the oven, oil the baking sheet. You can also sprinkle it with flour. Pour 2/3 of the dough into the mold. Spread the minced meat evenly on top and fill with the rest of the dough.

Also bake the pie according to the recipe described.

Pie recipes with photos: simple and delicious

Potato recipe


Vegetable oil - about 1 tbsp. spoons
- potatoes – 450 g
- salt – 1/25 tsp.
- butter – 1.6 tbsp. spoons
- ground black pepper – 1.45 tsp.

Cooking steps:

Melt the butter in any way you like. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. Place it in a bowl, immediately stir in the diluted butter, season with spices, and stir well. In a large frying pan, place the potatoes and press lightly to form an even layer that will cover the entire bottom. Brown for about 10 minutes. Remove the product from the pan, turn it over, and remove it. Place on the fire again. If the pan seems very dry, add a little more oil and continue frying until a nice crust forms.

A simple pie recipe in the oven


Butter – 190 g
- flour - a couple of cups
- jam – 180 g
- a little vanilla
- a glass of granulated sugar
- soda – 1 tsp.

Cooking steps:

Melt in butter until cooled. Pour sugar into a separate bowl, add chilled butter, eggs and vanilla, stir thoroughly. Gradually add flour in small portions, mix it with baking powder, knead the dough, which must be stiff. Divide the dough into 2 parts (they should not be the same). Place the small half in the freezer and leave for an hour. Spread the larger half evenly over the pre-oiled pan. Remove the rest of the dough from the freezer, grate it on a coarse grater, and spread it with an even layer of jam. Place in a preheated oven, bake for 20 minutes.

Kiwi recipe

Prepare the following components:

For the test:

Flour – 200 g
- milk – 3 tablespoons
- kiwi – 6 pieces
- baking powder – 2 tsp.
- testicle
- sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
- butter – 45 g

For filling:

Butter – 76 g
- flour - one cup
- sugar – 45 g
- chopped almonds – 90 g
- milk – 1 tbsp.

Cooking steps:

For the dough, combine baking powder with flour and sugar. Add the egg, milk and butter, knead the dough, place in a round shape pre-lined with parchment. Form small sides, place slices of peeled kiwi on top, bake at 200 degrees. Mix the ingredients for the filling, stirring regularly, and boil. Remove the product from the oven, pour on top of the kiwi, bake for 10 minutes.

Try it and we’ve collected it just for you!

Delicious baked goods are a great way to please your family and friends. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough time for this. A selection of simple recipes has been collected just for you. Pies with various fillings will definitely suit your taste.