Captains my first business my page. My first business is the All-Russian competition for young entrepreneurs, captains. Games - creative tasks

We continue the series of articles about business for young mothers and fathers, and today we will talk about the all-Russian competition for young entrepreneurs called “My First Business”. Like all recent endeavors, this project was formed at the end of 2017 and is now gaining momentum every day. The PR campaign is in full swing on TV, radio and other print media.


  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia;
  • Agency for Strategic Initiatives;
  • REU im. G.V. Plekhanov.

The project was implemented within the framework of the program. Information support is provided by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund and the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in Scientific and Technical Fields, although in fact the initiative was supported by other funds and the media.


According to the organizers, the main goal of the project is to popularize Business among young people. Despite the active development of Russia in recent years, as well as numerous programs to support small businesses, unfortunately, our small business development indicators do not reach European, and even less so American, where more than 50% of the contribution to the country's GDP comes from income from small businesses .

We do not quite understand the selection principle, because According to the organizers, participants must undergo a certain “educational track” in one or more business areas under the guidance of “well-known” bloggers. Among the areas we can highlight:

  1. Internet projects;
  2. Blogs;
  3. Innovation;
  4. DIY Projects;
  5. Music production.

Several logical questions arise:

  1. Why were these particular areas chosen? After all, in Russia there are many interesting and unexplored areas, as well as only those in which there is low competition or it is necessary to replace foreign analogues. And the organizers chose the “Blogs” direction. Is this a creative project? One gets the impression that the competition itself is still raw and only the areas of activity in which the fund has connections have been launched.
  2. Why do they evaluate their work and take an educational track under the guidance of famous bloggers? Are there not enough successful entrepreneurs in our country? Why go through some kind of competition or selection from a blogger? After all, a blogger is a rather controversial figure who earns money only through his posts on the Internet, the number of these posts, especially actively picking up the latest popular topics and discussing them on his blogs. A very controversial decision in our opinion.

By the way, you can choose the following bloggers - Nikolay Sobolev, Klava Koka, Masha Wei, Ian Topless and Wylsacom:


Program and timing

The deadlines for 2017 - 2018 are quite tight, although realistic:

General rules

Everyone must register on the portal, fill out a form with personal data and subscribe to the VKontakte community.

Again, the initiative of compulsory subscription to communities is very controversial; it seems that the organizers themselves want to make money from PR of their groups on social networks, and also then monetize the project additionally.

The VKontakte social group of the My First Business - Captains project, by the way, looks like this:

There are already a little over 500 thousand subscribers - this is a very good result in just a few months of the group’s life. We are also immediately greeted by a presentation video:

Everyone must register on the website, and registration is only possible through a personal Vkontakte profile. Thus, all those who do not have a page on a social network need to create such a profile and register under it. After confirming the rights to the application, you are taken to your personal account and see:

The interface is quite intuitive, although it does not display correctly on MAC OS in Safari. It’s interesting, but as in the classics of the genre, extra points are awarded for inviting a friend. Everything bloggers love.


Each blogger has his own tasks and they are presented in the form of a video interview and a question, for example:

Task 1: How to find an idea for an online business? Describe your idea. What would you like to sell in your online store? Why did you choose this direction?

Answer to task 1:

You must give a detailed answer of at least 100 characters. Example: I would like to open an online pet store, and make it multi-brand with the most extensive product matrix. Selling both food and accessories for cats, dogs, birds, rodents and reptiles. The emphasis should be on a minimum markup, free delivery, a convenient personal account with order history and personal recommendations, and a description of the client’s pets. In your personal account, you could leave a request for an individual selection of medicinal feed or other products by specialists, veterinarians or representatives of your favorite brands.

I would also like to pursue aggressive advertising strategies and launch them in all well-known media, Internet portals, Yandex market, Internet layout spaces, etc. At the same time, negotiate with manufacturers of goods from the store’s assortment regarding joint advertising and PR campaigns. In addition, the site should have a system for auto-updating prices and product balances, functionality for recommended products based on neural networks, similar products, products that were recently viewed, the ability to buy in 1 click, and the ability to put them on your “wish list.”

This is just an example, and of course, all the main points are not covered here.


  • Describe the idea in as much detail as possible;
  • Try to immediately imagine the numerical parameters of the project, forecasts of sales volumes, output, costs, profits, etc.;
  • Indicate the uniqueness and distinctive features of the project;
  • Tell us why everything should work out for you;
  • Present the “success stories” of your competitors.

Task 2: Why will they buy from your online store? What advantages will your online store have?

Answer to task 2: Describe the advantages point by point as specifically as possible, trying to come up with a “zest”. Example: Among the main advantages one can highlight: free delivery, minimal markups, selling any product individually, returning goods within a month rather than two weeks, the ability to bring goods to choose from several types, sizes or colors, unique individual selection of products for the breed dog, its age and distinctive features of taste and character directly on the website using a special filter, adaptive website design, individual mailings with special offers, cumulative discount for regular customers, etc.


  • Reflect specific facts, confirmed by statistics;
  • Please draw the organizers' attention to foreign examples;
  • Search the Internet for e-commerce know-how;
  • Pay attention to neural networks and BigData functionality from the Bitrix platform.

Task 3: Delivery to the client. Indicate the delivery method you are going to use and justify your choice.

Answer to task 3: As a rule, delivery methods are the same for everyone, but you can get creative, for example, specify delivery using quadcopters or multicopters. Such coffee delivery options already exist in Europe and America. Or: Delivery will be carried out by all possible means, for example, Russian Post, couriers, transport companies, through post offices, and self-pickup is also available.

The more different delivery methods, the more customers we can interest, because... Each client has his own preferences, for some it is more convenient to receive the courier in person, for others they do not want to adjust and it is easier for them to drop by on their own or go to the post office at a convenient time, while others place an order on the Internet from other regions and can only have it delivered to them using TK, Russian Post or other remote methods!


  • Specify several delivery methods and justify each;
  • Use both standard and creative approaches to stand out from the crowd.

After completing these three tasks, the following notification is displayed: " You have completed the main tasks! Congratulations! Now you are a participant in the drawing of 5,000 backpacks and 5,000 beauty boxes. If you want to qualify for an iPhone X, GoPro and a grant for education at one of the best universities in the country or financial support for a project, complete the practical task!”

Task 4: Platform for your online store. Choose a platform for your online store (\ Place the products you want to sell in your online store or group. Send me a link to the store.

Answer: This is where the fun begins. We move from theory to practice and place a real store for testing.

After the link is sent, we receive the following message: “You have completed all theoretical and practical tasks. The jury will select after November 14 those who will receive the latest iPhone and GoPro, as well as grants for the development of the idea. Don’t waste time - take daily steps to develop your business"

Competition results

As a result, the winners will be able to receive various prizes, the list of such prizes is quite significant - from equipment to educational grants. Experts will select only about 2,000 of the best competitors; they will be invited to regional educational so-called business camps from December 7 to 10, 2017, and from November 16 to December 5, students of the Faculty of Business “CAPTAINS” will organize the preparation of schoolchildren for the camps. As expected, the details were published only in the VKontakte community. Unlike the program

  • is the main site of the project, where you can and should register, read the terms and conditions. The domain is also recently registered, but already has significant traffic. The project is visited by several thousand people a day, and everything here is prepared for promotion on the Internet. The naked eye can see that designers and marketers, as well as many other specialists, worked seriously on the site. Here's some information:

P.s. The founder of the fund is Alexey Nechaev. Quite a well-known entrepreneur and teacher in narrow circles. Graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov and immediately began to combine teaching and entrepreneurial activities. Currently he is the founder and president of Faberlink (one of the top 100 largest perfume and cosmetic companies in the world). Married, father of as many as 5 children!

Good luck to everyone in business!

Participants of the competition are high school students. Many have already opened their own businesses. The winners will be able to take a course at one of the largest universities in Russia.

This grant in hand means that immediately after graduation they will receive free training at the Faculty of Business “Captains” of the Plekhanov University of Economics. A start to a new, exciting life.

“This is just cool, wonderful, emotions are going over the edge now, I honestly didn’t expect that I would receive it, it’s breathtaking. This is a ticket to a good future, as we are told, here it is written: “We are not preparing for life, but living,” says Daria Zubatova, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

The winners of the “Captains - My First Business” project proved that they are the best among two thousand applicants. For three days at educational camps across the country, they built the city of the future: they participated in master classes and solved business problems.

Basically, all tasks were designed to be completed as a team. But it was also necessary to demonstrate leadership qualities. This is one of the main criteria by which the jury, consisting of current students of the “Captain Faculty,” evaluated the applicants. They helped the children get used to the new environment and discussed their business projects. It is important that budding entrepreneurs want to implement their ideas in our country. And some have already started, like, for example, eleventh grader Maxim Vlasov. This is the second year he has been conducting educational quests at his school - teaching his peers financial literacy.

“Our country is huge. And there are many minds and many possibilities. It is not necessary to take on just one business; you can develop many. We have a lot of land in our country, a lot of different unimagined ideas,” says Maxim Vlasov, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

“Captains - my first business” is part of a larger project “Russia – a land of opportunities”. It gives young and promising managers a chance to prove themselves. The work of this competition is closely monitored by the Presidential Administration. For ordinary schoolchildren, this is a chance to communicate with business leaders and regional heads. Talk about your plans and ask for advice.

“The future belongs to these guys. You are brave, erudite and have a good future. And we will support you,” promised the governor of the Saratov region, Valery Radaev.

“It’s very nice that the authorities are communicating with us. They hear us, they listen to us. The coolest thing, probably, at my age is to be heard,” notes Semyon Kulikov, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

In the Novgorod region, Governor Andrei Nikitin shared his experience in developing ideas. He himself worked in business for more than ten years.

“If any of us wants to turn our idea into reality, is there any support for young entrepreneurs in our city?” - asked Regina Lovetskaya, a participant in the project “Captains - my first business”

“We have a fund to support small businesses. I think I’ll ask my colleagues, they’ll give me their phone numbers,” responded the governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin.

Tomorrow all participants in the “My First Business” project will go home. The organizers are confident that there are no losers in the competition. During these three days, everyone, without exception, gained invaluable experience that will help in realizing their own ideas.


Each captain receives 5 cards, on each of which he writes any phrase that is often found in letters. Then the captains exchange cards, compose a letter, trying to connect all the sentences in a general sense, and read it to the audience.


To conduct this competition you will need to prepare letters of the alphabet, 3-4 pairs of each. Team captains draw from a box (box) the number of letters pre-agreed by the leader (8-10). The task is to form as many words as possible from the letters. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and more correctly.


The captains exchange syllables as they throw the ball to each other. For example, the first one says “yes”, the second one adds “cha”. And so on until someone stumbles and cannot form a word.


The presenter invites several guys from the teams to walk in turn so that their shadow is visible (using additional lighting). The captains must name these players.


In a large cardboard box there are fish of various sizes drawn and cut out of cardboard, tin cans, torn galoshes, etc. On every fish, jar, etc. - wire rings or magnet. The captains have fishing rods with hooks at the end. They catch fish “blindly”, without seeing them lying on the bottom. The smaller the ring or magnet, the larger the number on the side of the fish. The captains fish in turns, 30 seconds each, for 6 minutes. Whoever is the first to score the required number of points (the sum of the numbers on the caught fish) wins. Anyone who catches or galoshes loses half of the points already scored.


Any object is attached to the middle of the cord; a pencil or other object is attached to the ends of the cord. You need to wind your part of the cord around a pencil. Whoever reaches the designated object or knot faster is the winner.


Team captains receive cords of the same length, each with knots of varying complexity. The captains ask each other questions prepared in advance from different areas of knowledge or questions of different levels of complexity. After each correct answer, the knot is untied. The captain who unties all the knots the fastest wins.


Team captains show players of the opposing team the movements of a traffic controller, a violinist, a postman, a shoemaker, a carpenter, and a boxer. The faster the team guesses, the more points the captain will receive.

Option. This same competition can be called “How does a team understand its captain?” The captain gives a command with signs or shows a word with gestures, and the team must either complete the task or guess the word.


To conduct this competition you will need a large number of clothespins of different colors and sizes. Each captain receives a task (for speed and quality) to collect unusual beads - original and unusual and give them a name, handing the beads to either a girl from the audience, or a representative of the jury, or a team member.


The host invites each of the captains to guess the charade. A charade is a riddle in which the intended word is guessed in parts, and only then the word itself. Moreover, two captains guess the charade at the same time. The winner is the one who writes the answer on the card faster and gives it to the presenter.

For example:

My first syllable is a preposition,

Not new to you at all, (by)

Second, the thermometer will show the patient (fever)

And my whole is a natural disaster.

Put it out if there is water nearby. (Fire)



Stars of large and small sizes with and without numbers can serve both for the decoration of the hall and for holding various competitions. For example, these:


Get together by month, complete the task - advertise your month. All words in advertising must begin with the letter of the month. For example: “December” - long-awaited, children's, home, etc.;

Find "yesterday";




8. “Namesakes - IN A CIRCLE”

9. "TREEK"

10. "ABC"



Among the many traces, find yours. The one who does this in the shortest time is the winner.


Find from the pre-prepared “paper smiles” the one that suits you best.


Describe the most ridiculous skill, explain where and how they can be useful.


The participant is put on a mask that he cannot see. He is given the opportunity to ask leading questions, to which the presenter answers only “yes” and “no”. Within a certain time or number of leading questions, the participant needs to determine what kind of mask it is.


It is necessary to guess from the answers which of those present the “journalist” interviewed. Interview responses are coded.

For example, participants were offered answers to this “interview”: “44.15, Nina, Sasha, 27, blue, 9.” The decoding may be as follows: these numbers were written by a girl sitting in the hall. For her they mean: 44 - her dress size; 15 - that’s how old she is; Nina is her mother's name; Sasha is her younger brother; 27 is her date of birth; blue is the color of her eyes; 9th grade is where she studies.


Based on the presenter’s description, draw a hidden movie, cartoon character, etc.


Propose the name, content, conditions of a competition that has never happened.




For example, “recipe for eternal youth”, “recipe for a good mood”, “recipe for the biggest miracle”.


At the participant's choice, make up questions or guess all the words in a pre-prepared crossword puzzle.


When conducting such a competition, several options are possible:

Give a speech on a specific topic;

Give a speech using required phrases;

Give a speech together, with everyone talking about their own things.

Games - creative tasks


For example:

Construction machine, water supply device (faucet);

Item for cooking, stone block (slab);

An architectural structure, an organized group of people (column).


Jasmine, rowan, rose, gooseberry (rowan is not a shrub).

Pinocchio, Tortilla, Pierrot, Malvina (Tortilla is not a doll).

Milk River, Apple Tree, Pechka, Baba Yaga (Baba Yaga is a negative hero).


For example: “all sails”, “neither fish nor fowl”, “remember what your name was”, “knock it off”, “drop in the ocean”, “burn with shame”, “sit in a galosh”, etc.


For example:

And the puddle is up to your ears. (The drunken sea is knee-deep);

A woman and a cat in a hut... (A man and a dog in the yard);

Glad for my little raven (On someone else's side).


It is necessary to guess from the answers which of those present the “journalist” interviewed. Interview responses are coded.

For example, participants were offered answers to this interview: 44, 15, Nina, Sasha, 27, blue, 9. The transcript could be as follows: these numbers were written by a girl sitting in the hall. For her they mean: 44 - her dress size, 15 - her age, Nina - that’s her mother’s name, Sasha - her younger brother, 27 - her date of birth, blue - the color of her eyes, 9 - the grade in which she studies .


Participants in this competition receive a set of any items of clothing and objects (cane, monocle, bast shoes, sundress, bow, juicy apple). They must remember who these things could belong to, and in the image of a hero, pronounce a phrase that belongs to him or perform a musical scene.


The presenter makes a wish for an object and then asks each of the participants in turn: “What does it look like?” Having received answers from everyone, the presenter names what he has in mind and asks everyone to find similarities with the object he named.

For example, the presenter conceived a “multiplication table”. The first player said that the idea was like the Moon, and explained that the multiplication table helps count numbers, just like the Moon. The second participant said that what was planned was like a semicolon, explaining it this way: “When studying the multiplication table, many people also find it difficult to put either a period or a comma.” A third compared what was planned to a story. Having heard the intended word, he explained it this way: “Every story has a beginning and so does the multiplication table.”

If the participants cannot compare the leader’s hidden word with their own spoken word, they themselves become presenters or complete tasks.


Participants in this game first choose different roles (they are written on cards) - “initiator”, “skeptic”, “opponent”, “commentator”, “observer”, etc.

Next, each participant tries to choose the appropriate motto for his role, choosing it from the following: “return on time”, “do no harm”, “judge strictly, but do not offend”, “risk is a noble, but also dangerous” business. The person who chooses explains his choice and tries to act according to this motto.


Each group represents some objects (light bulbs, tables, steam radiators, sneakers, etc.) and prepares a series of questions for the other group. Then a “press conference” is organized in which both parties take part.

For example: two “light bulbs” and “two pairs of sneakers” sit at the table. Everyone else begins to ask them questions that correspond to the chosen image. Those participants whose questions and answers turn out to be the most original and interesting win.



A line 10 steps long is drawn on the floor with chalk.

The player must try to walk along the line from one end to the other, looking into the hall with the wide side of the eyepieces.


Two lines are marked on the floor with chalk: the distance between them is 8 steps.

The player stands on the line: he is blindfolded.

He must reach the other line, turn here and sit on the chair that stands behind him. When the player steps on the line, he is stopped; he can make an attempt to feel the chair only once, and even then without using his hands.


All participants in the game are given cards. The card says: (Born in water...). The one who received such a card looks for another participant in the game, whose card says (...and is afraid of water). All that remains is to solve the riddle. It’s not difficult for two people to do this: “One mind is good, but two is better.” Riddles should be chosen with a short text. Each part of the riddle must be written on several cards.

1. Born in water, but afraid of water? (Salt).

2. Was the window broken during the day and replaced during the night? (Ice in the hole).

3. Twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing around the yard? (Broom, sun).

4. Everyone loves him, but when they look at him, everyone winces? (Sun).

5. There is a flatbread on one leg. Whoever passes by will bow to her (Mushroom).

6. Steep mountain - every step is a hole (Staircase).

7. Seven hundred gates, and one entrance (Seine).

8. The house-elk was walking and got stuck in the damp ground (Rain).

9. The day comes and goes (Tear-off calendar).

10. She gives the handle to everyone who comes and everyone who leaves (Door).

11. The more you take from it, the larger it becomes (Yama).

12. Green, not a ray, white, not snow, curly, but without hair (Birch).

13.Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel. Whoever turns his nose will enter the door (The key is in the lock).

14. The grain scattered by night. We looked in the morning - there was nothing (Stars).

15.Who weaves without a machine and without hands (Spider).

16. If you dig up the ice, you will take the silver. Cut the silver and you will take gold (Shell, white and yolk of an egg).

17.White cotton wool floated somewhere (Fog).

18. Downhill - horse; uphill piece of wood (Sled).

19. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. Who knows where it happens (At sea).

20. Lives - lies, dies - runs (Snow).

21. What freezes in the house in winter, but not outside (Glass in the window).

22.Two brothers look across the garden bed, but never see each other (Eyes).

23. The red maiden is sitting in prison, the braid is green on the street (Carrot).

24. There are pillars of henbane, with green caps on them (Birches).

25. Water itself floats on water (Ice).

26. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter (Forest).

27. If he comes into the house, you won’t drive him out with a stake; When the time comes, it will go away on its own (Ray of the Sun).

28. The little seahorse is cold across the sea, its back is sable, its belly is white (Swallow).

29. One hundred and one brothers and all stand in one row, tied together (fence stakes).

30.Under the pines, under the fir trees, there lies a ball of needles (Hedgehog).

31. In the meadows, little sisters have a golden eye and white eyelashes (Chamomile flowers).

32.Nobody scares them, but they all tremble (Leaves on the aspen).

33. Dresses in summer, undresses in winter (deciduous tree).

34. The house is noisy, the residents are silent. People came, took the residents with them, and the house went out the windows (Water, fish, fishermen).

35. If you fold it, it’s a wedge, and if you unfold it, it’s a pancake (Umbrella).

36. Horned, but not a bull; takes the bird, but is not full; He serves it to people, and goes into the corner himself (Uhvat).

37. The carcass has ears, but no head (Ushat).

38. There was a child who did not know diapers, became an old man, a hundred diapers on him (Cabbage).

39. She gnaws quickly, chews finely, and does not swallow herself. What is this? Who can guess? (Saw).

40. Lives without a body, speaks without a tongue; no one saw him, but everyone heard him (Echo).

41. On which road do they travel for half a year, and half a year without a horse (On the river).

42.Climbed out of the bush, rolled over my hands, and ended up on my teeth (Nut).

43. There are a lot of threads, but you can’t break them into a ball (Cobweb).

44. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many they count (Hair).

45.The golden sieve is full of large beads (Sunflower).

46. ​​On one pit there are a hundred pits with a pit. ???

47.If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything (Language).

48.One speaks, two look, two listen. What is it (Tongue, eyes, ears).

49. It flows, it flows - it will not flow; runs, runs - will not run out (River).

50. A girl sits in a dark dungeon, knitting a pattern - no threads, no knots (Bee in the coal).


Here you are given part of the puzzle:

"To everyone who comes, and to everyone who..."

One of those present has a card with the continuation of this riddle. Find him and solve the riddle together with him. The two of you go up to the table where the poster hangs: “Answers to riddles are accepted here.” If your decision is correct, you will both receive tokens for the prize draw.


Participants in the game can sit or stand. The presenter gives various commands that need to be executed only if the word “please” is added to them. Without this word it is invalid and does not need to be fulfilled. The one who makes a mistake gets up or takes a step forward, but does not lose the right to continue the game.

The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.


The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The host throws the ball to any participant in the game and loudly says part of a word

(noun). The player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and immediately finish the word. The one who hesitates raises his hand up and

stands and stands like this until the leader throws the ball to him a second time.


The participants of the game stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He asks the players various questions, without observing the order. The person asked should

be silent; the neighbor on the right side is responsible for him. The one who answers the question himself or is late to answer for his neighbor leaves the game.


Tell me, please, which of you knows the multiplication table well? All. But I only need one person. So I ask you to come to me. You; Of course, can you say all the numbers from one to thirty in a row? Will you never get lost? Well, now you’ll be able to count, but only with this condition: don’t name numbers that contain the number “3” or that are divisible by “3” without a single remainder, but instead say confidently: “I won’t get lost.”


“Here I have two completely identical posters pinned to my shield. On each of them, numbers from 1 to 24 are written in paints of different colors. They are placed on posters without any order. Now we are organizing an interesting competition. I will call those who want to participate in it to the stage in pairs. Who wants it first? You stand in front of one poster, and you stand in front of another. Stand so that the posters are visible to the audience at all times. As soon as I say: “one, two, three,” each of you should count out loud in a row from one to “24,” showing each number named on the poster. Whoever finishes the count first wins.

Several rounds of such a competition can be held. In each round, only those players who emerged victorious in the previous one participate in pairs.


“I wrote a letter on this piece of paper in advance. Which one is a secret. Try to guess. Who did it? Very simple. You will tell me words consisting of no less than the word spoken, I will answer whether there is a written letter in it or not. You are unlikely to guess the letter before you tell me 10 - 15 different words and hear my answers. Don't say everything at once: whoever wants to speak, let him raise his hand. I'll ask him myself. If he offers me a word of three or four letters, I will not answer. Usually it is proposed to guess, one after another, 2-3 letters that are not very often found in words (y ts sh sh y y b e). After the players, you need to repeat each word loudly so that everyone can hear it.


“I need a “mathematician” to help me. His task is very simple: I will say different numbers one after another, and my assistant must say the number each time

one more.

FOR EXAMPLE: I say “eight”, he says “nine”.

I say 32 he is 33! It's clear. The only important thing is that the one who will help me never gets lost. Which of you can cope with such a task? You name numbers in ascending order, skipping hundreds. Your assistant confidently calls the number one more each time. The count goes well until you say “4099”. At this number, your “assistant” will almost certainly “stumble” and instead of naming the next number - 4100, he will say “5000”.


1.What can you see with your eyes closed (Dream).

2.Who speaks all languages ​​(Echo).

3. They walk with a load, and stop without a load (Clock with weights).

4. Whose mustache is longer than its legs (Cockroach, Crayfish).

5. My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself).

6. Hangs on the wall and at the same time gives what it is (Barometer, looking at the barometer before bad weather, they say: “the barometer is falling”).

7.Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day (Those that have stopped).

8. What happened “tomorrow” and will happen “yesterday” (Today).

9. Will there be a year in this century that will not change if it is written in numbers and turned upside down (That year will be 1961)

10. Three tractor drivers had a brother, Andrei, but Andrei had no brothers. How could this happen (the tractor drivers were women, Andrei’s sisters).

11.Six legs, two heads, and one tail. What is it? (Rider).

12. When we look at the number “2” and say “10” (When we look at a clock that shows ten minutes of an hour. At this time, the minute hand is on the number “2”).

13.What question can never be answered affirmatively and truthfully (To the question: “Are you sleeping?”).



The presenter explains the conditions of the game. All players are wolves who must stand parallel to the corner. If the leader says the words: “Wolves, wolves,” then the wolves respond loudly, in chorus: “No wolves!” At the same time, they take one step back, i.e. in the corner.

The players are pressed into a corner. When the presenter realizes that the players have nowhere to move, he says very simple but malicious words: “A complete corner of fools!” The words must be spoken with delight.


All players stand in a circle, sitting on their knees. The little fingers of the hands touch the little fingers of the neighbors on the right and left.

Leader's words: Hello guys! Today we will play a new game, which is called very simply - “cats”. You can relax, we won’t meow. The presenter addresses the neighbor on the right, calling him by name and patronymic.

For example: Ivan Ivanovich, do you know how to play cats?

Answer I.I.: no, I don’t know how and I don’t even have an idea.

The game continues until the last player is reached. The chain moves from one to another, returning to the host of the game. The presenter says the last phrase in a malicious tone, which should surprise all the players: “What are we doing here then?”


In this part of the book you can find games that allow you to relieve stress and set up their participants for further work. Joke games are different in that most of them can only be played once by a given group of participants.

One-time game. You need to guess what this abbreviation means. A similar abbreviation is MPS. The abbreviation means "Last person to answer".

Idea: games.

Everyone sits in a circle and those who don’t know the abbreviation begin to ask questions to those who do. You can only answer “Yes” or “No”. Sooner or later they realize that Ch is a man. But this person’s gender changes (They ask: “Is this a man?” If the previous answerer is a man, then they say “yes” and vice versa. The same with hair color, etc.). They guess until everyone has guessed correctly.

Some rules.

You can't ask: "Is the first word a noun?" Etc.

A very fun and interesting game that can be played in any company, but only once. MPS - "My right neighbor." During the game, the guessers should have the idea that this person is a specific person among those present, and among the versions expressed, you can hear a lot of interesting things...


The players stand in a circle. The driver, moving on all fours, walks around the circle with the words: “I am Lunokhod-1. Pee-pee-pee." The one who laughs, or at least smiles, becomes “Lunokhodr-2”, and is assigned to “Lunokhodr-1”. The game continues until everyone becomes a lunar rovers.


The players repeat the movements after the leader.

Presenter: “Now we will do a little warm-up with you. Raise your right hand up and shake your hand. Raise your left hand up. Shake your arms, make noise like the birch trees rustle: sh-sh-sh-sh-sh! Spread your arms out to the sides. Humor like airplanes: w-w-w! Wave your arms like a bird. Shout: shoo-shoo-shoo! Congratulations! You graduated from the school of garden scarecrows!”

The players stand near the wall, resting their palms on it. Everyone's palms are at the same level. The presenter explains that if the answer to his question is positive, then the palms move up the wall, if negative, then down. The presenter asks various questions. And the last one is like, “Are you intelligent beings? So why are you climbing the wall?”


The players stand in one line, shoulder to shoulder. The presenter stands first and, bending his knees a little, asks the person standing next to him: “Have you seen the bear?” Answering in the negative, the second one asks the same question to the next one. The same

the whole line does it. The last one asks the first one. Next, the presenter squats down and asks the question: “Is he very scary?” They answer him: “I don’t know!” The question “goes through” the entire line. The latter asks the presenter and he says: “Very! So why don't we run away? After these words, the leader pushes the entire line, squatting, and it falls to the floor.


The players stand in a circle. The presenter explains that every person has a patron animal: a snake, a cat, an elephant, etc. And even the most ancient animal is a dinosaur. Then the leader goes around the circle and tells each player his animal in his ear. Then he explains the rules of the game to everyone. When he shouts out an animal, the participant in the game whose animal is named must try to jump out of the circle, the others try to stop him. The game begins. Everyone suddenly falls to the floor as most of the players were named a dinosaur.


The presenter calls 5-6 people who want to undergo hypnosis, and one assistant. Those who wish stand in front of him, and the assistant is nearby. The leader speaks, and the participants follow his commands.

The words of the presenter: “Imagine that a wonderful flower, pink buds, carved leaves are blooming in front of you. You close your eyes from its blinding beauty (do it) and drop to one knee in admiration, pressing your hands to your heart (do it). The flower emits a delightful aroma. Can you feel it? Stretch your nose towards the flower (do it). You wanted to pick it to give it to your best friend - But be careful, the stem is thorny, so stretch your relaxed right hand forward (do it). You're hot! You are thirsty, but there is a large drop of dew frozen on the petal. I really wanted to lick it off. Stick out your tongue (do). Freeze! Open your eyes!”

With the last words, the leader approaches the assistant, gives him a military honor and says: “Comrade Sergeant Major! A group of guard dogs to protect the state border has been built!”


The players line up and raise their hands up. The two leaders stand on both sides of the line. Ved.1: “Can you hear me?” Ved.2: “No, I don’t hear.” Ved.1: “Why can’t you hear me?” Ved.2: “Because the monkeys were hanging on the wires.”


Participants line up in a column and close their shoulders. Q: “Do you know Jacek? This is Jacek!”

1. The presenter asks a question and shows by extending his arms at head level. The first participant asks this question to the second and repeats the movement. The second participant asks the third, etc.

2. The presenter asks this question in the second round, but changes the gesture. Lowers his hands to the level of his stomach.

3. The presenter asks this question for the third time, while lowering his hands to knee level.

When all participants find themselves in an uncomfortable position, the presenter says: “Do you know Jacek? This is Jacek!” And with these words he pushes the player. The entire column falls to the floor.


The facilitator asks the participants:

“Can you repeat three short phrases after me?”

Participants answer: “Yes.”

Q: “It’s raining today” (participants repeat).

Q: “Do you think the weather will be good tomorrow?” (repeat).

B: “Well, you’re wrong.”

U: “Why?”

Q: “Well, you’re wrong. That was my third sentence."

Participants are divided into wolves and hares. The wolves should stand in one of the corners of the room.

The presenter says: “Hares!”

Participants chorus: “Yes!”

B: “Hares!”

B: “Wolves!”

Wolves in chorus: “No wolves”

Q: “Full corner of fools.”


Q: “Do you know how to play belly? If not, raise your hands up." The participants raise their hands, and the presenter quickly tickles their bellies, shouting “Belly! Tum!". We need to tickle as many people as possible.


One or more players are told that now everyone will come up with some kind of bloody story, and they will have to guess it. When guessing, they will have to ask questions that can only be answered “yes,” “no,” or “we don’t know.” The task of these participants is to guess and tell the plot of this story. After the explanation, these participants are asked to walk out the door.

No plot is invented. Simply, if the players’ question ends with a vowel, then everyone answers: “yes,” if they answer a consonant, then they answer “no,” and if they answer a soft sign, “we don’t know.” After some time has passed, the leading players themselves tell the story they have created.


Players stand in a line, holding hands. The leader begins the spiral by standing still and wrapping his arm around himself in such a way as to guide the line. Players must move slowly and not push. When the spiral is twisted to the end, the leader falls to the ground, taking everyone along with him.


Raise your hands,” the presenter tells the participants. -Well done! How long can you keep them up? Well, let's say while I walk around this room (stage) three times back and forth, can you? Let's check it out! The presenter walks around the room twice, then stops and says:

And the third time - tomorrow. Today I don't want anything anymore. I’d rather sit and read a book... And you hold your hands, since you promised!


“I am a famous clairvoyant,” the presenter declares to the guys. - I can guess your past, present and future. If you want to make sure of this, then do what I am showing you now. (The presenter makes the guys clap their hands.) Then the leader says:

Your past - you clapped your hands, your present - you sit and listen to me. And finally, your future - we will finish playing and you will go home.

Right? Did I guess everything?


A guy and a girl are called from the audience. They must act out a situation without words where they do not know each other’s roles.

To the girl: “Your boyfriend is going to hang himself. You have to stop him."

To the guy: “You need to change a light bulb, and your crazy mother-in-law will bother you.”


10 volunteers are called up: 5 boys and 5 girls. 2 boys and 1 girl remain in the room, the rest of the participants go to another room, from where they cannot hear or see what is happening in the hall.

The guys are told that now they must create a statue of love. One boy becomes a sculptor, and another boy and girl become “clay” respectively. The sculptor gets to work: asks the “clay” to take the required poses, achieves the appropriate facial expressions. When the sculpture is ready, the sculptor takes the place of the boy in this composition. Next, the next girl is invited to play the role of sculptor. And the whole process repeats again.


For this game you need two rooms, in one there will be a train, in the other all the other participants in the game. In the first room, 3 participants form a train, one locomotive and two carriages. Each trailer must make some sounds “sneeze-sneeze”, “chug-chug”, “puff-puff”, etc. The engine goes around a circle, stops and blows “too-too”. The first participant kisses the second on the cheek, and the second scares the third. Then the next participant is invited, he becomes the last trailer. The train goes around a circle, all the cars kiss, and the last one is scared, etc. It is advisable that boys and girls alternately become trailers.


Just like in previous games, two rooms are needed. Everyone who wants to learn the Polish language is left in one room; they are invited to the room where the teacher sits, one by one. There should be two teachers: boys will be taught by a girl, girls, respectively, by a boy. A student is invited and sits on a chair next to the teacher. The teacher explains that in Polish “yes” is “so”, and “no” is “neither”. To consolidate your knowledge, you need to practice and answer a few questions. But you need to answer in a strict order: first “so,” then “neither.”

The teacher takes the student’s hand and asks: “Do you know what this is?”

Student: "Yes."

Teacher: “Why is that?”

Student: "Nor."

The teacher puts his hand on his shoulder. The same is repeated with the other hand; after questions, it is placed on the other shoulder. Then the teacher points to the student's head and asks the same questions. After answering, he places his head on his shoulder. Points to lips. After the answers, instead of kissing the student, he plays on his lip.


The players form a circle, having previously removed several players from the room. The removed players are then let into the room one at a time and asked "fluff or fur." If he chooses "fluff", everyone says: "Kiss two." If he chooses "fur", he is told: "Kiss everyone."


Several clocks are placed in front of the player at a short distance from each other. The player is then blindfolded and the player is asked to step over the clock. The presenters guide the player so that he does not accidentally step on the clock, they tell him what he needs to do, how to go.

In fact, all the clocks are removed and laid out again after the player has walked the entire distance.


The presenter asks which of the participants can step over 10 rubles. Anyone who wants to is called. But the presenter places in front of the participant not one ten, but two coins, worth 5 rubles, at a great distance from each other.


The game is started by several people who know its rules.

The driver says to the uninitiated person: “You are now at a symposium of scientific donkeys. You need to find a Bukhara donkey. You ask: “Who is the Bukhara donkey?” We all say together: “I-I!” You should hear whoever shouts the loudest is the “Bukhara donkey.”

The driver asks, everyone screams. He points to the supposed “Bukhara donkey”, he agrees, says “yes, it’s me” and leaves. A new “Bukhara donkey” is being chosen. The departed man comes in and asks: “Who is the Bukhara donkey?” Everyone shouts: “I-I!” He points. Failure. Again: “Who is the Bukhara donkey?” And then the only one who screams is the one who doesn’t know the rules of the game - the first driver. The game continues with the next invitee.



When entering the evening, everyone can draw out a feather that brings a lucky ticket (prize, lottery, gift), a task feather that needs to be completed during the evening, a forfeit feather, i.e. you need to give away some thing or item for the drawing.


Stars of large and small sizes with and without numbers can serve both for the decoration of the hall and for holding various competitions. For example, these:

1. After the end of any dance, the number of the “lucky star” is announced, and the couple that ends up under it or close to this star is either awarded or ordered any dance composition.

2. After the end of the dance, the numbers of the stars are announced, and partners and partners change with each other or all pairs change.

3. Some stars may depict zodiac signs. At the leader’s signal, people born under one sign or another gather together and perform a collective dance.

4. Some stars have photographs of famous “stars” pasted on them.

Couples who find themselves under such stars can receive a prize or order music for the next dance if they correctly answer a question regarding the work of a particular “star.”


Everyone who comes to the evening is given a calendar sheet. Girls - with even numbers, boys - with odd ones. As the evening progresses, participants complete the following tasks:

Get together by month, complete the task - advertise your month. All words in advertising must begin with the letter of the month. For example: “December” - long-awaited, children’s, home, etc.;

Gather according to the days of the week, complete the task - remember songs (as many as possible) about your day of the week; if there are none, then come up with one verse;

Form a team of 12 Wednesdays, 12 Thursdays, 12 Fridays. Get to know each other and present a living picture on the topic: “Nature has no bad weather”,

Compose a complex number, for example, 1712465;

Find "yesterday";

Gather according to numbers - even and odd.


The host sets the alarm for a certain time and invites the evening participants to take part in various competitions. For example: in dance, song, art, etc. If the alarm sounds during the performance, that participant is declared the winner.


The competition runs throughout the evening. The person (or team) who receives the most autographs with wishes is awarded.


Couples need to perform a dance to different music; the melodies may change several times during the dance.


Congratulations are passed from couple to couple, each phrase of which begins with the last word. For example: We are glad to see you. You can see the good in everything. We help each other in everything, etc.

8. “Namesakes - IN A CIRCLE”

During the general dance, guys with the same names are invited to the center of the circle, they chant their name in chorus, then they are replaced by guys with rare names. This way, all the guys will be in the center of the circle.

9. "TREEK"

This well-known folk game will help couples find each other. While the stream is flowing, at the leader’s signal, the guys break up into pairs and dance to slow music.

10. "ABC"

Each participant receives a letter of the alphabet. At the signal of the presenter, who pronounces this or that word, the letters are assembled into words or even into whole sentences.

MOSCOW, October 1 – RIA Novosti. The second annual international competition “My First Business” has been launched in Moscow, which is a unique tool for the development of youth entrepreneurship in Russia and allows people to take their first steps in business from school age.

This project provides an opportunity for students from 5th to 11th grade to present their ideas and developments in the field of entrepreneurship, discuss them with experienced mentors and learn project management skills.

In addition, as Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, said at the ceremony, this competition gives its participants the opportunity to master various social and professional roles, regardless of what a person plans to do in the future.

“It takes decades to master various competencies even in large companies. And entrepreneurship is a unique thing that allows you to try out all the roles at the very early stage, on the smallest project. An entrepreneur is always a creator, a researcher, an organizer, and a team leader.” , emphasized the deputy head of the Administration.

At the same time, according to the founder of the charitable foundation for supporting educational programs "Captains" Alexey Nechaev, in the "My First Business" project, not only victory is important, but also participation itself.

“This competition is an opportunity for schoolchildren, without fear of anything, to do what they have long wanted to do. No one will give you a bad mark or criticize your mistakes. Don’t be shy, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of participating and maybe even winning,” called Nechaev.

As the finalists of last year’s stage noted, participation in the competition had a noticeable impact on their professional advancement: it taught them to look at things more broadly, make decisions more confidently, cope with mistakes more easily and, most importantly, not be afraid to move towards their goals.

According to the organizers, in 2017 the competition caused a great stir among young people, collecting more than 400 thousand applications for participation. This season, the organizers expect to cross the threshold of half a million requests, about 50 thousand of which are expected from schoolchildren from other countries.

The collection of applications for participation in the “My First Business” competition will take place from October 1 to December 10, 2018 on a special portal The best projects will be selected in the categories “Innovation”, “Do It Yourself”, YouTube and E-commerce. Also this year, a new direction will be launched - “Team Business Project”.

Participants will compete for more than 12 thousand prizes, including grants for training, trips to the All-Russian children's center "Orlyonok", educational center "Sirius", as well as 1.5 thousand tickets to educational business intensives of the faculty "Captains" of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

The “My First Business” competition is one of the flagship projects of the “Russia – Land of Opportunities” platform.

On March 14, 2018, as part of the “Russia - Land of Opportunities” Forum at VDNKh, a ceremony was held to award the winners of the “My First Business” competition for schoolchildren. The Innovation Promotion Foundation acted as a partner of the event.

The goal of the competition is to increase the interest of high school students in the implementation of their own entrepreneurial ideas and business projects in the Russian Federation, to provide motivation for obtaining specialized higher professional and additional education and to increase the desire to realize themselves through innovative activities.

Based on the results of all events, the 100 best participants were selected who will receive grants for training at the Faculty of Business “Captains” of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov. The winners were congratulated by the President of JSC Faberlic, founder of the Captains of Russia program Alexey Nechaev and the dean of the Faculty of Business "Captains" of REU. Plekhanov Konstantin Barmashov.

“Our competition “My First Business” showed how many children are interested in the topic of entrepreneurship. And, in my opinion, the most important thing was not to identify the winners, but to involve more than 400 thousand schoolchildren in this competition and in this topic,” noted Alexey Nechaev.

As part of the event, projects were selected for the “SMART CAPTAINS” competition. Schoolchildren who were selected from among the participants in the “Innovation” track competed in the competition for a grant from the Foundation in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Based on the results of the correspondence examination, 32 best projects were selected to participate in the finals of the competition; the winners were 10 innovators from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk region, Kaluga region, Kemerovo region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd and Smolensk regions.

“The “My First Business” competition gives young and promising managers a real chance to prove themselves. We congratulate the first winners of this competition and look forward to them implementing their ideas. In turn, the Fund is ready to continue to help young innovators in their desire to develop and build a knowledge-intensive business,” concluded Ivan Bortnik, Advisor to the General Director of the Innovation Promotion Fund.

In October 2017, the All-Russian competition “My First Business” started, within the framework of which schoolchildren from all over Russia have the opportunity to realize their business ideas. The competition is aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities among senior schoolchildren (grades 8-11), as well as at creating an institute for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the country. The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME Corporation), the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Rosmolodezh and the Russian Schoolchildren Movement.