Miniature poodle 2 months old. Feeding a poodle

Indoor decorative breed. Smart, cheerful, harmoniously built, the dog, with curly hair, resembles a small sheep playfully frolicking on the grass. Despite the fact that today poodles are increasingly giving up their homes on sofas, ottomans and armchairs to Yorkies, pugs and toy terriers, they still remain one of the most popular and smart dogs in the world, and all thanks to their compact size and good adaptability to any conditions and boundless love for the owner.

Description of the Miniature Poodle breed and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: France.
  2. Use: companion.
  3. FCI classification: Group 9. Companion dogs. Section 2. Poodle. No operational tests.
  4. General appearance: An elegant, harmoniously built breed with a characteristic curly or corded coat.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the muzzle is almost equal to 9/10 of the length of the skull.
  • The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
  • The height at the withers is almost equal to the height of the croup.
  • The distance from the ground to the elbows is 5/9 of the height at the withers.
  • Behavior/Character: smart, active, loyal and cheerful dog. Easy to learn.
  • Head: refined, proportional to the body. The head is elongated, well sculpted, and should not look heavy or too delicate.
    • Skull: when viewed from above, it appears oval along the longitudinal axis, slightly convex in profile. The longitudinal axes are slightly divergent. The width of the skull is less than half the length of the head. The brow ridges are moderately pronounced and covered with long hair.
    • Frontal groove: wide between the eyes, narrowing towards a very well defined occipital protuberance. (In miniature poodles, the nuchal protuberance may be less pronounced.)
    • Stop (Move from forehead to muzzle): slightly expressed.
  • Nose: the nose is well developed, vertical when viewed in profile, the nostrils are well open. Poodles of black, white and gray colors have a black nose; for brown ones - brown; Poodles with apricot and red hair have a brown or black nose.
  • Muzzle: The upper profile is straight. The length of the muzzle is almost 9/10 of the length of the skull. The lateral bones of the lower jaw are located almost parallel. The muzzle is strong. The lower profile is formed by the jaw, not the lower edge of the upper lip.
  • Lips: moderately developed, dry, of medium thickness. The upper lip lies on the lower lip without overlapping it. Black, white and gray poodles have black lips. The brown ones have brown; in apricot and red poodles - brown, more or less dark, or black. The angle of the lip is not pronounced.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper row closely overlapping the lower. The teeth are strong.
  • Cheekbones: the muscles of the cheeks are not protruding, tightly adjacent to the bones of the skull. The infraorbital region is well carved and little filled. The cheek bones protrude slightly.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, located at the level of the transition from the forehead to the muzzle, slightly slanted. The eyes are black or dark brown. Dark amber eye color is acceptable for brown poodles.
  • Eyelids: Black, white and gray poodles have black eyelid edges, brown poodles have brown edges. Apricots and reds have brown or black eyelids.
  • Photo of a miniature poodle wearing a hat

  • Ears: Quite long, falling along the cheeks. The base is located on the continuation of the line emanating from the top of the nose and passing just below the outer corner of the eyelid. Flat, widening downwards from the base, the tips are rounded, covered with long, wavy hair. The ear flap reaches the corners of the lips.
  • Neck: strong, slightly convex nape line, medium length, good proportions, without dewlap. The length is slightly less than the length of the head. The Miniature Poodle carries its head high and proud. The neck is oval in cross section.
  • Body: The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  • Withers: moderately expressed.
  • Back: short, harmoniously contoured, straight, strong. The withers and croup should be almost at the same height.
  • Loin: strong, muscular.
  • Croup: rounded but not sloping.
  • Chest: deep, reaching to the elbows. Width 2/3 depth. In large poodles, the circumference of the chest, measured behind the shoulder blades, should exceed the height at the withers by at least 10 cm. The ribs are oval.
  • Underline/Belly: fit, without undermining (like a greyhound).
  • Tail: Set high, level with the waist. We can allow it to be long or shortened by one third or half of the natural length. When calm, the tail is lowered. In motion it rushes obliquely upward.
  • Photo of a tan miniature poodle

  • Forelegs: straight, parallel, with good muscles and bones. The distance measured from the corner of the elbow to the ground should be slightly longer than the distance from the corner of the elbow to the withers.
    • Shoulders: obliquely lying, well muscled; The shoulder blade forms an angle of about 110° with the shoulder.
    • Shoulder: The length of the shoulder corresponds to the length of the shoulder blade.
    • Wrist: continuation of the line of the forearm.
    • Pastern: strong, almost straight when viewed from the side.
    • Forelegs: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles have claws that are horn-colored or vary in pigmentation, including black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.
  • Hind limbs: When viewed from behind, they are placed parallel. The muscles are well developed and clearly defined. The knee joint is quite pronounced. The angles of articulation of the hip, knee and hock joints should be well defined.
    • Hips: strong, with well-developed muscles.
    • Hocks: fairly short, vertical. A poodle should be born without dewclaws.
    • Hind feet: small, closed, forming a short oval. The toes are arched, the paw pads are hard and thick. The nails are black on black and gray poodles, and black or tan on brown poodles. White poodles' claws can be horn-colored or of varying pigmentation, even black. Apricot and red poodles have brown or black nails.

  • Movement: springy, light gait.
  • Skin: elastic, without signs of dampness, pigmented. In black, brown, grey, apricot and red poodles, the pigmentation should match the coat color. For white poodles, you should aim for silver colored skin.
  • Coat:
    • Poodle with curly hair: Abundant, fine, fluffy texture, in good curl, elastic and resistant to hand pressure. The coat should be very thick, abundant, of uniform length, forming proportionate curls.
    • Corded Poodle: A profuse coat of fine texture, fluffy and dense, forming characteristic cords of equal length, which must be a minimum of 20 cm in length.
  • Miniature Poodle Height:
    • Height at withers: 28 - 35 cm. The miniature poodle should be a reduced miniature poodle and, if possible, maintain the same proportions, excluding any signs of dwarfism.
  • Disadvantages: Every deviation from the above-mentioned requirements of the standard must be considered as a defect, the assessment of which must be established in exact proportion to the degree of deviation.
    • Carp-shaped or sunken back
    • Tail set too low
    • Excessively nervous behavior
    • Teeth: the absence of two P1s is not taken into account
    • Absence of one or two symmetrically located P2
    • The absence of M3 is not taken into account
  • Serious disadvantages:
    • Partially depigmented nose
    • Pointed muzzle
    • Spotted face
    • The bridge of the nose with a hump
    • Teeth: absence of two asymmetrically located P2
    • Eyes too big, too deep set, not dark enough
    • Ears too short
    • Beveled croup
    • Tail thrown over the back
    • Too straight angles of the hind limbs
    • Smooth and stretched movements
    • Poor, or limp, or harsh coat
    • Undefined or unevenly distributed color on the body: black-gray or gray-white, faded apricot (red), cream, beige in browns or too dark brown
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice
    • Completely unpigmented nose
    • Insufficiently pronounced type, especially of the head
    • Overshot or undershot
    • Teeth: missing one incisor or one canine or one carnassial
    • Absence of one P3 or one P4
    • Absence of three or more premolars (except P1)
    • Tailless or naturally short-tailed
    • Dewclaws or signs of their removal on the hind legs
    • Mixed coat color
    • White spots or white fur on the paws
    • Dogs with a height of more than 62 cm for large dogs or less than 23 cm for toy dogs
    • Dogs with signs of dwarfism: an apple-shaped head, an unpronounced occipital protuberance, a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, protruding eyes, a too short or upturned muzzle, a shortened lower jaw, an unpronounced sloping chin
    • Almost invisible frontal groove
    • Toys have too light a frame
    • Tail in a ring, the end of which falls on the back or croup

    Any dog ​​showing physical abnormalities or behavioral disturbances must be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normally developed testes that are completely contained in the scrotum.

    • Solid wool: black, white, brown, grey, apricot and red.
    • Brown color: not weakened, quite dark, uniform and warm color. Beige and lighter shades are not desirable.
    • Gray: uniform, not weakened, not close to black, not whitish.
    • Apricot: uniform, without transition to fawn, sand or red.
    • Red: The entire coat should be of a uniform color, with no tendency towards apricot.

    Pigmentation: Eyelids, nose, lips, gums, palate, natural orifices, scrotum and paw pads should be well pigmented.

    Poodle - companion dog. It has an amazing ability to fit into the society around it and acquire exactly those behavioral characteristics that are most interesting to its owner. The Pudelek will happily go fishing with his fisherman owner, run along the paths of the park, play with a ball with his athlete owner, or maybe walk sedately along the boulevard in the company of his elderly owners.

    It doesn’t matter what size your favorite poodle is, royal or toy, they can accurately determine the owner’s mood when he is sad and sad. The four-legged “psychologist” is right there, begins to lick and feel sorry for your loved one, and life is seen in a completely different light.

    Gets along well with children, loves to play and frolic with them. He is highly trainable, but polite and careful in communication, he demands no less respect for himself, and only then does he try to please his owner and demonstrate the wonders of obedience and training. Toy poodles are non-aggressive and tolerant of other dogs and animals living in the house.

    When strangers appear, they begin to bark and try to protect their owner and his family from “uninvited guests,” and only after making sure that nothing threatens their loved ones will they begin to hospitably communicate with guests, lick everyone, “love” everyone and, of course, allow stroke yourself.

    Among poodles, there are often disobedient individuals who snarl and growl at their owner. When encountering such an example, one should not rush to condemn the breed as a whole.

    This kind of behavior is the fruit improper upbringing. At one time, the owner used brute force in the process of raising the animal or, on the contrary, spoiled his pet too much and allowed him everything. As a result, the poodle took the place of the leader, and the owner was assigned only the role of an ordinary member of his pack.

    Miniature Poodle care and maintenance

    Photo of a miniature poodle with different colors


    The Miniature Poodle has a thick, curly coat.

    There are two types of wool.

    1. Curly hair is thick, elastic, forms curls, and abundantly covers the entire body.
    2. Corded wool type- thick, abundant cover, fluffy wool forms cords of at least 20 cm.

    The peculiarities of the poodle's coat represent a problem for some, but for others it is a marvelous embodiment of their “hairdressing” fantasies. Owners who keep a dwarf poodle “for the hobby” can transform their pet at least every month, giving it a wide variety of shapes and hairstyles using scissors and a comb. In the summer heat, you can trim your four-legged ward's head, which will not affect the quality of the coat in any way.

    The photo shows a miniature poodle standing in nature

    The big advantage of poodle hair is that it does not shed, and does not cause allergies. Although this fact causes a wave of mistrust among many citizens, especially owners of short-haired dogs, who at one time, when purchasing a dog, hoped that it would produce less hair.

    The most important requirement for a miniature poodle's coat is that it must always be clean.


    Bathe the dog two to three times a month, or as it gets dirty. The more regularly you carry out the bath procedure, the less time it takes: the hair does not have time to get tangled and tangled. In addition, all poodles are big fans of splashing in ponds. The path to natural bathing areas is prohibited except for exhibition animals, since it is possible that after such a bath the dog will become covered in tangles.


    In the photo there are two miniature poodles on the paving stones

    You should brush your pet every day; this procedure will not take much time, 5 - 10 minutes, but both you and your pet will enjoy the interaction. Combing is also useful because it promotes blood supply to the skin and replaces massage. When caring for a miniature poodle, it is better to use professional cosmetics. There are many brands, so it will not be difficult to choose for each dog what is right for him. By regularly bathing your dog with properly selected cosmetics, you can forget about combing your pet from wash to wash.


    Healthy eyes of a miniature poodle are shiny, without streaks (tear marks are a little more noticeable on white individuals), and do not water. It is enough to inspect the eyes and rinse with warm water or weakly brewed black tea. In case of redness, tearing, severe souring of the dog’s eyes, immediately contact your veterinarian. It is better not to self-medicate.


    The weak point of the poodle is its drooping ears. The ventilation in them is not very good; the water that gets in during bathing does not go away. To prevent otitis media and other ear problems from accompanying the dog throughout its life, the owner must carefully monitor the hygiene of the ears of his four-legged friend. Inspect your dog's ears regularly; there should be no unpleasant odor, excess wax, or strange fluid coming out; if you notice such symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    The poodle sometimes has problems with the anal glands, the cleaning of which, if such a problem has ever arisen, will need to be carried out regularly, most conveniently while washing the dog.

    Claws and paws

    Be sure to regularly inspect the condition of your poodle's paws and claws. Even if the pet leads an active lifestyle, its claws must be trimmed with a special nail clipper 1-2 times a month. Afterwards, go through it with a file to remove burrs and smooth out the sharp ends of the claws. Always remember about the fifth toe on the front paws, it is short and does not erase the claw at all. Wash paws after walks, inspect for damage and cracks.

    As a rule, toy poodles that are properly cared for are healthy and long-lived: for many in the breed, 12 years old is far from old.

    Training a Miniature Poodle

    It's no secret that all representatives of the poodle breed have a high level of intelligence, and dwarf poodles are no exception.

    They perfectly remember those actions, the meaning of which is clear to them. One word or gesture is enough for the pet to clearly do what is asked of it. At the same time, the poodle is not distracted by people and other dogs.

    The highest reward for a dog is the praise of its owner. But if your pet doesn’t see the meaning of the command, it will be very difficult to teach it to carry it out.

    Impatient owners often make the mistake of subjecting their pet to harsh training and then jumping to conclusions about the dog’s stupidity and stubbornness. The poodle will very quickly get tired of the monotonous and thoughtless execution of commands, and he may simply refuse to work.

    Photo of a miniature poodle in the garden

    Representatives of this breed are excellent at mastering such entertaining types of training as:

    • agility (a competition in which a dog is guided by its owner through an obstacle course)
    • freestyle (pet dancing to music)
    • flyball (a flying ball, a team or individual competition for dogs. The pet must catch the ball released from a special machine and quickly bring it to the owner. The game resembles a relay race)

    “Vain” dogs of this breed love and appreciate when they are admired, be it a victory in the show ring, a sports competition, or demonstrating tricks in front of house guests. There is also an opposite point of view: a poodle does not need to be trained at all, especially its “miniature” varieties, so as not to suppress its free personality.

    But if you want to buy a dwarf poodle, remember that without training and education, even the smallest and seemingly harmless dog can become uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble to the owner and others.

    Miniature Poodle food

    Photo of a fluffy miniature poodle

    What to feed a miniature poodle - home-cooked food or ready-made food - each owner decides for himself.

    The main condition is not to make a sudden transition from one type of feeding to another.

    When you just adopted your baby from a breeder, for the first few days you feed him the food he is used to in order to avoid digestive problems. If you are planning to accustom your puppy to feeding finished industrial products, do not be lazy to consult a veterinarian about the quality of food and which of them is best suited specifically for your pet.

    List of natural products that can be used to prepare food for a miniature poodle:

    1. Meat - beef, turkey, chicken, lamb.
    2. Cereals - buckwheat, rice.
    3. Sea fish without bones (river fish is not allowed)
    4. Any vegetables, except potatoes and legumes (they cause bloating)
    5. Fermented milk products
    6. Eggs (preferably quail) and offal - no more than 2 times a week.
    7. Vegetable oil, sunflower and corn (especially in winter).
    8. Fruits (apples, banana)
    9. Honey on the tip of a spoon as a treat.
    10. Chocolate, cakes, cookies are not allowed.

    It is better to consult a veterinarian about introducing mineral supplements and vitamins into your animal’s diet. The pet's diet must be adjusted if it suffers from food allergies, urolithiasis, kidney or liver failure, and so on. Feeding weakened, old, pregnant and lactating dogs also requires correction.

    Nutrition according to all the rules is the key to the health of your four-legged ward.

    Diseases of the Miniature Poodle

    • progressive retinal atrophy
    • epilepsy
    • deafness
    • allergy
    • diabetes
    • heart disease
    • early gray hair (common in brown poodles)
    • autoimmune hemolytic anemia
    • excessive tearing
    • ear infections

    Nowadays, such a breed of dog as the poodle is very popular. This is not surprising, because they are not only very smart, but also beautiful. In the ranking of the smartest dog breeds, the poodle is in second place. It is considered a decorative dog and is now very common throughout the world. But two varieties especially stand out - the toy poodle and the toy poodle, and we will talk about them in detail.

    Types of Poodles

    It is believed that this breed was bred in France, but some kennel societies claim that poodles were bred in Germany, as this is indicated by the etymology of the word “poodle”. It means splashing in the water. Externally, these dogs are very diverse. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes four varieties based on height, six based on coat color and two based on coat type.

    Varieties by height:

    • The large or standard type, when growing, has from 45 to 60 cm at the withers.
    • Small, or medium, reaches from 35 to 45 cm.
    • Dwarf, or miniature, has a height of 28 to 35 cm.
    • Toy (from English - toy) - his height at the withers is below 28 cm.

    Coat types:

    • Cord type.
    • Curly type.

    Recognized colors:

    In Russia, the officially recognized colors of poodles are tan and harlequin (multi-colored, spotted).

    Gallery: miniature poodle (25 photos)

    Miniature Poodle - features

    The toy poodle has a number of distinctive features:

    • Hypoallergenic wool, practically does not shed.
    • There is no characteristic dog smell.
    • Convenient to keep at home.
    • High level of immunity, resistant to most infections.
    • He has a soft, good-natured, playful character.
    • Obedient, easy to train, attentive to the owner.
    • Has extraordinary agility and endurance.
    • High level of intelligence.

    Growing up, the male reaches a height of about 35 cm and weighs from 5 to 7 kg, and females grow up to 28 cm and weigh from 4 to 6 kg. The poodle grows up to one and a half years, the average life expectancy ranges from 10 to 15 years.


    Small poodles are very hardy, very cheerful and have a good-natured character. Very love the owner's attention and cannot stand long separation from him. Very well trainable, but do not forget that the poodle does not accept rigidity in training. It is important to timely teach your dog various commands and general obedience, since if you miss this moment, his freedom-loving nature and stubbornness may appear.

    Poodles have enough empathy is highly developed, that is, they are able to empathize with the owner and share his mood. This is a true friend who will faithfully serve his master.

    Care: bathing and brushing

    Keeping and caring for a miniature poodle also has a number of specific features. The dog needs bathing at least once a month or in cases of heavy soiling. If this procedure is carried out regularly, then less time will be spent on it, since the dog’s hair will be in good condition and will not mat. Before you start bathing your dog, you need to close the ear canals with cotton swabs, after moistening them (the swabs) with petroleum jelly.

    Poodle needed every day comb with a stiff brush: This helps in grooming the dog's coat and improves the dog's blood circulation, acting as a kind of massage. It is necessary to groom your pet regularly. You can do this in grooming salons or on your own, but in the second case it is recommended to take special courses. Haircuts are done at least once every two months.. You need to constantly care for your pet's ears and have them examined. If discharge or a specific odor is detected, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

    Eyes, ears, claws

    Eyes also require attention and care. It is necessary to examine and wash the eyes with warm water. If tearing, souring around the eyes or redness appear, you should consult a doctor. Dogs' claws grow quite quickly, so they need to be trimmed promptly. On average, this should be done once or twice a month, using a special nail clipper, and then sand the cut areas with a special file. You need to take care of your teeth and gums; if bleeding or stains on the enamel appear, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Naturally, like all other dogs, poodles need to be vaccinated. The main vaccination against distemper and parvovirus is given between six and eight weeks of age. Revaccination is carried out after two to three weeks. Before vaccinations, it is necessary to get rid of worms, and also treat your pet for ticks and fleas. Vaccinations are given only to a healthy puppy; if the dog has suffered any disease, then the animal is vaccinated two weeks after complete recovery. After the puppy has been vaccinated, it must be protected from hypothermia, and walking is allowed only after 10-15 days.

    What to feed your pet

    In order for a miniature poodle puppy to grow and develop properly, its nutrition must be carefully thought out and the correct menu drawn up.

    It is necessary that the dog's diet include:

    Of course, you should adhere to a strict dosage and sequence in feeding your pet. If you prefer to choose dry food as a permanent food for your four-legged friend, then you need to consult with a veterinarian so that he can select the food, taking into account all the characteristics of your dog.

    Nutrition from one to four months

    How to properly feed a one-month-old puppy? A little over a month old toy poodle puppy is fed milk and liquid cereal. Gradually they begin to feed them in the form of minced raw meat. After a couple of weeks, you can give your dog finely chopped meat, always raw, as it is better digestible, and the content of proteins and carbohydrates in it is higher than in boiled meat. It is recommended to give babies milk mixed with white bread crumbs and rice broth.

    Until the age of two months, puppies should have six meals a day.

    To prevent rickets and for the correct balance of minerals, add to the feed:

    • some bone meal;
    • phosphate of lime;
    • vitamin D;
    • calcium and iron glycerophosphate;
    • calcined cottage cheese.

    But this should be done only after consulting a doctor.

    Between the ages of two and four months, the puppy begins to be fed five times a day. You need to continue alternating meat and dairy foods. You can give your puppy boiled buckwheat or rice, to which finely chopped pieces of meat are added in a ratio of 2 to 1. Add grated apple or carrots and a little sunflower oil to the porridge. They also give you a mineral-vitamin mixture, strictly following the instructions.

    Feeding from four months to one year

    From four to five months, the puppy is fed four times a day. The diet remains the same, only the portion size increases slightly. It is important to remember that the food you give your pet should not be cold or hot, but only warm. The dog must eat the entire portion; if it does not eat enough, the remainder must be removed. You can also include beef or lamb cartilage, rich in nutrients, in your diet.

    Once the puppy reaches the age of 7 months and up to a year, the number of feedings is reduced to three or four (individually). Boiled sea fish without bones is added to the puppy’s diet, but otherwise the composition of the products does not change. The dog is gradually transferred to an adult diet, where the amount of meat per serving should be increased.

    Dry food is used for feeding. It is important to accurately calculate the amount of food so that the dog does not overeat, but also does not remain hungry. With proper care and nutrition, you will grow up to be a healthy and beautiful dog who will delight you every day.

    Toy poodle

    When compared with other varieties of poodle, the “toy” appeared relatively recently. These little ones grow from 23 to 28 cm at the withers and weigh no more than three kg. The Toy Poodle is considered one of the most “comfortable” apartment dogs due to its small size.

    There are six officially recognized standard solid colors for Toy Poodles:

    • White.
    • Black.
    • Grey.
    • Ginger.
    • Peach (apricot).
    • Chocolate (brown).

    Toy is translated from English as a toy, which is actually not far from the truth: the dog looks like a toy.

    The Toy Poodle has a dense, wavy coat with no undercoat. Toy, like his larger brothers, is a very smart dog and is easy to train.

    The difference is that they are not as active as, for example, dwarf ones. They are very devoted to their owner, require constant attention and care, and cannot stand loneliness.

    When in contact with other animals, the toy poodle is weakly active and prefers to stay on the sidelines. When communicating with them, he will behave warily and cautiously.


    The nutrition of puppies and adults must be approached carefully, as is the case with dwarf poodles. Toy poodles can be fed both dry food and natural food. But it is still preferable to give wet food or natural food to avoid abrasion of tooth enamel when chewing dry food.

    Small puppies and adult toy poodles need to be fed in the same way as dwarf ones, the only difference is in the dosage of portions, which in any case is individual. It is important to remember that a properly selected and healthy diet directly affects the growth rate and overall health of your four-legged friend. It is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and monitor the health of your pet. Compliance with all recommendations will benefit the dog, help it develop properly and feel healthy.


    It is necessary to care for a toy poodle in the same way as for a dwarf one. There are no fundamental differences in the care and nutrition of toy and miniature poodles. You need to monitor the condition of the dog’s fur, bathe and comb it, and look after its teeth, gums and claws. You definitely need to vaccinate your dog.

    The only thing you need to pay attention to is that poodles are prone to dislocated joints, so you need to be careful when handling this dog while it is at a young age. You also need to pay attention to your pet’s ears and eyes. If you carefully monitor the health and nutrition of your toy poodle, he can live up to 18 years, which is an indicator of longevity in dogs.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    The Poodle is a dog breed that has gained popularity all over the world, and this is a very understandable phenomenon. These curly-haired cuties have high intelligence, hypoallergenic fur, they are unpretentious and intelligent. In addition, there are several varieties of poodles - from the tiniest toy to the very large royal ones, so owners can choose a four-legged friend of the appropriate size. But there is one nuance that future owners should know about in advance - these curly-haired dogs are prone to food allergies, so feeding a poodle puppy and an adult dog deserves special attention. With proper nutrition, your curly-haired four-legged friend will be a healthy, active and cheerful dog throughout his life.

    When babies are born, they feed on the mother’s milk and from it they receive everything they need, including immunity. But when the offspring grows up, a person needs to decide what to feed the growing puppies. Later, the same dilemma faces new pet owners. What type of feeding is most optimal for poodle dogs, and what aspects should you rely on when choosing it?

    1. Feeding with natural products. If you create the right menu, you can easily feed similar food to a puppy, and then to an adult dog. Since the risks of developing allergies are high, the diet should not be varied, and new foods should be introduced carefully. But a prerequisite is balance; food must contain all useful substances and elements in the right proportion. Experienced owners practice feeding their poodle meat porridge, which is prepared for future use and frozen. This helps save time on cooking.
    2. Dry industrial rations. Most dog owners and breeders are inclined to favor this option, since feeding dry granules has a number of advantages: it does not require time for preparation, selection of ingredients, is perfectly stored and is easy to dose. In addition, high-quality food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and the formulas are developed taking into account the needs of dogs of different breeds and sizes. It is important to choose a suitable menu, and the issue of feeding even a problematic pet will be resolved.
    3. Semi-moist ready-made menus– these are canned products that are produced in the form of pates, pieces in sauce or filling. Usually, four-legged friends adore this kind of food, as it has a rich aroma and taste. Only high-quality diets that consist of natural ingredients and do not contain flavoring additives are healthy. Such food is not cheap, so feeding it to an adult dog turns out to be very expensive. Most often, semi-moist food is used as a treat and feeding for a pet. It is also fed to pets with health problems, children and older dogs.
    4. Mixed diet. A diet consisting of ready-made pellets can be supplemented with semi-moist diets, but it is recommended to feed them separately. But you should not feed your poodle both dry food and natural products, even if you alternate between different foods. Having chosen one type of nutrition, you should stick to it.

    Features of feeding puppies of this breed

    At each life stage, a puppy has its own nutritional needs, and given the intensive growth of the animal, changes occur literally monthly. What to feed a small pet if the owner prefers feeding natural food?

    From birth to 2 months

    Up to 4 weeks, it is enough for the offspring to receive mother’s milk in order to fully grow and develop. If breastfeeding is impossible or for one reason or another there is not enough milk for all the babies, then dog owners should buy artificial bitch milk at a veterinary pharmacy and feed it to the babies.

    From 4 weeks you can purchase special food for puppies, which will allow you to raise healthy dogs. From this same age, babies begin to become interested in the world around them, including the contents of their mother’s bowl. Usually during this period, breeders begin to introduce the first complementary foods - industrial semi-moist food or chopped boiled minced meat, it depends on whether the puppies will continue to eat food or regular food.

    2-3 months

    8 week old puppies are still interested in their mother's milk, but this is more a matter of habit rather than satiation. In the period from 2 to 3 months, babies go to their owners, and these changes cause stress in the babies.

    To speed up the process of adaptation of a pet to a new home and reduce discomfort, owners should ask the breeder about what the puppy ate and do not change its diet for 1.5-2 weeks.

    If it is necessary to transfer a puppy from one type of feeding to another, then it must be done gradually, replacing part of the product with another, at first a little at a time, constantly increasing the amount of new food. Usually a complete transfer occurs in 1-1.5 weeks.

    A puppy’s diet from 8 to 12 weeks may look like this (the portion is designed for a medium-sized puppy):

    • 1st morning feeding (from 6 to 8 am)– 100 g of semi-liquid porridge (prepared from 2-3 tablespoons of cereal). Oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, and rice are best, but it is not recommended to give semolina to puppies;
    • 2nd feeding in the morning (at 9-11 a.m.)– 2-4 tbsp of raw ground beef, alternated with fish oil (every other day) – 1/2 tsp;
    • daytime feeding (from 15.00 to 17.00)– 2-3 tsp of grated vegetables – carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, 50-100 ml of milk, several pieces of fruit or berries – apples, pears, raspberries, etc.;
    • 1st evening feeding– a pulp of boiled chopped vegetables mixed with raw minced meat;
    • last feeding– crackers soaked in milk (2-4 pieces) or 2-3 tablespoons of calcined cottage cheese.

    Once a week it is useful to give your baby the yolk of a boiled egg; it can be added to dishes or diluted with milk. You can introduce your pet to such a treat as cartilaginous bones, but they are given no more often than once every 5-7 days. Up to three months the baby is fed 5 times a day.

    From 3 months to six months

    The poodle's diet becomes more varied, new products are introduced into the puppy's menu: beets, garlic, cabbage, chicken, turkey, fresh herbs, offal - poultry stomachs. It is worth noting that chicken meat is quite allergenic, which means you should be as careful as possible when introducing it.

    An approximate pet menu may consist of the following dishes:

    • porridge– rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, it can be seasoned with vegetable oil;
    • meat and vegetables– the dog is given raw minced meat mixed with boiled vegetables and herbs;
    • cottage cheese– It is advisable to prepare it yourself and add calcium chloride during the process.

    From 3 months, the dog is given an egg yolk and a cartilage bone once a week, and 1/2 teaspoon of fish oil daily. From 4 months onwards, it is recommended to include a raw egg in your pet’s diet once every 7 days. They also give fish oil and bones. From 5 months, eggs and bones are given twice a week.

    This type of feeding continues for up to six months, and from 6 months the dog’s menu gradually begins to approach the diet of an adult animal. From three months, the puppy is transferred to 4 feedings a day, and at 6 months it is reduced to 3 times.

    From 7 to 12 months

    During this period, milk is removed from the dog’s diet, replacing it with fermented milk products. 2-3 times a week you can give your pet kefir, yogurt, yogurt or fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. But such food should not be fatty or contain artificial additives, and it should not be given at the same feeding as meat or vegetables.

    Meat remains the basis of the diet, but it is given not in the form of minced meat, but in pieces, mixed with vegetables. Periodically, the meat part is replaced with boiled offal - liver, heart, lungs, spleen, udder, brains. But such food should not be in your pet’s bowl more than 2 times a week. Raw tripe is beneficial for dogs' digestion - it is cut into pieces and given to the dog no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Porridge is an important source of fiber, also necessary in your pet’s diet; they are given less cooked than before and seasoned with vegetable oil. As additional treats, the dog is given crackers, pieces of low-fat cheese, and dry crackers. You should add 1/2 teaspoon of fish oil per day to your food. And if your pet does not receive calcined cottage cheese or refuses to eat it, then calcium gluconate is a useful supplement.

    From 10 months, miniature poodles are switched to 2 meals a day, and larger counterparts - from 12-14 months of age.

    From 12 to 18 months

    There are no special changes in the dog’s diet during this period, except that the portion size increases. To protect and strengthen joints, it is recommended to give your pet well-boiled broth from pork legs or ears 1-2 times a month. From one and a half years old, you can give your four-legged friend fasting days - once a week.

    As a treat for an older dog, it is allowed to give walnuts - half a day if the poodle is toy, mini or dwarf, and a whole representative of larger species. Dried fruits are great for the same purposes.

    When introducing new food, you should not rush - the puppy is given no more than 1 teaspoon of the product and observed for 2-3 days. If there are no signs of allergy - itching, spots, redness, etc., then it can be added to the menu.

    Natural feeding of an adult poodle

    The diet of an adult dog consists of raw and thermally processed foods. Most often, owners prepare meat porridge for dogs, to which they add healthy supplements before serving. The diet proportions should be as follows:

    1. Meat(accounts for 40-45% of all food) - the menu includes chopped beef, veal, and poultry. It is served both raw and boiled; in the first case, it is recommended to pre-freeze the product and scald it with boiling water before serving.
    2. By-products(they replace meat 2-3 times a week, but they should make up more than 40% of the total daily diet) - everything except tripe should be boiled.
    3. Fish(given no more than once every 3-7 days) – you should choose low-fat types of ocean fish, given cleaned of bones, always boiled.
    4. Dairy products– as already noted, milk is removed from the pet’s menu, but the remaining products are fresh, natural, low in fat, and are beneficial for the dog’s digestive tract.
    5. Cereals(do not exceed 30% of the total food volume) - pearl barley is added to the dog’s diet and, just like puppies, semolina is not given.
    6. Fruits and vegetables(up to 35% of the total diet) - carrots, zucchini, radish, pumpkin, tomatoes, squash, cauliflower are given both raw and boiled. Cabbage - only heat-treated, and potatoes - raw. Pieces of unsweetened varieties of apples and pears are excellent treats for a curly dog.

    When feeding an adult dog naturally, additional sources of vitamins and minerals are also needed.

    List of prohibited products

    Poodle owners need to know what food is not suitable for feeding their dog. There are quite a few similar products, and the likelihood of allergies further expands the list:

    • bones– if the poodle is medium or royal, the ban applies only to tubular bones, but you can treat your pet with a sugar or spongy bone. It is better not to give such products to toys and dwarf babies at all;
    • honey– although rich in various microelements, it is a highly allergenic product that provokes an acute reaction in the body;
    • confectionery– any food containing a large amount of sugar is harmful to dogs, since this ingredient promotes obesity, disrupts metabolic processes, and its frequent consumption leads to decreased vision and otitis media;
    • sweeteners– most of them are real poisons for animals;
    • sausages, smoked meats– due to the composition, rich in various harmful components, such food is harmful to dogs;
    • seasonings and spices– often cause allergic reactions;
    • grapes and raisins– cause fermentation in the intestines and intoxication;
    • apricot, plum– provoke diarrhea;
    • salt– due to the propensity of poodles to urolithiasis, the consumption of this seasoning should be limited.

    In addition, food from the owner's table or waste from the meal should not end up in the pet's bowl.

    Selection of a suitable industrial ration

    Manufacturers produce dry food in five classes:

    • economy;
    • medium;
    • premium;
    • super premium;
    • holistic.

    Economy brands are not suitable for feeding dogs, including poodles. They are made mostly from grains and meat processing waste, and therefore do not meet the needs of the body of predators, which, in fact, are dogs.

    Medium is a “drying” of slightly better quality, but is only suitable for young, healthy dogs. Typically, such foods are not very well balanced and do not contain all the necessary elements, so the owner will have to take care of vitamins for his pet.

    Premium and super-premium diets are the most suitable foods for poodles. In the lines you can find special formulas for pets suffering from allergies, as well as special food specifically for poodles.

    Holistics are the highest quality food made from ingredients suitable for human nutrition. Such menus are quite expensive, and veterinarians often prescribe them for pets who are sick, weakened, or have congenital health problems.

    When choosing a particular brand of food, you can consult with the breeder. Typically, experienced dog breeders know the breed characteristics of their pets and have already gone through all the stages of trial and error to find the most suitable diet.

    Canned food is an excellent solution for animals that have problems with the oral cavity, are sick and weak. You can also use them to diversify your pet's diet. But it is not recommended to feed your dog with them all the time.

    It is important to focus on the age of the pet, since the formula for puppies is not suitable for adult dogs, and vice versa. Older dogs also require a special menu containing less fat and protein. In addition, there are special diets for lactating bitches, which provide the animal’s body with everything it needs, and therefore the offspring.

    The poodle usually becomes not just a pet, but a companion, friend and even a family member. He finds a common language with all members of the household and literally falls in love with himself from the first days. Naturally, owners want their pet to be around for as long as possible, and good care and quality nutrition contribute to this.

    A real poodle should be elegant, aristocratic, but at the same time have a strong and developed bone structure. A puppy can grow up like this if he is fed correctly. So, let's learn about the basics of this process, features, and recommendations of experienced veterinarians.

    Nutritional requirements for poodles

    Fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates are the main components of a balanced poodle diet. The main building material, the substance that ensures the growth of tissues, muscles, and organs of a puppy, are proteins. Our body very easily extracts proteins from plant products, which means it can easily do without animals. This is what vegetarianism is based on. But with dogs everything is different. They digest meat and offal proteins by 90-95%, and vegetable proteins by only 40-50%, and even then after processing. Therefore, meat is a mandatory product in the diet of a young poodle. The dog should receive it in the form of beef, offal, turkey, and rabbit.

    Until six months, be sure to cut the meat into small pieces, boil or scald with boiling water, in order to thus avoid possible infection of the dog with helminths. As for fish as a source of protein, it should be on the puppy’s menu twice a week.

    A young poodle should definitely be fed dairy products. But you need to take into account that milk proteins, that is, caseins, must enter the poodle’s stomach in the form of fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese are those milk derivatives in which milk sugar (lactose) has already been processed by bacteria. This is a big plus for a dog, in whose body lactose does not break down, often causing fermentation and gas formation. Egg whites help make meals more filling. But you should not give your young poodle raw eggs. Twice a week they should be present in the diet in boiled form. As for plant proteins such as rice and soy, many poodles are allergic to these products.

    Also, for representatives of the breed, glutens contained in cereal grains are often allergens.

    As for cereals as a source of carbohydrates and vital for a dog to increase energy, buckwheat, oatmeal, and millet are preferable. It is recommended to give them to a young poodle with vegetables flavored with vegetable oil.

    Some carbohydrates, by the way, are not absorbed in the body of puppies; they are processed in the liver and are stored there in the form of glycogen, the so-called emergency reserve. If too many carbohydrates enter the body of a young poodle, the liver becomes overloaded. It performs blood purification worse. Therefore, the puppy needs to rinse the grains well before cooking and boil them until they become crumbly.

    All poodles love and digest muesli with raisins, bananas, and kiwi well. They should be offered to dogs several times a week.

    A poodle's diet should not contain a lot of fat, otherwise the aristocratic appearance of the breed will be lost. This means that flour products from the master’s table, sweets, sausages, and fatty fish should not be on your pet’s menu.

    About diet and dry food

    In our turbulent age of time shortage, most owners immediately accustom their pupils to dry food. This is convenient, because you don’t need to think about the balance of proteins and vitamins. Experienced veterinarians always recommend alternating dry food with canned meat from the same manufacturer. Choose premium food for your dog. Contrary to popular belief, you should not change your puppy's food. This is what veterinarians advise. If you have successfully selected them, and the dog is gaining weight well, then feed your pupil the same food constantly. When he gets older, simply replace the puppy food with a product for adult dogs from the same manufacturer.

    It is important that there is always fresh water in the young poodle's drinking bowl.

    Veterinarians recommend that a puppy follow this feeding regimen for up to a year: up to three months - five times a day, up to five months - four times, up to eight months - three times. From the age of eight months, the feeding regimen should be adult, that is, morning and evening meals.

    Poodles are not prone to gluttony; they are active, active, aristocratic dogs, so they can sometimes be picky about food. You should not exchange cooked porridge for cottage cheese, for example, if the poodle refuses to eat. Just remove the plate, wait until the next feeding time and warm up the same food for your dog.