When can you have sex after removal? Is it possible to have sex after a hysterectomy? Who said that infertility is difficult to cure?

When can you have sex after a hysterectomy?

The question about sex after surgery is natural, however, many patients are embarrassed to ask about it. The answer is simple: it depends on your physical and psychological condition and the type of surgery you have had. Some patients are able to have sex the day after surgery; for others, it may be appropriate to wait several weeks or months until full recovery is complete.

General Guidelines Affecting Sex After Hysterectomy

Even after relatively simple operations, you may be able to have sex at a time when you can return to work and full physical activity. Most surgeons communicate this period of time to patients; they just don't specifically talk about sex. The phrase: "You should return to normal activities within so many days/weeks" is an excellent guideline for resuming your sex life. For outpatient surgery, this period may last for a few days after surgery; after major surgery in a hospital setting, this time may take four to six weeks or longer.

One indicator of readiness to return to sexual activity is the absence of pain or discomfort. You may feel like you have recovered from the surgery, but pain is present when you attempt sexual intercourse. This is your body's way of telling you that you are not ready and that you need more treatment or recovery before you can have sex. However, in some cases, pain can be avoided with some minor changes to your usual activities. For example, patients who have had breast surgery may be especially sensitive to bouncing types of movements. According to them, a woman in the position on top may make too many movements and experience pain in the first time after surgery, which is normal and natural, but alternative sex positions can be painless.

Types of surgery that may require more time before you can return to a normal sex life:

After some surgeries, such as open heart surgery, you may feel fully recovered, but you are at risk because you are exposing yourself to unwanted physical stress. If your doctor cautions you against strenuous activities such as running, brisk aerobic activity such as shoveling snow, or playing badminton, you should be careful about sex, too.

Surgeries that affect the reproductive organs, such as an inguinal hernia, hysterectomy, prostate removal, or any surgery directly related to the penis or vagina, may require additional healing time. Childbirth may also delay the return to normal sexual intercourse, with or without a cesarean section. In these cases, it is better to contact the surgeon and ask specifically, “When is it safe for me to have sexual intercourse without negative consequences and complications?”

There is no need to be shy about discussing issues related to your sex life with your partner. Tell or discuss with him how you feel during sex after surgery, whether you have vital energy during this time, certain positions that may be more comfortable than others during this period, whether you experience pain from pressure on certain areas , such as cutting lines.

Special measures may need to be taken, such as using lubricant during sexual intercourse. Some vaginal operations can cause dryness in the vagina and then you cannot do without lubrication. Other surgeries, such as prostate surgery, can make it difficult to get an erection or have difficulty maintaining one, and may require treatment or additional procedures to correct these problems.

An important aspect of sex life after a hysterectomy is contraception. It also depends on the type of surgery you had. You should definitely consult your doctor about this.

Most women do not require contraception because... Hysterectomy surgery leads to menopause. Most patients who have had a hysterectomy note that their sex life has become brighter due to the lack of fear of an unwanted pregnancy.

Thus, having a hysterectomy in no way interferes with your fulfilling sex life, and you will still remain a desirable woman for your partner, especially since the operation does not affect your ability to experience orgasm.

Of course, on the eve of surgery to remove the uterus, a woman most likely thinks little about her intimate life. However, after the rehabilitation period has passed, the patient may have many questions regarding this area. For example, does sex life change after a hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. Such an operation is performed only if all previously performed medical procedures have proven ineffective and there is a threat to the woman’s life.

There are two methods of intervention: through the vagina or an incision in the pubis. The first method is less traumatic for a woman and is used more often than the second if there are no contraindications. Complete postoperative rehabilitation will take about one and a half months. The reasons for a hysterectomy in a woman are uterine bleeding, benign (if large) and malignant neoplasms, fibroids, prolapse and prolapse of the uterus.

Psychological mood after surgery and its impact on the intimate sphere

The quality of sex after hysterectomy largely depends on the woman’s psychological mood. It often happens that patients who have had this organ amputated feel inferior and defective. It seems to them that they have ceased to be women, while they feel unwanted and abandoned. In addition, the situation is aggravated if the operated woman wanted to give birth to a child and has now lost this opportunity. Of course, as a result of such depressive states, sex life may not give a woman any pleasure, or even cause disgust. During this period, the support and understanding of her spouse is more important than ever for a woman.

Although there are also situations when sex becomes better after surgery to remove the uterus. As a rule, this happens if a woman constantly could not relax, fearing an unplanned pregnancy, or she was constantly bothered by severe pain caused by uterine diseases. Since these negative factors are eliminated after the operation, physical and psychological barriers may disappear, making the woman more sexual and liberated.

Intimacy after hysterectomy

In general, what kind of intimacy will be like after a hysterectomy operation is influenced by which organs were removed in addition to the uterus:

  1. If during the operation the uterus was removed, but the ovaries were preserved, then the woman maintains a normal hormonal balance. The appendages continue to function, producing estrogen and all body systems operate as normal. Accordingly, libido remains at the same level, and sensations during sexual intimacy do not lose their sharpness.
  2. A slightly different situation occurs when the uterus is removed along with the ovaries. As a result of the absence of appendages, the production of estrogen stops, which causes hormonal imbalance. During this period, all body systems try to adapt to new conditions. Therefore, a decrease in desire, or even its absence, is possible. This problem is solved by taking medications prescribed by a doctor and containing hormones. Accordingly, sex after removal of the appendages and uterus will return to normal over time.
  3. After removal of the cervix, the quality of sex should not undergo dramatic changes, since the areas responsible for female sensuality remain in place. The most important thing is to wait for the body to fully recover before entering into intimacy, and then both partners are guaranteed to enjoy it.

How long after surgery can I have sex?

A woman who has undergone this operation should visit an obstetrician-gynecologist in a month. If a visual examination shows that all the damage on the back wall of the vagina has completely healed, then the patient can resume sexual life. Of course, the first attempts can be painful. In addition, you need to know that excessive anxiety often interferes with the release of a normal amount of natural lubrication, and sometimes can even cause involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles.

The partner must remember that the uterus was removed, but the labia and clitoris remained in place, so it would not hurt to stimulate them in order to excite and relax the woman. The man’s task is to help his partner, who is getting used to sex again. Long foreplay will certainly bear fruit over time, awakening natural female sensuality.

The first sex after removal of the uterus is preferable to have the woman on top position. This is due not only to physical, but also psychological aspects. The woman who leads the process herself will be able to choose the pace and depth of penetration and will feel less vulnerable and unprotected. When there is pain, you can temporarily limit yourself to partial administration. If discomfort and pain have not gone away two months after the operation, then the woman should consult a gynecologist.

Problems in the intimate area after surgery

Any surgical intervention can lead to problems both physical and emotional. The main difficulties of the postoperative period are:

  1. Decreased sexual desire. It is worth noting that this problem occurs in a fairly small percentage of women (5%). This complication may appear due to emotional experiences or be a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the body. Many women, on the contrary, after surgery to remove the uterus, noticed that their sexual desire increased significantly. Health workers associate this fact with an improvement in the general condition of the patient, who is no longer bothered by constant dull pain, severe discharge and periodic urinary incontinence caused by the disease. The possibility of sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives also has a positive effect.
  2. Psycho-emotional problems. Any operation becomes a strong shock, let alone surgical intervention, which, as patients believe, deprives them of their feminine essence. As a result, representatives of the fair sex begin to worry, exaggerating the problem, and then they are not far from complexes. This state of affairs will certainly worsen the quality of sex. It is important that the partner dispels women’s fears, and if this does not work, then a consultation with a psychologist will not hurt.
  3. Painful sensations. Since the uterus was amputated, this problem is quite natural. That is why sexual activity should begin only after a woman’s complete physical and emotional recovery.
  4. Lack of lubrication. The cause may be hormonal imbalance or stress after surgery. This problem can be solved by taking hormone-containing drugs and using special moisturizing lubricants for lubrication. A high-quality foreplay would also be useful.
  5. Lack of orgasm. A small proportion of women who have a hysterectomy are unable to experience orgasm. This happens to those patients who received pleasure during exposure to the cervix. Accordingly, its absence becomes an obstacle to pleasure. However, you can teach a woman to receive pleasure in another way, for example, with the help of clitoral caresses.

Any problem a woman faces after a hysterectomy can be solved, especially with the proper support and help from a man. The most important thing is not to rush or try to resume sexual activity if the body is not yet ready physically or mentally. Inappropriate haste can harm your health and cause all sorts of complications.

Possible complications associated with early sexual intercourse after surgery

If a woman, after amputation of the uterus, at her own request or at the request of her partner, decided to shorten the period of abstinence from sexual intercourse, then such thoughtless haste can lead to various kinds of complications. In addition, problems can also arise if the symptoms of incomplete recovery of the body are ignored, when the minimum period has already come to an end. Possible complications in these cases are as follows:

  • Bleeding. Indicates that the postoperative suture on the stump or uterus (not a common occurrence) has come apart. To solve the problem, another surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Inflammatory processes of varying intensity.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system that a woman had before the operation to remove the uterus or appeared after it.

To minimize the risk of complications, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Completely comply with medical instructions.
  • Sex after a hysterectomy should begin smoothly, preferring careful and gentle penetration. Violent passion in the early postoperative stage is inappropriate and even dangerous.
  • Don't rush to catch up.
  • Refrain from casual relationships.
  • Protect yourself from STDs with contraceptives.

In general, if you follow these simple rules and start making love only when the woman’s body has already fully recovered, then the first sexual experience after surgery to remove the uterus will take place without unpleasant surprises and will not cause harm to health.

Lack of lubrication after hysterectomy

Women who have had their uterus amputated often complain of vaginal dryness. As a rule, this is due to psychological aspects. And in a situation where not only the uterus, but also the ovaries were removed, the problem may be caused by the fact that after the operation the production of estrogen stopped, and this affected the amount of natural lubrication.

Solving this problem is not difficult; just buy a special moisturizing lubricant at the pharmacy: cream, gel or oil. It would also be a good idea to visit a doctor who will prescribe a medication aimed at replenishing estrogen deficiency. Such products will quickly return the amount of lubricant to normal, normalize the condition of the mucous membrane and have a positive effect on the vaginal walls.

According to surveys, about 75% of women who had a hysterectomy claim that the quality of their sex life was not affected, and their sex drive remained at the same level. About 20% noticed that their libido increased significantly. This could happen due to the fact that the general condition of the body has improved after surgery and with the ability to make love without the use of contraceptives.

Only 5% of women felt that their interest in the intimate sphere had greatly decreased. Most often this occurs after removal of the cervix, appendages and uterine cavity. This is due to the fact that it is in the ovaries that testosterone is produced, and a sharp decrease in its level has a detrimental effect on female libido.

In this case, it is necessary to take medications that will help increase testosterone levels. In combination with drugs containing estrogen, the therapy will be very effective: the amount of natural lubrication will increase, libido will increase, and a feeling of general well-being will arise.

Orgasm after hysterectomy

Studies and surveys have shown that the majority of women who underwent hysterectomy began to receive more vivid impressions of sexual life. This often happens in situations where a woman before the hysterectomy felt discomfort during sexual intercourse or experienced pain. Many patients conclude that they have not identified any significant changes in sensations during sexual intercourse. After the operation, women continue to enjoy lovemaking, experiencing both clitoral and vaginal orgasms.

The number of patients who claim that the sensations have become less acute and that obtaining sexual release is problematic is about 4%. Medicine has not yet figured out the reasons for this phenomenon. Because, as a rule, women get orgasm as a result of stimulation of the clitoris, as well as a small area on the inner surface of the vagina (G-spot), which remain untouched during the operation.

It is likely that such difficulties may arise in those women who needed intense pressure on the cervix to achieve orgasm. This is a rare case, but it does occur. Accordingly, after removal of the cervix, a woman cannot have an orgasm. Such individuals need to try to reconsider their own views on pleasure and try to get satisfaction by influencing the clitoris. The woman must convey to her partner that now, after the removal of the uterus, the order of foreplay must undergo changes. Under the guidance of a sensitive and attentive man, a woman will be able to discover new horizons of her sensuality and get the desired orgasm.

In general, sex life after surgical removal of the uterus for most women brings as much pleasure as before the operation, and sometimes even more. Patients need to maintain a positive attitude and be confident that even after surgery they remain loved and desired by women.

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When it comes to the need to remove the uterus, questions arise not only from the patient herself, but also from loved ones who are concerned about her future. The smallest medical aspects are discussed with a doctor, and problems of later life are often discussed with relatives or a best friend. And during friendly get-togethers, quite adequate options for solving most problems are often voiced, but there are also misconceptions due to incompetence, and therefore unhelpful conclusions with the advice that follows from them.

Important! It is better to obtain basic knowledge from a conversation with a doctor. The doctor will definitely answer everything, even the most delicate questions. There are no taboo topics in this situation.

Question about sex

Is it possible to have sex after hysterectomy is not the first question that arises in anticipation of the operation. But, sooner or later, it arises. And after a successful intervention it becomes relevant after some time.

Removal of the uterus is carried out in different volumes. It could be:

  • resection of the uterine body with preservation of the cervix and ovaries;
  • removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • removal of the genital organs and lymph nodes with resection of the vagina.

In most cases, sex after a hysterectomy is possible. During surgical treatment, a uterine stump is formed if the cervix is ​​preserved, or a vaginal stump is formed with complete removal of the organ. The shortening of the vagina is not critical: its walls are quite elastic, folds are straightened, and volumes are gradually stretched.

Sexual sensations in the postoperative period

Many sexually active women fear losing interest in sex after a hysterectomy. But doctors are unanimous: when health is restored after intervention, desire remains, and sex is permitted and can be enjoyable. Moreover, including this side of the relationship is very beneficial not only from a physiological point of view, but also for psychological health.

Loss of sensation is, first of all, a psychological problem that arises as a result of a woman’s incorrect self-perception or a change in attitude on the part of her sexual partner. In this case, consultation with a psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist is necessary. In the vast majority of cases, the problem of complexes acquired during illness and treatment is successfully resolved.

Many women who have experienced sex after removal of the uterus note that their intimate life becomes richer and the sensations are brighter. And this is understandable: surgical intervention is performed only after ineffective conservative therapy or after a long illness, when there is no other option. This means that in the preoperative period, sexual life was accompanied by difficulties and sometimes pain. Often, for these reasons, intimacy was completely excluded from life.

How and when

Sexual activity is resumed after removal of the uterus no earlier than 2 months after the operation.

Important! The specified period of time is a minimum. Violation of the abstinence regime during this period is fraught with complications!

During this time, postoperative wounds heal, connections between organs and systems are regulated, and body functions are restored. With the textbook course of the period, the inconveniences that arise disappear after 60 days (average).

But often rehabilitation is accompanied by treatment of concomitant diseases and elimination of complications. Therefore, it is no secret that after removal of the uterus, a woman is not always interested in sex so quickly. Don't force things! If your health is not good enough, and your thoughts are directed to a completely different area of ​​existence, it is premature to introduce sex into your life. For some women, even with consistently good health, sexual activity after removal of the uterus began at their request after 6 to 18 months.

A woman's long-term abstinence does not affect the quality of sexual contacts, but a premature start of activity in this area negates both attraction and some treatment results.

Possible problems

Resuming sexual relations involves solving some problems.

The physiological aspects seem less complex:

  • dryness of the vagina, lack of natural discharge - the issue is solved by using special lubricants, which can be purchased in pharmacies or intimate goods stores; over time, the excretory function of the walls is restored;
  • shortening of the vagina - determined empirically (experimentally), creates intrigue in close relationships, which means it adds variety to sex, very soon partners find a way out of the situation (changing positions, gradually increasing the depth of penetration, oral sex, etc.);
  • delayed onset of the pleasure reaction - is closely related to injury during surgery, is corrected gradually, returns to normal only in the absence of side effects and psychological problems.

To solve psychological issues of self-perception, the help of loved ones is effective, and not only by blood, but also by worldview. It is very important not to communicate with people who bring huge portions or even just notes of pessimism into your new life.

Important! Accepting your condition as a given and, based on the proposed conditions, living on is the right direction of development.

Practice shows that after undergoing surgery, women undergo a reassessment of values ​​comparable to the transformation after the birth of their first child. Gradually, the unnecessary, superficial, and dubious disappear from life. Those who see the person, and not the disease, remain nearby. In such an environment, psychological problems, if they existed, are resolved after a short period of time. The question of whether it is possible to have sex after removal of the uterus is not worth it: life in all its manifestations is accessible to a self-sufficient person.

Complications and prevention

If the timing of the onset of sexual activity after removal of the uterus in the direction of contraction is violated, side effects of such haste are possible. The same can happen if you ignore the symptoms of incomplete rehabilitation after the minimum period has expired:

  1. bleeding - indicates a divergence of the suture on the stump of the vagina or (less often) the uterus; repeated surgical intervention is possible to eliminate it;
  2. inflammation of varying severity - from local to generalized;
  3. exacerbation of genitourinary diseases that existed previously or arose after surgery.

To prevent health problems, follow the general recommendations:

  • strictly follow the doctor's instructions;
  • sex after hysterectomy should not begin violently, give preference to gentle penetration;
  • do not rush to “catch up”;
  • avoid casual connections;
  • protect yourself from contracting sexually transmitted diseases.


Sexual activity after removal of the uterus is quite possible, and is practiced by most women. Conception for physiological reasons is impossible in this case. For many, this factor, paradoxically, is a positive phenomenon: the absence of the need to use protection has a positive effect on sexual activity. The issue of having children is considered in the areas of adoption, surrogacy (with preserved ovaries) or adoption.

In general, sex after a hysterectomy is normal. It is possible if there is desire and an object of love. But the lack of sex life should not become a factor provoking depression: sex issues are relevant for all generations, healthy and sick, married and single, temperamental and calm, young and old. This is life and it goes on.

Video: The benefits of sex after surgery

Sexual intimacy is an important component of a person’s full life. Removal of the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system frightens any woman. The procedure is quite complicated and has its consequences. Is there sex life after hysterectomy? When does intimacy resume? There are still more questions than answers. Let's take a closer look at this intimate topic.

Is sexual activity possible after hysterectomy?

This question can be answered rather ambiguously. Much depends on the method and type of surgery performed and the woman’s individual reaction to it. The main place in this case is occupied by the psychological and physical state of the woman.

Sexual life after removal of the uterus can be provided that the damaged tissues have been restored and the woman feels great. However, rehabilitation will take some time.

Feature of the operation

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that is an extreme measure that has to be taken to save the patient from the development of dangerous pathologies that threaten her life.

Doctors resort to this procedure only if other therapeutic methods have proven ineffective. Sexual life after removal of the uterus and ovaries depends on the type of operation and indications.

Modern surgeons perform uterine amputation in two ways:

  • through the vagina;
  • through the abdominal cavity, having previously made an abdominal incision.

The vaginal method of performing the operation is the simplest and safest. However, it has a number of contraindications. In some cases, it is possible to do without a complex operation through the abdominal cavity.

Indications for hysterectomy:

  • benign or malignant tumor;
  • myoma;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • severe uterine bleeding.

Recovery after surgery depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Rehabilitation averages one and a half to two months.


After removal of the uterus, women are sexually active in the same way as healthy women. The main thing is to properly set yourself up psychologically. Some patients are deeply depressed after undergoing hysterectomy. They feel like they are inferior.

Sexual life after removal of the uterus and ovaries exists. The woman continues to be her. In this case, comprehensive support from family and friends is important. The main thing is to show the woman that they need her.

Sexual life after hysterectomy is especially worrying for young women who were planning to have a child. However, after the operation they lost this opportunity forever.

Quality of sex depending on the organ removed

The quality of intimate life in the postoperative period is influenced by which reproductive organ was removed along with the uterus. Let's take a closer look:

  • Sex life after removal of the uterus remains virtually the same. Since the ovaries continue to function, no major hormonal changes occur in the body. The appendages continue to produce estrogen in the same volume. Sexual desire remained. The sensations from sex do not change after surgery.

  • Sex life after removal of the uterus and ovaries is different. Estrogen (female sex hormone) stops being produced. This provokes hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body. Gradually the body adapts to new conditions. After surgery, a woman may notice a decrease in sexual desire, especially in the first few months. To restore hormonal balance, the doctor prescribes a course of hormonal medications. After a certain time, sexual desire returns to normal, the woman again begins to live a full life.

  • Sex life after removal of the cervix remains virtually the same. The organs that are responsible for female libido remained intact. If there are no complications after the operation, then sexual intercourse is allowed only after the female body has fully recovered.

  • Sexual life after removal of a uterine polyp is completely restored within a few months. During this period, gynecologists recommend refraining from intimacy with a partner. Sex is allowed 30-40 days after the operation. You can be sexually active, but you can’t think about conceiving a baby until six months after the operation. In many ways, the period of possible further conception depends on how quickly the menstrual cycle is restored. If the critical days do not come for a long time after the removal of polyps, then this indicates the development of pathogenic processes in the body. The priority should be the complete rehabilitation of the patient.

  • Sex life after removal of the uterus and appendages changes dramatically. This is a serious traumatic operation that requires a lot of recovery time. It is necessary to seriously adjust hormones, especially if the operation is performed between the ages of forty and fifty years (before the onset of menopause).

It is allowed to have sex after two to three months. After intimacy, a woman feels dryness in the vagina, burning and painful sensations after sex. This is due to the fact that estrogen levels have greatly decreased. Therefore, the genital mucosa has become thinner and produces less lubricant.

Sexual desire is noticeably reduced in those women who have had their cervix, appendages and uterus removed. This is due to the fact that the ovaries produce testosterone. A sharp decrease in it negatively affects female libido. In this case, it is necessary to take medications that help increase testosterone levels in the body.

When is intimacy allowed?

The average is 2 months. After this period after the operation, you can begin intimate intimacy. During this period of time, damaged tissues and wounds heal in the woman’s body.

To restore full physical intimacy, it is important to balance hormonal levels. A woman's sexual desire for a man depends on hormones. With the help of certain medications, hormonal levels are completely restored after 2 months.

This is the minimum period for a woman to recover. If there are complications after surgery, then it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for about 3 months.

During the postoperative period, some patients do not experience sexual desire for a long time, for six months or a year.

In this case it is not necessary. If a man insists on intimacy, the woman’s libido will decrease and complications may arise.

Features of intimate life

Has your sex life changed after your hysterectomy? Reviews from many women say that it is for the better. This may be due to the fact that many women are afraid of getting pregnant. And after the surgery there is no reason to worry. Therefore, they can completely relax and enjoy themselves.

Many patients with gynecological pathologies complained to the doctor about severe pain during intimacy. And after the operation to remove the uterus, the alarming symptoms went away. The woman got rid of the physical and psychological barrier once and for all.

The emergence of psychological problems

Many women tend to aggravate their psychological state by having a negative attitude towards the removal of the reproductive organ. They feel damaged and inferior.

The mood for the operation itself, the attitude towards your condition after it determines the further quality of your intimate life. When a woman feels inferior, she gradually loses her femininity. Consequently, a woman’s sex life after removal of the uterus in this case will not bring pleasure to either her or her partner.

If a woman cannot cope with depression on her own during the postoperative period, then she needs to consult a psychologist. In addition, the lady’s partner should raise her self-esteem by encouraging her beloved and complimenting her.

Physiological difficulties

If a woman’s psychological state is more or less stable and positive, then her physiological state may not please her. A woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • Dryness in the vagina, especially if the uterus and ovaries have been removed. Hormonal levels directly affect the condition of the mucous membrane. It is broken because there are no ovaries. They trigger the production of female hormones. There is only one solution to the problem - using vaginal lubricants or cream. These products are sold at pharmacies or specialty stores. After a certain time, the excretory function of the mucous membrane will be restored.
  • Shortening of the vagina. After the operation, a woman may feel pain during sex, since the man’s penis reaches the sutures if there was an operation to shorten the vagina. The only solution is to choose the right sex position.
  • Prolonged “warming up” of a woman. Many patients note that they do not experience pleasure from sex. This is caused by the psychological factor and tissue trauma.

As soon as a woman changes her attitude to the current situation, sexual pleasure will return to normal.

Limitations in sex positions

There are no special restrictions in the choice of poses. However, there are a number of recommendations on how to resume your sex life. So, general rules:

  • If a woman is afraid of feeling severe pain, then she should choose positions for intimacy herself.
  • It is convenient to control the process of intimacy in the “cowgirl” position.

  • A woman must regulate the frequency of her movements herself.

The main thing is to mutually discuss positions for intimacy with your partner.

Does a woman have an orgasm after her hysterectomy?

After surgery, orgasm may not be as intense as it was before. This is due to the psycho-emotional background of a woman. However, there is no need to be upset. As soon as a woman pulls herself together and believes in her worth again, she will feel the same orgasm as before. Much depends on the support and care from your partner.

Lack of orgasm is a psychological problem, not a physiological one. A woman cannot feel voluptuous sensations due to the fear of pain during sex.

Many ladies believe that full pleasure can only be obtained if all reproductive organs are in place. However, this is a deep misconception. During the operation, the labia, clitoris, and G-spot are not affected, stimulation of which causes orgasm. There should be no physiological problems.

If a woman feels pain during sex, then sexual intercourse should be suspended. Then continue, but the man should not fully insert the penis.

Many women note that their sex life after hysterectomy has become much better and longer.

If after the operation a woman does not get an orgasm, this means that previously she received voluptuous pleasure only during stimulation of the cervix, which is no longer present, with the penis.

Consequences of early onset of intimate life

  • Bleeding may occur when the stitches come apart. A woman may lose a lot of blood. In this case, the problem can be solved surgically.
  • The development of the inflammatory process can be localized in one area, or it can cover all reproductive organs.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis.

If a woman has had her uterus and other organs of the reproductive system removed, then we must not forget about contraceptive methods. Although there is no risk of unwanted pregnancy, there is still a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases from a partner.

First sexual intercourse after surgery

Sexual life after surgery to remove the uterus in the first months should be as careful as possible. Stormy passion will have to be put aside for a long time.

It is also worth forgetting for several months about deep and sharp penetration of the male penis into the vagina. This can be extremely dangerous for a woman.

If we consider coitus as a process, then genital contact is the penetration of the penis into the partner’s vagina and monotonous forward movements. So why are women so concerned about the question of whether they can be sexually active after removal of the uterus, its cervix, and ovaries, or not?

Sex is one of the types of sensual contacts through which a person receives pleasure.

Surgeries to remove female genital organs, depending on the complexity of the volume, affect the hormonal state of the female body and, in the opinion of women, deprive them of attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. A modern woman wants to enjoy sex, to be desired, and the possibility of becoming an object of desire satisfaction is unpleasant for her. Therefore, it is very important for her to know whether a full sexual life is possible after surgical interventions on the genital apparatus.

Types of gynecological operations

If indicated, the following gynecological operations can be performed:

  • hysteroscopy – curettage of the uterine cavity, during which it is freed from damaged endometrium and polyps;
  • oophorectomy – removal of the ovaries;
  • hysterectomy – removal of the uterus;
  • supracervical extirpation - the uterus is amputated, but the cervix remains;
  • trachelectomy – the cervix is ​​excised;
  • hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy – the entire internal genitalia is removed.

In each case, the surgeon weighs the pros and cons of such an intervention, conducts a conversation with the woman, and tells her in advance about the possible consequences.

Sexual life after removal of a polyp in the uterus

Polyp removal is currently performed on an outpatient basis. A few hours after the operation - as soon as the effects of anesthesia wear off - the woman can leave the hospital.

The organs that influence the production of hormones are not affected during the operation. As soon as the bleeding stops - usually after 21-27 days - you can return to normal life. The restoration of the body can be judged by the onset of the next menstruation - in most cases, 1 cycle is skipped, since the endometrium needs to grow. During the delay, it is necessary to carefully protect yourself.

Sexual life after cervical removal

Women fear that after removal of the cervix, their sensitivity will decrease and sexual life will not be enjoyable.

There are no nerve endings in the cervix. You can verify this by familiarizing yourself with the technology of manipulation on the cervix. Colposcopy and cauterization are performed without anesthesia, since the sensitivity of this organ is minimal.

The walls of the vagina and the clitoris are responsible for sensuality; they are not damaged during gynecological surgery.

Discomfort may occur due to prolonged abstinence. You can have sexual intercourse after this type of surgery only after 6-7 weeks, making sure that there is no pain. If they appear, this is abnormal, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Sexual life after hysterectomy

If a woman complains of sexual problems after a hysterectomy, then we can say for sure that they are born in the head. This operation does not in any way affect the quality and possibility of sexual life. All receptors responsible for sensuality are located in the labia, clitoris and vagina, so the quality of sex remains the same or increases. This is not surprising - a woman ceases to fear an unwanted pregnancy.

No matter how reliable contraception is, it is possible to get pregnant. Barrier methods protect by 97%, oral contraceptives – by 99.3%. Thoughts about this are present in the subconscious and prevent women from enjoying sensual pleasure. After a hysterectomy, you can be sexually active without fear.

The menopause that occurs after this operation is not menopause, but surgical menopause. There is no menstruation, since the endometrium is removed along with the uterus, but the ovaries produce all the necessary hormones in full.

No undesirable consequences:

  • decreased libido;
  • the appearance of osteoporosis;
  • aging of the body does not occur.

Once the postoperative rehabilitation period has passed, you can return to normal life. All complexes - self-doubt and constraint - are far-fetched.

If the partner does not know that the woman has undergone a hysterectomy, he will not guess.

A permanent loving partner will delicately help you overcome a psychological barrier.

Sexual life after spay removal

The function of the ovaries is the production of hormones on which the regularity of the menstrual cycle, its duration, the possibility of conception, and the course of pregnancy depend.

A woman’s appearance also depends on these hormones – progesterone, estrogen and androgens.

When ovarian function declines, menopause occurs - the natural aging of the body.

If the work of at least one link in this organ, which can be compared to a multi-stage mechanism, is disrupted, then adverse hormonal changes begin in the female body.

How can a woman live if her ovaries are removed?

If one ovary is removed, this does not affect the quality of life - the second takes on all functions. When both ovaries are amputated, menopause occurs. The adrenal glands—they are responsible for maintaining hormonal status—cannot cope with their function. The production of hormones is only enough to ensure vital functions and…maintain libido.

The desire to have sex in people is developed in the brain, and if a woman is determined to live a full life, no hormonal problems will prevent her from enjoying it.

Hormone replacement therapy helps solve the problems of aging of the body, and special means will replace the lack of lubricant that causes discomfort during sexual intercourse. Removing the ovaries does not affect the quality of sex - they are not involved during sexual intercourse.

Sexual life after removal of the uterus and ovaries

We can already conclude that after hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy or total hysterectomy - surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries - sex life does not stop.

The recovery period requires 5 to 7 weeks, and then you can again enjoy intimacy with your loved one.

Common problems of gynecological operations

After gynecological operations in which the genital organs are removed, there is some discomfort during sexual intercourse, especially at first. But this is more likely due not to physiological changes in the body, but to emotional problems.

Normal reactions of the female body return gradually. The tenderness and attentiveness of a partner helps restore them. At this stage, it is advisable to pay special attention to foreplay in order to prepare the woman for intimacy.