Short beautiful quotes about sunset. Statuses about sunset

Nature has a lot of beautiful phenomena, one of them is sunset, quotes about which are specially collected on this page. If you love sunsets, then you will love sunset quotes.

Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever.
Elchin Safarli. I'll come back

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Their eyes are full of sunset,
Their hearts are full of dawn.
Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?
TV series "Bones"

Great quote about sunset.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?
Sergei Lukyanenko. Draft

... And the sunset, thundering restlessly, burns my insides.
Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. Morphine

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.
Mark Levy. Meet again

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.
Boris Akunin. Falcon and Swallow

When I look at the sunset, I feel cramped here.
Olga Ozertsova. Stonefly

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.
Film "The Camp Goes to Heaven"

...after the sun sets, there comes a moment when the color and lighting become amazingly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few seconds when the sun has just gone below the horizon, but its rays, as if ricocheting, continue to illuminate the earth.
Robert James Waller. Bridges of Madison County

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.
Peter Hoeg. Smilla and her sense of snow

If only I could convey this sunset over the river in colors on canvas!.. It’s a pity I can’t!
Liu Yun

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.
Mervyn Peak. Gormenghast. Book 1. Titus Groan

Explaining the sunset does not take away from its beauty...
Stephen Fry. Hippopotamus

These, of course, are not all aphorisms about sunset, there are many more sayings about sunset = on the Internet, but we tried to choose the best.

Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever.

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps.
And you look at the sunset sky again and again, you just have to want...

Their eyes are full of sunset,
Their hearts are full of dawn.

The sun sets, the time of demons comes...

The sunset left the glass playing enough,
And it suddenly became noticeably colder.

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

If you were here, you would appreciate the sunset. I have never seen such colors in my life.
- Sunsets and sunrises only happen where you are. There is only gray twilight here.

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

And then, let's be honest: how long can you watch the sunset? And who wants the sunset to last forever? And who needs eternal warmth? Who needs a timeless scent? After all, you get used to all this and simply stop noticing. It’s good to admire the sunset for a minute, or two. And then you want something else. That's just how humans are made, Leo. How could you forget about this?
-Have I forgotten?
“That’s why we love sunset because it only happens once a day.”

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?

... And the sunset, thundering restlessly, burns my insides.

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.

... for some reason in dead cities you want to speak in a whisper, you want to watch the sunset.

The heart aches at sunset, no matter how beautiful it may be.

While the heavens sang a lullaby to the sun, shrouding it in the red velvet of sunset, life in the Glen Mor Valley was just beginning to awaken. She fluttered from the trees, flying on the wings of owls, crawled out of holes along with their inhabitants, looking around in fear. The day was passing away, walking with broad gait in the direction high mountains to the west, leaving behind a scattering of stars in the sky. Grasping their white peaks, he furtively looked back one last time, taking in the hilly clearing left behind...

Sunset is almost always, in all worlds, crimson, bloody, filled with molten gold, purple - there is something so pathetic, dramatic, alarming about it... a sort of magnificent funeral of the day according to all the classical canons. But a new day is born quietly and dimly. A barely noticeable gilding, a barely noticeable pinkishness - in a sea of ​​morning whiteness, gentle and light, inspires joy and hope, simply drives away the darkness and that’s it, without any pathos, pressure or tension. And - a rarely observed mystery: at sunset we are awake, owls, so to speak, and at dawn we sleep. This is probably why there are fewer optimists in this world than pessimists...

The gray halftones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise the light appears active and the darkness passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active and the light drowsily passive.

Life is measured by sunrises, not sunsets.

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they are more often written about than observed in person.

Spring gives its promises frivolously and generously. Promises so much warm days, but this one will no longer return to us... And then look only at the feelings, the hand in your hand will calm down... Look with aching sadness at the dying sunset.

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch how darkness covers the world, and everything is filled with the white light of eternity...

And who should we thank for the sunsets? Just don’t bring the Lord God into this! They talk to Him very quietly. I want to ask who to grab and pat on the shoulder and say: thank you for today’s sweet morning light, very grateful for the extraordinary beauty of the roadside flowers and for the grasses that spread in the wind. These are also gifts. Who will challenge?

What do you think is the best thing in the world? - Mom says it's sunset. - Okay, then what is the best thing in the world made by man? - Mom says - Mona Lisa. - Look, with all due respect to your mom, buddy, a curveball is better than anything else in the world.

I just love playing with fire and “burning bridges” and watching the bloody sunset.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

I once saw the sun set forty-three times in one day!
And a little later you added:
- You know, when you’re very sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down
- So, on that day when you saw forty-three sunsets, you were very sad?
But The Little Prince didn't answer.

Let every mistake teach you a great lesson: Every sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and big dawn.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

You can be admired as one admires the beauty of nature - sunrise, sunset, mountains, sea.

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one, but shared silence with someone, beloved eyes now, and not once...

If you have ever seen a sunset, you probably remember the incomparable play of colors and the bright sun, which at this time of day can be yellow, orange, or bright red. In this article we will give you the most famous and beautiful quotes about sunset.

About the unforgettable beauty of the sunset

Of course, everyone saw the setting sun. Below we have collected the most beautiful sunset quotes for you.

  1. As soon as the sun sets, it is that time when the lighting and color shades become incredibly beautiful. This effect lasts only a few short seconds when the sun has just set below the horizon, and its long rays continue to illuminate the planet (Robert Waller).
  2. The sunset flared and went out. And every moment seemed like an eternity, despite the fact that the transition from bright red to ashen lasted no more than a few demonic seconds (Merwick Peak).
  3. You know what I noticed recently? In Moscow, the sun sets as if a cold samovar had been taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s as if they hid Peter’s coin behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it’s like riding a big-eared drum on a big drum... And in Astrakhan, for example, the sunset is so beautiful, as if they were frying red fish on it. In Arkhangelsk, it was as if you were being treated to fish, but they still carried you past. In Ryazan - like a deck slightly eaten by ants. In Riga, it was as if a pill had been placed under the tongue (as the hero of the novel “The Abode” by Z. Prilepin says).
  4. In all worlds, this amazing natural phenomenon is almost always bloody, purple and covered in beautiful molten gold. There is something alarming and dramatic about sunset... A sort of rich funeral of the past day according to all the canons of the classics. But the birth of a new day is dim and quiet. Slightly noticeable pinkishness, barely noticeable gilding. In the sea of ​​whiteness of the morning it is light and gentle, everything inspires hope and joy, drives away the darkness without any tension or pressure. And an infrequently observed mystery: during sunset we do not sleep, like owls, but at dawn we dream. Probably for this reason there are much fewer optimists in this world than pessimists (Max Dallin).

About sadness and time gone by

Sunset is, first of all, a symbol of a bygone day and time that cannot be returned. Below we have given which talk about sadness and a lost day.

  1. All sunsets are literally saturated with sadness. And willy-nilly you think that no matter how many failures there were in the past day, this day will still remain mine, but now it is leaving forever (Safarli Elchin).
  2. All you have to do is move your chair a few steps and you can watch the sunset again. You just have to want it (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
  3. And then, let's be honest: how many hours can you admire the sunset? Who needs a sunset that lasts forever? And who needs eternal warmth? Who needs all that never-ending aroma? After all, you inevitably get used to it and then you simply stop noticing. You can admire it for a couple of minutes, and then you want to be distracted by something. That's how people are, Leo. Have you really forgotten about this? That's why we love sunset, because it happens only once a day (Ray Bradbury).
  4. Get up at dawn and never forget that sunset will definitely come when you least expect it (“The camp goes into the sky”).

Quotes about sunrise and sunset

And certainly after sunset the night will come, and after it the long-awaited dawn - a symbol of a new beginning, a new day. Below we have provided quotes that you might like:

  1. Everything in the world has its sunset. But only the night certainly ends with dawn (Grzegorczyk Wladyslaw).
  2. Their eyes are full of sunset, and their souls are full of dawn (Joseph Brodsky).
  3. Sunrises and sunsets exist only where you are. Here there is only dull twilight (Tamara Kryukova).
  4. The gray colors of sunset are so different from the gray twilight, even though the colors seem to be the same. But at sunrise everything seems active, while the dark shades are passive. In the evening, the ever-increasing darkness is active, and the light, on the contrary, is passive (Thomas Hardy).
  5. Giving way to us, the dawn was rising. Ashamed of our dawn, the sunset blushed (Henry Oldie).

Quotes about sunset and love

Undoubtedly, love is a passionate and fiery feeling. And below we have given you quotes about summer sunset and love.

  1. Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with your loved one? (Angela Montenegro).
  2. The heart begins to ache during sunset, no matter how beautiful and beautiful it may be
  3. A wedding is like a sunset. Have you noticed the romance of the moment? Marriage is like a sea into which the scarlet sun inevitably sets (“The Bride Trap”).
  4. When you admire the sunset, I will do it too. After all, it was at sunset that we met you. I know that someday he will unite us again and forever (“The Verdict”).

Who else wrote about the sunset?

Of course, we haven't given you all the quotes about sunset. You will find beautiful references to this unique and wonderful phenomenon in such writers as Irina Samarina, Igor Guberman, Natalya Rozbitskaya, Milli-Adele, Vladislav Grzegorczyk, Arina Shavel, Andrew Freese, Igor Terekhin, Karl Gerschelman, Robin Sharma, Alexandra Veremeychik, Vladimir Zangiev, Harry Simanovich, Valentina Samot. There are many authors. We hope you liked the sunset quotes we have provided in this article.

The sun rises and sets regardless of the time of year, circumstances and people's mood. It lives on its own. It starts the day and ends it. In our selection you will find beautiful quotes and statuses about sunrises and sunsets. After reading them, you will definitely have a desire to wake up at dawn and admire it, and philosophical statements about sunsets will inspire you to take a romantic walk during sunset.

A person is always looking for happiness, but it lies in simple things and it's so close. Living in harmony with nature, isn't this happiness? Isn’t it wonderful to watch sunrises and sunsets? Sunrise and sunset are very beautiful, or rather even bewitching phenomena that you can observe every day, the main thing is your desire.

Dawn is the awakening of people and nature, the beginning of a new day. The rays of the sun break through the trees and houses, with every minute the glimpses become brighter and brighter, the sun rises higher and higher. Dawn is filled with cheerfulness, energy and optimism.

Sunset is a kind of conclusion of the day. The sunset indicates that the day is coming to an end. Unlike a cheerful and optimistic dawn, sunset is filled with romance and mystery. It awakens human thoughts and slightly evokes sadness. But, if you watch the red fireball sink into the horizon with your loved one, then you won’t be afraid of any sadness!

Look at this sunrise. This is the eighth wonder of the world. This is what you need to live for. Enjoy this every morning, enjoy the music, the freedom. For happy life people are not needed. Believe me. (Stace Kramer)

To become happy, you need to be alone with nature.

The night cannot last forever... No matter how endless it may seem, no matter how dark it may be, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day.

Everything has an end, and the night is no exception.

Sunset is almost always, in all worlds, crimson, bloody, filled with molten gold, purple - there is something so pathetic, dramatic, alarming about it... a sort of magnificent funeral of the day according to all the classical canons. But a new day is born quietly and dimly. A barely noticeable gilding, a barely noticeable pinkishness - in a sea of ​​morning whiteness, gentle and light, inspires joy and hope, simply drives away the darkness and that’s it, without any pathos, pressure or tension. And - a rarely observed mystery: at sunset we are awake, owls, so to speak, and at dawn we sleep. This is probably why there are fewer optimists in this world than pessimists... (Max Dahlin)

Those who wake up at dawn are born optimists.

Life is measured by sunrises, not sunsets. (O. Demchenko)

Just like the day begins with sunrises, not sunsets.

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn. (V. Grzegorczyk)

No matter how lonely and long the night may seem to you, it will end in the morning...

The sun did not just rise, it surged like a stream and overflowed the whole world. (Ray Bradbury)

The sun fills life not only with light, but also with joy and optimism.

Sunsets are saturated with sadness. Because every time you see him off, you think: no matter how successful or unsuccessful, the day is my day, and it goes away forever. (Elchin Safarli)

Sunset is the end of the day.

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you? (Angela Montenegro)

Dawn, by the way, too...

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same. (Mark Levy)

Nature does not tend to repeat itself, creating masterpieces.

The gray halftones of dawn are unlike the gray evening twilight, although the colors seem to be the same. At sunrise the light appears active and the darkness passive, while in the evening the growing darkness is active and the light drowsily passive. (Thomas Hardy)

On the one hand, dawn and sunset seem similar, but if you look closely, they are so different. Yes, they bring different feelings too...


Dawn comes without roosters crowing.

Dawn does not wait for everyone to wake up, it comes on its own.

Every sunset is beautiful in its own way.

Both sunsets and sunrises have unique beauty.

There will be a new dawn - there will be a sea of ​​victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

Dawn is another day, another opportunity to correct mistakes and implement our plans.

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

The sun will set regardless of whether you managed to do everything or not.

Don’t be weaker than that rooster who crows at dawn while you sleep at dawn.

So should I also go to bed at 7 pm?)

To enjoy the sunrise, you need to admire the dawn.

Life must be loved with all its sunsets and sunrises.

The sunset is with you, the dawn is with you... only you are the beloved INTERNET!

You can admire sunsets and sunrises only in nature, and not on the Internet.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave. (P. Heg)

No matter how much we want to continue the day, the sun will still set and night will come.

The most beautiful sunrise is not on the seashore or in the distant Alps. The most beautiful sunrise is where you are, and I wake up in love and full of hope!

The sunrise is beautiful anywhere, the main thing is the desire to see this beauty.

After the night, there is always dawn, you just need to wait for it and not break down.

Or better yet, sleep at night and wake up at dawn.

The most dark time- before dawn.

This is the time to sleep best.

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture. (A. Chekhov)

Sunset is so beautiful phenomenon nature, that sometimes it’s hard to believe that this is happening in reality.

About sea sunsets

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea? (S. Lukyanenko)

All sunsets are beautiful, but the sea ones are special.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror. (B. Akunin)

Sunset evokes many associations, many feelings, it awakens thoughts.

Summer evening, seashore, enchanting sunset - this is happiness!

True happiness is being close to nature.

Summer is the time of year when we forget about time... After all, when sea sunrises give way to beautiful sunsets, time stops.

The sea resembles infinity, so no one keeps track of time there.

And in the evening, watching the sunset on the seashore, and then admiring the stars, you will feel with your soul how beautiful and endless our world is, and what a blessing it is that you live here and now.

Sunset on the seashore is a truly mesmerizing sight.

When you sail on the sea, joyfully and patiently following the trail of the sun, behind your back you leave a trail of troubles and sadness...

The sea can hide everything: tears, sadness, and even joyful thoughts...

The most beautiful things in the world are the sea, sunset and love.

All of them are beautiful in themselves, but if you combine them, the beauty comes out unearthly...

In the sky there is only talk about the sea. And about the sunset. They talk about how damn cool it is to watch a huge fireball, how it melts in the waves, and a barely visible light, as if from a candle, burns somewhere in the depths...

Any heart wants spring, a cozy and gentle sunset, one, but shared silence with someone, beloved eyes now, and not once...

The sun is red at sunrise and red at sunset. The great remain unchanged in both happiness and misfortune.

Real lovers are like sunsets and sunrises - they are more often written about than observed in person.

One sunset is not like another, the colors of the sky are not the same.

The conflagration of the sunset died down, sprinkled with the white ashes of the stars.

By the way, do you know what I noticed? In Moscow the sun sets - as if a cold samovar was taken away. In St. Petersburg, it’s like they hid Peter’s nickel behind one’s sleeve. In Odessa, it was like riding a hare on a drum... In Astrakhan, the sunset was as if they were frying red fish. In Arkhangelsk - they treated me to frozen fish, but they passed me by. In Ryazan - like a deck eaten by ants. In Riga it was as if they had put a pill under the tongue.

You can be admired as one admires the beauty of nature - sunrise, sunset, mountains, sea.

Did you think that your robot and I would leave the landfill beautifully and ride off into the sunset?

Have you ever noticed that the sunset is much more beautiful if you admire it with someone special to you?

Get up early at dawn and remember that sunset will come when you least expect it.

The sunset was pure, naive, as if it had been painted by a provincial young lady long before the first thoughts came to her mind. scary thoughts about men.

The sunset left the glass after playing.

The sunset flared and died out - every moment seemed eternal, but the transition from scarlet to ashen took no more than a few demonic moments.

What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of the buffalo when winter comes. This is a shadow falling on the grass and melting at sunset.

I really love sunset. Let's go watch the sun set, we'll just have to wait a little. What to expect? For the sun to go down.

I just love playing with fire and “burning bridges” and watching the bloody sunset.

I look at the sunset, which at this time of year lasts three hours. As if the sun, at the last minute before sunset, finally found some merit in this world and because of this now does not want to leave.

What do you think is the best thing in the world? - Mom says it's sunset. - Okay, then what is the best thing in the world made by man? - Mom says - Mona Lisa. - Look, with all due respect to your mom, buddy, a curveball is better than anything else in the world.

Sunrises and sunsets are winged in youth: And if it rains in the evening, then it’s sunny in the morning! Sunsets and sunrises Familiar signs: Spring has come and with it the time for love has come!

All you have to do is move the chair a few steps. And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Everything has its sunset, only the night ends with dawn.

Both at the birth and at the end of love, people always experience confusion when left alone with each other.

"AND. Labruyère"

And you look at the sunset sky again and again, if you just want to.

Sometimes at sunset you see something unusual, which you don’t believe later when you see the same thing in a picture.

Sometimes I go for a walk at sunset, through the forest to the twilight mountains. I watch as darkness covers the world, and everything is filled with the white light of eternity.

Look at the sunset. Beautiful. The one above is a real painter.

Why can you never confuse whether the sun is rising or setting when you see it over the sea?

Previously, people admired sunsets, but now they admire kickbacks.

The most unfortunate person in the world is an atheist, he sees a sea sunset, and he has no one to thank for this beauty.

Weddings are like sunsets. Romance of the moment. Marriage is a sea into which the red sun sets.

Sunsets over the ocean are an absolutely mesmerizing sight. Today there is no wind, and the sunset looks as if a blood orange has decided to drown itself in the mirror.

See also -