Who should undergo an on-the-job internship? Rules for conducting internships in the workplace

Workplace Internship Program - SampleThis document is often required by personnel officers. It describes in detail the knowledge and skills that an employee should gain during the internship. Let's figure out what is needed to create such a program.

When are on-the-job internship programs required by profession?

The need for an internship is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Yes, Art. 212 of this code, among other responsibilities assigned to the employer, mentions the need to train employees in safe ways of working, including through briefings, internships and final testing of acquired knowledge and skills. It should immediately be noted that internship is the responsibility of not only the employer, but also the employee: Art. 214 of the code indicates that the employee is required to undergo training in labor protection, including internship.

Internships are divided into 2 types:

An internship can be carried out both during initial employment and during transfer to a new job, the implementation of which, according to regulations, requires an internship. For example, when training drivers, the guiding document RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 of the Ministry of Automobile Transport, adopted in the RSFSR, is used. Despite the fact that the document was approved back in 1986, it is still used today, since it has not been canceled or replaced. For example, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, when making a decision on the administrative case dated September 22, 2014 No. 34-AD14-5, among other acts, was guided by the provisions approved by this governing document.

To conduct an internship, it is required that the enterprise has a program in place for employees to undergo internships. Moreover, the program is necessary in all cases, because without it it is impossible to competently and correctly determine the stages of the internship and its content.

Typical internship procedure

Regardless of the reasons for which an internship is required, it is usually carried out as follows:

  1. An employment contract is drawn up with the employee according to the rules established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is also possible to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract if the employee is not hired for an open vacancy, but is transferred within the organization to a position that requires an internship.
  2. Instructions are provided regarding methods and techniques for the safe performance of work functions. Unlike an internship, instruction should be carried out for all employees of the enterprise, and not just for those engaged in dangerous work.
  3. An order is issued from the manager to send the employee to an internship. The same order appoints a curator (internship director), under whose supervision this event will take place.
  4. The internship itself is carried out. Its duration is determined by the on-the-job internship program approved by the enterprise, and completion is recorded in occupational safety logs.
  5. At the end of the internship, the employee takes an exam on knowledge of the theoretical foundations of safe work in the position.
  6. If the exam is passed, an order is issued to allow the employee to work. It is this document that allows him to perform labor functions independently, without the supervision of a curator.

How is a typical workplace internship program structured?

In order for the program to begin to be applied, it must be developed and approved by the management of the enterprise. However, the specific procedure for its development and approval is not determined by law.

In practice this usually happens as follows:

  1. The division of the enterprise in which the internship is to be conducted develops a draft document.
  2. The project is coordinated with the labor protection department (or with a specific employee responsible for compliance with safety regulations, if there is no such department in the organization’s structure).
  3. The agreed project is approved by order of the enterprise management.

A different procedure is also allowed - in accordance with the rules of office work in force at the enterprise. The main thing is that the program is approved by the director or other person acting on behalf of the organization.

Contents of the internship program, stages of an employee’s internship

State regulations do not contain requirements regarding what exactly the internship program should contain and what structural parts it should consist of. In practice, a certain approach has been formed, according to which such a program includes sections describing:

  1. The purpose for which the internship is being conducted. It is usually indicated here that the goal is to become familiar with the structure of the unit in which the employee’s work should take place, and the technological and production processes occurring there. Also among the goals are the development of skills to safely perform work duties and the consolidation of theoretical knowledge related to safety.
  2. General requirements. This section of the program specifies a list of what the employee must learn during the internship (safety instructions, hazardous factors when performing work, etc.). It is also indicated here that the internship is carried out under the guidance of the internship supervisor (supervisor), appointed by order of the organization from among the managers or specialists of the enterprise, and also determines the procedure for admitting an employee to undergo an internship.
  3. The content of the program itself, indicating the number of hours or shifts during which the internship should take place.

In general, the program usually includes the following stages:

  1. Familiarization with the regulatory framework regarding labor protection and safe work rules for a specific profession.
  2. Familiarization with the workplace and job responsibilities. Here you can use the job description for a specific profession and the professional standard, if it is used at the enterprise.
  3. Studying the rules for preparing the workplace for work and safe work practices.
  4. Practical activities performed under the supervision of the internship supervisor (supervisor).

How is the internship program developed?

The content of the program depends on what exactly the employee must master in the new workplace. The duration, in accordance with the procedure for training in labor protection, approved. by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 (clause 2.2.3), is established by the employer independently. The only thing you need to rely on here is regulations regarding safety rules when carrying out specific types of work.

In addition, when developing internship programs, you can use the approximate occupational safety training program approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2004. However, it is necessary to take into account that this is a rather generalized document that applies to almost all employees - both workers of all specialties and specialists. It is pointless to copy it entirely, but it is possible and necessary to use its provisions when preparing an internship program at a specific enterprise.

Finally, it is necessary to take into account that in addition to the program, the enterprise must also have regulations on internships - a local regulatory act that determines exactly how an employee undergoes an internship at the workplace. At the same time, the program should not contradict it. There are also no specific regulatory requirements for the content of this provision, so it is also prepared at the enterprise within the limits established by legal norms.

Where can I download workplace internship programs for free?

Due to the fact that there are no officially approved internship programs, their developers often encounter certain difficulties. Often, employees of enterprises involved in occupational safety and health, or employees of personnel services simply do not know what the corresponding document should look like. This problem is especially acute in newly created enterprises, where documentation for internships is just being developed.

One way to solve this problem is to download samples of ready-made programs from HR and legal websites. This option is quite acceptable, but it must be remembered that any sample requires modification to comply with the conditions prevailing at a particular enterprise.

As you know, an internship means a period during which a person performs a certain part of the work, but does not have official employment. At this time, he can actually just practice; those who work at a particular enterprise on a permanent basis can teach him a lot.

In law, this period of time is called “internship”. But a huge number of questions related to this concept arise, with more and more new ones every day, right down to the very definition of the process. Therefore, it would be useful to clearly define the main points associated with it.

Concept according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is interesting that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there is not a single chapter or even just a definition of internship. The same applies to many countries in the post-Soviet space. But in Article 59 there is a mention of this process. It talks about imprisonment and there is a small mention of internship. Several rather important conclusions follow from this:

  • It must be paid.
  • It is a necessary element of the labor process.
  • Even when concluding a fixed-term employment contract, internship must take place, this is what the above-mentioned 59th article is about.

By the way, as for the second conclusion, this is beneficial for both parties - the employer and the employee. The first one can look at his potential subordinate and only then decide whether to hire him for a permanent job. And the second one can simply understand what it is like to work at a given enterprise, what is required of him, and learn to perform certain operations within the framework of the process. In fact, for him this is simply an opportunity to prove himself, as well as learn the necessary skills. All this is included in the concept of “internship”.

You can learn about the nuances of passing it abroad from the following video:

How is it regulated?

Internships are mainly regulated in the aforementioned 59th and 212th articles of the Labor Code. According to the second of them, it relates to the field of labor protection. This also means that the trainee is a full-time employee, but only does less work and receives a lower salary. It also states that this process should be mandatory for all new employees. That is everyone who comes to work must undergo an internship one way or another, after which the boss will decide whether to hire him permanently.

As for labor protection, a special GOST 12.0.004-90 was drawn up for this purpose. In paragraph 7.2.4. it states that every worker, including a graduate of a vocational school or any production plant, must undergo initial instruction at the workplace. It also states that the number of first shifts during which this person is required to undergo an internship is from two to fourteen. At this time, he must be under the guidance of persons who will be appointed by relevant order. The duration of the internship in this case depends on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the intern.

Each university has at its disposal a special letter from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education No. 18-34-44in/18-10. It just talks about how the internship of specialists should be carried out.

In particular, it states that this is one of the types of auxiliary professional education of specialists, and its goal is the formation and consolidation of professional knowledge and skills that a person receives during theoretical training.

However, there are no clear instructions on how it should be carried out. There are only certain excerpts from various articles of the Labor Code and other types of legislation. But you can draw quite a lot of conclusions from them and form a unified idea about this concept.

Process Highlights

In general, an internship consists of the following stages:

  1. If a person passes it from an educational institution, then it all begins with the fact that he is looking for a job. Although, if he has already graduated from an educational institution, then he also conducts similar searches. It’s just that in the first case the student can make up application for internship right within the walls of his educational institution, and in the second he must come to the enterprise, negotiate with its director and write an application. The director usually assigns a certain person to the intern who will manage the entire process - give tasks, control the employee and correct his actions if necessary.
  2. The application is written to the director, where the future intern indicates the position for which he is applying and the duration of the internship. Of course, the document itself begins with the words: “I, [last name, first name, patronymic], ask to accept me for an internship...”, that is, with a petition. Based on this, the next stage occurs - drawing up a contract. Of course, in Russia all these formalities are observed very rarely, but in an ideal case there should be an agreement. This document indicates, in principle, almost the same thing as in the application - position, terms, details of the employer and employee, duties and responsibilities of the parties, calculation procedure, as well as standard provisions on labor protection and the like.
  3. The same applies to order. It is written by the director himself, who indicates that he is accepting such and such an employee for an internship and indicates the position with the deadlines.
  4. Then everything becomes much more interesting. The fact is that the standard sample internship plan does not exist, at each enterprise it will be individual and different from plans in other organizations. The plan also indicates deadlines, but for each specific stage. Again, depending on the specifics of the company itself, these stages can be very different.
  5. In an organization, everything always starts with safety training. Next comes an introduction to the enterprise itself, the future workplace, as well as the features of the process, including work colleagues. All this is done by the person whom the director appoints as the internship supervisor. At first, he literally leads the trainee by the hand, shows him everything and tells him everything.
  6. By the way, in the same document where the plan is written, the characteristic. It is written by the aforementioned internship supervisor. Here he indicates how qualified his subordinate turned out to be, what tasks he performed, and with what success he did it. In general, he can indicate there whatever he wants. All this will be read by the future manager at the place of work and the supervisor of the internship at the university, if there is one.
  7. But even before the characterization it passes on its own internship process. During this time, the employee performs the tasks assigned to him by the manager or watches how others do it. This process can also vary depending on the specifics of the company.
  8. As a result of this entire process, the intern writes review. Here he also indicates what tasks he performed (and dividing them into those that he managed to cope with and those that he did not complete). The review includes information about who supervised it and how long the entire process took. Without fail, he indicates what goals he has achieved and what he has learned. He can also indicate his proposals for work or simply wishes, and in general everything that he considers necessary. The director will also read this document.

Documents to be processed

All of the above-mentioned papers are exactly the documents that need to be completed during the internship. Let's list this list again:

  • Trainee application.
  • Agreement between employee and employer.
  • Order from the head of the enterprise.
  • Plan.
  • Review.
  • Characteristic.
  • Certificate of completion.

In some cases, a pay slip is also added, which is issued by the accounting department of the company where the internship is taking place. As for the last document, the certificate, it should include the following information:

  • First name, last name, patronymic of the intern and his supervisor.
  • Deadlines for completion.
  • Information about the enterprise where the entire process took place, and about the educational institution, if the person is undergoing an internship after university.
  • Information about the document that serves as the basis for the internship (order).

At the end of the certificate, the manager and the trainee put their signatures, and the representative of the enterprise puts a stamp. If the internship is carried out by a university, then a representative of the educational institution also puts his stamp. By the way, in this case the plan, review and characteristics are included in one document called practice diary. Usually this is a small notebook that contains all the necessary information.

How many days does it last and how is it paid?

It should be said right away that according to the above-mentioned articles from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any internship must be paid. An exception is apprenticeship practice, that is, when a student comes to the enterprise who is still studying at a university and is sent to work according to his curriculum. In this case, a so-called student agreement is concluded, and not a full-fledged agreement with the trainee. In principle, the information in it is the same, it only indicates that the intern is a student.

If a person comes to get a full-time job, the amount of payment for the internship is negotiated individually; there are no instructions or even mentions about this in the law.

In any case, its size will be less than the required minimum wage at this enterprise. In this regard, it should also be remembered that the intern does not work full time, but only a part of it, so it is logical that he is not entitled to full payment. If he does work full time and performs his functions on an equal basis with others, he still should not be given a full salary.

As for the timing of the process, the same article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation talks about 2-14 shifts - this is if the person did not come from an educational institution. In another case, the deadlines can be very different depending on the university itself. In different universities, the practice time may vary - from a week to a month. It is rare that students are sent to enterprises for more than a month. And there is no particular point in this - in a month you can learn basic operations and master the process that the company is engaged in.

Who is freed from it?

In this matter, the most relevant provision is 7.2.4. from GOST 12.0.004-90, which stipulates that An employee who has worked in this industry for at least 3 years may be exempt from internship. And then, provided that he simply moves from one workshop to another, and the nature of his work and the type of equipment do not change. This can be done by representatives of the management of a workshop, site, cooperative, and so on only with the approval of the labor protection department and the trade union committee.

It follows from this that even if a person has worked at another company for many years and comes to get a job, he must undergo an internship. In this case, he can complete it for the minimum period in this case, which is two shifts. The same is confirmed in paragraph 7.2.5. It says that workers are allowed to work independently only after completing an internship and testing their knowledge and skills. In addition, in order to be allowed into the workplace, he needs to read the instructions and be given a log of the initial occupational safety briefing so that he can sign there.

The internship is carried out to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired during the initial briefing and to obtain practical work skills. In this article we will tell you why the internship program is mandatory and what sections it should contain.

From the article you will learn:

What is an internship program

The program is a local regulatory act that is being developed for planning and conducting internships at the workplaces of new employees. This document confirms the quality of the internship and is necessary for the employer during inspections by regulatory authorities, along with the order and internship certificate.

The personnel internship program is developed by the head of the department to which the new employee is sent. It must be agreed upon with the labor protection service, with the representative bodies of workers and approved by the head of the organization. In this case, coordination with the trade union committee or other workers’ body is mandatory. The approval procedure is detailed in. If there is no employee representative in the organization, then coordination only needs to be done with the labor protection service and the personnel service.

All candidates for the position must be informed that they are subject to mandatory internship before being allowed to work independently.

Workplace Internship Program - Sample

Internship programs for other blue-collar professions you

When is an on-the-job internship program necessary?

To determine which positions require an internship program, use our advice - refer to the list of contingents for medical examination. If positions and professions are not indicated in the internship regulations, make such a list and submit it to the personnel management service.

What should the program include?

The program should include a calendar plan, as well as a list of questions and types of work that the trainee must complete under the guidance of a mentor. The program must have:

  • stamp of agreement with the representative body of workers in the upper left corner;
  • protocol number and date of the trade union committee meeting (if available);
  • approval stamp by the head of the organization and date of approval.

Then an explanatory note is drawn up, in which it is necessary to indicate in accordance with which regulatory legal and technical documents the program was developed, as well as the maximum number of shifts.

In the “General Provisions” section, it is necessary to formulate the purpose of the internship: the intern must receive.

The next section is the most important - the program itself, consisting of topics and timing (number of shifts).

Design your program based on a professional standard. For example, for an installer of metal structures, you need to use the professional standard “Installer of concrete and metal structures,” approved. , as well as a unified qualification directory.

Be sure to use operational documentation - equipment passports, technical descriptions and drawings for the machines.

During the internship, the employee must gain practical knowledge on the operation of new equipment. Particular attention should be paid to the safety requirements specified in the operating instructions.

The number of hours in the program should be set based on the maximum number of shifts. And when hiring a new employee, indicate in the order or instruction the number of shifts required in this particular situation. How many hours you need to devote to an internship depends on the knowledge and skills of the employee. If you have experience in your profession, some topics can be completed in an accelerated manner. Compose the program according to the scope of tasks to obtain practical skills for the employee. This is determined by the trainee’s supervisor, after which an admission order is issued, which indicates calendar dates and the names of responsible persons.

The program for electrical technical personnel is developed not by the labor protection service, but by the chief power engineer’s service; for production and technical personnel (machine operators, welders, etc.) - by the organization’s technical and technical services service.

Internship programs are developed for each position or individual workplace with harmful and dangerous working conditions, as well as in individual cases, if this is expressly stated in the Technical Operation Rules and in the Labor Safety Rules (federal norms and rules on industrial safety).

For an employer, a new employee is an as yet unknown set of knowledge and skills that may or may not be suitable for the implementation of the assigned tasks. In order to study a newcomer, an internship is provided - this is like a test of strength, because you always need to know who you are accepting into the team.


Regulatory documents interpret the definition of the word “internship” differently.

For example, the Labor Code refers this concept to the area. As stated in Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on-the-job training is the employer’s responsibility to ensure safety and labor protection conditions, and it is mandatory for every newly hired employee. Clause 7.2.4 of GOST 12.0.004-90 states that the internship must take place under the supervision of a designated person. The duration of the test varies from 2 to 14 shifts. But if the applicant has worked in this position for more than 3 years, then the internship is cancelled. In ch. 1 Letter of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 18-34-44in/18-10 gives its definition. According to him, internship is one of the types of additional professional education, and it serves to gain skills in practice or improve their level. It also says that the employer himself determines what the duration of the internship and its program will be.

If an employee has more than 3 years of experience in his specialty, then he does not need to be assigned an internship.

Hiring a new employee to a company without an internship is very doubtful. But the law did not provide for a document that would regulate the completion or payment of a probationary period, so this must be decided by an individual entrepreneur. In Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation talks about testing the future employee before he begins to perform his main duties. The period of such probation cannot exceed 3 months, and for managerial positions - 6 months. This clause must be specified in the employment contract. The duration of the internship is determined by the employer depending on the specifics of the position.

Registration of an employee, according to Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, occurs under a fixed-term employment contract. This agreement has exactly the same force as any other. The employee enters into an employment relationship with the employer, which, of course, must be remunerated financially.

Internship payment

The internship payment differs from the regular salary only in the amount. The manager does not have the right to set the trainee’s wages below the minimum wage (minimum wage) established by law. This is indicated in Art. Chapter 37 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Unpaid internships are illegal. In 2017, the minimum wage is 7,500 rubles.

The manager does not have the right to set the trainee’s wages below the minimum wage.

The internship procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Creation of internship regulations by the manager. It should indicate the timing of its implementation, the rights and obligations of the parties, payments, conditions for its successful completion and subsequent guarantees for the employee.
  2. with the applicant for the position.
  3. Determining the internship program together with the supervisor.
  4. Concluding a fixed-term employment contract with an intern.
  5. Completing an internship.
  6. Conducting an analysis of the employee’s work, drawing up a detailed review by the manager, and determining professional suitability.
  7. Hiring or not hiring an employee based on results.

Often, enterprises enter into apprenticeship agreements with various universities and other educational institutions, under which students gain practical experience in their specialty, study the work process from the inside and draw up a practice report based on the results. The educational internship is not paid, since no employment contract is concluded with the trainees. If a student is accepted into the workforce, official labor relations appear and, accordingly, wages.

The educational internship is not paid, since no employment contract is concluded with the trainees.

An internship is an opportunity for a manager to get acquainted with the abilities of a future employee, assess his real importance in business, and predict the prospects for labor relations. A properly developed internship program will allow you to fully reveal all the employee’s talents, his efficiency at work and his ability to overcome difficult situations.

You come to apply for a new job, and the employer announces to you: “ The first month you work for free, this is a trial period" To agree or not?

Knowing that a newcomer, wanting to prove his suitability to a new employer, works hard and conscientiously, some unscrupulous employers take advantage of such zeal. And after the probationary period inform the newcomer that for some reason he is not suitable.

Or specifically simulate a conflict situation so that the newcomer is forced to leave the workplace. Then the dishonest employer looks for a new victim, history repeats itself, the work is done, but there is no need to pay for it.

Everyone knows sad cases of this abuse of legal illiteracy inexperienced trainees. How to legally confirm your right to work for pay during the probationary period? We present you with a comprehensive answer, but first let’s figure out what we mean by the word internship.

The word internship can mean:

  • component postgraduate education. When you work for the first time after studying in order to gain work experience in your specialty;
  • when applying for a new job - probationary period. Internship implies, in addition to the actual work, training at a specific workplace in the specifics of work activity. Regulated by Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • training in labor protection and safety rules after initial instruction, followed by passing an exam, especially in enterprises with harmful and dangerous working conditions. Legislatively, the rules of internship in the field of labor protection are enshrined in 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • appropriate training when transferring an employee to a position that requires different skills.

The main goal of any type of internship is to consolidate in practice the skills, knowledge and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training.

Admission of a person to work with or without a training process entails employer's obligation to conclude an employment contract (Article 67 and 67.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the conclusion of a regular employment contract with the condition of passing a test (probationary period) for newly hired workers, excluding persons entering work for the first time after training in a specialty. With persons hired after vocational training, a fixed-term employment contract, the procedure for registration of which is approved in Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If, upon hiring, a regular (not fixed-term) employment contract was drawn up and it does not indicate the testing procedure, it is considered that the employee was hired without a probationary period. After this, the employer does not have the right to establish any tests, except after an appropriate internship.

Drawing up an employment contract obliges the employer to pay for the work of the intern or an employee on probation. Since the employer has the right to independently set the amount of wages during an internship, this point must be discussed in advance.

The employer does not have the right to set a salary during the internship that is less than minimum size, established by the law of the Russian Federation. Still, it is logical that the salary of an intern will be less than the salary of a permanent employee performing the same work.

Duration of internship

Determined depending on the goal and production need. Upon conclusion fixed-term employment contract under Article 59 of the Labor Code no more than two weeks.

If an employee is hired by an enterprise according to regular employment contract with a probationary period in accordance with Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, his internship or probationary period may last up to three months. And for managerial positions this period can be no more than six months.

If the result is poor, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract even before the expiration of the test period (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

An employee who is not satisfied with the conditions at his new place of work has a similar right to terminate the contract. The employee and employer are required to notify each other of their desire three days in advance in the form of an order (for the employer) or a statement (for the employee).

At the same time, the employee it is not necessary to indicate the reasons for early termination of the contract, which cannot be said about the employer. The latter is obliged to confirm his desire with documents, for example, memos, explanatory notes, acts of official inspections. Otherwise, the illegally dismissed employee has the right to go to court.

Hours and shifts

An internship or probationary period does not affect the employee's rights regarding working hours or night work.

The employer is obliged to comply with regulations regarding the length of the working day stipulated in articles 91-99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in relation to employees on internship or probation.

Employment contract form

The future employee writes an application asking to be accepted for an internship. Based on the application, the employee signs employment contract.

The boss then issues an order to begin the internship. The form of the order is not approved by law, therefore, at each enterprise it can be designed differently in accordance with the specifics of the workplace. The main provisions that should be covered in the order:

  • The document appoints a person responsible for training the young specialist. The responsible person is most often the head of a department or section or workshop. This could be a work partner. In addition to the internship supervisor, a mentor-instructor may be appointed;
  • the order specifies the duration of the internship;
  • When the internship ends, the new employee takes a safety exam, testing the knowledge and skills acquired during the internship. This point must also be specified in the order.

The order is signed, in addition to the head of the enterprise, by all persons mentioned in this document.

Before the internship, an initial briefing is carried out, about which a corresponding entry must be made in the briefing log.

Typically, after successfully passing a safety exam, the employer issues order for permission to work independently. If the employee does not pass the exam, non-admission to work is also issued in the form of an order. This procedure is not required in enterprises where no harmful or dangerous working conditions have been established. We will try to answer all your questions in the comments.