Treatment of gastritis with high acidity. Treatment of gastritis with high acidity with folk remedies

is an inflammation of the gastric epithelium (acute or chronic), accompanied by an increase in the pH of gastric juice. Manifested by epigastric pain, dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, diarrhea). The diagnosis can be established using a number of clinical and instrumental studies, the main of which is FEGDS with pH-metry of gastric juice, biopsy of the mucous membrane and testing for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Treatment includes diet, antacids and proton pump inhibitors, gastroprotectors, and antibacterial therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection. During periods between exacerbations, active sanatorium-resort treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out.


K29 Gastritis and duodenitis

General information


Correct diagnosis of gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice requires a series of clinical, functional and instrumental examinations. Changes in clinical tests are nonspecific for gastritis - an increase in inflammatory elements may be noted. With concomitant damage to other organs, corresponding changes appear in the biochemical blood test. If there are erosions in the stomach and bleeding from them, occult blood is determined by a special analysis in the stool. Research is required to search for H. pylori: urease breath test, ELISA and PCR analysis to detect antibodies and DNA of the microorganism, respectively. Also, a large number of bacteria can be detected during endoscopic biopsy of the gastric mucosa and histological examination.

If gastritis is suspected, it is mandatory to perform gastroscopy, or better yet, FEGDS - a special instrument with a video camera is inserted into the stomach, allowing you to examine the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, identify the inflammatory process, erosions and ulcers. During the study, tissue must be taken for biopsy from several places. pH-metry is also performed - measuring the acidity of gastric juice; if it is less than 1.5, they speak of hyperacid gastritis. Pieces of tissue taken during a biopsy are examined by histologists - signs of inflammation are determined, and a huge number of Helicobacter bacteria can be detected.

The pressure in the stomach cavity is measured, electrogastroenterography is carried out - they help identify duodenogastric reflux, which also aggravates the course of the disease. As auxiliary diagnostic methods, it is possible to conduct ultrasound, CT or MSCT of the abdominal organs, however, for gastritis they are not of decisive importance; they only allow identifying concomitant damage to other organs.

Treatment of hyperacid gastritis

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for timely and complete treatment of gastritis is favorable. If therapeutic measures are not carried out, the patient continues to smoke and drink alcohol, does not follow a diet - severe complications are likely to occur, the disease will progress to gastric and duodenal ulcers. Prevention of gastritis with high acidity includes normalizing your daily routine and nutrition. You should eat healthy food, you need to eat at least 3-5 times a day.

It is recommended to avoid frequent consumption of strong coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking. Nutrition should be balanced and include all necessary microelements and vitamins. There is no need to eat dry food; sufficient time should be given to meals - only in this case is it possible to reduce the risk of gastritis to a minimum. You also need to strictly observe hygiene measures designed to protect against infection with Helicobacter pylori infection; you should always wash your hands before eating. All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the instructions for the drug.

The No. 1 generally accepted reason for the development of gastritis with high acidity is the bacterium H. Рylori, which colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of more than half of the world's population, but does not manifest itself in everyone. However, infected people are much more likely to develop peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and there is also an increased risk of gastric cancer - gastric MALT lymphoma, adenocarcinoma of the body and antrum of the stomach. The discovery of Helicobacter radically changed approaches to the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and all hypersecretory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The current evidence-based treatment regimen for hyperacid gastritis associated with H. Pylori was developed through the coordinated efforts of key gastroenterology experts who came together two decades ago to form the European H. Pylori Study Group (EHSG). The diagnostic system and drug therapy regimen for Helicobacter hyperacid gastritis, tested by numerous clinical studies, allows us to completely destroy H. pylori.

Gastroenterologists carry out this course of eradication, that is, eradicating therapy for 14 days, using two types of antibiotics and drugs that suppress the effect of acid on the mucin layer of the gastric mucosa - proton pump inhibitors. This is a variant of a three-component treatment regimen, and with a quadruple-component regimen, bismuth preparations are also prescribed.

Upon completion of treatment, the presence of H. Pylori must be checked using blood for antibodies, stool antigen testing, and a urea breath test with labeled urea.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity: antibiotics

Antibacterial treatment for hyperacid gastritis caused by H. Pylori involves taking two antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole and Tetracycline for two weeks.

Clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day and Amoxicillin 1 g 2 times a day are prescribed. Instead of Amoxicillin, Metronidazole 500 mg 2 times a day can be prescribed. When using a four-drug regimen, doctors prescribe Metronidazole - 500 mg three times a day and Tetracycline - 500 mg 4 times a day - for 10 days.

The most effective against the bacterium H. Pylori are the acid-resistant semi-synthetic penicillin Amoxicillin (Amoxiclav, Amofast, Augmentin and other trade names) and the macrolide Clarithromycin (Clarithromycin, Klerimed, Aziklar, Klaritsid, etc.). True, the bioavailability of the latter is almost half lower, and its maximum effect occurs in an alkaline environment.

Antibiotics quickly enter the gastric antrum mucosa through the systemic circulation and accumulate there, exerting a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on H. Pylori cells. Side effects of antibiotics include nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and epigastric pain, dizziness and headache, sleep disturbance, tinnitus, stomatitis, skin itching and rashes.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity: antisecretory drugs

To make the antibacterial treatment of gastritis with high acidity caused by Helicobacter pylori infection (eradication therapy) more effective, as well as to reduce pain by reducing the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, antisecretory drugs of the benzimidazoles group are prescribed that inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid - proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

These drugs bind hydrogen-potassium ATP (adenosine triphosphatase), a hydrolase protein enzyme (called a proton pump), which is located on the membranes of the cells of the fundic glands of the stomach and ensures the transfer of hydrogen ions. Thus, the hydrophilic secretion of HCl is stopped, which reduces the level of acid in the gastric juice and prevents further damage to the gastric mucosa.

The treatment regimen for gastritis with high acidity uses PPIs such as: Omeprazole (Omek, Losek, Omiton, Omizak, Tserol, etc.) - 20 mg twice a day; Rabeprazole (Zulbex) or Esomeprazole (Emanera) - 20 mg twice a day; Lansoprazole (Lanzal) - twice a day, 30 mg; Pantoprazole (Protonix) - 40 mg twice a day. The course of therapy lasts a week.

Side effects of these medications include headaches and dizziness, dry mouth, defecation disorders, nausea, abdominal pain, and skin rashes. Long-term use of these drugs, especially in high doses, may increase the risk of bone fractures.

PPIs are used in the symptomatic treatment of hyperacid reflux gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, alcoholic and eosinophilic gastritis, as well as gastritis after long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to proton pump inhibitors, treatment of gastritis with high acidity is carried out using antisecretory drugs that block histamine receptors of cells (histamine H2 receptor antagonists). According to the American Gastroenterological Association, their use in the treatment regimen for gastritis with high acidity increases the effectiveness of therapy in 92-95% of clinical cases.

The fact is that the cytotoxins and mucolytic enzymes produced by H. Pylori cause a response from the body - activation of the inflammatory mediator interleukin-1β. As a result of this, the parietal glandulocytes of the gastric mucosa begin to synthesize more hydrochloric acid. The drug Ranitidine (Acidex, Gistak, Zantac, Ranigast, Ranitab, etc.) used by most gastroenterologists selectively blocks histamine H2 receptors in the cells of the gastric mucosa and inhibits the process of HCl production. The standard dose is 400 mg twice a day. Side effects of drugs in this group include diarrhea, dizziness and headaches, skin rashes, fatigue, a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia), and a slight increase in creatinine in the blood. However, prolonged use of this drug in large doses can lead to hormonal disorders (gynecomastia, amenorrhea, impotence).

Obviously, European doctors, unlike American ones, do not include histamine receptor blockers in the treatment of hyperacid Helicobacter pylori gastritis due to side effects. In addition, H2 blockers reduce the synthesis of hydrochloric acid less effectively than proton pump inhibitors.

Currently, among the antisecretory drugs that block acetylcholine receptors (anticholinergics), only Gastrocepin (Gastropin, Gastril, Pirenzepine, Piren, etc.) is used in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, which does not penetrate the BBB and does not have such side effects as structurally similar benzodiazepine derivatives. By acting on the parietal cells of the stomach, this drug reduces the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and pepsin proenzymes. The recommended average dose is 50 mg twice a day (half an hour before meals). Gastrocepin has side effects such as headache, dry mouth, dilated pupils, constipation, dysuria, and increased heart rate.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity: bismuth preparations and other antacids

If a treatment regimen for gastritis with high acidity based on three drugs for any reason does not give the expected result, then patients are prescribed a fourth drug containing salts of the heavy metal bismuth - Bismuth subcitrate (Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate, Bisnol, Ventrisol, Vis-Nol, Gastro -Norm, De-Nol, Tribimol and other trade names). This is an enveloping and antacid (anti-acid) agent, which also has bactericidal properties. Due to the formation of a film on the mucous membrane (as a result of the interaction of bismuth salt with gastric acid), Bismuth subcitrate creates a barrier to acid diffusion. And by binding the sulfhydryl groups of proteins in the cells of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, bismuth salts inactivate their enzyme system, causing a stop in the reproduction and death of pathogenic microorganisms.

It is recommended to take bismuth subcitrate 0.4 g twice a day or 0.12 g 4 times a day (half an hour before meals); The minimum course of treatment is 28 days, the maximum is 56 days. Side effects of this drug include nausea, vomiting, increased bowel movements, and dark-colored stool. Contraindications to its use are kidney dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation, as well as childhood.

Antacids and alginates are considered symptomatic drugs for the traditional treatment of gastritis with high acidity, the task of which is to provide short-term relief to patients by reducing pain. Taking antacids - Phosphalugel (Alfogel, Gasterin), Almagel (Alumag, Gastrogel, Gastal, Maalox) - helps neutralize the acid in the stomach for a while. And the therapeutic effect of alginates (Gaviscon) is based on the fact that they form a gel-like protective coating on the gastric mucosa, but the acidity of gastric juice does not decrease.

Antacids in the form of chewable tablets, powders and suspensions should be taken after meals, as well as before bed: chew 1-2 tablets or drink 1-2 teaspoons three times a day. These drugs have a short-term effect, but almost do not cause unwanted side effects (diarrhea, flatulence and vomiting occur).

Gaviscon tablets should be chewed after meals (2 pieces each); Children 6-12 years old are recommended to take the suspension - 5-10 ml. The maximum duration of protective action is on average about four hours.

Anyone who has gastritis with high acidity, during its exacerbation, must adhere to therapeutic diet No. 1b, which provides for split meals (five times a day) and the exclusion of fried and spicy foods, fresh bread, fatty meats and broths, legumes, and mushrooms from the diet , raw vegetables, coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks. In this case, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity using traditional methods

Among the recommendations for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity using traditional methods, the most common are recipes for decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants that help combat the effects of hydrochloric acid on the walls of the stomach. The causes of the disease cannot be eliminated by any means of traditional medicine.

Let's look at how gastritis with high acidity can be treated with herbs. The most used plants in herbal medicine for stomach inflammation: chamomile (flowers), peppermint, calendula officinalis (flowers), marsh grass (marsh), fireweed, angustifolia, St. John's wort, burdock (root), licorice (root and rhizome).

To prepare a medicinal decoction according to the first recipe, you should take a tablespoon of chamomile, mint and fireweed for 600 ml of boiling water, boil the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, leave to cool and drink half a glass after each meal (after 45-60 minutes) .

The following collection also alleviates the condition of hyperacid gastritis of various etiologies:

1 tablespoon of mint, 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers and 4 tablespoons each of cudweed and St. John's wort. Mix all the herbs and take a tablespoon of this mixture into a glass of boiling water, brew, cover with a lid and let stand for about an hour. It is recommended to take the infusion before meals, 60-70 ml three times during the day.

An infusion of burdock and licorice roots (in equal proportions) is also considered an effective folk remedy for gastritis with high acidity. It is best prepared in a thermos: grind the plant material, place it in a thermos at the rate of a tablespoon for every 200 ml of water, add boiling water and close. After 6 hours, the infusion is ready for use: 100-120 ml at least four times a day.

The arsenal of drug therapy for hyperacid gastritis, as you have seen for yourself, is quite powerful. The main thing is to undergo an examination, identify the true cause of the disease and begin treatment for gastritis with high acidity so that the stomach and the entire digestive system work normally.

Gastritis with high acidity is an inflammatory disease of the stomach, which has certain differences in comparison with the lack of secretory function in the body. The pathology is determined by its characteristic symptoms and appropriate treatment is prescribed in a complex of various rehabilitation measures.

The definition of hyperacidity gastritis is characterized by inflammation of the stomach walls due to excessive production of hydrochloric acid. Statistics show that the disease most often occurs in men and women aged 20–60 years.

The development of gastritis is caused by various unfavorable factors that indicate disruption of the digestive system (poor diet, bad habits, long-term use of medications).

Depending on the course of the disease, a specific treatment regimen is prescribed, including diet and elimination of all acute signs of gastritis. The pathology may subside for a while, and then suddenly develop with more severe symptoms.

What does the disease look like in a photograph?

The photo below shows a view of the natural gastric mucosa and a lesion in the form of a noticeable change in the outer layer of the organ. Redness and swelling gradually lead to deformation and a chronic form of the disease.

Gastritis in a chronic form can be treated, but requires constant adherence to preventive measures, since malnutrition or exposure to other negative factors may aggravate and worsen the course of the disease.


The causes of high acidity are divided into external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors.

External factors include:

  • Poorly chewed food;
  • Eating very cold or hot foods;
  • Products or dishes of a stale nature that are prepared in violation of technology;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Smoking;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics and other potent chemical drugs;
  • Foreign bodies accidentally entering the stomach.

Of no small importance is the presence of a proper ecological environment in the place of residence, compliance with sanitary standards and the exclusion of toxic substances, soil particles, and waste products of small insects from entering the body.

Etiological (internal) factors in the development of gastritis with high acidity:

  • Presence of a genetic predisposition;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Disturbances in the circulatory system;
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and other body systems;
  • Food allergies.

Helicobacter pylori, which is well adapted to survive in the stomach environment, has a great influence on the development of gastritis. The bacterium produces special derivatives:

  • The presence of urease helps eliminate the effects of hydrochloric acid;
  • Catalase suppresses the body's immune function.

The favorable development of bacteria is triggered by the following processes in the body:

  • Presence of toxic enzymes;
  • Changes in the structure of the stomach;
  • Enzymes of toxic effects.

Helicobacter pylori produces cytotoxin, which leads to the death of epithelial cells. The spread of bacteria is influenced by the following factors:

A clear classification of gastritis does not have distinct divisions, therefore three types of the disease with high acidity are distinguished.

Gastritis category A

Autoimmune gastritis of type A with high acidity is quite rare and is marked by minor lesions in the antrum.

Statistics show that about 90% of patients' blood serum contains the corresponding antibodies. With this gastritis, the following phenomena are observed:

  • Violation of hydrochloric acid production;
  • Changes in the absorption process of B vitamins (development of anemia, death of nerve cells);
  • Neuralgic disorders;
  • Anemia of megaregional type.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the following signs:

  • Dull pain;
  • Heaviness after eating food;
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • Belching and nausea;
  • Diarrhea;
  • The phenomenon of dyspepsia.

As the disease progresses, drowsiness, constant fatigue, burning in the mouth, numbness of the arms and legs, pale skin, gait disturbance, and loss of vibration sensitivity are noted.

Gastritis category B

This disease is the most common form of chronic gastritis and is divided into antral, exogenous and caused by the development of Helicobacter pylori.

Gastritis of the antral type is classified as a superficial disease affecting the mucous membrane in the antrum of the stomach. Most often, inflammation occurs due to the development of bacteria, which is accompanied by immune disorders or a decrease in gastrin in the blood.

If left untreated over the next 10–15 years, the form progresses to extensive gastric damage. The cause of the disease is external factors (malnutrition, alcohol, cigarettes, ecology, taking medications).

Long-term development of Helicobacter pylori in the body causes the formation of deep atrophic gastritis with a large affected area and acute symptoms. This type of disease is difficult to treat and requires immediate surgical intervention.

The symptoms of type B gastritis are similar to those of a stomach ulcer:

  • Hunger pain in the stomach, mainly at night;
  • Vomiting, constant attacks of nausea;
  • Belching with a sour taste, heartburn;
  • The occurrence of constipation.

If the disease is asymptomatic, the diagnosis is made after endoscopy and other laboratory tests.

Gastritis category C

Gastritis type C (reflux) is characterized by focal lesions of the stomach and duodenum. As a result, there is a disruption in the process of throwing food in and most often the disease is diagnosed after partial resection of the stomach.

Reflux gastritis can form under long-term use of chemical medications, alcohol and cigarettes. The disease can occur without pronounced symptoms or manifest itself in acute symptoms:

  • Severe pain after eating food;
  • Heartburn, vomiting, nausea;
  • Bloating.

Differences between gastritis with high and low acidity

The process of digesting food in the stomach is based on the production of hydrochloric acid, which promotes the breakdown of substances and eliminates all bacteria that have entered the body. If there are disorders in the digestive system, disruptions in the body are observed, which contributes to the formation of gastritis.

If there is a reduced production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, then the incoming food is poorly digested and provokes rotting processes. This condition allows for the progression of toxins. As a result, the body's immune function weakens, and inflammation occurs on the walls of the stomach.

Increased production of hydrochloric acid also has complications for the body. After the process of digesting food, the remaining gastric juice corrodes the mucous membranes, which leads to the formation of ulcers and erosions.

In order to correctly determine acidity in gastritis, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations. One of the defining techniques is the use of litmus paper. Testing is carried out using saliva, and after application the paper changes color after a while, indicating the level of acidity in the body.

Internal use of soda solution in the morning on an empty stomach. These methods do not give accurate results, so the following methods are necessary for determination:

  • pH-metry (daily measurement of acidity);
  • Endoscopy (swallowing probe);
  • Express methods that are carried out in laboratory conditions.

A symptom of increased acidity during gastritis is heartburn, which occurs suddenly. Unpleasant sensations begin immediately after eating and last for several hours. To prevent discomfort, you can use a soda solution as a temporary remedy. In general, proper treatment and diet are required.

There are additional signs of increased stomach acidity:

  • White-gray coating on the tongue;
  • Sour or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Constant apathy;
  • Having chronic fatigue;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Dyspepsia (vomiting, nausea);
  • Headaches.

With low acidity, there is a lack of the compound, which is noted in the body’s need to consume acidic foods (pickled vegetables, fermented milk products).

Looking at the comparative differences between acid production determines several important factors:

  • Belching with a taste of rotten eggs;
  • Dull pain in the navel area;
  • Feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • Acne on the skin of the face;
  • Development of various fungi;
  • Hair loss, brittle nails;
  • Excessive dryness of hands.

The above symptoms often develop with a lack of hydrochloric acid, and weak protection against bacteria ensures the rapid development of the inflammatory process. Precise methods for determining the level of acidity are prescribed by the attending physician and carried out in laboratory conditions.

Main symptoms and signs

Gastritis with high acidity has characteristic symptoms with pronounced signs indicating the development of the disease:

  • Unpleasant pain in the navel area on the left side in the hypochondrium;
  • The appearance of constant heartburn, which significantly worsens the general condition of the patient;
  • Belching with a sour taste indicates increased acidity;
  • The presence of a white coating on the tongue;
  • Nausea with vomiting may indicate the development of an erosive process on the gastric mucosa;
  • Flatulence (bloating and increased gas formation);
  • Loss of appetite or overeating, as eating food can significantly reduce acidity levels;
  • Pain that occurs on an empty stomach, mainly at night.

The chronic form of gastritis implies the appearance of the above symptoms only after the occurrence of such factors:

  • Eating food in large quantities;
  • Excessive intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Constant stress and nervous disorders;
  • Excessive consumption of pickled, fried, spicy, very cold or hot foods.

In the chronic form, the formation of gastritis occurs for a long time without pronounced symptoms, and then an exacerbation occurs, requiring accurate diagnosis. In most cases, the disease develops due to poor diet and abuse of bad habits.


Diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity is based on an initial examination by a gastroenterologist and identification of all complaints about the manifestation of the disease. In accordance with the obtained clinical picture, the following types of studies are prescribed:

  • General and biochemical blood test to study changes in basic indicators;
  • Urine examination to determine the normal functionality of the excretory system;
  • Endoscopy (examination of the stomach using a special device allows you to accurately determine the location of the lesion and the level of acidity);
  • X-ray to determine the general condition of the abdominal organs;
  • Gastroduodenoscopy (studying the condition of the gastric mucosa and taking biological material for further research).

In most cases, only instrumental diagnostics make it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis for further prescription of adequate therapy. The speed of rehabilitation and the elimination of all unpleasant symptoms of the pathology depend on the correct determination of the type of treatment.

Treatment method

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity depends on the diagnosis and the degree of damage to the gastric mucosa. The main therapy is the use of medications with mandatory adherence to a strict diet.

List of effective medications that are prescribed for the treatment of gastritis:

The above drugs are effective in complex combination when taken in strictly prescribed dosages. At the same time, it is necessary to change the diet and follow a therapeutic diet until a stable condition occurs.

An important aspect of treatment is the intake of prebiotics and probiotics, which normalize the intestinal microflora and help eliminate harmful bacteria. During the course of therapy, it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs (Hilak Forte in drops) to strengthen the general condition of the body.

Detoxification of the body is best done by taking enterosorbents (Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan). For gastritis with high acidity, doctors prohibit self-treatment, since improper therapy can lead to the development of unwanted complications.

Folk remedies

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity using folk remedies gives the desired effect in combination with complex therapy. Experts offer a large selection of appropriate recipes containing herbal preparations and natural ingredients.

Herbal infusions

The combination of medicinal herbs with natural ingredients allows you to provide the body with all the necessary substances to maintain general condition. When treating gastritis with high acidity, the following plants are most effective:

  • Dry chamomile;
  • Mint (stems, leaves);
  • Blackberries;
  • Fennel;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Centaury;
  • Angelica;
  • Agrimony;
  • Calamus root.

The above herbs have side effects and can cause allergic reactions if consumed in excess. Therefore, the direct use of medicinal plants must be agreed with the attending physician.

Using tinctures

An effective method of treating gastritis with high acidity using folk remedies is the correct use of tinctures based on various medicinal herbs, which have restorative properties for healing damaged gastric mucosa.


Mint represents a number of effective medicinal agents that are used to heal wounds. The plant is used for rinsing the mouth, normalizes blood pressure and eliminates painful spasms and reduces the level of acidity during gastritis.

Use in the treatment of disease:

  • Drinking mint tea daily with the addition of a few leaves of the plant;
  • The maximum amount of tea per day is no more than two cups;
  • Constant consumption of mint tea can eliminate severe heartburn and pain during the development of gastritis.

Excessive consumption of mint may worsen the course of gastritis, since the plant contains a considerable number of essential oils that adversely affect the healing process of damaged gastric mucosa.

Chamomile is a plant containing natural ingredients and has a considerable number of beneficial properties:

  • Quick relief of swelling;
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • Accelerating the healing of ulcers and erosions on the gastric mucosa;
  • Reducing pain during gastritis.

The resulting infusion is taken in a certain dosage, which is prescribed by the attending physician in accordance with the general course of the disease.


Yarrow is widely used in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity, as it has pronounced properties that have a beneficial effect on the digestion process in the body. Experts give recommendations on the use of the plant:

  • Reducing the frequency of vomiting and nausea. To eliminate the unpleasant symptom, you need to take a few teaspoons of tincture;
  • Possibility of use in combination with other medicinal herbs;
  • Long-term use of the tincture can increase acidity in the stomach.


Fennel has a large number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When using the plant you can get a considerable number of positive effects:

  • Improved digestion;
  • Reducing severe pain due to gastritis;
  • Decreased acidity levels in the stomach.

Milk thistle

The use of milk thistle as an effective folk remedy in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity is the most effective remedy for eliminating the negative symptoms of the disease.

With constant use of the plant, it is possible to prevent the development of an ulcerative form of gastritis. It is important to take the drug according to the prescribed regimen in a strictly specified dosage.


Honey is a natural remedy and has many beneficial properties. The product is used to improve the general condition, and it is effective in the treatment of gastritis:

  • Combined use of honey with other medicinal products while simultaneously observing the basics of proper nutrition;
  • Daily use of a solution containing honey in the ratio (1 tbsp. spoon of product per 200 ml of water);
  • Use the prepared product 2 hours before the first meal to normalize the digestive system;
  • Avoid using honey in its pure form, as the product can cause additional complications during gastritis.

When preparing the drink, you can use warm milk instead of water, as it has an antacid effect against high acidity.

Application of chaga

Chaga is a birch growth of fungal origin, which is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For the manufacture of medicinal products, a properly prepared product is used according to a certain scheme:

  • Availability of a thermos with a capacity of 1000 ml;
  • Adding a few pieces of birch sap;
  • Pouring hot water into the thermos;
  • Infusion of the decoction during the day;
  • Diluting the finished solution with water until a light shade is obtained;
  • Drink 125 ml of the finished product once a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity involves the use of the following high-impact recipes:

Massage to eliminate high stomach acidity

Increased acidity in the stomach slows down the digestion process and worsens the symptoms of gastritis. One of the effective methods of treatment is special types of massage:

  • Spinal massage is performed when the patient is in a sitting position;
  • Massage of the abdomen in the stomach area is accompanied by rubbing, patting, pressing fingers in the affected area;
  • Massage of the abdominal muscles according to the appropriate algorithm.

When choosing this treatment method, there are contraindications that are taken into account by the attending physician. The procedure is not performed during an exacerbation of gastritis. Stopping the massage is indicated if any unpleasant sensations occur (pain in the left side, heartburn).

Prevention and therapeutic diet

Prevention of gastritis with high acidity is based on compliance with the recommendations below:

  • A balanced diet with a predominance of natural products in the diet;
  • Moderate physical activity;
  • Quitting bad habits (drinking alcohol, cigarettes);
  • Timely treatment of food poisoning and infectious diseases;
  • Preventing the development of stressful situations;
  • Teaching young children a proper diet from a young age.

A therapeutic diet for gastritis is an essential condition for successful treatment of the disease. When eating on a limited diet, the following rules must be observed:

  • Small meals up to 8 times a day every 2–3 hours to normalize the digestion process in the stomach;
  • Eating warm food at the same time, since very cold or hot food can aggravate the general course of gastritis;
  • Maximum limitation of daily salt intake (no more than 1 teaspoon per day);
  • Good chewing of food, since careless grinding contributes to excessive irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Ensuring rest for 15 minutes after immediate food intake;
  • Exclusion from the general diet of spicy dishes.

For progressive gastritis with high acidity, the following products are prohibited:

To reduce acidity levels and restore damaged mucous membranes, it is recommended to consume the following products:

  • Lean meat and fish;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Potato;
  • Rice, oatmeal, semolina;
  • Wholemeal bread fresh from yesterday;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, milk;
  • Steamed omelette;
  • Acid-free jam;
  • Sweet juices, compotes;
  • Kissel;
  • Green tea.

Weekly menu

The use of a therapeutic diet in practice is discussed in detail in the table below for a week.

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Oatmeal, glass of milk Cheesecake with jelly Boiled potatoes with steamed cutlets Green tea with toast and jam Steamed stewed cauliflower and lean fish
Tuesday Semolina porridge with milk, weak tea Cottage cheese with compote Boiled rice with lean meat stew Bran bread with butter and jelly Stewed vegetables with fish
Wednesday Steamed omelette, dried fruit compote without sourness Curd cheesecakes, milk Oatmeal, steamed meat Baked green apple, weak tea Baked potatoes, steamed fish
Thursday Steamed cauliflower, jelly Milk, toast with low-fat cheese Boiled rice with vegetables, baked fish Green tea,

Sweet fruits

Potatoes with herbs, steamed chicken cutlets
Friday Cottage cheese with fruit, weak tea Sweet compote, yesterday's fresh whole grain bun Stewed vegetables, potatoes, steamed turkey Sweet yogurt without sourness, biscuits Boiled cauliflower, steamed low-fat fish
Saturday Oatmeal milk soup, glass of alkaline mineral water Omelet, green tea Boiled pasta, steamed rabbit cutlets A glass of milk with honey and soda Boiled rice, beef stroganoff
Resurrection Semolina porridge with dried fruits, weak tea Baked apple, cottage cheese Fish with vegetables, boiled buckwheat A small handful of nuts or dried fruits Steamed fish cutlets, baked potatoes

Delicious recipes

A therapeutic diet for gastritis is not a death sentence, and a wide variety of delicious recipes can be prepared from the permitted products.

Cauliflower soup helps ease the stomach and contains essential nutrients for the body.

List of ingredients:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Water;
  • Milk in the amount of 200 ml;
  • Flour 20 grams;
  • Egg;
  • Sour cream 20 grams;
  • One pinch of salt.

The cabbage is washed in hot water and divided into individual inflorescences, and then boiled until fully cooked in salted water. The finished vegetable is pureed, sour cream, egg, flour, milk, and sugar are added. The finished mixture is poured into a pan of water and brought to a boil. You can add greens to the prepared dish if desired.

Rice soup

Rice is a healthy grain for gastritis, as it helps improve digestion and reduces high levels of acidity in the stomach. To prepare the soup, the cereal is pre-soaked overnight in water. And then boiled in salted water.

The finished rice is thoroughly ground through a sieve, and a glass of milk with a mixed egg is added to the resulting puree. The prepared dish is consumed warm with a small addition of butter during the period of remission of gastritis.

Lazy dumplings

This dish is ideal for breakfast.

Required ingredients:

  • Flour 200 grams;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams;
  • Egg;
  • Sugar 50 grams;
  • A pinch of salt.

Mix the cottage cheese, egg, sugar and salt thoroughly, add flour and knead a moderately stiff dough. Next, they give it the shape of a sausage and cut into small cubes, which are boiled in salted water. You can add a small amount of butter to the finished dish.

When treating gastritis, you can also eat cabbage soup with white cabbage or Brussels sprouts.

List of ingredients:

  • White cabbage or Brussels sprouts 200 g;
  • Carrots 1 piece;
  • Onion 1 piece;
  • Tomato to improve taste;
  • A small pinch of salt.

All vegetables are chopped and then boiled in salted water. The tomato is peeled and pureed in a blender. You can add greens and a small amount of not very acidic sour cream to the finished dish.

Oatmeal soup

Making oatmeal soup requires the following ingredients:

  • Oatmeal 80 grams;
  • Potatoes 100 grams;
  • Carrots 1 piece;
  • Onion 1 piece;
  • A small pinch of salt.

Potatoes, onions, carrots are finely chopped and boiled in boiling water until half cooked. Next, add oatmeal and cook for a few more minutes. You can add a small piece of butter and herbs to the finished soup to taste.

While following a therapeutic diet for the treatment of hyperacidity gastritis, it is necessary to consume salads from boiled vegetables. For example, prepare a vinaigrette without adding sour cucumbers, boiled beets with nuts.

In most cases, pregnant women face a problem such as high or low acidity while carrying a child. Such exacerbations are directly related to changes in hormonal levels and the pressure of the developing fetus on the digestive organs.

Doctors recommend following a therapeutic diet in case of severe exacerbation and aggravation of general symptoms. But at the same time, balance the maximum intake of nutrients that are necessary for the successful development of the unborn child.

Increased acidity is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Burning and heaviness in the stomach;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the sternum;
  • Heartburn with belching and an unpleasant odor;
  • Constant headaches due to general intoxication of the body.

A strong increase in acidity is caused by excessive production of mucus, which corrodes the walls of the stomach and can subsequently lead to erosive gastritis. If you have a question about what to do about an illness that has arisen during pregnancy, it is best to contact your personal gynecologist.

If a woman experiences increased acidity during pregnancy, it is advisable to exclude the following foods from the general diet:

  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Black bread;
  • Freshly baked pastries;
  • Pickled or salted vegetables;
  • Fruits with sourness;
  • Smoked meat or sausages;
  • Fatty soups and broths;
  • Products containing artificial flavors and substitutes.

The diet should be dominated by light foods with a balanced content of nutrients, proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • Cereal porridge;
  • Cream soups;
  • Lean varieties of meat, fish;
  • Sweet tea;
  • Juices, compotes, jelly;
  • Fruits and vegetables that do not contain large amounts of natural acid.

If the question arises about the use of drug therapy, doctors try to protect the pregnant woman from unnecessary exposure to drugs of chemical origin. This treatment is prescribed for severe exacerbation and the need to quickly restore general condition in emergency conditions.

According to statistics, all pregnant women suffer from various digestive problems, as the body undergoes significant changes and hormonal disruptions. It is important to ensure maximum protection measures and protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

The use of traditional medicine to reduce acidity during pregnancy is undesirable for a woman, since it is unknown how such therapy can affect the development of the unborn baby.

The phenomenon of increased acidity during pregnancy is physiological, so fresh milk, carrot, potato and pumpkin juice can be used to eliminate the discomfort.

Baking soda can be used as an antacid only in emergency cases, since its regular use can lead to the development of trophic gastritis. This remedy is ineffective in combination with rose hips and natural honey.

Prevention of high acidity during pregnancy consists of the following recommendations:

  • Long walks in the fresh air;
  • Special gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • Mandatory elimination of bad habits;
  • Refusal of heavily fried foods, strong tea, coffee;
  • Drinking alkaline water (if there is no predisposition to severe swelling);
  • Providing fractional meals up to 7 times a day every 2–3 hours.

Gastritis with high acidity is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of the disease is a feeling of discomfort in the epigastric region. Signs of gastritis with high acidity:

  • the occurrence of aching pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • the appearance of severe heartburn;
  • constant sour belching.

With this disease, vomiting and nausea occur; they are observed when a person is hungry or after severe overeating. Another symptom of high acidity gastritis is bloating, as well as regular constipation and gas. With this disease, a decrease or increase in appetite is often observed. If the disease is acute, then due to pain in the stomach it is quite difficult to eat food. There are many other symptoms by which gastritis with high acidity levels can be recognized. Common signs of the disease are the occurrence of hunger pains. Most often, such unpleasant sensations accompany patients at night or during long breaks between meals.

If the patient has a chronic form of gastritis with a high level of acidity, then there are no such pronounced signs of the disease. Unpleasant symptoms occur only in the presence of provoking factors. This occurs as a result of overeating, long breaks between meals, alcohol abuse, food poisoning, or failure to follow the prescribed diet. Harmful factors include severe stress, consumption of low-quality products and smoking.

If you suspect gastritis with high acidity, you should know the symptoms of the disease. If you observe serious changes in the functioning of the digestive system, you should immediately seek help from a gastroenterologist.

Antibiotics and antisecretory drugs in the treatment of illness

Gastritis with a high level of acidity is often treated with the use of antibacterial agents. Typically, a course of such therapy is prescribed for at least 14 days. The most common drugs:

  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Metronidazole.

The dosage of medications and the frequency of their use should be determined exclusively by the attending physician.

To combat Helicobacter pylori, they are most often used:

  • Amofast;
  • Clarbuckt;
  • Aziklar;
  • Clerimed.

Antibacterial agents enter the mucous membrane through the systemic bloodstream, then begin to accumulate there and provide a bactericidal effect. Sometimes the body experiences adverse reactions to drugs from this group, which manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, nausea and severe itching. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately stop taking the prescribed medications.

To improve the effect of treating gastritis, it is recommended to take antisecretory agents that will inhibit the process of hydrochloric acid production. Such drugs help to stop hydrophilic secretion and reduce the level of enzymes in gastric juice.

To treat diseases with high acidity, the following are usually used:

  • Cerol;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Zulbex;
  • Lansoprazole;
  • Emanera;
  • Protonix.

In addition to these drugs, gastritis is treated with the use of antisecretory agents, the action of which is aimed at blocking histamine cellular receptors. In the treatment of the disease, the drugs Gastril and Piren are often used. How effective the therapy will be depends on the degree of neglect of the inflammatory process and compliance with all medical recommendations.

Other common drugs for the treatment of gastritis

Other medications are used to treat gastritis with high acidity. To remove spasms and get rid of painful sensations, it is recommended to use No-shpu or Drotaverine. Also, for the treatment of the disease, drugs are often prescribed whose action is aimed at neutralizing gastric acid. Such drugs contain magnesium and aluminum, and the effect of the medication does not appear immediately, but it lasts for many months. This group of funds includes:

  • Topalkan;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Altacid;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Rutacid.

It is very important that when treating gastritis with high acidity, the patient does not take too many drugs to reduce gastric juice. Therefore, you should not independently increase the dose or frequency of use of medications.

If after long-term therapy the desired effect does not occur, then the specialist may decide to prescribe bismuth preparations and other antacids. Most often prescribed: Tribimol, De-Nol, Vis-Nol, Bisnol, etc. Such products have an enveloping and anti-acid effect. After taking medications, a film forms on the mucous membrane, which becomes a barrier to acid diffusion. Most often, these drugs are prescribed in the form of powders, suspensions or chewable tablets; they cause virtually no adverse reactions.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity with medications should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The role of nutrition in the treatment of pathology

It is impossible to imagine complete treatment of gastritis with high acidity without following a diet. The main rule is to eat food in small portions, but often. There should be about 6-7 meals per day. It is allowed to eat food only warm (not cold or hot). You should definitely avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, spicy and salty foods, sour fruits, rich meat broths, and fatty meats. If the condition worsens, the patient needs to eat only porridge with water and mashed potatoes. Gastritis, which occurs with high acidity, requires a balanced, fortified and fractional diet.

Among the cereals allowed are semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal and durum pasta. You cannot eat millet, corn porridge and legumes. Soups prepared with carrot or potato broth can be used as liquid food. It is not prohibited to eat dishes cooked from chicken breast. Soups made with milk with the addition of rice or oatmeal porridge are well accepted by the body. During therapy you will have to forget about borscht, okroshka and cabbage soup. You can use butter as a dressing.

For gastritis, which is accompanied by a high level of acidity, it is allowed to eat beef, rabbit meat, turkey, nutria and chicken. From this minced meat you can prepare steamed cutlets, chops, stew meat or bake it in the oven. Pork tongue and liver can be taken in boiled form. During the period of therapy, you should avoid duck, smoked sausages, sausages and any canned meat.

Among the fish dishes you can eat those made from pike, pike perch (but only in boiled form), as well as steamed cutlets from pollock, cod, and hake. Bread may be consumed dried and only wheat bread. Biscuits are also allowed. Among vegetables, it is recommended to eat potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and beets. The fruits should be used to prepare puddings, soufflés or purees. Occasionally you can afford sweet varieties of tomatoes. You should not eat onions, mushrooms, cucumbers, spinach and white cabbage. Fruit dishes for gastritis with a high level of acidity are prepared from pureed sweet berries. Jelly, compotes, marshmallows, marshmallows and honey are allowed.

Dairy products include cream, milk, non-sour kefir and cottage cheese. Among the spices allowed are parsley, dill, vanilla and cinnamon. You should drink weak green teas, rosehip decoction, freshly squeezed juices of sweet berries and fruits.

If you stick to a diet, gastritis with high acidity will be easier to develop, and treatment will give positive results much faster.

The use of herbs in the treatment of disease

To treat gastritis with a high level of acidity, medicinal herbs that have an astringent and enveloping effect are often used. Ivan tea helps well in the treatment of illness. To prepare a healthy decoction, you need to take 10 g of dry raw materials, add 250 ml of boiling water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. The drug must be taken 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. The product has a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect.

An infusion of rhubarb root, mint and blackcurrant juice will help cope with gastritis, which occurs with a high level of acidity. The components must be mixed, pour 250 boiling water and leave for 20–25 minutes. Take the decoction before meals, 0.5 cups. Frequency of use: 4 times a day. To get rid of the disease, the use of other herbal remedies is practiced:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, peppermint, medicinal calendula, marsh cudweed, narrow-leaved fireweed, St. John's wort, burdock root and licorice. Pour 600 ml of boiling water over the ingredients and place the mixture on low heat. After 10 minutes, remove from heat, leave for about an hour, strain and consume 0.5 cups after meals.
  2. Galangal root, calendula flowers, yarrow (1:1:1) pour 250 ml of water and bring to a boil. After 4-5 minutes, remove from heat, strain and consume warm, 30 ml up to 4 times a day.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. marsh calamus, pour 350 ml of cold water and leave for 60 minutes. Then cool and strain. Drink 1 glass before meals up to 3 times a day.

The disease can be alleviated with a decoction of flax seeds. The product should be taken 1 glass per day. For the treatment of gastritis, a preparation of 1 tbsp is suitable. l. mint, 2 tbsp. l. calendula flowers, 30 g of dried grass and 25 g of St. John's wort. The herbs are mixed, 1 liter of boiling water is poured in and infused for 3 hours. You need to take 70 ml of the product before meals. A preparation made from licorice root and burdock (1:1) helps well. The crushed raw materials are placed in a thermos and filled with water. The product is infused for 6 hours. You need to take the medicine 125 ml up to 5 times a day.

If you use folk recipes for gastritis under the supervision of a doctor and combine them with drug therapy, you can improve the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract and get rid of the disease.

Other useful folk medicines

To cure gastritis with high acidity, you should consume 7 g of natural bee glue every day. This procedure must be carried out for 30 days. If allergic reactions occur, this therapy should be discontinued. Almonds are suitable for treating the disease. You need to eat up to 10 fruits per day, dividing them into several doses. Increased acidity of the pancreas will return to normal if you regularly take honey water. It should be drunk cold 60 minutes before a meal.

Lettuce leaves will help cope with the disease. They need to be brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, then left for 120 minutes, filtered and consumed overnight. Beetroot is considered an effective method of treating the disease. You need to prepare a salad from raw or boiled root vegetables. If you eat such a dish every day, you can normalize your acidity level.

Carrot juice is often used to treat gastritis. It is recommended to consume 1.5 cups of freshly squeezed fruit juice; it is better to do this on an empty stomach, 60 minutes before a meal. A potato drink is used for such purposes. The root crop is thoroughly washed and grated. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass and consumed 250 ml 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is 1.5 months.

Quite often they resort to pumpkin treatment. It needs to be cut into small pieces and boiled. You should eat 25–30 g of the dish per day, gradually increasing the dose to 150 g. It is recommended to eat pumpkin 3 times a day before meals. After 10 days, you should take a break for a week, and then repeat the course. Pumpkin juice is very useful. It can be taken 75 ml per day, and over time, 3 glasses of the drink are allowed. But this treatment is not suitable for ulcers and severe diabetes.

There are several other effective treatments for the disease:

  1. Dissolve 1 g mummy in 1 liter of milk (boiled). Use the drug for 30 days, 3 times a day, 250 ml. You should complete 4 courses, but there should be a break of 10 days between them;
  2. Heat 250 ml of alkaline mineral water over low heat to 40 °C. Stir the drink to release the gases and drink half in one gulp. After 30 minutes, consume the remaining mineral water;
  3. Peel green apples, grate and pour honey. Eat the dish, and then do not consume water or food for 3 hours.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to take 1 tsp 3 times a day. sea ​​buckthorn oil. The procedure should be carried out 20–25 minutes before a meal. Often the disease is treated with plum puree. The seeds are removed from 2-3 fruits, and the fruits are kneaded with a fork. You need to eat this dish for 25 days.

The disease can be treated with the use of chaga mushroom. It has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps restore the pancreatic mucosa. The raw materials must be crushed and filled with 1 liter of water. Infuse the drug for 3-4 hours, then strain and place in a dark room for 5 days. It is recommended to consume 250 ml of tincture up to 3 times a day.

If gastritis with a high level of acidity is treated correctly, you can cope with the disease quite quickly. The main thing is to adhere to medical recommendations and follow the prescribed diet.

Currently, gastritis is not a rare disease. This pathology is diagnosed mainly in representatives of the stronger sex. Poor diet, frequent stress, bad habits - all these factors negatively affect the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and disrupt metabolism. This article discusses gastritis with high acidity in detail. Treatment with folk remedies and medications is described below.

Description of the disease

Gastritis with high acidity is a fairly common disease, which is accompanied by activation of the secretory pathology. The pathology occurs in the form of an inflammatory process directly on the mucous membrane of the organ and often disrupts the normal functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. As a result, fatigue appears, decreased performance, and the person becomes overly irritable.

The symptoms of the disease are very specific and difficult to miss. Nature itself came up with this so that a person would pay attention to them in a timely manner and immediately begin a course of treatment. Otherwise, the presence of an increased amount inevitably entails damage to its cells, the development of erosions and ulcers.

Fortunately, modern medicine offers several options for combating pathologies such as gastritis with high acidity. Treatment with folk remedies, herbal medicine, following a special diet - all these measures can not only reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, but also forget forever about its existence.


Gastritis of this type develops due to various reasons, which are conventionally divided into exogenous and endogenous. The first include the following:

  • Eating excessively spicy, spicy or hot foods.
  • Bad habits.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Long-term use of certain groups of medications (hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers).
  • Work in hazardous production.

The following factors can be considered endogenous (internal) causes:

What signs are accompanied by gastritis with high acidity (symptoms)? Treatment with potent drugs can be avoided if the disease is detected in time. To do this, you need to know what signs it is characterized by.

If the acidity in the stomach increases, the first symptom of the pathology is a feeling of heartburn after directly eating. Aching pain in the epigastric region may also appear.

As the disease progresses, a feeling of heaviness and stool disturbances (diarrhea/constipation) develop. Patients with this diagnosis become overly irritable, their performance decreases, and sleep disturbances appear.

Classification of the disease

  • Type A The body begins to form antibodies to the cells of the gastric mucosa, which is explained by genetic predisposition. This means that the likelihood of the disease occurring is several times higher if close relatives have already been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity. Treatment with folk remedies for the fundamental variant of the pathology gives excellent results, despite the practically asymptomatic course.
  • Type B (antral gastritis). As a rule, the area of ​​​​the transition of the stomach into the duodenum is affected due to the active activity of bacteria, pathologies reminiscent of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Type C. Gastritis appears due to poisoning with alcoholic beverages, food, and medications.

Making a diagnosis

A disease such as gastritis with high acidity should not be ignored. How to relieve pain, reduce the constant feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, cope with dyspeptic disorders - these are just some of the questions that concern patients in the first place. In this case, it is recommended to initially seek help from a gastroenterologist who can confirm the diagnosis.

At the appointment, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints, collects anamnesis, and palpates the epigastric area. Then laboratory tests are prescribed to determine the nature of the lesion:

  • Blood test, stool test.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (allows you to visually examine all existing changes in the esophagus and take tissue for cytology).
  • Probing (examines the secretory function of the stomach).

Based on the test results, the specialist can confirm the diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Drug therapy

Treatment of this disease involves relieving pain and reducing the production of hydrochloric acid. Only in this way can inflammation and the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms that always accompany gastritis with high acidity be reduced. Treatment with medications includes:

  • Taking medications to reduce stomach acidity (Omeprazole, Atropine, Ranitidine).
  • To improve the digestion process of food, enzymes are prescribed (Mezim, Digestal).
  • The use of agents whose main purpose is to envelop the stomach cavity and reduce the impact of food on the mucous membrane (“Smecta”).
  • If Helicobacter Pylori is detected, special antibacterial drugs are recommended. They are appointed on an individual basis.

Gastritis with high acidity: folk remedies

Many today prefer the recipes of our grandmothers rather than traditional medicine. Of course, you should resort to traditional treatment only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your own body.

Potatoes are an excellent remedy in the fight against this disease. With increased stomach acidity, it is recommended to consume 25 g of potato juice daily, gradually increasing this volume to 100 g per day. Improvement is usually noted already on the fifth day.

Honey is not only a tasty treat, but also an excellent medicine against many gastrointestinal pathologies. It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of honey at room temperature (approximately three glasses). A few hours before meals, you should take one glass of this infusion. The course of treatment can be up to two months. If you have heartburn, you can add milk to honey.

Doctors strongly recommend reconsidering the usual diet for all patients, without exception, diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity. Treatment with folk remedies involves eating a special porridge. To prepare it, you will need to stir 100 g of oatmeal in a liter of water and cook over low heat. After the porridge has cooled, you need to add a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of honey, a handful of ground walnuts and a spoonful of chopped fennel leaves. This “medicine” should be divided into three equal portions and eaten one at a time before the next meal. The course of treatment is six days.


Many doctors specializing in herbal medicine recommend the following recipes to their patients.

  • Chamomile. One tablespoon of the herb should be brewed in a glass of boiling water and left overnight. It is recommended to take half a glass of the decoction approximately 30 minutes before meals.
  • Yarrow, marshmallow, calendula, and chamomile flowers also help fight diseases such as gastritis with high acidity. The herbs must be mixed in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. The decoction should be taken 0.4 cups three times a day.

Herbal medicine has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of gastritis. However, it is not indicated for all patients. That is why it is so important not to self-medicate, but to undergo a course of therapy under the constant supervision of a doctor. Thus, the probability of defeating gastritis with high acidity is much higher.


The menu for this disease necessarily requires adjustment. Proper nutrition is an important factor that allows not only to reduce the risk of exacerbation, but also to permanently stop the development of pathology. Experts recommend completely changing your usual diet for three weeks.

For breakfast you can eat porridge with water and without added sugar/oil. Oatmeal is considered an excellent option. For lunch, cereal soups and steamed dishes without spices are allowed. Recommended drinks: jelly, rosehip infusion. You can eat non-acidic fruits.

The diet for gastritis should be fairly balanced, consisting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (approximate ratio - 1: 1: 4). The entire daily amount of food should be divided into approximately 5-6 meals. The consumption of the following foods is strictly prohibited: sour fruits and berries, spicy foods, legumes, baked goods, fatty fish and meat, canned food and smoked meats. What can you eat? Vegetable soups, steam omelettes, pasta, low-fat cheese and fish, a variety of cereals - all these dishes should be present in the diet.

It is advisable to steam or bake food and eat it pureed. The proposed diet is recommended to be followed during periods of exacerbation of the disease. As symptoms decrease, you can gradually switch to a common table. Such nutrition creates the most comfortable conditions for the stomach, allows you to overcome gastritis with high acidity, both lose weight and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many patients note that within a few days after changing their diet, heartburn and a constant feeling of discomfort in the epigastric area disappear.


Unfortunately, recently, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are being diagnosed more and more often. This problem also affects the younger population. In this article we explained what a disease called “gastritis with high acidity” is. Folk remedies, coupled with drug therapy, help to forget about this disease forever. Moreover, timely diagnosis helps prevent the pathology from degenerating into a peptic ulcer or oncology. Be healthy!