Lenses good or bad. What's better: lenses or glasses? Video - Which is better - glasses or contact lenses

The advantages of contact lenses over glasses are seemingly obvious: they do not spoil the face, do not distort images, do not limit lateral vision and do not fog up. However, before making a choice in favor of the latter, it doesn’t hurt to think carefully...

At the same time, a speck that gets under the lens can cause great inconvenience: you will have to remove the lenses and put them on again. Because the lenses come into direct contact with the cornea of ​​the eye, they can irritate the eyes.

To avoid harming yourself by wearing lenses, you must strictly follow several important rules. First of all, you can select lenses only with the help of a doctor and after a thorough medical examination of your eyes. For some eye diseases, wearing lenses is generally contraindicated.

Please read the instructions carefully before putting on your lenses. First you have to learn how to put them on and take them off. This is usually taught at the doctor's office where the lenses are ordered. But not everyone succeeds right away. So at home you still have a long period of getting used to the lenses. Be patient and be prepared for the fact that you will have to tinker with them for a long time. In the first few days, your eyes may also become very watery and sore.

Remember that wearing lenses longer than indicated in the instructions, and especially not going to bed in them under any circumstances! This can lead to the ingrowth of blood vessels into the cornea, disruption of its nutrition and other problems, including complete loss of vision!

You can store removed contact lenses only in a special liquid, remembering to disinfect them. Lenses cannot completely replace glasses, since it is not recommended to wear them if you have a cold or some other illnesses.

If you wear contacts, you should have regular eye exams with your eye doctor. Lenses need to be changed periodically; the wearing period is usually indicated in the instructions. If you start to feel discomfort while wearing lenses, it means it’s time to go to the doctor.

Recently, researchers from the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands) concluded that constant wearing of contact lenses can lead to a severe infectious disease - amoebic keratitis, which causes inflammation of the cornea and blindness. Its causative agents are amoebas Acanthamoeba which are found in soil and running water.

Recently, the incidence of amebic keratitis has increased throughout the world precisely because people began to wear contact lenses, scientists say. Amoebas get into lens containers when they are washed with tap water, and the solutions in which lenses are stored are not able to destroy these microorganisms.

So is the game worth the candle? Before purchasing lenses, weigh the pros and cons. After all, the main thing is to maintain your health.

Hello again, dear readers! People with poor vision have to resort to various correction methods in order to be able to see the world around them normally. For this purpose, corrective glasses and contact optical glasses - lenses are used. Today, there are many models of such optics, which are selected depending on the degree of visual impairment and individual characteristics.

To answer which is better – glasses or contact lenses, you first need to learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of these types of correction. This is exactly what we will do with you now.

Devices with glass have long lost their former popularity and are no longer considered an effective method. Today, few people want to be known as a “bespectacled person,” especially since instead of bulky and uncomfortable frames, you can choose compact and practical lenses for your eyes.

Despite this, eyepieces have their advantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Low cost. Of course, custom-made products cost a lot, but there are many models of vision glasses at an affordable price.
  2. Practicality. It only takes a couple of seconds to put on and take off the eyepieces.
  3. Possibility of complementing the image. By successfully choosing a frame that will harmoniously match your face shape, you can add some zest to your image.
  4. Long service life. The service life of glasses depends solely on how careful the owner is. This could be either a year or 5 years.

As for the disadvantages of spectacle correction, these include:

  1. Physical limitations. Wearing an eyepiece excludes any other physical activity that involves making sudden movements. This is especially true for glass optics.
  2. Some people who use this accessory cannot get used to a foreign object on the bridge of their nose, so they constantly feel discomfort.
  3. In winter, glasses fog up, which causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, wiping them takes a certain amount of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Compared to glasses, contact lenses have more advantages:

  1. They do not limit peripheral vision, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding space.
  2. Enhance image clarity.
  3. You can play sports in them.
  4. The lenses do not fog up and do not need to be wiped.
  5. They are invisible, which is especially important for children aged 12-18 years, who are worried about their appearance and often have complexes about wearing eyepieces.
  6. They practically do not cause any discomfort if chosen correctly.

Ophthalmologists remind that the lens must sit movably and freely so that a liquid space is formed between it and the cornea and the access to tear fluid is not blocked. Today, soft optical glasses are a priority.

Contact lenses also have disadvantages, which include:

  1. Hard to get used to.
  2. Risk of infection in the eyes when putting on and taking off optical glasses.
  3. The need for systematic replacement, which entails additional costs.
  4. Irritation and dryness in the eyes if not removed.
  5. The occurrence of an allergic reaction that leads to inflammation of the eyes. This condition is quite often observed with colds.

Soft and hard lenses: indications

Contact lenses are made from soft and hard materials. Both of them contribute to the restoration of visual acuity without distortions and errors, unlike the eyepiece.

With the help of soft and hard optical glasses, many eye diseases are successfully corrected. They are prescribed for myopia and for the purpose of achieving maximum visual acuity.

Indications for the use of contact lenses are also:

  • individual intolerance to glasses;
  • lack of positive dynamics in the process of correcting vision with eyepieces;
  • significant difference (more than 2.5 D) in visual acuity of the visual organs;
  • lack of a natural lens;
  • injury to the visual organs;
  • congenital anomalies of eye development;
  • "lazy eye" syndrome.

How to choose the right glasses for farsightedness? read!

Contact lenses or glasses - what to choose for a teenager with poor eyesight?

As a teenager, you want to wear lenses, because they are much more convenient and smaller than an eyepiece, but both ophthalmologists and parents prefer spectacle correction.

According to many qualified ophthalmologists, vision correction in children under 13 years of age is best done with glasses, since this method is considered safer. However, there is another opinion on this matter.

It is very important for a teenager to feel self-confident, which is not always possible due to wearing an eyepiece. At least that's what psychologists say. They strongly recommend that parents give their child the right to choose - he himself must choose what is more acceptable for him - glasses or contacts.

Very often, myopia develops in childhood, which can lead to significant deterioration of vision in adolescence. This occurs as a result of visual stress at school, passion for video games, poor nutrition, hormonal changes, etc. As children grow older, their attitude towards themselves and the world around them changes.

When choosing the right method for vision correction, the doctor’s advice must be taken into account. It is clear that in aesthetic terms, modern contact lenses are superior to glass devices in all respects, but sometimes patients have no choice.

Properly selected lenses allow a person with vision problems to feel free and comfortable.

For example, with astigmatism, a high degree of myopia and hypermetropia, a difference in refraction in 2 eye meridians of more than 2-3 D, preference should be given to contact optical glasses.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that they are more convenient and comfortable. This is due to the high quality of polymer materials, which contain a lot of water.

Video: Live healthy! Glasses or contacts?

Elena Malysheva, with a company of experienced specialists, provides a reasoned comparative analysis of lenses and glasses. Watch the video and the choice will be easier!


As you can see, both glasses and lenses have advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most appropriate option, you should be guided by your doctor's recommendations and your own priorities. Remember to consult an ophthalmologist before making a final decision. Be healthy, friends!

Do you think glasses can really ruin your image? Or is health more valuable? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

People who suffer from myopia or farsightedness are forced to correct their vision. One of the most popular methods for correcting vision is prescription glasses. But recently, an alternative to using contact lenses has appeared. Many people constantly wonder whether lenses or glasses are better?

What's better: lenses or glasses?

In this article we tried to understand this issue in more detail. Experts examined all the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Pros and cons of prescription glasses

Before you decide to choose glasses, you must remember that you should consult an ophthalmologist. Your doctor will be able to test your vision and write a prescription for glasses. The main advantages of wearing glasses include:

  1. Glasses can be a truly attractive accessory if you choose the right frames.
  2. This vision correction element will not come into contact with the eyes. That is why it will not cause a variety of allergic manifestations.
  3. Glasses can really protect your eyes from various debris.
  4. This element of vision correction does not require special care.

Glasses - a correction method accessible to every person

We have studied the main advantages of this correction method and therefore now it’s time to study their disadvantages:

  1. Vision may be distorted while worn.
  2. There will be a foreign object on your face.
  3. If you choose the wrong glasses, then you may experience unpleasant side effects.
  4. At night, glasses may reflect light.
  5. You will not be able to wear sunglasses while using glasses.
  6. The cost of quality frames can be quite high.

Lack of glasses, fogging of glasses

Pros and cons of contact lenses

First, you need to understand that only a doctor can choose high-quality lenses. Lenses can have various parameters and therefore consultants without a doctor’s opinion will not be able to help you. Today, contact lenses are a more modern method of vision correction. The main advantages of contact lenses include:

  1. Lateral vision will not deteriorate.
  2. Thanks to this type of correction, you can now engage in active sports.
  3. Lenses can be used to change eye color.
  4. Lenses are not afraid of various temperature changes.

This is what a blue lens looks like on a brown eye

When using lenses, you may also encounter disadvantages, which include:

  1. With improper care, there may be a risk of inflammatory processes.
  2. It is not recommended to take a bath or shower wearing lenses.
  3. This correction method cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.
  4. There may not be enough oxygen reaching the eyes.
  5. During use, the inner layer of the cornea may be damaged.
  6. The cost of these products is higher than that of glasses.
  7. Careful maintenance is required.

Lenses require careful care

Now it's time to study the table, which will indicate when lenses are contraindicated or recommended for use.

When lenses are contraindicated When are lenses recommended for use?
For the following diseases: glaucoma, conjunctivitis, inflammatory processes, AIDS or tuberculosis For astigmatism or moderate or high myopia
While using certain medications: sprays, oral contraceptives, and antihistamines For amblyopia
During colds and flu, as they can cause a viral inflammatory disease For degenerative thinning of the cornea
For strabismus For anisometropia
If the cornea is hypersensitive For monocular aphakia

If you plan to avoid problems while using lenses, then you should use one-day models. In this case, you don't need a container or .

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing contact lenses

When choosing lenses, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters

If you are planning, then remember that in this case you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Oxygen permeability and moisture content. If the moisture content in the lens is high, then we can say that it will be quite comfortable to wear. For comfortable daily wear, the oxygen permeability indicator should be 30 units. But now you can also find models in which the oxygen permeability level is 170 units.
  2. Wearing mode. This indicator can be found on packages with lenses.
  3. Replacement frequency. When choosing this indicator, you should be guided only by individual preferences. Of course, daily lenses are convenient, but their cost is quite high.
  4. Diameter and radius of curvature. Products with the following parameters may be suitable for most people: a radius of curvature of 8.4 or 8.6 and a diameter of 14 to 14.2 mm.

In the video below you can see in more detail what is better than glasses or lenses for the eyes.

Glasses: glass or plastic

If you want to choose glasses for yourself, then remember that you must first decide on the material from which the lenses in the glasses will be made. Glass spectacle lenses are able to protect against ultraviolet radiation, minimally distort the image and are more resistant to scratches. But this type of lens can also have a number of disadvantages. They are heavy and can break easily.

Eraser lenses are more reliable and safe

Glass lenses made of plastic will be quite light and safe. But plastic lenses will not protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. That is why it is better to consult a doctor during the material.

Working at a computer: glasses or contacts

If the glasses for working at the computer were chosen correctly, then in this case the danger to vision will be minimized. It will be enough to just take short breaks. With lenses, things can be much more complicated. Dust that will collect while working at the computer can settle on the lenses.

When working at the computer, it is better to give preference to glasses

As you can see, if you regularly work at a computer, then it is best to give your preference to glasses.

What is better: lenses or glasses?

It will be difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Each correction method may have its pros and cons. This is why you should decide for yourself. If you wish, then you can alternate wearing and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Now you know for sure which is better: glasses or contact lenses. We hope this information was useful and interesting.

Scientists have found that only a third of the world's population can boast of excellent, one hundred percent vision. The remaining two-thirds experience discomfort due to various types of refractive errors of the eye.

Vision correction with modern optics remains the most affordable and popular way to see a clear picture of the world around us. The debate still rages: which is better – or glasses? What are the pros and cons of different types of optics, and who can and cannot use the lenses? Let's try to understand these difficult questions in this article.

In what cases is vision correction needed?

Visual impairment in the vast majority of cases occurs due to improper refraction of light rays in the internal structures of the eye, which entails errors in refraction.

The most common indications for wearing glasses and lenses:

Lenses can be prescribed for chemical and thermal burns of the eyes, for dry eye syndrome, for ulcers, scars and erosions. In these cases, contact optics performs the function of a kind of bandage, accelerating the regeneration processes.

IMPORTANT! Patients who use any type of optics are recommended to undergo annual examinations with an ophthalmologist for correction and selection of optimal lenses.

In order to figure out what is best to choose specifically in your case for vision correction, you will have to consider the pros and cons of glasses and contact lenses (CL).


This is an optical device that consists of a frame and lenses of a certain refractive power. The spectacle lens refracts light rays according to the patient's refractive error. Thus, the light is directed to the desired area of ​​the retina and forms a clear image.


Many patients prefer spectacle correction due to a number of benefits.

No contraindications.
Glasses can be worn by any patient with any visual impairment. The logical exception is small children and people with an unbalanced psyche.

Easy to use. The glasses are easy to take off and put on; their use does not require special skills or equipment.

Easy to care for. To keep your glasses well-groomed and tidy, all you need is a case and a microfiber cloth. No solutions, containers or other accessories are required to care for them.

Efficiency. They create a clear, rich image and are suitable for refractive error correction of any type and degree.

A special image. Glasses are often purchased by those who do not experience vision problems. And all because this device can become an individual attribute of a male or female image, a kind of highlight. A correctly selected frame will help you skillfully hide the imperfections of your facial features and highlight your strengths.

Hygiene. Since the lenses of the glasses do not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, the likelihood of infection is minimal. When putting it on, you do not need to touch your eyes, spoil your makeup and expose yourself to the risk of infection.

Long service life. Glasses can last at least one year, and if there is no visual impairment, they can be worn for several years.

Affordability. Thanks to the wide price range, each patient can choose the best option for themselves, based on their own financial capabilities.


There are also disadvantages to spectacle correction. These include:

REFERENCE: Glasses can easily become damaged or break at the most inopportune moment, so optometrists advise always having a spare pair.

Glasses create particular psychological discomfort for children and adolescents. Little patients are embarrassed by this detail of the image and are afraid of the ridicule of their classmates. For adults, the situation is the opposite - the lack of glasses at hand makes them unsure of themselves and helpless.

Contact lenses

CLs are a thin optical device that is placed on the mucous membrane of the eyeball. Lenses, just like regular glasses, have different refractive powers.

It is measured in diopters and allows you to select optics individually - for myopia and farsightedness. For this correction method, you can also find arguments for and against.


Patients with visual impairments increasingly prefer CL. And all thanks to a lot of advantages and capabilities that glasses cannot do.

Natural vision. CLs are designed in such a way as to realistically display the distance to objects and their sizes.

Wide range of vision. Lateral vision is not limited to the temples; the lens is in very close contact with the eye, moves along with the eyeball, allowing you to create a complete picture of the surrounding reality.

Unchangeable appearance. CL should be chosen by those who are embarrassed to wear glasses. They are completely invisible to others, but at the same time consistently perform their function.

Visual effect. The CL line of most manufacturers includes. With their help, you can not only give a slight tint to the iris, but also radically change the color of your eyes. There are also designer models that create the effect of cat eyes, sparkles, glare, etc.

Comfort in any weather. The lenses are comfortable to wear in any season - they do not fog up after frost and do not get wet from precipitation.

There are no restrictions on physical activity. You can play sports in the lenses, wear them to the gym, swim and travel, they will not break or be damaged.

Versatility. Suitable for vision correction for people with large diopter differences in their eyes.

IMPORTANT! When using contact lenses, you must strictly focus on the duration of wear. Some models cannot be worn for more than 10-12 hours at a time.


CL is not a perfect optical invention. The contact correction method has some disadvantages:

During the use of contact lenses, even the smallest speck that gets into the eye causes pain and discomfort. In such a situation, you will need to remove the lenses and repeat the putting procedure again after processing the optics.

Even the most expensive and high-quality contact lenses cannot completely replace glasses. In addition to contact lenses, you will need to purchase at least one pair of glasses. They can be worn when lenses are unavailable, prohibited, or when the eyes need rest.

If the rules of wearing and disinfection are followed, CLs will not cause harm to the visual organs. If you ignore the manufacturer's recommendations, wear lenses longer than expected, process them poorly, or use an expired solution,... Protein deposits will accumulate on the surface of the optics, which serve as an excellent environment for pathogenic microorganisms. The result can be infectious lesions of the structures of the eyeball.

Contraindications to contact correction

Contact lenses cannot be an absolute alternative to glasses
. One of the reasons is the presence of contraindications in which CL will have to be abandoned:

  • strabismus with a curvature angle of more than 15 degrees;
  • inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, dacryocystitis;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • drooping upper eyelid (ptosis);
  • disturbances in the physiological composition of tear fluid;
  • increased or decreased secretion of tears;
  • xerophthalmia – a disease associated with increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyeball;
  • allergic reactions affecting the organ of vision.

In these diseases, CL will be perceived as a foreign body, provoking even greater discomfort and exacerbation of the pathology.

It is not recommended to wear contact lenses if you have diagnosed infectious diseases - tuberculosis, influenza, ARVI. Touching the lens with infected fingers can lead to infection of the mucous membranes of the eye.

Useful video

In order to get an answer to the age-old question, what is better: glasses or contact lenses, let's listen to the opinion of experts:

Glasses and contact lenses in some cases are interchangeable methods of vision correction. According to doctors, you shouldn’t stop at just one of them; ideally, it’s better to get both glasses and contacts. Lenses will give greater freedom of action and help maintain the created image. Glasses are considered the most versatile budget device available to everyone. If properly selected and worn, both types of optics will provide comfort and excellent visual acuity.

For a long time, poor vision was corrected exclusively with glasses. Just a few decades ago, the first lenses began to be produced, but their quality was far from necessary. Such contact lenses were felt on the eyes and had poor transmission. All this caused infections.

Currently, there are many different lens manufacturers with the best qualities. However, many people still face the question of what is better: glasses or contact lenses?

The effect of glasses on vision

Glasses are a more common method of correction. Despite the availability of contact lenses in optics, which are undoubtedly more convenient to use, many people still use glasses. They are quite easy to use, do not require special care, and glasses are excellent for correcting vision.

There is an assumption that wearing shackles further impairs vision over time. This is due to the fact that the external muscles of the eyes are constantly tense and work worse over time, thus the lens does not take on the shape it needs. Using glasses on a regular basis leads to atrophy of the eye muscles.

As a result, vision deteriorates, and the person again turns to the ophthalmologist with a request to write a prescription for stronger glasses. But then the situation repeats itself. It is for this reason that eye doctors most often advise wearing lenses with slightly smaller diopters than you need. This will put a little strain on your eyes.

However, if you are wondering what is better than glasses or contacts, you should not jump to conclusions. The harm from glasses has not been proven. A person can use them all his life and his vision will be at the same level as before. There are other cases when poor vision is not corrected with glasses, but it continues to fall.

Only one thing can be said with certainty: if your glasses are chosen incorrectly, your vision will decrease by about 5% annually. To select glasses, be sure to seek the services of specialists and check both eyes. Not only diopters matter, but also the distance between the pupils, as well as focusing.

Remember that cheap glasses designed for sun protection can also affect the quality of your vision. They let the sun's rays through, and this can lead to burns and cataracts.


The effect of lenses on vision

The lenses that are currently produced have excellent characteristics. Let's compare what is better: glasses or lenses? The lenses allow oxygen to pass through, are comfortable to wear, do not cause pain or discomfort, help correct vision and provide a wider view compared to glasses.

At the same time, ill-chosen lenses can harm your eyes much more than incorrectly selected glasses. The reason is that they are in very close contact with the surface of the eye, which means that corneal erosion, ulcers, conjunctivitis may appear, or simply the lenses may rub the eye.

Make purchases of lenses exclusively in stores specially designed for this purpose, following the recommendations that your doctor will give you.

It is extremely important to properly care for your lenses and follow wearing rules. Contact lenses are stored in a special solution that helps clean them from dirt. Before putting on or removing lenses, you should wash your hands to avoid dirt and infection.

The process of getting used to lenses

What is better glasses or contacts? Statistics show that lenses are gradually replacing glasses on the market. But wearing them for the first time always raises questions and possible inconveniences. We recommend using the following tips and tricks:

  1. Almost every fourth person on the planet has some form of vision problem. Previously, all of them were solved by wearing glasses, but now lenses are becoming more and more popular. The younger generation especially prefers lenses, since lenses are much more convenient in everyday life and when playing sports;
  2. Each lens manufacturer tries to make wearing them comfortable for a person. However, if you decide to use them for the first time, you may experience discomfort. This is normal, because the eye needs to adapt to the appearance of a foreign body;
  3. Before purchasing lenses, seek the help of an ophthalmologist. He will determine the required diameter, radius of curvature, wearing period, etc. If the lenses are chosen incorrectly, there is a high probability that you will never be able to get used to them. In addition, the optometrist teaches the correct use of contact lenses. There are several contraindications when wearing lenses. This is primarily the so-called “dry eye”, conjunctivitis, allergies, various types of inflammation;
  4. In addition, the material from which the lens is made matters. Nowadays, silicone hydrogel lenses are considered the best because they allow air to pass through better. It is this indicator that affects how long you can wear without taking it off;
  5. Don't shock your eyes by wearing lenses all day for the first time. It's best to let them gradually adjust over 2-4 weeks. The first day, wear the lenses for 2 hours, and each subsequent day increase the wearing time by an hour. This way the eyes will get used to it faster and will be able to smoothly change the production of the lacrimal glands. If you purchased silicone hydrogel lenses, you can wear them for 4 hours on the first day and increase the time by 2 hours every day;
  6. To make it easier for your eyes to get used to it, use special drops that are similar in composition to tear fluid. Take proper and careful care of your lenses, this will ensure normal adaptation of the eye. Even after complete adaptation, do not forget to visit a doctor for a preventive examination.

Cleaning contact lenses

The lenses are very thin and therefore fragile. They must be handled very carefully so as not to damage them. They are easily torn, deformed and dirty.

Most lenses are now made from hydrogel materials, as they allow oxygen to pass through better and allow the eyes to breathe. Hydrogel absorbs moisture well, but also dirt.

If you use lenses daily, pay special attention to their care. To do this, you need a special container, tweezers and a cleaning solution.

Instructions for using lenses

  1. Contact lenses absorb dirt very well. Various types of dust particles and small hairs can be washed off with the solution. But it is also possible for the lenses to become contaminated from the inside with grains of sand, small debris and microorganisms. As a result of contact with the surface of the eye, organic substances are deposited on the lenses. All of these factors can lead to poor vision, so you need to rinse your lenses well every day and do additional weekly cleaning.
  2. There are specialized solutions for cleaning lenses that do not harm the eyes. Do not use them under any circumstances if the expiration date has expired. It is best to use multi-purpose solutions that solve several problems at once: they wash, disinfect and are a means for storing lenses.
  3. Wash your hands well before putting on or taking off your lenses. Remove the lenses from the container with tweezers.
  4. Rules for cleaning lenses: pour the solution into a clean container, place the lens on your palm with the concave part up, apply a drop of the solution to it and, pressing lightly, wipe the lens. Next, you should rinse it in the solution.
  5. To disinfect the lenses, place them in the solution overnight (at least 4 hours). After this procedure, you can use them again.

You should not try to make your own lens cleaning solution at home. Most likely, you will only experience eye irritation and lens damage.

Alternatively, you can buy regular saline solution at the pharmacy, but it is best to use a specially formulated solution for cleaning and disinfection.

Using glasses

Every person with vision problems experiences discomfort. What is better: glasses or contact lenses in this case? Using both vision correction methods may result in vision impairment. Let's talk about glasses separately.

No matter how hard ophthalmologists try to help improve vision, it can fall without any special signs. There can be a huge number of reasons for this: you read in poor light, watch a lot of movies, don’t give your eyes rest, etc. Tension of the eye muscles increases pressure on the eyeball.

For a long time it was believed that if vision has deteriorated, it can no longer be restored and it is worth using glasses for correction. The doctor wrote a prescription for glasses with a sense of accomplishment, and the patient thought that this was the only solution to his problem.

As a result, a person thinks that since the problem has been solved, then there is no need to continue treating poor vision. But this position is far from the truth. Wearing glasses for a long time leads to the fact that a person sees worse again and now needs glasses with different diopters. Therefore, think for yourself what is better: glasses or contacts.

Is wearing glasses beneficial or not?

If you have vision problems and need to wear glasses, this does not mean that the problem is completely solved.

Glasses help you see sharper and clearer, you can read and write, but constant tension over time leads to atrophy of the eye muscles. As a result, vision becomes worse again. That is, you only get a short period of improvement before the disease progresses further.

We hope that by analyzing the pros and cons of wearing glasses and contact lenses, you will be able to answer the question of what is better: glasses or contacts.