The best fortune telling with candles: for the future, betrothed, rival. Candle fortune telling for love

For people seeking to learn more about what fate has prepared for them, it would be useful to study such fundamental aspects of ancient Slavic fortune-telling practices as fortune-telling on wax and the meaning of the figures obtained as a result. The thing is that this technique has the highest percentage of prediction reliability, which is largely due to the materials used in it and the imagination of the fortuneteller. and is quite reliable. The individual’s subconscious independently searches in the wax pictures formed on the water for those that are associated with a specific person. And water, due to its energy capabilities, is conducive to this in every possible way.

The technique that we know today as fortune telling on wax (which in modern versions is modified even to fortune telling on paraffin), upon closer study, appears to be one of the interpretations of numerous ancient fortune-telling practices of water casting. In the old days it was believed (and, by the way, quite rightly!) that water would not lie, and if you poured a quickly cooling substance on it - be it tin or candle wax - it would instantly give the fortuneteller knowledge of what was to come. Today, this ritual is gradually being replaced by simpler and more effective techniques using cards, mirrors, rings, coffee grounds and other things. And it is completely in vain, because fortune telling through casting is one of the most faithful and accurate, if it is performed correctly.

This ritual was used mainly on Christmas Eve. The girls stocked up on a basin of water, candles and performed fortune telling on Epiphany with wax. This practice was also good on Christmas night. The main goal is to find out who will marry, how soon and to whom, to establish the number of children and the nature of the relationship with the future husband. However, if we consider the meaning of fortune telling on wax in a broader context, it turns out that not only young peasant ladies or city dwellers sinned by casting wax on water during the winter holidays. This practice was spread much more widely as a kind of method to find out the future. It was adopted by experienced fortune tellers, and was used by housewives, nannies, and women of all ages. Lily most often for herself, but often also for her daughters, granddaughters, friends, charges, sisters.

The main stages of this action are as follows:

  1. Preparing a wide container of water (professionals advise placing a mirror at the bottom for a better effect when viewing paintings).
  2. Melting the candle and pouring it onto the water (you need to pour it strictly in the center so that the picture is not disturbed and is solid).
  3. Fixing the resulting signs and deciphering fortune telling on wax.

If we abstract from the need to strictly observe certain movements, it turns out that the ritual itself is quite simple; what is complicated here is only the process of associating wax spots with specific pictures and silhouettes. If your imagination doesn’t work out, then it will be very difficult to interpret.

Before directly interpreting wax fortune telling, you should try to detach yourself from external fuss and concentrate as much as possible on the question or problem of interest, in this case the answer will be clear, precise, devoid of vagueness and ambiguity of interpretation.

How to interpret figures?

When the wax is still pouring, you should pay attention to the resulting figures in the process and their flow into each other. It is important to note in what order they change each other, since in some cases, correctly seen and analyzed, they give a holistic picture of the development of the situation, allowing the fortuneteller to draw the right conclusions from this. After the wax is poured, the resulting fortune-telling is obtained, that is, what will happen at the end of the solution to the given problem. You can interpret what you receive in different ways: isolating individual figures, seeing a single picture, paying attention to abstract drawings and concrete images.

The correct interpretation of fortune telling largely depends on taking into account all, without exception, the elements that make up the overall picture.

During fortune telling on wax, the meanings of symbols can be interpreted differently depending on the specific circumstances, the things being wished for and the personality of the person doing the fortune telling. Some of the symbols are, of course, general in nature and suitable for everyone without exception. But most of the paintings should be considered individually, especially considering this fact in situations where among the fortune tellers there are people of different ages, representatives of opposite temperaments, individuals with different social statuses, etc.

Pay attention also to the fact that the meanings of the figures can be two- and three-syllable depending on how you look at a particular picture. Turn the resulting image over, look at it from the side or below, through a mirror. Perhaps in this way better options for its interpretation will be found.

The most common designations for wax figurines are given below.

Abstraction, primitive elements:

  • Letters or numbers are symbols that are interpreted individually: they can indicate important dates or serve as indications of specific names
  • Line, straight - the beginning of some important matter
  • Period – material profit, unexpected money.

Living or mythical creatures, people:

  • Angel - help will come from above, no need to worry about anything
  • Caterpillar or worm - you should avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones
  • Dragon - circumstances require willpower, if you have it, then everything that is planned will come true
  • Hedgehog - excessive “prickliness” harms relationships, you need to learn to be softer
  • A woman is a new friend, a homewrecker (depending on the context)
  • Cat - betrayal of friends
  • Chicken - favorable family life
  • Leo – strength, reliability, confidence
  • A man is a new companion, friend or groom
  • The spider is a trick that you need to protect yourself from
  • Child - new affairs or projects, possibly the birth of children
  • Fish – complete adaptation to environmental conditions, comfort
  • Elephant - time-tested wisdom
  • Dogs are true friends and comrades
  • An owl is the worst sign, immediately foreshadowing illness, difficulties, failures
  • Duck - luck and luck in all matters.

Inanimate objects, things:

  • Arch – development, transition to the next important stage of life
  • Tower - upcoming marriage
  • Fan - loss of job or family
  • The eye is a deception, unkind people
  • Mushroom is a good sign, foreshadowing surprises
  • Home – changes for the better, perhaps moving
  • Star – career growth, luck
  • A book - new knowledge and ideas, perhaps a new stage in life
  • Cross - problems and troubles await
  • Ladder - career advancement, career
  • Car - upcoming trip
  • A bridge is a complex sign that requires the need to find compromises
  • Ball (circle) – fixation on something, which can also mean stability
  • Knife - rupture of friendships or love relationships, quarrels; perhaps in such cases you should do
  • Clouds - problems and doubts
  • Glasses - you need to reconsider your attitude towards the situation, then it can be corrected
  • Horseshoe - undoubted success, good luck
  • A rose or any flower - the fulfillment of all cherished desires
  • Cup - a beautiful, harmonious existence
  • Egg – new ideas and dreams.

At the end of the fortune telling, you should separate the pictures whose designation of figures was positive from the pictures with a negative meaning. The good ones advise keeping them as auspicious signs and good talismans, the bad ones - throwing them out or burying them in the ground.

Watch also a video about how celebrities tell fortunes using a candle:

Magic rituals with fire are equivalent to calling on the help of Higher powers, so you should not abuse this method of prediction without good reason. To reduce the likelihood of errors and avoid unpleasant consequences that sometimes arise from inept handling of the forces of the elements, you should know that the optimal period for fortune telling is the Christmas holidays, Intercession and the night of Ivan Kupala. Fortune telling performed during the full moon is particularly reliable.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Fortune telling by candles for the future

    • white– for any questions;
    • orange- predicts the future of a family or clan;
    • yellow– useful for questions about work or study;
    • purple– will tell you everything about career advancement and the results of litigation;
    • dark green– will answer questions about travel, business trips and financial status.

    It is very important to scroll through the question of interest in your head at the moment of lighting a candle, since the minute the vital force of fire is activated, a powerful surge of energy occurs.

    Prediction of the near future

    Having prepared a candle of the desired color and placed it on the table in front of him, the magician first concentrates on his question, and then lights the wick. If fortune telling is performed on energetically weak days (Friday or Saturday), an additional white candle is lit to the side.

    After 2-3 minutes of burning, you can begin to observe the “behavior” of the flame and draw conclusions about what awaits the fortuneteller in the future:

    Flame behavior


    The flame grew into a tall sparkling column without smoke or soot

    Only good things await ahead, everything you want will quickly come true

    The fire waxes and wanes

    Danger is coming, and to avoid it, you will have to make sacrifices

    The flame burns restrainedly and maintains a strict “drop” shape.

    The solution to the main problem will go into the future

    The flame stretches and twists in a spiral

    The project is threatened by betrayal from one of its participants

    Fire scatters sparks

    The fortune teller faces an internal struggle and a difficult choice

    The fire goes out without rekindling

    The answer to the question asked is “no”

    The flame is clearly drawn and consistently high

    The answer to the question asked is “yes”

    There is a lot of wax flowing down the sides of the candle.

    There are many problems and obstacles ahead

    Soot rises from the fire

    A bad sign - the main task is almost impossible

    The fire rushes from side to side

    The project can ruin the weak character of the fortuneteller

    The wick is engaged reluctantly and the fire is very weak

    The goal will be achieved, but before that many obstacles will have to be overcome

    Traditions and fortune telling on Epiphany Eve - for the betrothed, future, money

    On three candles

    For fortune telling, three identical white candles are taken, two of which symbolize the abstract concepts of female and male nature, and the third - the performer himself. The candles should be placed on the table in the form of a triangle, its top should point to the fortuneteller's chest.

    Behind the figure there are three small mirrors: one opposite the person, and the other two rotated 300 degrees in relation to the pointing candle. Thus, the candles will be reflected in all mirrors at the same time, forming a complex illusion gallery.

    Focusing on his main question, the performer lights the candles clockwise and says out loud:

    “A mirror tunnel, a black corridor, I want to know everything, see everything, what will happen and when! Mirrors, hear, hear, candles - reveal to me what is hidden in the depths of the future! »

    Then you need to take a deep breath several times, tune in to rhythmic breathing and fix your gaze on the mirror enfilade. After some time, the surface of the mirror will become cloudy, and images will appear on it, which can be interpreted depending on the topic of interest.

    Truthful and easy fortune telling for Christmas - for your betrothed, love, future and desires

    Fortune telling for love and relationships

    Red candles are considered universal for questions of love, but the shade of the wax can contribute to a more accurate answer that is as understandable to the performer as possible. Thus, dark red candles are ideally in contact with the aura of a mature fortune teller, scarlet candles with the energy of young women, and pink ones are suitable for unmarried girls at the time of their first love.

    When asking a question about a rival or possible betrayal of a beloved man, a red candle is complemented by a blue one lit to the side. This will help you look deeper into the fate of another person and correctly understand his intentions.

    Relationship forecast

    To understand the prospects of your relationship with a guy or to find out before the wedding whose word in the family will be decisive, they use the method of fortune telling using church candles and holy water. Thin candles are marked with the initials of the partners and secured on one white saucer. Then a little holy water (4-5 spoons) is poured into it. The candles are lit at the same time.

    All the time they are burning, they are being watched and a relationship forecast is made:

    Candlestick behavior


    Heavily melting wax from one of the candles

    This partner will experience a lot of suffering in the relationship.

    Candles lean towards each other or stick together

    The prospect of a union is very good and promises fidelity and long-term love

    One candle leaned towards the edge of the saucer

    There will be cheating on the part of this partner

    One of the lights flickers faintly, but does not go out

    A person faces health problems

    Some candle went out before it reached the water

    This partner's feelings will quickly fade and the relationship will fall apart

    Candles burn at the same level and burn down to water

    The union is long and harmonious

    The flame smokes and crackles

    Possible influence of a love spell (lapel), damage or a strong evil eye

    By the name of a lover with paper

    You can tell fortunes about the future of a relationship even at the stage when the fortune teller only knows the name of the guy she likes and it is still unclear whether it is worth continuing the acquaintance. Most often, people use a paper to tell fortunes for Christmas using a loved one's name.

    Closer to midnight, the girl lights a candle on the table and writes the name of the young man on white paper. If more information is known - last name or date of birth - then write this down too. The paper is set on fire from a candle flame, placed on a plate and watched as it burns.

    On wax drops in water

    Another option for folk fortune telling with candles, which can be easily done at home, is pouring wax. For divination, you will need a church candle of a reddish hue, but if you cannot buy one, take a simple yellow one.

    At midnight, the fortuneteller places a bowl of water on the table, takes a candle in her right hand and lights it with a torch or match. If the wick lights up immediately, it means that the results of fortune telling can be trusted, but a light that goes out or a match that breaks when ignited will indicate that the procedure should be postponed until the next favorable period.

    When the wax has melted sufficiently, the candle is carefully tilted over the bowl, counted 5 seconds and removed. It is left to burn out on the table, and the future of the couple is deciphered from the wax that has managed to spill.

    Mirror ritual for the betrothed

    The mirror ritual on two candles is intended for brave girls who want not only to find out details about their future husband, but also to see him himself. The ritual can be carried out in two versions:

    1. 1. Having retired exactly at midnight in an uninhabited room, the girl sits down in front of the mirror standing on the table, attaches church candles on both sides of it and says: “The betrothed-mummer, appear, show yourself in all your glory.” Then she freezes, looking into the mirrored depths. After a few minutes of staring, the reflective surface will be covered with perspiration. It will need to be dried with a white towel. According to many fortune tellers, immediately after this a man’s face will appear in the mirror.
    2. 2. The performer sits with her back to the mirror hanging on the wall and picks up another, smaller one. Burning candles are placed on the sides of a large mirror so that they can be clearly seen in the reflection. Having uttered the sacred formula calling for her betrothed, the girl is immersed in observing an endless illusory corridor, in which a male image will appear in a short time.

    As soon as it is possible to see a man’s face appearing out of nowhere, the fortune teller must quickly say out loud “Out of this place!” " If she remains silent, the guest will supposedly come out of the mirrored corridor and sit down at her table. In his hands he will hold a small gift for the bride - jewelry or a silver souvenir. At this moment, the girl can no longer hesitate and must immediately “curl” the otherworldly groom. As a reward for his courage, the fortune teller will receive the gift he brought.

    Fortune telling for life in marriage

    Brides wondered how life would turn out in marriage, and on October 14 - Intercession. On this day, matchmakers walked around the courtyards, and each girl tried to wake up earlier than all her friends and have time to go to church and light a candle in honor of the holiday. The girl who manages to do this before the rest, according to legend, was the first to get married. But what the married lot would be was judged by the type of flame of this candle.

    Type of candle flame


    A quiet, unhurried light that evenly melts the candle

    Life ahead is quiet, inconspicuous, unremarkable

    A column of soot rises from the fire

    The imminent death of one of the spouses or a quick break in the marriage with bad consequences

    Flame sparkling, crackling

    A vibrant life full of delights and incidents

    The fire is dim, as if shrouded in fog

    Boring, addictive life, rapid loss of feelings, melancholy, bad inclinations of the husband

    Bright white fire

    A sign of an interesting life that will be envied

    Fire red

    In marriage, the wife expects a lot of grief and tears, the absence of children

    Yellow fire

    To a joyful life, an understanding spouse, many children

    golden flame

    An ideal, harmonious union

    On two red candles and one white for the betrothed

    This candle fortune-telling plot is well suited both for mature girls who want to find out whether they are destined to get married, and for beauties who want to choose from the crowd of admirers the one who is destined by fate.

    For the ritual, three candles of the same size are taken - two red and one white. After sunset, they need to be placed on the table in one line so that the fortune teller sitting at the table seems to have one candle in front of her. Red candles are placed first, and white candles are placed behind them. They are set on fire in the reverse order - from white to red.

    After waiting until the flames of all three candles have leveled off, the fortuneteller says: “I don’t want to yearn and struggle alone anymore, a girl is not supposed to live like that. I wish to find a couple, find a good husband, have children in the family.”

    When pronouncing the spell, you need to perform certain manipulations: after the word “maiden” - move the second red candle to the right side of the first, and at the end of the spell, do the same with the white candle.

    Now, when all three candles are in sight, the final text is read: “Hot, witchcraft flame, show me my betrothed. Bring him into my dream, show him what he is like.”

    The fortuneteller needs to try to fall asleep until the candles go out. If the Higher Powers please, at night the woman will see her future husband, and maybe even the child, who was also discussed in the conspiracy.

    Fire safety regulations must be followed. Candles should be placed on a metal surface and in candlesticks.

    A way to find out if there is a rival

    Accusing a lover of treason is too serious a step that cannot be taken without confidence that this sin really happened. You need to guess your opponent using candles in two stages, and only if the result is double positive, the information is considered confirmed.

    Stage I. You need to light a red candle on the table and focus on the flame, turning over the question of interest in your head. If the fire burns evenly, doesn’t crackle, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t split in two, you don’t have to move on to the second stage - there’s no sin for the guy. If any of these signs are present, proceed to the next step.

    Stage II. A new candle is lit on the table, and the remains of the first are crushed in the hand into one lump and melted over the fire in a large spoon. At the same time they say: “Float, wax, crack, flow, tell me the whole truth. Was I robbed, was my beloved (his name) stolen, was he bewitched, was his heart swaddled? Red wax, I ask you earnestly, I expect the truth from you.” The liquid wax is then quickly poured over a cup of cool milk.

    When the wax hardens, the young man’s fidelity is judged by its appearance:

    • One or two cast dies will indicate that the fears are in vain.
    • A lot of droplets scattered on the surface of the milk will indicate betrayal. The more dots there are, the more the rival has captured the guy’s heart.


    Fortune telling using candles is considered the most accurate, but you should not treat the result as the ultimate truth, because it can be influenced by many third-party factors. If the sorceress began the ritual in a bad mood or was unable to concentrate on the main question, the correctness of the answers will be in great doubt. The same thing will happen if the object being guessed at has strong energy that protects it from “surveillance.”

    In any case, the result of fortune telling should not affect the opinion of a person if his actions and actions do not correspond to the information acquired magically.

The most famous and widespread prediction is fortune telling with wax. It has come to us since ancient times and is still in great demand. There is an opinion that for accuracy and truthfulness you need to take it and not paraffin. These manipulations can be performed not only on Christmastide, but also on any other day.

What does this exciting activity mean? It is interesting because it does not bring negativity. There is a classic way of prediction. It is necessary to be able to correctly interpret wax figures during fortune telling. How to do this, read our article.

on wax?

Today, there are many different predictions in order to find out your future and destiny. One of them is fortune telling with wax. Many magicians claim that wax and water are a strong positive combination for every person. That is why there is an opinion that it is not scary to perform rituals with these materials, since nothing bad will happen. Fortune telling with wax allows you to look into the future without negative consequences.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to find natural wax. Paraffin candles are usually sold in stores. You can, of course, guess at them, but, according to magicians, the result will most likely turn out to be untrue. Wax divination shows a person various figures that determine the future or present. You need to be able to decipher them, because for each fate the meaning of the same figure may vary. For example, for one person fish is a good sign, for another it is a bad sign.

It is important to know the interpretation of wax figures when doing fortune telling. Only then will you be able to understand what exactly the prediction promises. This exciting activity is enjoyed not only by girls, but also by mature women, serious men and flighty guys, because everyone is interested in what lies ahead for them. Next, we will describe the classic method of fortune telling with wax. Explanations of some figures will be provided. Everything else depends solely on your ability to fantasize.

Classic on wax

Today there are two options for obtaining such a prediction.

1. Take a bowl and pour water into it, not from the tap, but blessed or melted water. Take a real wax candle, crumble it into a deep spoon so that the wick does not get there. When you have everything ready, turn on the gas or electric burner. Hold the spoon over it until the wax melts. As soon as there is only liquid left, pour it sharply and quickly into the center of the bowl. In just a few seconds you will notice that the wax turns into a figure that you have to decipher.

2. This fortune telling is called “Brownie”. For it, you need to pour a glass of milk into a small deep bowl and place it on the threshold of your home. Now melt the wax in the same way as described in the first method, only you need to pour it into a bowl of milk while saying the following: “Brownie, I invite you to the threshold to taste the milk and wax.” A wax figure will appear, and all you have to do is decipher it.

Wax fortune telling is very interesting and exciting. The transcript may shock you, because it tells the truth. Read the interpretation of the most common symbols.

Wax figure of an embryo

It can be of two types when fortune telling is performed on wax - an embryo with an umbilical cord and without it. These are two different predictions. The first symbol indicates that you or your close friend will soon become pregnant. But this is not necessary. Starting new ideas, changing jobs, making new friends is allowed. The umbilical cord itself means that everything new will be given to you with an obstacle.

How to explain if fortune telling on wax brought an embryo without an umbilical cord? This also applies to pregnancy. However, this symbol may also mean new beginnings in the near future. The only good thing about an embryo without an umbilical cord is that you will get through any task without obstacles. And if pregnancy occurs, it will pass very easily.


There are several migratory species that appear in wax. For example, if the figure looks like a crow or magpie, then you will experience the loss of a friend or his betrayal. What else will fortune telling on wax tell you? Bird can be interpreted in different ways.

Dove - receive pleasant unexpected news. It will probably be possible to get an answer to a very important question. This information will help you in the future, even decide your fate.

If you get a bird that is in flight, good news is on the way.

Have you seen a small bird that looks like a sparrow, tit or bullfinch? This means that we need to implement our plans in the near future. For example, if you have been wanting to quit your job for a long time, there is no need to be afraid. Luck will turn to you. We just couldn’t decide on divorce or separation, but you understand that your relationship has come to naught? It's time to decide!

So, what does such fortune telling on wax promise? The bird will certainly bring happiness.


What does it mean if you happen to see waterfowl? What does such fortune telling on wax mean? Fish will bring only good and good news. Most often they are associated with water. Even if you don’t know what we’re talking about right now, you will definitely understand after a while. For example, a girl can meet an overseas prince, and an older woman can travel to a place where there is a large amount of water. It could be the sea, the ocean or just a river. What else does such fortune-telling on wax contain? Fish speaks of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth. Listen to your family and friends. They definitely won't wish you anything bad.


What does wax fortune telling mean? A dog, as we all know, is man's friend. It’s the same in fortune telling. If you saw a dog in the water, it symbolizes the faithful one you have. This image suggests that you are ready in difficult times to help someone who really needs it.

What else is hidden in such fortune-telling on wax? Is the dog running? This means that a friend is rushing to your aid; he really wants to be with you in a difficult situation. If your friend is a man, most likely he will be able to help you with his strength. A woman will give wise advice that can change your life for the better.

A dog is the most good-natured and wise omen. It will teach you a lot. If, for example, you have problems and there is no one to help, most likely, fortune telling indicates that a reliable person will soon appear in your life who will help you succeed.


It is very important to consider the meaning of symbols when making predictions. What else can fortune telling with wax be like? Tree has several meanings. If you saw it with branches that are located upward, success, joy and dreams come true in the near future are guaranteed. There is an opportunity to climb the career ladder. Therefore, if you are given an interesting offer, accept it, do not be afraid of anything. This is a great opportunity.

Sometimes it happens that the branches of a tree are drooping. This means melancholy, boredom. However, if the branch on the right side is raised, then everything is not so bad, and you have the opportunity to overcome your problems.


This symbol has several meanings. If you have done a wax fortune telling, the embryo means that you are close to new deeds and victories. It is at this moment that you can start a new business, and everything will definitely work out. You just need to try to overcome your fears, weaknesses and confidently move forward. Only then will the long-awaited result appear.

If fortune telling is done on wax, the embryo also means that a baby will soon appear in your family. But it doesn’t have to be yours. There is a chance that a sister, mother or close friend will have a child. However, doctors cannot be avoided, since the embryo warns of a difficult pregnancy.


This symbol is inextricably linked with family. The interpretation of wax figures during fortune telling can shed light on a lot. Do you feel what is happening in the family? If so, then it will be easy to understand what the image of the house promises. He is a very good symbol. It is believed that changes for the better will finally occur in your family. Perhaps you are renting an apartment and are waiting for changes. If you have been wanting to move for a long time, but couldn’t, this means that now is just the right moment.

Feel free to start changing your life for the better. A sign from above was given for this. Now is the time to fear nothing and act.


This sign speaks of love. If you saw a solid and smooth heart, you will not be long in coming for a great and bright feeling that will never fade away.

If your heart is broken, it means that your love has begun to crumble, but it can still be saved. You need to be patient, and everything will certainly work out. Relationships almost always depend on the woman, so try and fight for your love.

If you saw a broken heart, this is a sign that you are looking for your love, or nothing will save your feelings. Therefore, you can break up with your partner without hesitation.

Before you start fortune telling, read the recommendations of magicians who adhere to certain rules.

1. Water for fortune telling must be clean - melted, filtered or blessed. It carries special information and energy, so you shouldn’t take it from the tap.

2. A mirror really helps in classical fortune telling. The prediction will be more accurate if you place a mirror at the bottom of the bowl, and only then pour water into it.

3. It is better to use real wax. A paraffin candle is not an option for fortune telling; it is unlikely to tell you the truth. Many magicians think so. But fortune telling girls claim that paraffin has no less power than wax, and shows only the truth.

4. You cannot break a candle, as you can damage a loved one. It is better to carefully cut off the required amount of wax with a knife.

6. If you cannot buy wax from beekeepers, then buy candles from the church.

7. If you cannot independently interpret wax figures during fortune telling, then it is better to look into special literature.

All interpretations described in the article above are general. Remember that each person has their own interpretation. When you learn to understand the meanings of the symbols, then it will be much more interesting to practice fortune telling with wax.

If you follow all the above rules, proceed. Don't be afraid of anything. There is an opinion that this is the most harmless fortune telling.

For wax fortune telling, natural beeswax or paraffin candles are used. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to ask a question that can relate to any area of ​​life: love, finances, career, health, family, etc. You cannot take tap water for the ritual, since the interpretation may be incorrect. The resulting wax figures will tell about the events that await the girl in the future. If fortune telling showed the outline of a fetus (embryo), this does not mean that the fortuneteller will soon become pregnant. The embryo symbolizes new ideas and beginnings.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

How to tell fortunes with wax?

On the Christmas holiday, fortune telling with wax is prohibited; it is best to do this on holy days (Christmas time is the period of time from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany).

Before fortune telling with wax, you need to think about the question that interests the girl and scroll it all the time in your head, imagining a favorable outcome of events. It is important to believe in what is happening and start fortune telling with a positive attitude.

You need to guess after sunset. If a girl decides to tell fortunes for the New Year, then it is better to do it after midnight. You need to take off all your jewelry, belts, belts and let your hair down.

The girl must prepare all the necessary items in advance:

  • holy water;
  • clean iron bowl for melting wax;
  • clean container for casting;
  • natural wax (if you don’t have it, you can take a paraffin candle);
  • church wax candles - 3–5 pieces;
  • mirror.

Carrying out the ritual

Fortune telling order:

  1. 1. If a girl uses a candle, then you need to remove the wick from it and crumple it into a ball to get more wax when casting.
  2. 2. Heat the wax over medium heat.
  3. 3. Light candles in the room, place them around the fortune telling container and turn off the lights.
  4. 4. Place a mirror in the bowl and pour water (it should be at room temperature).
  5. 5. The melted wax must be poured slowly and very carefully into the container, without making sudden movements. It should be poured into one place, in the center of the bowl.
  6. 6. When the wax figure hardens, you can take it out of the container to better examine it and find out what the fortune-telling showed.

To understand the designation of a wax figure, you need to use associative thinking and all your imagination.

If a figure, when interpreted, foreshadows positive events, then it should be hidden in a secluded place and preserved. If fortune telling has shown unpleasant symbols that indicate sad news or incidents, then the wax figure should be buried away from home and not think about the bad.

The meaning of wax figures

The tables below show the meanings of wax figures, including:

  • People;
  • animals;
  • birds;
  • symbols;
  • items.

The interpretation of the symbols is given in the table.

Letters A–G:

AngelThis is a good sign. In a difficult situation, a fortuneteller can count not only on the help and support of her loved ones, but also on higher powers
ButterflySymbolizes a series of happy events. This could be a promotion at work, the birth of a child, or another long-awaited event.
RamSymbolizes a stubborn and uncompromising person who believes that in order to achieve a goal, one can step over moral and ethical standards. This person may be the chosen one of the fortune-telling girl
HippopotamusTo heartfelt affection. The loved one will turn out to be a thick-skinned and unemotional person who is incapable of romance.
SquirrelThe woman is very economical and thrifty, she saves not only money, but also stores food, like a squirrel.
CamelThis image indicates that the lover of the fortune-telling girl is very hardworking and energetic. He can become a reliable spouse, but family life will be boring and monotonous
ScalesThey are an indicator of material well-being
NailTo intrigue, conspiracies and gossip
WeightThe girl has a difficult character, which prevents her from building strong relationships with members of the opposite sex. There is no need to judge others and criticize - take a closer look at your behavior and draw appropriate conclusions
GuitarA symbol of romance and a joyful pastime. This figure also portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
EyeThe girl does not notice obvious things: someone is using her for their own selfish purposes. You need to be able to refuse people in some situations and think more about your own interests
GlobeTo an exciting trip to another country
PigeonSymbolizes inner peace. The fortune-telling girl will be able to restore relationships that seemed hopelessly damaged, or she will be able to resolve the brewing conflict in the family
MushroomFor a pleasant surprise or present from a loved one
CoffinTowards a great tragedy
PearTo groundless suspicions and accusations of infidelity on the part of a loved one
LipsFor sensual and refined pleasures

Letters D–L:

DolphinThe girl will be able to independently overcome all the obstacles on the way to her desired goal, but some person will offer her his help and protection
TreeTo difficulties and a series of difficult trials
DragonYou need to show strength, will and patience in this situation.

The designation of a woman can have many meanings and depends on the question of the fortuneteller and the resulting figure.

  • A question regarding love relationships - to the emergence of a competitor or rival.
  • A general question about the future - for a solemn event.
  • A woman’s head during fortune telling on wax - the girl’s worldview will soon change dramatically.
  • If there are several women, the friends are very jealous of the fortune-telling girl and want to ruin her well-being.
  • The woman’s arms are crossed on her chest - the girl is very close to her mother and considers her parent to be her best friend, trusting her with all secrets and secrets
GiraffeIndicates an illusory perception of reality
HareYou need to pay attention to your health status and be careful in your relationships with others. A bad feeling may come true
SnakeTo the appearance of an insidious ill-wisher
WhaleThe girl is surrounded by loyal and devoted friends, so there is no need to doubt their reliability
RingA symbol of marriage that will happen soon
CrownTo a prosperous and luxurious life. The fortune-telling girl will be entrusted with a huge responsibility associated with increasing her social status
Cat or catTo treachery
RabbitA similar symbol falls on soft-bodied and complex individuals.
ChickenThis bird portends joyful events that will happen very soon
  • For a married woman: you need a change of scenery and a break from your significant other to renew passion and old feelings.
  • For single girls: the right time to meet a man who will become the love of your life
LionSymbolizes confidence, reliability and strength, both physical and mental
FaceThis symbol denotes a happy and eventful life and complete idyll in your personal life.
HorseTo positive changes. In order for the changes to bring noticeable improvements, you will have to work hard
FrogTo external changes. A new haircut or a complete wardrobe change is possible due to getting rid of extra pounds

Letters M–S:

BearAn unfavorable sign that promises failure in professional activity. This beast foreshadows a fatal mistake that a girl will make in a state of passion
Sea horseTo personal growth and implementation of new projects
MouseTo a series of material problems and huge financial losses that can lead to complete ruin and bankruptcy
MonkeyThe enemy hides under the guise of your closest friend. You need to take a close look at your friend to expose the deceiver
RoosterA messenger of good news and happiness in family life
PenisTo dissolute behavior and frivolity, which will lead to love affairs and short-term intimate relationships

It is a favorable symbol and represents the answer to a question of interest.

  • Flying - to news of a positive nature.
  • If a girl guesses about love, it means a fateful meeting with her chosen one.
  • Many birds - to a solid profit (receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery)
CancerTo serious personal problems
  • To temporary difficulties in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex
  • To prosperity and abundance, creative inspiration and new ideas
ChildTowards the successful implementation of planned plans
RoseSymbolizes pure and great love
MermaidWarning about temptation and possible deception
FishSymbolizes a comfortable and carefree life
BootTo a long journey - a business trip abroad or a trip for educational purposes
PigThe girl will achieve great heights in her career, but her high position in society will negatively affect her perception of the world and she will become an arrogant and arrogant person
HeartA sign of love. The interpretation of the heart depends on its outline. Clear contours - to a happy relationship with a partner. Distorted form - to separation from a lover or a major scandal
ScorpionEnemies are plotting against the girl, you need to be more vigilant and stop communicating with people who cause negative emotions
ElephantSymbol of wisdom and accumulated knowledge
DogSymbolizes strong friendly ties
OwlTo health problems, troubles at work and in personal life

Letters T–Z:

TigerCompetitors and enemies are determined and intend to drag the woman into an unpleasant story, which will have disastrous consequences for the fortuneteller.
SnailTo stagnation in business and the collapse of bright dreams and hopes. The plan will never come true
DuckTo incredible luck in love affairs and at work

This figure symbolizes life harmony, trust in relationships with a loved one and mutual understanding. There are many flowers for an unmarried girl- this is a prediction of an imminent wedding. Same sign dfor a married woman- to family well-being and stable financial situation

ChickSymbolizes new life. The girl soon finds out about pregnancy, but not necessarily about her own (close friend or relative)
Embryo (fetus)

Fortune telling with candles and water is an ancient ritual. Not everyone knows that water is a powerful and mysterious substance. She is able to absorb a person’s information biofield and reflect it in herself. Therefore, water is used in most magical rituals.

Fortune telling using water and candles is an ancient ritual and is considered quite effective.

Fortune telling with the help of water and candles is the most effective; besides, the fortuneteller does not need to have any knowledge. The main thing is to fulfill all the conditions and then the result will be plausible.

Getting ready for fortune telling

How to tell fortunes with candles and water to get the most truthful results. To begin with, a day before fortune telling, you need to focus on your question and constantly think about it.

Basic rules of fortune telling:

  1. Fortune telling with a candle should take place on a moonlit night. It is desirable that the sky be clear and the moon shine brightly.
  2. You can perform the ceremony alone or in company. The main thing is that there is no person nearby who is negative or skeptical.
  3. You can tell fortunes in any room, but make sure nothing distracts your attention.
  4. It is best to use water that was collected on Epiphany night. If you don’t have one, you can charge it with plain tap water. Three days before fortune telling, a container of water is placed at the head of the fortuneteller and only then is the liquid used for the ritual.
  5. When fortune telling for love, it is advisable to take a red candle. If the ritual is done for material well-being, then you should opt for golden shades. All questions related to health should be asked to green candles. Church candles can be used for any fortune telling. The main thing is that the candle is new. Used material cannot be used.

A green candle will answer all questions about health

Fortune telling for love

Fortune telling with a candle for love is the easiest way. To do this, you will need to rub a little wax from the candle into a small metal container, you can use a spoon. Next, take a cup of water and light a candle. The wax is melted over its flame and quickly poured into water.

When hot wax is combined with cold water, it creates an unusual shape. It is there that one should look for the answer to the question asked.

Let's consider the meaning of the most common figures:

Did you see the wreath? Expect marriage soon!

  1. Wreath. There will be marriage soon.
  2. Snake. It promises the presence of enemies who interfere with achieving your desired goals. As well as discord in love relationships and the likelihood of a serious illness.
  3. Mill. There is a person who creates intrigue, gossips, and speaks poorly of the fortuneteller.
  4. Crown. Symbolizes a good result in any endeavor.
  5. Apricot. The lover has a good opinion about the fortuneteller, so he will not be against the relationship.
  6. Rope. Signifies the approach of serious problems.
  7. Arch. Troubled life. Adventurous offers should be avoided.
  8. Rose. Your soulmate will appear very soon.
  9. Ring. Symbol of marriage. Friendship will grow into love.
  10. Cloud. The lover doubts the reciprocal feelings.

Fortune telling by question

Fortune telling with candles on water can be done in any setting, as long as it is convenient. The next ritual is a little more complicated and cannot be used often. Water and candles must be purchased at the church.

Fortune telling by candles is carried out at midnight. A white tablecloth should be laid on the table. Three candles are laid out in the shape of a triangle, so that a container of water fits in the middle. Next, they are lit, and you should wait a little for good ignition. Place water in the center and a mirror behind it. It should be positioned so that the light from one candle is reflected in it.

After this, you should sit back and relax. It’s worth driving away all thoughts and staying in this state for a few minutes. Next, we concentrate all our thoughts on the question of interest and begin to look through the water at the mirror.

The reflections of light emanating from the candles will form incredible pictures. It is in them that you need to look for the answer to your question. If the image is not clear, then you should listen to your intuition.

Fortune telling

This fortune telling by candles should be done completely alone. The presence of strangers will confuse the meaning due to their energy. Water is poured into the container and the candle is lit. They take the candle in their left hand and mentally ask the question of interest. Next, drop the melted wax into the water and repeat the following phrase three times:

“As I light a candle, I call upon my Fate. Fire and water, open the curtain on my future!

After this, the question of interest is asked out loud, and we begin to look at the wax in the water. The answer should be sought in the resulting figures. Depending on the question, the decoding for each person will be individual. But there are certain figures whose meaning is the same for any situation:

Figure “Cross” - expect unpleasant news

  1. Cross. A difficult choice awaits, plans will be ruined, unpleasant news.
  2. Flower. A romantic date, a pleasant surprise, a beautiful event in life.
  3. Ring. An offer will be made that cannot be refused.
  4. Human figure. An unfamiliar person will appear in life, who will greatly change the usual way of life. A woman's appearance indicates the presence of a rival, the appearance of a patroness, or a new acquaintance. The male appearance symbolizes the appearance of a patron, a new acquaintance or a good friend.
  5. Straight lines. A favorable time to start a new business.
  6. Dot. Material well-being is expected.
  7. Angel-like symbol with wings. An unexpected solution will soon be found, help and support will be provided.
  8. Little house. A move to a new place or good changes are possible.
  9. Star. The person will be accompanied by luck and will quickly climb the career ladder at work.
  10. Book. There will be an opportunity to start life with a new leaf.

In addition, if the numbers are clearly distinguished, then this indicates a specific date. If a letter appears, then you should pay attention to people whose name begins with it.

Quite often animals appear in fortune telling, what are they talking about:

  1. Dog. A faithful friend is nearby.
  2. Owl. The occurrence of difficulties and illnesses.
  3. Duck. Luck and luck are nearby.
  4. Elephant. Wisdom.
  5. Worm. Resolving the issue requires strong responsibility.
  6. Dragon. You should stock up on willpower to solve specific problems.
  7. Hedgehog. A “prickly” situation will come, you should be careful.
  8. Cat. You need to be prepared for betrayal.
  9. Chicken. Joyful and positive events await a person.
  10. Lion. Strong, reliable, confident actions.

Wax can take absolutely any shape; if you can’t figure out what happened, then you should try another time.

Fortune telling on water with a candle should be done with caution. You cannot carry out rituals for a long time, because it is not in vain that there are beliefs that during fortune-telling evil spells penetrate the house. It is also recommended not to talk to anyone until the morning after the ceremony.

Many people are interested in the question of where to put wax with fancy figures. If the situation turns out to be positive, then it is recommended to save it for one year. If the prediction is negative, then such a figure should be buried in the ground.